#but with my SISTER ? hellworld . hellworld . hellworld
labratboygirl · 6 months
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bunnihearted · 4 months
i just hate hate hate society so much!!! i have no idea how im supposed to find a way to live and participate in it. i cant stand a single thing abt it. i hate everyone and everything. and the thing lazy ppl dont wanna admit is that WE are society. we create society, we allow the state to do what it does. we choose this. how am i supposed to "love my neighbor" when they are prtially responsible for what this society is???? there is nothing good abt this. it is a cruel and vicious system built on abusing and taking advantage of the vulnerable and the poor. there are no real rules; rules only apply to the ones at the bottom of the hiearchy while the rich and the powerful get away with anything. nothing is fair or just. rules and laws are only there to keep the poor and vulnerable ones down. if you have nothing you will most likely spend your entire life like that, because there is no playing far in this society. nothing is easy. even if it's hard and you fight for it you'll probably not end up going anywhere. the entire thing is rigged. and everyone chooses to just go with it. we have chosen this. and it sucks and i hate everyone and everything because life is so fucking unnecessarily hard and unfair and if you're born with nothing you'll never have anything. even if you try to play by the rules they've set. the rules are against you. and if you break the rules you're immediately punished. life is nothing but an unjust imprisonment.
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enjoydotnet · 11 days
i just think it’s a little insidious that most popular social media apps (tiktok, instagram) have made it so that viewing / opening links through their web browser is pretty much impossible. do a capcha. sign in to view. etc. download our app. have it on uour phone. have more access to our app. do not be a casual user. spend unhealthy amount of time and give us uour data and money. poob has it for you etc etc
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victory-cookies · 17 days
add another tally to ‘genetic potential for having adhd’ boys. first tick being the fact that my grandfather has it. Second one being that. well I don’t know what my dad has going on but it’s something. Third one being that my sister’s therapist just told her she may have adhd
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Scrapbook: Chapter 2
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Title: And You Kissed Me Like You Meant It
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Mike x Black!OFC (Dimples)
Fandom: Hellraiser: Hellworld
Word Count: 3.5K
Summary: A collection of moments with Mike and Daisy (Dimples).
Chapter Summary: Mikey and Dimples’ first date.
Warnings: familial death including parents and aunt, emotionally unavailable parents, divorce due to cheating, minor angst, oral sex (f receiving), protected p-in-v sex, tooth-rotting fluff (whoopsie)
A/N: Mike mentions some family members. I have a family tree that explains it all. *pulls up PowerPoint presentation on my phone* Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best. 
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by: Me
Spotify Playlist is here.
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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Mike and Dimples texted and spoke over the phone multiple times over the next few days. They agreed to go on their date on Saturday late morning so they wouldn’t have to worry about classes. He would choose the first activity and she would choose the second, keeping the details a secret from one another.
He arrives at her dorm in his Volkswagen Golf Mk6, parking across the street. Checking his hair for the millionth time, he gets out of the car to walk up to the front door. He’s dressed in a plain white tee that shows off his lean muscular frame with light-wash jeans and a pair of Vans. He originally wanted to just text Dimples to let her know he was outside but thought better of it. 
He raises his hand to knock on the door, but it opens instead. Dimples answers the door in a light blue flowy dress with little embroidered flowers on it with a matching pale sweater and casual sneakers. She is holding his hoodie in one arm and a small purse is over her shoulder. He thinks she looks like a perfect little tomboy in her outfit and compliments it as he all but drags her out of the house.
He walks her over to the passenger side, opening the door for her and closing it as she settles in. She puts his hoodie in the backseat and goes to buckle herself in. Walking around the front of the car, he notices she is having trouble getting the seatbelt down. Getting in, he reaches over her to help.
“Here, lemme help, Dimples. This thing gets stuck now and again,” Pulling the seatbelt across her lap, he locks her in, “Other than that, I love this car so much.” Petting the dashboard, he can’t help but whisper sweet nothings to the car.
“I’m gonna ignore you being creepy with your car and ask how the hell you got this on a college kid’s budget?” She laughs, tilting her head to look at Mike.
“Well, actually, my Dad helped me get this as a high school graduation gift. I paid half and so did he. My Mom did not want me to have a car, but Dad won the argument I guess.” He rattles off nervously, starting the car to head to their destination.
“I take it you’re closer with your Dad, then?” Dimples probes, watching as the street goes by in the side-view mirror.
“Yeah, my Dad’s close with me and my Mom is close with my brother. It’s always been like that,” Mike runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head a bit, “My big brother is my Mom’s favorite. And that’s fine, he’s the firstborn so.” He drifts off and she puts a hand on his thigh and lightly squeezes.
“I always wondered if my parents would have had more kids after me. I would have loved siblings. But they passed away when I was about 2 or 3. I barely remember them.” She says matter of factly, hoping to distract Mike from his family drama.
“Wow. I’m so sorry, Dimples. So, who raised you?” He put a hand on hers where it rested on his thigh.
“I was raised by my Aunt Nicole until she passed away a bit after I graduated high school. She left me with an inheritance and I was able to get scholarships to come to school here with a full ride. She never had any kids and my mom was her only sibling so after she was gone, it was just me. But I met Jasmine when I moved here and she’s been like a sister to me, annoying but helpful, ya know?” She takes a deep breath after spilling her guts all over the place.
“I can understand the annoying part, that’s Derrick for sure. He laughs at all my jokes, though. Gotta keep him around for a least a little while longer. Plus, without our friends, we wouldn’t have met.” He laces his fingers through hers and kisses the back of her hand.
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A comfortable silence settles in the car as Mike drives through town. He parks in front of a cute cafe, leaves the car, and opens the door for his date. He extends a hand for her to take as she exits the car and she smiles up at him before finally getting up on tiptoes to kiss him for the first time today. She is rewarded with a blush creeping up on his boyish face.
Mike clears his throat and laughs nervously, “So, uh. Here we are at my favorite spot in town, ‘Auntie Erika’s’. This place has the best brunch I’ve ever had. Everything is cooked with love,” He leads her into the shop and locks eyes with the owner, “And also the sweetest woman in the world is the chef.”
Just then, an older black woman with short-cropped hair comes around the counter and runs up to hug Mike. She leans back and grabs his jaw to place a kiss on it. 
“Now, where have you been, Mikey? I have missed you!” She steps out of the hug and swats him with her hand towel.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been in for a while, Auntie Erika, but I did bring someone with me this time,” He nods over to Dimples to get himself out of trouble.
“And she’s absolutely gorgeous so you better be treating her right,” Erika opens her arms for a hug and Dimples accepts it happily, “And she gives good hugs too. What is your name, baby?”
“My name is Daisy but Mikey calls me Dimples, Ma’am.”
“None of that Ma’am stuff, you call me Auntie Erika or just Auntie, you hear?”
“Loud and clear, Auntie.” She smiles and Erika pats her cheek warmly.
“Atta girl, now what are you two up to today?”
“It’s our first date.” Dimples looks up at Mike and they share a smile.
“First of many, I can already feel it,” Erika taps the side of her head, moving back behind the counter, “You two go get a table while I get a little treat for you both.”
“Auntie, you don’t have to–” Mike starts, but Erika cuts him off.
“Oh, would you just let me spoil you?” Erika puts a hand on her hip with a stern look in her eyes.
He laughs and throws up his hands, “Ok, Auntie, fine. You can spoil me all you want.”
“Good, now go and sit.” At Erika’s suggestion, they find a table on the open-air patio.
Erika brings out some hot cocoa and a large cinnamon bun for them to share and they thank her and dig into the sweet treat.
“So, tell me about your family, Mike. I’ve already met your Aunt. Who else is there?” She asks, laughing at Mike’s expense.
“Well, I’ll say I only really deal with my Dad’s side of the family. My Mom’s side is a bit all over the place. My Grandpa Gus is a player or was a bit of a player. He’s still alive but I think he’s finally settled down in his old age. Um, he used to be married to my Grandma Millie but they got divorced after she found him in bed with a lady named Louise when my Dad was about 5 or 6. Now, Grandma Millie is my Dad’s mom and Louise ended up pregnant with my Uncle Sy. So Dad and Sy are half-brothers. And Uncle Sy’s full name is James Syverson but everyone in the Army always called him by his last name so that just kinda stuck with him,” Mike pauses when their waitress comes to take their order and then continues, “Uncle Sy is married to Aunt Danette and they have a daughter, my cousin Cherie who’s about 8 or 9 now, I think. My Dad is Walter and my Mom is Eve, they had my big brother Evan four years before me. Evan is married to my sister-in-law Hope and they don’t plan on having any kids. I think that’s everyone for the most part.”
“Dude! Your family sounds amazing. Your Grandpa sounds fun, albeit kinda hoe-ish.”
“You don’t know the half of it. He flirts with my Aunt and Sister-in-law all the time. That’s the sailor in him, I guess. He actually lied about his age to get recruited to fight in World War II. He was 14 masquerading as a 20-year-old during the War. He’s in his 90s and looks like he’s in his mid-70s.” 
“So your Grandpa was a military man, and so was your Uncle. What about your Dad? What does he do?”
“My Dad’s a Detective. Before working in Homicide, he was S.W.A.T. and that was terrifying. Not that it’s not scary now, but as a kid knowing your Dad is out there running into danger was just…a lot, ya know? Like, puberty was already tough enough without that stress,” He looks into his now empty cup of cocoa to distract himself and she puts her hand on his, “One night, I just freaked out and told him I didn’t want him to die and I cried and cried until he promised to move to a different division. He stayed with me all night, promising me that he would leave S.W.A.T. and come home every night to be with me. So yeah, he’s my hero and all that.”
