#but whatever it's sketches i made in literally two minutes like 8 months ago so i'm still bery happy
machidielontheway · 6 months
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[Image description : a filled template / chart labelled "Understand my ship in five minutes", with two characters sketchs and various infos in boxes, sliders, and silhouettes to fill, detailled in text under the cut. end ID]
[Link to the blank template]
✨ Understand my ship in 5 minutes : Ty and the Godkiller, early '23 edition ✨
Descriptions, additional details & explanations under the cut !
[Sketches] Ty is sketched in blue and all data about him is written / notched in blue. He has straight black hair nape-long, is wearing a fit open hoodie above a v-collared t-shirt, and has a smug and lightly condescending look looking at the viewer. The top of his head is touching the top of the square frame he's drawn in to indicate how tall he is. Sha'an is sketched in orange and all data about him is in orange. He has very short tousled hair, is wearing a too-big-for-him closed hoodie, and has a neutral-to-frowny expression as he looks downard and to the side.
[Data] Name : "Ty" (not actually his name) Height : Tall Age : around 21 (at the beginning of the story) Gender : Guy Sexuality : Bisexual Name : Sha'an Height : Short Age : around 19 (at the beginning of the story) Gender : Guy (gender apathetic) Sexuality : [citation needed]
Height difference : around one head, one head and a half Age difference : around three years
[Sliders] Big / little spoon : Ty likes to hug or have an arm over the shoulders of people's he's close with, so he's a strong big spoon contender. Sha'an has been touch-starved since he was a kid and has anxiety ; human warmth and weight surrounding him calms him and makes him sleep better => little spoon coded.
Lends / borrows clothes : Ty is voluntold as a lender of clothes, as Miya - Ty's adoptive sister / mentor - has clothed Sha'an in all his forgotten cast-offs and teenage garments. Sha'an accepts and wear whatever Miya gives him.
Use / doesn't use pet names : Sha'an doesn't even know what a pet name is, and would probably mistake the concept a little. Ty uses pet names to tease, play, or annoy, but wouldn't use any with the people he actually like. However he is partial to nicknames.
Introverted / extroverted * : (*meaning used here is "socially, what gives them energy or what use it) Ty needs his personal space at time to sort through things, as well as let his mask down and breath from the persona he uses at school or work or politic situations. But otherwise he likes and needs to be with his close ones around the clock, or he becomes quickly bored and restless. He would count as extroverted. For Sha'an, every social situation - no matter how many persons are present - is draining as he is constantly checking and reviewing input and calculating what is the "right" output. This ways he is introverted. However, alone time is not great for him either if he's not in nature, as he does not know how to relax and take care of himself. Quiet parallel play with Miya (and then with Ty as well, farther down in the story) is something he rather likes.
Affection through words / through actions : Ty uses both, but the depths of it will always be shown through actions. Words he uses for casual, friendly affection. Sha'an uses neither because he barely knows how to feel and recognise affection, let alone show it.
Confesses first / waits for confession : Easy one there : none of them ever confess ! at least, not in the sense of a "romantic confession" as we're used to. Screams about the bugs / squashes bugs with a shoe : They both squashes bugs with their shoes. Sha'an is technically a wild child who ran barefoot in the forest, and Ty a street urchin who slept in abandonned places. Bugs are not a problem.
Drives the car / can't drive lol : If they were in a world where cars exist, Ty would confidently road-trip with his friends or sister. Sha'an could be taught how to operate a car but would have zero knowledge of even the simplest roadsign and would be a danger to everybody himself included.
Can't cook for shit / makes dinner : Sha'an can't cook for shit as he never had to / never had a choice to learn or observe. He's fast at peeling and mincing though as it's a chore he did for a long time when he was a child / teen. Ty is reasonnably good at cooking, for his own sake because Miya is quite mediocre at it and generally do not care what she's eating as long as it's filling. Ty has taken upon himself to cook their meals whenever they're together since he learned how to in the House.
Dislikes PDA / loves PDA : Ty likes PDA because he loves doing whatever he wants wherever he wants. Skinship is one of his favourite ways to show his affection, as well as his possessiveness when he indulges in it. Sha'an, at the beginning of the story, doesn't register skin touch as conveyor of affection, and is left trying to infer the meaning each time, which doesn't help his anxiety. Way later in the story, he appreciates the touch but doesn't care about the public display part.
