#neville vancouer
lizzybeth1986 · 1 year
WIP: The OCs of "Out of the Chrysalis"
So the fic I'm currently doing for HLAW...is a "Hana tries speed dating courtesy of Maxwell" fic in my P&Tverse haha, because I didn't want to have her plunging into her One Big Romance before getting the space to figure out who she is, sexuality wise, and finding a community of sorts.
One hc I always had was that Maxwell figured out Hana was interested in women by the time they became friends, and basically wanted her to have the experience of dating. He's a guy who winds up remaining friends with his exes, so he definitely talks to them and the people Hana secretly dates (because she's part of Madeleine's court and expected to catch a suitor the regular way) during the Applewood-Italy-Paris leg of the tour are either people he has dated before, or friends of people he has dated and is still friends with. Or just friends. Basically, people he trusts.
Along with being bi I hc her as demisexual, so this fic is about her discovering that too. So five of these people she dates, and two of them she basically has very illuminating conversations with.
So here goes! OC character sheets under the cut
Bethany James
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Faceclaim: Vidya Vox
From: Cormery Isle originally, but now lives in Applewood
Pronouns & Sexuality: she/her, lesbian
Profession: Runs a bakery
• is a friend of someone Maxwell dated during a stay at Applewood.
• a tiny bit of her story is mentioned in "It Takes A Village", about Kiara's coming-out. She is the girl Kiara speaks to at an art exhibition at the end of that fic.
• Bethany left Cormery Isle with a friend, sensing what she was experiencing was different to what other peers seemed to be experience (she'd find out eventually that some of them were bi and equally scared as her). She was only 16 then. She came to Castelserraillan which was always hailed as a VERY safe space for the Cordonian LGBTQ community in general, and had a really, really memorable experience during their Pride Month.
• She moved to Applewood at the age of 20. Loves the farming community and tries to support local farmers there with a pie festival in the autumn months.
• Like most people everywhere, cannot stand Lord Neville Vancouer.
Angel Diaz
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Faceclaim: Kehlani Parris
From: Applewood
Pronouns and Sexuality: they/them, pansexual
Profession: Tattoo artist
• In my hcs Maxwell has a better hippo tattoo now coz I decided to make this character his tattoo artist, and there is NO WAY I'm going to have them be the face behind that awful clipart excuse of a canon tattoo.
This is P&T!Maxwell's tattoo btw:
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Has the right amount of goofy, just not lazily done. But whatever, Maxwell got the clipart one as a teen but upgraded it to this one with Angel's encouragement and skills. He's still a bit embarrassed to show it because what will Bertrand say!
• Angel was always a gifted artist, and their parents enrolled them on scholarship at Castelserraillan's premium University for Fine Arts. But it was there that they got fascinated with tattoo art. It gave their parents quite the shock when they made that their profession and it took them a few years to come around to the idea.
• Like Bethany, Angel was also part of the queer scene early on - but because they were actually staying there they could get involved in the community.
• Maxwell and Angel did briefly date.
• Angel loves to dance. You need an eager person to do crazy spins for a flashmob? They're there.
Andrea Melis
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Faceclaim: Alessandro Mahmood
From: Sardinia. Born to a Sardinian father and an Egyptian mother. Currently stays in Capri.
Pronouns and Sexuality: he/him, bisexual
Profession: Translator
• Knows a variety of languages. Italian, Spanish, Arabic, German, French being just a few of them.
• Mostly translates books. His favourite project so far was translating a food memoir by a famous food writer from Domvallier, Cordonia, from English and Arabic to a couple other languages.
• Has developed a YouTube channel to introduce beginners to Italian and Arabic, since those are the languages he knows most intimately.
• He and Maxwell hoped to be serious in their early 20s, but it didn't work out. Took a while before they could get back to their vibes as friends again but they are now at a good place with each other platonically.
Noèmie Dubois
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Faceclaim: Agathe Bonitzer
From: Paris.
Pronouns and Sexuality: she/her, bisexual aromantic
Profession: Boutique owner
• Loves wearing black
• Loves car racing
• Has two moms. Came out as a teen to her moms first.
• Most people know her as a very chilled out person. Very relaxed.
• Dated Maxwell casually a couple years back, but realized Maxwell and her friend Helene were unknowingly catching feelings for each other, so gently veered him in her direction 😂 Worked out well for all three of them.
Hugo Lefevre
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Faceclaim: François Arnaud
From: Loire, but stays in Paris.
Pronouns and Sexuality: he/him, pansexual
Profession: Museum curator but used to be a tour guide in his early days.
• Majored in art history
• Shy and a bit of a loner
• Was a tour guide who helped Maxwell once when he was lost in Paris on a tour the court was talking. They've been friends and trusted confidantes to each other ever since.
• Loves stargazing
• Isn't out as such except to a few people. Is more comfortable that way. Doesn't like socializing much, which makes the friendship with Maxwell a real surprise. Idea of a perfect night is to sit alone in front of a fireplace with a glass of wine. He doesn't have a fireplace as such right now, so a good glass of wine will do.
These last two are not people Maxwell knows, but are essential to Hana's journey to discovering who she really is, romance wise.
Robin Zhou
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Faceclaim: Jess Tom
From: Shanghai, but they and their folks moved to San Francisco when they were younger.
Pronouns and Sexuality: They/them, bisexual
Profession: Professional chef, hosts dinners and parties. Does cooking classes in European cuisine on the weekends.
• They went to culinary school in the States but travelled back on an all-China tour that lasted a year because they felt they didn't know their home cuisine well enough.
• They know Hana's cousin, Chuntao. She took a cooking class with them and wound up loving it.
• Frequents a bar named Roxie. This is where Hana will meet them in the fic.
Doralis Perez
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Faceclaim: Elizabeth Acevedo
From: Brooklyn, born to Dominican-American parents.
Pronouns and Sexuality: she/her, lesbian
Profession: Was teaching for a while, but hopes to do her Ph.D one day. Currently works at the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation.
• Remember the college friend the MC talks about when she mentions the Ramen Incident of Senior Year? That's Doralis.
• Esther and Dora were batchmates and roommates in university
• She was promised a shitload of ramen to call in that favour for Liam
• Esther never got the time to do that, obviously, but she did request her aunt Vivienne to keep that promise in her stead
• Many things Esther knows - as a cishet woman - about sexualities and being an ally, she knows through her time with Dora and their circle of friends at University.
• Dora came out to all their friends by the end of their time at University. It wasn't very easy for her initially, but the environment was such that you had multiple support groups for queer and closeted people there.
• Esther was very much a part of that journey as a close friend who lived with her. That experience also informed how she handled Hana's coming out when she returned.
• Dora loves doing craft activities and has a blog full of fun, innovative and simple craft projects for kids and their parents.
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angelasscribbles · 2 years
Secrets Chapter 4: Threats
Series: Secrets
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Liam, Riley x Drake, Leo x Madeline
Rating: MA
Warnings for this chapter: mature themes
Word Count: 1,383
A/N: I really think this one will be wrapped up with chapter 6, which is already half written. (Chapter 5 is done pending proofing and will be up later today or tomorrow).
My other stuff: Master List.
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Another interminable ball. He used to hate them. Now, he looked forward to watching her. He didn’t care where he was, as long as she was there.
He’d spent the entirety of this one trying to discern who her lover was. Watching her was his job, no one batted an eye at where his attention was focused. Not that anyone paid any attention to what he did or even acknowledged the existence of any of the guards scattered around the room. They were invisible. He didn’t mind. It made it easier to do his job. He didn’t want to interact with most of the people in the room anyway.
Leo was an exception. Liam was an exception. They were practically family. There were a few other members of the aristocracy that he found tolerable, barely.
He had mixed feelings about Leo now. Leo was married to Riley, but not because he wanted to be. Riley would have never even come into his life if it hadn’t been for the arranged marriage, so he couldn’t resent Leo for it. He was fairly certain they hadn’t even slept together, at least not in a long while. She had her own room, she never went to his, he never came to hers, and he certainly wasn’t who she was sneaking out to meet on a regular basis.
But who was?
He watched her interactions with every man she came into contact with, hoping for clues.
He watched as Liam spun her around the room. She’d already danced with Leo, Constantine, Maxwell, Rashad, Tariq and few members of the French delegation this ball was in honor of. Nothing in her demeanor had betrayed anything beyond polite, sometimes bored, interest in any of them. He didn’t know how her feet didn’t hurt. Maybe she’d want him to rub them later, they must hurt, that was a lot of dancing. In heels. Strappy, shimmery, heels. Heels that encased her perfectly pedicured toes, heels that showcased her toned and tanned legs. Legs that flashed and peeked from the slit in her floor length gown as she twirled.
And that dress. That dress hugged every curve perfectly, accentuating her round, firm ass, and left her back bare. His fingers twitched as his eyes tracked up her back; he could practically feel the perfect buttery softness of her skin under his hands.
He was pulled out of his fantasies as another entitled noble approached her.
“Mind if I cut in?”
“Actually, I do.” Liam said, his annoyance barely concealed, “Surely you can wait for the next waltz.”
The man stiffened but smiled, a fake, insincere smile, “Certainly, Your Majesty.”
Liam pulled her back into his arms as the man walked away, his hand sliding down her lower back and stopping a fraction of an inch on this side of propriety.
Drake’s eyes narrowed as he watched them.
Liam whispered something in her ear. Her laugh was real. The smile the spread across Liam’s face at her laughter was real too.
Liam was a funny guy, polite, respectful. It might mean nothing. Everyone liked him. He was likable. How likable?
The dance ended and the other man was back to claim her before she had a chance to leave the floor. She was definitely going to need a foot rub after this. She gave Liam a regretful smile as she let herself be led back onto the floor.
“Neville Vancouer, pleased to make your acquaintance.” He introduced himself.
“Riley Rys.”
“I know who you are,” He told her as he guided her around the dance floor, “everyone knows who you are.”
He made pointless small talk as her eyes roamed the ballroom. She caught Drake’s eye, and a genuine smile curved her lips up.
Drake’s insides warmed.
He watched as her smile was replaced with a frown. He moved closer, trying to discern what the problem was.
“It’s not a secret that your husband is otherwise…entertained tonight. Perhaps I could offer you similar diversions?” Neville offered.
“I’m not sure what you’re insinuating but I’m faithful to my husband.” Riley lied.
“You don’t know what you’re missing.” He said as he pulled her body tight against his. Too tight.
She put her hands on his chest as she tried to push away, “Let go!”
Liam appeared at her side, “I believe the lady asked you to let go.”
Neville released his grip and took a step back, hands up, “I promise, I meant no-“
Neville suddenly disappeared as he was jerked backwards away from her. She jumped, startled. Liam’s arm went around her, “Are you ok?”
She nodded as her eyes tracked Neville being drug unceremoniously from the ballroom by Drake.
Out in the hallway, Neville found himself pressed up against a wall, Drake’s forearm digging into his chest, pinning him to it.
“Let…go….of…..me!” Neville gaped as he tried to twist out of the bigger man’s grasp.
“Not until we get one thing clear.” Drake’s voice held a steely edge Neville had never heard before.
“No means no, dickweed. And that woman is going to be your queen, have some fucking respect!”
“I….meant….no disrespect! I just…”
Drake leaned in, pressing Neville harder into the wall, making it harder for him to breath, “I don’t care what you meant. You don’t touch her again. Do you understand? In fact, you don’t so much as talk to her again, or I will make sure they never find your body! Do you understand?”
Neville nodded and Drake stepped away, releasing him to slide down the wall, gasping for air.
Drake turned on his heel, leaving the nobleman on the ground, and returned to the ballroom. His eyes found Riley quickly. She was seated at a table chatting with several ladies of the court as she twirled a champagne flute between her fingers. He caught her eye, and she gave him a brief smile and nod.
His eyes scanned the room for Liam and found him dancing with the wife of the French ambassador. Because he danced with everyone at these events. It was the whole point.
He settled back against the wall of the ballroom, keeping watch from a distance.
Two hours later, Drake handed responsibility for the princess over to the next shift. He was technically off duty, but he had no desire to leave the ballroom until she did. He ordered a whiskey at the bar and took a seat next to Liam, “Tired of dancing?”
“Yes!” He laughed, “You’re lucky you never have to do it.”
“Hm.” Drake sipped his drink thinking about just how much he’d like to wrap his arms around one particular dance partner.
Liam’s thoughts were centered on the same woman. If he could dance with her all night, he’d do it, but protocol demanded he mingle and network, and propriety dictated that he never seem too interested in his brother’s wife. Out loud he said, “So, where have you been lately? We missed you at the poker game.”
“Just been a little busier than usual. Dealing with some…stuff. Nothing to worry about. I’ll take your money next week.” He didn’t mention that the stuff he was dealing with was his own obsession with his charge.
Drake paused, drink halfway to his lips as he spotted something over the rim of his glass that made his blood boil. Riley, on the other side of the ballroom, being manhandled by Neville, again. Leo was nowhere to be found. Fucking useless as always.  
Liam’s eyes followed Drake’s. Both men were on their feet, but her current guard had it handled.
“Fucker.” Drake muttered under his breath.
“I’ll make sure he’s not on the guest list for any more palace events.” Liam’s jaw ticked.
“That’s good.” But it wasn’t just palace events that were at issue, was it? Neville Vancouer was everywhere in Cordonian society. Liam couldn’t ban him from everything.
Liam’s body shifted as he changed the subject, not wanting to seem too interested in his sister in law, “You hungry? Want to go raid the kitchens with me?”
“No thanks. I have something I need to take care of. Another time?” He threw the rest of his drink back and slammed the glass down on the bar.
“Sure.” Liam responded as he watched Drake follow Neville out of the ballroom.
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dcbbw · 2 years
Hidden Agenda
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This story is my (late af) submission for #kiaratheronappreciationweek, utilizing Day #3 (diplomat/polyglot) and Day #5 (relationships/friendships).  This is also an answer to an ask: @twinkleallnight requested a portrayal of Kiara’s diplomatic skills.
@ao719 requested a fun/goofy side of Liara (Liam x Kiara) which I will have to answer in another story.
The story takes place within my Liara Arrangement AU; if you wish to catch up/re-read, it can be found on my Masterlist under Liam x Kiara. (It’s incomplete but should be updating soon)
This flashback chapter takes place before the story start, when Kiara realizes that she’s in love with Liam.
I also attempted to utilize Prompt #3 from @choicesflashfics: “I have a perfectly reasonable explanation for this.” Which I did, but word count … so I’m borrowing it instead.
THANK YOU to all who read this over and assure me it makes sense, and not-so-subtly reminded me I need to return to this series. Your feedback, as always, is invaluable.
THANK YOU to all who will read this story. Your likes, comments, and/or reblogs are appreciated more than you know.
Please excuse any and all typos, missing/extraneous words, and/or grammatical errors. MS Editor rates this story as 98% error-free.
Rating is T for Teen.
All characters belong to Pixelberry
Song Inspiration: Lay Your Cards Out, POLICA
Word Count: 4,127
The Royal Council was in recess, its members milling about the Palace’s East Wing Grand Conference Room partaking of refreshments as they grouped off to discuss the meeting’s progress thus far.
The room was an opulent mix of burnished wood furnishings, brass accents, and marble flooring. Cushions and curtains were a rich, plush burgundy. The Cordonia seal took prominence above the dais, and the country’s flag was strategically placed in corners throughout the space.
Lady Kiara Theron was praised for the effective forward movement of her plan to have Castelsarreillan Wineries, LLC purchase the Ramsford Vineyards. The Lady of House Theron successfully argued that wine export comprised only 12% of Duchy Ramsford’s total revenue, whereas it was 73% of Duchy Castelsarreillan’s.
One wine to represent Cordonia, with grapes picked from various regions throughout the country, would make the libation more exclusive, thus promoting a better demand for it while keeping workers employed and creating new jobs.
Lord Neville Vancouer was only slightly satisfied. While the Council agreed to his request for more allocations to Cormery Isle, they included the friendly amendment that upon completion of a second golf course to accommodate the increase in tourism, Cormery Isle would be subject to a tax increase up to but not to exceed eight percent of its current rate.
The Duchess of Lythikos was in discussion with A. Justin Severus, the Royal Communications and Marketing Director, about promoting her duchy as a year-round ski destination. “May as well make use of constant snowfall,” she pointed out as she sipped lemon tonic water.
Mr. Severus was in complete agreement and offered to set up an appointment to meet within the next two days.
The Queen prattled to Ana De Luca and her press team of the progress she and the King were making as they worked to unify Cordonia across race, political, and class lines.
The King was across the room, talking quietly with Rashad Domvallier, his personal legal counsel, and the country’s Comptroller regarding the upcoming closed session portion of the meeting.
“Are you certain Lady Theron is the correct person to lead the discussion?” Rashad asked, his brows furrowed slightly.
“It’s neither a legal nor a financial matter at this time. Preliminary hearing at best, which requires someone who will best represent and protect Cordonian interests in a sensitive, tactful manner. It requires a … diplomatic touch.”
The King’s eyes surveyed the room as he let his comrades process his explanation. They lit up at seeing Kiara, alone at the buffet table.
“Gentlemen, if you’ll excuse me,” he murmured as he began making his way to his lover.
It was the night before Coronation; Liam and Kiara were in the hedge maze, standing beneath a large tree that held a lone wooden swing. Liam’s back was leaned into the tree bark, his hands shoved into his pant pockets. He studied the ground as he spoke.
“Tomorrow night, I’ll choose the Countess to be my bride and Queen,” he muttered in a broken voice.
Kiara’s palm cupped his cheek; it was damp with quietly shed tears. Her heart twisted at the feel; she wasn’t in love with Liam, but she did care deeply for him.
“Ne pleure pas, mon doux Liam,” she whispered. Don’t cry, my sweet Liam. “It’s for the best. I care for you and immensely enjoy our time together, but I’m not ready for duty and tradition. Madeleine is.” Kiara stared at her shoes before speaking again. “Et je suis désolé, mais je ne rends pas tes sentiments.”
And I’m sorry, but I don’t return your feelings.
Liam lifted his head, transferring his gaze upon Kiara. “I don’t care you aren’t in love with me! If I’m marrying for duty, why can’t it be YOU?” he questioned angrily.
There was the slightest impatience in her voice when she replied. “THAT is a question for your father and Duke Karlington! Frankly, I’m GLAD! I want a career, a chance to be free from titles and Court, to see the world and put my skills to uses that DO NOT involve pouring tea and kissing ass!”
“Are you referring to me, or to Court?” he asked tightly as his jaw jumped slightly.
“COURT, LIAM! I’m not HAPPY we’ll be broken apart, but I swear to you … I’m not Queen material at this point in time.” Her arms and hands raised in supplication. “There’s too much I want to do while I’m still young enough to do it.”
The lovers stared at each other, both breathing heavily from the intense emotions flowing through their blood. Liam’s gaze grew thoughtful as he pondered Madeleine’s offer the night before. He held out an arm, entreating Kiara into his embrace.
A pout on her lips, she relented; she inhaled his scent deeply when her head lay on his chest.
“If you’re agreeable, there may be a way for you to have what you want, and still be a part of my life.”
Kiara was a vision: Her long, straight dark hair had ringlet curls at the ends; her dress was an ankle-length black pinstriped affair with a skinny black belt buckled at her waist. A black slub cardigan covered the ensemble; gray snake-skin stilettos were on her stockinged feet.
“Hi,” Liam greeted bashfully when he was beside her.
Kiara was reaching for a plate when she glanced up. Her breath caught in her throat, and her heart beat a tad faster.
It’s ridiculous how handsome this man is, she thought.
She returned her attention back to the brunch selections offered, debating between citrus-glazed salmon, beef wellington, and grilled duck.
“Ahem! HI! Say it back.”
The future Duchess giggled at the irritation in her King’s voice. “You are so rude!” She lifted her eyes to meet his.
“You’re the one ignoring me,” Liam grumbled.
“Bonjour, monsieur,” she cooed sweetly.
He leaned in closer to her, his lips at the shell of her ear; Kiara repressed a shiver at his nearness. A smile curved her lips as she listened to his sweet nothings. She felt butterflies in her tummy and a giddiness overtake her.
Kiara Theron was in love. With the King of Cordonia. The married King of Cordonia. She wasn’t sure when it happened, or how. But ever since their return from America last month, Kiara found herself … dissatisfied with their arrangement.
Kiara’s first inclination was to turn down the offer. While Cordonian arrangements were commonplace, they were typically between a couple married to other people. As a single woman in an arrangement with the King no less, the Lady would be branded a gold digger which could bring a certain notoriety upon House Theron.
