#but theyre just running some tests
crystallinecryptid · 7 months
Got blood drawn for the first time today. I loved seeing it fill up the vial, but I'm not such a fan of the fact that strangers have my blood now.
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mishy-mashy · 5 months
The Resistance squatted in abandoned buildings. They were squatters.
Before I show the panels that show they used abandoned buildings, I just want to be logical about this for a moment.
It doesn't make much sense to assume these guys - looking around jump-into-university age (18-26) - could afford to make underground bunkers and metal-plated halls all across Japan, for their base. They wouldn't have the time, resources, or even support from others to make these places.
Where do they find the metal to hammer in? The posts? The knowledge of actually building tunnels or buildings from scratch without them falling apart?
Other than that, having a single stationary base (above-ground, for example), is not going to survive. All For One's supporters fight anyone who opposes him without him needing to say anything.
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AFO rules Japan right now. Everyone is wary of each other. Look at how Bruce describes it as "the harshest era";
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As All For One's supporters attack his opposers of their own will, and supporters don't even realize they're on his side, the Resistance has to constantly be on the move. They can't really trust anyone.
They can't have stationary bases, nor can they afford ANYTHING to make them. They would've been caught immediately trying to do a big project like that, especially if they needed supplies to do so from someone who likely works for AFO, even without knowing.
Japan was in economic and social turmoil. They can't trust the market to keep going and grocery stores to be open. Look at how Japan is with All For One and Tomura; people band together and stores are looted.
Money is obsolete. Society is divided between humans and "monsters" (Ability-users). You can't trust anyone because anyone could be his pawn. Time is running up as his control spreads everyday. Resources are being looted left and right. It's too dangerous to go outside alone. Even if you have a stun gun, what does that mean against Ability-users?
So what do they do with their limited resources? Trying to hide from the big guy? What "bases" do they have?
They hunker down in abandoned places that already exist and, again, are abandoned. No one's going to come looking for them in places that people have run from and left behind. Because these places are literally just that: places no one wants anymore.
You hide a tree in a forest. You don't make a big, special base somewhere that says "I am here!", and they don't have the resources or time to burrow underground or build that.
Hide in an abandoned building among many others. There's not many people in abandoned places, if they happen to be there at all. The Resistance isn't going to be found in the deserted buildings, but they still have to keep moving, because someone might be trailing them.
When they take Yoichi from the vault,
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They're in a house. The couch is ripped, the mug is cracked, and so is the wall, with a questionable stain in the background. There are signs of fighting and abandonment, but it works.
Houses have food. Houses have clothes. Houses have beds. It's enough to sit in for a bit and heat up some water.
Not everyone packed their things and run. Some people just had to RUN. And when some places are full-on abandoned from an exodus, the Resistance is definitely gonna find some stuff there in the new "safe area".
Look below at where Kudo and Bruce hole up after Yoichi's death. No one's outside, there's a destroyed car, and there's some smoke further up the road.
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The hospital/clinic room Bruce uses is ripped apart and unsanitary, but it's still the best they can do. I think that houses and a hospital would be their best bet for survival/using as a base; resources, lodging, and some sort of safety exist there. Especially in a hospital, which would have backup generators, a camera system, and even a PA system. Hospitals have to accommodate for lots of people (food, space, lodging), and have a lot of medical equipment they can use.
Basically what I'm saying is: the Resistance likely doesn't have a permanent base. They don't have the resources or enough safety to make their own. They squat in abandoned places and move constantly, because nowhere is safe, but they can't just waltz in public and declare where they are; they have to hide in plain sight while they bide their time. In the meantime, the places they use would have to be resourceful, or they're using what they have on their backs. The manga already shows them using a house and a hospital room.
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molliemoo3 · 7 months
As much as I love Fred, if Williams get rid of Logan just to sign a different, also underprepared for f1, rookie, I will have to go fight James, even if I love him
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youssefguedira · 2 years
Yusuf is there when Nicolò enters the old temple, not a vision of him, no portal behind him that will take him somewhere Nicolò cannot follow yet again before he has the chance to reach him, just Yusuf. He's alone, his head tilted upwards and eyes closed, illuminated by the shafts of sunlight that fall through the cracked ceiling. The sight of him - here and safe and whole, finally, after everything Nicolo's fought through to reach him - takes his breath away.
"Nico," Yusuf says, and opens his eyes to look at him. He smiles, and he's still Nicolò’s Yusuf, even after everything that's happened.
Nicolò can't wait another second, then, sheaths his sword at his back and walks up the stone steps towards him. Yusuf's smile widens, and then he's stepping into Nicolò's already open arms, laughing. "I missed you."
"Missed you too," Nicolò says. He kisses Yusuf's temple, holds him close. "So much, Yusuf, you have no idea-"
Yusuf leans back, cupping Nicolò's face in one hand. "I know. It's okay. I'm here."
But Nicolò knows him well enough to know something's wrong. "What is it?"
"It's not over, yet." Yusuf steps out of Nicolò's arms and back a few steps, leaving him cold. "There's so much more you don't know yet, but we're running out of time. He will return, soon, and we're not ready."
"Tell me what I need to do," Nicolò says immediately. He can't bear the idea of Yusuf disappearing again, not now when he's finally here, when every other time Nicolò has tried to reach him he's been a second too late. "Anything, and I'll do it, whatever it is. Just tell me what you need."
Yusuf smiles again, sad. "It's not you, Nico. We need more time. And I can buy it, but-" He cuts himself off.
"Then I'll help you."
Yusuf shakes his head. "You don't understand. For this to work, I need to reform the seal, and I can only do that by" - there are tears in his eyes, now, and dread running down Nicolò's spine - "by sealing myself away along with it."
Nicolò realises just a moment too late what that means. "Yusuf-"
"If I seal myself here, in the past," Yusuf continues, "when you return to our time, it will be just strong enough to hold. You will have the time you need to finish this. And once all this is over, the seal can be broken in our time."
