#but this also requires an act of purity and selflessness
zoetekohana · 2 years
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in which mimi needs to find her voice to save reality from collapsing into dust and taichi needs to find his courage to save mimi from transforming into a star [michi au] ↪︎ for day five of michi karaoke week ♫ voice
dedicated to @ex-machiina​ who encouraged me to continue this project when i was about to give up
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manilaflorist · 11 months
Blooms of Love: The Significance of Mother's Day Flowers
Mother's Day, celebrated in various forms around the world, is a day dedicated to honouring and showing gratitude to the women who brought us into this world and have nurtured us with love and care. While there are countless ways to express your appreciation, giving flowers on Mother's Day has a special significance that transcends borders and cultures. In this blog, you will explore the deep-rooted symbolism and meaning behind Mother's Day flowers before you send gifts to cebu city.
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1. A Time-Honored Tradition:
Giving blooms on Mother's Day is a custom that stretches back to the beginning of the 20th century.. Anna Jarvis, the founder of Mother's Day in the United States, believed that the carnation should be the official flower of the holiday, with white carnations symbolizing the purity and love of a mother. Since then, flowers have become an integral part of the celebration.
2. Expressing Love and Gratitude:
Flowers, with their beauty and fragrance, are a universal language of love. They convey emotions and sentiments in a way that words often cannot. Giving your mother a bouquet of her favorite blooms is a tangible expression of your love, appreciation, and gratitude for all she has done.
3. A Symbol of Nurturing and Care:
Just as flowers require nurturing and care to bloom, mothers nurture their children with love, care, and sacrifice. The act of giving flowers mirrors the nurturing role that mothers play in our lives. It's a reminder of the tenderness and warmth they provide.
4. Brightening Her Day:
Receiving a bouquet of fresh, vibrant flowers can instantly brighten a person's day. Mother's Day flowers not only serve as a beautiful gift but also bring a sense of joy, freshness, and positivity to your mother's home and heart.
5. A Gesture of Appreciation:
Mothers often put the needs and happiness of their children before their own. Mother's Day is an opportunity to shift the focus onto them and show appreciation for their selflessness. A carefully chosen bouquet of flowers to send mother’s day gifts to manila communicates that you recognize and cherish her sacrifices. In conclusion, Mother's Day flowers hold immense significance in honoring the incredible women who have shaped our lives.
They symbolize love, appreciation, and the enduring bond between mothers and their children. Whether it's a single rose, a bouquet of her favorite flowers, or a handpicked arrangement, the act of giving flowers on Mother's Day is a timeless and meaningful tradition that continues to brighten hearts and strengthen the connection between children and their mothers.
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How to Attain Lord Shiva in this this birth ?
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Attaining Lord Shiva, or any spiritual goal, requires sincere devotion, dedication, and consistent spiritual practice. Here are some guidelines that can help you on your spiritual journey to connect with Lord Shiva:
Study and Understand: Read and study the scriptures related to Lord Shiva, such as the Shiva Purana, Linga Purana, and Rudra Hridaya Upanishad. Gain knowledge about Lord Shiva's attributes, stories, and teachings. Understanding the significance and symbolism associated with Lord Shiva will deepen your connection.
Seek a Guru: Find a qualified spiritual guide or guru who has deep knowledge of Lord Shiva's teachings. A guru can provide guidance, answer your questions, and lead you on the right path. They can also provide initiation (diksha) into specific practices related to Lord Shiva.
Devotion and Bhakti: Develop a deep sense of devotion and love for Lord Shiva. Engage in regular worship, chanting of mantras, and singing of devotional songs (bhajans) dedicated to Lord Shiva. Engaging in acts of service and expressing your gratitude to Lord Shiva will enhance your devotion.
Meditation and Yoga: Incorporate meditation and yoga practices into your daily routine. Regular meditation helps calm the mind, cultivate inner peace, and establish a deeper connection with the divine. Practice yoga asanas (postures) to purify the body and prepare it for spiritual experiences.
Japa and Mantra Recitation: Chanting the sacred mantra "Om Namah Shivaya" or other mantras associated with Lord Shiva can be a powerful tool for spiritual transformation. Regularly recite these mantras with focus, concentration, and devotion. The repetition of the mantra purifies the mind and helps to attune your consciousness to Lord Shiva.
Observing Fasts and Vows: Participate in special spiritual practices such as observing fasts (such as Maha Shivaratri) and taking vows dedicated to Lord Shiva. These practices help cultivate self-discipline and strengthen your commitment to your spiritual journey.
Pilgrimage and Temple Visits: Visit sacred places associated with Lord Shiva, such as Kashi (Varanasi), Amarnath, and the 12 Jyotirlingas (divine abodes of Lord Shiva). Pilgrimages to these places can have a profound impact on your spiritual journey and provide an opportunity for darshan (sacred sight) of Lord Shiva.
Inner Transformation: Focus on inner transformation by cultivating qualities such as compassion, love, humility, and selflessness. Detach from material desires and practice self-inquiry to discover your true nature. The journey towards Lord Shiva is a journey of self-realization.
The Spirituality is a personal journey, and progress may vary for each individual. It requires consistent effort, patience, and perseverance. Ultimately, it is the purity of your heart and the depth of your devotion that will help you attain a closer connection with Lord Shiva.
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asterekmess · 4 years
What did Scott McCall do to deserve a “true alpha” title exactly?
Well, to be entirely honest, that’s not how a True Alpha is supposed to work.
True Alpha (hereby referred to as TA) abilities aren’t something you ‘earn’ by doing something. If we take what Deaton and Morrell say at face value, that there’s literally no way to ‘earn’ becoming a True Alpha. No selfless act, no nothing.
It’s just something you are. Deaton describes it in “Currents” as “someone who rises purely on the strength of character, by virtue, by sheer force of will.’
Now, technically...those things don’t require you to do anything. Essentially, someone who believes they should be an Alpha strongly enough can become an Alpha. And the virtue part is weird, because it never says what virtue. There are a few.
