#trr adelaide
kristinamae093 · 1 year
Ghosted - One Step Forward (Chapter Nine)
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Series Summary - Prince Liam fell for Riley Brooks hard and fast. A marriage filled with love and devotion was within his reach. But everything changed when she vanished just before the end of the social season. As everyone voices their concerns regarding her scandalous departure, a confession from an unlikely source turns Liam's world upside down and makes him question everything around him.
Book/Pairing - TRR - Liam x MC (Riley Brooks)
A/N1 - This AU starts right before the beginning of the engagement tour. There is a two-month lapse between the coronation and where we pick up, but we will stray from canon. Please excuse any errors found.
Characters belong to Pixelberry.
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A couple of mornings later, Liam stood beside Madeleine with bright lights blinding his vision. They were arriving at an early interview with an international broadcast team to spread awareness of their upcoming union. They made their announcement of the updated tour a few days prior, and the public was very receptive. Constantine, Regina, Adelaide, and Godfrey all presented a united front for the cameras with Liam and Madeleine; the only one who seemed opposed was Godfrey, who said it was a ‘wasted opportunity’, but still went along with the majority and showed his support. 
Ever since, Liam found himself incredibly uneasy. He knew it was a bold move, but hoped having everyone rally behind him would work to his advantage. So far, he had been correct in his assumption. However, he realized that could easily change at the drop of a dime. The current moment of peace was incredibly unsettling as everyone waited on pins and needles; the fear of the unknown, along with the plethora of endless unanswered questions, ran rampant through his mind. Despite his attempts to portray himself as a strong, dominant leader, he knew those closest to him could see right through the cracks.
Liam met Ray briefly the night before. He and Olivia explained everything they were working on and Liam couldn’t believe so much went by them. Even Olivia expressed the same notion, but they both agreed that having Ray in their corner gave them a sense of relief. Although, the stress of a rebuttal heavily loomed on everyone’s conscience; all they could do was follow the leads they had, and hope for the best.
As they entered the studio, a boisterous voice caught Liam’s attention. They hollered at a few stagehands close by, drawing the attention of everyone around. “Do you not recognize this beautiful face? Let me in, baby doll. I need to get to my brother.” 
The woman shook her head. “I’m sorry, sir, but I can’t let you in without authorization.”
“I’m sure you can make an exception, can’t you?” 
“No, I can’t–” 
“Cummon… I know you know who I am, or who I used to be, anyway…” 
“I apologize, but I can’t just–”
Liam approached and gave the woman a sheepish smile. “My sincerest apologies, but he is with me.” The woman flushed, but nodded and stepped aside.
“My man!” Liam suddenly found himself enveloped in a tight hug, his feet nearly lifting off the floor. “It’s so good to see you, Li.” 
“You as well, but what the hell are you doing here, Leo?” 
Leo flashed a smile as he pulled away. “I got a call from a little bird who said and I quote, ‘your brother needs some kind of emotional reinforcements; please come and assist before his tears stain all of my clothes’.” 
Liam chuckled before he asked, “Liv?” 
Leo nodded. “Yup. She did not give me details, however…” 
“I’ll fill you in as soon as possible, but we have to be careful.”
“Say less. How are you, man?” Leo took in Liam’s tired eyes and slightly slouched posture, and knew he wasn’t doing the best. However, Leo could admit Liam must have stepped up his stoicism game; if Leo didn’t know exactly what to look for, he would be oblivious to Liam’s struggle just like everyone else. 
“I’m fine, Leo.” Leo stared at Liam with a knowing expression. Liam let out a slight huff and emphasized, “I am, I mean – my mind’s racing a million miles an hour at all times with a plethora of what ifs, but…” 
“We need to catch up properly later, brother.” 
“That we do, Leo.” Liam gave him a sad smile before Leo pulled him into another hug. “Thank you for coming. It means a lot, especially now.” 
“I always got you, Li, always.” Leo tightened his grip on Liam. 
The stagehand from before approached the pair and timidly spoke, “Sir? They’re ready for you.”
The brothers stepped away from each other and Leo playfully punched Liam on the arm. “Go get ‘em, tiger.” 
Liam walked away with a small smile and made his way back over to Madeleine. Madeleine made eye contact with Leo; she narrowed her eyes and visibly clenched her jaw, to which Leo smirked and blew her a kiss. 
They ushered Liam and Madeleine around the studio and sat them on a couch in a small, but ornate set. The only other people in the vicinity were the camera crew, Leo and Penelope. Liam was undeniably tense, but knew this was what needed to happen; at least until they could get a solid lead, pointing them to what transpired with Riley. He had no other choice but to conform and show whoever was holding the cards that he was playing along.
After only a few moments, a tall woman with a slender frame appeared and bowed to the pair. “Your Majesties, I am Vivica Whittaker, a lead reporter for the International Gazette. It’s an honor to be here with you.” 
“Thank you, Mrs. Whittaker. We’re thrilled to be here. Aren’t we darling?” Madeleine asked Liam, her face trained in a bright smile.
“Of course,” Liam replied, trying to mimic her elated expression. 
“Let’s get started, shall we? I understand you were on an international engagement tour, but decided at the last minute to stay in Cordonia. Can you explain the thought process behind that?”
“We have decided for the greater good of Cordonia we are going to tour our homeland. International support is important to us, and we plan to go on our intended venture at some point. However, we feel we need strength within our borders first.” Liam answered. 
“We hope that by doing so, the people will see us as the united front that we are.” Madeleine beamed at Liam, the sight causing his breakfast to roll in his stomach. “Cordonia is our number one priority.” 
“How is that going? Are the two of you enjoying your travels?”
“Indeed, we are,” Madeleine claimed. “It’s like living a fairytale every day with Liam. He makes me feel special and valued, like I’m the only woman who’s ever mattered.” 
“What a special connection the two of you must have! Your Majesty, do you have anything to add?” 
“I echo Countess Madeleine’s sentiments,” Liam responded in a flat tone. He wanted to scream his true feelings for all to hear, but kept his intrusive thoughts at bay. He cleared his throat and quickly added, “The sudden changes have gone over well, and we are thankful for that. To our international counterparts, I’d like to once again extend my sincerest apologies, and we hope you’ll consider joining us.”
“How do you balance your work and personal life, sir? I understand the busy life of a monarch, and I’d assume it would be fairly difficult to find the time to spend with your fiancé.” 
“I make it work.” 
“He’s being modest. He continuously blows me away, making sure I know just how much he loves me.” Madeleine reached for Liam’s hand and threaded their fingers together. “I know how much he cares, and that’s all that matters.” 
“You two are couple goals!” Vivica clapped her hands. “But I have to address the — elephant in the room.” She spoke to Liam specifically. “The night of your coronation, you chose a different suitor in front of Countess Madeleine. Can you tell me what was going through your head at that moment, and how it has affected your current relationship?” 
Liam could only stare at the woman before him. The lighting suddenly felt like infrared, beating directly down on his face. Sweat drenched his brow in an instant, and moisture gathered in the palms of his trembling hands. He counted to ten to steady his rapidly thumping heart, swallowed thickly, and responded in the calmest manner he could. “A lot was going through my mind that night and I wasn’t thinking clearly. I didn’t see the answer sitting right in front of me the entire time, and I regret not seeing it for so long…” He trailed off.
Although he hoped it was a vague answer, the truth the statement held momentarily hit Liam like a ton of bricks – because it was true, just in a different context. Until he opened his eyes to the truth, questions about that night were easy to divert; now, it was simply a daily reminder, a constant trigger for his unending guilt. He momentarily let himself get lost in the never-ending sea of things he didn’t do or neglected, further letting this chaos fuel itself.
Madeleine noticed his forlorn expression and babbled to direct attention back to herself. “He’s more than made up for his errors in judgment since then, and I hold no animosity toward him. What kind of woman would that make me if I did, Vivica?”
Vivica looked at Madeleine in awe. “You truly are such a role model. Let me ask what your thoughts are about the scandal against Lady Riley. She was one of the top contenders, some even saying above you before her scandalous departure.”
Liam visibly tensed beside her, but Madeleine straightened her posture and smoothly answered, “We have since moved on from that as well. We truly hope Lady Riley and Lord Tariq are happy, and we thank them for ridding themselves of our court.” 
Madeleine shook her head and studied Liam with tears dancing in her eyes. “I can’t believe she would do such a thing to the people who gave her a life here. She betrayed her future King; he did nothing wrong, all he did was offer her the world. For her to throw it away, throw him away, as if he was irrelevant breaks my heart. But I’m thankful in the end; I’m the one who got to pick up the pieces.” She stroked his cheek, her vacant, calculated stare piercing into his soul.
Liam had to use all of his willpower to force a smile. Her touch felt like slime; it took every ounce of strength not to slap her hand away. He knew she was good, but not this good – if he didn’t know any better, he would believe her, too. 
Vivica peered at them with longing eyes. “I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say I’m glad everything worked out in the end. Where is your next stop on your engagement tour?”
“The next official event is in Portavira. However, tonight I will celebrate our upcoming nuptials with my closest confidants at my bachelorette party.” Madeleine smiled. 
The rest of the interview concluded without incident, nothing exciting or newsworthy; it was mostly Vivica and Madeleine speaking of the wedding arrangements, as well as Madeleine discussing her plans as a future monarch. Liam interacted when appropriate but stayed silent otherwise. Although he carefully kept the appearance that he was listening to the women as they animatedly spoke before him.
When the questions concluded, Liam quickly stood and made his way over to Leo, who was talking to a brunette beside the refreshment table. Liam cleared his throat as he approached, and Leo shooed the woman away. “You didn’t have to do that, Leo.”
“Nah, she was killing my vibe, anyway.” Leo snickered. “Dude, I almost thought you really loved Madeleine. Like, wow. You guys are fucking convincing!”
“Thanks, I guess.” 
A bout of silence overtook the brothers as Leo tried to think of what to say. He remained unsure of what was going on, as they hadn’t received the chance to speak in a private setting. “Hey, Li, did I hear her right? It’s her bachelorette party tonight?”
“Yep.” Liam slightly chuckled. “It’s not funny, but… Olivia has to go.” 
Leo howled with laughter. “What do you mean ‘not funny’?! That’s hilarious!” 
“She doesn’t think so. I believe her exact words were, ‘We’ll see if I make it through the night without making a kabob out of her’.’’ 
“Good. Saves us a lot of trouble.” The brothers shared a small laugh, but another stillness came shortly after. “Li, if the devil is gonna be busy anyway, let’s go do something, man; take your mind off all this bullshit.” 
“I’ll try, but–”
“No, no buts. You need to get out of here for a bit; let your hair down, and try to relax.” 
Liam scoffed. “Relaxing is the last thing I should do right now, Leo. You don’t understand what’s been going on–” 
“Exactly! How can I help if I don’t know what the hell we’re dealing with?”
“You’re… right…” Liam sighed, as he truly considered the offer. “Okay, we’ll do something later.” 
“Way ahead of you, brother. Figured you’d need an escape after a morning of press ops, so I booked us a spa for the afternoon. Even secured enough spaces to bring Max and Drake along.” 
Before Liam could respond, Madeleine’s voice rang out through the nearly deserted studio. “Penelope! Where the hell is my lemonade?!” Both watched Penelope scurry toward Madeleine and timidly offer her the drink. Madeleine took a sip and practically threw it back at her. “What is that?! I asked for sweetened, you imbecile!” 
Penelope shrieked as the cold liquid covered her face and drenched her hair. “I–I–” 
“I–I–” Madeleine mocked. “FIX IT!” she bellowed, causing Penelope to flinch and run away.
Leo scoffed. “Wow.” 
“Tell me about it,” Liam answered. “All day, every fucking day.”
“So we have upgraded ultra cunt to super duper ultra cunt? Free of charge?” 
“Unfortunately, so. This is mild compared to some of the things I’ve witnessed. Once, she made Penelope cut her skirt and put it on the ground so she wouldn’t have to walk through a puddle.” Liam rolled his eyes. “She’s absolutely out of control.” 
“Why’s Penelope letting her treat her that way?” 
Liam shrugged. “I would guess to appease the soon-to-be Queen and try to stay on her good side.” 
“That seems extreme.” 
“If the past couple of weeks have taught me anything, it’s that nobles will go to extreme measures to get what they want…” Liam trailed off, an air of sadness and regret notable in his tone.
Leo clapped Liam on the back, reassuringly squeezing his shoulder. “Come on man; fuck them, fuck the court, let’s go relax.” 
Liam sighed. “Leo, I want to, but I need–” 
“You need to relax for a bit, Li. Spend some time with your brother. Whatever is going on, Olivia is handling. Let her do her thing, and let’s unwind a bit.” 
