#but yeah I'm allowed some nostalgia as a treat
bibiana112 · 2 years
Just booted up the tv and it was the creator of Monica's Gang crying from what I'm assuming was an anecdote on what inspired one of the new disabled characters and I feel pain everyday at the fact I can't show any of those comics to my gringo friends fr I love these so much one good childhood thing
#like fr him and the team are always striving for diversity and inclusion fully aware of how formative these stories are#and wanting to make a character for every kid to see themselves in by adding new people who are different#and talk about their differences#and it's not like it's a new development#they're not main characters in the movie but the scenes with Dorinha and Luca pass the vibe check really well and I think that's from 2005?#and it's a whole meta thing about who gets to be the main character and who gets their own comic Monica always being the main one#and they did add a new kid to the main roster recently so they wouldn't all be white kids#so like I said this is peak media to raise a kid on I love it so much and I wish I could share it with friends who aren't from here#but I haven't been able to find comics online in english so :<#also the author was friends with Osamu Tezuka too like... it's such a cool thing to me#like nothing is without it's flaws but this guy's actually putting in the effort when conservatives were talking shit he went on record#saying that it wasn't him who was changing but the world that is becoming more accepting#the biggest controversy I remember being there for was that they used a pro-choice motto in a panel for a different context#I'll gladly take something like that as the hill to die on if that's it's biggest controversy the fuck#but yeah I'm allowed some nostalgia as a treat#shit's tough but I ultimately really like it here I just wish it could do better instead of regressing but unfortunately nazis exist#what else is new#Void fala aí
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Ice Cream
Bosch w. x gn! reader
a new ice cream shop opened in metro city. so you and bosch decided to check it out.
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“Hey, isn't that the new Ice cream parlor that opened up last week?” Your eyes lit up as you spotted the neon sign announcing the grand opening of Julie's Ice Cream. “Let’s check it out!”
Bosch chuckled as you dragged him closer to the front door. "Alright, alright. Lead the way."
The sweet aroma of freshly made cones hit your senses as you walked in. Your eyes widen in surprise at the colorful array of flavors that behind the glass display "Oh wow. They had more than I was expecting."  
"I've never even heard of some of these flavors before.” you said. Green-Tea Oreo. Black Coconut Ash. Caramel Bacon Swirl. And even Pistachio Pesto. What does that even taste like? You were practically bouncing in excitement.
"What about you? Anything catching your eye?” you asked, taking your eyes off the display. There were a couple of people in front of you, so you had time to look over your options.
Bosch glanced down at the tubs that were filled to the brim with ice cream. “I actually never had ice cream before.” he said sheepishly scratching the back of his head.
“No.” Bosch laughed nervously with a hint of embarrassment. “We did have something similar back in Nayshall, called Kulfi." he added, hoping to redeem himself.
You curiously turned to him. "Kulfi? What's that?" you asked.
“It's a frozen dessert from back home," Bosch explained. "It's similar to ice cream, but it has a creamier texture."
"Well, today's your lucky day then!" you declared. “Maybe we could ask for samples to taste to see which one you like.”
“Hey. Let’s not get overboard. I don’t think I’m willing to try the Bacon Swirl.” he scolded, pointing at the perpetrator through the glass.
The worker who helped you both had to scoop samples from almost every single tin before he landed on mango and you with chocolate. Happily taking your dessert after paying, you motioned to sit near the window since it was nice and warm today. 
Bosch plopped across from you and placed a handful of napkins on the table before he dug into his sweet treat.
“I don't think I ever had Kulfi. What’s it like?" you asked, taking one of the napkins and wiping your mouth.
With a wistful smile, He allowed the sweetness of the mango ice cream to settle on his tongue, before responding."It's similar to ice cream, but it has a richer texture with different flavors.”  His gaze drifted into the past.
"There was this stand back in Nayshall," Bosch began, voice laced with nostalgia. "Where the owner made the best Kulfi in town. And on hot days, me and Yu-...” He paused. “...Me and a couple of people would sit in the front until the owner arrived. You’d be lucky to be able to get one."
You can hear the hesitation in Bosch's voice as he trailed off, he’s clearly holding back, but you didn't want to pry too much. Instead, You smiled gently, placing a comforting hand on his arm.
"Well, it sounds like a wonderful memory. I hope I can try it one day." you said meeting his gaze.
"Yeah, it was," he replied returning your smile. His eyes lingered on you. "But I do have to admit, this ice cream does taste pretty good too."
You laughed nudging him playfully. "Well, I'm glad I’m able to introduce you to all the wonderful flavors of ice cream. Maybe next time you can treat me to Kulfi on our next date.” You took another spoonful of Chocolate ice cream as Bosch laughed, nudging you back.