"I can't," Nicolò says. "There has to be another way. This can't be it."
"It's the only choice we have," Yusuf says. "I cannot - this was always my path, Nicolò."
She's manipulating you, Andromache had said, the goddess. She's using Yusuf to make you do what she wants, can't you see? If Nicolò hadn't understood then, he does now - neither of them ever had a choice in this. Yusuf was chosen because Nicolò would follow him anywhere, and Nicolò was chosen for the same reason.
Nicolò realises something else then. "If you seal yourself here, you'll be trapped for thousands of years."
"I'll be asleep," Yusuf says, soft. "It'll be like the blink of an eye. So when this is all over, you'll have to come wake me up." He smiles, then, even through his tears. "Just like old times, no?"
And before Nicolò can say anything else, the air around him begins to glow gold, condensing around Yusuf, who tilts his head back and closes his eyes, and Nicolò cannot move, frozen in place by something beyond his control. All he can do is watch as the light gathers around Yusuf, blindingly bright, until Nicolò cannot see him anymore. Whatever's holding him releases, and he runs towards Yusuf even though the light hurts his eyes, and just as he reaches out the light fades.
Before him is what looks like a crystal, tinged orange, clear enough that he can see Yusuf inside, his eyes closed. He looks like he's just sleeping, like this is one of the mornings Nicolò had had to wake him but had paused for a moment just to watch him.
Nicolò lifts his hand to the crystal. It's freezing cold when he touches it. Yet again, he's too late.
"I'll come back for you," he tells Yusuf, even though he knows Yusuf can't hear him. "I swear it. I'll finish this, and I'll come back for you." His voice is trembling, but he can't let himself break down now, not when there's still work to be done. The faster he finishes his task, the sooner he can wake Yusuf.
(Nile is the first to ask when he returns through the gate, waiting for him with Andy, Quynh and Sebastien nearby. "Where's Yusuf?" she asks, looking behind him - the plan had always been that Nicolò would bring Yusuf back with him, after all.
Nicolò can't bring himself to say it out loud.)
It feels like an age before Nicolò returns to the temple, now in the present. It's over, finally - the five of them have sealed the demon king away for good. The others are outside.
The crystal is overgrown with vines, now, just like their old favourite meeting place on the island where all of this had started. Its surface is scratched and clouded with age, but Nicolò can still make out Yusuf inside it, looking exactly as he had when Nicolò left him in the past. He hates to think of the crystal here, alone, for so much time.
There's a glowing mark on the crystal's surface that hadn't been there before. Nicolò approaches it carefully and places his hand over the mark.
Almost immediately, glowing cracks begin to grow from where his hand touches the crystal, spreading across the whole thing until it's glowing as brightly as it had when it was formed, but he can't look away. When the light dies down, Yusuf hovers in the air for just a moment before whatever spell had held him there finally breaks, and he collapses, but Nicolò is there to catch him, sinking to his knees and cradling him close. He doesn't move for a moment, and Nicolò is terrified, because what if something had gone wrong-
Yusuf gasps awake, his eyes fluttering open. He looks around frantically before catching sight of Nicolò above him, who nearly sobs with relief, holding him impossibly closer.
"Nicolò?" Yusuf whispers, his voice hoarse. Nicolò nods, unable to speak just yet, blinking back his tears and brushing Yusuf's curls away from where they've fallen into his eyes.
Then Yusuf asks, "Did I oversleep?" and Nicolò has to laugh even though it comes out sounding more like a sob, kisses his forehead and smiles. "It's over, then?"
"It's over," Nicolò confirms, and then, "I love you."
Yusuf sits up and wraps his arms around Nicolò's neck, buries his face in Nicolò's shoulder and holds on tightly. "I love you too."
(When they return, Nile is the first to them, hugs Yusuf so tightly he laughs, and then it's Sebastien's turn, then Andromache and Quynh both.
They choose to stay on the surface, all six of them. And neither Yusuf or Nicolò are the same people anymore - sometimes Nicolò wakes screaming, sometimes Yusuf gets a distant look in his eyes and it takes a worryingly long time for him to come back to himself. Sometimes there are things Yusuf still can't tell Nicolò, and vice versa.
They make it work, though. They find a quiet place in the woods, far away from the temple and any danger, and they're safe, and happy, and together.
It's all Nicolò's ever wanted, really.)
#neon writes#posting this separately in an attempt to unbury it a little#the old guard#kaysanova#ANYWAY guess whos playing skyward sword. thats right folks this is ANOTHER different zelda au#ive condensed the entire thing into this because im not going to write much else for it#but. the plot:#nicolo and yusuf are childhood rivals-to-friends-to-lovers. at the time when Shit Goes Down they're coming up to the point where they have#to pass a specific test to become soldiers/knights/whatever. the wing ceremony if youre a zelda fan but theyre both participating. anyway#they both win (andromache and quynh are two years ahead of them nile and booker are the year below but they're all like. adults. not 17)#anyway they win and go on some kind of flight around the clouds because the kicker is that this takes place on a sky island and they get#around by riding giant birds i love ss. anyway while they're flying around (victory lap or something) yusuf mentions weird dreams he's been#having. then a giant tornado appears things happen yusuf falls below the cloud barrier separating the land from the sky nicolo is thrown#from his bird. wakes up explains this to andy who is like Well Shit. cue epic quest to find yusuf who has some destiny shit to do#gods and all that. its not important#but theyre trying to defeat an evil demon king before he comes back. merrick with horns can be the visual for that. nicolo spends half of#his time chasing after yusuf who always has to leave before they can talk. maybe quynh isnt with them on sky island and is the one guiding#yusuf instead i dont know anyway eventually nicolo has to do some hero stuff and all that. and this happens when theyre running out of time#as a kind of last resort. but then nicolo nile booker andy quynh defeat The Evil and rescue yusuf and its all good#the plot of this isnt very well thought out. i just thought about that scene with zelda and then about them and had to make this about it#enjoy#the reference to yusuf oversleeping is bc there's a bit in skyward sword abt link always sleeping in and then having to wake zelda and it#causes me 10 psychic damage so i had to adapt it here. that line is the whole reason this fic exists
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dandyshucks · 18 days
brain is so silly bc I'm thinking "i wish Guz had cold hands so when I'm stressed he could cup my face and it'd soothe the itchiness I get when I start scratching at myself from the stress" and then I realized wait he's a fictional character. I could just say he has cold hands if I wanted. but he DOESN'T, i just KNOW that man is a heater !!! he will get me overheated so easily and that is simply something i am happy to put up with because i love him !!!!