The Seven Christian Virtues Are:
Chastity - “Purity”
Temperance - “Humanity/Compassion”
Charity - “Generosity/Sacrifice”
Diligence - “Persistence/Ethics”
Patience - “Forgiveness/Mercy”
Kindness - “Satisfaction/Compassion again”
Humility - “Bravery/Modesty”
Now, there are two ways of looking at this. Either a True Alpha must be “Virtuous,” as in, someone who has ALL seven virtues. OR, a True Alpha must fully embody ONE virtue”
Now, if it were the case of the first, that...doesn’t make much sense. Scott isn’t pure in like..any sense of the word? He’s not sexually pure (though that doesn’t actually exist, obviously) but he’s also not free of jealousy. And you can’t even say that just because he IS jealous doesn’t mean he’s not pure because he never acted on it, because HE DID. MULTIPLE TIMES. He tried to attack Jackson and Allison when they were talking in the car. He insisted on playing lacrosse when Lydia told him she’d introduce Allison to the other members of the team.
The same things happens when you look at any of the other virtues. It isn’t that he just has bad thoughts and then that’s it. It’s that he acts on those thoughts and insecurities and commits violence and acts against other people in the name of securing his superiority/power. He doesn’t show a lick of compassion with Derek’s Betas, outright telling Erica that he doesn’t care why she wanted the bite. Telling Boyd that he’d made a mistake in liking Derek and implying that being lonely was a stupid reason to want the bite. Even making the claim that Isaac had bloodlust even though Isaac hadn’t lost control since he’d been bitten when had to at least have been one day, and even though Isaac clearly didn’t lose control in front of any officers the entire time he was being interrogated about his father’s abuse and death, only losing it after the moon went up, and only to stop a hunter from killing him.
I won’t go on with every single virtue, but the evidence is there.
Now, let’s go one step further into the possible reasoning behind him being a TA. Maybe, you say, maybe Scott didn’t become a TA before S3 because of those previous things he did. When he went against the virtues, he couldn’t become a TA. But then in S3 he’s doing So Much Better, so then he gets to become a TA.
Except he doesn’t. Yes, in S3A he’s shown to be suddenly much wiser, because he apparently spent the summer reading and working on self-improvement. But it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t continue to do extremely immoral things throughout the season, right down to pettily helping Isaac and Allison play a prank on the Twins that would get them in major trouble and lying to the people around him so he could go have a secret meeting with Deucalion.
And this isn’t even me trying to diss Scott. The ENTIRE POINT of the Seven virtues is that NO ONE can be perfect. No one can embody all of these virtues at once. Humans are FLAWED. The problem here is that if we don’t make the Virtuous part required to become a TA then it’s just FAR too easy to do.
If “sheer force of will” is enough to become an Alpha, if occasionally doing immoral things doesn’t totally negate your ability to ‘rise up’ (even though Alphas aren’t better. They’re canonically just one branch. One option. Alpha, Beta, and Omega aren’t ever specified as one being better than the other. Hell, Scott’s an Omega until he Gets the Alpha eyes, since he never joins Derek’s pack, and he isn’t even weakened by it) then PETER HALE should’ve become an Alpha.
You don’t get a force of will stronger than Screaming into the woods about “I Will Always Be The Alpha.”
But Tali, you say, Peter killed someone and we all know that killing someone means you can’t become a TA.
Well, First, I’ll point out that Scott came up with that idea on his own. No one told him that. He just said it in the meeting with Morrell “But if I kill someone, I can’t become a True Alpha, right?”.
Now, maybe Deaton told him that, and he’s just repeating something that was said offscreen. After all, Morrell does respond with “Exactly.” So maybe that is a rule.
But see, if that’s a rule, then Deaton was sabatoging Scott in Season 2.
Remember? Deaton helped Scott switch out Gerard’s pills with mountain ash. They were Actively Murdering a Cancer Patient. If Deaton “believed” “From the moment” Scott was bitten that he would be a TA, then wouldn’t that mean that S2 was ENTIRELY him trying to take away the TA potential from Scott? If That plan had worked? Scott would never have been able to become an Alpha.
OH, you say, but Scott didn’t technically kill Gerard, even if the pills worked. It was Derek and the mountain ash. Scott never touched him.
BUT, if that’s the case, then AGAIN literally ANYONE who truly believes they should be able to become an Alpha should become a TA. When you twist the definitiion of ‘killing’ like that, Derek should’ve been able to be a TA before he killed Peter. TeCHniCAllY Derek didn’t kill Paige, Ennis’ bite did. He was saving her from the pain.
And so, you end up playing so many different games trying to make TA’s special and rare, only to make them IMPOSSIBLE to become, but that leaves you with two, maybe three choices. Either you Remove the TA idea altogether, you admit that anybody can become a TA and you give it to the other characters who match the criteria, or you turn the ONE character you want to give it to into a LITERAL SAINT.
And they didn’t even do that correctly, because Scott isn’t perfect in S3 or beyond. He ISN’T a saint, and he does admit that regularly, though it’s not with any amount of humility or wish to grow as a person.
So it’s no wonder that nobody likes the True Alpha concept. It doesn’t make any fucking sense.
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ikuzeminna · 4 years
Why I love Gundam Wing and hate Frozen Teardrop
With Frozen Teardrop being the first new thing released in the Gundam Wing universe in ages, I feel I should make my stance on it clear, seeing as I’ve read (and by now thankfully forgotten) a large chunk of it.
So, what do I like about Gundam Wing? I can say without lying, almost everything. I like the story, the characters, the themes, the designs and the music. I like its humor, its subtlety, the fact that everyone plays a role and that there's no definite bad guy (nor good one for that matter). I like its dynamics and how you can view it any way you want, e.g. the Gundam pilots being heroes or plain murderers. And I like that you can and even must dig to understand things. The whole composition really works for me.
And what's best is that this entire composition makes Gundam Wing more; it makes it unique. I grew up with classics like Dragonball and Sailor Moon, the forefathers of the 'Idiot Hero' archetype for both males and females. Even to this day you see series featuring these types of main characters. Classic scenario of a naive yet pure kid growing up to become the savior of the world. We've all seen that.
