#but this is a shot specifically of one of THE iconic armors from this series and they really couldn’t make sure the helmet’s secure?
felixcloud6288 · 11 months
Fullmetal Alchemist Chapter 89
Team Scar shows up and the Chimera guys all catch up with each other.
When I first read this series, I didn't pay the Chimeras much concern until this moment. If FMA were an RPG; Jelso, Zanpano, Darius, and Heinkel would be those characters who are given to you so you have a full party before going into a difficult dungeon. They'd have maybe one ability and they'd only be good at one specific thing. Then they either leave or you bench them forever when your ACTUAL party members show up.
I honestly expected they would probably get killed at some point cause why introduce and keep new characters around this late in the series.
And then they sat down and chatted about their situation. They're all fugitives. They're fighting for a just cause. And they have a community that accepts them.
At that point I was rooting for them to make it through to the end.
And I want to talk about Ed's jacket for a moment. It's iconic. If you think of Ed's attire, you think of that jacket. But he actually doesn't wear it much throughout the series.
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Of the previous 88 chapters, Ed has had 74 non-flashback appearances and 5 flashback appearances. Of the 74 non-flashback chapters, Ed is wearing his jacket at least once in 28 of them (29 if we include flashbacks). Also, 12 of those chapters are actually the coat he wears while at Briggs.
And I want to mention I'm including chapters where we spot him wearing his jacket in a SINGLE panel. Chapter 15, for example, is counted because Ed was wearing his jacket during the single shot of him on the train even though he spent the rest of the chapter in a hospital garb.
The longest continuous section of the story where Ed never wore his jacket was chapters 48 - 64. In chapter 47, Ed handed Winry his jacket and she's still carrying it later, but then it disappears when she goes back to Rush Valley. In chapter 64, Ed is wearing the red coat instead.
I'd bet if you counted each individual panel Ed appears in up to this point, there are more panels of him wearing the coat than there are of him wearing his jacket.
We got so much little details about Denny's personal life this chapter. He has at least 4 younger siblings, he rides a bike, he has a cat, and his legs are hairy.
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A Solar Eclipse is also about to happen.
The one soldier mentions how Roy uses dust to act as the fuse for his Flame Alchemy. That would explain why the Earth symbol is part of Roy's transmutation circle.
So here's the general idea I see about Mustang's coup: He and Major General Armstrong are attempting to paint themselves as the noble heroes who uncovered Central High Command's evil plot to overthrow the President.
Major General Armstrong will fight within HQ and attempt to take control of the situation from there, meanwhile Roy and his platoon "rescue" Mrs. Bradley so they garner public support.
Then Miles and Graman are to march on Central to help reinforce and solidify control.
And once Central is under control, Mustang and Major General Armstrong are going to join with the Elrics to stop Father's plot.
But someone went and assassinated the President. It's beneficial to their plans, but it also means Miles and Graman are going to be delayed in their arrival.
It’s the final arc so everyone is returning.
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Maria Ross and Rebecca arriving in an armored truck with munitions was unexpected by Roy. Finding out Havoc was the supplier was an even greater surprise.
So here's my guess on things. Havoc was part of the information chain used to pass the planned attack on Central so he knew when it would happen. He also knew Maria Ross had been smuggled to Xing. So over the last 5 months, Havoc had gotten in contact with Maria Ross and she gathered Xingese supplies while Havoc gathered munitions through his family's general goods store. The only other person he involved was Rebecca.
So once the day came, Maria returned from Xing with supplies in tow, Havoc had everything packed up, and Maria and Rebecca headed to Central.
Spoiler Discussion
I just want to add a bit more to the jacket thing.
Of this and the remaining 19 chapters, Ed appears in 16 of them. Of them, he's wearing his jacket for 13 of them.
So in total, Ed appears in 95/108 chapters in the series (90 non-flashback appearances). And he is wearing his jacket in 42/95 of them (41/90 without flashbacks).
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wanderersrest · 14 days
Mazinger Z Preview: The Introduction is the Most Important Part
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Spoilers for, amusingly enough, Mobile Fighter G Gundam. Also I forgot how quickly the shots between Domon and Shining Gundam flash. So keep that in mind if you have something like epilepsy.
This is going to be a "short" preview of my upcoming post on the Mazinger Z franchise. And all I really want to highlight is that how a series introduces a giant robot is important. Take for example...
Shin Getter One in Getter Robo Armageddon
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Shin Getter One's introduction highlights the fact that Shin Getter does not care about Musashi and Benkei's well-being, which indicates that it is currently unknown if it is a friend or a foe. This is amplified by the fact that it is shown fighting an invader seconds later. More importantly, we get a glimpse of how brutal Shin Getter One is as a machine not only in how it fights Getter 3, but how it ruthlessly and bloodily it tears apart the invader. For another powerful giant robot introduction, let's take a look at...
God Gundam vs Shining Gundam in Mobile Fighter G Gundam
G Gundam does a pretty good job using the introduction of the main character's Gundams to highlight a contrast in how he has changed as a person.
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With the Shining Gundam's first appearance, it's landing pod crashes violently in Rome. And the suit-up sequence for the Shining Gundam is iconic: Domon's suit-up sequence is a violent affair, which really showcases that this is a man filled to the brim with nothing but anger.
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Once he upgrades to the God Gundam though, things change. Even God Gundam's very first appearance is different from how Shining's intro. Whereas the latter is this explosive and destructive affair, the former's very first appearance harkens back to Michelangelo's Pieta as it carries the now-destroyed Shining Gundam in its arms. Even Domon's transformation sequence for the God Gundam is more peaceful, which makes sense as far as characterization goes since Domon has, at this point, learned how to reign in his emotions.
It's not just G Gundam that does this, by the way. You'd be surprised to note that Gun X Sword does this as well. Van's Original Seven Armor Dann of Thursday is treated as this otherworldly and almost angelic Armor that descends from the skies.
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Meanwhile, Ray Lundgren, the Gun to Van's Sword, summons his Armor Volkein by having it rise from under the Earth. Fittingly enough, Volkein also has more of a chthonic and lived-in look to it as well to contrast it with the more ethereal and almost alien-looking Dann.
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Music is (also) the Key to Victory!!
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Another key factor in a mecha's introduction is the soundtrack. A soundtrack, while not necessarily being the only factor in what makes a mecha's introduction, can almost certainly elevate it's introduction. You see this with the aforementioned Dann of Thursday, but there are two examples that stand out in my mind that aren't Dann: The King of Braves GaoGaiGar, whose final fusion sequence is paired with the theme of the same name...
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...and The Big O, where the titular mecha's theme is complimented by the soundtrack Sure Promise.
In both cases, the soundtracks mentioned help to really sell the idea that a powerful and heroic machine has appeared. Both robots use these themes really well when it comes to selling the fictions behind their machines. Sure Promise helps to sell the image of Big O as this massive, monstrous, and destructive savior whose every movements shake the very earth itself.
Meanwhile, Final Fusion sells us on the idea that GaoGaiGar isn't just a hero. He is the hero. The King of Braves is finally here, and by god is he going to save the day.
So... What's the Point, Me? What Does This Have to Do With Mazinger Z?
Well, I really made this post more because I couldn't fit all of this in with the Mazinger Z post I'm working on. But Mazinger Z, and specifically Mazinger Edition Z/Shin Mazinger Z, was the series that taught me that a mecha's first introduction is of vital importance. To bring in one last example before I sign off, think about how the Death Star is introduced in the original Star Wars.
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The first time we're introduced to the Empire's greatest weapon, the very first thing we are shown it can do is destroy a planet (to the horror of a captive Princess Leia, it was her home planet of Alderaan specifically). The introduction of this moon-sized battle station helps to clue us in on how evil the Empire (represented in the original film by Grand Moff Tarkin): they built the Death Star as the ultimate deterrence against anyone who tries to pick a fight against them. It's a battle station that is not only armed to with a planet-destroying laser but also houses a whole armada of TIE Fighters, landing shuttles, and Lord knows how many storm troopers. The Death Star blowing up Alderaan wasn't just by chance; it served to explicitly show to both Leia and the audience that the Empire would be more than willing to use the laser if anyone stood up against them.
As for Mazinger Z... you'll have to wait and see. However, if you've read An Abbreviated History of Mecha, you've probably seen the introduction that I'm hinting at.
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sadcats13 · 1 year
Getting Away with Murder in The Letter (1940)
A series of gunshots ring out into the night outside of a Malayan rubber plantation. A woman steps out onto the white painted verandah of her large mansion to stand behind her attacker. Geoffrey Hammond, the local playboy, collapsed on the steps before the feet of Mrs. Leslie Crosbie, shot dead while her Malay employees bear witness to this righteous retaliation. The camera hovers above Hammond sprawled out across the stairs, standing as Leslie does over the scene of the crime. The threat to Leslie's dignity and honor has been extinguished.
This opening scene is an icon of Golden Age Hollywood. No matter how you have come across this scene or Bette Davis herself, The Letter and Bette have been cemented into cinema history. From those first five minutes to the film's bitter end, you are almost guaranteed to fall madly in love with William Wyler's masterpiece.
Released in November 1940, The Letter, an adaptation of the play by W. Somerset Maugham, follows Leslie Crosbie (Bette Davis) as she struggles in the aftermath of this grisly incident. She claims she murdered Mr. Hammond in self-defense against his unwanted advances. Leslie must convince and cajole her husband (Herbert Marshall) and his lawyer, Howard Joyce (James Stevenson) of her innocence. Leslie's charm and knack for weaving a story bring Mr. Crosbie and District Officer Withers to her side.They believe she acted heroically however, the taught rope of Leslie's moral conviction begins to unravel as Mr. Joyce searches for evidence that will lend credence to her defense in court.
In act one, as Leslie is being questioned by her husband and Mr. Joyce about the details of the incident, she wrings her hands around a handkerchief and moves around the house pretending to be confident to hide her anxiety over being caught. Leslie's hands, or more specifically, Bette's hands become a point of focus here as they hint at her inner turmoil. Since Of Human Bondage (1934) Davis's most obvious mannerism is her hand wringing and the constant need to fiddle with something, especially when she is playing villains or morally gray characters like Leslie Crosbie. A notable example of this within The Letter is when Mr. Joyce comments on the shawl Leslie left unfinished in the foyer. It is a task most women of this era turned to when they were not ordering their housekeepers around or making tea for their husbands. Sewing the fine silk lace is a relaxing task Leslie took up while Mr. Crosbie was away managing his rubber company which is on the verge of failing, information unknown to Leslie until the second act. The shawl, the letter Leslie wrote to Hammond that his wife now possesses, the gun, these are plot devices meant for the audience to gather clues like Mr. Joyce to evaluate whether Mrs. Crosbie is guilty or innocent.
A hint at the true nature of Leslie's relationship with Mr. Hammond, aside from the letter (which Ong Chi Seng made a copy of) comes in the second act when Mr. Joyce asks Leslie how long she had been working on the lace shawl. Leslie responds that she had been sewing the intricate shawl ever since she and Mr. Crosbie moved to British Malaya. This implies that Leslie had been secretly meeting with Mr. Hammond for years before she shot him in the back. Her guilt is spelt out in a piece of cloth.
The lace shawl becomes her armor when she finally meets her lover's wife, only identified as a Eurasian woman (Gale Sondergaard), but it is unsuccessful in hiding her confused emotional state. She stares nervously at a dagger in the shop where Mrs. Hammond lives while Ong Chi Seng, Mr. Joyce's clerk, acts as the mediator during their tense interaction. Leslie has come to retrieve the love letter she wrote to Geoffrey that she previously confessed to having written knowing that Hammond's widow will not relent this blackmail until justice is done. Mrs. Hammond gives up the letter, but the camera lingers on her face after Leslie leaves. Her hatred of Leslie emanates from her gaze. Leslie's manipulation turns everyone against her save for her white British expatriate friends who stood and cheered in court after the judge said, "Not guilty". Mrs. Hammond is true to her word, promising to exact revenge with the dagger she leaves on Leslie's porch during a party celebrating her acquittal. Though the aim of this film was not to overtly comment on British Colonialism like Black Narcissus did later in 1947, the conflict between Mrs. Crosbie and Mrs. Hammond acts as a microcosm of the complicated legacy of the Empire's domination of island nations such as Singapore and Malaysia. Ong Chi Seng and Mrs. Hammond are the "savage" in need of governance by a civilized white England. Mr. Crosbie is the embodiment of the British Empire's waning control over Malaysia in the years preceding the second World War. All that is left to do after such violence is to drink and gamble your pain away.