Liam remained hesitant to agree, but Leo made a valid point. Plus, the thought of being away from everyone telling him how to act and who to be sounded incredibly cathartic. A small smile crept onto his face and he finally answered, “Alright, let’s go.” 
“Bet, I’ll call tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumb.” 
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Liam and Leo met up with Drake and Maxwell a short time later and made their way over to the spa Leo reserved. As they arrived, everyone started in a changing room, where they shed their clothes and wrapped themselves in warm towels. A staff member led them to a big, ornate room with one larger pool in the middle and another smaller one to the side. 
They lowered themselves down into the bigger area, each letting out a content sigh of relief. Liam reached for the tray of drinks that was left for them and passed them around to the group.
Leo sighed as he sat back and took a long swig from his glass. “You know, this cider is still one of the best spirits I’ve tasted – and I’ve sampled a lot.”
“I don’t think being an alcoholic classifies as bragging rights.” Drake retorted. 
“Ha!” Leo howled. “Are you fucking kidding me, Mr. ‘all I drink is whiskey’?”
“Whiskey isn’t just alcohol, it’s art – thank you very much.” 
“It’s alright, but what about literally anything else?” 
“I don’t need a pussy drink to get a buzz,” Drake responded with a shrug. 
“What about my pineapple paradise punch? You love that, right?” Maxwell asked, his expression hopeful.
“Nope, sure don’t. I only drank it last time because you hid all the whiskey, didn’t you?”
Maxwell sank further into the pool. “No……”
“Mm hmmm, bullshit. I’m on to you, Beaumont. I’m lucky I didn’t start my period drinking that frilly shit!” 
“Man, I remember the last time I had that stuff. Well, barely…” Leo recalled as he stared off into space with a crooked smile. 
“Yeah, isn’t that when you got caught with your pants around your ankles behind the staircase at your last Bash?” Liam chimed in as he hid a mischievous grin behind his glass.
Leo’s eyes shot open, his jaw dropping instantaneously. “Dude! You swore you’d never tell!” 
Liam snickered. “I didn’t tell them — you did, right after it happened.” 
“For real?” Leo asked Maxwell and Drake. 
“Oh, yeah.”
“Big time.” 
“Huh…” Leo raised his glass and took a sip. “Well, no shame in my game, I guess.” He said with a shrug. “Needed to rub one out and I couldn’t find a decent selection. It was that, or try to get it up for Maddy.”
“That’s still pretty fuckin’ weird,” Drake responded with a mortified expression. 
“No, what was strange was when he continued even after being caught,” Liam interjected with a shudder. 
“What was I supposed to do?! Put it away?” 
“Uh, yeah… Regina was absolutely mortified.”
Drake downed the contents of his glass in one gulp. He forcefully sat it down next to him and stood. “On that note, I’m gonna hit the cold plunge for a bit; soothe my bones.” 
“Alright, Grandpa.” Leo chided. 
“Fuck you, Rys.” 
“Can I come?” Maxwell asked with a hopeful expression. 
Drake pondered it as he looked from Liam to Leo and sighed before he finally relented. “Fine. But I swear to God – if you say one word about a goddamn peacock–” 
“I won’t!” Maxwell exclaimed as he climbed out and ran toward the smaller pool. Drake reluctantly followed behind, shaking his head and grumbling to himself as he went. 
Liam and Leo laughed at Drake and Maxwell’s antics before a tense silence came over them. Liam submerged himself in the water and lay with his neck against the edge, trying his hardest to let the gentle ripples wash his worries away. Leo racked his brain, trying to calculate how to approach the conversation that brought him here; Olivia gave no information over the phone, but he knew if she was calling, it was something serious. Leo also recognized Liam would not reach out for help; even if he was on fire and needed water, Liam would suffer in silence and shoulder the burden alone. 
Leo was there to ensure that did not happen, no matter what.
Leo drained the contents left in his glass and sat it down before he started, “So… Seems like you’re a little on edge...”
Liam scoffed. “That’s an understatement.” 
“Oh? Anything you want to talk about?” 
Liam sighed and sat up. He kept his gaze on the pool water in front of him as he softly answered. “I just have so many unanswered questions…”
“Riley?” Liam nodded, so Leo continued. “What exactly happened?”
Liam cautiously looked around the room, leaned in, and quietly told Leo everything they knew. He left out the grimy details regarding the maid’s murder, but redacted nothing otherwise. When he finished, Leo stared wide-eyed into the pool in front of him, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. “Wow…”
“Yeah… I can’t wrap my head around everything. I knew something was off, but I let everyone around me convince me I was wrong to feel that way.”
“You mean father?”
Liam nodded with a remorseful expression. “Yes, along with Madeleine, Regina a few times, and not to mention the tabloids. I look back now and wonder how I could have been so stupid, so blind to the truth.” 
“Look, I know how relentless our father can be. How do you think I ended up engaged to Madeleine? I didn’t pick her because I wanted to — I chose her because he made me feel like I had to. He hounded me day and night about it. Again, why do you think I was constantly escaping from Bastien?” 
“I know you understand how he can be. But once again, I feel like I’m being backed into a corner. Even with the alternative route on the tour, we’re still running out of time and we’re no closer to getting answers than before. I know I must marry Madeleine, but how can I even fathom such an idea when there’s a very good possibility someone plotted to put her there?”
“You think that was their goal?”
Liam finally turned his gaze from the pool in front of him to Leo. Leo saw a world of emotions flicker through Liam’s eyes, his bright blue orbs darkening to nearly black. The unending rage he felt flourished; coursing through his body and creating a tidal wave of unaddressed emotions.
“Absolutely. It’s the only theory that makes any kind of sense. Someone removed Riley from the situation and either staged or altered pictures to paint the scene that she left to be with Tariq. Someone blackmailed Olivia to force her away, and she would have been my second choice; Madeleine essentially won by default. In the two months between the coronation and the beginning of the engagement tour, nothing happened because I played right into their bullshit. Once I started asking questions and poking my nose around, they started eliminating loose ends.”
“That makes sense… you said something about a guy you hired?” 
“Yes, but keep that between us. Bastien doesn’t even know his true intentions; nobody does besides a select few I know I can trust. I can’t risk another incident like with the maid; we can’t lose any more leads. He’s checking into the source of the article with Olivia and attempting to locate Tariq and Riley. Until he uncovers something or the forensics comes back, there’s nothing we can do.” Liam quietly answered and turned his gaze back to the pool in front of him, the dark clouds of despair threatening to take over once again.
A silence overcame them as Leo tried to figure out how to respond. However, Liam spoke again before he could. “Leo… the more time that passes, the more I feel like something truly terrible happened that night. There’s no reason for either of them to be completely untraceable. I mean, you know Tariq! The man is practically fucking useless out in the real world! There’s just no way…” He shook his head. “I can’t fathom it. Where did they go? Why hasn’t Bastien been able to find them?”
“Well, Li, you and I both know Bastien is kind of stupid. He didn’t even make running from him that hard, to be honest. That guy has the capabilities of a premature fucking kitten.” 
Despite the seriousness of the situation, Liam slightly laughed. “I know… but I’m hopeful Ray, er, Harold, will find something, anything leading to her whereabouts. I care about locating Tariq, but Leo – I need to see that she’s okay. As much as I hate to think about it, I know someone injured her before she left. That maid told us she was unsteady but seen walking down the hall, so I guess it’s reassuring that nobody carried her out, at least.” He spoke just above a whisper, his tears threatening to flow freely. 
“Liam, I know what kind of pressure you were, and are still under. I understand, more than most. Honestly? I don’t know what I would have done in that situation; it’s an impossible thing that nobody should have to face.” Leo shrugged. “But… the most important thing is you’re doing what needs to be done, and that’s what matters now. We’re going to find them, Li, I just know it.” 
“I… I’m trying to stay hopeful, Leo, I really am…”
Leo nodded with a sad grin before he quietly started again. “Liam… brother to brother… tell me, in all reality, are you going to marry Madeleine?” 
Liam sighed and remained silent for a long while to gather his thoughts. “I–I’m not sure at this point. I don’t want to, but I know it is what’s expected of me.” 
“Who says?”
“Tradition dictates that–”
“Liam, fuck tradition.” Leo interrupted. “You did what you were supposed to do to ascend the throne; from there, it’s your call what happens. I know you want to do right by those who have worn that crown before you, and I get that, I do – but you can pave your own way and do things how you see fit!” 
Liam looked at Leo with a torn expression. He opened his mouth to respond but was silenced when Leo spoke again. “Liam, you are in control here, not anyone else. You can do whatever you want! You don’t have to let our father, or anyone else, dictate what you do. If you want to follow your heart and say fuck it all, there’s not a lot anyone can do to stop you!”
“What if people doubt me? What if the court questions my decision-making? Because as rough as it is to admit, you and I both know Madeleine would make a decent Queen! And they already think I’m unstable because of what happened at my coronation."
“Liam, fuck what people think. You’ve spent your entire life bending over backward for the throne, even when it wasn’t yours to inherit. You’ve never done a single goddamn thing for Liam. I heard stories about you and Riley during the season, and I wish I had been around to see it. I saw pictures of the two of you from the Regatta and I have never seen you so happy. If that happiness is within your reach, I want you to take it. Fuck everyone else.”
Liam didn’t respond, only kept his vision to the pool in front of them. Leo took in Liam’s dejected expression and added. “I also know about a certain clause that could be useful if you were to see fit…” 
Liam sighed. “Trust me, I’m familiar with it. A part of me wants to call off the rest of the tour and the engagement alike, but I know that won’t help us figure out what happened to Riley. I’m convinced someone in the court is responsible, and to disperse them would make this more of a nightmare. For now, I must act as if I truly intend to marry Madeleine. I’m at least trying to project that I’m okay with it, but – you and I both know how she is, especially with a Crown in her sights.”
“Boy, do I.” Leo guffawed. “Listen… I understand why you’re continuing for now, but that doesn’t mean you have to go through with the wedding. You already know what to do to call it off; the only thing stopping you is yourself.” 
“I just hope we can get some answers before I have to decide,” Liam responded with a heavy sigh. 
“I’m sorry, Liam…If I never would have abdicated…”
“If you never would have abdicated, I never would have had a social season, which means I never would have gone to New York and ultimately never met Riley. She’s the greatest gift life has given me… All I can pray for is her safety, wherever she may be,” Liam replied with a sad smile. 
Leo placed a reassuring hand on Liam’s shoulder. “We’re going to figure this out, Liam. I’ll do whatever I can to help you, and I’ll do the absolute most to keep dad off your ass.”
Liam half laughed and pulled Leo into a tight hug. “Thank you, Leo. It means the world that you dropped everything to come here for me.”
“That’s what big brothers are for,” Leo replied as he squeezed Liam tighter, hoping to calm his brothers’ heavy anxieties. He didn’t know what he could truly offer, but regardless, he was going to provide Liam with a sense of grounding; when the weight got to be too much, Leo would be there. 
As Liam and Leo released each other from their embrace, Drake stalked toward them with Maxwell trailing behind. His face was red with exasperation and he walked with his hands balled at his sides, determination in his steps.
“Okay, I’m done entertaining Maxwell. Hope you two had a touching family bonding moment, but it’s over now.” Drake griped as he reached them. 
“Oh, come on! I didn’t even mention peacocks!” Maxwell pleaded. 
“No, but I shouldn’t have to tell you I don’t care how comfortable your nuts feel in your goddamn underwear!”
“They’re ball hammocks! I’m just trying to help you out!”
Liam and Leo shared a laugh at their nonsense. After some extra time at the spa, they agreed to rest and have dinner later. Liam smiled, knowing Madeleine should have already left for her festivities by now, so at least he knew he shouldn’t have to deal with her until morning. However, he couldn’t stop his mind from racing as he wondered how Olivia and Ray were faring, and if they had come across any answers. 
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Olivia bobbed and weaved her way through the mass of people in the high-end lounge hosting Madeleine’s party, Ray not far behind. Although this was the last place she wanted to be, she knew it was time to make her presence known; she was ready to go back into the lion’s den and rejoin the court. 
So far, the search for Riley and Tariq brought no leads. Ray reassured Olivia that he still had places to look, but that only calmed her flourishing uncertainties for so long. On the plus side, he worked his magic and had insurmountable success with the article. 
Ray hacked into multiple accounts and finally landed inside the photographer’s correspondence. The woman was merely a paparazzi and posted everything using a public computer. It was tricky, but he not only found the digital receipt for the bank transfer, but also the initial message requesting service. They offered a hefty payday, as well as detailed instructions for entering the estate and what specific shots would be required; attached at the end was a word-for-word story written out, only missing an author’s name. A comparison showed them the finished product mimicked what they sent word for word. When he tried to look into the sender’s information, Ray could not trace it; firewalls and other encryptions blocked him at every turn. Regardless, he stumbled upon a golden piece of evidence. 