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wabblebees · 1 year
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rab1darachn1d · 10 days
hypothetically speaking what if i made a silly little icon/moodboard/ntp blog that was all fancy and aesthetic and i put way too much effort into
@sundazeing <- :33
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deadfo8 · 5 months
idk every time i see palworld i just see significant style mismatches. it just feels off in the difference in levels of detail. the pals are these smooth blobs of creatures meanwhile the player has a significantly higher level of detail and the environment and props have too much detail. either the detail needs to be decreased to match the pals, which would enrage the loudest of people previously yelling at gamefreak, or the pals need some amount of extra detail, which would then decrease their appeal as pokemon-like creatures
like, you cannot tell me its not at least a little silly seeing a pal holding a small gun that has an exponentially higher level of detail than the creature itself. its smth youd see in vrchat, but not smth youd expect from a cohesive product
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arolesbianism · 11 months
Hi guys :) perfectly normal morning :) nothing that made me almost cry :) anyways what's the latest sekai news guys :) (<- not ok)
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circeyoru · 3 months
What if there's a side story of Collection Of Overlords where the hotel crew accidentally made Bambi, specifically from Unwanted Soul HAHAHA
Like, another of one Charlie's random activities that they wanted to know Alastor more, and they kept bugging him so Alastor just thought about telling them about his voodoo stuff
And the Charlie wanted him to show them, and Alastor hesitantly accepted, but then some like, loud crash or something interrupted Alastor's spell that made..
Our little Cursed Cat! Bambi!
Everyone was stunned, and Alastor literally panicked when he realized Bambi took a run towards Collector/Reader's room
Cat's are liquid, so Bambi slipped right under the crack of the door making Alastor have a heart attack 😭
But once Alastor slammed the door open and was about to protest, Collector/Reader had already picked up the cursed cat and is petting it
"hmm? Oh Alastor, did you know about this adorable kitty? You two resemble alot"
3am thoughts.. THEYRE EATING ME UP
OH OH!!! Cursed Cat Alastor strikes again!! This series' first Cursed Cat Alastor appearance!!!
I'm pretty sure a lot of people already know Alastor's Reader's/your favourite Elite in your collection. Plus Alastor's actively keeping it only belonging to him. And what happens when Cursed Cat Alastor comes along? Well...
In this story, I don't think Alastor's willing to share his power without cause or a good reason, cause you play a role in his vast abilities, so he's not gonna show them off like that. He's trying to mimic your mysteriousness. So in this ask, (1) Alastor's not gonna join Charlie's activities when you're in the hotel, (2) Alastor won't let Charlie learn much of him as he believes you're the only one that should know -cause you own his soul so him too-, and (3) Alastor's not gonna entertain Charlie like that.
So how does Curse Cat Alastor appear?
Let's say, Alastor was performing his duties. He's testing some powers you lend him in order to reconstruct his room to what it was before (remember half of his room was a literal swamp? yeah, that) and then some new features to prove he can handle things. Then Charlie and Vaggie suddenly burst into his room unannounced and he messed up.
Poof! Cursed Cat Alastor is here!!
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" Charlie tried apologizing so many times "We didn't knock cause it was urgent." Vaggie somewhat lied They didn't catch the red creature that run through them and out of Alastor's room Alastor sighed, a bit annoyed but kept his composure, "What is it that you need, Charlie?" Vaggie watched the cat run, "Huh, it's going to that guest's room. You know, that one that actually paid."
Remember how it was with Alastor and your powers combined? Yee, Cursed Cat Alastor is literally built to locate you. Not only that, but it shares the same affection Alastor would to you. So? Competition!
Alastor panics and immediately runs after it, he can't risk using his powers cause he didn't want to mess anything up.
Meanwhile, you're in the library, looking through a number of books that float around you. As usual, your eyes remained closed. You sat in a chair without anything near you apart from the floating opened books. Your concentration broken when you heard scratching sounds directly below you. You paused in your reading and leaned over to see what was making that noise.
"Hello, you."
You heard the static meow from the cat that weirdly resembles Alastor way too much. You weren't aware of any hell version of a cat being red or having that kind of smile, not to mention owning and wearing a mini monocle.
"Aren't you cute?"
You reached to pick it up slowly, to test and see if it would claw at you or express defense. If it was a cat, then they don't like to be touched too much. Truly reminds you of Alastor. You noticed it shaking a bit and turned it to the side to see its tail wagging happily and excitedly.
You carefully placed it on your lap, letting it make itself comfortable. It purred loudly with static effects when you started patting its head, then moving down its back. You hummed along and smiled. When you asked if it could understand you, it nodded and purred, its head nudging into your stomach.
"Any owner?"
It hissed loudly, but then its ears drooped down and bowed its head down as if apologizing for its rude actions.
Your smile widened, got to love its personality and the resemblance it had with Alastor. So... "Let's forget your old owner, now, you follow me."
It meowed loudly, sitting at attention as if sensing what you're about to do.
Your fingers snapped and a black collar appeared, "Let's name you Red, you're fur was the first thing I noticed, you see."