Liam promised her the utmost discretion; only four people knew of the agreement: Liam, Kiara, Madeleine, and Rashad. The Queen and the Counselor had both signed non-disclosure agreements. The contract drawn up offered something to all parties involved:
Kiara was appointed to the Cordonian Office of Ministries as the Diplomatic Liaison for Governmental Relations and given a Junior Ambassadorship representing Cordonia within the UN’s Alliance of Small Island States. Because her work would keep her in the Capital, a gorgeous three-bedroom, three- bathroom townhouse was purchased through one of the Crown’s many foundations for her in nearby Stormholt. In addition to her salaries, which were determined by the government pay sale, she received a robust monthly stipend for her availability and discretion.
Liam received three overnights a week with his lover; business trips abroad with Kiara where diplomatic services were deemed necessary, or the Queen’s presence was not required; daytime luncheons with the caveat that the couple remain businesslike while in public to avoid rumors and gossip.
The King modified his will so that Kiara would be taken care of in the event of his passing. It wasn’t a requirement of the arrangement, but something he wanted to do.
Madeleine was given the freedom to take a lover, or lovers, of her choosing excluding members of House Theron. The Queen would relinquish such lovers once the monarchs began in earnest to provide the country with heirs to secure the Rys line of succession. She was gifted Duchy Valtoria.
The couple agreed to use contraceptives to prevent pregnancy, and to not bring their romance inside of the Palace, or any of the Queen’s properties.
The day the contract was executed, notarized, and attested, the Queen met with a lawyer outside of Court circles to add codicils that no one else needed to know about.
Liam bought Kiara a black Jaguar XF to celebrate.
It had been a satisfactory arrangement so far for Kiara: She had a career doing what she loved, downtime when she needed it, a gorgeous house, and an attentive lover. But between the overnights, trips to countries she’d never visited, and once-a-month trips to New York City where Liam spoiled her with carriage rides in Central Park, dinners at Michelin-starred restaurants, and shopping sprees … Kiara found herself wanting more.
With Liam.
Only Liam.
She was in love with her lover.
But when to tell him?
“Are you prepared for closed session?” Liam asked as he partook heartily of a western omelet.
He and Kiara were seated at a small round table on the veranda. The King rose when he saw his Queen approach them, a plate of fruit and toast in her hand. He guided Madeleine to the table before pulling out her chair and placing her meal on the wrought-iron tabletop.
“What are we discussing?” Madeleine asked, her emerald-colored eyes darting between her husband and his lover.
Normally the Queen of Cordonia would not care what her husband and his plaything were discussing, but given that there was still more meeting to be had, she felt it best to see if there was any information they were willing to share.
“Auvernal,” Liam replied as he lifted his coffee cup to his lips.
“My research was quite informative,” Kiara offered in answer to Liam’s question before they were interrupted. “I must admit to some … curiosité as to why this task landed in my lap.”
She looked uncertainly between the two monarchs.
Liam’s fork speared another slice of egg, meat, vegetables, and cheese. “Auvernal has approached the Queen and I with an alliance; while they have not outright said it was a marital union they seek, one can only presume that is their agenda.”
“But there are no heirs yet, are there?” Kiara hoped she was hiding the dismay she felt at the thought of Madeleine being pregnant.
“Arrangements and alliances are formed decades, scores …  even centuries in advance. The very makeup of today’s Court, the laws we abide by … all formulated by the politics of our ancestors. Personally, I have nothing against an alliance with our neighbors to the east,” Madeleine said in a tone that suggested she was speaking to a small child.
Kiara’s eyes cut to Liam, who shook his head slightly, silently telling Kiara to ignore Madeleine’s tone. He placed his palm atop the back of her hand. “You’ll do wonderfully, Lady Kiara. Consider this a fact-finding mission, so that all parties have the information needed to make the best decision for Cordonia.”
A bell rang, three times. Madeleine rose. “The meeting is convening.” Her dress swished about her calves as she hurried back inside.
“You’ll do wonderfully.” Liam’s lips lingered on Kiara’s cheek. “I’ll see you this evening at the townhouse?”
Kiara nodded, motioning Liam ahead as she struggled to collect her thoughts, torn between hating him and loving him. Why would he ask HER to research Auvernal for a marital alliance between the Cordonian heir and Auvernal’s?
Why wouldn’t he?
Liam thought he was the only one in love.
She was his diplomat. He asked her to do her job.
Now that her duty was done, when would he begin his?
The thought made her almost physically ill.
When Kiara entered the conference room, she took in the surroundings: Councilmembers seated on the dais, conferring quietly amongst themselves, palms covering microphones. Kiara wondered why no one bothered to simply turn the devices off.
The monarchs were seated at the conference table: Liam and Madeleine sat beside each other on one side, Bradshaw and Isabella on the other, a seat separating them.
Rashad and the Comptroller sat along the wall, notepads and ink pens in hand.
Taking in a deep breath and plastering a smile on her face, Kiara took her seat at the head of the table. “Good afternoon, everyone.”
Head nods and murmured greetings in response.
Kiara shuffled through papers. “I am Lady Kiara Theron of House Theron, Duchy Castelsarreillan. I will be facilitating today’s discussion regarding a potential alliance between Cordonia and Auvernal, item G.1 on the agenda.”
She looked up, her gaze trained on the Auvernese rulers. “What exactly is your proposal? There’s nothing in writing, and the monarchs have not received any information.”
Kiara noted that Bradshaw was handsome in a feeble way. His body was lithe and held muscle definition, but his chin was weak, and his eyes beady.
“I am of the belief that one gets it in writing, not puts it in writing,” Bradshaw quipped, though there was no humor in his tone.
Kiara arched an eyebrow in surprise.
Beneath the table, Isabella kicked her husband sharply in his shin. Bradshaw winced before glowering at his Queen. Isabella was oblivious as she smiled brightly at both monarchs and the diplomat.
“What my … husband is attempting to say, in an extremely crass manner, is that we wish to have a verbal discussion first before drawing up a proper alliance. We don’t wish for either party to be short-changed in what we hope will be a mutually beneficial exchange.”
“King Bradshaw, how long have you been sovereign of Auvernal?” Kiara asked as she placed her palms flat against the table’s surface.
Bradshaw frowned. “Five years.”
Kiara nodded. “And how long have you and Queen Isabella been married?”
All the monarchs were frowning; the Councilmembers leaned forward ever so slightly in their seats. What the hell was Joelle’s daughter doing, and where was this line of questioning leading?
“Five years. Why?”
“July 26, 2017, to be precise, correct? One week after Isabella’s coronation as Queen of Auvernal following her father, King Renaldo, stepping down due to declining health. A wedding not one member of Cordonian Court received an invitation to.”
Everyone’s attention was focused on the Auvernese monarchs.
“What are you implying, Miss Theron?” Bradshaw growled.
“I am saying that you are not the ruling monarch of Auvernal; the Queen is. You are nothing more than Prince Consort.”
Liam’s eyes, which had narrowed at Bradshaw’s deliberate slight, widened at the revelation although he shouldn’t have been surprised. He recalled sporadic visits to Auvernal in his youth and meeting with Isabella, but never Bradshaw.
He cursed himself for the oversight.
“His title in no way invalidates his power nor his ability to speak for us as a couple,” Isabella interjected coolly.
Kiara offered a conciliatory smile. “I’m not saying it does. I’m merely getting the facts straight, so Cordonia knows who holds the power within your dynamic.”
“Bradshaw holds every authority,” Isabella affirmed.
“So again, what is the proposal you wish to present?” Kiara sipped from a glass of water.
“We wish to set forth a marital alliance between our children and the Cordonian heir. We have fraternal twins, a boy and a girl. Preferably, Cordonia will provide its country with more than one child, and an agreement can be placed for both our children.”
“Where would they rule?” Kiara inquired.
Blank stares from Bradshaw and Isabella; interested looks from the Council, Rashad, and the Comptroller.
The question was an excellent one.
In the modern age, a dual monarchy was a rare occurrence, happening only when two separate kingdoms were ruled by the same monarch, followed the same foreign policy, existed in a customs union with each other, and had a combined military but are otherwise self-governing.
That was not the case with either country.
Silence while the visiting rulers struggled to supply an answer. Kiara took the opportunity to gauge the room. Looks of begrudging admiration from the Council, a huge smile from Rashad. The Lady’s eyes met the King’s; he gave her a covert thumbs up. The Queen stared stoically at Bradshaw and Isabella.
“That would be a discussion to be had at such time we actually enter into an alliance,” Isabella responded slowly.
“This alliance you are offering has been paraded before other countries, no? Hidar, Monterisso, Vallenheim just to name a few. Why is Cordonia only now in your sight lines? Surely you are both aware the King has familial ties to your country, and that we have been neighbors since the unification of the Five Kingdoms. A unification Auvernal resisted.”
Bradshaw drummed his fingertips against the highly polished, massive table. “Precisely the reason we chose alternate avenues; despite our shared history and proximity, Auvernal and Cordonia are merely neutral at best. We have no trade agreements in place, no treaties … we exist peacefully, yet uneasily. When talks stalled between other countries, Isabella and I agreed to extend this olive branch in an effort to at least become allies.”
Kiara settled back in her chair, crossing one leg over her knee. Her foot swung rhythmically.
Liam felt his manhood rise in his pants.
“And what exactly are you offering, Your Majesty?” Kiara put sarcastic emphasis on the moniker.
“In exchange for the marital alliance of at least the firstborns of both countries, and an annual monetary gift of $1 billion US dollars until the desired marriage comes to fruition, Cordonia has unrestricted access to the Auvernese military, free reign and use of our ports, and we will provide you with border protection.”
Liam flushed red, disbelief and anger marring his features. “ONE BILLION US DOLLARS? A YEAR?” he repeated in a voice that bellowed throughout the room.
Madeleine leaned over to whisper in his ear.
The Council watched with wide eyes. The Comptroller began patting his vest pockets for his heart medication. Kiara looked at her monarch with concerned eyes.
“King Liam, do you need to be excused?”
He shook his head. “My apologies for the outburst. The amount took me by surprise.” He glared at Bradshaw. “What the hell do you need with that amount of money?”
“It would be a sign of good faith,” Isabella clarified.
“For far less than that amount, we could assemble our own military, which we are in the process of doing. We plan to have a fully functional army, navy, and air command within the next five years,” Madeleine pointed out.
“Cordonia is prospering at a rapid rate. With prosperity comes growth. And enmity, both within and outside of your borders.  A five-year plan is good, but a lot can happen in that time. Should your country be breached, it’s simply a matter of time before your foes are at our door. The use of our military is a preventive measure, albeit a bit self-serving,” Bradshaw explained.
Kiara followed the exchange carefully. “So, you are asking for the monarch’s firstborn at the very least, an estimated $21 billion dollars, and in exchange we get your military not only infiltrating, but surrounding Cordonia as well?”
Bradshaw nodded in conformation.
Kiara smirked mirthlessly. “Most countries would call that a takeover. Just ask Rivala.”
“It wasn’t like that with Rivala, and it wouldn’t be that way with Cordonia!” Isabella contradicted, her tan complexion paling at the mention of the country.
Kiara uncrossed her legs and pulled her chair back to the table. “Let’s discuss the children, shall we? How old are they?”
“Their names are Isaac and Lyra; they’re four years of age,” Bradshaw replied proudly.
“And yet, there are no medical records in Auvernal or any of your neighboring provinces to corroborate Queen Isabella’s pregnancy or hospital stay. I did find birth certificates for the twins; Bradshaw Achilles is listed as the father, but the mother has the same name as the children’s nanny.”
“Lady Theron, what exactly are you saying here?” Duchess Adelaide demanded.
Kiara kept her gaze trained on the Auvernese monarchs.
“My research has uncovered that Bradshaw’s children are not of royal or even noble lineage. Bradshaw Achilles is a decorated war hero who has never seen combat, and a commoner whose wealth bought him a seat on the Auvernese throne.”
Gasps and the buzzing of muffled conversations erupted within the chamber. Madeleine’s eyes were slits as she glowered at her guests. Kiara calmly sipped her water.
“I have a perfectly reasonable explanation for this,” Isabella’s calm tone cut through the cacophony.
“Please, explain to us how you expect to marry off commoner children to the future offspring of our King and Queen, whose noble lineage goes back centuries?” Bertrand questioned as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
Isabella’s lower lip quivered; she was making the most of the attention paid to her in this moment. “What I am about to say is very private and personal between myself and my husband. I trust that it stays in this room.” She looked around, seeing the nods of affirmation from the Cordonian Court.
“Bradshaw and I tried to conceive, but it just … wasn’t working. We decided to attempt with a surrogate. The procedure was performed quietly, with outside personnel. Neither of us could risk the gossip and scandal. The children share my blood; they simply did not share my body.”
Liam and Kiara met eyes. She shook her head, indicating Isabella was lying.
The Comptroller cleared his throat. “May I inquire what became of King Achilles’ fortune? It is my understanding that the country’s coffers are not as full as they could be, confirmed by the financial assistance Auvernal seeks.”
“I spent my money building the mightiest military in the Mediterranean. Being prepared is expensive,” Bradshaw replied, his eyes shooting daggers at Kiara.
Drake Walker looked around the dais. “I think I speak for all of Council when I say we will not approve an alliance proposal at this time, or any time from Auvernal. It’s simply not advantageous to Cordonia, and quite possibly a threat to our national security.”
Murmurs of agreement from the dais.
Madeleine spoke. “I am willing to consider an alliance, given there are certain … modifications.”
Heads turned and spun in her direction. Madeleine looked around, a scowl on her face.
“WHAT? The King and I have a duty to this country to produce heirs, which we will begin trying later this month to do. It is UNHEARD of to have royal heirs not affianced by birth. Find us another alliance, and I am willing to review their terms. Until then, a revised proposal from Auvernal is welcome.”
Shocked silence as the Queen stalked from the conference room.
The meeting was adjourned.
Liam came to Kiara’s side as Council members gossiped amongst themselves. “Love, I had NO idea …”
Kiara stared up at him, her eyes threatening to spill tears. “You’re going to start a family …”
It was neither question nor answer. It was a realization.
Liam shook his head. “No, no, no …”
Kiara briefly shut her eyes. She had planned to tell Liam tonight that she was in love with him. But she couldn’t. The timing was too suspicious; the day the Queen announces that they were trying for a family, the King’s mistress tells him she loves him?
Appearances were everything.
Her eyes opened and she began gathering her papers. “I don’t want company tonight. I’ll be busy summarizing this research for Rashad to review.”
Liam’s expression was stricken, his eyes wide. “Kiara, don’t!”
“You still have two nights this week,” she answered coolly.
It was breaking her heart, but she had to remember her place in this Court, in Liam’s life.
An arrangement. Strange how it never bothered her before.
Madeleine was his wife. Kiara knew they slept together on rare occasions, but that was just sex. A spousal duty. But now, children would be involved. It was now Cordonian duty.
Even stranger how much that hurt her very soul.
“Lady Kiara!” Rashad called out as he approached the couple.
She looked up, a false smile on her face. “Lord Domvallier! Walk me to my car? We can discuss what you’ll need from me.”
Liam slumped in a chair, watching the woman he loved walk away, upset by the rantings of a tantrum-throwing Queen. Not even Queen; Queen Consort.  He would find Madeleine and have a talk with her to remind her she held no political power, and her title was merely a formality.
A thought struck him as he ran his palms down his face. Was it possible Kiara could actually return his feelings?
No. She would have told him.
Elsewhere in the Palace, Madeleine was escorting Bradshaw and Isabella to the side portico where their car was waiting. She spoke in low tones; although unseen, guards were always around.
“I meant what I said. Provide me with a modified alliance proposal with far less money, and no military subversion and I will review it carefully, but I will have … needs of my own that will need to be incorporated.”
“Such as?” Bradshaw demanded curiously.
Madeleine’s green eyes bore into Isabella’s brown ones. “For starters, how did you fake your pregnancy?”
Tagging: @jared2612 @ao719 @burnsoslow @marietrinmimi @merridithsmiscellany-blog @queenjilian @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac @liamxs-world @mom2000aggie @cmestrella @liamrhysstalker2020  @neotericthemis @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @superharriet  @busywoman @gabesmommie1130 @tessa-liam @phoenixrising0308 @beezm @gardeningourmet @lovingchoices14 @foreverethereal123 @mainstreetreader @angelasscribbles @lady-calypso @emkay512 @jovialyouthmusic @21-wishes @princessleac1 @charlotteg234 @queenrileyrose @alj4890 @yourfavaquarius111 @motorcitymademadame @bbrandy2002 @eversoaringqueen12 @queenmiarys @choicesficwriterscreations  
#KTAW: @lizzybeth1986 @sazanes @kiaratheronappreciationweek​
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Throwback Fics #142
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Open Heart
Away in D.C. | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @potionsprefect
Drunk | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @starrystarrytrouble
A Not So Chance Encounter | Tobias Carrick x F!MC - @jerzwriter
A Place to Call Home | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @coffeeheartaddict2
Runaway | Bryce Lahela x F!OC; Keiki Lahela - @storyofmychoices
Seduction at the Opera | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @liaromancewriter
The Royal Romance
The Softer Side of Neville Vancouer | Neville Vancouer - @katedrakeohd
Crossover: The Royal Romance x Perfect Match
Just the Way You Are; If You Lived | Liam Rys x MC; TRR MC x M!OC; M!Hayden Young x MC - @bebepac
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
Costume Face-off (NSFW)
Pairing: Bastien x Olivia; Liam x Ellie
Word count: 3,284
Warnings: smut, Bastien’s abs
Summary: Beaumont Bash Halloween party and a couples costume bet...
A/N: @stopforamoment sent me the bottom center picture last year and said Baslivia, I promised her and a year later I have fulfilled said promise. I played around with the “prompt” a little. Thanks to @sirbeepsalot for graping and prereading. This is set in the future, 15 months from the beginning, 11 months from opening up about their relationship. Pic # 3 belongs to @metalslimer and @sintwisted, all pictures found on google.
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“Ohmygod, look at that one!” Ellie exclaimed as she scrolled through Pinterest with Olivia.
Olivia rolled her emerald eyes. “That’s nothing.”
“Yea, Okay Liv, but we both know we’d never get the guys to agree to something like this. She kept scrolling through. “I mean they are fun, Mario and Princess Peach, Oh. My. God! Look at Jessica and Roger Rabbit!” She scrolled down further, blue eyes going wide. “I take it back! This Roger Rabbit and Jessica, look at her she’s freaking ripped! How the hell did these women talk these men into their costumes?!” Olivia arched her brow knowingly. “Ummm yea, that, but really that won’t here.” She pointed at a picture of seven guys all dressed as different Disney Princesses. “I mean…”
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“You underestimate yourself if you don’t think you could get Liam in one of these.”
“Okay Liv, you really could get Bastien to agree to something like this.”
“I could, and I guarantee it would blow anything you and Liam came up with out of the water.”
“Of course you would make it a bet.”
“Does that mean you don’t accept the challenge?”
“Oh no, you’re on, best gender swap costume wins, the loser has to wear the losing costume to brunch the next morning and pay.”
“You’re on, and so going down. A Nevrakis never loses.”
Olivia pulled her long crimson hair back into a low bun, her eyes trailing down the rest of her costume in the bathroom mirror. Perfect. She smirked at her reflection, as she gently brushed her hand over the small bump visible in her tight white v neck. She turned to look at the shirt she discarded, still hanging on the hanger. No more crop tops for now. She grabbed her belt, adding the final touch. “You might want to cover your ears, Papa isn’t gonna be thrilled when he sees his costume.” As if on cue she heard the door to their suite open and shut. Even retired, he refused to give up on security, always double checking to ensure everything was secure. “Your costume is on the bed.” She gave herself one last cursory glance, straightening her black vest, before exiting the en-suite.
She stifled a chuckle as she saw him standing at the end of the bed holding the thin maroon material in his hand. She knew this wasn’t what he was expecting when she suggested they go as Han Solo and Slave Leia, she was certain of that by the way he had said yes before the entire suggestion left her lips. She was sure he had visions of her dressed in the barely there bikini, while he was a dashing Han Solo. Think again, I have a bet to win.
Bastien turned, a perplexed look on his face. “What’s this?”
“Your costume, like I said.”
“Livvy, you can’t actually expect me to wear this.” He looked up, eyes slowly trailing up her body. He took in her black knee high boots, skin tight blue jeans, white v neck, black vest. She isn’t kidding. “I can’t wear this.” He shook his head in dismay. There isn’t enough fabric to cover me.
She smirked as she crossed the room to him. “Sure you can.” She unbuttoned his dress shirt. “You certainly have the body for it.” She traced her hands down his firm chest and impressive twelve pack for emphasis.
He shivered under her touch. Don’t give in. “This won’t conceal much, if anything.” He held up the sheer maroon loin cloth.
