#i dont mind lokius
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I've been here since 2021 and when i tell you the shit that I've seen...
This doesnt apply to fellow artists, multishippers or peaceful stans that never typed a single death threat be it here, on twt, discord, tumblr tags, tiktok, wherever. You guys rock and we need more of yall in this world.
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technicalthinker · 7 months
Loki & Mobius | Suburban Legends [+S2]
Since I uploaded it on youtube, I thought I might re-share this with that link. It took me 10 years but I have returned to my roots of MCU edits, THAT is what the Loki/Mobius dynamic did to me.
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p4nishers · 8 months
absolutely fascinating to me that the stakes theyre setting up for the next two episodes is almost entirely related to mobius. like MOBIUS will lose his skin. MOBIUS has his memory erased and placed back on the sacred timeline. sylvie and loki’s “romance”? huh? whos she?
atp it's not loki x sylvie romance its mobius x marvel bc they're OBSESSED w him. as they fucking should be.
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starryfox0 · 8 months
am i a convinced lokius shipper? yes. do i want sylki to happen? absolutely not.
but the reason i dont like sylki isnt because sylvie is a loki variant and they basically the same. i mean, it is kinda weird but still, loki got pregnant by a horse ok. the reason also isnt that it wouldnt be queer (although i would argue it still is).
i just think that loki and sylvie have absolutely no romantic chemistry. ofc there is an understanding, they are the same, they get each other. but that isnt a reason for them to pursue their relationship romantically. i think that loki and sylvie both thought that the only one able to ever truly love them is themselves. (i dont think loki rly loves himself or sylvie but öhm cmon ykwim). i also think that both thought they didnt deserve anyone else. but both of them grew. both started to find value in themselves and around them. loki found it in the tva, in mobius. sylvie found her life at mcdonalds and started to live a quiet, calm and normal life. they arent as dependent on the other like before. they might realise that they deserve someone who loves them and gets to know them.
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favorite loki episode (so far) this is for science
okay okay uh
Breaking Brad was great on many levels. Maybe it’s because it was fresh on my mind. Was the plot great? I don’t know. But some of the scenes have great vibes. Plot wise, Ouroboros is a better episode.
anyways back to Breaking Brad
Sylki propaganda
McDonalds propaganda
Loki using their full magic!!!!
Time Husbands in suits!!!
domestic scene with the tempad that felt like them building something from ikea
casey and Ouroboros!!!!!
B15 is badass and I’m in love with her
Sylvie is badass and I’m in love with her
just put me down for being deceased about the Lokius content
the conflict?
Loki being the villain we know they can be
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munscns · 7 months
i keep seeing the "loki is 17 in earth years" thing circulating again and im gonna lose my mind (partially bc its being used in shipping discourse) and im genuinely curious if were supposed to think he would be that young / or early 20s physically in the first thor through avengers??? (and therefore also the show lol)
this was based on the "asgard to earth years math" based on odin possibly being 5000+ and loki being 1047 in thor 1 and 1048 in avengers and taking the human average lifespan and long story short the math turned out to be "17" which is stupid for multiple reasons...
main one being bc i feel like ..... thats kind of like when people say oh my dog is this old but 70 in human years! it doesnt really mean anything
but i only started thinking abt it again bc i saw that in a what if episode coulson referred to thor 1 thor as mid 20s ...?
and further hemsworth called thor 22 in a behind the scenes thing for (love and thunder i believe? or maybe ragnarok i dont remember) so now im curious is loki really supposed to be like somewhere between 17-21 physically and im losing my mind over people making it fucking weird
asgardians (ik hes not asgardian but im assuming jotuunheim has similar maturity rates or whatever) clearly age differently so equating their maturating to human years would be dumb anyway right like . clearly if loki and thor rolled up to earth they would both be adults ? and were also treated as such on asgard?
anyways im overthinking but its making me feel WEIRD (esp in regards to shipping bc i deadass saw a sylki shipper say u cant ship lokius bc of lokis supposed earth years age like.... baby thats a grown ass man....and wasnt sylvie also supposedly like 1000+ older than him as well...so....)
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nightingale101 · 7 months
I am in two minds of writing a Lokius baby/mpreg fanfic..
Option A: the baby is from a different branched timeline Like Loki looks into different branches of the multiverse, maybe looking for ways to stop HWR/Kang, and finds an a version of himself who dies, but leaves behind a orphaned Daughter, and when Loki looks along the Childs personal timeline, he finds it full of nothing but misery and pretty much everything stacked against her to the point where she would become a villain, but basically through no fault of her own. But feeling a connection to her, he somehow sends that child to Mobius to raise?