Overprotective / chill going : Ty is quite chill going, unless it comes to Miya and her hidden tendencies to carry out dangerous missions without what Ty deems as proper back-up. Ty has been banned from being "overprotective" of Miya until he can actually best Miya in hand-to-hand and armed combat, which hasn't stopped him griping even after he loses (which is every time). Sha'an is neither, because the idea that he could be in a position to say something about somebody's else choices is not a thing at the moment.
Has more relationship sexual experience / has NO relationship experience : Sha'an has the zeroest experience in sexual or relationship experience. [shrek "they don't even have dental" meme vibe :] He doesn't even know what friendship is ! Ty has a LOT of sexual experience, because he is a horny young adult and before that had been a horny teenager for a while. However he's not interested, at least for now, in romantic relantionships and is not pursuing them.
[Body silhouettes filled with colors (blue for Ty, orange for Sha'an)] Horny level : Ty filled in blue from toe to shoulders. This dude is HORNY horny. Sha'an silhouette is cut in two in a before / after way, and only his feet up to the knee is filled in orange in the 'after' half. I fucked up there cause it's actually much more than what he actually is, even wayyy down the line story wise. Sha'an has a long road ahead of him to reconnect with his body, and it's a good part of his arc. But even with that, he's just not that horny. Awkwardness level : Ty's feet are underlined in blue but that's all. This boy is very suave in social situations, have great physical grace, and just happens to not be perfect cause he's human and also still young. Sha'an's filled up to the knees : he's not actually awkward himself ; he juste makes situations or conversations awkward now that he's not evolving in the environnement he was raised for, where the etiquette, rules, and expected behaviours are completely different. Possessive level : Ty filled up to his hips. Ty is not particularly possessive about things, unless it's his. For actual things, it means his bed at the House and his room at Miya's, his daggers, and his necklace herited from Miya (who herself got it from her own mentor). For people it means Miya, and Sha'an after a long while. Sha'an filled up half of his feet. He is used to not own things for various reasons, and has learned to just let it go / to not see things as "his". He does however get the side possessiveness of 'this was given to me as a particular gift and by respect to this person i will not let it be taken back by anyone else not legitimate'.
And whoop whoop we're done ! As always with oc's, everything here is subject to changes, and also depends on when you are in the story ; but i'm still happy with this as of now :D (yes it says early '23 edition and was posted in december of 2023. i'm just that slow at doing creative things, but that's ok !)
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upthenorthmountain · 4 years
Heartwood - Chapter Eight
Previous Chapters
The penultimate chapter! One more to go. No more smut, I’m sorry (not in the main story anyway) (you all know that I like to add bits in) (especially, here, we’re not seeing any of Kristoff’s POV, some of that might turn up at some point).
Chapter 8
A few days later Anna had a meeting with Mr Owens. She brought her marriage certificate and he congratulated her, then made arrangements for her to access the accounts for the money her parents had left. She also remade her will, and she’d thought she already knew exactly what she was going to do, but there were so many little niggling details that it took a long time. She wanted to leave the jewellery that had been their mother’s to Elsa, she might as well have it; but had to describe each piece. And she wanted to make sure that Kristoff got his grandmother’s ring back, of course. Then she had to decide what would happen if Kristoff pre-deceased her, or if Elsa did, or if she had a baby (and that led to some feelings that Anna quickly sealed in a box and put away. Another thing that would never happen. No point dwelling on it).
Once everything was done, she said to Mr Owens, “I’d like to buy Bennett’s Field. I’m assuming the developer doesn’t want it any more.”
He hesitated. “I believe it has already been sold.”
“It can’t be used for housing anyway, now, you know.”
“I know. Thank you.”
She walked out to the taxi rank, annoyed. It had only been six weeks or so; someone else must have been waiting. She should have made enquiries earlier, but she’d wanted to be sure of the money. At least it couldn’t be housing. Hopefully someone just wanted to put some cows on there, or something.
