#but will it be Canon for cyril...... idk yet
ustalav · 7 months
me: see i can also romance nocticula but... its kind of implied she sees you like a pet :/
my partner: that's... the ideal???
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erigold13261 · 1 year
Headcanon time!!
1. West and DJ have Thier hoodies, shirts and jackets constantly stolen by Thier respective Partners even after offering to just buy the clothes in that size!
2. Adder is a chili head
3. Joust, Purl-hew and Cyril talk long about how to make good Irish coffee ( coffee with whiskey in it) and other alcohol infused coffee
4. The Sayu crew do small warm-up/ cool down routine after each day as it's important to do a bit of excersize even if you just draw all day
5. Nova, Yinu and Mayday all have light up shoes
6. The rest of 1010 call West 'Chubaka' in turn he calls them 'Clone troopers'
7. Tatiana owns all Barbie movies! They're fun!!
8. Kliff has a fear of clowns
9. Eloni is not allowed near vending machines due to an accident that happened when she still had the ring for hair
10. Zuke, Remi and Eve all have spidersonas (and they all wanted the new spider verse together)
1). Nova is a lot more adamant on their partner just getting a plus size hoodie/shirt to wear as he doesn't like people wearing his clothes except in certain situations (ie. partner is extremely cold even with proper clothes). West on the other hand loves sharing his clothes but after some time not getting it back starts either suggesting them to get clothes his size or will steal his clothes back.
2). Like the spice? I actually see Adder as not having a good tolerance for spice at all. He is much more of a bland food kinda guy.
3). They are also probably talking about all other kinds of alcoholic drinks as well. Purl and Joust arguing if fruity drinks are good or not and Cyril wanting to combine their cultural alcohols together for fun. (also love that you put Purl and Joust together in a HC because they do have a kind of relationship I have yet to publicly explore yet lol).
4). This was definitely Sofa's idea. Asked Dodo for help to teach simple exercises and was able to get Tila and Remi to join in as well. It has helped all of them both physically and mentally to have this active time every day.
5). Well for Nova that's basically canon based off the concept art lol. Yinu I can definitely see her having light up shoes as well. As for May, she would LOVE to have some but can't because light up shoes are super chonky and she hates having big shoes on (heck, she hates having shoes on at all). So she just wishes she could have light up shoes that didn't feel heavy/big.
6). Hmm... Sorry, don't know how I feel about this one. Mainly because my family used "Chewbacca" as an insult growing up for my cousin. Also, calling 1010 clone troopers would probably be more of an insult than an endearing nickname (especially to Purl who has major problems with their identity). So, sorry, but for this one I can't get behind as a headcanon (obviously you can have it though! I just have my own issues with it).
7). Those early 2000s Barbie movies were amazing! Don't know if she would be greatly into them, but I can see her having them just for fun, especially after the new Barbie movie that came out (is coming out? IDK, haven't been keeping up to date with it, only know the memes coming out of it).
8). Him and Purl are the same then lol (though for Purl it's more of an unsettling feeling than a true fear).
9). Technically she can still have it, but I think you mean when it was a solid piece of metal. And yeah, at that point I can definitely see 1010 doing something stupid and next thing you know Eloni has her rind fully stuck in the hand slot thing lol.
10). Ooooh! I still need to see that movie! I've been seeing such good things from it. You better believe those three are loving every moment from it! Eve's spidersona definitely has multiple arms. Purl, Remi, and Sofa are also probably talking about animation. Eve, Zimelu, and Celine are gonna make cosplays. Fun stuff all around.
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I request not being answered in numbers!
Characters: Seteth (4, 5, 6), Maribelle (1, 4, 7), HENRY (2, 6), Lyndis (1, 6)
Oh no! It's all Fire Emblem characters! Oopsie >:D
Ofc, no numbers!!! Mostly!!! There's a few necessary but let's go!!!
4. A reason I relate to them
I like writing too :]
5. What I consider to be a top tier OTP for the character
Honestly I don't ship Seteth with anyone. Not too fond of human x manakete ships and I like his platonic dynamic with most church characters. That being said, I do have the rare opinion that he should've had supports with Marianne and a platonic paired ending because they could've had an interesting dynamic.
6. Five things that didn't happen to them that I believe should've happened to them
I am going to list things from my fifth route au
1. Edelgard earns his trust, befriends him and then tells him about the crest experiments
2. He gets roped into Edelgard's plan to PEACEFULLY sever the empire's connection to the church
3. Rhea loses her trust in him
4. Indech and Macuil reach out in attempts to reconnect with him
5. Cyril confides in him about some insecurities and anxieties he has
1. Three facts about them from my personal headcanon
1. Maribelle is a AAA battery (aroace and autistic)
2. Tells Lissa to just become celibate whenever she complains about guys, much to Lissa's annoyance
3. Is secretly as weird as Henry and has gotten very good at masking but starts making less when she becomes friends with him.
