#but truly quite the eye-catching title in my discover weekly playlist!
spotify discover weekly providing some bangers this week! never knew I needed Hieronymus Bosch Butt Music
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writerkenna · 5 years
The Lights of Stars and the Glitter in your Eyes Chapter 3
Okay y'all here's the spotify playlist. It is my jam, seriously: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/33fFZZf5GuCb5iKylbEL1V
Songs that I listened to while writing this, in no particular order: I Do Adore, Let's Hear it for the Boy, Yellow, Daddy Issues, and Anything for You
The meetings, which consisted of councils that were becoming increasingly blurred in Thor’s head and streams of words like ‘judiciary system’ and ‘delegation of power’ pounding at him, had become thrice weekly, always in the morning, always packed.
“I’d like to put my name in for consideration,” Valkyrie said with enough force to rouse Thor’s chin up from slumping on his hand. He hadn’t slept well-consistently hadn’t been sleeping well, whether that be Bruce sharing a bed with him or his political strife was undetermined-and had only been half a part of the conversation so far. He scanned the room and its holographic boards to catch up. Leader of the warrior force, Thor deduced.
“Uh, I, me too, for that. Yeah,” Korg followed. Valkyrie shot him a look, but Korg didn’t seem to notice. The groups of people that made up the councils and parliamentary members present in the room were generally displeased by both nominations, not that they really could do much about it. In the end, Thor would make the choice. On every council leader and major edict of society, it was him who would make the call, which was a boost to his ego while also terrifying as all hell.
Valkyrie eyed him carefully, and Thor knew just from the shift of her lip that she was deciding her odds. She deserved the title, more qualified than anyone in the room, excluding himself, maybe, despite what the rest of the assembly thought of it, thought of her time away from Asgard. Thor would try to find Korg some position, though, fabricate a title if he needed to.
“I’ll see those of you on defense again three days from now. Education and Agriculture, tomorrow morning,” Heimdall ordered. He had alleviated Thor of the duty of running these things, and Thor was more than grateful. They disbanded in a shuffle of mumbles and Thor dredged himself up to stand.
“Hey,” Valkyrie said as she shoved her elbow against Thor’s bicep. He shoved back at her with a grin.
“Trying to take up the old mantle, huh?”
“Yeah,” Valkyrie eased slowly, a prick of something being held back and shift of her shoulders, prepping for a fight, “so?”
“No, no, it’s good! I’m like, yay, Val, you go girl!” Thor covered quick, gesturing a non committal fist bump and Valkyrie took it with a side-arching smirk and roll of her eyes.
“Okay, then.”
“Just don’t let the, well, the others worry you, alright? You’re suited for this.” Thor hoped this was enough for her to understand his leanings, as much of a hint he felt he could reasonably give. Valkyrie’s eyes went wide and her lips formed a flat smile. It warmed Thor a little, to issue something with some effectiveness, some net good.
Loki passed them and they both called after him. He halted with a huff.
“Yes?” he hissed at them both.
“So, what, no bid for power?” Valkyrie snarked back.
“I was expecting at least some sort of coup attempt or something,” Thor added, his glance catching on Loki, who was not exactly mad, maybe closer to a flat discomfort.
“No, not this time. Not me.”
It dawned on Thor how quiet Loki had been in the past two weeks of meetings. No bursts of anger, no snips at parliament, no desperate sieges on Thor himself. It was almost like Loki was actually exhibiting restraint, or possibly embarrassment, maybe some sheepishness to act around a people who would never trust him, but past experience made Thor doubtful of any of those.
“Well,” Thor sighed, feeling some mix of awkward tension and familial sympathy. He shifted on his feet and looked away from the lines of Loki’s unreadable but undeniably dreary eyes, “I think I’m going to find Bruce now.”
Loki and Valkyrie’s eyes connected for a moment, and a smile crossed Loki’s face for the first time in a while. Thor didn’t understand them.
“Mmhm,” Valkyrie hummed. Thor leaned in to them for an explanation, hands squared at his hips, but Loki just breezed a snip of a laugh as Valkyrie wiggled her brows too fast, a sort of suggestion of something.