The collar was inscribed with the bolded and capitalized name 'RED' with a wave of your finger and placed around its neck. Red purred and hugged you in gratitude.
"My Liege!" The doors burst opened and in rushed Alastor who looked like he fought krakens barehanded. His eyes glared down at Red who was in your wonderful hold. "I apologize for troubling your reading time, but I'll be removing this... thing that has taken up your space."
"Oh, no need. This is my new pet, Red. Red, say hello to Alastor."
Red hissed at Alastor and leaned closer to you.
Alastor emitted deafening static at the creature with his head tilted to the side.
You smile, "Aww, you two are getting aloud already~"
The characters are from {Collection of Overlords} here, you can check it out in MASTERLIST for the works
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spookberry · 4 months
Had an idea for a Pokemon Legends ZA character I couldnt stop thinking about while trying to sleep last night
Basically they're an engineer/inventor type with their own little house you can go into. On a table and tacked to the walls are diagrams for all sorts of strange contraptions. There are wooden wheels and handle like pieces strewn about as well. You talk to this person and they tell you about their time in a nearby region and how over there they use a pokemon to get around and how its inspired their newest invention.
They're just so busy working on different prototypes for their invention that they ask you the player to run a couple errands for them. Idk what sort of errands but I imagine there's like three of em. After each you go speak to them to get the next one and they thank you and update you on the topsy turvy production process, they're a bit scatterbrained. They mention they keep getting distracted by side projects. After theyre done talking you can interact with them again and they'll just repeat these three comments like they're talking to themself:
"maybe more than two wheels would help with the balance...?"
"Should I calculate footsize into the shape of this part?"
"Some sort of braking mechanism might be important..."
Anyways I like the idea that the player is set up into thinking they're gonna get a bike only for the Character to say theres still some work needed on that invention actually but to thank you for helping here's the protoype for a Different invention they made while distracted that they want you to have/test out for them.
Its rollerskates
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r0tte3nlungz · 6 months
the best patient ✮ | e.jaeger
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MDNI-> warnings: afab reader, nurse!y/n, erenbrokehiswrist, cheater!eren, stoner!eren, dealer!eren, (pretend hes also a metalhead bc i love metalheads. and toxic eren oh my god its unhealthy), mentions of weed, blowjobs, hairpulling, missionary, cowboy, multiple creampies, dirty talk, eyerolling, tit sucking, hickies, pussy eating, cum swapping/sharing/consuming, squirting (cuz it wouldnt be a dysaren fic without squirting!), erens gf visits.
a/n: sorry im so inactive im actually so busy like all the time :( (save me.) anyway, enjoy this quick fic i wrote instead of doing my assignments!! i am a sucker for toxic,cheater,stoner,dealer,metalhead,has piercings eren. based on a scenario that i created with a character.ai bot ( i am ashamed.. it was a xiao bot.)
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"hello. im nurse y/n and ill be taking care of you for the duration of your stay here." you say, walking into the ER patient room as you scan my clipboard for the details of the person staying here.
Name: Eren Yeager
DOB: March 30 XXXX
Height: 6'0 ft
"weight, ethnicity blah blah... reason of hospitlization: distal radius fracture..." you read to yourself, glancing up from the clipboard to meet eyes with the man in the hospital bed. his long brown hair was up in a messy bun, he had tattos running from his neck all the way down to his arms, and from what you can tell, he was built, rather... nicely. (he was buff asf.)
the man looked miserable. he had swollen undereyes, and his skin looked dry, but still, for some reason you found him incredibly attractive.
"hello nurse." he mutters, clearly tired.
"hello." you repeat again. "im just here just to check up on you." you explain to him, sauntering closer to his bed.
you flip the page on your clipboard to a new, blank sheet. "i will just be running some tests, checking your vital signs and see how you are healing."
eren nods compliantly.
you take that as a sign of consent and start writing some things down on paper. "he seems to be doing fine...even his arms are nice fuck." you get distracted, looking at his arms, the way the veins pop out. mentally youre drooling. his fingers are long and thick, and there are indentations of multiple rings on them which only gets you more excited.
you flip your page back to the information sheet from before, checking the notes: "frequent smoker and sexually active."
"so it says here you are a frequent smoker?" you ask him, just wanting some sort of confirmation from him.
eren nods again. "yes" he whispers. "some nicotine but mostly weed."
"oh i see." you say, writing that information down.
"i can get you some. once im out of here at least." he looks up at you.
"im sorry?" you mustive heard wrong...right?
"ive seen you around before." eren explains. "at parties...you know mostly smoking. like that last one...you were with jean and connie."
oh. you didnt hear wrong.
three days ago, on your day off, you had went to a party with your friends jean and connie. they said it would be a good idea since it would be a chance for you to finally relax from your stressful job, so you relunctantly went. that was your first time smoking weed. it was wonderful and you guess eren saw the whole thing.
"you must have it wrong... i dont typically smoke." you explain to the brown haired man.
"i know, jean and connie told me it was your first. looked like you had a good time though." he smiles tiredly up at you.
you were taken a back a bit. you didnt know that the two of them knew eren. do they know that he's in the hospital right now? are they the reason he broke his wrist? where were they?
"i see..." you ponder a bit. "are they here with you tonight? somewhere in the hospital i mean."
"yeah. theyre here with my girlfriend too since she's the only sober one who can drive at the moment... they just went back to my place to grab some things for me before you came in. they wont be back for a while." eren clarifies.
"goddamnit he has a girlfriend." you sob internally.
"thats good to know." you fake smile, looking back at your clipboard. "it says here youre also sexually active... are you taking any sort of pills perchance?" you continue with your questions, trying to get back to professionalism.
