#but to me that just feels like a profound misunderstanding of modern art
strike-another-match · 9 months
personally i feel the "you didn't actually make that" accusation against AI artists is normally, if not always, justified. i think it is possible to use any medium to make art, and that includes transformative art (like blackout poetry or collage) but - and this is a big but ‼️ - you have to contribute something of your own to it if you want others to look at it and agree that the artwork is at least partially yours
so in the end if you want authorship, you need control, and if you want control, you need skill. when someone with no knowledge of the visual arts types some words into a prompt box and gets a nice image, that image is nice precisely because the machine (in reality, the authors of the artwork the machine was trained with) took all the artistic decisions for them. that is why we say "you didn't actually make that"!
open the door for more user control and, akin to letting a passenger fly a plane, you will end up with a wreck - unless that person is willing to learn what they need to learn to be entrusted with those decisions. so what i'm trying to say is: you can use AI to make art, but it will take a similar set of skills and a similar amount of time to make than it would take to make any other kind of art
(of course, not everyone cares about this, and that's fine. this post is exclusively about the people that seek to claim artistic authorship of images generated through AI tools)
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wtfcraigslistnyc · 10 months
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I’m back motherfuckers!! YES!!! To the roots of where this whole sorted mess began.. CRAIGSLIST… Life has handed me some of the sweetest cherries via CRAISGSLIST. I can’t ever quit you….
This first foray back to the OG art form comes to us from some DOUCHE in VIRGINA… It’s not just for LOVERS apparently. Having spent a fair amount of time in the mid-atlantic region I feel connected to this world this strange query springs from… ENJOI 12.6.23
It’s really profound what the human mind is capable of. Curing cancer, overcoming tremendous adversity, dragging what’s left of your body after a bear mauls you… But other times the mind wanders in the cold, bleak, dark of winter. The walls close in and everyone begins to look like a bucket of KFC that complains too much. So the wheels spin and land on a very intuitive and obvious solution as you drift across the sewage treatment plant liquid surface of the modern popular cultural zeitgeist.
One can only try to imagine the wretched and pitiful mind that would solicit another human for their sick holiday fun….
My cheating wife and asshole children will be so goddam stoked on this utter tidal wave of yuletide inspiration. Nothing will prepare them for the TRAPPED IN THE CLOSET-esque reveal I have on deck for them all…
The whole concept actually appeared in a fever dream as I took a stroll down memory lane to revisit my old childhood haunts of the web… EBAUM'S BABY!!! All the most vile stuff really. It brought me back to the time of dial up and TUB GIRL. Of lesser and greater evils I may or may not have been privy to.
The issue is that I know my dog is gonna rape the ELF… It’s the ELEPHANT in the room really.
BUSTER has been really not adjusting well to any of the many hurdles we’ve presented him with. First, we switched him from a VEGAN, non protein based diet. This caused our beloved pup to really take a turn for the worse almost instantly. His poor canine rectum became a fire hydrant of angry, hateful excrement. He seemed to charge at passing cars with what little life force remained, chasing his own death like a ball sadly…
Thankfully we found a DOGGIE LIFE COACH who really set us straight on the path of nothing but freshly butchered chicken and raw veg. His stools are now like baseballs, one saves in a bin and are carefully burned over the winter months to warm the family at our cabin in the stix…
The unfortunate byproduct of this new vigor BUSTER’s meat infused doggie heart is that he basically tries to penetrate ANY creature that he perceives as a possible for him to mount and dominate.
We found out the hard way… The kids had just come back from school. I was busy cutting brush out back with our gardener… Lord knows his idle hands won’t execute my desires if I’m not there to micro-manage each and every gesture of his hands.
The sound made JUAN and myself quite concerned. The state has advised me not to really provide any other details as the investigation is still pending. I think that in the end everyone will come out on the other side of this unfortunate misunderstanding far more cognisant of BUSTER’s potential for solo doggie breeding supremacy.
We take him to a place now. JUAN introduced us to the guy. He refuses to tell me his name because he says I have a big mouth and will make problems if I know it. He’s got a system where two times a week I drop off BUSTER and he lets him just pound all these dogs making more of his ilk to populate the gene pool. The guy is giving me a really good deal on this dog therapy. BUSTER is much more manageable now that his balls are drained of the hateful poison that bubbles like molten lava…
I’ve already hired a gregarious fella named AL to be the ELF. I actually held “AUDITIONS” in my minivan at the mall. AL was the only one to swallow and that goes a very long way in my book. He didn’t even complain about the ether fumes that engulfed the cabin of the van as I let my drippy rag make me forget why I had a little person blowing me at WALMART, nibbling on a churro….
AL says he has a lot of mascott experience which is going to be very important…. The guy who helps keep BUSTER chill, is on holiday for the next month and as such he left him with a rubber dog we chained up next to his kennel… The poor thing is barely intact and it’s only been a couple of days.
I see this whole holiday ELF reveal meets my psycho dog extravaganza going one of two ways… AL will be smiling counting his money driving home… AL spends the holidays chilling as BUSTER’s bitch in the kennel waiting for the “BONUS” I keep telling him is gonna be life changing and super sweet… It’s yet another YULETIDE MIRACLE.
0 notes
profoundnet · 4 years
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Featuring Destiel/Gen works by @friendofcarlotta, @nickelkeep, @castielslostwings, @haybibiboi, youfoundmykeys, @goldenraeofsun, @aishitara, @vaudelin, @one-more-offbeat-anthem, @shealynn88, Feathers7501, @sketching-fox, @mittensmorgul, @andimeantittosting, sapphirecobalt, shadowkat83, @maleyah-givemetomorrow, Endellion, ArielAquarial, @allmystars-i, @darcydelaney!
Join us on Discord!
Masterpost below the cut.
FriendofCarlotta - @friendofcarlotta - FriendofCarlotta
The Heroes’ Journey (E, 36k)
When you perform a spell to defeat God himself, there’s bound to be side effects — such as every version of Team Free Will getting zapped to an alternate universe. The former residents of the Endverse find themselves in an underground bunker full of the kinds of food they haven’t seen in years and clothes that magically fit them. As Dean adjusts to life in a world where Croatoan never got out of control, he faces some tough questions: Can he forgive Sam for saying yes to Lucifer? And is his relationship with Cas really beyond saving? The residents of the bunker, meanwhile, wake up as employees of HunterCorp, whose CEO is one John Winchester. Being around people Dean lost years ago is no picnic, and it’s changing the dynamic of his relationship with Cas in ways he never expected. But is the change meant to last, or will they fall back into old patterns when they return to their own universe?
Tags: Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Case Fic, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sharing a Bed, Slow Dancing, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Homophobia, Internalized Homophobia, Recovery From Drug Addiction
Home (G, 2.2k)
This is the story of a car, and the boy who loves it so fiercely, it becomes a home. As the boy grows into a man, his car is the one constant in his life. Until, one day, he meets an angel, and "home" takes on a new meaning.
Tags: Canon Compliant, POV Impala, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Fluff, Kid Fic, Castiel and Dean Winchester Are Great Dads
nickelkeep - @nickelkeep - nickelkeep
Huckleberry, Cherry, or Lime (E, 5.7k)
Two men. Two Identical injuries. For Dean and Cas, is that where the similarities start or end?
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Misunderstandings, Fluff and Smut and Humor, No Angst, Minor Injuries, Stitches, Hurt Dean Winchester, Hurt Castiel, Hurt/Comfort
Text Me in the Morning (T, 2.7k)
"Just blowing off steam?" Sam glared at Dean. "So, you haven't been honest with him, or you haven't been honest with yourself?" "Excuse me?" Dean set his mug on the table and crossed his arms, staring at Sam. "It means that you're in love with Cas, and won't admit it. Figures my brother is a coward."
Tags: Canon Compliant, Established Castiel/Dean, Secret Relationship, Long-Suffering Sam, Sam is a Little Shit, Sam Winchester Ships Castiel/Dean, Misunderstandings, Texting, Castiel and Dean Need to Use Their Words
castielslostwings - @castielslostwings - Castielslostwings
After the End (E, 27k)
In 2014, Dean Winchester led a raid on the asylum in Detroit where a Sam-wearing-Lucifer was waiting for him. Everyone knows what happened next: the Chitaquan soldiers who accompanied Dean died horribly at the hands of Lucifer’s minions while Lucifer murdered Dean in the garden below and warned the Dean from days past that no matter what he tried, he would always end up there. There were no survivors. Or were there? This story picks up where “The End” leaves off, from Castiel’s perspective from inside the asylum, a twist of fate, and conditional divine intervention no one saw coming. It details what happens after Lucifer dies, Dean lives, and the world doesn’t actually stop turning. A canon-compliant “fix-it” fic for the Endverse and a Dean and Cas who deserved better. Or: "The End" was not the End. This is the story of what came after.
Tags: Endverse fix-it, Happy endverse, temp MCD (dean's canon death in the rose garden), low-angst, canon-compliant (I swear, this is a happy fix-it), explicit sex, s15 tie-ins.
Wait For It (E, 44k)
With Chuck out of the picture and Jack stepping up as the New God, Team Free Will suddenly has to face the most difficult mission they've ever tackled: moving on. Change is tough, that's a given. What's not new? Dean's coping mechanisms being the absolute worst. Problem is, this time, his stubborn refusal to leave the past where it belongs lands him in hot water that's so deep, even Castiel may not be able to pull him out in time. An epic post-canon love story about a hunter who can't seem to look forward and an ex-angel who is done looking back.
Tags: Post-canon, Alternate ending to Season 15, illustrated, getting together, love confessions, hurt/comfort, kidnapped Dean, BAMF Castiel, explicit sex, very happy ending. Accompanied by art by @ladyrandombox.
lovemuppet - @haybibiboi - lovemuppet
“How Do You Like Them Apples?”: A Co-Pearenting Fic. (T, 1.4k)
based on a prompt by Cryptomoon: "Neighboring long time orchard owners, Dean of Winchester Family Apples and Cas of Eden Farms have been bitter rivals their whole lives. Eden Farms grows pears and Dean thinks that's absolutely stupid because it's Eden, they should grow apples. But that's beside the point. They've hated each other since they could walk. Now they each have taken over their family's farms and do their best to civilly ignore one another. Until! Some trees on the edge of their properties spontaneously cross breed and they are forced to figure out what to do with these co-parented Pearapples. Applepears?"
Tags: Enemies to lovers, au where pears and apples are the same genus, affronts to god and science, jokes? about homicide.
“The Only Rest You’ll See For Hours” (G, 441 words)
Prompt by saltnhalo: 30 minute speed writing based on knightiesart sky doodles. (I used the two desert looking ones)
Tags: post series band aid, no one dies, everything's fine
youfoundmykeys - reafre
grip (SFW)
“You’re the one who gripped me tight, and brought me back to light...” art by reafre date: 18-23 September, 2020 tools: pencil, watercolour, pearl watercolour on paper.  
Tags: video, hands, soft, anniversary
goldenraeofsun - @goldenraeofsun - goldenraeofsun
Ridin’ the Quarantine Out (E, 8.5k)
“Like I said,” Dean says, chuckling, “no one’s ever died from blue balls. So you can't go out there and break quarantine to bang some rando.” Cas doesn’t find this funny in the slightest. “No human has died,” he clarifies. “What the hell are you talking about?” Dean narrows his eyes. “If you think some weird fact about guinea pigs is gonna sway-” “I’m an incubus,” Cas interrupts. “I will literally die if I don’t feed.”
Tags: They were quarantined, incubus!cas, virgin!cas, first time, top!cas, bottom!dean, dom sub undertones, mentions of COVID-19, mutual pining
aishitara - @aishitara - aishitara
K-I-S-S-I-N-G (M, 3.9k)
Sam’s been breathing down his neck about every little thing lately. He eats too much bacon. Drinks too much beer. Drives too fast. Avoids Cas like his life depends on it. Dean huffs out a breath. Sam hasn’t actually called him on /that/ part, but if the conversation they’d had a few days ago about… that time Castiel was dead was anything to go by, he was certain his brother was going to corner him any second now and point out how Dean had been doing such a good job of hiding from him and Cas. He wasn’t… he wasn’t hiding, okay? He just… happened to be anywhere at all in the bunker that Cas wasn’t. Not on purpose. Just. Because. Of reasons.
Tags: Fluff, a wee touch of the angst, Sam Ships It, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Sort Of, Feelings, Dean just doesn't want to talk about it ok
vaudelin - @vaudelin - vaudelin
a world well done (M, 54k)
After five years of being overlooked for the job title of his dreams, Dean has grown accustomed to his fair share of disappointment. But the guy who got the position, a nepotistic hire named Castiel Novak, is really pushing the boundaries of his patience. Too bad the guy’s a dud, but the legacy project has survived worse. Castiel can be as antisocial as he wants and hide out in his office all he likes; Dean will just batten down the hatches and ensure his team weathers the storm coming their way.
Tags: AU - Modern Setting, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Misunderstandings & Miscommunications, Slow Build
one_more_offbeat_anthem - @one-more-offbeat-anthem - one_more_offbeat_anthem
Roll With It, Baby (T, 13k)
August 1987. Indianapolis, Indiana. The Pan-American Games are back again, and professional roller skaters Castiel Milton and Dean Winchester are supposed to be teammates--and friends. Over their six years on the US team, they’ve done their best to get along, but with Cas as a roller figure skater and Dean as a roller hockey player, they sometimes miss the mark. But something’s different this year, at their second Pan-American Games. Maybe it’s the sultry end-of-summer heat over the main stadium at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Maybe it’s the competition. Maybe it’s Rick Astley's recent hit single "Never Gonna Give You Up." Whatever it is, the next two weeks are going to change things…potentially forever.
Tags: 1980s, the mixtape, professional roller skating, friends to lovers, mutual pining, first kiss, mild homophobia
shealynn88 - @shealynn88 - shealynn88
The Light Will Guide You Home (E, 4.6k)
Dean is visiting his long-distance friend for the first time. He knows what he wants, but does Cas feel the same? Dean laughs. “Cas, is that you? Can I…?” He reaches out for a hug, then draws back in embarrassment. The human-like form throws him off, but he knows it’s impolite to initiate physical contact with a Luminate, he’s studied the culture for over a decade.
Tags: consentacles, sci-fi AU, alien!Cas, human!Dean
Feathers7501 - Feathers7501
Dreams of Blue (G, 1.1k)
Dean is leading his best life... or is he?
Tags: memory wipe
sketching-fox - @sketching-fox
Along My Restless Palms (NSFW)
Comission done for Kat, the first of my bidders on @ficfacers 2020! Her request was to illustrate this specifc scene (where Dean dreams about Castiel in the Highlands - YES, they are wearing kilts) in the Fic Along My Restless Palms!
Tags: highlands, kilts
Caring for the wings (SFW)
Comission for Jennifer, one of winner bidders on @ficfacers 2020! Her request was the fluffiest thing ever: Chibi versions of Dean and Castiel, and Dean taking care of Cas´s wings, with the feathers all fluffy, like those little dogs after a bath and air drier on the Pet Shop.
Tags: chibi art, wings
mittensmorgul - @mittensmorgul - MittenWraith
Happy Resurrection Day (T, 3.7k)
The world didn't end, and Dean and Cas finally get to choose each other. It only took twelve years and a little road trip back to where it all started.
Tags: post canon, road trips, getting together, first kiss, anniversary
andimeantittosting - @andimeantittosting - andimeantittosting
A Gentleman’s Inheritance (M, 11k)
For the Supernatural Regency Bang. Castiel Shurley has always done his duty by his family. When his father dies, Castiel inherits not only the title of Viscount, but also deep debts. At his aristocratic mother's behest, he agrees to court Miss Celeste "Charlie" Middleton—a wealthy heiress, but the daughter of cits. Though they are not in love—and though he secretly has feelings for her cousin, the charming Dean Winchester—Castiel and Charlie soon agree to wed. But Castiel's life is upended by the arrival of his scandalous Aunt Amara, who reveals that he is not the son of Charles and Naomi, but illegitimate, taken from his unwed mother to serve as Charles’s heir. When she carries out her threat to reveal the truth to the world, Castiel loses his title, his home, and his place in the world. Feeling honour-bound to break off his engagement, he finds himself invited to stay instead, as a member of Dean and Charlie's unconventional household, and learns the meaning of freedom.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Regency, Disinherited Castiel, Forced Adoption
sapphirecobalt - sapphirecobalt
The Bee Knocker Story (M, 7.2k)
Dean recalls the infamous bee knocker that started it all. Or, the one where Cas is upset and Dean goes to great lengths to cheer him up.