“Go on,” Loki said with a flick of thin fingers on a tight hand, smirking in a way Thor knew was never good for him, “find your mortal.”
Thor was not in the habit of referring to Bruce, in any capacity, as ‘his mortal’ and he wanted to battle on Loki’s usage of it but both him and Valkyrie looked so smug he didn’t think it would do him much good. Thor sniffed a goodbye and turned towards the cafeteria.
Bruce was in the middle of conversation with a gaggle of kids when Thor found him. They were teaching him an Asgardian card game that was older than Thor. Bruce, everyone had discovered, was actually pretty good with kids when all his context wasn’t hanging around. Thor hesitated before stepping over.
He noticed, not for the first time he must admit, the true gentleness of Bruce Banner. It was an extreme counter to Hulk and all his brash moves, swings of fists and garishly loud outbursts at the wrong times. Bruce was contained and careful with every adjustment he made. Thor could see it right then, how he took his time as he slid cards to the members of his circle. Each movement started with a ducked head and a shared look, quick but practiced, a final check of consent, a caring concern, before Bruce enacted it. It was close to overwhelmingly sweet, if not worryingly so.
“These kids are whoppin’ my butt, Thor!” Two of the girls in the group giggled. Thor lowered himself around Bruce’s shoulders. Bruce adjusted and Thor caught a hint of a smile and a touch of a blush.
“Play this one.” Thor touched a card with the blunt edge of his nail and Bruce flipped it down onto the table. Someone issued a groan and Bruce gained a point. Thor removed himself from over him, catching the closeness. Bruce gave the win to the kids after the next round and Thor and him made their way back to the room.
“Give me like twenty, thirty minutes, and then Weird Science, okay?” Bruce said as he pulled up all his tabs and his ever-growing paper. It was his plan to have the full paper done and ready for peer-review once they landed, as a sort of homecoming gift of well wishes to earth, a band aid for his long absence from academia. Bruce wouldn’t tell him directly, but Thor could feel the nerves and apprehensions boiling so clearly under Bruce’s skin when they talked about their destination. Thor was relieved the paper was, if not an actual solution, a nice distraction.
Thor flopped belly first onto the bed as Bruce got lost to his work. He appreciated their routine after meetings, work time for Bruce, then a Midgardian film, before they split again and he went to spar with Valkyrie or Korg or any warm, muscled body he found and Bruce dove scrunched-face first into the study of the science of matter in a void or something of the like. Thor, on most days, enjoyed the brief moments of sleep he could steal before Bruce woke him up for the next cinema classic he determined was on their required viewing list.
Thor managed fifteen minutes of a nap before he roused himself with a low groan and pulled two thick packets from his nightstand. He was supposed to have his new education system picked by the next morning, and the thought of that made him want to be swallowed up by the satin sheets under him so deep even Heimdall’s sight would be blind to him. Yet, still, he made a try to read the dense things. As Thor finally reached the bottom of page two, Bruce concluded his work session and turned over his shoulder to him. Thor’s eyes flicked up from his pages and gave Bruce one small scan.
He exuded, even in Sakaarian dressings, a very specific energy, the energy of someone who could be actively interested and spend ten straight hours of research on topics Thor fell asleep just hearing of. Frankly, Bruce Banner was a huge nerd.
“Okay, so this one is-” 
“You must come to my meetings with me.”
“Ah, buddy, I don’t… that’s kind of an overst-” Bruce took a pace back to his screens.
“Yes! This is a brilliant solution! You shall come from now on, Bruce. It’s set.”
“Am I even allowed to be there? Like, isn’t it sort of an Asgardians only thing?” Bruce stumbled, wringing one finger around another.
“Korg’s there,” Thor supplied, seeing his idea, his salvation from the weight of a whole people on his shoulders slinking away as Bruce broke eye contact.
“Well, I-”
“I really want you there,” Thor pleaded. The corner of Bruce’s lips flicked up briefly, enough for Thor to count it as a win.
