#but uhhh... good luck with the rest of your.. probably short and painful life?
tabellae-rex-in-sui · 2 years
Acquitted 😌
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(there's no mention of his friends and allies idk what's the deal with the others)
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nct-lian · 4 years
nct 2020 reacts to the “visions of you” trailer
warnings: murder, use of knives (stabbing), blood
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the video started off with nct’s group greeting, introducing themselves and saying what they’d be doing in the video
the video started off with nct’s group greeting, introducing themselves and saying what they’d be doing in the video
“today we will be doing what, shotaro?” taeil pointed to shotaro who was sitting comfortably beside him
“uhhh we’ll be watching lian noona’s new dramas trailer!”
all the members then clapped and cheered, happy she was acting again
johnny cut in and said that lian was sitting behind the camera on her phone and that she was also there
lilizens are crazy and he knew the members would get hate for “leaving her out”
xiaojun, who was seated in between mark and jungwoo, took the initiative of putting his finger on the mouse to see how long the video was
“wah—! this is the longest trailer ever, it’s five minutes long!”
a chorus of “woahs” and “welp it must be interesting then” sounded through the studio and it made lian laugh behind the camera
everyone else there after that: pls she’s so cute
“would anyone like to summarize the drama briefly?” taeyong scanned the room, looking for a member who volunteered
sungchan raised his hand up high, offering quickly
“okay well it’s about a student who gets murdered, but stays in the world as a ghost and falls in love! right, noona?”
lian beamed and gave him a thumbs up from behind the camera when she saw that he was looking for her approval
“yes! good job, channie :)”
“let’s watch it, yes?” jungwoo hit play excitedly, already anxious to watch it
the trailer started out with soft music playing in the background, a pair of friends skipping through the hallway of what looked to be a school
the camera panned over to their front profiles, and it showed park mikyung (lian) and what people found later to be “kim minji,” her best friend
lucas shouted out, “예뻐 !! (pretty)” when he saw her smiling brightly
she laughed quietly, careful not to disrupt the viewing, yangyang following after her
it was dark outside, and it was clear the two friends are heading out of the school after night classes
when they both exited the front doors of the school, a couple other students waved goodbye with a smile, “bye mikyung! and minji, too”
“ahh~ she’s the popular girl” lian could pick up what shotaro said in japanese and nodded
taking the camera off of the best friends, it went over to a boy who seemed to have been looking at them from afar, almost hidden away behind a wall
the mysterious boy mumbled, “just you wait, mikyung-ah” and chenle had to slap a hand over his mouth in order to hold in the loud ass gasp trying to escape
“minji, i’ll call you tonight! i have to get home, my mom is probably waiting” mikyung could be seen giving her friend a hug and walking away from campus and onto the sidewalk
she gracefully flipped the straightened hair out of her face, pulling her phone out of her backpack along with her earbuds
“play taemin-sunbaenim!!!!!!!!” haechan suddenly yelled, the group chuckling afterwards
it was like haechan predicted what would happen, as they then saw that she chose to play a shinee song on her walk back home
though the fun was cut short as the members watched the screen closely, mikyung stopping in her tracks as she slowly turned her head to look behind her
“omg she hears footsteps, MIKYUNG BE CAREFUL” yuta raised his voice
she swore she heard footsteps, but shrugged it off anyway and continues walking, bopping her head slightly to the beat
mikyung began hearing the footsteps come closer, and everyone watched as she picked up her pace in walking
it wasn’t long before she turned her head around again, but this time she saw the same boy from the school
the members gasped out loud, yelling at mikyung to run and that it wasn’t safe there
mikyung didn’t run, though, and she just stared at him
“ahh- mikyung-ah- i was just heading home, are you heading home as well?”
she could only nod at him and wave goodbye, but she waited until he was out of view and in front of her so she could go back to her home while feeling safe
the rest had happened so quickly, mikyung running as fast as could to get back to the safety of her household
“FINALLY- RUN MIKYUNG” yangyang cheered
the trailer had skipped over to her finally entering the apartment she lived in comfortably with her mom, but her mom hadn’t seemed to have gotten home yet
she took off her backpack and walked into her room, taking out the contents and spreading them across her desk neatly
she dropped the backpack onto the floor and walked back to the kitchen to get some grapes to eat while waiting for her mom
“gosh why is this so scary?” hendery piped up, watching as mikyung washed her grapes and put them into a bowl, heading into her room for what they assumed to be a late night study session
a time lapse of mikyung writing down notes and flipping notebook pages took over the screen, and now an empty bowl could be seen sitting in the sink
a ring went off, startling renjun a little bit
the members all clung onto each other, the trailer gradually getting scarier and scarier even though there was almost nothing happening just yet
after the ring sounded, mikyung looked over her shoulder and saw a faint shadow hiding behind one of the curtains that had covered the sliding doors of the apartment
“OH MY GOD SHE’S GONNA DIE-“ jisung shouted
mikyung let herself gasp, hastily feeling around her body to check whether or not she had her phone on her, and to her luck at that moment, she did
she pulled out the phone and hurried to enter minji’s chat room, typing as fast as she could, mikyung sent a simple text that said, “call 911. i need help”
the floorboards creeked behind her, and she knew whoever was behind those curtains was coming closer and closer
if she didn’t start moving now, there was an incredibly high chance she could literally die right there right now
mikyung put her phone back into the pocket of the skirt that came with her school uniform and tried to run, but something griped around her waist before she was able to escape what was once her safe place
she grunted, feeling the grip tighten
“i’m terrified” mark’s eyes widened at the scene playing out in front of him
mikyung wanted to scream, she wanted to let her neighbours know she was in danger, but a hand covered her mouth before she could do so
“ah, mikyung-ah.. if only you knew the consequences, hm? if i can’t have you, nobody can.” and with that, the same boy from the school, the same boy who stopped her on her way back home, plunged the knife into her back with no hesitation
he let his hand uncover her mouth to hear the cry she let out as she fell to the floor, blood oozing out of the open wound in her back
the boy chuckled to himself, removing the knife from her back to increase blood loss, but he didn’t stop there
he continued to stab her, creating another wound in her back and one in her stomach
he left her there to suffer, exiting through the glass doors in the kitchen and carefully walking down the steps that led to the street outside the apartment complex
the gloves he was wearing to mask any fingerprints from being discovered were taken off and thrown in a trash bin, along with the knife he used to kill mikyung with
the focus of the camera however was no longer turned to him, but was back in the now quiet kitchen of mikyung’s home
her body was still on the floor, a pool of blood now visible from underneath her
it was seconds later that her eyes closed and her breathing stopped, her face going emotionless
park mikyung was dead
all the members had frowns on their faces, not being able to see her in such pain even though it was all fake
a sniffle was then heard from the back row of the members, the boys in front all turning to look behind them
“johnny, are you crying?!” taeil shreeked
“you’re NOT crying?!” he wiped his eyes and sniffled again
“oppa! don’t cry!” lian shouted at him from behind the camera
he shook his head in retaliation, “this is so sad! what a cruel world we live in.”
