#but they were able to get drinks in spain anyway lmao
yyxgin · 4 years
hi are we friends yet because ♡ i have decided to come to you whenever some stupid bts shit goes through my mind and today i offer you: a drabble in which the boys invite you (a close friend mayhaps?idk i didn't think this through) to visit them on tour and you have to share a bed with a member who isn't exactly fond of you but you end up cuddling and he goes all soft for you when you wake up?only if you want to!!you don't even have to write it you can just respond 'yes 💞' and i'd say thank
hi hello we are best friends now,,please come to me with all the bts shit i'm willing to write everything. anyways here it is,,you did not specify the member so i wrote it w seokjinnie (i'm living for this au btw,, its so over-used but still good lmao)
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pairing: seokjin x fem!reader ; genre: idk man, angst? and than fluff? seokjin hates you and then he does not ; words: 1.5k ; warnings: mentions of alcohol, maybe curse words i'm not sure, jin is a meanie >:((
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Kim Seokjin wasn't exactly fond of you.
So when he found out that his band mate Jungkook insisted on bringing you, his best friend, to visit them on tour for a week, he was furious.
„What do you mean y/n is coming? You won't be able to focus, she'll only distract us from work.“
His excuse was a poor one, but it made sense. The bad thing was that his younger brother was quick to sweep off any of these reasonings off the table.
„Seokjin hyung, she's my best friend. I promised to take her with me some day and she always wanted to visit Spain. And it's only for a week.“ his pleading was a pain in the older's ass. He always gave in for his little one.
Why didn't Seokjin like you? Well, that's an interesting question.
You were quite childish in his eyes, being the same age as his maknae. He never saw you as a grown woman, you were always a little girl for him. The age gap wasn't that big, but to Seokjin, it seemed like a good enough reason for him to have second thoughts. You two haven't really talked to each other that much, but he felt like your personalities just did not click well. So with that, Jin has made his mind. He didn't hate you, but he was more happy when you weren't around.
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„You guys were so good!“
These words were the first Seokjin heard when he came back into the waiting room at the stadium. He rolled his eyes as he took a seat on the sofa and tried to catch his breath.
„Thank you!“ Jin watched Jungkook as he took you into his arms and span you around.
„Especially Jin, Epiphany really made me tear up a little. Your managers made fun of me when they saw me.“ you giggled and took a seat next to your best friend on the sofa.
„Yeah, sure.“
Jin's tone of voice made your best friend glare at him. His words hurt you a little, but you weren't going to show it. You weren't a little girl anymore.
„We are getting drinks! Y/n, you're coming, right?“ Jimin asked you and pierced you with a playful look.
„Of course I am!“ you laughed.
Everyone liked you. Not Seokjin. It was weird.
But as the boys catched their breathes, changed and ate dinner, all eight of you made your way into a packed club in Madrid to celebrate the success their toor has been so far.
If you weren't there, they wouldn't be getting drinks right now. But it was your last night here, so they wanted to make sure it was a memoriable one. It made Jin's stomach twist. Are you really a kid that needs to be entertained?
„Promise to not get drunk.“ you said to Jungkook in a low tone.
Jin's ears pricked up on the sound of your voice.
„I won't.“
„Promise. I don't want to take care of you tonight.“ your scolding made Jin smirk.
Jungkook was known to be a literal baby when drunk and everyone knew this. It was understaneable of you not wanting to be his care-taker for the last day of your visit.
But Jungkook did not keep his promise.
And so when it was past 3 am and everyone was drunk out of their minds, it was your job to get them to their hotel. You were sharing a room (and a bed, you two really didn't mind) with Jungkook and you really wanted to sleep, because the night has been everything but fun to you.
Everyone got drunk. You did not. But neither did Jin.
He saw you struggling to carry your best friend. Altough he thought that this whole drinking session was for you, it seemed now that you didn't even enjoy drinking. Seokjin furrowed his brows as he came up to you and helped you with the heavy beast your friend was.
„Let's go. I've sent the rest of them in a cab to the hotel already and another one is waiting for us in front of the bar.“ his voice was low and considerate, but loud enough to cut through the loud music.
You shamefully looked to the ground and nodded. Why were you acting so bashful?
You eventually got to the hotel, so now it was time to go to your room and get him to sleep. Jungkook, on the other hand, had a different idea.
„I want to sleep with Jimin tonight.“ he offered.
„No, Jungkook, we are sharing a room.“
„But I want to sleep in Jimin's room.“
You knew there was no use in trying to convince him. If you'd bring him to your room, he'd only get up and try go get to Jimin's room, which would cause only more trouble. So you nodded along and with Seokjin's help, you tried to walk him to Jimin's room.
Once the door behind him was closed, you were left with Jin. It was strangely quiet.
„Umm… thanks for the help. You can go to sleep now. Sorry for bothering so much.“ you let out and shyly smiled at your companion.
„Well, I'd love to, but your best friend just went and took my bed, so…“
The realisation hits you. Everyone was now in their rooms, all the beds were taken. The only bed free for the two of you to use was the bed you were supposed to share with Jungkook.
„Oh, well, you can sleep in my bed. I'll take the floor.“ you said and began to walk to your room on the other side of the hallway.
„What about Jungkook's bed?“
„Well, we were supposed to share. So, it's the same bed.“ you were red in your cheeks. The sight somehow made Jin chuckle.
„How practical.“
He didn't say anything else as he walked into your room. The bed was big, there was no trouble with two people sleeping there and not running into each other's bodies.
But even after this realisation, a confusing sentence left Seokjin's mouth. „It's fine, I'll take the floor.“
„No!“ you let out, suddenly wincing at the urgency in your voice. „I mean, no. It's my fault, so you take the bed. You need to sleep in a comfortable place, you are a performer, you can't wake up with a sore back.“ you explained.
It was good to hear from you. The words didn't sound only polite, but considerate as well, making Seokjin look at you in a slightly different way. „Sleep in the bed too. It's big enough." he muttered.
The blush on your cheeks deepened. „No, I can't…“
„For the love of god, just do it. I want to sleep already and I'm not in the mood for bickering.“ he snapped.
The tone of his voice cut through you like a knife. He sounded so annoyed. You hated feeling annoying. You didn't reply.
So after a few minutes, you found yourself sharing a bed with Kim Seokjin. It was strange. And weird. And it definetly made your heart race.
Jin's heart? Fine. But his conscience? Bad.
„Sorry for snapping.“ he said into the quiet room.
„Oh, it's okay. You have every right to be annoyed with me.“
„Do I?“ his question caught you off guard.
„Well, I know that you hate me.“
„I don't-“
„And it's fine, really. I tried really hard to get you to like me because what Jungkook's friends think of me means a lot to me, but it seems like I did something that made you dislike me, so…“
Your back was turned to him, but just the sight of you curled up in the corner of the bed made his heart broke a little. The realisation hit him. You knew all along how he felt about you, but he never thought about how it made you feel.