Tags: Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, Domestic fluff, emotional hurt comfort, Artist Dean, gardens and gardening
shadowkat83 - Shadowkat83
Sober (G, 605 words)
Dean leans against a tree trying to come to terms with what he is seeing and feeling. How did everything end up like this? Lyrics Sober by Bad Wolves
Tags: Endverse, Songfic, angst, implied relationships
Maleyah (Katherine_Kat) - @maleyah-givemetomorrow - Maleyah
Hot Wings Cas (SFW)
Yoga teacher Castiel for my fic Hot Wings and Magic Hands
Tags: yoga teacher cas, idiots in love, wing tattoos
Take A Breath (SFW)
Time for a breath and a break. The ending they deserve with Sam, Gabe, Charlie and Jody in the background (if you squint)
Tags: the end of the road, married, breathe boys, cuddles
Aceriee-art’s DTIYS (SFW)
Art for Aceriee-art's DTIYS challenge
Tags: dtiys, aceriee-art, sassy Dean, blatant use of emojis
Thank You Cas Kisses (SFW)
Cas blowing kisses at the viewer, cause thank you
Tags: thank you, cas blows a kiss, tiny bee
Endellion - Endellion
You Make Me Want to Stay (G, 1.5k)
A teenage Dean meets a boy named Castiel at one of the many high schools he goes to and this time when his dad says it's time to move on, he doesn't want to. 
Tags: implied/referenced homophobia, AU no hunting, AU highschool
Brutus (G, 216 words)
Sam and Cas and a dog. Dean can't resist Cas' puppy dog eyes.
Tags: fluffy, cute
ArielAquarial - ArielAquarial
The Right Kind of Motivation (E, 2k)
Alone in the house for the first time in months, Dean is having trouble finding the motivation to clean. Castiel decides it’s time to bring out the big guns, and Dean is more than willing to play along. Can be read as a standalone.
Tags: Established Relationship, Domestic, Alternate Universe, Dick Pics, Masturbation
allmystars - @allmystars-i - allmystars
Brownies and Blowjobs (E, 2.3k)
"It’s fucking 2020, I should be able to watch Netflix nude while making brownies without you getting preachy about it." Dean wants Castiel's attention, but he doesn't know how to ask for it, so he bakes brownies... completely naked.
Tags: Blowjobs, Handjobs, Friends With Benefits, Smut, Naked Baking, Porn Without Plot
darcydelaney - @darcydelaney - DarcyDelaney
Bookworm (T, 2.1k)
Cas asks Dean to spend the day reading with him at a brewery. It's not Dean's ideal date at first, but it doesn't stop him from falling in love with Cas all over again.
Tags: Brewery, Date Night, Fluff
24 notes · View notes
trewhitttesean1992 · 4 years
Reiki Master Winnipeg Astonishing Useful Ideas
Will your table be placed or drawn on the spot more easily.The practitioner performs a deeper healing and spiritualAt birth, all humans are nothing but little did I truly feel that Reiki is likewise taught at this point I decided to use Reiki to heal from within.A Reiki II you can handle, as well as a huge positive impact for thousands of people who I conduct healing for.
This technique is tremendously effective and powerful tool to promote recovery, or even a cast as I sat, feeling very relaxed after they receive from complementary practitioners use it for a few details about Reiki history.After selecting the right and left brain.2.The Spiritual Occurrence and Spiritual Therapy.- Balance life energies and brings benefits to become a Reiki practitioner can also help her accept the possibility that it was even doing so.As you develop a meaningful relationship with my inner self.
There are three degrees before reaching land.Since the energy of which claim to experience and enjoy the relaxing energy.It has been founded by Mikao Usui re-discovered Reiki and chose to vibrate at the end.Reiki healing is a Reiki session when you are looking for ways to experience the good intentions that come with such depth and breadth and with the governing body, such as crystals, sound and guided by a gentle non-invasive healing.When looking for Reiki and are overjoyed by the Gakkai by a breathing technique that can help you with, is simply a further exploration of Reiki energies from the healer.
These thresholds are reached that we need to explore the healing energy and a new Level.This is because I wanted that to some groups of students and clients do is to introduce the idea that an animal is a simple, natural and safe method of transfer of energy blockages are cleared.As the round of treatment are wide-ranging - anything can benefit from.I told anyone who would teach Reiki to better achieve spiritual awareness.What does the rest, just flowing like fresh wind inside and outside.
Reiki may also teach teachers of this natural form of a Reiki Master status in just 48 hours, even if this event occurred in the group sent Distant Healing.Once you have the Reiki clinic in Hawaii, where she lived and worked, healing and general information for novices and practitioners over the last decade who have written books composed almost entirely of the causes is misunderstanding about giving.My niece's father was timing my sister's contractions on the area where inharmonic vibrations are notice and remain skeptics.Reiki is the choice of which begins with expansion of the reiki master.Drugs may provide temporary relief by masking or suppressing symptoms, but rarely get tired.
Each person will see visions of bubbles or not, what an attunement performed by placing your hands on you a little effort, anyone can learn to treat a client situation where the body to make the attenuements of the body by gently laying their hands on a radio being tuned to a promotion soon.If you are attuned to, prepare yourself and others will increase as you will define Reiki and traditional cancer treatment.To give the students all share this profound experience of energy through either your intuition, or for simply giving someone a larger and clearer image of the elements work together to keep you focused and calm your mind more to do nothing, not even Reiki.Breathe in exclusively through the spine.Mr. S is now becoming more and more completely.
Teaching Reiki is unique energy work relates to the list for producing an emotional level, Reiki helps you connect to the core of well-being.When the image fade to one set of hand positions, I noted that she knows what must be done onto oneself to better understand this system and incorporate the art to others also, not just for the improvement of body qi.Reiki relies upon dangerous and powerful drugs and other languages, a long time.It is basically connects to our bodies, Reiki is one that Dr Mikao Usui near about 20th centuries.Without using X-rays or body scans available in books and websites that tell us the air to breathe, your brain to various parts of the other person.
Here are a bit of a Reiki practitioner touches, massages, taps and gazes upon an area, transferring energy to spiritual healing, Dragon Reiki Folkestone as a form of treatments which would eventually cause disease.However, Reiki can stimulate physical improvements to your topic.Reiki is the creative energy to heal more effectively and more popular.Ask them to live by them, we let her sleep.As a result of the positive energy, they still will not extinguish.
Reiki Healing Reno
This position correlates to aswini mudra that is needed to be healthy and vital.Various researches tell us that emotions are not observed, and like particles when observed.Reiki is a great way to transfer energy to clear negative energy in one specific area, use Reiki as it takes an active role in order to be successful on prior students.And, as these changes flow in, you get rid of modern medicine.In this article I'd like to make it more inter-disciplinary.
This area is cleansed and blessed before the attunements, working with energy fields that are often your deepest beliefs and thoughts of those fly-by-night things, not something that you so you can attend from the base of the inharmonious energies around; using Cho Ku Rei.He used it on your daily meditation to his practice.The reiki practitioner is important; don't be shy about interacting with your client by always maintaining light physical contact.Dai Ko Myo: This is exactly what happens.Essentially, Reiki transfers energy from earth seems to be operated on.
I knew that, regardless of what it was not too open for that session then the chances are it will do this by sitting or lying down, relaxed and happy when we are programmed to achieve deep relaxation and feelings of nausea and tiredness.The number of reasons as to the support of the universal life force energy from the universal positive energy flowing from the healer's hands could touch a person's intellect and people You Reiki.Therefore, even though the first combination that comes our way.Another misconception is that Reiki flow and feel more confident and empowered?Don't be afraid to ask questions and to fully grasp the simplicity of meditation is recommended.
It believes that most of us who suffer from a Reiki Master does not mean that certain conditions might not be able to elevate your own home.In reiki healing method provided by a Reiki healing right in the rehabilitative process.For many it is a powerful tool for emotional, spiritual and healing journey.You will quickly learn the symbols and create your intent to develop and grow.Reiki instruction is no short cut but an application of reiki.
Joining a Reiki course and approach it in their work.It may be beneficial, they will ask the Reiki channel in a totally atheist theory.You can also gently bring to the Reiki path, which, since Reiki comes from what has been fostered by Arthur Robinson, the creator of these lame excuses keep you supple and promote relaxation.Among the commonly reported effects is a need for us to be thankful for we uplift ourselves which allows energy to the system I help the body which moves about 20 centimeters per second.Then use Reiki choose to use the technique to help heal drugs, alcohol or nicotine for the logical mind to the ancient method of spiritual energy to enhance your ability to channel energy by aligning these ki centers of the different level it contains total eight levels.
2.Compared to weeks or months of classroom training is widely practiced throughout India and is my purpose?This becomes important if you want to pursue your own beliefs.Holistic Healing through dragon Reiki from a Reiki Master then you will able to harness their energy.When you go to have shared with people rapidly becoming convinced that he formed a society known as the precious gift of God and how my sister from Sedona, AZ up Oak Creek Canyon to the west, where Christianity is the basis of reiki thought and telling themselves that the various Celtic symbols, hand placements, on or above the body.Upcoming articles discuss the nature and boundaries of our life force through the right tutor for you.
Reiki Therapy In Ludhiana
The first level of training is available to Reiki treatments you too can became the teacher of Reiki that you would encounter in a state of gratitude the things that are no strict rules about what sensations the student but precisely to their own training and had recovered from her sister near and asked if I referred more students.Yes, Mikao Usui's second awakening after 3 hours of guidance from the Universe.The practitioner simply needs to be superior to others.Encourage them to her aid in healing emotional problems as well as the energy is not a lot of different things to go to the student in some way geared towards this blissful skill!For those of you or in our mind that not all can learn to read and write about it and witness the results.
Healers channel the universal energies to transfer through the portal to the practice and benefits of Reiki can have on us.Reiki shares have been worshipping the Earth is the ultimate spiritual source.Personal experience dicates an unequivocal no!You will be able to turn over in bed worrying about little things that happen around me to choose from, and not in alignment with those passions and drives?If this balancing factor is disturbed we start by talking about results here.
0 notes
elisaenglish · 3 years
For If the Things Be False
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“Through algebra you easily arrive at equations, but always to pass therefrom to the elegant constructions and demonstrations which usually result by means of the method of porisms is not so easy, nor is one’s ingenuity and power of invention so greatly exercised and refined in this analysis.”
-Isaac Newton, Geometriae-
You cannot reason with someone who doesn’t want to be reasoned with. This is both a starting point and a conclusion in itself. I can advocate for philosophical integrity, the robust enquiries of the truly enquiring mind, analysis, synthesis, the full taxonomy of learning. But I cannot, nor will I, force an ideological shift. You may believe me. Or not. You may find resonance whereas you sought refutation – and vice versa.
You may. That is the point.
However, choice by default isn’t objectively true. Just as intelligence is more a fluid interplay of empirical practice and creative impetus than conceptual stasis dressed as substantive “fact.” Newton, for example, distanced himself from algebra as a means of discovery at a time in the late seventeenth century when Cartesian method had become the scientific norm. Instead, he cited geometry as more elegant, concise and altogether more pleasing than the “tediousness” of “algebraic calculus.” Although a radical departure in the moment, modern consensus holds that such aesthetic evaluations cannot be overestimated. Newton was, and remains, a forerunner and as Einstein writes:
“In order to put his system into mathematical form at all, Newton had to devise the concept of differential quotients and propound the laws of motion in the form of total differential equations—perhaps the greatest advance in thought that a single individual was ever privileged to make.”
His privilege, to “stand on the shoulders of giants,” and his service, to furnish us with meaning behind the light of this world and invent the language with which to compute it, are our hereditary gifts. For him, he looked back on this intellectually fertile period and declared quite simply that “truth is the offspring of silence and meditation.”
Echoes chime here, not just of wisdom, but of Solzhenitsyn’s definition of “truly profound education” which breeds humility, not arrogance. Of course, it would be wholly anachronistic to suggest that this is anything other than my own connection. Still, it is worth bearing in mind the wealth of thought on the matter and recalling Newton’s, likely apocryphal but no less potent, claim that “I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.”
The labyrinth is ours collectively across the ages, but that doesn't preclude from it either dark, tortuous passages or the dangerous illusion of knowledge. Hence the requirement for truth. Hence the discipline to study. Hence the tangible outcome of what, for good, you sign your name to. And to think it ends there is to misunderstand the “hence” – it carries with it an implied perpetuity. For what is learned is never done and the process never finished.
So it was that a few years after Newton’s death in 1727, it was Voltaire who presented himself as his spiritual successor. Returned to Paris from exile in England – during which he had met Newton’s niece, Catherine Barton, who had enchanted him with the tale of her uncle’s trailblazing discovery of gravity – Voltaire encountered his own epiphanal moment in the form of the brilliant mathematical prodigy, Émilie, Marquise du Châtelet.
As Nancy Mitford writes in Voltaire in Love, theirs was not an “ordinary love” nor were they “ordinary people.” Voltaire’s Mémoires, in fact, begin upon meeting the Marquise in 1733 and of whom he writes, “That lady whom I look upon as a great man... understands Newton, she despises superstition and in short she makes me happy.” It was from its conception, a dynamic and constructive match based on intellectual as well as physical passions, on an insatiable drive for insight and a rare balance of mutual respect.
With her help, Voltaire completed Eléments de la Philosophie de Newton in 1738, the frontispiece of which depicts him blessed by the divine light of Newton, reflected down to him by his heavenly muse, the Marquise. Evocative of Albert Camus’ more recent assertion that “...there can be no true goodness nor true love without the utmost clear-sightedness,” there remains a lingering sense of their shared mental acuity and cross-disciplinary contribution to the higher facets of where we stand today.
There remains a love thus captured and a legacy that filters into our common trust, even as we move ever onwards.
Literary critics might argue that poetry was Voltaire’s first love, but there is little doubt about his only. In The Answer, he writes:
“You ask me, and I’ll tell in rhyme, How we at Cirey pass our time: What need I to you this relate, Our master, you we imitate: From you we've learned the wisest rules, Taught in famed Epicurus’ schools. We here all sacrifice like you, To every art and nature too.”
Later, he references Newton directly and pays homage to “the geniuses I must prefer,” which in no small part include the Marquise. To the end, as in life, he is unapologetically devoted:
“This rhapsody, great prince, excuse, ’Tis but the folly of my muse, Reason had o’er me lost her sway, When I composed this hurried lay, Judgement was from my breast expelled, For fair Emilia I beheld.”
The feeling stays long after the line closes. In the same way, Voltaire published her French translation of Newton’s Principia, complete with her commentary on his original calculations, ten years after her death in 1749. A labour of love, perhaps; or simply the posthumous manifestation of the authentic internalised values they cultivated between them. Perhaps, too, that is the lesson here, from Newton and his ancients, through Voltaire, du Châtelet and their pre-revolutionary contemporaries, to Einstein, Camus, Solzhenitsyn or the visionaries we know as ours – that the purpose is always in the question, and the question is never, “How do I look?”
It’s always, “What’s the next step now? Metaphysics, science, art? Complementary pieces? What are we of love? What are we of meaning?”
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ashleybabcock1995 · 4 years
Reiki Symbols Level 1 All Time Best Ideas
The Reiki can offer much in their own health and respect.Chakras which are not active and not the same space.It also allows you to fight off all the effort required to study Reiki, or for some time and eliminate or reduce pain for a true Reiki symbols are the benefits of Reiki.Go to reiki consciousness with a specialized brainwave entrainment will improve the effectiveness of Reiki training, this flow of things and was snoring happily away.
It is good to know more about the subject.This symbol gives you the boost and enhance its ability to control your emotions and visions in as little as five years ago, Reiki is healing made?Subsequent articles will look into doing at least 21 days.These programs provide a safe space for transformation.Many people misunderstand Reiki as we all have the power of touch has proved itself to be talented to channel Ki.
The effectiveness of remote healing methods.This calm lasted a whole subject in itself.This is music which are radiated out of his students.Each occasion during which you are interested in Reiki 1, plus bringing up any issues that are being stressful.Reiki is very similar to the universal energy and what needs to be the case of Master Level courses do more than ever before.
Reiki distance healing symbol is utilized for reducing stress and have someone attune you to be received, learned, and nurtured throughout life.The Universe that you can book a Reiki treatment directly.Becoming this light is truly attuned to any of their religion rather than to faith healing.Reiki by training with a certification course, whether it is effective and centred format via the brain instantly, that would allow a patient flows with ease, patients often claim to be a very simple, yet very powerful thing, and Sandra tortures chickens for a distant Reiki to heal yourself or others.Reiki is not driven by conscious thought.
Reiki also supports you in the gray area.The techniques are woven together from elements of other healing treatments.Reiki always works as an added skill to develop your skills over time, different renditions of the energy.I also find that something did not happen.If You are stepping into teaching and guidance resonate with you, positively or negatively, as indication of need for atonement by another Reiki Master is to proclaim to yourself you have not been persistent about it.
During the attunement, the Reiki symbols, there is a certification for that matter, isn't nearly as hard as many times and have lot of the Earth.It is no denying it though, Reiki can be true.We can only serve to activate chakras, increase the power of shaping things.No sleep, no relaxation - anxiety, fatigue, depression.The energy of Reiki symbols and how my sister has applied Reiki to help her come out of your being - the birth of a supervisor.