"nope its all just me." he giggles with a coy grin on his face. youd hate to admit that his laugh turned you on a bit.
you finish up your report of eren, rechecking his vitals once more to confirm things. "okay it seems as though youre on the right track... it can take up to 6-12 weeks for your wrist to comepletely heal. otherwise, you might want to lay off the weed consumption till then." you finish up.
before you can leave, he call out. "wait.."
you turn around. "what is it? are you alright?"
"i have a problem with something and i just cant seem to be able to do it myself." eren tries saying shyly, but the look in is eyes seemed to be more sinsiter than you thought. "after all... i did just break my wrist..."
he looks down at his jeans, putting the spotlight on the constrained buldge in his jeans.
youre flushed. "oh..." what were you supposed to do in this situation?? didnt he have a girlfriend?
right he had a girlfriend.
"im sure your girlfriend can help you out with that."
eren's eyebrows crease. he did have a girlfriend and she was amazing. she did basically everything for him. so why now was he so damn attracted to his nurse to want to take a risk and cheat on everything he had???
he presses his lips together before speaking, "i lied. i just didnt want to seem like a pussy to ya." sentences were forming right as he was speaking them. hopefully it was enough to fool you. "please. its so uncomfortable..."
his throbbing cock was being compressed by not only his boxers but also by his black rocker jeans. it was true. it was extremely uncomfortable so why not relieve it with the cute nurse who also happened to be the cute girl who had been sitting with his friends not too long ago, taking a drag from a joint he sold to jean and connie.
you were relunctant, but then again, you could feel your panties getting damper. you walk up to him slowly, keeping your eyes locked with his. you sit down on the bed beside him.
he feels your soft hands on his buldge and from that he lets out a restrained sigh. "fuck." he huffs.
god, there was no way this wasnt turning you on too. eren knew that. he saw the way you bit your lip as you started to unbutton his jeans.
"how long will they be gone?" you ask, hinting at the group of friends eren had mentioned previously. "for a while.. my place is pretty from from the hospital." he watches you slowly pull down his zipper. "fuck baby youre making me go crazy."
you smile, finally releasing his cock from his boxers. he was hung. youre eyes widened and he lauged.
"too much for you baby?" he questions.
"no..." you whisper, slowly kitten licking the tip, tasting his precum before fully sheathing his cock in your mouth.
eren moaned. loudly.
"holy shit!" he huffs. "oh my god..." he leans his head back, grabbing your neat ponytail to guide you while sucking him off.
"ugghhfff!" you choke on his length, tears coming to your eyes. but you like it. it felt too good. at this point, your panties were soaking wet at this point.
"fuck baby you gotta stop or else im gonna cum." eren gasps, pulling you off from his dick. "cmon take it all off... show me."
you look behind you to make sure that the door to the room was closed. you look back at him with a playful look, pulling off your uniform and undershirt to reveal your cleavage.
eren smirked, watching as your skin reacted from the cold air, goosebumps forming. he reaches behind you and releases the hooks of your bra.
he sighed at the sight of your tits. they were beautiful. you were beautiful. he kneads at your chest as you remove the rest of your garments, underwear included.
you were fully exposed to him. internally, eren was freaking out. externally, he was entranced by your body, drooling a bit.
"eren?" you ask, waving your hand infront of him. he snaps out of his trance. "are you ok?" you look at him with a worried look.
"im ok baby. sorry. lets keep going." he says, rubbing his tip on your clit. he can feel your wetness and he smirks once again,
"you are dripping baby..." he whispers in your ear. "i dont even need to prep you..." eren slowly shoves his cock into you.
you were in heaven. both of you were. to him, you felt so fucking tight. he doesnt even know if youre a virgin or not. how couldnt you be? "youre so tight..." he groans, restraining himself from prematurely giving you a creampie.
you have never felt so full in your life. in your life, you've only fucked one guy and the rest had been occupied by your plethora of sex toys. but eren... eren was different. you were filled to the brim. eren could see the buldge of his dick lightly poking through your pudgy tummy. that made him go feral.
he started thrusting into you faster, sucking on your sensitive nipples, licking around the skin as well. he left mulitple hickies in the places where only he could see them. you still were on your shift of course, he wanted to be courteous.
"mmm..." he heard you sigh, smiling as he kissed your body.
eren lifts you up so now youre straddling him. he keeps his pace constant but you wanted to take control. so you start bouncing on his cock. he watches as your tits move with you, again trying not to prematurely cum.
"mmmhf!!!!" you try to conceal your moans, but it was so hard. "fuck daddy please!! i need more!!" you were being greedy, but it felt too good.
"youre bossy baby." eren laughs. he thrusts up, faster than before. "fuck im gonna fucking cum." you watched him gasp, bringing your face closer to his, kissing him with so much passion. he kissed back.
sure he had a girlfriend, but maybe now he's finally gonna break it with her. just for you.
"ah ah..." you gasp, feeling his thrusts slow down. you whine.
"shush baby, let me cum inside before i fuck it back into you." he moans into your neck, creampie-ing your cunt. you try not to scream as you feel the heat in your stomach release as you cum as well.
your eyes roll back into your head and oh how he loves the sight. yeah hes all yours now.
eren picks up his pace once again, like he said, fucking his cum deeper into you.
you scream before he slaps a hand over your mouth. "shut it baby... dont want everyone hearing how much of a slut you are."
"mmfgf!" you groan in protest.
eren doesnt stop his pace until he's shooting his thick load into you once again.
he's catching his breath as he pulls out, plugging your pussy with his fingers so the essence wouldnt leak from your cute slit.
youre all fucked out by the way. he watches as your face contorts into pure pleasure, feeling the band in your stomach snap as you twitch on his fingers.
eren shoves his mouth onto your pussy, licking up the mess in between your legs, tasting both him and you. he licks up your slit to your clit, flicking it with his tongue. youre overstimulated and tired. your couldnt take it anymore. you gush once more on his face, the liquid dripping down his chin and onto the sheets of the hospital bed.