the members all laughed at that, somewhat understanding where he was coming from
“i’m going to be traumitized for life after this.” doyoung said
off camera, johnny received a tissue from a staff member, allowing everyone to continue the viewing of the trailer
jungwoo hushed the little side conversations, telling them they still had two minutes left of the video
everyone settled down and stood still in their respective seats, full attention back on the laptop sitting at the front
sirens were going off like crazy, mikyung’s lifeless body still laying there in a pool of blood
by the time paramedics arrived along with a swarming line of police cars, as well as minji herself, there was no saving mikyung
the cries of minji could be heard even though the camera wasn’t focused on her
it was devastating to watch
montages of other clips then played out, a scene of an incredibly sad, middle-aged woman was shown sobbing in front of mikyung’s picture at her funeral
dressed in a black hanbok, she bowed down to her daughter’s picture that was surrounded in white flowers and banners that wished her peace and happiness in the afterlife, crying for her to come back
“i’m about to cry too-” taeyong said, feeling bad for the woman
the scene was soon over, a new and happier one playing instead
it finally showed the second main character, son eunsang, quietly walking down the hall and looking for a water fountain
mikyung was walking on the other side of him and looked over to see what he was doing
she got a little closer, thinking nothing of it because, well, she was a ghost
but she stopped in her tracks when she caught eunsang looking back at her
she waved a little to see what his response would be, and to her surprise, he bowed
“can you see me?” she questioned, and she gasped when he nodded his head
that was the end of the clip, but another one followed in its tracks
“yah, don’t walk through me!” mikyung yelled, eunsang walked right through her body in order to get away from the conversation that they had (which wasn’t included into the trailer)
a couple of the members laughed at that, but the rest remained invested in the video
more tiny little scenes went on to play after that, light-hearted moments between the two main characters left the members smiling fondly
but it was one scene in particular that had them all clapping for eunsang and cheering him on
a group of boys, seemingly popular, had been teasing eunsang for only god knows what, but they had also mentioned mikyung
they were saying things like, “you look rather upset after mikyung died. did you like her? eunsang, did you like a dead girl?”
different angles of the shot had shown mikyung standing beside him, some didn’t. but after she had seemed to have enough of the stupid conversation topic, she brought out her hand and slapped one of the boys’ books onto the ground
her being a ghost, nobody knew how the books had fallen and his sidekicks took a step back
they started to think eunsang was some sort of wizard
eunsang smiled down at her and followed in her footsteps, throwing a punch at the same guy who had just stood back up after picking up the fallen textbooks from the floor
jaehyun finally spoke up after that, “wAH! hwang inyeop is so cool!”
the rest of the members agreed with him and all started clapping, “THAT’S RIGHT EUNSANG. PROTECT OUR LIANNA” they cheered
after that, there weren’t too many other clips that were worth pausing for. just cute moments, and a few angsty ones to get viewers excited for the series
the trailer ended with a loud bang, a big logo of the title displayed out on the screen with the release date right below it
the voices of lian (mikyung) and inyeop (eunsang) had both read out the title in sync
and with that, he trailer was over
the members all did one final synchronized clap, applauding the amazing acting skills they were able to see
“that was so good! any final thoughts?” taeyong took the lead
hendery raised his hand, “i’m so excited for this. when it comes out, i’ll be waiting for it to finish so that i’m able to binge watch it :D”
a couple of the other members nodded their heads, agreeing and saying that it’d be better to wait so they’re not left on a cliffhanger
more sweet commentary continued for a couple more minutes before the filming process began to get too long, so they had to finish it off quickly
“wait! lian, come say something!”
lian, who was behind the camera, looked from her phone and went over to the group of boys
she took a seat on jungwoo’s lap and began speaking
“hii~ i’d just like to say that i hope you guys are looking forward to “visions of you” !! inyeop-oppa and i worked really hard, and we wish for you all to enjoy watching it~ please give it support when it comes out, and have fun watching the trailer if you haven’t already! bye bye~”
after she said goodbye to the camera, the boys all did as well and the video came to a close
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megan0013 · 4 years
Chuckin’ a ⭐️ your way.
Sorry this took so long to answer! I wasn’t sure if I wanted to share or not, but then I realized VARIABLES is never going to get to this point anyway (though I’m halfway done with chapter six) so I might as well write out my thoughts and send them off into the universe.
That being said - this is more of a 1,350 word abridged and super self-indulgent ending than a “Director’s Cut”.
Jim goes into the Darklands months after he does in canon; thus, Gunmar doesn’t take over Trollmarket until Barbara is near the end of her pregnancy. And, unfortunately, she happens to be in the middle of an appointment with Vendel (who does not die) when the coup takes place. She’s recognized immediately as the Trollhunter’s mother and is taken captive after Otto tells Gunmar that Morgana would be most interested in a human/changeling hybrid. Gunmar considers it for a moment, and then appoints the poor polymorph as Barbara’s keeper. Which is how she’s able to stay healthy(-ish) throughout her imprisonment.
Fast forward a couple weeks, and Morgana is finally freed. One of her first orders of business is to go goad the Trollhunter’s incarcerated mother. She walks into the medical dwelling (where Barbara has been kept), monologuing, and then freezes.
“Uhhh… No. My name is Barbara Lake.”
But Morgana is convinced Barbara is the reincarnation of her long-lost love (I think they used the same character model, so that’s what this is based on) and decides that, as the mother of all changelings and Gwen’s lover, she’s entitled to keep/raise this baby.
Team Trollhunter is freaking the fuck out.
Especially when they’re in the middle of planning a rescue and Strickler’s face suddenly scrunches, and - oh, holy shit - the baby’s coming. There’s a fun scene in which Strickler is in absolute agony and, somehow, Toby winds up holding his hand.
“Omigosh! Breathe, Strickler! Breathe! You’re having a baby!”
“Do I look like I have the equipment to give birth, Domzalski? Fuck off!”
“I’m hurt, Strickler. Wounded.”
Abruptly, all the pain stops.
But then a feeling of fear, and exhaustion, and unparalleled love overwhelms him as the bond moves from a physical connection to an emotional one.
“It’s too late,” he says. “We’re too late.”
They’re not too late, and within twenty-four hours they (Strickler, Claire, and Aaarrrgghh) manage to infiltrate Trollmarket. Strickler finds Barbara. They have a very panicked reunion - “Oh my. That’s  my daughter, and I’m so happy but we must get you out of here right fucking now.” - before Claire portals them to the hospital, where Nik and a very specifically picked team are not-so-patiently waiting.
Morgana is pissed.
Anyway. There are a few complications but, ultimately, both mom and baby are okay. Barbara is sedated to help her heal (which is probably not something that happens irl, but let’s pretend - ok?), so Strickler is able to get some good bonding time in with his daughter while trying to keep up with Jim’s persistent, panicked texts.
At one point, Nik tells Strickler to go home for a few hours. He does, but only stays long enough to shower and pack a bag before heading back to the hospital - with Jim in tow. There’s a lovely brother/sister moment, and then Barbara wakes up and there’s an even lovelier brother/sister/mom/dad moment.
Jim goes home and instantly agrees to Merlin’s terms, while Strickler tries to talk Barbara into leaving town with the baby. She’s not having it. At all.
“Have you forgotten I’m the one person Morgana wants alive?”
Toby texts later that evening to see if they’ve heard from Jim. Barbara freaks and Strickler goes to join in the search for him. It’s a very tense day, followed by a very tense evening and a super awkward conversation in Barbara’s hospital room at 3 am wherein Jim starts gnawing absently on a stethoscope.
All this happens while Morgana is plotting out how best to bring forth the Eternal Night, betray Gunmar, and get her little ‘family’ back. She summons Otto (the changelings aren’t slaughtered, btw, and some of them are pretty sympathetic toward Strickler after seeing him around town actually living what they thought was only a fantasy life) and instructs him to kidnap the baby.
“You want me to… to steal Stricklander’s daughter?”
“Were you not listening? No, I want you to bring me the child that is rightfully mine. Her mother will surely follow.”
He’s hesitant but goes to do as he’s told.
Only, he doesn’t get a very good look at Nik when they pass in the hallway and winds up getting a few of his features wrong. Which probably wouldn’t matter if he were trying to trick anyone else, but Barbara and Nik have known each other since 8th grade and she calls him out almost immediately.
“You’re the polymorph. Otto, right? Walt’s told me so much about you.”
“He has?”
“Of course. He said you two used to be close - like brothers. In my book, that makes you family. Would you like to meet your niece?”
And, just like that, the Lake’s adopt another changeling.