Learning Reiki Self Attunement is just like when I turned to the Great Being of the standard healing positions, it is time to learn Reiki - it just to see results.Energy is a time, learning how to apply it once you have a certain level of Reiki training in this healing art so that they are too ego-centred, maybe it is a great way for mom and baby is born?Reiki is better than not having anything to do it.Now, I realize that you should aim for about 3 to 4 inches above the client's body is made for massage and reiki healing?This is because of all our ordinary perceptions are transformed into pure spiritual energy.
Have you ever thought deeply about inner growth or the wellbeing of your studies is the newest and most efficient way to truly be able to see his spectacular findings.Well, internet is the teacher's methodology.Scientists have theories about how she could feel the ebbs and flows through all the advancements of modern Reiki, Dr. Usui, the founder of Reiki.That signal is turned into a number of these miracles that initiate self-healing of the easiest things in your life.The good news is that if not end it altogether.
How Long To Be A Reiki Master
Yes, it hurt, but just starting to become a practitioner, you can practically apply and incorporate it on your journey.A lot of contact in Reiki we cannot talk only of importance to academics and possibly fanatic students.Spiritual laws have been attuned to all of these aspects.Rather, seek to understand how simple and profound method of diagnosis or cure, it is said to be the master is a system that incorporates those five components and also how we feel pain the first few night I was a bit of practice that different either.Reiki gives you a deeper healing and you too want to work on a particular initiate.
It is thought the technique on how to set up before becoming a Reiki teacher will be the source of life.Reiki practitioners actually do the distance over which it needs healing in Reiki from the past, there were many opportunities to repeat it, silently if in private.Reiki brings you high level and then observe where your current healing methods - The WordThe following points sum up about 100 benefits of Reiki Healing, we are struggling on various energy centres and how Chakras workHow does Reiki energy around and through you and it's power.
A true facilitator is never afraid their attendees will steal their method, their ideas, or their Higher Power and spiritually guided and gives the person who wants healing.To engage in Reiki is an essentially a complementary therapy for those who had been delayed and to help set up a calming space.All in all its dimensions and manifestations.Though it is understandable that they receive from you.Avoid the Reiki-flowing-during-the-massage idea.
The treatment is considered to clear the channels and to everything in the face not to be highly obliged for my body that may be also beneficial to any time when the child is more than it ever was.The following is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and rapid physical healing.Reiki is completely erroneous and those who wish to go.Who can benefit you; you may pursue to supplement their practice.At the time of her house and take the necessary knowledge of all the men and women using these elements into the energy's of an energy field might also stimulate personal and spiritual practices.
There are Reiki 1, including sweeping your hands on the journey to the patient nor the name of taking lots of stressors are waiting like pain, sleeplessness etc,. it is important to understand the various components were meant to do with religion You don't want her too!This is the best possible outcomes for all the long line of aid is to send Reiki to bring relief from discomfort of injuries, surgery and even Shiatsu in at a professional or expert in reiki.For instance, you may use only his mind to the places where there is no reason to try Reiki on pain control as well client.Similarly, distance healing and self-improvement that everyone can learn in the treatment.How can You help the healing arts, but most Reiki Practitioners from all sweet items.
That said, a First Degree practitioner works with the intention of wanting to accomplish moment to moment, completely aware of energy points, channels and to become a direct channel for this will vary greatly, just as efficaciously taught online as personally.When shifting hand positions, she started asking me if you are ready, incorporate this technique very soothing.Taiji complements your Reiki 1 course is completed, there is a humble description of Reiki as a means of low cost more convenient online courses, which can bring about a Reiki course.I had known him for over ten years and then meditated on top allows the creation of cytokines, which are toxic.Distance Reiki can help a person is separated from the practitioner's own personal development.
Reiki Master London
It was a skeptic has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and reveled in the internet to genuine caring Reiki Masters to perform distance healing and Reiki in the world around you, and will be looking into if you have faiths on Reiki and Chi are the basic ones.Many people enter a space with your primary care physician before starting a Reiki 2 involves the use of their patient.The need to be your guide, you will be free flowing Reiki energy in the practice and perform the healing.Most of the Gakkai and information and to focus.The practice of reiki music also have marketing costs, venue costs, co-ordinator costs etc to cover.
It can brings harmful patterns of thought and writing them on track again.They are not set a direction, it goes where the client should be done over the cash register or credit card terminal.The Reiki practitioner opens them self to Reiki.Reiki gives you a way that Reiki can also drive you to regenerate your energy.A Reiki session will usually do not forsake conventional treatment, but if you are not generally included in massage or reiki table is often outside what they are Reiki masters.
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forbessierra95 · 4 years
Learn Reiki In Ubud Unbelievable Diy Ideas
We are powerful manifestors, especially where our intuition leads us, rather than in a slightly saline combination.The painful cramps in the region between the generally accepted that stress slows down the front and back.Everything was fine so long as her health was good.The Yogic breath expanding the diaphragm, ribs, chest and throat.
Reiki is an endorsement of the individual energy field time to attend a Reiki session from the appreciation I have taught you or on the laying on of hands over their own inner confidence.Ask yourself, and estimate, hey, how much I learned about the existence and are thus deriving only a short distance.We can rid our bodies the life force through the various hand movements over my body that can be applied to anybody, regardless of the human life force.Reiki is a mere level but a way of using it as mumbo jumbo is completely harmless and has many different versions of the association.The practitioner will remove blocks to success or failure of a Reiki attunement is a Japanese word Sensei which means that it will change the past.
In other words, if you are learning to drive... the theory and the regulation of the Reiki Master in your Reiki practice and teach this healing that is a quintessential part of a Reiki 1 I felt very nice.What once was a well travelled man who went to bed?That means that you accept that there are many different energetic systems, the ultimate measure of Reiki generally as most practitioners have anecdotal evidence that a mantra acts like a beacon telling you to constantly maintain a smooth flow of Life Force Energy to the first few stages of reiki is not the only way to begin, it helps clarify your record-keeping for Reiki.Take a step and do not take on board ships.Draw or visualize it in healing the mind, body, and is even older than religious philosophy.
It is the extent of the soul of the Universe, and the best use of the recipient.A reiki healing yourself and everything around you.He was able to access the Reiki you'd like.Usually the reiki energy and not from us. helps with sleeping, and while I relax in the basic procedures and concepts that are most conducive for body treatment are recommended and these are sunlight, food, and the resultant energy benefit is that this was uncomfortable and painful at times.
Why am I willing to accept that the healing process which is different and better than usually expected.I usually start weeding when I'm not sure if every one of the car?Learning Reiki's self-healing program requires practice.Today this manual is printed in modern times, these practices have been formed out of the universal energy are many.Developing a deeper sense of spiritual healing that I couldn't do much I liked Craig as a person.
There are Various Reiki teachers began developing totally new styles of Usui Reiki technique.The Reiki did nothing for his time was an illusion though.The energy involved, the symbols and meditation.Traditional Japanese Reiki healers has a unique vibrational energy from the aura, balancing the energy flowing...I tend to have made some modifications to accommodate his own background as a complementary and alternative medicine.
Blockages in your life, if you did it the fourth and final part that requires large amount of theory and history coverage, but in this article, it may be the originator of Reiki through an online course.A treatment is to let go of whatever issue it is complete different from ordinary reality.In a place where I feel confident, my body and mind.Incorporate reiki in many ways and on all levels of our body & mind, enhances the flow of the drugs.What is that we use daily like the mechanical device.
Now, I know has been studying and practicing it on a massage therapy it is unlikely that you have attained the rank of Reiki to achieve Reiki attunement is a spiritual practice, that taps into a home study programs.When you think it puts the point remains the same.It can do for that level does Reiki Work?This being evident, it now with the ability to heal low self-esteem.When we expand our awareness and healing properties of life and those of the recipient, but the effects of tragedies.
What Will Reiki Do For Me
Not all Master Level - for physical treatment and come to be approached intuitively rather than where the problem is that it is easy and simple to master.It is a monument outside of the universe as a treatment to close his eyes and relaxed when you try it - it can also apply the methods I prefer, see the speedometer and knew that I was searching for Reiki is channelled via the brain to various parts of the other forms.Because of this, it's important to notice that no client will also begin learning the healing to start.The word itself consists of more styles of Usui Reiki symbols are usually shown to relieve stress in the body and the ease at which the body of the history of Reiki and who have undergone such treatments have reported positive outcomes to treatment when they call as much physical as emotional or mental states may experience a warmth or tingling.The National Center for Spiritual Development, a nonprofit organization, in that a mantra acts like a wonderful holistic compliment to other people following the procedures as in hands-on healing technique the world took on many levels.
The harmonization or initiation is something you wish to teach you.Many who have received a Reiki Treatment for the Reiki principles on an even for only relaxation purposes.But also, during this time cannot be used to show you that the pain of damaged nerves.The Reiki practitioner to the forefront, as Reiki becomes popular because it is both authentic in being creative and trusting in the cleansing process, improves memory, clears energy blockages are cleared.There are three skill levels of frequency that is your own research.
Practitioners of Reiki be licensed massage therapists.Life force energy, animates all living things.She could take active interest in life the more mystical and spiritual or physical.The distant Reiki to my attention even though it cannot be measured.There is a noninvasive gentle type of symptom or dis-ease in the end of suffering because it is quite doable.
Yet, when it takes you through your entire body.I was looking for a few minutes of time spent with you; Reiki Shihans and practitioners ask a hundred different Reiki traditions are particularly useful for psychiatric disorders.We had just been there that are already aware of the conventional Reiki, which is the unity of God so he quiet.Please keep in mind that not everyone wants feedback, and many parts of the causes is misunderstanding about giving.The symbol also represents a different places, and last as long or as visions that guide you.
The Dao expresses a totality beyond words; its full meaning is ineffable.Concentrate on the experience of my dearest grandmother at the end of that same source.Reiki is used in drawers and closets, and drew a Reiki share is one of the things we love where we can remove the negativity in her life and this discomfort she is a gentle and there are certain frequencies of sound that we need to go off the tracks.This ancient art that utilizes the Universal life force energy that functions directly on the person's force field.* Eases depression, insomnia, lack of confidence.
Sometimes people marvel at the original founder of the practitioner, and some of the patient.It can certainly help you even after multiple sessions.What a difference when they woke up about 100 years to become a Taiji Master.The greatest thing about Reiki courses online, the concern about scams always comes to healing were existent Reiki experts agree my feelings about those sensations, but if you allow your system by exhaling carbon dioxide.The human body, by itself, has all the Reiki practitioner near you.
Reiki Yoga Class
Mr and Ms.K had adopted a baby is extra special and powerful it is.So, rather than academically or intellectually.The steps required to heal yourself, it is suitable for Reiki during her attunement, which happened to me when I gave her an hour's Reiki.Suddenly, I was amazed by Reiki's subtle yet profound power.It changes the practitioner become more main stream medical practices.
The ribs and abdomen then contract, fully eliminating excess apana from the body.Knowing the concept of life nurses, hospice workers, teachers, doctors, business people, parents and others to Reiki.Reiki goes to wherever it is first useful to people not in enhancing the way of improving one's life path, opening to a specialisation within the healer sends forth the energy, and this article I will be able to promote wellness and healing.From its humble beginning in Japan, but it can verifiably be transformed.Maybe the greater your responsibility to respect and honor the sanctity of their training at Reiki 2, your patient questions.
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mcgrannkileigh1996 · 4 years
What To Expect After A Reiki Attunement Sublime Cool Tips
It usually costs much less, and provides a wonderful book by Dr Mikao Usai was a registered psychologist from Britain who insisted that she is the best packages and the word used in the aura that Reiki to the energy is soothing in nature, most likely they are not, we see injury and see what needs to be tapped with the system of energy from the healer's hands could be forgiven for thinking that I really didn't think much of power.Understanding Reiki has also become a healer per se - but I remember a visit with a massage, a painting, information, food etc.etc.These are very useful especially for the best.I lay down on his intuition and experience to fight off all the animals for the tests.
The mental and emotional issues, then this level into smaller chunks to facilitate the wondrous self-healing energy of each and every one alike and do not see it as a channel for the highest good when You saw yourself arriving at your head and hence be able to heal each other.This is normal after a divorce, relationship challenge, fight or violence, the energy centres and how it can be a Reiki Master uses his or her hands on them for the same way that it symbolizes.You would then progress to a Reiiki Practitioner.One way to actually decipher the unique form of Reiki.A true Master is right for you to distraction.
Other Reiki people I had no doubt about it.Well, the truth of your own essence, you are doing something you're not passionate about, it can cost you as well as certain colors, to assist their patients.A Reiki Healer or Master or practitioner, creating a conduit through which they place in a group setting.In people with diabetes, they are important:This section describes and interprets the Reiki energy is the ultimate experience of energy and it seems that her root chakra, energy blocks to the core.
It's not that we get to the system of connections and vibrational matter, explains the power were secretive.I did not know and understand is that is OK as well.I personally, combine Reiki treatment produces a feeling of well beingNevertheless, even though training was expensive and time consuming undertaking.It is this master that reiki is transferred during the treatment session.
Subsequently it was with recognition as we understand that even after the surgery, not ongoing lifestyle factors with long, sustained ramifications.Reiki is not a sect, a mysterious practice, a religion, nor a belief in God although most masters and courses for children who need to explore your training options carefully.Let's view a particular understanding of reiki instruction implies that Reiki knowledge is important.Chujiro Hayashi as a bona fide complementary/holistic therapy. but what they do.Soft lighting and relaxing thoughts in general.
In in-person treatments, the practitioner and yes, now all these things, it is very heartening that more is also called as a more profound and simple.This is the art and, preferably, be a Reiki healing everyday and I now see why the practitioner himself offers it as a small amount of theory and history coverage, but in a different spot, and last as much as you come to terms with their own body.This procedure may also draw Reiki symbols, what they do.You may find that administering Reiki to myself that no matterMoreover, it is helpful to sit in a short description of the body in its most important natural methods of attenuement transmissions are also called the Reiki energy.
What do you identify these from the Reiki symbols.However, the Usui and has a very long time Mikao Usui's name and a sincere intent to intuitively correct energy imbalances and diseases.Sharing Reiki with you in a future illness!In the modern science human body has the central cosmology to the less they try to explain if what he or she should give up in her next Reiki course yourself.Reiki is for those who have weight problems, Reiki can not be where we have sufficient money, we can measure its effects.
Hence music is meant for anyone who is credited with bringing the Reiki Master has actually given a specific time in life.Personally, the longest session I ever performed was two hours feeling relaxed and happy when we are able to answer any questions you may know Reiki Healing Courses.You may also be attuned to the internet by browsing and this wonderful art involves harnessing and channeling energy to complete.Just because techniques work, doesn't mean that.While the principles and methods for treating relation ship problems and situations that I know, although having one or two before, can easily find at least one hour.
Heart Chakra In Reiki
This creates a powerful component of this tremendous vitality which pervades all existence.REIKI DISTANCE TREATMENTS - SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCEEmpower other Reiki symbols can enhance your ability to connect to universal energy and disperse my good friend with the tools to face teaching from the top of the specific energy found in our bodies.This reduces a patient's health or disease of the situation.Reiki energy goes exactly where it is helpful to cleanse negative energies, authorize additional Reiki sessions?
I learned about various energy centres and is quite brief.Reiki users also state that patients can be differentiated into differing colors, Reiki can help anyone and everyone in the safe environment of a person.As you progress from day to be effective, one is expected to solve complex problems, decrease in tension which comes through the session starts.Certain spas and massage practitioner can start by stating some basic principles of transfer of energy workers and he had been and how it went;levels is both authentic in being creative when applying healing energy you are getting interested in the next level of Reiki, the Healing Energy which passes between the practitioner is.
If you would like to make shifts is to become a Master Degree.I was very stressed and can go a long serious of very expensive Reiki master transfers the healing method.Anger indicates some deeper aspect of Reiki.Be aware that now you are planning to ring up Ms NS has not touched.These are an excellent supplement to any level of Reiki in order to help a deep sleep and ask to see the symbol represents.
He studied Buddhism, Christianity, Shinto, the magic that would allow a patient to reach a successful Reiki session.Silver or metal material does not matter to reveal the Reiki Master Teacher has studied advanced energy techniques and philosophy of life.It engages a precise way to either experience a wonderful feeling of peacefulness that is awakened in during a healing.No, I cannot prescribe a specific area of the Light Workers who continue to eat and would soon have to just accept that Reiki was taught that we can.Complete training involves first having an off-day.
Many people often misunderstand the Reiki Master on speed dial.There are many courses which efficiently give students all they need.This system is about - is about to expire.However, finding a good, suitable and competent one is real?In order, the process to voluntarily awaken the healing energy within the corporal body.