“Relax, I got you a banana hammock.” She gestured to the small flesh colored material on the bed, sitting next to his collar and chain.
He looked at the barely there undergarment that more resembled dental floss than actual underwear with a grimace. Banana hammock? It’s a g-string! He knew she was only calling the flesh colored scrap of fabric by that name as a means to tease him for his dislike of bananas.
She teased her finger along the waistband of his pants, smiling as he sucked in a sharp breath. “I don’t beg...” Her fingers undid his buckle. “...but I’d be willing to get on my knees.” She winked, pulling down his zipper. She sank to the floor, settling on her knees before she pulled his pants and boxer briefs down, releasing his half hard cock.
He groaned as she wrapped her hand around his length, pumping it in slow, smooth strokes. She smiled as she watched him react to her ministrations, his cock becoming fully hard in a matter of seconds.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be the hottest Leia they’ve ever seen.” She continued to slide her slender hand up and down his thick shaft, feeling heat pool in her core. Later. “You have such a spectacular body; it would be a shame to not show it off.”
“You’re just saying that to get me to…” His words trailed off as she wrapped her plush red lips around his swollen head. His hand gripped the back of her head, steely eyes locked on emerald as he gently bucked into her mouth. “Fuck Livvy.”
She bobbed her head up and down his length, her tongue swirling around his shaft. She gripped his firm buttock with her other hand, giving it a hard squeeze.
He moaned, one of the things he fell in love with was her ability to take charge. He watched as his thick length disappeared into her mouth again and again. His mind swirled; he knew the second he saw his costume he didn’t really have a choice. She doesn’t play fair.
God she’s a goddess with her mouth. He felt his balls tighten and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. “Livvy.”
She nodded her head, her hand cupping his balls, rolling them in her hand. She hollowed her cheeks, creating suction as she increased her pace.
He fisted her bun as he bucked into her mouth. His eyes remained locked on hers as he came with a groan, spilling down her throat. He softened the hold on her hair as he watched her swallow every drop.
Olivia eased up her pace, gently licking his softening cock clean before releasing it from her mouth. She rose to her feet, wiping the corners of her mouth. “I still think you can pull it off.”
“It was never a question of could… it was more should.”
“You should always show off your impressive physique.”
Bastien laughed shaking his head. God I love this woman.
“So you’ll wear it?”
He looked at the costume in question, knowing it was too late to change costumes. “It’s not like I have another option.”
“Very true.”
“You know you didn’t have to…”
“I know.” She smiled trailing her hand down his bare chest. “I could help you make sure everything is put away.” She licked her lips suggestively.
He forced himself to focus on anything other than her soft hands ‘helping’ him conceal himself in the small undergarment. He knew what would happen the instant her hands were on his body again. God she’s more insatiable than ever. “Thank you for the offer, but we both know that we’ll never leave the room if you do.”
She bit her lip as she hummed her agreement. “You’re absolutely correct.” Her heated gaze scanned his chest, taking in the toned tanned muscle covered in dark chest hair. She felt the heat in her grow. “Go get dressed before I change my mind about going to the party.”
He chuckled as he picked up the small pieces of his costume. He’d much rather stay in the room all night wrapped in her arms, but if he knew one thing about his wife, it was she chose this costume for a reason, one he wouldn’t find out if they were a tangle of sweaty limbs all night. I’ll just have to persuade her to come back early.
Olivia nervously toyed with her rings with the pad of her thumb. Large cushion cut emerald and simple platinum band, the perfect mix of him and her, past and present. She smiled as he squeezed her right hand in his, his ability to understand her only growing over the course of their relationship.
“Don’t be nervous.”
“I’m a Nevrakis, we don’t get nervous.” Her voice falling flat, belying her feelings. She turned to look at him. “So few know…” Her hand grazed her visible bump.
“No one will notice, they will be stunned speechless by my costume.”
Olivia chuckled. “Blinded by your impressive abs.” She’d picked the costume before finding out, now she was even more glad she went so extreme to show Ellie and Liam up. Her emerald eyes scanned the front room as they descended the grand staircase. Now where are Ellie and Liam so we can win this bet?
She slipped her hand from his, sliding it around to his backside giving it a hard squeeze as they weaved through the crowd. He removed her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. “If you keep that up, we will have a wardrobe malfunction on our hands.”
“I’d rather not make Adelaide’s night, I’ll behave.” For now.
Adelaide bit her lip as Bastien caught her eye. She allowed her gaze to shamelessly roam his exposed form, her eyes slowly raked down his sculpted chest and abs. What I wouldn’t give to lick them. She shivered slightly as she allowed herself to imagine his chest hair brushing against her erect nipples as she ravished him. Why do all the young men of Cordonia believe a woman wants a smooth chest? A real woman wants a real man; rugged, buff, with hair on his chest. She tilted her head slightly to the side as she reached the sheer maroon fabric. Covered, what a pity. She licked her thin lips as she allowed her mind to wander. She could tell by the barely concealed bulge that he would be a sight to behold. Is it all length or does he have girth too? A shiver ran down her spine as she allowed herself to imagine his large hands manhandling her. She shook her head sadly before draining her glass of champagne. Another opportunity missed. She turned going off in search of another glass of champagne, there was no point in trying to speak to him, she knew Olivia had her claws in far too deep to let him venture off alone looking like that.
Drake’s chestnut eyes went wide and he quickly averted his gaze as Bastien and Olivia joined them. He nervously cleared his throat as he struggled to erase the image of Bastien from his mind. “I love you Bas, but I didn’t need to see so much of you.”
“Admit it Walker, you're just jealous you won't look this good in a decade.” Olivia looked Drake up and down, fighting back a chortle at his stay puff marshmallow costume. “Or ever.”
Drake went to run his hand through his hair forgetting the ridiculous hat on his head. Stupid costume! Next time I’m not letting Ellie pick what I dress as.
"Drake, it's no different than when we do laps."
"Really Bas? It’s a huge difference. I mean that's a speedo. This is…” His words trailed off as he reluctantly looked over Bastien’s costume. “I don't know what it is, but it’s not a speedo!"
“Drake, it really is no different.” Ellie stated. “I’m impressed Liv, getting Bas to show off his impressive form, he will be the talk of court for weeks to come.”
“Excuse me my queen?” Liam asked looping his arm around her waist.
“Relax Li, I’m just saying he has an impressive body and I’ve noticed several party goers checking him out as well.”
Olivia smiled, Ellie and Liam’s costume was so perfectly them, but she and Bastien had clearly won. Ellie wore a royal blue waistcoat, cut low almost like a corset and trimmed in gold. Her black locks were mostly down with two pigtails at the front of her head twisted to form horns, she wore minimal face paint, just a nose and a bit of lines to give the appearance of fur, but not too much as to conceal her identity. She nearly laughed at Liam’s long wavy wig. Instead of a dress he’d opted for a gold tailcoat and matching pants, complete with ruffles at the sleeves and collar. Both costumes were well made, clearly professionally made just for the royal couple, yet the idea wasn’t inventive enough. “Liam, I assure you, you have nothing to worry about, your queen only has eyes for you. But I just need to know, what do you think of Bastien’s costume?”
Liam easily slipped into his kingly persona. “Your concept is certainly... forward thinking”
Ellie and Olivia snorted at his polite answer. Even among friends he found it hard to be harsh.
Maxwell danced up to his friends, Olivia lost it at the sight of his gold lamé parachute pants, airbrushed tee and red, white, and blue jacket, topped off with thick gold chain. “Dare I ask who you’re supposed to be Maxwell?”
Maxwell clutched his hand to his chest as he feigned hurt. “Olivia, how could you not recognize Vanilla Ice?” She raised her brow in question. “He’s a rapper, you know ‘ice ice baby. He’s from the nineties...” He trailed off as his brilliant blue eyes fell on Bastien. “Be honest, do you think I could pull that off? I think I could pull it off.” Maxwell rambled to himself. “OMG WE CAN BE TWINS NEXT TIME!" He screamed excitedly.
The group erupted in laughter.
“It’s not that funny guys.” Maxwell pouted deflating ever so slightly.
“Lord Maxwell, I wanted to thank you for implementing the no mask or full face paint rule for costumes.” Bastien said, glancing at the nearby faces.
Maxwell nodded, he’d originally been upset by Bastien suggestion. He soon remembered how badly he’d taken finding out Justin wasn’t who he thought, especially after getting in trouble with Ellie for the cronut incident.
“Bas, you no longer have to use formalities, we are all friends here.” Liam stated.
“Sorry sir, force of habit.” Bastien replied to a chorus of new laughter.
Savannah rolled her eyes as Bastien and Olivia joined their group. Could she have picked a tackier costume? “Olivia, for a woman who was born into nobility and raised in the palace, you sure lack taste.” She wrinkled her nose at Bastien’s costume. “As Duke and Duchess shouldn’t you have less revealing costumes?” If you could call it that. I’ve seen more fabric on Penelope’s poodles.
“I have more taste in my pinky finger than you have in your entire body. You’re just jealous that your husband couldn’t pull this costume off in a hundred years.”
Savannah eyed Olivia up and down, eyes widening slightly as she opened her mouth to speak.
Oh no bitch, you don’t get to announce it. “You want to talk about taste and class, yet we both know you have none. Why else would you run off to another country when the father of your child turned you down?”
Savannah gaped at Olivia, stunned speechless by her words.
“You may have married a Duke and gained a title, but I assure you, you’ll never be worthy of the title you bear. I mean, all it took was a ring and you forgot everyone who was there for you.”
Savannah felt steam leave her ears. “What is that supposed to mean?!”
“It means your guest list seemed to be missing a key person in your life growing up. But I guess since you take after your mother that’s to be expected.”
“I seem to remember your own guest list forgetting a house.”
Olivia feigned a frown. She didn’t forget, maybe it was petty but she knew Savannah would feel slighted the way Bastien had. “I distinctly remember extending an invitation to every house. I even believe I sent two separate invitations to Ramsford.”
Savannah seethed, her hands curled into fists. “Lord and Duke of Ramsford, what about the Duchess?”
“Oh dear, must have slipped my mind like a certain invitation slipped yours. Not that it stopped you from showing. Bertrand really does need to revisit etiquette lessons with you; it’s very rude to show up to an event uninvited.”
“It’s not like you didn’t have enough food.”
“That’s because a good hostess is always prepared, even for the uninvited guest that may show up.” Olivia smirked at Savannah’s obvious anger. “But really I’m not sure what Bertrand was thinking when he married you.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?!” Savannah growled, she was sick of Olivia’s attitude towards her, she’d put up with it all her life, not anymore.
“I mean, after the stunt you pulled leaving the country with his child, taking money from his house, that the last thing he should have given you was a ring and a title. If it had been me I would have taken custody of the child.”
Savannah took a step forward. She’d spent her entire life trying to live up to the other nobles, now she was one, she refused to allow Olivia to disrespect her in her own house.
“Savannah!” Bertrand grabbed Savannah by the wrist, pulling her back to his side. “You will not attack a member of one of the oldest houses and tarnish the House of Beaumont.”
Savannah let out an annoyed scream. Of course he’s more worried about the status of the family than his own wife. “Fine.” She straightened, hands brushing the sides of her plain blue regency inspired costume. She spun before she stalked off, steam leaving her ears.
Neville felt his face grow hot with rage. The indignity! He straightened the jacket of his perfect recreation of his ancestral costume, the very first Earl of Cormery Isle, a man to be feared and respected. He’d stood idly by long enough watching nobles of so called higher houses make a mockery of his country by choosing so called love over duty to country and picking commoners.
He stalked up to the small group, his dark eyes alight with anger. “Duchess Olivia.” He sneered. “You and your husband,” the word fell from his tongue like acid, “are making a mockery of this party.”
Of course he would find himself important enough to interrupt his betters. “There are horses inside, I guarantee you this party was a ‘mockery’ well before it started.” Olivia turned her back towards Neville, signifying she was done speaking to him.
Bastien wrapped his arm around her back. “She means no offense Maxwell.”
Maxwell bounced on the balls of his feet like a small excitable child. “It wouldn’t be a Beaumont Bash if it weren’t a mockery.” He turned to the party, raising his hands in the air. “Let the revelry continue!”
Olivia rolled her eyes as Maxwell danced away being swallowed into the screaming crowd. She turned to Bastien, standing on her tiptoes to reach his ear, she ran her hand up and down his arm, her hot breath fanning against his neck as she spoke. “We’ve been thoroughly seen and you’ve been ogled by more than half the people here. Let’s get back to our room.”
He took her hand in his, eager to  get out of the costume. He still had one question, one that he had hoped to have had answered over the course of the night. “Why this costume?”
“There may have been a bet but, don’t worry, we won.”
A bet?! His eyes went wide at her admission. “You soo owe me.”
“Don’t worry, there might be a small gold bikini waiting for you in Lythikos…”
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Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters, I’m just borrowing them from PB.
Feedback fuels me, please like, comment or reblog to let me know how much you like it. I can handle the screams, so scream away.
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jovialyouthmusic · 6 years
Neville and the Devil
A Fairy Story
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@dcbbw  @katedrakeohd @jovialyouthmusic @choicesarehard @ritachacha @tornbetween2loves @bobasheebaby
This is a bit rough round the edges, but I didn’t want the subject matter cluttering up my thoughts for any longer than necessary. Hope you enjoy it...
‘Neville darling – Penelope’s here to play with you!’ Lady Vancouer called her son down from his room where he sat collating his collection of pressed flowers.
‘Coming mother dearest’ Neville tripped down the stairs. He loved playing with Penelope, she was so pretty. He worshipped her, but there was a problem. Penelope acted like a little goody goody when the grown ups were around – and that was when he was happiest. She was sweet and kind and good, and did all the things that little girls should.
But when they were alone, she was horrible. She pulled his wavy brown hair that his mother loved so much, she kicked the little dog that was his beloved pet, and ripped the petals off the flowers in the garden. He desperately wanted her to be good all the time, but every time the grown ups left them together it was the same.
‘Why do you like that little poodle – it’s disgusting’ she said as she crammed her mouth with the biscuits his mother had left out for them, taking the whole plateful ‘All they do is make horrid noises and poo everywhere’ Neville’s eyes filled with tears as she sprayed biscuit crumbs from her mouth. He knew he would be blamed for the mess, but he was determined to improve Penelope’s demeanour and habits.
‘Petal is so adorable, can’t you see, Penelope?’ he said ‘She’s so sweet, she can dance – look!’ He held up his hand and the little dog stood up on its hind legs and pranced around. Penelope rolled her eyes.
‘It’s sickening’ she scoffed ‘you’re such a pansy, Neville.’ She got up and picked a book off the bookcase, throwing it on the floor for the petals he had carefully been pressing to fall out. He scrambled to pick then up and save them, and luckily she ignored his efforts – in the past she had picked them up and crushed them in her hand, laughing as he cried.  
‘Please Penelope, don’t be like this.’ He pleaded, but she laughed harshly.
‘Why should I? I’m a Lady, I can do what I like. You should try being naughty, it’s much more fun’ Neville was scandalised at the thought of being deliberately ill-disciplined. He endured her naughtiness for the rest of the afternoon, constantly pleading with her to be good until she got tired of him whining and pulled his hair hard and threatened to throw his little dog into the river.
When she had gone, he endured his mother telling him off for the mess in the playroom.
‘I don’t understand why you’re so naughty when Penelope comes over. Perhaps we should tell her mother not to bring her any more.’ Neville was dismayed.
‘No please mother, don’t do that, I promise to be good’ he pleaded. He still believed that through sheer force of goodness, he could persuade her to change her ways. He longed to press flowers with her, have her laugh when Petal did her tricks, and share biscuits and sweets with him.
‘Very well, I will give you another chance Neville, but if you continue to act like this I will have no choice but to deny you Penelope’s company.’ He hung his head and promised his mother he would try harder.
That night, Neville lay awake in his bed, wishing fervently for a solution to his dilemma.
‘Please please please, let Penelope learn to be good’ he whispered to his teddy bear, squeezing it tight. To his surprise, he saw the toy blink and he dropped it in alarm. He watched in horror as it grew and grew until it was the size of a grown up, and then its features changed and it morphed into a man with red skin, a pointy beard and a strange hairdo that looked like horns.
‘Wh – who are you?’ asked Neville. The stranger smiled
‘I have many names – Beelzebub, Mephistopheles…’ He looked at Neville ‘You’re a bit young to remember those names, so just call me Satan’ He gaped
‘You’re the devil?’ he gasped
‘Yes I am Neville, but I am not as people say I am – I’m not all evil’ he looked sad ‘Just like your little friend’
‘You mean Penelope?’ he asked ‘I don’t understand why she’s so naughty when she’s alone with me’ The devil looked sadder still, shaking his head.
‘It’s such a pity – so pretty, and so bad.’ He looked at Neville. ‘There is a way to change things, you know’ Neville’s eyes grew wide.
‘How? I’d do anything for Penelope, I love her so much’ The devil grinned
‘Anything, Neville?’
‘Anything’ he said vehemently.
‘Very well, then know this – she’s bad because you are good’ Neville gaped at his visitor
‘You mean…’
‘Every time you are bad, she will be good, it’s as simple as that, it’s an unfortunate illness that she has, but you can make her better’
‘Oh’ he said, crestfallen ‘But – but I don’t like being bad’ The stranger frowned.
‘You must do it for Penelope’ he said ‘at the moment she is only bad with you - before long she will misbehave in front of her parents and make them sad. Eventually she will be like that all the time. You are he only one who can save her. Can you do that?’ Neville hung his head and a single tear rolled down his cheek.
‘I truly love her’ he said ‘I’ll try’ The devil smiled triumphantly
‘Good boy Neville’ he said ‘Next time she comes, give it a try’ As Neville watched, the stranger shrank and transformed back into his beloved teddy bear. He looked at it askance and decided not to take it back into bed again, instead leaving it on the floor and choosing another one.
The next time Penelope came to play, he couldn’t help noticing she was rude to her mother, and realised that her condition was getting worse. When they were alone, she reached out for the biscuits, but he snatched the plate away from her, amazed at his boldness. She blinked in surprise, and her eyes filled with tears. He ate them all and put down the empty plate, mortified at his actions, but Penelope started to change. She looked over at his poodle.
‘Can you make Petal do some tricks Neville? I want to see her dance like last time’ He gritted his teeth.  
‘No, it’s boring’ he said, and Penelope burst into tears
‘Why are you so horrid Neville?’ she sobbed. His heart broke and he so wanted to be good, but he knew he had to misbehave for her sake.
That was only the beginning. The devil was exactly right – Penelope became sweeter and more lovely and feminine the more he did the wrong things. He loved her so fervently that his behaviour so dismayed his mother that she disowned him and left him in the care of his father, who didn't care much for him and mostly left him to his own devices.
He had to keep finding ways of being boorish and vile. The thing he found to be most effective was looking down his nose at everyone else, and the worst of his bile was reserved for Drake Walker, the son of the head of the Royal Guard, who lived in the Palace beside the Princess. He poured scorn on him and every time he did, Penelope grew lovelier and better natured. He gave his poodle to her, saying it was a nuisance and he didn’t want it any more, all the time his heart breaking.
Eventually he forgot entirely how to be good and nice, and Penelope remained the sweetest kindest person at the Royal Court. Neville never cuddled the teddy bear that had transformed into the Devil again, putting it on a shelf in a bedroom in a far off wing of the Mansion where he lived and locking the door.
And so it was on the first night of Charlotte’s social season that the odious Neville Vancouer watched Penelope dancing, watery eyed and knowing she would never be his. He loved her with all his heart – although he wasn’t sure if he had a heart any more…
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alj4890 · 4 years
And Then I Met You
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What happens when the one you thought you were meant for turns out to be meant for someone else?
A\N Choices Fan Fiction with characters from The Royal Romance, Red Carpet Diaries, and Perfect Match
@lxaah11​   @alleksa16​   @penguininapinktuxedo​   @blackcoffee85​   @stopforamoment​     @hopelessromantic1352​     @krsnlove     @annekebbphotography        @hopelessromantic1352   . @sunflowergirl05   @desireepow-1986  @greywitchyshots   @lilyofchoices @moodyvalentinestories  @emceesynonymroll   @my-heart-beats-for-ya @aworldoffandoms   @ab1901     @lolablackwrites     @flyawayboo   @i-bloody-love-drake-walker   . @trappedinfandoms   @kate-mckenzie
A/N This is the final chapter for this storyline. Thank you so much for reading this and enjoying it with me. I will still offer shorts and requests for this pair in this storyline. My next series for Thomas and Amanda will be the, “what if” she never told him about being part of the selection for Liam’s bride. The trip to Lake Tahoe will not result in their hasty marriage. No Lauren. None of what has happened here. If you would like to be tagged in this, please let me know in the comments. The new series will be called, And Then I Left You. Cheesy right? LOL!