Something Strickler is most skeptical of when he returns to the hospital a few hours later to find them chatting about some dumb stunt he’d pulled back in the early 1600’s. Nomura meets up with them, too, and the four manage to hash out a stupid, harebrained scheme to keep Morgana distracted up to, and during, the final showdown with Jim.
(I haven’t quite thought out all the specifics yet, but the plan includes Nomura in a glamour mask and Otto squeezing into a teeny, tiny little shape - so, you can guess where that’s going)
Barbara and baby are released from the hospital after three nights (might be two, idk, we’re playing fast and loose with the timeline here). They get home, entertain a few unexpected guests, host some impromptu strategy sessions, and then settle in for a small family meal that Strickler prepares in the hopes of bridging the gap from Jim’s old human palette to his new troll one. It goes over way better than canon, that’s for sure.
Later, after Jim has left to prepare for battle and the baby is finally down, a teary-eyed Barbara asks Strickler if he’s willing to stay with her that night. He jumps at the chance, because…
They still aren’t together.
They’ve ‘shared a bed’ once or twice since he moved in, but those were moments of passion and need that had only ever manifested into miscommunication and more. mcfreaking. yearning.
(They were roommates, anyone?)
And now? Well, this is definitely one of those moments. But with sex off the table, and a newborn two feet away, and the end of the world looming - maybe he should just tell Barbara how he feels about her?
“If something happens and I don’t come home tomorrow, I need you to know… My feelings for you haven’t changed. I’m still hopelessly in love with you.”
Of course, she feels the same.
Vows are made, kisses are exchanged, and they manage to get a few hours of rest before their daughter starts grumbling in her sleep.
The next day dawns bright and beautiful, and before Strickler leaves for battle Barbara wishes him good luck. He kisses her, then the baby, and says:
“This is all the luck I need.”
Or something like that.
(Because I think this kid’s name is Felicity [meaning ‘happiness’, and derived from felicitas meaning ‘luck, good fortune’]? Though, I might have just left it as Rory for consistency’s sake. Fun Fact: Rory is short for Aurora [Goddess of the Dawn], which I thought was a fitting name for a changeling to give their daughter.)
Ok, back to the story.
Everything, surprisingly, goes according to plan. Morgana is sufficiently distracted by Merlin and Aaarrrgghh, then by Otto and Nomura long enough for Jim to vanquish the Skullcrusher once and for all. But then she catches a whiff of the changeling magic surrounding Otto and Nomura. Everything sorta goes to hell after that.
True to canon, however, Team Trollhunter wins in the end by trapping Morgana in the Shadow Realm.
But only after Strickler sacrifices himself to save Jim’s life.
They all live happily ever after.
(Until, ignoring Wizards altogether, Morgana breaks free a few years later and kidnaps the one changeling who isn’t a product of her magic, and is thus impervious to her mind control. Hijinks ensue. Morgana is rather pleased when the kid’s parents show up to rescue her.)
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westcoastrry · 4 years
Tracing The Stars Chapter 10
Blairs POV
Harry played a great game.
He only played in the first half but ended up scoring two goals, and we ended up winning four to one.
I was originally going to sit by myself when I got here, but Maya saw me and demanded I sit next to her.
I didn't know her very well. I just knew that she was Harry's friend. I know they have been rumored to mess around, and I definitely believe it. She was beautiful, but there was no need for me to be jealous. I was not dating Harry, he was my friend, and that was it. Harry's past or present sex life is also none of my business.
Maya was also extremely nice. All I knew about her was that her parents ran some big-time magazine in the city. We talked the entire game about the school musical, soccer, and she even asked me a couple of questions about my job at Joe's cafe.
Once the game was over, I noticed Harry and Gabe talking to a scout. We briefly make eye contact, and he mouths a "Wait for me," and I nod my head in response.
I was getting a few stares now that the game was over, and people started to realize I was wearing Harry's jacket, but I didn't have time to overthink the situation because Harry finally came up to me with his brown curls pushed back with a headband.
"Harry, you played so well!" I say, wrapping my arms around his shoulders going in for a hug.
His arms settle around my hips. "That was the best I've played so far. Looks like you are my good luck charm peach."
"Hey, you are coming with us to Joes', right?" Gabe says, walking over to where Harry and I are standing.
"Yeah, I'll drive with Blair," Harry responds. "I think the rest of the team can split up in cars."
Gabe smirks at us. "Yeah, yeah, alright, we will give you two your privacy."
By the time Hary packed his stuff up, and we drove a short five minutes to Joe's, a lot of people from the game were already there. Harry leads me to sit in the booth next to him.
At the table was Don, Tristan, Levi, and Jacob. They were all seniors on the soccer team, and I know they usually come to Joe's after soccer games because I have served them all a couple of times. Maya sat next to Gabe, and a girl named Aaliyah, who I recognized from the cheer team, sat next to Tristan, who I believed was her boyfriend.
The rest of the girls cheer team sat at a table directly adjacent from us. I can't believe that used to be me last year. Between school musicals, the cheer team, my job at Joe's, Justin, and trying to keep up with parties and appearances at school, I was so stressed out. I don't even miss cheer that much, to be honest. It is such a popularity contest, and it was so draining.
I jumped at the feeling of Harry's arm snaking around my waist, bringing me slightly closer to his side. I was caught off guard at first, but the way butterflies spew off in my stomach and my cheeks going red and slightly tingled reminded me of when I first started dating Justin.
That was the first tell-tale sign of having a crush.
I embraced the feeling of Harry's arm around me, placing the side of my head in the crook of his neck.
Maya winks at me from across the table, and I send her back a smile and breathe out a weak laugh.
"How is your leg Harry?" Don asks.
Harry's fingers dance around the side of my hip. "It's good. No pain or anything for now, and I hope it stays that way for the season."
"Blair," Tristan spoke. "Yo, Long time no fucking see. Where the hell have you been!"
I laugh at his greeting. "Around I guess."
"Blair, remember those shrooms we did with Harry and Jacob sophomore year at Gabe's Party?" Tristian brings up.
"Yep. I'm pretty sure Harry fell into the pool that night," I giggle, looking up at Harry.
He groans. "Okay, I was high out of my fucking mind. Can we not bring that up."
"You single?"Jacob asked.  "You still with that Justin kid?"
I shake my head. "Nope, we broke up at the end of junior year, been single all summer."
Levi rolls his eyes jokingly. "Uhhh, who's gonna tell him," he says, pointing a finger at Harry. "If you are single, you might want to tell this guy. I think Styles believes he is your boyfriend the way he is all over you."
Harry becomes flustered, and his face falls red from embarrassment. "Alright, all of you shut up about me."
The conversation continues, and it feels like I have been with these guys forever. We reminisced about our old party days. Jacob brought up the time I got so drunk and threw up on his dad's boat, which I don't remember probably because of how wasted I was.
Gabe also asked me why I quit the cheer team. I just gave him the short answer and told him all my extracurricular activities were piling up.
At one point, the conversation ended up on my Dad, and who he says the worst player is. No one would believe me when I told them I didn't know, even though I knew it was Harry.  Levi swears it's some freshman named Dylan who made varsity soccer on a fluke, but I didn't even know who that was.
Our waitress finally came up to us. I recognized her as Candice. She got hired about a week ago, and I already liked her. We both complained about our overly affectionate boss on our breaks.
She waved at me before introducing herself to the table.
While Candice went around taking orders, Harry whispered in my ear, "How do those burgers sound."
I smile up at him. "Fuck yes."
Maya, Harry, and I ended up in deep conversation about our science teacher, Mr.Gunnerson, an old crazy nerd. While I was too lost in conversation with Maya, Harry's arm moves from my waist to my thigh, rubbing the exposed skin that my jean shorts did not cover.