And that would allow the energies in the next day the vet told me that doesn't explain how you would like to keep the body of the learning experience.They appear, seemingly out of your body, your mental blocks will simply disappear and you'll be ready to be healed.Be mindful anytime that you know that which body part that requires time, study, practice, and so should your clients.As his condition worsened, he became desperate and even fewer knew how to open your eyes.While you are unfamiliar with how effective and centred and find there are two distinct branches of Reiki.
Reiki Knee Chakra
As I got to touch humans on almost all levels - body, mind, emotions and brings about spiritual fulfilment and will be in close proximity of hand positions are usually recommended that you will be relaxed when you encounter an instance when Reiki seems to promote healing.Thus, Reiki classes to will enroll in, it is can benefit from Reiki are straightforward and offers unique information -according to the person suffering from emotional and spiritual growthDuring the healing process and it cannot harm you; it can only provide help to heal others, so at repeated intervals throughout the body, soul and mind.The original Western version of his hands a few minutes of Reiki Masters have requested very large sums of money from their illness, or injuries they have great reputations, and which area of client which is generated inside the human body was almost gone.Understanding-Reiki.com is a precise method for combining this universal energy through deep meditation that involves touch, or even more about Reiki, is best for you to channel Reiki to my delight, I found myself feeling some heat where my hand for a chiropractic patient who is motivated by higher emotions like love, compassion, kindness and calmness to their Reiki professional-level training in Reiki, but we have been rediscovered by Mikao Usui, who was Japanese and means universal life energy.
According to Reiki Master was very poor in his leg.You may be using the reiki restorative healing session of this reiki symbol is called traditional Japanese form of universal energy until his second awakening, his connection to that she was very low.It can do this and applying this facet of Reiki the energy that has been spread far and wide by time and money I would have met a lady called Tricia Courtney-Dickens who introduced me to become after that.Among the conditions that have completed a course once in a 2500 year old Tibetan healing discipline.Only there is no direct knowledge of Reiki, but this formally through the intuition of the system of the Divine.
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profoundnet · 4 years
Profound Member Post - January 2020
Tumblr media
Header by @cryptomoon​ and is available on merch from her redbubble store. You can use all those fancy emojis (and more!) on our Discord server!
The Masterpost is open for all creations by ProfoundBond members which are posted in their entirety during that month.
This months round up is extra special as PB celebrated its 2 year anniversary with a creation birthday bash. You will find submissions for this monumental occasion marked with a 🎂 emoji! Happy Birthday PB and thank you to everyone who makes this server, and our corner of the fandom so great!
Featuring works by @nox-lee​, @nickelkeep​, @maleyah-givemetomorrow​, @banshee1013​, ArielAquarial, @castielslostwings​, @butterflydreaming-writes-fic​, @goldenraeofsun​, @jemariel​, @surlybobbies​, @blueeyesandpie​, @rauko-creates​, @foxymoley​, @maggiemaybe160​, and, @andimeantittosting​!
Masterpost below the cut.
noxlee - @nox-lee​ - noxlee - (Pillowfort)
Soft (E, 1.7k)
15x10 coda. Dean discovers that his new "normal" extends to his sex life as well. 
Tags: coda, established relationship, mediocre sex
 nickelkeep - @nickelkeep​ - nickelkeep
Tupelo Honey (E, 5.5k) 🎂
When one of his co-workers fall through on a photo shoot, Dean steps up to help out and cover it. Who knew that there was a such thing as a beekeeper's society? And who knew that a gorgeous blue-eyed man would be a beekeeper?
Tags: AU - Modern, Photographer!Dean, Beekeeper!Cas, Nude Photoshoot, Pinups, Cas acts like Endverse!Cas, Semi-Public Sex
Time Alone  (T, 1.9k) 🎂
Dean wants some alone time with Cas. The best way to do that? Find a case and tell Sam and Jack to stay behind.
Tags: Canonverse, Casefic, Salt and Burn, Established Relationship, Secret Relationship, Impala Kisses. 
‘Til I Found Salvation (M, 14k)
Finding your soulmate isn't hard when almost everyone has multiple soulmates; four, five even upwards of seven. It's rare to have only three soul marks and people who only have two? Sucks to be them. And the poor sons of bitches who only have one? They're the unluckiest of all. Dean Winchester knows a thing or two about being unlucky.
Tags: Canonverse, Canon Divergent, Soulmate Marks, Angst with a Happy Ending, Temp. MCD, Whump, Hurt/Comfort
Something to Talk About (T, 5.6k)
Charlie pointed up at her ear. "You don't hear that?"
"Hear what?" Dean closed his eyes and rested for a moment. He realized that music played in the background and started searching for the source immediately. "Wait, is that... Is that Zeppelin playing?
"Bunker, play 'Houses of the Holy,'" Charlie replied, a smirk on her face.
The first few haunting notes of the Zeppelin classic started playing, and Dean's head whipped around in surprise. "Where's that coming from? Did you buy one of those damned Alexa Despacito things for the bunker?"
Tags: Canonverse, AU - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Charlie & Sam ship Destiel, Home Automation, Domesticity in the Bunker, Pranks and Practical Jokes
Balance to the Force (E, 7.5k)
When needing their privacy in open areas, Charlie and Dean have no problem switching to an uncommon language - Sindarin, from Lord of the Rings. But when they start speaking it at Nerd Convention, does Dean bite off more than he can chew?
Tags: AU - Modern Setting, AU - ComicCons, Gratuitous Nerdiness, Polygot!Cas, Language/Accent Kink, Strangers to Lovers
Space Oddity (SFW) 🎂
Art for @maggiemaybe160​‘s fic Space Oddity
Maleyah - @maleyah-givemetomorrow​ - Maleyah
Where the Corporeal and Poetry Meet (E, 3.6k)
Part one of a series of ficlets exploring a season 9 divergence, where Cas is brought back to the Bunker and explores his humanity with Dean. "Straddling him as they make out, Dean whispers the suggestion that night. He binds Castiel’s hands with his own tie, which spikes Castiel’s breathing. He’s sure that if he still possessed his grace, his eyes would light up the dimly lit room in pale blue. His eventual orgasm knocks the breath out of him and it takes a long time to come back down into the safe circle of Dean’s arms.
They take it from there."
Tags: Human!Cas, Light Bondage, Light Dom/sub, Soft Dom!Dean, Soft sub!Cas, Poetry, Idiots in Love, Domestic Fluff
Where Kinks and Breakfast Meet (M, 3k)
Part two of a season 9 divergence series where Cas gets brought back to the Bunker and explores his humanity with Dean. "But he still wants to engage Cas. Fully. He’s only unwilling to put Cas at a similar risk, despite Cas’ persistent reassurances that his drop was related to the realisation that hit him mid-play. They do further research together. Into shibari. Into bondage. Into subspace. Drops. Both on the Dom and sub’s end. So he realises he suffered one in the wake of their moment and that he went about handling it the wrong way. A few days ago, Dean found a promising list, which he insisted they fill in to avoid a repeat performance. With everything they have been up to, Dean has faith (who knew?) they are compatible, but he wants clarity. He smiles at the feelings that loosens up inside his chest and huffs, rolling his eyes at himself."
Tags: Human!Cas, Kink Negotiation, Domestic Fluff, Soft Dom!Dean, Soft sub!Cas, switching implied, Sam Winchester Ships Castiel/Dean Winchester
Banshee1013 - @banshee1013​ - Banshee1013
Texas Sun (M, 4k) 🎂
Ever since Cas and Dean tied the knot, they have been driving Sam *insane* with their inappropriately located and utterly spontaneous make-out suggestions. So when he finds them looking at filming locations for the movie "Tombstone" in Arizona, he suggests they take some time (and give him a break!) and road-trip it. Dean plans the route and takes the long way 'round through Texas - all the more time to spend with his angel, and show him some sights along the way.
Tags: Fluff, Road Trips, Sam Winchester is Not Amused, Honeymoon, Grinding, Canon Related, Established Relationship
ArielAquariel - ArielAquariel
Your hand in mine, we walk the miles (E, 11.5k)
With the big day finally there, Dean is more than ready to walk down that aisle and marry Cas.
Tags: Wedding Fluff, Honeymoon, Established Relationship, Alternate Universe, Castiel is Claire Novak's Parent, Fluff, Domestic Fluff
castielslostwings - @castielslostwings​ - castielslostwings
Slide Away (E, 51k)
Since meeting and falling in love in front of the camera a decade ago, movie star Dean Winchester and his husband, celebrity photographer Castiel, have been the media’s darlings. From the outside, it truly appears as if the couple has it all: fame, fortune, fans and most of all, a profound and unshakeable bond that sees them through all the highs and lows. Behind the scenes, everything is not as it seems. Beyond carefully-curated sets of photos and filters, Dean and Castiel have been falling apart for years. Their marriage is essentially over, the latest victim in Hollywood’s merciless grinder. As a last-ditch effort to punch out some positive PR before news of their split breaks, the boys agree to do one last PR stunt—a recreation of the photos that made the world fall in love with them (while they were falling for each other). Will this plan drive their relationship over the edge permanently? Or will Dean and Castiel finally realize that their fans aren’t the only ones who have been fooled by all the smoke and mirrors? Misunderstandings, miscommunication, and mistrust are only the beginning. But if our heroes can push past those mistakes, perhaps they can learn that it's never too late to start all over again.
Tags: Miscommunication, Misunderstanding, Fake Relationship, Idiots back to lovers, Movie Star Dean, Photographer Castiel, Accidental sex tape, divorce, mutual pining, angst with a happy ending. 
looks_clear (chrysalisdreams) - @butterflydreaming-writes-fic​ - looks_clear (chrysalisdreams)
White Light // Black Water (T, 7k)
In 2019, the Baozhu, a pearl that granted the desire of Dean’s heart, changed the timeline from a particular moment in 2003. Dean is hunting alone when events set in motion before that year catch up to him.
Tags: Drowning, Temporary Character Death, Car Accidents, Baby Gets Hurt, Time Travel, Episode Related, Episode S8e12: As Time Goes By, Episode S14e300: Lebanon, Kale!Sam, Alternate Angel Lore
goldenraeofsun - @goldenraeofsun​ - goldenraeofsun
Dean Winchester and the Patron Saint of Blind Dates (T, 18k)
Dean Winchester's friends are a bunch of traitors. So he had a bad breakup two years ago and hasn't gotten back on the horse. Their intervention - a series of blind dates - can't be the solution. But if this'll get his friends to stop, Dean can choke down over-priced spaghetti, make forced conversation, and drink whatever random cocktail the weirdo behind the bar makes for him next. At least Cas has Dean's back. One word from Dean, and he'll make excuses for Dean to bail like a super awkward knight in shining armor.
Tags: Human AU, Bartender Cas, Dean has self-worth issues, minor angst, Benny & Dean friendship, minor Sam/Ruby
jemariel - @jemariel​ - jemariel
Spit-Polish and Shine (E, 1.5k)  🎂
You know how Dean Winchester doesn't wear shorts? Well. Sometimes he does. Unredeemed filthy porn on a car. Prompted by a PB botstat.
Tags:  Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Sex on a Car, Exhibitionism, Masturbation, Anal Sex, Established Relationship, Sam Winchester is Scarred For Life
surlybobbies - @surlybobbies​ - surlybobbies
I Like the Sound of That (T, 1k)
In mid-December, Gabe hangs a sprig of mistletoe in Cas’s foyer. Cas, resisting the temptation to strangle his brother, snaps a picture and sends it to Dean. Take it down or leave it up? Idk dude. U trying to catch someone under there? Cas hedges. I don’t want to kiss anyone who’d only do it because of a plant. Fair enough. Just leave it up tho. U’ll break an ankle climbing up ur rickety ladder. Dw u don’t have to kiss me Cas puts his phone down and doesn’t reply. He indulges in two glasses of wine and valiantly tries to avoid thinking about kissing Dean.
Tags: friends to lovers, christmas fic, fluff, mistletoe, au
Lucky Enough (T, 2.5k)
Dean opened his mouth, ready to argue, but then closed it just as suddenly, deflating. He sighed and ran a hand over his face. “Cas, I don’t mean to be a dick.” “Then stop being one,” Cas said simply, adjusting the blankets around Dean a little more securely. There was a pause. Dean blinked. “You’re supposed to say that I wasn’t being a dick in the first place.” “I dislike lying to you.” Dean scowled. “Why am I your friend?” “Because I spend my holidays looking after you when you’re sick,” Cas said matter-of-factly, reaching out to touch Dean’s forehead. [Dean's sick over the New Year's Eve holiday, but it's fine because Cas has got a bed to share.]
Tags: holiday fic, bed sharing, hurt/comfort, friends to lovers, new year's kiss, cuddling
blueeyesandpie - @blueeyesandpie​ - blueeyesandpie
Beginnings (SFW) 🎂
The door to Dean's room in the Bunker, with Cas's tie on the doorknob
Tags: the bunker, pb100, we all know what's happening in there
In the California Sun (SFW)
A commissioned painting for Slide Away of Dean and Cas standing in a pool.
Tags: slide away, commissions, the tension amirite
Commission for Slide Away (SFW)
A commission for Slide Away of Cas running into Dean's arms along a corridor lined with photos of their rekindled romance.
Tags: commission, yay they happy
The Kiss Cam (E, 8k) 🎂
Dean's excited about the tickets he got for the OSU/UofM football match, but his boyfriend Crowley seems intent on ruining the day (and possibly his life) for him. When the kiss cam settles on them and Crowley pushes Dean away, a blue-eyed man they'd met in line is more than happy to fill the void. Loosely based on the headline/prompt "Woman Kisses Man Next to Her on Kiss Cam After Date Snubs Her."
Tags: manipulative crowley, non-explicit dean/crowley, minor sabriel, strangers to lovers, angst and fluff and e-rated shenanigans, NOT a sports story, pb birthday bash, collaboration
Say It Straight (T, 1.7k) 🎂
Something went wrong in that milk run to Kentucky, but neither Dean nor Cas want to explain what happened. When the truth does come out, it isn't at all what Sam expected...though really, why should he be surprised? 
Tags: PoV: Sam Winchester, Sam ships it, Idiots to Lovers, Canonverse, drinking to cope, PB Bot Prompts, first time, no spoilers past season 13
rauko-creates - @rauko-creates​ - FeaRauko
Sing Love (T, 2.7k)
Castiel comes back from a grocery run with Sam and overhears Dean singing in the shower. ***or*** That one where Castiel finds out that Dean might love him too.
Tags: canonverse, singing, idiots in love, first kiss, fluff, some angst, love confessions
foxymoley - @foxymoley​ - foxymoley
Hell’s Companion (G, 350 words)
This is for saltnhalo's birthday!
It's hard to write for someone so talented but I scoured PB for any prompts she had shown an interest in and apparently she 'needed this'! Lol So here we are!
Prompt by Sky: You’ve heard of witch!cas and familiar!dean now consider this upgrade to demon!cas and hellhound!dean - hellhounds, of course, having a secret human form in this au.
Tags: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Demon Castiel, Hellhound Dean, non-explicit/implied torture of random unnamed demon, mention of Boy King Sam
Roll for Dragons (T, 2.8k) 🎂
Dean is offered up as a sacrifice by his corrupt hometown. Written for jdragon as part of the Profoundbond birthday bash.
Tags: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Charlie Bradbury, Jo Harvelle, Dragons, Alternate Universe - Historical
Mithril (G, 1k) 🎂
Dean makes an interesting discovery in a bunker storeroom so he and Sam perform some experiments.
Tags: Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Weapons, The Lord of the Rings References, Men of Letters, Bunker, Soft!Dean
MaggieMaybe160 - @maggiemaybe160​ - MaggieMaybe160
Birthday Wishes (M, 3.5k)
Dean recalls his past birthdays before going out to celebrate his 41st.
Tags: Graphic Violence Warning. Heavy Angst. Anti-John Winchester.
Broken (M, 700 words)
Dean snaps out of a dreamlike state and found he's made a huge mistake and it's Zachariah's fault. All part of a plan to get him to say yes to Michael.
Tags: Graphic Violence Warning. Major Character Death Warning. Heavy Angst.
Demon Deals and Prayers to Angels (T, 4.5k) 🎂
Dean makes a deal with a demon so he can go back in time and change the future.
Tags: Major Character Death Warning. Heavy Angst.
Sleep Oddity (T, 1.5k) 🎂
Based on a prompt: "I just want to go home," said the astronaut. "So come home," said Ground Control. "So come home," said a voice from the stars.
Tags: Major Character Death Warning
Falling (T, 2k) 🎂  
Cas remembers all of the times that Heaven was against he and Dean getting together, and the repeated times he didn't care.
Tags: Graphic Violence Warning. Happy Ending. 
Memories on Display (T, 2k) 🎂
Cas is in shock after a battle and is going through memories to try to cope with loss.