“I-maybe, okay, I’ll think about it. So am I, like, going as your . . . friend, or just a bystander, or . . . ?”
Thor puzzled on this. Bystander, a very inactive and unhelpful role, was not what Thor wanted. He had sort of pictured more of someone who would pretty much make all the choices for him. He beamed when he found the right word.
“Chancellor. You can be my chancellor. Will you?” Thor pulled his knees up under himself, growing giddy with the the idea of it and feeling his chest get a little lighter. Bruce’s eyes were wide and Thor couldn’t figure if they were going more towards bright surprise or intense shock.
“Ah, wow, that’s-Thor, thanks. That’s, um, chancellor sounds like a big deal, though,” Bruce said as he paced his way over to the bed with his careful tension.
“Well, yes, it is a bit, I suppose. You’d be my advisor and confidant for all matters. Every great king has had one,” Bruce was still unconvinced, hanging on the edge of sitting on the bed and avoiding Thor’s stare. Thor was beginning to feel a hint of desperation in himself, and he suddenly needed this more than he thought, “Bruce, please, I could really use this. And you are-I mean this quite truly-the smartest person I know.”
This seemed to be the secret charm for Bruce, as hearing it made his smile bloom into his cheeks, his bottom lip tucking up under his teeth in a way that reminded Thor of how full Bruce’s lips were.
“Well, I guess I . . . where do I start, then?” Bruce shrugged, not fully sure, but it was enough to get Thor to bound up like a spring to deliver Bruce the packets.
“Yes, yes, thank you, Bruce. You are a wonderful friend. Here, education system outlines. I’m supposed to have one picked by tomorrow.” Bruce’s brows spiked up and he shot Thor a look that was the exact halfway between the start of a laugh and the dip of a frown. He shook his head and opened up the first packet. Thor leaned over and tried to be subtle as he watched Bruce’s face scan the papers. Bruce had the paper close to his eyes as he picked at each line with his finger tracking along, the same look he got when he found a good source on cosmic ray collisions (and Thor actually knew what that meant, which, if anything, was a testament to Bruce’s passion). He seemed to be getting more out of it than Thor could have ever hoped to.
“You should go with this one, I think,” Bruce said as he handed a packet back over to Thor, “It has a really good curriculum already set for the younger kids and a lot of elective choices for the older ones. It will be good for entering the workforce.”
Thor blinked down at the paper, then back up at Bruce who was aflame with blush.
“You’re a genius.”
“Ah, ha, I don’t know about that-” Bruce’s lips went tight across his teeth and his face reddened even further.
“You are,” Thor affirmed. In terms of genius Avengers, Tony was usually the first one that people thought of, but Thor felt, especially over the course of these past few weeks spending majority of his time with Bruce, that he knew exactly who the real brain of the team was. Stark always seemed to understand this, too, if his little remarks about Bruce’s papers and the way he deferred to Bruce in their shared lab work were indicators. Bruce’s intelligence and how far it stretched amazed Thor to no ends, from the second they had met in New York. Bruce was stunned into silence and Thor admitted he was a bit pleased with himself that he was the one able to make sure Bruce was aware of his own brilliance. They were staring at each other now, stuck in that silence, and Thor felt a tingle of electricity mixed with something else slip down to his fingers.
There was an uneasy rumble from beneath their bed and as Thor started up to check on it, the ship jolted harshly to the right and he landed face first into the pillow. He pulled his head up to find Bruce tossed against the floor.
“Thor, y-you okay?” Bruce staggered as he peeled himself off the floor. Thor was quick to pull him back up.
“Let’s go,” Thor shot, and then they were on their way to the hull, bolting down as the ship rustled and tossed. Once they reached the front of the ship, Valkyrie, Heimdall, and Loki were already there. Outside the front window, rocks crashed about them, immense and jagged.
“What’s happening?” Thor asked the crowd.
“Asteroid field that wasn’t on our maps,” Heimdall informed. Another rock hit their left and Bruce fell into Thor’s side. Thor wrapped an arm around him to steady them both, and because Bruce was looking just a bit green at his corners.