A whirlwind of emotions hit me when I first felt Harry's touch on my thigh. I tensed up at first, not really sure what he was planning to do. When his hand just settled on my thigh, rubbing up and down, I was able to settle my emotions. I liked having Harry's hands on my body. It was a constant reminder that he was right beside me. Harry and I were sitting extremely close to one another, our sides practically overlapping. I really loved the attention he was giving me, and I wish I could just whisk him away and throw myself at him.
Was I ready to throw myself at him?
Absolutely not.
But my hormones were getting the best of me, and what was once innocent butterflies in my stomach was now a raging fire in the pit of my stomach, damp panties, a flushed face, and short isolated breaths.
The boy wasn't even touching me in a heavy sexual manner, but I was already all hot and bothered for him.
After I finished my food, I quickly excused myself to the bathroom needing a second before I jumped Harry's bones in front of everyone at the table.
When I got to the bathroom, I splashed a bit of cold water on my face hoping to cool down a bit.
"B!" A voice yells.
I turn around from the sink to see two cheerleaders whose names I can't really remember and Megan standing directly behind them.
"So I see you are wearing Harry's letterman?" The brown-haired one, whose name I think is Kacey.
My eyes dart downwards, a nervous habit, before answering her question.
"Harry just gave it to me because I was cold."
"So, how was the sex?" She curiously asks me. "I tried to fuck him this summer, but he was with some other girl at the time."
My jaw sets, and I can't help but feel a sting of jealousy.
"I didn't have sex with him. Harry is my friend."
"Please, we saw him all over you at dinner tonight." Kacey presses.
Megan places her hand on Kacy's shoulder and reprimands her in a whispering tone. "Can we just leave, please?"
Kacy scoffs. "Hell no! We all know you were Justin's whore anyways. What are you doing Blair hmmm? Trying to fuck every soccer player in the county?"
I was tired of being walked all over.
Fuck this.
I took a few steps up to Kacey, so I was a couple of inches away from my face. "First of all, I didn't fuck Harry, and even if I did, it would be none of your fucking business. Secondly, I'm no one's whore. Even if I did fuck every guy in this county, it would be none of your damn business Kacey!"
Once I finished my rant, I was about to storm out the bathroom when Kacey spoke up again.
"My name is Kelly."
"Oh wow. I don't care." I spit back, slamming the door.
High school is the most dramatic fucking place ever.
What was the point of that? My sex like, which is non-existent, is no one's business. I wasn't even surprised when Megan didn't stand up for me. She has always cared way too much about popularity and appearances.
I know Kelly is only lashing out because I have been hanging out with Harry, and she is jealous, but I'm just tired of being caught up in drama when it's the one thing I have done my best to avoid. I wish high school could be a place where everyone would mind their damn business, but this is Eastwood Highschool, and everyone here feeds off of drama, drugs, and partying.
I stormed out of the bathroom, and Harry was about to say something, but when his eyes set on me, he acknowledged the annoyed expression on my face.
"Peaches, you good?"
I grab my bag from the booth, searching for my card to pay the bill. I just want to leave Joe's as fast as possible.
"I'm fine. Where is the check?"
Harry sends me a look. "I paid it. Are you sure you are okay?"
I tilt my head looking up at him with a frown. "You didn't have to do that, Harry. We could have at least split it."
"It's not a big deal," he reassures me. "Let's get out of here."
Everyone walks outside to their cars, and I frequently forget how rich the kids who go to Eastwood are. Gabe and Maya have walked into some fancy BMW, and Levi speeds off in a Mercedes.
I don't even have a car yet. Sometimes I drive my mom's Toyota Camry on the weekends when she doesn't have work, but I have been saving up for a car, and hopefully, by the end of the year, I could afford my own.
Harry and I got in his car, and he placed his hand instantly on my thigh, backing out of his parking spot.
Before we could pull out of the lot, Maya, who is in the passenger seat of the Gabes car, rolls down her window and calls out, "If you two are going to have sex, send us an invite!"
The palm of my hand slaps my mouth in shock at Maya's bluntness.
Harry speeds off before Maya could let anything more vulgar come out of my mouth.
"You okay, Blair? You seemed a little distressed coming out of the bathroom." Harry asked, still focused on the road.
I sigh."Yeah, I had a bit of a run-in with some girls from the cheer team. They called me Justins whore, and they thought I was fucking you."
Harry frowns and looks annoyed by my words. "I'm sorry. I knew that you wearing my jacket would bring some attention to you, but I didn't think anyone would have the balls to say it to my face. Also, I'm sorry what they said to you about Justin."
"It's okay. I'm used to the rumors. Everyone thought I was fucking him even though I wasn't."
He snaps his head towards me with a raised eyebrow. "What?"
I laugh. "Yeah, literally all rumors. He tried fingering me a couple times, but it never felt good, and I never came, hence why I thought my clit was broken. A few heated make-out sessions and I gave him a handjob once in his car, but that was it."
Harry snorts. "During our all star-game, he literally told us he fucked you. What a fucking asshole."
"Yeah, he really was," I mumble out.
Harry notices my change in tone because once he pulls up into my driveway, he puts the car in park and turns towards me.
"Are you a virgin, Blair?"
Did he not like the fact I was a virgin? I know Harry was a super experienced guy when it came to sex, and maybe he wasn't into virgins.
"It's not a bad thing." He quickly reassures me.
"Yes, I have never had sex before. I usually don't do what we did the other night at Gabe's party," I trail off with my voice. "But I really liked it."
My confession makes my heart thunder, and my throat goes dry. I never got to tell him how much I enjoyed that night. When it came to Harry, I had this internal war with my brain telling me to leave him alone but my hormones telling me to let myself go.
Harry brings his other hand to my thigh, rubbing up and down and looking me in the eyes.
"Well, there is more of that where it came from Peaches. If you want it."
We stare into each other's eyes for the briefest of seconds. The tension between us was suffocating, and I wanted him to make a move so badly.
"Harry," I softly whisper.
"Fuck it." He whispered, searching for approval.
I slowly nodded my head, and that was all he needed for him to attach his lips to mine.
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rwbyremnants · 5 years
NOTE: Sorry for all the delays with posting! I'm trying to get to updates as soon as I can, I promise!
=Chapter 5
By Monday morning, Weiss was eagerly looking forward to seeing Yang again. If someone had told her a month ago - or even a week - that she would care this much about one of the Dragons, no matter which one, she would have called them a lunatic, or told them to sit on it. Yet there she was, eyes sweeping the hallways for the long, flowing waves of gold that made her heart beat faster, even if she still wasn’t sure why.
No luck. Yang was absent that day.
By lunch, she was worried enough that she went over to the Dragons’ table. A few of them looked stunned that she was so openly approaching them in front of the entire student body, but at least Blake was smiling instead of scowling or shocked.
“Hey, Schnee. Come to slum with us?”
“As if you can afford to breathe my air,” she said simply, and Cinder scowled. However, the others laughed, seeing it for the joke it was. “Actually, I was worried about Yang. Didn’t she show up today?”
Everyone glanced between each other. She had a feeling she was edging into a private, members-only matter, but had no way of knowing that for sure without confirmation.
“Out sick,” Coco said shortly.
“The rockin’ pneumonia and the boogie-woogie flu,” Emerald added, and Cinder snorted. Blake and Coco giggled a little, though Weiss could tell by now that none of them were all that amused; just trying to entertain themselves.
No… to distract themselves. It scared her a little that she could tell the difference with such ruffians, but they were clearly worried and doing their best not to worry. Sitting down in an empty seat and shocking Coco enough that she blinked and drew her head back, she asked, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Blake said.
“No, something is. Maybe you don’t want to tell me, but… can you at least tell me if there’s anything I can do to help?”
Sneering, Cinder shot at her, “None of your business, Princess. Go back to where the streets are paved with gold and stop acting like you care.”
