#but they were honestly in the right like where i work is super expensive you want to get your money's worth when you go
alphajocklover · 4 months
Hello. Was wondering if you could help me. See I've always dreamed to have a muscular body with slightly hairy pecs and an easy going attitude. Problem is I can't put up muscles on my body. Sure, after a year of sport i lost 12 kg, but i just don't see any muscular definition showing. Here's where you can help me. Last day at the gym a guy came to me and said he could help me with my training. Saying that all i needed was a bit more sport knowdledge to kick the muscle memory in. I said yes because a personnal trainer is pretty expensive, then he smiled and pushed me against the mirror. I blacked out from the pain and woke up just a few minutes ago. He is looking at me with a weird smile. Help me!
I can’t believe it. It shouldn’t be possible, I mean, it literally shouldn’t be possible. From what you’re telling me, I have to assume you’ve been pushed into a Retsam Mirror. They’re very rare, in fact until today I thought that the only one currently not shattered into dust was in my Uncles garage. It shouldn’t be possible that you found one… but it looks like you did. Or more accurately your new ‘personal trainer’ did. You probably should have been more suspicious of him, but it’s not that unusual for a jock to offer help to another less experienced gym goer. Still, if you had been more suspicious, well… it could have saved you.
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You’re probably wondering what exactly is happening. While, I’ll just say it outright: You’re inside the mirror. The one he pushed you up against? You’re inside it. The jock who you were talking to used the magical mirror to switch you with your reflection. I know that raises a lot of questions. How is that possible? Are reflections sentient? How do you get out? While, the answers to each of those questions are, in order, I don’t know, I don’t know, and you can’t. You’re stuck. Worse than stuck actually. You’re a reflection.
You can probably feel yourself getting to your feet and smiling, with no control over it. You can probably feel yourself, your other self, flexing his fingers experimentally, an almost manic grin on your face. Now that you’re the reflection, your old reflection is in the real world and has its own will. Well… kind of. Reflections are very impressionable for about an hour after they get swapped. And from what your trainer is whispering in your, I mean his, ear… it seems like he’s using that little quirk to turn your other self into a total jock.
You’ll be unaffected though. Mentally at least. You’ll still be you. But you’ll be forced to do whatever the other you does. So, now that he’s super into working out, you’ll work out too. As he gains muscles and hair all over his body, so will you. When he cockily flexes, you’ll be staring right back at him. Over the next few months you’ll finally turn into the jock of your dreams. I just regret you’ve lost your free will in the process. I hope you’re happy, though honestly I have no way to tell. Reflections don’t talk.
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thehellsystem · 1 year
do you have any varigo headcanons ...
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Hugo is does not automatically “get better” the moment he moves in with Varian. She has kleptomaniac tendencies and jumps a mile in the air whenever they see a guard. He’ll stand in front of expensive objects and consider how much he could sell them for. AND ONE TIME she was doing this with a massive grandfather clock and they were feeling it with their hand and then he dissociated. Then it was like, an hour later and the clock was in his and Varian’s room and she was like “VARIANNN- VARIAN I FUCKED UP-“ so Varian and him are trying to sneak it back to its original spot because Hugo is freaking out losing his marbles at the thought of being kicked out because he BLACKED OUR AND STOLE A CLOCK and Rapunzel catches them, obviously. She’s super nice and understanding because she’s married to Eugene but Hugo is going through every stage of grief because she’s not an emotional guy but oh boy does he think he’s going back to the streets AND that he got Varian in trouble. Varian’s like “You know I tried to kill several people and got pardoned, right?” And Hugo’s like “…oh”
Varian? Very normal man. BUT I think he should get to be mildly insane. He’s holding a knife and he’ll slowly turn to the person next to him and go “How many people do you think I could kill with this?” And Hugo will respond VERY HONESTLY like “Ten, before you get arrested. Fifteen if you wear your mask.”
Nuru was not their wingwoman. She was so fucking tired of them. They were the kind of couple where everyone knew they were dating before they knew themselves. In the way that Varian’s sleeping in Hugo’s arms and still going “We’re just friends :)” and Nuru is SO TIRED because Hugo is sitting with her head in Varian’s lap staring at him with heart eyes and they’re just trying to have a normal meal
Hugo and Varian have a mutual hatred for Winter. Hugo hates it because it’s easily the most difficult season for people on the streets to live in, Varian hates it because of Queen for a Day. They just hibernate in their lab every winter, even if Corona is almost always warm. It’s so common to not hear from them for WEEKS because they’re in their lab doing who knows what during Winter.
MODERN AU but they go to concerts together and Hugo holds Varian on their shoulders so he can better
Hugo ate everything within a mile of himself when he first got to the castle and then freaked out about it and was like “I don’t deserve this oh my god they’re gonna send me back” and stopped. Varian gets incredibly concerned and keeps staring at her at every meal and Hugo’s like “Well, can’t have my boyfriend being worried. Back to food.”
Hugo has an abnormal fondness for foreign cheese. Varian is lactose intolerant
Yong is aromantic and his image of romance was very confusing because Hugo and Varian are saying they’re just best friends while feeding each other bits of food
HUGO IS PARTIALLY BLIND idc he is because same. My eyes do NOT work and I have the thickest glasses lenses known to man. Hugo holds up pieces of paper to Varian and asks him to read out loud for him and he says it’s because he can’t see it BUT mostly because he likes the sound of Varian’s voice
The Garden by The Crane Wives starts playing
OKAYOKAY I’ve seen people say they’re Stupid With Love but Hugo actually dreams about Varian falling off a cliff. And that’s his romantic dream about the boy he has a crush on.
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Everyone nowadays talk about Fire Emblem Three Houses like it's the defining entry of the series and a lot of people act like it's the best thing that's ever happen to it but honestly? If you're trying to get into Fire Emblem as a series it's one of the worst places to start. It deviates a lot from the gameplay of other entries and that's fine, even if I'm kind of sick of the super specialized school taking over video games after it got super popular in anime last decade.
I mean, I love Three Houses (yes, it does take a lot of inspiration from Romance of the Three Kingdoms and yes, the faction that's the most like Wu is my favorite, but I swear that's coincidence because I wasn't even thinking about that when I first played it). But it's a terrible place to start, especially since I've seen a lot of people only play Three Houses and show no interest in playing anything else in the series, which yes, is also fine, I hate weird video game elitists and the Fire Emblem fandom can be one of the worst I've ever seen in that regard, what I mean is that a lot of new fans seem to go 'neat that was fun, I'm satisfied :)' instead of 'yeah I want more of this!' when their only exposure is Three Houses.
Anyway I have three recommendations on where to start, it's a series with seventeen main entries and who knows how many spin-offs so that can be pretty intimidating to newcomers, but most of them are one-off settings, like each game introduces a new world and new characters so you don't have to worry about playing most of them in order. All three of the games I'm mentioning are one-offs.
It kind of depends on what you're looking for most. Do you want something you can easily access on a modern console and is a much better representation of the series' gameplay and difficulty than Three Houses or my other suggestions (there's a lot of variance in that)? Then honestly, Engage is the place to go. People love to shit talk Engage and they did it before the game even released because of Intsys' lackluster marketing, and it was released right after Three Houses, people were always going to be extremely harsh on its direct predecessor. Hell, I wasn't even sure about it and put it off for a month or so when it came out, but now that I've played it I love it a lot. Lol sometimes I think I like it better than Three Houses. Also your player avatar can marry everyone regardless of gender, something which is brand new in a series that's had marriage mechanics for a good while now. Back in MY DAY if we wanted that we had to install MODS or settle for a small handful of characters, if even that, Awakening didn't have any of that despite literally no one in that army being straight (no, not even Virion, who multiple people on this website have picked fights with me about).
Anyway if you want something that's nowadays a little harder to access but is still pretty modern, and if you want a fairly easy entry into the series in terms of gameplay difficulty, I suggest Awakening, which is my personal favorite in the whole series (even if in retrospect it's hilariously busted in terms of game mechanics and it's Cisheteronormativity on Steroids, but don't worry, we have very extensive mods for that and they're easier to install than ever!)
I haven't quite finished Sacred Stones yet but I also think it would be a good place to start if you want something pretty straight-forward and retro and you think you can handle getting emulators to work, because a lot of legit physical copies of older Fire Emblem games are insanely expensive. Like +$200 USD expensive. This game is also similar to other older titles in that it lacks a player avatar (which most modern titles have) as well as casual mode, which is an option you can choose where if a playable character falls in battle, they'll be usable in the next battle. They'll never die unless it's scripted in the game's plot. In 'classic mode', which is all you have in most older FE games, once a character's HP hits 0, they're gone for good. You can't use them anymore because they literally die. I mean... You CAN just 'save scum', that's what most of us do, but still. There's been so much elitist griping about casual mode vs classic mode over the years but it's died down a lot from at its peak when Awakening was the newest entry, Christ people would NOT stop bitching about Awakening having casual mode, or just about Awakening in general, despite the fact that it literally saved the series, helped make it one of Nintendo's 'bigger' IPs in the west, and is the only reason we have everything that came after that. So there you go.
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starrysharks · 1 year
ive sent like 20 asks to you atp but i really love ur art soooo so so so much like ur like my biggest inspiration fr like seriously i could blab all day abt how much i love your art and your arts almost singlehandedly motivated me to start working on shape language more bc i think thats like the key part of your art (to me at least) and youre like the true embodiment of "same face syndrome fears me" but like fr because all your ocs are so distinct and unique
do you have any tips on creating unique silhouettes / just general character design tips?? also id love to hear abt how your use of shapes and shape language evolved over time if ur fine sharing that!!
ok this is literally the sweetest ask ever like first off thank you so much ;_; i'm glad i was able 2 inspire you!!!
for me if you look at my old art there's little to no focus on shape language cuz i wanted to express a 'pointy' animeish style. examples are from 2020, 2021 respectively
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as you can see i did NOT flip my canvas and my art was samey as hell,,, but in 2021 i started going for softer colors and shapes rather than points and spikes and brighter shapes. but, if you were to look through all of my art from either era, you'd see it's identical cuz i didn't care for shape language. this went on for quite a while :,)
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then i discovered worlds end club in late 2021 and everything changed !!! i watched playthroughs cuz i didn't have a means to play at the time, and decided on making my artstyle a blend of cartoony and animeish - which ended up in choosing more expensive silhouettes and faces in turn
honestly i'm too tired to actually chronicle my artstyle change so i'll just skip to late 2022 in this timeline, sorry 😭
so by now has my artstyle evolved into aomwthing super cool n expressive ? no actually i think my art got worse in late 2022
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as you can see, my colors got super washed out and i didn't really take risks, i guess? but i was finally starting to come into my own in terms of artstyle and was finally acknowledging shape language a little bit.
very early 2023 is the same, so let's skip to the one thing that changed my artstyle - the big 8 lineups
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suddenly everybody was like 'wow your shapes are so good!!!' this was because i had tried to challenge myself with character design in these drawings. so i tried to emphasise interesting shapes more - using a technique where i'd just take an interesting shape or line that corresponded with a character's personality and repeating it as much as i could across the design.
