#but theres also technically growth and chemistry
boschlowtxt · 1 year
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dylanobrienisbatman · 4 years
I was tagged by: @blodreina-noumou​ because i asked to be because im bored! Lets do this!
List your top ten ships without looking at the questions, then answer!
1. Cassie x Cole (12 Monkeys)
2. Murphy x Emori (The 100)
3. Bellamy x Echo (The 100)
4.Marcus x Saya (Deadly Class)
5. Julia x Kady (The Magicians)
6. Damon x Elena (The Vampire Diaries)
7.Tandy x Tyrone (Cloak & Dagger)
8. Matt x Elektra (Daredevil)
9. Chidi x Eleanor (The Good Place)
10. Michael x Maria (Roswell New Mexico)
I’m tagging: @thelittlefanpire @hopskipaway @the-most-beautiful-broom @nightbleeder @raven-reyes-of-sunshine @justbecauseyoubelievesomething and anyone else who wants to do it!
1) Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?
- Damon x Elena : ohhh boy... i dont remember exactly when... it was definitely during the first season though, because when Damon kissed Katherine pretending to be Elena on Elena’s porch i fucking LOST my mind.
2) have you ever read fanfiction about 2?
Absolutely. If you want good memori fics, read @the-most-beautiful-broom​!
3) Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr avatar?
nope, i usually do individual characters only for avatars, and i dont do ships for profile pictures/screen savers. it may have been my header gif for a while though?
4) if 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be?
IMPOSSIBLE. they are the divine pairing, you watch your mouth. I’d be sad, even though they technically were never ‘together’ in the first place.
5) Why is 1 so important?
Because Death can be undone. But love cannot.
6) Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship?
BOTH!!! Their love is SO serious, its all about growth and self acceptance and loving each other for all parts of themselves, but they also say things like “scared is the best way to be horny” so take that as you will lol
7) Out of all of your ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry?
Ohhh probably... Marcus x Saya or Matt x Elektra. theres something SO fiery about both of these ships.
8) out of all of the ships, which ship has the strongest bond?
I’d say probably tandy x tyrone (they are literally cosmically linked) or cassie x cole (... like... come ON), if we’re talking about like... whether they were destined for each other. But if were tlaking about like, hard earned love and acceptance? Memori and Becho for sure.
9) How many times have you read/watched 10’s fandom?
I’ve rewatched s1 at least 3 times, and s2 just started and im SO invested!!!
10) Which ship has lasted the longest?
Technically chidi x eleanor? because how long even IS a Bearimy? but if we’re talking seasons of a show, i guess... Damon x Elena?
11) How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up?
like... so many times. TVD is notorious for that nonsense.
12) if the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8?
Well Murphy and Emori have grown up and lived through TWO apocalypses and are like, hardened badass scavenger survivor types, but Matt and Elektra are superheroes... so it might be close but i bet Memori would win out.
13) is 4 still together?
They never were ‘together’ technically, and the show ended with them not together, but in my heart they are.
14) is 10 canon?
YES, well.. kind of? i think so? like this season it was discussed as being a central romance but also they are going THROUGH it rn.
15) if all ten ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?
Okay so, memori would def be the best at base line survival, like scavenging, hunting, etc. And they would NOT fall short on the ability to kill to survive. Becho are a Battle Couple, and i think Echo’s spy skills would come in SUPER hand. Matt x Elektra and legit trained superhero types, so that gives them a significant edge. Maria is probably not gonna do great but Michael is a telekentic alien so he has a power that would be helpful for sure. Marcus x Saya are trained assassins, so that helps them out... tandy x tyrone have great super powers too... Kady x Julia are Magicians, and Kady is a BOSS at battle magic, and Julia was literally a god for a while. Damon and Elena are (were?) vampires, so thats helpful too... Okay lemme work this out...
chidi and eleanor would probably die first, I love them, but they just aren’t equipped.
Michael and Maria next, because Maria woudln’t be much help and Michaels power is cool but not like... super helpful?
Cassie x Cole would die next. Badasses for sure, but they dont have super powers or assassin training to help them.
Tandy x Tyrone next, they ahve badass powers but they’re just kids... idk if they’d be a match for trained assassins and shit like that
Bellamy and echo would be next. both of them are battle hardened and badass, and i think Echo on her own would last way longer than them together, but in the end they’d fall out.
murphy and emori would be next. super great survivors, but not trained at killing, so that edge they had doesn’t help much towards the end.
marcus and saya would be next. absolutely badasses, and they’d last a long time, but they are kids and they would eventually slip up due to immaturity and lack of real experience.
Damon and Elena next. Being vampires would help them a LOT, obviously, but Elena is pretty inexperienced and doesn’t have a lot of training, and Damon is prone to emotional outbursts that get him in trouble. I think elena would end up in danger and Damon would get them both offed trying to save her. I could be wrong though, if any team would be the surprise victors i’d bet on them.
Julia and kady would go next. Definitely badasses, but not trained killers. They’d be more prepared than the kids, and they have a lot of experience in dangerous situations, but trained assassins who are fully grown and have a lot of experience is hard to beat.
matt and elektra would be the victors. They may not have ‘powers’ but they’re aboslutely BADASS, and have the most real experience. They are also the least likely to fall prey to an emotional response to a situation, giving them a huge edge.
16) Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship?
Other than the writers? no.
17)Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond?
Becho, mostly because i HAVE to because the fandom is... hell. Also Maria x Michael, for the same reason.
18) Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s tumblr page?
Not really, only because i know it’s gonna be dead. I do check regularly for my Echo blog though! @echo--positivity
19) if an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all up forever, which ship would you sink?
Michael and Maria. I love them, but I know they’re not the endgame ship the story has planned, so if they’re gonna break up anyway, might as well. Another option would be Kady x Julia, because they were never canon to begin with.
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