#but they're gone and we have to carry on and fill their impossibly too large shoes and its so bittersweet because this used to be olivia's
istumpysk · 8 months
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Theon's bastard
People's Choice! I'm going to need a little more consensus on this one.
Under Consideration: These theories haven't garnered strong or extensive evidence, but they're worthy of discussion.
50/50: These theories are complete toss-ups.
Low Probability: While not impossible, these theories are unlikely based on the current evidence.
[Tier list overview]
Another theory involving Theon having a secret child?
You bet!
What's the theory?
Theon impregnated the daughter of the captain of the Myraham.
The Myraham is a trading cog from Oldtown captained by a large man.
At the beginning of A Clash of Kings, Theon Greyjoy hires the Myraham to transport him from Seagard to Lordsport to meet with his father, Balon Greyjoy.
The Myraham was a fat-bellied southron merchanter up from Oldtown, carrying wine and cloth and seed to trade for iron ore. Her captain was a fat-bellied southron merchanter as well, and the stony sea that foamed at the feet of the castle made his plump lips quiver, so he stayed well out, farther than Theon would have liked. An ironborn captain in a longship would have taken them along the cliffs and under the high bridge that spanned the gap between the gatehouse and the Great Keep, but this plump Oldtowner had neither the craft, the crew, nor the courage to attempt such a thing. - Theon I, ACOK
The journey took longer than Theon anticipated, giving him extra time for other activities.
A longship would have made the crossing in half the time as well. The Myraham was a wallowing tub, if truth be told, and he would not care to be aboard her in a storm. - Theon I, ACOK
What other activities, you might wonder? Taking the captain's daughter to bed.
Still, Theon could not be too unhappy. He was here, undrowned, and the voyage had offered certain other amusements. He put an arm around the captain's daughter. "Summon me when we make Lordsport," he told her father. "We'll be below, in my cabin." He led the girl away aft, while her father watched them go in sullen silence. - Theon I, ACOK
The cabin was the captain's, in truth, but it had been turned over to Theon's use when they sailed from Seagard. The captain's daughter had not been turned over to his use, but she had come to his bed willingly enough all the same. A cup of wine, a few whispers, and there she was. - Theon I, ACOK
We don't know much about the captain's daughter, but we do know she was an older maiden.
Late teens, perhaps? Early twenties? Not sure.
The girl was a shade plump for his taste, with skin as splotchy as oatmeal, but her breasts filled his hands nicely and she had been a maiden the first time he took her. That was surprising at her age, but Theon found it diverting. - Theon I, ACOK
The captain's daughter becomes enamored with Theon and wishes to accompany him ashore as his salt wife, but Theon isn't interested.
"I'd work in your castle, milord. I can clean fish and bake bread and churn butter. Father says my peppercrab stew is the best he's ever tasted. You could find me a place in your kitchens and I could make you peppercrab stew." "Once I might have carried you home as a prize, and kept you to wife whether you willed it or no. The ironmen of old did such things. A man had his rock wife, his true bride, ironborn like himself, but he had his salt wives too, women captured on raids." The girl's eyes grew wide, and not because he had bared her breasts. "I would be your salt wife, milord." "I fear those days are gone." - Theon I, ACOK
The girl begs Theon to take her with him, fearing her father will punish her once he departs.
~Foreshadowing alert~
Theon remains indifferent and suggests that her father should be grateful, as she's probably pregnant, and not everyone has the privilege of raising Reek's a king's bastard.
"My father," she told him. "Once you're gone, he'll punish me, milord. He'll call me names and hit me." Theon swept his cloak off its peg and over his shoulders. "Fathers are like that," he admitted as he pinned the folds with a silver clasp. "Tell him he should be pleased. As many times as I've fucked you, you're likely with child. It's not every man who has the honor of raising a king's bastard." She looked at him stupidly, so he left her there. - Theon I, ACOK
In the following Theon chapter, we learn that Balon is not allowing the Myraham or any other ships to depart the Iron Islands.