However, the more practical interpretation is that, due to restrictions imposed by the Hays Code, William Wyler had to punish both Leslie Crosbie and Mrs. Hammond. Leslie Crosbie is killed by the scorned wife with the dagger and the help of Ong Chi Seng. Both murderers are later arrested after attempting to flee in the dullest scene of the film. It all ends with a whimper because murder and adultery could not go unpunished according to the code. The violence of the original play, based on a true story, is neutered for the film adaptation. If it had been released in the 1960s, when the Hays Code was officially abandoned, then one could imagine a different, more ambiguous ending where Leslie dies but Mrs. Hammond gets away and it is up to the audience to interpret what the rest of the film meant. It is still possible to read this version of events in the original play.
This heavy subject requires our full attention and the first act of this beautifully shot film (cinematography by Tony Gaudio) commands our eyes to never leave the screen. By the second and third act, however, you will be reaching for the remote despite an excellent performance by Bette Davis and James Stephenson, who was nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar. You can watch The Letter on Amazon Prime Video.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Sopranos’ Best End Credit Songs
There are so many legendary aspects of The Sopranos that it’s hard to pick just one. Between masterful storytelling, deep character development, and uncanny acting, everything comes together to create a show that has been enjoyed for over two decades now. The most artistic aspect of the package, however, may just be the use of music, specifically the unique songs curated personally by creator David Chase that run during each episode’s end credits. 
Ranging from oldies, foreign ballads, jazz compositions, and pure instrumentals, the variety is stunning and can keep you exploring the track list of the series for days. We’ve decided to narrow all of the end credit songs down to the best 15 in the series, listed in chronological order of airing. Enjoy! 
Season 1 Episode 4: Meadowlands 
“Look on Down from the Bridge” by Mazzy Star
The nice father-son moment between Tony and A.J. at the closing of this episode is accompanied by this beautiful track from Mazzy Star. A.J. sees his dad in a whole new light after Meadow tells him that he’s in the mafia, but a simple smile and wink from Tony reassures the youngest Soprano child that he certainly will still “look on down from the bridge” and see his family as the only priority in his life, no matter what criminal occupation he tries to hide on a daily basis. 
Season 1 Episode 7: Down Neck 
“White Rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane
This one follows the pattern of the show choosing to play a song earlier in an episode and then again during the final scene and credits. The Jefferson Airplane hit refers to drug use and being intoxicated, therefore changing as a person in the process. The song plays when Tony is taking prozac mid-episode and during the final scene in which Tony and A.J share an ice cream sundae and some whip cream together. No matter how much the therapy and the meds try to alter Tony’s life, he’ll remain the same man: a depressed mobster and a father who softens for his children. 
Season 2 Episode 10: Bust Out 
“Wheel in the Sky” by Journey
If you haven’t noticed by the time you’re done watching the show, The Sopranos loves to point out how trapped all of the characters are in the lifestyles they have either chosen or been forced into. Tony has betrayal surrounding him at every corner at the end of the second season: Richie and Janice plotting his removal, Carmela falling for a painter who is working in the family home, and Pussy’s FBI informancy reaching a climax. Still, the “wheel in the sky keeps on turning”. Tony finishes the episode having some fun with A.J. on the Stugotz, and he doesn’t “know where he’ll be tomorrow” but he’ll enjoy the time he has in the present. 
Season 2 Episode 12: The Knight in White Satin Armor 
“I Saved the World Today” by the Eurythmics
Tony returns home after disposing of Richie Aprile’s body because Janice shot him to death over a domestic dispute. After informing Carmela of the night’s bloody events, she quickly moves on to the list of chores and homemaker responsibilities she is going to lay at Tony’s feet for the next week while she goes on vacation with Ro Aprile. This apt song from the Eurythmics exemplifies everything Tony has to be in the lives of friends and family around him: always there to save the world for them.
Season 3 Episode 4: Employee of the Month 
“Fisherman’s Daughter” by Daniel Lanois
This Dr. Melfi-centric episode is one of the most deservedly acclaimed hours in the drama’s history. When the final scene gives her a chance to let Tony loose on the monster who assaulted her, she powerfully takes the moral route and declines his services. The camera pans to black solemnly with this haunting instrumental track by Daniel Lanois, a perfect backdrop to allow the audience to ponder everything that just happened and why Melfi was able to maintain strength that so many others wouldn’t have mustered. Anything with singing would have detracted from the environment the writers were trying to create, so this is a great song choice. 
Season 3 Episode 12: Amour Fou 
“Affection” by Little Steven and the Lost Boys
The penultimate episode of the third season features the climax of the relationship between Tony and Gloria, in which the crazy affection that they have for one another boils over into violence. Yet another of the brilliant musical choices this show made was to use the same song twice: once earlier in an episode, and then again in the final scene and credits. This tune, sung by Silvio Dante (Steven Van Zandt) himself, plays with Tony and Gloria spending time together mid-episode and then again at the end credits. 
Season 4 Episode 4: The Weight 
“Vesuvio” by Spaccanapoli
Another example of double dipping on the same song in one episode. The above scene between Carmela and Furio dancing and falling in love right underneath Tony’s nose uses this romantic Italian track by Spaccanapoli, and then uses it again in the final seconds when Carmela is daydreaming about Furio while having sex with Tony. So sensual and heavy, the audience knows that Carmela is going down a path she can’t see through to the end, but the music signifies the passion that she will inevitably entangle herself in for the time being. 
Season 4 Episode 7: Watching Too Much Television 
“Oh Girl” by The Chi-Lites
When an assemblyman starts an affair with Tony’s ex-lover, Irina, there is quite a bit of jealousy and ownership that exudes from the mob boss. This classic from the Chi-Lites plays in the car on the way over to the assemblyman’s house as Tony drives over to confront him about “taking” his mistress from him. It is a song which causes deep reflection and nostalgia for a lost love, and prompts Tony to get emotional listening to it. Wonderful acting by Gandolfini and superb use of in-world music that plays over to the credits, something the show got down to an art and a science simultaneously. 
Season 5 Episode 10: Cold Cuts 
“I’m Not Like Everybody Else” by The Kinks
No, Tony Soprano is certainly not like anybody else. He insists that Janice see anger management counselors at the beginning of this episode, and when she actually improves her mood because of it, his narcissism makes him antagonize her until a typical Soprano family fight breaks out at dinner. Tony walks out of the house with a despicable smile on his face to the tune of this intense rock anthem.
Season 5 Episode 11: The Test Dream 
“Three Times a Lady” by The Commodores
In an episode in which Tony spends 20 minutes literally dreaming about past and future problems in his life, culminating in the murder of Billy Leotardo by Anthony Blundetto, The Commodores soft romance hit plays us out. Tony calls Carmela to report about said dreams, part of which were repeat ones that have happened previously in Tony’s life. It’s nice for the audience to see these two having a tender exchange rather than the tense arguing that normally characterizes their marriage, especially because this was when the two were still separated previously throughout the fifth season. 
Season 6 Episode 4: The Fleshy Part of the Thigh 
“One of These Days” by Pink Floyd
Paulie Walnuts is a fan favorite for a myriad of reasons. Between his gray-haired wings and his immature one-liners, many forget that the mobster had one of the scarier violent streaks in the show. After discovering that his mother was actually his aunt, Paulie gets jealous of Jason Barone’s mother trying to protect him from the mafia after selling the sanitation business that serves as a front for the DiMeo crime family. This psychedelic, hard-rock snippet from Pink Floyd that blares in the credits after Paulie threatens Jason’s life at the end of episode is a strong reminder to the viewer that this is a character who borders on sociopathic most of the time. 
Season 6 Episode 12: Kaisha 
“Moonlight Mile” by The Rolling Stones
Unlike other iconic dramas, The Sopranos loved ending their season finales (and “Kaisha” is technically a season finale with season 6 split into two parts) with relative closure and absolutely no cliffhangers. The family has an enormous Christmas gathering at the Soprano residence, marked by A.J. bringing over an older girlfriend and Meadow’s rare absence from family time. This classic from The Rolling Stones that describes the feeling of trying to get back home off the road fits lovingly with the rare moment of calm before the storm that is the final season of the show.  
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Season 6 Episode 14: Stage 5 
“Evidently Chickentown” by John Cooper Clarke
This closing piece by John Cooper Clarke is actually considered a poetry performance, and the anger and fury that it inspires as Phil Leotardo laments being taken advantage of a few too many times is palpable. This is when we knew that war in New York was going to be bloody. The song also symbolizes the perpetual frustration both Christopher and Tony have with one another when they hug at the former’s baby’s baptism. The final season was certainly kicked up a couple notches as these final credits rolled. 
Season 6 Episode 17: Walk Like a Man 
“The Valley” by Los Lobos
This somber piece plays alongside Christopher picking up a tiny tree in his front yard after Paulie had attempted to destroy everything on his property as revenge for a violent incident. After Christopher thinks they’ve made up, Paulie and the gang start making fun of his infant daughter and laughing in his face. It is at this point that Chris understands he is forever an outsider, not loved by a single person on the planet. He will just trudge along and try to keep upright, which are themes displayed in this chilling and melancholy song of choice. 
Season 6 Episode 21: Made in America 
“Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey
The most famous song in the show is also the final one that plays right before the screen goes to black and Tony Soprano’s fate is left up to our own imagination (kind of). It’s technically not an end credits song, but there’s no way it can be excluded from this list. The song represents the nostalgia of sharing one final family meal together, the simplicities of the Soprano family when you strip away the mobster lifestyle and the murder, and it encourages the audience to never stop believing their favorite mob boss is still alive if that’s what they so choose to desire. A special ending to a legendary show!
The post The Sopranos’ Best End Credit Songs appeared first on Den of Geek.
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Conversion Corner: Star Fox Starships part 1
The Arwing
 Ever-expanding our horizons when it comes to conversion work, today we’re going to look at converting starships from a beloved video game franchise over to Starfinder, more specifically from the 3D starfighter games with an arcade-style mission layout and usually branching paths: Star Fox.
There’s a lot to love about Star Fox as a franchise, and also a lot to dislike, such as how the latest two major games in the series were one that took the branching paths too far and turned the game into a weird soap opera drama of convoluted relationships, and Star Fox Zero, another retelling of the original Star Fox story with different stages and fights, bogged down by an overly ambitious control and presentation scheme.
But we’re not here to cry about the franchise’s woes, we’re here to look at some of the more iconic starcraft in the franchise and apply them to the rules of Starfinder. No matter who or what anthropomorphic animals step up to the controls of these craft, we’ll see exactly what they have to offer.
First off, we’ll be looking at the most iconic vessel in the franchise: The Arwing.
The Space Dynamics Arwing was developed under exclusive contract with the Star Fox mercenary team, and is the very top-tier of small, single-pilot craft in the Lylat system, able to punch way higher than it’s weight class (especially if we consider that, if it’s length of 5 “space meters” is analogous to actual meters, the craft is actually smaller than the smallest average “tiny” sized Starfinder starships by about a meter and some change). It sports twin laser cannons, a tracking explosive weapon system (and the ability to fire tracking globes of plasma as well, but I think that would be a bit overpowered in Starfinder), as well as a compact but speedy engine, a G-Diffusor system that not only negates the effects of G-forces of flight even in atmosphere, but also helps power the shielding. It also possesses a pair of variable wings that are kept back during space travel, but can be opened fully to help maneuver while in atmosphere.
With the help of the standard Arwing, as well as it’s various upgraded and customized versions over the years, the Star Fox team has been something of a four-fighter armada supporting the Lylat system’s fleets against all manner of foes.
 Space Dynamics Arwing – Tier: 3
Tiny Interceptor Speed 8; Maneuverability Perfect (turn 0); Drift — AC 16; TL 16 HP 30; DT —; CT 6 Shields Basic 30 (front 8, port 7, starboard 7, aft 8) Attack (Forward) Light Plasma Cannon 2d12, High Explosive Missile Launcher 4d8 Power Core Pulse Brown (90 PCU) Drift Engine none Systems data net, horacalchum defensive countermeasures , mk 3 mononode computer, mk 4 armor, mk 4 defenses, siccatite armor, Training interface modules: (Primary fighting style (gunner), Deadly Aim, Mobility) Modifiers +3 to any one check, +2 Piloting, +4 Computers (sensors only); Complement 1
 Total BP: 92
 For this build, I wanted to emulate as much of the Arwing as I could. Sadly, the homing plasma ball of 64 and onward cannot be properly emulated since there are no tracking weapons in the game that are not limited fire. Also, it’s worth noting that I’m flavoring the plasma cannon as the fully upgraded twin lasers, since tiny starfighters can only have two front weapon mounts. Sadly, even in the tightest scale of starship combat, none of the explosive weapons cover a radius, so we have to make do with the high explosive missile launcher.
I chose having a data net based on the assumption that, just like in the games, a more science-oriented squadmate like Slippy Toad providing scanning details on enemy vessels, while the strong mononode computer is there to help shore up the skill checks of the minor crew actions that the pilot may need to take while focusing on shots or advanced piloting. The training interface modules assume that Fox has the ranged soldier build from the Pop Culture Builds I did of him a while back, and are a great way to spend build points to grant additional benefits that perfectly emulate the tendency of Arwings to be used to strike weak points for massive damage and avoid enemy strikes even up close. The horacalchum countermeasures and siccatite armor are meant to help further represent the elusive nature of the Arwing, as well as it’s ability to move freely in atmosphere with ease.