Did he really have a valid reason to dislike you?
The room is quiet for a while and you thought that Jin has already fallen asleep, when his voice called you again.
„Did you really cry during Epiphany tonight?“ he asked.
„Yeah.“ you chuckled.
Jin doesn't know what moved in him or when it happened, but he had a sudden urge to hold you. Like he wanted to erease every moment he's been horrible to you with just a little touch.
So that's what he did. He hugged you. And you let him. Hell, you've been dreaming of it for a while now.
The last thing you heared before falling asleep in his arms is a heartfelt, guilty and honest apology.
„I'm sorry.“
And when the morning comes, Seokjin wakes up and watches you with hazy eyes. Your skin is illuminated by the morning sun and your face looks cute when you are sleeping. He woke up with you still in his arms and something about that thought makes him bubble up inside.
When the morning comes, Kim Seokjin can think only of one thing: How could he ever hate you?
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peterstanslizzie · 4 years
Re-watching Lizzie Mcguire: Episode 2.9 (Party Over Here)
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Ohhh hey there Zachary! 😍
- Kate’s turning 14 soon and she’s forced by her parents to invite all of her classmates, including Lizzie, Gordo and Miranda to her birthday party. I thought she’s a year older than everyone since she revealed to Claire in Season 1 she got held back in kindergarten? Since they’re in the 8th grade, shouldn’t she be turning 15 instead? Unless, everyone else is turning 14 in the following year since it’s the fall right now. 
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- In addition to handing out paper invites, she has a whole entourage sing an entire song, which I’m assuming it’s called ‘The Kate, The Party’ to the invitees. It was pretty cringe but very on-brand for Kate. Lizzie wasn’t gonna RSVP to her invite but after hearing a couple of kids talking about Kate giving her guests goodie bags with cellphones in it, she quickly changes her mind. I think ALL of us would change our minds lol.
Lizzie’s Next Attempt At Lying
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- First things first, Lizzie needs to convince her mom, Jo that Kate’s party will be well-chaperoned even though Kate’s irresponsible 18 year-old cousin, Amy (played by Hilary Duff’s sister, Haylie) is going to be the chaperone. However, Jo is pretty set on not letting her daughter go to this party and this causes Lizzie to get upset. 
- The next day in school, Lizzie complains to her best friends about not being able to go to Kate’s birthday party. Miranda is also on the same boat as Lizzie but surprisingly (or maybe unsurprisingly), Gordo’s parents are allowing him to go because he’s basically a good boy and never really gets into trouble. Except, he did actually got into trouble at least one time before this. Didn’t he get grounded last season for sneaking into an R-rated film in the episode, Rated Aargh? 
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- Lizzie and Miranda try to think of ways to convince their parents once more like volunteering to do more chores around the house but they’re not so keen on doing that either. Miranda then thinks about the other option, which is to lie to them. Sounds a lot like the Rated Aargh episode. Hopefully, Lizzie’s a better liar this time. 
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- They come up with a plan, which is to get Jo to drop them off at the mall but instead of staying there, they will then get on a bus to go to Kate’s house. Lizzie is quaking in her boots because poor girl doesn’t know how to lie well. Gordo, who’s trying to prove to everyone that he’s not some goody two shoes reveals that he lied to his parents by saying that he’s at Miranda’s place but in actuality, he’s going to go the party that he was already allowed to go to instead. That sounds so unnecessary but whatever floats your boat, Gordo.  
- Before taking off, Jo gives Lizzie some cash to spend on some treats at the mall, which instantly makes Lizzie feel guilty. This reminds me of the ‘Between A Rock and Bra Place’ episode, where Jo also gives Lizzie some money to go shopping for bras, which made Lizzie feel guilty as well especially after telling her mom off at the changing room. 
Kate’s Cousin Is The Worst
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Eww, I hope that woman washed her hands before flicking Gordo like that. How rude! 
- They get to the mall and Lizzie and Miranda then change into their ‘party’ outfits whilst Gordo waits for them outside the ladies room. Just a little after 7 pm, they arrive at Kate’s house. Lizzie is still feeling the guilt from her mom giving her 10 bucks. Only 10 bucks? Lol, I thought she gave more than that...just saying.
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This actually happened to me once at a club in Spain....lol
- Kate’s party is filled with older kids, whom are probably around the same age as Amy and probably older. Our trio doesn’t seem to recognize anybody...well, except for Amy:
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This is so funny to me because it’s Hilary watching her big sis, Haylie doing a ‘7 minutes in heaven’ thing. Well, this is why Jo and Daniela are against their daughters going to an Amy-chaperoned party 
-  The three of them decide to just ditch the party but before they could make their escape, Kate finds them inside the ‘7 minutes of heaven’ closet they were hiding in. Isn’t hiding in there kind of gross? It looks like Kate doesn’t want them to leave so soon seeing that she wants them to at least be around for when she cuts her birthday cake. 
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Amy is like the worst....lmao. First of all, she got Kate a strawberry cake when she knew Kate preferred chocolate but what’s even worse is that she forgot that Kate’s birthday is today. How does Kate even deal with her? 
1:06 gif
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You can’t help but feel bad for her at this moment.
Lizzie Helps Kate...Again
- Lizzie goes upstairs to see if Kate’s doing okay and she then sees Kate on the phone with her mom to let her know how much of a disaster her birthday party is. We also find out that the only reason why Amy’s chaperone is because Kate’s mom is out of town. Lizzie tries to talk to her but Kate’s still very upset. 
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- They both sit on Kate’s bed and Kate reveals to Lizzie that all she wanted for her birthday is just to go to the movies with a few of her close friends. However, her mom wanted her to have a ‘grown up’ party instead. She’s 14 (or 15)! She doesn’t need a grown-up party. Lizzie obviously feels bad for Kate and decides to ask her to tag along with her and Gordo and Miranda to the mall to watch a film together. That’s so sweet. And Kate’s reaction was sweet too!
-  However, Kate doesn’t think it’s a good idea to leave her house in the state that it’s in. I actually think she should just leave and let Amy take all the blame since she is the chaperone and ADULT in this situation. I’m sure Kate’s mom would have punished Amy and not Kate for any possible destruction of property lol. 
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Why are Gordo and Miranda me in most parties? Just be eating cake all the time lol
- Lizzie thinks the best solution is to call her mom to put an end to this party. How about no. Can’t they ask Kate to call an aunt or an uncle or something? Anyways, she eventually calls her mom, who was eating ice cream whilst watching a sad movie (that’s so me as well) and she quickly makes her way over to Kate’s house. 
- Lizzie makes an attempt to get herself off the hook by telling her mom that she doesn’t deserve to be punished since she did a responsible thing, which is to call her. However, Jo isn’t fooled by this and tells Lizzie that she’s grounded. She also tells Miranda and Gordo that she’s going to inform their parents as well. 