Option B: Loki and Mobius were in a relationship/fling BEFOR the events of S02EP06 i think you can see where this is going, Loki and Mobius hooked up at some point before the loom exploded, and Loki was pregnant from that hook up when he went and became God of Stories. Has Baby (Again, a girl) and then send the baby to Mobius.
things both of these stories would Have in common: -Loki and Mobius would be in love (Maybe a bit of slow burn? maybe they dont want to admit it) -Loki would be able to communicate to Mobius and appear before him via an astral projection (So they can speak, but cant touch) -Mobius would have to go to the TVA on occasion and take the baby with him. -The daughter would have powers similar to Loki.
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lunaartist03 · 10 months
Just a reminder: I dont ship $ylk!. I have so many problems with this ship and why it's so harmfull to the genderfluid community and Loki's genderfluid idenitiy.
And yes I also ship Lokius. But I'm not hating on the ship cuz sylvi3 is 'in the way' of my ship. I also ship Loki with my oc but thats different
So pls $ylk! And proshippers DNI‼️
Loki and sylvi3 only have a sibling dynamic in my mind than you.
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hieee, dont mind me, just making an rp ad. looking to rp lokius (mobius preferance), spirk (kirk preference), or kylux (hux preference). i can write either dom or sub, 18+, like to work with paragraph(s), 3rd person, past tense (but can do present) and i like to have plot that interjects with smut (so if ur not comfy with writing smut, which, totally valid if u arent, this is not the ad for you sadly). i also prefer to write on google docs while chatting on discord about OC/plot stuff so we can like. have two separate places and so the replies dont get lost to chatting haha. its also fun to use gdocs to leave notes and stuff. hard to explain but i can give examples.
that’s it! if u want examples of starters i’ve written or replies im more than willing to share, and you can contact me on discord @ SamichMachine#7368
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blastia-heart · 3 years
Do you ever think about how phase 4 of the MCU is going to happen because of how much Wanda loved Vision and learned how to deal with grief in her own way and also because Mobius loved the literal embodiment of chaos so much he decided to over throw everything he'd worked for for eons?
Because I certainly do
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allthingsthorki · 3 years
Loki getting drunk, singing ballades, getting almost ooc just to bring everyone's focus on him, it looks familiar to me
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I mean
What if he was sending him a signal
What if that is how mobius finds him again
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I think i got the dress code for exclusive mobius m mobius and owen wilson fans for the future meet and greet. You can copy my outfit . I don't mind we can twin you know.😊
Here is a picture of me with the outfit
Owen Wilson watch out 🤠
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lightneverfades · 3 years
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What if Sylvie kidnaps Mobius instead of C-20 (in order to obtain information about the TVA)? 
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p4nishers · 7 months
Hi there my friend. I’m not sure if anyone have already asked about this but I really want to know what the top five reasons why Lokius is a great ship to you. Of course there are more than five reasons. But if you can name only the top five ones, what would they be?
oh i've been waiting for this one. ok so they wont be in order or anything bc i simply cannot rank them but here we go:
the fact that loki has never had someone like mobius before meeting him. never had someone care about them and see them while knowing them so deeply and wanting to know them more and more and being able to sit in their presence without judgement. it's like they changed each other so much and gave each other another chance in their own different ways and a friend can absolutely do that for you but it's just so romantic with them
they just know each other so well and they dont use that knowledge against each other. like all their arguments are just arguments, they're only hurtful when they make it personal and that only happens bc they just care SO MUCH. like mobius in s1ep4 cared enough to be hurt that loki left him and he cared enough to be jealous at sylvie and loki cared enough to be hurt by his "betrayal"
loki falling asleep in mobius' presence in the SECOND EPISODE when they made it clear they dont sleep around ppl they dont trust. in fact i think this was the only time we ever saw them sleep. like if that doesn't tell you everything you need to know idk what does
the fact that mobius studied loki for SO long and knew everything about them but upon meeting them he didn't treat him like a tourist attraction or some fictional character, they just treated him like a person. as tom said, mobius is able to be detached from loki's drama and not because he doesn't care, but because he sees beyond it and knows it's just an act. he knows a mask when he sees one.
the devotion they have for each other. the way the first thing on loki's mind was to search for MOBIUS when sylvie betrayed them. and they searched in places they visited TOGETHER!! the fact that they didn't give up even when it was clear mobius didn't remember them and the fact that mobius checked his tempad and immediately wanted to look for loki when casey said they were back. the devotion it took for loki to not give up on mobius when he didn't remember them ONCE AGAIN because they couldn't do it without him by their side. they could have, they just didn't want to. the devotion in the sentence "it's about who". they're able to save the multiverse for mobius, they love him that much.
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thelastharbinger · 3 years
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Ok but Lokius is literally one of the titles on the Loki Series Soundtrack so...
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runnyeggsnham · 3 years
alright so for a compilation video of all the lokius scenes, what's the preference: only lokius scenes, or lokius together and lokius individually talking about each other scenes? or do both?
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