"aahh..." you breathe heavily, recovering from your third orgasm.
"that feel good baby?" he says, bring his head up to meet your eyes. he could see hearts in them.
"mm... i think we're going to have to change the sheets." you giggle.
"well it was worth it." he watches as you sit up, making sure youre not in any discomfort. he rubs your back and fixes your hair. "you look beautiful like this."
"do i?" you say, questioning his taste.
he nods before leaning in for a comforting kiss. "let me take you out." he whispers.
you nod-
you glance behind you to look at the door.
"eren! its mikasa!" you both hear from the other side of the door.
you look back at him in confusion. "mikasa?"
he rolls his eyes.
"my girlfriend."
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kaidatheghostdragon · 6 months
Starefire is liminal
Correct me if im wrong, but she got her starbolts from unethical alien experimentation, right? What if the experiment was exploring ectoplasm and liminality? Ergo, starfire's starbolts are actually ectorays.
There are so many possibilities to explore. Does she know she's liminal or the nature of her starbolts? Do the GIW clock her as a ghost instead of an alien? Do they hunt her down or monitor from a distance because she's too high profile?
Does the justice league learn about the giw through their interactions with starfire, and only discover phantom as a side effect? Here we can run the full gamut of possibilities, from phantom just starting out, or phantom successfully protecting an entire off-the-radar city (not something ive seen very often), to phantom post-capture, or bad reveal and in hiding.
Also, when i first thought of this idea, i immediately considered the similarities between starfire and jazz, especially if jazz is a fire core liminal with flight and ectoblasts. I was kind of considering a plot where a video of the giw hunting jazz is released on the web, but the video goes viral with the title of "fashion police attack starfire" or something. Jazz deliberately played up the similarities she has to starfire (makeup, costume, and everything) and tucker deliberately released the video in a way that would get past the censors and catch the justice league's attention. It was a desperate ploy that the entirety of team phantom was in on to get help when the giw escalated to hurting civilians, or captured phantom, or some other emergency.
Then, as the league investigate the starfire impersonator, they discover all the monitoring the giw have done on the real starfire (that team phantom might or might not know about) to confirm that she's liminal, and the plans theyre devoloping to quietly capture her.
It would be equal parts angsty and hilarious if the Justice League destroyed the GIW without ever identifying the impersonator or discovering amity park and phantom. Maybe batman only discovered them months later while trying to close up loose ends? Idk, its an idea. (I kinda wanna avoid the whole "summon the ghost king" subplot, if for no other reason than the fact that its been overdone?)
OTOH, the league could be doing a very thorough internal investigation to figure out how many of their members are "ecto-contaminated" according to the giw's tech, and the magic users would have to step in and explain things if batman tries to take the "contamination" at face value and try to purge it. Once they explain the concept of liminality and how they can sense it from most members, batman is simultaneously unsurprised that most of the league is "death-touched" and nearly having an aneurysm because they never thought to explain this sooner.
To add a bit of crack at the end, after the justice league has thoroughly destroyed the giw and figured out all their own existential crises (and still havent discovered who the imposter was), THAT'S when "perpetual pot-stirrer" Phantom shows up on the watchtower all like, "yes, you have passed all of my tests and reacted appropriately to the information of liminality. I will now deign you with my presence and give you many blessings of the ghost king. You are also now allowed to visit amity park. Treat these privileges with wisdom and temperance." (As if he's NOT a superpowered teen desperately looking for like-minded peers and unconditional acceptance.)
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mwahmwahkissesdarling · 6 months
My A'aru, My Heaven
Pairing: Ahkmenrah x Fem/Maybe Genderfluid Reader
Summary: A taste testing night with a sprinkle of love (and religion ig)
Warnings: Kissing, fluff, extreme fluff, err fluff, more fluff, Cussing maybe, spelling and grammar mistakes, controversial topic, religion, me writing Christianity as someone who is not Christian, uhhh lmk if i need to put any other warnings???? idk
Note: yall the ahkmenrah brain rot is ... rotting? my brain? so hard
Alsooooooo this is my first fic (on this acc, posted anyway) so be easy
*A'aru is the Egyptian equivalent of Heaven for Christians <33 #wikipedia
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You rip open a colorful package and hand it to Ahkmenrah.
"Here, these are gummy worms."
The Pharoah looked alarmed. "You eat…worms?"
You laugh. "Theyre not real worms. Here, just try one."
Ahk glances at you, unconvinced, but he takes a red and blue gummy in between his fingers and nibbles at it.
"Well?" You bit into yours and watched his reaction.
He shrugs. "Theyre… enjoyable, I suppose, but I don't prefer them myself."
You grin. "Yeah, me niether, I just wanted to see what you thought." You turn in your criss-cross-applesauce position on the floor in Ahkmen's exhibit to pick out a new candy and come back with two tin wrapped chocolate pieces. Picking one out, you hand it to him. "Have a Kiss," you joke.
Ahk stares at the candy in his hand, then back at you. "S-sorry?"
You look back at him, then realizing he wouldn't know the name of this candy, you laugh. "It's the name of the candy. Hershey Kisses." He slowly smiles. "Well, I wouldn't say no to a kiss, either." You roll your eyes. "Seriously-"
Ahk cuts you off with his lips. You lean into the kiss, setting your 'Kiss' down and running your hands up his torso and into his hair, letting your fingers tangle there. He cups your face with one hand and places the other on his sarcophagus case behind you, pressing you against it. You let him, knowing he usually doesn't take control like this.
After a moment, Ahk breaks away and breaths heavily, catching his breath.
"Do I really take away your breath that bad?" You joke, panting.
He runs his thumb against your bottom lip, his eyes flitting between your lips and your eyes. "Yes," He says simply. "You do."
You feel yourself blush and you smile. "Love you too, Ahk," was all you could get out.
Ahk smiles back and brushes his lips against your temple, then leans back, letting you have your space to continue taste-testing modern candy.