- We then see Jo turning the party upside down by getting everyone in there to behave and she literally brings the party to a halt by unplugging the music speaker, causing everyone to stop dancing. She then orders everyone to get out of the house.
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Amy vs Jo lol 
- Amy gets an attitude with Jo for disrupting the party but Jo isn’t gonna let any 18-year old walk all over her. You got that right! Jo asks Kate if she wants to come home with them but Kate politely declines. 
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Okay...so it was definitely Kate’s 15th birthday and she’s still just lying to everybody hahaha
- Kate decides to swallow all her pride and thank Lizzie for helping her out...for a minute. She then goes back to mean girl Kate shortly after. I’m so sick of this charade Kate’s playing with Lizzie. Just suck it up and be friends lol. 
B-Plot: Fun Dad 
- In this episode, it isn’t just Matt getting into some weird albeit fun venture but Sam is also involved in it too. They reveal that the both of them were chosen to be the spokes-family for ‘Cardio Punch’ sport drink, which includes them starring in a commercial. Jo thought that she is to be part of it too but unfortunately for her, it’s just a father and son thing. And she’s feeling pretty salty about it. 
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Hey there Zachary!
- Matt and Sam arrive at the studio and they’re greeted by the casting director and Zachary Quinto Steve, the director. It looks like Steve isn’t playing around  as he wants them to get fitted into harnesses straight away because they’re gonna have to rock climb; Sam is all sorts of terrified. 
-  Steve goes over all the steps they need to take once they scale that wall with them. It’s not very complicated but at the speed he was delivering the instructions, I wouldn’t have caught most of it lol. 
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- We fast forward to the both of them pretty high up on the mountain wall. However, Sam is petrified and can’t really move. He explains to Matt that he experienced a bad rope-climbing incident, which made him greatly afraid of heights ever since. Steve, the director grow impatient and yells at Sam for not moving. He even makes fun of Sam’s weight. This angers Matt and he proceeds to scale back down to the bottom and gives Steve a piece of his mind. It turns out, Matt telling off Steve made great film for the commercial. 
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- At the end of the episode, the full commercial is out on TV and the Mcguires are in the living room watching the final product.  The commercial is just so hilariously bad, especially that shoddy dub on Matt, by Matt. It didn’t even fit his lip movements. Sam was also edited out of the commercial. After all of that anxiety? Poor Sam. 
Overall Thoughts
- This was a pretty enjoyable episode to watch. Nothing significant really happened except that we got to see Zachary Quinto guest star in this episode as well as Haylie Duff guest-starring again. Lizzie helping Kate out is nothing new but as I’ve mentioned it earlier, I’m kinda over Kate acting like she hates Lizzie when deep down, she doesn’t. It’s getting really old. 
- Jo definitely got to shine as a character in this episode, which is awesome to see. I particularly enjoyed her setting the older kids straight like a military sergeant. I’m also glad she was involved in the A-plot instead of Matt’s B-plot, in which the latter is usually where she appears in most of the time. 
- Speaking of the B-plot, it was one of the better ones frankly speaking. It didn’t involve Matt doing something ridiculous like an extreme hobby or whatnot. It was just him and his dad, Sam starring in a somewhat cool sports drink commercial. The highlight of all of that was definitely Matt standing up for his dad in front of Steve. Although, it didn’t really do much to Steve except making him happy and excited that he got great film out of Matt’s rant lol. 
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baph0meat · 4 years
several years ago I asked you "tips on turning 21?" and you gave some damn good advice that helped me so much when i turned 21. so, got a tip for turning 25 and suddenly being very aware of the process of self-actualization?
[continued] “i asked my older sibling and they said "don't eat trash food" lmfao”
well i actually first off actually unironically agree w your older sibling -- it feels like a drag to get nagged abt it but genuinely switching from like. “hot pockets from the corner store every night bc i’m tired” to gritting my teeth and putting in the planning and time to cook for myself and eat in ways that were kinder to my body did a LOT for like, both just my overall wellness and also my fucking wallet bc trash food is literally so fucking expensive out the gate. there’s like. a whole BUNCH i could get into as someone who has worked in The Health Food Industry abt how a lot of what you’re paying for w processed food is convenience and immediacy and that a lot of times “Healthy Food” costs more in terms of time and preparation and getting WAY fewer calories per dollar in ways that aren’t feasible if you’re food insecure etc etc etc but i’m not getting into that i’m just gonna say: when you CAN, whenever you’re able, gritting your teeth and prying yourself up and over to the kitchen and not having trash food actually does do a lot for u overall.
anyway. cw for brief suicide mention as i talk abt this but i’ll try not to get too heavy abt it
i’m abt to turn 27 next month and have finally hit the point where my life has like... stabilized in a way i never thought would’ve been possible. (i got married, did i say that on this blog ever? hi, it’s me, ira, i got married to the coolest woman alive and moved to spain.) but the thing is i’ve said that every year. like, fuckin, on an absolute clockwork schedule once a year i’ve been like “hi guys wow things have been so crazy but everything in my life has FINALLY settled so i’ll be around a lot more” etc etc. so: your life is never settled and it is also always settling and eventually i have found i just stop noticing. i think also as things settle i’ve noticed i’ve started like, really getting struck by my life STRETCHING OUT in front of me, esp since i was suicidal for most of my life til now and like, i never had to THINK abt or plan for stuff, and now suddenly sometimes it’s like. even tho i’m so happy w my life now it’s still so exhausting sometimes to think abt doing this fucking forever lmao. forever! every day! life is so long and my brain is so small!
all this to say: never expect stuff to be Done esp a concept as huge as self-actualization and also expect to be tired. expect to freak out a little. i know we’ve all heard “nobody has it figured out in their 20s” and we’re like “yeah yeah cool except i look around and other ppl in their 20s seem to at LEAST have it more together than i do” and my solution for that so far has been oh my god stop looking in other people’s windows, ira. 
i’m getting really rambly and disorganized here so i’m just gonna post a list of things that have really, really helped me in the mid-20s zone and that made me healthier and happier than early-20s me
i don’t drink or use substances when i’m in a bad mood anymore. ever. even if i’m just like “lightly bummed out” -- total stop, total red light, no substance use. this one rule has changed my life entirely and i take it extremely seriously. i have to be happy and feeling good going into it, or i don’t take anything/don’t have any drinks, period. (i tentatively make an exception for this re: using weed to medicate anxiety but i personally still try to keep that a last resort.)
every time you feel like bitching about something you don’t like on social media, make a post abt something else that you like instead. every time u feel like saying something meanspirited or vague or unpleasant abt someone you can’t stand, find a genuine, wholehearted compliment abt someone you really like instead. i’m obviously not saying “never complain ever” but i’m saying only complain when it like.... matters, and take vicious, merciless inventory of when it actually matters bc it u might find that inventory doesn’t line up w your actions generally
related to that: be very cautious abt like, friend groups who bond over shit they hate instead of bonding over shit they like.