“I can’t wait to meet him.” She smiles, squeezing his hand and pulling a soft smile from him.
Their waitress comes out with Mike’s omelet and Dimples’ short stack with fresh fruit and between bites, they discuss school and hobbies. 
He tells her that he is studying social science with a specialization in criminology, hoping to one day be a criminal intelligence analyst. He always wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps but not be in the field as much. He also mentions how much he loves gaming, finding great playlists for every occasion, and he doesn’t pay attention to sports.
She is majoring in psychology with a focus on child and adolescent psychology. After becoming an orphan, she realized the need that a lot of children and young people have for acceptance. She wants to work with them on their self-esteem and empowerment. She also loves gaming, finding cute comfortable sneakers, and photography.
Finishing up their meal, they say goodbye to Auntie Erika and make their way back on the road. 
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Dimples gives Mike directions to their next activity and he is surprised when they come to a laser tag arena. He is so excited that he leans over and kisses her as he parks the car. He can’t wait to show off his skills and impress her. 
He realizes she means business as they get set up. Stealth, speed, and focus are the name of the game and she plays to win. Winning four out of five games, she reigns as the champion of laser tag. He has never been more attracted to someone than he is right now. He bows down to her prowess and she feels heat rush to her cheeks as she tries to coax him up from the floor as he is causing a scene. Getting up, he suggests they go back to his dorm to watch a movie since Derrick will be out for the night. She agrees and they get back on the road after ending their game.
On the way back to Mike’s dorm, they hold hands and make comfortable small talk about what kinds of movies they liked. He tended to like action or horror movies. She also likes action movies but was not into horror movies unless she could watch them with someone else. He could already see them watching a horror movie and having her clinging to him when something scared her. The possibility had him squirming in his seat and he hoped that she did not notice.
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When they arrived back in Mike’s room, he grabbed his laptop and searched for a movie. They sat at the head of his bed, Dimples in between his legs and leaning back into his chest with the laptop balancing on her legs. Mike took the opportunity of their seating to kiss her neck before pressing start on Mission: Impossible. They both have seen the series so if they were to barely pay attention to it, that would be just fine.
“You know, Ethan Hunt was my first movie crush as a kid,” Dimples blurts, squirming under Mike’s hands.
He leaves one more nibbling kiss on her neck, picking up the laptop and setting it on his nightstand. “One difference between me and Hunt though, Dimples,” He manhandles her into a seated position facing him on his lap, “I’m right here and can do this.” Pulling her sweater off of her shoulders, he moves his hands back to her face and brings her down for a kiss.
He swallows the sweet moans that escape her as she tangles one hand in his hair and the other in his shirt, unknowingly starting to grind her core into him. Feeling the heat come off of her, he brings one hand to her hip to guide her movements.
She can feel through his jeans that he is sizeable and that only spurs her to move the hand that fisted his shirt lower to ghost over his clothed crotch. The groan that comes from him leads her to press deeper into his erection.
He breaks the kiss to look into her eyes, her pupils blown wide. “Is this okay?” He asks, his hands sliding his hands under her dress to tug at the waistband of her panties. At her nod, he speaks again, “I kinda need to hear your words, Dimples.”
“Yes, it’s okay. Please undress me, Mikey.” 
He smiles and tugs the underwear down and helps her out of her dress. Laying her down, he kisses her ankles to her inner thighs, he leans up to unhook her bra and toss it to the side. Paying special attention to her nipples, he teased them with flicks from his tongue, sucking on them and massaging her breasts.
Moving back from her, he takes off his shirt and jeans, followed by his boxers. With one look at the engorged dick between his legs, Dimples lets out a whimper that causes him to involuntarily twitch. He flattens to his belly and dives into her pussy. With a flat tongue, he licks from her opening to her sensitive nub. Adding in one finger, then two, he massages the bundle of nerves in her core. Following her moans and the movement of her hips against him, he is easily able to bring her to climax within minutes. 
“Mikey, please. Need you inside me.” Her fingers find his curls and tug him up to kiss her, tasting herself on his lips. 
Mike pulls away to open a drawer in his nightstand and comes away with a small foil packet. Opening it with his teeth, he guides the sheath over his dick. He reaches back into the drawer and pulls out lube before coating the condom in it. Moving to position himself at her opening, he looks up into her eyes.
“You ready, Dimples?” He couldn’t help but slide his erection through her folds, but not fully entering until she voices her anticipation. 
“I’m ready, Mikey.” She opens her legs a bit wider and tangles her fingers back in his curls.
In one swift motion, he breaches her and is welcomed by inviting heat. They simultaneously hiss at their coupling. Letting her get used to his girth, he starts to move as she wiggles her hips to signal she needs friction. Pulling out slowly, he slams back in and is rewarded with her pulsing around him.
“Fuck, you feel so good, Dimples.” His words whispered in her ear as he begins a steady pace massaging her walls with his length. 
Wrapping her legs around him, she pulls him in deeper. Reaching up to cup his face, she smiles up at him and he can barely hold back his yearning for her. He knows he’s a goner as he feels her tightening around him in a telltale sign of her next orgasm. He has no time to be proud of himself as when she throws her head back in ecstasy, his hips stutter and he follows right after her.
With him panting in the crook of her neck, she runs a hand down his arm and he lays a trail of kisses leading up to her mouth. When he pulls out, she hisses again at the feeling of emptiness. She watches him slide off the condom and get up to tie it off and throw it away, stopping to grab a towel to wipe her down before cleaning himself. 
When he lays down again, she snuggles up on his chest and his arm wraps itself around her. They lay naked in his bed in companionable silence until he speaks up.
“So, that was intense,” His heart rate is still high and she chuckles and looks up at him.
“We came at the same time! I’d say that was intense as fuck, Mikey.” She says, nodding enthusiastically.
“I say we reward ourselves with a nap and then try and use higher brain function. Deal?” He pulls his comforter over their bodies and lets her get comfy then snuggles into her.
“Deal!” She rests upon his chest and lets his heartbeat lull her into slumber.
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When they awake, get dressed and play a few rounds of Call of Duty: Zombies in which Dimples dominates yet again. Mike secretly loves that he has such a worthy player on his team, she surprises him in so many ways. Plus, she likes to sit in his lap while they play so it’s fun for everyone involved.
After Dimples’ fifth yawn in five minutes, he decides to walk her home so she can get some proper sleep. One look at the clock displaying 10:37 pm settles it. Even when she whines that she’s not tired. She’s trying to spend more time with him and though he loves it, he wants her to get some good rest. Especially after their full day of fun.
As they walk down the street, they start to plan their next date. Something between them is palpable. A spark ignites the flame and the two of them are smitten. They actually swing their arms back and forth as they make their way down the street and if anyone was watching, they would probably gag at the cuteness. Making it to the outside of her dorm, they laugh nervously not wanting the night to end. 
“Can we sit outside for a sec?” Mike points over to the porch swing and moves over to it when she nods. He pulls out his phone and pulls up his Spotify and selects a song. Pulling Dimples closer to him, he rests his head on hers and swings them back and forth. They held hands and exchanged looks as the emo song plays on til the last verse.
‘Hands down, this is the best day I can
Ever remember, I'll always remember the sound
Of the stereo, the dim of the soft lights
The scent of your hair that you twirled in your fingers
And the time on the clock when we realized it's so late
And this walk that we shared together
The streets were wet, and the gate was locked
So I jumped it and I let you in
And you stood at your door with your hands on my waist
And you kissed me like you meant it
And I knew that you meant it, that you meant it, that you meant it
And I knew that you meant it, that you meant it’
Dimples yawns again and chuckles in the middle of it. Mike takes that as a sign as he stops the next song from playing and gets up from the swing. Grabbing her hands, he pulls her to him and walks her back to the door. They exchange slow, sweet kisses that seem to stretch for days but really only a matter of minutes.
Breaking the kiss, Mike presses his lips to her forehead and smiles down at her. “Ok, if you don’t go inside, I’m just gonna bring you back to my dorm and have my way with you again.” 
“I mean, that’s cool with me if you–”
“Yeah, nice try, Dimples.”
“Ok, ok. It was worth a shot. Alright then, goodnight Mikey.” She turns and unlocks the front door and steps inside. 
“Goodnight, Dimples. I’ll see you soon, ok?” 
“You better.” Her half-hearted threat dies as he leans in the doorway and places a chaste kiss on her lips. She wouldn’t admit she enjoys the effect he has on her yet, but soon it will be hard to deny.
They definitely have something building between them. Mike walks back to his dorm and Dimples walks up to her room. The first thing they do after getting settled is text each other. Smiles are plastered on their faces as they type out corny messages and try to ignore this white-hot infatuation that can only exist before something deeper takes its place.
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Chapter 3
A/N: The song for this chapter is Hands Down by Dashboard Confessional. It’s an emo banger and you know it. This chapter was so fun to write. Omg, Mikey is my sweetheart and I plan on making him happy. Oh, and Auntie Erika is Erika Sloane from Mission: Impossible - Fallout. I love Angela Bassett and wanted her in this story so there. You'll see her later on 😁
**Tag List**
@brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67 @geralts-yenn
@astheskycries @enchantedbytomandhenry @rebelangel1102
Let me know if you wanna be added (or removed) 😁
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I seem to have had an unlimited amount of spoons today. Maybe it's just because I actually got a full night's sleep. I went out and got my nails done, did a little shopping, came home, straightened up my room, repacked a bunch of clothes from a cardboard box into a plastic box with a lid, took out some winter clothes because it is supposed to be in the 30s tomorrow but we'll see, did some cleaning and dusting, and made dinner. All while watching Hellraiser 2 and Hellraiser Hellworld.
