#there is something here
imminent-danger-came · 10 months
There is something to LBD believing in patience/not rushing destiny and Mei learning focus to weild the Samadhi Fire, when SWK taught MK "patience and focus" in 1x09, but I have not put those pieces together yet
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revvethasmythh · 1 year
I think there is a lot of importance to the fact that FCG, an aeormaton from the Age of Arcanum, was designed (as far as we know) to be a practitioner of divine magic. Like, considering how superior everyone in Avalir felt about Zerxus’ status as a paladin who worshipped no god, I cannot imagine what an achievement for Aeor it would have been to not only have clerics on hand with no connection to any deity, but that these cleric were not even flesh and blood.
Per the Care and the Culling, all we’ve heard is that the aeormatons used for it were “caretaker” bots, but Vitro Isham did look visibly taken aback when FCG told him that he practiced divine magic, indicating that this was not common, at least not from what modern Exandrians know of Aeor. That would make FCG pretty important, wouldn’t it? I mean, he basically proves the conceit of Aeor’s ideology, in this case, at least in their eyes—that the gods are unnecessary, that you don’t need to worship them to wield their power. It does make me question whether or not FCG was originally designed for the Care and the Culling or if he was altered for it, as Vitro suggested. And even then his target must have been of immense importance to be sent a cleric bot in the middle of the Age of Arcanum
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heraldofcrow · 10 months
The Pathologic to Bloodborne (or vise versa) pipeline is real man.
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laur-kay · 2 months
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holeodemony · 3 months
End of tmagp1. Sound effect after Johnny says thanks for listening.
Okay. Okay. Here is the link to ep.
If you listen to it backwards, you hear stuffs.!!
I swear of those are just normal sound bytes of weird whispering i'm going to scream
This has to be sometihng. tThis is something.
Someone who has better audio editing skills, PLEASE FIND THE SECRET
I even tried with my tape recorder. I still can't unlock the horrors.
Go forth with this new idea information stuff. Do what I failed to.
Also please tag me when you unlock the horrors. I need to know what they say!!!!
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kingcunny · 7 months
robb/sandor with the insane alicent/criston dynamic........ this is growing on me SO fast
sandor talks himself up like he wont care if robb rejects him. but he hopes that robb kills him if he does, because then he really wont have anywhere else to go. hes a nasty attack dog that bit its last owner. nobody else could trust him now. but he still wants to *belong*.
so he needs to prove himself worthy to robb. he kidnaps arya so he can be the one to bring her home safe. he talks about bringing his brothers body back for robb. violence is still the only language he knows.
but if robb looked past all that? actually looked at him in the eye and called him by his name? if robb asked for his sword? if robb gave him a place by his side? if robb gave him a new purpose?
robb doesnt need sandor, but sandor needs robb.
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zhakyria · 8 months
Country Roads WIP part 1
I did warn yall. The western/cowboy au is becoming a reality. :D
Cody shielded his eyes from the glare of the hot Lysatran sun. It sat low behind the small space port, throwing the two people approaching him in silhouette. He’d only been expecting one, the new core world teacher. 
The sun finally sunk below the horizon as the two walked up to his wagon and he could make out their features. The taller of the two had blue skin, not unlike a Pantoran, but he was definitely not one given his bright red eyes. He didn’t wear a uniform, but he held himself like someone accustomed to military service. The other man was human with sandy hair and eyes the color of storm clouds. He did wear a Republic uniform which hung open to the waist. They both carried republic issued duffels. 
“Are you our ride, Sheriff?” The human asked. He spoke with a light wild space accent, that probably made him the son of one of the locals back for shore leave.
Cody settled his hat back onto his head. “I am, if you’re headed to Cimarron.” He eyed the men. “Which one of you is our new teacher?” 
“I greet you, Sheriff. I’m Mitth’raw’nuruodo, the new teacher.” The taller one bowed slightly and Cody cocked an eyebrow up at the formality.
“Word of warning, you might want to drop the formality. People ‘round here are pretty friendly but most don’t care for what they might consider pretentious core worlders.” 
“I see.”
“Tried to warn ya. I’m Anton.” The other man held out his hand to Cody, who shook it. He had a strong grip but there was no challenge behind it. “It’s good to be home.” Anton smiled broadly and dimples appeared at the corners of his mouth.
“You’re a local then?”
 “Used to be.” 
Anton threw his duffel into the back unceremoniously before climbing in after it. Mitth’raw’nuruodo followed suit, but he set his bags into the back of the wagon instead of throwing them, before climbing onto the seat beside Cody.
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tuometarr · 1 year
Now that I think on it was Michael the only one of the archangels to kill his brothers?
Both the AU Michael and our Michael
Lucifer tried to kill Gabriel and AU Michael but failed
Gabriel tried to kill Lucifer but failed
Raphael is the only one who never tried directly to kill another archangel in the story
Meanwhile AU Michael killed at least Lucifer of his own siblings and Gabriel
Our world's Michael made an entire lance to kill Lucifer more painfully and was the one to kill Lucifer for the final time
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arcstral · 1 year
a kiss to comfort both parties
He grants a small peck on the forehead. “It will be alright.” He does not know if he is speaking to the young man before him, or to himself.
              He was grateful for Sephiran's presence. A caring, older man whose listening ears could be filled with the Hero-King's troubles or his secrets, and still return to him a kind smile after hearing them. He was, in another light, mysterious. Or rather, he had a mysterious, almost unnerving look to him that suggested an age somewhere between twenty years and a thousand, someone who had seen too much, and perhaps weathered unspeakable circumstances. But, Marth did not mind it; did not mind who he was; or where he came from.
              More importantly, never did he feel a lick of judgment from him when expressing the things he did- and he did not feel it now standing beside him, looking over the newly made graves. Hanging by his sides, his fingers clench, unclench, and then clench. The cycle of distress and fury clear in his posture, until a touch of lips neatly presses it away. His eyes could close at the pacifying contact against his forehead, instead they look away.
              "Things will be... alright? How can I say that to the families waiting for their loved ones to come home? I was not strong enough. That is what I must tell them. That is why..." The king's regretful words lead him nowhere. At least with his extension of solace Sephiran has tried to guide him somewhere. Marth sighs, mustering a smile of appreciation that forgets it all. "Forgive my rudeness. I appreciate your comfort, milord, as much as I do you."
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bokkerijder · 4 months
pro-AI in the sense of "they taught a bread scanning computer to recognize cancer cells" etc etc
against AI in the sense of "we stole artwork from hundreds to thousands of artists, didn't credit them and didn't financially compensate them"
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 15 days
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License to Kitty.
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zytes · 6 months
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this manatee looks like it’s in a skyrim loading screen
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cronenfag · 1 month
as far as i'm concerned all gore is necessary
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gibbearish · 7 months
love when ppl defend the aggressive monetization of the internet with "what, do you just expect it to be free and them not make a profit???" like. yeah that would be really nice actually i would love that:)! thanks for asking
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getawaycar-motelbar · 1 month
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my boy only breaks his favorite toys x the bolter
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astraltrickster · 1 year
Dear tumblr newbies of #196:
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