#but we'll make him a nice denture. and he'll get a partial in the mandible. it'll work out but i'm still so bummed for him
ofallthingsnasty · 5 months
As someone who was actually excited to get a molar pulled, who knows what was going through your patient's head. But I'm not kidding. I was excited to get a tooth pulled. Hear me out. It's kind of a long story. I swear I'm not crazy.
At least with me I had a molar that was in severe pain for a year and a half that took multiple trips to the dentist to finally figure out what was wrong and I could tell you exactly what tooth the pain was coming from. First they told me it was cavities they were filled. I was still in pain. Then it was my wisdom teeth. They were removed. I was still in pain then the dentist said the pain was all in my head and accused me of making it up in order to get pain meds. So he accused me of being a drug seeker and he refused to treat me anymore. So I had to get a new dentist this one finally sent me to a specialist where they discovered I had a crack in the root of the exact molar that I had been saying was the source of pain for a year and a half. So I was ecstatic when it was finally removed. The oral surgeon said it came out in three pieces and I was lucky it did not get infected and started causing other problems. To this day I have no idea when or how I cracked that tooth.
Now looking back I probably did freak out some of the workers because being happy or excited probably isn't the normal reaction to getting your tooth pulled. But to know that l will no longer be in pain after so long. Plus I had been told it was all in my head and I was lying and accused of being a drug seeker. It was validating to finally have answers and proof I was not crazy. Plus the cherry on top. The dentist who accused me of being a drug seeker office closed down. Hopefully he's no longer practicing.
So who knows what was going through your patient's head or maybe it hasn't sunk in that their losing a tooth. You never know
Oh jeez, I'm so sorry that happened to you 😨 I am floored that you got accused of that, that is just inexcusable... But I'm glad it all worked out in the end. Cracks/fractures can be really hard to find and diagnose, but that's no reason to bully a patient 😡
And I get it!! I've had people in who sat themselves down in the chair and said 'today we'll pull x tooth' with enthusiasm. Or acute cases who were so happy afterwards. I think he has lived with these lose teeth for years now and just knew deep down they had to come out; I think he just thought about it and prepared himself waaaay ahead of that appointment, that's why he was so non-chalant. But in the end - only he truly knows. I'm just a little sad for him. So many teeth, all lost to periodontal disease, not even caries :( So preventable...
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