 The Arwing is an impressive beast on its own, easily top of the line for a one-man craft. Individual pilots have been shown to even improve upon the design, crafting a machine that works the best for them.
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2020 Megaman Valentine’s Day Contest - Cat. 1 (Talent) Results!
Thank you to everyone again for your patience! This is getting posted way later than I wanted to. As much as I try to keep it short and sweet, I never do, so bear with my walls of text. 
For the talent category this year, the theme was about killing Mega Man with kindness. More specifically, entrants had to create their own original love/Valentine’s-themed Robot Master or equivalent boss character that was created to defeat Mega Man with the power of love! Even though the theme title and concept alluded more to the classic Robot Master character contests, designs for any series were acceptable. But other than one Navi and one Reploid entry, everyone stuck to a Classic-series themed creation. So you were all pretty consistent! 
There were a total of 16 entries for this category this year. Thank you all for your participation! It was extremely hard to choose winners for this category, because you all had really clever and creative concepts based off of this theme. So thank you for thinking up such clever and cool characters!!
Also thanks to Reploid 21XX for the coloring book prizes and for some additional insight. 
Again, raffle prize winners will be contained in both posts, so keep an eye out between your name and your art. Not all raffle prize winners are contained in this post. I’ll be contacting all winners soon enough, so sit tight! Might be late after work tonight, so don’t panic if you don’t hear from me right after this is posted.
Your category winners and full gallery of entries are right here, after the break:
Category 1 (Talent) -  Dr. Wily’s Greatest Creation: Killing Mega Man With Kindness
[Full Talent Gallery]
1.) @mo-sketchbook​:
*For coming in 1st, mo-sketchbook has won $100 via Paypal, or a prize of their choice up to that value AND a Rockman 7 Coloring Book.*
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First and foremost, I appreciate all the effort you put into covering so many aspects of your creation, from the various design viewpoints, weapon get form for Mega Man, and showing the weapon in action. I really loved all the things you integrated into the design to give off the feeling that it is a love-based character. The “love bug” form, cherub-like Heat/Plug-type facial features, and how you utilized hearts in different ways for his design and powers. 
I’m no Keiji Inafune, but I feel like this is a concept he would greenlight, in terms of it following his Robot Master design formula. It doesn’t need to be super detailed or flashy, but still fits the mold very well! The thought of the hearts missing their target and love energy then getting weaker is actually pretty clever, too. Cute, and I wuv it. 
2.) @peachycircuits​:
*For coming in 2nd, peachy has won $50 via Paypal, or a prize of their choice up to that value AND a Rockman 7 Coloring Book*
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As usual, on the technical side of things, your art is one of the more polished and clean entries of the bunch. Combining a couple different aspects - swans as a creature known as a symbol of love, bonded for life like in marriage, and turning that into an inseparable pair of Robot Masters, was a clever way to think about your design, in terms of the theme of this category. 
And then echoing that with the iconic Swan Lake, making them ballet dancers, is like taking Tundra Man and Gemini Man’s concept up another notch. Plus, not gonna lie, amused seeing Mega Man getting equipped with a tutu. LOL So even if it’s not as heart-themed as most of the other entries, I totally liked how you thought outside the box a little bit for this. 
3.) Komito Amae:
*For coming in 3rd, Komito has won $25 via Paypal, or a prize of their choice up to that value*
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I figured a cupid-styled arrow theme would pop up in a bunch of entries, but your Reploid, Beta, here caught my eye. Both in terms of the hearts, arrows and wings incorporated into her armor, and the pretty sweet looking buster that she and X both have equipped. 
While I’m not sure how it would play out in the game, I think it would be interesting to suddenly take control of random enemies in a stage, and be able to change perspective as them for a short time, after you have shot them. Whether it would be to take out an enemy horde, or perform a task X can’t that the enemy could, it would be different! Can’t see it quite having the same powerful effect on a Maverick boss, but it’s certainly neat to think about how that could work!
And the rest of the wonderful entries, in alphabetical order by alias: 
*Raffle Prize Winner*  Dreamwave Comics: Issue 4 Page 15
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I’m sorry you didn’t win a cash prize this time! Please don’t take me hostage! I totally loved the creative vintage chocolate factory mascot backstory, along with making your entry like an Ariga-styled character sheet page. Certainly get that retro feel with her clothing design. Her rose blade kinda reminds me of other hand-turned-blade-like-weapon characters, such as Alan Gabriel in the Big O or Ed transmuting one in FMA. Which is always a snazzy transformation for a robot!
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In all honesty, if I hadn’t placed you in the humor category, I think this would have very likely been somewhere in the top 3 for this category. A cuddly teddy bear with a massive Ariga-Quick Man-sized heart for a chest, extending flailing tube arms, who just wants to hug Mega Man to death is so amusing and awesome of a design. Hugs for everyone!
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Your take of heat-seeking arrows and the added high jump powers were certainly a different take compared to the other cupid-styled creations. Definitely would be nice gameplay bonuses when equipped. I like how Mega Man also has the wings sprout out of his head, to mimic Cherub Woman’s pigtails, rather than the usual spot you would assume, on his back. 
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Hahaha, I love how your creation has caused Mega Man to wave the white flag after falling in love...wait, it isn’t White Day, and he should be giving her a gift if it was! XD Her hair tied up into a heart was a creative touch, much like how her dress flows into all those heart shapes. Adorable!
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Um, can...can I count on you to vote for Bernie this election year?
Remember kids, it’s what’s on the inside that counts, looks don’t matter. Everyone deserves love, even those you consider ‘vermin.’ This was certainly an unexpected take on the theme, and gave me a good laugh, too. ‘Boiling-hot water...with a hint of citrus!’ It burns, but it smells so lemony-fresh!! XD But the two different moves fit together well, to protect and attack. 
I like how you still incorporated a heart shape into Rodent Woman’s design with, both in her chest shape and the “nostril” area which is echoed in the Rodent Rover. And also props for giving her the non-armor form, unique compared to other entries. 
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On the one hand, your design feels so different for a Robot Master, and maybe more Navi-like. But then I get the Astro/Galaxy-type eye vibe, and sort of a Plant Man~ish body with Devil hands feel, and see how it’d fit into Classic. It’s a unique look, and I liked it the more I inspected it. I really do love the idea of the heart bubble entrapping more and more enemies, and the big ol’ group hug ending up bursting their love bubble. It’s a different concept that stood out!
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Our Navi of the bunch combined the love bug and cupid design, but your concept changed up the attack to suck out the energy of it’s target. Which almost made me think she should have an arrow-like mosquito nose, to feast on her target that way. XD I liked your wing shield concept and RiCO-styled skirt of hearts. Rock gets some cool shades in his Love Soul/Cross form, and I get the ProtoSoul vibe, with the shield transferring to his arm as well.
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Another Heat/Plug-type design Share Man looks cute and sleepy, but is also “clumsy and weak.” His ability is to share body parts, so “the danger is in him sharing his less than ideal parts with his opponents.” It’s a totally neat concept, to see Mega Man lose his buster almost by accident, and now be powerless to stop Share Man. His split color scheme drives home the concept that his parts might not all be his own, and sort of a Frankenstein bot at times. Props to that idea!
While his weapon gives Mega Man the power to make enemies docile and sleepy, I really almost want to see Mega Man get dumb parts of enemies, too! Helmet switched to a Met helmet, Batton wings, a big Suzy eye! It’s now I’ve got your power...but...but what am I supposed to do with it? XD
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Unlike most others, your entry pushed the heart theme heavily in her armor design around the entire head and shoulder parts, so I definitely felt the love vibe. The color scheme fits well. Just would have liked to have had seen a little more information about her attack and concept.
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Mega Man having a “Wing Man” to set him up is a hilarious and clever idea! I give you kudos for thinking outside the box a bit on your concept and theme here. The shipping chart certainly drives the idea home, too. You still give him a classy/formal look, and keep the wing man aviation origin apparent in his attack style. Certainly a different idea having the heart bowtie transfer to Rock’s helmet in the form change, but it really doesn’t look that bad there, opposed to around his neck like it would be normally.
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Different from the other cupid concepts, Eros Woman utilizes a Search-Man like targeting system to hit her targets. I like the heart scope addition over her and Rock’s eye when they go into firing mode. You took a different approach to the wing concept compared to others, echoing Cinnamon’s hairstyle in many respects. But it certainly fits with the rest of her design nicely, and looks good for Mega Man’s equipped form.
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Love that you were able to both include a drawing and your own sprite, to mix in with the weapon equip ones. That is one powerful crush Mega Man has on his enemies now! I feel bad for Crush Man with how big and heavy those snare trap hands of his are. This seems like a Robot Master too cute for Wily to design; more like he stole him and added horrible, cruel hands onto him! This is taking a crush on someone to a whole different level! XD
Yuri Kadry:
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When equipped with Cupid Man’s power, I like the visor Mega Man gets. I think this is also a clever use of the weapon, having enemies shot attracted to one another, causing them to collide into each other. Well thought out! Love the original sprite art, and he stands out nicely against the pinks and purples in the background. 
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fanfic-scribbles · 7 years
Avengers/Captain America Masterlist
On the Run [Complete] “On the Run [Masterlist]” – Adventure/Romance – James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes/Reader – Female Reader
Summary: Your life is fairly normal, up until Captain America shows up on your doorstep asking for help for something nobody should know about. Some things you do know are:
1) James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes is an asshole, 2) This is all his fault, and 3) You’re going to punch him in the face.
If you survive.
Full Course [series]
1. Lunch Buddy [Complete]
“Lunch Buddy [Masterlist]” – Friendship [/Eventual Romance] – Steve Rogers & Reader [leading to Steve Rogers/Reader] – Female Reader 
Summary: Steve Rogers makes a friend. A prickly, generally people-averse friend, but they’ll both take what they can get.
2. Dinner Date [Ongoing]
“Dinner Date [Masterlist]” – Romance – Steve Rogers/Reader – Female Reader
Summary: Steve Rogers has a girlfriend– a prickly, generally asocial girlfriend, but they make it work. They have more in common than some people might think.
2. Digestifs [Ongoing]
“Digestifs” (link to AO3) – Romance – Steve Rogers/Reader – Female Reader
Summary: Steve Rogers and his girlfriend may not always know what they're doing, but they're willing to work it out. Together.
It's just more fun that way.
(Aka: where I'm going to put all the explicit scenes for my story "Dinner Date", hence why it is on AO3 and not Tumblr.)
Chapter One: First Taste
Chapter Two: M’Sir
Marry Me [in progress]
1. Marry Me – Romance – Steve Rogers/Reader; Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes; Bucky Barnes and Reader friendship– Female Reader
Summary: You love your fiancé, but you don’t necessarily love the danger that follows him. Well…one part of it is all right, you suppose. One person specifically.
Building Bridges, Trying Not To Drown [Complete] [** Trigger warnings at the top of each part. Please be mindful and take care of yourself **] “Building Bridges, Trying Not To Drown: Foundation” – Friendship – Steve Rogers & Reader – Angst; hope – Words: 5465
Summary: Two sad people, trying their best in different ways.
“Building Bridges, Trying Not To Drown: Frame” – Friendship – Steve Rogers & Reader; Bucky Barnes & Reader; [minor Steve/Bucky] – Angst; hope – Words: 6231
Summary: Learning how to ask for help is hard. For everyone involved.
[Stories in this listing are sorted by character (alphabetically) and then, within each character section, chronologically. Reader-inserts are at the top and anything not involving a reader character is in its own section at the bottom. A slash [/] means romance; an ampersand [&] means friendship.]
  Bucky Barnes/Reader
“Ways To Say You Care” – Romance; Fluff – Bucky Barnes/Reader – Words: 3106
Summary: Bucky’s been out of the dating game for a while, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have his eye on someone. Courting someone is a bit different these days, but people still like ‘secret admirers’ right? He hopes you do.
“Decorative” – Romance; Christmas fic – Bucky Barnes/Reader – Words: 1466
Summary: Bucky has a confession to make, and a deadline with which to do it. He gets beaten to the punch, but he’s not upset about it.
“Life of the Party” – Romance; Soulmate fic – Bucky Barnes/Reader – Words: 1510
Summary: Hiding from the latest threat to New York isn’t exactly how you wanted to meet your soulmate, but it will be a funny story to tell later. Much later.
Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanov/Reader “Put A Ring On It” – Romance – (established) Natasha Romanov/Bucky Barnes/Reader – Words: 797
Summary: You find out the hard way that, even while wearing bells, two master assassins are too much for you.
Natasha Romanov/Reader
“Sweet As” – Romance; Christmas fic – Natasha Romanov/fem!Reader – Words: 2218
Summary: Natasha didn’t know she would like soft things but SHIELD surprises her in a number of ways– this time, with you.