Part 27 
Lord Thurston Vancouer’s study, Cormery Isle, Cordonia...
Lauren stilled at Tariq's words.
"You," her eyes narrowed, "you are ending our engagement?!"
"Yes." He clasped his hands behind his back. "I have already sent in my statement to the press and--"
"You did what?" She screeched. "How dare you! I should have been the one to do that." She stepped forward and slapped him. "Do you have any idea what this will do to my reputation?"
Tariq's jaw spasmed from the impact. He calmly turned his head back toward her.
Her temper flared even more at his silence. “I gave up my career for you, you bastard!” She raised her hand to slap him again.
His hand shot up, grasping her wrist. “I think this is for the best.”
“You think so?” Her lips curled in a snarl. “You will regret this.”
His expression hardened. “I think I will regret it more if I don’t end things now.”
Lauren yanked her hand away.  “You weren’t the only man who wanted me to marry him.” Her chin lifted as she tried her best to look down her nose at him. “I was told by your friend to dump your sorry ass and choose him.” 
Tariq merely shrugged causing her vengeful temper to burst. 
“It’s Blair isn’t it?” She narrowed her eyes. “Don’t think I’ve been oblivious to the extra time you have been spending with her.”
“She is in a sense a reason behind my decision.” He responded. “But mostly, she opened my eyes to your true nature.”
“You haven’t even begun to see my true nature.” She warned. “But you will. You will see all that I am as I destroy every single thing you love.” 
Her smile sent chills down Tariq’s back as did the words that followed.
“I think I will start with Arabella. That will punish not only Neville for what he did to me, but will also hurt your precious Blair. Then I’ll--” 
“I don’t think you will have the chance to do anything to my daughters or son.” Lord Thurston’s hard tone cut through her tirade.
Lauren paled when she saw members of the King’s Guard fan out around the study behind Lord Thurston. 
“Your time in Cordonia has come to an end.” Thurston told her. “In fact, I believe you will never have an opportunity to hurt anyone ever again.”
Lauren screamed out her denial when the the guards moved to take her into custody.
“You can’t do this! I--” she was silenced by the guards forcing her to the ground to handcuff her.
An Interpol agent stood by, watching it all unfold while reading out the crimes she was accused of.
Arabella and Blair stood silently with Neville in the hallway as Lauren was dragged out, screaming and crying.
“We must inform Lady Olivia and Lady Amanda that it is done.” Thurston said once the front door closed behind the guards..
“I’ll call Olivia.” Arabella ran off, excited to not only see Lauren taken away, but at also recording the whole incident. She knew a few popular reporters in Cordonia who would appreciate this video.
“I’ll make certain that Lady Amanda is told.” Blair went to Tariq and gently squeezed his hand. Her eyes met his. “Are you alright?”
He nodded, a gentle smile formed over her concern for him. “I am now.”
With a whispered promise to talk to him soon, she left the three men alone.
Thurston cleared his throat to break the tense silence and waved toward his study. “I believe we need to clear the air between you two.”
“There is no need.” Tariq replied. He averted his eyes from the two. “It will take time, but I refuse to let what happened ruin my relationship with the Vancouer’s.”
Neville lowered his head. “I don’t know what possessed me to do that to you.” He lifted remorseful eyes to his old friend. “I humbly ask your forgiveness.”
Thurston wisely remained silent as he watched his son and the man he considered a second son. He knew that this was something that only they could resolve.
Tariq shifted from foot to foot. “I won’t insult you by lying that I understand why you did it or that it didn’t hurt to hear that you--” he shook his head. “I consider you and your family as my own. And if things go as I think, then we will be brothers in truth one day.” His shoulders straightened. “You will have my forgiveness, but it will take a long time for you to regain my trust.”
Thurston looked on in approval as the two shook hands, his son expressing once more his sorrow for his actions.
Time would heal these wounds.
The night before in Monterisso, Queen Amalas's private quarters...
"Enough haggling." Olivia grumbled. "I've offered my services the next time you need them." She folded her arms, leveling her basilisk gaze upon the Queen of Spies. "What have you found out about Lauren Benefield?"
Amalas poured them each a glass of wine. "Have a seat."
Olivia eyed the crystal goblet.
"Please." Amalas rolled her eyes. "Why would I make deals if I planned on poisoning you?"
Olivia set the glass down. "I know you didn't poison it. I am here on business, not some social call."
The queen's expression held hints of approval. "And this is why I offered my services to you." She pulled out a small flash drive and tossed it to her. "That, your grace, holds everything."
Olivia quirked an eyebrow. "I assume you kept a copy for yourself."
Amalas silently raised her glass in a toast. "Wouldn't you?"
Olivia's lips twitched into a brief smile. "Naturally."
The Queen pressed a button under her desk. The wall to the left opened, revealing a series of monitors.
Amalas took her own copy of the flash drive and began to pull up all she had discovered on Lauren Benefield.
"It is a good thing you managed to have Lauren quit Lord Hunt's picture.” She began, “ Here's a brief synopsis of what I discovered about her and her associate, Viktor Montmarte.
Olivia pulled up a chair and began reading. Her complexion paled due to some of what she read.
"Kidnapping. Drugs. Sex trafficking. Rape. Extortion." She clicked and saw the small island in the south Pacific that Viktor owned.
"Lauren was not only partaking of these activities." Amalas explained. "She was handpicking underage girls and having them sent to his island," her voice hardened in anger, "under the guise that this was their big break into Hollywood."
Olivia's eyes widened at the satellite images of what was happening around Viktor's estate. "Dear God."
"Interpol along with the FBI are thrilled that I was able to get some concrete evidence." Amalas explained. "I've been working with them the past few months." Her voice turned cold. “Montmarte has friends in very high places that have been helping him stay just under the radar.” Her eyes narrowed. “I knew he couldn’t be doing all this on his own.”
"And when you saw what Lauren was doing to Thomas and Amanda, you were able to get the final piece to the puzzle?" Olivia murmured.
"I didn't know if she was a victim or a partner of Viktor's. Once I tapped into their conversations while she was at Lythikos, I was able to see how deeply involved she was." Amalas enlarged a photo of Lauren smiling as she disembarked off a plane with two teenage girls. "Without her help, Viktor wouldn't have gotten half of the girls he and his friends preferred."
Olivia clicked on another image of Lauren and Viktor at a pool party. The actress was laughing while holding down a young woman in tears so that the producer could forcefully fondle her.
Amalas clicked back to her notes. "I discovered this too." She pulled up a recorded conversation between Viktor and Lauren from when she first began working with Thomas. "Lauren records everything in case she needs to blackmail Viktor and vice versa."
Viktor: How's your seduction going?
Lauren: *laughter* Slow. I have to handle Thomas with kid gloves.
Viktor: If anyone can do it, it's you.
Lauren: I know. *more laughter* Don't worry. I won't forget about you. Once Mr. Hunt is mine, I will give you his grieving wife.
Viktor: *chuckle* I have plans for the duchess.
Lauren: I bet you do.
Viktor: I haven't ever had a noble before. *sinister chuckle* Perhaps I should use the gold rope when I tie her up.
Lauren: Promise me that I get to watch. I can't wait to see her content, happy face devastated.
Viktor: I promise it will be all that you desire, my dear.
Lauren: Maybe we should first force her to watch what I do with Thomas. That will really get her.
Viktor: The more broken they are the more turned on I get. We'll use the rooms with the two-way mirrors. I’ll start by--
Olivia turned it off. Her rage exploded as she stood abruptly from her chair.
"I--" tears sparked her green eyes. "I can't believe--" words failed her as she thought of her closest friend encountering such evil. That she actually had this person in her home as a guest.
Amalas placed a comforting hand on Olivia's shoulder. "Don't worry." She closed the files. "Once America and Europe are finished, these two will be permanently placed in a dank cell."
“They don’t deserve that consideration.” Olivia snapped. “To think of all the lives they have ruined.”
Later that night, Olivia called Liam and Bastien. She explained all that she had discovered, urging them to alert Lord Thurston to guard Arabella and Blair.
Plans were made to have the actress apprehended and held for extradition. Liam promised to call Tariq to go ahead an issue a statement that his engagement was over before the scandal struck.
After talking to them, Olivia called Amanda.
St Orella, Cordonia, the next day...
Thomas was in no state to continue filming. Last night's discovery had nearly broke him. Knowing he would have been the one that brought about harm to Amanda and their life together had devastated him.
He had briefly explained to Holly to have the crew take a few days off while he came to terms with everything.
He then spent the morning on the balcony, staring off at the waves, crashing against the rocky shore.
"How long have you been out here?" Amanda asked once she found him.
"Sunrise." He replied, unable to look directly at her.
She came over and sat next to him. Her hand slipped into his as she turned her attention to the beauty before them.
Thomas couldn't take the simple kindness. He rose abruptly and went to stand over at the balustrade.
"Thomas?" Amanda followed him and wrapped her arms around him from behind. "What's--"
He jerked out of her grasp. "I need to be alone."
Her eyes searched his, causing him to avert his gaze.
"Why?" She asked.
Thomas ran his hands over his face. "You know why."
She leaned against the balustrade, silently observing her husband’s odd behavior.
He couldn't take it. He left her without a word and went directly to their closet.
Amanda followed him, watching as he began to pack.
"What are you doing?" She asked. "We don't leave for the capital until Thursday."
He tried to swallow the lump forming in his throat. "I'm not going to the capital."
"What? Why?" Amanda couldn't take him avoiding her and blocked his path. "We must attend Liam's coronation!"
Thomas stilled when she took his hands. His head dropped, wishing she would order him to leave and never return. He didn’t deserve her. 
"Are you angry with me?" She asked.
His head jerked up. "What would I have to be angry with you for?" His expression hardened. "Were you the one to insist on having an actress be around the one you vowed to protect? Were you the one who dismissed all the concerns voiced by those you trust?" His voice cracked. "Did you leave the one you love more than anything alone with such a person nearby to film on location?"
Amanda stepped closer, winding her arms around him. "You didn't know Lauren was that evil. You thought she was a flirt. A woman who got off on destroying people's lives with affairs."
"I should have put two and two together." He snapped, completely disgusted at himself. "I suspected Viktor of predatory behavior with young actresses. I should have seen that his closeness to Lauren meant that they were of like mind."
His temper broke as he thought over all his decisions concerning the actress. “AND I’M THE FOOL WHO BROUGHT THEM INTO OUR HOME!”
His voice echoed in their bedroom. A nervous Hudson knocked on the door, forcing Thomas to quickly apologize for his outburst.
Amanda shushed him, pulling him closer to her. The morning's news had shown the actress being extradited from Cordonia while Viktor was simultaneously being dragged from his Hollywood mansion in the middle of the night. Some other famous people and those in the business and diplomatic world were being held for questioning and arrested.
"It's over." She said softly. "Neither Viktor nor Lauren will ever have a chance to hurt someone again." She pressed a tender kiss to his cheek. "And thankfully, they did not have a chance to hurt us as they had planned."
"If they had, I--" he swallowed at the lump in his throat. "I could have lost you."
Amanda shook her head. "You wouldn't have lost me." 
She tried to kiss him. Prove to him that all was as it should be.
He broke away. "I would have. If Lauren had succeeded in making you believe I was having an affair. If Viktor had succeeded in--" his fist clinched, wishing he had them wrapped around the man's throat. "I would have lost you."
She tried to say he wouldn't, yet, she knew deep down that he very well might have. As she imagined how she would be after going through something like that, she realized what would have happened if they had divorced.
"We would have found our way back to each other."
Thomas raised his heartbroken eyes back to hers. "You sound so certain."
"Not only do I love you, I need you." She admitted. "You give me comfort." She tugged on his arms to hold her. "You listen to me, try to help me...I would have needed all that if they had succeeded." She nestled her head in the crook of his neck and shoulder. "Your touch alone helps ease any worry or pain I have."
He clutched her tight, words failing at how she did the same for him. He pressed his lips to her forehead, letting them remain there as he allowed her to ease the tension within him.
Fives Months Later, Hollywood...
Thomas tugged at his bowtie while he waited downstairs. He reviewed the speech he had written for tonight’s premiere of The Earl’s Undoing.
“You’re going to ruin that if you keep pulling at it.” 
He looked up and smiled at his wife coming downstairs. Slipping the notecards in his breast pocket, he met her at the bottom step.
“I must admit that I feel those same butterflies that I had the night you took me to the AFI’s awards.” She tilted her head when he kissed her cheek. “Are you sure this is what I should wear tonight?”
Thomas took her hand and twirled her. The rich royal blue gown sparkled in the lamp light. “You look beautiful.” 
She pressed a tender kiss to his lips, smiling as he held her close. “You look very handsome.”
“I notice you say that whenever I wear a tuxedo.” He teased. “That is the only reason I keep wearing them to events.”
She laughed, slipping her arm in the bend of his. “We better go. Liam sent a text saying that they would be leaving the hotel in an hour.”
The two made their way to the theater. Cameras flashed as their limo pulled up.
“Ready?” Thomas asked.
“I think so.” She gripped his hand. 
“Normally, I would say we forget about it and go straight home.” He stepped out of the car and helped her out. As cameras flashed and cheers were yelled, he leaned down to whisper in her ear. “But I want everyone to see how proud I am that you let me direct your story.”
Cameras once again captured the moment the two looked at one another. The tender smile and obvious love was seen by all along with the sweet kiss the duchess gave her director.
That night, Thomas did not remain dismissive of any question posed about the film. With Amanda by his side, he remained for the most part, almost pleasant with the invasive inquiries of their life together and whether or not they would work on any more projects as they had with The Earl’s Undoing.
Finally making it inside the theater, they joined their friends who each had a hand in helping the couple get here together.
Once they all found their seats, Thomas whispered that he would be right back.
He made his way to the front of the packed auditorium and raised his hand for silence.
“Good evening.” He began. “I want to thank each person who made this movie possible. My gratitude to our friends from Cordonia who traveled here specifically to support us. And how grateful I am for those of you who came out tonight.” 
He cleared his throat and waited for the applause to die down. “Let me begin by saying what many directors that have come before me have said. This was a labor of love.” His eyes met Amanda’s. “But unlike the love we feel for our craft, mine was truly one of deep, heartfelt emotion. Without this story, I would have never met the author who ended up becoming the very love of my life.”
Amanda blinked back tears as he gave a brief story of how he had fallen in love with her while working towards making a movie. Beside her, Nadia, Riley, and Addison were sniffing and wiping their own tears. Even Olivia and Holly were slightly affected, both attempting to pretend they weren’t.
“What you will see on the screen is a love letter to my wife, Amanda.” He explained. “Every shot. Every line said in a particular way. Every bit of costume and scenery...it is all from my heart.” He once again met his wife’s unwavering gaze. “For the rest of my life, this movie will be my favorite of all time and all because I met you.”
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
My Love
Chapter Six-Monsters
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**So I needed a bit more time than I thought to figure out a change I made to this story. Thanks @dcbbw for talking me through my last minute idea and convincing me to go for it. And OMG @burnsoslow who spent soooo much time editing and working her magic and just for always being an amazing tbff.
Warnings: Attempted murder by beating, rape, mention of infanticide, mental breakdown and god only knows what else. EVIL!!! 
I have been working on this plot twist for two weeks. Just remember, I told you it wouldn’t always be sad.
Amanda lay restless in her bed with a head full of secrets and a heart full of dreams. While staring blankly at the midnight time of her alarm clock, lit brightly in a reddish glow, she thought about the close call with Liam she had not more than 20 minutes ago. She didn’t lie to him; Riley did give her the key to their quarters. Did she also fail to mention to the king that it was the very same key she used on the night of his wife’s death? Of course. Did she also forget to mention to him that plans have been in place for months to procure certain outcomes in the lives of the Cordonian royal family to benefit others? Absolutely.
Amanda wasn’t here of her own doing. This virtually unknown young woman, who started her life as an orphan and found herself related to a queen, was hopeful that she could complete the mission she was sent here for. If everything worked according to plan, tomorrow would set in motion a series of events that was sure to change not only her life, but that of several others.
Thinking about the busy weeks ahead and a princess that was sure to wake for her feeding soon, Amanda rolled away from the illuminating light of her clock and closed her eyes. She fluffed her pillow and nestled further into it, attempting to clear her full mind for now and get some rest. Just as her body became comfortable and started to relax, she heard the voice of the king speaking through the baby monitor. She opened one eye, wondering why he was still up at this hour, then immediately opened the other when she heard him call out for Riley.
Several seconds passed, and she heard him frantically speaking out for his wife again. The sound of a door swinging open and his shuffling about the nursery stirred her from a pending slumber. Amanda pushed the blanket down to her waist and sat up in the bed, listening closer for any clues as to what the hell he was doing. She didn’t hear the baby crying, but curiosity was getting the better of her when she heard what sounded like Liam doing just that. Amanda rolled her eyes and shook her head while thinking about the utter insanity the King of Cordonia had been over the last month. She hoped that this plan would be worth it in the end, because she had grown tired of the weeping and depressive state he seemed to be stuck in. In her home country, a spouse, and often the offspring, were considered something of objects -- disposable ones at that. Amanda was surprised by his behavior and inability to just get over his wife’s death already.
The former personal assistant who was now serving as Ellie’s nanny, was living proof of what being unwanted and unloved entailed. It was possibly why she didn’t mind being used for this assignment. Being manipulated for the betterment of others was just the price she had always paid to be included and feel needed. It was too bad. Riley never treated her this way; poisoning the queen, who had been so kind to her, was one of the most difficult things she had ever done.
Ellie’s soft cries began to make their way through the baby monitor and Amanda groaned sleepily, knowing the King had undoubtedly woken her up with his emotional breakdown and commotion. She sighed and tossed the rest of the blankets back, swinging her feet to the floor.
Still tying her robe as she entered the nursery, an apologetic Liam was picking up his wailing daughter from her crib. Amanda backed out of the room quietly and planted her back against the wall beside the nursery door. His ass woke her up, he can get her back to sleep.
It was nothing personal against Ellie - she had grown quite fond of the baby. The consequences of Liam’s decisions, however, necessitated these uncontrite and acrimonious feelings toward him. How she would ever be able to pretend to love and care for a man that she loathed had been inconceivable, but she was confident she had played her part well enough - without anyone batting an eye - that she would continue to get away with it.
Amanda stood motionless and silent outside the room while she listened intently to see if she would be needed to assist with Ellie,intrigued to find out why Liam was calling out for his late wife in his daughter’s room.
Liam shifted Ellie from his arms to his shoulder while he rubbed soothing circles over her tiny back. He nuzzled his cheek over her featherlike blonde hair and paced about the room in an effort to lull her back to sleep. Still reeling from the voice of his wife - that he knew he clearly heard - his startled baby’s cries gave him pause.
“I’m so sorry, my princess.” he whispered tenderly. “Daddy never meant to scare you.”
Ellie’s small fist clenched and shook vigorously against his chest, which only enhanced his guilt and remorse. Eyeing the rocking chair next to her crib, he slowly walked back across the nearly dark room while bouncing rhythmically and methodically.
Lowering into the chair, he kissed the top of his daughter’s head and ran his thumb across her cheek to dry the red-hot tears that were streaming down it.
Liam closed his eyes as he moved back and forth with the rocker, continuing to calm his daughter’s fears.
Amanda listened as he spoke to Ellie about hearing her mother’s voice singing and how it elicited a reaction in him he was sorry for. She turned her head away and covered her mouth to stifle her laugh. He told me he was a little paranoid … my ass ... he is freaking losing his mind. She bit her lower lip with exuberance and prowled back to her room in time to hear that the baby’s cries had ceased. Amanda pulled her phone out of the drawer next to her bed and sent a series of text updates before she crawled back into her bed and fell asleep moments later.
Bright and early the next morning, Liam sat alone at the helm of the conference table while he awaited the arrival of the council. He had no desire to attend this meeting, especially on this first day of resuming his official duties since Riley’s murder.
Leaning back in the chair and tapping his fountain pen nervously against the notebook before him, he muddled through the events of the prior evening. He knew what he heard last night. Liam heard Riley’s voice so clearly and distinctly that there was no doubt in his mind that it couldn’t have been his imagination. Her sweet voice was all he had wanted to hear for weeks, and when she wasn’t in the nursery, it shattered him. That brief moment of hope over the prospect that everything since her death had just been a bad dream was swept away like a mighty tidal wave when she wasn’t there. It felt like losing her all over again with a heart that was already swollen with grief beyond what it could bear.