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like this deep cut art, where i tried to 'dial up'their already exaggerated shapes and design aspects (such as making frye's pants sag more or changing up shiv's hair. big man is perfect and needs no changes)
but this journey is still not over because a few months ago i rewatched all of panty and stocking and watched clone high for the first time, and both of these shows emphasise shapes a LOT in their designs, and i picked those up. here's art from a few months ago - in short, i tried to find the 'focal point' of the design, something that set it apart from other designs with similar body types or clothing, and built around that, if it makes sense? here's some art that i think expresses that well
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comparing the new quintet art to the old one, i think you can also see that i started to try and use different body shapes and shapes in general (such as clyde having a more triangular build ig) . and tumblr doesn't let me add more pictures so this is where the overview ends !
my advice is - watch and rewatch anything that might inspire you, because it has the ability to push you in the right direction. for technical tips, id say -
draw different body types and age ranges (often times same face syndrome is born from only drawing the same age range, usually 15-20 for most sufferers)
play around with style - do you want a more western inspired style or something more akin to modern anime ? maybe something entirely different! try drawing in different styles that you like and see which ones stick
research fashion if only a little bit - it can help understand visually pleasing silhouettes (such as the famous big jacket or big pants silhouettes)
speaking of big jacket or big pants, contrast is key !!! top or bottom heavy designs are an easy way to express personality and an expressive silhouette ig
ummm thaz it ithink. once again thank you for your kind words and remember to take advice from multiple artists im just one guy!! i hope anything in here helped or was at least interesting to read
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hi friends!! i’m super excited to share Will’s perspective from the scene in the basement all the way back in chapter 4 of i’m a wreck (without you here)!!!
i highly recommend reading chapter 17 first!!! 😉
(it’s 2.7k words! oh and psa for anyone who has read my story so far—especially if you haven’t read this chapter in a while: i have gone back and fixed some things i didn’t like cause as much as i loved this chapter, i published it before i was 100% satisfied with it…but it works better now! also idk why but i kinda like Will’s pov more 👀)
🎵🎶 and look!! i even picked out songs!!! :D
tagging my fans: @across-thestars @boahey @magentamee @daydreams-in-the-moonlight @greenfiend @rebellius @booksandpaperss @castelobyers @total-serene560 @wheelersboy @sparks-olivarpente @hazmatazz @suzieburself @unrepentant-byler-shipper @quarter-pasteleven
Cause It’s the Only Thing I Wanna Do
June 22, 2004 11:47 pm
“—I really wanna know how you’ve actually been, you know, from you.”
“Well, uh...” Mike starts to say, but then he pauses, eyebrows lifting, eyes wide—it looked as though he were trying to figure out where to start first. And then Will watches Mike pour himself another shot, slamming it down fast, and sucking his teeth before he continues, “Well...I live in an apartment, it’s not terrible. Rent is a little expensive where I’m at, so I have a roommate—he’s a law student and I rarely ever see him—but anyway, I had a lot of financial mishaps over the years, so I never quite got out of the cycle of renting to own anything...or heck, even live alone. But it doesn’t really bother me though—I have a cat, her name’s Josephine—that was her name at the shelter and I thought it was cute so I kept it—and uh...definitely no girlfriend…”
Definitely no girlfriend?
The way he had said it raised a tiny little flag in Will’s mind. And then there was a pause between Mike’s words—Will almost found the nerve to ask him to elaborate, but then Mike shakes his head slightly and he’s back to speaking, “And the weather is pretty dreary. Both Nancy and Holly were convinced I have depression. They’re probably right. They said the weather only makes it worse. It does get lonely sometimes too—my relationships—well, nothing ever sticks. Honestly, it's mostly sucked, but I can’t bring myself to leave.”
Will pulls his knees to his chest, he wasn’t sure what he was expecting to hear, but hearing Mike talk about feeling lonely and how his sisters were convinced he had depression didn’t sit well with him. Once upon a time, back during the darker days of being so incredibly furious because Mike had left him behind, there were times when Will had hoped he was miserable, but eventually he grew out of that mindset after his heart hurt less, and over the past couple years, whenever he thought of Mike, he liked to imagine he was happy somehow, even if it was without him. And all the things he knew from afar—the things Nancy had told him—were all positive because she had never once mentioned anything about depression, she only informed him of the highlights. Simple stuff like Mike getting a new job or how he had sent gifts for the kids, and he knew about the cat, just not her name, but of course each time Nancy would also add a little something to the effect of ‘You know, I think he misses you, you should try talking to him—I have his number if you want it’, but of course, he couldn’t do it. He wanted to call, but too much time had passed…and it wasn’t like Mike ever tried to reach out either—Nancy had his number too, so she probably offered it to Mike at some point as well. Ultimately, it felt like the damage was too severe to ever recover from. And it was also very hard to believe that Nancy was really telling the truth—that Mike actually missed him—and not just meddling to make family gatherings less awkward. Maybe she had hoped that if the two of them were friends again, then her brother would be more inclined to visit. Perhaps a selfish motive, but if that was the truth, then he could understand why she would try and make the effort. In the end, Will thought it was best to leave it alone, because there would be less chance of getting hurt again that way…
And when Will realizes Mike had left him a short window to speak, he takes it—he wants Mike to know he's listening. “Why not? If it sucks, why not move somewhere else? What’s stopping you? It’s not like you haven’t done a big move before. Just go somewhere more affordable,” but Mike’s face was still sour, so Will makes a small attempt to provoke a smile with a teasing tone, “and with better weather.”
“I dunno. It’s stupid when I think about it now, but I pissed everyone off back when I first moved—and then you wouldn’t talk to me anymore—I guess I just felt like it all had to mean something.”
Will quirks an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
Mike keeps his eyes cast down at his hands, fidgeting with an empty shot glass. “I mean, that me living there, in Seattle, couldn’t be all for nothing. And I only realize now that I was being so fucking stubborn about it. It’s just that...half the time—half the time I was embarrassed that I didn’t live up to my parents expectations. I could have been more—or something. Something more. I had really hoped being somewhere else would have helped, like when people talk about a ‘fresh start’, but I just feel like—I dunno, like I’m going through the motions.” He scoffs. “I can’t believe I’m saying this but...if twelve year old me could see me now I’m sure he’d be pretty disappointed. I let myself get knocked down because of a couple dumbass choices—any normal person would have dusted themselves off and tried again. But not me.”
“Oh…” Will murmurs. He wasn’t sure what else to say.
“Not me...or I dunno, maybe I was just punishing myself.”
Again he watches Mike pour himself another shot of vodka, filling it to the very brim this time, almost to the point it spills over, and as he brings the shot to his mouth, some of the liquor drips onto his shirt and the floor. It was clear Mike’s coordination was wavering with each additional shot. And then Mike offers to pour Will another, but he shakes his head, refusing—Will knew his limits. Three shots of vodka was more than enough, possibly too much, because he was definitely feeling it. If he drank any more he’d regret it in the morning. Not to mention he wasn’t a big fan of getting drunk to begin with. He always feared he’d end up like his deadbeat dad if he wasn’t careful about pacing himself when it came to alcohol.
Mike sets the bottle back on the coffee table. “You probably know this, but I was also holding a major…major grudge against my dad for the longest fucking time because of his—well, cause of all those things he said.” He chuckles, which Will found to be a bit unsettling considering what Mike was saying. “At one point my mom even said that he was ‘sorry for everything’ and that he wanted to try to ‘make amends’…part of me thought she was just saying it to force me to apologize first, but I still couldn’t face him even if it was the damn truth. Like, I just couldn’t trust that he really felt differently after everything—well ‘cause, all those horrible things he said—the things he implied…even about you, they might as well have been…about me. Y’know? I mean, they were…they are, he just didn’t know it. And I really didn’t think he’d still be sorry if he knew about that.”
Wait—what? Did he just—
Will was stunned, though he wasn’t sure he heard him right. Because it wasn’t like he had said the words outright, yet it sounded a hell of a lot like he was implying that—
And now Mike was looking over at him, full of panic, with the kind of expression you’d expect from someone who just revealed a truth they never meant to share. His eyes remain locked on Mike, but the longer he stares at him the more confused it makes him, so Will drops his gaze to the floor and tightens his arms around his legs. No matter how Mike’s face seemed, it wasn’t confirmation of what he thought he heard—hopes he heard.
Out of the corner of his eye, Will sees Mike reaching for the vodka again, this time drinking straight from the bottle. Part of him wanted to snatch the bottle away from Mike—I think you’ve had enough, mister, you’ll regret another drop—except he can’t seem to move a damn muscle for some reason.
And after a moment Mike sighs, setting the bottle down. “Of course, I don’t exactly know how he would’ve handled the news—I mean, obviously I never told him—or anyone from back then—”
But what else would have upset his father so much? What could it possibly have been that he never told him…or anyone else? Drugs? No, because he said it had something to do with me too, so that can’t be it, not to mention the way he emphasized—
Mike hiccups. “As I say this now, you’re the first I’ve—”
Okay, but I’m the first what? I need you to say it!
“—and of course I never let it go with him...but then...it was too late. The option to even think about—well, about finally forgiving him...and telling him the truth about me—”
The truth about—okay, yeah, that has to be it—Ted must’ve said a bunch of homophobic shit to Mike and I was roped into the mix somehow, because Mike said his dad ‘implied horrible things’ that involved me, yet all of it also applied to Mike? So then he must’ve meant that he’s gay…or maybe he’s bisexual? What else would make Ted Wheeler lose his shit? What else would he want to conceal for so long? And that still had to do with me somehow—cause it sure as shit wouldn’t have been over video games…plus…no one—not Nancy, Holly, Karen, El, or any one else—has ever once mentioned anything to me about Mike having a girlfriend since…high school…
“—cut all the bullshit, but...it didn’t. And I didn’t even go—didn’t even go to his funeral. I didn’t deserve to. It’s stupid—or I’m stupid. And now with Nancy—I didn’t—fuck—I didn’t even...consider...that I had so little time left with her. And...my options were taken away...again. I could have—I could have...seen her more. I know we weren’t always...the closest, but she—she definitely made more effort than me—if I had just...been less of a dipshit and forced myself to visit...but now—well, I can’t do that anymore. She’s gone, Will. She’s really...” Mike pauses, then he whispers, “gone.”
And then Will looks back over at Mike—he was using his sleeves to dry his eyes, but his tears were relentless, continuing to spill over, and with snot also dripping from his nose. The mere sight of Mike in this state elicits tears of his own, as well as an overwhelming urge to comfort him, to offer him a shoulder, but when Will starts to inch closer to him, he hesitates. There was a time they used to hug, but what if Mike didn’t want to be touched?
Fuck it—he can push me away if he needs to.
Will must have caught him by surprise with his sudden impulse, because now Mike’s looking at him with glossy bloodshot eyes as a shuddered gasp escapes his pale lips. And then Mike starts to tremble as though he were on the cusp of shattering into a million pieces. But for a single selfish second, as Mike was falling apart right before his eyes, Will can’t help but marvel at the sheer impossibility of the situation. At how close he was to Mike. Their knees were now pressed together and the scent of his shampoo was so prominent—citrus and mint—mixed with a hint of alcohol coming from his breath. But the moment passes and then the instinct to wrap an arm around him kicks in, to draw him even closer. Mike’s head immediately falls onto Will’s shoulder and his sobs grow louder.