It's why Gundam Wing is so special to me. It has a completely atypical setup and there's absolutely no stereotype I can apply to any character, no matter what TV Tropes may say. Heero is hardly your typical hero, is he? Heck, Heero is hardly a typical anything. What's more, Gundam Wing doesn't follow the 'growing stronger' plotline that, for example, the original MS Gundam or Seed series used. No, Gundam Wing starts out with fully trained soldiers who can kick your butt from episode 1 and will kill you without qualms if the situation requires it. (That's not to say that the characters don't grow, it's the physical growth and capabilities I'm talking about.) What's truly surprising about that is the age of the characters. This is another important point. Gundam Wing and realism. Many times I hear that GW is realistic. I'm sorry but no. Teens fighting against armies isn't realistic. Teens leading said armies isn't either. Neither is bending steel bars, nor surviving jumping off cliffs or blowing up your suit, nor successfully back-flipping from a motorbike onto a clothesline, nor becoming the Queen of the World as a teen, nor stealing a MS carrier plus suit at the age of ten, nor walking around with bazookas at the age of ten nor what have you. It's safe to say that Gundam Wing lacks any sense of realism. But it does not lack logic.
Realism never was Gundam Wing's aim to begin with. The way I see it, it's not just the plot or circumstances that prove this, but also the "inhumanity" of the characters. Would a real person with a similar background as Heero, Duo or Trowa really exhibit such selflessness or noble-mindedness as them and risk his life for strangers by fighting a war that could end in their death? I don't think so. Would anyone as sheltered as Relena give up her lifestyle, have the guts to go against the world's armed rulers with just words and put her life on the line for the sake of others? Hard to believe.
And that's it. One of the things that contributes to Gundam Wing's uniquity and is therefore a, if not the, defining trait of the series, is that it doesn't tell the story about angst-riddled terrorists and princesses, but a tale of heroes. The characters are ridiculously noble, strong, selfless, courageous, determined, make the impossible possible and still retain a certain purity, despite having gone through hell and back. It's what makes them so awesome. It's what makes the series so awesome. Duo isn't badass because he fights in the war. He's badass because he fights "so that no one else will have to" and when you see what he went through, you can only say "wow". Lady Une killed Relena's father and when Relena is given the opportunity to take revenge, she declines, saying there's been enough bloodshed. That's role model material there. Something that is sorely lacking in a lot of shows nowadays. And something that a lot of people seem to miss the point of (I'm referring to those that call the pilots wussies for not killing in EW).
All of this is the reason I hate Frozen Teardrop with a passion. Forget the nonsensical, recycled plot or the billion clones of everyone or the terrible mobile suit names like Snow White or Merciless Fairies. Forget Treize getting French’d by his mom or the Zero System being a digital cat or Relena’s grandfather being a disgusting ephebophile. That stuff is messed up and random and dumb and I have no idea what was wrong with the author at the time to write this.
It’s also that he completely destroys the essence of the original series, making every single characters whine about some drama and the never ending “woe is me” monologue I had to wade through every chapter.
Let’s take Duo, for example. He woke up one morning and decided to become an irresponsible, gold-digging bastard. To get Hilde’s money, he agreed to her terms to cut his braid off and get a “proper” name, just to buy himself a motorbike with their joined assets. Then he inherited a church plus orphanage, which Hilde got stuck with, too, being his wife, and when she asked him how to fund the orphanage, Sumizawa wants me to believe that Duo freaking Maxwell was just “Eh, whatever, leave them to it. I’m out” before taking off? Excuse me, what???
I’ve had discussions with people about this and there were statements that maybe more people just need to learn how actual manic depressives and people with PTSD act in relation to Duo's development in Frozen Teardrop. I've noticed a tendency for people to want to apply realism to Gundam Wing, especially in fanfics, but as I said before, Gundam Wing and realism don't have anything to do with each other. So why should I apply it?
What I expect from anything featuring Gundam Wing's characters is the same "heroic" behavior that was displayed in the series. Sure, the pilots each had a mental burden to carry but it wasn't what defined them. For example, Trowa's insecurity about not having a name or yearning for a home never became the main focus unlike his endless selflessness. And Heero's bitterness about the colonies' betrayal was well hidden under his joining the Treize faction to be able to keep retaliating against OZ. A noble deed to fight on but was it really necessary for him to go for the missions with the lowest chance of survival?
As I said, Gundam Wing is unique because it is atypical. That encompasses pretty much everything; you have bloody murderers in the role of the 'heroes', noble, honorable 'bad guys' who value life and the ever flashy Gundams that can't even begin to compare to non-flashy Relena's influence and importance to the plot. So why on earth should I go along with Duo and Wufei bickering like kids, like characters from five million other series do? I want my uniquity. I'm not saying that it isn't a possible outcome for Duo and Wufei to become bitter and bicker and argue and not be able to stand each other when they become adults. But considering those two could get along splendidly, it's a letdown. Duo and Wufei are very much alike; they both lost people important to them twice, they both fight partly out of revenge and their loss has had the biggest impact on shaping them into what they are in the series, unlike the other pilots. Heck, they both wear their respective culture's colors for mourning. Despite that, their personalities (or ways of dealing) are exact opposites. It's enough to make for a more interesting relationship dynamic between them than what was done in Frozen Teardrop and a lot of Gundam Wing fanfics.
Heero's regression is the same. He was frozen because J said something to the extent of "a guy like him would be needed in the future". How J is even alive is another point of unnecessary addition. But what would a guy like Heero be needed for? Killing, apparently.
Way to ignore the ending of Endless Waltz.