talk to yourself a lot. talk to yourself before you say or do things. ask yourself questions about how you’re feeling, why you’re reacting to things the way you do, esp if you’re feeling/acting negatively and feel lost abt Why. cultivate a relationship w yourself in a tangible, daily way so that you can understand your feelings and actions better
find something screenless that you enjoy doing every day. i’m not trying to sound like crotchety specter of Fucking Log Off but i am that and i think the internet is evil and i think it’s making our brains dribble out our ears in liquid form and finding offline things to fill my days up with every day and only coming online when i’m done with those things has probly done more for my growth as a person than anyone else. this place is evil
related to all of this, i guess: everything 21 year old you thought was super boring/would have refused to do if commanded is probably really really good for you and will make you feel better
that’s my advice happy birthday
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bilbao-song · 6 years
Oh hey! I've been reading your Jeff facts and maybe if you still have some, would you be willing to share? I know how much you like to talk about him and idk if you have any facts left, but if you do, I'd love to read them! :)
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okay so!!! this is way too late to be considered fashionably late (and i’ve consolidated these two messages bc Why Not) so i really hope whoever sent these is still out there lol
sorry for taking so long!!!!!!! i’ve been super busy for the last two months or so but now that i’m on winter break i’m hoping to actually have time to do things again lmao. but anyway here’s another lil post of jeffrey information (lynneformation, if u will) under the read more
first of all, if anyone wants to see the previous asks i’ve posted with little facts and things, here are some links: (1) (2) (3) (and all elo asks in general are in this tag)
also just a disclaimer??? i have no concept of what is or isn’t well known lol especially because i try as hard as physically possible to limit my direct contact with the fandom (ugh) outside of tumblr lmao so sorry if i ever put some blatantly common knowledge on one of these but i’m just,,, trying to get u guys some quality tidbits
also! my apologies if this is kind of short but there was at least one thing i was going to include that i’m leaving out for the time being so i can try to find the source again because i don’t remember all the details lmao and i gotta strive for that #accuracy and full disclosure
anyway!!! without further ado:
1. in the earliest stages of writing livin’ thing he was in spain and had food poisoning :^( rip
2. apparently at one point he had a really nice guitar get stolen :( here’s a very cute lil article where he discusses it: (x)
3. i don’t remember where i even read this but i know it was definitely just some random person’s comment on something so you can never like.......just totally take that sort of thing as a concrete fact lol but someone said that at some point during the time tour he was drinking milk on stage lmao (honestly? relatable)
4. a nice combination between nasty and hilarious for u:
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5. this kind of qualifies as hearsay as well bc i found it solely through a facebook post in a group with no other context at all so i mean...u always have to take things like that with a grain of salt no matter what the context is but it’s interesting to consider nonetheless (also i’m torn between thinking this is cute and being sad about it lmao poor baby):
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6. i feel like this is kind of a boring thing to offer as a fact but i’ve never seen this like...officially acknowledged as far as i know but those lovely 1990 armchair theatre jeffrey photos were taken here. about two years ago i kept trying to find other photos of the cars he was standing on but i’ve never been able to as far as i can tell :(
anyway!!! that’s all i can come up with for now!!!!! i feel like i’m leaving something significant out that i meant to include but at least part of the problem is that i left myself some annoyingly cryptic notes about what to include in this post and now i can’t remember what i was even referring to in half of them lmao so! if anyone ever feels inclined to ask for more things like this feel free to do so (i promise not to take an entire month to respond in the future rip) and any jeffrey/elo things of any kind that u feel inclined to put in my inbox are always more than welcome :’)
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littledonkeyburrito · 6 years
My neopets account is old enough to drive
1. Why are you at home? Because it’s 2am and I’m not working tonight 2. This time last year, were you single? Sort of, leaning towards yes
3. What are you listening to? "Big Tings” by Skindred 4. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Nope 5. Are you a big fan of thunderstorms? Yeah, that’s one thing I missed when I was living in Spain - tropical thunderstorms
6. Is there anyone you would do anything for? Sure 7. When will your next kiss be? Depends if I end up going on that date tomorrow night and how well it goes. Otherwise idk, sometime in the next month probs. 8. Are you satisfied with what you currently have in life? Yeah. I’d rather be living in a different country but I can deal 9. Do people ever think you’re older/younger than you actually are? People usually think I’m younger, like 16. 10. Have you ever liked someone way older than you? Yeah but he liked me too so it worked out fine 11. How many texts are in your inbox? I don’t text except to the work phone. I prefer messenger/whatsapp. 12. Who last left you a wallpost on Facebook? First thing that came up on my page was Patrick who tagged me on a screenshot of when I said “I don’t know anything about politics but I sure am drunk and have opinions”. That counts. 13. Assuming you have various kinds of electronics (phone, camera, iPod, etc.), are you currently charging any of them? Laptop is currently plugged in.  14. How are you wearing your hair today? Messy. Got out of the bath and towel dried it. Didn’t bother combing or styling because I’m going to bed soon. 15. What are you eating/drinking? Chips and Pepsi 16. What will your outfit be today? Was wearing a stripey shirt and jeans earlier. Now in my jimjams 17. When’s the next time you’ll be traveling somewhere (anywhere) and where will you go? Maybe going out on a date tomorrow night. If not, will be hanging with a friend. Maybe at my place, maybe out at some bars. Also working on Sunday night.
18. Do you ever sit indoors and wear sunglasses or a hat? Sometimes wear sunnies inside at work because I’ll be staring out the window the whole time.
19. Are you putting off doing something right now? If so, what is it? Nope. I do what I want.
20. What’s the most daring thing you have ever done? Idk, probably moving to a foreign country on my own and barely knowing the language.
21. Do you like playing video games? If so, what do you usually play? Currently playing Horizon Zero Dawn on PS4. Whenever my PC is working again I’ll eventually finish playing Dragon Age Inquisition.
22. Are you sitting in front of or by a window? What can you see out there? Blinds are closed but all I’d see is the construction site next door.
23. Do you ever dance to the song playing in your head? Sometimes
24. How long have you had an online presence for? I think my first account was on Neopets. I just logged into that old account (god knows how I still remember the password) and the account was made in 2002. So, 16 years ago. Oh my god my neopets account is old enough to drive
25. If you got a chance to go to space, would you? Depends on the situation but yeah probably!
26. What’s something we do every day but they don’t depict in movies? The cleanup after sex. Okay not really every day but still. They always just roll over and go to sleep. Like, bro you still got a condom on your dick, and you’re just gonna sleep like that??
27. Do you enjoy travelling? Definitely
28. Where’s the most beautiful place you’ve been to so far? There are many beautiful places I’ve been to. Although I think I have to give an honourable mention to the High Atlas Mountains in Morocco for being so beautiful that I was actually speechless.