Anna had, by now, stopped asking Kristoff about his mysterious occupation. Sometimes it had been fun to think of things to ask (“Are you a taxidermist?” “No.” “Are you a spy?” “No.” “Are you Taylor Swift’s bodyguard?” “From an office shed in the woods? No.”), but soon she found she didn’t really care. It genuinely didn’t matter. Some days he would shut himself up and only come out for dinner; once a month or so he would go up to London on the train and often not come back until the next day. The rest of the time he worked in the garden, or took her on long walks through the countryside, or sat in the living room and played his guitar or the piano.
Anna had been surprised to find out that the piano was in perfect tune. The stool was full of odds and ends of sheet music, and half-remembered lessons from fifteen years ago came back when she sat down and tried to play. It was so much more pleasant to play whatever she wanted, without anyone standing over her or expecting her to make actual progress.
She had all the time in the world now, for other hobbies she’d forgotten about or that were alleged to make too much mess. She sketched the cat in every pose, and did watercolour painting of the flowers from the gardens. Lillian taught her how to make bread, and she got pretty good. And she cycled everywhere she felt like. Sometimes Kristoff would put both their bikes in the back of the camper and they’d go off and explore somewhere else - her legs were getting strong enough to keep up with him, now. 
They also took the camper to the beach, sometimes; sometimes at the weekend during the day, when there were crowds of people and children making sandcastles, and they paddled in the sea and ate ice cream and people-watched; but more often in the early evening during the week, to somewhere quieter, where they might be the only people in miles. Once or twice they slept in the camper overnight, within sound of the waves, waking with the dawn.
That summer lasted forever and was over in a second. Anna helped in the garden and ate strawberries straight off the plant and fresh green peas out of the pod. She gathered sweet peas and poppies and daisies and filled vases in the house, but they never lasted long so in the end she started just enjoying them in the garden. Kristoff didn’t own a lawnmower, it was true, but he did hack down the grass occasionally with a scythe while Anna watched from a safe distance.
But mostly they walked. The bridleway behind the house led to a network of footpaths through the countryside, forests and farms and streams. Sometimes they took a packed lunch and stayed out all day. Anna loved it; sometimes she felt like she was living in a John Foster song. It was hard to remember listening to the music and looking longingly towards the woods, those few months ago.
One time when they were walking through a clearing Anna couldn’t help herself. The beams of sunlight hitting the forest floor were just so - she sang the refrain of Thistle Harvest softly, to the trees. Kristoff shot her a look.
“Must you?”
“Yes,” Anna said firmly, and sang it again, a little louder. Kristoff pulled a face.
“You have a lovely voice,” he said, “But surely you know other songs.”
“That song belongs here,” Anna said. “Right here, in this clearing. Okay, okay, I’m done now. But moments like that are what that song was written for - I don’t care what you think about John Foster, it would have been sacrilege not to sing it.”
He rolled his eyes, said “Well, if you’ve got that out of your system,” and walked on down the path.
One night that stuck in her memory was after the end of a long, hot week. The temperature had climbed, and the air had grown denser and heavier until all the weather could do was break, which it did just after nightfall on the Friday. The fresh cold air came sweeping through the forest, and Anna - who had just put on her pyjamas - ran outside into the garden. Her feet were bare and she shivered, but it was wonderful, after so many sweaty days and nights, to be shivering.
“It’s about to pour,” Kristoff said from just outside the back door, holding his toothbrush. “Come in before you get soaked.” Thunder rolled.
“I don’t care if I do,” Anna said. She looked up at the sky, and shivered again at another cool breeze. “I love the air before a storm, don’t you? It feels so alive.”
Kristoff ducked back inside, then he walked across the garden to her, his arms folded. She grinned at him, and he leant down and kissed her - just as the rain started, large wet raindrops that drummed on the corrugated plastic roof of the covered path by the back door, that soaked Anna’s hair until they ran down her back and her nose. 
Eventually they had to run back into the house, dripping and laughing. 
“You’re freezing,” Kristoff said as they stood just inside the back door, “You’ll catch your death -” then he froze, just for a second. “I’ll get your towel,” he said, and he was gone.