I guess it's partly my wish for Heero and everyone else to live a well-deserved 'happily ever after' which makes me have such a knee jerk reaction to all the drama. That and the fact that there was nowhere near as much drama in Gundam Wing. Nor sap, nor stereotyping, nor "realism". >_>
This grated on my nerves, which was why I dropped Frozen Teardrop like a hot potato and haven’t bothered since. This novel does not only fail on a general level with all the random, messed up crap and terrible pacing, it also fails to satisfy the Gundam Wing fan in me because Sumizawa, the very head writer of the show, also ignored major character traits on top of everything else. Why would Catherine, who stated that she hates war and did everything she could to keep Trowa from fighting, train his clone to become a soldier? Why would Duo become that deadbeat I described above?
Being the sole writer of Frozen Teardrop meant he could take as many creative liberties as he wanted. But in the end, he took too many, which in turn resulted in so many inconsistencies with the series that Frozen Teardrop now takes place in an alternate universe, in which not the series but the manga Glory of Losers takes place. Which is the sole reason I’m not bothered by Frozen Teardrop’s existence anymore.
There were some good passages in the novel, it wasn’t all bad. The battles with the new characters were exciting at times, I’ll be honest, but even those couldn’t be called genuinely good because of the carbon copies deal. There is always some blemish. Like Heero’s proposal to Relena. I’ve seen fans of the pairing rejoice at the scene. Alas, I’m not one of them because frankly, the characters in the novel hardly resemble the original ones. So I don’t care.
As the head writer of the show I had expected him to treat the source material with more care and not run it over with retcons and meaningless additions. Best example being everything surrounding Odin. The world could've definitely done without him being Heero's father. Or freaking Trant being related to him.
But again, alternate universe so who cares.
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vyrnalackerman · 4 years
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MBTI: INFJ-T (The Advocate)
81% Introverted
51% Intuitive
68% Feeling
63% Judging
75% Turbulent
“Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and help them to become what they are capable of being.” - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
The Advocate personality type is very rare, making up less than one percent of the population, but they nonetheless leave their mark on the world. Advocates have an inborn sense of idealism and morality, but what sets them apart is that they are not idle dreamers. These individuals are capable of taking concrete steps to realize their goals and make a lasting positive impact. People with this personality type tend to see helping others as their purpose in life. Advocates can often be found engaging in rescue efforts and doing charity work. However, their real passion is to get to the heart of the issue so that people need not to be rescued at all.
Hogwarts House:
Hufflepuff: 80%
Ravenclaw: 56%
Slytherin: 54%
Gryffindor: 52%
Ilvermorny House:
Thunderbird: 80%
Pukwudgie: 48%
Horned Serpent: 0%
Wampus: 0%
Patronus: Thestral
Thestrals get a bad reputation as unlucky opens, probably due to their spooky appearance and association with death. The reality is that these intriguing creatures, which are only visible to people who have witnessed death and accepted its significance, are gentle and kind. Thestrals can fly at incredibly fast speeds and have a keen sense of direction. If the herd that lives at the Forbidden Forest is any indication, Thestrals can be extremely loyal to their human friends and will fiercely attack their enemies. This makes the Thestral an intimidating and powerful Patronus. (MuggleNet)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or personal code directs her. Order and organization are paramount to her. She may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or she may believe in order for all and favor a strong, organized government. The common phrase for lawful neutral is “true lawful”. Lawful neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you are reliable and honorable without being a zealot.
Melancholic: 18
Phlegmatic: 12
Sanguine: 10
Choleric: 8
Your temperament is melancholic. The melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted and thoughtful. Melancholic people often were perceived as very (or overly) pondering and considerate, getting rather worried when they could not be on time for events. Melancholics can be highly creative in activities such as poetry and art - and can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. Often they are perfectionists. They are self-reliant and independent; one negative part of being melancholic is that they can get so involved in what they are doing they forget to think of others.
BDSM Test:
Vanilla: 86%
Vanilla people enjoy regular, standard sex and relationship models. Nothing wrong with that, as long as you’re having fun! Vanilla’s typically match well with other vanillas.
Exhibitionist: 60%
Exhibitionists enjoy showing their naked body or a sexual activity to other people. Definitions vary with respect to whether those being shown this, should be looking for such encounter or not. Exhibitionists typically match well with voyeurs.
Switch: 59%
Switches like to... well, switch. Always taking a dominant or top position is not for them, neither is always taking a submissive or bottom position. Some prefer to switch with the same partner or partners, others have a dominant play partner and a submissive play partner, but in either case they do not fit on one end point of the spectrum. Switches typically match well with other switches.
Rice Purity Test:
Enneagram Test: Type 2 (The Helper)
Helpers who need to be needed.
People of this personality type essentially feel that they are worthy insofar as they are helpful to others. Love is their highest ideal. Selflessness is their duty. Giving to others is their reason for being. Involved, socially aware, usually extroverted, Twos are the type of people who remember everyone’s birthday and who go the extra mile to help out a co-worker, spouse, or friend in need.
Twos are warm, emotional people who care a great deal about their personal relationships, devote an enormous amount of energy to them, and who expect to be appreciated for their efforts. They are practical people who thrive in the helping professions and who know how to make a home comfortable and inviting. Helping others makes Twos feel good about themselves; being needed makes them feel important; being selfless, makes Twos feel virtuous. Much of a Two's self-image revolves around these issues, and any threat to that self-image is scarcely tolerated. Twos are thoroughly convinced of their selflessness, and it is true that they are frequently genuinely helpful and concerned about others. It is equally true, however, that Twos require appreciation; they need to be needed. Their love is not entirely without ulterior motive.
Twos often develop a sense of entitlement when it comes to the people closest to them. Because they have extended themselves for others, they begin to feel that gratitude is owed to them. They can become intrusive and demanding if their often unacknowledged emotional needs go unmet. They can be bossy and manipulative, feeling entirely justified in being so, because they "have earned the right" and their intentions are good. The darkest side of the type Two fixation appears when the Two begins to feel that they will never receive the love they deserve for all of their efforts. Under such circumstances, they can become hysterical, irrational and even abusive.
Because Twos are generally helping others meet their needs, they can forget to take care of their own. This can lead to physical burnout, emotional exhaustion and emotional volatility. Twos need to learn that they can only be of true service to others if they are healthy, balanced and centered in themselves.
