#but what really got me was like thinking about Akane seeing him fawning over Aoi
minamotosousuke · 2 years
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how could I have been so blind. how was I not aware of this clip before now
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
Hey sav!! It's me again, back with another request 😎 Can I get an Akane x fem!reader where the reader walks in on Akane in his supernatural form and is like "😳 woah babes,," And then just general stuff about her fangirling constantly abt it and even being more susceptible to Akane's methods of getting her to blush? aaaaaaaa I hope this made sense,,, have a nice day tho, Sav!!! - owl anon
akane aoi x f!reader
a/n: the way i went “:0 owl anon” particularly cos of the fact that i’ve been in a very akane-loving mood for no reason in particular. He’s just neat. But!! Welcome back, and of course you can :DD cos this would literally be me, i just wanna. hold his hand yk yk. Makes perfect sense uvu!! You have a nice day too!!!
warnings: none <3
word count: 923
“Waaaaaaah, Akaneeeeeeeee,” You’d ‘cry’, as you did many times before, placing a hand dramatically on your chest after you entered the room. Not because he hurt your feelings. Not because you were hurt, emotionally nor physically. No, because- look at him! He’s!! Hot!!!
“Akane, I promise you, I get thrown off when you go from Nerd to… aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.”
“??? Hey, (Y/N), what the heck does that mean??? Also this is the third time you’ve done this today- I don’t mind, of course, it’s kinda cute but-”
Your compliments and blushing honestly makes Akane feel a bit flustered as well- it’s you standing there, face red as you ramble about how pretty he is, and Akane standing there, face slightly less red, thinking about how pretty you are. Really- how is such a cute person fawning over him like that-
You’ll be walking around after school, finishing up with duties from a club, and you’ll spot the tail end of a ponytail, and instantly you’re like: “Ah. It’s him. It’s my boy.”
“Akane!!” You’d call, chasing after him. Of course, he’d stop, and face you, already smirking since he knew what your reaction was nearly every time. It never got old, if he was being completely honest.
You laughed lightly, blushing as you hugged him. “Good to see you, Akane!!”
“Mhm, good to see me in my supernatural form? Still, it’s good to see you and your enthusiasm as well.”
“Aoinrfoaoirnf yeah but I love you, you’re just- you’re just the boy I love, but with a more… dunno- you’re cute on any day, but it’s like a special occasion!”
He’d laugh lightheartedly, patting your head gently. No matter if you treated him like you had never seen his supernatural form before, you were the cutest thing he had ever seen. Heck, it was nice to him- getting to see you without those glasses causing any sort of glare or distortion. It was purely you! Cute, loving, fangirling, you.
You’d see him across the hall, and he’d know that you were nearby thanks to your little squeal. He’d turn around, meeting your eyes, to which you’d only cover your face, running up to him and plopping yourself into his chest. “You’re so cuteeeee, you’ve turned into a total babeeeeeeee, how does a little paranormal crap do this- what happened to my dorky boyfrienddddd?”
“I- thanks, (Y/N). I’m still Akane though.”
“I know, I knowwwww, you’re just dressed upppp… you look great in a suit, you don’t know what it does to my poor heart. I didn’t think you could get cuter, pleaseeeee, stop making my heart hurt like thisssss.”
However, you’d better believe he uses your blushing and compliments as a means to tease you. Once no supernaturals, and- most importantly- no Terus, were around, he’d have to cut your ramblings short.
“(Y/N), I’m well aware how fond you are of me like this, but,” He’d pause, leaning forward slightly. Just close enough to where you could faintly feel his breath on your face. He smelled nice, was what you would think, if his close proximity wasn’t enough to make your mind race.
“Why don’t I get this sort of attention normally? It makes me want to stay like this all the time, just to have you only think of me.”
“Ah-” You tried to speak, feeling what you could only describe as every ounce of blood in your body rushing to your face. “Akaneeeeeeeeeeheeeeeheeehe...”