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beyondblue2 · 10 months
To the Dragon Ball Super Haters
So I still to this day see people making the same complaints about Dragon Ball Super, so let me just say this: I don't believe you can dislike Super for the vast majority of complaints made about it and still enjoy DBZ. Allow me to elaborate.
Most criticisms of Super, like inconsistent animation, or power of friendship shenanigans, or half-cooked plot, or powerups that have very little buildup, or hell, even powerups that really only change the user's hair color... are all present in DBZ. I think most people don't want to argue that DBZ doesn't deserve its legendary status because you'd be fighting alone against a horde. But it's much easier to proclaim your hatred of something new and cite a decline in quality.
These people either A) don't like DBZ either and therefore shouldn't be so entrenched in the franchise, B) don't dislike Super for the reasons they give but want to sound like they have good taste, or just dislike it for stupid reasons, or C) were tricked by people who come from points A or B into believing things are worse than they are, because they have the media literacy of a toddler.
It's like this. Say you run into someone while you're talking about how much you love Reese's Cups. And they tell you Reese's are a garbage treat and you're an idiot for liking it. And you get upset, obviously. And eventually you go "okay, explain it to me. Why do you hate them?" And they tell you that peanut butter is objectively terrible. Which, first off, it's not, that's your extremely subjective opinion. But second, didn't I see you eating a PB&J sandwich in the break room earlier? And they're like "yeah, PB&J is delicious, it's the best sandwich ever, nobody's disputing that." And you're just like... it has peanut butter though. And they're like "okay but you're taking it out of context." WHAT CONTEXT, BRO!? Either you think peanut butter is nasty or you don't! So you're either lying about hating Reese's to sound edgy and cool, or you're lying about loving PB&J because you don't want to be ostracized for being a freak.
That's basically what it boils down to. If you don't like Super, I'm not saying you're not valid. But be real. You probably don't like it because you were a kid when DBZ came out and your tastes have changed since then. I'm not going to sit here and act like Super isn't flawed, but let's not pretend that those same flaws didn't exist in Z, either. And don't give me that "Goku should be heroic" shit either, that was something the American dubbing crew did on their own. The same dub where Goku and Chichi had a weird offscreen kiss sound effect also told us Bardock was a brilliant scientist who invented the fake moon. Goku does heroic things from time to time, but he always does it with a kind of selfish basis of reasoning. He loves his friends, but he'll let Vegeta go to get a better fight later. He'll give Frieza some energy, but one more betrayal of trust and Goku will obliterate him.
You're either down with the main character being a flawed and interesting character and therefore will enjoy the Dragon Ball franchise, or you're not. In which case, stop clogging up the Tumblr tags and YouTube comments with your bitching and complaining. You don't see me infiltrating the Attack on Titan community to talk about how much it sucks. You know why? Because I fucking hate that series and I don't WANT to talk about it all the time. So if you watched some essayist trying to recreate the Nostalgia Critic or whatever and he told you Super sucks and you just parrot what he said without a sparking synapse in that smooth soap bar of a brain in your skull, then please, just shut the fuck up. For your own sake as well as mine.
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mike-haters-dni · 8 months
okay yes hop has probably atoned for his sins by now and his monologue at rock bottom was really good but it still pisses me off sometimes idkk. im just waiting for the payoff of seeing him actually DO better this time😭
and exactly! the angst in s2 is like- messy- but that’s good television! it gave us a top 5 millie preformance how can i even be mad
men in stranger things are weird sometimes cuz you have to overlook their CRIMES, (i’ll be like “omg jancy!” then i REMEMBER…) it’s weird when a character is randomly at their worst for a scene or a season just to meet the story’s requirements
jopper can scream at each other all sam and diane for nostalgia in s3 but when you look at it in a larger context it’s kinda dicey. like how weird of hop to doubt her when he already knows to trust her instincts.