29. What’s something cool about the city/town you live in? River got sharks
30. Is your style feminine, masculine or somewhere in the middle? Masculine side of neutral
31. Do you usually carry a backpack, a shoulder bag or something else? I don’t carry a bag unless I’m at work and then it’s a duffel bag, or I’m travelling then it’s a backpack
32. What smell brings back a memory for you? Woodfires make me think of winter at my grandparents’ house when I was a kid, even though we never had fires there. Also sawdust reminds me of my dad’s workshop
33. When was the last time you went in the car past midnight? Couple of nights ago when I last did a nightshift 34. Who was the last person to message you?  Maggie
35. What did you do today? Played PS4, Maggie came over, went to Dan Murphy’s, watched some Will & Grace, had a bath with a lime coconut bathbomb and now all my skin is lovely and smooth 36. Why did you last laugh really hard? Okay so I bought a pack of tiny squeaky rubber pigs online and I have an ongoing treasure hunt in my apartment with Maggie. We re-hide the ones we find. Anyway, I laughed a lot when she adjusted her position in the beanbag and the piggy under it squeaked 37. Would you be able to name everyone you kissed? Nah, I’ve kissed one or two people I don’t know the name of 38. Where is the last person you kissed? No idea 39. What color shirt are you wearing? Navy blue 40. Did you have a fling this summer but it didn’t really go anywhere? I only had half a summer because I moved back from europe. I slept with an ex a few times. Does that count as a fling? Probably not. 41. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? About to bang 42. What was the last thing you bought? Bottle of rum and a case of beer 43. Ever kissed anyone with a nipple piercing? I have no idea. Maybe..? 44. What about a lip piercing? I don’t think so 45. Nose piercing? Again, I don’t think so but it’s possible 46. Have you ever kissed someone who had a boyfriend/girlfriend? Lmao yeah made out with both of them  47. Did you like kissing the last person you kissed or the one before that more? The one before 48. Ever made out in a pool? Uhh I don’t think so? 49. When was the last time you went shopping for new clothes? Do you remember what you bought? I bought undies and singlets a couple of days ago. Not as glamorous as you were expecting I’m sure 50. What sort of compliments make you feel the best? An acknowledgement of something I put effort into
51. What would you say to a twenty year old version of yourself? idk she was pretty much already on the right course 52. Name a few things that make you happy? My lil squeaky pigs drinking/hanging out with friends making plans to travel again 53. If you were going camping for a few days (or to a fancy hotel for those that dislike camping), who would you want to bring with you? Friends that would actually enjoy the camping 54. How long have you been living where you are now? Is this somewhere you intend to stay for a while, or is a move in your future? I’ve been in this apartment for 5 months. I’ll renew for a second year so long as they don’t try to bump the rent up too high. After that idk. I want to move overseas again at some point 55. What was the last thing you put away? I put the towel back on the rack 56. When was the last time you were near a large body of water? I was along the river the last shift I had 57. How much time do you spend in your bedroom? Only when I’m sleeping 58. Do you secretly like to go grocery shopping? No, I put it off until I basically have no food
59. Breakfast; yay or nay? I have vegemite on toast before work but if I don’t have a shift I forget to have breakfast 60. What’s the most creepy experience you’ve ever had? Nothing in particular comes to mind 61. Yay, you’re going out on a date! What do you wear? Fuck I hadn’t even thought about that -_- 62. What’s the last movie you saw in theatre? Was it good? It was either Antman or Deadpool 63. On average, how long would you saw your on the computer per week? When my desktop is broken (now) I usually just use my phone. Laptop is pretty slow. 64. Do you like your music loud? No 65. If you had to lose one of your five senses, which would it be? Smell 66. Would you rather have no computer or no cellphone for a week? Computer. 67. What’s you favourite thing to have for dessert? I don’t really eat dessert at home. I just eat whatever I’m in the mood for whenever. I guess sweet stuff I usually go for timtams or a nutella sandwich 68. Do you tend to straighten or curl your hair more? Neither 69. What’s your favourite summer sport? Sitting inside with the AC blasting. 70. Can you dance, or do you just completely fail at it? I cannot dance. 71. Do you get nervous when you’re about to get a haircut? Yes! And I don’t know why 72. Choose one: Hanging out at the beach, or playing some winter sports? SKIING 73. What’s the coolest place that you ever been to? What’d you do there? Oh man I’ve seen some cool shit. The roundhouses in Tulou village in China were rad. Varanasi in India was a weirdly spiritual experience and I am very much not a spiritual person. Ziplining through the jungle in Panama was fun. Sagrada Familia in Barcelona was super cool in the afternoon with the sun coming in through all the yellow/orange windows. And I’m sure I have more to see in the future 74. What’s the earliest time you ever had to wake up? Was it hard for you? I often wake up at crazy times for work so there is no “earliest” because it loops back around to late 75. What radio station do you listen to most? I have 97.3 playing in the car 76. Whenever you take pictures, do they always end up posted on Facebook? The good ones go on instagram
77. You have unlimited money, what do you do with your life? Travel indefinitely. Pay for friends to travel with me. Give away money. Basically just do whatever I want and hope that nobody tries to kill me for my money. 78. What was the last thing you spent under $5 on? Hmm I have no idea. I can’t think of anything recently. According to my bank statement it was the icecreams I bought from Woolies a couple of weeks ago when I was with some friends 79. How many times have you cried in the past week? None, I don’t really cry 80. Have you ever used your cell phone as a light source in the dark? I need it to see if there’s anything in my mailbox. For some reason I always check the post when it’s dark. 81. Is there anything written on the shirt you’re wearing? “Max Rager” it’s the energy drink from iZombie
82. Where were you living in 1997? I think my family and I had just moved to australia 83. How was your first kiss? eh 84. Do you still talk to the person you shared it with? No 85. How long has it been since you showered? I showered this morning and had a bath a couple of hours ago 86. Have you ever dated someone who had kids? Not dated 87. Have you kissed someone 4 or more years older than you? Several 88. How about younger? Not that I’m aware of 89. Were your parents married when you were born? No 90. Are there any candles in the room with you? No, I don’t like candles, they make me anxious 91. Does the last person you kissed have tattoos? No 92. Do you live within 20 miles of where you were born? Nooooo. more like 10,000 miles 93. Has anyone seen you naked in the last week? Nope 94. Where was your current profile picture taken? In a camping ground in southern Spain. I was visiting my dad’s friends
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eren-s · 7 years
tag game
Always post the rules
Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you
Write 11 questions of your own
Tag 11 people
tagged by: the lovely @tatakaeeren thank youuuuu <3
tagging: @yaboylevi and @uttsukushi because i would love to to know your answers to some of these questions and all that but don’t feel pressured to answer this if you don’t want to c: also tagging anyone else who wants to do this
1.- If you could date one anime characters who would it be?
These type of questions always make me think that i love things differently from other people... or something? lol because i never get a crush on the characters i  like... i know this isn’t mean to be a serious question and all that, you know but kahjdkhasjdg i won’t date anyone lmao i prefer being by myself even if it gets a bit lonely sometimes 
2.- What was your first anime? 