“Stooooop, don’t make fun of meeeeeeeeeee,”
Akane would snort, then burst into laughter, sitting back as he did so. Really, you were too cute- as was he. A look at his laughing face was enough to make you smile. He was pretty constantly, you knew it and he did as well, but he usually had to be more serious as a supernatural.
“Sorry, (Y/N), I couldn’t resist. I think it’s only fair- you practically tease me constantly whenever you compliment me like that.”
“Yeah, but-”
He cut you off, kissing you briefly, then sitting back with his usual Akane smirk- watching you as if nothing happened, and he was simply encouraging you to continue talking. “WAAH, AKANE, YOU CAN’T JUST DO THAT TO MY HEARTTTT!! You know how gorgeous you are, and you’re using it against me-! You think that ‘cos you’re wearing a suit, and don’t have those glasses, and have a ponytail, and are a supernatural that you can just- just- just make my heart feel like it’s gonna explode like that!”
He raised his eyebrows before speaking once again, “those sorts of rambles are exactly why I did that.”
“...And you’ve got a slightly different overall aura, in a good way- and your eyes are gorgeous and more visible without those glasses, and-”
Well- you knew what you were doing, but he wasn’t going to be one to deny you another kiss-
“Akane, I hope you realize that I’m only gonna compliment you more if it means I get rewarded.”
“(Y/N), I hope you realize I don’t actually mind the compliments. We started dating before you realized I was a supernatural, so I’m sure you like how I look in class just the same as you like me now.”
To that, you’d nod, glad that he understood that much. “Plus, you’re bolder in this form!”
“I think I’m ‘bolder’ because we aren’t in class.” He'd say, eyebrows still raised slightly.
“That does make sense, but like- but like, it’s just different, you know?”
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alvacchi · 4 years
Phantom Thief Hanako-kun AU Story: Chapter 4 - The Heist
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Hey guys! Thanks for your patience! Life gets busy.
-Previously in the last chapter...
-Yashiro and Tsuchigomori discovered Detective Three′s corpse at the crime scene
-Believing Hanako to be innocent, Yashiro took on the case to clear his name
-And a heist note had been delivered. Hanako planned to steal the moon.
-So what happens now?
-Next morning, Yashiro went to Tsuchigomori’s detective agency as usual
-To find Teru and Kou there discussing with Tsuchigomori
-Teru: “We appreciate if you could cooperate, Detective Tsuchigomori. The police force would like all the help we could get.”
Tsuchigomori: “Ugh.”
Yashiro: “What’s going on here?”
Kou: “Ah Senpai! Good morning!”
Yashiro: “Kou-kun! Good morning!”
Kou: “We’re discussing about the heist that’s happening tonight! We’re gathering information to capture Hanako!”
Yashiro: “Ah. Kou-kun, could you come here for a second?”
Kou: “Hm?”
-Yashiro dragged Kou out of earshot from the other two and whispered to him
-Yashiro: “Listen, do you think you could distract your brother during the heist? I don’t want him capturing Hanako. At least not yet.”
-Kou: “What? Why not, Senpai?”
-Yashiro: “Detective Three’s been murdered. Hanako is being suspected but I know it’s not him. If the police gets him, I wouldn’t be able to interrogate him.”
-Kou looked surprised but he understood the situation.
-He didn’t even question why Yashiro was sure. He just believed.
-Kou: “Okay I got it.”
-Yashiro: “Thanks, Kou-kun! It’s a secret between the two of us!”
-”The two of us”
-Those words echoed in Kou’s mind as he got slightly flustered
-Yashiro looked really dazzling to him
-Kou still wanted to ask her though
-Kou: “Is it okay if I let Mitsuba know?”
-Yashiro: “That’s fine! But don’t let him write about it in the papers just yet. It’s supposed to be still under wraps.”
-Kou: “Got it!”
-The two went back to where Tsuchigomori and Teru were.
-They were apparently discussing about the meaning of the heist notice.