Ray deciphered the receipt and collected the account number of the sender. From there, he transferred the information to a well-trusted associate; someone Olivia had used herself for aid in the past. The goal was to attach a name to said account and then – they would finally have a solid lead. 
Olivia was confident an answer was looming in their near future — it was so close she could practically taste the satisfaction of the victory on her tongue. In the meantime, it was time for her to ‘show her support’ and play pretend, the same as Liam. Olivia and Ray couldn’t think of anything else they could accomplish or uncover in the shadows; it was time to broaden their spectrum and test the waters of the nobility, starting with the other former suitors.  
Olivia approached the table where the ladies were sitting and put her hands on her hips. “What a coincidence running into you here, Countess.” She chided.
Madeleine visibly tensed. “Olivia? What are you doing here?” 
“Surprised to see me? Perhaps that’s because I didn’t receive an invitation to this little soiree.”
Madeleine clenched her jaw as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Can you blame me? Why would I want you here?” 
“Well, first off, let’s not forget who the first choice was...” 
Madeleine’s jaw fell to the floor. “How dare you,” she turned from her usual shade of porcelain to ruby in an instant, her annoyance escalating rapidly.
Olivia smiled warmly. “I didn’t mean it as a slight, my dear Maddy… I’m only stating facts. Regardless, you’re welcome.” She batted her eyelashes with an innocent expression. 
“I owe you nothing,” Madeleine growled with narrowed eyes. “Why don’t you go crawl back to Lythikos and stab a tree, or some other barbaric nonsense that your kind practices?” 
Olivia snickered. “Come on, Maddy, you know as well as I do that it's tradition for all the suitors to attend the engagement festivities. I’m only doing my part...” 
Madeleine rolled her eyes. “Your presence is unappreciated, but noted. You may leave – now.” She emphasized, trying to shoo Olivia away with her hand.
Olivia howled with laughter but stopped as she took in Madeleine’s intent gaze. “Oh, you were serious?” 
Olivia plopped herself down at the booth. “Well, unfortunately for you, I do what I want. Now, what are we talking about, ladies?” 
Madeleine growled and mumbled something under her breath, but Olivia couldn’t make it out. Kiara and Penelope shared hesitant looks, both seeking permission from Madeleine to speak. Olivia ignored their silent conversation as she realized something; even without Riley, they were still missing a suitor. 
“Where’s Hana?”
“Who?” Madeleine answered, avoiding eye contact.  
“Hana… Hana Lee.”
“Oh! Right! Hana!” Madeleine exclaimed after a long moment. “I extended the invitation, but unfortunately, she declined to attend.” 
“Did she say why?” 
“No, she didn’t.” Madeleine eyed Olivia suspiciously. “Why do you care?” 
“I don’t,” Olivia snapped. “I was only making an observation, is all.” 
“Humph.” Madeleine lifted her nose to the sky and crossed her arms, turning her body away from Olivia. The three women quietly spoke amongst themselves, intentionally excluding Olivia; not that she cared. The only reason she was there was because she knew it would be heavily publicized, and true to fashion, the reporters snapping photos of them inside at random moments proved her theory to be correct. Since she was absent from the first few events, she figured jumping in with this ‘intimate gathering’ would show she was going along with the ruse as well. 
Throughout the night, the ladies attempted to put space between themselves and Olivia, but she would promptly follow them. Kiara seemed less off-put, even trying to converse a few times. Penelope, however, wouldn’t even make eye contact, let alone speak to Olivia. In a couple of occurrences, Olivia caught Penelope intently watching her. She quickly averted her gaze, but not before Olivia noticed, and she lost count of how many times it happened. The expression she wore each time piqued Olivia’s interest; equal parts curious and apprehensive. 
The ladies bounced their way around the dancefloor most of the night. Olivia didn’t join, but stood still as a statue close by with Ray not far away, intently watching their every move. At one moment, Ray tapped her shoulder and attempted to tell her something, but Olivia couldn’t hear him over the surrounding commotion. He motioned to a side door and pulled her to it before Olivia could protest; the noble ladies slowly fading from view. 
As they made it outside, Ray studied the area to secure their privacy. “What’s going on?” Olivia tentatively sought. 
“I got the details on that account.” 
“We have a name.” 
Olivia rolled her eyes. “I’m not in the mood for games, Harold. Spit it out.” She snapped, her patience quickly dissipating.
“Penelope Ebrim,” Ray answered with utmost confidence. However, Olivia started laughing, hard enough that tears were forming in the corner of her eyes.
“I’m serious, look.” Ray reiterated, holding his device to her. He showcased a comprehensive report on all incoming and outgoing transactions from their target and started listing them off. “Charity donation, coffee, coffee, dog food, a hefty charge to some online place called ‘American Girl Dolls’, but here, this one –” He pointed to a specific line. “– The date matches, the account numbers match, and it’s the exact amount offered in that correspondence.” 
“Ho-ly shit…” Olivia gasped. Out of everyone who could have been involved, Penelope was the last person she could have suspected. “We have to question her.” 
“Is she here?” 
“Yeah, inside with the others.” 
“Well, what are we waiting for?” 
Olivia nodded, and the two took off into the crowded vicinity. They sped to the area the ladies were in when they left, but there was no sign of them. After checking there, they went back to the booth from before, only to find another party occupying it. They searched the bar, bathrooms, and anywhere else they could think of. After a while, Ray and Olivia decided they were gone and opted to leave and resume their search for Riley, intending to speak with Penelope at a later time. However, as they exited onto the street, they saw someone crawling into a taxi, and upon quick inspection realized it was Penelope. 
“Penelope!” Olivia yelled. She knew Penelope heard her because she suddenly moved quicker. Olivia rushed over to stop the vehicle, but wasn’t fast enough. 
The cab drove away and Olivia could see the back of all three ladies’ heads in the window. Penelope, however, was the only one who glanced through the back windshield and locked eyes with Olivia. She noticed the tears that glistened on Penelope’s cheeks in the dim streetlamp lighting, even from afar; the glistening of her running make-up sparkled as it ran down her face. Olivia wanted to believe the clueless, ditzy, poodle-obsessed Penelope couldn’t have been involved in something of this nature, but all the signs said otherwise. 
The car faded into the night, leaving Olivia and Ray cemented in place on the nearly deserted street. Frustration coursed through both of their veins, as more questions seemed to pile themselves on top of the already unending list.
Regardless, they now had a name and concrete, undeniable evidence that Penelope was involved – she wouldn’t be able to deny knowing something. It wasn’t much, but it was a start to what they hoped would be the end of this never-ending spiral of madness.
All they had to do was get to Penelope and make her talk. Considering the next stop on the tour was Portavira, Olivia knew that opportunity would present itself, and soon. Penelope could run, but once the thunderous hand of her inquisitive monarch was added to the equation, she would have nowhere to hide. 
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Tags (if you'd like to be added or removed, please let me know): @choicesficwriterscreations @ao719 @txemrn @imashybish @queenrileyrose
@kingliam2019 @riseandshinelittleblossom @dcbbw @tessa-liam @amandablink @cordonia-gothqueen @sfb123 @jared2612 @harleybeaumont
@bebepac @charlotteg234 @busywoman
@malblk21 @angelasscribbles
@bascmve01 @iaminlovewithtrr @hopelessromanticmonie
@mysticalfangirl @umccall71 @fuckitweball0000 @differenttyphoonwerewolf
@lovingchoices14 @emersyn-in-cordonia
@karahalloway @aussiegurl1234 @the0afnan @nestledonthaveone @gabesmommie1130
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
One Night in Cordonia Chapter 9: Aftermath
Series: One Night in Cordonia, a @choicesprompts Round Robin Event.
Fandom: TRR with a little OH
Pairings: So many lol. Let's see,,, while Leo and Madeleine are about to be engaged that didn't stop Mads from being with Anton or trying to get with Liam. It also didn't stop Leo from fantasizing about Adelaide. Meanwhile we saw Bastien x Claudius, Bertrand x Drake, Olivia x Max, Olivia x Tobias, and in perhaps the only 'normal' pairing, Liam x Riley.
Word Count: 1,483
Rating: MA
Warnings: lots of mentions of sex
A/N: Thanks to @harleybeaumont for bouncing a couple of ideas with me.
This is the final "wrap-up" chapter. Thanks to the writers that participated in this little endeavor and thanks to all the readers that joined us on the journey! It's been fun and there will be more round robins in the future.
While this concludes our main series, I am hoping for the following one-shots:
Leo x Adelaide @karahalloway
Olivia x Max @alj4890
Olivia x Tobias @jerzwriter
I myself am thinking about doing a little follow-up with Liam x Riley to explore her backstory in this universe (American model, here during Leo's season, with a press secretary, how did that happen?)
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Leo and Liam circulated through the crowd gathered on the front lawn of the Beaumont estate, handing out bottles of water and answering questions as vaguely as possible.
Bertrand stood in a small group asking questions and piecing together what had transpired the night before. The last thing he needed was another damn scandal. It was bad enough that Anna De Luca had published that story speculating that they were broke, all because Maxwell had freaked out over a canceled credit card.
Bertrand had canceled the card to teach his spendthrift brother a lesson, but after years of yelling at him that his extravagant habits were going to break them, Maxwell had assumed that was exactly what had happened. There had been a very public spectacle when his card had gotten declined at the Annual Cordonian Peafowl Convention.
And now his brother was being ridiculous trying to convince him that they possessed some kind of resistance to the shagging smog that had turned their party into an orgy. Preposterous!
“So, you and I and Liam and Leo are all immune!” Max told him.
“What do you mean immune?” He sneered, “That can’t be true!”
“Oh yes,” Constantine assured him, “Exposure makes you immune and that immunity gets passed down to your children! Your father and I attend this party one time…”
As Constantine prattled on, Bertrand’s eyes rose slowly, and reluctantly, to meet Drake’s expressionless gaze. He blanched and stumbled backward knocking over one of the tables full of water bottles.
“…oh, now that I think of it, that was the summer after you were born!” Constantine slapped him on the back with a chuckle, “Never mind! Guess you weren’t immune after all.”
“Oh, thank heavens!” Bertrand was so relieved that he didn’t even care he’d blurted that out loud.
“Well, if you’ll excuse me,” Constantine waved as he strode away, “I really have to be getting back to the palace now.”
“Sir, excuse me,” Maxwell chased after the king as he made his way toward his motorcade.
“Yes, son?”
“About the bash…”
“What about it?”
“Leo said you were going to ban them in the future, but since this wasn’t our fault…I mean…it was an attack and not anything that we did so-“
“Calm down boy!” Constantine guffawed, “I suppose, considering the circumstances, there’s no harm in continuing the bashes, just up the security next time!”
“Yes, sir!” Max almost passed out from relief, “We will, sir!”
Madeline sat in one of the lounge chairs that had been scattered around the lawn, examining her nails studiously as she considered the night before. Justin may have turned out to be a terrorist hell-bent on overthrowing the monarchy, but boy could he shag! Too bad Liam had refused her advances, she’d likely never get another chance at him. For one, she was about to be his sister-in-law, and for two, he seemed quite taken with that American strumpet, Riley Brooks. Dismissing that train of thought, her mind wandered back to Justin, or Anton, or whatever his name was, she wondered if the palace allowed conjugal visits.
Penelope barely remembered her actions, she had already been piss drunk before the shagging smog after all. Still, her question remained. How would they know that they weren’t lesbians unless they tried? She watched Kiara from across the lawn, wondering how to get her best friend to reconsider their relationship.
Oliva yawned as she watched the Cordonian upper crust freaking out about their night of lost inhibitions.
What on earth was wrong with indulging your kinks now and then? Prudes, the lot of them.
Before the attack had happened, she had been about to sneak away with Trystan Thorne, the exiled prince of Drakovia for a little slap and tickle when Jin had appeared demanding to know what she was doing. Not him. She had trussed him up and indulged his little cock and ball torture kink one damn time and now she couldn’t get rid of him.
Thankfully he had already been escorted from the premises. As a former spy for the Auvernese government, he’d been taken in for questioning.
Her eyes lifted to take in Maxwell Beaumont giving her a surreptitious once over. She hated herself a little for the shiver of desire that ran through her. Looking away she decided that she would deal with the younger Lord Beaumont issue later. Right now she had a hot doctor waiting to be tied up.
She quietly slipped away from the group and headed for the armory.
Several days later….
“We have the men responsible in custody, sir,” the young guardsman told him, “Except one, we’re not sure  how he escaped.”