Soulmark Color: Pink
Never short of affection, patience, or understanding, those with a pink soul color are energetic and respected. They are seen as nurturing individuals, and they attract many people who feel misguided in life. They tend to always find the good in every situation and inspire others to do the same.
Pink soulcolors are highly in tune with their emotions and the emotions of others. They believe all feelings should be acknowledged and dealt with in a healthy manner. They look out for those who don’t look out for themselves, often spreading themselves thin and crashing in the process.
While friendly, this color is introverted and shies away from social gatherings. However, it’s not uncommon for them to accompany a friend out into a social situation or be a wingman if needed. Their friend circle comes first and foremost, whether it be large or small, and they will attempt to make time for everyone even if they are spent.
This color is drawn to doubt and question if they’re doing enough. They like to conform and know that they are accepted. This leads them to try and be something they’re not, and they often grow disappointed or disgusted with themselves should they deceive themselves and others for too long. They are also bad at keeping promises, setting goals they can’t achieve, and unintentionally disappointing those they wanted to impress.
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coreofyourspirit · 5 years
Tupac Shakur The Spirit
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Legacy-Greatest of All Time/G.O.A.T., Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame, Educational Courses taught at Universities on his life and music, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Inductee, Biographical Books & Movies, Hologram at Coachella, Tattoos with his image, Apparel with his image, Tupac Amaru Shakur Center for the Arts, 7-Foot Bronze Statue, Tupac themed Restaurant, Stories that he is hiding out in other countries, Ongoing questions about who assassinated him, etc.
Tupac Amaru Shakur commended by God in Heaven, to come into the world in 1971 to serve as a Prophet. Tupac was born Lesane Parish Crooks and was ready for his commission when he was renamed Tupac Amaru Shakur. As Jesus was born Immanuel, he was commissioned and was then called Jesus. Abram to Abraham had the same occurrence, all of these men left a legacy and established creation in the world for God. Tupac amazed the world with his talent and ambition. He left a prolific impression on those who have been graced by his artistry, wise words and witnessing his fearless way of speaking out about the injustice placed upon him and the injustice that he observed in the inner city. A black man that inspired other black men to feel comfortable wearing a bald head. Why is it far-fetched that he worked for God in Heaven, when we acknowledge his legacy?
Tupac Shakur was in the world as a 7th Level Elder, part of a group of Elders titled Hierarchy of Heaven. They are the oldest and most mature Spirits who are complete and balance. They come into the world and experience alongside everyone, they are unconventional, mature in their personality, use their soul as a guide and closely work with God in dealing with creation. They don’t remember their full eminence while living in the world and everyday people wouldn’t know or consider what rank these people have in Heaven. God allows them the same free will as everyone, because he wants to see how they behave while forgetting their rank of attainment in spirit. God doesn’t want them to appease him, he wants them to use their soul and fix problems, they have to be selfless without trying or pretending to be, these requirements ensure that they do not take advantage or misuse their spiritual rank. God wanted Tupac to have a massive platform, that could be used for national attention. Tupac was already a very creative Spirit, so he chose music and acting as a career. He started out early at 14 years old developing his creative side and future career. Everyone can look into Tupac’s eyes and see how genuine and introspective he was, how his conversation was well past that of his age, how everyone was and are drawn to him for their own personal reasons and how he would talk about God. We don’t know many who have left an enormous legacy and have accomplished so much, even if they had lived to be 75.
Tupac had a direct connection to God and as he openly let people know that he talked to God, he already was sent insight that he had adversaries in the world and that is why he made it known in some of his lyrics. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was also given insight and spoke about it; he knew he wouldn’t be present to see the end of the civil rights movement. In life,  when you observe and listen to the underlying message of what people say, you have tapped in to their innermost feelings, like when Tupac first piqued our interest in who Makaveli was.  When Tupac brought Makaveli into present day conversation, he was sharing what resonated in his soul. You can come back from death, because you don’t die, your spirit has returned to the world over and over. Makaveli faking his death could never happen, because you don’t die anyway, even if you get put on the cross, you don’t have a lifetime, you have an existence. Although, Tupac delivered the message in an unusual way, you have to dig deep in order to discern what he was saying about what Makaveli did and why he connected with the notion of not dying.
Tupac was sometimes looked at as a thug figure, gangster rapper, homeboy, cool and controversial, but as he left Heaven to begin his lifetime in 1971, God knew Tupac as Master Teacher, Prophet, Healer, Creative Artist, Activist, Mediator, Wise, Faultless, Mature, Intelligent, Gift Giver, Naturally Ambitious, Focused, Resilient, Trustworthy, Reliable, Philosophical, Responsible, Eyes that are good and bared the purity of his old soul, Elder. God’s colleagues the Elders, work with him in Heaven and are sometimes born into the world. Elder’s, establish creation and intervene in the leading problems in the world. When their lifetime is over, they bring back their experiences, as well as the evidence of, the methods & modalities of Spirits in the world. While in life Tupac blended in well with others and his first-hand experience gave him an insider’s view. He shared with God the pandemic of inner-city crime & poverty, murders & atrocities against each other, misdeeds of politicians, the entertainment industry, religious & personal greed, homelessness, police brutality, increased drug addiction, teenage pregnancy & prostitution, racism, children growing up in lack, decline of the family unit, criminal justice & legal system, people’s behavior hateful/lustful/jealous, the oppression of “Thug Life.” God cursed Tupac to see what life should be like. It was painful for him to witness the plight of others and that is why he was so outspoken and passionate, Tupac was doing “God’s work.”