Definitely dragon ball, i have many many memories from it from my childhood, my mom still doesn’t like it haha my brother on the other hand loves snk and levi is his favorite, he also watches some other animes from time to time  
3.- Fictional character or real people?
Fictional character, i have been there and loved real people (as in idols etc) and it’s draining and tiring and not something i would like to do ever again lol
4.- What’s one of your dreams? 
Writing a book, i have had this dream since i was a child and i actually wrote a so called book when i was like 13 haha but it’s a mess so i have it hidden somewhere in my room, i also used to get praises here and there when i wrote poems, etc for school. Tbh idk if i will ever be able to accomplish it because the career i’m majoring in, in college has nothing to do with this type of thing so yeah but maybe some day as for now i still write fics in my free time
5.-  Favorite books of all time?
I wish i read more buuuut i will just mention the one i’ve been reading recently which is ‘everyday’ by david levithan, i have yet to finish it, but i love the way it’s written and some of the things the author writes about in the book hit close home for me, i have some favorite quotes as well and i just love the book jasgdjhsagd gotta finish it before this year ends 
6.- What’s your dream country to live in?
I like my country but maybe spain, places i would like to visit tho: korea and japan also any other countries in south america because all i know is my own country and i’m curious lol  
7.-  Isabelle/Levi/Farlan or Armin/Mikasa/Eren? 
why... the shiganshina trio because the bonds of friendship between the three of them are lovely, as for the acwnr trio... it makes my heart ache and i can’t watch/read it w/o crying lmao 
8.- What’s your otp (only one)? Eren + happiness 
9.-  Drabble or Fanfic? 
Fanfic, although i really admire people who can write short things ajsgdjhasgd haha how do you do that 
10.- Your hogwarts housse (if you don’t have any cause you’ve never made the test just answer muggle, or go made it !) -
11.- How many time do you spent on tumblr ?(daily)  
…I check it several times through the day but the time i spend on it varies? it depends on wether or not i’m trying to upload gifs or something or if my dash has new content or if i’m talking with someone and stuff like that haha i think i spend more time over at twitter 
12.- Your top 3 anime openings? 
Sora ga Aozora de Aru Tame ni by Glay 
Know know know by Does
Guren no yumiya by Linked Horizon
13.-  Quick! you have the power to bring one character back from the dead (with no secondary effects) who would it be? 
Carla Jaeger, jsagdhjasgdhjsa Eren has been missing his mom for years, i just- need okay
14.- If you could crossover 2 animes, which ones would they be?
omg gintama x shingeki haha that would be soooo funny to watch
15.- Choose 3 hair colors.Ok. Ready? Now tell me your fav character with that hair color.
pink hair - kominato haruichi
white hair - gintoki
black hair - hijikata
16. Guilty pleasure?? (food, music, movies, etc)
food: like anything sweet, i love sweets... cakes, ice cream, cookies, etc lol
music: maybe those songs that are famous and that you don’t want to openly like but you end up liking them anyway?? haha
17.- Pick two characters to protect you and the rest will kill you [choose from here x]
yo eren and luffy for the first part and then the rest could kill me 
18.- In which anime do you think you would fit the best if you were to live in their world?
relife... i have no idea if you have watched it but i am one of those adults (ugh yeah i’m an adult lol) who feels like their life isn’t going in the direction they want it to go and i really love the idea that the author of this manga (which was adapted into the anime last year) offers, it deals with important topics such as: depression, suicide, being unemployed/not being successful at the expected age by society... the consequences it has in your life and stuff like that? i just think i would like to live inside that universe because the characters are really really kind towards each other and they help each other out and there’s the particular relationship between the protagonist named Arata and Yoake which is the person who helps Arata to ‘relife’ his life haha (spoilers maybe if you end up deciding to look this one up) anyway this relationship esp is my favorite, i just LOVE how they support each other
19.- A night out! ..pick 3 characters and tell me: who is buying the drinks, who is the designated driver and who is the one dancing while singing barbie by aqua
hanji is buying the drinks, annie is the designated driver and the one dancing while singing barbie by aqua is definitely sasha 
20.- A movie that you can watch a million times and will never bore you? Why?
any animated movie! be it a disney movie, or one from studio ghibli,  i... really love animated movies 
21.- Do you have a favorite seiyuu(s) which one(s)? 
I’m not much of the kind of person who gets enthusiastic over voice actors or any other type of famous person in the industry tbh... not even the authors of the mangas itself because i don’t like getting invested into people but rather i fell in love w/ the characters they create more than anything else so i don’t really have a favorite seiyuu 
22.- How would you like Snk to end: everyone dies, a bitter sweet ending, a happy one or an open ending?  
Victoria you sure love making these kind of painful questions lol jk but i haven’t really thought about it, being realistic there’s no way there’s gonna be a happy ending at least not a “wholesome” one i think? I would really hate it if everyone died at the end though... at least one of these persons who sacrificed their lives has to live to see a new beginning, or new something start... i don’t care who although my bias would love for it to be eren and all the kids (and the vets) but just someone, you know? As for an open ending it depends... like what if it ends right before eren is about to die... or on some really ambiguous scene? tbh i would like to feel satisfied with the ending more than anything else be it a happy/sad or open one just something that ties everything up nicely... that’s my humble opinion 
my questions: ( i will just write 4 or 5 because this is long enough as it is and i’m not a really creative person lol )
- What’s one thing you really like about yourself? - What do you do to cheer yourself up when you are feeling down? - Do you play any instrument? - Are you a cat person or a dog person?
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briteboy · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
this is literally so long RIP me
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance?
rooney - “So...this is going to sound bad, but during my childhood, I spent my summers in France, and whenever we’d take trips to Paris I had this habit of stealing little knick-knacks from different shops...often little tourist-y things, kind of just a challenge for myself to see if I’d get away with it. I always did, and I kept it up throughout my teen years. I know, it’s bad. I lost most of the stuff, but I still have a lot of it and they’re all special to me even though I got them by very immoral means...gimme a break, I was a kid! Oh, and I also really treasure my grand-mere’s family recipes. And my tea garden, of course.”
gianni - “Truthfully, I don’t tend to value material things...I try to minimize my attachment to personal belongings so that I’d be able to get up and go anywhere with a moment’s notice if I wanted to. That being said, however, I do have quite a hefty collection of books that I’d probably miss if they were to perish in some disaster. I also have an incredibly unorganized collection of personal writings that I’d hate to part with...even though I can’t even begin to sort through them all in the first place.”
santi - “letters...a bong shaped like an elephant...but most of the important things stay in my head.”
