#aka my unfinished slowburn
boschlowtxt · 1 year
Feel free to ask about my AUs I love talking about them <3
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handdrawnfantasma · 10 months
i got tagged by @monstrousmoonshine (ty!!) to self-rec 5 of my fave fics wot i have wrote so... here we go :')
1. "what if final fantasy x but with the magnus archives characters" aka the result of miri asking 'i had a mental image of jon doing the Sending and where's my jonmartin ffx au' aka clutching a map of dreams, the fic that has taken up the better part of the past 2 yrs and 8 months of my life. if you like tma and you also like fantasy epics like lord of the rings this is the fic for you. (i mean this very literally because the final word count pretty much equals that of LOTR lmao)!! Martin is swept away by a mysterious kaiju death monster into a stagnant future where things have gone Horribly Wrong and crosses paths with Jon who is a summoner tasked to go on a pilgrimage to somehow calm the aforementioned kaiju death monster. JRPG adventures, the world's saddest hiking trip, slowburn romance, found family and MANY revelations about why the world is the way it is ensue, also featuring the author wrestling with the concepts of sacrifice and responsibility and blame and where those all intersect with The Greater Good(tm) and how people's intent to do good or to atone for real or imagined wrongs can be manipulated by others and twisted to other purposes. there are only 6 updates to go until the fic is over so now is a good time to jump in and binge it. if u wanna [ eyes emoji ] honestly this is the first time i've even attempted to write something this long let alone FINISHED it and if i do say so myself i did a good job making sure that the plot made sense and that all the foreshadowing and callbacks/call forwards paid off. i also managed to fit SO MANY tma character cameos in there and some nice parallels to tma canon events as well as expanding on the FFX lore itself so like. im Very Proud of this one haha
2. the variant of soft hanahaki as envisioned by isa and myself and a few of our other friends back on plurk has lived in my brain rent-free for years and so of course i was going to inflict it on jon and martin. milk vetch is a short fic that takes place in the middle of TMA season 3, in a world where unspoken love (whether that be romantic, platonic, or otherwise) causes you to cough up (mostly harmless) flowers until you get over yourself and tell whoever it is that you love them. i had a LOT of fun with jon's POV in this one, his exhaustion and self-deprecation, and i also had a LOT of fun with the concept of the Beholding dropping a dictionary of flower symbolism into his head whenever he so much as looks at a hanahaki flower. it was also interesting to explore like... the psychology/reasoning behind NOT telling someone you love them even when the evidence is Right There, just going full magic realism with it all.
3. not to have never been is a fic taking place in the 13th doctor era sunless skies au that i've been building with kite for about a year and a half! 13 is a sky-captain, the fam are her officers, and this fic is about them getting caught in a weft of unravelling time and struggling to get Out without dying or losing themselves. i'm rly proud of this one because i managed to mix the episodic nature of a bottle episode of dr who (think 42 or Tsuranga) with the Sunless Skies ambience, and switching between 5 different 3rd-person limited POVs really let me play with allowing the voice of the character to permeate the narration which is a LOT of fun. i'm also proud of a couple of the cool things i managed to do with the structure here (having an Ice section followed by a Fire section and then a Dark section followed by a Light section) and some of the hints i laid down for the backstory of a few of the characters...
i actually only have 1 more of my fics to rec for this LMAO and it is still unfinished BUT in the spirit of the meme i'm gonna rec it anyway bc WIPs are still worth reading:
4. spydoc the locked tomb au, aka the result of me watching the power of the doctor last year and immediately losing my mind over the fact that dhawan!master basically reinvented lyctorhood. spydoc are a necro-cav pair from the Fifth House and this tragedy is going exactly where you think it is going (also featuring me straining the torvic affair thru a 13-shaped sieve and then re-straining it thru a tlt-shaped sieve, state-sanctioned codependency, and canon-typical memes, ruth!doctor and yaz are also going to feature when i get back to writing this thing). if you, too, are haunted by all the ways dhawan!master ends up emulating + recreating all of the worst excesses of gallifrey's founders despite the fact that he despises them so much and love trainwrecks as much as i do then u should read this and yell at me to finish it
tagging @birdybirdnerd bc i kno u write a lot BUT if anyone else wants to pick this meme up then pls do, we should all be more insufferable about our own work LMAO
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trademarkblue · 10 months
Hello ♡ I didn't know if you had a twitter so I popped on here to look if you had a tumblr, and you did! Fingers crossed that you're still active 😭 basically, for the last three days I've read nothing but your romione fics. Seriously. I never had a Harry Potter phase as a kid so I think it's finally caught up to me now, and with it, Ron and Hermione and their insane slowburn-- and I didn't think I could adore them more, and then I read YOUR takes on them, and I'm just. Oh man. Just endlessly taken with it, really? Just so in love with them and so in love with how in love they are ohhh gosh they're so !!!! 1/2
Ahhhh hi!! I am still active on Tumblr and AO3, but I hate to say I'm not writing Ron and Hermione anymore. I hate that I left so much unfinished work on FFN, but I just could not make my brain focus on them at all over the last few years.😭 I'll never say never, because who knows what will happen if I get some random inspiration and am able to continue, but for now I'm on a semi-permanent hiatus from Harry Potter fic.
I'm still actively writing though, just in The Handmaid's Tale fandom now for Nick Blaine and June Osborne aka "Osblaine." If you aren't familiar with them or the show, just a warning that it's much darker content, and my fic for them is (I think?) a lot smuttier even than what I wrote for Ron and Hermione lol.