“We need to-” Loki started, but he stumbled forward as they were slammed into from behind. A low growl bubbled out from the figure under his arm and Thor checked to find Bruce shaking whatever that was off him.
“Thor, you, ah, you gotta get me to the r-room, now, or I-I gotta-” Bruce’s sweat was sponging off onto Thor’s shoulder. Thor pulled his arms tighter around Bruce as he squirmed.
“I’m going to-uh . . .” Thor shot his eyes over to Loki, who upon seeing Bruce groaning, nodded fast and gestured them off. They had a hard time even staying balanced as Thor got them both back to the room. Bruce was lost from him at this point, half green and drifting further from himself with each tumble of the ground below.
“Bruce, hey, Bruce, let’s just-” Thor tried but Bruce had been good as gone since Thor had closed the door.
“Thor!” The word ripped out of the morphing body in front of him, breaking in the middle, shifting from Bruce’s squawk to Hulk’s howl. A green head tossed back with a roar and Thor was face to face with an eight foot mass focused only on him.
“Hulk, my friend,” Thor eased, with careful hands poised out in front of him as he tiptoed closer to Hulk.
“Hulk miss pretty god. Hulk come to see him.” Hulk pressed in towards Thor, that cocked up grin back again. Thor was washed over with guilt and he shut his eyes with a wince. The interaction started to feel like a betrayal and Thor fell back a few steps away from Hulk.
“You . . . you can’t just take over Bruce to see me. That’s not okay.” Thor remembered Bruce’s theory, the pendulum effect, and worry covered the pit of his gut as he considered a permanent loss of Bruce Banner. Hulk grunted, his brow folding into angry creases, and he punched a lamp off a counter.
“No, no, Hulk want Thor! Hulk come see him!” Hulk threw large fists onto the bed and a pillow bounced to the ground. As his arms continued to thrash about, Thor could see the trajectory of this freak out and while the ship rocketed them around, Thor rushed over to him to calm the storm.
“Okay, shh, shh now,” Thor murmured as he put a hand to Hulk’s chest. He felt the thunder of his heart simmer down to a rumble, and Hulk lowered to sit on the bed, green eyes softening when they found Thor in their line of sight. Warm breath gusted across Thor’s neck and they both inhaled together. Thor chanced a grin, “hey, sorry, we’re okay, alright. I missed you, too. I-just, is Banner going to be able to come back, uh, maybe, one day?”
Hulk frowned at the accusation and nodded. Thor sighed and the situation felt less hefty.
“Hulk let Banner come back tomorrow, okay? But Hulk and Thor first,” Hulk said in a near whisper, a voice Thor was hearing for the first time, and Thor’s breath caught when it hit him, soft and crackling like a hiss of a dying fire. It was a surprise to neither of them when Thor was pulled into the crevice between Hulk’s legs and their lips crashed like a spray of ocean into each other.
The guilt still covered Thor, but it was being eaten up by his excitement. He squeezed his thighs together in some last ditch attempt to stop him from falling down this hole again, but he had been thinking about Hulk’s cock inside him for two weeks and his member was like a dagger jabbing his leg. He was little more than a pulsing mass of flesh that hungered for the dark and full taste of Hulk, and Bruce’s well-being had slipped far, far, back in his mind.
“Unghh, fuck, Hulk, please, take me,” Thor groaned. He rutted himself against the point of Hulk’s knee. Hulk hissed and hummed, playing out a rhythm with his puffs of air into Thor’s hair.
“Thor go here,” Hulk moaned and Thor gave over to Hulk’s force as he moved into the V of Hulk’s legs. Hulk ripped off the bits of torn scraps of Bruce’s pants and Thor’s chest plummeted forward when he was level with the twitching of Hulk’s dick. The ship rattled him forward and his hand was on it.
“Ooh, I . . .” Thor didn’t finish whatever his train of thought was driving towards. He buckled at his waist and stretched his lips into a vice grip around the head of Hulk’s cock. It was pulling him too tight, tight enough that he fretted for the briefest moment his mouth might crack at the edges. But, he wouldn’t, he affirmed to himself, and in the heat of this, in the euphoria that was the challenge of Hulk, found he would allow himself to crack.
