#but wait i actually do want sylki to win
thefaultinourforcebond · 11 months
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I've been here since 2021 and when i tell you the shit that I've seen...
This doesnt apply to fellow artists, multishippers or peaceful stans that never typed a single death threat be it here, on twt, discord, tumblr tags, tiktok, wherever. You guys rock and we need more of yall in this world.
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watashigaita · 3 years
Favourite Loki fanfics
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LIFE IN REVERSE Home is where you make it. An AU story where Loki falls to Earth after the end of the first “Thor” movie, wanders around trying to work out what to do with himself, and somehow ends up working for SHIELD. This story is a slow burn type of fic, mostly based on Loki character development. No ship. 44 chaps. Finished and totally worth the reading!
FALLEN STAR Ok, I’m not a huge fan of the Loki/Jane relationship but I have to admit that this fic was a very good reading. It’s so well written and developed that I couldn’t avoid to enjoy them together. Also because it’s not a romantic type of story, but a slow-burn/angst and adventure one. So, definitely my type of fic. It’s set after the events of “Thor”. Again here, as in “Life in reverse”, Loki happens to fall to Earth and he’s rescued by Jane, who had been waiting the return of Thor. The problem is that “Loki Odinson” is now a bad guy who needs to hide, and when he meets midgardian people he believes necessary to give to himself a new name and a new hidentity while waiting for the right opportunity to take control again. Ship: Loki/ Jane F. 27 chaps. Finished and totally worth the reading!
LOKI and SYLVIE favourite stories so far: 
3 Chaps, completed. The search for Gamora takes the Guardians of the Galaxy to a dreary planet of endless mist, where a maze is said to reveal the path to a lost loved one for any who make it to the center. Thor figured he was just along for the ride, until he stumbles into two different quests entirely.
OR: Thor reunites with Loki, meets Sylvie, and is the somewhat unfortunate witness to their reunion.
The story is set in the isle of mist atmosphere (aka: the witcher 3 references... and just for this, it wins). 
I DON’T WANT A THRONE What if Sylvie had banished Loki back to the moment when he had been being interrogated by Natasha during the attack on New York instead of sending him to the TVA?  Ok this story is not finished yet (15 chaps for now) but it is a good candidate to this list. It’s very well written and the plot is soo intriguing (with also the right amount of angst that I like). I check every day if there is a new chap for how much I already love the story. So super good. Really. 
FIND MY WAY BACK TO YOU 4 chaps for now, not completed yet. Reunion fic set after 1x06 of Loki.  Ok there are many Sylki reunion fics around the web, but this story is developed with a very good background, set during the multiverse war in a planet where Sylvie is actually fighting Kang’s soldiers. So, there is a good potential storyline development. Plus: Loki and Sylvie are oh so very In-Caracter! And ther is that little bit of angst that helps loving it even more. Unfortunately right now there are only 4 chaps, hope the author will keep posting because the story has a very good potential and is very well written.
AN ENDING, A BEGINNING  2 chaps. Completed. Set after the finale of season 1, Loki regrets seeking out why Sylvie was told the truth about her heritage from a young age where he was not. The answer is going to find out. 
(P.S. the fan art used as cover for this post is not mine. Source )
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watcherinwater · 3 years
So I definitely liked some of it. But once again we barely got any new information. Just an FYI though, it’s been confirmed there’s going to be a season 2 so I guess it’s not too bad that they’re going so slowly. But I still wish they would give us more background. We barely saw anything of Sylvie/Loki’s childhood and we still don’t know what her nexus event was-is it because she knew she was adopted? Because she was born a girl in her prime form?
They just came and took her-and yes don’t be surprised the TVA would hurt a child-look at who they are. Loki is alive and appears to be in some Loki variant dimension (is the black guy a Loki or a Thor? He had a hammer so I can’t really tell). Classic Loki, Kid Loki, Alligator Loki! Love it. I wonder if Mobius is in some Mobius variant dimension? We see him later in the trailer so he’s not dead either.
I kept hearing how this episode was going to be weird and do new stuff but honestly I feel like I waited through the whole thing to get the best scene at the end. Would’ve been nice to see the other Lokis in the beginning. They better all be in the next two episodes for all the screen time!
Can we have one goddamn episode where Loki doesn’t get beat up?!
We don’t have to see him constantly throwing people left and right but can we have one fight that he actually wins?! Where is the whole “we’re going to see his powers in a new way?” Dude can stop a building but he hardly ever even tries to fight back?! After growing up in Asgard? And he gets hurt that easily? Can be thrown by a human? This is the guy who was able to handle Captain America, who even held his own with Thor for a while; who fucking survived the Hulk and got back up? Who “packed a wallop”? You’re telling me a punch from memory Sif hurts him that much? What the hell is wrong with this? I keep waiting for BAMF Loki with at least some new powers and I’m tired of hearing “Oh just wait for the next episode”. And don’t write me and give me excuses-this part-which is my main beef with the show-is basically just bad writing. I heard the head writer never watched any of the previous Loki movies before making the series. I thought that was a joke, but now I’m not so sure.
Btw memory Sif, instead of screaming about what he did to you, wait until he’s asleep and cut off one side of the hair on his head. Don’t get mad-get even. That’s actually the best approach with someone like Loki. Many pranksters-even when they go too far-have a weird way of respecting people who stand up to them using their own methods. 
While Loki definitely has some narcissistic traits, (and it looks like it’s going to get turned up to 11 if they go with Sylki 🤔) I wouldn’t say he’s an entire narcissist or that that defines him. Hello-look at where he grew up. Asgard is literally a narcissistic planet built on lies and a racial superiority complex. Royalty especially is going to be that way. Funny how Loki is usually the only one held accountable for Asgard’s sins.
I’ve always seen him more as a borderline with passive aggressive traits. One of those people who act superior because they’ve had too in the environment they’ve grown up in, been indoctrinated into it-and on some level believe it- but on another level hate themselves and try to cover it up with more grandstanding. His pranks were ways of passively-aggressively acting out when he couldn’t (or wouldn’t) act out in other ways. Emotionally neglected kids often do stupid and sometimes mean shit for attention because even bad attention is better than none. Loki at first hated the idea of other Lokis too and wanted to be the only one. They tried this narcissist stuff on Tony Stark too and while he definitely had some traits he wasn’t full blown either. And look how that turned out-Tony helped save the universe.
B-15 finding her memories and conscience because of Sylvie. She seems like she used to be a nice person and not the sadistic cop she came off as before. I’m guessing the TVA brainwashes it’s cops to be mean and aggressive. Ugh. Renslayer knows everybody’s a variant and she’s covering it up. It would seem she’s a variant herself because she used to be a time cop. Why cover it up? What does she know? She seems very conflicted-especially toward Mobius. It really hurt her to vaporize him. I’m thinking she’s in love with him. Mobislayer? I’m very happy Mobius is freeing himself and helping and I know we will see him again; but I have some serious issues with some of the stuff he did in this episode.
The time keepers being fake doesn’t surprise me. But who is really running the show? Will we find out next week? At the rate they’re going I’m not so sure-but at least we’re getting a season 2.

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