thealicecapulet · 6 years
Abe rested his eyes for a moment as he waited for his latte to cool down. His head was throbbing, had been since the night before. It kept him up most of the night and when he did sleep, it was not well. The nightmares. When he opened his eyes, he saw someone standing there and smiled. “Oh hi. Just resting my eyes a bit. Ever have one those headaches that feels like it’s turning your brain to mush?” 
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Since everything that’d happened with the man, Alice had been worried about him. But she didn’t want to smother him, instead just sending a few texts during the week, maybe the occasional meme in the hopes of making him smile. But as Alice saw him huddled over the table he was sitting at, she frowned and made her way over to him, unable to hide the concerned look completely on her face even as she managed a little smile. “I have. Maybe you should go home and rest, Abe....have you taken anything? I have some acetaminophen in my bag, at the very least..”
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thealicecapulet · 6 years
Text: I always am, I don’t get my story by fucking things up
Unsent: Ouch, hurtful
Text: I’m happy for you Bunny
Text: I know. But still...this is Oz Montague. He’s always been kind to me, but I’m still always a bit....nervous around him. He’s definitely an intimidating man.
Text: Thanks Annie. I told them all so much about you though! Even showed them some of your works and they’d all like to meet you. Would you maybe wanna come next time we go to Poland? I’d love for you to meet them too and to have you there. Vin’s mom is a great cook, if that’s any incentive~
Text: I’m swinging by the Montague tower today, thought you might like to have lunch on my way back.
Text: The Tower? Why’re you going there?
Text: But yeah, sure I’d like that. I got you things from my trip to Poland so I can give them to you then too.
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thealicecapulet · 6 years
“Hello Alice. It is always nice to see you.” Sin greeted warmly, “Come on in. Meet Natalia.” He invited with a broad grin. “How was the trip? Did you have a good time?” 
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Alice’s heart practically grew twice in size at the sight of the little girl, cooing softly as she came closer, “Oh Sir...she’s beautiful..” She breathed out, feeling a little pang of longing inside herself. She kept her gaze on the little girl as she nodding, “We did. It was amazing. Vin’s family is just..so wonderful. And so welcoming. And one of his cousins has a little girl whom admittedly stole our hearts. And even now..you and this little one certainly aren’t helping my baby fever.”
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thealicecapulet · 6 years
It was always nice to see his sunshine twin, but it wasn’t nice to see her looking at him like that. He hated seeing that he’d caused so much worry. “Hey…” he replied. “Thanks for coming…it’s nice to see friendly faces…” This was true, even if he wanted to go home and hide away from the world, hide his shame and embarrassment. It was still nicer to see his friends than the strangers who worked in the hospital. 
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Alice tried a little smile but it didn’t quite erase the worry in her eyes. She stepped into the room, holding up a little teddy bear she’d gotten him that had a bright sun on its little t-shirt and she brought it over to him, “I got you a little something, even if it’s silly.” She explained as she went to his side and she sat down beside the bed, hesitating for only a second before giving his hand a squeeze. “Abe I’m so glad you’re okay..we were so worried...”
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thealicecapulet · 6 years
Text: To interview Voldemort for the station.
Text: That’s sweet Bunny, I have all your Christmas stuff still wrapped. It was a weird holiday season with you gone.
Text: Ah. Okay.
Text: Just be smart about it. 
Text: It was weird not waking up with you on Christmas morning either but...honestly, Annie? It was pretty great.
Text: VIn’s family is just.../wonderful/. There’s no feuding or drama or anything. It was nice to get away from all that for a while.
Text: I’m swinging by the Montague tower today, thought you might like to have lunch on my way back.
Text: The Tower? Why’re you going there?
Text: But yeah, sure I’d like that. I got you things from my trip to Poland so I can give them to you then too.
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thealicecapulet · 6 years
Text: I’m swinging by the Montague tower today, thought you might like to have lunch on my way back.
Text: The Tower? Why’re you going there?
Text: But yeah, sure I’d like that. I got you things from my trip to Poland so I can give them to you then too.
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thealicecapulet · 6 years
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Sin settled Natalia in the crook of his elbow and looked over at their visitor, “Thank you so much for coming … how are you?” 
Alice had some time until she needed to meet with the nurse she’d be shadowing today so she made her way through the hospital and to the maternity ward, a grin on her face as she knocked on the door and poked her head inside. A new baby in the family was also such an exciting thing- and the first baby between both families was absolutely no exception. “Hi Sir. I’m great. Just really wanted to come see the newest addition.”
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thealicecapulet · 6 years
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thealicecapulet · 6 years
Daisy simply giggled, blushing slightly at Alice’s compliment.  “You’re too sweet, Alice,” she laughed with a wave of her hand.  “Great!  I will grab one for you and Vincent to put in your place,” she smiled as she moved around her cousin and picked up the potted plant.  “Oh… yea they’re not good for cats.  Mmm, I think if you put a little bit of rosemary at the base of the plant, your cat probably will avoid it, but I really don’t know much about cats.”