4. A reason I relate to them
Huge fan of femininity and the color pink :]
7. Five people that the character never fell in love with and why
Uhh let's see
Lissa: she's aroace
Frederick: she's aroace
Vaike: she's aroace
Henry: she's aroace
Chrom: she's aroace
Hope this helps!
2. A reason they suck
Can't think of any atm, Henry's a really good character
6. Five things that didn't happen to them that I believe should've happened to them
I don't know!!! Maybe he should've suffered less
1. Three facts about them from my personal headcanon
1. Lyn gets anxious around bandits because some killed her parents so it takes a long time for her to trust Fargus and Dart
2. Post canon, she regularly drags Hector on long trips to Sacae
3. Dating Hector :3
6. Five things that didn't happen to them that I believe should've happened to them
1. As part of an au then she experiences a lot of racism while living with Hector in Ostia. Not gonna elaborate on that one cause I haven't written the fic just yet
2. A what if au where her parents survive
3. Idk what else!!!
Have fun :3
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johseon · 4 years
some   claude  /  khalid   hcs   for   you !      remember  that  i  am  canon - divergent.    a  note  about  my  portrayal :   i’ll  never  ship  claude  with  hilda,    lorenz,    ingrid  or  dimitri.    not  going  into  it  here  but  just  keep  that  in - mind.    also,    huge  thank  you  to  @mukagen  for  discussing  claude  with  me,    helping  me  solidify  my  thoughts  on  my  portrayal.
-   no  one  in  fodlan  knows  his  birthname,    khalid.    the  way  he  navigates  his  identity  in  fodlan  versus  his  identity  in  almyra  goes  further  than  code  switching.    in  truth,    he  cares  little  for  fodlan   &   its  war,    its  people,    its  glorified  eugenics,    its  houses.    his  true  ambition  is  his  birthright :   the  crown  of  almyra.    supporting  the  church,    managing  the  alliance,    fighting  the  empire,    these  are  all  means  to  an  end.    his  relationship  with  byleth  is  very  much  genuine  but  otherwise,    he  keeps  all  of  fodlan’s  nobles  at  an  arm’s  length  distance. -   by  the  end  of  verdant  wind,    he  leaves  control  of  the  nation  in  the  hands  of  his  closest  ally,    byleth.    that  ends  all  hostilities  between  almyra   &   fodlan.    furthermore,    later  adrestian  insurrection  is  quelled  by  the  former  church’s  forces,    bolstered  by  almyran  forces.    due  to  their  actions  in  the  war   &   with  their  established  alliance  allies,    almyran  leadership  is  allowed  to  further  their  borders.    the  alliance  sees  some  of  its  territory  given  to  house  riegan   &   almyra.    this  was  always  claude’s  goal,    a  sustainable  future  for  almyra,    an  end  to  fodlan’s  aggression,    expansion  on  the  banner  of  peace.    what  better  way  of  convincing  fodlan  that  almyra  deserves  more  land  than  saving  the  continent  from  imperial  rule ? -   as  i  said,    he  does  not  care  for  fodlan.    fighting  the  war  against  imperial  rule  is  just  a  means  to  an  end,    hence  why  he  flees  in  crimson  flower  back  to  almyra.    dying  for  control  of  this  continent  isn’t  worth  it  in  any  way,    shape  or  form. -   hilda  is  not  his  retainer  nor  his  closest  ally.    he  actually  holds  a  quiet  contempt  for  her :   she  represents  everything  he  dislikes  about  fodlan.    her  family  owns  slaves,    which  is  the  most  heinous  offence,    but  she  is  lazy   &   has  been  allowed  to  mosey  through  life  without  any  challenge  or  qualms.    lorenz,    often  seen  as  his  second - closest  ally,    is  written  off  by  his  numerous  microaggressions   &   his  obstinance  in  accepting  claude  as  leader,    most  likely  due  to  his  discernable  features  as  a  mixed  child.    his  closest  allies  in  the  church,    other  than  byleth,    are  actually  cyril,    leonie,   &   petra. -   many  of  his  ideals  are  similar  to  edelgard’s.    he  does  not  care  for  the  church  at  all   &   finds  that  its  rule  is  chaotic,    bloody   &   serves  no  greater  purpose.    he  believes  in  no  goddess.    however,    he  fears  that  edelgard’s  conquest  will  trample  all  of  the  lives  he’s  attempting  to  save.    expansion  is  his  goal  but  through  trade,    diplomacy,    &   cultural  exchange,    not  by  instituting  yet  another  governmental  body  with  a  singular,    unfit  ruler. -   idk  what  else  to  add  but  claude  is  not  a  himbo  by  any  stretch  of  the  imagination.    that’s  the  fandom’s  racist  interpretation  of  him.    he’s  deceptive,    ambitious,    &   quite  literally  one  of  the  smartest  characters  in  the  entire  academy.