Your message absolutely MADE MY DAY. Slow burns are just about the best thing in the world imo ha. I'm so, so glad you've enjoyed what I've done with Ron and Hermione! That's really just so lovely to hear and so nice of you to seek me out to let me know it meant something special to you. 🧡
Message any time if you ever want to chat. I'm on here pretty much daily. x
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rightpastnowhere · 2 years
2, 12, and 41 for the fic ask game?
you and blorb both sent me 41, but i'll answer it here so that there's 3 questions per post gjkrnkgjr
questions for fic writers
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
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oh absolutely LKNGERGN most of what i write is character studies, a lot of them with copious amounts of introspection, and apparently that's over 1/3 of what i've posted since joining ao3 lmao. it's my favorite thing to write, really!! and i'm usually the most proud of those. i also trend more towards writing fluff or happy content than angsty content, but most of it ends up with a little angst added in anyway. the canon-compliant surprised me, because i really do come up with a lot of AUs, but it makes sense now that i think about it - usually my AUs remain as unfinished concepts, without much writing and just development, where as canon content gives me the context already to write from lmao
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
oh boy. honestly?? fake dating and arranged marriage AUs. also slowburns. the AUs always just seemed so cheesy to me, and they were often written to just be as cheesy as possible, but there's some i've found recently that have just absolutely hooked me. and i realized that with fake dating, i can have a slowburn where they still get to hold hands and kiss, so it's a win-win. as for the whole slowburn thing, that just stems from how impatient i am and how they're often sadly unfinished, and i really do prefer from reading established relationship at the end of the day. however, i've come to enjoy the slow build (especially after perc'ahlia) as long as they're finished - although, i still do prefer when more of a fic focuses on the pairing when they're together gkjrngkjnrg
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
oh god, just one???? uhhhh lemme see if there's one that sticks out
the first one that comes to mind is usually she must, then, try by miss_echidna on ao3, aka @randomfatechidna on tumblr. they've written a couple wanda maximoff-focused fics, and i love their style for writing wanda, and this was just the first that i read, and it just... the style blew me away. i just wanted to write like that, and it stuck with me. also this tag is hilarious
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another one that i read even longer ago is Falling by viinas on ao3, aka @viinas-writes on tumblr. it's another one where i love the character, kazuma, and they captured his character SO WELL!!! like it's fucking perfect, and THEN the writing style kicked my ass into next week. and also i left a comment and got the sweetest and most wonderful reply, and later we were part of a zine together, and since this is a writer i've looked up to for a WHILE, it just became something special to me, cause that experience was surreal
andddd a more recent one - Orpheo Looks Back by lordy_lou on ao3. i just... again, the style blew me away, just... i was hooked on every word, and it just had this visceral quality to it, and it picks apart the pov character, scanlan, in SUCH a good way. and it goes into dreams and guilt, and then i read other things by this author, and i just kept adoring their writing style.
GOD I WROTE SO MUCH FOR THIS WHOOPS. thanks so much for the ask!!!!
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nebulouscoffee · 2 years
For the WIP game, when the fighting stops or unfinished business
Thank you so much Anon! I really wasn't expecting this many responses, y'all are too sweet❤️
'When The Fighting Stops' is a longer Kira-centric oneshot that's sort of half-character study, half-kiradax slowburn. It shifts between flashbacks to the Occupation and scenes set during seasons 1-4, also focusing on her relationships with Sisko, Bashir, Odo, Bariel and Shakaar- as well as her connection to Bajor, Bajoran culture and faith, and her lifelong struggles with intimacy and inhibition. I just really love Kira Nerys so so much and she's one of my absolute favourite characters to write, so I had a blast unleashing all my Bajoran speculations upon this fic! It's several months old now, but I definitely plan to post it someday :)
(Side note: I liked a deleted scene between Kira and Keiko too much to completely discard it, so I tacked on an epilogue and that's the origin story of Progress haha)
'Unfinished Business' is basically three interconnected vignettes about three different women making their way in post-canon Ferengi society, because ultimately my otp is Awesome Female Characters/The Screentime They Deserve! Chapter one's from the pov of Pel (aka Quark's love interest from s2 that went off to the Gamma Quadrant- whatever happened to her anyway?) Chapter two features an OC of mine, Dila (if you've read my fic Home you might remember her from chapter eight) and three is all about Leeta. I started writing this in May and lost steam midway through the second part, but after posting a Leeta-heavy chapter of 'Pretenders' recently I was inspired to pick it up again. We'll see!
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Hello do you have any vampire Knight fic recs?
I do, nonnie! But they'll mostly be Kaname/Zero fics, that's my VK otp. And mostly long fics since I just love long fics the best. Sorry for the wait, I had to refresh my memory and check my ereader’s fic folder. So, here we go.
Crimson Door, Blood Moon and Secrets in the Dark and all fics of Blackened Wing’s AU universe. I would suggest reading three main fics in this particular order and then reading smaller ones however you please (they’re mostly missed scenes and side stories and they don’t impact the main plot much; my favorite is Five Hundred Miles, aka the jungle survival story). Anyone who had read something in VK probably had already read this, since it’s the fic(s) that kinda formed kaze fandom. But still, they should be here just in case someone somehow missed them. 