And between sobs and sniffles Mike starts stuttering, “I’m n-never gonna see her again—ever. Never hear her voice—see her s-smile. Never—and I missed out—the pictures—her! Never, n-never—I’m so stupid—stupid—” Without any warning, Mike moves to throw his arms around Will, seeming desperate as he grabs onto his shirt, pulling at the fabric so intensely that threads begin to snap, threatening to rip the seams apart entirely—hey, I like this shirt—except Will couldn't find it in him to make Mike stop. All he can do is try and hold him and hope that it helps. And when Mike starts to beg softly into his ear, the words tug even more at his heartstrings, “Please, please—don’t go. Please, you can’t go. Please, please s-stay—ple-please don’t go. I don’t want—I don’t want—don’t leave me again. Please, please don’t—don’t—don’t—” then Mike tucks his face into the crook of Will’s neck, his pleading words becoming too muffled to comprehend.
Will tries to ignore the small part inside of him that feels betrayed for allowing himself to get this close to Mike and risk his heart all over again. And he briefly thinks back to when he held that number in his hand, debating with himself for hours before he pushed a single button—before he ever left that voicemail—because he knew exactly what would happen. It was a slippery slope and the stakes were high. But of course, a larger part of him wanted Mike back more than anything, so he had set aside his fear and from the very second he dialed his number, he was all in—heart unsheathed and vulnerable. And now here he was, sitting on the floor of an old familiar basement, more than a little tipsy, with Michael Wheeler drunk and trembling in his arms, begging for him to never leave him again.
But tomorrow Mike would wake up and not remember any of this. And if Will were to ask him about it, he’d reply that he didn’t mean anything he said. That it was all a mistake. That it was only extreme grief and copious amounts of vodka that made him utter such words, but Will tries to ignore every invading thought. Thoughts driven only by fear—a defense mechanism designed to shield his heart by preparing him for some hypothetical worst case scenario like last time. Because something inside him was fully aware that he had slipped over that edge and he was falling once again for the idea of spending the rest of their lives together. And that maybe he wouldn’t survive this time if it all went wrong.
But it won’t. Not this time. This time it’ll be different—no more hiding.
“Hey, hey...it’s gonna be okay. I’m here...” Will whispers to him as he brings a hand up to stroke the back of Mike’s head, his hair the slightest bit damp to the touch, and then slowly his shaking begins to subside. “I know it hurts. But it’s gonna be okay... maybe not right now, but someday.”
Mike’s sobs taper off until the only sound filling the space in the room was REO Speedwagon’s Keep On Loving You;
“…When I said that I love you, I meant that I love you forever…”
Will rocks him gently side to side, humming the song as if it were a lullaby. Eventually Mike grows heavier in his arms and Will realizes it would be better for Mike to sleep in a bed, so he tries to rouse him. “Mike?”
No answer, so he tries again, giving him a little shake. “Mike…Mike?”
“Come on, let’s get you to bed—”
He groans at the suggestion.
“You can’t sleep like this, come on…”
Mike mumbles—it sounds like he was asking him to stay.
“I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”
He finally manages to help him up, but they only get as far as the sofa bed right behind them. At first they both stay sitting at the very edge, with Mike still trying to hold onto Will, but in the end, Will gently eases him towards the pillow and he goes out like a light.
Will tilts his head as he leans over him, then reaches a hand out—at first it was to simply push back the hair from Mike’s eyes, but right after, he caresses his cheek with the back of his hand. Even with puffy eyes and tear-soaked skin with splotches of red, he was beautiful. Maybe more so now than ever before.
And Will felt guilty for wanting to capture Mike in such a dark moment. But that feeling didn’t stop him from picking up his sketchbook off the floor and opening it to an empty page…
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daydreamingyuta · 2 years
NCT 127 as Book Tropes
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Taeil 🌕
- Coworkers romance 
- You would be Taeil’s office crush for the longest. On days where he wouldn’t want to get out of bed to go into the office he would be reminded of your warm smile and that would be enough motivation for him to go into work. 
- His flirtatious gestures would be small because at the end of the day you two still had to work together and he wasn't sure that you would like him back. But how could you not like him back? He is the kindest guy and he always made you laugh which made working so much better. 
- Everyone in the office was hoping for you two would finally get together because you two had been endlessly flirting for months. They even had a bet going on whether it was going to be you or him that finally confessed your feelings for each other. 
- In the end it ended up being Taeil. One day towards the end of the workday, he asked you to go out to dinner with him. 
- “I would love to go to dinner with you! I’m literally starving.” You replied. 
- He smiled and then starts to grab his stuff to leave to go to dinner when he stops and says, “But like you know this is a date right?”
- “A date?” - “Yeah... are you okay with that?”
- You could not help your smile from being super goofy. “Yes, I am totally okay with that Taeil!”
Johnny 🐱
- CEO x Employee romance
- Everyone thinks that he is very intimating and maybe even a little mean but that is just because he has to be tough to run his business. But you know the real him. Only you get to see the soft and kind side to Johnny.
- Johnny would show you the finer things in life as his life as a CEO has made his taste very expensive. His favorite thing to do his spoil his girl. 
- You and Johnny had been flirting for a while now but you could hardly believe it. You just didn’t think that THE Johnny Suh would ever flirt will someone like you. Especially how everyone in the office talks about him like they are all in love with him. 
- After two months of flirting he sent something to your desk. It was the largest bouquet of red roses that you have ever seen. Written on the card was a time and place of a really fancy restaurant that you have never been before but have always dreamed of going to. The card also told you to “open the box”. There was a box beside your desk and when you opened it, it had the most gorgeous red dress and and pair of red bottoms. Underneath that was a little piece of paper with and handwritten heart and below the heart was Johnny’s signature. 
- You were not sure where you were going to get changed but you could not have been more excited! After work you started walking towards the train station to get a ride to the restaurant when a man you didn’t know stopped you. 
- “y/n?”
- “yes?”
- “Hello, I’m Mr. Suh’s driver. He told me to bring you to the restaurant in his limo. But you should go get dressed first. Go up to the top floor to Mr. Suh’s private bathroom and change there.”
- He hands you a key and you go up to the top floor. You had heard about Johnny’s private bathroom. He’s had it renovated 15 different times because he wanted it just perfect. And Johnny was the only person allowed in this bathroom. He is very particular about things. 
- You change in easily the nicest bathroom that you have ever been in and even brushed your teeth because of course Johnny had to have 30 unused toothbrushes just in case he ever needed one. When you got out of the bathroom you see Johnny outside in the hall waiting for you. 
- “You look absolutely stunning y/n” he winks at you.
- “Thank you! honestly, it’s the dress that you got me that’s doing all the work. which, by the way, you did not have to get me this!”
- “it would literally be a crime if I didn’t get you that dress away from you. That’s how good you look. Like I would actually be arrested. But you always look good.”
- You can’t help but blush as he held out his arm to escort you out to his limo. You two had a very pleasant and very expensive dinner. 
- “I’m honestly surprised you had time to go out with me tonight Johnny. You are always so busy.” - “I am busy, but I really enjoy myself every time we're together. You make me forget my stressful life for a little bit.”
 Taeyong 🌹
- Soulmates 
- TY just screams the soulmates trope. 
- The instant connection you two feel for each other would have you two feeling dizzy and crazy for thinking that such a strong feeling can come from only one interaction with each other. 
- There is just this strong feeling every time you are with each other. Like no one else in the world even exists. Its just you two living in your own perfect world. 
- Both of you are too afraid to bring this feeling up to each other for fear of the other thinking that your crazy. 
- But on one night at out, Taeyong's’ real feelings for you just slipped out and when you both realized that you feel the exact same way towards each other, you both knew you two had something very special. 
Yuta 🍒
- Fake dating to real dating 
- Everyone knows that Yuta can play up a story, so when you get into a situation where you have to fake date Yuta, he would consistently make you wonder if he really likes you or not. 
- He would be so cocky about how he can make you so flustered and lost for words just by his simple cute actions. 
- What really made you wonder about his true feelings was the little touches and the sweet compliments he would whisper in you ear that no one else could hear. 
- When he finally admits that his feelings are actually real and that everything he said to you was 100% real, you cannot help but to blush so hard because you have also always liked Yuta. 
Doyoung 🐰
- I am not sure what to call this exactly but Injury that leads to you both falling for one another?
- Doyoung would be walking to go into his favorite cafe. You are also there as well getting your morning coffee that you always get at 7:14 AM. Because this is routine for you, you hardly have to look where you are going in the cafe because you know the place quite well. This is usually fine but not today when you failed to notice the “wet floor” sign and the big puddle of water that was just about to be mopped up by a worker. 
- You slip and fall by accident hitting your head pretty hard and dropping all of your belongings. Doyoung sees the whole thing but doesn't have time to reacted until after you had fallen. Being the gentleman that he is he goes to make sure that you are okay and helps you up. 
- you are not too sure that you are fine but you try to brush it off. Doyoung has to make sure that you are okay so he insists on taking you to the nearest hospital just to be safe. 
- He stays with you the whole time while you are there even though you insisted that you would be fine alone, but secretly hoping that he would stay because it is not everyday a handsome man like Doyoung shows you this much kindness.
- By the end he asks you for you number just so he can “check up on you” to “make sure that you are okay” even though the doctor assured you both that you are fine. 
- You gladly give him your number and part ways while Doyoung tries to think of anyway that he can see you again.   
Jaehyun 🍑
- Second chance romance
- You two had an amazing relationship when you were younger. You were each other’s first loves. But over time you both just got too busy with your jobs and found that you weren’t prioritizing your relationship anymore. When you two broke it off it felt like you would never find someone as perfect as Jaehyun was so to you in the beginning before everything went bad. 
- Throughout the years you two have remained good friends but over time you notice that you see each other less and less. 
- The last time you guys met up Jaehyun had said something about writing a song, but he wasn’t sure anything was going to come out of it. 
- You love NCT 127 and their music so every time they come out with new stuff you always make sure to listen. When listening to their newest album one of the B-sides had caught your attention. The lyrics were about falling in love with the right person but not fighting hard enough to save the relationship and losing them. You related to the lyrics so much and you noticed that you were tearing up. 
- Later on, you were on twitter where you saw people talking about how Jaehyun was the one who wrote the lyrics to that song and how beautiful but heartbreaking the song was. 
- You are not one to assume things are about you, but one line in particular really stood out to you now that you knew Jaehyun was the one who wrote the song. 
- “Those perfect nights that I took for granted because it became routine. I got used to having the most perfect person in the world that I forgot just how rare we were. You reading your book while I work on music every night, it was mundane but it is what I miss the most, just having you here.” 
- You knew this song was about you and you felt the same way towards Jaehyun. You missed him so much, but you had no idea how to bring this up to him because it has been so long. 
- One day you get a random call from Johnny. Johnny was one of the biggest supporters of you and Jaehyun’s relationship and you missed seeing him all the time. You answered the phone curious as to what he wanted to talk about as you haven’t heard from him since the breakup. 
- When you answered the phone Johnny didn’t answer right away. You heard two people talking in the background instead. 
