#but ummm here is the problem i want to do things but my dumbass sick brain wont let me do that 🥰 WHAT ABOUT THAT HUH
redswaberkez ¡ 8 months
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izbiz333 ¡ 4 years
The Very Sad Race pt. 1
Description: So you are a girl and you hide yourself to go to an all boys school. It’s all good until something goes wrong.
A/N: Hi umm, this is my first au. So there’s not much anything yet. This is also based off a dream, and continued so the plot is unplanned but to be continued. 
Warning: Heavy Language, shitty writing
You start your strut to school, almost shitting yourself in worry. It’s just an average day in your not so average life. You check your hair. Perfectly pinned up. You check your chest. Wrapped up as tight as can be. There are no signs that you were female. What would all the boys think or even do if they figured it out? They won’t, you tell yourself as you approach your almost all male private school.
You learned to shut your mouth ever since you got to that school. If any of them heard your high-pitched voice, you’d be fucked. Figuratively and literally. You never spoke to your friends but still communicated physically. You learned sign language in middle school in hopes of meeting someone with the same ability, and you succeeded.
You walk in and meet Davey, Jack, Race, and Albert all sitting in the cafeteria, vibing to Fergalicious. You sign ‘hey, what’s up’ to Davey, the smartest of the four men. He repeats it aloud for the rest of the boys to hear. “Jammin’ out,” the blonde hair, blue eyed boy wasn’t lying. You blush at the comment and cover it up with some sign language. ‘it’s so fucking hot in here.’ You know they’d think you meant the temperature, but it was just Race. You’ve had a crush on him since you met the kid in science class.
You walk to homeroom with Albert, listening to his girl problems. You couldn’t even respond if you wanted to. He would have no idea what you signed, making him easy to rant to as well. You sign all of your feelings about Race and being a girl, and Albert would just watch the same way you would listen. “You know, you’s just the funniest person to me. You’s and your google translate chats are just hilarious. It’s too funny.” He looks at you and notices your confused expression. “I mean like Siri or whatever its name is, it just sounds so stupid answering about human anatomy and shit.” You wanted to laugh so hard, but you couldn’t make a sound. You just smile and keep walking.
After a few classes with the boys, you head to science. This class always took the most out of you. It was only you and Race, since you two were the only dumbasses in the school when it came to science. You never got anything done and were always fooling around. “Yo, Mute.” You can hear Race’s voice down the hall, as you try to stuff your emotions away. You nod your head in a ‘what’s up’ fashion, seeing as that’s the most common non-verbal way of saying hello. “Mr. Brear ain’t here today, and there’s a note on the board telling us to have a study.” You choke in his words. It’s just you and your crush.
His head goes spinning your way, jaw wide open. You cover your mouth in disbelief. You blew your cover. Either you get soaked by the kid for lying to him, or you tell him the full truth. You knew you’d be fucked either way. “I- I- I can explain.” You high pitched voice makes him even more confused.
“What the fuck?” he pauses to think before figuring out the truth. “Ohh. Fuck! You’s a girl. Wow.” He stares at you in awe of the accomplishment. It makes your heart flutter in feelings.
“Umm… can we’s go somewhere private please?” You didn’t want anyone in the classrooms near you to hear anything.
“You’s voice is beautiful.” His piercing eyes stare at your lips. You stare at him, looking from his muscles, to his eyes, to his blonde curls. You guys both just stare. You don’t move and neither does he. Time had felt as it had slowed down, and you could stand there forever. Until the bell rings, breaking the trance.
“Shit.” You realize that next was lunch, with all of the boys. Race started to panic. You both knew he was a terrible secret keeper, and he wanted to talk about everything.
“Ummm… It’d be too suspicious to not meet up with them.” You both know that’s the truth. You nod in response and start out of the room. “Wait Mute.” You turn around to see him wondering. “What’s you’s real name?” You walk back in and write ‘[Y/N]’ on the board. You look at Race who’s back to staring at you.
“Come on, fucker, let’s go!” You whisper to him as you leave the room.
As you two walk the halls to the cafeteria, you contemplate how to tell Jack, Davey, and Albert. It’s better if you announce it rather than Race let it out. You look at him as you put a finger over your mouth. “So I should shut up? Do you’s have this covered?” You nod and make a sad face.
“Are you’s okay? Did I do something?” Race starts to worry and rush his hands through his hair. You shake your head. You point at Race and make a sad face again. “Ohhh. I should act sad.” You nod your head with a partially thought out plan in your head. He smiles in return, making your shiver in your feelings.
“Hey, Hey! How was science?” Jack looks at Race. He notices Race’s sad expression and darts his head at you. “Mute! Wha- What happened? He’s never sad.” You look at Davey to respond. Chills run down your back, as you know you’d be lying to your best friends.
You sign to him ‘Okay, so I need to tell you something. Don’t freak out, start off by telling Jack a lie of what happened.’ Davey turns to Jack, hesitantly before saying “He- he found out he was failing the class so bad that he’d have to stay in senior year, and couldn’t graduate.” Davey obliged, and was very interested in more information from you.
“Sorry man, you’s must be in some deep shit.” Albert patted Race’s back trying to cheer the kid up. Race looked up to you, and you slowly nodded in response. Race was an excellent actor. He made you sad, even though you were literally writing his backstory.
You turn to Davey to continue with the truth. ‘Don’t freak out. But I can talk, and am a girl, but Jack and Albert can’t know. Race already knows so, come up with another lie.’ Davey is just gawking at you with his mouth wide open. Davey turns to Jack an begins to lie about stupid homework assignments and such.
