#but ya girl is a massive foodie
smokingtomas · 9 months
HC: mortal kombat x food
Bi-Han is a coffee guy. He even drinks two shots of espresso every morning. You thought he's a grumpy cat? Try taking the caffeine away
If Kung Lao hasn't had a bowl of rice that day, he hasn't eaten. Potatoes, bread, pasta are considered snack to him
Cupcakes are Tomas' favorite dessert. His favorite is chocolate & peanut butter cupcake
Kuai Liang has a cupboard full of tea collection he gathered from his travels. From darjeeling to the most exquisite matcha, he has tried it all. He then keeps the packages for mementos
Raiden, the Earthrealm champion, is lactose intolerant
As an ex-yakuza that travels quite often, Kenshi knows all the best sushi places all over Japan. He can tell just by tasting the maguro
Syzoth was pleasantly surprised when he found out there were people selling fried bugs as a delicacy in Earthrealm. Finally, a human food he can stomach
Empress Sindel makes a really good, comforting noodle soup. Mileena and Kitana always crave for them, especially when they're under the weather as kids
Johnny enjoys Korean BBQ a lot and would always drink soju on the side. There's this place in LA he regularly visits, and it has a picture of him on the wall of fame.
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Nina The Killer Headcanons
Psycho Barbie’s turn in the spotlight!!!!
I’ve always thought Nina in concept was so fucking cool, like, an obsessed fangirl becoming a copycat killer always scratched a good niche in my brain, so I never hated her like most of the fandom did when I was younger, I just never really interacted with anything about her cause. The fandom hated her, lmao.
Expect canon typical violence/topics beyond this point pookies <3
TGIRL SWAG!!!!!!!!! Nina is trans I’m making it canon right now and you can’t do shit about it
Roughly about 25, two years younger than Jeff
Ann ain’t the only zombie adjacent character in the mansion
Nina actually has zero fucking clue why she keeps coming back every time Jeff murders her, but she’s having fun with it so ig it’s fine right?
Some of the more supernaturally intelligent members of the mansion also have no fucking idea what her deal is. By all accounts she should be dead and rotting a thousand times over
Eyeless Jack has done four vivisections on her and all yielded the same result, human
Except humans don’t bounce back after having their heart cut out????
Seconds after losing organs they just???? Reappear??? Inside her body???? What the fuck????
Out of everyone she’s a massive enigma. No one can figure it out but everyone loves using her as a guinea pig for murder purposes
Ya girl is such a masochist she actually gets disappointed when people don’t like testing new stabbing methods on her
She’s so unapologetically a freak, she’s cringe, but she’s free
Out of everyone in the mansion she’s the easiest to get along with
Sometimes to her detriment, her hyper extroverted personality off puts some of the more quiet and reserved inhabitants
No one truly hates her, you can’t exactly hate someone who doesn’t have a combative bone against you in their body, but not everyone likes to stick around her
It bothers her only a little bit when she’s noticed she’s pushed people away with her intense personality (it bothers her A LOT-)
She loves collecting and gifting trinkets and jewelry to people. The amount of Kandi bracelets she’s made Jeff and Ben, good lord-
The most persistent determined bitch in the world. You would have to nuke her entire existence to get her to stop focusing/going after something
Of course it ends up making her stubborn
Buuuuuuut she’s also an honorary favorite dog of Slenderman
The household often has monthly contests to see who can have the highest body count. You’ll never guess who’s almost always in the top 3
So she’s out on missions a lot. She comes back and gossips talks about what’s happened when she comes back two days later
Surprisingly doesn’t have a sweet tooth? You’d think with how manic she acts she injects sugar and caffeine into her bloodstream, but nope, she doesn’t. She hates fruit candies and can only stomach dark chocolate
Always comes back from hits and supply runs with tons of candy anyways to share with everyone
Is a SLUT for spicy foods
Ann had to cut her tongue off one time because she fucked it up so bad eating stuff that was borderline radioactive with how spicy it was
Everyone is convinced she would eat actual nuclear waste if given the chance just to feel the burn
The biggest foodie in general too. She’s not the best at cooking but everyone loves her pancakes
Ben made a joke one time about her putting crack in the batter. Two weeks later she had to apologize to mansion parents Masky and Hoody about why half the house was suffering withdrawal symptoms. Someone has to monitor her while she cooks now. Bummer.