Tuesday I finally get to go to the doctor and hopefully get my ADD meds renewed if I can even remember that. I also need to see about shingles vaccine and a covid booster. I should have done this months ago but of course the corneal transplant being postponed just screwed everything up.
Friday everyone wants to wear costumes to work. I wore the same costume I wore last year which was a generic Holly Hobby / Little Bo Peep type costume. It fit pretty well last year because for fifth grade we were just starting to talk about your sister Whitman and the great Migration West. And of course that was what people wore back in those days.
But this year....... 7 days before we had gone to living history days where we saw women dress exactly like I was showing how people used to wash their clothes entering them out.
Not one single kid remembered this. And I probably got 30 questions on what I was wearing and what I was supposed to be and every time I told them "You saw someone dressed just like me at the Living History Days,"
And every single one of them look back at me like a deer in headlights.
I don't know what is going to become of us in the future if these are going to be our leaders. But like I'm so fond of saying I'll be dead by then.
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angryschnauzer · 2 years
Old Friends New Memories
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Summary: A chance meeting means you run into a very old friend and reconnect, but with you both having considerable emotional baggage, can you re-ignite what you had left burning all those years ago. A last minute Christmas Eve fic based on this post
Fandom: Henry Cavill, Hellraiser Hellworld
Pairing: Mike (Hellraiser) x Female Reader
Word count: 2565
Warnings: Angst, NSFW, 18+, Happy Ending. Talk of past abuse, gaslighting, male domestic violence survivor, gaslighting, drugs, drug addiction, rehab and therapy, impotence, therapy, mild references to assault, rebuilding relationships, mild sexual acts, nudity, oral sex (female recieving)
A/N: This is very much a ‘fix it’ fic to bring Mike’s character on from Hellraiser events, explaining that what happened in the movie was in fact a very bad drug fuelled trip. And somehow i am also writing angst again. But it has a happy ending. 
I do not operate a tag list but if you follow @angryschnauzerwrites and put that blog onto notifications you’ll get an alert every time i post something new, plus be able to find all my past works. Everything can also be found on my AO3
Henry Cavill Masterlist
You had  run into the local school to collect your nephew up from soccer practice as your Sister was stuck at work. He came out of practice super excited by the new coach ‘Michael’, chatting all the way back home about how awesome he was. It was only when you were dropping your nephew off did he realise he’d left his backpack there. You offered to drive back and grab it as your sister had arrived home with takeout for their dinner.
The soccer pitch was empty when you got there but the gate still unlocked, so you started to search the bleachers for the bag before someone called out;
"Ma'am? Can i help you?"
Not looking up you answered;
"My nephew left his backpack…"
You stood and turned, the air being sucked from your lungs as a sudden blast from the past stood in front of you;
He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck;
"Yeah, its been a while…"
"The last time i saw you..." he trailed off
"Yup. Same bleachers, only then we were under them…"
He visibly blushed as the memory of that night came back;
"I should really take you out to dinner... to apologise…"
Laughing you nodded;
"That'd be nice. Though you'll let me finish before you do this time, yeah?"
Mikey grinned;
"I can assure you the 19 year old Mikey S i was is a million miles away from 30 year old Michael Syverson i am now"
“I’m glad to hear that”
“So, tomorrow night?”
“Sounds good”
You both faltered for a moment, bodies jerking slightly before you laughed and hugged. Enveloped in his arms you were surprised by a number of things; how familiar it seemed and yet how different. Mikey had always given the best hugs, probably due to how freaking long his arms were, but before it was like getting a hug from a barely padded fence post. Now however he was solid and huge. Your arms no longer fitted around his torso, there was a deep valley in the centre of his chest that you could rest your head in, he had filled out and you felt completely surrounded by his presence. 
Reluctantly you eventually pulled apart, Mikey pulling his phone from his pocket;
“So, can i get your number?”
Mikey had invited you out for dinner the following night, Christmas Eve, and had picked you up at 7pm. You weren’t sure what you were expecting, perhaps a dive bar or a greasy diner, but he’d pulled his Toyota into the parking lot of a small family run Italian restaurant, one you’d been meaning to try but had never gotten around to. It turned out the meal had been fantastic, the dishes you’d picked laced with garlic and lemon, flavours hitting your taste buds like tiny fireworks. You’d chatted about old times, he’d been attentive and asked what you’d been up to since the end of high school which you happily filled him in on; college and onto animal care, working with kennels and pet parlours before last year you’d moved back to town to open your own pet salon. 
When Mikey wasn’t asking you questions you found yourself getting distracted as you couldn’t help but to simply stare at him. He’d blossomed into a truly handsome man, gone was the boisterous teenager, instead what you found was a quiet and contemplative adult who considered his words. The same crooked smile was there, as was the expressive eyebrows, but there was something dulling the spark, you didn’t want to pry, but you hoped whatever it was was only temporary.
But throughout the whole meal the atmosphere was relaxed and friendly, a comfortable aura between the two of you. When the check came you split it, there was no discussion or argument, and the drive back to your place was fun as you sang along to the radio playing Christmas songs. As he pulled onto your driveway you smiled and turned to him;
“Would you like to come in for a coffee?”
“A co…coffee?”
You took a deep breath;
“Whatever happens happens, i’m as nervous as you are, but i’d also really like to continue the evening with you. Plus you can meet Pandora and Doof”
“Pandora and Doof?”
“My cat and dog”
Laughing Mikey turned the key and killed the engine;
“Yes, i definitely want to meet Pandora and Doof”
Once you stepped in the door Pandora did what she did best, a quiet ‘miaow’ from the darkness, just her eyes visible in the low light;
“Oh you have a void!” Mikey laughed softly, before patting his thigh and your big black cat strolled from the living room into the hallway. Before you could say anything else a low growl came from the kitchen, and you turned and called out;
“Doof, its ok. He’s a friend”
You turned and grabbed a dog biscuit from the jar on top of the hallway shelves and handed it to Mikey;
“Give him a moment, he’s protective of me around men”
You slipped into the kitchen and turned the light on, and Mikey could hear you talking to your dog;
“Doof, you be nice to Mikey, he’s a good friend. Good. Nice person. All good. OK?”
A moment later you appeared in the doorway, holding the black labrador’s collar as you slowly walked along the hallway to where Mikey was still standing, before he crouched down and patted his leg;
“S’ok boy, i’m good”
Doof started to wag his tail as he approached, before he sat in front of Mikey and let out a quiet ‘woof’, to which Mikey handed him the dog biscuit;
“Can i pat your head Doof?”
You watched as they bonded a little, before Doof sat on his foot and you smiled;
“Hey, i need to let Doof run around in the garden and do his business, did you want to have hot cocoa on the back porch?”
“Yeah sure, that’d be nice”
Ten minutes later you were both sat on chairs, watching as Doof did zoomies in the grass before randomly stopping to investigate scents. Sipping on the minty hot cocoa Mikey finally spoke;
“I got a question… well, a coupla’ questions…”
“You said we were both nervous. What are you nervous about, and how could you tell i was nervous?”
You took a deep breath;
“Full honesty, right? We’ve known each other too long for any lies or hiding things, right?”
“What i’m nervous about is getting my heart broken again. And i don’t just mean that when i left for college and we parted ways, that hurt… god that hurt like hell, but i’ve had my heart broken time and time again since then. I’m nervous you haven’t changed, even though it seems like you have. I would rather reignite an old friendship than have a night together for the sake of old lovers” you paused; “Was that too honest?”
Mikey shook his head, staring down at his mug;
“No, its refreshing to hear…”
“And i can tell you’re nervous, you have the same tick you had when we were in grade school, you rub your thumb of your right hand on the back of your left hand. So…”
Mikey was silent, looking out into the darkness of the fields behind your property;
“I’m nervous… because i’m scared to try dating again”
“With me?”
“In general”
“What happened Mikey?”
He turned to look at you properly;
“Can you call me Mike?”
“Of course”
He took a deep breath;
“I’m divorced”
“Oh, i didn’t even know you’d married”
“It left me with some issues. Financial. Emotional. Physical and mental” he let out a low single laugh; “This is the first date i’ve been on in 5 years…”
“No way…”
“I just found it easier to not date. Too much to try and hide” he looked at you; “But with you… i feel i can be open and you won’t judge me”
“Of course i won’t” Just then Doof padded softly onto the porch, climbing onto your lap before settling his large body over your legs and his chin on the arm rest.
“She fucked me up. We met when i was 20, i was big into the party scene, bouncing from dead end job to dead end job, literally just partying away each weeks wage on drink and drugs. We ended up in Atlantic City and when we sobered up i found out we’d gotten married. After that she changed. I was young, she was older. The gaslighting started at that point, now i can see it for what it was, but then i thought it was simply the affect of the drugs. And when we were both high she got addicted to…” he trailed off, leaning back and pulling his shirt up. You could see the silvery scars across his torso; cigarette burns. 