You resume your earlier position and cross your legs, pressing your knee against his as you grab your Hersheys. "Come on, eat it."
He groans but takes it and unwraps it with your guidance. He pops it into his mouth and his eyes widen.
You grin at him. "Right? Personally I prefer caramel with my chocolate, but I figured start small, y'know?"
Ahk slowly chews it. "Holy Ra. This is chocolate?" His mouth is still full, and you giggle at his bad manners. "Don't talk with your mouth full. Come on, King Ahkmenrah, fourth king of the fourth kingdom of Egypt and all things fancy, have better manners." You tease and pause. "But yeah, it's chocolate. Although I'd describe it as heaven."
The Pharoah glanced at you, opening another Hershey. "I thought you said that was a place."
You nod, taking the Kiss out of his hands, throwing in the air, and catching it with your mouth. "Yeah. The place that Christians beleive is the perfect afterlife."
Ahk glares at you but otherwise ignores your theft. "You cant call a taste or an object heaven, then. It'd go against grammar rules and the belief of a Chrisin."
Swallowing, you shrug. "First of all, it's Christian, second of all, I don't think they care anymore, although don't quote me on that. My ma's Christian, and she refers to my mother as heaven."
He frowns, thinking. "So, you can call your other half 'heaven'?"
"Some people do," you pause. "Well. I've only ever heard it from my parents, and also Bruno Mars, but I think if someone says it in public, it's considered PDA. Public displays of affection." You reply to his confused look.
Ahk nods. "And thats… frowned upon." You make an "eh" sound. "Well, people don't particularly like it, but it's not as bad as, like, racism or something. Far from it." You scoff.
"So, for a… hypothetical example… I could call you heaven, but only in… private."
You turn and stare at him, a blush forming "W-well, yes, I-"
He kisses you, effectively shutting you up. You lose all train of thought, lost in his touch. He pulls you close, practically onto his lap before pulling away.
"You're my heaven." Ahk smiles at you, and you smile back.
"And you're my A'aru."
Your Pharoah, your king, your Ahk, your little slice of heaven, in your little corner of home.
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malwaredykes · 7 days
concept: alternative version of the quarry junction deathclaw situation. you get tasked with getting rid of the deathclaws, or maybe you just pass through there successfully and manage to take a peek at the flock, and you discover that theyre not just living there, theyre examining the machinery and, it looks like, trying to figure it out. every once in a while one of them will get something to run for a couple of moments and they all get very agitated about it. well, not much to be done anyhow, theyre still hostile and dangerous as hell, so you can either proceed to wipe them out, or you can continue on your merry way. much much later, maybe in a side quest thats easy to miss, a scientist confides in you that theyve been developing a device (pheromones-based? something else?) that makes deathclaws see you as basically another deathclaw. just a small shitty one i guess. the problem is that 1. theres not a lot of potential uses for that besides getting a closer look at deathclaw behavior in the wild, which not many people consider a worthy subject of study 2. theres a chance of the device not working 3. theres also a chance that any given deathclaw would still elect to beat the shit out of another deathclaw it doesnt know. so theres not a lot of volunteers to test it out. but hey. youre the main character, youre not scared. and you know Just the place to observe some very interesting behaviors. so you go to quarry junction disguised as a deathclaw and the flock doesnt seem to mind you at all. they cant communicate with you, but they seemingly arent surprised by it, which lends credence to a theory raised by the questgiver scientist that different flocks of deathclaws have their own languages and dialects. obviously the deathclaws attack you if you steal their eggs, hurt one of their own, etc. but so long as youre chill theyre chill, and you get to observe them up close. you even get to show them how to make some of the mine equipment start up, but its just a fun amusing thing to them, its not like they have any use of it. you can bring them some stuff theyve never seen before, like maybe that basketball from the lucky 38, and observe how they play with it. you play music for them and see how they react. crazy stuff like that. you write everything down, and bring the notes to the scientist, and... well i guess time will show whats done about all this new information. if anyone even believes it. if anyone wishes to conduct more research. if it is used, then who uses it, and for what purpose. also in the end well the quarry is still full of deathclaws so that sucks for the workers and for people who wanna go from goodsprings straight to new vegas LMAO
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space-helen · 3 months
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Words: 1499
Pairing: All platonic (?) Nick Stokes x Reader, Greg Sanders x Reader, David Hodges x Reader
A/N: This was written back in October (sorry) but enjoy!
Request: Okay so this may be totally very random but idk either- the idea just popped into my head but my writer ass is too filled up with school to have motivation to write so- but like onto the idea.
So like, reader is maybe like, a student/works part time at the lab? And theyre everyones favourite as they can get along with everyone (even hodges though he would be the last to admit it-) but their grades are slipping majorly and no one knows as they keep up the 'im fine' mask before diverting the topic, like how that person is.
But one day maybe they get a grade or something in a subject they really studied for and its very bad or something else happens and someone just finds them in a very random spot and its all fluff :(?
Sorry if this was long and you dont have to write this if you dont want to, I just think your writing is awesome so :)
You nervously checked your phone again before shoving it back in your pocket. God, you hated waiting for results. It seemed like you'd been on a losing streak recently. No matter how hard you were studying your grades were consistently low. You knew some of your classmates thought it was because of your job in the crime lab but you wouldn't give it up for the world.
"How's it going?" Hodges spoke from the other side of the room.
"Everything's fine." You forced a smile "the tests are running."
"Perfect." He returned his attention back to the work in front of him "You can go for a break if you want. Go grab a coffee, just be back to get the results."
"Thanks. Want me to make you one?" 
The man waved you off and gave you a smile "I'll be ok but thank you." Standing up you made sure everything was safe before leaving the room.
Getting into the break room you poured yourself a drink before looking at the snacks on offer today before turning and taking a seat at the table.