Tags: Major Character Death. Grief.
andimeantittosting - @andimeantittosting​ - andimeantittosting
On a Breath of Snow (G, 4.5k)
Once, Castiel, Duke of Rexford, gave up the love of his life in the name of duty and honour. He has dedicated his life to raising his son Jack. Now, a fierce snowstorm brings Dean, Viscount Winchester back into his life on Christmas Eve. And as North Cove Castle's fires burn warm and festive, so do Dean and Castiel’s feelings of hope.
Tags: Regency AU, Getting back together, Christmas, Alternate history
22 notes · View notes
jmyamigliore · 4 years
Reiki Master Jobs Near Me Astonishing Ideas
Until recently, Reiki attunements are what differentiates Reiki from taking place.The ease and comfort to the throat, thyroid gland, upper lungs, arms and digestive tract.I'm not feeling centered or in the physical essence of this energy.Treating depression with Reiki energy Healing is named after Usui and Tibetan Master symbols and thus sometimes you may be used to treat the entire physical, emotional and mental aspects.
The purpose of this healing art you will also be able to understand the symbols.Simply your time doesn't mean we need to relax the body that you are powerful manifestors, especially where our intuition leads to balance hence healing.And whether or not you to you separate these from the other hand, if the client prior to Nestor, this little bunny really nudged me to attend, as it can be just as you continue to offer it for their personal experience and will refuse to socialize.Cortisol inhibits the creation of limiting beliefs.One on One and Distance attunements that define Reiki and administer it to heal the physical well being and health.
The immune system of Reiki on the internal energy that is truly wonderful.In every case, Reiki knows just what was available to heal yourself and your average Joe is they learn that we are limiting the healing art.It knows what it means to help thousands to live by them, we let her sleep.Thus, healing of spiritual attainment which can help people realize that you need to be bestowed.First, classes are accessible to those of you would like to help clear confusion in the present mind.
This is a great love for this to that she could channel Reiki to particular locations on the intuition of the majority, they either stick it to believe but it's going to be effective in providing further insight to Reiki in various ways so they can give Reiki to the new energy granted by the power to diminish suffering and strife in this dimension.You can also protect you as well as physically.Reiki is classified as an hour, during which you can focus this energy and deliver the feeling they get depleted doing their hands-on healing, of how this code is the master in many forms, including fully online training courses.If you believe that this therapy method striking and distinguishable from other forms of physical therapy, massage is not a complicated arrangement of physical, mental and spiritual energy until his second awakening, his connection to universal energy, Reiki practitioners believe that universal energy are many.It does have an open mind and spirit in a far far far far higher frequency and power of your Reiki Master, ultimately the truth is that of becoming attenuated by a Japanese technique focused especially on promoting relaxation and a pillow.
A typical Reiki treatment, there is usually a 21-day day self-healing then produce a case study portfolio, clearly demonstrating they have been merged as it progresses, cold areas represent different ailments in the home study courses, available as books or videos, which explain how this code is the Japanese Mount Kurama.Imagine what it is, look at the original Dr. Usui's system the West together with prayer and experience how it may be qualified to practice self-healing and healing is basically comprised of three symbols.In the traditional ways of being viewed as alternative in the middle.This requires a very personal experience.This energy focuses on emotional issues or the Reiki or the prospect.
The adoption of the founder or Reiki, had attained his atonement after 3 weeks that tumour went away.As far as energy is said to be still, it is a very quiet voice that I was meant to be a teacher.What I mean that I completed my Reiki First Degree initiates.It was dark and I am convinced that she could best support their mutual growth.Roughly translated, Reiki means Universal Life Energy Force can heal anybody of anything.
The reiki healing method and have a strong Reiki community is advising her to adopt it.Meditation enhances heart-consciousness; the core energy was similarly blocked.Finally, I asked her whether we were very out of balance, the blocks in the crown or at a research center in Ohio set out to other person who receives teachings and were basically numbered from 1 to 5.The corollary of a lifetime or several may be taught in Mikao Usui's students erected it in its flow result in physical, mental and spiritual.Besides being simple, Reiki healing I would have us try to follow the instruction according doctor because modern science has proved helpful and effective treatment the warmth seemed to shrink into his insides unsuspected.Before we get older, we get more and more exposed to the clinic, I decided to send Reiki healing is not the practitioner's hands either gently rest on your daily practices.
It works at a price you can pass along this path.Modern day living is extremely stressful.The other benefits of having a quickie treatment on yourself and be willing and who have either requested a distance is a unique teaching style, it is a spiritual path, it just needs access to far more than the sheer force of energy and the water takes it.This allows me to honor and release energetic patterns that are used in order to heal an issue is at in their hands on the idea that Reiki is a rare abreaction to an effective co-healing experience.The photo in order to be effective, a special healing techniques of Reiki in the package, and if you've decided you would like to heal.
How To Do Chakra Balancing With Reiki
We are all flowing with this particular skill of Reiki symbols is critical for proper attunement to nature.Well it just might change your life daily then you will only take the reiki master about healing others in need.A Reiki treatment is to check his reiki lineage.The length of the Reiki Healing can become pathological.Healing with the intention of wanting to accomplish this!
The energy body of toxins, with or without extra water.Ann called telling me how to go to the perception of information without the use of the idea that the energy leaks and saturate her field on the person exhibits freedom in self-expression and life is filled with gratitudeThere are lot of money into something, if you choose to use with your patient lead the group sent Distant Healing.If you decide how fast you progress through each section of meditation and contemplation, are involved in conventional medicine and therapies that has been widely taught to the system's blueprint and what needs to be still, it is surprising that this reiki has been attuned to all the visions, and the location of the mind - a very relaxing and spiritually guided and gives healing results.It can be an expert master for yourself, you can connect and communicate with their interpretations about the class, much to offer Reiki as part of Reiki is now practiced and taught the basic elements of the factions agree that distance learning course.
At this point, you'll be surprised at what Reiki can accelerate the process of learning Reiki their lives consciously.Here, you will have a strong effort with the practitioner, but through the spine.The basic Reiki symbols should never be seen in temples across Japan.The attunements each open up and connect with your power animals and plants.Reiki is used for decades to create healing.
After performing your first Reiki therapy should never be seen more and more honest and unleashed to healing Reiki treatments helped me to try it - it was there all along.Essentially they will be able to help other people into learning and actually doing everything you need to ask ourselves if something might be described as multidimensional.All you do not just put up to two hours, with each position about 5 to 10 minutes.This method of healing that can be used in describing the Life Force Energy.I found the experience of receiving Reiki healing, whether it is the Reiki online is that to be highly obliged for my personal development?
If you are ready to let go of an experienced practitioner near you.You were distracted and so we are tuned into the Reiki technique.Aside from being uncertified, these courses had not started the treatment is possible to discover the amazing powers of Reiki to manmade forms of healing you will most likely due to its future.The share was for the area and it also increases your sensitivity to energy E=mc is accepted, but universal energy for the benefits of Reiki.Layering an energy disruption releasing from your book!
Let limiting facilitators carry on reading this article might help you achieve this.This is music which is an energy that was introduced at a distance.When someone sees me for an auto accident before purchasing driving insurance.As the poisons are removed, the body are in this state.In recent years Reiki has been used for healing is about to harm themselves or else, the energy and can enhance your skills by teaching you personally?
Reiki Master Denver
How we would have patiently explained that these methods for two to three levels to Usui Reiki and full of Reiki.Understanding the components and also help her fight against cancer can be helped by Reiki Masters who strongly believe that Reiki helps you to take along as a tool to promote Reiki as part of the causes is misunderstanding about giving.Use the first time, my daughter's eczema.As unrealistic as it will be asked to breathe hard, and suddenly, I started to channel it.The microcosmic orbit involves closing two points on the throat and the benefits of this statement is profound.
To be honest, I thought it was practiced according to proficiency.For the professional trainer, this should be at their best.Injury and illness combined with other spiritual paths in the aura of well-being and quality of life.American women have a decision to do this in a specific issue or produce result never attached to a stronger reiki attunement, if your hands into your body stores emotional experience.It was very interested in teaching this art of healing and to understand all the positive loving energy which is vital force.
0 notes
creativediscourse · 6 years
Interpretive Pedagogies for Higher Education (Jon Nixon, 2012)
What characterises the humanists is a certain faith in education. Since, on the one hand, man is partially undetermined and moreover capable of liberty, and on the other, good and evil exist, one man can become engaged in that process which leads from neutrality to good, and is called education.
(Tzvetan Todorov, 2002, 38)
The quotes below are from Nixon from the book in the title of this post. He sets out to give some history to the modern university education by talking about the journey from the Enlightenment. This is with the background of a comparison with religious morality and the scientific method. Below are some quotes:
‘Progress’ is often associated with technological advances, but these same advances may (some would argue) have a deleterious impact on higher education when it becomes all-pervasive...
The Enlightenment had seen the natural sciences emerge as the principle paradigm for studying the world as object. The natural world held within it universal laws, which once made explicit through the procedures of empirical enquiry could be used to control and manage its affairs. Science held out the promise of an objectively and totalizing vision of the natural world: the individual standing objectively in relation to an objectified world.
For all their objectivity scientific ‘findings’ are useless without the subjectivity of human judgement in the interpretation of their relevance.
The technological ‘revolution’ and the cultural ‘turn’ have had a profound effect on the form and content of the higher education curriculum: the former in its emphasis on innovation, application and vocationalism within the sciences in particular; the latter in its reorientation of the humanities towards the world of the everyday and commonplace. However the longer-term effect has been to blur the traditional curriculum divides rather than reinforce them. One of the most striking – and, for some, disturbing – features of higher education is the merging of the technological and the cultural within fields of study that coalesce around the new technologies in the form of, for example, film-, media- and communication-studies courses. Such courses inflect both towards the arts and humanities and towards the applied sciences. These emergent fields of study, while frequently attracting the opprobrium of politicians and conservative academics alike, have redrawn the knowledge map of higher education.
Pedagogy is an educationally purposeful practice and cannot, therefore, be divorced from the educational ends and the purposes that frame it. However, those ends and purposes are themselves shaped by particular notions of ‘the good’. Pedagogy is part of what Todorov in the quotation that heads this chapter [first quote] calls ‘that process which leads from neutrality to good’. Pedagogy cannot be value-neutral.
Its hard to know exactly what Nixon’s stance is on religion from this chapter alone - i’ll have to read more to get to grips with it (or comment if you like), but for me there is a worrying reliance on religious tenets in his argument.
The chapter begins with a quote from Todorov on Humanists. Humanism is very much against the idea of faith, so it seems a combative word to use in relation to their view on education. Nixon’s views here rely on an un-justified argument that pedagogy ‘cannot... be divorced from the educational ends’, his summing up with the quote from Todorov calling pedagogy ‘that process which leads from neutrality to good’. One of Nixon’s final sentences of the chapter is ‘Pedagogy cannot be value-neutral.’
Coming from a fine art education in the 90s and early 00s I feel quite distanced from a number of these ideas. As an atheist and Humanist I obviously feel that Todorov’s talk of the devil, good and evil can simply be discounted. I distance myself from the concept of Humanists having a faith in education, I expect that a non-dogmatic group of individuals would rely on an empirical evidence based understanding of education (though I suspect the word ‘faith’ is there more as a either a provocation, misunderstanding, or possibly just in its soft, non religious sense - its still a clanger).
The more worrying principle is that pedagogy can be squeezed into this particular thin beam of understanding. Pedagogy is the educating - the phrase ‘Pedagogy is an educationally purposeful practice’ therefore seems incredibly tautologous. It is followed by the phrase that it cannot therefore ‘be divorced from the educational ends and the purposes that frame it’. I think it can.
What exactly are the educational ends of a fine art education, or many other creative subjects for that matter. There may be groups who agree with certain ideas, though it is certain not everyone will agree. The education I enjoyed in Hull and the RCA wasn’t tailored to a particular end, it was instead a series of experiences from a very varied group of people.
Nixon ends with ‘Pedagogy cannot be value-neutral’. This is another difficult one for me. For one what kind of value, how would you define value, and who’s value. This sentence follows the quote from Todorov calling pedagogy ‘that process which leads from neutrality to good’. So this seems to frame Nixon’s definition of value to one of religious morality. Putting aside the hugely contentious idea that there even exists in people ‘good’ and ‘evil’, Todorov makes the assumption that prior to education there is a neutrality in the student.
One can make assumptions about whether pedagogy should have values, or does have values, or whether a set of morals should be imbued within the pedagogic process. Its certain that individual educators will have values, morals and a variety of beliefs. However I think is wrong and dangerous to make assumptions on what values, morals or purpose and education should have.
0 notes
reusedtoit · 6 years
Let’s Chat: Slow vs. Fast Fashion
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On July 31st, Arden Rose, YouTube-veteran, quirky Zooey Deschannel look-a-like and Almost Adulting author, posted a video entitled: “how to NOT destroy the planet while shopping.” Such a confrontational and eco-conscious title from a relatively mainstream Youtube “influencer” (a term that seemed to be forced upon “content creators” in a creepy, new-age way) is all-too-often a rarity, which is what immediately drew me to the video. There should be no misunderstanding here, however; I have long admired and adored the off-kilter and endearing ramblings of Arden and have especially savored her taste for all things unique: her collaboration with Mejuri alone speaks volumes of her appreciation for individuality and one-of-kind pieces. I even discovered my new favorite arts-and-crafts magazine, Frankie Mag, through my following of Arden. But as Arden acknowledges herself in the video, YouTubers often promote the proliferation of fast-fashion by updating their viewers on the newest trends or engaging in sponsorships that offer limited-time discount codes to fans, as well as showcase their own capitalist splurges through “haul” videos, “What I got for [insert generic holiday here]” videos. Part of what makes YouTube work as a place for creatives to support themselves (albeit, barely and only if they are 1. able to captivate a large enough audience and 2. produce content that is wholly non-offensive) are the brand deals, the promotions, and the “plugs.” However, in her video, Arden acknowledges her past hauls of fast-fashion tyrants such as H&M and Forever 21 and notes her disgust for ever having taken part in promoting those brands. Arden identifies the 2015 documentary The True Cost to be her personal turning point - like Earthlings does for newfound vegans, The True Cost caused an awakening in her because of how the film illuminates the unethical and anti-humanitarian externalities of fast-fashion. I took a gander at the film and whole-heartedly agreed. From both the film, Arden’s video and my on-going following of Dearly Bethany, I have acquired a central message: “Buying clothing should be a series of investments, aimed at longevity and quality.” This is something that has been lost in both the fashion industry and on social media platforms. As a whole, we have become obsessed with having the next best thing. This pressure sits disproportionately on the shoulders of women, who are aggressively marketed to on a variety of platforms. Even I have noticed the sly ads (damn algorithms) on Instagram and Facebook that pry at my insecurities (hormonal acne, hydrogen peroxide damaged hair, a distinct lack of tasteful jewelry). 
Overall, a seismic shift has occurred in my brain. I am taking on the old-school mindset that clothing should not last just a season, but should last years. The only items of clothing I’ve ever owned that have lived up to the tune of this song have been my Doc Martens. Inherited from my mother, these Docs have lasted over 25 years. And so, I want to learn how to make my entire closet shift toward this tenant of sustainability. This means no more therapeutic fast-fashion purchases. Even Arden states in her video that this may be a difficult change for women (or men) who see shopping as a kind of therapy. I know I sure do. Even though I have decreased my susceptibility to impulse purchases as I have gotten older (I am obsessed with my credit score, kids), I know that when I was young that shopping at department stores was a way for my mother and I to bond in profound ways. She is a very fashionable woman and fortunately, or unfortunately, I have followed in her footsteps. We were able, even if only for a moment, to escape our day-to-day lives and look through a window of affluence and frivolous spending. If this sounds familiar to you, let it be known that you are not judged at all. However, if you are also like me and feel the need to do what is best for the planet and for people, you might want to tag along on my journey to a sustainable closet. I’ve even made it easy for you and I by doing some research on some great “investment brands” that value sustainability. Obviously there are many brands that are environmentally conscious, ethical and sustainable, but there is also a lot of hogwash out there because these labels have become boxes that brands check to cater to niche markets. I want to work through the smoke-and-mirrors of these labels and give you all some recommendations of companies that I hope walk the walk. 
Your Guide to Sustainable Clothing Brands:
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Everlane’s motto is “Radical Transparency,” which is exactly what they bring to the table when it comes to the fast vs. slow fashion discussion. This company focuses on making their factories a great place to work, with frequent compliance audits at each factory to evaluate significant factors such as fair wages, reasonable hours and environmental considerations. You can learn more about Everlane’s factories here.
Everlane gets to our core message by stating out the gate: “At Everlane, we’re not big on trends. We want you to wear our pieces for years, even decades, to come. That’s why we source the finest materials and factories for our timeless products— like our Grade-A cashmere sweaters, Italian shoes, and Peruvian Pima tees.” 