39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured?
rooney - “When I was five I climbed an apple tree and fell about 10 feet and landed right on my back. It knocked the wind out of me and then an apple fell on my head and I had a bump on my forehead for a month, much to Audrey’s amusement. I’ve also suffered a lot of twisted ankles due to clumsiness.”
gianni - “I used to do a lot of sports in my youth, so injuries were like second nature to me...I must’ve broken every extremity at least once. They probably never healed right, either, because I was never one for resting.”
santi - “just one? well...i got into a pretty bad car accident once. no wait, okay okay, how about the time i wiped out so bad at the skate park that i broke my toe and the bone was literally sticking out? that was pretty good. or the time i broke my...nah nevermind, no one wants to hear about that. just take my word of advice: be careful in the cowgirl position, folks”
58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about?
rooney - “I used to have a recurring nightmare where I’d be in a car that was driving except there was no driver. Every time I’d panic and take the wheel, except I didn’t know how to drive...I don’t remember anything past that, just that every time it happened, I woke up with my heart racing. I probably stopped having those dreams when I actually learned to drive, haha!”
gianni - “I periodically have dreams where I’m sucked into the couch into an alternate dimension. Some of them have turned into nightmares, but most are just bizarre.”
santi - “ha.”
(lmfao this b*tch)
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say?
rooney - “Probably just...‘I love you.’ No matter who I’d be saying it to...I’d just like to think the last words that leave my lips would be full of love. Unless, of course, I was brutally murdered by some serial killer. Then it’d probably be ‘Vete a la verga culero.’”
gianni - “’It’s all happening.’”
santi - “‘hey...wanna see a dead body?’”
32. Pet peeves?
anyway fiona’s pet peeves are line cutters, bad liars, commercials, when someone uses up all the peanut butter and forgets to throw the jar away, when people sugarcoat things or skirt around the truth, and when people call her fifi. do not ever call her fifi.
57. What D&D alignment are they?
OOOOOH FUCK YEAH fiona would be...honestly i think she’d be lawful evil lmao. or chaotic neutral. somewhere in between the two.
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at?
fart jokes 100%. 
4. What is their most embarrassing memory?
santi - getting caught streaking in boarding school and sub-sequentially losing a bet to drako. or spilling coffee beans all over himself in an attempt to impress a cute waitress at the bakery he worked at 🙃
gianni - when he first met rooney’s parents he had just begun learning spanish and tried to say he was embarrassed for spilling a drink on himself in all his nerves but accidentally used the word “embarazada”, thinking it meant embarrassed. so instead of saying “estoy muy avergonzado” (i am very embarrassed) he said “estoy muy embarazada” (i am very pregnant.) rooney’s dad had a good laugh out of that one.
rooney - most of rooney’s embarrassing moments are borne from her clumsiness. one time in middle school she tripped over thin air in front of her crush and rolled all the way down a hill and got a black eye from hitting her face on a rock at the bottom. she’s beauty she’s grace
lou - lou is one of those people who refuses to be embarrassed because she hates showing weakness. so if something embarrassing happens to her she’ll shrug and brush it off even if she’s secretly dying inside. often she’s always one step ahead, so if anything, she’ll be the one to catch you in the act and embarrass you.
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively?
rooney - i think it goes without saying, gianni. audrey and her parents, and maisie and mars as well because she's learning the ropes of parenting through the way audrey interacts with them. her bffs 5ever, eli and cosmic <3 also idiot boy santi because in a way she is a lot like him, though not as lost. they help each other out when they’re in similar mindsets.
gianni - rooney of course, his parents, his bb boy santi ;-; all of his old dorm mates at boarding school, and his little one on the way (same goes for rooney)
santi - gianni, rooney, avey, his family even though he would fake his death in order to avoid them, his old dorm mates, eli and yes-- even miyu, lion-hearted girl, la pelirrojita, and.............fiona, above all. ;_____;
lou - fiona, her mother, audrey (and the rest of the wallace fam, but especially audrey because she works at the bakery with her), and.........orejudo.
20. Fears?
LMFOADSKGJKD 420 PLS I H8 U...i already did 4 so u just get 20 SORRY
santi has...a lot of fears. lmao. in fact, they kind of dictate everything he does, in case you couldn’t tell by his debilitating anxiety. rejection, failure, loneliness, disappointing his loved ones, confirmation that he really is as terrible a person as he thinks he is...and hurting the people he loves. that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten?
rooney - one time her grandmother made her eat tripe. never again. she also used to eat bugs for money and candy when she was a kid.
gianni - he’ll try literally anything at least once, so he’s eaten a lot of weird shit. one time drako dared him to eat haggis. no ragrets
9. Describe the way that they sleep.
rooney - constant cuddler. she attaches herself to gianni’s body and makes it impossible for him to turn in the middle of the night. it’s okay, he doesn’t mind.
gianni - he spreads out and takes up the entire bed and somehow messes up the sheets and the covers in the process. rooney doesn’t need that much space when she’s constantly spooning him anyway tho
10. What is their favorite food/kind of food?
rooney loooooves egyptian food and middle eastern food. she always looked forward to taking trips to morocco when she lived in spain because they had the best food. she also has a weakness for lebanese cookies. and gianni is a big fan of indian food...but his mama’s lasagna has always been his favorite ;-;
19. Are they right or left handed?
both rooney and gianni are right handed! but gianni is trying to teach himself to be ambidextrous...emphasis on trying.
21. Favorite kind of weather?
rooney - sunny, blustery days where you can hear the trees whispering.
gianni - he loves the scorching heat of summer like nothing else.
30. Sunrise or sunset?
rooney - sunset
gianni - sunrise (he’s weird)
31. Are they more messy or more organized?
both rooney and gianni are messy people...that’s why their house is so cluttered. RIP
45. Do they believe in ghosts?
rooney and gianni both believe in supernatural things. rooney’s a lot more into it and will believe superstitions whereas gianni is a bit more practical, although he also accepts that there won’t be answers for everything and some phenomenons are just unexplainable. 
51. How do they usually celebrate their birthday?
rooney usually throws a star wars party because her birthday is may 4th. it’s usually her, gianni and santi, but also sometimes eli, miyu and audrey as well. last year they marathonned the OT and played a star wars drinking game (take a shot every time luke whines lmao)
gianni takes his bbys on a camping trip every year for his birthday, as you saw last year hehe
86. Do they like sweet foods?
rooney definitely has a sweet tooth. but she has a unique taste in desserts and likes to try new things, especially from different cultures. and if it’s too sweet, she won’t like it. gianni doesn’t really, but he does make an exception every time he visits the wallace’s bakery.
24. Do they prefer either hot or cold weather more?
santi definitely prefers hot to cold. he tries to preserve summer for as long as he can. it makes him feel like a phoenix starting anew.
36. Least favorite smell?
santi’s least favorite smell is probably the weird smell your pee gets after you eat a lot of asparagus. also artificial candle smells that are so sweet they’re gagworthy.
64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction?
he kind of gets grossed out because it reminds him of that scene in matilda where the fat kid eats the entire chocolate cake. but then he’d probably eat it anyway because hey it’s cake!