Theon quickened his stride as they neared the Myraham, rocking high and empty by the quay. Her captain had tried to sail a fortnight past, but Lord Balon would not permit it. None of the merchantmen that called at Lordsport had been allowed to depart again; his father wanted no word of the hosting to reach the mainland before he was ready to strike. "Milord," a plaintive voice called down from the forecastle of the merchanter. The captain's daughter leaned over the rail, gazing after him. Her father had forbidden her to come ashore, but whenever Theon came to Lordsport he spied her wandering forlornly about the deck. "Milord, a moment," she called after him. "As it please milord . . ." - Theon II, ACOK
Midway through the next book, A Storm of Swords, we learn that the Myraham was detained by Balon for more than six months. Amid the chaos of Balon's death and Euron's return, the captain fled.
Robb waited for Ser Raynald to close the tent flap. "The gods have heard our prayers, my lords. Lord Jason has brought us the captain of the Myraham, a merchanter out of Oldtown. Captain, tell them what you told me." "Aye, Your Grace." He licked his thick lips nervously. "My last port of call afore Seagard, that was Lordsport on Pyke. The ironmen kept me there more'n half a year, they did. King Balon's command. Only, well, the long and the short of it is, he's dead." - Catelyn V, ASOS
And that's the last we hear of the Myraham.
Are you sure?
In A Feast for Crows, after Samwell arrives in Oldtown, he notices a young mother with a baby just a bit older than Mance's boarding a ship.
At the Weeping Dock, he watched two acolytes help an old man into a boat for the short voyage to the Bloody Isle. A young mother climbed in after him, a babe not much older than Gilly's squalling in her arms. - Samwell V, AFFC
To clarify:
The ship is anchored in Oldtown.
The Myraham is a trading cog from Oldtown.
The girl boarding the ship is described as a young mother.
The Myraham's captain's daughter was an older maiden.
Samwell observes that the baby is slightly older than Mance's child, who was born towards the end of A Storm of Swords.
In Catelyn V, ASOS, we learn that the Myraham was detained at the Iron Islands for just over six months.
The timing aligns perfectly.
And that's it.
There's no counter-evidence to consider; it's just a matter of whether you find a single sentence in a Samwell chapter enough to be credible.
I suppose you could argue that it's completely inconsequential.
I find it a bit odd the author gives us a timeline for the Myraham and the age of the baby in Oldtown.
Clearly, Asha will rule the Iron Islands, Theon will die, and none of this matters. Nonetheless, I lean towards it being a clever little easter egg that George included for shits and giggles.
I welcome discussions. Feel free to reblog, respond, or challenge my perspective—I won't be offended by any of it.
Please note, if "no" is the eventual winner, or if it's competitive, a second poll will be conducted to determine the proper location.
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and-learn-to-let-go · 2 years
i saw her first drawing all the attention with a show in drama club. then i walked into a new room with new people as a very small person and i was scared. but she was there, and she smiled, and asked do you want to be my bill partner? and i wasnt ready but she asked anyway and i said yes. her friends were there and they were confident with smiles as large as their brains and they were ready for this and i was not but they invited me along anyway.
and i was her bill partner, and she was so kind and careful. but i was still learning to navigate how i felt about things and about the world and about myself and i disagreed with her ideas, her bold bold ideas, and i was scared to tell her but i did it anyway. and i was scared the smiles would end but they didnt, they grew and she hugged me. so we went our separate ways
in another situation she offered another smile and a hint that saved more things than she could have known, and i get giddy with the thought that maybe she doesnt think im bad
and she waved in the halls, once or twice, and her acknowledgement gave me wings for days
and she shined brighter than anyone else and she's bold and she succeeds and everyone knows her name and everyone loves her and i try to follow in her footsteps but i falter and its not too late, theres still another year and she gives me a hug
and i hate myself and i dont and i pull myself back together again and i keep moving
and there's another smaller one who begins to follow in my own footsteps and doesnt she know it'll just lead to ruin? but i reach out to her because she might fall, and perhaps it is better that i am older but i still dont quite know how to steer her right
and i try again and again and i pour my heart out and i keep doing it and i try again and can i make her proud? and i keep going and i just narrowly make the landing. im where she stood, where she's standing right now, and the view is nice, and i almost miss it in the ecstatic joy of succeeding, but she seems withdrawn, lately. i brush it off. she is tired. who wouldnt be, after what she has done?