- “I told you; I can’t just call y/n out of nowhere and confess my feelings to her. We broke up, we both agreed to stop seeing each other.”
- “You already wrote the song about her, what are the chances that she doesn’t know its about her? Just call her! Even if she doesn’t feel the same way at least you will get some peace about this whole thing”
- It was Jaehyun talking to Johnny, and they must of accidentally called you. You felt bad for listening to their private conversation so you hung up, but you couldn’t help but feel a certain warmth in your heart because of Jaehyun’s words. About 30 minutes later you received a text from Jaehyun asking if you two could meet up for dinner tomorrow. 
- At dinner you didn’t want to keep it a secret that you overheard a little bit of their conversation because you felt bad. You told him right away and his face went from worry to relief, because he knew you. You wouldn’t have agreed to see him if at least a little part of you didn’t feel the same way. 
- The dinner was both amazing and hard because you two had so much to talk about, especially the uncomfortable stuff that you have been avoiding for so long now. You both agreed that you missed each other very much, and that to make this relationship work you two would have to prioritize it along with everything else that’s important in your lives. You two truly have something special and, in the end, a relationship this precious is too good to let a busy schedule get in the way. 
Jungwoo 🐶
- Grumpy x Sunshine
- Jungwoo of course being the sunshine
- He would think that you are absolutely adorable. Everything that you do is almost the exact opposite of what he would do and he is very fascinated by that. 
- In your past relationships guys would always try and change you instead of accepting how you really are. The amount of times you have heard that you should “smile more often” was crazy. But Jungwoo never did that to you. He always made sure that you were free to feel your emotions out and that no emotions where bad emotions. 
- Jungwoo would just be the most sweetest and caring boyfriend that really just wants you to be your truest self because that is the reason he fell for you in the first place!
Mark 🐯
- Childhood best friends to lovers
- To me, Mark screams childhood best friends to lovers! But he would also be oblivious to the fact that he are in love with you so it would take a while for you two to get together. 
- You have always done everything together since you were little. You have watched each other grow up and been with each other through all the good and the bad. You definitely know each other better than anyone else and you both are so grateful to have such a close friendship. 
- One day though, when you, Jeno, Mark and Haechan were talking, the topic of marriage randomly came up. When they asked him who his ideal type was, if he had one, the only thing that came to Marks mind was you. Mark was definitely very confused by this because he has never seen you in that way before but the more he thought about it, the more he knew that he wanted a girl just like you. 
- Mark, of course, did not come to the conclusion that he should date YOU but he thought that he should date someone just LIKE you. So when he told everyone this, you tried your hardest to fake a smile because little did he know, you have had feelings for him for quite a while now and have been too afraid to tell him. Jeno and Haechan both gave you a knowing look and later on, Haechan told you that all Mark needed was a little time to figure out that it was you he needed not anybody else. 
- One day you two were on the couch watching “13 going on 30″. Mark has never seen the movie before so you were excited to show it to him, not thinking about the fact that the movie has the childhood best friends to lovers trope. By the end of the movie Mark gets really quite with is odd because you two usually like to discuss the movies you watch together for a little bit after. It was late though so you just assumed that he was ready for you to go home so he could go to sleep. You get up to tell him that you are about to leave when he stops you and he looks at you with the most serious face you have ever seen him make. But then you see his eyes and they have the most precious look of adoration towards you that you have ever seen. 
- “y/n this is going to sound crazy but, i think i’m in love with you”
- You didn’t even have time to say anything. All had got the chance to do was smile before he grabbed you and kissed you! When he pulled away you both couldn't help but to have the biggest smile on your faces. 
Haechan 🧸
- Best friends sister
- Haechan has always been in your life. He was your brothers best friend so he spent most of his free time hanging out with him. You always had a tiny little crush on Haechan but nothing serious because, even though he is only a little older than you, you thought that he would never like a younger girl. 
- One day you go out to eat with your boyfriend but when you get to the restaurant you bump into Haechan and your brother. Haechan invites you two to eat with them which is odd because you got the impression that he really didn’t like your boyfriend but you sat down to eat anyways. 
- The dinner started off nice but then you asked your boyfriend if there was anything on your face from eating and if your makeup was fine. 
- “Theres nothing on your face but I wouldn’t go as far to say that your makeup is fine”
- You look at him confused and you grab you phone to look at yourself in the camera. Your makeup wasn’t messed up or anything so you were confused as to why he would say that. 
- “wait my makeup isn’t messed up, what do you mean?”
- “I just mean I don’t really like your makeup, my ex did hers way better in my opinion. no offense though.”
- You decide to ignore his comment because he always says things like that. But then you see Haechan’s face full of anger. 
- “what is wrong with you? Her makeup is beautiful, she’s the most gorgeous person alive. I swear, a jerk like you gets an amazing woman and he thinks that he can treat her any way he wants.” 
- You are so shocked. Nobody has ever stood up for you like that, let alone Haechan of all people. Your boyfriend gets so pissed off at how he is talking to him that he gets up and leaves, which is what he always does in every disagreement you two have had, making it impossible to ever talk to him. 
- “I’m glad he left. Why are you even with a guy like him? seriously you could get someone so much better.”
- Sensing that you two where about to get into a conversation that he wanted nothing to do with, your brother got up to go to the bathroom. Haechan stares at you like he’s genuinely waiting for your answer. 
- “He can be sweet sometimes” you said.
- “Sometimes? you deserve to be treated with kindness and respect all the time. By the way, I meant what I said, you and your makeup looks beautiful. He’s an actual idiot for not seeing that.” 
- Not knowing what to say to that, you take a sip of your water. Then you get a text from your boyfriend “We are done. If u want compliments from that random dude go ahead and have him.”
- Surprising yourself, you feel nothing but relieve from that text. You let Haechan read the text and he has the biggest smile on his face. 
- “Let me show you how a real man treats a woman.” Haechan says jokingly, but at the same time not really joking at all. 
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No team Cap isn't morally correct in Civil War
I think my main problem with team cap stans as someone on team tony is that I don't actually put myself in the shoes of either team.
I look at what's happening in Civil War from the perspective of a random no powered citizen who'd really like it if people with super weapons or super human powers wouldn't trample over my right not to get killed because those super heroes decided "The best hands are our own".
Even when that completely disregards stuff like international boarders, jurisdiction on what the Avengers team was actually supposed to do (fight threats no one else can, in Civil War the inciting incident is them deciding to fuck around in another country as an anti-terrorism task force when they aren't in anyway trained for that), and you know the reassurance that I won't get murdered when the heroes go chasing after their bestie and I'm unlucky enough to be in the way.
I honestly feel like if you think what Team Cap does in Civil War is "the moral choice" then you're empathizing way too hard with Team Cap and not looking at the situation objectively.
Civil War worked in the comics because it was an entirely internal affairs situation happening inside the USA. It was about people with powers being put on a list and being monitored and being somewhat stripped of their personhood. Cap's side is in the right in the comics. Because the Civil War comics conflict is based in fantastical racism, which in the comic's universe had been established and building for literal decades before the actual CW incident takes place.
This is not true in the movies. Where it's based on the actions of this singular super hero team, and how they frequently go over international boarders, disregarding things like jurisdiction and due process, and leave fucking disaster zones and piles of civilian casualties in their wake. Even when they have no business being there interfering.
And how everyone else in the world who isn't a superhero fan, is fucking terrified that they're going to die because this small group with godlike abilities decided they were going to do whatever the fuck they wanted based entirely on their own morals, and anyone they happen to murder while doing that is acceptable casualties.
So no, no one on Team Cap is "morally right" in this situation if you actually look at the bigger picture. Especially because Cap's own motivations for the whole movie isn't even actually that he disagrees with the Accords, he's just wants to protect Bucky, and he goes the whole movie doing that at the expense of literally everyone else.
Along with everyone else on that team besides Clint and Scott who were just Captain America fans who were dumb asses and went along with whatever he said.
Sam's full blown power tripping and doesn't want government over site, Wanda wants to be a hero without taking any of the responsibility that comes with that, Cap doesn't trust governments and wants to protect his bestie at all cost.
Bucky is the only Team Cap member who gets a pass because, I don't think he even knows what the hell is going on that whole movie. All he knows is a bunch of guys showed up trying to shoot him and Steve showed up shortly after. He's trying to deal with fucking scrambled egg brain and being a POW for 70 years, he's the only person I don't blame.
Though I think Tony fucks up in the movie too. He brought Spider-man in without verifying that he was one a grown up, and two knew the situation he was getting into.
Natasha fucks up because her entire life she's had her morality dictated by whoever is her then trusted superior. Which at this point in her life is Steve & Clint. I honestly think Natasha is doing her best in this movie, but she still objectively fucks up by not actually picking a side and sticking to it.
T'Challa is only on Team Tony because he's convinced that it's going to let him get revenge for his father's murder. So he's also in the wrong. Yeah he's grieving. Still not cool trying to use your diplomatic immunity to try and meet out vigilante justice.
Honestly I think the only people not in the wrong at all during the whole movie who's part of the actual conflict is Rhodey, Peter, Bucky and Vision. And that's it, everyone else is fucking up bringing their personal emotions into something they're supposed to be dealing with objectively.
Which yeah, I know that's a hard thing to do in a high stress high stakes situation like this. But if they can't do it then they're just not cut out for super heroing. Or like high stress high stakes jobs in general.
So I'm more Team Don't be an Asshole than I am Team Tony, and Tony's team just happens to have fewer assholes in this movie.
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Qna Answers!
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Ever since you mentioned that you do darker art besides stardew I've been super curious! Is there anywhere we can follow your work?
NOPE! this is more or less the first time I had much of a social media presence, I did make an Instagram when I was around 12 but I lost the password to it, and honestly... It's best I never find it...BUT I would like to post my other art somewhere! Let me know what social media I should use If you have ideas and I'll go make one! :D
I could use Instagram again but I haven't heard too many great things since I left.
What’s your favorite thing about Stardew? Do you have any other games you’d like to make comics about?
I love the fishing and mining aspect of the game! that and the mini-games. You'd think it be the socializing aspect with what I make but there's just something satisfying about making progress in the mines or getting that impossible to catch fish.
I don't usually have a lot of money to spend on games so I tend to go indie but I also never expected to be making art about Stardew so not really. If I like the characters, I might make comics about them but this is the first time I've done comics about games ever so maybe in the future.
Who is your least favorite bachelor and bachelorette
This was a really hard question to answer, I don't have a least favorite bachelor or bachelorette, I just have favorites. The main reason why is because I've either met people who are like the bachelor's or I can relate to them on a personal level so it's hard for me to dislike anyone BUT THATS A COP OUT ANSWER so I really pushed myself to find something to not like.
I'm gonna get torched but Elliot- gifts are super expensive to get, I know I can just give neural gifts but it's a bad habit of mine of going for the loved gifts and my guys got EXPENSIVE tastes or gifts that aren't easy to get BUT It fits his character as it implies he came from a more luxurious lifestyle. (if the Victorian clothing wasn't a big enough hint) but again, I don't dislike him, he has a lot of comedic potential!