Tupac shared his wisdom on Thug Life as anything in life, that robs you of experiencing life by oppressing you, someone else intentionally causing you hardship by exercising their personal power over you, to hold you back or keep you down. The expansiveness of your life is taken from you. Thug=Take. When you wear Thug Life on your body, you identify with being held down by circumstances, people, legal system, etc. Tupac knew the violence was attributed to a survival mentality, I’m going to take your life before you take mine. Henceforth, “Thug Life” was appropriate for the problem that existed and it was not just about Tupac intervening by coining the term and tattooing it on his body. It was about God having to deal with the massive number of Spirits that returned to Heaven murdered, taking life from each other. Tupac interceded as an Elder, with going into the trenches and sharing what it looks like, when someone wants to take from you. He did not promote gang banging and wanted them to stop taking from each other. He presented them with Thug Life and what it did to their community. Tupac wanted to bring peace to the ongoing feud between those who grew up in the inner-city just like him. He brought the idea of unity and what that would feel like. “Instead of self destructive, try self productive, all the mentality must stop, we have to find a way out. Organize, if we so strong as Hustlers, as G’s, as Thugs, then we shouldn’t have no rape, no violence and no gunshots in our community. We need to take care of our own.”  
Although in Tupac’s lifetime he was a black man, non-religious, didn’t hold to one particular ideology, he was God’s elect sent to advocate and change circumstances for the better, for a mass number of people. He innately knew that he was doing God’s work and found that, the images that reflected those doing God’s work was misleading. The characters who were supposed to be doing God’s work, got their money and went home to their luxurious accomodations after leaving their mega church and the people remained in lack and poverty. This is one of the reasons God was secure in his choice of Tupac, his reflective nature shed light on many critical matters, he did not pretend and he participated in many platforms that worked to heal the inner-city communities with underserved children. To God those children, would grow up and needed to be useful within creation, by bringing something original and beneficial to the world, that only their soul could create. God already knew that Tupac could be trusted to use his soul and that he would serve as prime example, of a person using their soul. Tupac was never distracted or slowed down by his mounting criminal allegations, he remained ambitious and focused. He was still working and wasn’t asking God to rescue him, Bloods vs. Crips Truce, East Coast/West Coast “their is no beef,” activism for political issues, activism for social issues, business, wisdom, music, movies, legal issues, etc.
Their is a spiritual explanation for every worldly occurrence and experience. Every person in the world is a Spirit who has a body and were born for a purpose. It’s everyone’s job to find their purpose and the meaning of it, that is why their will never be another Tupac Shakur. God only created one, there is no comparison to Tupac because no one has had the same experiences, that he has had within his existence and have not been commended to fulfill the specifics of his lifetime work. Tupac is a very accomplished Spirit and it took eons of time for him to develop into a Prophet and now a Lord. He earned his rise in rank and when Tupac was assassinated in 1996, he returned to Heaven and had ascended to Lord, due to him using his massive platform, reaching a wide range of people, in every age group, in every part of the world for the betterment of all. No one in the world really considered why Tupac was so great and why his legacy continues to grow? It is because he was here on business and he corrected some of the issues God was dealing with. God’s choice of his elect in the world, comes with them being tried and tested thoroughly on every level imaginable, so that they can assist in establishing creation and bringing resolve to the prevailing issue of the time. Like everyone else, Tupac is a Spirit from Heaven, who happens to be a decision maker because of his personal contribution throughout the existence of spirit. As a Lord, Tupac works in a council of Elders who create, mandate and impose ordinances/decrees that impact every individual spirit created. 
When Tupac lost his body due to the trauma it received after being shot multiple times, his spirit returned to Heaven, his work didn’t begin when he arrived on the scene as Prophet Tupac Amaru Shakur, it began when he was created.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/new-moon-in-aquarius-february-4th-2019-devotion-to-group-consciousness/
New Moon in Aquarius, February 4th, 2019 ~ Devotion to Group Consciousness
New Moon in Aquarius, February 4th, 2019 ~ Devotion to Group Consciousness
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
   Mahatma Gandhi
Beloved Light Emissaries, 
We have just began a very powerful month for those who desire to create a profound change in their lives. As change always begins by experiencing a mental transformation, the frequencies from this New Moon at 15 degrees Aquarius, are going to assist many who are working on breaking free from old chains/limited beliefs that sometimes are hidden to our conscious mind and that are the ones that cause us to delay the natural process of self-evolution. 
This New Moon comes at a time when we are still surrounded by the energies from the eclipse in Leo in January 20/21. This is a cosmic gift for us to work on clearing karmic records. For others who have already done this inner work, it is a passage for them to work on their devotion to group consciousness, in their unique way. However, to be able to fully step into one’s mission by holding clarity and the strength to cope with all the challenges that may arise, in our human journey, first, we need to dissolve the old energy that is still present within and therefore in our present human experiences.
At a cosmic level, we have the Sun, the Moon and Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter. As you know Aquarius is a fixed sign that even if it belongs to the element Air, it is represented by the Water Bearer, as a reminder for us to freely flow and adapt to all conditions, as water does. Water represents the emotions we have within as well as the ideas we hold in our mental plane and that most of the time are fixed and linear and limit ourselves in experiencing our true potential. This sign is giving us the message of releasing old wounds and emotions – returning to our natural state of constant change, and bliss with All. 
This is an opportunity for us to work with our fixed mental patterns as well as with communication in both with ourselves, as it is the most important of all, others and with the Illumined Realms. As we have Mercury in Aquarius too sextile Jupiter, is going to be a very good essence for us to clear our minds, so we can obtain guidance about ourselves and/or a certain situation – making decisions from a clear and loving space. 
There is another gift from the cosmos at this time, as we have Saturn sextile Neptune. Saturn is all about making things tangible and take responsibility for ourselves and earthly lives, as it sextile Neptune, it is all about descending from the ethereal all of our dreams, goals and soul visions, into our physical plane, for it is there where we need to build stability. 
This is a very important event for those who have finally recognized their inner abilities, or  are working on it, and obtain the guidance required for them to step out of their protective bubble and share who they are, in new ways, especially for those who have been on this journey for a while, it could mean the creation of a total different way of being of service. 