and i try for another thing, and another, and i make them, i am finally exactly where she stood, beaming at all of us, and i cry
but it's time for her to leave and do better things, and we're both sad and happy, and i try to tell her how she inspired me but she gives the card a sad, confused, smile and it doesnt quite seem to land right, and that's fine, right?
but its weeks later and she is leaving and it hits me for the first time that i may never see her again and she gives us advice and she tells us her story
she was starting out and she wanted to make a difference, but she's was worried that others won't like her and others will judge her for her opinions, but mostly, she's worried that they won't tell her when they disagree and she'll end up hurting them
so she poured all her emotions into what she did and how she talked and she asked people "am i okay?" , an invisible question that echoed her every phrase and she checked and checked again and she was so careful
but she made mistakes, like all do, and she started to hate those little bits of her she couldnt cover up, and it was never perfect enough, so she began to hate herself instead of changing and she told herself "there's always next year"
and she was happy to be where she was but the difference she could make didnt seem enough, so she poured her soul elsewhere, hating herself for it all the while, feeling like she was letting us down and it wasnt until it was too late that she realized she had missed it
and she sheds a tear (i’ve never seen her cry) and she begs us to not make the same mistakes she did, to love fully and give your all because your time is too short
and she turns to me
and saw how much i tried and i loved what i did and she tells me but, more importantly, she tells them, that i am what inspired her to keep going, that i am what gave her hope to keep loving and making a difference
and that me disagreeing with her those years ago was a small rock against the roar of the ocean of doubt and that that moment meant so much to her, though i had nearly forgotten
and i think of the years ive spent running after her and the small smiles in the halls and the hugs and the times ive spent wishing i could be more like her and she hugs me, right then and there, so impossibly tight, and she said ill miss you more than any of them and she has so many friends and is known cross the campus and she chose me? i gave her hope?
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kenobicore · 2 years
"Aurelius Dumbledore" is Ariana Dumbledore's Obscurus, not Credence Barebone.
Why I think this is the case:
-While the Fantastic Beasts films have played with continuity, the timelines are too off. We know when both Dumbledore parents died, and it was wildly before Credence's birth. Credence would have to be in his mid-thirties for that to be possible, and he isn't.
-Ariana having an Obscurus fits what we know of Dumbledore's backstory. I think it probably developed (or at least significantly worsened) during the time when Aberforth was gone at school and Albus was being neglectful due to his "greater good" plans with Grindelwald. The new films even highlight that they're a result of a lack of love and care, paired with abuse due to the child's magic. It calls the Obscurus a sibling--like a twin--created to fill that gap. That's very specific language to drop in there.
-Ariana already faced abuse at the hands of the muggles, but when Aberforth was gone and her mother had died and Albus was the only one there--I think this was the first time she was truly without the love and care that she needed. The COG even has a line where Dumbledore mentions how he didn't love Ariana as he should've, when Leta and him speak about her brother.
-It's been foreshadowed through the first two films. We've got the bit of conversation between Grindelwald and Newt, when Newt explains that the Obscurus cannot survive without its host, and Grindelwald makes that remark about it being "useless," and Newt is horrified that someone would look at the situation in terms of use.
-We know that Credence's Obscurus is far more powerful than usual.
-Clearly, Grindelwald had no idea that Credence was the host. He thinks Credence is a squib, initially. I think before obtaining the Obscurus, Credence might've been one, actually. But he knew the Obscurus was somewhere. I think it's because he witnessed it at Ariana's death.
-Since the Obscurus is more powerful than usual, I think it's highly likely that it's been jumping from host to host, feeding on them and avoided detection in America. And I think Grindelwald sees this parasite as a full-blooded Dumbledore. (Or at least, he's acting as such to get its allegiance.)
-It would explain why he calls Credence Albus's brother, even though that's basically physically impossible without a major fracture in the canon lore (which, I admit, they could choose to do). But I think this development makes far more sense and fits within the hints they've dropped and the way we see Grindelwald manipulating people, as well as the themes explored thus far.