I'm gonna get MURDERD for this one, Leah- I CAN NEVER FIND HER. Her pathing and my pathing NEVER collide and I keep forgetting she goes to the beach to draw sometimes so I never go there and I go to the wiki to find where in the WORLD she is at and 99% of the time is in the cortege but I can't get to her because I don't have 2 hearts yet because I don't run into her unless I remember to look in the saloon IF shes there BUT again, I do not dislike her...I dislike her pathing and that's on me for not thinking ahead. Plus this problem goes away once I DO have 2 hearts.
Whats your favorite crop and who’s your favorite bachelorette?
Coffee! (gee what a surprise 😅) I just love it when I can get one seed, grow it, and then harvest it and multiply my coffee crops by a huge amount! It's not worth much but it's just a satisfying crop to have.
Maru- not exactly a popular pic but I had a lot of friends who were 10X smarter than me growing up so Maru just naturally reminds me a lot of my closest friends, THAT and she's easy for me to bump into in the clinic.
(I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED IT 💀 but I think it said-) What software do you youse and what do you recommend?
I use Krita, and couldn't recommend it more! (scroll down more to the archive and there are more details about it)
and a UGEE tablet BUT I got it as a free gift. So far I haven't had to replace it yet and has lasted a good amount of time (my old ones lasted a year until I had to replace it) so Idk if I can recommend it and it's kinda expensive. (for me anyway) I'm honestly dreading the day something happens to it and I have to get it replaced :(
It costs about $60usd right now
Question Archive! - stuff I was asked before here for you to find :D
(some of it, the rest is tagged with #ask)
Whats your chickens name (the chicken in your pfp)?
Tudee-chi or Tudee for short!
Got any advice for perfection?
This website apparently! That and the Stardew Wiki
Okay I have to ask: favorite Bachelors and Bachelorettes?
Alright! Here's a tier list from Favorate to I'm chill with them!
Do you think that the male and female farmer can co-exist as a pair of chaotic twin siblings with joint ownership of the farm?
And I don't see why not! It's more fun that way
Sorry to bother, but can i ask what you use to draw?
Not a bother at all! I love answering questions!!! I use Krita
Who is your favorite stardew Bachelor?
Harvey! and for the dumbest reasons...Harvey ended up being my favorite bachelor for 2 main reasons
Sorry to bother but do you happen to have any tips/advice on drawing bodies and heads??
I ABSOLUTELY DO!!! it's no bother at all
What you need to keep in mind is that a lot of my advice is a suggestion and what I'm comfortable with-
For the future, this will be a question archive of things I'm asked to keep it easy to find once the Mega pin post is ready!
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Insinuation 2.9 Live Reactions
(This is me, writing reactions as I read, because why the fuck not. They're not complete, mature thoughts taken after I sit back and evaluate what I've read. Consider them as such)
 I had been justified in everything I had said and done, right? 
Yes, Taylor, 112 fucking percent.
Maybe it was just because I wasn’t used to violence or raising my voice.
Yes, that's exactly it, now get back to asserting yourself. Even if it does mean leading yourself down the 'Warlord of Brockton Bay' career Path.
Alec grinned as I came back, but I couldn’t decide if it was because he was glad or if it was at my expense. 
Based on what I know of him from fic, probably mostly at your expense, at this point.
“Glad you came back,” Lisa told me, a bit of a smile on her face, “Alec, can you go get the first aid kit?  It might be in the storage closet.”
Lisa probably is. Didn't Taylor remind Lisa of her brother that committed suicide or something?
There was only one spot of real damage, a puncture where it looked like a fang had buried itself deep in the top of my forearm and then dragged an inch or so down towards my wrist as it made its exit.  The area around it was already turning colors with bruising.  I wasn’t sure how deep the puncture was, but I was pretty sure it should have been hurting more than it did.  The blood from the injury had trickled down my arm, and was still welling out.
I shudder to think how many injuries and scars Taylor will have by the end of this
“That was awesome, you know,” Alec told me, as he returned with the first aid kit, “I didn’t think you had it in you to kick someone’s ass.”  I glared at him, but he just sat on the back of the sofa, his legs kicking like an excited kid.
I'm not sure Taylor realized she had it in her, tbh.
Alec complained, “We all do, Brian made us all take a comprehensive class less than a week after we were gathered as a team.  Such a pain in the ass, believe me.  He’ll make you do it too.” “I already did,” I admitted, “One of the first things I did.”
Good old planning schemer Taylor.
Brian just looked at me and flashed that boyish smile again.  I looked away, embarrassed that a guy like him would get pleased like that on my account. 
On the other hand, for all the reasons that people consider Taylor into girls, she definitely does also seem to be pretty clearly into guys.
The other day someone, while making a shitty argument about what fanfic is, said something to the effect of 'brian wasn't shipped with Taylor' in Worm, which... I mean, yes, technically, because OG characters aren't 'shipped' by their own writers, but also like... I mean...
That's pretty fucking shippy text right there.
While Alec continued laughing, Brian got to his feet and ran up to the smaller boy, at which point he got Alec in a headlock and began punching him in the shoulder repeatedly.  This abuse only made Alec laugh harder in between his cries of pain.
Is Alec just a masochist, or what? :rofl: (More likely this is mostly just roughhousing, but w/e)
 “It’s a bit complicated to explain, but basically, Alec can get into people’s nervous systems.  This lets him fire off impulses that set off reflexes or make body parts jerk into motion.  It’s not a dramatic power, but with timing, he can make someone fall over midstep, drop something, lose their sense of balance or pull the trigger on a gun.”
Really, seems like the Undersiders' whole schtick is powers that don't seem flashy but can be overoptimized. That's super powerful, situationally.
Sitting a few feet away, Bitch muttered, “They aren’t freakish.”
Yes, you fucking psychopath, they absolutely are.
(Whether or not I will grow to like her later doesn't mean I like her now)
It was hard to think of Rachel by her real name.  Bitch seemed really fitting given the stunt she had pulled.  I apologized to Lisa, “Sorry.”
Right there with you. But honestly, I'm with the PRT. Hellhound works better. I would not be able to take myself seriously calling someone by the codename 'Bitch' all the time.
Lisa added, “It’s not just hearing.  It also cuts off radio signals and dampens the effects of radiation.”
Powers. Are. Bullshit.
It was like someone had taken a scalpel to reality and the blackness was what was there when everything else was gone.  
So.... Vantablack?
(Also, that is quite evocative, and yet not descriptive at all, but damn if it doesn't make the point)
“Home, I guess,” I admitted, “My dad will wonder where I am.”
The only member of the Undersiders with a concerned parent.
“Taylor, if there’s anyone that’s making you make this call… the bullies or someone else, tell me everything is fine.  If you’re not in trouble, tell me your mother’s full name.”
And the prize for "Father trying his best to actually be a good dad for change" goes to...
(genuinely though, he is trying)
“Better than ever.  I kind of made some friends,” I said.
I wouldn't go that far yet. You haven't even committed any crimes together yet.
“They seem like good people,” I lied.
I mean, for a given value of 'good', it's not even a lie.
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dulcewrites · 2 years
Snow Business
Pairing: austin!Elvis x black reader (wc: 1.5k)
Summary: After signing his new contract with RCA and the Colonel, Elvis and you sit down for a serious conversation over sweet treat.
Requested: No
A/N: I just wrote this on a whim, and decided to post it. Also I want to see if my work will show up in tags again.
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“Mrs. Presley your son has very unique gift. It’s as though he as the strength of two men inside of him.”
The line makes you raise an eyebrow. Elvis was right; this Colonel Tom Parker guy is good. Maybe too good. You watch from the side as Gladys reluctantly signs the papers in front of her. Elvis beams once she finishes, and the cameras start firing off. This is a technically history being made. Very expensive history. Elvis is now officially under the watchful eye of RCA, and this Colonel fellow.
Elvis eyes catch yours, and he sends you a wink. He insisted you be here for this. In his words, you were there for the first chapter of his career, why wouldn’t you be there for the next one? You’re the only Sun Records employee here. Just Sam, Marion, and you watching your most successful artist to date leave.
It might have been more bitter rather than sweet if it was happening to anyone but Elvis. And honestly if Sun Records wasn’t getting the big pay day in return.
The cameras and journalist finally start to disperse after getting the photos, and quotes they need. You duck the cameras a couple of times, until Marion says she wants one of you, Elvis, and Sam. You try not to squirm and ruin the photo when you feel Elvis’ hand start to tickle your side.
“I hate you,” you whisper, smile frozen on your face for the picture.
“No you don’t doll,” Elvis whispers back, fingers still dancing. “Ok, now just me and Ducky.”
You roll your eyes. Elvis is the only person who calls you that nickname. You regret the day you came into work, while he was recording, wearing a bright yellow rain jacket. Elvis had likened you to a cute duck, and never let it go.
“I have something for you,” you shyly turn to Elvis after the pictures are taken. “I can give it to you after everyone leaves.”
You don’t know why giving him your surprise treat makes you nervous. It’s Elvis; the same Elvis that’s been around for the past two years. He gives you a curious look but nods.
Colonel Parker and the RCA representative are the first people to leave, not in much hurry to join in with the mini celebration that started. Next is Gladys and Vernon, but not before Gladys pulls you to the side. You’re a bit surprised when she thanks you and pulls you into a hug. Gladys can be a tough cookie to crack; she’s a mama bear when it comes to her son, and you get it because your mom is the same with you. Despite that, you and her had a good relationship. She knew you always wanted the best for Elvis.
As his parents leave, you can tell Gladys is not super enthused by the situation. You understand where she is coming from. Who is this Colonel Parker character?
Sam, Marion, Elvis, and you spend a little more time at Sun Records, recounting different things that’s happened during Elvis’ time there. Sam promises Elvis that the door is always for him before him and Marianne leave. The sun is beginning to set outside, and the normally busy streets are clearing out. Elvis turns to you with a mischievous smile.
“So, where’s my present?”
“What makes you think it’s a present,” you tease, but going over the table where the cake is.
You bite your lip. It’s silly how much you want him to like it. You remember your mama’s knowing smile as she watched you stumble through your grandma’s recipe. She first seemed shocked to see in you in the kitchen, knowing how you drag your feet when it comes to helping her with cooking and baking. But she’s the same person who told you the easiest way to show someone you care is to make something for them. So, there you were, baking of all things.
“Have you ever thought maybe you like Elvis?”
She was to the point and made you stop furiously mixing. The question, which you didn’t even answer, had been ringing in your head all day.
“Ok, close your eyes.” Elvis tilts his head, and closes his eyes. You pick up the cake bring it over to the table where he is. You remove the cover. “Alright, open them”
He looks down at the cake, and a big grin break on his face.
“You baked me a cake.”
You can hear the shock in his voice. He’s been on the receiving end of your anti cooking rants. You look down at your little creation pretty pleased. It’s not perfect but pink and white icing you used reminds you of him. He seems genuinely surprised, and happy so you consider it a success.
You pull out the forks you brought from home. The two of you sit down at the table to try it. Elvis’ eyes go a bit wide when he takes the first bite.
“Ducky… this is actually edible,” he says it with a laugh. You playfully shove him. Of course, it’s edible.
You both eat from the cake in silence. The only sound being Nat King Cole’s voice playing softly. You start to hum along to a song. Your eyes stay on your cake when you can feel Elvis’ on you.