“Thank you, Lieutenant,” Bastien Lykel turned toward the window overlooking the Beaumont’s vineyards, “Call off the search. We should be able to get what we need out of the prisoners currently in the palace cells. We have their leader, Anton Severus. We don’t need the escapee.”
“You’re dismissed, Lieutenant!”
The young officer scurried out of the room that Bastien had turned into a makeshift office as they continued to comb the crime scene for clues.
Not that he needed any. He knew who was behind the attack. And he knew exactly how Claudius had escaped.
The two men stood in the cool night air on the same hill that Claudius had stood on just two nights earlier as he had received his orders from Anton.
Claudius eyed him with deep suspicion, “Why are you letting me go? What’s in it for you?”
“There’s nothing in it for me, other than knowing you’ll be safe from the death sentence this way.”
“Why do you care?”
Bastien grunted, “How can you ask me that? For the sake of what we once were to each other-“
“If you gave a shit about me, you wouldn’t have left the Sons of the Earth! You wouldn’t have joined the enemy!”
“Corondia is not your enemy, and the Sons of the Earth are misguided. Anton Severus is an egomaniac and a narcissist! I joined the King’s Guard to protect my country from people exactly like him!”
“People like me?”
Bastien stepped forward, taking the other man’s head in his hands as he stared into his eyes, “You’re nothing like him! And it’s not too late for you! No one knows you’re affiliated with the Sons! You could leave! You can still live a worthwhile life!”
Claudius knocked the other man’s hands away with a shake of his head, “I don’t believe you, and I don’t forgive you for leaving. This changes nothing!”
He had come for revenge, but he was leaving with renewed angst over his lost love. He gave Bastien one last desperate look before turning and melting into the night.
Every member of the Sons of the Earth that had fallen victim to the shagging smog would be tried and convicted of attempted murder, treason, and actual murder.
On the other side of Cordonia, the Cult of Dionysus had succumbed to the experimental gas that had been meant for the nobility. Their deaths would secure the maximum sentence for the collaborators.
Before he fled into the night, Claudius had willingly given up the distributor of the gas as revenge for giving them the wrong product.
With Anton in custody, Claudius was now the leader of the Sons of the Earth.
He wasn’t sure he was ready. His devotion to the cause wasn’t as strong as it used to be. He’d been focused for so many years on exacting his vengeance on Bastien Lykel for leaving the movement, and him. But after their night of passion, he was no longer sure that he could execute any plan that might hurt his former lover.
Teagan had already abandoned the group citing gross incompetence and mediocre leadership.
When he finally made it back to headquarters, he realized he was working with a third of the original group. One-third were sitting in the palace cells and one-third had walked away along with Teagan.
He was left with green recruits and men that should have retired years ago.
With mixed feelings, he sent them all home, telling them to disperse, lay low and wait to be recalled at some nebulous point in the future.
The Sons of the Earth was officially disbanded. Taken out by a video gamer and fucking shagging smog.
Claudius poured himself a generous helping of Anton’s best whiskey and settled into the plush leather executive chair in Anton’s office. He stared out the window as he wondered what he was supposed to do with his life now.
He pulled out his phone and typed Bastien’s name into Google then zoomed in on a photo of him at the last King’s Guard’s Annual Awards Banquet, looking handsome and distinguished in a well-fitting suit.
His fingers traced over his former lover’s face on the screen as he contemplated his next move.
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Open Heart F/AotW - Sep 24-30, 2023
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🦄= Bisexuality Awareness Week | 🏳️‍🌈= LGBTQIA
"All I Can Think About is Getting You Home" 🎨by @pilitella (C: @blackcatkita)
Our Little Girl ✒️| Bryce Lahela x F!OC - @storyofmychoices
Awkward ✒️Ⓜ️🔥| Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @coffeeheartaddict2
Dangerous Games 3 ✒️Ⓜ️🔥| Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @zealouscanonindeer
Produce-ing a Laugh ✒️| Ethan Ramsey, Tobias Carrick - @jerzwriter
A Solid Strategy ✒️| Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @cariantha
Taking Care of Business ✒️| Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @liaromancewriter
Together ✒️| Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @zealouscanonindeer
Sexy Times 📱Ⓜ️| Sienna Trinh x M!OC - @liaromancewriter
Adelaide's Birthday ✒️| Tobias Carrick x F!MC - @tveitertotwrites
Produce-ing a Laugh ✒️| Ethan Ramsey, Tobias Carrick - @jerzwriterreblogs
Open Heart Drabble ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Ethan x Merida, Bryce x Olivia, Tobias x Casey - @lilyoffandoms
Main CFWC F/AotW List
TRR F/AotW List
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tveitertotwrites · 4 months
😒🔥💐 For all OTPs you'd like to answer for! :)
Hey! Thanks for the questions. From this ask
😒 - Do they get jealous easily? 
I don't think any of them really get jealous. My MC's/OC's have good communication and trust with their LI's. I do think my pairings do have their jealous moments but they take care of it.
🔥 - Who realized they were interested in who first? 
Brooklyn and Thomas (RCD) - Thomas realized he fell in love with her during filming of The Last Duchess (Book 2), whereas Brooklyn realized she fell in love during press of the same film.
Claire and Ethan (OH) - Ethan realized he fell in love first when him and Claire were with Little Ethan (Book 1), whereas Claire realized she fell in love during Miami (also book 1)
Adelaide and Tobias (OH) - Adelaide realized she fell in love first during one of their first visits to donahue's (would be around the end book 1), whereas Tobias realized fell in love with her on a roomie beach trip, which he wasn't invited but just so happened to be at the right place at the right time (I think it would be in between books 1 and 2)
Charlie and Derek (AME) - Derek realized he fell in love with her during beach volleyball (book 1) and Charlie realized she fell in love during the diamond scene where she sees the footage of the main house from when she was at the jury house (book 1).
Liilia and Michael (HSS) - Lillia realized she fell in love first during homecoming (book 1) and Michael realized he fell in love during the winter carnival (book 2)
Olive and Rory (HSS:CA) - Olive and Rory both realized they fell in love doing the play (book 1).
Aspyn and James/Bartender (ROE) - James realized he fell in love during a conversation with Aspen about love (Book 1, Chapter 17). Aspen realized she fell in love during the Captain's Ball (Book 1, Chapter 18).
Briar and Drake (TRR) - Drake realized he fell in love during the first dance (book 1, chapter 2). Briar realized she fell in love when they were walking with each other to the palace (book 1, chapter 6).
💐 - Is one more protective than the other? 
Brooklyn and Thomas (RCD) - Thomas is more protective over Brooklyn. Mostly because of what happened in book 2 and knowing what else happens in the industry.
Claire and Ethan (OH) - Ethan is more protective over Claire, mostly because of the attack in book 2.
Adelaide and Tobias (OH) - Adelaide is more protective over Tobias.
Charlie and Derek (AME) - Charlie is more protective over Derek.
Lillia and Michael (HSS) - Michael is more protective over Lillia
Olive and Rory (HSS: CA) - Olive is more protective than Rory.
Aspen and James (ROE) - James is more protective than Aspen
Briar and Drake (TRR) - Drake is more protective than Briar
Any other questions?
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cadybear420 · 8 months
Masterlist of all my important Choices MCs (and their LIs). (NOTE: List is subject to frequent updates) OLD POST. The proper MC masterlist is here.
Unlinked and uncolored MCs do not have a sprite made for them yet.
You're welcome to ask me questions about any of these MCs! Yes, even the ones that I haven't fleshed out as much yet, it will help me build their characters better.
Anthology Profiles: AKA Singular Profile Braindump Posts for the Series that go through different MCs (eg. HSS, ILS, Untameable, RWB)
HSS: Jordan Price (Prime f!MC), Evie Ayana (OG f!MC), Cher Lee (HSS:CA f!MC)
ILS: Jo Hunter (Woods f!MC), Harper Addison Vance-Fisher (Beneath demigirl!MC), Cedric Zhao (Within m!MC)
MCs with Completed and Thorough Profiles
OG HSS f!MC: Evie Ayana (LI: Aiden Zhou)
MCs with Basic Simple Profiles
ILW m!MC: Cedric Zhao (LI: Jocelyn Wu, but also likes Amalia De Leon)
MCs for stories where I've completed playthroughs with their "official" story routes (links go to images of the MC sprite, profiles still pending)
ILITW f!MC: Jo Hunter (LI: Lucas Thomas, but also likes Andy Kang and Connor Green)
ILB genderfluid demigirl MC: Harper Addison Vance-Fisher (LI: either Tom Sato or Parker Shaw, most likely Tom)
BP f!MC: Cady Asshunter (LI: has trysts with all of them)
TNA f!MC: Eh IDC (LI: White Samuel Dalton)
MCs for stories where their specific story routes are in progress or need a replay (links go to images of the MC sprite, profiles still pending)
HSS Prime f!MC: Jordan Price (LI: ends up with Julian Castillo in OG HSS's prom)
HSS:CA f!MC: Cher Lee (LI: Ajay Bhandari) and her trans m!Twin Bear Lee
ES f!MC: Emilia Harris (LI: undecided)
TRR f!MC: Lew Asshunter (LI: East Asian Liam "Sexy Thicc Man" Rys)
BB trans f!MC Jasmine Yin (LI: White Adrian Raines, Kamilah Sayeed, and Jax Matsuo; can't decide which of them she becomes closest with though)
PM m!MC: [Name Still Pending] (LI: Black f!Hayden Young and Sloane Washington)
AME m!MC: [Name Still Pending] (LI: Probably MacKenzie Harris)
TH:M f!MC: Otto (LI: none, she's had and still somewhat has the hots for Ansel Crane and they have at least one hatefuck hookup)
MAH f!MC: Peggy Stone (LI: White Tyler Woods)
TPA f!MC: Jane Bond (LI: Agent Callum "Booty Galore" Grey, undecided which version)
DLS m!MC: Dick Ryder (LI: Hispanic Charlotte King, or rather "Peg" King)
MCs for stories where I haven't even started their "official" playthrough yet (links go to images of the MC sprite, profiles still pending)
OG HSS m!MC: Alan Parke (LI: either Emma Hawkins, Maria Flores, or both)
OG HSS f!MC: Violet Jones (LI: Michael Harrison)
ES m!MC: BJ Kingsley (LI: Estela Montoya)
PM f!MC: Penny (LI: Probably m!Hayden Young but I'm not sure)
AME f!MC: Jamie MacLeod (LI: Marries Jen Espinoza on the show, but her true love is Carson Stewart and she ends in a threeway poly relationship with them)
ROD f!MC: Adelaide Zhou (LI: Most probably Colt Kaneko)
TH:M m!MC: Bill (LI: Eris Huang)
LOA f!MC: Anjali Bhandari (LI: East Asian!Gabe Ricci, Aislinn Tanaka, and Joaquin Morales)
COP f!MC: Roslyn Rose (LI: m!Trystan Thorne, not sure which version)
MCs I have planned for stories I haven't even touched yet (links go to images of the MC sprite, profiles still pending)
TE f!MC: [Name Still Pending] (LI: Either Beckett Harrington or Griffin Langley)
Alpha m!MC: [Name Still Pending] (LI: East Asian f!Channing Lowe)
Alpha f!MC: Luna (LI: None, she is not interested in Channing and prefers to clap the cheeks of Asher and Markus)
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
Costume Face-off (NSFW)
Pairing: Bastien x Olivia; Liam x Ellie
Word count: 3,284
Warnings: smut, Bastien’s abs
Summary: Beaumont Bash Halloween party and a couples costume bet...
A/N: @stopforamoment sent me the bottom center picture last year and said Baslivia, I promised her and a year later I have fulfilled said promise. I played around with the “prompt” a little. Thanks to @sirbeepsalot for graping and prereading. This is set in the future, 15 months from the beginning, 11 months from opening up about their relationship. Pic # 3 belongs to @metalslimer and @sintwisted, all pictures found on google.
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“Ohmygod, look at that one!” Ellie exclaimed as she scrolled through Pinterest with Olivia.
Olivia rolled her emerald eyes. “That’s nothing.”
“Yea, Okay Liv, but we both know we’d never get the guys to agree to something like this. She kept scrolling through. “I mean they are fun, Mario and Princess Peach, Oh. My. God! Look at Jessica and Roger Rabbit!” She scrolled down further, blue eyes going wide. “I take it back! This Roger Rabbit and Jessica, look at her she’s freaking ripped! How the hell did these women talk these men into their costumes?!” Olivia arched her brow knowingly. “Ummm yea, that, but really that won’t here.” She pointed at a picture of seven guys all dressed as different Disney Princesses. “I mean…”
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“You underestimate yourself if you don’t think you could get Liam in one of these.”
