#but were talking abt danganronpa here ok leave me alone
izuru: in the end, there is so much i do not know...
hajime: it’s ok, i’m here to help. i’m not happy with you but...we need to work together, for everyone’s future, to be better. you can ask me anything and i’ll try my best to explain.
izuru: killing is bad?
hajime: yes. we do not take human life, ever. it’s precious.
izuru: i see...and empathy is never meaningless?
hajime: no, it’s not. it may be predictable, but it’s still better to be kind. people’s feelings matter.
izuru: mm....and i should not compromise morality out of boredom.
hajime: that’s right. see! you’re getting it!
izuru: mmhm...one more thing, hajime...
hajime: yeah?
izuru: why does komaeda nagito call us babygirl?
izuru: ...?
hajime: remember that thing i said about no killing? yeah so feel free to forget tha-
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comfort-central · 3 years
hey im mod mari
Tumblr media
tw!! i mention and talk about (not in depth) some serious stuff in here and i have NOT censored any of it, please take caution <33
uh. so mod mari here!! i am a person named rye but i also go by tartaglia i mean sheep yeah that. for this blog ill use she/they/mew pronouns (if u dont know what the mew pronoun is go ahead and send in an ask!! im too lazy to explain it here)
im a minor, dont be creepy pls
um so just a warning i curse. and use caps. and make uh adult and sometimes teenager bedroom time jokes!! so yeah,, uh if ur not into that then,, farewell
another dni thing,, if ur a piece of shit aka a racist, homophobe, transphobe, map or map-supporting person, generally just a trashy person, then leave me alone thanks so much
as u can tell from my mod name, i like omori!! but i also like the following:
genshin impact
her tears were my light
syrup and the ultimate sweet
to be added
your turn to die
for the above games, ill do this stuff:
edits - icons, headers, wallpapers, pfps (icons n pfps r the only ones i have some experience with so forgive me if they turn out. uh. bad.)
writing - headcanons of all kind! but thats it,, also warning— i dont write formally, ill probably use unholy words and dumb notes like "idk how to explain this but" or whatever, thats just my style :]
literally idfk ill probably edit this later
im open to spoilers, HOWEVER, please clarify an ask is for me first if ur doing a request like that, because if you dont, you may be spoiling one of the other mods!! :(
uh as you could probably tell, i will not be making things that are, in general, triggering, because im a decent human being. if you send in an ask that i consider to be generally triggering, i will not answer, please respect that
ok i just realized that can imply that i tolerate said triggering things, I DONT, its disgusting
if u have any questions abt things ill do or what specifically im talking abt when i say "triggering", go ahead and ask, just clarify its for me
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