-It could make sense that Newt will play a role in "taming" or calming the Obscurus. The films continue to place him before dangerous, raging creatures that he somehow settles. Leta even tells Newt that he's never met a monster he couldn't love. This seems to be pretty blatant foreshadowing, and why Newt's at the center of this series as a protagonist, rather than Dumbledore. Because if Dumbledore was in the agent seat, I think he'd have carried less guilt during the time we see him with Harry. Instead, I imagine he foists or neglects some of that responsibility to Newt--either because he is afraid, or because he can't (due to the blood pact). Maybe both.
-It also casts a more serious light on Dumbledore's neglect of Ariana, as well as Aberforth's continuing grudge about it. It could be used as a story device to drive home the potency of Albus's neglect by manifesting that emotional damage into a physical shape that viewers can see and connect with. It also fleshes out the Dumbledore family's backstory.
-Also, the idea of Ariana's "evil twin" created by Albus's mistakes, coming back to fight him? That seems like a character beat that would fit the tone of these films.
I could be wrong. [Disclaimer: I watched both films for the first time this week.] But I'm pretty confident I'm right. Suppose we'll see.
Bonus theory: I think Tina's largely absent from the Secrets of Dumbledore trailer because she gets partially attacked by the Obscurus and has hints of the particular markings on her face. That would explain why she's not listed as part of the official "team," [if she's fighting off some sort of partial, viral/parasitical/secondary condition from an unsuccessful transfer of host or Obscurus attack, she wouldn't be able to fight as much]. It would add greater stakes to the situation. It would also put Newt's love of creatures and his philosophy of gentleness to the test. If the Obscurus hurt Tina--the person he loves--then wouldn't he have more reason to lash out against it? Just a thought.
I think this complication might also provide some internal tension to Credence, who would remember Tina from her intervention into his life. If Grindelwald's goading to unleash the Obscurus for vengeance caused Credence to hurt Tina, I think that would chip at away at Credence's resolve in Grindelwald's mission.
Either way, I think we're going to see a good deal of expansion to Ariana's lore in particular, and to the Obscurus mechanics, at least.]
Bonus-bonus theory: I think there's a chance that Ariana's Obscurus will turn into a Phoenix after Newt settles it, and we'll get a Fawkes origin story, along with a helping of "redemption/forgiveness from the ashes" theme.
And since Phoenix tears have super magically healing properties, I think it's likely that if Tina is somehow infected, maybe that could be an avenue there.
If the Obscurus does somehow turn into Fawkes, it adds even more significance to the dual wand core situation that happens with Tom Riddle and Harry Potter, since Fawkes is the source of those wand cores. If that's the case, I think we'll see those feathers drop during an emotionally significant moment (potentially close to the end of the series), and that would be right about on time for the moment little Tom gets his wand (1938).
"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" would also take on an entirely new meaning because Obscuruses and Phoenixes are both powerful creatures, and very much opposites of each other. When you look at the core of what Phoenixes represent (starting over, rebirth from ashes), it's a counter narrative to the themes pertaining to the Obscurus (self-destruction and destruction of others, toxicity, childhood abuse and neglect as hopeless cycles). It also fits the key conflict of values between Grindelwald's rhetoric (justification of harming others because of prior hurts experienced) and the ones Newt embodies (gentleness, compassion, looking to truly see others and appreciating differences).
Some of these theories are far wilder than others. That's just where my thoughts went after seeing the films.
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When I Will Be Gone (1/2)
Trigger Warning: Suicide
Pairing: Logince
Summary: Logan loves Roman with all of his heart. Logan can see that Roman wants to do more with his life. Logan can also see that his own life just isn’t working. Logan thinks he can fix both of their problems.
Roman only wants to spend his life with his boyfriend. He’s perfectly fine with giving up on his dreams if it means waking up every day to see Logan’s face.
Roman wishes he had said that sooner.
Ao3 link: (Tumblr isn’t letting me link it in a neat and simple way, so you get a large oversized link to the fic)
This was meant to be read as a oneshot, but since Tumbr doesn’t like me for some reason, here’s the second part
A quick note:
When anything is written in italics, this means that the text is part of Logan's recording. The recording takes place a few hours earlier than the story's present day.