“Okay Liv, you really could get Bastien to agree to something like this.”
“I could, and I guarantee it would blow anything you and Liam came up with out of the water.”
“Of course you would make it a bet.”
“Does that mean you don’t accept the challenge?”
“Oh no, you’re on, best gender swap costume wins, the loser has to wear the losing costume to brunch the next morning and pay.”
“You’re on, and so going down. A Nevrakis never loses.”
Olivia pulled her long crimson hair back into a low bun, her eyes trailing down the rest of her costume in the bathroom mirror. Perfect. She smirked at her reflection, as she gently brushed her hand over the small bump visible in her tight white v neck. She turned to look at the shirt she discarded, still hanging on the hanger. No more crop tops for now. She grabbed her belt, adding the final touch. “You might want to cover your ears, Papa isn’t gonna be thrilled when he sees his costume.” As if on cue she heard the door to their suite open and shut. Even retired, he refused to give up on security, always double checking to ensure everything was secure. “Your costume is on the bed.” She gave herself one last cursory glance, straightening her black vest, before exiting the en-suite.
She stifled a chuckle as she saw him standing at the end of the bed holding the thin maroon material in his hand. She knew this wasn’t what he was expecting when she suggested they go as Han Solo and Slave Leia, she was certain of that by the way he had said yes before the entire suggestion left her lips. She was sure he had visions of her dressed in the barely there bikini, while he was a dashing Han Solo. Think again, I have a bet to win.
Bastien turned, a perplexed look on his face. “What’s this?”
“Your costume, like I said.”
“Livvy, you can’t actually expect me to wear this.” He looked up, eyes slowly trailing up her body. He took in her black knee high boots, skin tight blue jeans, white v neck, black vest. She isn’t kidding. “I can’t wear this.” He shook his head in dismay. There isn’t enough fabric to cover me.
She smirked as she crossed the room to him. “Sure you can.” She unbuttoned his dress shirt. “You certainly have the body for it.” She traced her hands down his firm chest and impressive twelve pack for emphasis.
He shivered under her touch. Don’t give in. “This won’t conceal much, if anything.” He held up the sheer maroon loin cloth.
“Relax, I got you a banana hammock.” She gestured to the small flesh colored material on the bed, sitting next to his collar and chain.
He looked at the barely there undergarment that more resembled dental floss than actual underwear with a grimace. Banana hammock? It’s a g-string! He knew she was only calling the flesh colored scrap of fabric by that name as a means to tease him for his dislike of bananas.
She teased her finger along the waistband of his pants, smiling as he sucked in a sharp breath. “I don’t beg...” Her fingers undid his buckle. “...but I’d be willing to get on my knees.” She winked, pulling down his zipper. She sank to the floor, settling on her knees before she pulled his pants and boxer briefs down, releasing his half hard cock.
He groaned as she wrapped her hand around his length, pumping it in slow, smooth strokes. She smiled as she watched him react to her ministrations, his cock becoming fully hard in a matter of seconds.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be the hottest Leia they’ve ever seen.” She continued to slide her slender hand up and down his thick shaft, feeling heat pool in her core. Later. “You have such a spectacular body; it would be a shame to not show it off.”
“You’re just saying that to get me to…” His words trailed off as she wrapped her plush red lips around his swollen head. His hand gripped the back of her head, steely eyes locked on emerald as he gently bucked into her mouth. “Fuck Livvy.”
She bobbed her head up and down his length, her tongue swirling around his shaft. She gripped his firm buttock with her other hand, giving it a hard squeeze.
He moaned, one of the things he fell in love with was her ability to take charge. He watched as his thick length disappeared into her mouth again and again. His mind swirled; he knew the second he saw his costume he didn’t really have a choice. She doesn’t play fair.
God she’s a goddess with her mouth. He felt his balls tighten and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. “Livvy.”
She nodded her head, her hand cupping his balls, rolling them in her hand. She hollowed her cheeks, creating suction as she increased her pace.
He fisted her bun as he bucked into her mouth. His eyes remained locked on hers as he came with a groan, spilling down her throat. He softened the hold on her hair as he watched her swallow every drop.
Olivia eased up her pace, gently licking his softening cock clean before releasing it from her mouth. She rose to her feet, wiping the corners of her mouth. “I still think you can pull it off.”
“It was never a question of could… it was more should.”
“You should always show off your impressive physique.”
Bastien laughed shaking his head. God I love this woman.
“So you’ll wear it?”
He looked at the costume in question, knowing it was too late to change costumes. “It’s not like I have another option.”
“Very true.”
“You know you didn’t have to…”
“I know.” She smiled trailing her hand down his bare chest. “I could help you make sure everything is put away.” She licked her lips suggestively.
He forced himself to focus on anything other than her soft hands ‘helping’ him conceal himself in the small undergarment. He knew what would happen the instant her hands were on his body again. God she’s more insatiable than ever. “Thank you for the offer, but we both know that we’ll never leave the room if you do.”
She bit her lip as she hummed her agreement. “You’re absolutely correct.” Her heated gaze scanned his chest, taking in the toned tanned muscle covered in dark chest hair. She felt the heat in her grow. “Go get dressed before I change my mind about going to the party.”
He chuckled as he picked up the small pieces of his costume. He’d much rather stay in the room all night wrapped in her arms, but if he knew one thing about his wife, it was she chose this costume for a reason, one he wouldn’t find out if they were a tangle of sweaty limbs all night. I’ll just have to persuade her to come back early.
Olivia nervously toyed with her rings with the pad of her thumb. Large cushion cut emerald and simple platinum band, the perfect mix of him and her, past and present. She smiled as he squeezed her right hand in his, his ability to understand her only growing over the course of their relationship.
“Don’t be nervous.”
“I’m a Nevrakis, we don’t get nervous.” Her voice falling flat, belying her feelings. She turned to look at him. “So few know…” Her hand grazed her visible bump.
“No one will notice, they will be stunned speechless by my costume.”
Olivia chuckled. “Blinded by your impressive abs.” She’d picked the costume before finding out, now she was even more glad she went so extreme to show Ellie and Liam up. Her emerald eyes scanned the front room as they descended the grand staircase. Now where are Ellie and Liam so we can win this bet?
She slipped her hand from his, sliding it around to his backside giving it a hard squeeze as they weaved through the crowd. He removed her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. “If you keep that up, we will have a wardrobe malfunction on our hands.”
“I’d rather not make Adelaide’s night, I’ll behave.” For now.
Adelaide bit her lip as Bastien caught her eye. She allowed her gaze to shamelessly roam his exposed form, her eyes slowly raked down his sculpted chest and abs. What I wouldn’t give to lick them. She shivered slightly as she allowed herself to imagine his chest hair brushing against her erect nipples as she ravished him. Why do all the young men of Cordonia believe a woman wants a smooth chest? A real woman wants a real man; rugged, buff, with hair on his chest. She tilted her head slightly to the side as she reached the sheer maroon fabric. Covered, what a pity. She licked her thin lips as she allowed her mind to wander. She could tell by the barely concealed bulge that he would be a sight to behold. Is it all length or does he have girth too? A shiver ran down her spine as she allowed herself to imagine his large hands manhandling her. She shook her head sadly before draining her glass of champagne. Another opportunity missed. She turned going off in search of another glass of champagne, there was no point in trying to speak to him, she knew Olivia had her claws in far too deep to let him venture off alone looking like that.
Drake’s chestnut eyes went wide and he quickly averted his gaze as Bastien and Olivia joined them. He nervously cleared his throat as he struggled to erase the image of Bastien from his mind. “I love you Bas, but I didn’t need to see so much of you.”
“Admit it Walker, you're just jealous you won't look this good in a decade.” Olivia looked Drake up and down, fighting back a chortle at his stay puff marshmallow costume. “Or ever.”
Drake went to run his hand through his hair forgetting the ridiculous hat on his head. Stupid costume! Next time I’m not letting Ellie pick what I dress as.
"Drake, it's no different than when we do laps."
"Really Bas? It’s a huge difference. I mean that's a speedo. This is…” His words trailed off as he reluctantly looked over Bastien’s costume. “I don't know what it is, but it’s not a speedo!"
“Drake, it really is no different.” Ellie stated. “I’m impressed Liv, getting Bas to show off his impressive form, he will be the talk of court for weeks to come.”
“Excuse me my queen?” Liam asked looping his arm around her waist.
“Relax Li, I’m just saying he has an impressive body and I’ve noticed several party goers checking him out as well.”
Olivia smiled, Ellie and Liam’s costume was so perfectly them, but she and Bastien had clearly won. Ellie wore a royal blue waistcoat, cut low almost like a corset and trimmed in gold. Her black locks were mostly down with two pigtails at the front of her head twisted to form horns, she wore minimal face paint, just a nose and a bit of lines to give the appearance of fur, but not too much as to conceal her identity. She nearly laughed at Liam’s long wavy wig. Instead of a dress he’d opted for a gold tailcoat and matching pants, complete with ruffles at the sleeves and collar. Both costumes were well made, clearly professionally made just for the royal couple, yet the idea wasn’t inventive enough. “Liam, I assure you, you have nothing to worry about, your queen only has eyes for you. But I just need to know, what do you think of Bastien’s costume?”
Liam easily slipped into his kingly persona. “Your concept is certainly... forward thinking”
Ellie and Olivia snorted at his polite answer. Even among friends he found it hard to be harsh.
Maxwell danced up to his friends, Olivia lost it at the sight of his gold lamé parachute pants, airbrushed tee and red, white, and blue jacket, topped off with thick gold chain. “Dare I ask who you’re supposed to be Maxwell?”
Maxwell clutched his hand to his chest as he feigned hurt. “Olivia, how could you not recognize Vanilla Ice?” She raised her brow in question. “He’s a rapper, you know ‘ice ice baby. He’s from the nineties...” He trailed off as his brilliant blue eyes fell on Bastien. “Be honest, do you think I could pull that off? I think I could pull it off.” Maxwell rambled to himself. “OMG WE CAN BE TWINS NEXT TIME!" He screamed excitedly.
The group erupted in laughter.
“It’s not that funny guys.” Maxwell pouted deflating ever so slightly.
“Lord Maxwell, I wanted to thank you for implementing the no mask or full face paint rule for costumes.” Bastien said, glancing at the nearby faces.
Maxwell nodded, he’d originally been upset by Bastien suggestion. He soon remembered how badly he’d taken finding out Justin wasn’t who he thought, especially after getting in trouble with Ellie for the cronut incident.
“Bas, you no longer have to use formalities, we are all friends here.” Liam stated.
“Sorry sir, force of habit.” Bastien replied to a chorus of new laughter.
Savannah rolled her eyes as Bastien and Olivia joined their group. Could she have picked a tackier costume? “Olivia, for a woman who was born into nobility and raised in the palace, you sure lack taste.” She wrinkled her nose at Bastien’s costume. “As Duke and Duchess shouldn’t you have less revealing costumes?” If you could call it that. I’ve seen more fabric on Penelope’s poodles.
“I have more taste in my pinky finger than you have in your entire body. You’re just jealous that your husband couldn’t pull this costume off in a hundred years.”
Savannah eyed Olivia up and down, eyes widening slightly as she opened her mouth to speak.
Oh no bitch, you don’t get to announce it. “You want to talk about taste and class, yet we both know you have none. Why else would you run off to another country when the father of your child turned you down?”
Savannah gaped at Olivia, stunned speechless by her words.
“You may have married a Duke and gained a title, but I assure you, you’ll never be worthy of the title you bear. I mean, all it took was a ring and you forgot everyone who was there for you.”
Savannah felt steam leave her ears. “What is that supposed to mean?!”
“It means your guest list seemed to be missing a key person in your life growing up. But I guess since you take after your mother that’s to be expected.”
“I seem to remember your own guest list forgetting a house.”
Olivia feigned a frown. She didn’t forget, maybe it was petty but she knew Savannah would feel slighted the way Bastien had. “I distinctly remember extending an invitation to every house. I even believe I sent two separate invitations to Ramsford.”
Savannah seethed, her hands curled into fists. “Lord and Duke of Ramsford, what about the Duchess?”
“Oh dear, must have slipped my mind like a certain invitation slipped yours. Not that it stopped you from showing. Bertrand really does need to revisit etiquette lessons with you; it’s very rude to show up to an event uninvited.”
“It’s not like you didn’t have enough food.”
“That’s because a good hostess is always prepared, even for the uninvited guest that may show up.” Olivia smirked at Savannah’s obvious anger. “But really I’m not sure what Bertrand was thinking when he married you.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?!” Savannah growled, she was sick of Olivia’s attitude towards her, she’d put up with it all her life, not anymore.