She’s a total junkie but she is responsible about it at least dammit!
Like yeah she gets stoned out of her goddamn mind with Ben every other weekend, but that shit doesn’t leave her or his room
She has to set a good example for Sally!!!!!
The kid fucking adores Nina like a big sister
Nina is always bringing her goodies and toys
In return Sally does her makeup for the day
Does it look like a 5 year old scribbled all over her face? Yes and she doesn’t care!!!! She wears that shit with pride
Helen made fun of it once and he has since learned not to piss off the hyperactive pink glitter mayhem lady who knows how to wield a chainsaw
Oh yeah fuck knives. Nina got tired of knives pretty quick. Ya girl USES A CHAINSAW
It’s totally not the same kind of chainsaw Jeff used when he was a scare actor in college shut up no way
She’s really good with the thing too. It’s so heavy and she totes it around like it weighs nothing
She’s got such a sleeper build it’s insane. She’s 5”2 and 160 pounds of pure whoop ass
She’s just constantly full of energy and needs to be doing something at every second or she thinks she’ll explode
Besides her signature chainsaw covered in stickers and glitter, she’s also pretty handy with handguns, axes, and baseball bats
She’s got a small collection of weapons under her bed
Three guns (all customized with stickers and paint), a large axe (with a heart in the middle of the blade), and two baseball bats (one covered in nails)
Her room is a fucking mess but she knows where anything and everything is
Girl can’t even see her floor and she’s somehow able to find what she needs in there
Bead curtains, a disco ball, leopard print carpet on the ceiling, lava lamps, it looks like scene mixed with the 70’s threw up in there
Not exactly the most fashionable but has the biggest wardrobe and most flashy way of dressing
Like. I don’t even think she owns anything solid. Definitely not solid black
Has given herself many tattoos and piercings
To the point she’s so good at it that the others start coming to her asking for her to do the same to them
Her hair never stays one color for long, but often goes between red and purple
Is best friends/close with: Ben, Kagekao, Jason, LJ, Sally, the Puppeteer, Clockwork, and Jane
Has a tolerable relationship/is neutral about: Masky, Hoody, Liu, Eyeless Jack, Ann, Helen, and Slenderman
Hates no one
Has a… questionable relationship with Jeff
When first starting off he fucking hated her, but she was so goddamn persistent and just kept getting back up despite the multiple times he was certain he’d killed her, to the point she’s grown on him like a parasite
She sees him as her ultimate best friend, her ride or die, and he’s flattered…but he definitely doesn’t feel intensely as she does
Like he obviously doesn’t hate her anymore and actually quite enjoys her company. But she also annoys the shit out of him and he often finds himself needing a break from her constant state of “on”. Girl has no off switch
The two of them are often found lounging together and talking random shit, or sparring
She believes that somehow the first time he killed her, it gave her her weird zombie regeneration abilities
And of course she thinks that’s cool as fuck and nearly worshipped the ground he walks on because of it
The more time has passed the more she’s grown to stop feeling like she needs him to function
She went from making herself Jeff’s biggest fan her whole personality to becoming an actual decent person outside of her unhealthy obsession with him
Surprisingly never had any romantic feelings for the man
Like yeah she was obsessed but not like that
She just thinks he’s waaaaay cooler than other people see him as
Jane and Clockwork are her girl solidarity bffs
Jane was practically the girl’s mentor in how to be girl 101 when Nina was beginning to realize she was trans
Whereas Clockwork was her combat mentor who taught Nina everything she knows about kicking someone’s ass
They went from her cool lesbian moms to her cool lesbian besties
She’s one of the only few who can tolerate LJ’s nonsense
And by nonsense I mean his usual mad hatter ramblings and personality. Nina thinks it’s hilarious and loves that he’s just as down to clown (SORRY) as she is
Her, him, and Sally are the prank trio
The two would do anything to hear that little girl erupt into giggles
Her and Ben bond over scene fashion and old internet stuff
Ben is also her weed dealer. He’s everyone’s weed dealer but she gets special treatment and doesn’t have to pay him shit cause they’re besties