  Sam Wilson/Reader
“Evaluation” – Romance – (established) Sam Wilson/Reader – Words: 7053
Summary: Dating Sam Wilson is amazing. But one fact remains: if you wannabe his lover, you gotta get with his friends. His friends being a resurrected national icon, a formerly brainwashed super soldier, and a bombshell master spy. This’ll be…easy.And if it isn’t, you hope they make it quick.
“Trade Up” – Romance – Sam Wilson/Reader – Words: 1667
Summary: You always thought meeting your soulmate would be a humdrum affair, but he does what he does best and saves you.
Steve Rogers/Reader [or] Steve Rogers & Reader “More Than the Sum of Our Parts” – Romance – Steve Rogers/Reader – Fluff – Female [Overweight] Reader – Words: 1969
Summary: You trust Steve with your life, but not your body. Maybe it’s time for that to change.
“Down, Down, Down” – Friendship  – Steve Rogers & Reader – Angst; Hope – Female Reader – Words: 2759
Summary: On a rough night, you meet a man named Steve Rogers who just wants to help, maybe as much for himself as for you. But certain things can’t always be helped. And sometimes that’s okay.
  “Small Steps” – Romance – [established] Steve Rogers/Reader – Words: 7567 
Summary: Everything is going great– you’re doing all right in life and your boyfriend, one Steve Rogers, is always a bright and shining light regardless. However on one otherwise wonderful date Steve starts acting squirrely, then disappears on you for a week. It’s worrisome but nothing you haven’t handled before.
Except then you get to find out firsthand just how unstable the Tesseract can be when a supposedly long-dead enemy of Steve’s walks into your life in a most unwelcome way. Apparently growing as a couple means you inherit some of Steve’s shitty luck.
Oh joy.
“Stockings” – Romance – [established] Steve Rogers/Reader –  Christmas fic; fluff – Words: 587
Summary: Steve has been away for a while, and you need attention. Spoiler: you know how to get it.
“Gifts” – Romance – [established] Steve Rogers/Reader –  Christmas fic; fluff – Words: 977
Summary: You and Steve have had a couple of Christmases together that were both ‘first’ in their own right. Now that it’s your third one, you expect a routine to form. Steve has a way of upending your expectations.
“Dragon Princess” – Romance; fluff – Steve Rogers/female!disabled!Reader – Words: 2903
Summary: You don’t let anybody in easily. Steve doesn’t mind a challenge. Hopefully he also doesn’t mind getting his armor singed in the process.
“Hand In Hand” – Romance; fluff – [established] Steve Rogers/Reader – Words: 1719
Summary: You find that Steve has a habit of holding your hand at every opportunity. Naturally, you can’t help but try to see how far he’ll go to keep that habit.
“Safe As Houses” – Romance; fluff – Steve Rogers/Reader – Words: 4640 
Summary: You provide a safe haven for Steve when he needs it most– in more than one way.
“Inebriated” – Romance – Steve Rogers/Reader – Words: 1148
Summary: Steve helps your drunk ass home, because he’s a gentleman and you’re a dope. It’s a match made in heaven. No– really.
“What Makes You” – Romance – Steve Rogers/Reader – Words: 508
Summary: Generally, you know what you’re getting when you’re alone with Steve. This time, he moves the goalpost.
“Hot Cold” – Friendship – Steve Rogers & Reader – Words: 566
Summary: You try to get away. Steve provides a surprising –but necessary– buffer against the cold.
“Dark Nights” – Romance – Steve Rogers/Reader – Words: 1314
Summary: Sharing someone’s company doesn’t mean the same thing at all times. You learn to compromise in the face of a pandemic, and look forward.
Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes/Reader [or] Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes & Reader
“By the Light of Day” – Romance – Steve/Bucky/Reader – Fluff; Hurt/comfort – Female-pronoun-ed Reader – Words: 1882
Summary: Bucky has a nightmare. You and Steve reassure him that you’re always here for him, and he won’t lose either of you.
  “Good Samaritan” – Friendship – Bucky/Steve & Reader – Fluff – Words: 4233
Summary: While in line one day at your favorite coffee shop, you notice the guy in front of you looks a little down, so you (anonymously) buy him a little treat. Who knew it would annoy him so much? …And who knew you would find that so amusing?
“Push” – Romance – Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes/Reader – Words: 1961
Summary: Having a crush on Steve and Bucky seemed fine when it was one or the other. Having a serious crush on both of them seemed like an insurmountable problem. However they are two of the most stubborn men in history, and you just need a good push in the right direction. 
“Riding A Heat Wave” – Romance – (established) Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes/Reader – Fluff – Words: 1422
Summary: It’s too hot. Bucky and Steve try to…help? Yes, that’s what they call it. “Helping.” You’re not convinced, but you’re willing to let them try. 
“Convalescence” – Romance – (established) Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes/Reader – Fluff – Words: 985
Summary: You’re sick. Steve and Bucky make for two very different types of caretakers.
“One More” – Romance – Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes/Reader – Words: 8877
Summary: Steve and Bucky have been happily together for a very long time. However they both have been pining after you practically since they met you…and have yet to make a move. It’s getting frustrating. So they decide– why not make a little bet, just between them, to kick their asses in gear? All either one has to do is be the first to tell you just what you mean to both of them. They’ve fought a war; they stare down evil on a regular basis and run into danger as members of the Avengers. A tiny bit of rejection? Hardly a contest. This should be easy. Should be. Should.
Spoiler: it isn’t.
“Icy Imitation” – Romance; Fluff – (established) Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes/Reader – Words: 876
Summary: You, Bucky, and Steve have a snow day.
“Let’s Be Alone Together” – Romance – Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes/Reader – Words: 9940
Summary: You get two new neighbors and the three of you become something more.
“Barking Up The Right Tree” – Romance – Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes/Reader – Words: 1224
Summary: You can meet your soulmates in a variety of ways. Apparently, your dog is instrumental to this one.
“Broken Pieces” – Romance – Bucky Barnes/Reader to Bucky Barnes/Reader/Steve Rogers – Words: 10,603
Summary: Being broken once doesn’t mean you stay broken forever. Sometimes you just need to find another way to fix yourself.
“Monster in the Bed” – Romance; Fluff – [established] Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes/Reader – Words: 1299
Summary: What do you do when you have a creature in your bed that just won’t get out? You’re asking for a friend. 
“Heroic Gestures” – Romance; Peril/Comfort – [established] Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes/Reader – Words: 2259
Summary: Bucky saves you, you save Bucky. In different ways, but still– it’s all in a day’s work for a couple of heroes.
“Fir” – Romance; Fluff; Christmas – [established] Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Reader – Words: 1983
Summary: A trip to a tree lot results in a much bigger relationship milestone. Also, Bucky and Steve are idiots. It works out pretty well for everyone involved.
“Gremlins” – Romance; Fluff – [established] Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Reader – Words: 2291
Summary: Bucky’s shirts keep going missing. It isn’t a problem, per se. It’s just annoying.
“Model Behavior” – Romance – Cap!Steve Rogers/modern!Bucky Barnes [aka Shrunkyclunks] – Fluff – Words: 3662
Summary: Steve collides with the most attractive man he’s ever seen, but loses him just as fast. Steve thinks he’ll never see him again but, luckily, the other man makes a living by his good looks.
  “Princess America” – Romance; Fluff – Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes – Words: 698
Summary: Steve doesn’t embarrass easily. Also, he would never dare act below his station when Princess Hannah has been so gracious to invite him to a ‘Princess-Only Tea Party.’ [1/5 for the Happy Steve Bingo; “Caught In A Tea Party Wearing A Tiara”]
  “Try, Try Again” – Romance; Fluff – Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes – Words: 2907
Summary: Steve tried to move on in the new age, but nothing felt quite right. Luckily, a little piece of home came back to him. [2/5 for the Happy Steve Bingo; “First Kiss”]
  “Deciduous” – Romance; Fluff – Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanoff/Sharon Carter – Words: 888
Summary: Steve Rogers is well-versed in coming back. Thankfully, he’s not the only one, and they won’t let him forget it. [3/5 for the Happy Steve Bingo; “Deciduous/Falling Leaves”]
  “Keeping with the Times” – [Mostly] Friendship – very brief Steve/Bucky mention – Words: 400
Summary: Tony tries to relate to Steve with his past, but Steve has had a lot more time to catch up than Stark realizes. [4/5 for the Happy Steve Bingo; “Old-Fashioned Lingo”]
  “(Surprise) Hugs” – Romance – Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson/Natasha Romanoff/James “Bucky” Barnes – Words: 1383
Summary: Steve doesn’t know why all of his partners are suddenly hugging him at random intervals, but he’s certainly not going to complain about it. [5/5 for the Happy Steve Bingo; for the free space I picked “Hugs”]
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random-senpai · 7 years
GBF Husbando Spotlight: Rackam
It’s been ages since the last one, but with me sparking him and the balance patch arriving I’ve finally felt confident enough to write this. 
If you know me at all you knew this was coming, for my lust and love for thisman burns with the intensity of a thousand suns. Yes tis time for my #1 Husbando’s Spotlight, The Sexiest Meme Alive himself, Rackam!
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Note: This was actually really hard to make into actual words instead of just inarticulate screaming.
The 2nd story character and first official member of the crew. He’s been with you since pretty much Day 1.
First story character to get his 5* uncap, giving him the rare wind atk- debuff and sweet new art with Tiamat.
His SSR is a great damage dealer, and with the patch one of the most reliable as long as he has a solid source of MA. Along with his passive to hit all enemies 70% of the time, now he can also build 2 stacks of Spitfire in 1 turn, giving him 40% atk boost each on a unique modifier. With Elysian he can ougi turn 4 with 3 stacks and 120% atk up. Plus Spitfire increases his ougi cap to around 3.2 mil and the chain burst to over 2 mil. Duration II is also incredibly handy against HL bosses with their OD phases being more dangerous. He shines alot in Rose Queen as he leads to a much faster break in 2nd phase and in Tiamat HL where he gives easy honors as he auto attacks all heads most of the time.
10/10 would spark again
It’s also heavily implied that Grand Series are getting their 5* uncap soon too, so his kit is going to get better. His SR gained a crit buff, mirror image, and wind atk- so there’s a good chance his SSR will too.
His personality is that of the Crew’s team dad (funny enough with the actual dads in the crew) and boy is it my weakness. He has a soft spot for children and younger members of the crew, and takes it upon himself to take care of them.
He’s an expert Helmsman and is actually quite famous for it. It’s even gotten to the point where other Helmsman ask him for his autograph. The sheer size of the Grancypher and how he managed to restore it single handedly is a testament to his skill and love for airships. And the chapter where he navigates the harsh winds of the Grim Basin is the ultimate testament to his skill.
In fact his SSR Fate episodes revolve around him helping a little girl who dreams of being a helmsman like him. When he discovers she’s in danger he goes off on his own to rescue her without endangering the rest of the crew. Of course in the end it’s too much than he can handle on his own and he gets shot. The crew comes by in time to rescue him and the girl and he realizes that everyone has grown enough for him to rely on them.
Fun fact he’s actually named after the famous pirate captain John Rackam (aka Calico Jack). The man most well known for his relationship with Anne Bonny and Mary Reed and his first mate designing the iconic Jolly Roger. 
He’s hot. Like....really hot. I fell in love with this man at first crash. That styled brunette hair.....the facial hair....the cigarette..his face. All of that gives me the ossan feel that I’m a plain sucker for. Plus his gun and even the sword he never uses just gets to me. A prime reliable Ossan design. 
Plus Hiroaki Hirata’s voice as him is just perfect! Older and experienced but not super old man status. I don’t know how to describe it exactly but it’s so damn attractive.
He’s 29 years old, putting him slightly above average in the crew’s rather young age range, but not as old as the clear elder members of the crew. While he has all the points of Ossan appeal (at least in my book) calling him one might be a bit of a stretch. It doesn’t stop him from feeling old though, as he talks about getting older a few times. 
He might not be the most muscular of the crew since he is one with bara gods like the Soiya Squad and Male Draphs. But he does have a nice muscular frame of his own. It’s most prominent in the meme comics and brief bits in the anime. In comics he strips time to time for certain gags revealing a nice body. In the anime he sports a black tank top for a while allowing you to see the musculature on his arms, and even takes off his armor for a bit, revealing that that the shirt he wears under it is skintight as you can make out the outlines of his pecs through the fabric. (I’m still angry he never stripped in the beach episode)
His charms have not gone unnoticed too. The man is straight up primal bait as Lyria’s Tiamat and Noa are really close to him. The little girl from his SSR fates even falls for him as she asks if he has a girlfriend in the end of the 2nd one. According to Lowain and Bros he has a decent sized following of fans as well. They described him as “the type of guy who would spoil you”. 
He’s also is pretty good with the Bass (after some practice). He plays in a band with Vryn and Aoidos. So he fills the hot dude on bass niche too.