“I mean, after the stunt you pulled leaving the country with his child, taking money from his house, that the last thing he should have given you was a ring and a title. If it had been me I would have taken custody of the child.”
Savannah took a step forward. She’d spent her entire life trying to live up to the other nobles, now she was one, she refused to allow Olivia to disrespect her in her own house.
“Savannah!” Bertrand grabbed Savannah by the wrist, pulling her back to his side. “You will not attack a member of one of the oldest houses and tarnish the House of Beaumont.”
Savannah let out an annoyed scream. Of course he’s more worried about the status of the family than his own wife. “Fine.” She straightened, hands brushing the sides of her plain blue regency inspired costume. She spun before she stalked off, steam leaving her ears.
Neville felt his face grow hot with rage. The indignity! He straightened the jacket of his perfect recreation of his ancestral costume, the very first Earl of Cormery Isle, a man to be feared and respected. He’d stood idly by long enough watching nobles of so called higher houses make a mockery of his country by choosing so called love over duty to country and picking commoners.
He stalked up to the small group, his dark eyes alight with anger. “Duchess Olivia.” He sneered. “You and your husband,” the word fell from his tongue like acid, “are making a mockery of this party.”
Of course he would find himself important enough to interrupt his betters. “There are horses inside, I guarantee you this party was a ‘mockery’ well before it started.” Olivia turned her back towards Neville, signifying she was done speaking to him.
Bastien wrapped his arm around her back. “She means no offense Maxwell.”
Maxwell bounced on the balls of his feet like a small excitable child. “It wouldn’t be a Beaumont Bash if it weren’t a mockery.” He turned to the party, raising his hands in the air. “Let the revelry continue!”
Olivia rolled her eyes as Maxwell danced away being swallowed into the screaming crowd. She turned to Bastien, standing on her tiptoes to reach his ear, she ran her hand up and down his arm, her hot breath fanning against his neck as she spoke. “We’ve been thoroughly seen and you’ve been ogled by more than half the people here. Let’s get back to our room.”
He took her hand in his, eager to  get out of the costume. He still had one question, one that he had hoped to have had answered over the course of the night. “Why this costume?”
“There may have been a bet but, don’t worry, we won.”
A bet?! His eyes went wide at her admission. “You soo owe me.”
“Don’t worry, there might be a small gold bikini waiting for you in Lythikos…”
Let me know if you want on or off the taglist.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters, I’m just borrowing them from PB.
Feedback fuels me, please like, comment or reblog to let me know how much you like it. I can handle the screams, so scream away.
Masterlist can be found in my bio.
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Sent by @biglenny93
'I wanna attend a party co-hosted by Party!Twin from RoE, Adelaide, and Tillie. Let the taps flow, people!'
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andthatisnotfake · 6 years
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Well, you did ask.
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karahalloway · 1 year
One Night in Cordonia Chapter 5: Bad Moon Rising
Series: One Night in Cordonia, a @choicesprompts Round Robin event.
Fandom: TRR so far, but others could be added in
Pairings: Various
Word count: 1,700
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Swearing, sexual thoughts, unwanted sexual advances, unwanted sexual scenes, smidge of violence
A/N: So... I got hit with a random idea... and I rolled with it 🤣 Apologies in advance! Also, as you will see, I have assumed that Leo is still the Crown Prince at this point - though that doesn't stop Riley from being one of the suitors still.
Next author: @twinkleallnight
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The crown prince of Cordonia stood near the chocolate fountain nervously adjusting his tie.
The object of his affection was within his sight yet he was still hesitant to make his move.
He wasn't sure why he was so nervous, other than a crippling fear of rejection. Which seemed preposterous given his position in the social order.
But then, he had gone and fallen for someone who didn't care about any of that.
Leo exhaled ruefully.
He knew he should just bite the bullet and go over to where she was standing, laughing heartily at something someone had just said. Steer her away. Start some semblance of a conversation. Turn on his trademark Rys charm. Woo the literal knickers off her.
It had worked with all the women who had come before...
...but he wasn't sure it would work on her.
Because he'd never been in this situation before. Where he'd felt uncertain. Unsure of himself. Out of his depth...
...where he'd been attracted to an older woman.
Because that's who she was — a woman several years his senior. Who could very well have been his mother. Who was someone's mother.
A mother I'd like to fuck, he thought to himself, taking a long gulp of his scotch.
But he knew he was on the back foot. Not only because he'd never tried to seduce a sugar mama before — hence the reason for his attraction, which was the salacious draw of the forbidden, something he had yet to tick off his sex bucket list before his wedding night — but also because he knew that her attentions had already been claimed.
By Maxwell fucking Beaumont.
Leo scowled angrily.
Because honestly! What did that guy have that Leo didn't? Apart from the svelte physique of a dancer and way too many pokey objects stashed around his house?
Was it because he was younger? More innocent? (Leo wasn't actually sure whether Max had ever done the dirty with anyone... all the guy ever talked about was peacocks.) Or was it simply the fact that unlike Leo, Max was a nobody in the big scheme of things? Someone she didn't have to worry about causing a scandal with...? At least not as much of a scandal as she could've cause with a Crown Prince... Who was due to be engaged shortly... Most likely to her own daughter.
Because that's who Adelaide Amaranth was — his future mother-in-law. Assuming his father's machinations went to plan. Which they usually did...
Leo was so caught up in his musings that at first he didn't notice the questionable-looking smoke slithering its way through the various air vents that dotted the ballroom.
And even then, it wasn't the smoke he noticed, per se. After all, this was the Beaumont Bash. Literally anything that could happen, has happened. So, the sight of pink glitter infused smog that smelled like the aftermath of a Victoria's Secret perfume factory explosion wasn't exactly panic-worthy.
If anything, it helped set the mood for what he was going to do next. Which was quashing down whatever pansy-ass anxiety he was feeling and marching over to that sexy, curvaceous goddess of a woman and begging her to spank him.
Because hopefully that way, he could finally get those smutty thoughts out of his head and move on with his life.
Draining the rest of his scotch, he was about to take a step forward when a high pitched scream rent the air, and the entirety of the ballroom seemed to move as one.
Champagne flutes crashed to the floor, bodies barreled together, and the staccato of stampeding heels echoed through the room as mass panic erupted amongst the guest.
"What the—?"
He was nearly knocked over as the human tidalwave swept over him.
Knowing that resistance was futile, and that unless he did something, he was going to get crushed, he did the only concievable thing... and let himself be carried by the mass of humanity out of the House.
After a few quesy twists and turns through the various corridors, the crowd disgorged itself onto the front lawn of the estate, dumping Leo into the expertly manicured topiary that ringed the entrance steps.
"Well, that was... different," he mused, brushing the wayward leaves and twigs off his jacket.
He was about to step back over the hedge when he found his path blocked by a swaying figure.
"Mmm... Leo..." she purred, eyeing him up and down like a piece of meat. "Don't you look... fine this evening...?"
"Not now, Kiara," grumbled Leo, manouvering around her.
"But, baby..." she pouted, grabbing onto his arm to spin him back around. "Ne voulez-vous pas coucher avec moi...?"
"What? No!" he scoffed, trying to disentangle himself from the surprisingly strong grip she had on him.
"But I want to..." she declared, running her tongue up his neck.
Leo gasped as she grabbed his crown jewels through his tuxedo slacks, sinking her French-manicured nails against the delicate flesh.
"...and I'm not taking 'no' for an answer," she added, biting his earlobe... hard.
Leo gulped.
While he normally didn't mind a woman taking control when it came to bedroom activities, he was very much less enthusiastic about the idea when (i) those activities were apparently going to take place on the front steps of the House of one of his friends, in full view of all his future subjects, and (ii) he was not actually interested in the woman in question. Chiefly because he'd already been there, tapped that, got the scratches on his back to prove it. And he very rarely went back for seconds.
"Look, Ki," he gritted under his breath, laying a hand on her wrist to disengage the lock she had on his junk, "what we had was fun, but—"
"No buts," she admonished, smacking him on the ass, making him flinch. "Unless it's that sexy derrière of yours strutting—"
That's when Leo noticed that something was not quite right. For when he looked into Kiara's eyes, instead of her normally lush, almond-coloured irises, he saw what seemed to be a neon pink glow ringing her pupils... like something out of a bad supernatural TV show. Except he knew that this was no fantasy.
"Erm... Ki?" he asked hesitantly. "Are you... okay?"
If this was the start of the zombie apocalypse, he was definitely not ready to be eaten yet. Least of all by Kiara.
"Oh, I am perfect, mon amour," she hummed, tightening her grip on his marbles as she barred her teeth. "And I am about to be even—"
"No, you're not!" cried Leo, twisting around to smack the edge of his palm into Kiara's thorax, causing her to choke in surprise...
...and release the death-grip she'd had on his balls.
Taking advantage of the opening, he lifted a knee and aimed a Chuck Norris kick straight into Kiara's abdomen.
His sexual-assailant-cum-possible-zombie-in-waiting sailed into the hedge, disappearing from sight.
Dusting his hands off, Leo was about to resume his course when he noticed the literal orgy that was taking place around him.
Normally stuck-up nobles had shed their expensive threads and were doing it on the driveway like animals on the Discovery Channel, irrespective of sex, age, or social standing. Earls were shagging maids, duchesses were banging acrobats, and one person looked like they were trying to get it on with a horse.
"What the fuck...?" breathed Leo in disbelief, trying to make sense of what he was seeing. Because it defied all reason...
...especially when he caught sight of Bert — his childhood friend, Bertrand Archibald Beaumont, who was as straight-laced as they came and who was going to be his best man — sucking down on Drake Walker's dick like a champion hooker. And he was enjoying it.
"Christ, I'm never gonna unsee that!" he cringed, trying to avert his eyes, but everywhere he looked, it was just one giant porno set.
Though at least he wasn't trapped on ground zero for an impending zombie apocalypse.
Sorry, Kiara!
But that didn't solve his immediate problem. Which was figuring out what the hell was going on, and why he hadn't turned into the same kind of mindless nympho that everyone else seemed to have devolved into.
Max. He needed to find Max.
If there was one person who was going to be able to give him answers, it was that dick-weed of a Beaumont. He was always the one pulling surprise stunts at the Bash — invariably to Bert's shock and horror — and chances were good that this weird smut smog had been his idea.
Stepping over writhing and moaning bodies, careful to not inadvertently get himself dragged into a three- or foursome with some crusty aristos that he'd never wanted to picture naked (let alone rogering someone up the arse), he re-entered the House and set about tracking down his host...
...and nearly tripped over his future wife screwing the bejesus out of Riley's press secretary on the grand staircase.
"Oookay, then...!" Leo exclaimed, trying to sidestep the raunchy spectable, only to nearly crash into Olivia as she came hurtling down the stairs.
"Whoa, steady on, Livy!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands onto her shoulders to steady her.
"Leo!" she exclaimed, eyes widening in surprise before shuttering provocatively as she bit down on her lower lip. "I mean... Le-oh!"
"Christ, not you too," groaned Leo as Olivia raked her blood-red nails down his chest.
"Wait," she gasped, shaking her head aggressively... as if trying to rejig her senses. "What did you just say?"
"Nothing. I just—"
"Max!" she cried, spinning around. "He's not affected either!"
Looking past Olivia, Leo spotted a perfectly normal-looking Max jogging down the steps — clothes fully on and no weird pink eyes in sight.
"Either?” he growled, shoving Liv out of the way and reaching out to grab the Beaumont by the front of his shirt. "What the fuck did you do, Max!”
"Me? Nothing! I was just—"
"Don't take the piss, Max," Leo warned. "There's about a hundred people back there going at it like the world is ending, including your brother, who's—"
"I don't want to know!" shrieked Maxwell, sticking his index fingers into his ears.
"Well, you should've thought of that before you released whatever the hell is causing everyone t—"
"It wasn't him," interjected Olivia.
"It wasn't him," she repeated, running her hands seductively over her breasts before she apparently thought better of it. "This is an attack. Someone—"
"Tell me everything you know," Leo declared.
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@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @kingliam2019 @petiteboheme @angelasscribbles @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @twinkle-320 @knaussal @nikkis1983 @lunaseasblog @ficloverevie @indiana-jr @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kristinamae093 @eversoaringqueen12 @peonierose @3pawandme @alexabeta @veebug8 @fangirling12566 @queenmiarys @lancelotsimp @coco-lina-s @lolablackwrites @ivyflowers13 @persephone13 @hollygirl1269 @adri-ja-96 @harleybeaumont @katedrakeohd @uneravine @choicesficwriterscreations
One Night in Cordinia only
@squid-princess-teach-swallow @jerzwriter @fearyrain @alj4890
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kristinamae093 · 1 year
Ghosted - Don't You See? (Chapter 4)
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Series Summary - Prince Liam fell for Riley Brooks hard and fast. A marriage filled with love and devotion was within his reach. But everything changed when she vanished just before the end of the social season. As everyone voices their concerns regarding her scandalous departure, a confession from an unlikely source turns Liam's world upside down and makes him question everything around him.