-Tsuchigomori: “It’s the moon. Simple. That’s what it says on the letter.”
-Teru: “You don’t think there’s more to this? How does someone steal the moon? I can’t wrap my head around it.”
-Tsuchigomori just shrugged. He looked slightly irritated.
-Yashiro also thought the heist notice was weird.
-Perhaps by the time of the heist, they would understand.
-Teru: “Anyways, we’ll be sure to provide security to Aoi-san’s property again. He notified us about the location. The thief seems to often frequent his places huh.”
-Throughout many heists in the past, Hanako would steal from the gem collector Akane.
-Poor Akane. It was hard for him to trust the police force since they couldn’t protect his jewels each time.
-He wanted to impress Aoi and get a successful love confession
-His outfit even looked like a phantom thief kind since Aoi took a liking to Hanako, which Akane could not understand. He would capture Hanako and show Aoi that he was better! So he wanted to do.
-He hadn’t had much luck there sadly.
-So everyone waited for the time of the heist
-Night time arrived
-Crowds swarmed around the tall building where the heist was going to be as they chanted for Hanako
-Yashiro was among them, trying to get into the building
-Oh gosh she was late
-She should have arrived to the scene earlier
-It was taking her some time to squeeze through the crowds
-Never had she seen and expected so many people before
-Perhaps everyone was wondering how Hanako would steal the moon tonight
-It was all over the news.
-How was she going to get to Hanako before the police did?
-She decided she would but the amount of security was incredible
-Somewhere in the crowd, she spotted Mitsuba who was being interrogated by the news reporters Natsuhiko and Sakura
-Natsuhiko: “Hey boy! What are your thoughts on Hanako stealing the moon?”
-Mitsuba: “M-me? My thoughts...I’m not so sure. I find it absolutely crazy.”
-Natsuhiko: “Right! Hahaha!”
-Well they sure were having fun. Sakura was telling Natsuhiko they should interrogate the others
-Yashiro finally arrived inside the building on the first floor
-She was allowed in since she was part of the capturing team
-Everyone else she knew must be at the rooftop
-That place was heavily guarded since you could see the moon from there
-It was the highest place to the sky
-The heist could start any minute and she wasn’t with the others. Geez.
-She rushed to find the stairs
-But then the lights in the building suddenly blacked out.
-Hanako must have messed with the electricity
-Let the heist begin
-The policemen were in their positions in the building
-They were organized on each floor in case Hanako tried to escape to them
-But the blackout started confusing them
-Thinking they need to at least move around, they set off booby traps they didn’t know were there
-Definitely Hanako’s doing
-Yashiro got lost
-She hadn’t set off any traps thankfully
-She had prepared a flashlight on her just in case to navigate herself
-The building was huge though
-Where were the stairs?
-The elevator wouldn’t be working since the electricity went out and it wasn’t a good idea anyways
-To steal the moon, the one location Hanako should be at would be the rooftop, right?
-Oh why did she have to arrive late?!
-As she was frantically looking around in the dark, a hand grabbed her shoulder from behind
-Yashiro freaked the hell out
-Yashiro: “KYAAAAHHH”
-She heard laughing and immediately recognized it. Hanako.
-She turned around to see him
-Hanako: “Detective, why are you so jumpy? Haha”
-Yashiro: “Hanako! You...! What?!”
-Wait, why was Hanako here?! Where were the others?
-Nevermind that! Wasn’t this what she wanted in the first place?
-Yashiro: “I need to ask you something--”
Hanako: “Hey Detective, do you believe in real magic?”
-What? That just came out of nowhere
-She started pondering
-Real magic? Like a mystical force that defies logic and reason?
-What does this have to do with anything? Why would she go believing that?!
-Yashiro: “If real magic existed, there would be no need for detectives. There’s a reason behind everything, so no.”
-Hanako: “Heh. So that’s your answer. You don’t dream, do you?”
-Yashiro: “Wh- I can totally dream! Wait stop distracting me!”