“I broke up with Dixie,” Elvis interrupts your humming by dropping a bomb.
You had only been around Dixie twice, and she was nice enough. Pretty and docile; exactly what you expected. Even with your limited time around her, you’re still surprised by the news. Elvis takes your silence as cue to continue.
“Colonel thought it would be a good idea,” he trails off. “Honestly, I should’ve done it sooner.”
“He told you to break up with your girlfriend, and you did it?” your tone is more judgmental than you intended it to be.
He obviously thinks quite highly of Colonel Parker. You know Elvis wants this deal to go well, not only for himself but for his family. He’s in a vulnerable position, and willing to do a lot. You’re sure the colonel knows that.
“Like I said, I should’ve done it anyway,” he mumbles.
You just nod. If he wanted to be with her, he would’ve pushed back on breaking it off.
“I thought about y-“
“I think you shou-“
You both laugh at each other talking over one another.
“You go first,” Elvis says softly.
“I just wanted to say, I think you should be careful with this Colonel guy,” you sigh truthfully. You’d feel like a bad friend, confidant, or whatever you are to Elvis if you don’t say it.
He scoffs a bit, shuffle his feet and leaning back in his chair.
“You sound like my mama,” he wrinkles his nose. He’s probably had this conversation many times.
“Gladys is a smart woman,” you shrug. “Look, everyone is proud of you, but I think it’s fair the people who care about you are apprehensive.”
Elvis gives you a look you don’t really know how describe. You know that sentence lumps you in with the ones that care about him. You wish you could just come out and say it.
“I thought about you a lot when I was on the road.”
His words make your heart lurch into your throat. You thought about him too. Wondering what he was doing, and who is was doing it with. You’re sure that’s something you, Dixie, and his mom had in common. He called you, which was nice, but it was still odd having him so far away.
“Scotty asked about you too,” he shook his head. “Something about the pretty girl from the sun label.”
You didn’t think much of it. Scotty is a flirt; you learned that the few time you’ve been around him at the studio But Elvis seems to take offense to him even asking. He takes you by surprise when he leans over and grabs your hand.
“Things are going to change soon, if they go the way I want em to,” the earnest look in his eyes makes you anxious. “But I want you to know that I’m going to be around… for you.”
You nod slowly, trying to process what he’s saying. Of course he’s going to be around. He lives in Memphis, and you live in Memphis. Elvis can tell by the inquisitive look on your face that you’re not quite sure where he’s going with this conversation.
“I know it wouldn’t be fair to ask you to wait for me to figure this all out,” he continues. “But I want some time so things can be done right.”
You blink, and he sighs realizing he’s gonna have to spell this out for you.
“Ducky, I want you.”
Elvis laughs at your exaggerated expression, eyes wide and mouth parted.
“Colonel probably won’t like it, but I’ll figure it out.”
You bite your tongue. If you’re romantically seen with Elvis, you’re gonna have to face more than an old man with a funny accent. But he wants you. You can hear your mom’s chastising voice in the back of your head. The voice is telling you it’s a bad idea. That you’re gonna end up heartbroken when this promise is broken.
If her voice in the angel on your shoulder, it’s the devil on the other that makes you squeeze his hand back.
“The first date better match that contract.”
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transforming · 1 year
Life Update + Commissions!
Hey y'all! So here's a life update because right now, it's fucking hell on earth:
I'm going through major financial instability in my life, and as a college student, it's really hitting hard. Parents are out of a job, and my college just implemented a salary earnings cap for student jobs, which honestly I think is stupid and cruel to low-income students like me. On top of that, where I live, students can't work part time jobs outside of university, which would make it even more (and already) extremely difficult for me to cover my living expenses, let alone tuition fees.
After talking to some of my friends in this community about what I could do to keep myself afloat (and try to keep paying for my studies), and after getting some advice on how to proceed, I have decided to open up writing commissions.
To start, here is how it's gonna work with me:
Firstly, send me a message. You could do it over here on Tumblr, that's fine, but I'd much prefer it if you could message me on Discord, since I'm more reachable there. This makes things a lot easier for us to talk through your ideas and delve deeper into them, really flesh them out, and figure things out before I start writing.
Do NOT send me commission requests through asks.
Second, make sure to properly read through my rules below. Pricing details are set out below (rule 4), so make sure to keep that in mind when you're sending a request and when we're in discussion.
The number of commissions I will take on at at time will depend on a number of factors:
balancing my writing with college assignments & priorities
my level of interest
my writing mood / mental health
I'll make sure to provide updates on when I'm open to them or not.
Okay, now that those are out of the way, here are the very important rules that need to be taken in consideration.
The Transforming Commission Rules:
1. I reserve the right to refuse writing commissions.
Beside the above-mentioned reasons for the number of commissions I'm willing to take; or regardless of the reason; or for no given reason, no means no. Flat out.
I may not like the idea. Maybe I'm busy with classes, life or other commissions. Or perhaps my mental health's taken a downwards spin and/or I'm just not in the mood to write at the moment.
Make no mistake, if you pester me and ask if I've reconsidered your idea, I will simply just block you, no questions asked. If you want to politely ask again if my classes/time/mood were the issue for my saying no, I'd be more than happy to talk things out.
Also, please keep in mind that besides writing stories and my college classes, I have a life too. If you message me about a commission and I don't respond immediately, I'm either just busy or asleep.
I'll make sure to reply to those that inquire, it might just take me a sec.
2. Be as creative as possible, but also use your common sense.
As a creative writing student, I'm gonna be hard on this: one-sentence commission requests that just say "Make me into a twink!" or "Turn me into a frat bro!" will more than likely get refused. That said, try to make your request a little more compelling for me.
Come up with a plot summary, throw some more tf's in there, maybe add a delicious plot twist that would subvert a part of your idea, . I can only write so many of one type of tf story - they're fun, but don't make me bored sick of writing any more of them.
Also, be conscientious and realistic about the length you want. I'm no literary god with unlimited time, and I definitely can't fit a heavily descriptive tf AND a good plot in just 1,000 words.
If you're feeling insane super generous, or more supportive to help me out, and want to commission longer pieces (more than 3,000 words), we can talk more about it when you make the request.
3. I have limits. Push them and our deal's off.
Some of these are without question:
Underage characters / tf's (you will immediately get blocked if you make such a request).
Violence / pain / rape / non-consensual acts
Homophobic tf's (refer to my repost of @idesofrevolution's post - they've explained it better than I ever could)
Unrealistic sizes
Animal tf's
Celebrity tf's (more details below)
I'm primarily a male tf writer, so gender tf is fine, but a heavily female focused story is a nope from me.
Don't even think to ask, I simply will not write them.
As much as I used to include them in my previous stories (especially with TF College), I won't generally do celebrity tf's anymore (i.e. stuff like "Turn me into Henry Cavill!") There may be a lot of very sexy celebrities around, and as hot as it may be to become them, I've had my fair share of writing those stories to the point where I'm done with them. Writing up original characters are more my thing these days - I'm a creative writing major, after all.
There is, of course, some flexibility with this, so if you have an idea but aren't completely sure, you can always ask me. If the idea is compelling enough -- and the guy hot enough -- maybe I'll make an exception. That's much better than getting rejected.
4. Payment & Delivery.
See, as much as I'm struggling right now, I'm not inconsiderate either - I know I'm not the only writer going through shit. I also know people aren't gonna dish out money to completely cover my life and instantly get me out of this hellish rut.
That said, I charge $0.04/word (for my British friends, £0.03/word). That's $40 (£30) per 1,000 words, or $20 (£15) for 500 words.
Payment is via PayPal. In full, up front. I will not begin writing until I've been paid.
When it comes to format of delivery, I will send you a pdf of the final story, provided you give me an email to send the pdf to (unless you' message me on Discord, for which I can just send the pdf to you directly).
5. Use of Images & Posting on Public.
The final say on any images included in these commissions are up to you. You're completely welcome to bring your own images to for me to write around, but if you don't have any, I'm happy to try and find some I feel fit the particular story if you'd like me to.
Then again, I can't make any promises. If I can't find image(s) that fit, or you don't like the ones I provide, I won't climb every mountain or cross every stream to find something. These are writing commissions in the end, so keep that in mind.
I'll also give you the final word on posting these commissions here on Tumblr. If you specifically don't want me to post yours, please say so during the process. If you say nothing, I may end up posting some of them after they've been delivered.
If you're okay for me to post the commission, but would like to remain anonymous (as in not get tagged on the post), make sure to let me know that too. This is an easy one to forget, so I'll be reaching out to you on posting after I've delivered it.
- Drew the Transformer
P.S. Don't forget, you can also tip me over on ko-fi, if you can't or don't want to commission! Seriously, any support during this very difficult time is always welcome, but I'll also understand if you can't.
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wanderlustmagician · 8 months
ramble about some weird history fixation of yours
plz <3
Ooooooooo :3 you have said the magic words
I tried answering this from my phone twice and it wiped it. So had to wait on the tablet xD
I've always enjoyed doing research and reading on various bad ass women in history. I find it so fun and fascinating that several different countries can say that they're at their most prolific and successful when they're ruled by a Queen. It's usually the Kings where a lot of the drama is, but even then the Queens are being bad asses behind the scenes.
One area of history I circle back to a lot is Henry VIII and his wives. Mostly his wives, they're honestly the more interesting ones in that trainwreck. Catherine of Aragon was essentially being held hostage after her first husband, Arthur, and Henry's elder brother died suddenly. Arthur is super kind of tragic, to me. A lot of what little records of him remain show a very lonely existence. He didn't really get to be around his family a lot and grew up with a lot of expectations resting on him. He was only 15 when he died. Anyways Henry's father, Henry VII (and don't get me started on the naming thing back then, I do my family's ancestry stuff and it makes me absolutely CRAZY), didn't want to lose a very profitable alliance with what was a united Spain and, if I remember right, also didn't want to return her very expensive dowry. So he just... refused to send her back?? So rude. Anyways, little future Henry VIII spends that time learning the things he didn't get to learn when he was the spare and wooing Catherine. It works. She is successfully wooed.
They're married for 20 years. Two decades. The people LOVE her. She is an A+ Queen according to the people. She's invested in the arts, she's investing creating a culturally diverse court. She sponsors young noble ladies to go learn about the courts, culture, and arts in other ladies countries/courts. Anne Boelin is one these ladies she sponsored. We can get to her another day though. Catherine is emulating her mother, Isabella I of Castille, and her court. Things she learned at her mother's knee growing up. Being from Spain, she was a very devout Catholic as was her daughter, Mary.
Then after many years of being a devoted queen, suffering through the trauma and agony of many miscarriages and children lost young or stillborn, and having to live as a hostage - Henry VIII betrays her by casting away their now formerly shared faith, disavowing their marriage and casting away their daughter, and imprisoning her till she eventually dies. She never gets to go back to Spain, never sees her daughter again, and is forced to die dishonored and alone.
And what's worse, to me, is that Henry VIII loved her, but when it came down to making a choice between his wife and his legacy... he absolutely made the wrong choice and then kept making it. By the time of his death, he'd thrown both away.