He dropped the pen on the notepad and rubbed his heavily tired eyes; that old familiar sting behind them from weeks of insomnia made it difficult to keep them open. Liam’s secretary refilled his coffee mug while members of the council began to file into the room. Each one offered their condolences or a sympathetic nod as they passed by … with the exception of one.
As the council settled into their places around the table, all eyes looked to Neville for an explanation of this impromptu meeting.
Liam took a sip of his coffee and nodded to the future Earl of Cormery Isle. “Lord Vancouer, you called this meeting. Would you please enlighten the council as to what is so important that it couldn’t wait until later in the week?”
Neville straightened in his seat and plastered on a smarmy grin.
“Your Majesty, it has been over 30 days now since the passing of the Queen. The citizens of my island are becoming concerned that there are no plans in place yet to replace Her Majesty.”
Drake let out a sardonic laugh. “You have got to be fucking kidding me. Tell me you’re joking.”
Hana placed her hand on Drake’s arm and eyed Neville with a wicked glare. “I’m wondering the same thing. What are you trying to do, Neville?”
The members of the council broke out into uproarious chatter while Liam dropped his head and remained outwardly calm and silent. He knew what Neville’s counter would be; it hit him like a ton of bricks at that very moment. Liam knew the law better than anyone in that room; he also knew from personal experience with his father what Neville was about to say.
Neville loudly cleared his throat and drew the attention of the council back to him. “I shouldn’t be surprised by the lack of knowledge of our political system by the people who surround me - especially you, Mr. Walker. Need I remind all of you of the Cordonian law that states that a social season should take place within 60 days to replace a vacated monarch’s position? Here we are, on day 31 since Queen Riley died, without any plans finalized to do just that.”
Once again, all ire fell on Neville as shouts in his direction took over the room.
Olivia slammed her hand on the table and quickly stood, drawing silence and recognition from everyone. “Lord Vancouer! Now let me remind you of what else the law says. The bylaws in section 2709C state that unanimous assent from the council can prolong the social season for up to a year. I see no need at this time to carry out a social season while this country is still mourning the death of its very popular queen!”
“I agree with the Duchess.” Bertrand exclaimed, followed by shouts of conciliation.
Madeleine closed her binder and glanced over to the far end of the table where Olivia was taking her seat again. She crossed her arms and let out a small sigh. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I agree with Olivia. There are enough women in this room who can fill in for the duties of the Queen … I understand if I can’t be one of them after what my father has done; however, I’m willing to help out in any way I can.”
Every member of the council had their chance to speak about their concerns, and each member was satisfied that there were enough people willing to step in to ensure that the stability of the crown and country would remain intact.
Drake leaned back in his seat and rested his hands behind his head. “Satisfied now, dickhead?” He grabbed the pen laying on the table before him and clicked the end of it to release the head from its casing. “I say we vote now.”
Neville smirked across the table from Drake while pompously steepling his fingers together. “Yes, Mr. Walker. I’m ready to vote as well. Remember you need unanimous consent from the council, and you have yet to convince me to change my mind. Thank you for not drawing out the inevitable.”
“How about I draw out your throat and shove it up your ass, you useless piece of shit!”
“Drake.” Liam held up his hand and finally spoke out for the first time since the meeting began, having heard enough. He knew Drake could handle Neville, and he usually found it rather entertaining, however, his life literally lay in the hands of the lord from Cormery Isle. It was obvious that the entire council, which also included Hakim, Landon, and Maxwell, was fine prolonging the social season for one year. Even at that time, Liam knew he wouldn’t be ready to marry another woman. There was no one who could replace Riley and he would concede there never would be, He would deal with that issue when the time came and not when he was completely caught off guard.
“Lord Neville,” Liam stated, twisting his wedding band anxiously. “You’ve heard the rest of the council, now I’m asking you to hear me. Your reasoning for holding a social season and having me marry again is no longer valid. It benefits no one in this room, nor Cordonia, and I’ve heard nothing of these concerns you speak of from the people of Cormery Isle. Also, I need to remind you of my infant daughter, who has just lost her mother, and doesn’t need the only parent she has left traipsing around the country when she needs me.” Liam looked pleadingly at Neville, revealing his vulnerability at that moment, hoping to garner sympathy from him. “Can I count on you to do what’s right for Cordonia, Neville?”
Neville fidgeted with his coffee mug, staring at it while he mulled over the king’s words. He looked up, his dull brown eyes looking straight into the bright blue, weary eyes of the leader of his country. He shrugged his shoulders and let out a heavy sigh. “You can count on me, sir.”
Liam nodded in approval and let out the breath he was holding. “Thank you, Lord Vancouer.”
Liam’s secretary passed out default ballots that the council only had to write a simple yea or nay for. Once everyone finished voting, she collected the ballots and handed them to be read by Bertrand.
The Duke of Ramsford stood from his seat and read each ballot’s vote aloud.
Liam glanced over at the empty seat next to him, the placard of his wife still mounted to the table before it. The room seemed to drift away with each vote read, all in his favor, yet he couldn’t believe he was even having to entertain that blowhard’s idea of marrying right now. His eyes met the back wall where the royal portrait of his late wife adorned the golden frame next to his. Her smile, her poise, her confidence gave him strength. Even in such a regal photo, he could see her love for him. God, I miss her so much.
Liam diverted his eyes away from the photo to peek over at Bertrand who was standing, slack-jawed, holding the last ballot in his shaky hand. The look of astonishment on the Duke of Ramsford’s face caused Liam’s heart to sink further into his chest.
He knew in that instant he had been betrayed.
“Bertrand?” Maxwell questioned.
Bertrand looked down at his brother to acknowledge him but quickly turned his attention back to the ballot.
“The last vote …” he stammered, “... is nay.”
With those words, Liam felt like a hand had reached around his throat and started to strangle him.
All glares turned to Neville, who played off his innocence. Chaos and disorder took over the room as members of the council shouted their displeasure at him while he maintained his position with a satisfied smile. That smile only fed into Drake’s anger and disdain for him.
“Motherfucker!” Drake jumped up from his chair, climbed across the table, and lunged at the man who once challenged him - and lost - in a duel. Neville’s chair fell backwards with Drake still taking swings at his face, both men falling into heaps on the floor. The King’s Guards were summoned into the room to quell the violent commotion that had ensued.
Liam’s fate had been sealed by one person: his Judas. The man who moments ago looked him straight in the eyes and assured him he would not do what he just did. The chaos in that room, the betrayal, the thought of having to endure another social season so soon after losing his wife was too much.
Completely dazed, he pushed his chair away from the table and silently walked out.
Liam returned to his office, a shell of himself, and rifled through weeks of paperwork and memos awaiting his return. He wanted to forget what just took place. here was no way in hell he would remarry, and certainly not right now. He ran a hand down his face and grabbed the first file from a stack in front of him, hopeful that if he immersed himself in work, it would take his mind off everything.
It didn’t.
He thumbed through the file momentarily before tossing it back onto his desk. What Neville did was unconscionable and only served to fester his anger. In 29 days, a new social season would start. A new barrage of women would throw themselves at him. He would be expected to plaster on a smile, dine and dance the night away with them, listen to their breakdown of qualities that made them perfect to become his wife - his queen. He would look around a packed ballroom and be constantly reminded that the love of his life was not in attendance, that she was ruthlessly taken away from him, and he would be expected to carry on as if none of it ever mattered.
That was the life he thought he would have before Riley, but she was a game changer. Before her, Liam was prepared to shoulder the duties and responsibilities of the crown, to give up his life to serve Cordonia.
As he stared at the stockpile of paperwork, he processed what the crown had cost him and realized he no longer wanted that duty. He ran a trembling hand through his hair and contemplated his abdication. He believed it was the only course of action left.
He shook his head as he suddenly became aware of the fact his daughter was now next in line, and that was not something he wanted to burden her with. If he gave up the throne, he could serve as King Regent until her 18th birthday, but he couldn’t put her in that position at such a young life. He wanted her to experience life and be able to make that decision for herself when the time came.
As his heart pounded and his breaths became labored, Liam placed both hands on one end of his desk and clenched his jaw before ferociously sweeping his desk clear of everything upon it.
“We have to get out of here.”
Amanda had received a text from Neville following the council meeting that requested she meet with him. After telling one of the maids she had an emergency, she grabbed her purse and phone and left the baby in their care.
Stepping cautiously into a secluded area of the local park, Amanda stretched her neck looking for the man she had met there several times before. The area was surrounded by trees and brush, and it was a place they could discuss their plans without the watchful eye of bystanders or cameras.
Leaning up against a tree, she pulled out her phone to check if he sent another message telling her he was running late. Feeling annoyed by his unusual tardiness and no text, she began absentmindedly pulling pieces of bark from the tree while stewing in her thoughts.
No one knew she was Amalas’ cousin, nor that she was sent there by her to take on the personal assistant job for Riley. Amalas wanted the alliance and marriage pact between her child and that of the then-heavily pregnant Queen of Cordonia. Amanda was to get in her good graces, report updates back to Monterisso, and help influence Riley’s decision to look favorably upon their country.
Liam’s reluctant decision to enter into an alliance with Auvernal changed everything.
A new plan was put in place, one that was never intended to be deadly. Still, Amalas felt it was a small price to pay to get what she wanted. With Riley out of the way, the Black Widow of Monterisso reached out to Neville, whose ruthless reputation was unprecedented. He agreed to host Amanda during a social season he would push for. Amanda would volunteer saying she knew Riley and had been taking care of Ellie since her birth, feeding on Liam’s sympathies and loyalty to his child. If she could marry Liam, she could funnel money, get favor for Monterisso, and force him to break the marriage pact between Bradshaw’s son and Ellie.
The rustling of brush drew Amanda from her thoughts as she looked up to see Neville plowing through, cursing at the tiny branch that smacked his already-battered face.
Amanda scrunched up her face when she took in his black eye and busted lip. “What happened to you?”
Neville pulled out his handkerchief and swiped away the dirt and broken leaves on his brown suede jacket. “Never mind that,” he replied with a growl.
He proceeded to tell her the social season was a go, and that he had already filled a very-pleased Amalas in on the drive over.
“That’s great! So when do we get started?”
Neville dabbed at the sore on his lip and checked his finger to see if there was still blood. Damn that Walker.
“Don’t get too eager just yet, Miss Talbert.”
Amanda furrowed her brow. “Why? Everything is going our way.”
He pulled his handkerchief out again and tried to control the slight bleeding from his lower lip. “Amalas has one more thing she wants you to do before the social season starts. One more thing to ensure her position and standing with Cordonia.”
Amanda averted her eyes from Neville, feeling queasy after he licked the blood from his wound. “What?”
He smiled devilishly. “Kill Princess Eleanor.”
Liam stormed out of his office and yelled for Bastien, trailing behind him, to have the jet ready. He returned to his quarters, not questioning or caring why the maid was caring for Ellieat that moment. He had hit rock bottom and reached a level of misery that he could no longer sustain. His behavior was erratic as he entered his bedroom closet, pulling out two suitcases and plopping them down on the bed.
He grabbed handfuls of clothes as he raced back and forth between the closet and the bed to stuff them inside his luggage. There was only one thing left he knew to do, and that was for he and Ellie to get the hell out of Cordonia.
With sweat pooling around his forehead, he grabbed what was needed from the bathroom and tossed everything inside with his clothes.
“I’m coming, Liam!”
Amanda whipped her gaze back to Neville, shocked by his statement. “She wants me to kill the princess? Absolutely not!”
Neville laughed with amusement. “Silly girl. You act like you have a choice in the matter. With the princess gone, it breaks the marriage pact with Auvernal. Once you are able to seduce the King and secure the next heir, you will convince him an alliance with Monterisso is in Cordonia’s best interest. Besides, it's not the first time you’ve taken out a member of the royal family … the baby should be a breeze compared to poisoning the queen.”
Amanda turned away from Neville. She had followed her role with precision; she had deceived Riley, and she did murder her. Ellie was different. Despite her evil ways, Amanda did care for the baby, and she hoped to fill the mother role in her life.
Neville placed a commanding hand on her shoulder. “Miss Talbert, are we clear?”
Amanda shook Neville’s hand from her shoulder and turned around to face him. “No,” she answered assertively.
He cocked his head and creased his brows. “Did you just tell me ‘no’? Need I remind you who you are dealing with, and what you have already done for her?”
“I don’t care! Ellie is off limits!”
Amanda quickly brushed past Neville. He grabbed her arm and pulled her back. She tried to twist and turn out of his tight grasp, but he wouldn’t release her.
“Let me go!”
She was becoming increasingly panicky by the struggle and his menacing laugh. With one swift kick to his groin, Neville let go of her arm and doubled over in pain. “You are dead, bitch!”
Amanda took off through the thick brush while Neville limped steadily behind her. Everything went in slow motion as she swiped away at the sharp thickets covered by thorns and tattered sticks. Her breathing and heartbeat increased with each step, while tiny cuts from the bristles scraped across the palms of her hands.
Just as she was nearing the edge where a clearing to the park was visible, she felt the painful thud to the back of her skull.
Amanda dropped face down on the ground while blood poured like flows of lava from the open wound.
Neville looked around to see if anyone was nearby before dealing a series of continuous blows with a large, broken branch, to the near-lifeless body that lay at his feet.
Liam stopped what he was doing when he heard the invisible voice.
His eyes darted around the room. Hewanted so badly to believe she was speaking to him.
“I’m losing my mind, Ri! I’m losing my mind!” he wailed while clasping fistfuls of his hair.
Liam’s vision blurred, and he literally felt his blood pump through every vein in his body. His legs wobbled, his hands went numb, and a crushing pressure took over his chest. A sudden knock on the bedroom door caused him to wrench.
“Li! It’s Drake. Let me in, buddy.”
Liam focused on the locked door handle that was jerking wildly as his best friend tried to open it. His body began to sway as the room started to circle around him. He stumbled to the side and placed both palms on the bed to catch his balance.
“Go … away ... Drake!” he yelled weakly.
The doorknob continued to twist, the room continued to spin, his vision became spotty and dark. A cold sweat broke out over his body and sent a shiver down his spine.
“Liam! I’m going to break down the goddamn door! Let me in!”
Liam never heard Drake’s threats. That desperate craving for peace he had longed for finally gave in as he collapsed to the floor.
Neville arched his back and grunted quietly when he finished his climax. He pulled himself out of the woman he had just beaten, removed the condom, and tossed it away from the scene. 
He grabbed Amanda’s phone, stuffed it into his jacket, and checked around him for any incriminating evidence he might leave behind. Once Neville was sure the area was clear, he eased out of the thickets and made his way down the path that led out of the park. There was still one more thing he needed to do.
Bastien was able to break down the bedroom door that Liam had locked.
“Your Majesty!” he shouted and ran to assist his King, who lay on the floor unconscious.
The head guard placed two fingers on Liam’s cold neck and waited impatiently for signs of a pulse. Bastien’s eyes widened in horror and looked to Drake, who hunched beside him. “Call an ambulance, now!”
A park ranger was in the middle of chest compressions on Amanda when emergency technicians arrived on the scene. He moved out of the way and watched helplessly as the young woman he found beaten and exposed in the brush received the first of several shocks by a portable AED device. As it scanned for a pulse, another technician worked to control the bleeding that seeped from her head wound.
“We have a pulse! Let’s go!”
Amanda was strapped to a stretcher and rushed to a nearby awaiting ambulance. As the siren blared and monitors were connected to her chest, the woman’s eyes began to flutter open, much to the surprise of those who worked on her.
Confused by her whereabouts and what was happening, she attempted to speak and lift her head that was already restrained to the stretcher.
“Ma’am, don’t try to move.”
“I … I …” she muttered and tried to gasp for air.
A male EMT looked down into her brown eyes and wiped away the blood that had cascaded into them. Another worker placed a nasal cannula into her nostrils in an effort to deliver supplemental oxygen.
“I … need … Liam.” Her voice was weak but came out assertively.
She could feel the tightening of the blood pressure cuff around her arm and winced in pain. There was so much urgency around her and the pain she felt was unbearable, but there was only one thought on her mind.
As the tip of a sharp needle pierced into the vein of her frail hand, she blinked back tears. She had no idea what had happened nor where she was, but one thing was for certain -- she knew exactly who she was when asked.
“Brooks … Riley Brooks.”
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blackcatkita · 5 years
I was asked by @desiree-0816 and @annekebbphotography what I’m working on and the answer is, a few things (or nothing depending on the day). I’ve got a Ride or Die one-shot, the next chapter of The Consequence of Secrets, several drabbles and this, a Royal Romance one-shot that is a follow up to Love and Honor.
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The cold smile faded from Liam’s face, replaced with a fury Jennifer hadn’t seen since they faced Anton on their wedding night. He leaned forward, towering over the older man. “I saw your inappropriate behavior toward my wife during my previous engagement to Countess Madeleine, Lord Vancouer. I heard the things you said to her,” Liam hissed through clenched teeth. “I may not have been able to react then, but I can now and I assure you, should I see any inclination of untoward advances again, you will not enjoy the consequences.”
The blood drained from Neville’s father’s face, leaving him pale and sickly looking. He took a step back, visibly trembling from the look in Liam’s eyes. “Your Majesty, Sir... I...” he stammered, gulping hard before continuing. “I apologize to both you and Queen Jennifer for any offense my actions may have caused. You see, I had quite a bit to drink that night and I...”
“I am not interested in your excuses,” Liam snarled, stepping forward to counteract the Lord’s attempt to put distance between them. “I am simply informing you that if you come near Jennifer again, you will live to regret it. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Your Majesty.” Lord Richard bowed. “Thank you for your benevolence.”
Liam huffed out a laugh, the sound of it more terrifying than if he had shouted and when he spoke, his voice was dripping with contempt. “You are a vile man, Lord Richard, and it is only the Queen’s wish that I not cause a scene that has kept me from having you removed from court. I will not hesitate to do so if I must but for now, do enjoy the rest of the ball.”  
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Reversed Circumstances
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This is my very first attempt at fan fiction. The idea struck me just a couple of hours ago and I started writing. I have no clue if I’m formatting this the right way. Please reply with any tips or criticisms- just be kind! I don’t know yet if this is a stand-alone or a series or what.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to PB.
Also a quick word of thanks to the fiercely talented writers who inspired me to put this out there. @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @drakewalkerwhipped @burnsoslow @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria and so many others.
Reverse Circumstances
The Royal Palace
Drake Walker was sitting at his second favorite place in the world - the counter of a well-stocked bar. His most favorite place was next to the woman he... he loved — Jenna York, Crowned Princess of Cordonia.
“Love,” he thought. “It’s still so unbelievable that after knowing her her whole life, I can now admit that I love her.”
The thought was one that would typically bring joy to even the grumpiest of men. For Drake, who was in fact the grumpiest of men, joy was one of a million emotions the thought of loving Jenna triggered. There was joy. Fear. A familiar feeling of unworthiness that had plagued Drake for most of his life. And there was another feeling that had worked it’s way in to his stoic, brooding heart: Hope. Hope that she would follow her heart, not her crown. That she wouldn’t choose one of the dozen suitors vying for her heart. That she would choose him.
Before he could let himself truly enjoy the possibility of a future with her, the pleasant chattering of the hundreds of nobles around him grew into a cacophony of “oohs” and “aaahs” and he knew — Jenna was there.
He took one last sip of whiskey, closed his eyes, and took a steadying breath. But the second he turned around that breath, every breath in his body, came whooshing out as he saw her. She was stunning. “Fuck that,” he thought, “she’s always been stunning.”
Tonight she was extraordinary. Her gown was something beyond gold - miners could spend centuries digging and never find anything as brilliant as she was in this dress: a creation almost as beautiful as she. It was a soul-stirring blend of sparkling sequins and soft feathers. The perfect representation of its wearer — a glittery brilliance from afar, but when you have the chance to get close all you can see is a soft, delicate beauty.
Drake had been one of the chosen few who had seen the real Jenna. Truth told, he’d seen more of her than anyone. Not in THAT way (though the thought of being able to see her in that way made him reach for another swig of whiskey). But after twenty-three years of knowing Jenna and twelve months (years, decades, lifetimes) of loving her, he’d seen things others didn’t.
Where others saw a regal sense of confidence, he saw vulnerability. Where others saw power, he saw fragility. Where others saw composure and poise, he had seen passion and a desire to break the mold that centuries of royal blood had constructed for her.
Knowing the moment he’d been dreading and hoping for was coming near, Drake left the safety of the bar and joined the other men vying for Jenna’s hand:
Neville Vancouer, Future Earl of Cormery Isle and the slimiest and most entitled man Drake had ever met. Unfortunately Neville was considered a favorite because his home bordered two countries that had shaky diplomatic relationships with Cordonia. King Constantine, Jenna’s father, hoped a York-Vancouer marriage would strengthen those relationships.