Hulk rocked his head back and forth across his shoulders and Thor tracked the motion, rolling his tongue over the slit of the head. Hulk shivered under Thor’s palms.
Thor had decided that this was what he wanted, constantly. He wanted his limits pushed while Hulk moaned and he rubbed himself raw. He wanted to be a whore for this cock, for all the parts of Hulk’s warm and muscled and strained and yet so, so sweet form. Thor dipped down further on the shaft, enhancing his moans to ridiculous proportions, because he needed it to reach Hulk and seep into his ears until his soul could feel Thor’s desperation.
They were animals here, stripped of their context and all of Thor’s problems and Bruce's anxiety and Hulk's danger, and they were just two creatures grinding against each other. They were base and primal, and that fact was making Thor delirious as he yanked on his cock. Hulk splattered in and across Thor, Thor following a moment or two after, and they both slipped back from each other.
Thor licked across his lips and sucked in Hulk’s seed. It was bitter at first but as Thor swallowed it down, it was sweet on his throat. He looked up under his lashes at Hulk, who was panting with a grin. They blinked at each other for a moment, and then Thor was hoisted up and over the rim of the bed to land upon Hulk’s wide barrelled chest. Thor rested his head down, wondering as he rattled in the bed  if he needed to get back to the hull and assist, but then, giving in, he shut his eyes, and he guessed they were cuddling. He liked it more than he would have expected to.
They didn’t bother with cleaning up after, as there was some satisfaction in staying sticky and soiled together. They slept in the blanket of their stench of sex, one of Thor’s more sound sleeps recently.
When he woke up to Bruce, he removed himself without a word, and when they saw each other in the meeting, when Thor saw Bruce’s gentle grin and tired eyes, last night was moot.
(I know RDJ is in Weird Science shhhhh he's just Tony's doppelgänger) 
ps yes they have watched dumbo together it was the first film they watched
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ratretro · 6 years
NaLu Angst Week Prompt 4: Distance
Title: Nights in Crocus
Pairing: NaLu
Prompt: NaLu Angst Week 2018 - Distance
Rating: M;
None of these characters are owned by me, they are all owned by the wonderful Hiro Mashima!
I mean I feel like I lost my angst touch near the beginning but now I’ve got it back so hopefully I do myself some sort of justice with these now
I made a whole angst playlist tbh
 Nights in Crocus were the worst, in Lucy’s opinion. The hustle and bustle of the city below her never ceased and always continued well into the morning. The hoots and hollers of the drunks, the fireworks during the many festivals held in the capital, and worst off all: her deadlines. The scattered ruins of balled up papers, and several rough drafts littered her wooden floors as she prepped her next article. It wasn’t one of importance, but Jason insisted it was ‘cool!’ and that he thought it held something special for her.
             It didn’t.
 Lucy thought she might be ready to throw another draft to the ground when she decided to stop. She decided to just simply stop. Now, the blonde had never once missed a deadline. Even as her sleep deprived aching body dragged her ass into the office to hand it over to the printers. This time she might really have to let this article go. It would have to be late.
 She stood quickly, her chair legs making a noise similar to nails on a chalkboard before she left the mess that was her desk behind. It wasn’t long before the blonde was running down the streets of Crocus and heading towards the forest surrounding it. She never could see the stars from her apartment in the city. There was too much going on and the lights of the town drowned out the night sky. She was angered by this on nights like the one she was currently experiencing. It had taken her more than a month to discover this special spot in the woods that gave her an entire view of the expanse of the universe above her.
 Most nights it made her feel small, but it also allowed her to be closer with her spirits. It was like she could physically bask in their presence when she sat under the dark blanket of midnight. The bushes rustled, and a branch sliced into her thigh. It stung, but wasn’t anything that caused her to faulter. She had experienced much worse than a cut made by a branch.