and also it’s just like- nobody drags him enough for me! he’s so loved- male characters can do ANYTHING kinda- so i have to get him. out of principle. and i see that hopper (and like david harbour) is too important to kill off in the show and that him and el’s relationship isn’t all lows, not even in s2. i think i’m just bitter that 1. st tiktok treats el like she was SO unreasonable in that scene>:( (i need to stop going there it makes me want to rant on tumblr) and 2. how much time was devoted to bringing him back last season like my cali boys were so neglected. :( (after 2 failed prison escape attempts i was like (why i am still looking at this insanely bruised man) so-
but yeah i need to stop typing now cause i have a million thoughts in my head about hopper and the way that he is. and the way the show treats him. (how funny is it that even the viewers can have a complicated relationship with him. maybe i’m not giving the writers enough credit in that regard)
: )
-No like, I agree 100%. We forgive but we never forget
-I have a hard time even being really mad at Jonathan for the Incident cuz like, that was such a weird ooc moment that was clearly just so the plot would happen. Like he got possessed by the spirit of the writers to do that shit. And like I can't even be mad at the writers either because like, the plot they were servicing is really fucking good? I might be the only person in the world who thinks this but I think this show is phenomenally written esp from a plot structure perspective. Near perfectly even. Like this show single-handedly instilled a sense of how to do super satisfying setup and payoff, and how to have every scene push multiple things forward, and how everything seen on screen needs to be relevant to as much as possible. Its so tightly written that its like...yeah Jonathan had to do that shit. It allowed like 3 perfectly intersecting plotlines to play out. There was no other option. And like there probably was and maybe I'm coping or whatever but like...idk it's perfect to me :) But still we forgive but we never forget. And we only forgive after they display a marked change in behavior. And we still never forget <3 (side note: remember when El dumped him and Mike ((and Lucas)) went full andrew tate for a second? That's the one thing he's ((they've)) actually ever done wrong lmaooo ((tbf they were also 13 so like)))
-Who tf is saying she was being unreasonable??? child???? traumatized??? isolated in a tiny cabin for a year?????? With Hopper?????? A cop????????? HellO?????????? Bro ppl HATE her bro this needs to stop
-I think the biggest problem with the Russia plotline is just that it's not fun? Watching Hopper get tortured in a labor camp is not fun? I came here for 80s vibes, friendship and supernatural shit and it only delivers that whenever Joyce and Murray are onscreen (who are really fantastic together tho) and once the monster finally shows up way too late into the proceedings. There should have been inklings of monster throughout to add some intrigue and let us know that this was all going to have a point that tied into the plot of Stranger Things the 80s Monster Show. But alas.
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fashionablyenigmatic · 6 months
Cadmus Christmas Carol Pt.2
"So, you are the ghost of Christmas past, right?"
"Yule past."
"SAME THING." Cadmus barked, still a little miffed about the ghost's appearance by his bedside, looking like a child who came into their parents' room to report they'd thrown up. "Look, I'm sorry, but I'm in no need for whatever this is going to be. So, if you wouldn't mind leaving me alone and finding an actual evil billionaire to mess with, that would be awesome. I heard Elon Musk recently kicked a puppy, so if you would please go-"
"I'm not going anywhere, and for someone who can read minds, you are quite oblivious. Do I not look familiar at all to you?" The ghost of Yule past said, glaring at Cadmus with bright green eyes.
"Yeah, a little. You look like Shirley Temple. I don't know who told you curls were in, but they-."
"I'M YOU, IDIOT!" The ghost interrupted, now agitated.
"I...Uh...oh, forces..." Cadmus sat down on the side of his bed. "I completely forgot how stupid I used to look... Thank God Dad never made me learn tap dancing like he did with Bennie. I would have never lived it down," he added, giving the ghost a look of disdain.
"Is this how you should treat your four-year-old self? Tying them to a lamp and mocking them?" The ghost asked, holding up the magical bonds, still waiting to be freed.
"Well, yeah, as a matter of fact, I do," Cadmus replied, tipping his wand in a downward motion and releasing the binding spell.
Cadmus found himself in a familiar place, and the first thing that hit him was the smell of hot, greasy food under heat lamps. He opened his eyes and realized he was in an Uncle Jeffy's. What surprised him even more was his attire—he was still in his black silk pajamas but now sported a nightcap instead of his usual horns. "What the-" He waved a hand over his head and tried to pull off the cap, only to yelp in pain. "OW! Where are my horns?"
"Oh, those were ugly, so I turned them into a cap," the ghost stated simply.
Cadmus went to reach for his wand, but it, too, was gone. "Where's my wand now!?"
The ghost smiled mischievously. "Ohh, that old thing? You must have left it behind in your opulent cave. Oops! Now, pay attention. Where are we?"
Cadmus glared at the ghost. "Uncle Jeffy's Buffet. A cheap place, but they had good food. Stan used to take me here a lot when I was young, usually when I had a bad day," he explained with a hint of nostalgia.
He immediately looked over to the booth at the far end of the restaurant. It was nearly evening, and the parking lot outside had a fading blue hue. Stan had often chosen this corner booth because it allowed him to keep an eye on anyone entering, and it was an added bonus that the self-serve coffee machine was close by. But what caught Little Cadmus's attention was a particular tree just outside the window behind Stan. It was gnarled and strange-looking.
