#but there’s more flash storms on the way so 🤦‍♀️
Today is an utter shit show and he wants it to be over with.
#// the whole apartment mudslide shit show is tiring#I’m tired of people blaming the conplex for the slide it’s not. It started way above on private property#where are people supposed to live in this town when everyone out of state keeps hoarding every house in this small area#reprod the damn mountain is the first thing#several buildings including mine are being looked at because they all likely moved#we have to be out of our places and our cars can’t be there while they’re working#and people keep coming up to our complex for photos like it’s some giant disaster#please leave us residents alone as we go through this#it’s a mudslide it’s not a huge disaster but some are def going to be displaced for a while#I’m very exhausted dealing with this#but there’s more flash storms on the way so 🤦‍♀️#Some locals in the area need to fuck off with their words it’s not easy to get a home or rent one in this town#there’s only two complexes for apartments in the area so where else are we supposed to live? An hour away? Tahoe? Reno? The damn deserted#desert in the sand? Fuck y’all seriously#it’s the areas fault for 1. Not reprodding the hills and mountains 2. Selling property to people who build all the way up the mountain#who don’t take care of their land at all#3. Follow the rules set in place for not going to critical areas after bad winters and storms and stir up the loose dirt#I’m not sorry for the rant but this is ongoing since Saturdays event and will continue all week#Now I’m dealing with the after effects of this at work like give me a break these people need to stfu
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randofics · 1 year
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Horror/thriller/soft romance
Tony Stark x supernatural creature reader
Warnings- suggestive
Happy Halloween yall! Figured I'd give yall a special Halloween fic to celebrate. 👻🎃
PS- I accidentally posted this before Halloween.🤦‍♀️ ugh sorry yall!
Working with the Avengers had its perks. You got to help Tony and Bruce in the lab, and they even let you do your own expiraments under their observation. They were all none the wiser to your other side.
A blood moon was coming tonight, which made it harder to keep up your human form. If nothing set you off, you'd be fine, but fate had no remorse.
You were alone working with Tony on one of his suits when a wrench fell off the rolling toolbox across the room. It had been haphazardly thrown on top and slowly slipped off the edge. You went to get it when you knocked off your full coffee cup spilling it across the floor. You didn't see the live cable touching the puddle of coffee and received a large surge of electricity throwing you to the ground.
Tony heard the commotion and turned only to see you on the floor, writhing in pain. The lights violently flickered and whent out for a moment before flickering some more. Where you used to be was a giant black mass.
It moved standing on all fours like an animal. A maw full of sharp, uneven teeth grinned at him, and eyes glowing in the flickering light bore into his soul. Wings spread from its back, and a long tail thrashed around, its razer sharp spikes threatening to pierce everything around it.
It ran at him in a flash of suffocatingly black smoke, making him backpedal into a lab table. It moved with no sound, making his heart beat with terror. The lights still flickered above, and Jarvis had been eerily silent.
The creatures giant paws caged him in, and its tongue licked over the jagged black teeth, puffs of black smoke billowed from its nose and mouth as it breathed. When it looked him in the eyes, his vision went blurry for just a moment, and his head felt like it was struck by lightning.
A distorted yet somehow familiar voice spoke in his head. "I'm sorry you had to find out this way, Tony." The voice was cold and without emotion. It left him dizzy, his world swaying like a ship in a storm.
"I apologize for the terror my true form gives you. There isn't anything that can be done about it, unfortunately." It's scaly snout moved closer and he closed his eyes as it sniffed his neck. He sucked in a breath when a long slimy tongue licked over his throat and jugular.
"Worry not. I will do you no harm." It backed away and he slid down to the floor eyes wide with fear. It turned and walked back to the puddle of coffee taking the cup into its forepaw. That long dark-burgundy tongue lapping the inside of the cup clean.
"I assume you do not recognize me." He stood ready to run at the first sign of danger. "No." It looked back at him. "It's y/n your assistant." He swallowed and looked away from your gaze. "Yo-You're y/n?" You nodded sitting on your haunches. "How...HOW!? This isn't possible!"
"It is me. I've always been this creature of terror. But I don't mean or want to scare... to terrorize... This blood moon makes it harder to keep hold of my human form. If you wish of me to leave and never return then I shall." He stays silent for a minute trying to take all this information in. "NO! I-I mean... you don't have to leave. You're a great assistant and I still need another set of hands to help around here."
"Very well then as you wish." Smoke overtook your true body and you transformed back into the human he was so accustomed to. The lights stopped flickering and you fell to the floor. No longer could he feel that oppressing terror almost like it had been sealed into a bottle.
He helped you to your feet and you shook your head to clear it. "Ugh I hate transforming. Are you ok Tony?" He only nodded slightly pale from shock. "So that really was you?" You looked away giving him a quiet "yes" in response.
He brought a hand up to his neck feeling the lingering saliva on his skin. Spotting his hand on his neck you blushed bright red hiding your face in your hands. "I am SO sorry about your neck my instincts take over in that form and I just couldn't help myself!"
Your personality in either forms was like the two faces of a coin. One side unsettling and domineering the other shy and sweet. You gave him whiplash.
He nearly choked at the realization that you had wanted to lick his neck you just didn't have the guts to do it in this form. You'd blush and stutter at the smallest flirtatious comment he threw your way. It was crazy to think that such a shy woman would really be so terrifying when she let her walls down.
"It's fine... um... it wasn't so bad now that I think about it. Of course it was terrifying but the whole neck thing was ok." You slid down the side of the table to the floor pulling your knees up to your chest. "Aside from the whole terror thing I wouldn't mind you doing that again." He chuckled scratching his head. What was he saying! At this point his mouth had a mind of its own!
"Please don't tease me like that Tony." Oh god that look you were giving him. All pouty and embarrassed. It made his heart race for a different reason. He knealt down next to you placing his hand on yours. "I'm not teasing I really do mean that. It was very... raw." He brought your hand up to his lips kissing your palm.
His eyes were truthful and another mad blush came over you. An embarrassing noise escapes your throat as you looked at him wide eyed. "Wh-what now?"
"Now we just take it slow." He moved closer tilting your chin up and kissed you softly.
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