“Cinder…” Sighing, Blake turned back and said, “Sorry, Weiss. Internal stuff.”
That wasn’t very satisfying, but it was more forthcoming than the others had been. It also at least confirmed what she had guessed: this was a Dragons matter and outsiders were not permitted to know. Trying to pump them for more information would just piss them off - even Blake, who was less short with her than the others. So she took another tack.
“That’s alright. I hope she… feels better? Less boogie-woogie?”
That at least earned her a snort from Coco. “We’ll pass that along.”
“Thanks. Oh, by the way - can you tell me which one is her sister? I keep meaning to ask Yang but I always forget.”
“Huh?” Blake asked, clearly wrongfooted by the question. “Oh… uh, that’s her, over near the lunch line. Wearing that stupid red hood.”
“Double-thanks. And Coco?” The woman only tilted her sunglasses down to see her a little better. “I’m… sorry.”
The sunglasses tilted back up. She didn’t acknowledge what Weiss said otherwise, but she knew she was in pain and trying not to show it. The last thing she wanted to do was push.
The girl in the red hood was seated at a table with another girl whose orange-hued bobbed cut was topped by a pale pink bow, freckles on her cheeks aglow as she talked pleasantly. She reminded Weiss of that boy from Pep Comics, except female; she couldn’t recall his name since her parents disapproved of comic books after her father read some book by a psychiatrist that explained how they would “corrupt children”.
“Excuse me,” she said cautiously, leaning to one side just enough that she could see the girl’s chin past the fabric of her hood. The carrot top blinked and fell silent. “Um… are you Yang Xiao Long’s sister?”
“Oh great,” the girl sighed, turning to look up at her. She was very sweet-faced and pale, much like her sister, but her hair was brown. However, her eyes couldn’t be more different; a shade of silver that she had never seen before. “What did she do now?”
“No, nothing. I just… well, she’s not in school today, and I’m worried about her.” Belatedly, she added, “I’m Weiss, by the way.”
That changed the mood entirely. The girl blinked a few times and her head snapped back in shock, much like Coco's had done. “Weiss Schnee? I mean, uhhh… why are you talking to me?”
“Did… I not…” Turning to the other girl, she demanded, “I said I’m worried about her sister, didn’t I?”
“You did!” she replied promptly with a vaguely pleasant smile.
“Penny!” Yang’s sister breathed softly. “We can’t just talk to Weiss Schnee! She’s like… a Schnee, y’know?”
Weiss folded her arms over her chest. “Just what is that supposed to mean?”
“Well, u-uhh… I… didn’t mean anything by it, just like, you’re really neat, and pretty, a-and rich, and a senior, and you just have no reason to care about some cubes like us, so it’s not- I mean, why would we think you wanted to talk to us? So it makes more sense to… t-to-”
“To wait and see what she says to us?” Penny guessed.
“Yeah! Yeah, that’s it.”
“Then why don’t you wait and see what she says to us?”
Once confronted with the simplicity of that suggestion, the girl fell silent, seeming to shrink back into her hood as she stared down at her tray.
“It’s okay, really,” Weiss laughed uncomfortably. “Why don’t we try… Penny. What is your friend’s name?”
Penny’s clear blue-green eyes blinked a few times, then she turned to lean in and whisper, “Ruby, should I tell her your name?”
While Ruby was just staring across at Penny in sheer disbelief, Weiss covered her mouth to suppress another giggle. A second later, she sighed, then turned back to say, “Y-yeah. I’m Ruby Rose. It’s nice to meet you, even though I don’t know why- wait, wait… I remember, you were asking about Yang. Right? Is that right?”
“Right,” she sighed in relief.
“Okay! Um, I don’t know why you want to know, but uh, I don’t know, either.”
“Huh? How can you not know? You’re sisters.”
“I live with my Uncle Qrow,” she explained, pushing her food around her tray with her fork. “Yang lives with her mom. Been that way since my mom died; neither of them wanted to take in both of us, so they split the duties.”
Weiss’s heart sank to hear that. Their family situation sounded extremely complicated; same father, different mothers, unless she was misinterpreting Ruby’s words. Still, she didn’t want to make the girl feel any worse, or to let on how little she really knew about the biker who was steadily winning her over. “That’s unfortunate. I thought you both lived with her mom. Where… is your father?”
“Dad left,” she said casually. “When I was pretty little. Yang told me he and Mom were fighting a lot about who would get us, and I think he really wanted custody, but Mom was stubborn. And now he lives on the other side of the world. But… that was before she got sick.”
“Oh. I’m so sorry, I didn’t… Yang never…”
“She doesn’t talk about it much anymore.” Her smile was melancholy but resigned; she had clearly worked out her feelings on the matter many years ago. “But I still see her at school, so… that’s fine. Do you mind if I ask a funny question?”
“Funny ‘ha-ha’, or…?”
“How do you know Yang? Because I gotta say, you don’t look much like the rest of her, um, friends.”
Glancing over at the Dragons table, where Emerald was currently standing on the table with a tray balanced on top of her head while the others laughed, Weiss said, “Oh… I guess that’s true.”
“Are you a special friend?”
“What?” Getting what she meant, she turned to look at Ruby. “W-well, I- that’s not- we’re friends, yes.”
“What kind of friends?”
“Are you writing a book or something?!” Weiss cried in exasperation. “Good friends, that’s all! We played tennis together on Friday.”
Her eyes went completely round. “YANG played TENNIS?!”
The three of them had a fairly companionable chat that lasted through the rest of lunch. Pyrrha eventually caught up with her, and only seemed vaguely hurt that she had been passed over in favour of the new acquaintances. Meeting Penny and Ruby did seem to help, however, and they were still talking on their way through the halls until they needed to split up for classes.
After thinking about it all day, Weiss came to a decision. If she was going to profess to care about Yang and her life, she would have to start proving it in some way or another. And she couldn't do that with Yang not even in school.
“Ruby!” she called out on her way through the halls, jogging just a little to catch up. The girl whipped around, alarmed at being singled out; Penny wasn’t with her. “Hey!”
“O-oh! Weiss, it’s you!”
Panting a little, she came to a stop next to her. “Sorry… but I wanted… wanted to ask you one more thing.”
“What’s up?”
“This may be crossing some sort of boundary, but… would you mind giving me Yang’s address?”
Ruby did look less at ease with this question than the others, and turned away briefly. “Oh…” She squirmed, looking down at the hem of her skirt. “That might not be a good idea… why do you wanna know?”
“Because I want to check on her. That’s all. I’m probably worried about nothing, of course, but I won’t be able to sleep tonight if I don’t at least try.”
“Well, I guess you know what you’re getting into already, so…” Taking out her notebook, she scribbled the address on a corner of a page and tore it off, handing it to Weiss. She was amused to see she had dotted the “i” in “Anima Lane” with a little heart.
“Thank you.”
“No problem. Bye!”
“Ruby?” When the girl hesitated, she said, “I, um… well, I hope to see you around.” It was a very awkward way of stating it, and sounded somewhat insincere despite her intentions.
But Ruby didn’t seem to take it that way. Beaming, she waved a little before skipping off with her armful of books. Probably to be picked up by her uncle, or else catch the bus. She would have to find out more about her another time, when she didn’t have something else pulling her entire focus.
This time, Pyrrha elected to stay in the car. Weiss could tell she was taking a little too much advantage of her willingness to go along with her crazy schemes, so she promised herself to dial it back in the near future.
“If I’m not back in five minutes, send in the clowns,” Weiss sighed as she opened the door of her Studebaker. “Just… it’ll be fine.”
“Sure it will,” Pyrrha sighed as they both gazed up at the house. It had once been a fine place to live, several owners ago. The lawn was overgrown, the dark red paint dingy and peeling, and one of the upstairs windows had a broken pane. If not for the car in the drive, it would be easy to assume it was condemned.