You sucked in a sharp breath, but stayed quiet, giving Mike the time he needed;
“The final straw was when she got her hands on a cocktail of drugs. I have no idea what was in it, LSD, Ketamine, Coke, jesus christ it was awful. She thought she’d killed me, so instead of calling the cops she buried me in a wooden box. I woke up24 hours later and had to claw myself out. Thankfully she was lazy, or high, and hadn’t covered the box with dirt. The EMT’s said that was what probably saved my life so i didn’t suffocate”
You stayed silent, tears welling and threatening to spill, before Doof quietly moved and got off your lap, crossing the distance between you and Mike and climbed onto his lap, settling his snout on his shoulder against his neck. There was a moment of quiet and calm as Mike closed his eyes and rubbed your dog’s back;
“Thanks Buddy” he cleared his throat; “So anyway… at that point i stepped away. My time in hospital helped me start to get clean. Through the rehab i found some free legal aid and after i managed to get a job the next step was a divorce. I moved back home and tried to get my life restarted. My Mom helped me go to community college, i flunked most of high school so i managed to get my diploma and then found i really enjoyed sports studies. That led to a job coaching soccer, to the point i now have a job at the high school. Assistant coach and i run private sports lessons like your nephew attends”
“Mike, i don’t know what to say. I’m so sorry you had to go through all that, but i’m glad you have found a path to carve out a way for yourself”
“Yeah, but it’s lonely. Anyone with any sense left town and got away to college, few ever returned. Those without any sense are now in jail or dead”
“And dating hasn’t…”
“That’s the emotional and mental part. Its hard to hold down a relationship when you can’t… ya’know… stay hard…”
You watched as he rubbed Doof’s ears, giving him time as you stayed silent.
“And yeah i went to therapy, i went to a doctor. My girlfriend at the time was understanding. But she was also desperate to be a Mom, and it wasn’t something i could do. The doctors confirm there’s nothing wrong with me physically, fuck, i can get hard by myself and wack one out, but the moment… well therapy helped but it didn’t help”
You both sat there in silence, before you finally cleared your throat;
“Stay the night”
Mike’s eyes snapped up to you;
“You heard what i just said, right?”
“Yes. And i’m not saying ‘fuck me’, i’m not saying ‘i can cure you with my magic pussy’. Just stay the night. I’ve missed you, more than you can imagine. Going off to college seemed like the greatest idea, but my dating life has been a disaster”
“It can’t be worse than mine…”
You smiled softly;
“This isn’t about who’s was worse, but there’s a reason why Doof doesn’t trust men in my house. I had to make a choice, and I chose Doof and moved back home. My wounds didn’t leave scars, but that doesn’t mean i don’t remember them. I started afresh”
Mike let out a slow breath;
“Sure, i’d love to stay” he looked out to the back yard and smiled; “Plus its started to snow. My Toyota will never get home in this”
Standing you held out your hand as you patted Doof’s behind;
“C’mon Doof, bedtime” the dog lazily stretched and slid off Mike’s lap, before you took Mike’s hand and pulled him up; “Bedtime for you too”
“Why do you call him Doof?”
At that moment the dog turned to look back just as he got to the screen door, walking straight into it;
“Because he’s a giant doofus”
As the daylight streamed into the room you opened one eye and was greeted by a pair of dark eyes and a wet nose;
“Hey Doof”
“Okay, lets let you out to go potty”
A groan sounded behind you;
Laughing you turned, and couldn’t help but to take in how gorgeous Mike was as he lay next to you, his hair messy and his stubble longer, but those bright blue eyes as welcoming as ever;
“Ok we need to teach Doof to unlock doors so he can take himself out for potty”
You laughed and playfully patted Mike’s side;
“Don’t worry, you need to get up too… we both have a garlic issue. There’s a spare toothbrush in the cabinet”
As you watched Doof scoot around in the snow you waited for the coffee machine to warm up, slowly letting the dark liquid drip through. A thick pair of arms circled your waist and a bristly kiss was pressed to your cheek;
“Has he peed yet?”
“Not yet. I’ll hook the screen door open and unlock the doggy door, he can let himself back in”
Turning in Mike’s arms you pressed a soft kiss to his lips which he repeated seconds later, then again, before eventually you both deepened your connection as lips parted and his tongue danced delicately over your own. When the need for oxygen finally took over and you parted, he hooked his finger into the vneck of your tshirt, not so subtly peering in;
“C’mon, i may not be able to do stuff, but i can do other stuff, and i wanna see how those titties have grown”
“And ya’know, taste that pussy”
As the pair of you made your way back to your bedroom you grinned;
“Oh that’s a thing now? I recall you not wanting to do that last time…”
“Yeah, i was the Doofus then”
On cue Mike turned and walked straight into the doorframe, thankfully not hard but enough to make him bounce off of it;
“Yeah, completely different now” you teased
With a grin he grabbed you and walked you backwards to the bed, pulling your t-shirt off and grinning when he saw your breasts;
“Perfect, excellent shape. 10 out of 10”
He slowly got to his knees as he pulled your panties down, never breaking eye contact before he pushed you back and set you softly on the bed;
“Now, let me give you a Christmas present”
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peachdoxie · 3 years
So I decided to go to Walmart today (my first mistake) because I've absolutely been craving white cheddar cheese rice cakes and both Meijer and Kroger are sold out after I bought them all last week, and of course walking an hour both ways in the relatively cool Ohio summer of 77°F and twice that in humidity is the most logical choice. I check to make sure it's not going to rain on the The Weather Channel app, then grab my unintentionally-diluted gatorade and Cubs hat with the pride flag on it and head out.
Now, when I planned to leave it was mostly cloudy and I thought that would be fine, but the sun decided to show its sexy face and I spent most of the 2.6 mile walk limping in the sunshine since my right foot decided it was going to yell at me for putting weight on it, but I persevered and made it to Wallyworld in more or less one piece, albeit exhausted and with a headache building. I get half way to the grocery section before remembering I need a cart (I also want to buy flour) and wander my way to the front, then back to the grocery aisles. I eventually find the location where ideally there should be dozens of bags of white cheddar cheese rice cakes for me to purchase, but, alas—they have all the flavors but white cheddar cheese, and so I have to settle for white cheddar cheese poppéd cörn triangles instead. With my disappointing spoils of war, I hobble to the self-checkout and legally purchase my corn triangles and flour.
At this point I'm really feeling like crap and am totally dreading heading back out in the heat, so I plunk myself and my mostly-empty cart down at the Walmart Sbubby (eet freesh) and play around on my phone, hoping that taking a break off my feet in the aircon will help me stop feeling like crap. After sitting for a bit, I get up, push my cart to the exit, stare outside with a mounting sense of dread, return the cart, and then walk back inside to the Sbubby, wondering how long I can loiter before they kick me out, when my body finally decides to inform me that holy shit you need some more calories girl. Hmm, I think. Maybe this is why I feel like crap.
The problem is that I don't really want Subway—I've mostly forgotten/ignored there's an entire Walmart behind me, as any sane person should—because it's Subway, and also because I was hoping to stop by the Italian restaurant on the way home and get some spaghetti, since eating a Subway sandwich will make me not hungry for the very excellent spaghetti that I don't get the chance to eat since I only go to this area of town when I can justify walking an hour for something, which apparently includes white cheddar cheese rice cakes but not spaghetti. I'm wondering how much the Subway Sandwich Artist™ will judge me if I just get a six inch with nothing but cheese on it when my eyes fall upon what I instantly know will be my savior: a soft pretzel covered in butter and salt.
"One salted pretzel," I say, somehow coherent, "and a regular fountain drink" because I'd also like some soda because why not. The Subway Sandwich Artist™ obligingly gives me my pretzel, which I legally purchase along with the soda. I sit down with my ambrosia and nectar and immediately regret my decision: Hellworld's attempt to cool its firey pits is super loud and I am quickly descending into the sensory overload layer of hell. Luckily, this Subway has a back area where it is 2% quieter into which I can retreat. I do, I wipe off half the salt because I'm not a masochist, and begin consuming the pretzel.
While this is happening, I'm updating my friends on discord as to my situation, and I recall the time my sister passed out while on a hike in Albania because she got overheated and threw off her salt balance, and I think, hmm, this is probably what's happening to me. And sure enough, after eating the pretzel and downing the soda has made me feel better! Yay! I mean, I still feel like crap, but crap that can at least attempt to make the walk home. It's like an hour after I arrived to Walmart at this point and 45 minutes of that has been me in this Subway. I throw out my trash, pack up my things, and head to the exit.
It is now pouring down rain.
Curse you, The Weather Channel! I shake my fist at the sky. Curse you for lying to me! I trusted you! My tears rival the rain.
I am now faced with walking home in the pouring down rain, thus missing out on my spaghetti, or remaining in the Walmart Subway for even more time, despite my health bar being rapidly drained by proximity to the megacorporation's holy temple. I check the The Weather Channel app to see what they say, knowing they are untrustworthy, and see that it's supposed to rain for the next few hours.
Fuck it. I'm going to go buy a rain poncho to protect my flour and just sacrifice my shoes to the puddle gods since the sidewalks here range from "flat" to "expert mountain climbers only" and I know my feet will be soaked within five seconds of leaving the building. First, though, I want to use the toilet, but the one at the front is being cleaned, so I head to the back. Granted, I had to go there anyway since I figured the sporting goods area is the most likely to have a rain poncho.
I cannot find the rain poncho. I've been in this Walmart for over an hour and a half at this point.
I go back to the front in the off chance the seasonal picnic aisles might have one, cringe at the bountiful supply of American Patriotic Equipment, and eventually give up and ask the greeter lady where I can find a rain poncho. Aisle L24, aka one of the camping aisles in the back of the store. I've already searched there but apparently cannot read, because I find them this time, begrudgingly grab the blue since they don't make pink in the adult size, and return, once more, to the front of the store, where I legally purchase the poncho.