In fact before Lowain and Bros decided on making Jin the Sexy Sensei of Albion High. He was considered for the role before they gave it to Jin, feeling that Rackam already had too many fans to be their Sensei figure.
He’s a Sexy Santa
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His Christmas Fates were some of the cutest things I’ve ever seen. It literally revolves around stealing Christmas cake in the middle of the night.The second fate literally called “Friendly Feels” is a search for a Christmas tree for the crew. It ends with him holding a ladder for Vyrn, Lyria, and Gran/Djeeta to put the star on. After the star is put on and the tree is decorated he gives his thanks as he never thought he’d ever spend a Christmas like this before. The fate ends with Lyria telling him that all Christmases are going to be like this one from now on, as he smiles and while having his doubts about the certainty of her statement, enjoys the warmth of the holiday on the cold winter night.
He’s a perfect mixture of both my love for memes and hot older men. For he has not one, or two memes, BUT 3.
Legend of Rackam: Not touched upon recently but a damn good one. Rackam and his exploits are so legendary that kids years later learn of his heroic tales thanks to a wise old scholar. His frog suit meme had actual white day chocolates sent to it by fans.
DURRAY DURRAY DURATION!: Rackam’s amazing moves leave afterimages that confuse and somehow relax the enemy’s rage. A meme so powerful he taught it to others for protection and almost durrayed himself out of existence against a great foe. In fact this meme is so powerful that it’s leaked out of the Grand Blues verse into reality long ago and nobody even questions it. His Casino skin and Santa version both end battles with the Durray~ dance with sound effects and everything.
RACKAMUUUUUUUUUU!!! (also localized as plain RACKAAAAAAAM!!!): Rackam fucking explodes and dies. Well to be more specific the first Rackamuuu! didn’t even have an explosion as he died falling off the ship riding on a icicle and Katalina screamed it. However with later variation most of his deaths have been explosion related, resulting in the meme being tied to explosions now. Despite the fact that he explodes he actually ends up fine due to a scientific phenomenon known as Rackam’s Law, but details have yet to be divulged to the public from the former nobility of Iristill. 
Him and the MC/You share a very close bond due to all that they’ve gone through together. He basically entrusts the fate of the Grancypher to your judgement when he’s forced to fight you as an enemy by that little douche Gilbert.
He gets flustered around Djeeta and it’s noticeable in the voiced skins. Where he stumbles around for a bit after battle replying to her compared to his fater response to Gran.
Like most of the GBF cast come Valentines and White Day he catches feelings for the captain of the opposite gender, however unlike many he’s kind of unsettled and in denial of it due to the age gap.
It’s most detectable in the Valentines and White Day lines in year two. Year one it’s rather quick with him being flattered to get a chocolate and blushing with embarrassment when he gives the return gift on White Day.
However year two has him joke about waiting for Djeeta to give him chocolate and telling her not to think about all the serious stuff since it makes him nervous. Then he promises her to get something great for White Day.
Come White Day he calls her over to give her his present (no CG yet sadly sadly) and thanks her for always working so hard. Then he literally says “ Well, not just thanks. But I can't say any more than that, all right? You shouldn't pry into the mind of an adult, you know. “ Then says he’s gonna keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn’t drive other people crazy.
I probably forgot or missed something but this post is long enough.
This is most likely going to be my longest husbando spotlight solely because
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fallout4console1 · 3 years
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Best armor in fallout 4,
Top 10 Fallout 4 Armor List
Fallout 4 has plenty of different armors to offer to all the fans around the world. Each armor has its own specifications and mods limit in the Boston Wasteland. Fallout 4 is the best mod experience made for the current generation of video gaming lovers as the Fallout 76 and the wide array of bugs plaguing the MMO user experience. Fallout is series of high-end combat series of the Fallout long-running franchise. Fallout 4 nexus & Fallout 4 New Vegas places and provides heavy combat missions and the player can expect to face different evil creatures of wasteland denizens.
To compete in the missions, you surely need safety armors to protect yourself from your enemies. There is a huge list of Fallout 4 armor during the game as per the Fallout 4 mods community. To complete the mission, it’s really important to equip the player with the best available Fallout 4 armor for any given situation. Many of these armors can bear the hardest hit as there are many some of the strongest weapons in the later missions.
Fallout 4 Armor Mods and Locations
Below mentioned are the 10 best armor suits that a player can use to defend from the scourges, enemies, and weapons of the Boston Wasteland.
Army Fatigues And A Fedora
Combat Armor
Synth Armor
Marine Armor
Destroyer’s Armor
Grognak Costume
T-60 Power Armor
Silver Shroud Costume
Freefall Legs
X-01 Power Armor
F4 Armor Guide and Mods
Fallout 4 Combat Armor
Fallout 4 combat armor is the best armor in this game. This armor will protect the players in combat zones from enemy shots. It will also save the players from standard damage and energy-based damage.
Fallout 4 Synth Armor
Fallout 4 synth armor is similar to combat armor in terms of protection and safety but has more energy defense and a gaudier appearance. Only a synth soldier can wear synth armor as it counters their use of laser weapons.
Fallout 4 Marine Armor
Fallout 4 marine armor is one of the strongest armor and only those players can get this armor who has downloaded Far Harbor DLC. It boasts the player’s defense if players upgrade the set to the assault marine armor variant.
Fallout 4 T-60 Power Armor
Fallout 4 T-60 Power armor is one of the most iconic armor. It has excellent defense protection and is easier to find. It is one of the most customizable armor and can be repaired easily as its counterpart armor.
Fallout 4 X-01 Power Armor
Fallout 4 X-01 Power Armor provides the best protection in terms of defense. This armor nullifies radiation damage, physical damage, and lessens energy damage. Players can easily boost X-01 power armor stats and can customize it.
For more info please visit: https://fallout4console.com/fallout-4-armor/
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wazafam · 3 years
Galaxy Quest is a hidden gem but it's a science-fiction comedy movie that is loved by die-hard fans and a worthwhile watch for new viewers. Complete with action, drama, aliens, comedy, and Alan Rickman, the 1999 movie is still a masterpiece to behold. It centered around a has-been, washed-up cast from a popular sci-fi show from the '70s.
RELATED: 10 Underrated '90s Sci-Fi B-Movies, Ranked
But the cast is mistaken for the real deal and is tasked with helping to save an alien race from extinction against their mortal enemy. Galaxy Quest is loved for not only its comedy but for its realistic portrayal of characters who are no longer in their prime. There's also the fun nod to die-hard Star Trek fans and other science fiction nerds.
10 The Impeccable Cast
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The lineup for the movie is top-notch and made up of some of Hollywood and even Broadway's most famed actors. The lead character of Jason Nesmith is none other than the voice of Buzz Lightyear, Tim Allen. Alongside him is Sam Rockwell, who is well recognized for movies such as Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri.
The movie also gained notoriety for the portrayal of Fred Kwan by Tony Shalhoub, who became famous for his role in Monk. Alien star, Sigourney Weaver, joined the cast in the role of Gwen DeMarco. Last but not least is the esteemed Alan Rickman as Alexander Dane. Fans can't get a better cast than this.
9 The Reason Why The Aliens Chose Them
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The reason why the Thermian people seek help from the cast of Galaxy Quest is comical yet realistic in some way. In the movie, Galaxy Quest was an immensely popular sci-fi show from the '80s with a big fanbase. Somehow, however, the show's episodes were transmitted across space and viewed by the Thermian alien race.
The Thermians truly believe that the episodes are an account of real events on Earth. Facing their mortal enemy, the evil warlord, Sarris (Robin Sachs), the Thermians kidnap and seek help from Jason and the show's cast to save their people.
8 The Villain Alien
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Sarris is a reptilian general who leads his humanoids to destroy the Thermians and he is quite fun to watch on screen. The character will give any viewer the creeps, as he had green scaly skin, antennas, and grotesque reptile armor and skin.
His character arc plays out well, as he's a big bad villain who actually executes the majority of his plan. At one point, he even takes over the Thermians' ship and learns that Jason and the crew aren't actual space heroes. Sarris even manages to survive his ship's explosion and attack the main characters, fatally wounding them.
7 The Heroes Aren't Heroes
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The main characters in the movie are initially not the greatest heroes, by any means. But this is what gets the audience hooked. These characters were depicted as space's mightiest heroes on the television show and still loved, years later, by their fandom. When the Thermians come to ask for their help, they are also under the impression they are heroes.
RELATED: 10 Best Hidden Sci-fi Gems On Netflix
In reality, the characters are far from it. They're mundane, ordinary actors who were once in their prime and are now struggling in the industry. It's only through the bizarre intergalactic mission that they rise to the challenge to save the Thermians.
6 Each Character's Personal Struggle
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Being once in their prime, each character of Galaxy Quest has their own struggles to face that might seem relatable in some way. Jason was the main character and captain who thrives on the endless attention fans give him. This leads him to be conceited but also to somewhat resent how the fans see him.
Gwen was the communications officer on the show and had all the sex appeal amongst the characters. Alexander Dane played the science office and member of an alien race. Alexander is done with the show and its demands and the fans' constant need to talk about his show and character. While the show made them successful, they all resent Jason and the show in some way.
5 A Redemption Story
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As the main characters are all down on their luck in their lives and careers, they have their own story arc and resoultion by the end. Having to go on a dangerous mission to save the Thermians, they each rediscover their worth. Jason realizes how important it is to be a team player and how conceited he was towards his castmates.
Alexander gets a new fresh look at just how important his character is to his fanbase and embraces his newfound purpose. Guy Fleegman (Rockwell) gets a status upgrade, as he's no longer seen as the short-lived, one-episode character and the cast's convention handler. In the new series continuation, Galaxy Quest: The Journey Continues, he gets a new main role.
4 A Fun Love Letter To Fans
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Galaxy Quest was made to pay homage to fans of the sci-fi genre. And the movie did it successfully without making fun of the fanbase. It showcased just how much a show can mean to its audience and how attached they can get to the characters, even years after its end.
In the movie, there's a select group of Galaxy Quest fans that the characters come to rely on, at some point. These fans embody what's seen in reality. They're close-knit friends who have passion for the show, share common interests, and dress up for conventions. Not to mention, they have such an immense and detailed knowledge of the show and ship that they help the characters figure out the ship's core and abort the self-destruct sequence.
3 The Lines & Comedy
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The movie has many iconic lines. Ironically enough, the main characters are forced to reiterate a lot of the lines that their characters in the show became known for. In the beginning, it's comical to see the characters have to say them with little enthusiasm and progress to being proud when they do the new show.
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Throughout the movie, audiences will have a laugh as the Thermians try to act as human as possible. There also heartfelt moments and lines as a Thermian is shot and tells Alexander that he always saw his character as a father. Alexander recited his character's recognized speech as a farewell.
2 The Special Effects
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Fans of the movie. love the array of special effects used in the movie. After all, it does mimic a lot of what's seen in sci-fi shows. For example, the way the Thermians transport the character to the ship is by covering them in a gel-like substance that beams them up to space.
Add in some cool alien monsters and the effect used to demonstrate super speed, and it's a sci-fi marvel. Fans couldn't help but also be impressed by the effects used to bring to life the Omega 13. The Omega 13 is a superweapon that resembles floating blue molecules.
1 Star-Trek Parody
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One of the main reasons sci-fi fans gravitate towards this movie is because it was specifically made to mimic, parody, and pay homage to the famed Star Trek series. The similarities are easy to spot, from the ship, the ship's crew and titles to the alien villain. The movie itself gained good praise from the actual cast of Star Trek.
Sir Patrick Stewart commented in an archived BBC interview that he thought the movie was brilliant and laughed wholeheartedly. Above all, Stewart was impressed that the ship and characters were saved, "simply by the fact that there were fans who did understand the scientific principles on which the ship worked ... and it was both funny and also touching in that it paid tribute to the dedication of these fans."
NEXT: Star Trek: 10 Reasons Beyond Is The Most Underrated Film
10 Reasons Why Galaxy Quest Is A Classic Movie | ScreenRant from https://ift.tt/3bY83sZ
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staarknaked · 7 years
Hello! I have been watching the marvel movies and tv shows for a while now but I’d like to read the comics too. Any idea how to start since there are so many and have been there for so long (as in which comic from what year)? Thank you in advance!
I’m sorry for how long this is, I tried. Once you find where you want tostart, it gets easier to narrow down and follow timelines and full story arcs,sort of, I promise. Also, Wikipedia is your friend. Marvel starting doing a lot of events after CivilWar. You can skip them and just read summaries. Save your sanity. If you have any questions you can msg me off anon too and I can walk you through it because Marvel comics are a shit show I’m so sorry I don’t make the rules.
-Civil War (2006-2007): This is on the list because this is where I jumpedinto Avengers comics, and it’s honestly their most iconic events. It has a tonof main titles for multiple characters and is a really good way to get into howthey think and who they are, but it is fucking huge. After reading the core book, the tie ins and theCap/Iron man books are great. Really gives you history and scope of the Marveluniverse and its original players. This will take a while.