If there was a point when things changed, that was it. He was still kind, and perfectly nice and friendly, and a pleasure to share a house with. But gradually he withdrew. He would still happily hug her, put a hand on her arm or the small of her back, but he kissed her less and less. The sex dwindled away as well, and Anna didn’t want to push anything. This wasn’t some kind of - slutty make-a-wish programme. 
Not that she thought he hadn’t wanted to, before - he’d obviously had a crush on her, that was all, and over time it had passed. These things burnt out after a while, sometimes, she guessed. It was still a lot nicer living here than at home, and when she made noises about moving out a couple of times he very quickly told her that she was welcome to stay as long as she wanted, he liked having her here, and that Banjo would miss her, and what would he say to Lillian? So she stayed. They both still wore their rings.
I don’t care if he doesn’t love me, she thought. I hope he DOESN’T, I never wanted him to. He likes me well enough to let me live here, and to be nice to me, and try to make me happy; I don’t want him to love me. If he doesn’t love me, then when I die, he’ll just be a little sad to lose a friend. But I never wanted to break his heart. That wouldn’t be fair.
Anna told Kristoff she wanted summer to last forever. “For everything there is a season,” he said. “Autumn can be nice, too.”
That autumn was mild but wet. On dry days Anna still went for walks, alone or with her husband, but on damp ones he worked in his office and she found things to do at home. It was such a small house that it was easy to stay on top of the housework. Her big project for the autumn was knitting a jumper. Lillian had suggested it - Anna had asked her to teach her how to knit, and was expecting to make a scarf, but Lillian insisted that was boring and that a jumper on big needles would be more fun and not take much longer. They’d made a trip together to the wool shop in town and Anna had chosen soft thick yarn in a mustard yellow. She had to redo the back three times and it came out huge and with one sleeve longer than the other but she loved it and wore it constantly. 
She offered to make one for Kristoff but he insisted she not go to the trouble.
She was wearing it one day when he came into the living room and found her scowling at her phone.
“What’s wrong?”
“Oh, nothing - well - John Foster is doing a gig in London next month, and he hardly ever does live shows, and they released the tickets literally two minutes ago and they’re all gone. I mean, I knew it’d be super-popular. But I did want to go. Not with you, obviously. But Rebecca is a fan as well. Oh, well. Never mind.”
“I’m sorry.”
Kristoff went up to London the next day and got back late; Anna woke when he got into the bed and snuggled up against him, then when she woke in the morning he was already up and out of the bedroom. But when she turned over and put her arm across his pillow, she found something pointy. An envelope. And inside were two tickets to the John Foster gig, paper-clipped together and with a post-it note saying ‘K. Bjorgman’ stuck to them.
“Someone I know helped me out,” was all he would say when she thanked him. “Just please don’t make me go with you.”
Winter was drier and colder. Anna was dreading having to invite Elsa for Christmas - she couldn’t leave her alone, at Christmas - and then got a short text message in mid-December from Elsa telling Anna that she would be visiting a friend over the festive period so would be unable to receive guests. Lillian invited Anna and Kristoff for Christmas dinner, instead, and it was so lovely and cosy that Anna didn’t miss her sister at all.
One day in January it snowed and Anna made a row of snowmen in the orchard. They lasted, melting stumps, long after the rest of the snow had gone, and Anna couldn’t bear to break them down but still hated to see them disappear. “For everything there is a season,” Kristoff said.
He was her best friend. She didn’t think she’d ever had one before. She could say anything to him, and she got the impression he told her things he’d never told anyone else. They were so comfortable together. Anna thought, sometimes, about all the travelling she’d imagined she would do; but why would she want to be anywhere but in front of the fire, reading or chatting or drinking tea, with her favourite person in the world?
He was still free with his hugs, even if he didn’t seem interested in anything else physical. And even without central heating, Anna was never cold at night - Kristoff was like a radiator, and in his sleep he would wrap his arms around her and she would snuggle up close. Anna had never been too fond of winter before, but this one was very bearable. Sometimes, if she woke in the night, she would even deliberately lie there awake for a while, just enjoying how warm and cosy and content she felt.
And then it was spring. And it was Anna’s birthday again.