That’s a canon divergence AU that forks from the canon on rather early chapters, so many latest canon plot twists don’t happen here (Kaname is not Kuran the Ancestor but young orphaned Kuran heir and Yuuki is not a vampire/his relative, from big ones) and many things are also unique to this universe. Which makes it so delightful, but also sucks because you won’t find it anywhere else. And I kinda like how this universe unfolds more than canon one. It’s pretty slowburn at first and then has plenty of smut later on (and what a smut! if you need a finest vampire smut, it’s the right choice, everything that could be done with one’s neck/teeth/blood is done here and what couldn’t is done too lol). Relationship is mostly m/m, but the story goes through f/m/m threesome phase at some point (there is no f/m/m smut in major fics but it’s present in a couple of smaller ones). I personally hate threesomes tbh, but here is the rare case when I don’t mind, it adds to the story and isn’t so big too. “Secrets in the Dark” is unfinished but the main plot is already over at that point, so it doesn’t leave you hanging. Though there are unresolved mysteries left for a sequel that didn’t happen, but you can read it as finished too. Sorry for babbling but I just love it. It’s not without flaws ofc, don’t let me raise your expectations sky-high, but read it if you didn’t. 
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5428521/1/Hold-Me-Now-It-s-My-Turn it’s a kaze sequel to Zero/Yuuki long fic but you can read it on its own. At least, I did so. It’s a family drama set like 30 years into future. Zero marries human Yuuki, they get their happily ever after, but after a few dozen happy years Yuuki dies from an illness. Zero doesn’t really have reason to live anymore, and he doesn’t want to be Kaname’s charity case but Kaname can’t let him go. So there is a widower-with-kids Zero and Kaname who pined after him for years.
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4600471/1/The-Other-Half-Of-Myself from the same author as the previous (they have some smaller fics too, look in their profile) That’s a very peaceful undramatic unproblematic school romance, as sweet as it can get. “Kimi Ni Todoke KaZe edition, the fic“ basically lmao, if you ever watched KNT. A tad boring for me personally because it’s so undramatic, but nice.
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5629351/1/Unholy-Matrimony A very popular fic with an accidental-marriage-in-Vegas trope and then some spy shenanigans and mad scientists etc. Kinda a bit OOC-ish for my taste but enjoyable enough read anyway. There is a sequel too, it’s unfinished but close to it, so it won’t leave you all frustrated.
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5053495/1/The-Stranger Total AU, Wild West, Zero, Ichiru and Yuuki are orphaned siblings living in the middle of nowhere and one day they find a wounded stranger. Of course they have to save him, of course there is something wrong with him (as in, he’s not quite human), of course there are people searching for him and they’re not nice... Here is an author I feel conflicted about - on one hand, it’s a quite good author, on the other, our kinks/squicks differ a lot and ff.net doesn’t have tag system so you never really know when something squicky is going to jump on you. But I remember “The Stranger” being mostly ok in that regard so I can recommend it (don’t read the mini side story tho if you aren’t into incest; oh, and Kaname is an asshole but what’s new). From what I’ve also read of this author (because when there is not enough content, you get less picky and more brave heh), “A strange relationship“ has rather abrupt angst ending but you can kinda fix it in your head, “The right to choose“ sent me to Pluto with a pro-life stance of some characters even when I was ready for the forced pregnancy trope, “A place for us“ has various incest, infidelity, gerontophilia, rape, everyone-just-wants-Zero and so on. So beware. But if your kinks will align or you’re not easily squicked, then you find a lot of decently written multichapter and complete stuff to read.
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5596000/1/His-Eyes I remember it as a classic Cross Academy kaze story. You know, with patrols, uniforms, screaming Night Class fangirls, full moons, jumping from windows, secret meetings in a forest, exchanging blood for favors, falling in love with a rival... Nothing groundbreaking but I remember liking it quite a bit. Though now the notes say that the author edited smut out to save it from ff.net or something and I’m not sure if it’s worth reading in this state. I have an old unedited version saved in epub format tho, so if you’re desperate, probably it wouldn’t be a giant crime to share it.
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5318440/1/Beginnings, https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5421652/1/First-Times, https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5709621/1/Pleasure-Dome A trilogy of non-vampire AU oneshots I remember being decent. Kaname and Zero are university students who meet in a nightclub.
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7359668/1/Unexpectedly-Close-To-The-Edge it’s most likely abandoned and I typically don’t like to read abandoned stories and not sure about recommending them. But this one kinda stands pretty far from typical roads and I was intrigued enough to try. It’s pretty dark so be careful, there are rather brutal scenes of torture, rape and pedophilia I had to skim through (not between kaze and not shown as something good, but still). Timeskip after Yuuki leaves with Kaname, a rewrite of vampire society, purebloods are monsters and it’s shown in all gore-y details, Rido is alive (again), Yuuki is dead, Kaname is dying, there are intrigues of various levels, Zero is in the middle of this shit storm as a burnout bitter hunter mistreated by the hunter association. It’s like “VK meets Berserk” or so. I would’ve really liked to know how it ended, huh.
King's Gambit, Knight's Tour A short post-canon character study, it kinda strikes the nerve for me. Can recommend the author in general, I like their other fics too.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31540631 One more of theirs, Kaname is a Hannibal-esque serial killer and Zero is his grumpy flatmate
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8173330/1/Servant This fic needs more love. A well crafted story which takes all the canon into consideration and works with parts that are not so exploited in fandom. AU where it’s Kaname who turns Zero and it changes the flow of story in interesting ways (Zero doesn’t meet Yuuki etc). It’s angsty though, and the ending is kinda intertwined with the canon too. (Oh, here it is on ao3)
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7804163/1/My-Eternity Another unfinished one but I hope it’s a very slow in-process and not abandoned. Very slowburn AU where Kaname slowly grows fond of Zero instead of Yuuki in their childhood and it changes things with Rido etc.