Book/Pairing - TRR- Liam x MC (Riley Brooks), Liam x Madeleine
A/N1 - This AU starts right before the beginning of the engagement tour. There is a two-month lapse between the coronation and where we pick up, but we will stray from canon. Please excuse any errors found.
Characters belong to Pixelberry
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A formal tea party, hosted by the Royal family, was well underway in the gardens of the palace; the last event of the engagement tour before the court would depart for their travels across the country. A floral scent filled the air, offset by the smell of strong tea leaves as they brewed before them. A faint breeze accompanied the bright, beautiful sunny weather for the day.
After the conversation with his father the night before, Liam was trying extra hard today to be present. He did not want to stay in the past anymore, he only wanted to focus on building his relationship with the court and his people from here on out; he needed to prove that he was capable and ready to lead them.
Liam was confident in himself, until Drake and Olivia nourished the seed of doubt that he had neglected for so long. He momentarily let himself slip back into that spiral he worked so hard to pull himself out of. But Liam was determined to push all those feelings aside and move forward for the greater good of his country. 
Riley was gone. This was his reality. He had to deal with it. 
A cup of piping hot chios tea was set in front of Liam. He breathed in a deep breath and let the scent of the woodsy, resinous brew cloud his senses. He lifted the drink to his lips and took a small sip and let the sweet, smooth taste transport him elsewhere. 
Liam groaned as he sat his cup back down in front of him. “Mmm. This is one of my favorite blends.” He addressed his audience of his father and stepmother, as well as Madeleine and her parents. 
Godfrey turned his nose to the sky as he finished his first taste. “It’s acceptable.” He stated with a sour face. 
Liam ignored Godfrey’s sideways remark and turned his attention to Adelaide. “Duchess? Thoughts?”
Adelaide laughed. “It could use a little something to liven it up, if you catch my drift.” She responded with a wink. 
“You haven’t even tried it!” Godfrey huffed.
Liam joined in her laughter, “I’ll give you that, Duchess.” he replied as he shook his head. 
“In that case…” Adelaide trailed off and looked around the surroundings of their table. 
Adelaide pulled her bag off the back of her chair and searched through it for a moment before she pulled out a small bottle containing an amber liquid. She once again looked around her to ensure nobody saw, before she nonchalantly dumped half the contents of the bottle into the cup that sat before her. 
Madeleine and Godfrey both shared a mortified expression. “Mother! Really?! Have you no decorum?!” Madeleine quietly scolded. 
Adelaide feigned innocence. “What do you mean? This one isn’t for me,” she said as she pushed the drink toward Liam and motioned for his. 
Liam could only chuckle and exchange glasses with her. He scooted his cup over to her and watched as she emptied the rest of the contents of the bottle into her new tea, and tucked the evidence back into her purse. 
Adelaide lifted her drink in the air to Liam, which he returned. He took a long sip of his spiced tea and enjoyed the new found burn he felt as it touched his tongue. 
“Mmm. You were right, Adelaide. That is a significant improvement.” Liam said with a smile.
“See?” Adelaide smirked at Madeleine as she took another generous swig of her drink. 
“You can’t be serious right now.” Madeleine grumbled, more so to herself than anyone else. 
“I agree with you, dear.” Godfrey piped in as he continued to watch Adelaide drain her spiked tea with a mortified expression. 
“Thank you! At least someone here sees sense!” 
“Madeleine, let them have their moment. Nobody saw; it’s harmless enough.” Regina interjected as she chuckled a little with Liam and Adelaide. “You’ll have to find small ways to keep yourself entertained in such events as these in the future.” She added as she put a hand on Madeleine’s. “They can grow quite dull without a certain spruce to liven things up. As long as nobody gets wild, there’s no harm in a little tomfoolery.”
Godfrey rolled his eyes at the monologue happening before him, and Madeleine sat back with a huff. 
“Come on, Madeleine, lighten up!” Liam expressed. He was trying incredibly hard to get past this hard, bitter shell of Madeleine’s. After all, they were getting married in just a few short weeks. Liam decided if he could get past her rough exterior, maybe he would find a better person hidden far, far underneath. 
“I don’t need to lighten up. I also don’t need to be inebriated at a public event!” 
“Who’s inebriated? There’s probably only half a shot in there!” 
“That’s beside the point! We are at a public event, Liam! And it’s only one in the afternoon!” Madeleine emphasized. 
Adelaide raised her glass and hollered. “It’s five o’clock somewhere!” 
“Mother! Keep your voice down!” Madeleine quietly scolded as she grabbed her mother’s hand out of the air. 
Liam laughed and pushed his glass toward Madeleine. “Come on.” 
Madeleine crossed her arms over her chest and arched her brow. “No.” 
Liam inched his cup closer.
Liam scooted the drink closer with a mischievous grin. 
“I said no.”
“Let your hair down a bit! One sip won’t kill you…” Liam trailed off with a smile. 
“I am not drinking that!“ Madeleine shouted. She froze in place as she recognized all the surrounding commotion had stopped, as everyone looked at the head table with curious gazes. 
Madeleine realized she now had to take a drink, or everyone would assume she was refusing to drink the tea being offered. She snatched Liam’s cup and lifted it to her lips, pinky high in the air. Liam silently scoffed at the show she put on, just with something as simple as drinking tea. 
Every eye locked with intent on their future Queen; she took a generous swig, but as she swallowed, the hot liquid combined with the heat from the added liquor sent her throat ablaze. She started choking on the mixture, as the court watched on in fascination.
Madeleine spewed a generous amount on the table in front of her, narrowly missing Regina. The cup in her hand was forgotten as she flung it in her fit of coughs; what remained of the liquid hit the lap of her father, who sat next to her. 
Godfrey gasped and flew up from his seat. “My suit!” He exclaimed as he grabbed his napkin and attempted to pat himself off. 
Constantine and Regina watched the scene unfold in front of them with stoic expressions. Liam had to hide his smile behind a fist, but Adelaide did not even attempt to hide her laughter. 
“Father! I’m so sorry! I-I” Madeleine frantically stammered as she regained her composure. Liam handed her the handkerchief he had in his pocket with one hand, while the other remained cemented in place over his mouth.
Madeleine snatched it from him with narrowed eyes. “Thanks.” 
Liam watched as Madeleine frantically patted her father’s suit; Godfrey ultimately swatted her hand away and stormed back toward the palace with Adelaide behind him, still chuckling to herself. 
“Penelope!” Madeleine snapped her fingers, and to Liam’s displeasure, the woman appeared out of nowhere. 
“Dry me off.” Madeline demanded through clenched teeth, yet never once letting the thin lined smile leave her lips. Penelope quickly gathered all the napkins she could find and frantically attempted to pat Madeleine’s dress. 
After a few moments, Madeleine shooed Penelope away and returned to her seat. She turned to Liam and snapped, “Happy?“ 
“What did I do?” 
“I listened to you, and now look.”
Liam shrugged his shoulders. “I didn’t do anything. You could’ve picked up your own glass, since they look the same.”
Madeleine scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Of course you don’t take responsibility for your own actions.” 
Liam’s forced uplifted mood vanished, “What did you just say?” he narrowed his gaze on her, which she returned with her own. 
Constantine saw the shift in Liam and knew he needed to intervene. “Come now, enough of this bickering. We’ve had a suitable day, let’s not spoil that. Besides, it’s time for the two of you to address the crowd and conclude the tea service.” 
Although neither wanted to relent, they both knew Constantine was right. And especially now, Liam was ready to finish and retreat to his quarters until he absolutely had to resurface. 
Liam broke his gaze from Madeleine and nodded to his father. He stood from his seat and walked to where Madeleine sat and reluctantly extended a hand to her. She quickly took it and stood, despite her irritation. 
The two walked to the front of the gathered court and Liam lifted his hand to get the attention of everyone. “Thank you for joining us here today. We’re thrilled to have you all here.” He said with a fake, but polite grin, and turned to Madeleine to give her a chance to speak. 
Madeleine returned his smile with her own version. “As His Majesty said, we’re absolutely elated to host all of Cordonia’s noble houses and representatives from the duchies as we embark on this grand adventure.” 
Liam nodded his head and retook the speech. “As we prepare for our departure from the capital, it is our hope that we can form bonds and alliances with all of you. Your support means the world to us, as we would not be here without it.”
Liam stopped as applause filled the air. He and Madeleine stood with their smiles plastered on their faces while they waited for the moment to pass. 
As it did, Madeleine picked up where Liam left off. “Keeping the duchies united under our rule is our very top priority. A stable country is a thriving country.” She stated. She turned to Liam and narrowed her eyes; it was subtle, but Liam saw it. “Stability is of the utmost importance, isn’t that right, darling?“ 
Her tone took Liam aback, but he remained aware of the crowd of people fixated on them. “Of course,” he answered through clenched teeth. He briefly narrowed his eyes back at Madeleine, who had a slight smirk on her face. 
Madeleine turned back to the crowd. “Please, enjoy our hospitality until we gather again for the Apple Banquet in just a few days.” 
The sound of claps filled the air once more, but Liam could only stand next to Madeleine and keep his face in a thin lined smile. 
As nobles filtered inside, Liam pulled Madeleine aside. “What the hell was that?” He growled. 
Madeleine feigned innocence. “Whatever do you mean?” 
“Don’t play dumb with me. I don’t know what your game is, but I’m not playing.”
“Game?” Madeleine snickered. “There’s no game, Liam. But the people need to know where our loyalties lie, do they not?”
Liam scoffed. “I actually try to give you a chance, and this is how you act?” He shook his head and looked away from her.
“Me?! You-“
“I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, even though I’m very aware of the scales you have for flesh. And you chose to try to sabotage me? After all the work I’ve had to do to repair my image?!”
“And whose fault is that Liam?”
“Excuse me?” Liam’s brows shot to the sky as he whipped around to face her again. 
Before either could continue their argument, Constantine interrupted them. “Eyes are still watching. Be mindful.” He said as he looked at both with a stern glare. 
Liam and Madeleine continued their standoff for a few moments before Madeleine broke it. She turned on her heel and took off toward the palace, Penelope appearing behind her instantly. Liam stood with his father as the last of the nobles filtered inside. 
Constantine turned to Liam. “Perhaps you should refrain from juvenile antics in the future. Despite what your stepmother said, you should know better than to entertain any idea from Adelaide.” He sneered.
Liam didn’t even try to hide the irritation he felt. “Seriously? So this is my fault? What about Madeleine’s little stunt?”
“Although she embarrassed herself, I’m sure she can spin this in her favor.” 
Liam narrowed his eyes at Constantine. “No, I’m talking about her not-so-subtle jab at me during our speech.”
“She threw in that stability bullshit to try to throw me off!” 
Constantine returned Liam’s glare. “That bullshit should not ‘throw you off’, Liam. She only emphasized to the court what I keep trying to tell you.” He turned around and stormed away.
Liam could only stare at his father's back with a dumbfounded expression; even when he tried to be happy and engaged, somehow, he found himself on the brunt end of an unnecessary lecture. 
Between those, Madeleine’s snake showing, and the late-night turmoil he kept experiencing, he was clueless as to how he was going to manage throughout the rest of the tour.  
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Later that night, Liam sat inside his quarters nursing a glass of scotch. The only sounds that filled the vicinity were the noise of the crackling fire that roared in front of him. Per usual, Liam’s mind wandered as he pondered the what ifs of his life up to that point; he could turn the switch off, but only for so long before his mind ultimately won the battle in the quiet confines of his solitude. 
Liam sighed, sat up, and reached for his cufflinks. He undid them and started loosening his tie when he heard a knock at his door. He rolled his eyes and looked that way but made no attempt to get up. When the sound came again, he reluctantly stood and slowly made his way over to the entryway. 
When Liam opened the door, he found Drake standing next to a clearly nervous Maxwell. Liam felt a brief bout of uncertainty as he recalled the last conversation he had with Drake, but ultimately welcomed both men with open arms. 
“Gentlemen! Please, come in! Maxwell, it’s good to see you!” Liam ushered both men inside, but stopped Maxwell and embraced him. “It’s been a long time, Max.”
Maxwell returned the gesture but didn’t respond. He only shook his head in acknowledgement with his gaze trained to the floor. 