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“Rosemary? Okay, I’ll do that. Tinfoil also freaks him out so maybe I’ll ball some up to put around it too, just for extra safe measure.” Alice decided, watching as Daisy moved around the shop to add the plant to her purchase. “That’s really beautiful. You definitely have a gifted green thumb.” she told her with a laugh before nodding to her, “So how’ve you been?! Any cute Doms come and sweep you off your feet yet, cousin?”
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thealicecapulet · 6 years
Abe didn’t expect many visitors in the hospital besides his parents and a few friends, Sammy mostly. He sat in a daze, everything feeling oddly surreal, like a bad dream. So when he saw someone standing in the doorway of his room, he sat up slowly. “Oh….um…hi.” 
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Alice had been out of the country with Vin during the holidays, so when she finally got the delayed news about Abe she’d been heartbroken and worried beyond belief. But now she was back in Verona and as soon as she’d heard that he’d been found she practically dropped everything and headed right to the hospital, letting out a shaky breath of relief when she saw Abe sitting in a hospital bed. “Hey sunshine twin..”
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thealicecapulet · 6 years
“I’m training my body for New Years Eve. What’s your excuse for drinking alone?” The woman smirked lightly at the person sitting a couple seats down from her. 
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Alice looked over to the woman speaking and she huffed out a little laugh, “Well this is just soda, not a drink. And I actually work here. My shift’s over though so I’m just waiting here for my Dom. What’re you drinking?” She asked, nodding over to the woman’s glass.
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thealicecapulet · 6 years
“Thanks but I’ve been lucky to get a lot of help so I should be alright.  My brothers are getting roped in for as many days as I need them although I’m not sure they realise it yet,” she chuckled although she had been very touched by how many of her family and friends had come to help with her move.  “Money is always good,” she agreed.  “Be sure to save some though you never know…” Pointing out that nobody knew what was around the corner seemed rather morbid so she smiled again, “You never know when you might need the extra time off for placements or exams.”  It had been a while since Megan had bumped into Alice at the hospital and so was surprised she had been there a lot.  “You must come up and say hello one day then.  I’m about to increase my hours so I’ll be around a lot more.  I know physical therapy is tucked away in the corner but it would all add to your step count.”
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Alice gave her cousin a little smile at the money comment but just nodded instead of actually replying. She hoped to every deity in the universe that she’d never have to go through whatever it was Megan currently was. She resisted the urge to toy with her collar and instead let out a breath and nodded again, “I’ll try to, of course. I’ve just spent a lot of time in the pediatric wings since that’s where I’m focusing my studies, but I can always spare time to go to the PT side. I’ll be sure to bring coffee and possibly snacks every time I do too.”
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Home improvements
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thealicecapulet · 6 years
“Thanks Alice,” Megan said with a small smile.  “I’ll head back there in a minute.  Guess I chose totally the wrong time to move house.”  It wasn’t particularly a joke but she gave a small chuckle anyway.  Everyone knew she wasn’t moving for a good reason.  “Are your classes finished for the holidays yet?”
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Alice’s smile was small but understanding, “Do you need help with anything?” She offered instead of properly replying since she was somewhat unsure of what to say in the first place. “They are, yeah. Few weeks off now til the next semester in January, so I’m taking more hours at the bar to get more money and trying to spend as much time as I can at the hospital as well. So far, so good.”
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Home improvements
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thealicecapulet · 6 years
Daisy’s face brightened up at Alice’s compliment.  She was glad to send this beautiful wreath home with such wonderful people.  “I hope so too!  But if you like it, then that already makes me happy,” she giggled.  “Did you want a poinsettia plant too?  On me.  They’re so festive and pretty, and I even added some glitter on the petals,” she giggled.
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“How could I not like it! It’s beautiful, like everything else you’ve always made.” Alice assured her cousin with a happy smile. Her smile grew into a full-on grin as Daisy offered a free plant as well and Alice laughed, nodding, “You had me at glitter.” She teased, adjusting the wreath to the side for now. “I’ll just have to put it somewhere high up that Cheshire can’t get to since I’ve heard they’re poisonous to cats?”
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thealicecapulet · 6 years
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Dear @thealicecapulet,
I thought of you as soon as I saw this. It’s a clock that shows the sun rising! Since you’re my sunshine twin, I thought it kind of super appropriate. I hope you like it. I thought it was really pretty. Merry Christmas! I hope we get to hang out soon. <3 
Best, Abe
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thealicecapulet · 6 years
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Merry Christmas
~ Lord Oz
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thealicecapulet · 6 years
[Given to Alice before she and Vin head off]
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Merry Christmas Mrs Montague. ;)
  The tree is lemon and should grow fine in the pot, but we’re gonna use it as a plot to get you guys out of the city and into suburbia okay?
 - Love Posey.
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