Some of these fics I had read pretty long ago though so I’m not sure if I’d like them right now or not. And it’s an old fandom, not very alive recently, so old fics tend to have certain tropes or manner of writing etc. Sorry if it’d be the case for you. But I hope you’ll find something you like :) 
(Also, if you’ll be searching for more, ff.net is your friend (albeit a cruel one, since, well, no tags). The majority of VK fics are archived there since ao3 was not a thing back when the fandom was most active. It’s a thing with many old fandoms. But you don’t have to read stuff on ff.net itself, it’s quite uncomfortable for longer reads. There are apps for downloading fics from there as epub/mobi/txt/pdf files and reading offline on your device. I personally use FanfictionDownloader for PC, and here or here you can do it online too).
UPD: Here is an old rec thread where other pairings can be found too.
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hmslusitania · 3 years
#the ghost ship scribbles
Please read before you send me a prompt!
- I do accept prompts. They go into a queue of things to potentially write, and are subject to the following scenarios: I may pass on them because I am the wrong person for that prompt, it would require too much research for me to pull it off (I am allergic), or I have already written something similar (I do not accept post-lawsuit prompts); I may write it exactly as you prompted it; I may combine it with other prompts in my inbox and turn it into a frankenstory; I may take only elements of it and then apologise when I post it.
- I am very, very, very, very, vErY slow at filling prompts so know this if you send them.
My current writing can be found on AO3 under HMSLusitania and here on my tumblr under the tag #the ghost ship scribbles
Finished Stories
Time-Bomb: a two part story about the boys getting together and then finding out the 118 had a bet out and getting appropriate revenge (T, no archive warnings, 13k)
I Didn't Know I Was Lonely 'Til I Saw Your Face: local chaotic bi himbos Buck and Eddie go to couples therapy together as strangers. Alternate first meeting AU (T, no archive warnings, 10.5k)
Don't Take the Money: the post-lawsuit Groundhog Day AU literally no one asked for (technically there were five tumblr prompts involved but the time loop part of it came from nowhere) (M, author chose not to use warnings, 21k). More details can be found in the tumblr tag #post lawsuit clusterfic
Leave the Light On (I'll Be Coming Home): Eddie has amnesia and is presumed dead; Buck has custody of Chris now. Lots of family feelings and big sad but with a happy ending! (M, author chose not to use warnings, 44k) #leave the light on (I'll be coming home)
Half Awake in Our Fake Empire: An AU where Buck 1.0 fathered a child and comes into custody of her (T, no archive warnings apply, 33.5k) #accidental dad!Buck
Cowboy Take Me Away: Eddie figures out he's demisexual and has a thing for Buck as a cowboy in one month. It's very stressful (E, no archive warnings apply, 9k) #cowboy take me away
Close My Eyes and Stumble (Right Into Your Love): a season one rewrite where Eddie’s PTSD is a little worse and he ends up at dispatch instead of the 118, and is subsequently the dispatcher Probational Firefighter Buckley meets over the phone (M, no archive warnings apply, 21.6k) #close my eyes and stumble
Works in Progress
You will not find any of these on AO3 yet because I do not post unfinished works. Anymore. *cries in abandoned fanfic shame*
Fringe AU, which I am writing with @starry-eyed-guttersnipe. A fusion fic with the dark!sci-fi television show Fringe. More details can be found at #fringe division 911
Eddie sets his oven on fire two weeks before he starts at the 118 and meets Buck when he responds to the call. After that, things go...just a bit differently AKA a season 2 rewrite (#bound to make a mess of things mixing fireworks and gasoline)
A Chuck AU *insert the “i guess!!” meme here* (#chuck au my beloved)
An alternate universe where Maddie and Buck did run together back in 2012 and all the ways they found their real family before actually landing in LA (#and sail off in the night) for @dannilea
And a bunch of potential fusion AUs I have cast in my head and may or may not ever write (which you are totally welcome to come ask me about because thinking about them is fun!)
as well as all the prompts that are sitting in my inbox (26 at last count)
oh, and a giant *#&!*&^!@%#@!#%@ MCU Endgame fixit fic featuring resurrected!Natasha, the world’s longest slowburn, Iron Dad and Spider Son (now with 0% fridged Aunt May!), polyamorous semimortal supersoldiers, and all of it is fuelled entirely by spite! It’s currently at 185k and I have just now reached the events of Iron Man 1. It’s tag is #project oracle
Thanks for stopping by!
~ The ghost ship, HMS Lusitania
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slicedblackolives · 3 years
Can you make a list of cherik fic recs?