In the ten minutes it took me to decide to find the rain poncho and buy it, it's stopped raining and the sun is shining because of course it is.
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rruralroy · 3 years
So like. Most likely in December im going to come into ownership of my sister's old trailer. Which is great cool fun sexy know? I've got a place a live i don't have to pay rent on. However. However. I'm still not out to my family. And therefore like.... idk if coming out even gets to be an option at this point? Do I risk guaranteed housing and the social bonds with my family to be out as a trans man? Or do I just have to take what I can get in this hellworld and leave it at that?
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naradreamscape · 3 years
Fate: The Winx Saga shouldn’t even be promoted as a Winx Club adaptation. I wasn’t much of a fan of the original series (my sister was the real fan), but this is hideous. I blame Riverdale for setting off this whole “beloved cartoon adapted as a grimdark hellworld where people FUCK and CURSE” trend in modern television
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wondersofdreaming · 4 years
Let’s get the party started!
Characters: Henry Cavill times 26 x female reader
Word count: 2.288
Warnings: Alcohol intake. Drunkenness. Hollering. Catcalling. Lack of confidence-ish. Teasing. A teeny tiny sexual encounter that isn’t written but hinted.
Author’s note: This is somewhat of a prequel to my emotion series. The scoring is pure fiction, so please don’t be offended or think I scored too low on your favourite Henry-character.
You can find my emotion series here: MASTERLIST
I do not own any of the characters in this flash fiction besides the reader, her dog, and friends, who are figments of my imagination.
Tag: @littlefreya​​ @katerka88​​ @mitzwinchester​​ @hell1129-blog​​​ 
Feedback is appreciated.
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The day started with you waking up to someone knocking hard on your front door. You had been asleep. Your big bear of a fiancé was softly snoring next to you, not hearing a thing.
“I wish I was a deep sleeper like you, love.” You whispered to him, grabbed a robe and walked towards the door with the dogs right behind you.
The knocking got louder, and you could hear yelling on the other side.
“I’m coming, geez, take a chill pill.” You said and opened the door. You were attacked by your future sisters- and brothers-in-law, and a large crowd of your and Henry’s close friends.
“Morning sleepyhead. My key didn’t work, so we had to knock. Where’s Supes?” Jason, a good friend, asked.
“Still sleeping. Wait, you have a key?” You asked pushing at his chest, which was harder than you thought since he was the size of your fiancé.
“Yeah, got one from Supes last year, when he locked himself out.”
Jason moved you and wandered down to your bedroom, where you heard a scream. Jason had jumped on top of Henry, who showed hundreds of emotions in matters of seconds.
“J, what are you doing here?” Henry asked as he managed to push his bearded friend to the floor.
“It’s your bachelor party!” Henry’s older brother declared.
“And your bachelorette party.” Your colleague, Cecilia, told you.
“So, you two take a shower, separately please, get dressed and meet us in the living room in 30 minutes.” Selena, another colleague of yours, said as she walked towards the kitchen.
“We’ll feed the dogs. Dress comfortably.” One of your sisters-in-law yelled from down the hall. Cecilia shoved you into the bedroom and pulled Jason out the room before she closed the door.
You looked confused at Henry.
“What just happened?” You asked and went to sit on the edge of the bed. Henry pulled you into his broad chest and kissed your temple.
“I think we’re having a joined bachelor and bachelorette party in our house, love.” He chuckled.
“Oh boy, I saw at least twenty people out there.”
“Let’s go shower and see who has arrived, don’t stress, darling.”
“We don’t hear any water running!” Another one of your sisters-in-law said through the closed door.
“We’re going!” You yelled, you heard snickering and someone mentioning ‘morning sex’ as they moved away from your bedroom.
You shook your head and leaned into your fiancé’s embrace.
“If we’re quiet, we can shower together and have a little fun,” he whispered into your ear. You scrambled to the master bathroom with Henry right behind you.
40 minutes later you walked into a transformed living room. Your friends and family had attached banners with half-naked men and women on every available wall. Cecilia threw a sash over your head that said ‘Bride-to-be’, while the one she put on Henry said: ‘Groom in training’.
The sofa had been moved to the wall, the coffee table switched with the dining room table, and had been filled with drinks and snacks. You saw beer everywhere and lots of tequila.
“Come on guys, it’s barely noon and you want to do shots now?” You whined.
“No, we’re making lunch first, the tequila is for later,” Selena told you and put a plastic tiara on top of your wet hair.
“I had no idea your hair was curly too, shorty.” Jason teased. He threw an arm over Henry’s shoulders and gave him a tight squeeze, while he pulled you into his chest with the other arm. “You two are my best friends, and I’m so happy you’re getting married to each other.”
“Thanks, J. It means a lot coming from you.” You said.
Your friends had turned the backyard into a party place, lucky for them that the weather was nice and sunny. You all sat down with open-faced sandwiches on rye bread, not the bread made purely of rye flour, no, this was rye bread filled with sunflower seeds, dark and delicious.
“And for those who aren’t into the bride’s rye bread, we have normal sandwiches and the grill is on, so we can make sausages and burgers as well.” Henry’s older brother announced.
“You know that rye bread is healthy for you, right? It boosts your immune system and is low in calories.” You retorted with a smile.
An hour into the backyard party, some of the men had pulled out a projector and a blank white screen. You and Henry were pushed onto the two chairs in the middle of everything. Your loved ones surrounded you as Cecilia went to stand next to the white screen, she had a little black remote in one hand.
“May I have everyone’s attention please?” She started, everyone started quieting down. “Thank you. Well, first of all, thank you all for coming to this joint bachelor and bachelorette party for these two turtledoves.” She motioned towards the two of you. “We decided to join these two parties, as most of us have busy schedules, and this was the only available time you all had. So, let’s get to it. Pass down the drinks, especially towards the bride-to-be, she’s going to need it.”
Cecilia held up her beer and cheered with everyone.
“Now, our beautiful bride-to-be here was born on an island far, far away.” A picture of you as a baby appeared on the screen.
“NO! Where did you find that picture?” You screeched, horrified that people were looking at you as a toddler with your curly hair and a mischievous look in your eyes.
“We called your family, and they were generous enough to send a tonne of photos of you. Now be quiet.” Selena said. You laughed and shook your head, defeated.
“I’m ready for those tequila shots now!” You said and motioned for the bottles of tequila in the living room. Jason laughed and handed you a bottle with a few shot-glasses. You downed two shots before Cecilia continued. Your entire life was shown on the screen, from your toddler days to when you became a teenager, you had a rebellious period, where you wore black, dyed your hair black, wore black nail polish and so forth. Then the pictures changed into your twenties when you met Henry, and the last picture was of when he proposed on the beach.
“And that concludes our bride’s story. Now onto a fun game. The bride and groom are going to have a little contest on which look through the ages is better.”
You groaned, already thinking you knew where this was headed but you were pleasantly surprised. Selena handed you and Henry a mini chalkboard each and some chalk.
“Let’s first, take a drink for the lovely couple!”
“This is Henry in ‘Laguna’ from circa 2001, now give this look a score from zero to five, where five is the best score. These are gifs by the way.”
You squealed.
“Aw, look at you, honey. Baby Henry.” You teased. Henry just huffed as his brothers and friends laughed at him.
You gave it a 5, while Henry gave it a 2.
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“Interesting, now onto the next Henry-look. This is from ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’ around 2002.”
You gave it another 5, while Henry was still on a score of 2.
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“And this is from the series ‘The Inspector Lynley Mysteries’, also 2002.”
Another 5 from you, and 2 from Henry.
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“This is from the movie ‘Goodbye, Mr. Chips’, again, 2002.”
You looked long and hard before you just showed your 5, Henry was still on a 2.
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“From ‘I Capture the Castle’ in 2003.”
You continued the 5, Henry still on the 2.
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“This is from the series ‘Midsomer Murders’, from 2003.”
“You two are definitely going to have very curly-haired babies.” Jason teased from behind you, ruffling your semi-dried hair.
You giggled and showed your number 5, Henry didn’t budge on his 2.
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“This movie is called ‘Hellraiser: Hellworld’ from 2005.”
You turned your chalkboard, still, a 5, and Henry showed his 2.
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“And this is from ‘Tristan & Isolde’ premiered in 2006.”
You showed another 5, while Henry continuously showed his 2.
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“‘Red Riding Hood’ from 2006.”
“Look at those pearly whites.” Another friend howled from the back.
Another 5 from you and another 2 from Henry.
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“And here he is with reddish hair in ‘Stardust’ from 2007.”
The entire crowd laughed, even Henry had to release a burst of roaring laughter, where he leaned backwards and grabbed his chest. He dabbed his eyes with his sleeve as tears were about to spill.
You gave that look another 5, while Henry deleted his 2 and changed it to a 1.
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“Moving on to ‘Whatever Works’ from 2009.”
You nearly swooned at the smile young Henry was giving you from the screen.You wrote down another 5, while Henry changed his 1 to a 2.
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“This is from ‘Blood Creek’ in 2009.”
You showed your 5, which was turning bigger and slobbier the more tequila you drank, while Henry’s score continued to be 2.
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“And we move on to ‘The Tudors’ series, there’s going to be a new gif from each season. This is from season 1.”
With the first one, you scored it another 5, while Henry continued his 2. He was being really hard on his own looks. You had to have a stern talking to him when you were sober.
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“Season 2.”
You gave it another 5, Henry was still stubborn on his 2.