Lord Rashad, Heir to Duchy Domvallier. Drake was never able to figure out the future duke. Rashad was a hard worker, and one of the few members of the court who didn’t rely on his title to get ahead. Another favorite according to the bookies (yes, bookies!) to win Jenna. Thankfully he seemed to have his eye on Hana Lee, Jenna’s college roommate and best friend.
Tariq Abadi, the foreigner. The son of an Saudi billionaire, Tariq was being sponsored by Duke Godfrey of Karlington. Godfrey had no sons. His daughter, Countess Madeleine of Fydelia, was a member of Jenna’s court. Godfrey had spent years trying to get close to the throne. He hoped Tariq’s money and status could tempt the King and his daughter.
Then there was Liam. Liam Richmond came into the competition as the dark horse. He was American, a distant cousin to Bertrand and Maxwell Beaumont. Bertrand was too old to court Jenna, and Maxwell was too... well, Maxwell. So they brought in a ringer - a distant American cousin that Jenna had met during a trip to New York City the year prior. The Beaumonts hoped that that one meeting and Liam’s “Hollywood good looks” would appeal to Jenna’s adventurous side. They weren’t wrong.
Jenna liked Liam, Drake knew that. Drake had grown to like him as well. The two became surprisingly fast friends. Among the things they had in common was that they’d both fallen for Jenna. But Drake prayed that the events of the past two months would induce her to make the one choice no one expected. That she would choose him.
Drake wasn’t a noble. His father was King Constantine’s protector - head of the King’s Guard. Jackson Walker had died years earlier, protecting Constantine from an attack on the throne. After Jackson’s death, Drake’s mother left Cordonia for her family’s ranch in Texas. With Jackson’s sacrifice in mind, King Constantine agreed to take Drake and his younger sister Savannah in as his wards. Through the years, Drake had looked at Jenna as another sister. But when Jenna came back from college in England, everything changed.
Now here he stood, vying for a chance at her hand and her heart. When his... well, when Olivia Nevrakis came to him and offered to sponsor him in the competition, his distaste for all things court-related went out the window and the possibility of a life at Jenna’s side prompted him to agree. He was the dark-horse and a late-comer to the competition, but he’d given it his all.
He often wondered what Olivia’s reason for sponsoring him was, but with all his efforts spent on courting Jenna he decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. “Heh, if Olivia ever heard me refer to her as a horse, she’d probably skewer me with her stiletto and roast me over an open flame,” thought Drake.
So here they all were. And there stood Jenna. More beautiful than he’d ever seen her. There was also a new kind of confidence about her. He wondered if this confidence came with knowing who she was going to choose. Who she would spend her life with.
Jenna, along with the King and Queen, made their way to the center of the ballroom. As the conversation came to an excited halt, Constantine made his way to the microphone.
“On behalf of my lovely wife, Queen Regina, let me please welcome you to the Coronation Ball.” Constantine’s words were met with a cheerful applause. He gave a little cough and the crowd once again became still. “You know why we are all here. The time has come for me to step down from the throne. It is now time for my daughter, the incredible Princess Jenna, to take her place as Jenna, Queen of Cordonia. As our forefathers dictated centuries ago, before Jenna can become Queen, she must choose a King. My darling Jenna, the choice is yours.”
“Here it is,” Drake thought. “This is the moment where my life begins or ends.”
Jenna stepped to the microphone, stopping only to kiss her father on the cheek. And then she spoke. “Thank you all for being here tonight. My life is about to change in so many ways. I love Cordonia more than I can express. I pray that I grow to become the fiercely loyal ruler that my father was before me.” Jenna blushed under her father’s adoring gaze, then continued. “My father could not have ruled over Cordonia as well as he did without my mother by his side. Their love is what kept them going when times were rough, and their love for each other only made their victories more sweet.”
With that, Jenna paused to look each of her suitors in the eye. “Woah,” thought Drake, “was it me, or did she throw me a smile?! Could she really be about to choose me!?”
Drake’s question was about to be answered. “The time has come for me to decide who will stand with me during my reign,” Jenna continued. “I have chosen someone who has not only won my hand, but had won my heart.”
Drake took a look at the other men. Neville looked like he’d already won and was ready for his own coronation. Drake’s fists clenched as he saw that Tariq was very obviously undressing Jenna with his eyes.
Then he saw Liam. Liam had a smile on his face that he recognized all too well. He’d seen it in photos taken of himself with Jenna. He’d felt it on his own face every time Jenna touched him. “He loves her,” thought Drake. “Does she....” Before Drake could finish his thought, Jenna was speaking again.
“So, with no further ado, I choose, for my hand and my heart....”
All at once phones started beeping and buzzing. The blue electric glow of hundreds of screens began to cast an eerie glow on the room. Bastien, Jackson Walker’s protégée and friend, passed his own phone to Constantine and to Jenna.
“No way!!” “He wouldn’t” “The bastard!” Drake heard exclamations bursting out all around him. “There’s no way this is going to end well,” he thought. He began to make his way through the crowd. As everyone turned to look at him, Drake was searching for the only face that mattered.
Jenna looked broken. She faced Drake and his heart shattered. Where just a minute ago there was joy, he only saw anger, betrayal, and heartbreak.
He felt someone grab him and turned to see Bastien. “Drake Walker, you are hear-by banned from the Royal Court. You have twenty minutes to pack your belongings. You will then be taken to the airport where a ticket will be waiting for you. It will take you anywhere you’d like to go.”
“What!?! Bas, NO! The only place I want to go is to see Jenna! I don’t know what this is all about, but I’ve done nothing wrong. I love her!” Bastien stood calmly as Drake yelled and tried to pull away. Without a word, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and showed Drake what everyone else had already seen — a grainy photo of him and... Kiara!!
Kiara was a member of Jenna’s court and claimed to be her friend. A few weeks earlier, during a visit to Applewood Manor, Kiara and snuck into Drake’s room. When he entered later, she jumped out clad only in lingerie and tried to kiss Drake. Disgusted, Drake had tossed her out on her lace-covered ass. “Bas, I can explain! This isn’t what it looks like!”
“I’m sure it isn’t,” Bastien said. “But that doesn’t change the fact that I have orders to follow. I love you like a son, Drake, and I know you love Princess Jenna. The best thing you can do is go willingly. If it’s meant to be, you and Jenna will find your way back to each other.”
“Bullshit, Bastien. I’m going back in. I have to see her.”
Bastien reluctantly loosens his grip and Drake took a step towards the ballroom. Just then he heard Jenna begin to speak again. He picked up his pace and walked through the door just in time to hear Jenna’s voice, smaller than he’d ever heard it, say three words that broke his heart forever:
“I choose Liam.”
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angelasscribbles · 3 years
Savage Love Chapter Chapter 8: Masquerade
Series: Savage Love
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Liam, Riley x Drake
Rating: R
Warnings: Mature themes
Word Count: 5,189
Summary: It's the opening night of the social season. Leo is crown prince and agent Riley Brooks is hot on the trail of the Via Imperii, but will she be able to choose between the crown prince's dashing younger brother and the captain of the king's guard, that both set her body, and her heart, afire?
A/N: I've made Drake a captain in the King's Guard in almost every series I've written. But in every other series he has been undercover, or a member of the covert division of the guard. In this fic, that's not the case, everyone is aware of his position.
My other stuff: Master List.
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I walked into the ballroom on Maxwell’s arm and watched every head turn as we were announced. Murmurs of excitement rippled through the room as a member of a foreign royal house was announced. I wasn’t the only one. There were several princesses from other countries in attendance, as well as the usual assortment of Cordonian duchesses, countesses, and so on. But I was an unexpected one, so it caused a bit of a stir as everyone clamored for a sight of the new girl.
It was exactly what I wanted. Any members of the Via Imperii had to be impressed by me. I would of course investigate every lead no matter what, but getting them to come to me would be even better. I had several suspects in mind already, either in their own right or because their parents were suspects.
Penelope Ebrim. Hana Lee. Madeleine Amaranth. Olivia Nevrakis. Then there were other suspects that weren’t suitors but were present at court, members of the aristocracy like Neville Vancouer and Tariq Lambros.
I waited my turn in line to greet the prince. Maxwell had done his part by spreading the story of the connection Leo and I had allegedly forged in Monterriso. I stepped up and offered him my hand. He dropped a kiss on the back of it and feigned confused intrigue. I removed my mask and anyone watching would have been convinced of his surprised delight. He was really good at this, if he ever decided ruling wasn’t for him, he could have a career in espionage.
I plucked a glass of champagne from a passing waiter as I sashayed away from him and surveyed the room. I spotted Hana with a group of ladies that I quickly identified from their dossiers. Penelope Ebrim, Kiara Theron, and Madeleine Amaranth. Well, that’s two suspects I had yet to meet in one place chatting with another I’d already befriended. Perfect opening. I crossed the room quickly to join the group.
“Hana, darling! There you are! Don’t you look divine tonight? Seriously, smashing! I don’t believe I’ve met your companions.” I turned toward them expectantly. Yes, I had interrupted. No, I didn’t apologize. The trick was to act like you owned whatever room you were in. It’s how one commanded respect in these circles.
Madeleine arched an eyebrow at Hana as she extended her hand to me, “I’m Lady Madeleine Amaranth, so very pleased to meet you. I had no idea that Lady Hana ran in such illustrious circles.” Oh, an ass kisser. Good to know, that could be exploited, but also, she couldn’t be trusted. Ass kissers were always out for themselves and would desert you the minute they found a more illustrious ass to kiss.
“Oh! Ah…we, um, I mean-“ Hana blushed furiously as she stumbled over her words.
“Oh yes, Hana and I go way back.” All the way back to yesterday but this pretentious bitch didn’t need to know that.
Hana recovered her composure and gave me a grateful smile as she introduced her other two companions, “This is Lady Kiara and Lady Penelope. Penelope makes clothes for poodles!”
“Oh, it’s just a hobby, for now anyway, but….” She rambled on for the next ten minutes about poodles and poodle accessories. She missed every social cue from the rest of the group that no one was interested.
Finally Madeleine had enough, “Oh for God’s sakes Penelope! Shut up! No one cares!”
“Oh, ah…I’m so sorry!” Penelope Ebrim was either too far too naïve and, well, for lack of a better word, dimwitted to be part of the Via Imperi or she put on the best act I had ever seen in my career.
“It’s quite alright, darling. I see that you’re very passionate. Now, Lady Kiara, was that French I heard you speaking earlier?” Cue the most boring conversation you can image about her mastery of seven languages. I speak eight, but who’s counting? I also don’t go around making it my entire personality.
I wanted to put her on my suspect list just because I didn’t like her. She was pretentious and ambitious, but those things alone didn’t make her a suspect.
Madeleine, on the other hand, she fit the bill. Both her parents were suspected members and she seemed to think she was above everyone else just by the position she was afforded at birth. That fit the Via Imperii philosophy, that the rich and powerful were better, and worthier, than everyone else.
She complained endlessly about the ‘help’ as she called them, took every opportunity to name drop and humble brag about her money, connections and latest vacation. It really was tedious, but I encouraged it because I needed her to believe I was like minded, just in case she was my way into the Via Imperii.
When Madeleine was whisked off to dance, I extracted myself from the conversation with the rest of the ladies and turned to scan the room as I walked, looking for another target. I almost ran right into Drake.
“Whoa, there, Brooks.” His arms came out to steady me. I looked up at him and felt the air rush out of my body. Fuck he looked good. I had not been prepared for him to look that damn good.
He was in full Cordonian military dress uniform. My eyes raked over his body taking in the long, deep blue frock coat with silver embroidery and silver buttons. Blue and silver, the Cordonian national colors, of course. A silver piece of braided cord, known as an aiguillette adorned one shoulder, while an impressive display of medals graced his chest on the other side. He wore a matching blue peaked cap with the Rys family crest, a lion posed in a fighting stance, on the front.
“Everything ok?” He asked in amusement.
My eyes snapped up to him as I smoothed my face back into haughty heiress mode, “Everything is fine, Captain. Dance with me?”
“You sure? Shouldn’t you be dancing with Leo or a suspect or something?” He was still giving me that amused look. He was too damn pleased with himself.
“I’m sure.” I told him, “This room is filled with men who are intimidated by women of higher rank than them, especially attractive ones.”
He arched an eyebrow at me, “I see, and dancing with a lowly guardsman will make you seem more approachable?”
“Something like that.” I said as he took my hand and led me out onto the dance floor.
“Happy to help.” He smiled down at me as he pulled my body flush against his and led me through the Cordonian Waltz.
“Yes, I can feel that Captain.” I smirked up at him.
He chuckled, “I’m not trying to hide it. You already know the effect you have on me.”
“I do.” I affirmed, “And I like it.”
“Good to know.” He said as he dipped me.
“You’re a good dancer.” I told him.
“Shhhh.” He grinned down at me, “Don’t ruin my reputation. I don’t want people to remember that I can dance.”
“What?” I laughed.
“I don’t generally dance.” He informed me.
“Why not?”
He shrugged, “I just don’t like it, I’m usually on duty anyway, so many reasons…”
“Well thank you for making an exception for me.”
“Making exceptions for you seems to be becoming a habit for me.”
“What do you mean? What exceptions have you made for me?” I asked curiously.
“Getting involved with someone I have a professional relationship with, competing with Liam for a woman, dancing…I mean, that’s three and I’ve barley known you for a week.”
“Hm. So, are you going to tell me what we’re doing tomorrow?”
“I’ll tell you when we get there, Brooks.”
“Alright. Be a tease then.”
His eyes swept down my body, “You’ll know when I’m teasing you.”
I shivered in response to the desire in his eyes, wondering if he’d find an excuse to come by my room again tonight.
When the song ended, I thanked him for the dance and before I’d taken three steps, one of my targets for the night presented himself to me.
“We haven’t been properly introduced, but if you would allow me the pleasure of a dance, I’d like to correct that.”
I gave a dimpled smile and fluttered my eyelashes, “Why certainly, Lord…?”
“Vancouer. Future Earl of Cormery Isle. But you can call me Neville.”
“Nice to meet you, Neville. I’m Lady Riley Brooks of Monterisso, but you can call me Riley.”
“How did you know I was a lord?” He asked as we spun around the dancefloor.
“Oh, it’s in your bearing. Very regal. I can always tell.”
His chest puffed up as a smile spread across his face, “Ah, a lady of discernment. So refreshing. It’s true, isn’t it? Breeding shows itself.”
“Oh yes,” I replied, “Proper breeding.”
“Exactly! I’m always telling people…” He trailed off as he regarded me thoughtfully, “I noticed you dancing with Drake Walker. You do realize he’s not one of us, right?”
“Yes.” I demurred, “I was simply being polite. He is friends with the younger prince, is he not?”
“Yes. Prince Liam has been tainted by the commoner’s influence, I’m afraid. But I am hopeful that his brother will understand the importance of keeping the nobility happy and appeased and his reign will be a prosperous one for all of us.”
If he wasn’t Via Imperii I’d eat my shoes. He had the philosophy down. Elevate and enrich the already elevated and enriched even more. Nobility was in the blood, it made him better than others and more entitled.
He was also vain and susceptible to flattery. He wasn’t bad looking, but he was arrogant, immature and selfish. I’d wager my parents estate that he didn’t have many women lining up to date him. He should be easy enough to manipulate. If he was a member of the Via Imperii, he was my way in.
While I bristled internally at the slight to both Drake and Liam, on the outside, I kept my charming but aloof and arrogant heiress smile pasted on my face. Drake Walker and Liam Rys were both ten times the man Neville Vancouer could ever hope to be. But being undercover was all about swallowing your true thoughts and feelings. And I was good at it. I’d never have been able to take Rico, or any of the others like him, down if I wasn’t.
Instead, I fed his ego and rubbed up against him just slightly enough that he wouldn’t be able to tell if it was on purpose or not. Yes, I use my feminine wiles to advance my cases. I use what the good lord gave me because my body, my ability to flirt and charm, are tools like any other. No, I don’t give my body up to men that I don’t want to. But I sure make them think I might, and the pursuit of sex can be an incredible motivator. Men get stupid when their brains are clouded with lust. And stupid bad guys are my bread and butter.
I had him eating out of my hand by the end of the dance. “Thank you so much for the dance, Neville. I hope to talk to you again soon, but I promised the prince I’d save him a dance.”
“Oh, you will definitely see me again. I’ve decided to stay for the social season.”
“Yes,” he replied as he kissed my hand, “Now that there is finally something worth hanging around for.”
I tittered at him shyly as I withdrew my hand and sashayed away, casting a coy look back over my shoulder. Always leave them wanting more, make them work for it. Make them sloppy and careless so they let secrets slip.
I found Leo and grabbed him, “Dance with me!” I whispered.
“Ok but slow down there double oh seven!” He laughed as we stumbled onto the dance floor, “What’s the rush?”
“I told a suspect that I promised you a dance. I know he’s still watching me. Can’t look like a liar, can I?”
“No, I guess you can’t.” He smiled down at me with humor twinkling in his ocean blue eyes, “Just as long as you know I have no interest in joining your man harem.”
I snorted out a laugh, “Oh God, Leo, you’re so bad!” I smacked him on the shoulder. “And don’t worry, you’re not my type.”
“Really?” He was laughing but managed to a throw a note of mock hurt into it.
“Really.” I smirked up at him, “I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but I have a thing for brunettes, with brown eyes.”
“Oh, I noticed alright! You’ve got those two wound up tighter than I’ve ever seen either of them, and believe me, that’s saying something!”
I tipped my head up to look at him curiously, “You know, I feel like most men would be lecturing me about not hurting their baby brother, but you seem amused…”
His head tipped up to laugh, “Liam’s a big boy, but, since you mentioned it…”
“Oh, no.” I groaned, “Not the ‘what are your intentions’ talk, please!”
“No, no. You may not be aware, but I’m no stranger to casual, or multiple at the same time, flings.”
I gasped in feigned shock, “Really?”
“Ha ha. I know you read my file. But what I am saying is that Liam isn’t like me, or you. He doesn’t really do casual. So yeah, I guess I am saying try not to hurt him, ok? He’s a really good person. Way better than me.”
I let myself consider that seriously. “I think you’re a pretty good person, Leo, just for the record. And I don’t plan to hurt Liam, or anyone else. I’ve been up front about my intentions, or lack thereof. I’m only here for a few months, I’m not looking for anything permanent. I notice you didn’t warn me not to hurt Drake.”
“Drake is a little more worldly than Liam.”
I laughed again, I found myself doing that a lot with Leo. I liked him. We could be friends. His sense of humor was irreverent, like mine. “You mean he’s more of a man whore like you.”
“That’s exactly what I mean.” He said as he spun me.
“One more thing.” I said.
“What about her?” At the mention of her name, his eyes swept the room, looking for her.
My eyes followed his. Olivia was glaring at us from across the room. Oh, boy. “Can I trust her?”
“Yes.” He said without hesitation.
“You know she’s on the suspect list?”
“I’m aware, but there’s no way. I’ve known her since she was four. She’s been my best friend since I was eight. We’re more than royalty to her, more than people who took her in. We’re family. Olivia is nothing if not loyal. She’s fierce and protective of those she loves. She stands up for what’s right, there’s no way she’s a traitor. And she doesn’t buy into the nobility as better than others bullshit either. She cares about her people.” The passion in his voice when he spoke about her struck me. Drake and Liam were both right, Leo was in love.
I nodded, “That’s three votes of confidence.”
He looked at me questioningly.
“Liam and Drake said the same thing, roughly. Minus the being in love with her part.”
“What?” He startled, “I never said-“
“Didn’t have to.” I told him, “It’s in the way you talk about her. Does she know?”
“She knows.” He tried to smile but there was sadness in his eyes.
“Hey, sorry. I know you might not be free to follow your heart at the end of all this.”
His jaw tightened and I felt bad for bringing it up, “I’ll find a way.” He said it so quietly I almost missed it. I believed him.
“Listen, I’ll help you in any way I can, ok?”
He looked back at me in surprise, “Thank you, Riley. I’ll keep that in mind.”
When the dance ended, he bowed to me, brushed a kiss across the back of my hand and flashed that charming, boyish smile before trotting off to sweep another suitor onto the floor.
I turned around and almost ran smack into Olivia. She eyed me up and down and not in a fun, sexy way. I got the feeling she would gut me without a second thought if she needed to.
She extended a hand, “I don’t believe we’ve met yet. I’m-“
I summoned up all my enthusiasm and grabbed her hand as I gushed, “Olivia Nevrakis, I know! Riley Brooks, nice to finally meet you! I’ve heard so much about you!”