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radioromantic-moved · 4 years
hi june i know i tagged you in this but don’t read it until you’ve seen the episode because i don’t want to spoil things for you. anyway i’m back on my weekly bullshit
-LOOKS AT THE CHARACTER LIST....this is the THIRD TIME i’ve made some guess at what’s going to happen in the future and got it right...hartro redemption arc!! actor trexel!! now enola!! i’m on a roll baby!!
-“perhaps for narrative suspense?” imogen knows what is up
-trexel and enola...mlm wlw hostility (mlm nblw hostility. idk how enola identifies.)
-is david just insisting on the 7 to be annoying? he’s never done it before
-oh suddenly someone cares about a job that needs to be done? oh suddenly someone wants to be the responsible one? trexel’s giving like. an extra five percent this season 
-david’s advice...rebrand your face!
-this episode is so full of VIOLENCE!! the gays are FIGHTING!! 
- “deeeaaal with the systeeemic proooblems endemic to your product or seervice, bleugh bleugh bleugh.”
-“it has come to my attention that you are all your own special kind of idiot!” 
-this is so funny this is so funny this is so funny “well, you’re not--good!” “i always thought i was quite good!!” -UNRESTRAINED SOBBING- “DAVID!! DAVID TAKE HER AWAY SHE’S MEAN SHE’S MEAN TO ME DAVID”
-@loveslick hi don’t read this if you haven’t watched the episode yet but remember how we talked about trexel bursting into gross fake tears while everyone around him goes “what the fuck” it’s canon now you’re very smart
-“the--david.” he sounds so disappointed...like an annoyed parent or something this episode is KILLING ME
 -three way high five
-methinks trexel is a little jealous at the idea of david having Other People all of a sudden. if you weren’t such an asshole maybe this wouldn’t have happened man! maybe you should. and here is just a thought. maybe perhaps you should tell david that you value him! you know. an Idea.
-cartoons still exist cartoons still exist cartoons still exist cartoons still exist
-(cyril: you know, david, what you’re doing reminds me of--there’s these two laboratory mice, right, from this old earth show, and every night they try to--)
-hold on that reminds me of one of my favorite ever pieces of fanart
-so david can flat out say “the board sucks” now and imogen doesn’t even acknowledge it. favoritism detected. security redirected.
-i loved this episode so much they’re so good...david craves violence...again this is up there on my favorite s3 eps
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deadendtracks · 5 years
O and m for the ask game
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
If by back burner, you mean over 10k written and not completed yet?? I have two major WIPs going. 
The older WIP is an extended missing scene that starts at the party where Arthur tells Tommy to take a holiday in 4.06. I mean, 3 months, Steven Knight, and only a musical montage to hint at what happened?? I think this one is currently like 12k-ish. I have very little idea where it might ultimately end up, and it’s on the back burner for sure because I haven’t worked on it in awhile. It is from Tommy’s POV and deals in part with Alfie’s death, so now that he’s, uh, not dead, I have to rethink it a little, and possibly incorporate new canon. I think it’ll still work with slight tweaking, presumably it took awhile for Alfie to send that first letter. Mostly I have to figure out the bit about Cyril. There’s a lot of whump. And Ada features prominently.
The newer WIP I’m actively writing currently starts a bit after the last scene of season 5, and I don’t really want to say more than that. It’s currently 18k and I have a more solid idea of where it’s going, at least in the medium term. Definitely have no idea how it will end yet. Also a great deal of whump. It’s what I do, okay.
Oh I did have a really vague start to the fic where the family finds out about Tommy’s seizures in the Idiot’s Prayer universe, but that didn’t get very far so idk. I wanted at some point to deal with the end of s4 in that universe too but haven’t got beyond the desire to do so.
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
Definitely the characters, the plot just gradually happens to them. I very rarely have the slightest idea where anything is going more than a few scenes ahead of where I’m writing. The exception is Into the earth I trampled it down, because that had an obvious frame of getting from Grace’s death to her funeral, but I had no idea how that was going to happen.
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