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“Season 3.”
You continued your 5, and Henry continued his 2.
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“Season 4.”
“Holy moly!” You let out.
“What?” Henry asked.
“I just forgot how hot you look with a man bun thing and a beard.” You hiccupped, obviously very drunk.
You scored it another 5, and Henry gave it a 3, having gotten a little confidence boost from you.
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“This is from the movie ‘Immortals’, premiered in 2011.”
“I love that movie! I love Greek mythology in general.” You slurred and showed your 5, while Henry kept his 3.
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“A movie with Bruce Willis, ‘The Cold Light of Day’ from 2012.”
“Babe, your smile is panty-melting.” You giggled.
You kept your 5, while Henry deleted his 3 and wrote down 4.
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“And since Henry had three looks in one movie, and he played this character in three movies so far, there’ll be three gifs. This is the first from ‘Man of Steel’ premiered in 2013.”
You sucked in your breath and waved your chalkboard with the 5 on it, Henry deleted the 4 and wrote 3,5.
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“Number two.”
You obviously continued with the 5, while Henry stubbornly showed his 3,5.
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“Number three.”
Both your scores didn’t change.
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“This is from ‘The Man from U.N.C.L.E.’ premiered in 2015.”
“My favourite movie so far!” You hollered.
You deleted your 5 and wrote down 6.
“You can’t write 6, 5 is the highest you can score.” Cecilia laughed.
“I don’t care about your rules. I’m the fucking bride, and if I say that Henry’s ‘Napoleon Solo’-look is a freaking 6, then it’s a freaking 6.”
“Whatever the bride wants the bride will get, Napoleon is a 6.”
“Thank you.”
Henry changed his score to a 4. He kissed your temple; happy you loved that movie.
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“From ‘Sand Castle’ premiered in 2017.”
You wrote down a 5, which surprised everyone. Henry gave you a shocked look.
“I still love that movie, but the fact that you shaved your head without talking to me about it, pissed me off a little. The beard is a bonus point though.” You giggled and downed another shot. By this time, you had already drunk half a bottle of tequila by yourself, without lime and salt.
Henry wrote down another 4.
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“This doesn’t need an introduction but premiered in 2018.”
You almost drooled. You had loved that moustache on him. It had changed the aura around him during filming, but he had still been your goofy boyfriend at the same time.
You wrote 6, Henry wrote 4,5.
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“And some know this as ‘Nomis’ other’s as ‘Night Hunter’, it still premiered in 2018.”
You catcalled at the photo, making everyone laugh. You deleted the 6 and wrote 7, while Henry wrote 4.
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“And last but not least from the series ‘The Witcher’ from 2019.”
“One million billion trillion…” You cheered and took another shot. The alcohol clearly going to your brain. Everyone laughed, while most of the women awed at the head-tilt Geralt did in the gif.
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The rest of the evening was a blur for you. Alcohol was consumed and pizzas were ordered around dinner time. Around midnight you were ready to collapse anywhere, you could have fallen asleep while standing up, you were that drunk. Henry, who could handle his alcohol intake, threw you over his shoulder and carried you into the bedroom.
You were already snoring loudly before your head hit the pillows. Henry removed your clothes and with a little luck, he managed to put you into one of his T-shirts that you loved to sleep in. Your dogs walked in and jumped on the bed, cuddling close to your sleeping body.
“Goodnight, my love,” Henry whispered. He kissed your forehead and walked out to the still ongoing party. Most of the women had gone to sleep in the tents that had been put up in the backyard, and the men had rid the dining table for bottles and snacks and were setting up for what looked like advanced beer pong.
“It’s a fusion game between beer pong and flip cup. Losers have to down a whole can of Guinness.” Jason answered Henry’s confused look.
“Alright, I’m assuming we’re on different teams?” Henry smiled.
“Oh yeah! Let the game begin!”
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sanjuno · 6 years
Game of Thrones, Jon snow just trolling everyone
(3/32 SI Promptfest)
By the Old Gods, I really was ridiculously pretty for a man. Staring at my reflection in mydressing table mirror, I tried to make an ugly face and only managed to lookpouty. Ech. I was conventionally attractive in my life before this one, but Ageon ‘Jon Snow’ Targaryen-Stark was supernaturally good looking.
It was actually a little upsetting. I was aestheticallypleasing, yes, but not at all my own type. If I had to be reborn as a man in this hope-forsaken hellworld, theleast the old gods could have done is fashioned me a meatsuit that catered tomy personal tastes.
I spared a wistful thought for the Mormonts, with theirstrong backs and lovely broad shoulders, before I dismissed the images with aresigned sigh. Nope, it was all dainty Targargyen features and the rangyleanness of the Starks for me.
Grimacing one last time at my reflection, I tied back myhair and finished getting ready for the day. Stuck as I was in Winterfell andwith no desire to draw unwanted attention, my ability to influence the eventsto come was limited to the Starks. Which was, in my humble opinion, more than enough.
People always underestimated the Starks. It was baffling. Ina feudal society like Westeros there was nothingmore dangerous than a loyal people with a loyal lord. In Robert’s Rebellion, only the Northern forces had answered infull when the Banners were called to Arms.
The North answered without hesitation when the Stark inWinterfell called for them. The King in the North, and the North remembered it.A King uncrowned, a King untitled, but a true King nevertheless. Torrhen Starkmay have bent his knee… but he had notbared his throat.
Winterfell was a fortress of ice, untouched by sun or flame.I knew there were weaknesses, cracks in the foundation left behind by thewildfires of Robert’s Rebellion. If left alone those fissures they would bringdestruction, like melt-water under snowcaps just waiting to bring half amountain down on unsuspecting heads.
Good thing I was a manipulative little shit, and I knewexactly how to start doing away with those weaknesses. In this case I needed tostart at the top.
No one had done quite as much damage to the Stark’s goodfortunes as Catelyn Tully, and so the Lady Stark’s attitude would need alittle… adjustment. Which I was morethan willing to do now that Rickon was safely born. If she went nuts again andneeded to be removed I still had a full complement of Stark Wargs to advise andinfluence for the sake of preserving all life on the planet.
Wishywashy fishwives, blech. The only useful thing she evermanaged to do was make more Starks. After living with her prejudiced,thoughtless cruelty for thirteen years I was more than ready to break herinflexible little mind in half. Which was my plan for today. Best get a move onthat.
I grinned at my reflection in the mirror, knowing I wasdressed no differently than the rest of the Stark children and loving how muchit pissed my dear Auntie off. There was no chance of Catelyn letting me speakwith Father without listening in. Perfect.
Now if only my resting bitch face would start beingintimidating again instead of sullen, that would be just grand. Stupid prettyboy face.
“Your nameday is coming up.” Robb mentioned, just as he hadevery day for the last handful. My dear Auntie’s glare burned against my backas she lurked and waited for me to turn on Robb. Old Gods, but that woman’sblind prejudice was annoying. “Do you know what you’re going to ask Fatherfor?”
“I think… I’d like to know who my mother was. And why Fatherchose to raise me here instead of leaving me with her.” Carefully not lookingover my shoulder at where I knew the Lady Stark was spying on interactions, Imade sure to keep my voice thoughtful. “I’m almost a man grown. I think I’m oldenough to understand if it… if it was something terrible.”
“Oh…” The future lord of Winterfell looked thoughtful, andnodded his head as he clapped a hand to my shoulder. “If anyone deserves toknow it’s you, brother.”
“Well, one can hope.” With a chuckle, I shook my head. “Nowcome on, Robb. Let’s finish putting this away.”
“Aye.” Sighing as he looked at how much was left to takecare of, Robb grumbled but set too willingly enough. “Can’t leave a job halfdone.”
“T’would be unfitting of a son of House Stark.” I agreed withjust enough mockery in my tone to make Robb laugh and the Lady Stark bristle.Honestly, the woman was so easy to rile up. It was actually a bit sad.
“Father, please.”I may have arranged for Lady Stark to follow me into the Godswood today when Iwent to confront Ned Stark about my true origins, but it still bothered me toknow that she was lurking while I asked my father for honesty. Stupid bint. Myirritation made my voice crack with suppressed emotion. “Please, I deserve toknow. If it’s a secret you’re keeping to preserve a Lady’s honour, I swear bythe Old God’s I won’t speak of it! I just wish to know her name. Please.”
“I swore to your mother to keep you safe, Jon. You are myblood.” Ned Stark was a quiet man, but he had enough determination to grindmountains to dust. A brilliant attribute when you needed to ration suppliesthrough a decade long winter. Not so endearing when trying to get him to saysomething he wanted to stay secret. “That is enough for me. Let that be the endof it.”
“Fine then, if you won’t tell me my mother’s name… then tellme my fathers!” The blood drained out of my father’s face, and guilt rose in mychest. I forged onwards anyway, because this needed doing if we were going tosurvive the Long Night without worrying about knives in our backs. “People talkabout me, and I hear it all the time. ‘The Honorable Ned Stark’s only sin’,they call me. But they don’t know you, Father. Not like I do. Not enough toknow that… you wouldn’t. Not after you wed, not after you swore an oath. Evenif Lady Stark was supposed to be yourelder brother’s wife… you would never dishonour her that way.”