Her eyebrows shot up in surprise, which she quickly covered with a haughty expression, “Of course you know who I am. Everyone does.” She sniffed as she patted her hair.
“Oh yes, I was just dancing with Leo, and he couldn’t stop talking about you.” It was sort of true.
Again, surprise shot across her face before she clamped it down. She wasn’t closed off enough to be hiding membership in a secret society. Every emotion she felt flashed across her face. She reigned them in quickly, she might fool the average vapid noble at court, but not me.
Olivia was a palace insider; I could use her insight about the other suitors. About everyone at court, actually. But I’d never gain her trust as long as she saw me as competition.
I pulled Olivia to the side. “Listen. Can I tell you something? But you have to keep it a secret.”
“Why the hell should I keep your secrets?” She sneered at me.
“Because they concern Leo.”
That got her attention. “Whatever it is you think you have with him-“
“There’s nothing between Leo and I.” I said dismissively.
“What?” She looked at me in confusion, “But Max said that-“
I rolled my eyes, “Max got it wrong. Yes, I met Leo in Monterisso, and yes, we got along quite well, but it wasn’t romantic. When the idea of me coming here was presented to my parents, they insisted I come. Good opportunity, public relations, build diplomatic relations with Cordonia blah blah blah. You know how it is.”
“Why on earth would I believe any of that?” Her gaze was one of studied indifference, but underneath, she wanted to believe me.
I leaned in so no one else could hear, “I’m actually interested in someone else.”
She snorted, “Like who?”
I scanned the ballroom and my eyes fell of Liam. “His brother.”
“Really?” She gave me a skeptical look.
“What? Is that so hard to believe? I mean look at him, he’s hot as hell and he’s smart and funny and kind and caring and-“ Damn, I was selling this too well. You’d almost think I did have feelings for him.
“Yeah, yeah,” she waved a hand dismissively, “That doesn’t mean-“
She wasn’t going to believe it just because I said it, I could tell that about her. But this was something I could easily sell, because it was at least partially true.
“He likes me too. Watch.” I pointed to where Liam was standing chatting with a group of nobles, and she turned skeptically in his direction.
I waited until he looked up and caught my eye. I knew he would, he’d been shooting glances in my direction all night. I gave him a sultry smile and a little wave. He did that thing where his whole face lights up and he waved back.
“Well, I’ll be damned.” Olivia breathed out as Liam headed our direction but got waylaid by another group of attention seekers.
“Told you.” I smirked at her in satisfaction.
She turned to give me an appraising look, “Ok, fine. I’ll concede that he seems smitten with you and vice versa. But why on earth would you confide that to me?”
“Because I’d like us to be friends. Liam is important to me and you’re important to Leo. Liam told me so. Who knows? We could be sister in laws someday.” I gave her a smile full of innocence and sincerity.
“Liam said that? About me and Leo?” She gave me a sharp look, but I caught the flash of hope underneath it.
I nodded earnestly, “Oh yes!” He had but even if he hadn’t, Drake had and that was good enough intel for me.
She gave me a long searching look then seemed to come to a decision when she nodded at me and said, “You seem to be slightly more tolerable than these other harpies.”
“So does that mean we’re friends?” I asked hopefully.
“I wouldn’t go that far.” She drained her glass of champagne, “But you could prove useful.”
Liam had finally managed to extricate himself and made it over to us, “Lady Riley, Lady Olivia, you both look lovely this evening.” He greeted us both, but his eyes stayed locked on me.
“This is cute.” Olivia gestured between us, “But you might want to reign in it a little, you’re supposed to be here for Leo.”
I arched an eyebrow at her, “Are you complaining that I’m not chasing after Leo?”
A smile quirked at the corners of her mouth, but she repressed it. “Nope. Just reminding you of proper decorum, that’s all. This has been interesting; I’ll see you around.” She waved over her shoulder as she sauntered away.
“I’ve been stuck networking all night, forced to watch you dance with everyone but me.” Liam gave me a playful pout, “Please, rescue me before I have to dance with another diplomat’s wife!”
“Certainly. I’d love to dance with you, Liam.” He turned out to be an excellent dancer. Maybe the best dance partner I’ve ever had. “Wow. You missed your true calling. Professional ballroom dancer.”
He laughed softly, “I don’t think that’s a real position.”
“Oh, it is!” I assured him, “And you could definitely do it!”
“My dance instructor would be happy to hear that.” He grinned down at me. His grin was so damn adorable. How was it possible to be boyishly adorable and skin meltingly hot at the same time? Seemed unlikely, but there he was, doing it.
“I think you just have natural talent.” I told him.
“You have natural talent.” He said suggestively as he dipped me.
I laughed, “You did seem to enjoy yourself.”
“I always do when I’m with you.”
“Glad to be of service.”
“We better change the subject before I lose all self-control and kiss you right here in front of everyone. How’s the investigation going?”
“It’s going well actually. I think I may have found an in.” I told him as I spun out and back in.
“Oh. Already?” He sounded disappointed. Ah. He didn’t want the case wrapped up too soon.
“Don’t worry, it’s not like I’m expecting an invitation tomorrow. How about you? How’s your night been going?”
“Oh, this ball was dull as dishwater until now. The best part of my day was clearly dinner.”
“Yes, that pasta dish particularly was delicious.”
A surprised laugh burst out of him, “Yes, the food. That’s what I was referring to.”
“What else would you be referring to?” I asked teasingly.
His arms tightened around me as his pupils dilated a little. He was so easy to tease, it was fun. I could make this into a whole hobby.
“You’re dangerous.” He breathed out.
“Hope so,” I quipped, “it’s literally my job to be.”
That drew another laugh out of him, “Not quite what I meant.”
He groaned when the music ended, “I don’t want to let go.”
To be honest, I kind of didn’t want him to. Being in his arms wasn’t a bad feeling by any means. Alas, I had bad guys to catch.
Liam’s eyes never left mine as his lips lingered on the back of my hand while he held onto it a few beats longer than decorum required. The back of my hand had been kissed a lot already but that was the first one that set my skin on fire. I shivered imperceptibly and gave him a genuine smile, one I reserved for people I actually like.
I danced with several more people and circulated around the room making friends with other suitors. I worked the room professionally, taking copious notes in my head, paying attention to who talked to who. Dropping subtle comments that a member of the Via Imperi would pick up on, making myself look like a good recruit, someone already rich and powerful who believed it should stay that way, that only aristocratic interests mattered.
Late into the night I made my way out onto a terrace to find Hana standing at the baluster. “Hana?”
She jumped a little as she turned to face me, “Oh Riley! Hi! What are you doing out here?”
“Same as you probably, taking a break from all that dancing!” I answered as I took up a position next to her, gazing out over the grounds.
“Yeah, the dancing.” She sounded defeated.
“Hey, Hana.” I turned to face her, “What’s wrong?”
“I-“ She wiped a tear away, “Nothing, I shouldn’t-“
“It’s ok.” I told her, “I can tell you don’t really want to be here. I know you just met me, but if you ever want to talk, I promise I’ll listen and whatever you tell me, will stay with me.”
Her face lit up with a smile, “Oh, that’s….thank you, Riley. I appreciate it more than you know.”
“Now I’ve got to get off my feet.” I slid into a seat to rest. Pulling my shoes off, I sighed. “That’s better!” I said wiggling my toes.
Hana dried her face as she giggled, then she joined me at the table and pulled her own shoes off, “This is so freeing! I’ve never seen anyone take their shoes off at one of these formal balls before!” She said in scandalized tone.
I laughed and shook my head, “Hana, I can see I’m going to have to loosen you up. You have to learn to live a little.”
“I think I’d like that.” She replied with real warmth in her voice.
“Me too.” I told her and I actually meant it. Sure, she was a person of interest because of her mother, but she was sweet and genuine and definitely needed someone watching her back amongst the vultures at court. There was no way she was a member of the Via Imperi herself. But her parents couldn’t be ruled out.
“Can I tell you a secret, Riley?”
“Sure Hana.” I responded as I started rubbing the bottoms of my feet.
“I like girls, not boys.”
I laughed, “I know.”
“You do?” She said, surprised, “How?”
“Oh, I can always tell. I like girls and boys.” I told her.
Hana blushed furiously. “Have you been with a lot of women?”
“A few. You?”
“A few.” She giggled.
“Do your parents know?”
“No.” She shook her head sadly, “They want me to make a proper match and marry for position and to advance the family.”
I clamped down my anger, “That’s a crock of shit, Hana. You deserve to be happy.”
She nodded but didn’t quite meet my eyes. I’d seen it before. It wasn’t so much homophobia among the elite as it was their adherence to ‘the order of things’, including marrying daughters off for alliances and to advance social positions like this was still the fucking Middle Ages or something. Even in democracies, you still saw it with the wealthiest families. It’s barbaric is what it is.
“Riley, there you are!” I looked up to find Liam beaming down at me, “I was looking for you. And hello to you too, Lady Hana.”
“Hello Prince Liam.”
“Please, just call me Liam.” He told her as he pulled a chair up next to me and took my foot out of my lap into his own, taking over the job of massaging it. “Here, let me help you with that.”
I lifted my eyes to Hana’s. She quirked an eyebrow at me in amusement. I shrugged.
“Mmm, that feels good, Liam. I was wrong, you didn’t miss your calling as a ballroom dancer. You missed your calling as a professional masseur.”
He laughed softly as he pulled my other foot into his lap, “I’m a man of many talents.”
“I’m beginning to see that.” I teased.
“The ball is winding down, they’re about to start shooing people out. I was wondering if you might want to-“
“Brooks! There you are! Do you wanna-“ Drake stepped out onto the terrace, freezing when he noticed Liam.
“Hey Captain. Come on over, pull up a chair.” I told him as I pulled my feet out of Liam’s lap and sat up straight. I shot another look at Hana who had both hands over her mouth repressing giggles. I shook my head and widened my eyes.
“Yeah, I…I should probably just-“
“It’s ok, Walker, don’t make it weird. I’ll see you tomorrow, right? Liam, thank you for the foot rub and for dinner earlier. I’m exhausted and all I want to do right now is take a hot shower and fall into bed.”
There was no way in hell I could choose between them with both of them right there looking at me. I was drawn to each of them in very different ways and there was nothing in me that was willing to hurt either one. Picking one to take back to my room right in front of the other would do that, I had no doubt. My inability to choose dooming me to a night alone.
“Yeah, I get it.” Drake said, offering me his hand to pull me out of my chair.
“Thank you.” I whispered as I leaned in and brushed a kiss across his cheek. “Can’t wait for tomorrow.”
Then I turned and brushed a quick kiss across Liam’s cheek as well, whispering to him, “Another time?”
He grabbed my hands in his and trailed those fire inducing kisses along the backs of them both. “Count on it.”
The four of us walked back through the ballroom together, then along the hall until we parted ways, Drake and Liam heading for the wing that housed the royal family, Hana and I toward the wing that housed the suitors.
“Well, you’re popular.” Hana giggled.
“Yeah.” I couldn’t help the smile that tugged at my lips, “I like them both. It might be a problem.”
“What about Leo?” She looked at me quizzically.
I shrugged, “You know there are like thirty women here and he can only pick one, right?”
“So why limit our own options?”
A scandalized giggle squeaked out of her. “Riley! You’re the most outrageous person I’ve ever met! And I love it!”
“Thanks. And Hana?”
“I meant what I said about a shower and falling into bed, but you’re welcome to join me if you like.”
She grinned shyly and nodded her head.
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dcbbw · 2 years
Weekend Update
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Hello, hello! Happy Summer, everyone!
I know I have been hit and miss for a long while, so to those of you who are still sticking around hoping and wishing, THANK YOU! It’s been a minute, but I swear, the past three years have been a blur of demands on my time, keeping all the things both personal and professional afloat, and making my life fit around other folks’ schedules and needs.
I’ve also been MIA from Tumblr more often than not; first, I have the ideas and unfinished stories but no motivation. Our little corner of Tumblr is not what it was, and frankly what little free time I have cannot spent on toxicity and hypocrisy. Drama, yes. The others … no. But I miss the friends and fans I have here, all 3.5 of you! 😊 (Hopefully that’s a joke)
So, I’ve been letting my batteries recharge and calling my fucks back home so I can release these numerous ideas onto page/screen and post for your enjoyment.
Below are summaries/synopses of the more pressing stories I want to complete (some are in progress, but not all of them) and send your way, sooner than later:
Daddy Duty: Inspired by @txemrn’s Father’s Day prompt, it’s also the launch of the Little Nobles AU (as if I don’t have enough) where we explore our favorite gang’s childhood, and delve into the lives of their parents (TRR Gang version 1.0) using the lightest of canon and a lot of head canons. So far, my favorite characters are Annabelle Beaumont and Zizi Vancouer (Neville’s mom).
Untitled: We’ve all written that fateful night in Applewood, myself included. But this time, I have a twist (and it isn’t what you’re thinking/expecting). Debating between Smoking Gun and Double Cross for title choice.
Hot Topic: The DC AU gang hang out, eat food, and hold a conversation that covers topics and events such as skin pore care; the death of Vinny Chin; Juneteenth; Riley B. and Drake’s breakup; being POC; Pride; and worry about Riley B.’s latest obsession/fascination: the Jonestown cult.
Babylon (working title): Riley isn’t the only one fascinated by the Jonestown cult, and a story featuring a mix of familiar and original characters is brewing at a rapid rate. Think TRR joins Peoples Temple.  Sorry to disappoint but Liam isn’t the good reverend … Constantine is.
Body Count: Who’s killing the noble women of Cordonia, and why?
Kangaroo Court: It’s Depp vs Heard meeting fandom discourse, #Riam style.
Untarnished Silver: A celebration of King Liam in all his facets by those who love him most. Inspired by #King Liam Appreciation Week
Ready: Fric and Frac are finally ready to make their debut! Their momma isn’t.
Entrepreneur: Yu (the Chinese waitress) seeks Riley’s help to launch her online business; Riley brings along a motley crew of helpers. The King is unamused. Inspired by a TikTok Live and convos with @burnsoslow.
Gonna see what happens this weekend (I have an extra day this weekend), and which story makes it outta my head and onto my blog.
If there’s a particular story from the above list you’d REALLY like to see happen first, let me know in the comments!
Tagging:  @jared2612 @ao719 @burnsoslow @marietrinmimi @merridithsmiscellany-blog @queenjilian @texaskitten30 @glaimtruelovealways @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac @liamxs-world @the-soot-sprite @hopelessromanticmonie @mom2000aggie @cmestrella @iaminlovewithtrr @liamrhysstalker2020​  @neotericthemis​ @twinkleallnight​ @umccall71​ @superharriet​  @busywoman​ @gabesmommie1130​ @tessa-liam​ @phoenixrising308​ @beezm​ @gardeningourmet​ @lovingchoices14​ @foreverethereal123​ @mainstreetreader​ @angelasscribbles​ @lady-calypso​ @emkay512​ @jovialyouthmusic​ @21-wishes​ @princessleac1​ @charlotteg234​ @bbrandy2002​ @queenrileyrose​ @debramcg1106​ @alj4890​
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jovialyouthmusic · 6 years
Sunday six(ish)
Neville and the Devil, a Fairy Story
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This piece was prompted by @sirbeepsalot who issued a challenge to make Neville nicer - or at least find some redeeming feature. Here’s part of my effort - Neville is still nauseating, but in a different way. The whole piece is already posted, but not with my usual name tags. Here is the link 
By the way. IDK if it’s common, but when I was little ‘telling a fairy story’ was another way of saying you are lying.
‘Neville darling – Penelope’s here to play with you!’ Lady Vancouer called her son down from his room where he sat collating his collection of pressed flowers.
‘Coming mother dearest’ Neville tripped down the stairs. He loved playing with Penelope, she was so pretty. He worshipped her, but there was a problem. Penelope acted like a little goody goody when the grown ups were around – and that was when he was happiest. She was sweet and kind and good, and did all the things that little girls should.
But when they were alone, she was horrible. She pulled his wavy brown hair that his mother loved so much, she kicked the little dog that was his beloved pet, and ripped the petals off the flowers in the garden. He desperately wanted her to be good all the time, but every time the grown ups left them together it was the same.
‘Why do you like that little poodle – it’s disgusting’ she said as she crammed her mouth with the biscuits his mother had left out for them, taking the whole plateful ‘All they do is make horrid noises and poo everywhere’ Neville’s eyes filled with tears as she sprayed biscuit crumbs from her mouth. He knew he would be blamed for the mess, but he was determined to improve Penelope’s demeanour and habits.
‘Petal is so adorable, can’t you see, Penelope?’ he said ‘She’s so sweet, she can dance – look!’ He held up his hand and the little dog stood up on its hind legs and pranced around. Penelope rolled her eyes.
‘It’s sickening’ she scoffed ‘you’re such a pansy, Neville.’ She got up and picked a book off the bookcase, throwing it on the floor for the petals he had carefully been pressing to fall out. He scrambled to pick them up and save them, and luckily she ignored his efforts – in the past she had picked them up and crushed them in her hand, laughing as he cried.  
Continue reading here 
@ao719 @agent-bossypants @andy-loves-corgis @sleepwalkingelite @boneandfur @blackcatkita @brightpinkpeppercorn @choicescommunity @darley1101 @drakewalkerrosenberg @debramcg1106 @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @goirishsunshine @gardeningourmet @livingthroughchoices @likethetailofacomet @mrs-nazario @mind-reader1 @ooo-barff-ooo @silviasutton1989 @speedyoperarascalparty @zaffrenotes @missevabean @mrsdrakewalkerblog @cora-nova @missameliep @tanelle83 @endlessly-searching-for-you @jlouise88 @drakenazario @tabithacarlisle @furiousherringoperatortoad @notoriouscs @classylady1234 @wickedgypsymoon @carabeth @choices-fangirl @indiana-jr @indiacater @noey718-blog @katedrakeohd @bobasheebaby @annekebbphotography @kennaxval @sirbeepsalot @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @aworldoffandoms @iplaydrake @drakesensworld @drakewalkerisreal @samcpossum @melodyofgraves
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jovialyouthmusic · 4 years
Throwback Thursday
Neville and the Devil - A Fairy Story
I can’t remember who started this - but way back when, we tried to make Neville Vancouer a sympathetic character, and this is what I came up with
‘Neville darling – Penelope’s here to play with you!’ Lady Vancouer called her son down from his room where he sat collating his collection of pressed flowers.
‘Coming mother dearest’ Neville tripped down the stairs. He loved playing with Penelope, she was so pretty. He worshipped her, but there was a problem. Penelope acted like a little goody goody when the grown ups were around – and that was when he was happiest. She was sweet and kind and good, and did all the things that little girls should.
But when they were alone, she was horrible. She pulled his wavy brown hair that his mother loved so much, she kicked the little dog that was his beloved pet, and ripped the petals off the flowers in the garden. He desperately wanted her to be good all the time, but every time the grown ups left them together it was the same.
‘Why do you like that little poodle – it’s disgusting’ she said as she crammed her mouth with the biscuits his mother had left out for them, taking the whole plateful ‘All they do is make horrid noises and poo everywhere’ Neville’s eyes filled with tears as she sprayed biscuit crumbs from her mouth. He knew he would be blamed for the mess, but he was determined to improve Penelope’s demeanour and habits.
‘Petal is so adorable, can’t you see, Penelope?’ he said ‘She’s so sweet, she can dance – look!’ He held up his hand and the little dog stood up on its hind legs and pranced around. Penelope rolled her eyes.
‘It’s sickening’ she scoffed ‘you’re such a pansy, Neville.’ She got up and picked a book off the bookcase, throwing it on the floor for the petals he had carefully been pressing to fall out. He scrambled to pick then up and save them, and luckily she ignored his efforts – in the past she had picked them up and crushed them in her hand, laughing as he cried.  
‘Please Penelope, don’t be like this.’ He pleaded, but she laughed harshly.
‘Why should I? I’m a Lady, I can do what I like. You should try being naughty, it’s much more fun’ Neville was scandalised at the thought of being deliberately ill-disciplined. He endured her naughtiness for the rest of the afternoon, constantly pleading with her to be good until she got tired of him whining and pulled his hair hard and threatened to throw his little dog into the river.
When she had gone, he endured his mother telling him off for the mess in the playroom.
‘I don’t understand why you’re so naughty when Penelope comes over. Perhaps we should tell her mother not to bring her any more.’ Neville was dismayed.
‘No please mother, don’t do that, I promise to be good’ he pleaded. He still believed that through sheer force of goodness, he could persuade her to change her ways. He longed to press flowers with her, have her laugh when Petal did her tricks, and share biscuits and sweets with him.
‘Very well, I will give you another chance Neville, but if you continue to act like this I will have no choice but to deny you Penelope’s company.’ He hung his head and promised his mother he would try harder.