"Here they come," came the voice of the younger Cadmus as he saw two fat vultures swoop down from the high power lines to land among the gnarled branches, scattering the smaller birds that called the tree home. The four-year-old let out a high-pitched laugh, breaking Stan from his thousand-yard stare. Stan turned to look at Cadmus and gave a small smile before turning his head to see the vultures. "They must like you," he said gruffly.
"Yeah!! They come here every time I'm here!" Little Cad giggled in response, to which Stan nodded. Stan was wearing his Chief of Police uniform, which looked a bit wrinkled and had some small blood stains. It was evident that the day had been rough on him, and this observation wasn't missed by the small child.
"Did you have a bad day, Stan?" Little Cad asked with genuine concern.
"Well, my line of work is tough, Cadmus, but there's nothing I can't handle," Stan replied, though it was clear that he was downplaying the challenges he faced. The four-year-old understood this and wisely chose not to push further.
"My day was rough too," the boy commented, steering the conversation toward the reason Stan had brought Cadmus to Uncle Jeffy's in the first place. "My friend Marcus lied to me a lot today. He kept saying one thing but thinking another." Cadmus poked at his mac 'n' cheese thoughtfully. "I know Dad told me to try and block out the thoughts of others, but it's hard. I need to know! And I know the teachers don't like me because they are scared of me. Anyway, that's why I was crying when you picked me up from preschool," the boy explained, his pout conveying his frustration.
Stan listened attentively, his expression filled with understanding as Little Cad continued sharing his concerns.
Stan understood where Cadmus was coming from, given his own ability to detect lies. He took a moment to digest his thoughts before offering some sage advice. "Sometimes you gotta let someone lie, though, kid. You can't always call them out. But never doubt your gut, and don't let them pull the wool over your eyes," Stan said simply. "I think you'll figure out soon when a lie is meant to be harmful, like with Marcus, for instance. When he lied to you, what was he lying about?" he asked.
This was when little Cadmus brightened a little. "I said I wanted to play Legos, and he said he did too, but he really wanted to play Nintendo," he replied.
Stan smiled a little. "Well, he may have been thinking he wanted to play Nintendo, but I think more so that he wanted to hang out with you. Otherwise, why play Legos at all?"
Little Cadmus smiled and took another bite of his mac 'n' cheese, seemingly satisfied with Stan's response. The two of them enjoyed their meal together, the past echoing with moments of warmth and understanding.
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pedro-pascal · 9 months
omg yes I am lucky to have many shops near me that offer cheese cream (that’s what it’s usually called here, I’ve seen so many different names for it lol) but I am sooo particular about it, it has to be done just right. but ur right the balance of sweet and savory is divine 😍 the first time I had cheese cream was in a bomb toffee black tea strawberry concoction and I’ve been searching for the same standard ever since :) haha
golden tapioca pearls sounds interesting! I’ve never noticed them either. I’ve been wary to try wintermelon only bc I’m not a big cucumber fan and I’m told it’s similar, but I know a lot of people really enjoy it. My friend is always hyping up genmaicha, I think that’s next up for me to try, I do like my roasty toasty flavors
tho tbh I haven’t been getting boba much recently bc a super nice matcha spot has opened up just a few blocks from my place so I’ve been trying all their matcha lattes and sodas lollll
blesssssed with all these tasty bev shops near me but my wallet is sufferingggg 🙃
kjvnfdkjnv i think the first time you try something vs. trying t recreate the same feeling of shock/surprise is not possible to reach. i have a STUNNING memory of a black sesame boba but i never was able to find it again and i think at this point it's just my memory/nostalgia which is kicking in
golden tapioca is the same one as the brown one but it's just golden? it's weird, i was too stunned to speak when they made me taste it hahaha. genmaicha is really good but i don't think i'd have it in a boba. i drink it as a normal te and it is very good, it tastes like some kind of cereal it's a fun taste!
that's good tho, matcha is healthy while boba is packed with nasty sugar and sweetener! but yeah, the price of boba is insane. 7 to 8 euros......... i am GAGGED every single time but since i'm frugal it's one of the only treats i allow myself cvfdgrthtju
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reina-royale · 10 months
Some additional thoughts:
I wish we were able to get tender moments between Kim and Ron in S4
In fact we already have a few of them, only for them to get cut short usually in comedic effect by another character or the show tries to undermine the moment by making a quick jab usually at the expense of Ron’s character.
I feel that paradoxically in S4 Ron had the most amount of character development and plenty of heartwarming moments, but the show still makes him the butt of the joke on those scenes, so despite having the most development his character is portrayed very dumb during some scenes.