 The clearing in front of her had nothing but grass and a single rock in the middle. That was where she sat to let the light of the moon wash over her. Today was no different. It wasn’t hard to focus on the sky but sometimes she hated it.
 It reminded her of the night he left. She’d run the streets of Magnolia just the same as she’d run them tonight in Crocus. She’d even barged into the woods thinking if she was quick enough maybe she’d catch up. But she never found them. She never found Happy, and she’d never found him. She’d made it a point to not say his name, because it always brought the tears that she’d spent months holding back. It wasn’t like he’d be gone for good. He said he’d be back in a year, and she had to trust that. It was just that she wasn’t sure he’d come back. With Fairy Tail broken up, and nothing to tie him to what she’d felt was home she just wasn’t sure if he would.
 She hated thinking like that. She hated doubting him when she knew damn well he’d come home. But it was nights like tonight when she was stuck on her work and stuck in her own mind that those moments hit her like a freight train. That’s why she was never late for a deadline after all. If she worked hard enough she could drown out the anxiety, fear, and worst of all the loneliness.
 She stood slowly, and a stick under her boots crunched. If Aquarius were here she’d tell her to get it together, and to stop being such a crybaby. But Aquarius wasn’t here either.
 They both were gone. She’d lost the two most important people to her in one day, and sometimes that was hard for her to bear. She wondered if the pinkette was looking up at the sky too? Was he thinking of her too? She rubbed her eyes viciously with the back of her hand before turning to head back. She’d force that idiot dragon slayer to make it up to her when he came back. He owed her a dinner or two!
 This time she walked home. There was no nervous scrambling. She wasn’t on the verge of panic. She just walked leisurely all the way home. There were no men in boats on a canal to tell her to be careful, the lights of her apartment were off just as she’d left them, and there was no angry landlady greeting her to ask about rent. It was home, but at the same time it wasn’t.
 Regardless, she entered and the lights flicked on by themselves. It was a nifty feature she’d found tedious to set up and she nearly quit about four times, but some days the hard work paid off. The fruits of her labor still lay in shambles on the ground and she internally groaned at the thought of having to fix them.
 Once again, she hated the nights in Crocus.
 Natsu hated nights like these when the sky was too clear, and he could see the stars above, but at the same time he loved them. It was like a reminder of what was waiting when he went back to Magnolia. He’d never been one to be alone for so long, not that he was truly alone he had Happy, but he was used to the constant activity of the guild. Still, this was something he had to do. He had to get stronger to protect the ones he loved. He couldn’t protect Igneel, and he couldn’t protect Future Lucy. He’d failed them both.
 He couldn’t fail again. There was only one Fairy Tail. But most of all, there was only one Lucy. That didn’t mean he didn’t feel bad. Still, she was in the safe hands of the guild so he wasn’t worried. In fact, Gildarts had given him a gift as proof. Apparently, the mage had destroyed another village, but not before he’d gathered a few Sorcerer’s Weekly magazines. It was the one item Natsu stored carefully in his pack, but on nights like this he’d pull it out, and read it. Tonight, was one of those nights.
 His thumb ran across the name on the page: Lucy Heartfilia. She’d finally done it. She’d gotten published by the magazine she’d admired for years. His smile was fleeting, and quickly replaced by a frown. She would have shown him first. She would have smiled just like when she got her Fairy Tail mark.
 “Natsu! Look!” and she’d have shoved the magazine in his face until he finally took a good look at it.
 While he didn’t understand why she loved to write so much that didn’t mean he didn’t support her. In fact, he wished he could tell her just how proud he was of her. He hated nights like this where the sky was so vast above him, and so open. He wondered if her spirits could see him.
 Surely, she’d be just fine. She had her spirits, and Fairy Tail. She’d be just fine. He delicately placed the article back into his pack. He hated nights like these. He missed her, and he couldn’t wait to go back home to see her again. He wanted to tell her all of his adventures, and all that he’d seen.
 But seeing the stars that reminded him so much of her made him want to racing right back. He couldn’t do that, but temptation always struck on nights like this.
 He hated nights like this, but he loved them too.
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