She’s a pretty positive person overall but cannot fucking stand/HATES anyone outside the mansion
She views everyone there like family
The outside world not so much. Bullying has really left her bitter
Hates blackmail but definitely holds grudges!!! It’s hard to get on her bad side though, so no one’s worried about it
Loves breakcore, kpop, jpop, any kind of hyper and electronic music, extra points if it’s pop
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onestowatch · 5 years
Aly&AJ Talk ‘Sanctuary,’ Touring the World, and Their Highly Anticipated Return to Music [Q&A]
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Beloved sister duo Aly and AJ Michalka carry an enormous amount of nostalgia. After breaking out as teen stars on Disney Channel, they launched a wildly successful pop-rock music career with their 2007 album Insomniatic. We know you listened to “Potential Breakup Song” to cope with your failed 7th grade relationship; we did too. After a decade of silence, they released the suitably titled Ten Years EP, delighting fans with their indestructible bond as sisters and updated synth pop sound. Their latest work, an EP titled Sanctuary, sparked their Sanctuary Tour, which took them all over the United States before heading to Europe for upcoming shows. Many of us grew up with Aly & AJ, making their return to music both evocative of our childhood and empowering as we see them evolve into something new. 
We met up with Aly and AJ in the green room of The Fonda, in actuality painted a Canary Yellow, where they played their first show ever over a decade ago. After getting some kisses from their pup Bix, we sat down to discuss how they find sanctuary on tour, the perks of releasing music independently and their fight against conversion therapy.
OTW: You two have been busy! Tell us about the tour so far. 
Aly: It’s been awesome. We haven’t had any blowout sister fights. 
AJ: Yeah for 40 cities in two months there was no drama. It was a really great run. So we’re about to finish the US tour and head to Europe.
OTW: Where are you most excited to go in Europe? 
AJ: We’re only playing five shows there, we’re just kind of dipping our feet in that territory because we’ve actually never played in Europe. I’m really excited for London. We’re playing Manchester, Dublin, Paris and Amsterdam and I gotta say I’m so stoked for Paris and Amsterdam. 
OTW: You two have been steadily on tour since May. Where do you find sanctuary when you’re on the road?
Aly: Honestly having our dog around has been a massive sanctuary for all of us. Even the band would admit that it’s been nice having a little buddy with us.
AJ: Oh he’s completely been the emotional heartbeat of this tour. 
Aly: We also decorate our bunks and having books in there and inspirational cards and notes.
AJ: I have some polaroids posted and some twinkly lights and even some succulents. Honestly I just get in there and it’s about sleep and rest and rejuvenating for the next show. Also good food. We’re big foodies so finding great restaurants is a big thing for us. 
OTW: Is there a moment in your set that you look forward to?
AJ: I think “Church” is a special song and it opens the set. It grounds us and sets the pace for the show. 
Aly: It’s hard to choose! We also love performing “Sanctuary.” It’s the second to last song that we perform and it says so much in terms of what it means to us and also to our fans. It’s really like a love letter to our fans for sticking it out all these years and being there for us. It’s also a safe place for them to come and be themselves, so it really works both ways which is really neat. 
OTW: Have you had any moments that stood out to you with fans during this tour? 
Aly: I think we’ve had a lot. One moment that we’ve had specifically was in San Diego the other night. We have The Trevor Project out with us on the road and we talk about them at every single show. We’ve been getting every audience to help by not only signing a petition to end conversion therapy, but to also donate to The Trevor Project. We’ve raised almost $40,000 which is really exciting, and last night someone came to our meet and greet and said “I appreciate what you guys are doing with Trevor Project because I was actually sent to conversion therapy. My family didn’t approve of me being out and I think what you’re doing is important.” It struck a chord with AJ and I because we can be some small part in ending conversion therapy and making sure our fans are aware that that’s still happening and shouldn’t be.