That night, Neville lay awake in his bed, wishing fervently for a solution to his dilemma.
‘Please please please, let Penelope learn to be good’ he whispered to his teddy bear, squeezing it tight. To his surprise, he saw the toy blink and he dropped it in alarm. He watched in horror as it grew and grew until it was the size of a grown up, and then its features changed and it morphed into a man with red skin, a pointy beard and a strange hairdo that looked like horns.
‘Wh – who are you?’ asked Neville. The stranger smiled
‘I have many names – Beelzebub, Mephistopheles…’ He looked at Neville ‘You’re a bit young to remember those names, so just call me Satan’ He gaped
‘You’re the devil?’ he gasped
‘Yes I am Neville, but I am not as people say I am – I’m not all evil’ he looked sad ‘Just like your little friend’
‘You mean Penelope?’ he asked ‘I don’t understand why she’s so naughty when she’s alone with me’ The devil looked sadder still, shaking his head.
‘It’s such a pity – so pretty, and so bad.’ He looked at Neville. ‘There is a way to change things, you know’ Neville’s eyes grew wide.
‘How? I’d do anything for Penelope, I love her so much’ The devil grinned
‘Anything, Neville?’
‘Anything’ he said vehemently.
‘Very well, then know this – she’s bad because you are good’ Neville gaped at his visitor
‘You mean…’
‘Every time you are bad, she will be good, it’s as simple as that, it’s an unfortunate illness that she has, but you can make her better’
‘Oh’ he said, crestfallen ‘But – but I don’t like being bad’ The stranger frowned.
‘You must do it for Penelope’ he said ‘at the moment she is only bad with you - before long she will misbehave in front of her parents and make them sad. Eventually she will be like that all the time. You are he only one who can save her. Can you do that?’ Neville hung his head and a single tear rolled down his cheek.
‘I truly love her’ he said ‘I’ll try’ The devil smiled triumphantly
‘Good boy Neville’ he said ‘Next time she comes, give it a try’ As Neville watched, the stranger shrank and transformed back into his beloved teddy bear. He looked at it askance and decided not to take it back into bed again, instead leaving it on the floor and choosing another one.
The next time Penelope came to play, he couldn’t help noticing she was rude to her mother, and realised that her condition was getting worse. When they were alone, she reached out for the biscuits, but he snatched the plate away from her, amazed at his boldness. She blinked in surprise, and her eyes filled with tears. He ate them all and put down the empty plate, mortified at his actions, but Penelope started to change. She looked over at his poodle.
‘Can you make Petal do some tricks Neville? I want to see her dance like last time’ He gritted his teeth.  
‘No, it’s boring’ he said, and Penelope burst into tears
‘Why are you so horrid Neville?’ she sobbed. His heart broke and he so wanted to be good, but he knew he had to misbehave for her sake.
That was only the beginning. The devil was exactly right – Penelope became sweeter and more lovely and feminine the more he did the wrong things. He loved her so fervently that his behaviour so dismayed his mother that she disowned him and left him in the care of his father, who didn't care much for him and mostly left him to his own devices.
He had to keep finding ways of being boorish and vile. The thing he found to be most effective was looking down his nose at everyone else, and the worst of his bile was reserved for Drake Walker, the son of the head of the Royal Guard, who lived in the Palace beside the Princess. He poured scorn on him and every time he did, Penelope grew lovelier and better natured. He gave his poodle to her, saying it was a nuisance and he didn’t want it any more, all the time his heart breaking.
Eventually he forgot entirely how to be good and nice, and Penelope remained the sweetest kindest person at the Royal Court. Neville never cuddled the teddy bear that had transformed into the Devil again, putting it on a shelf in a bedroom in a far off wing of the Mansion where he lived and locking the door.
And so it was on the first night of Charlotte’s social season that the odious Neville Vancouer watched Penelope dancing, watery eyed and knowing she would never be his. He loved her with all his heart – although he wasn’t sure if he had a heart any more…
Anyone else want to post an oldie? Tagging both writers and readers
@katedrakeohd @sirbeepsalot @speedyoperarascalparty @bobasheebaby @boneandfur @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @texaskitten30 @nomadics-stuff @fluffyfirewhiskey @ownworldresident @kingliam2019 @kimmiedoo5 @rainbowsinthestorm
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
Two Men and a Baby Part 9A-The Final Part.
This chapter took on a life of itself and is quite long, so I divided it up in two parts again. I will release the second part later today.
I put everything into this chapter, so, I hope it meets your expectations, because it is WILD 😂
The Royal Romance/The Royal Heir
Warning: YOU WILL LAUGH A LOT!! Also, there's profanity.
@gardeningourmet @dcbbw @crookedslimecreatorpasta @moonlightgem7 @katedrakeohd @sirbeepsalot @romanticatheart-posts @carabeth @ladyangel70
I do not own any of these characters...borrowing from Pixleberry.
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[[Read more]]
Post 9A-Finale
He looked at her and uttered, "I'm sorry".
She replied with a soft smile, "I'm not".
Drake closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "but, what about Liam?"
"Drake, my husband never took the time to touch me like you did last night; trust me, I'm not worried about what Liam thinks."
"Yeah, last night sure was crazy."
10 hours earlier....
The press had gotten news of Bertrand's debacle and descended onto the gravel road that led through the Stormholt Vineyards.
Bertrand was still inside and the crews that weren't working the Beaumont Estate standoff were assigned to the Beaumont Zipper-gate send off. Firemen were busy working the jaws-of-life on the roof of the carriage; meanwhile a helicopter life squad was waiting in the air. 
Bertrand was unable to close his legs and crewman concluded this would make it difficult to get him through the door. Once the roof had been lifted off, the helicopter got into position over the carriage.
Penelope had exclusive access to all the action. Being friends with Savannah paid off in this situation. Penelope offered Savannah a ride to the hospital in exchange for moment by moment, upclose coverage.
"Yes folks, Penelope here with all the action. Right now, the medical helicopter is lowering a harness down into the carriage with the assumption, the Duke will be raised out and transported to the emergency room immediately.....this is so awesome, lets watch".
Two fire rescuers climbed inside the carriage and carefully cut the legs of Bertrands pants; they wanted to make access to his "area" a little easier for the flight medics.
"Alright Your Grace, we have to place this harness through your arms and strap it around your chest. We assure you this is very sturdy and you will not fall okay?"
Bertrand nodded, but, didn't speak. He wanted to, but, what was there to say. In just mere moments, he would be lifted out of this carriage and would ascend into the sky, practically naked. He was aware the press was waiting outside. He was also aware that he would be front page news, right next to a damn boar. He closed his eyes and the image of Maxwell was so vivid in his mind. He knew he bought a "pig" yesterday, but, was he really that stupid to mistake it for what it really was, a wild boar. Bertrand concluded, he is.
When Maxwell was 10, he traded Pokemon at school with Neville Vancouer. Neville told Maxwell he had a hamster that he would give Maxwell for his rare holographic shadowless first edition Mewtew, Pokemon card. Neville got the card and Maxwell unknowingly got a rat.  The rat had babies and the infestation was horrific. The vineyards behind the estate were nearly wiped out. Bertrand found one in his bed, just before climbing in, mating with another. When Bertrand brought his first girlfriend home, she left the estate in tears after one jumped on her just before he was getting ready to clear second base. The town was affected, as crops after crops were destroyed. Barthelemy Beaumont paid a heavy price in lawsuits and clean up that year; his families financial troubles began in that moment. It took Maxwell's tell-all book to bring them out of their woes. Bertrand would be appreciative of that fact, if it weren't for him telling people in his book that Bertrand gets bi-monthly Brazilian waxes from a shady massage parlor owned by Duke Godfrey in Krona. That parlor has since been been raided and shut down.
Once the harness was securely in place, life squad gave the signal and Bertrand was slowly liifted upward.
"Hey fellow Cordonians, Penelope here again. I have just gotten word, they are about to lift the Duke out of the carriage. Yes, there he goes...up, up and wow, is his asshole as smooth as a babys bottom. His brother was telling the truth....good job Duke Godfrey and all the former employees of Adelaide's Massage and Dance Parlor. Oh, hold up guys, there seems to be some kind of mechanical trouble. The lift has stopped working....whats that? There's a malfunction?.....okay, so the lift has malfuctioned and they are going to go ahead and proceed on to the hospital with the Duke hanging below. Good luck up there sir, you're little naked butt is flying with the birds now! Okay, I am heading to the hospital now and will update you all as soon as I can. Penelope out!"
Bertrand was such a trooper, because, of course the lift malfunctioned; it would be wrong if it didn't at this point. He was sure that at any moment, the harness would break too and he would simply fall from the sky. With his luck today, he probably would survive though.
Riley, Drake, Olivia and Maxwell were watching the events unfold on TV from the waiting room of the hospital. Maxwell had been released earlier and Drake finally caught up with them. Drake told Riley that Liam was meeting with someone to explain his absence. Savannah had replied to Riley's earlier text, letting her know that Bertrand would be going to the hospital soon. She didn't say why, but, the news in the waiting room was riveting. The press had already gathered outside, awaiting the arrival of Duke Ramsford.
"This is absolutely, the most insane thing I've ever seen." Riley watched in awe.
"Wow, that camera is really not letting up off his asshole." Olivia replied in complete astonishment.
"Well Maxwell, I owe you a hundred smackaroos, I thought you made it up, but, that camera angle doesn't lie. He really does get Brazilian waxes" Drake says as he leans back in his chair with his hands laced behind his head.
"Why would I lie Drake? Beside, you wanna know who else was getting one there?" Maxwell asked. Riley, Olivia and Drake all leaned forward in anticipation. "Who?" Olivia inquired eagerly.
"The Queen Mother", Maxwell said with a slight grin.
"Pfft...no fucking way!" Riley slapped both of  her knees in shock.
"Maxwell, how do you know that? Did you see her there?" Olivia asked sceptically.
"Hell yeah I saw her there, who do you think gave them to her?
All three dropped their jaws simultaneously.
Drake finally rolled his eyes, "you're making this all up Maxwell."
"Did I lie about Bertrand?"
"Well...no...but, this sounds a lot like something Duchess Adelaide would tell."
"I swear Drake, I can prove it."
"She has a tattoo of an apple pie on her left butt cheek with "Connie" written on top of it,"
Riley and Olivia lost it, laughing way too hard and trying to catch their breaths. Olivia even tipped her chair over and fell out of her seat onto the floor
"Well, Maxwell, I don't think any of us are going to look at Regina's butt cheek for proof." Drake scoffed.
"Wait Maxwell, why were you giving the Queen Mother a wax job?" Riley stopped laughing long enough to ask.
"You see, I got tired of Adelaide always hitting on me at these balls and such, so I talked to Madeleine about it. She said if I would help out with her fathers business, she would keep her mother away from me. So, I gave waxes once a week. Saw a lot of girls naked....it was a good gig, until it wasn't", he said with a frown, "but, yeah, Reggie, thats what we called her at the shop, would come in every now and again. She tipped well too"
Olivia scrunched up her nose, "I have no words right now for what you just told us, none."
"What did he tell you?" Liam asked. The group all turned around to see Liam and Bastien walking into the waiting room.
"Liam, why do you have claw marks all over your face?" Riley asked as she stood up to stand by her husband.
He looked over at Drake with a sneer, "I don't know, ask him."
Drake shrugged his shoulders and faked innocence, "I don't believe I know what you're referring to."
"You know damn well what I'm referring to doctor!" He shouted.
Drake started to giggle, while Riley told him to lower his voice, Bartie was sleeping.
"I will not....do you have any idea what I've been through tonight Drake?" he asked.
"No, but, I've a feeling I'm about to find out"
Liam walked dramatically to the middle of the waiting room and began to pace, moving his hands to express himself. "Let me set the scene for you. I had to deliver a baby....."
Riley sighed and interrupted him, "Liam, I told you we will have our own baby, you can't just keeping asking other people for theirs."
Liam looked at her and said, "Zip it" as he did the zipping motion with his hand and mouth.
"Aha, ha, just don't get your dick caught in it, am I right" Maxwell joked.
Olivia grabbed his arm, "not now Maxwell".
Riley crossed her arms in anger and thought to herself, Liam is going to pay for that little comment later.
"Now, where was I, Oh yes, I was forced into delivering a baby.....
Begin Flashback sequence....
"Doctor! Doctor! Wake up" the nurse yelled while slapping his face.
Liam slowly opened his eyes and started to focus on his surroundings."
The nurse told him he passed out and he reached behind his head to rub the bump that was starting to form. He asked where he was and she told him in the delivery room of the hospital. He questioned why he was there and slid his surgical mask down under his chin.
"You're not Dr. House, who are you?" She asked pointedly.
"I'm...I'm King Liam."
"Yeah right, and I'm a Kardashian".
He looked up at her confused, "what's a Kardashian?"
"Nancy, call security, we have a mental patient that must have gotten away."
"No No No, I really am the King, I swear."
"Okay, your majesty, what are you doing in the maternity ward" she asked sarcastically.
"Getting breastmilk from room 20" he stated with a raspy voice.
Liam tried to get up off the floor and run, but, the nurse started to attack him. She sat on top of him clawing at his face while an assistant held his arms down.
Security came in soon after and placed Liam's arms behind his back. As they dragged him out, he kept kicking, thrashing, knocking stuff over and screaming, "TREASON..... TREASON.... TREASON!!!!! I'LL GET ALL OF YOU FOR TREASON!!! Wait, where are you taking me, no, stop, I said stop....in the name of the mother fucking crown, STTTTOOOOPPPPP!!!!!"
He was taken to to the mental health ward. They didn't recognize him or have any missing people on the list, but, at that moment he qualified for admittance.
He was placed in a locked room alone with no furniture or adornments. He stood there with an angry scowl on his face and his arms crossed. Soon after,  two men came in. One had a white pair of pants and a shirt in his hand, the other had a billy club and rubber gloves. The guy with the billy club told him they could either do this the easy way or the hard way. Liam didn't know what "this" was, but, he knew he didn't want to find out. He was instructed to remove his clothes.
"I most certainly will not" he protested.
The guy with the clothes in his hands spoke up, "listen dude, let's just get this over with and we can get you to your room and you'll be able to get a good nights rest, what"dya say?"
"What are you going to do?" Liam asked.
"We need to get you out of those clothes, then do a strip search".
Liam tried to make a run for it, but, both instantly grabbed him.
After this little show of defiance, he was clubbed on the back and fell to the floor, where he began to cry. Bastien quickly came in and explained everything to the orderly's before he was released, with many apologies.
To be continued.....9B will be out later today.
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dcbbw · 6 years
#SofterSideofNeville--Sunday Brunch
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This is my submission for the Softer Side of Neville Writing Game. It is the brainchild of the very funny, very talented @sirbeepsalot. Let her know if you would like to participate in the writing game! I may attempt another entry (smutty), but wanted to see if I could make the man at least relatable first. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please excuse any typos and/or grammatical errors.
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Song Inspiration: I Feel Like I’m Drowning, Two Feet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkVvG4QTO9M
Word Count: 1169
Writer tags: @sirbeepsalot @katedrakeohd @jovialyouthmusic @choicesarehard @ritachacha @tornbetween2loves @bobasheebaby
Tagging: @gennesaret @aworldoffandoms @hopefulmoonobject @simsvetements @cora-nova @carabeth @custaroonie @liamxs-world @lauradowning29 @speedyoperarascalparty @thequeenofcronuts @wickedgypsymoon @timmagicktoad @brightpinkpeppercorn
Liam X Neville, King Liam, Lord Neville
Neville sat in the formal dining room of the Cordonia Society for Fine Gentlemen, sipping his tea with milk and honey as he looked out at the gardens. His eyes skimmed over the beautifully planted rows of flowers, and the perfectly sculptured hedges without seeing them. His phoned pinged, breaking his contemplation. He looked down at the text message:
Where are you? We need to fix this and make things right. I love you. –Shad
Neville put the phone back on the table, face down. His heart was now a jigsaw puzzle comprised of a million pieces, and Rashad thought it could be fixed. You can’t find healing from the one who hurt you. He picked up his teacup again when he saw him striding through the doors; even without his guards, Liam was an imposing sight. Tall, broad shouldered, and more handsome than any man had a right to be. Ahhh, here he comes.
Liam strode to Neville’s table “Lord Vancouer.” His tone was clipped as he took his seat.
“Liam.” Neville signaled for the waiter. “How kind of you to join me for Sunday brunch, although I doubt you will have much of an appetite by the time our talk is finished.”
The waiter approached. “Your Majesty, Your Lordship.”
“We will have a bottle of your finest scotch, please and a bucket of ice.” Liam raised an eyebrow at Neville. It was unlike Neville to drink.
Liam gave a forced smile. “So, Earl Vancouer, how go things on Cormery Isle?”
“The same as always. Almost time to harvest the grapes and olives. We’re expecting another great harvest this season.” Neville looked at Liam, a small smile playing on his lips. “Remember when you would visit with your Father as a child? We would climb the trees and hide while we ate so many of the grapes, we would be miserably full?”
Liam allowed himself a grin at the memory. “And neither of us knew an olive from a grape. We thought we would surprise our Fathers with a fruit salad. They had no idea what to do with a bowl full of bananas, apples, and olives.”
Neville let out a loud laugh, but then his face fell. “I was really sad when you stopped coming over in the summers.”
Liam looked at Neville. “A lot happened. The attempted assassination attack, Leo’s social season, Leo abdicating….” He trailed off as he looked out at the gardens. He faced Neville again.
“What happened to you, Neville? You have been so bitter. You’re looking down on the citizens of our country, you called my wife, the Queen, a commoner wench in full view of everyone, and you challenged Drake to a duel. A duel! He could have been seriously injured.” Liam’s eyes narrowed as he looked at Neville.
“Ha! He could have been injured? So could I!” Neville was silent for a moment. “I did you a favor by challenging him, but you don’t know that yet. As for the rest of your statement, you know I do not look down on people not of noble birth. You’ve been to Cormery….aside from my father and myself, there are no nobles. Yet, our Duchy is open to everyone. As children, we played with the commoners! I courted men and women of not noble birth. Don’t try to paint me with the prejudice brush!”
“Fine. Then what grudge do you have against Drake and your Queen?”
The waiter arrived with the scotch, ice, and two glasses. He began preparations to open and pour, but Liam held up his hand. With a slight smile to the waiter, he told him they would serve themselves. The waiter bowed, and walked away.
Neville’s phone pinged again. He flipped it over to read the text message. Please talk to me. He put the phone back down, and looked at Liam.
“Liam, I know you are in love in Drake. I know about the arrangement you have with your wife: she allows you and Drake to continue your relationship while she continues hers with Lord Beaumont.”
Liam began to protest, but stopped when Neville gently shook his head at him.
“I know, Liam. I promise to be the soul of discretion with this information. But I do have a question. I know you are in love with Drake, but what are your feelings towards the woman you married?”
“I do not see how this in any way answers my question.” Liam’s voice was tense.
Neville poured himself a tumbler full of scotch, offering to pour one for Liam, who declined. “You will.”
Liam mulled his answer over before speaking. “I love Drake with every fiber of my being, and I have since I was 17. I don’t know what I would do without him. My wife is my best friend. I trust them both with my life.”
“Have you noticed any difference in their interactions with each other? Has Lord Beaumont noticed that the Queen is suddenly too busy to make her weekly trips to Ramsford? Have you noticed that Drake seems preoccupied and too busy for you?”
Liam felt his stomach begin to sink but his eyes were blank.
“You really don’t know, do you?” Neville’s eyes were sympathetic.
“Neville, what are you talking about? You’re scaring me.” Liam tried to sound irritated, but Neville heard the trace of nervousness in the King’s voice.
“I’m not scaring you Liam.  You know I’m about to hurt you. You just don’t know how.” Neville calmly poured Liam a tumbler full of scotch. “Take a drink now; it will numb you for a moment.”
Liam looked at Neville uncertainly, then took a healthy swallow.
“Drake Walker, the man you love, has been having an affair with Rashad, the man I love, for the past six months, and carrying on with your wife since the engagement tour.” Neville’s voice was steady, but his hand shook as he picked up his own glass to take a sip of the brown liquid.
Liam’s eyes widened with fear, sadness, doubt. “You must be mistaken! Drake has been working hard with the Royal Council…long hours. He comes home late, that is why he is always tired. My wife knows our arrangement. She wouldn’t break it!  She knows how I feel about Drake. She wouldn’t do that to me!  Whoever told you this lying! Lying!” Tears streaked his face.
With a sympathetic look on his face, Neville raised his glass of scotch to Liam in a mock toast. “Welcome to my hell, friend.”
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