The three men crossed the threshold and sat around the fireplace; Maxwell and Drake sat on the couch as Liam made his way over to the bar cart to prepare them all a drink. As Liam sat down, an awkward silence overtook the group. Liam and Drake both eyed Maxwell suspiciously as they watched him fidget in his spot. 
Maxwell had spent the first few events of the tour in a corner with Bertrand, away from the limelight. He hadn’t seen Liam since his coronation, but some of the things Drake told Maxwell made him worried about how Liam would see him; he was terrified Liam was going to blame him, the same as Bertrand did. Maxwell was truly hesitant about showing up with Drake, but Drake assured him Liam would not be upset by his presence.
Maxwell wrung his hands together in his lap as he felt Liam and Drake’s curious eyes on him. He suddenly blurted out, “I’m sorry Liam! Okay? I’m sorry!” 
Liam furrowed his brows. “What? What for Max?”
Maxwell looked away and quietly responded. “For Riley…”
“I do not blame you one bit for her indiscretions. I know your house’s reputation has taken quite a toll from all this, and I’m certain you would not have purposefully brought her here unless you believed in her. If anything, I possibly owe you an apology for the press and court reacting the way they did towards you.”
“Really?” Maxwell sniffed. 
“Yes, really. We’ve been friends far too long to let something like this come in between us. I know your heart was in the right place.”
Maxwell’s eyes filled with tears. “Thank you, Liam. I’ve been so worried you hated me…”
“I could never hate you, Maxwell. Especially not for someone else’s actions.” 
Liam stood and embraced Maxwell in a tight hug. As they parted, Maxwell wiped his cheeks and thanked Liam again; he felt a wave of relief that his friends didn’t consider him to be a failure, like Bertrand did. 
“So… I saw that entire ordeal with good ole’ Maddy and Godfrey today…” Drake trailed off with a wide grin as his friends took their seats once more.
“What? What ordeal?” Maxwell asked. He hadn’t been close enough to witness the event for himself.
Drake chuckled. “Oh man, you missed it! She spit tea and dumped some of it on her dad!”
Maxwell’s eyes widened. “No way!”
“Adelaide had given me a uh, ‘special surprise‘ in my tea, and Madeleine screwed herself into sampling it. Although, I was trying pretty hard to get her to...” Liam trailed off with a mischievous grin. “I don’t know what it was, but clearly Madeleine couldn’t handle it.” 
Drake and Maxwell laughed harder; Liam joined them for a moment, but slowly stopped. Drake noticed and saw a flash of anger cloud Liam’s features. “What’s wrong, Li? That shit was hilarious!” 
Liam sighed. “No, I know. It’s just after our speech was over, my father made sure to tell me how I needed to refrain from such ‘juvenile antics’.”
“What? She’s the one who choked!” 
“Tell me about it! Yet it’s still my fault. And don’t even get me started about her little stunt at the end.” Liam answered as he shook his head. 
Maxwell chimed in. “Even Bertrand questioned that. She looked… vengeful.”
“I agree. She wanted to throw me off.”
“Seems to me like little Miss Maddy needs to be put in her place. If only a certain someone was a King and could do that…” Drake trailed off as he gave Liam a knowing look. 
“I wish.” Liam said in a quiet tone before he changed the subject. “So, tell me how you’ve been since we last hung out.”
The three men sat and caught up over the past couple of months they had spent apart. Maxwell told Liam about Bertrand's reaction to everything and the treatment he had been enduring since then; Liam said he would speak to Bertrand and try to get him to ease up. Liam mentioned his life engaged to Madeleine, as well as an update on his father’s battle with cancer. He also told them about the upcoming engagement tour, filling them in on their destinations and events throughout the duchies. He briefly spoke of about preparations that still needed to be made for the upcoming Apple Banquet, as well as the newly added charity event in Portavira. 
Liam was glad at that moment he opened the door. The room felt like it used to, before Riley Brooks had come and torn apart their lives in different ways. It was fun and uplifted, aside from Maxwell’s teary apology. Liam actually felt like he needed this, even if he hadn’t realized it before. 
But as they approached the subject of Applewood, Drake figured this was as good a time as any to reason with Liam. “Speaking of Applewood…”
“We were gonna go early… check out Riley’s room-“
Liam rolled his eyes and grumbled to himself. “This again.” That aura of calm and relaxation he had been enjoying immediately shattered.
Drake sat forward. “Liam just hear me out-”
“What, do you have Maxwell in on your ‘investigation’ now, too?”
Maxwell quietly spoke. “Actually…”
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me!” Liam huffed as he rubbed his temples. 
“You said you weren’t mad at me because I believed in her, but I never stopped believing in her, Liam! I couldn’t do anything about it with Bertrand breathing down my neck!” 
Liam’s irritation momentarily subsided as he felt a flicker of pity for Maxwell. He knew how rough of a time it had been for House Beaumont, and then to hear of the treatment Maxwell had endured since; he felt sympathetic for his friend at that moment. 
Liam sighed. “Maxwell, I know you want to have some of this adverse publicity taken off of you and your house, but the fact still remains-”
“I don’t care if the press drags me through the mud! They already have been! The damage has been done!” Maxwell exclaimed as he stood from his seat. “Nothing will change that! But if we can find out what happened and clear her name for her sake, then I’m all for it! I don’t have anything to lose!” He hollered; arms spread wide open. 
“Well, I do!” Liam yelled as he stood from his seat to match Maxwell’s energy, positioning himself face to face. “I have everything to lose, in case any of you fucking forgot!” He jabbed a finger at Maxwell’s chest.
Drake shot up from his seat and placed himself the best he could between them. He put a hand on each man, “Guys! Calm down! I know we’re all feeling a lot, but this is not the answer!” he spoke in a stern but quiet tone. 
The moment hung for what felt like hours. Both men stood and held each other’s intense glares, faces red with exasperation. Their breaths mimicked one another’s coming in short, rapid spurts; their noses would practically touch if not for the wedge of Drake between them.
Finally, Maxwell broke. His face crumbled from his angered state to tears forming at the corner of his eyes. His lip quivered as he spoke. “Look, Liam. I don’t want to argue. I don’t. I-I’m sorry I got so upset. It’s just…” He trailed off and plopped back down onto the couch behind him. 
Liam’s face remained agitated, but as Maxwell sat, Liam felt himself waver. He watched as Maxwell fought to keep his emotions under control; Maxwell sniffed loudly and wiped his cheeks, and Liam felt sympathetic all over again for Maxwell, given everything he had been through since Riley left. His features finally softened, and he retook his seat. Drake slowly lowered himself back into his spot but sat towards the edge, just in case. 
Maxwell continued, “I want to believe there’s hope. Finding out all of this was a setup would change things for everyone involved, not just me. I won’t lie and say the thought of having Bertrand off my back doesn’t sound great, but that’s not the only reason I want to look into this.” He sat forward and looked Liam directly in the eye. “Do you really want to marry Madeleine?”
“Well no, of course not! But what does that have to do with this?” 
“Don’t you see? If we can prove someone set Riley up, we can find her! Try to bring her back here! You can-”
“Bastien searched for her!” Liam interrupted in an irritated tone. “I keep saying that and it’s like nobody is-”
“We have to try again,” Maxwell whispered, with tears in his eyes. “I don’t care if Bastien searched every single database in the world. We should check again. Then again, and again. As many times as it takes until we find her.”
“Li, what happened to the guy who wanted to pick Olivia and keep looking?” Drake asked. 
“He got some clarity to the situation.” Liam quickly retorted.
“That’s bullshit, Liam! You know it, we all know it! You two were obnoxiously in love! It was nauseating! She did not leave you for Tariq!”
“Things change. People change.” 
“Liam, you are all she talked about!” Maxwell interjected. “She constantly talked about you, and not just the court or what we expected of her; she talked about you, Liam! How deeply she felt about you! How much she cared! She never, at any point, questioned her decision to leave behind her entire life. She only talked about how excited she was to be here with you.”
Liam shook his head and looked away but stayed silent.
“Liam, that girl was madly in love with you; point blank. Everyone could see it. She did not abandon you!” Drake emphasized. “What if something happened to her? What if she got hurt? You know firsthand what can happen if someone gets targeted, and the nobility is involved…”
Liam knew Drake was referring to his mother. He perceived Drake's mention of the incident to be a low blow or manipulation tactic, which made him feel irritated for a split second. However, the sideways thought quickly faded, instead replaced with concern. He kept his face in a flat expression, careful not to give any indication to the dismay he was currently experiencing. But internally, a plethora of what ifs ran rampant through his mind; each one worse than the one before it. He had to focus intently to keep his heart rate steady. 
This is silly, they’re just reaching for a solution… Nothing more. Liam thought to himself. 
Liam put his hands together in front of him and took a deep breath before he began. “I’ve been fighting with myself since she left to make sense of this. I won’t lie and say a part of me doesn’t want to believe it’s all been a farce, because I do. I would love nothing more than to prove her innocence and find her, but what if she doesn’t want to be found? What if she intentionally left, regardless of how she spoke about me?” He shook his head and looked away. “I can’t put myself back in that position, not now. There is an entire country counting on me. I must exhibit stability, and to put myself back in that vulnerable scenario will only add to the humiliation I’ve already endured.” He added quietly. 
“How about this, then?” Drake answered. “The tour is going to Applewood in a few days anyway, so let’s head out early and search. If we don’t find anything, we’ll drop it.”
“Drake, I just told you-“
“I know what you said, but I also know you. The only reason you even believe this bullshit against her is because everyone around you made you think you had to. Tell me I’m wrong.” Drake said in a confident tone. 
Liam remained silent. 
“Or, you think you have something to be ashamed of for reacting the way you did. I don’t give a fuck what anybody tells you; you are allowed to feel things. Does it suck that it happened so publicly? Absolutely. But then, doesn’t that raise the question of why that particular story ran at that specific moment? She was already gone! Why not run it after she left, or at the Bash?”
Again, silence from Liam. 
Drake continued. “Liam, I know you’ve had it pounded into your head to put your country first, and you’ve done that your entire life. But do me a favor, subtract your Crown from the equation.” Liam’s brows furrowed in confusion, but Drake sat further forward to really try to get his point across to Liam. “Just this one time, don’t think about Liam the King, think about Liam the man. What does he want to do?”
Tags (If you want removed, let me know):
@choicesficwriterscreations @ao719 @txemrn @imashybish @emkay512 
@queenrileyrose @kingliam2019 @riseandshinelittleblossom @dcbbw @tessa-liam 
@twinkleallnight @amandablink @cordonia-gothqueen @sfb123 @jared2612
@harleybeaumont @bebepac @charlotteg234 @aussiegurl1234 @busywoman 
@malblk21 @angelasscribbles @bascmve01 @iaminlovewithtrr @hopelessromanticmonie 
@mysticalfangirl @umccall71 @fuckitweball0000 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @socalwriterbee
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pepitapepi · 7 years
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206 notes · View notes
tveitertotwrites · 2 months
For the ask game, can you answer for all mc's/oc's
📷, 🎵, 🧡,
From this ask!
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lock screen?
(These obviously aren't the exact ones they would have but more so the same idea as what they would have)
Brooklyn (RCD MC):
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Claire (OH MC):
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Adelaide (OH OC):
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Charlie (AME MC):
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Lillia (HSS MC):
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Olive (HSS:CA MC):
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Emilia (OH MC):
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Aspyn (ROE MC):
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Briar (TRR MC):
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Izi (ROD MC):
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🎵 Last song you listened to?
Brooklyn (RCD MC):
Claire (OH MC):
Adelaide (OH OC):
Charlie (AME MC):
Lillia (HSS MC):
Olive (HSS: CA MC):
Emilia (OH MC):
Aspyn (ROE MC):
Briar (TRR MC):
Izi (ROD MC):
🧡 A color you can't stand?
Brooklyn (RCD MC): Orange
Claire (OH MC): PInk
Adelaide (OH OC): Red
Charlie (AME MC): Green
Lillia (HSS MC): Pink
Olive (HSS:CA MC): Yellow
Emilia (OH MC): Pink
Aspyn (ROE MC): Orange
Briar (TRR MC): Green
Izi (ROD MC): Pink
Any other questions
0 notes
choices-central · 7 years
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Maxwell avoiding Adelaide like
601 notes · View notes
endlessflame · 7 years
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If Fydelia = Fydoria, what part of the Five Kingdoms is Krona? Or is Krona actually Fydoria?
12 notes · View notes
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Sent by anonymous
‘Ever since the threesome in bloodbound, I’d like to see more scenes where you can have more than one sexual partner. Also, it’d be cool to see the MC have romantic interests who are older, like someone Vega’s age in Bloodbound, or even the age of Madeline’s mum in TRR.’
48 notes · View notes
andthatisnotfake · 7 years
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Lol I love her
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