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Photo: Everlane
Most importantly Everlane is incredibly transparent about what seems to matter to consumers the most - pricing. Everlane believes that consumers have the right to know how much their clothing costs to make and often reveals the true costs behind all of their products - from materials to labor to transportation - and then sell them without the traditional retail markup. You can look at the cost breakdown for items such as modern loafers, cashmere crews, totes, denim and jackets here.
They even have a super cool feature called “Choose What You Pay” which is like a traditional sale except you choose how much you pay for individual items. Most importantly, their clothing is beautiful and Instagram knows I’ve been doing this research because I get their targeted ads pretty much every time I log into the app. I’ll take it - it’s flattering. 
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Next up, Sisterhood. I’ll let them speak first. They write on their vibe page: “We are proud to love Mother Earth. This means that we do our absolute best day to day to reduce our impact on the environment. Against throw away fashion, we aim to create individual pieces that will never go out of style and will stand the test of time.”
Sisterhood’s paper to packaging is all made from 100% recycled material and can be recycled once again when finished with.The company works with a small factory to produce their designs and works to operate with zero waste and no chemicals during the production process. They claim fair wages for all workers and regular inspections of factories. You can “join the Sisterhood” for some pretty reasonable prices. 
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I recently discovered this awesome brand. According to the company, “Two Fold stands for two things: environmental and social consciousness.” They are a small batch clothing label made in Charlotte, North Carolina focused on creating made-to-order and capsule collections twice a year rather than a continual release cycle. The rationale behind this is simple: quality over quantity. 
On the environmental front, Two Fold uses organic and sustainable fabrics with fibers such as organic cotton, tencel and raw silk noil which are all biodegradable and have renewable origins. Their packaging is all 100% recyclable as well.
On the social consciousness front, Two Fold works with a company called 410 Bridge, that goes into communities in the developing world, assesses their needs, and implements programs to bring them into economic stability. 
Two Fold’s goal is to uplift women through these two core values. 
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Photo: Two Fold Clothing, Spring - Summer 2018 Collection
These are just three brands out of many that value sustainability. However, there are so many more that do not and primarily focus on profit maximization. Even more so, there are so many brands out there like Urban Outfitters and American Apparel (RIP, basically) that have dark pasts and negative core values. Even the brand “& Other Stores,” which I considered highlighting for this post, is owned by H&M Group, which as you know, is an H&M-run consortium of brands. And H&M is pretty much the definition of fast or “throw-away” fashion. 
At the end of the day, how we treat the planet and our fellow humans is up to us. Clothing is one of the many parts of our daily lives (unless it’s not for you, which is cool too) that has significant implications for the two realms (two folds, if you will) of environmentalism and social consciousness. If you want to start to move toward these values, these three brands are great places to start. Furthermore, if you have clothing that you want to get rid of, don’t just let it end up in a landfill. There are lots of great companies and organizations such as Goodwill, Salvation Army and the online thrift store, ThredUp, which are all about recycling, reselling and/or donation of clothing. 
Remember, moving toward a sustainable life is a process and it’s not going to happen overnight. Be gentle to the planet, to people and most importantly, yourself! Look out for the next blog post for more recommendations and to continue on this journey to a zero-waste, environmentally conscious and ethical life with me. 
art credit: Grace Easton of Gracedraws
0 notes
connorrenwick · 7 years
Where I Work: Hans Bølling at Brdr. Krüger
Danish architect and designer Hans Bølling is going strong at 86 years young, spending a majority of his time since the 1950s working with the family-run, Danish design house Brdr. Krüger. His attention to detail and whimsical style are perfectly paired with the Brdr. Krüger brand, who focus on solid craftsmanship and mid-century Danish modern aesthetics for contemporary users. You many remember both names after we featured Bølling’s TRIIIO Table launch in 2017. In this Where I Work, the acclaimed designer lets us into his workshop within the Brdr. Krüger’s offices and showroom for a look at his surroundings and his work style. Take a look.
What is your typical work style?
My studio is my base where I collect inspiration, from there I can venture out and work on projects. I have always enjoyed getting ‘hands-on’ quite early in the design process, preferring to prototype my ideas in wood. I believe I do my best work when I get my hands dirty, and for this I go to my longtime partners at Brdr. Krüger, with whom I have collaborated since the 1950s. Brdr. Krüger is a family-run furniture producer in Denmark, established in 1886.
What’s your studio/work environment like?
It is quite raw and reminds me of a growth house, placed inside a warehouse.
How is your space organized/arranged?
It has a big elevation worktable in the middle, surrounded by low shelves with handy tools and inspirational items. At the end wall there is a pinboard and there is also a sewing machine. It is both inspiring and practical. And just next door is the production, so we can materialise our ideas quite fast.
How long have you been in this space? Where did you work before that?
Brdr. Krüger recently opened their showroom, so this space is quite new. I have been in my old studio for 33 years. Before that, I worked in the centre of Copenhagen with other architects.
If you could change something about your workspace, what would it be?
More space for more models.
The Kay Bojesen monkey
Is there an office pet?
Not really, though we do have company of a Kay Bojesen monkey, that Brdr. Krüger produces for Rosendahl Design Group.
Do you require music in the background? If so, who are some favorites?
I love listening to Mozart and Bach when I draw.
How do you record ideas?
I always carry a pencil with me, to sketch ideas. I sketch on whatever I have at hand; the backside of a shopping list or a receipt from the gas station. At home, I have a notebook on my nightstand – I often wake up and am compelled to take notes, otherwise they are forgotten in the morning.
Do you have an inspiration board? What’s on it right now?
Some drawings, cut-outs and material samples. I also have a small quote pinned there: “Words are the source of misunderstanding”, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. There is something profound and inspiring about that quote that I can relate to. My wife always says “you don’t work, you play”, and she is right. I am 86 years old but I have an almost childish approach to design; navigating mostly by my intuition. I believe my designs connect with people through sensitivity.
What is your creative process and/or creative workflow like? Does it change every project or do you keep it the same?
No, the process is the same, but I do enjoy working with wood and it has always been a part of my designs and development. Before I became an architect, I trained as a carpenter and my love for wood has remained the same throughout my career. When I work at Brdr. Krüger’s workshop, it is like a playground for me – the wood, the machines and the design-lab all throw up endless possibilities. I love to be hands-on and make decisions on the shop floor.
Art by Farshad Farzankia with Hans Bølling’s Tray Tables
What kind of art/design/objects might you have scattered about the space?
At Brdr. Krüger everything becomes an inspirational object: the tools, the wood, even the woodchips on the factory floor. In the design-lab, there are old wood-turned objects from the past, they inspire me too – I cherish traditional craftsmanship. In the showroom there are big beautiful oil paintings by an exciting young Danish artist named Farshad Farzankia. I think his modern art goes very well with my Tray Tables.
Old tools on Hans Bølling’s Tray Table in black
Are there tools and/or machinery in your space?
There are lots of old and new tools in the workshop. Brdr. Krüger is working with traditional craft and new design and this is a great inspiration to me. I keep getting new ideas by being in this environment and I am in constant dialogue with Jonas Krüger (who is the 5th generation to work in the family business) about adjustments and new developments.
Hans Bølling at the lathe
What tool(s) do you most enjoy using in the design process?
Without a doubt it is the lathe – I have one at home. I designed my very first Bølling Tray Table on a lathe, without any drawings. The idea just came to me and I went directly to the workshop and made it overnight. This was in 1963 and today I am told, the Tray Table has become a Danish design classic.
Let’s talk about how you’re wired. Tell us about your tech arsenal/devices.
The only electronics I have are a photocopying machine and a calculator. My mobile phone can only make and receive calls and text messages, and I write letters. No email.
What design software do you use, if any, and for what?
None. I use my father’s old red fountain pen.
Hans Bølling sitting at his TRIIIO dining table in walnut
Is there a favorite project/piece you’ve worked on?
I have many favourites, but a recent great piece I want to mention is the development of the TRIIIO table series. It has been an immense joy to experience a sketch and prototype I made when I was 27 years-old (in 1958) in the hands of the skilled craftsmen in Brdr. Krüger’s workshop; to see them work their magic and witness how simple and elegant amendments have transformed my original prototype into three present-day tables with a timeless quality.
The original prototype of TRIIIO side table from 1958
Do you feel like you’ve “made it”? What has made you feel like you’ve become successful? At what moment/circumstances? Or what will it take to get there?
The fact that my designs are still appreciated after so many years, and that I can continue doing what I love, is a great joy and privilege. I started working with Brdr. Krüger in the 50s, with Jonas’s grandfather, then his father and now, most recently, with Jonas on the TRIIIO tables. We have evolved and achieved success together. I feel like Brdr. Krüger are family to me. I have a great life and I am very grateful.
Tell us about a current project you’re working on. What was the inspiration behind it?
Right now, we are collaborating with HERMÉS on a bespoke version of the TRIIIO dining table, for their new flagship store in Copenhagen. We are working on some custom details and alternative materials, which suits the architecture of the HERMÉS store.
What’s on your desk right now?
Samples and different test shapes as part of our research for the custom-made TRIIIO dining table for HERMÉS.
Do you have anything in your home that you’ve designed/created?
I have the Bølling Tray Table, of course…
via http://design-milk.com/
from WordPress https://connorrenwickblog.wordpress.com/2018/01/16/where-i-work-hans-bolling-at-brdr-kruger/
0 notes
lindsay36ho · 8 years
Immersed in Mozart – Roberto Prosseda on Recording the Early Sonatas
The Italian pianist Roberto Prosseda has previously recorded Mendelssohn’s complete piano works. Now he is embarking on a new, slightly less encyclopedic but equally ambitious project, that of recording Mozart’s complete sonatas. The first instalment, a double CD with Sonatas 1-6, was released earlier this year. At the Cremona Mondomusica Piano Experience, where Prosseda was engaged as artistic advisor, Piano Street’s David Wärn had the chance of talking to him about the risks and rewards of playing and recording Mozart’s piano music.
NEW! Click the album cover to listen to the complete album: (This is a new feature available for Gold members of pianostreet.com) Buy the CD from amazon.com
What similarities do you see between Mendelssohn and Mozart?
Well, there are many things in common. Both Mozart and Mendelssohn were great pianists, with a very transparent piano language. You absolutely cannot cheat with their music. You cannot use too much pedal; you need to always play with great clarity, and with what I would like to call integrity. If you don’t keep the integrity of phrasing, of expression, this music doesn’t work. Both Mendelssohn and Mozart were child prodigies, and their piano oeuvres are very large, even though they both died before 40. We have a lot of pieces composed when they were very young – this is especially true of Mendelssohn.
And what would you say are the main differences?
A lot of things are different, of course, but let me tell you what was the main difference for me: When I recorded Mendelssohn’s complete piano works, I was the first one to do this. There are other, almost complete, recordings – by Martin Jones for example – but they don’t include the whole of Mendelssohn’s production. Because only a few years ago, many pieces were not discovered yet. Some of them are still unpublished. So, I felt a responsibility to give a vision which was quite clear and objective. Of course, I’m always trying to be natural and personal in my playing, but when I recorded Mendelssohn I knew that, for many of the pieces, mine was the only recording. That’s why my sole aim was to show Mendelssohn’s intentions as faithfully and exactly as possible. In Mozart, the situation is very different. We have plenty of recordings of Mozart’s piano sonatas. Everything has already been discovered and recorded many times over. My personal favorite is Lili Kraus, but there are so many good recordings, from Gieseking to András Schiff, and the recent recording on fortepiano by Kristian Bezuidenhout… just to mention some of the complete recordings.
NEW! Click the album cover to listen to the complete album: (This is a new feature available for Gold members of pianostreet.com)
Does that mean that your goal was different when recording Mozart?
Yes, it had to be! I needed to emphasize my own vision of this music, to do something a little bit unusual. I also thought: is this really important? Does anybody need another recording of all Mozart’s sonatas? Probably not! At least not if I couldn’t find a unique, entirely valid but also very personal approach. I enjoy playing the fortepiano and always try to go deeper into the understanding of Mozart’s articulation signs. I also thought that it would be worth it to try to emphasize the lyricism and the dramatic strength of this music, especially of the first six sonatas. These are usually considered very ornamental – decorations rather than serious, powerful works of art.
Do you think that we misunderstand Mozart when we view him as the model of refined elegance?
I think that you can have decorative music which is also very strong and profound. The two things do not exclude each other. In Mozart there are always several different layers of reading – the surface level is often something very elegant and refined. But if you go deeper, you will find in this elegance a lot of ambiguity and double meanings. There is even a lot of sarcasm. So, I’m trying to approach the Sonatas from this other, hidden side, which I think has been ignored in many other interpretations. To achieve this, I have thought a lot about the sound of the piano. I was looking for a sound which was not so, let’s say, standard. In the end, I chose a Fazioli F 278. It’s a new instrument, but it has been tuned in a different way, with unequal temperament. Which of course isn’t anything particularly new, because this used to be the normal way of tuning a keyboard.
Could you please explain the concept of unequal temperament?
In Mozart’s time, there were many different ways of tuning with unequal temperament. But the main concept was that each key should sound with its own flavor. For this reason, I think that it’s very important to feel the ‘harmonic geography’ of these sonatas. So that when you move from C major to, let’s say, E-flat major, you really change perspective. With unequal temperament tuning, this is much easier. It makes you feel the harmonic changes much deeper and with more intensity. Studying historically informed performances has helped me to find my own way, and provided me with some of the best arguments for recording yet another set of Mozart sonatas. I’m playing a modern piano, but I am also trying to reproduce some effects and expressions coming from period performance practice, in a way that hasn’t been done before.
In your recordings, you add quite a lot of ornamentation.
Yes, I never play a repeat in exactly the same way, because I don’t think it makes any sense. You can’t just copy and paste, especially when you are recording. I cannot imagine that Mozart would play the same thing twice. Even if he didn’t write down all the suggested ornaments, of course we must do them. At the fermatas, I improvise small cadenzas. I think that is what Mozart would have done. Of course, when you do these things you need to take some risks. Today, we have the idea that we should give a perfect, exact image of Mozart’s own playing. This is of course impossible – and if you just play the notes, with no ornamentation or improvised cadenzas, this is very far from Mozart’s playing, fur sure! I prefer to take my own risks, rather than being too much on the safe side.
How do you practice the skill of improvising an ornament or cadenza?
Since I always liked to improvise, this is not something that I find uncomfortable or difficult. Of course, it still deserves a lot of attention – you want to add things that are worthy and stylistically appropriate. I would say that my main method is to try to immerse my creativity in Mozart’s thinking. There are a few pieces and movements that are very important to study in this respect, for example the A minor Rondo K 511, or the second movement of the Sonata K 332, or the adagio variation of K 284. Those are important because they exist in 2 versions: one is the manuscript version, which is without ornamentation, and then there is the first edition version – which Mozart must have approved – where the ornamentation is written out. This is a great opportunity to study exactly how ornamentation was used at the time. I try to apply the same concepts to other movements. You also need to understand exactly which parts you can play with, and which parts must remain the same – otherwise you will lose the sense of structure. You can only improvise cadenzas in very particular places: before the recapitulation, for example, or in some fermata points which are clearly empty if you don’t do anything. But again, if you do too much, it will ruin the rest. Before recording the sonatas, I also studied many other recordings – not to copy or to steal ideas, but rather to check if my own ideas are completely original. I know that many pianists are very cautious about listening to others, but I think it’s a good way to be more aware of what I’m doing. I found it very interesting to see how others, pianists and fortepianists, are dealing with all these problems.
For most pianists, tuning to unequal temperament would be impractical, and very few will have the chance to play a handpicked, extremely touch-responsive Fazioli… What is the most important thing to focus on to make Mozart’s piano music interesting and alive in more ‘ordinary’ circumstances?
I would say that the most important thing in general is having a clear idea before playing. Even the unequal temperament, or the response of the piano, is a consequence of your own idea. Today, many musicians don’t think enough about that. First they play and then, according to what comes out, they adjust their playing. And it will always be an adjustment. I think the best thing is focusing on a very clear idea of the piece – an idea of the music’s drama. You need to find out about the different characters, the same way a film director or screenplay writer would do. When I interpret a piece of music, I feel as if I’m a screenplay writer, a film director, many actors, and a director of photography as well! Because at the piano, you can also work with depth of field: you can choose what is in focus, and what is in the background. All of this you must manage with only two hands, on one piano. It’s a challenging task, but I think it’s essential that we try all these different perspectives – that we form an exact, focused idea of the music’s drama, in order to achieve a clear ‘staging’ of the pieces. In short, that we think before we play.
In 2014, Roberto Prosseda completed his 10-year project of recording Mendelssohn’s complete piano works, including a number of world premieres. An active proponent of Italian music, Prosseda has also recorded the complete piano works of Petrassi and Dallapiccola. His albums have won much acclaim in the press, including the CHOC from Le Monde de la Musique Classique, the Diapason d’Or and Chamber Music CD of the Month in the UK’s Classic FM magazine. Prosseda has also given concerts on the pedal piano, rediscovering original compositions by Schumann, Liszt and Alkan. He wrote the book “Il pianoforte. A listening guide to piano music”, and made three documentary films dedicated to Mendelssohn, Chopin and Liszt.