I don't have many but!
the one, and thee only, the light of my fucking life, you will unfortunately have to read through many chapters until it gets into the delicious, delicious meat, it's unfinished, AND the trigger warnings are massive—NINE ELEVEN TEN! 👏🎉👏🎉👏 it's got everything, it's got unreliable narration, it's got badass charles who woobifies himself, it's got victmised erik, it's got a deep exploration of powers, it's got well researched politics, nuclear apocalypse, emma "peg me" frost, communist raven, realistic matter of fact problems of an apocalyptic wasteland, beautiful sex scenes, intimate scenarios that hit DEEP, exploration of charles' privileged perspective, aaaaaa. I love it. I love it so much. it's the one that started the charles is abducted by erik fic trend but unfortunately none of its copies have the pussy it has cause they forget to add the six layers of unreliable narration and propaganda and also give Charles Erik's trauma which is unforgiveable as far as I'm concerned.
Next. Shorter, sweeter, complete, cherik if they weren't so tortured—I guess I should say thanks or some shit. AKA Amsterdam fic. Absolutely NAILS Charles' characterisation. Character exploration Charles and how he deals with the morality of telepathy and his huge fucking crush on erik. Sexay.
Okay this one is omegaverse don't judge me. This is so fucking self indulgent for ME, PERSONALLY. Everything I ever wanted. Omega! Erik is abducted by Shaw and Alpha! Charles spends years and years finding him, saving him, healing him, pining after him. So good. The Dark of Your Body.
An Ideal Grace—professor au where erik thinks charles is a student leading to months of misunderstanding. very frasier-esque hair rippingly frustrating slowburn. And finally, Limited Release by thee rageprufrock herself. it's a fic with sexy worldbuilding but erik and raven are feds which is honestly horribly, experience-breakingly ooc imo. It gets a pass only because the writing is THAT good.
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dracosollicitus · 4 years
Star Wars AU Sampler
Damerey Edition! Here’s a sampling of some universes I’ve written, in case you wanted a brief escape in these trying times. Some are short, some are long, and I tried to capture a wide variety of some of the AUs I’ve written in the last two years.
Post-TLJ AU 
(Written before TRoS):
Bound to the Light (Rated M, 166k words, w/ a 22k sequel)
Race You (Rated E - for last chapter, 5+1 AU)
Resistance Pilots and Their Tempers (Rated T, 5+1 AU)
A Droid and His Damerons (Rated G, BB-8 POV)
Rise and Fall (What I thought TRoS was going to be like Before TROS happened, unfinished until someone convinces me to finish it)
Canon-Divergence AU
From Cradle to Grave (Childhood Best Friends AU)
Undercover!Poe - Spice Runner AU (to explain away the awfulness of TRoS characterization - In Progress)
Jedi Bodyguard AU (Senator!Poe, Jedi!Rey Rated E, 90K slowburn)
Smugglers AU (Rey and Poe work with Ben Solo as smugglers, Rated T)
Forbidden Affair AU (Jedi!Rey, NRDF Pilot Poe)
Modern AU
Sugar Daddy AU (Rated E)
Flower Shop AU (Rated E)
Coffee Shop AU (Rated E, 150K words)
College AU (Rated M, TW for past sexual assault, 120K words)
High School AU (Rated G - multiple HS AUs exist, but I just picked one of them)
Park Ranger AU (BB8 as a squeaky porcupine! Rated E, cowritten with the fab @aimmyarrowshigh
Some Dad!Poe (Roadside Assistance, Rated T)
Thanksgiving/Military AU
Photographer/Subject AU (Rated E, Poe’s a Formula One driver)
Fantasy/Mythology AU
Vampire AU (Rated T, unfinished currently until someone tells me to Just Finish It and/or bump the rating)
Selkie AU (Selkie Rey, Fisherman Poe, Rated E for last chapter)
Zombie Apocalypse AU (Horror Elements, Rated M for horror and eventual smut)
Hades and Persephone AU (Rated E)
Dionysus and Ariadne AU (Rated E)
Orpheus and Eurydice (Rated T)
Different Fandoms AU 
“Jane Austen” AU/Regency - Force and Fortitude (Four-part series)
“May the Force Be Ever In Your Favor” aka the Hunger Games AU (Poe as Finnick, Rey as Annie, TW for violence and sexual exploitation of Poe after his games; Part Two of the series is sitting unfinished on my hard drive/part two aligns with Quarter Quell)
Hogwarts AU (First in the Series and Last in the Series have different ratings)
Pirates of the Caribbean AU (rated T)
Princess Bride AU (Rated T)
Christmas Movies AU 
“25 Days of Damerey” - 25 part series of random universes 
Love Actually AU (Prime Minister Storyline, Rated T)
Other AUs
Medieval Royalty AU (Rated E, mostly done)
Superhero AU (Rated T, Superhero!Rey, Journalist!Poe)
World War II AU (Codebreaker Rey, Pilot Poe, Rated T)
Titanic AU (on indefinite hiatus, but if you wanted to imagine Poe as Leo, now’s your chance)
A/B/O AU (Rated Super-E, addresses consent issues)
90s AU/Missing Person AU (Rated M)
Did your favorite make the list? Any new ones on here? Let me know what your favorite was, if there’s any extensions you’d like to see some day, and/or if there’s any unfinished ones that You Really Wish I’d Just Finish Already! I’d be super thrilled to hear from you, and super thrilled if you shared this list! 
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hallie-fics · 4 years
author spotlight - evanspotters
His nose brushed her neck as she whispered. “I just don’t want to live in a world where we fight each other instead of doing this together.”
The Other Versions @brazilianchild
@brazilianchild (evanspotters on ao3) has given us some of the best hallie au’s in the fandom. her harry potter au is the stuff of legends! the creativity of her stories never ceases to amaze me and the way she writes is absolutely beautiful! 