28. Are they happy where they are currently?
santi - NO lmao. well...it fluctuates. it was good for a while...now he’s stuck again.
lou - she wants to be happy but she won’t let herself be because she feels an impending sense of letdown. she always gets let down.
29. Are they a morning person?
santi - hell fckin no lmao
lou - not if she can help it. both she and fiona hate waking up in the morning to get fi ready for school. but they suffer for the sake of education
30. Sunrise or sunset?
santi- sunset, always sunset (i think i answered that before but whatev)
lou - sunrise. she’s only seen one once in her life, so it’s a pretty special time to her. but referring to the last question, she’s not a morning person, so...
31. Are they more messy or more organized?
santi is messy as fuck. but we knew that. lou tries to stay as organized as possible, but sometimes she just gets overwhelmed and lives in the mess for a little while.
32. Pet peeves?
santi - when you only get like one wonton in your wonton soup, remembering something specific that’s just on the tip of your tongue but never quite getting it, that level of drunk/high where you start to feel yourself coming down and you realize just how lackluster everything is again.
lou - talking in circles, bullshit, repeating herself, family feud episodes that don’t feature steve harvey as the host, dirty dishes and bad reception.
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance?
already answered this for santi aheh
but lou treasures the few baby pictures she has of fiona because she wasn’t able to afford a camera or even a nice phone at the time. ;-;
34. Least favorite food?
santi - lobster. he fucking hates lobster. also those cheap chocolates with the cherry inside, blech. also not a fan of mushrooms.
lou - PEEPS. she ate too many one easter as a kid and now she gags at the sight of them. oh and tomatoes.
35. Least favorite color?
santi - grey, but not silver. he likes silver.
lou - chartreuse. and most shades of green. she only likes one very specific shade of blue-toned green.
36. Least favorite smell?
already did this for santi ohoho
as for lou, she can’t stand the smell of bacon. it’s too overpowering. it’s fine at first but then it gets to be too much, and she doesn’t even care for bacon anyway. also that garbage smell the periodically wafts through the air in the city, especially when you’re driving through new jersey lmao
37. When was the last time they cried?
santi? who tf knows. he’s always crying. he’s probably crying as we speak. lou, though...she hates crying. it makes her feel vulnerable. if she cries in front of you, it’s the real deal. especially if u make her cry...then wow. ur a monster
38. Were they with anybody the last time they cried?
U ALREADY KNOW THIS ABOUT SANTI. but lou...probably not. she’s kind of a loner, especially when showing that side of herself :{
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Damn, I haven’t written in here since July and how things have fucking changed!!!
First of all, my heartbreak fucking hurt! But not too long ago I was told by one of my close friends that my ex (the one who I wrote about) is gay. How do I know this? Well he saw him on tinder. Fast forward a month and another friend actually matched with him! I’m not surprised but also I’m shook! Like he mentioned how his family thought he was gay because he has nothing but girl friends. But even though I asked him once, he said no. But yet here we are eight months later and the dude is gay! Good for him. One less white straight man lmao. But anyway.
Since, that whole mess I’ve actually been a lot better. I had “rebound” sex three months or so after I got dumped because I was just depressed. But that asshole ended up ghosting me. Then I had a nice long pause and reset on my trip to Spain. It was fantastic. But then ya girl went out with her best friend a month or two after Spain and got fucking drunk and had a one night stand and bottomed. It was wild!!! Not my proudest moment.
But I’m gonna be sentimental and a dumb birch right now. But what’s new.
I met a new guy on tinder and even though we only met in person three times, we’ve been talking everyday for a month. Yeah, the convos die and he ignores me but he still puts an effort. I know he’s in it for the sex only, but I like being a sentimental bitch. I’ll describe each date because honestly I like looking back at these and hopefully they can help me in the future.
So, we decided to meet at Starbucks on Valentine’s Day because he thought it would be a cute day to meet someone new. (What that says about him I’ll never know) I said yes because why not? And so I go and he’s already in like ordering and he calls me over. I was nervous and shocked because he wasn’t what I was expecting from his pics. His voice was also not what I was expecting, but I ordered anyway. And we went to sit down and talk and right away he said something along the lines of being shy and not being able to talk one on one. But he put in an effort and half way through he said “why are you on tinder, you don’t seem like the type that would be on there. You’re too cool” and I was like I’m just really bored and don’t mind meeting new people. And then I asked him why he was on there and he’s like well I just want to widen my circle. Or something like that and honestly I was here for it. So then we kept talking and he said “hey wanna go get drinks with me this weekend, I had something planned with a friend for my bday but she cancelled.” And I said yeah why not? And so we made plans and then he said he had to leave for work.
I remember not being too excited because I fucking understand not to like get caught up right away ya know and to be chill. But he kept txting me and tried to be flirty. And I just remembered thinking let’s see where this even goes. But let me describe him a bit. So he’s a big dork, and like has that weird Mexican nappy hair (idk how to explain it) and he has glasses and braces and idk why but I just find it so cute. But to be honest I don’t think I did in that moment. And his voice was very nasally, like this man is as nerdy as it came 🤓 but something still drew me to him.
So the next three days go by and we meet up Saturday. He picked me up and we headed over to the small town that has all the cute bars. And we talk about the weather where we want to start and so on. So we go to an English pub and talk for moment about what’s on the tv, what we like to drink, the phones we have, and briefly about our parents. I got a little buzzed off the wine I had and he seemed fine. So then I suggest we go to the next bar and we had margaritas and I don’t remember what we talked about there because we stayed there for just a bit. But then we went to the next place and ran into a friend and we had a beer and we talked about our fears (his is getting stabbed and mine is being a single mother lmao). And then from there we started walking closer to each other and walked to the next bar (my favorite) and just kind of talked about everything. I asked him about where he studied for undergrad as did he and then we talked about sex and politics and then we paused to go use the restroom. When we came back I kept talking about black pantherand he asked me why I loved it so much and he suggested we go see it and we went. I was so drunk but I had to play cool because you can’t be too messy. Then we went he got us in and we sat down to watch the movie. We cuddled the whole time and he kept rubbing my sides and it felt weird at first but he was really warm and I got used to it. He really liked the movie and then we went to my place and hugged but before he let me go he was just like do you wanna hang out with me on my birthday and I said yes. And he was like okay I’ll give you more details later. So then I texted him thanks for a great night, my favorite part was cuddling with you. I was so cheesy.
But then the next day as we were texting he said he was out with friends and said he’d like to get a hotel room for his bday. And that he was attracted to me and loved the idea of being unsupervised with a cute girl. It was cute and the nerd has game I can’t even lie.
So, I vaguely agreed because first of all he was drunk. But then the next day on his bday he asked again (sober) and I agreed. OH HONEY! I was shook. I had never done anything like before and I was too afraid to ask if he had done it before with someone else. Like i said I’m a sentimental bitch. So anyway bitch oh honey. We got the hotel room ya know and we fucked for eight hours!!!!!! I was sore for a week! And his dick is big and I was just I’m omg
0 notes