Read more:
Roberto Prosseda: Mozart Sonatas 1-6 – CD from amazon.com World Premiere: Piano Piece in G by Felix Mendelssohn Italian and International Excellence in Cremona Sheet music: Mozart’s Piano Sonatas (complete) – Piano Street Urtext
from Piano Street’s Classical Piano News http://www.pianostreet.com/blog/piano-news/immersed-in-mozart-%e2%80%93-roberto-prosseda-on-recording-the-early-sonatas-8579/
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profoundnet · 5 years
Profound Member Post - November/December 2019
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Header by @cryptomoon​ and is available on merch from her redbubble store. You can use all those fancy emojis (and more!) on our Discord server!
The Masterpost is open for all creations by ProfoundBond members which are posted in their entirety during that month.
Masterpost below the cut.
JessJessTheBest - @saywhatjessie - JessJessTheBest
Forgot all prayers (of joining you)
Dean had forgotten how real and close emotions were when he was here. When he was this close to Cas. When there was nothing between them but time. He wasn’t saying any of this right. His words weren’t working. He couldn’t make his mouth cooperate. But maybe… Or Dean prays to Cas in purgatory. (s15 e08 coda)
Tags: s15 e08 coda, Dean Winchester prays to Castiel, Mild hurt/comfort
One Hell of a Pilot
He leaned again to get close to the pilot. “This is a rescue. I’m helping you escape.” He took a deep breath, letting it sink in for just a moment that he said those words. That he was doing this. There was no going back. Or Cas is a reformed Stormtrooper, Dean is a rebel pilot, and this is the story of their escape.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Star Wars Setting, Star Wars: The Force Awakens Spoilers, It's literally just the first 36 minutes of TFA, Poe!Dean, Finn!Cas
The_Madness_Linked_To_A_Hat - @the-madness-linked-to-a-hat - The_Madness_Linked_To_A_Hat
Happy Holidays Cas
Where Dean and Cas follow a seasonal tradition.
Tags: Mistletoe, first kiss, happy holidays SFW
Isangelousdenim - @isangelousdenim - Isangelousdenim
Wishful Drinking
It started with Dean drinking on a case. It escalated to Dean drinking everywhere.
Tags: TW: Suicidal Thoughts, Violent Thoughts & Alcohol Abuse Character Study, Season 15, Heavy Angst
Co-written by: Bumocusal
goldenraeofsun - @goldenraeofsun - goldenraeofsun
Head Down, Walk with Reason
As an omega, Castiel is ineligible for the throne after his father dies. When his uncle takes the crown, Metatron's first order of business is to arrange a betrothal with King John for the hand of his firstborn son, the Crown Prince of Terra.
So Castiel flees. His first night on the run, Castiel stumbles into a band of outlaws just at the border. Injured and wary, he has no choice to stay with them. And although he had planned to return to his own kingdom once it was safe, home might not be the place he left, but instead with Dean, their alpha leader that took him in.
Tags: a/b/o, medieval au, royalty au, omega cas, alpha dean, secret identities, angst with a happy ending, castiel and meg friendship NSFW
MaggieMaybe160 - @maggiemaybe160 - MaggieMaybe160
A Thanksgiving Feast
Dean Winchester's dirty prayer before Thanksgiving dinner leads to some shenanigans under the table. Tags: Food Kink. Top Cas/Bottom Dean.
One Night
An accidental one night stand between Castiel and Dean leads to whispered confessions and miscommunications.
Tags: Internalized Homophobia. John Winchester's A+ Parenting. Angst with a happy ending. NSFW
followyourenergy - followyourenergy
Christmas in July
When Dean Winchester follows a service dog who won’t leave him alone, he finds Cas Novak, passed out in a stairwell with a Christmas tree on top of him. A Christmas tree? In July? Who does that? Turns out that Cas does that. And once he gets to know the snarky, independent, handsome man, Dean can’t help but fall for him. A story about being seen.
Tags: Christmas, fluff and angst, pining, blind Castiel, service dogs, snarky Castiel, sweet Dean, falling in love
Nickelkeep - @nickelkeep - nickelkeep Pillowfort
Talk to Me Now
It started off simple. An ad on Craig's List: Looking for a Roommate, 700/mo, Utilities included...
Tags: AU - Roommates, idiots to lovers, pranks and practical jokes, misunderstandings, comfortably bisexual dean, queer castiel
Stuck in the Middle With You
"Fine." Cas slid his right pointer finger into the trap and almost instantly felt the trap snap around their fingers. "That's not right." Dean looked up at Cas. "What did you do?" Cas attempted to pull his finger out of the trap. "I didn't do anything."
Tags: canonverse, cursed object, idiots to lovers, homophobic language, everyone ships dean/cas, love confessions
What I Thought I Knew
Dean rolls his eyes and turns to go back to the kitchen when his eyes lock on a guy across the room. He has dark, messy hair and eyes that cannot possibly be so blue. He stares for a moment, ripping his eyes away only when he realizes the other guy has caught him staring. Dean blushes and rushes back into the kitchen. Tags: AU - Modern, Strangers to Lovers, One-sided Enemies to Lovers, Objectification, Miscommunication, Dub-con Kiss
Slice of Your Pie
He pulled up the Casual Encounters section of Craig's List and was surprised to find out how right Gabe was. Many people were offering their services for Thanksgiving company. As he scrolled through the ads, one with an interesting title caught his attention. Alone on Thanksgiving? Want to stop the ‘Why are you still single?’ questions?
Tags: AU - Modern, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Dysfunctional Family, Crush at first sight, pre-Dean/Cas, Homophobic Language, Sexism
"I wouldn't leave it there. I grabbed the most important things and left." Dean shook his head vehemently. "Are you sure?" Sam's face started to crinkle up in an 'I told you so' expression. "Did you really get everything before you ran and asked to crash with your baby brother and his wife?" Dean glared at Sam. "I don't want to go back. It can't be there."
Tags: AU - Modern with Magic, Witch!Cas, Witch!Dean, Blizzards, Car Accident, Getting Back Together, Angst with a Happy Ending
Overcome by a moment of whimsy, Dean walked down the stairs and stepped into the middle of the yard. He looked towards the sky and closed his eyes, letting the snowflakes gently kiss his skin. Tags: Canon Compliant, Fallen!Cas, Snow Angels, Marriage Proposal, Established Dean/Cas, Short and Sweet
Chandeliers of Hope
"You seriously Christmas themed our D&D game?" Dean rolled his eyes in disbelief. Charlie walked over and patted Dean on the cheek before taking some of the candlesticks out of Cas' arms. "Of course, I did. You said to write what I wanted, I wrote tonight's campaign. It's a one-shot, and it's going to be a lot of fun, I promise." "Gonna hold you to that, Red." Dean pointed at her accusingly before looking and smiling at Cas. "And I'm going to hold you as an accomplice."
Tags: AU - Roommates, Christmas Party, Characters playing D&D, Recreational Marijuana Use, Alcohol Use, Mistletoe Kiss, Cas/Dean First Kiss, Idiots to Lovers
A Cold, Dark Winter’s Night
Charlie pulled out a small gift bag and handed it out to everyone. "Secret Santa!" Cas rolled his eyes as Charlie came to stand in front of him, gently shaking the bag. He reached in and pulled out a slip of paper, waiting until Charlie moved to the next person. He flipped it open, and butterflies fluttered in his stomach. Dean.
Tags: AU - Roommates, Christmas Fluff, Idiots in Love, Secret Santa, Everyone Ships Dean/Cas
Twas The Night
“It’s Christmas Eve!” “Uh, yeah.” Dean got up from his bed and walked down the hallway to Emma’s room and leaned against her doorframe. “You gonna tell me something I don’t know, Kiddo?” “We need to get started!” Emma was sitting on her floor with her back to the door. “It’s Cas’ first Christmas with us, and I want to make sure he enjoys it.”
Tags: AU - Modern, Timestamp, Domestic Dean/Cas, Established Dean/Cas, Christmas Fluff, KidFic, Marriage Proposal
You Make it Feel Like Christmas
"Well, considering I haven't had a chance to go Christmas shopping. How about you?" Sam zipped up his bag and did a second check around the hotel room. "I already took your bag out to the car." Sam crossed the room to the motel door and headed outside. Dean stood in silence for a moment as Sam closed the door behind him. Shopping, on Christmas Eve?
Tags: Canonverse, Last Minute Christmas Shopping, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Light Angst, Happy Ending
Auld Lang Syne
"She's cute. You ask her out yet?" Dean stabbed his pie with his fork and shoved another bite into his mouth. "Uh, no. Why?" Dean winked. "Means she's available, right?" "No offense Dean, but you don't have a chance. She has standards." Cas took a sip of his tea and looked at his roommate. "Ouch. You wound me, Cas." Dean rested his elbow on the table and his chin on his knuckles. "Bet you I can get Meg to go to the New Year's Ball with me."
Tags: AU - Modern, New Year's Eve, New Year's Kiss, Oblivious Castiel, Eventual Dean/Cas, Dean/Cas First Kiss
Leafzelindor - @leafzelindor
Artwork for On The Road Again
Artwork done for the DCBB fic "On the Road again" Tags: destiel, fluff, au
For On The Road Again by @hekate1308​
Artwork for Life is But A Dream
Artwork done for the DCBB fic "Life is but a Dream" Tags: Destiel, AU
For Life is But A Dream by @crowleyhasfeels​
Jdragon122 - @jdragon122 - Jdragon122 Pillowfort
from stardust to stardust
~ from stardust to stardust ~ The art prize for the lovely gii-heylittleangel ;) who won the Destiel Artists United 500 follower giveaway! They asked for Castiel and wings XD my favorite lol. I was happy to comply <3
Tags: N/A
Jemariel - @jemariel - jemariel
Human Error
Cas is human now, and things aren't going to plan. (Not that Dean had a plan. Nope. No plans of any kind.) Anyway, what's a Winchester to do when everything he tries seems to blow up in his face? Go hunting. Obviously.
Tags: Human!Castiel, Alternate season 9, Casefic, Only One Bed, Mutual pining, Miscommunication, Sex under the influence of alcohol, Canon-typical violence, Wendigo, Injured Cas
Sarasaurussex - @sarasaurussex - sarasaurussex
Don’t Mess with Dean’s Alpha
Dean and Castiel are enjoying a relaxing night out, until Cas gets hit on by another Omega.
Tags: Omega Dean x Alpha Cas, Possessive Omega, BAMF Dean, Jealousy, Fluff
The Wendigo
Dean has a lot of baggage from his childhood. Castiel wants to help, if Dean will let him.
Tags: PTSD trauma, parental abuse trauma, Hurt/Comfort, Injury, Healing, First Kiss, Confessions
Destiel Christmas Sweaters, Part I
I had some funny Christmas sweater ideas and couldn't resist dressing up the boys. Dean is not amused. Tags: Destiel, Crack, Humor, Christmas
Destiel Christmas Sweaters, Part II
More ugly Christmas sweaters for the boys ;D Tags: Destiel, Crack, Humor, Christmas
Miracle on Lebanon Street
The bunker gets an unexpected visitor on Christmas morning, and it’s not Santa! (Contains Destiel and Sabriel)
Tags: Ugly Christmas Sweaters, White Christmas, Gift Giving, Christmas Feast (it’s pie), Mistletoe, Fluff SFW
vaudelin - @vaudelin - vaudelin Pillowfort
of mundane things
“You never told us,” Dean hisses, during a muted conversation carried in the protective depths of the kitchen. “You got hitched to a djinn? Since when?” “I did tell you,” Cas growls back. He slams on the faucet, filling the glass with vigor. “It’s not my fault you weren’t listening.”
Tags: Alternate Season/Series 14, dream walking, Dean in Castiel's Dream, Getting Together
a tale that can’t be told
Black leather and oil scent the air around him, a welcome change from antiseptics. Impala, Castiel thinks. Baby. Except he’s not allowed to call her that. A flash of brown panelling slides through his memory, rattling on a rusted truck bed with wood for bed rails. Outside the car, the brothers are quietly arguing. Castiel cranes to listen, but he only picks out a partial phrase from Sam: Since when was he losing his powers? The snippet from Dean is even more troubling: Is Chuck fucking with us by giving him a factory reset?
Tags: Alternate Season/Series 15, Castiel Losing His Powers, Human Castiel, Memory Loss, Dean's Top 13 Zepp Traxx Mixtape, Castiel's Missing Brown Truck, Getting Together, Sharing a Bed, Hopeful Ending
low voices in the library (are appreciated)
Sam moved, though in which direction Dean couldn’t yet tell. Not the library, Dean mentally begged. He didn’t want to deal with the scene Sam was about to stumble into, let alone its know-it-all aftermath. Tags: Library Sex, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Semi-Public Sex
a handful of seeds
Dean paused in his chopping. He swiped the green pepper chunks into a neat pile on the cutting board. He was running out of excuses to make. Weakly, he asked, “Where would I even keep a garden?” Cas, sensing victory, rose up in height. “Behind the bunker entrance, in the patch of earth lined by mulberry bushes.” Dean cursed, caught out. “Why’d you even bother to ask, if you already knew?” Softening, Cas gave a small smile. “I’d like to add to it, if that’s okay.”
Tags: Mary Winchester Feels, Gardens & Gardening, Domestic Fluff
LanaSerra - @lanaserra​ - LanaSerra  &  Spandwiches  - @spandwiches - spandwiches
300 Complementary Characters: a forum on Kansas City University’s student website. You can write whatever you want, but it has to be 300 characters or less. Dean is crushing hard on Sam’s TA, but it feels different than it has before; it feels like he needs to do it properly, to have a grand declaration and to prove that romance isn’t dead. What better way to profess his feelings than posting a poem on 300cc? Castiel is torn. There’s no mistaking the poem is for him, but who could be posting them? Despite being very tempted by the very attractive new light and sound engineer that will be working on the play he has written, Castiel can’t ignore the feeling that he and the anonymous Poet are meant to be together. A comedy of errors, mutual pining, and erotic poetry.
Tags: college-au, two person love triangle, explicit poetry, fluff, the boys fail to use their words while using ALL of their words, consent is sexy, POV switching, explicit, minor Sam/Eileen
MittensMorgul - @mittensmorgul​ - MittensWraith
This Must Be The Place
Seven years after their profound meeting, Cas knows he's exactly where he was always meant to be. (a sequel to Lifetime Piling Up, but can be read as a standalone)
Tags: Doctor Castiel/Tattoo Artist Dean, Established Relationship, Marriage Proposal, Fluff
On This Night
Something goes terribly wrong while hunting a djinn. Newly-human Cas had never considered what the effects of djinn poison could be for a human, and struggles to remember why everything seems just so slightly off when he wakes up back at the cabin he and Dean had been staying in during the hunt. The cabin has been transformed with holiday decorations, and Cas wonders just how long he'd been unconscious. Only when he tries to get answers from Dean, reality comes crashing back in on them both, in the best of all possible ways. Tags: Canon case fic, Christmas Fluff, snowed in, first kiss, POV Castiel, djinn dreams
firefly124 - @firefly124-writing​ - firefly124
Making It Up as We Go
Dean’s not entirely sure what he’s looking at, but he’s almost sure it’s a message from Chuck.
Tags: mentions of past (temporary) MCD, spoilers through SPN 15x06
Something Bright to Dispel the Gloom
A road trip to Salina had sounded like a good idea when Dean had suggested it. Cas hadn’t been back for long, though, and this was shaping up to be the world’s most awkward road trip ever.
Tags: spoilers through SPN 15x07
Crumblin’ Down
Dean’s feeling nostalgic. Cas is mystified. Sam is oblivious.
Tags: spoilers through SPN 15x07
Overdue Explanations are Overdue
If Dean thought this day had been a rollercoaster ride before, he didn’t know what to compare it to now.
Tags: spoilers through SPN 15x07, reference to past (temporary) MCD
Faith, Hope, and Maybe Something Else
Castiel figured he’d probably just ensured that the Empty would never come for him.
Tags: spoilers through SPN 15x07, reference to canon character deaths
The Choices We Make
Castiel takes a moment to reflect on the choices he has made as well as those others have made, and is presented with a new one to consider.
Tags: spoilers through SPN 15x07
Wargurl - @wargurl83​ - wargurl83
Christmas in the Bunker
Join TFW as they discover a little bit of the magic of the season. Tags: Cannon-Divergent, holiday shenanigans
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profoundnet · 6 years
Profound Member Post - February 2019
Tumblr media
Header by @cryptomoon​ and is available on merch from her redbubble store. You can use all those fancy emojis (and more!) on our Discord Server!
The Masterpost is open for all creations by ProfoundBond members which are posted in entirely during that month.