Saturn is ruled by Capricorn, and in a year where we are going to be governed by Capricorn’s essence, making things tangible is pivotal. The frequency coming from the many alignments of this New Moon, is going to be of great assistance for those whose desire is to step out, be of service and create, by first building the strong foundations required, the new lives and jobs they truly desire to experience.  Serving group consciousness
At a macro or deeper level, there are many, as I previously shared, that are dedicating themselves, at this time, to a part of their mission which involves leading others to embrace their sovereignty. This is a very important phase for those who are devoted to group consciousness. By this term, I am not referring to collective consciousness, which is totally different, but to the devotion that many have to help other ascending souls who are beginning to walk on this path and that were meant to work together, at this transitional period.
Becoming a leader or guide, is not as it is often believed, about being superior, being the only one with the gift to connect with the Divine or having this special mission, claiming to be the only one who can do so. The main mission of the ones who are in service is to help others reconnect with their True Essence, so they can become the sovereign free beings that they already are. 
Being a guide, leader or wayshower, it simply means that one has the responsibility, and gift, to help those who are passing now for what they experienced before, for this is the only way in which we can truly help others, by knowing by own experience what it is to pass through many challenges, until we master the egoic self – beginning to remember our true sovereignty and hence, Divine Origin. 
It is only after doing so and regaining the purity of heart required to follow a path that implies walking into the unknown, at all times, that we can act as wayshowers, guiding others in a path that we have walked before, for this is a path, as many of you know, that requires complete surrender and acceptance to all we experience, as we are no longer base our creations in egoic desires but in the decisions of our God Self, who knows best what is for our highest good, and that of All.
Aquarius’s essence, is more than just mere energies being poured to us during this New Moon. This frequency will be a catalyst in the process of self-liberation that many are experiencing and for others, it will help them into the retrieval of the wisdom required for them to give a new direction to their lives.  Aquarius represents the phase twelve of our evolutionary progress within the Zodiac Cycle. It is the antepenultima stage, being the last one Pisces, for us to regain all the knowledge and experience required for reaching ascension. With this sign we begin to recognize our abilities, knowing they are only useful when shared and appreciated, for it is by being of selfless assistance that our presence and essence, in this Planet have true meaning and value. 
It is when we reach the wisdom residing in this sign that we have cleared ourselves from karmic records – beginning to allow a higher infusion of light into our physical bodies. Due to this process we finally step into a path of selfless assistance, where the focus is no longer put on egoic desires but in asking ourselves in what we can be of assistance. To do so, first we need to comprehend the nature of the abilities we came here to work with and offer to others. 
This is a time where we are being asked to lead, sharing who we are and taking the necessary steps towards self-sovereignty and hence liberation of the old. It takes courage, devotion to this path and to All to begin disengaging/dissolving lower aspects of who we think we are and embrace the True ones that have been hidden, as we continue to grow and expand ourselves. Those of you who are on this path know, for sometimes we barely recognize ourselves, as we are shifting in an accelerate way, and what the egoic self thought it was the true self, is not longer real. 
The Leo/Aquarius axis, for this intense integration phase began with the Eclipse in Leo, is for us to unify the individual aspect of us which is egoic, in nature, with the Divine One who loves All unconditionally and came here to assist. Leo is a very individual sign, Aquarius is about freeing ourselves from this separation and regain a higher perspective of our true origin and mission here on Earth. This is what will trigger in many, the desire to move from egoic individualism to group consciousness.
As we are about to enter into the Pisces realm which is also all about transcending an old era and releasing more layers of the egoic self, this is going to be one of the most important passages of all this year to bring unification in who we are, as individual sources of the Divine, and in our mission of selfless assistance to All. 
One aspect of the mission of the starseed souls is to regain unity through polarity integration, for many of us already know, even though we have to activate these memories, what unity consciousness feel like, as we have dwelt in many civilizations/universes/dimensions, call it as you prefer, where we have had the opportunity to experience the feeling of unification and unconditional love. For many of us unity is intrinsically integrated within our soul blueprint, for as starseed souls it is part of our Essence, and therefore, mission, to come with certain codes that once incarnated will serve to bring back the lost sense of unity consciousness that is our true state of being. This is a time for many of us to begin moving from isolation and personal mission, in the way that is meant to be for us, as we all will continue to have our unique role to fulfill, and begin to connect with group consciousness, which are the ascending souls, some even part of our soul/galactic family, who came too as sovereign beings, to practice and help expand the Law of One. 
This is our main mission and even though, as it is my case, some of us are located in specific spaces, with a specific mission that involves walking a “solitary” path, we can all connect, for we are all united, in truth, with these group that came to act as polarity integrators. The more we commune with these souls that like us, came to work on an individual, at the same time that group mission, the more that we will begin to feel unconditional love, and the companionship of our light family, for we are never alone in our mission, we just have forgotten how to reconnect with those who are already One with us. 
The purpose of taking some time in our daily lives to commune with other ascending souls is to create a planetary unity field in which we project a universal unity code – beginning to seed the new template of unity, as the old one based on separation dissolves. To do this, it is required that we focus on neutral observation and from a compassionate space, first with ourselves and human experiences and secondly with others, we direct our intention to the conscious infusion of love and unity into the new earth timeline that already exists and that is no longer based on duality. 
Being neutral is one of the most important things to learn when we are working with polarity integration, for this is the first step towards regaining unity, in both within and with All. Every time we say we do not judge but we still think that what others do is not what has to be done, according to our egoic view, is still living in duality. Every time we spend time focusing on what we think is “wrong”, we continue feeding the old system.
It is not about saying, but about the feeling inside what can let us know if we have finally overcome all judgements or if we are still immersed within a dual reality. Experiencing a world of polarities is an opportunity to know ourselves and to master the aspect of us that finds separation in everything by fragmenting all that exists and judging it. This is not something that has to be healed or dissolved but embraced, as another created human illusion that needs to be comprehended.  When we, even though we consider ourselves to be in this evolutionary journey, believe that others are not where we are and that are not evolving or simply are not coming from what we consider a true perspective, we are separating. We are considering ourselves superior and leaving behind the equal task these souls are doing. If these souls were not here showing us what separation is, we could not be here anchoring unity consciousness and experiencing as well what this fragmentation is about, for in a world of polarities all this is required.  We all can assist by holding a pure and loving intention to bring peace and love to All. This is not about having an specific role which involves to do so or by training yourself so you can step out and being of assistance. We all can help each others, for we are One, connected more than we can comprehend, as humans.