I could have kept going but this was getting long and if I started on Anne Boelin, I wouldn't have been able to stop. Henry VIII did Catherine of Aragon dirty, but so did his father and a lot of the people in her life ( I think the only person who was ever on her side was Arthur, her first husband, but he died after like five months... so who knows how long that energy would have lasted.) However, Anne Boelin got done almost worse for how much he loved her versus how he handled the end.
I dunno if this is what you were hoping for but tadaaaa. Thank you for the ask Somer <3
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saitama-division · 9 months
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ARB Birthday Special: Kureha Koizumi
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~~ December 25th ~~
“Most things will be okay eventually, but not everything will be.”
Login Lines:
“I woke up to my phone going off like crazy, it nearly scared the hell out of me, I had thought something was wrong until I went to check it. Turns out it was just everyone wishing me either happy birthday, merry Christmas, or both. It was…nice…I’m still getting used to celebrating my birthday but having so many people wishing me well helps a lot.”
Voice Lines:
“Haah…It’s that time again, I’ve been trying to finish all of my holiday commission before Christmas but I’ve been getting more and more requests, I’m not complaining though, I could really use the money.”
“The snow looks really pretty today, it’s cold which is good. I remember watching the snow fall with…him…he was really pretty too…I miss him…”
“What do 22 year olds even do on their birthday? I don’t drink much and I refuse to go clubbing no matter what Lola says. Honestly, I much rather stay home or spend time with Sayaka, it’s always nice and warm whenever she’s around.”
“Ehhhh?! No way!! I can’t believe the Vox wished me a happy birthday! I mean, I know we’re in the DRB together but I never thought he’d noticed me! Holy shit, holy shit, this is awesome!”
“The art museum in Saitama did something special for me, the recently opened up a new art exhibition in my honor, it had all my favorite paintings and works from my favorite artists there! There was even some of my own works! I was so shocked but also really, really happy!”
“Thank you, Merry Christmas, Sayaka! I hope you liked my gift…Ah, that’s good, that makes me really happy, you’re welcome….Er, mom please, that’s so embarrassing, I’ve been grown up for a long while now besides, you have Yoshiko to dote over, I’m fine!…Mooom! Please! My face feels like it’s about to melt off!”
“Oh sick, mom! This is so cool! Thank you so much, I’m sure Kazu will love it! No, no, it’s fine, I’ve been meaning to get Kazu one of these for a while now but they’re usually so expensive and it looks super cool too, I love it and he’ll definitely love it. Aw, even when you’re looking for cat toys you’re still thinking of me, thank you, mom.”
“Merry Christmas, Lola. I see you’re back from wherever you’ve went, what? Did you not think I’d notice when you’re gone? Tsumugi’s a good actress but I’ve known you long enough to be able to tell when you’re not yourself or if there’s an imposter. I won’t ask for details, I’m just glad you’re back in time for Christmas…is that…is that blood?…Y’know what, nevermind, yes I’m sure now what is it that you got me?”
“Whoa! Are these gemstones? Wait, these are Yule Gemstones! Where the hell did you get these?! And how the hell do you know about them?! Ah…oh yeah, that’s right, I didn’t think you were listening…it’s not witchcraft, it’s Paganism, yes there’s a fucking difference. Shut it, he has nothing to do with my beliefs, still though, thank you for this, it’s really great.”
“Yoshiko! Hey, merry Christmas baby sister! Wow, you got that many presents huh? Well that’s no surprise, you’ve been a good girl all year and Santa knows that and is very happy with you. Hm? You got me something?”
“Awww, Yoshiko, this is so pretty! And well made too! You’re getting better and better each year, I’m seriously impressed, nicely done!”
Sayaka Lines:
“Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday, Sweetie! I really loved your gift, I never knew that I needed something like that, thank you so much! Oh, I can’t believe another year has gone by, I really wish that time would so down for once, my baby is all grown up! *sigh* I guess you’re right but just know that no matter how old you get, you will always be my baby….okay, okay, I’m sorry, here, I got you a present.”
“Ta-daaaa~! I got you a cat tree for Kazu-chan! I know it’s not something that you yourself can use but I figured that since you take such good care of Kazu, you’d want to get him something nice. I was thinking about what you usually wear when choosing which one to pick and I thought this one fit the bill. Oh, I’m glad you like it! Happy Birthday, honey!”
Lola Lines:
“Meeeeeeeerry Birthmas, my darling! Ehhh?? How did you know that I was gone?! Aww, and here I thought I was so clever to fool you…AWWW, Sunshine!! I’m so touched!! What did I do to deserve such a kind and considerate best friend?!…Hm? Oh, shit, I didn’t even notice that, you sure you don’t wanna know? It’s quite the tale? Okay, okay birthday girl, here you go.”
“I remember you telling me about those crystals you’re so interested in, something to do with witchcraft or some shit like that? Is there a difference, sweetheart? *sigh* I swear, sometimes I think I shouldn’t have let you met Lyall, didn’t think it was possible for you to become more goth than you already are, well, you look happy so I guess that’s good, merry Christmas sunshine.”
Bonus! Yoshiko Lines:
“Big sister! Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas! Did you look at the tree?! I got soooo many presents! Hehe, mommy said that too! Yoshiko’s a good girl! Hey, hey! I have a gift for you! Here!”
“Yay! I’m happy big sister likes my present! I made it alllll by myself! Merry Christmas!”
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poochyhyena · 2 months
MEGA CAT PROJECT: Real vs Counterfeit
So I’m obsessed with Megahouse’s Mega Cat Project line of figures, which means I’ve been buying them second hand in order to get the blind box figures I want.
In doing so I have ended up buying a counterfeit off of Mercari, and since I received the actual figure today (ordered off eBay) I decided to do a comparison of the two figs since I haven’t seen that yet for these figures in particular!
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Please enjoy my overly thorough comparison below the cut :)
Right outta the gate, my advice for spotting a counterfeit is, like for any figure to ask for more photos. When I bought the counterfeit figure the photo was low quality and taken with bad lighting which made it hard to see any details. I've seen other ones where they are even inside a plastic bag to add to the 'realism'.
The easiest photo to ask for is the bottom. If you’re finding it tricky to tell if it is real, the bottom is a bit of a giveaway.
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As you can see the real figure has a mark that says “MH CHINA”, while the bottom of the counterfeit is just white.
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This mark is present on all of the other Mega Cat figures I have. Interestingly the bottom of the Kakashi laying down has additional detailing, and the MH China mark is above the tail.
In addition to not having the stamp the paint quality isn’t as nice either. Counterfeit Luffy has blurry lines, and an overall more messy finish on the edges and sunflower design.
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The coloring is also a little different, with the counterfeit being overall less vibrant which doesn't show up super well in the photos but it's really apparent in real life.
Next, the quality of the build of the figure. Which, honestly, isn’t horrible. The main issues are pretty apparent when you look at the side by side, notably the chest area on the counterfeit isn’t inlaid, rather it sits almost level with the shirt - there’s actually space in between the bottom of this piece and the rest of the figure. Additionally, there is extra bits of plastic sticking out from the sides that were never sanded down.
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Overall, the structure looks almost blurry with the nose and label folds not being as distinct. However, the detailing on the back of the hat is pretty good!
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Another thing to note is that the counterfeit feels almost smoother, and is a little shinier.
Other than asking for more photos, a good thing to always consider is price. While you can definitely find these figures cheaper on Mercari (I tend to spend ~$16 vs $24 on eBay) beware of the figures that are suuuper cheap - I got my counterfeit for $10. I tend to trust the listings that come with a box, but that doesn’t mean that they are counterfeit if they don’t have one. The Kakashi figure in this post didn’t come with a box (and was bought off Mercari) and he is very much an actual Megahouse figure.
If you are looking for figures, I would scope out other sites so you can see which ones are more popular (more expensive) because that tells you which ones to be more careful with! Dressrosa Law from Nyan Piece, for example, is on the pricier side and if you look him up on Mercari you can probably find counterfeits (check the earrings, they look fur tone rather than yellow). Once you spend some time looking at photos of the real thing the counterfeits become more obvious.
If you are super worried, I recommend Suruga-ya, they are a resale store in Japan so there is little risk of counterfeits. Every so often they do free shipping internationally, and their prices tend to be cheaper than eBay. (I got my Zoro figure pictured above from there). But for me, Mercari and eBay have worked fine.
I hope this guide helps, and please enjoy your cat figures!! I have bought way too many - and if you are wondering counterfeit!Luffy is well loved and sits on my desk at work. :)
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shmowder · 3 months
SO I was about to say that we never spoke on your BG3 blog, but I actually found one question by me, asking if you were playing the original Pathologic or P2 😂 By the time I found that blog you'd already pretty much moved on to this one (which is fine!). But I rb'd a couple fics to my sideblog. Certainly never imagined myself reading about a giant half-spider woman but here we are ♡ The thing about Minthara is that I adore her but I don't know anything about the rest of the game and it's too expensive for me to commit to right now - and I'm always hearing about her romance being bugged anyway.
Yuria <333 And Sister Friede but more importantly, Yuria! I love that you love her too! I confess that I never got past the Abyss Watchers but tbh I'm amazed I got that far. And at least my Ashen One got to meet Yuria (and heard her best line "And I, of course, am also thine" hehe). Good for you for getting through it! Bloodborne is the one Fromsoft game I've beaten and it was rough getting used to the Dark Souls combat, so I watched a walkthrough of the rest. And I've also watched a ~90 hour walkthrough of Elden Ring, which did put me to sleep occasionally lmao but I just don't have the willpower to play huge open world games anymore.
I almost finished a NG+ playthrough of Bloodborne recently, until I started the DLC and promptly got my ass handed to me and I was like hmmmm actually now is the perfect time to start a new SDV farm 🤔
But, I'm taking a little break because I've indeed started Patho 2 again!! It's the beginning of day 5, I'm using super easy settings again and I found my old notes of where the Dead Item Shop is every day and which items to save for upgrades etc. Despite that, I seem to be missing more than ever. I may have focused a little too much on trading and collecting herbs and caches. Forgot the bell rang on Day 3 and didn't gather the Apple Basket Gang rip :( (I noticed that Lara and Artemy both have dialogue about not being 30 yet, so there's that question out of the way) But on the bright side I have more eggs than I could ever need (maybe…) and I'm on my 3rd inventory upgrade.
Haha, based on that anecdote I'd say you know more Russian than I do. I know a lot of people listen to other things when playing games but I've never tried that except when hatching Pokemon eggs. I love hearing the in-game sounds and music. Victor and Yulia have the same theme playing in their houses!
Yes of course we can be friends! Requesting from writing blogs is what originally got me interacting with others, so, kind of like you, just the other way around 😅 Then I discovered it can be nice just to talk sometimes. It seems like you're having a good time on this blog! Chill is good. Part of me is still flabbergasted that there's a Pathologic x reader blog that exists and it's run by a great writer who obviously has so much love for the characters which is a huge plus <3 But I like the memes too :) I can't speak for other anons, but I always check my entire dash until I'm completely caught up.