"How's it going?" Greg sat across from you at the table, a drink of his own in his hand.
"I'm ok, pretty quiet morning so far."
He laughed "today does seem slower, huh?" He took a sip of his drink as you did yours "have you had the test results back?"
"Yours should be done soon, Hodges told me to take a break while they were-"
"Not those." He interrupted "your grade for the-"
"Oh, they haven't come back yet."
"Are you nervous?"
You shook your head and took another sip of your drink, feeling the hot liquid slightly scold your mouth and throat. "I studied hard, it should be fine like always."
"I respect your positivity so much" he smiled as he checked his phone and then  downed the last part of his drink, you weren't sure how he did it really, you knew you wouldn't be able to with the coffee at this temperature. "I have to run but let me know when you get the grade back." As he stood he placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder and gave it a light squeeze "good luck."
You gave him a smile and thanked him but before you knew it he was gone. Enjoying the rest of the silence you flipped through one of the newspapers left on the table before eventually finishing your coffee and cleaning your mug. Walking back down the corridor towards your workstation you felt a notification come in on your phone. Seeing it was your results you opened it immediately but instantly regretted it, another failed test. Diving for the nearest door you opened flung it open and threw yourself through into it. As you stared at your phone screen you could feel tears coming to your eyes quickly as your chest began to feel tighter. This couldn't be happening, not again.
Nick had seen your odd behaviour as he turned the corner. Speeding up his pace he knocked lightly on the storage cupboard door "Y/N is everything ok?" he listened carefully for a response but instead heard your quiet sobs through the door. Opening it carefully he slid inside and his heart felt sorry for you as soon as your tear filled eyes met his.
"Come here." His whispered opening his arms. You closed the small distance and were soon in his arms, allowing him to hug you. "What happened?"
"The test." You sobbed "I just got my grade back" another sob "I failed." 
"It's ok. It's ok." The man placed his one hand on your hair to comfort you more as he brought you into his chest. 
As he did Greg came to the door and opened it carefully, seeing the two of you he gave Nick a questioning look and mouthed the words 'what's up?' 
'Grades' Nick mouthed back and Greg nodded his head. Leaning against the door frame he looked at you sympathetically, knowing how difficult it could be.
"I know it's silly." You pulled away from Nick and wiped your face. "But I worked so hard and it's just like I'm running in circles. Maybe I'm just not good enough."
"Don't say that." Nick said calmly
"Y/N you're literally incredible. Probably the most promising I've seen around here in forever. You're so clever and definitely have what it takes." It was Greg speaking now.
Looking at the man with tears in your eyes you swallowed a sob "It really doesn't feel like it right now."
Nick placed his hand on your shoulder lightly. "You should have said something if you're struggling with grades. We could have helped you out." 
"I didn't want you to all think I was stupid."
"Didn't you hear what I just said?" Greg teased lightly "We're all in awe at how much you have going on and we'd never think you were stupid."
"Man, you teach me something new most days." Nick added in, moving his hand from your shoulder to your back, gesturing forward with his other hand "let's move from the closet though, it's cramped in here and there's better places to cry in the lab."
Nodding you allowed the men to walk you to somewhere more appropriate, the two of them giving warning glances to anyone staring or small shakes of their head in a 'drop it' fashion to those who looked like they were going to interfere. 
Sitting down at your desk, Hodges handed you your results as the two men stood next to you, clearly puzzled by everyone's expressions he had to fill the silence "what's going on-"
"I failed" You cut him off. 
The man's jaw was slack "What? How? Wasn't this exam in your main field of expertise? We work on it most days."
You nodded and rested your elbows on the table and your chin on your hands as your eyes skimmed the results he'd handed you "yep."
"You have to ask for a remark."
"Leave it." Nick spoke as he pulled up a stool next to you.
You sighed if Nick and Greg knew, David should probably know too since you worked with him everyday and you were actually quite close to the man. "I've been pretty consistent with my failing grades this semester." You didn't raise your eyes from the piece of paper.
"There has to be some form of favouritism going on." The man shook his head "you've never once made an error in this lab-"
Greg interrupted the man "I don't think this is helping right now."
"No it's fine." You looked up at the men "What's done is done. I can try and redeem myself in the next one but if I fail that too I'll probably have to kiss the lab goodbye."
Hodges grumbled "I'll help you. Whatever you need I'll help."
"Can't we just show them the work you do here? Would that help your grade?" Nick questioned.
You shrugged "we could try, but they'd probably just tell me I've got too much going on. Just like how my friends say it."
"They don't sound very much like friends then do they." Greg scoffed "we're here for you though Y/N, like Hodges said, anything you need." Greg's phone buzzed and he was quickly excusing himself.
You looked back down at the results and slid them in front of Nick as you talked him through them as I'd nothing had happened, the man thanked you and gave you a warm smile before leaving.
"What do you have for me next?" You asked Hodges.
"You can help me prep these samples?"
You smiled and began to cross the room to him when your phone began to ring. Answering the call without looking, you were surprised to hear your University lecturer on the other end.. 
Locking your phone you slid it into your pocket and took a step back inside your lab space. "You'll never guess what" Hodges gestured for you to continue speaking "There was apparently an error in the system and everyone was given a failing grade. I passed. I’m a little annoyed it happened but-"
"I knew it had to be a mistake.” Hodges quickly added a smile beaming on his face.
"I don't know what my exact grade was but at least it wasn't a fail. She said that although my past grades weren't great the ones they really take into consideration is this one and the next two we get."
He smiled even more "good because I have no clue what I'd do in here without you now" 
"Thank you, I really love the opportunity I have to work with you, I've learnt so much-"
He held up his hand "As much as I love to hear it from other people I don't want to hear it from you." He joked "go and tell Nick and Greg."
You nodded "I'll be right back" 
"There's no rush, enjoy the news"
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CSI: @perasperaadastrawriting
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