#but ya girls gotta go on the job hunt again soon so i'm gonna bit quiet here for a bit rip :'>
ooglong · 2 years
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livelovelaug-h · 6 years
Unplanned consequences
Summary- I can't spoil all of it but it's #9 for miscarriage for my Jack # stories.
Sorry it took me awhile. Probs spelling mistakes. Implied smut some kissing etc. Hahaha enjoy!
Jack x reader
"oh. No no." You had been waiting for a little to see the results.
You had been dating a hunter for about 5 months. things ended about a week ago when you figured he found someone prettier. He'd been hanging around with his girl a lot, so you guess it was just a game to him.
You were pacing back and forth. And now the results were positive. Positive.
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positive that your life was going to be turned upside. Positive that the Winchester's would throw you out. You met the Winchester's about 1 year ago on a hunt when you were caught in a trap, good thing they came or you would be Zippo right now.
It was a little weird at first with there mom being back and then her leaving them since you didn't know the whole story at the time. You were there when Jack was born and you've been helping him through. At first you didn't like him much just like Dean but he was so clueless and puppy like that it didnt last long. You guys were pretty close and you had a little bit of feelings for him but you pushed them down since ... You seen him being born not that long ago. He was practically a baby.... But grown.
Jack was very protective of you which you loved and didn't have because your ex the last month before he left wasn't like that. I guess you knew why now. You guys were young though, you knew it wasn't gonna last forever your only 24.
Back to reality you always wanted kids but not when the dad was .... You know. And at this age ? With this life ? Wasn't really a paying job. Guess it's time to leave. After you cry of course. You cried for about 20 mins when you heard a knock on your door. You wiped your face very quickly. "Who is it?"
"it's Jack Sam and Dean said that they found a case and was wondering if you wanted to come."
"um I'm honestly not feeling too well."
"what's wrong maybe I can heal you."
"no it's just a little bug. Thanks anyways."
"no problem. I'll go tell them."
You started packing everything in the room they Gave you. You looked around and didn't see anything left behide. Sam and Dean yelled goodbye and 30 mins later you heard Sam and Dean leave. You looked around taking in the image trying not to cry. You closed the door and walked away starting a new life, Sam and Dean wouldn't be able to handle of this and they didnt need a baby in the house to worry about, hearing it cry and keeping them up. Stealing a car you drove as far away as the bunker would take you. You should probs smash your phone so they don't track you. Maybe tell them your on a hunt or something yeah! That could keep you for at least a month.
"Ugh "
After 7 hours of driving you pulled into a hotel to get some shut-eye. You should probably see a doctor. Gotta find an identity to steal since you don't have any insurance. After three days you finally got a text from Dean-
" where are you?"
"I found a case I'll see ya later."
"a case ? Where ? I thought you were sick."
"I got better it's okay."
"y/n? Where's the case? You shouldn't go alone."
"I'm not a hunter is there already."
"then tell me."
"don't worry about it I'll be fine. Your not dad okay? I'll be in touch. Take care :)"
'Somethings not right' Dean thought.
"hey Dean where is y/n?"
"uh, on a case she'll be home soon."
"Oh, alright. Wanna watch a movie?"
3 days later
You been updating Dean about the case trying to make up excuses saying you don't see anything and your hitting a dead end. Maybe you'll come home after checking it out one last time.
"are you sure you don't want help?"
"I'm sure, Dean thanks."
"okay, well hurry up so we can do game night!" Hahaha what a dork you laughed.
Day 5
"you some more leads and it's going good should be done by tomorrow.
End of Day 6
Finally "got the son of a bitch" and "you'll drive home tomorrow you're tired."
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you told them. Maybe they might not want you in the bunker but they would still want to help and see you. You were thinking about telling them so you texted Dean saying you had some good news for him alongside the others.
You started getting a pain a little in your stomach and you decided to finally see a doctor. You fell asleep - waking up to a little lain and some blood? Down there wth? You couldn't have gotten your period. You ran to the bathroom and you felt something plop.
That's not good. You knew what it was. Not that you really wanted a baby but you were kinda excited. Negative. You cried more now about two hours and your phone buzzed. Dean asking if you were on the road yet. you didn't answer. About an hour later Dean texted saying "hello?"
You couldn't move from crying and eventually you couldn't cry anymore so you went out to get some liquor. Two bottles of rum and you were definitely drunk. You cried and screamed and broke things and slept, and cried and repeat.
It had been too long since you answered dean so he went to tell Sam to go track your phone, when he walked in with something.
"What's that?"
"how long has y/n been gone?"
"about 10 days why?" Jack says.
"guys" he turns the thing around. "I don't think she's coming back."
We had narrowed eyes and eyebrows.
"she's pregnant."
"ahhh ouchh." Jack listened and heard your SCREAAMING and pain.
"Jack what's wrong?"
"it's y/n, UHHHH..... Shes In pain. She's screaming. .... "I have to go." He said and flapped away.
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"Y/n calm down calm down. what happened ?"
You gasped because he startled you.
"Jack not now." You screamed while crying.
"you're hurt. Tell me what's wrong?"
He grabbed you and sat you down so you wouldn't keep throwing things. you cried into him for about 5 mins when he asked you again what happened.
"did someone hurt you?"
"no Jack "
"is it because your pregnant?"
That made you want to cry more. "No."
"I'm sorry did I say something to upset you?"
"no......it's okay. How did you know that?"
"Sam found something and said you were."
"oh. Great okay." He wiped your face. "Please tell me"
"fine. I had miscarriage okay."
"what is that?"
"it's where the baby like... Dies and it wont be born."
"oh. Why not?"
"I don't know Jack, I don't know"
"Well it's okay I'll be here for you every step of the way and like Sam says it'll take time."
"yeah.. yeah thank you." He grabbed your face.
"I love you y/n"
"Yes. Almost ever since I laid eyes on you. Your beautiful"
"thank you."
Your faces were so close and you could literally see every pore and every vein in his eyes. But his eyes were beautiful. 3-2-1-.
His lips were on you. You were shocked. They were so soft but ... You weren't expecting that.
You kissed back and he pulled away.
"I'm sorry I'm not good at it."
"no your fine. It's okay "
"maybe it's not the right time."
You laughed "don't worry it's the right time." You pulled him back to your lips and sucked on his lips. This was the only thing that matter at the moment. You ran your hair through his hair and laid him on his back so you were on top. You straddled Him and you guys both explored each other mouths. It was getting so heated to where you guys where dry humping. You ran your hair all over his body and he did the same.
"I like this" he says.
you laughed "I like this too." 😉😉
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