AJ: We’ve had incredible fan encounters. It sounds cheesy, but in a weird way I think that’s also been our sanctuary. It truly means so much that people have cared about our music this long and have continued to sustain the excitement seeing as we took such a big break. 
OTW: You guys are doing things independently. Why was that important to you?
AJ: I think it’s given us a really clear-cut form of freedom to be independently putting out this music. Being that Aly and I have been doing this for so long and we have a lot of opinions of what we like and don’t like, it’s been important that this first batch of music comes out independently. It’s given Aly and I the freedom to control where we want our career to head. We do work with AWAL, who distributes all of our stuff, and they’ve been amazing.
Aly: And it’s given us the ability to try things and see the response, whereas I don’t think that you get that in the record company umbrella. It’s kind of like, you succeed or you fail which is really unfortunate because a lot of times being an artist takes an arc to find your sound. Especially for these EPs, it’s been great to put them out independently. I think overall we wouldn’t be opposed to being signed, it’s just wanting to know that it’s the right deal and doesn’t take away our creative control. The goal is to continue releasing good music however that may be, and AJ and I have never been more proud of the music that we’ve made than these past two EPs. 
OTW: “Potential Breakup Song” and “Church” were released over a decade apart. How have your music tastes changed since the start of your career and how has that influenced your sound?
AJ: We’ve definitely grown a ton in this interim of taking such a large break. And I do feel like our taste has grown. We really leaned into 80s synth pop on the Ten Years EP and realized that a lot of the artists we were listening to were artists that we look up to from the 80s and early 90s. I wouldn’t say one band dictated the sound but I do think there’s a collection of singers from the 80s, male in particular, who drew out this sound in Aly and me. 
Aly: I feel like we also started to back off of the pop rock music that we were making when we were younger. I don’t think that genre should exist. I think it should either be pop or it should be rock. If it’s a rock song, let it be a rock song. It’s kind of like saying “smooth jazz,” like just say jazz ya know? As AJ and I go forward, I would like to see it lean slightly alt, but only time will tell what we’re inspired by and who we collaborate with. 
OTW: You two have been juggling busy schedules, with both music and acting endeavors. Do you set aside time to write together or are there a whole lot of voice memos being texted back and forth?
Aly: It’s all about trusting that our vision will come across even if it’s one of us. We don’t both have to be in the room to get a song finished or get it to a place where we’re both really happy with it. If AJ can’t come to the writing session or I’m unavailable, one of us will do the first day of the session and the other will come for the rest. 
AJ: The collaboration is constant. There have been so many times where I’m on the Sony lot in between takes listening to Aly talk about a new song or idea. There’re no set rules, we make music however we need to make it and if that means that one is there and one is not, then that is what it is. The collaborative effort is always there. 
OTW: Can we expect a sibling collab with the Jonas Brothers? 
AJ: They’re like number one right now!  I think we’d be open to it, but I’m not sure if they need us. I mean, if someone wants to campaign for it then sure. We were actually the first tour they were ever on.
Aly: Only OG fans know that, but yeah. It was Cheetah Girls for the first part and then later on they opened for us. 
AJ: I’ll never forget how we all met. It was an East Coast show, freezing out, and they were in giant parkas eating lunch in a cafeteria space at a shitty venue. They were super sweet, we were all babies. 
OTW: Who are you Ones to Watch?
Aly: Honestly I think Armors are mine. Their music is great and they’re all really great dudes.
AJ: I agree. My friend Hayley Orrantia is also one to watch. She just released an EP called The Way Out, about how she dealt with a horrible breakup. It’s been a beautiful way for her to release some of the pain. If you’ve been through a bad breakup you should definitely give it a listen.
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