Favorite of your stories (and why) 
Out of all the hallie stuff I’ve written my favorite one would have to be the Hogwarts!au one shot “tell me that you’ll open your eyes”. I’m just a sucker for Hogwarts aus and I loved doing one for hallie. 
Easiest story to write 
 “they are the hunters, we are the foxes” aka the hunger games!au. That one-shot was SO easy to write. I think I did it all in one sitting because I just felt so inspired. It was just so easy to think of hallie in that setting. 
Hardest story to write
 The hardest story to write so far seems to be “love is what you deserve”. Writing multi-chaptered fics are SO HARD for me. I usually write a lot and then I lose all inspiration and motivation and it becomes so hard to get back on track.
Pre-writing process (if any)
I usually have all the stuff I want to write about written in bulletpoints before I start writing. Like a bunch of headcanons or tropes or notes to myself that I want to make sure I don’t forget. And only then will I start writing. 
What drew you to Hallie
I love slow burns, like love them with a passion. My first ship that I really got invested in was stydia which is the KING of slowburn ships. I just watched the society and was like 👀👀 there’s my endgame!! 
Hopes for season 2
I don’t want hallie to be fully canon yet but I just want some moments between them!! I think that season 2 should really focus on Harry’s development and I would just really like how Allie plays into that and helps him make better decisions. (Also I don’t want to suffer through will and allie just GROSS)
Favorite line (or lines) that you’ve written for a hallie fic/ a section that you’re really proud of
 this was so HARD. I couldn’t choose so I chose a couple. This one is from my soulmates one-shot “all you had to do was stay” and I just love it because of the angst. This whole fic is so angsty. 
 “Allie was told as a child that the timer on her wrist would lead her to the other half of her soul. But how could it be that her soul yearned and ached to stay in this man’s grasp when he wasn’t the one that made her timer run out?”
 I’m also really proud of this section from my hogwarts!au one shot. Just the nonchalance at which Harry admits his feelings feels so natural and I’m just proud of the banter. 
 “They’re alright.” He started looking for Rosmerta again. “You see, I used to have things for spiky Gryffindors but that turned sour really fast.”
 “Oh yeah?” Her voice was dripping with sass. “What happened? She saw how much of a dick you really are and thought better of it?” 
“No.” He shook his head, still not directly looking at her. “She started to have feelings for me but was too scared to face them.”
What type of Hallie stories do you like to write/read? (canon divergence, modern au, soulmate au, etc) 
I looove modern aus. I like exploring how things would’ve been if they hadn’t gone to New Ham and just see their relationship unfold without that horrible threat looming over them. 
How long have you been writing for? 
Well, I used to keep writing notebooks when I was like 8 or 9. I used to write chapter stories in them (and they were absolutely terrible) but I guess I’ve always been writing. I got back into in freshman year of high school though, when I met one of my favorite people in the world who was a writer and she inspired me to get back into it. 
How has you’re writing style evolved over time? 
I think my writing style has evolved in the fact that I’m writing more and more, like my chapters are longer. For example, I’m working on this one-shot that’s 97 pages long and I’m not even close to done lmao. I just feel like writing more helps the characters and the relationships develop more naturally. 
Do you ever worry about how your stories are received? 
Yes, absolutely. - What’s the hardest part of writing for you? Hardest part is keeping the momentum going. Like sometimes I have this great idea and I’m inspired but then I hit a filler scene I don’t wanna write and so then I don’t write anything and then the fic gets abandoned for months. 
Do you get writers block and if so how do you deal with it? 
I think my ten unfinished fics are PROOF that I get writers block lmao. I deal with it by waiting for inspiration and motivation to hit again in a couple months. So far that’s been working pretty badly. 
Biggest risk you’ve ever taken as a writer? 
The biggest risk for me is writing  professions or experiences that I know NOTHING about. I usually do a shit ton of research, like I was writing this court scene from scratch and I had to do so much research on how that would play out and I’m still not sure I did it right. 
Favorite Hallie trope? 
Enemies to lovers. Love that gradual building of trust and sexual tension!! 
Favorite Hallie headcanon? 
I just love the idea that Harry would know how to braid hair because of his sister and would just braid Allie’s hair all the time.
eek this is a lot. but thanks this was actually really fun to put together!
@brazilianchild‘s works are all absolutely amazing. her collection of au’s is so incredibly diverse and they are all amazing reads!
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sometimesrosy · 5 years
sanctum spoilers: b/e-c/b parallels
Anonymous said:Hey rosie how are u?Just wanted to ask u something abt B/E/C. What do you think abt the parallels btwn the two ships? I mean the lake scene,the forgivness,the”good little spy and her master” line that is sooooo similar to “knight by his queen side”. Also, talking abt the psycosis making u attack the person you love and the fact that he attacked clarke rather that ecxho , says a lot abt bechxo. I mean, if he really was a man on a mission, i think he’d have broke down the door or smth. Ur opinion?
I’m fine. :) 
My first and primary opinion is that the show is about Bellarke and their relationship. It is THE PRIMARY RELATIONSHIP. If this were a fanfiction, it would be a bellarke fanfic. Like a 200k word, unfinished slowburn bellarke fanfic. It would be rated T, so we would know that sex is not the main point.  