-There was no time to waste! They’re in the middle of the heist!
-Yashiro was so angry right now though. She wanted to release all her built up stress she’s had
-Yashiro: “You are so reckless! Maybe the most reckless person I’ve ever met! Not only do you steal jewels, you crash into my apartment, take a bullet out of you with a knife, make a risky deal with me, crossdress to meet my friends when you didn’t even need to, and now you’re trying to steal the moon at the most terrible time?! Do you have no sense of danger?! Or is this what thrills you?! HUH?! Don’t steal the moon! It shouldn’t even be possible!”
-Hanako: “Calm down, detective! It’s not good for you to get so angry. Besides, I already accomplished my mission.”
-Yashiro: “YOU ARE THE REASON I--wait what did you say?”
-Hanako showed Yashiro the very thing that he stole. A lunar rock.
-Hanako: “Pretty, isn’t it? I guess people don’t usually consider this as a gem but I do. That gem collector had this as part of his collection here in this building”
-Yashiro’s mind was completely blown
-Hanako: “Oh, so you can dream, detective!”
-Yashiro’s eye twitched
-Oh she’s had it. And she was so worried about him too!
-She went to pin him down in a rage
-A moment soon, Akane and Aoi arrived to where they were.
-Akane: “AHA I KNEW IT! I didn’t give all the information to the police because screw them! I’m going to be the one to capture you--what are you guys doing?”
-Aoi: “Nene-chan...?”
-Yashiro looked up to see them
-Yashiro: “Huh? Akane-kun? Aoi?”
-Yashiro realized the position they were in. She was on top pinning down the thief.
-Hanako: “Oh I didn’t know you had it in you, detective~”
-Hanako just had to tease
-Yashiro’s face blushed completely red and she immediately got off
-Hanako got up and started running away
-They began the chase
-Akane: “Wait, you thief!”
-Yashiro: “WAIT HANAKO!”
-She hasn’t even asked him her most important question yet!
-Yashiro: “Did you murder Detective Three?!”
-Hanako flinched and stopped running
-The others did too, looking at Yashiro in question
-Yashiro: “Detective Three was murdered a couple days ago! And the police suspect you but I believe it was an imposter! You’ve been framed!”
-Hanako turned his head towards the party
-He looked quite troubled and pale
-Hanako: “And what if it really was me? What if I said I was guilty? Would you charge me right now?”
-Yashiro froze
-Okay, what the hell was he going on about??
-Is he okay??
-Yashiro knows it can’t be him already so why wasn’t he denying it?!
-Suddenly, a whip came forth and Hanako jumped out of the way
-Teru appeared. Looks like Kou couldn’t hold him off any longer
-Teru: “So this is where you are, thief. I should have known. Our battle isn’t over yet.”
-Hanako: “Tch”
-Oh no! What should Yashiro do?!
-Was there no way out of this??
-Aoi:“This way!”
-A smoke bomb exploded and Yashiro and Hanako were pulled along
-Akane followed with Aoi
 -Teru blew the smoke out of the way with his weapon to find them gone
-Teru: "Huh..."
-Back with the group, they appeared to have found a secret passage
-Akane: “Ao-chan...why did you have a smoke bomb? Also, how did you know there was a secret passage here?”
-Aoi: “Hehe I know a lot of stuff, Akane-kun! I’ve done my research on this building and I’ve studied Hanako’s smoke bombs before. I wanted to make one!”
-Akane: “Darn it thief! Stop influencing Ao-chan! But Ao-chan sure is really smart!~”
-As usual, Akane was fawning over Aoi
-Yashiro questioned Aoi’s actions
-Yashiro: “Wait Aoi, you’re helping Hanako?”
-Aoi: “Nene-chan, I know you. You’re trying to clear his name, right?” 
-Yashiro: “Aoi....I’m glad you understand!”
-Akane: “Ao-chan, he’s a phantom thief though...”
-Aoi: “Please Akane-kun. For me.”