Father’s grip on the Heart Tree’s bark was desperate as hiseyes searched my face. I swallowed, hating the pain I saw in his eyes. “Idon’t… It matters not who sired me, not truly. You are my father in all the ways that count, and aye, your bloodis in my veins, but… it was Lord Brandon who sired me, wasn’t it. With LadyAshara Dayne. If I had been a girl… you could have left me there, let me be aSand. But I was a boy, and the only son of Rickard Stark’s eldest son. That’swhy everyone says Lady Ashara’s daughterwas stillborn. It was a misdirection to cover your tracks, because LordBrandon’s son, even a bastard one, could have a stronger claim than your sonsand-”
“Stop. Jon, please. That’s enough. That is… that is morethan enough.” Strong, sword calloused hands gripped my shoulders, and sterngrey eyes held mine for a long moment before my Father’s expression softened.“I can see now, how much this has troubled you. You’ve never liked the thoughtof causing problems for Robb, and I can well believe that you would draw theworst possible conclusion… Aye, I suppose there’s nothing for it now.Especially not with that sort of rumour taking root…”
I forced my jaw to relax and my breathing to steady.“Father?”
“Your mother was not Ashara Dayne, Jon. And your father wasnot my brother. Would that… would that they hadbeen your parents. Perhaps this would be a simple thing to speak of.” Old, deeppain etched lines in my father’s face, and for a horrible moment I imagined it.Of being the only one still remaining of my siblings. Of Robb slain bytreachery, Sansa stolen away by our enemies, Arya and Bran losing themselves tovengeance and madness, Rickon’s memories of us fading away until he forgot usentirely… Father closed his eyes, seeming to gather his strength before hecould look me in the eye again. “You will always be my son, Jon. My blood is inyour veins, Jon. As is… as is the blood of my sister, Lyanna.”
I had been hoping for it, expecting it even, but still hearing him say it made my breath catchlike I had just been hit. There in front of the Heart Tree, with the truthringing in my ears, all I could manage to do was blink. “But… that would makemy father… but I don’t want to be aTargaryen! I want to be a Stark! Father, don’t tell anyone else!”
Sputtering a relieved laugh my father shook me gently untilI stopped whining, and then he pulled me into an embrace. “I promise, Jon. Noone else will ever know.”
“Mm… maybe… uh, maybe oneother person.” I felt my father stiffen, and I firmly kept my face pressed intothe fur of his collar. “Maybe… I think it would be okay for you to tell LadyStark? Maybe then she’ll agree to have a proper marriage ceremony.”
“Jon, I… I know Cat hasn’t always been kind to you. Are yousure you wish for her to know?” Father pushed me back so he could see my face.I pouted shamelessly, because proper hugs were stupidly scarce in thismachismo-laden hellscape. “Don’t… don’t say yes because you want to make thingseasier for me, Jon. I can handle an argument with my wife.”
“But you want to get married in front of the Heart Tree.” Ipointed out sullenly, keeping my eyes firmly on my father’s chin. “And youcan’t do that while you keep secrets from her.”
“It’s been three and ten years, Jon.” Father sighed, clearlonging in his words even as he pushed his own wants aside for the sake of hisduty. “If she were willing to truly join the North she would have saidsomething to me by now.”
Oh, that comment was going to burn. I know my dear eavesdropping Auntie has never felt welcome inthe North, and now she knows why.This is delicious and I love it.
“Tell her anyway, Father.” Meeting those grey eyes again, Ioffered up a wry smile. “Perhaps this will be enough for her to make thatoffer. Perhaps it will calm her fears about me hurting Robb. Perhaps she willsimply continue to ignore the fact that I exist until she cannot avoid it anylonger. Regardless of the outcome, she at least deserves to know that you havenever broken your oaths to her. She deserves to know that another oath boundyou to silence, for all our sakes.”
“You are a good boy, Jon.” Father smiled, embracing me againas he kissed my hair. “Never forget that kindness. It is a great gift.”
“I won’t, Father.” I smiled back and leaned into thestrength of the only father I would ever acknowledge. “After all, I have you toshow me what to do.”
The next morning, I could see that Father had spoken to hiswife. The way she looked at me… Catelyn was ashamed of herself. Was writhing inguilt of her own making like a worm on a hook. Doubtless she was rememberingthe promise she had made to her Seven Gods, the promise she had broken so veryquickly when she learned that I had lived through my fever.
This was no less than she deserved.
I took my seat at the head table without sparing her morethan a glance. Catelyn’s eyes were reddened and heavy from a night of weeping.For once, there was no transparent attempt to have me sit elsewhere, removedfrom my family. Sansa wrinkled her nose at me, only having recently learnedwhat the word ‘bastard’ meant, thanks to the Southron influences in her life.
Robb and Theon glanced at Lady Stark, but did not hesitateto draw me into their morning conversation once I was seated.
“So.” Robb kept his voice quiet enough not to be heardbeyond our small huddle. “Did you get the nameday gift you wanted?”
“I did.” Inclining my head, I answered just as quietly.“It’s like we thought. She’s dead, but Father’s still trying to protect hermemory.”
“But he gave you a name?” Theon questioned, sharp eyesscanning slowly over the hall for listening ears.
“He did. I asked him to tell Lady Stark.” I shrugged whenthey both looked at me strangely. “Perhaps now she will stop fretting over it.It would be nice not to be accused of causing everything that inconveniencesher.”
“Aye, that’s clever.” Grinning, Theon bumped his shoulderinto mine as he pulled his plate closer. “And now she owes you a debt, too.”
“Let’s not bring attention to that, shall we?” I smackedTheon’s fingers with the back of my knife before he could steal my bread.“That’s my breakfast, Greyjoy. Get your own.”
“But it tastes better when it’s stolen!” Laughing as heprotested, Theon held his hands up in surrender when I pointed my knife at him.“I yield, I yield. Your food is safe, Snow.”
“Now there’s a lie if I ever heard one.” Robb snorted,curling his arm around his plate when Theon turned to him with a woundedexpression. “You’re a shameless food sneak, Theon. The cooks are all out forvengeance over missing platters.”
With a disdainful sniff, Theon turned back to his own plate.“I’m a growing man.”
“You’re a bottomless pit, is what you are.” I eyed theIronborn boy up and down. “How are you this weedy if all you do is eat?”
“You’re one to talk.” Robb snickered, the smug little shit.One day he would actually reach an awkward growth stage and I was going tolaugh so hard. “You’re barely biggerthan the girls, Snow.”
The was a scraping noise as Father stood up and cleared histhroat, drawing every eye in the hall and cutting off my retort. Robb was goingto get his ass kicked for that comment later during our arms practice. For now,I held my tongue and paid attention as Father raised his hand for silence.
“I have two announcements to make this morning.” Fatherturned and smiled at his wife, placing a hand on the back of her chair. “Tocelebrate the anniversary of King Robert’s coronation, my Lady Wife and I shallbe renewing our vows in the Godswood. The invitations to our bannermen Housesshall be sent later today.”
A cheer shook the rafters. I laughed and clapped my hands,vastly entertained by the dumbstruck look on Catelyn’s face as the Northernpeople applauded. This was the first step to her gaining full acceptance, and Iplanned to keep that momentum going.
“Second.” Father continued once the ruckus had died down. “Withthe blessings and council of my Lady Wife, I have written to King Robert askingfor the granting of legitimacy to my natural born son. Once it is official, JonStark will be named the future lord of Moat Cailin and tasked with itsrestoration.”
Robb and Theon whooped, pounding me on the back as I gapedat my father. Arya shrieked in glee and lunged across the table to throw herarms around my neck. Even Sansa was smiling, even if it looked a bit stiff withconfusion. Baby Rickon had no idea what was going on but he still added hisvoice to the mess.
Holy shit yes. My plans were working. Theon actually had manners, Father had told the truthabout my birth, Lady Stark had gotten a reality check, and I had actually been legitimized…
Fucking right, I was going to Machiavelli the hell out of the Seven Kingdoms. Next up,convincing Father to have Arya fostered with the Mormonts, or at least have hertutored as a shieldmaiden by one, and then I was going to get Sansa someone shecould have an actual intelligent conversation with.
Yes, excellent. This pleases me.
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wakraya · 7 years
Hiveswap: The Theorizening
Having finished Hiveswap, there’s a lot of different things going through my head at once, thoughts, theories, characters, so I’ll try to not mix things together! That being said, as theories tend to be, Spoiler Warning under the cut! Also sadly I won’t be able to post images in it quite yet since they’re not too easily available around right now, will probably have to wait until some Youtube Video pops up with the gameplay/cutscenes. Without further ado!
Grandpa Harley - There’s a lot that has been revealed about Grandpa in the first half of Act 1, before moving to Alternia. He’s an absent father, and his absence obviously affects Joey a lot. She doesn’t like to blame herself for him not being there, and thus channels this as well deserved anger towards him, specially as she cannot relate to him in the slightest with his disdain for animal life. However, I noticed a few things Joey mentions. He’s been coming back home less and less ever since his wife died, and having ‘vacations to the Pacific Ocean’. I don’t know what’s going through that moustached head of his, but Jake didn’t come across the Frog Temple by mere chance, he actively seeked it for years before bumping into it. Where did he learn about it? What’s going on? Also the basement is full of Crockercorp Tools, old, but still present there. Is there some mind control and manipulation going on perhaps? Jane had to bear with the Baroness for a long while before she straight up faded, but Jake just ‘left her’, perhaps Crockercorp things reminded him of his departed sister? For all the hoarding and aimless adventuring we always thought he did, it seems like he does have a goal. That being said, the obsession doesn’t excuse his neglect for his family or being a shitty parent and being absolutely crazy but, yeah. There’s something deeper going on with him, and I’ll be glad to explore this facet of him on Hauntswitch.