-Avengers Disassembled (2004-2005): Probablybigger than civil war? I have the hardcover of this and it is massive. But again, iconic if you wantto do the work and read it. Scarlet Witch is a key player and it pretty coversbackground for a whole variety of previous material. This will also take forever. I have the entirely of it in a hardcover and I’ve only gotten through 2/3rds of it.
- House of M (2005): Wanda Maximoff. Right here. If you want toknow what comics Wanda is like, and why mutants are the way they are in comicsright now, House of M is it. House of M preludes some of the best x-men stuffpost Phoenix era and leads to a ridiculously intense storyline that leads towhere the mutants are now and why they are the way they are. The core book isshort, and good as a one shot, but if you go further it gets crazy.
Movie Characters in Comics
I haven’t readAnt-Man, Black Panther, or Thor solos except for the all-new thor where it’s JaneFoster but they are re-booting Thor in 2018 I think. And I don’t read Dr.Strange, he’s kind of an asshole.
-Black Widow (2014-2015): The art is amazing and Natasha adopts a cat.That’s all you need honestly. Doesn’t tie into the MCU at all but really great.
-Hawkeye (2012-2015): The Clint Barton we deserve tbh. Fraction andAja’s run is iconic and legendary. Also not MCU related but widely recognizedas one of the best comics runs.
-Planet Hulk (2006-2007): One of themore iconic Hulk runs and also where parts of the Hulk’s story in Thor: Ragnarokcame from.
-Scarlet Witch (2015-2017): Really good art, Wanda is trying to fix witchcraft, and it I think goes into a little bit of her backstory with Vision. They are no longer together in comics, but this I think deals with some of the aftermath and gives glimpses into her history. I have it, I haven’t gotten around to reading it.
-Invincible Iron Man: Extremis (2006): Ended up influencinga huge part of the original Iron Man movie, and updates Tony’s everything. Thearmor from this book was the basis for the armor in the MCU.
-All-New All-Different Invincible Iron Man (2015): This is a newerTony Stark, and this line eventual leads to the Riri Williams line I think? It’sa modern take on Tony Stark.
-Captain America: Winter Soldier / Captain America(Vol 5.) (2004-2011): Ed Brubaker is the mastermind behind bringing BuckyBarnes back as the Winter Soldier. This Cap line runs forever, and covers allthe major events of the mid-late 2000’s, including civil war, death of SteveRogers, and Bucky picking up the Shield. Really good run, it’s the only soloCap stuff I’ve read any part of. The Winter Soldier stuff starts in 2005/2006if you want to skip right to it.
-Captain America (2017): Starting atissue # 695, this is Steve’s redemption arc from the clusterfuck that wasMarvel’s Secret Empire. Getting into Cap here and then backtracking would be mysuggestion.
- Guardians of the Galaxy (2013-technically ongoing): this is a pretty long run and was launched whenthe movies started bringing new readers, and it’s really good. It does crossover with the O5 X-men business briefly, but it’s also where they reallyintroduce Angela Odinsdottir, Thor’s kick ass stolen sister.It’s been re-branded a couple of times due to events.
Team Books
-The Ultimate’s: Super Human (2002): The Ultimate’suniverse inspired the movies. It’s a close universe separate from marvel 616,which is the marvel universe where all the other comic recommendations arecoming from. Ultimate’s is grittier, darker, and changes backstories but isstill really really good. Gets weird, and is definitely not close to themovies, but a lot of the inspiration for the movies came from this universe,and you’ll see it if you read it.This is the kick off book, but the Ultimate ‘verse is pretty straight forward.
-Avengers Assemble (2012-2014): This wascreated for the movies. It has the movie team line up, and was meant to be thestepping stone from the fledgling MCU to the Marvel 616 comic verse!
Netflix/Hulu/Marvel TV
-Runaway’s (2003/2017): If you watched the Hulu Runaway adaption, these arethe comics to read. The 2003 run will not have the same characters or romancesas the show though, and the 2017 ones kind of bounce off the original omics andthe show. I’m not the biggest fan of the Runaways but my best friend read themwhen we were younger so I know this by association.
- Jessica Jones: Alias (2001-2004); Jessica Jones (2016): The netlfixshow was based off the Alias comics, and its Bendis and Gaydos back on the 2016run as well, making Jessica one of the most consistently written characters inMarvel. Very similar to the show
-The Defenders (2017): A reboot of the Defenders line to hype the neflixshow. I love danny jess and luke any and every time they interact. Jess andLuke named their kid after danny okay I love anytime these assholes teamup and I believe this is similar to the show as well.
Deadpool + Friends Deadpool is in a lot ofshit. He was in Deadool and Cable in the 90’s and early-mid 2000’s and then therewas a point where everything he was in was shit for a while, and now he runsaround the marvel universe and teams up with everyone from spider-man to thenew wolverine.
-Uncanny X-Force (2010-2012): This one is a wild ride, and only recommended ifyou really liked the Deadpool movie. Wolverine and X-23 with Deadpool and twoothers mutants. Lots of stabbing. Dark. Moral conundrums. Excellent andabsolutely amazing expose of Deadpool’s character and what his morals are like.-Spider-Man/Deadpool (2016-ongoing): I can’t speak for the laterstuff, but the first bit was pretty funny.
New Kids onthe Block These are “new” heroes that were meant to be youngand fresh. They’re fully established now, and definitely worth a look.-Nova (2013-2016): I love Sam. I do. He’s a spazy Hispanic teenagerwith cosmic space powers by accident basically. He’s one of the kids thatkicked off the dad!tony thing in comics. Has appearances by the guardians, anddeals with cosmic space stuff-Invincible Iron Man: Ironheart (2016-ongoing for now): This iswhere Riri Williams takes over the Iron Man title as weird shit happens to TonyStark. Black, 16, smarter than Tony.-Ms. Marvel (2014-ongoing): Kamala is just really sweet honestly,though I’ve only so far gone through the first 2 or 3 trades.
-Spider-Men(2012): Blends the spider-man of 616 with ultimate spider-man and gives areally good jumping point to the Miles Morales as Spider-Man when he comespermanently into the 616 universe.
-Spider-Man(2016-ongoing): Miles as spider-man. He and Nova, and Kamala get mentored by Tony Starkin some of the all new-all different avenger’s books but each also has a solorun.
- Hawkeye(2016-2018): The only Young Avengers to get her own series, Kate Bishop as Hawkeye.Helps keep Clint Barton from dying, pretty great all around. Kate isn’t newsince she came around in 2005 but she was horribly underused until she showedup in Fractions Hawkeye and then got her own solo.
LGBTQ and fucking AWESOME but not MCU related at all:
- Young Avengers (2005) and YA: Children’s Crusade (2011):Children’s crusade has more Wanda, YA is the first teenage superhero group thatalso had one of Marvel’s first gay on panel kisses.
- Angela: Asguard’s Assassin (2014) and Angela: Queen of Hel(2015): a transfriendly lesbian love story with fierce fucking femalecharacters.
- Fearless Defenders (2013): Valkyrie and a ton of kick assmarvel women team up, boot all the men off the Defenders team and then showthem the fuck up also there are Lesbians and Valkyrie is a fucking goddess.
And that’s where I’m going to stop. If you put any of these titlesinto google with the dates, it will show you what you’re looking for! There aresites to read comics for free, and there are programs that you can use to readthem digitally. But honestly, once you find what you like, head to your localcomic book shop (if you have one) and browse their titles. Most places wlilorder things in.
If you’re into X-Men, I can do an X-men specific list, butX-Men aren’t really MCU so I didn’t include them. X-Men is kind of my tried andtrue for marvel though tbh. There are a lot of new X-men series being launchedright now and they just resurrected Jean Grey, so if you want that, let me know,it’s its own list.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
What If…? Episode 1: MCU Easter Eggs, Marvel Comics Inspirations, and More
This article contains Marvel’s What If…? Episode 1 spoilers.
Marvel’s What If…? episode 1 is here, and it’s a fascinating glimpse at a version of the MCU we never expected to see. “What If…Captain Carter Were the First Avenger?” is an action-packed riff on the events of Captain America: The First Avenger, showcasing a world where Peggy Carter, not Steve Rogers, was the recipient of the super soldier serum, and took on Nazi forces and the hordes of Hydra.
Want to delve deeper into this version of the MCU? Or just looking for Marvel references you might have missed? Well, we’ve got you covered…
While there have been a handful of What If issues that center around Captain America’s origin, they mostly deal with Erskine surviving to make more soldiers or complications involving Cap’s suspended animation. They never outright did an issue about someone else undergoing the super soldier experiment in Rogers’ place. 
For those of you looking for some Captain America-specific issues of the comics version of What If to check out, allow us to recommend…
What If Captain America Had Not Vanished During World War II? (v.1 #5)
What If Captain America Were Revived Today? (v.1 #44)
What If Captain America Had Led an Army of Super Soldiers in World War II? (v.2 #28-29)
What If Captain America Was Revived in 1994? (v.2 #67-68)
What If… Starring Captain America: The Unknown Soldier (v.2 #103)
What If: Age of Ultron #4
That said, What If…? episode 1 episode seems to borrow a few elements from the 2007 miniseries Bullet Points by J. Michael Straczynski and Tommy Lee Edwards.
In this reality, on his way to the experiment, Erskine and a couple of soldiers are shot by a German spy (interestingly, one of the soldiers was Peter Parker’s Uncle Ben as a young man). Howard Stark goes to plan B, which is making an early Iron Man armor for Steve Rogers. Things spiral into characters taking up different mantles as Reed Richards becomes Director of SHIELD, Bruce Banner becomes Spider-Man, and Peter Parker (strongly affected due to the lack of Ben’s guidance) becomes the Hulk. Sadly, Rogers dies trying to subdue the Hulk, though Parker does eventually redeem himself in the end.
The idea of Peggy Carter as the World War II super soldier was introduced in 2016 as a special character in the mobile game Marvel Puzzle Quest. Rather than being just a super soldier, Carter took up the mantle of Captain America despite her nationality. The announcement trailer showed Steve Rogers’ tombstone, showing that he died in 1941. The same version of Carter would appear in Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2.
The third volume of the reality-hopping series Exiles by Saladin Ahmed and David Marquez depicted a world where Peggy Carter became Captain America, although it didn’t offer too much context beyond that. Apparently, Red Skull was responsible for Steve Rogers’ death. Carter, joined by her sidekick Becky, killed Red Skull to prevent him from dropping an atomic bomb, but the bomb ultimately went off later on, killing the hero.
Also, those Captain Carter fight sequences are *chef’s kiss* perfection. This is the kind of Captain America fighting style that has long been described in the comics, but would have been impossible to realize in live action.
Uatu the Watcher was introduced way back in 1963 in Jack Kirby and Stan Lee’s Fantastic Four #13. The cosmic being appeared in hopes of preventing the Silver Surfer and Galactus from noticing and invading Earth. While Uatu would not physically interfere with their plot, he still aided the Fantastic Four with knowledge and advice.
Uatu comes from a race of beings who are tasked with watching civilizations throughout the cosmos. It is imperative that they not interfere (a rule put in place due to Uatu’s father inadvertently causing a world’s destruction) and only watch, but Uatu has a soft spot for humanity and will occasionally give them a heads up on major galactic threats.
Since What If’s inception in 1977, Uatu has been the comics’ regular host. His ability to see through various timelines and refrain from interfering makes him the perfect narrator.
The Watcher race has previously made an MCU appearance in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, listening to the ramblings of Stan Lee. This was meant to confirm the fan theory that Stan Lee’s cameos were all the same character and that he himself was a Watcher.
The tentacled creature Red Skull summons near episode’s end appears to be Shuma-Gorath, a chaotic, Lovecraftian entity introduced in Marvel Premiere #10 back in 1972. Shuma-Gorath is primarily a Doctor Strange foe and, if given the opportunity, a threat to reality itself.
Shuma-Gorath is mainly known for being part of Capcom’s Marvel Super Heroes video game and appearances in the different Marvel vs. Capcom sequels. While several game endings have Shuma-Gorath devouring the universe, he also shows up as a dinner guest in one of Dhalsim’s endings and at one point becomes so popular from defeating Galactus that he gets his own Japanese game show. Go figure.
Almost every voice you hear in this is someone reprising their MCU live action roles. That is, of course, Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter, joined by Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes, Dominic Cooper (giving a joyful performance) as Howard Stark, Stanley Tucci as Dr. Abraham Erskine, Toby Jones as Arnim Zola, Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton/Hawkeye, and Neal McDonough as Dum Dum Dugan. That’s Josh Keaton doing an excellent job of stepping in for Chris Evans as Steve Rogers, too.