-Akane: “Aaaa how could I say no?!”
-They seemed to have forgotten about the stolen lunar rock
-Now focusing on getting out of the building
-Hanako was quiet the whole time
-Which felt really strange
-Once they gotten out safely, Akane and Aoi left Yashiro and Hanako alone
-They were in an alleyway where nobody else was around
-Yashiro confronted Hanako
-Yashiro: “Hanako, I know it can’t be you. Who is the murderer?”
-No response from him
-His expression was unreadable at this point
-Yashiro sighed. She wasn’t getting anywhere 
-Yashiro: “Sorry” 
-She apologized.
-Hanako looked at her confused. Finally some expression she could read
-Yashiro: “I’ve been demanding information from you the whole time. It’s unfair of me to not share any from my side. I haven’t properly introduced myself to you, even though we agreed to get know each other.”
-Yashiro took a stance, pointing at herself smiling
-Yashiro: “I’m Yashiro Nene! A detective’s apprentice from Tsuchigomori’s detective agency. It’s nice to meet you!”
-A second later and Yashiro waved her hands at him
-Yashiro: “Ah you don’t have to tell me anything! Just let me tell you a few things. Back before I began this job, my best friend Aoi was framed for something she didn’t do. Akane-kun tried to bribe the police but it didn’t work. I didn’t know what to do and I was scared. I was crying a lot. And then, Tsuchigomori-sensei stepped into my life. He proved Aoi was innocent and I felt really thankful. That’s when I decided I wanted to become his apprentice and learn from him.”
-Hanako: “It wasn’t because you had a crush on the devil?”
-Yashiro: “Minamoto-senpai isn’t a devil! He means well! That may be partly why but it’s not the main reason.”
-Hanako: “Heh~”
-Yashiro: “I’ve decided. I’m going to call you Hanako-kun from now on! We’re friends now and you’re not allowed to object!” 
-Hanako looked surprised.
-A detective wanting to be friends with a phantom thief? 
-Hanako: “Pff what a weird detective.”
-He smiled a little
-Yashiro: [pouts] “What do you mean by that?” 
-She was relieved that he seemed to be feeling better
-Hanako: “...Actually I do have something I want to say to you.”
-Yashiro: ?
-He embraced her in the alleyway, the moonlight shining so beautifully on them
-Hanako: “I never got to properly thank you for saving me that night. Thank you. Thank you for caring about me.”
-Meanwhile on the rooftop
-Kou was talking with Mitsuba, mentioning about his conversation with Yashiro in the morning
-The police had declared the heist was over so Mitsuba was allowed to come over there
-Teru then just came back
-Kou: “Oh Nii-chan! You’re back! Looks like Hanako couldn’t steal the moon after all!”
-Teru: “No, he succeeded. It wasn’t the moon he was after. It was a moon rock.”
-Kou: “Oh why didn’t I think of that! Darn, we’ll get him next time! What do you want for dinner, Nii-chan--”
-Teru: “Kou”
-Kou: “Yes?”
-Teru: “Don’t think I didn’t know you were trying to prevent me from going anywhere. I saw Yashiro-san and her friends behaving oddly.”
-Kou: “Teru-nii...”
-Kou put on his glum face and Teru sighed.
-Teru: “Well...I’ll let it go this time. You guys may have a reason for doing so.”
-Kou: [smiles] “Nii-chan!”
-Mitsuba: “Minamoto-kun...”
-Kou: “Hm?”
-Mitsuba: “There’s something I should tell you...I..Well I think I’m going to go home early”
-Kou: “Oh okay! Get home safely!”
-Mitsuba arrived home, staring at the photos he took and had recently developed in the last couple days
-Mitsuba: “I didn’t tell him in the end...”
-Radio (Natsuhiko’s voice): --And so that’s what happened! Wow, what do you know! Phantom Thief Hanako did another successful heist! Thanks for listening folks! Now--
-A hand appeared to turn off the radio
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