She’d known, somehow, that she’d see it. She’d always counted on having her full year, even if that would have seemed foolish to say out loud. She told Kristoff she didn’t want any fuss, but he insisted that they at least go for a picnic; so she wore her red dress and brought the sparkly shoes, although she wore trainers to walk to the picnic spot. 
Afterwards, though, she kept the heels on. What did it matter if the mud ruined them? She managed to get over a stile without help, and they were only half a mile away from home when it happened.
Their route took them along the side of a country road, and it crossed the railway line at a level crossing. The lights and alarms were going when they got to it, but the barrier was only just starting to go down, so Kristoff ducked under it and strode across the track. Anna scurried after him  - while mentally tutting at him for not waiting - and nearly wrenched her ankle when her heel got caught in the rail.
“Kristoff!” she called, at first just to let him know that he was leaving her behind. But then she still couldn’t free her foot.
The barriers were all the way down now. Anna put both hands on her ankle and tugged but the heel was caught fast. Then Kristoff was there, and he was trying to turn her foot to free it - Anna was seized with a blinding panic and tried to push him away, the train must be coming - but he wouldn’t go, and her heart was beating so fast that she was certain she was going to die right here one way or another. “Go, go!” she shouted at him - and looked up, and saw the train in the distance.
She couldn’t move. Just for one second, everything froze - and then Kristoff had pushed the strap of her shoe over the heel of her foot and he was pulling her, almost lifting her bodily off the track and into the hedgerow on the other side of the crossing.
The train thundered past, horn blaring. The noise and the wheels were so close and they went on forever, then suddenly stopped.
The road was silent. The birds started singing again. Kristoff stood, and put out his hand to pull Anna to her feet; there was a fallen log lying by the side of the road, and they sat on it.
“Are you alright?” Kristoff said after a couple of minutes.
“Yes.” And oh - how she wished she could have given him a different answer. A shock would kill her, the doctor had said. What could be a bigger shock than what had just happened? But her heartbeat was slowing to normal; she felt a little shaky, but no more than anyone else would, after all that. How could that be? 
“Yes. Are you -”
“I’m fine.” Kristoff stood and picked up his rucksack from where he’d dropped it, and took out Anna’s trainers. She put them on and handed him the single remaining shoe, the other so pulverised by the train that no sign of it remained. He put the shoe in the rucksack, put it back on his shoulders, and, without a word, turned and walked towards home.
When they got there he shut himself in his office and didn’t come out until after Anna was asleep.
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HI! I’m putting all of the things i’ve been tagged in from the past couple of weeks that i haven’t answered yet bc i’m working hard on an admission portfolio for university and i really want to get into Sheridan, so yep lots of work and lots of art. i am also working on the HTTYD fandom reading (please sign up) and the next chapters of J’Imagine and No Cannon Shall Sink This Ship. Anyways, onto the tagged: 
get to know me meme: tagged by @animalsarepeople2​ thank youuuu! 
nicknames: Kei / Keiko *i explain this in a question down there somewhere 
Gender: Female 
Star Sign: Libra
Height: 163cm 
Time: 17:07 (by the time I finished all of these it’s 18:36) 
Birthday: February 25 
Favourite Bands: Beatles, Young Rising Sons, Clean Bandits, Lovelyz, Infinite 
Favourite Solo Artists: Ailee, Ed Sheeran 
Song Stuck in My Head: 1cm by Lovelyz 
Last Movie Watched: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Johnny Depp
Last Show Watched: I just binge watched Stranger Things 
When I created my blog: July 15, 2013/June 27, 2017
What I post about: httyd, animated movies, animation
Last thing I Googled: information about Sheridan and character rotation 
Other blogs I have: my main blog @tokkeiko
Following: 100, though I want to find more good blogs, any recs anyone? 
Followers: in total from both blogs, 200 or something 
Favourite colour: Green 
Average hours of sleep: 8-ish 
Lucky number: 7
Instruments: piano, oboe 
What I’m wearing: jeans and my current favourite sweater which is grey with gold spots 
Number of blankets: I need to remember to find another one bc my room is freezing when I wake up in the morning
Dream Job: story artist at Disney 
Dream trip: i just want to get out of my city rn 
Favourite food: i’m just hungry rn, give me anything, but favourite food, among others, is salted caramel truffle blizzard from the good old DQ (#lovemydq) 
Music ask, tagged by @yv-sketches THANKS!!!! 