You’ll also note Bradley Whitford reprising his role as the voice of Colonel John Flynn, the same guy who gave Peggy a hard time in the Marvel One-Shot: Agent Carter short film.
After rescuing Bucky and the rest, Captain Carter is shown leading them while bursting through a door and shooting at enemy soldiers. This replaces Steve Rogers’ version of the iconic shot from Captain America: The First Avenger.
When Peggy goes through the super soldier process, Howard Stark excitedly coos “I call this an absolute success!” That’s a similar sentiment to Bruce Banner/Professor Hulk exclaiming “I see this as an absolute win!”  with his time travel experiments. 
When we first see Peggy training/blowing off some steam after undergoing the process, it’s similar to the teaser for The Avengers with Steve wailing on a punching bag.
Unlike supersoldier serum-ified Steve Rogers in Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain Carter doesn’t have to endure any USO shows here.
There’s more than enough references to the promised “dance” between Peggy and Steve here. We don’t need to explain that.
One of the upshots of this timeline is that Bucky doesn’t become the Winter Soldier. Note how he jokes about how Peggy almost ripped his arm off.
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Despite the Red Skull stuff happening during the point in the timeline that we know from Captain America: The First Avenger, that isn’t Hugo Weaving as the Skull, but Ross Marquand, reprising his role from Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame.
Spot anything we missed? Let us know in the comments!
The post What If…? Episode 1: MCU Easter Eggs, Marvel Comics Inspirations, and More appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3AyiTzD
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recentanimenews · 7 years
"Overwatch" Brothers Hanzo and Genji Join Nendoroid Figure Line
Good Smile Company has brought in some masculine cuteness for their next two Blizzard collaboration Overwatch Nendoroid figures. Genji, who was the second figma after Tracer, will be the fourth Nendo, after Tracer, Mei and Mercy. Then, it's his ever-popular brother Hanzo in the five-slot. 
Nendoroid Genji: Classic Skin Edition
"Even if I sacrifice my body, I will never sacrifice my honor."
From the globally popular multiplayer first-person shooter, Overwatch®, comes the fourth Nendoroid figure from the series and the first male character to join the collection - Genji! The Nendoroid features a double-jointed neck joint allowing for a wider selection of angles than any previous Nendoroids. His chest armor is also fitted with movable parts which ensure his arms can be articulated freely, allowing for all sorts of acrobatic ninja poses just like his moves in the game!
A selection of effect parts that make use of a translucent material are included to recreate his skills, and the sparrow's feather that featured in the "Dragons" animated short is also included to recreate the battle between Genji and his brother Hanzo. The Nendoroid is filled with love for the game from both Blizzard and Good Smile Company, so be sure to add him to your collection!
Product Details
Product Name
   Nendoroid Genji: Classic Skin Edition
   Good Smile Company
   ¥4,537 (Before Tax)
Release Date
   Painted ABS&PVC non-scale figure with stand included. Approximately 100mm in height.
   Tokura (knead)
Nendoroid Hanzo: Classic Skin Edition
"With every death, comes honor. With honor, redemption"
  From the globally popular multiplayer first-person shooter, Overwatch®, comes the fifth Nendoroid figure from the series - Genji's older brother, Hanzo! This figure faithfully captures Hanzo’s iconic outfit including his intricate arm tattoo – all shrunk down to Nendoroid Size! Special clear parts are included to recreate the Spirit Dragon from Hanzo's Dragonstrike ultimate, one of the most imposing ultimate abilities in the game!
His bow and arrow have also been carefully sculpted and designed in a way that captures his style when wielding the bow. An alternate scatter shot arrow head is included, allowing Hanzo to show his opponents the power of simple geometry! Be sure to display him together with Nendoroid Genji and recreate the scenes from the "Dragons" animated short in cute Nendoroid size!
Product Details
Product Name
   Nendoroid Hanzo: Classic Skin Edition
   Good Smile Company
   ¥4,537 (Before Tax)
Release Date
   Painted ABS&PVC non-scale figure with stand included. Approximately 100mm in height.
   Tokura (knead)
  ------ Follow on Twitter at @aicnanime
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s-tier · 7 years
Metroid: Samus Returns
tl;dr it’s good. really good. pls buy it
mild gameplay spoilers and fat ass wall of text below
Some of the best visuals the 3DS can offer. Detailed and lifelike background scenery, boss fight cutscenes and counterattack animations are intense and make Samus look like the badass she is, and the kind of environmental storytelling Metroid fans know and love Returns
As expected from a remake, the plot is just about the same as the original. Ending’s a little different and unexpected, but I liked it
Free-Aim Mode is a godsend and much welcomed addition. At the cost of being able to run and crouch momentarily, Samus can aim in all 360 degrees. This mechanic gave me Gamecube Metroid Prime vibes
Samus’s new Aeion abilities are also useful, except for maybe Phase Shift which slows down time, and it’s only useful for puzzles and dodging specific obstacles. Scan Pulse removes the need to bomb/missile every tile in the game to find upgrades; if it feels like cheating or un-Metroid-like, then don’t use it. Lightning Armor sponges touch damage, environmental hazards, and other kinds of attacks by depleting the Aeion meter instead of Samus’s energy/health. It also improves her melee counter which is great for swatting away those swarming bugs until you find the Plasma Beam or Screw Attack. Beam Burst lets Samus shoot more powerful shots continuously (reminds me of Hyper Mode from the Prime games) which makes certain bosses a lot easier but isn’t super useful outside of that
Retains the ledge grab mechanic from Fusion/Zero Mission. No upgrade required
The map system does its job well. Points of interest such as save points, doors (color-coded depending on what weapon is needed to open it), Ammo/Energy/Aeion refills, warp points, etc. are all marked automatically. That also includes upgrades which are marked as an open circle, but becomes a dot once collected. The map can be marked for backtracking purposes, but you’re limited to picking from 5 colors (red, green, yellow, blue, and light blue) and a total of 10 markers per area (9 total areas in the game)
Warp points help ease the pain of backtracking and makes 100% completion a lot less daunting when paired with the ability to mark the map
Puzzles are mostly fair but still require a good grasp of the game’s mechanics and rewards the player with upgrades. They don’t punish mistakes too hard, usually sending the player back to the beginning of the puzzle or having them take some damage. Game makes it clear if the player has the correct upgrades needed, except for a very small number of them that can cause futile attempts at guessing and brute-forcing
Like most Metroid titles, you feel like a fucking god near the endgame; both in terms of Samus’s many upgrades and a stronger understanding of the game
Although the Speed Booster (and by extension ShineSpark) isn’t in Samus Returns, the game adds a new advanced technique that works similarly to ShineSparking. Some call it SpiderSparking or Power Bomb Jump. If Samus drops a Power Bomb and activates Spider Ball while on top of the bomb, she’ll fly perpendicular to the surface she was on when the bomb explodes. The problem is the game does not try to teach it even though a handful of upgrades require Spider Sparking to collect. You’d have to find it by accident like I did. ShineSparking in Super Metroid wasn’t very intuitive either, but at least the friendly animals on Zebes demonstrated how it’s done and figuring it out was required to leave that area
Ice Beam doesn’t stack with any of Samus’s beam upgrades, is significantly weaker than her Power Beam, and is useless for most of the game especially if you know how to Bomb Jump and Wall Jump
I mentioned this in another post, but one of the bosses really annoyed me. Without spoiling the fight, the boss does a lot of damage (one attack in particular does a whole 300 damage), attack animations are slow and can be annoying to avoid, takes a long time to create an opening and take damage, said openings are out for a short period of time and messing up results in a big damage and more waiting, one of the phases require having to deal with awkward controls/timing to deal damage, and the frame rate throughout the fight seems lower compared to normal gameplay
No customizable control layouts in 2017 LUL LuL
Hand cramps; although, it’s mostly fault on the 3DS’s design. Who knows, maybe a uhh I don’t know, Custom Button Layout, could help
Samus has a huge arsenal. In order to have access to most of her tools at any given moment, the control scheme needs to be complex, which may intimidate new players. Errors can lead to taking lots of unnecessary damage, wasting ammo, and accidentally activating an Aeion ability
The game’s music was fine imo. Very ambient and atmospheric, tries not to stand out. However, some areas play a remix of Lower Brinstar, and every single high-temperature room in the game was blasting the Lower Norfair theme. I love these iconic songs, but their contrast from the rest of the soundtrack was a little jarring
The melee counterattack was a nice way to add some visual flare to the game, especially in boss fights, and makes combat a bit easier. However as a result of including this mechanic, most enemies in the game will aggressively rush at Samus as soon as she enters striking distance which can result in newer players getting attacked before the camera can even pan over to where the enemies are. Because of how aggressive enemies are, players might become overly-reliant on the melee attack which can slow down the pace of the game. The mechanic starts to feel a little repetitive too since the move hardly changes throughout the game, and enemies don’t have interesting strategies to counter it aside from invincibility and slightly altering their attack timings, both of which only Metroids do. Not using it at all isn’t a good idea either since one boss requires a melee counter in order to beat it, and it’s a difficult fight you wouldn’t want to constantly die and redo. Forgot to mention you can switch between beams, missiles, and super missiles during boss counter animations which is handy for ammo management
Even on Normal difficulty, this game is tough and very punishing at times. Understandably so considering the context, but I’m afraid it might turn potential fans away from the rest of the series
40 Metroids making up most of the game’s boss fights can get repetitive as you’d expect playing an individual committing genocide (btw happy belated birthday to Undertale). Samus Returns attempts to remedy this by setting the battles in different environments: underwater, surrounded by hazards, over a pit of lava, and so on. There’s also several different types of Metroids that have different hitboxes, attack patterns, and counterattack timings
Apparently amiibo can unlock an art gallery, sound test, and Fusion Suit mode (harder than Hard mode). Unfortunately amiibo functionality requires owning amiibo
“But is it better than AM2R???”
Who cares? They’re both fun, well-made games. Play them both
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exilesofembermark · 8 years
Game Dev Update | 3.8.17
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There are seven-- SEVEN-- delivery ends for this battleaxe. Sadly, there aren’t seven different ways for this axe to connect with your opponent in Exiles, but that biggest big blade there will connect for sure. It was designed to destroy the FACE of your enemy when they dare to oppose you. This axe has been a regular entrant to many previous screenshots which heavily featured the Warrior Class. 
So it’s fitting to use a Warrior weapon to say goodbye to the Warrior for a little bit-- this Dev Update will be so much moar about MAGES. Last time, we dug into the visual telegraph system for gear, the state of PVE, our upcoming presence at GDC and a couple Ability Deep Dives. 
This update, we are focused on running. Cuz now we run. The game version that we brought to GDC was the first time Exiles was running entirely from the backend-- with PVP battles, PVE Quests, Choose-Your-Own-Adventure choices and even hidden treasure pushed to your device from a magickal computer in the sky. 
Why care? 
Cuz now we run-- all of the static screenshots and concept art and whatnot we’ve shown throughout development will now make their way INTO the game, and it will happen like Chain Lightning.
The GDC booth for Epic’s Unreal Engine was gigantic, and Exiles was honored to play a role within it as a showcase mobile title. All week last week, the Gunslinger team demoed to showgoers, players and press. We got a ton of great feedback and some new ideas from the show, and swung by the Touch Arcade GDC homebase to do a video demo you can see here:
If you want to see what TA had to say, the full article is here. As always when I demo, I hid some stuff-- I hid a series of numbers in this discussion-- they’re throughout the video. 2...15...20...5...10...13. If you can tell me where they “show up” in the demo, PM TheWizard in the forums with the answer, and you’ll receive a free Chest of loot in the game when it launches. 
At long last, wizarding is at hand. There are always a few times during the development of a game when you go “yes finally! WOOT” and this is one of them. The three starting Classes in Exiles are Warrior, Mage and Rogue (each with three specialties) along with three others designed, but we’ve been working through development with the Warrior as the template. Now that the game is getting ready for testing, Exiles systems support the input of any number of Classes (<-- foreshadowing), and the remaining few are going in.
We have a huge number of Rogue fans in the community, so a word of caution: don’t expect the Rogue in next week-- we need to fill out the Mage’s gear. And fill we will! 
Robes, boots, shoulders, staves, books (yes, books), orbs, gloves etc are all rumbling through the art pipeline. A Legendary or two will make an appearance and then we’ll get Mr/Ms Thief McPocketses into the game. 
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Mage Talent Trees are up as well! Here’s a look at the Elementalist Tree, one of the three specialties within the Mage Class (the other two being Blood Mage and Warcaster). Characters can pick and choose from each tree as they like. 
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The Zones (regions) of Embermark have been evolving since day one and the starting Zone, Wildewoods, has been a particular favorite for the team. We’ve been working on Lore behind every town, landmark, ruin and port in Embermark and there will be plenty to find (and fight) once the game is live (remember, the world map in Exiles functions like a Google Map, with various activities, Quests and events appearing in different places and at different levels of zoom).