The reason why both season 5 and so far the first two episodes of s6 have focused on Bellarke while the canon relationship of b/e has been completely minor in both the time devoted to it and the depth of relationship shown, is BECAUSE THE STORY IS ABOUT BELLARKE AND IT IS NOW A ROMANTIC STORY. B/e is the romantic obstacle in a love triangle that is serving to make Clarke and Bellamy recognize that they are in love with each other and their feelings for each other are stronger than their feelings for other people. INCLUDING Bellamy’s canon girlfriend.
I know people have a hard time wrapping their heads around a CANON ship not being as important as a “non-canon” ship, but the NARRATIVE is ABOUT Bellarke. Not only is that evident in the show itself, but the JR has told us that the story is about, and has always been about, on some level, Clarke and her relationship with Bellamy. He has TOLD us that this show is about the delinquents (echo is not one of them) in general and Clarke and Bellamy in specific. AND the relationship between them. AKA, Bellarke is the main ship. He has never said this about other ships. He said CL was real and the story they were telling right then, and they would eventually get to Bellarke, which they did. He has NEVER said that the story was about B/E or B/E was THE story. He has said that B/E was about family and loyalty. ANY time people talk about B/E, they return to it being about family and loyalty, if they even address it at all and don’t just start talking about family and loyalty as if that was your question to begin with. 
This show is about Bellarke, not B/E. And now we can see it (we could see it last season but we can see it even better this season,) because Bellamy’s focus is on CLARKE, not Echo. He is concerned with CLARKE’S mental and emotional state. He is connected, in the story, with CLARKE. All his attention (or most) is going to Clarke. 
The man is in love with Clarke. He may love Echo, but his relationship with her isn’t even showing the intimacy of his relationship with Murphy, as far as I can tell by what I’ve seen and read. 
I think maybe fandom needs to see it on screen, instead of putting together the pieces and stringing a story together in their heads the way i do. Because for me, I know the story is Bellarke because I add up all the scenes about Bellarke and about B/E and I forecast where it could go next. The story for Bellarke keeps going, there’s always more. The story for B/E keeps running up against the obstacle that Bellamy is in love with Clarke and has been for 7 years. There’s no way around that obstacle, because everything in the show has been BUILDING up to the multilayered love and respect and need and faith and devotion Bellarke has to each other. And NOTHING has built up to the relationship of B/E. When you compare the two stories, it is EVERYTHING vs “you’re my family.” Which is not necessarily a romantic relationship at all. Clarke is family and so much more.
BUT as long as they’ve just been building it piece by piece, without actually saying the word “love,” no one is going to admit that it is love. I mean, for some reason, they finally used the word “love” and even “girlfriend” in relation to Bellarke and fandom still won’t accept it. 
Now, when we see Bellamy and Clarke sharing heart eyes, IN FRONT OF ECHO, all of a sudden, do we start believing it? When the story is how much their feelings for each other come first, how much she adores him, how much he is focused on her? Can we see it? 
They WANT you to compare b/e and bellarke. They WANT you to see the difference. 
A parallel is something you’re supposed to look at at compare and contrast. You’re supposed to think about them and see HOW they are different and how they are the same. It’s supposed to get you thinking. If Bellarke was called “princess and knight,” and B/E was called “spy and master,” I mean, that’s not exactly an exact parallel. But it might mean they want you to think about the dynamics of the two relationships. I always thought that s2 did have the princess/knight dynamic, but s2A had Bellamy as the knight and Clarke as the princess, while season 2B reversed it, as Clarke was knight doing everything to protect the prince Bellamy on his mission. We never get a reversal of spy/master. Bellamy never serves as Echo’s spy, there is no equality there. And this is the problem with b/e. The relationship is stronger on one side than on the other. He’s held back all his feelings, and did not admit to her how he felt about Clarke before she died. Also, princes/knight is actually a romantic relationship. It’s courtly love and it’s a big trope. HUGE. Like centuries strong. spy/master is not romantic. Not as a trope. You could MAKE it romantic, but it’s a master risking a spy for work. princess/knight is a knight sacrificing himself for his devotion. When this show compares Bellarke and b/e, b/e ALWAYS ends up less epic. Just the fact that they are compared does not mean they are equal. You have to evaluate the comparison and see what it’s saying. It’s saying they’re not equal. TBH I can’t even ship them as an ot3 because echo would always be on the outside. 
I don’t know the lake scene so won’t speak on it, but the forgiveness thing? I have to say, this to me points to how Echo doesn’t know Bellamy as well as we (or clarke) do. Because WE know that Bellamy learned to forgive BECAUSE of Clarke. It’s canon. Echo does NOT know how much Clarke affected him. He could forgive Echo ONLY because of Clarke. And it still took him 3 years. IDK. 
What kind of parallel is that? What are we supposed to draw from it? For me, it still points to Bellarke being endgame and b/e not being up to snuff. This is the story. It’s Bellarke.
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tht-lesbian-fangirl · 5 years
2018 Fic Writing Roundup!
Thanks for tagging me @hashtagyourshirt💙
Total 2018 Word Count: 37,638
Total 2018 Hits: 40,271
Other 2018 AO3 Stats: Kudos (3,217), Comment Threads (317), Bookmarks (420), Subscriptions (1356).
Links & Titles to 2018 Works:
I Promised I Would Always Protect You : Supergirl takes a bullet for Lena Luthor. Except this time, she’s dressed as Kara Danvers and just burnt out her powers the previous night.