10 songs that you are listening to right now; 
my current favourite playlist is called Shut Up and Dance:
“Elle Me Dit” Mika 
“Red Balloon” Charli XCX 
“Dancing in the Dark” Rihanna 
“Shut Up and Dance” Walk the Moon
“Red and Gold” Young Rising Sons 
“Can’t Stop the Feeling” Justin Timberlake 
“Better When I’m Dancing” Meghan Trainor 
“I Bet My Life” Imagine Dragons 
“Into a Fantasy” Alexander Rybak 
“Get Back Up Again” Anna Kendrick
Tag Game, taggged by @thepurplewriter333 ty friend-o! 
Nicknames: Keiko/Kei/Spirit/Sweet Potato 
Gender: Female
Star Sign; Pisces 
Height: 163cm 
Sexuality: probably straight 
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff!!!
Favourite animals: uhhhh... orcas probably 
Average hours spent sleeping: 8 i think, i’m not bothering with math rn 
Dogs or cats: KITTY, all of my sibilings have a significant other and all of their significant others’ have cats and why can’t I have a s/o with a cat???
number of blankets sleeping: during the winter, aka now already, two 
Dream trip: geeeeetttt meeeee ouuuuttt offf thissss citttyyyyy
Dream job: Story artist at Disney 
when I made this account: June 27. 2017
why I made this account: bc i wanted a place to reblog all of the httyd stuff without loosing followers on my other blog 
# of followers: like 47, I think? I recently got more. follow me i am cool person 
92 statements, tagged by @thepurplewriter333 thanks for the double tag! 
Drink: Tim Hortons’ Double Double (got to stay caffeinatedddddddd) 
 Phone Call: Home to get a ride home 
Text message: Friend to go hang out later
Song You Listened To: Shooting Star by Lovelyz
Time You Cried: uhhhhhhhh... oh, like a month ago, it was a bad week and then I watched Home and my emotions were already out of wack so I basically sobbed near the end 
Have you: 
Dated someone twice: Nope 
Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope, i’m boring
Been cheated on: nope 
Lost someone special: nope 
Been depressed: i feel like it’s hard to be a university student and not get depressed 
Gotten drunk and thrown up: i am a boring party person and yeah, no i haven’t 
List 3 favourite colours: 
In the last year have you: 
made new friends: Yeahhhh
fallen out of love: nopppeee...?
Laughed until you cried: like every other day
Found someone was talking about you: in a good way; nope. In a bad way: yeah too many times
found out who your friends are: yeahhhhhh
kissed someone on your FB list: okay someday, i’ll have more interesting answers 
how many FB friends do you know IRL: 99% of them 
Do you have any pets: nope 
Do you want to change your name: i recently thought about dropping my middle name, but like it has significance to my parents so probably won’t happen and my middle name doesn’t do anything so idk 
what did you do for your last birthday: Keep in mind that I turned 18: my friends and I went to Build-A-Bear and they got me a Build-A-Bear Toothless. 
What time do you wake up: my alarms on early days are 7:00, 7:05, 7:15, 7:25, 7:35, 7:45, 8:00. I naturally wake up at 9-ish 
What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping :D 
Name something you can’t wait for: to (hopefully) get accepted into Sheridan and start a new adventure out there.
When was the last time you saw your mom: she’s in the kitchen with me 
what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish that I could’ve figured out what I wanted to do with life so that I could’ve started Sheridan this year 
What are you listening to right now: Sheridan portfolio reviews, tips, etc. (Starting to see a pattern here?) 
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: friend’s dad. he’s a cool dad. 
Something that is getting on your nerves: when people are packing up their stuff before the professor is finished talking in the last 5 minutes of class. URGH stop moving ppl this stuff is important 
Most visited website: FB, YT, tumblr 
Mole(s): couple
Mark(s): I have freckles (might be moles) on each cheek under both eyes. 