You look at Race and draw a tear down your cheek. He glares, but knows this is the only thing he could even do. He looks at Jack and starts to water his eyes. “Let’s go to the bathroom and give you’s some space.” Race nods and the five of you walk to the bathroom across the school, where no one was to be seen.
As soon as you arrived Jack began comforting Race, until he saw Race’s large grin. “What the hell?” Jack looked at you who still seemed nervous. You clearly weren’t worried about Race, but about telling Jack and Albert. You nod your head at Race, cueing the truth.
“So. First of all, I’m not failing science or anything. I’m doing just fine. But the reason Mute and I brought you here was to tell you’s something. I want to let Mute do the honors.” Everyone turns their heads to you in confusion.
“Hi.” You watch as Race stands up, just in case either Jack or Albert want to get a punch in. You let down your hair and all four boys just stare in awe at your beautiful dirty blonde locks. “I’m [Y/N], nice to meet you.” You all just sat in silence. No one could even form words. So you decided to break the silence. “This is probably the last time you’ll see me at school. You know, no girls allowed or anything. So, goodbye fuckers.”
“Wait.” You turn around to see your blonde haired best friend grabbing at your wrist. “Don’t go. It’d be fun to have a girl around here.” He meets your glance.
“And what about the rules, dumbass?” Albert feels sick to his stomach. He’d been telling this  girl about his girl problems. You knew who each and every girl was too.
“Well, we’d break them. I do it all the time and I turned out fine. Mostly.” Race giggled. It was the hottest thing he’d ever done.
“And what makes her any different than any other girl?” Jack couldn’t believe that Race wasn’t just as angry as he was. This wasn’t normal Race tendencies. If this was anyone else, Race would have left you out on the streets feeling betrayed.
“She’s kinda cute.” Race didn’t feel betrayed. No, he felt lucky. It gave Jack a laugh, but they finally all gave in. You were ecstatic. You worked out the rules of staying at the school. You’d continue as Mute and even got to dorm with Race and Albert.
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justine-the-guillotine ¡ 5 years
Tagged by my babe @alloveroliver-ash <3 thank you!
the rules are:
1 . Tag the person who tagged you
2. Answer the questions.
3. Tag 10 people
•How tall are you?
I am 5′3! 
•What color and style is your hair?
It is naturally dark blonde/light brown but right now it’s Special Effects Atomic Pink and in need of a touch-up. It’s also curly and thin as hell I don't know what else to tell you 
•What color are your eyes? hazel 
•Do you wear glasses?
Yeah man I’m blind as fuck. I showered yesterday with a whole ass spider and had no idea because I obviously wasn't wearing my glasses in the shower
•Do you wear braces?
I never have
•What’s your fashion sense?
Everything in black. hahaha but yeah like band tees and leggings mostly but aesthetically I am like a grunge/punk/goth/witchy/rockabilly mix. With occasional frilly pink tendencies. (I guess the kids call that pastel goth nowadays tho) 
•Full name?
I feel like this question is set up to make you feel like your personal space is being invaded but joke’s on you, survey creator, I literally will tell my full name to anyone 
Justine Nicole Mancini ~
•When were you born?
April 1st, 1989. 
•Where are you from and where do you live now?
If you wanted my birth chart you could’ve just asked, survey. Gosh.  I was born in NJ and now I live in Fl and for as many political problems as it has I genuinely love it here 
•What school do you go to?
The school of Hard Knocks bitch
•What kind of student are you?
Procrastinating straight-A student 
•Do you like school?
It is sincerely the only thing I am good at, so yes. College though, not like high school or anything. 
•Favorite subject?
Human Sexuality 
•Favorite TV show?
I literally do not watch anything other than anime anymore but like my all time favorite TV show is Xena: Warrior Princess 
•Favorite Movie?
•Favorite books?
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is my favorite book of all time. My favorite series is the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series....and not just for all the reverse harem vampire smut but ... also yes. 
•Favorite pastime?
Reading... visual novels XD
•Do you have any regrets?
I truly do not when I really think about it, HOWEVER, when I start going on a tangent and bitching about shit (like when I lived with my ex for example, I know everyone is sick of that one) it will sound like I have several thousand regrets lmfao 
•Dream job?
Metaphysical shop owner and fantasy writer 
•Would you ever like to be married?
I actually always wear a ring on my "wedding ring” finger as a symbol of commitment to myself and my absolute unavailability for anyone else  
However I am the type of dumbass that if I was truly in love with someone and marriage was really important to them, I would do it
I would also marry someone if they needed it for.. legal reasons
Or if I decided I badly needed the tax benefits XD
•Would you like to have kids?
•How many?
0 :(
•Do you like shopping?
Yes like let me fucking throw my money everywhere. 
I especially love throwing my money at small businesses and individuals with a dream <3
•What countries have you visited?
Just Canada so far. Japan, England, and Ireland are waiting for me though 
(do I have a dream of drinking my way through Ireland? Yes, yes I do) 
•Scariest nightmare you have ever had?
I tend really to not have nightmares I dunno don’t jinx me bitch
•Any enemies?
Do you have enemies as an adult? Is that a real life thing? 
•Any significant other?
Just 2D ones oh and I have someone I call “wifey” so sometimes people think I really am married...
... and sometimes I really feel like it XD (vanessa if you read this ILY don’t get mad) 
•Do you believe in miracles?
Not like in that Jesus-y way
•How are you?
Menstrual, bloated, sleep-deprived, and ADHD as fuck but also actually fine lol 
Ummm tagging @lee-minhyuk-stole-my-puddin200 @fenrirgodspeed @99-ma @lulidrafts and @xshatielx again even though Ash already got her 
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