To see how the map art is evolving, take a look at what Wildewoods used to look like and where it is now:    
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The new icons there in the screen represent where a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure type choice would be made (affecting your Motivations and Standings) and the other one is... TRAYSURE. These can be visible or hidden depending upon your character’s development, the current Season’s plot and what events are live.
(And if you want to know where that old Bog Hag lives and what she’s up to, look no further. Is she evil or good or purely pragmatic? You decide...)
Huzzah! I’ve said it often, but one of the ambitions of Exiles is to have a living, breathing world, with ebbs and flows of faction, politics and motivations (even morality, if Lord British can dig it), so having our PvE system online is a big milestone for the team. 
Questing, events, making choices and finding caches of valuables are all driven by your actions (and achievements) in the game and that system saw its debut in this last build. The screenshot below is a big deal for us, not because the Ogre is trying to squash a bug, but because his actions are driven by the backend of this game and that means we can push any NPC at any time with any abilities and any loot into the game in real-time. With no update. You’ll just get the goodness in your game.
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What’s an RPG without them? And this one is looking at you...
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Here’s a bunch of GIFs that illustrate how the Mage is coming along. Ol’ “MadeOfMagicks” here starts off with a classic-- the Fireball, which does decent damage (affected by stats and gear of course) along with a chance to Burn the enemy. (he rocks a Crit too, so Addrighar is in trouble)
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Blizzard doesn’t do a ton of damage, but its Chill effect slows down the other player for a few rounds, offering some first-shot chances and decreasing the enemy’s defense.
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Poor Addriggar. Poor, poor Addrighar...
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(please note that these GIFs made the Warrior look like a knucklehead. He is not a knucklehead and will soon have his revenge)
Last update, we showed what you might find in the placed (and random) treasure caches found around Embermark. Oftentimes, you’ll get a drop (random-ish), but sometimes you’ll get something specific. Something that matters to someone that might not be you...
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Each Update, we’re featuring a couple of Abilities (active) and/or Talents (passive) to preview what kinds of effects the choices you make in developing your character have. This time, we’ve got one of each, both from the Warrior Class:
Devastating Swing
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So the “devastating” part of this swing isn’t when it connects. It’s what comes after. This Warrior Ability does a decent amount of damage (affected by stats and what weapon you wield, of course), and then leads to an effect-over-time. It increases Crushing damage for 2 rounds after the move is played. So if you follow with Bash, Shoulder Rush or the armor-increased Skull Crush, your enemy is in for it. 
Blood Madness
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“No, my friend. You’re crazy.” This one isn’t an active Ability. This one’s passive, despite its name and disconcerting icon. Bleeding (an effect that can sit on either combatant) causes the Warrior to flip his/her lid, increasing the weapon damage they can do, and it’s increased if you spend more Talent Points on the Talent (max of 5). The interesting part is this-- either combatant bleeding trigger this effect, and both means PUNISH.
Want to check out that new piece of loot that just dropped on your character without having to equip it (or upgrade it... or salvage it)? Booyah:
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See that triple-dot on the bottom-right part of the armor’s description box? Click that to get all the details you could ever want about a Pounding Mage Chest.
We’ll keep sharing details as we head into testing (remember to PM TheWizard on the Exiles forums if you want in on closed testing & beta later), and you can count on early impressions from the testers throughout our various channels.
If you haven’t already, follow along with the Exiles development on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. And if you haven’t, I’ll find you. And SMITE you.
If you want to hear about the game, ask questions or connect with others who are helping the development team think about features, design and narrative, hop into the Discord Channel for live chat and say hi-- it’s a friendly lot and there are daily shenanigans (there’s even a Shenaniganizer).
Very. ‘Cross the Breaches came many a monster. Not all of them were rampaging. Some were measured, thoughtful, insightful...
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(back-only is shown to you on purpose for dramatic effect)
Oh boy-- Armadillo is coming in with Destruction’s Wake, and Nezuja’s not super-happy about it, given his 74 remaining HP...
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Ha! You thought after the Bonus Bonus, we were done! 
Remember how I’ve been showing the evolution of Embermark’s awful, awful wolves from concept to in-the-game? Well, here’s the next step-- what kind of RPG wolf would she be without a blood-curdling howl?
Now we’re done (till next month)!
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mrmichaelchadler · 5 years
A Sneak Peek at The Mandalorian from Star Wars Celebration Chicago
The second big event at Star Wars Celebration Chicago after the Episode IX reveal on Friday was without a doubt to be the panel presentation for “The Mandalorian” on Sunday morning. The series will premiere on November 12th when the Disney+ streaming platform goes live. It’s the first live-action Star Wars television series, something that has been mentioned on and off for decades. The fact that the show revolves around a mysterious character with a recognizable fan-favorite look is certainly increases the growing curiosity around the project.
Around the time the prequels came out, George Lucas mentioned how he envisioned Star Wars branching out into an episodic television format, with both an animated and live-action series. The animated series happened in 2008 with the hugely successful “Clone Wars” (it ran six seasons and will be continuing this fall on Disney+) from producer Dave Filoni and now we have "The Mandalorian," a series created by writer/executive producer Jon Favreau with help from Filoni and some intriguing directors such as Bryce Dallas Howard, Deborah Chow ("Jessica Jones"), Rick Famuyiwa ("Dope") and Taika Waititi. 
The anticipation for the event was obvious as fans trickled into the WinTrust Arena from the cold and rainy streets of Chicago (an atmosphere that felt ironically like Kamino, the rain-soaked planet from “Attack of the Clones” and would later feel like the snow-swept planet Hoth from "Empire Strikes Back," but that's the Windy City) as DJ Elliot once again threw down some pulse-pounding beats to get the audience hyped. After three days of coverage, I wasn't the only one fatigued, yet master crowd carouser Mark Daniel was back cruising up and down the aisles of the arena floor, interacting with fans and giving away Star Wars swag. He was then followed by actor and veteran host, Warwick Davis ("Return of the Jedi", "Solo: A Star Wars Story"), who brought people up on stage to play fun Star Wars games as the clock counted down to the panel's start time. 
Both Daniel and Davis pointed to a specific section of fans on the main floor, all of whom wore their own custom-made Mandalorian armor to the event. They could be seen standing up and raising their helmets in the air, as if performing bounty hunter zumba. Apparently most, if not all of them, are part of a non-profit group called The Mandalorian Mercs. I couldn't make out what exactly their group function is, but it was clear that unity and diversity was their emphasis, along with a love for the specific Mandalorian look, originated by bounty hunter Boba Fett, who become a fan-favorite despite having zero lines when Darth Vader hired him in "The Empire Strikes Back".
When the lights went down, the crowd went nuts, and out came the trio chiefly responsible for the new show, producer Kathleen Kennedy, Favreau and Filoni. Kennedy thanked everyone for the overall reception at Celebration this year, and how excited she was for this particular panel. She then handed over the presentation to Favreau and Filoni, both of whom went on to share how they met long ago at Skywalker Ranch, where Favreau was mixing "Iron Man" and Filoni was working on "The Clone Wars". Filoni shared how he was the first person to see the final cut of "Iron Man". The two hit it off and eventually came together on this project as executive producers, with Favreau writing and Filoni directing a couple of episodes. 
They explain that "The Mandalorian" is set approximately three years after the fall of the Empire in "Return of the Jedi" and before the ascension of the First Order in "The Force Awakens", when small factions of the Empire remain and chaos has erupted after the celebration of the rebellion. This could be the first time a Star Wasrs storyline exists outside the Skywalker saga, which is certainly something fans have been hoping for. 
The executive producers then brought out three of the stars of the new show, Pedro Pascal, Gina Carano and Carl Weathers, all of whom received a rousing ovation. Favreau had each actor introduce what their roles are as brand new images of their characters appeared above them, both concept work and stills from "The Mandalorian". Pascal is the titular lone gunfighter who resides in the outer reaches of the galaxy. "He's got a lot of Clint Eastwood in him," Pascal explains, "Some may say he has questionable moral character, which is in line with some of our best westerns." This makes sense considering Favreau and Filoni described how the overall vibe of the show was heavily influenced by old westerns and samurai films, both of which served as inspiration for Lucas as well. 
Carano expressed her excitement at the crowd's reception, stating, "I get to be part of a whole other family" in her role as Kara Dune, an ex-rebel shocktrooper who she describes as "a bit of a loner, which isn't a far stretch - and I'm having a bit of trouble reintegrating into society". When an exuberant bearded Carl Weathers came out, he shouted, "I want you! I want you!" (a line associated with his iconic Apollo Creed character from the "Rocky" franchise) out to the audience. Weathers then sat down and shared how he's playing the head of a guild of bounty hunters who's looking for someone to deliver a valuable product to a special client. Greef chooses the Mandalorian because "The Mando does what needs to be done," the veteran actor stated with a sly grin.
At this time during the event, Favreau admitted it was time to show footage and what we were about to see would be blacked out for livestream viewers at home (I found out later it was even omitted from the two overflow stages this was being broadcast at the McCormick Place). The first thing we see is the Mandalorian meeting Greef at a cantina bar familiar to the Star Wars universe, presumably filled with nefarious types. The Mandalorian watches as Greef shuffles through curious pucks which represent bounties. When The Mandalorian indicates he's looking for something with a higher bounty, Greef points out that he has a job in mind, but he'd have to send him off to get further instructions from someone with deeper pockets. 
We then follow the Mandalorian through a lively marketplace where a caged Salacious Crumb-type creature looks on in horror as one of his kind has turned into rotisserie. The Mandalorian makes his way to the exterior of his destination where a gatekeeper droid (similar to the kind that questioned Threepio outside of Jabba's palace in "Jedi") scans a card he holds up. This opens the entrance and the gunslinger is led inside by a gonk droid. Another door opens and then the Mandalorian is face-to-face with a room full of four stormtroopers who stand alongside a character played by none other than Werner Herzog. 
As this sketchy, self-described pragmatic character tells the Mandalorian about a job he has, they are interrupted by an anxious doctor (Omid Obtahi) who enters from a side door and proceeds to disclose too much information. The situation turns into a sudden standoff, in which all the troopers point their blasters at the Mandalorian. A trooper emphasizes that he's outnumbered, to which The Mandalorian answers, "I like those odds". 
The situation is calmed and the discussion of the job reconvenes, as Herzog calmly explains that the target can be delivered alive or dead, much to the doctor's chagrin. We don't find out who the target is, but we see Herzog unveil a rectangular piece of iron he refers to as a Beskar as downpayment. This footage wraps with the Mandalorian cautiously walking out with his downpayment, off to fulfill his assignment no doubt. 
The best part, besides seeing Herzog in the Star Wars universe, is how we never see Pascal's face...that recognizable bucket helmet stays on his head the entire time. In fact, it stays on throughout every bit of footage we see. That's quite reassuring considering there's typically a tendency to show an actor's face whenever they're playing a character wearing a mask or helmet. Thankfully, there is clearly an effort to maintain the mystery and anonymity of the character. 
This sequence was followed by a montage of what to expect from "The Mandalorian," where we catch glimpses of the various characters, aliens, vehicles and locations we can expect to see on the show. The audience cheered as they recognized Giancarlo Esposito ("Breaking Bad") in a supporting role as what looks like an Imperial character who leads a group of Death Troopers and even flies a TIE fighter. I do believe I also noticed Nick Nolte in the background, knowing he's also part of the cast.  
Of course, the crowd went absolutely crazy with this footage and with good reason. It looks exciting, cool and mysterious, and unlike anything we've seen before, despite being set in the Star Wars universe. The production values carry the gritty, lived-in look we've come to expect from the kind of morally questionable and nefarious characters that inhabit this section of the galaxy. Favreau and Filoni explained how viewers will see new planets, vehicles (the Mandalorian's gunship is called the Razorcrest) and species as they intend to include elements from the original trilogy, prequel trilogy, along with aspects from the "Clone Wars" and "Rebels" television series, as well as bits from the Expanded Universe. Favreau also shared some informative behind-the-scenes footage (which he said was okay for viewers to record) and added that this was the first time a Star Wars production was shot in Los Angeles, using cutting edge technology while keeping the practical and handmade effects the original movies were known for. 
They also shared how the 501st Legion got involved in the production in order to fill out episodes with authentic looking stormtroopers. When a call went out for stormtroopers, this international fan-based organization known for their detailed hand-crafted costumes volunteered their time as glorified extras during filming. Favreau shared how none of the volunteers were initially told what they were being asked to do. Filoni laughed, stating how members thought the request was for the kind of gatherings and functions they're typically called to participate in. Both of them shared how impressed they were with the 501st, as Carano adding how legit they are and Weathers stating how hard the men and women worked on set. 
I'm sure there will be skepticism surrounding a live-acton Star Wars television show, but being there and witnessing that first footage, I was and remain sold. A Star Wars space western, inspired by Sergio Leone and Akira Kurosawa? Sign me up. 
from All Content http://bit.ly/2GlhL82
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