By the time you are listening to this, I will be gone. Not dead, most likely, but gone.
January 18th, six years prior to the recording
Sunlight dancing through the trees, the scent of roses in the air. Logan and Roman sat on a checkered picnic blanket, hand in hand.
Roman, I love you more than the world, but I think we both know that I was always bound to fail as your boyfriend.
March 15th, six years prior to the recording
The last scene in the movie had come to a close, just as Logan finally stirred in his sleep, slowly waking up. Roman glanced down at his boyfriend, who was leaning on his shoulder, before pressing a kiss to his forehead.
I that thought I was helping you to achieve your dreams, but I now see that all I was doing was holding you back. I wish I had seen sooner.
November 3rd, six years prior to the recording
Roman quietly opened his boyfriend's bedroom door. He draped a blanket over the shoulders of the figure passed out at the desk and placed the cupcake he had carried in beside the mountain of paperwork.
"Happy birthday, my love," Roman whispered.
Roman, you are the most incredible human being I have ever met.
December 1st, six years prior to the recording
A smile fluttered across Roman's lips as Logan brushed a strand of hair out of his boyfriend's eyes.
The way your eyes light up when you smile fills me with a kind of joy that I did not think I had the ability to possess.
January 18th, five years prior
Roman grinned and leaned into Logan's arms
"Happy anniversary! I love you so, so much,"
The blush that dances across your cheeks when out eyes meet is nothing less than adorable.
January 31st, five years prior
They stared into each other's eyes. Moonlight just barely lit up the room. Roman hoped that it was too dark for Logan to notice how red Roman's face must be.
Watching you spin around the room laughing when your favourite Disney songs come on always ends with my cheeks hurting from smiling.
February 14th, five years prior
Logan's quiet laughter filled the air as his boyfriend pulled him up from the couch.
"C'mon specs," Roman pulled him closer. "Let's dance."
Listening to you talk about the things that you're passionate about always melts my heart. I love you so much.
March 21st, five years prior
"I GOT THE GIG!" Roman had applied for a job preforming stories for children at the local theatre. "Let's have a drink to celebrate!"
Logan looked at him in confused amusement as Roman grabbed a bottle opener. "....babe thats a bottle of soda, not exactly the kind of drink one would use to celebrate with."
And it's because of how much I care, that I must leave. I can see that you're hiding your emotions behind your smiles.
May 30th, five years prior
Roman wiped a tear off his cheek as he put on a fake smile. He stared at the figure in the mirror. Roman loved Logan more than he could even imagine. His boyfriend was the best thing to ever happen to him. It didn't matter that Roman had lost every job he had tried to keep. It would be okay.
You clearly want more than anything to follow your dreams but you don't. Why?
June 12th, five years prior
Roman pressed his lips to his boyfriend's knuckles. "I'd travel to the moon and back if it meant simply seeing your face."
So many hours were spent with me laying on my bedroom floor, trying to figure out why you refused to go out into the world and pursue a better life. Then it hit me. I am the problem.
Present day, Roman's perspective
Roman's jaw dropped and his heart fell as he listened to the recording that he had found in his and Logan's apartment. It had been addressed to him, and he had found it sitting beside a single blood red rose, and a golden locket containing a photo of him and Logan. It hadn't been long before Roman had put two and two together and figured out that there was something else going on here. This sounded bad.
As long as I stay by your side, you'll stay stuck in an unfulfilling life.
July 2nd, five years prior
They lay in a meadow, side by side, fingers entwined.
"I love you Logan,"
"I love you too,"
Please don't be sad.
August 15th, five years prior
Logan wiped away the tear rolling down Roman's cheek.
I would have told you all this in person, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to bare seeing your pain. I knew that I'd back out the second we stood face to face.
Present day, Roman's perspective
Roman picked up the rose. He ignored the thorns that pricked his skin.
"Logan, why, why why why," he could feel more tears forming.
I love you so much, Roman. I never would have gotten this far in life without you, but as they always say mall good stories must come to an end.