Moving on… WHEN I TRANSLATED THE TITLE OF THE VICTOR X READER FIC!! Hooo boy, I'm a simple girl and the "You're good, my little dove, you're good. Despite it all, you're good" quote is one of my favorites. It's like you read my mind with the description - SOFT, TENDER, and UNSTABLE? Three of my favorite things 😇
So!! I am the human embodiment of this emoji while reading 🤭🤭🤭 Honestly so galaxy brained of you make it into a fic, I could never be upset about that. There's such an atmosphere to this from the very beginning, I don't know how to describe it but I want to bite it. Playing house with slightly off vibes, "Like handling a stray cat" OUGH. (I agree that'd he'd want to play at domesticity.) The way he notices everything, his solicitousness. Reader as sacrificial lamb imagery. "He takes and takes like you're the cure for his morose soul."
The immortality vs mortality thing! That's when I really got why this works so well as a fic instead of hcs. I love that it feels like a character study as much as a smut fic (and ofc I appreciate all the little details about time). TOP TIER SMUT ALSO. His endless patience while also being in emotional/spiritual/physical agony, him praising the reader's patience, he does seem like the type to draw it out a while - "He'll hide you from the world and everything dangerous outside" 😳
And the end!! What a beautiful, brilliant mind, what a sensitive fragile heart, what a lovely soul. My goodness. Just - [keysmash] [disintegrates]
That was AMAZING and you should be proud. Thank you for taking my request and running with it <333
If my overzealous reaction to the froggy chair birthday pic never made it through, thank you for that too! It's delightful.
Happy birthday!! 🧁🎉 I hope you enjoy the day.
🐿️ anon
You remembered my birthday! I love you!
God I was refreshing my notes waiting for your reaction over the fic. I'm so happy you liked it <33 Especially how you qouted your favourite lines and your reaction to them, that's literally the highest of praise I could receive. You understand the underlying themes, the whole playing house but something seems off, Victor's inner fits of monologue occasionally completely going off-rails and showing how lost in his head he tends to get. How his brain switches focus between topics constantly before snapping back to reality and vice versa.
Conflicted in everything. At times, he appears as if he's pleading with you, below you as loyal as a guard dog. At others he appears above you, pulling your strings with sheer authority and nothing else.
The whole turmoil of deciding to let Reader die a natural death, to be selfish and never allow them into the Kains grand scheme of immortality, to know you'll only exist by his side before your soul is lost to the cosmos forever.
I avoided bringing Nina by name but her presence is heavy in each line of the story. How much he would let you hurt him and others as much as you want like she used to do, how he lets your sins slide and sweeps your wrongs under the rug. How he clings to your mortality because part of his resents humanity for taking his wife away, for stealing his own life and future away.
The whole wings and feather symbolism. Immortality is the wings the Kains are sewing together one thread at a time, each feather plucked being a brilliant person's soul. That eventually, maybe they too will ascend past the larva stage and be able to live freely with no fear of death much like Icarus flew above the seas without regards to his father's words. They're flying straight into the sun and they mistake its blazing fire for the heavens above.
His little dove petname fitting perfectly with the Icarus symbolism, with you being a beautiful bird he wants to keep caged in the mortal real out of selfishness, out of the desire to finally call someone his own. All his life he has give for the future of humanity, both his wife and two kids turned into chess pieces to be sacrificed in times of need.
And that's fine that's okay. He can handle it. His family may belong to the future, they may belong to mankind and the utopia they're slowly shaping. He is strong and pragmatic, he can more than understand why heavy costs and live with the consequences. He will carry that burden of guilt indefinitely.
But you, oh you.... He won't allow it. You have to slip away from their clutches, from his own sharp claws. You won't belong to the future, you will belong to the present forever with him, forever to him.
I enjoyed writing it so much. I started as Headcanons but the words piled up and the sentences started weaving themselves on their own. It was so beautiful, I didn't have the heart to trim the growth and force it back into the headcanons mould, so i let it blossom into a full story even if it meant more work.
Headcanons are usually effortless, stories are not. I had several open tabs by the end of writing it searching for various idoms, symbolism and word synonyms. Looking through Victor's qoute then remembering the latin endearment term for dove.
I really wanted to paint the picture of how he makes loving you a form of self-flagellation, but I had to keep the message subtle so it shows how well he hides it. How on the surface you can easily mistake his infatuation for any adoring partner, but deep down he's completely unstable behind the calculated hardened face. I'd argue that he was as crazy as Nina if not even more. He just happened to be better at hiding it. It was an elaborate plan for him to play the role of the reliable soft-hearted self-sacrificing leader to win people's favour, to paint the Kains in an angelic light so their women may be as cruel as their hearts desire.
Again, thank you for leaving such a sweet message afterwards. People rarely do, you get accustomed to fulfilling requests then throwing your writing into the ocean after posting it. The reblogs and likes are good and all but I just want to hear another human's words at times you know? Another soul's opinion, something that proves that this exists and was read by an actual person rather than a number counter going up.
Although oh my god you read THAT Minthara fic?? A beautiful webbing?? IT'S ONE OF MY MOST PROUD WORKS! One of my most ambitious too! The descriptive scenery in that fic took a lifetime out of me, so much blood and tears poured onto the layout of the garden, of the sussur tree and blood rose. Writing it felt like my magnum opus at the time, although now I'd say Lingum Vitea holds the spot for the amount of Latin I had to research for that Burakhovsky fic.
I'm so glad you liked that fic! They're my favourite children <333 I like the rest too but sometimes I write things purely out of passion and they shine brighter than the rest in my eyes.
You've already started your P2 playthrough hell yeah! I hope it goes well and it's fun! I actually missed the apple basket gang meeting too in my playthrough- I thought it was scripted to be missed because it directly coincident with the Bachelor calling people to town hall and proclaiming quarantine so I thought oh, it must be cancelled duh! I didn't realise you could still walk to it ah-
You can never have too much eggs, trust me.
Being a trader hoarder is good! you'll eventually learn which people overpay for which items and look out for them. Usually trading is rng depent on which npc you meet on the road to your current mission because straying from the path means losing precious time.
Good for beating bloodborne and going on ng+! Hell yeah! I've never played it but it seems hard bc of the parries and no shield. I miss my shield in ds3 :( During the end of the game, my brother was watching me play and he tricked me into going to the end boss unprepared. He claimed it was just another npc for a quest and I didn't know it was the end boss bc I didn't watch anything about dark souls before playing it- I just walked to the soul of cinder all like "omfg hiii bestiee :3 " then got stabbed.
BUT I FUCKING BEAT HIM IN ONE TRY! EVEN WHEN I WAS TRICKED AND ALMOST DIED. I managed to clutch with my trustyyyy shieellldd.
But also I died to that weird balls tree 90+
I am not exaggerating, I genuinely couldn't handle that lame mini boss tree. I killee the abyss watchers in two tries and the soul of cinder in one but a fucking tree is responsible for 70% of my deaths through all of the game.
I'm celebrating my birthday today. it's not going well but at least I have a lot of cake and will buy myself flowers in an hour after the shops open. I got cheesecake! I love cheesecake! I think Yulia would like cheesecake or is she more of a dark chocolate person? I still have your request for her nsfw hc so don't worry it wasn't swallowed by tumblr.
Honestly I can't believe I'm the only pathologic x reader blog- Seems almost blasphemous tbh. I hope more pop up in the future, this fandom is surprisingly chill and nice. Especially for such a hardcore game.
I hope your day is amazing <3
Oh and I did receive your froggy chair submission! I just wasn't sure whether to reply to it publicly or not in case you wanted to stay anonymous to others on this blog. I'm glad you liked the meme I threw together and my other memes on this blog hehe. I like making them, it's like visual storytelling.
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writteninthesewalls28 · 8 months
between shards and "I love you"s
A/n: This work is part of the "be my valentine challenge" by @bemyvalentinechallenge for the day 4 prompt.
Summary: Eris (reader) is a songwriter and Niall Horan´s girlfriend. but when she writes a song for Niall, she is scared that their relationship is going to end because of one single sentence.
Warnings: shards, curse words, cyber hate, not proof read
Right when I wrote down the words while humming the melody, I realized it would sound weird. "I´d rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you" was the most cheesy thing I ever thought of and it definitely wasn´t appropriet for a 3-month-relationship with a world-wide famous super star.
I had been a songwriter since- forever. The songwriting thing came before the singing part for me, I always loved that more.  The way you could express your emotions through the words and melody was something truly incredible. And then, in the next step, experiencing the love people give you back for creating a new song is an even better feeling than actually creating it. Me and Niall always say, it is a true win-win situation.
Yeah. Niall is the world-wide famous singer I was talking about earlier. I honestly don´t know when, how and why this with us happened, I guess it just- did. The best thing that ever just happened probably.
I was a special guest on his tour, he gave me his phone number after the concert, we went out on a date. And… well, lockdown happened. The pandemic has brought us together in his little flat in London where we were stuck, for a few months now.
All day long, we were basically annoying each other with our piano or guitar humming, but the chaos was manageable. Niall would maybe tell you otherwise though, I could be a very chaotic person sometimes.
Suddenly I heard a loud "BANG" near the kitchen aisle and immediately jumped up from my place on the sofa to run to the place where I heard the noise.
"Sorry, Eris! Just the new dishes you bought 4 months ago…" I heard Niall´s voice from the kitchen and slowed down. No one died. Good.
"THE dishes?" When I entered the room, I saw it with my own eyes. There were sharp shards lying around everywhere. "Nialler! These were like- super expensive!" I cried out, kneeling down to pick up one rather big piece of the gorgeous, new plate with the little flowers on the edge.
I really liked those.
Not knowing what I was doing, I laid down my paper with the lyrics for the new song, the ones I actually was about to erase because they were so super romantic, and got me something to clean up  this mess.
As Niall was about to come and help me, he must´ve taken a look at my piece of paper and suddenly started laughing uncontrollably. "Did you write this?" he asked between his laughs and I´d rather suddenly vanish through a hole in the floor than answering this question.
"Well… yeah, but I was about to erase it anyways. I know it´s super cheesy." I said in an attempt to explain myself.
Niall was still laughing, but it wasn´t as embarrassing as before. "You are so cute when you´re nervous, you know that?" I looked up from my cleaning-up-the-broken-plates and gave my boyfriend a confused look. What should that mean now? "The little freckles on your nose look like they started dancing and you fidget around with your fingers on your left hand, it´s truly adorable." Niall explained his comment from earlier a little bit further and slowly took the cleaning utensils out of my right hand, just to place it next to the kitchen counter.
"Sooo, you don´t find it embarrassing?" I asked him, showing that his previous sentence confused me a little bit. Did he like it, or did he not like it?
"No, why would I find it embarrassing, it´s the truth, isn´t it? I´d rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you too, baby." he said, looking into my eyes deeply. He leaned in to give me a kiss and I pulled him close to me by grabbing his hair with my hands. Niall’s kisses always made my knees go weak. They were so full with love and could make me addicted to the feeling of his mouth against mine. It was truly amazing.
"I love you, Niall." As soon as I said it, I wish I could take the words back. It was too soon. Way too soon, to say a sentence as important as that.
"There. The freckles are dancing again." Niall laughed and wrapped me in a warm hug. "I love you too, Eris. Exited to hear the finished version of this song." and with these words, he gave me my paper back and took the cleaning utensil in his own hand to clean up the mess of shards himself.
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