The Wrong Superhero : Batwoman (Kate Kane) is in town and happens to rescue Lena Luthor when Supergirl can’t get there in time. (aka, my Jealous!Kara fic that I wrote way before the crossover)
The Ship of Dreams : Titanic AU
Favorite Fic: “I Promised I Would Always Protect You” –– My current favorite that I’ve written! A story with angst and slowburn is so much fun to write. And it certainly doesn’t hurt that I’ve received so much positive feedback for it because I literally live off validation lmao.
Hardest Fic: “The Ship of Dreams” –– I really lost passion and inspiration for it, and idk if I’ll get it back :(
Do you plan on taking prompts in 2019? Sure, why not? Never really done that before!
What was the best thing about 2018? I studied abroad in Copenhagen!! It was amazing and I would go back any day.
What was the worst thing about 2018? Uhh I guess a lot of weird “will they, won’t they, oh they did, wait now they’re not?? hello constant mixed signals?” drama with a good friend. We both cared for each other romantically and obviously platonically, but she’s going through a lot rn so it never truly worked out...
Any last thoughts for 2018? 
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Goals for 2019:
Finish my unfinished fics!
Write new fics!!! (I’ve got a few outlined ideas up my already rolled up cause I’m gay sleeves)
Really enjoy my last semester of undergrad and go into my first semester of graduate school with confidence💪🏻
Take better care of myself!
Tagging @spaceman-earthgirl @stennnn06 @nooowestayandgetcaught @readomon and any other writers that wanna do this! 
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ifishouldvanish · 6 years
WIPs Meme
I was tagged by @mareyshelley (an angel, a gift, a tremendous human being) to hang out all my dirty writing laundry by showing y’all the titles of everything in my WIP folder. Which... i don’t actually have a ‘WIP’ folder... it’s all just everything in a big ol’ nasty pile of finished and unfinished stuff
Enjoy, my lil chili babies:
The Boston Hour (Rumbelle Antiques Roadshow AU)
RBB 2018 (it’s a surprise)
RBB Scraps (shhh)
For Art and Happiness (Rumbelle Artist/Model AU that I’m GOING!!! to FINISH!! ONE DAY!!!)
TBH Scraps (Boston Hour Scraps)
TBH: Dinner for Three (Boston Hour Poly remix with Jefferson bc I’m multi-shipping trash)
Spin Me a Tale (Too-shy-to-function Gold who secretly hosts Belle's favorite podcast AU)
TBH: Colombian Place on Fifth (Boston Hour Gold Hatter remix because I’m multi-shipping trash)
Roni’s (Woven Lace one-shot)
Death and the Maiden (Exactly what it sounds like Rumbelle AU)
Ideas (lmao)
Woven Rookie Scraps (because sometimes I write things to go with @nropay's lovely art)
RCIJ 2018 (”If Only for a Moment” - silly, smutty Belle/Hamish one-shot)
Living Dead Girl (the Golden Lace? Rumpled Lace? halloween fic that made PERFECT SENSE when I had a DREAM aBouT it 2 YEARS AGO but my conscious mind can’t make any gODdAMN sense of)
RSS Scraps (which RSS? it’s a mystery)
From Ashes (very ambitious Golden Lace + Lachbelle AU that I’ll probably never finish because... *flails arms*)
Alterations (RCIJ 2017 - In love with your best friend who’s engaged AU. And also woobie Gold who lives with his evil mother AU)
RSS 2016 (”I Must Be Warmer Now” - Golden Lace one-night-stand AU)
RSS 2017 (”Let’s Spend the Night Together” - Rushacey roommates PWP? Idk it's cute and I'm very fond of it)
To Be Found (Aroace Rumple AU)
On The Line (1980s musician/manager Golden Lace slowburn AU that I took down because it needs a lot of... you know... *flails arms*)
Shoes (Working file for my shoe/foot fetish!Gold series)
I’m a Bloody Astrophysicist (A Rushacey one or two-shot meet-cute meet-ugly)
Black Roses (Golden Lace motorcycle club AU with Lacey as the club leader and Gold as their consulting crooked lawyer aka the one no one cares about)
Rainstorm (lmao idek lemme check... it’s a belle shows up on Gold’s doorstep during a rainstorm looking for shelter AU. So... exactly what it sounds like lmao)
So A Lawyer Walks Into a Bar... (Golden Lace PWP)
Money Power Glory (Golden Lace AU where he’s like... a mob boss or something? idk)
Receipt In the Bag? (Golden Lace borderline crack AU where Lacey works the register at the convenience store and they very overtly flirt with other in front of everyone? I was very pleased with the 'Mr Big Bar' line, leave me alone)
Be Our Guest (idk, run of the mill Gold having a crush on the pretty lil lady who keeps visiting his shop fic. It was supposed to be for Monthly Rumbelling but I have zero discipline so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Plunkacey (this is the faintest wisp of an idea but basically modern-day AU where they like... idk. Team up for a heist or something??? lmao don’t @ me)
An Ordinary Man (Canon divergent dark castle rumbelle but Rumple’s gay and he and Belle are just friends??)
Say It With Flowers (Valentine’s day one-shot where Belle leaves a bouquet at the front door of Gold’s shop for him) 
Willing Suspension (My first ever fic!!! It’s okay I guess)
And that wraps up the contents of my lil dumpster. :)
I'm going to tag... @winterswanderlust @nerdrumple @maplesyrupao3 @imgilmoregirl @smartgirlsaremean @mariequitecontrarie @barpurplewrites @anyone else who wants to do this?
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