Childhood dream: when you’re a kid, you’re really only exposed to teacher, doctor, police man and whatever your parents are. I think I defaulted to an artist when adults asked. 
Hair colour: black, I have silver hairs though, they stick out on the black hair a lot 
long or short hair: I always grow my hair out and then cut off 12 inches to donate to cancer wigs  
Do you have a crush on someone: not currently, though i had a crush on a guy for like 5 years, so even now, 5 years later, I get happy when I think about him 
Piercings: no, i really think a conch piercing would be nice though 
Blood type: ... A I think, i’ve never gotten tested, but according to genetics, I should be an A 
Nicknames: my full name is Keiko, but everyone called me Kei as a kid, but during high school, I started introducing myself as Keiko, so some people call me Kei, some people call me Keiko, one of them is a nickname, depending on which way you think about it, 
Relationship Status: Egg salad. 
Zodiac: Pisces 
Pronouns: She/her
Favourite TV show: Friends 
Right or left handed: Right, but recently I’ve been trying to teach myself to draw with my left hand 
Surgery: Wisdom teeth 
Hair dyed a different colour: nope, but I think I might try a ombre some day 
Sports: ballet since I was 4ish, ballet is a sport, come fight me on it if you dare 
Vacation: a lot of camping when I was younger, I’ve been to Japan twice, and then places across Canada
Pair of trainers: are we talking about trainers as in shoes? bc then ankle high all black vans. 
More General: 
Eating: this is taking so long I stopped and had supper between these sections
Drinking: Double Double (Tim’s coffee, two creams, two sugars), gotta stay AWaaaaaaaaaaKE
I’m about to: draw character designs or go out to coffee shop to study with friends 
Want: to get into Sheridan so so so so so badly 
Get married: I’m still single, want to put my career first, so yep not for a little while 
Career: i’m a cake decorator rn, see my cakes on my insta @tanakeiart 
Hugs or Kisses: hUG mE
Lips or eyes: Eyes, (though I am supper bad at making eye contact) 
Shorter or taller: would be nice to be slightly taller... 
Older or younger: like to date or something? I think high school rule is a good rule, but rn looking at niners mAN they are tiny
Nice arms or stomach: arms to hug meeeeee
Sensitive or loud: i think I would need a loud person to compliment me 
Hook up or relationship: relationship bc you have a standing plus one to everything and rn being single I have to text like 5 friends to find someone to go with me to something 
Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant 
Have you ever: 
kissed a stranger: Nope 
Drank hard liquor: I only have like four months until my 19th so like i’ll go drinking then 
Lost Glasses/contact lenses: funny story: family and i were in Japan and we were at Kinkaku-ji and then i realize that one of my eyes have gone fuzzy, so thinking that there is something on the lens, i take my glasses off and my lens had fallen out of the frame. my family literally crawled around trying to find my lost lens, we did find it, but we couldn’t find a small screw that would hold the lens in. my dad fixed it with a twist tie.
turned someone down: nobody likes me so nobody has asked me so i have never turned someone down 
broken someone’s heart: no 
had your heart broken: yeah, by a friend. It is shATTERing 
been arrested: not even a parking ticket in my name 
cried when someone died: no, i am some kind of emotionless egg
fallen for a friend: my heart easily leaps and often trips falls and gets lost
Do you believe in:
yourself: yes, I believe that I can get in, I believe that I can be what I want to be. 
Miracles: I believe in karma more than miracles 
Love at first sight: yes, but not in the way that media portrays it 
Santa claus: nah 
Kiss on the first date: this is weirdly phrased. 
current best friend name: becky 
Eye colour: brown 
Favourite movie: the other day i was procrastinating and made an official list of favourite movies, which still has a lot of ties: 1/2: httyd 1/2, 3/4: moana, big hero 6, 5/6/7: wreck it ralph, tangled, rise of the guardians,  8/9/10: back to the future 1-3 
wow that took a lot of time, but thanks for tagging me! I’m tagging @thepurplewriter333 @yv-sketches and @animalsarepeople2 on the ones that you didn’t tag me in! also tagging @katlikespie @crazilexa and @fading-shadows for whichever one/s you want to do! 
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