A. Claire - She’s dead. From the very first moment you start the game, in the very first room, you get heavy clues that she’s already dead. However, while I thought A. Claire was nothing more than ‘Joey’s Mom’ before, after playing through the game I can’t help but feel there’s something more to it. She had the Key. The Key was a ‘Heirloom’ she stored in her jewelry box? Or did it appear there afterwards? Joey heavily associates it to her, and with Grandpa’s obsession of tracking down the Frog Temple growing stronger after she died, I have to wonder if there’s something more going on with her. How did she die, exactly? What was she hiding? Again, something really interesting to have in mind for Hauntswitch.
Tetrarch Dammek - Wow. I don’t think any of us expected him to be such a dick. Look at that name, too- Tetrarch Dammek. Tetrarch is basically ‘one of four rulers’, and I believe Xefros alludes to there being another 3 Tetrarchs within the resistance. With him gone, the power structure of the Rebellion is shaking, and now Trizza will make her move- They have to make do, and they’re very likely going to have to get Joey to help them. Back to Dammek himself though, Tetrarch is ALSO an 8-Letter title, like Adults on Alternia seem to use. The Tetrarch. Along with his ideals and how he treats Xefros, it seems that he’s living a sort of Highblood Power Fantasy of Leadership and Control to bring Trizza down. If we’re supposed to care about him, Jude/Roxy are very likely going to shove him in the right direction. Maybe without his guns and in an alien planet, he shows his true colors, scared, defenceless, with no one backing him up- And he learns to be a better person before going back to Alternia. I sure hope so.
Xefros Tritoh - Sweet cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too PURE. I fell in love the moment Joey started to talk with him, poor thing has been pretty much brainwashed. It puts in perspective just how shitty Rustbloods REALLY have it on Alternia, and makes me wonder if Aradia’s complacency comes from this too. Like... It’s not just that it’s her thing, she was ‘0kay’ with things, but rather just a... Grim outlook on not being able to do anything about her situation. “That’s fine. It’s how things are.” That being said, Joey came to the rescue quite unexpectedly, I didn’t think she’d lash out against Dammek like that and I’m VERY glad she did! I still think Dammek has a chance of redemption on Earth, but what he’s done to Xefros is intolerable, and I’ll be glad to see his confidence AND his psychic skills develop over time as he journeys with Joey through Alternia to bring down the Empress!
Doc Scratch - We have little information about him so far. There was the delivery to Xefros but that’s about it. That was incredibly creepy. Someone also mentioned the Hint System sounded a bit like Scratch- But I’m not quite sure since I never clicked the ? Button, I might check it at a later date. For now, his involvement seems to be pretty tame, but if he’s pulling the strings behind Trizza, it’s been a nice little cameo so far.
Trizza Tethis - What a bitch. I love her. We didn’t see much about her, but we heard more about how awful she is, and got that one last image at the end. “Wish you were here”, what a piece of shit. Who was she saying it to? The other members of the resistance perhaps?
Axolotl - We actually did get a little bit teased about that! The painting in the hallway had what, to me, looked like Aztec representations of the Grimalkin, the Sloth and the Axolotl, which is very interesting. Foreshadowing? Or perhaps something more? There was also a weird tapestry in the Trophy Room I can’t quite remember, but it could be something really interesting to analyse at a later date.
Biggest Fan - I’m assuming Xefros and Joey are going to see Cridea at the end of the game. Maybe? The only other option I can think of is the Rebel Marshall. I believe they said their biggest fan was a ‘she’, unless I’m thinking wrong, otherwise it could be Fiamet too! (Wait is Fiamet a guy? I actually think I just assumed he was a guy because the Axolotl from Animal Crossing is a guy. God dammit, it could really be anyone huh? What a mess). Whoever it is, given he mentioned it’s a ‘Fan’, I doubt it’ll be another Tetrarch.
Tetrarchs - The leaders of the Rebellion. Dammek was one of them. I wonder if Cridea or Fiamet are Tetrarchs too. Who knows, maybe the Canon Fantrolls are Tetrarchs! That would be an interesting plot twist wouldn’t it? I’m assuming Fiamet IS one, merely based on the fact he has the power of the Green Sun on his side. Too valuable and powerful of an asset to NOT be a leader.
Alternia - We’ve gotten a few glimpses at life in Alternia! Lo and behold, it just so happens that Hellworld is EVEN WORSE than I thought from the canon! Even with Trizza being excessive in her killings, it just feels like absolutely no one cares about Rustbloods and lives of the lower bloods can be taken for like, anything at all. Seems like there are contests that can change people’s lives however, like the music one Xefros and Dammek seemed to want to attend, that would either give them a life of ‘luxury’, or death. There was a comment on how it took SWEEPS for Scythian to deliver something to Rustbloods, which means that apparently you MUST register your caste on literally EVERYTHING online. Another interesting fact, aside from the Stickball sports which seems a mixture of Rugby, Quidditch and Pool, Xefros mentions Rustblood Dead Communion, and also Blueblood posh attitude and crushing strength, making it canon that, yeah, those kind of powers aren’t actually genetic oddities but are commonplace among castes! Of course comparing Aradia’s telekinesis with Xefros’, it’s obvious some Trolls may be better gifted than others, and I wouldn’t be surprised if some outright lack them. Still, interesting.
Jude - He’s still convinced that the figures are behind this, but something the previews and trailers didn’t mention is that he believes the figures are after the portal. In the same vein, on Alternia, the interviews said that Trizza wants to get her hands on the portal too, which after driving Joey and Xefros away is incredibly easy. Seems like the villains of both games are after this thing, whatever it is. I thought Jude would be nervous and shaky and scared, but NOPE, he’s fucking ready, he’s been ready all his life to take those things down, and I think that’s kind of impressive. Still a dork though.
Joey - Poor thing knows nothing about Alternia, and it’s hilarious to see how confused and grossed out she is through the game. I wonder if she’ll have to eat bugs at some point. I hope she has to eat bugs at some point. She’s so pure too. I like how at the end, Xefros blushed grabbing at her, but she just flashed a little, comfortable smile. I ship Xefros <> Joey already, and feel like, given how her orientation has been leaning so far with the paintings and statues in the Harley Household, she’s totally gonna fall in love with some blueblood lady. Watch her blush when Cridea enters the scene.
The Portal - God this fucking THING. Up in the attic I tried to see if I could see the God Tier’s symbol next to the portal, but it was too difficult. I think it was somewhat round? It might’ve been Mind? But I might’ve just imagined things too, who even knows. The portal itself though, I did NOT expect it to be artificial. It’s not just a structure someone found. Jude has Blueprints. And on Alternia, the more futuristic looking version is also built and has Blueprints. Xefros calls it a ‘weapon’ but he also obviously has no idea what it does, meaning Dammek likely has some more idea about it, just like Joey does. Did they build it? was it some attempt to contact both words? Can a built structure actually be a Juju? I have so, so many questions about that thing and I hope the game solves all of them eventually. But for now, there’s just not enough information to determine anything. It’s soooo weird.
Those are my thoughts on the lore the game added upon so far. We’ll see how things go as more things about Hiveswap and Act 2 start to pop up!
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Scrapbook: Chapter 2 - Teaser
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Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Mike x Black!OFC (Dimples)
Fandom: Hellraiser: Hellworld
Summary: A collection of moments with Mike and Daisy (Dimples).
Chapter Summary: Mikey and Dimples’ first date.
A/N: This is just a teaser of Chapter 2. Read Chapter 1 here.
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
My Masterlist
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He walks her over to the passenger side, opening the door for her and closing it as she settles in. She puts his hoodie in the backseat and goes to buckle herself in. Walking around the front of the car, he notices she is having trouble getting the seatbelt down. Getting in, he reaches over her to help.
“Here, lemme help, Dimples. This thing gets stuck now and again,” Pulling the seatbelt across her lap, he locks her in, “Other than that, I love this car so much.” Petting the dashboard, he can’t help but whisper sweet nothings to the car.
“I’m gonna ignore you being creepy with your car and ask how the hell you got this on a college kid’s budget?” She laughs, tilting her head to look at Mike.
“Well, actually, my Dad helped me get this as a high school graduation gift. I paid half and so did he. My Mom did not want me to have a car, but Dad won the argument I guess.” He rattles off nervously, starting the car to head to their destination.
“I take it you’re closer with your Dad, then?” Dimples probes, watching as the street goes by in the side-view mirror.
“Yeah, my Dad’s close with me and my Mom is close with my brother. It’s always been like that,” Mike runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head a bit, “My big brother is my Mom’s favorite. And that’s fine, he’s the firstborn so.” He drifts off and she puts a hand on his thigh and lightly squeezes.
“I always wondered if my parents would have had more kids after me. I would have loved siblings. But they passed away when I was about 2 or 3. I barely remember them.” She says matter of factly, hoping to distract Mike from his family drama.
“Wow. I’m so sorry, Dimples. So, who raised you?” He put a hand on hers where it rested on his thigh.
“I was raised by my Aunt Nicole until she passed away a bit after I graduated high school. She left me with an inheritance and I was able to get scholarships to come to school here with a full ride. She never had any kids and my mom was her only sibling so after she was gone, it was just me. But I met Jasmine when I moved here and she’s been like a sister to me, annoying but helpful, ya know?” She takes a deep breath after spilling her guts all over the place.
“I can understand the annoying part, that’s Derrick for sure. He laughs at all my jokes, though. Gotta keep him around for a least a little while longer. Plus, without our friends, we wouldn’t have met.” He laces his fingers through hers and kisses the back of her hand.
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