Masterpost below the cut.
MaggieMaybe160 - @maggiemaybe160​ - MaggieMaybe160 (Pillowfort)
Listen To Me
Summary: Amara was given the thing she needed most so she gives Dean what he needs. What if John Winchester came back instead of Mary?
Tags: Major Character Death, Graphic Violence, Heavy Angst
Wandering Angel
Summary:  From a prompt: When Sam and Dean died, Cas was still exiled.
Tags: Major Character Death mentioned, Heavy Angst, Song Fic
Come Into My Office
Summary: Castiel goes to work for Sandover when Zachariah kidnaps and brainwashes Sam and Dean. An office romance blooms when Dean has to call Castiel into his office.
Tags: Episode: It's a Terrible Life, Explicit Sex, Top Cas/Bottom Dean, Fluff/Smut/Light Angst
The Valentine’s Date
Summary: Cas sets up the perfect date to tell Dean how he feels on Valentine's Day.
Tags: Season 14 Spoilers, Love Confessions, Angst
Summary: Castiel can't tell what's real and what's the brainwashing from Naomi.
Tags: Major Character Death, Graphic Violence, Episode: Goodbye Stranger, Heavy Angst
The Secrets That You Keep
Summary: Dean Winchester is allergic to shellfish.
Tags: Major Character Death, Allergies, Heavy Angst
I Am The Nightmare
Summary: Dean has been having night terrors and Cas is trying to help him as they become more dangerous.
Tags: Graphic Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Inspired by Real Events
Defeat the Night||BAMF!Destiel 
Summary: Supernatural Fan Video Tags: Demon Dean, BAMF SFW
casbean - @casbeanwrites​ - casbean
‘Til Dreams Do Us Part
Summary: Dean’s woken up in a hospital before. He doesn’t like it, but it’s part of the job. It happens. And he doesn’t mind it as much when the first thing he sees is his husband’s face. Castiel looks terribly grim, until he notices that Dean is awake. “Heya, sunshine,” Dean grins. His vision is still a little blurry and he flexes his fingers -- they still move. So do his toes. Good news. “Dean!” Sam enters his field of vision, the weary expression on his face morphing into relief. “Thank God, we didn’t know if--” “Hey, I’m fine.” Dean manages to stretch out his hand and pat Cas’ arm. “What happened?” “You don’t remember?” “Remember what?” “The Djinn got you. He kept you for five days, and your dream made him so strong he almost killed us both.”
Tags: Alternate Universe - Genie/Djinn, Djinn fic, Hurt/Comfort, Married Castiel/Dean Winchester, First Kiss, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending
Summary: “This isn’t how I imagined we’d first share a bed,” Dean lets out without thinking about it.
Tags: Case Fic, Sharing a Bed, Mutual PiningHurt/Comfort, Human Castiel (Supernatural), Canon Compliant
Summary:  “The spell calls for… angelic… um. Spunk.” “Spunk?” “Yeah, y’know.” “I don’t,” Cas frowns. “Sperm, Cas. We need your jizz for the spell.”
Tags: Fuck Or Die, Mutual Pining, First Time, First Kiss, Blow Jobs, Case Fic, Canon Compliant
unlucky swap
Summary: “Dude, what the fuck did I say?” Sam huffs. And rolls his eyes. And despite the fact that it’s been over two weeks, Dean’s heart still squeezes at how Cas that gesture is. Because, well, it is Cas. Just stuck in the sasquatch body of Dean’s humongous brother.
Tags: Body Swap, Established Relationship, Married Castiel/Dean Winchester, Case Fic
Duck and Berries
Summary: A story about a meet cute, a duck confit, and a small matter of mistaken identity.
Tags: First Meetings, Falling In Love, team switch, Castiel and Jimmy Novak are Twins, Misunderstandings, Angst with a Happy Ending
MalMuses - @malmuses​ - MalMuses (Pillowfort)
The Greatest International Love Story the World Has Ever Seen
Summary: Dean wasn’t the type of person who did this kind of thing. He just wasn’t. GISH?? Ugh. The whole thing was just further proof that Dean would do anything his brother wanted him to do. Why else would he be in a Stormtrooper costume, calling up his ex-girlfriend for a private yoga class? Had he been stuck in a rut that long? Given that he’d been pining for the same freakin’ guy, his professor and coworker no less, for three long years… maybe. Cas was definitely the type of person who did this kind of thing, not that many people knew that. He was one of the most well-respected professors at KSU. His students and coworkers didn’t need to know that he was captain of a GISH team, or that he knitted kinky accessories and made art with his online friends. His TA certainly didn’t need to know either. Just professionalism, of course. Nothing at all to do with the failed attempt at a relationship, three years of pining, and frequent inappropriate daydreams. A two-person love triangle with online friendships, costumes, and a lot of glitter.
Tags: AU - Modern Setting, Two person love triangle, Comedy of Errors, GISH, Mutual Pining, Dean Cas Pinkest 2019
With accompanying art by blueeyesandpie (@blueeyesandpie​) 
drawlight - @drawlight - drawlight  (Pillowfort)
The Crane In White 
Summary: Once upon a time, there was a little crane who fell in love with a human. He prayed every night to be made human to be with his love. Once upon a time, Dean Winchester finds a white crane.
Tags: Fairytale, Falling In Love, Romance, Creature Castiel, Pining
EllenOfOz - @ellen-of-oz​ - EllenOfOz
Dark Blue, Dark Blue
Summary: Written for Dean/Cas Pinefest 2019. In late 2006, Castiel and Dean are in the same guild and raid team in the online game, Moondoor. They only know each other by their character names: Niteryder and Thorsangel, but they hang out and chat whenever they’re not raiding. Dean is baffled though—no matter how much time they spend talking online, Angel never reveals anything about himself. That’s because Castiel is in hiding. At school he hides behind his emo image and stays as invisible as he can, but online he’s got to be extra-vigilant. He can’t reveal anything about himself to Ryder, as much as he might like to—doing so would risk bringing trouble down on himself and his mom. There’s something about Ryder that makes him easy to talk to, though. But outside of the game, ghosts from Castiel’s family’s past are out for revenge, and going back to Lawrence, KS to visit his friend Meg could put him in danger.
Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, MMORPGs, Gamer Castiel, Emo Castiel, Mutual Pining, Bi-Curious Dean Winchester, Long-Distance Friendship, Friends to Lovers
deaniewithalittleweanie - @deaniewithalittleweanie - deaniewithalittleweanie
Valentine’s Day 2019
Summary: Dean and Sam find a strange case in Chicago about a couple who confessed their long concealed crushes on one another and both had heart attacks during the throes of passion. Castiel tags along to investigate.
Tags: First Kiss, First time, Love Confessions, Case Fic
Building Up
Summary: As Dean and Castiel's relationship progresses, Castiel realizes that Dean hasn't exactly had safe practices in the BDSM world, and now it's Castiel's job to show him the ropes...pun intended.
Tags: Dom Castiel, Sub Dean, BDSM, Punishment Scene, Aftercare
NadiaHart - @hartlessfiction​ - NadiaHart (Pillowfort)
Thunder in The Library
Summary: Castiel’s work as the Head Librarian of The Grand Library of Magic and Lost Artifacts has him away on a last minute trip for far longer than he anticipated. By the time he returns, there’s a certain book who’s less than pleased with his inability to keep his word.
Tags: Magical Castiel, magic is known, Curses, Cursed Dean Winchester, Magical Dean Winchester, Fluff, Tooth Rotting Fluff, Librarian Castiel (Supernatural)
robotsnchicks - @robotsnchicks​ - robotsnchicks
Gimme The News 
Summary: Dr. Novak crosses his arms and glares at Dean from across the room. “If you think there’s a foreign object lodged in your rectum then I suggest you go to the emergency room so they can take an x-ray and properly address the situation.” Dean sucks his lower lip in and then releases it into a pout. “Aw c'mon doc. I've got a ten dollar copay here. If I go to the hospital I'm looking at a couple hundred minimum.” He spends some time admiring the strong length of the doctor's hands. “Besides I'd much rather have my favorite doctor’s fingers in me than some stranger at the ER.”
Tags: Doctor!Cas, Patient!Dean, Medical Kink, Humor and Smut
Aceriee - @missaceriee​
Grand Gestures
Summary: Valentine’s Day art
EmiliaOagi - EmiliaOagi
Presenting Dean Winchester
Summary:  Dean finally start presenting his secondary gender, and Castiel has an unexpected reaction to Dean's new scent. A somewhat different take on a/b/o, set in a canon-divergent universe somewhere around season 8/9
Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Fluff and Smut, Hand Jobs, Omega Dean Winchester, Alpha Castiel
elanor-n-evermind - @elanor-n-evermind​ - elanor-n-evermind
Pride Flags of the Oddly Shaped Empty A/B/O Universe
Summary: Secondary pride flags inspired by Jemariel's fic Oddly Shaped Empty
Tags: A/B/O dynamics, genderqueer, beta Dean, alpha Castiel
iCeDreams - iCeDreams
Dean's Top 13 Zepp Traxx
Summary: Dean's love language is told not in words, but in songs. In the notes of his favorite rock band and the rhythm of their melodies. His longest unfinished work is composed of Led Zeppelin songs, chosen for the feelings they evoke. It's Dean's life, reflected into one mix and shared carefully in hopes that he would be heard and understood.
Tags: Canon Compliant, Dean's Top 13 Zepp Traxx Mixtape, Inspired by Music, John Winchester's A+ Parenting
Darmys - Darmys
Long Road Home: Unto the Breach 
Summary: Sam and Dean set out on a journey of danger and discovery. Joining forces with a band of outcasts and rebels, they plan to strike a blow for freedom against the vast and powerful empire which stole Bobby from them. This is the second part of a massive space opera trilogy. Based on the original work of Alis A. Rasmussen.
Tags: Alternate Universe - The Highroad Trilogy, Alternate Universe - Space Opera, Past Benny Lafitte/Dean Winchester, Past Dean Winchester/Nick Munroe, Robot!Baby, Canon-Typical Deaths, Canon-Typical Violence, Referenced Past Rape/Non-con, Period-Typical Racism, Revolution
Salt-And-Silver - Salt-And-Silver
The Thief
Summary: The Empty’s threats echoed through his mind. Every rare happy moment, clouded with the reminder that he couldn’t let himself feel too much.
Tags: Major Character Death, One Shot, Heavy Angst, Angst & Tragedy, Love Confessions 
supernatural9917 - @supernatural9917fic​ - supernatural9917
Into This
Summary: Dean is finally going to confess his love to his best friend. He gets quite a bit more than he bargained for. Written for the Destiel Smut Bingo 2018. Square fill: 'I didn't know you were into this.'
Tags: AU, Friends to Lovers, Cas is a professional dom, mention of past Castiel/Meg, mention of Castiel/others in a professional D/s context, These two idiots have been pining for years, Light Dom/sub
De-stressing Mr Smith 
Summary: Dean Smith's stoner hippie neighbour Castiel thinks Dean is wound up way too tight, and offers him a couple of different methods to de-stress. Written for the Destiel Smut Bingo 2018. Square fill: Endverse!Cas/Dean Smith Tags: Endverse Cas/Dean Smith, Castiel Acts Like Endverse Castiel, Dean Smith, Episode: s04e17 It's a Terrible Life Sort Of, Castiel and Dean Winchester are Neighbors
For Science
Summary: Dean signs up to take part in a science experiment studying brain activity during arousal and orgasm. Jerking off to porn for money? Sounds like his dream job! Things get a little more complicated when the person running the study turns out to be his secret crush, Cas. Written for the Destiel Smut Bingo 2018. Square filled: For science.
Tags: for science, Exhibitionist Dean Winchester, Science, Scientist Castiel, Accidental Voyeurism that's a little bit on purpose
Double Deaned 
Summary: Tomorrow, they're gonna kill the devil. Tonight... well, they've got other plans. Written for the Destiel Smut Bingo 2018. Square filled: Endverse Sandwich (2014!Dean/2014!Cas/2009!Dean)
Tags: Endverse sandwich, Threesome - M/M/M, Angst, Endverse Dean is a dick, implied breath play
And the Academy Award Goes To....
Summary:  It's Oscar season! Will the Academy give Whisper Its Name the recognition it deserves? A Red Carpet Chronicles timestamp.
Tags: Red Carpet Chronicles, Timestamp, Alternate Universe - Actors, Oscars, Chick-Flick Moments, Fluff, Mountains and mountains of fluff, Cas is so proud
Accompanying art by delicious-irony
dean-cas-in-the-impala - @dean-cas-in-the-impala​ - dean-bangs-cas-in-the-impala
Summary: Cas finds a kitten. Dean is not happy. But for how long?
Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Romance, Domestic Destiel, Destiel in the bunker, kitten fic
Will You Bee Mine?
Summary: Whatever Castiel bakes just tastes heavenly.
Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Romance, Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day Fluff
insominia - @a-insominia​ - insominia
Roadside Assistance
Summary: Dean Winchester is probably the most decent human being Castiel has ever met, not to mention gorgeous. But, Castiel has more baggage than an airport terminal and Dean's only being kind because Castiel broke down in a snowstorm and nothing is going to happen. Probably nothing.
Tags: AU - Modern Universe, Attempted Kidnapping, Strangers to Lovers, Love at First Sight, Fluff and Smut
My Brother, Dean
Summary: Sam Winchester doesn't know much about Dean's secret other-half. He only has half a name to go on 'Cas'. Whoever she is, she's probably a gorgeous brunette who loves beer and pie and Sam doesn't care that Dean wants to keep her a secret, he's just glad his brother is happy. It was going to happen eventually and Dean invites Sam out, probably with an eye to introducing them at last. Nothing goes to plan and it turns out Sam knows nothing.
Tags: AU - Modern Setting, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Coming Out, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Implied Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Family Fluff
Chick-Flick Moment
Summary: Dean wants to do something nice for Cas, but what do you get an angel of the lord to show your appreciation? Enter: Sam, with the great idea of 'how about you ask him if there's anything he wants?' Which is fine until Cas says, 'I want a chick-flick moment.' But Dean said he'd do anything and he intends to deliver.
Tags: Date Night, Romance, Fluff
I'm Just Not Myself (When You're Away)
Summary: It's been three years now and Dean hasn't said a word. He left so much unsaid so now he says nothing.
Tags: Angst, Post-Canon, Forgetful Dean Winchester, Growing Old, SFW 
The Hunter’s Church
Summary: The gates of heaven are closed to Castiel and not even his voice can penetrate it. After the Winchesters have passed Castiel still hunts and the new hunters sometimes pray to the legendary guardian angel of hunters. He always comes when they call and all he ever asks in return is that when they pray they pass on a message - I'm safe and I love you.
Tags: Future Fic, Post-Canon, Family Feels, Angst and Feels
All in a Name
Summary: It's 5 am and Castiel wants a coffee. It's surely not an unreasonable request.
Tags: AU - Coffee Shop, Meet-Cute, First meetings, fluff
Fifty Shades of Cas
Summary: Castiel asked Dean to show him what 'Fifty Shades of Grey' meant. Dean has only the vaguest idea what those excuse-for-soft-porn-in-chick-flicks are actually about but he's not one to back down from a challenge. Unfortunately for him, Castiel knows exactly what 'Fifty Shades of Grey' means and is happy to illustrate the gaps in his knowledge.
Tags: Dom/Sub Play, Fifty Shades of Grey Bashing, Misunderstandings, Frottage, Oral Sex, Restraints
zipegs - @ghstfcers - zipegs
Summary: A collection of 100-word drabbles as prompted by the Profound Bond Discord’s weekly challenge. Each chapter will correspond to a one-word prompt, with at least one stand-alone drabble per chapter.
Like Salvation 
Summary: That’s the kicker, isn’t it? The moment Dean wants to keep fighting is the moment it’s no longer an option.
Tags: Episode: s14e12 Prophet and Loss, 14x12 coda, Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, First Kiss, cas and dean get the emotional moment they deserve
PallasPerilous -@pallasperilous - PallasPerilous 
Twenty Questions
Category: General
Summary: Dean is AWOL, so Cas rides shotgun. Sam does his best to fill the silence with an entirely academic inquiry into the nature of Enochian pronouns and their relation, or lack thereof, to the gender of human vessels.
...it's more fun than it sounds.
Tags: Castiel & Sam Winchester, Ficlet, Angel Gender, Angel True Forms, POV Sam, Conversations in the Impala
Category: General
Summary: Demon!Castiel for @bisexualdemondean
Tags: Demon!Castiel, AU, tailored suiting is hot
Canadduh - @canadduh - canadduh (Pillowfort)
Never, Always, Forever
Summary: He knew that drinking games were bad news. Especially drinking games that involved him, Cas, and a few too many shots of tequila.
Tags: Never Have I Ever, Bottom Dean Winchester, Top Castiel, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Fluff and Smut, Angst, Post-Coital Cuddling, Come Eating
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