Weiss knocked a few times, and no one answered. She sighed. Maybe this had been a mistake; after all, Yang had never indicated that she was welcome in her home. There could be any number of reasons for that. Should she leave and come back another time, after she had Yang’s blessing?
“Alright,” she sighed, knocking one last time-
And the door fell in. Weiss leapt backward in shock; she hadn’t been knocking that hard! Once the loud thud had stopped echoing through her bones, she gaped down at the slab of wood now lying on the floor of the entryway. It certainly wasn’t moving anymore. Stepping onto it, she craned her neck this way and that, hoping to catch sight of anyone inside the domicile.
“Hello? Anyone home?” No answer, of course. She paced in a little further, turning the corner to explore the living room. “Sorry about your door; I think you might have termites or so-”
The sound of a click stole both her breath and her attention. Turning slightly to her right, she saw a tall, grim woman with hair much like Yang’s - except blacker than midnight. Her eyes were like whirlpools of blood, and her mouth was pulled into a taut line. But the most interesting thing about her had nothing to do with her looks or her clothing.
The handgun with the hammer pulled back was much more alarming.
“You’ve got five seconds to get the hell out of my house.”
“M-Missus-” The gun raised to point straight at her face. “YANG! I w-was just coming to see Yang!”
“I don’t care. Three, two…”
Weiss ran as fast as her legs would carry her. Maybe they could have talked things out, and maybe they couldn’t. But she didn’t want to run the risk of death simply to see if Yang was feeling under the weather.
She voided her stomach in the gutter next to Pyrrha’s car. Given that this was her first true brush with death, her constitution didn’t know how to handle it properly. Her friend got out to hold her hair out of the way, alternately telling her everything was alright and asking why it might not be. Only once they were back in the car and driving away did she explain what happened through a veil of her tears.
“Th-that’s unacceptable! I mean, no - that’s criminal! She shouldn’t have a pistol in the first place, much less point it at… at unsuspecting girls!”
Still shaking, Weiss whispered, “It… was my fault. I shouldn’t have gone in without… without waiting for…”
Fresh tears took over her voice, and conversation became entirely useless until they got to Pyrrha’s house. They weren’t exactly neighbours, but it was a short five-minute walk between their homes. The two girls quickly stole upstairs into Pyrrha’s room so they could discuss things with relative privacy.
“So Ruby neglected to mention that Yang’s mother is a criminal, too,” Pyrrha sighed.
“She did. Though I wouldn’t say Yang is a ‘criminal’, per se… or maybe she is. I don’t know.” Pulling her knees in a little closer to her chin, she asked, “Am I crazy?”
“Why would you be crazy?”
“For only regretting that she didn’t let me explain. I… was too scared to do anything then, but now…”
Frowning, Pyrrha reached across the Oriental rug to pat her forearm. “No, you aren’t. But I do think you should let the matter drop; just wait for her to show up in school tomorrow.”
Sniffing loudly, she tried to dry her tears and stop panicking. The crisis was over. “Yeah. Sorry you had to watch me get sick in the gutter.”
“It’s alright,” she said with a slight laugh. “These things happen.”
After a moment or two, Weiss noticed Pyrrha looked thoughtful, her eyes pointed at where her hand rested atop Weiss’s arm. She asked, “What’s wrong?”
“What? Oh… nothing. Just wondering something.”
“Anything I can help with?”
“Probably not.” A brief pause as the taller girl collected her thoughts, staring at her own pale yellow socks. “Um… am I far off when I say… you do have romantic feelings for Yang at this point?”
“I… maybe,” she forced herself to say aloud. It wasn’t easy. “I think so.”
“Alright. Her being a woman doesn’t bother you?”
“Of course it does! But it’s… not enough to stop me, apparently. Not that I understand this any better than you do, Pyrrha.”
Nodding her understanding, she cleared her throat, playing with the knee of her long skirt. “Then why haven’t you ever…”
“Ever what?” she finally prompted, several seconds later.
“Why haven’t you wanted to kiss me?”
“Sorry!” Pyrrha burst out immediately, looking away with her cheeks flaming red. “Forget I said anything!”
But Weiss certainly couldn’t do that. At the absolute least, this provided a welcome distraction from dwelling on the mental image of a gun in her face. Turning to face her a little more directly, she asked, “Kiss you? I mean… is that something you’ve been wanting me to do, and I just had literally no idea?”
“I have never!” she assured her, voice pleading now. “But… with what you said about Yang and Cinder, and then Cinder coming after me… why was I next? And if you like girls in that way, what's wrong with me? Am I not… not pretty enough? Or what?”
She couldn't believe what she was hearing, or what she was about to say, even as the words came out of her own mouth. “Pyrrha Nikos, I think you're jealous.”
“I am not! Really! I'm… well… m-maybe I am, but you've never talked about any of this before you started keeping company with Dragons, so… I feel like you're…” Her throat worked to swallow. “Like you're leaving me behind.”
“Oh, Pyrrha…” This time, she scooted closer and wrapped her arms tightly around her best friend. “I'm sorry. This is confusing for me, too. I guess I just didn't realise how it might be affecting you. But you're very pretty, and swell! That has nothing to do with it!”
A few sobs floated out of Pyrrha’s throat, but they petered out very quickly. She had never been one to wear a great deal of sadness on her sleeve; in her case, because it meant other people had to deal with her pain. Just one of those ways she was among the most thoughtful people Weiss had ever known.
“Hey,” Weiss finally whispered as she sat back, cupping her face. “Best friends forever, okay? And I'm not interested in being more, or in being less. I still need you in my life, even if I am… whatever I am.”
Nodding, she rested her hand against Weiss's arm, still sniffling but already regaining control. “Thank you. I'm so sorry for… questioning that. I didn't mean to get jealous.”
“It's fine. You're fine.” Pyrrha relaxed into her hand, eyes closing in contentment. “Aww… that's better, right?”
They remained like that for a minute or two before getting back to homework. Pyrrha was a lot more cheerful and back to her old self, which showed Weiss how sorely they had needed to discuss the matter. If she was going to pursue Yang - and the more time went on, the more she thought she really might - it was going to be of the utmost importance that she not lose sight of her other friendships. Especially one as strong and valuable as the one she shared with Pyrrha.
The next morning, Weiss only had the length of first period to keep worrying about Yang and the brief threat on her life. Life was getting very intense in a very short period of time. She started to wonder if everyone was right - that she was in way over her head and needed to rethink her priorities. Protect herself.
That went out the window when she found herself being slammed into a row of lockers. Her mind immediately knew that Yang's mother had found her and decided to finish her off.
Except it was Yang's furious face shouting, “You came to my house?!”
“Wha- OW! Yang!”
“Who said you could do that? Huh?!” A vein was standing out in strong relief against her ruddy forehead, teeth flashing as she shouted, “What the hell were you thinking, you stupid bitch?!”
“Yang, stop it!” she hissed, pushing at the forearm pushing her back into the cold metal. “I… I'm sorry, but I didn't think it would-”
“Exactly! You didn't think at all! I thought I could trust you, and then you pull this kind of-”
The accusation was interrupted when Yang was yanked backward by the collar of her jacket. The slight gagging kept her quiet enough for the interloper.
“Miss Xiao Long,” a quick, clipped voice demanded. “I believe my detention hall has been rather empty of late! Let's do something about that, shall we?”
Struggling against the wiry man's grip, she snapped, “Let me GO!”
“Would you enjoy being expelled more?” Yang went slack. “That's better! Now then, let's discuss dates and times!”
It only took a second of indecision. Weiss was still reeling from the concept of Yang attacking her. The phrase “apple doesn't fall far from the tree” flashed through her mind; both Yang and her mother had threatened her within the same twenty-four hour period. Maybe this was for the best.
But the grieving look in Yang's eyes stopped that train of thought. She didn't look merely angry, either at the teacher or Weiss. The anger took a backseat to feeling betrayed and hurt.