December 26th, five years prior
Roman closed the storybook, a smile on his face. He plucked the glasses off his sleeping boyfriend's face and set them on the nightstand.
I've hit the metaphorical dead end.
January 30th, four years prior
Roman glanced at Logan, who was sitting in the passenger seat,
"I-I think we're lost,"
"Now you admit it?" Logan raised an eyebrow. "Here, let me drive for a bit."
My family disowned me for my sexuality.
February 13th, four years prior
Roman's heart dropped as he saw the mess of tears streaming down the typically calm man's face. "You told them?"
"...I did."
I was fired from my job at the lab, simply because I argued that the animals being used as test subjects were not being treated fairly.
January 1st, four weeks prior
"They're fools for firing someone as intelligent as you,"
"No, they're right to do this. I tried to think with my heart instead of my head for once, and made the mistake of bringing emotions into a workplace,"
"Well either way, they just lost their best scientist,"
All of my friends left eventually because of how many walls I put up.
December 2nd, two months prior
"Did Virgil call?" Roman frowned when he saw the sad look on Logan's face.
"Yes, yes he did. I'd rather not talk about it though. How about we make dinner?"
My own cautiousness and inability to be overly emotional have been my own undoing. You are the last good thing left in my life.
March 14th, four years prior
"Logan, you are absolutely not just an emotionless robot! You're the sweetest guy I know. Don't you dare let any assholes tell you otherwise!"
I may not believe in soulmates, but I truly think that we are as close as it gets.
June 8th, four years prior
"Aw, you don't think that we're soulmates?" Roman said with a pout in his face. "Why not?"
"I simply said that I don't believe in such things," Logan pressed a quick kiss to Roman's forehead. "Now get sleep, we both have work to do tomorrow."
My story has come to an end, but yours is just beginning.
August 17th, four years prior
Roman gazed lovingly at the stacks of books lining the shelves that surrounded the place where Roman and Logan sat.
I know that I don't have the emotional capacity to be able to make an accurate estimation as to how long it will take for you to be able to get over this, but for both of our sakes, I do hope it will be quick.
October 6th, four years prior
Roman sighed. His boyfriend had obviously stayed up all night working again. When he peeked at the pile of notes on Logan's desk, his face lit up. From the looks of it, Logan had started teaching a course at a local college, which had always been something he had wanted to do.
I can tell that you're hiding sadness underneath all the smiles, you don't hide it very well.
December 31st, four years prior
Smiles. Grins. Laughter. Joy. Roman's entire life was based around joy. He couldn't just go tell Logan that he was sad about losing another job, that would ruin his whole facade. No, he would have to just get another job as quickly as possible.
I haven't seen enough of your genuine smiles lately.
January 14th, three years prior
Roman was so happy for the first time in what felt like ages. Logan had finally agreed to get a pet! Granted, it was a goldfish, because Logan claimed that neither of them had the time to take care of a puppy, but a pet nonetheless!
He named it Roman Jr.
You clearly want to do something more with your life, but you don't.
February 14th, three years prior
"Vegas would be a nice place to live one day, or LA. Ooh maybe London,"
"What, life isn't enough for you?"
And since I've heard you joke about me being the tether keeping you from being a star, it wasn't hard to realize that the only logical explanation is that I'm the one keeping you stuck in this small town where it is impossible for you to follow your dreams.
Present day, Roman's perspective
"I never meant it. They were nothing more than jokes. I would do anything to keep the small life we share," yet more tears rolled down Roman's face as he spoke to the empty room.
I say that you are the only thing left in this world for me, but if you can't be happy with the life we have, then I have truly failed.
April 7th, three years prior
They lay on a Roman's bed, a Disney movie playing on his laptop, long forgotten. Roman snuggled closer, savouring the moment.
The only way I can think of to fix this, is to completely disappear.
July 25th, three years prior
They sat under a cherry blossom tree, watching the petals fall around them.
"This is magical," Roman's voice was barely a whisper.
"There's noting out of the ordinary about the situation, except for the fact that the petals are dropping later in the year than they usually would," Roman merely grinned.
You're the only one who could possibly miss me, so I have three requests for you.
Next part
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