Ask yourself in what ways you can connect with the whole, wether physically or in your sacred space, and connect your consciousness to a greater One, beginning to operate from this unified state, remembering that in Truth this is who we are, not just an individualized aspect of Source, but all of it, and that it is only the illusion created in this dense plane, what makes us believe that we are separated from others.
Everything that you think, feel and say, has a deep impact in the whole, whether you believe it or not. The nature of our existence is a holographic one, even though for our human self it can seem individual. Therefore love yourself, appreciate where you are and your unique human experience, knowing that there is no need to go outside and change anything, as by simply moving inward and shift what is fragmented within, you are contributing to bring healing to All. 
Embrace your uniqueness 
The message from this new energetic month of February as well as from this New Moon in Aquarius and the cosmic events surrounding it, is a loving reminder for us to stand tall in who we are. For we did not come here to compare ourselves with others or think we are more special or inadequate, but to honor All as equal, understanding that even though our Essence may be the same, our gifts, as humans, vary, and this is precisely where beauty truly resides.
  As sovereign, free beings, we already have within all we are searching outside, in other people, in outer forces… forgetting that we are, already, all that we admire, outside ourselves, and while we waste our efforts in trying to be who others want us to be or simply to do things as others do, we are dimming our unique Divine Spark, and the precious assistance we could easily give, get lost by the demands of our ego and its illusions.
  It is time for all starseed free sovereign souls, to stand firm in their unique Light – choosing only to listen the soft but constant voice of your soul, raising above the noises from your ego to keeps you enslaved in who you are not. 
  You are already a free, wise and Christed being, dwelling into a limited human body for the purpose of being of assistance. You just have to recognize who you are and claim it.
  You are forever protected, loved and appreciated within Creation, there is nothing more you should be or do other than being who you truly are.
  You are, always, working in perfect unison with your God Self and with the Forces of Light of this Universe and all multi-universes. Nothing is ever going wrong.
  You are a unique LoveLight being of the Divine – always One with this – unconditional – loving Source within you.
  You are a pure conduit for the Divine Truth to manifest through you.
  Yes, you are all this and more. The question is: are you ready to become the sovereign being that you already are, embrace your true power and stand firm in it? 
  Whatever you choose, you are, always were, and will continue to be, a Divine Creator, in control of your human life experience.
  And So it is and it will, always, be so by Grace and in a perfect way for All. I wish you all a loving and liberating Moon Beloved Companions!
In love, light and service ∞
  Natalia Alba 
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spiritualreverie · 6 years
Tapovanam 2018-2019 Newsletter Issue 5
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Yoga is all popular these days and when one hears the word, immediately yoga pants, lululemon, yoga mats, postures, yoga blocks come to mind.  When I looked at the webster's dictionary, it said:
Yoga : a system of exercises for mental and physical health
Yoga : a Hindu philosophy that teaches a person to experience inner peace by controlling the body and mind
Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word Yug which means Yoke or unite of join.  One may ask, yoking or uniting or joining what?  The simple answer is join or yoke or unite us to our own self!  We have become separated from the self thanks to our vasanas and the ignorance as a direct result.
So Karma Yoga or Yoga of action, is one of the paths to unite us to our own true nature or the self.  Karma yoga helps us maintain our relationship with rest of the world.  Since we interact with the external world on a daily basis, it is important to understand how to do this effectively, how to live our lives, what actions should we do and how to do these actions.
With respect to the postures etc., it is a part of Hatha Yoga where the techniques to harmonize our physical body and maintain the proper health is detailed.
Attitude towards learning
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The Karma Yoga Chapter starts with Arjuna asking a question.  The good news is Arjuna has listened to Krishna's teachings in chapter 2!  However, he has doubts stemming from his understanding and wishes to obtain clarification.
In general, there are three ways to approach learning of any new material:
Option 1:  Question the teacher or the content, not with an intent to learn, but to defy and rebel.  This approach results in no learning and only exhibits arrogance
Option 2:  Implicitly accept whatever is being said or taught.  This approach also results in no learning, since blind following without understanding does not last long
Option 3:  Understand the limitation of our understanding, probe further, ask questions to obtain clarity
Arjuna could have defied Krishna's advice or implicitly obeyed whatever Krishna asked him to do, but he didn't.  Arjuna employs the third option with a desire to learn.  This Shraddha (faith) is required by any disciple or student to gain true knowledge.
Did you know?
What is poison?Anything which is more than our necessity, be it power, wealth ego, greed, laziness, hunger etc.,
What is fear?
Non acceptance of uncertainty
What is anger?
Non acceptance of things beyond our control
What is hatred?
Non acceptance of a person the way he or she is
Avoid all of the above by filling your mind with positive thoughts.  Note that to fill positive thoughts, you need to empty the negative thoughts just as you have to empty a glass first before you can fill it with fresh content!
Living Wisely
We cannot live without performing action since even the act of sleeping involves action.  Therefore, it is important to know what actions to perform and how to perform it.  The scriptures tell us of our obligatory duties,  duties assigned to our based on our role in society, duties prompted by desire and finally actions that are prohibited.  
Granted we are talking of legitimate actions, the prescription is to perform these without any attachment.    Why?  It is because actions by themselves are attachment enforcing and causes bondage!  So the only way to execute actions is in the spirit of service and selfless in nature.  Limit the desire prompted actions and employ the yajna spirit to clean our minds and free us from bondage.
Why is this important?
Spiritual wisdom dawns only when there is purity of mind. For example, if one wants to grow crops, the ground must be cleared, land must be tilled, seeds must be sown and watered on a regular basis. If all this is followed diligently, the goal of reaping the crops can be achieved.  Similarly,  the field of the human mind has to be cleared of bad thoughts and feelings, the Divine Name sown, watered with love and tilled by spiritual practices. Only then we can reap the harvest of Divine Wisdom (Jnana).
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