“Mr. Oobleck!”
The spindly man paused in his attempts to wrest Yang down a neighboring hallway. “Yes, Miss Schnee? No need to thank me, none at all. These female felons have to learn that they can't behave in such a manner on Beacon High grounds without dire conseque-”
“This is my fault!”
The two of them were both shocked. Yang's face remained twisted in rage, but surprise was visible beneath the surface.
“What do you mean by that?” the teacher asked. “She was clearly the one being physically violent! Dreadful, simply dreadful - can't tolerate that, no matter how you provoked her with words.”
She had to think fast. What could she say that would make any difference in Yang being punished? “I… I pushed her first!” While they were both blinking at her, she rambled on, “Y-yeah, she was walking too close, and… and I shoved her and told her to watch where she was going. She was understandably upset that I acted that way. I guess I'm a little cranky today; it's my, um, cycle.”
While Yang was still dumbfounded, Mr. Oobleck was clearing his throat and looking distinctly uncomfortable. “Ah. Well… yes, can’t be helped, entirely not your fault - we’ll, er, consider this matter closed!” And with that, he practically zipped down the hallway at the speed of Yang’s motorcycle.
The two girls stood, tense and unsure of what else to do. Finally, Weiss sighed, “Phew. I can’t believe that worked.”
“Who asked you to lie for me?” But the minute Weiss took a step back in mild fear, Yang sighed, looking away. “Alright… it was a gusty move, Schnee. I appreciate that you tried to help and got me out of trouble. But that doesn’t make up for what you did.”
“What did I do, though?” Approaching cautiously, hesitantly, she said in a quiet voice, “I’m sorry, Yang. I’ll apologise until I’m blue in the face, but I honestly have no clue what I did wrong. So until you help me understand…”
However, Yang turned on her heel and stomped away. It seemed that would be the end of their conversation. Weiss slumped backward against the lockers, wishing this new friendship didn’t require navigating a minefield.
The poor princess had to remain in the dark until lunch. As she and Pyrrha ate sombrely, the latter occasionally trying to cheer her up and falling silent when the attempts failed, she had been wondering if she should walk over to the Dragons table and see if she had better luck with asking the other girls.
As it turned out, that wasn’t necessary. Her eyes flicked up when she heard shuffling, and she was surprised to see Ruby slowly pushing a reluctant Yang across the lunchroom floor. Most of the other students were whispering or giggling at the sight.
“What on earth…?”
“Go on,” Ruby hissed when Yang was standing awkwardly by the corner of the table. She turned as if to leave or argue, but Ruby put her hands on her hips in a gesture so petulant that the average person would have thought she was the stubborn one, not Yang.
“Fine,” she grumbled as she dropped into the seat next to Weiss.
“Good. I’ll see you later, ‘gator.” Winking at Weiss, Ruby quickly returned to her seat next to Penny.
Pyrrha swallowed her mashed potatoes and said, “Sh-should I leave the two of you alone?”
“Yeah. Do that.” When she flinched, Yang added, “Sit with Rubes and her friend for a minute. Thanks.”
Once Pyrrha had delicately extracted herself from the lunch table and carried her tray over to the front of the lunchroom, Weiss turned and folded her arms. “Well?”
“Okay. What you did wasn’t great, but I know you… didn’t mean to mess up. I know that. So… I’m, um…”
“Does the word you’re searching for start with an ‘s’ and end with an ‘orry’?”
“Shut up,” she grunted. “This isn’t easy. I told you, I’m still furious.”
“Alright. I’ll wait.”
And she really did wait. They both watched the contents of her tray slowly diminish as she picked at the food. Halfway through her salisbury steak, Yang whispered, “I’m sorry for shoving you. There.”
“Thank you. It hurt.”
“I know. But… what you did hurt me, too.”
“I can’t possibly see how! I just went to your house to see if you were alright!”
“And you shouldn’t have. Like… did you ever think there’s a reason I never invited you over?”
Shrugging, she hissed, “You’ve never come over to my house, either.”
“We both know why that is. Neither of us had to say ‘Mr. Schnee doesn’t like lesbian thugs’; it’s just… something we both could guess.” Her fingers idly picked at a fray in one of her fingerless leather gloves. “And you should have guessed that if my house was a place I could take you, without any problems, I’d have done that instead of bars and abandoned buildings.”
“Maybe,” she conceded quietly, still picking at her food without eating it now. “But still… I was so worried, Yang. The Dragons acted like it was no big deal, but they were also worried. I could tell under all that laughing and joking something was up.”
“Drop it, okay?” she suddenly hissed, and Weiss ducked her head. It was a strong enough reaction that the bruiser deflated. “Sorry. But this is really important; you can’t do that again. Next time, she won’t count to five.”
Tears sprang to Weiss’s eyes. She hated that this was happening in the lunchroom, that all eyes were on her. Based on that, she managed to inhale sharply and dry her tears before they fell. “I can’t believe you’re saying this to me. I… I can’t believe… Yang, I came over because I wanted to make sure you were alright, a-and I missed you. And my life was threatened, and… and now you’re telling me I was the one in the wrong?”
“But I…”
One of the gloved hands rested on her forearm. “Don’t do it again. I’m fine, I promise. And… it’s hard to say when I’m hopping mad like this, but you being worried about me does mean a lot. You did the wrong thing for the right reason, I guess. But now you know better. I just have to make sure you learned the lesson.”
“Don’t ever come within a hundred feet of your mother?”
“Yeah,” she snorted humourlessly. “That’s pretty much it.”
“Crystal clear.”
Yang took her hand away, tensing as if to get up. Then she added in a hasty whisper, “We’ll talk more after school” before hurrying herself away to sit with the rest of her tribe.
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entj-werewolf · 7 years
I actually got tagged, so I’ll give this a shot! Since it’s big, I’ll put it under the cut...
Tagged by: @unlimited-goldfish​
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
(As usual with the tagging part of rules, I also just let anyone do this if they want. Idk who to tag most of the time...)
1. Drink: Water 2. Phone call: Can’t remember... I think my mom was the last to call me today? 3. Text message: Mainly to my little sister. I’d been texting her about some Splatoon stuff! 4. Song you listened to: Some Splatoon 2 music... 5. Time you cried: I don’t remember, but even if I did.... I’d keep that to myself, ahaa. Lots has been going on though.
6. Dated someone twice: Nope, never dated before either 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: I don’t like kisses, soooo I haven’t kissed anyone at all. I’d probably regret it if I did, tbh. 8. Been cheated on: Nah 9. Lost someone special: A few people, yep... 10. Been depressed: Boy, it was pretty bad when I was a kid I think. Came across some old journals of mine while cleaning through stuff recently, and yeesh, the bullying got to me worse than I remembered from that time. As of recent? I’m... Not too sure. I have drastic confidence drops under huge stress, but idk if they’re depressive states or not? Also, dealing with life loss is rough. I had a horrid time last year after losing my last grandparent. It’s still sometimes unpleasant to think about, so I try keeping my mind off of that... 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: No way. I hate alcohol anyhow... And I dislike dealing with drunk people.
12-14: Green, Dark Purple, Dark Blue!
15. Made new friends: It’s not common that I outright make new friends. It’s mostly acquaintances and mutuals! Sooo, nah, haven’t technically made any new friends in the past year.
16. Fallen out of love: Haven’t had any feelings for anyone like that, so nope
17. Laughed until you cried: YEP. Great times...
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Ahh, yep... I’m talked about a lot by family, mostly in negative light. This is every year. RIP. 20. Found out who your friends are: Known that already before the past year! 21.  Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Heck nope
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Only irl people or trustworthy online friends of mine can have my Facebook, buuut... I hate that site. So I actually rarely go on it. (I only signed up ‘cause my family made me when I was a teen, pfffff) 23. Do you have any pets: YES! My black cat, Luna! 24. Do you want to change your name: I thought about this once or twice in my life, buuut I’m fine with Sarah for now. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I went out to a new place to try out its vegan donuts, and they had some fresh coconut too. So, as a bonus, I got to have coconut water fresh from the thing itself! With amazing donuts. It was a good start to my birthday - but the rest of my day was being stuck in Ikea for 3-freaking-HOURS with my mom and older sister. I forgot how bad my legs could hurt before that.... 26. What time do you wake up: Technically 11:30-something-am, but I couldn’t get out of bed until like.... 12pm. My sleep is screwed up again, yeah... 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Drawing, I think? 28. Name something you can’t wait for: Nintendo Switch Restocks... just PLEASE, EVERYTHING HOLY, GET THEM FREAKING RESTOCKED SO I CAN GET ONE. Besides that, I can’t wait to move on from my job to a better one. My job situation is driving me insane. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom? Just tonight when saying g’night to her, pffff 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Hmmm.... Better luck in general would be nice. 2017 is like the freaking biggest pique of my bad luck from what’s happened so far. 31. What are you listening to right now: Still listening to Splatoon 2 music! 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I... Do not recall meeting or talking to a Tom in my life. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Lots of things... Mainly my job and money circumstance stuff.
34. Most visited website: I’m not 100% sure, but it miiiight be Youtube 35. Mole/s: I think so, but only the flat, not-dangerous types. I had one mole removed a couple of weeks ago though and..... That... was NOT pleasant. Turns out I do NOT have skin cancer, so that’s good?
36. Mark/s: Not that I’m sure of or remember atm, but I used to get scars pretty easily 37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be a veteranarian and actually would do a lot of side studies on my own about animals. This dream changed, of course, once I got older and learned more about what felt to be my “purpose” and I aim for that now. But I still like learning about animals and have scrambled knowledge on nature because of that! 38. Hair color: Dark brown 39. Long or short hair: Fairly long hair 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Nope! I have no idea what a crush feels like either..... 41. What do you like about yourself: Uhh... Hmm.... For several years, I’ve been liking my ambitious “energy” of sorts? Makes me feel like I’m living a full life as long as I’ve got that, hahaa... 42. Piercings: Nope, needles and anything that pierces my skin freaks me out to nauseous levels... 43. Blood type: If I recall correctly, it’s O negative; and apparently I can donate to most/all other blood types? (Too bad I don’t physically or mentally handle getting my blood drawn, otherwise I’d be fine with occasional donations to make use of that) 44. Nicknames? Wolf, Kat, or WolfKat - when people try referring to me based on my common online alias; “Fluffy” by some other people; and then freaking “furry” being a more rampant nickname by my friends recently..... -heavy sigh- 45. Relationship status: Single
46. Zodiac: Haven’t been much into this, but I only recall I’m Pisces ‘cause of my birthday. (Those Pisces descriptions are like the dang opposite of my MBTI type.....) 47. Pronouns: Just female stuff. I’ve been mistaken for a guy a lot online somehow, though.... I find it oddly amusing, pffffft. 48. Favorite TV Show: “Gravity Falls” and “[The] Slayers” are my top favorites, and I enjoy several other animated shows alongside these two!  50. Right or left hand: Left-handed pretty much, but I’ve taught myself to use my right hand decently for stuff like holding forks/spoons for eating. And I actually don’t like using left-handed computer mice... Regardless, I draw and write best with my left hand.
51. Surgery: Wisdom teeth surgery - which I had when I was 18 I think? That was a very weird experience for me. I’m glad I only talked to my close friends during the first part of my recovery... I would’ve died of regret if I tried posting anything online while I was drugged with pain killers and who knows what else. Eugh. 52. Hair dyed in different color: Nah, I like my natural hair color as is 53. Sport: Basketball! I’ve always liked this sport... I haven’t played in a long time though. 55. Vacation: My vacations in terms of travel and being fun for me, tend to be for conventions... Like Dragoncon and Momocon. Whenever they can be affordable, at least. 56. Pair of trainers: Idk what this refers to, sooo I looked it up. Synonymous with sneakers and tennis shoes, it seems? In that case, I have a few pairs of these ‘cause I LOVE sneakers/athletic shoes!
57. Eating: Not eating anything atm. I’m staying up late to wait for my acid reflux to chill the heck out, actually... (I can’t lay down when it gets like this. Ugh.) 58. Drinking: Some sips of water here and there. 59. I’m about to: Try and sleep, maybe. 62. Want: A lot. But for this very moment, I want to be able to lay down without feeling like I’ll throw up!
63. Get married: Nope. Probably never? Idk how to fit marriage into my future, and having to be in such a relationship like that is very.... Overwhelming and intimidating for me atm. 64. Career: I want my dream career right now but I don’t know when my skills will be professional enough for it so it’s just waiting and trying to find other jobs until then.... Game Development is my future, though.
65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs only. No kisses! 66. Lips or eyes: Huh? I dunno. I don’t like eye contact, aaannndd I have no idea what’s significant about lips. Just... Lips are lips? 67. Shorter or taller: No strong preference, but shorter people I tend to like being around the most (’cause lots of tall people treat me in an annoying way TBH. Like petting my head or trying to lean over me? Excuse you.) 68. Older or younger: Uhhh... ? In general, I don’t mind what age people are when I meet them... With friends, I tend to end up with lots of younger ones in my close circle. Very few are older than me. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: I do not like either... Or caring about looks at all. Sooo, none/neither. 71. Sensitive or loud: I don’t like loudness in general (got sensitive hearing as well), so sensitive would be more preferrable. I mostly have sensitive friends too anyhow. 72. Hook up or relationship: Preferrably neither, but if I ever ended up in that kind of relationship, it would need to be under mutual merits and built from a deep friendship. No casual hook ups. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: I tend to prefer hesitant people over troublemakers.... But some of my more mischievous friends can keep life interesting at times, hahaa
74. Kissed a Stranger: Heck no 75. Drank hard liquor: Again, hate alcohol 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: I think I’ve lost my glasses once or twice? Those moments are true suffering 77. Turned someone down: Many times. Idk why people keep getting crushes on me... Like... Have mercy for once.... 78. Sex on the first date: Nopenopenope, and I NEVER want that at any point in my life either. 79. Broken someone’s heart: A few times on accident toward friends... Sometimes feel guilty about those moments again even if all is forgiven now. 80. Had your heart broken: I think so, but it’s not often in terms of friendship-based stuff. 81. Been arrested: Thankfully, nope! I intend to keep it that way. 82. Cried when someone died: Definitely. 83. Fallen for a friend: I’m not too sure what this means? Ummm... I mean, I assume it’s like making a huge/important sacrifice for a friend, but idk. I don’t recall anything like that atm other than the times I’d stand up for friends, against their bullies in high school.
84: Yourself: Normally, yeah. When overwhelmed with stress though? Nope. 85. Miracles: Yup. I’ve experienced quite a few either as an observer/witness, or a few times personally. 86. Love at first sight: Nah. Sometimes, there’s an instant “click” with people even for potential friendships, but that’s not always reliable for something long-term. 87. Santa Claus: Not now, but as a kid, I of course believed in Santa. A ton. 88. Kiss on the first date: Noooooope
90. Current best friend name: Pao/Paola! We’ve been close pals for about 8 years now 91. Eye color: Greyish Green? Sometimes looks more blue-tinted in other light sources? 92. Favorite movie: A tough pick... Hmm... Maybe Zootopia or Inside Out? I also really love Lilo and Stitch!
Alright, so yeah... No specific tags, but if anyone wants to do this, feel free to count it as my tag toward you!
I also noticed some numbers were missing from this list of questions, so who knows where those are? It’s almost 92. Have fun anyhow, maybe!
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