Like in the scene in the episode Clothed minded where Ron tells Kim that her clothes is not what makes her Kim possible, she is the one who is amazing, Kim looking so happy and reassured about what he said and then the scene tries to make it “funny” by having Ron panic and go back on what he said, completely ruining and undermining the scene.
I’m not saying Ron isn’t allowed to be silly, is just that Ron being the comic relief and the butt of the joke no longer seems fitting for his character at that point, because he has developed well beyond that character archetype.
That doesn’t happen when Ron tells Kim “she is beautiful” and this is one of the most memorable KimRon scenes in the series.
I understand why this was done, they were afraid of putting too much romance, they didn’t want to scare the kids away, they had to make it funny and appealing to the little Kids somehow.
But I wish the show allowed for more personal, emotional and tender moments between the two. Sometimes I feel like S3 handled this aspect better than S4.
I’m sorry about all of the ask, I know you are not even a KimRon shipper, but you are one of the few people who has openly talked about the flaws of the show and about the way Kim was handled and this is one of the only ways I think I can safely address all of this issues and feeling I’ve had about the show for a long time.
Hope I didn’t overwhelmed you with all of the sudden influx of asks. Thanks for listening.
What do you think? Do you agree or disagree with any of my points?
Yeah, Ron outgrew the "goofy sidekick" archetype way before season 4. Maybe partway through season 2.
I have a post on how Ron deserved to be treated better by the narrative where I list the times Ron's done something truly amazing and it actually begins pretty early in the series. It's just so rarely acknowledged.
But, despite showing pretty early on what he's capable of, he was still the butt of many jokes, and the narrative never acknowledged that he grew out of that. It never really allowed him to grow out of it.
Simultaneously, the narrative never acknowledged that Kim might be flawed so she was never allowed to grow.
I understand how you feel; there are certain places on the internet where, if you try to criticize Kim Possible - the show or the character - you get a bunch of hate.
I don't know if it's because the nostalgia is too strong or what, but it can make someone afraid to criticize the show. But trust me, we're not the only ones who have issues with it.
I still have people disagreeing with me here, but at least I'm not getting hated on. People here are much more open to discussion about the flaws of the show.
(Or maybe I just got lucky this time. Who knows?)
I agree with all of your points, actually. I may not ship KimRon, but that's because their relationship was handled poorly, even before they started dating.
After they started dating, there should've been more tender and emotional moments between them. It sucks that we didn't see that very often. Or that, when it did happen, it was interrupted by something "funny" happening, usually at Ron's expense.
It felt like they weren't in a serious relationship because the relationship wasn't allowed to be serious.
I don't mind all the asks. I actually appreciate them. You're totally allowed to send me your thoughts about Kim Possible. I like having discussions with people about it. And I will do my best to reply to all of them.
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 59
Jus in Bello/The Runaway Bride
“Jus in Bello”
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: No one died, so…sure
I’m so worried Bela’s gonna die in this episode
Every time this FBI agent shows up I feel bad for him. It’s giving “this’ll be known as the day that you almost caught Sam and Dean Winchester” like, yeah, he detains them for a while but try always get away
Look. I hate John Winchester as much as the next guy, but listening to anyone who didn’t know him talk about him like that?? Ooooooo, no. He was not a good dad, but he didn’t do THAT, agent
What the ACTUAL FUCK?? Ooohhhhhhh the deputy director is possessed by a demon??
So…what IS the game plan here?? Literally on both sides. I get the demons wanted to come in and kill the boys, fine. But why take out literally everyone? I guess the answer I’d get is “why the hell not?” But also why is Agent Henriksen so fucking calm??
Hey. Hey, Sam?? What the hell, man?? All for a rosary?
Dean…why are you this excited about having a hit out on the two of you? Is it the blood loss from getting shot??
OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT. He grabbed the rosary to make the toilet water holy water because now HENRIKSEN is possessed!! THE TWISTSSSS!! And now everyone else has seen the demon leave
Best part of the episode so far? Dean and I sharing one braincell. Henriksen wakes up from the possession and the first thing he says is “I shot the sheriff.” I recall that the FBI deputy director is also dead and think “but you didn’t shoot the deputy” just in time for Dean to say that
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That is the correct response, anyway
This poor girl. She’s just a receptionist.
Aw dude…fucked it up for everyone in here. Ok maybe not. It only allowed Ruby in
I wish I could like Ruby. But she is EVERY “writers trying too hard to write a ‘strong female character’ that they’ve written the same character as all the guys they write but cast a woman to play her” I’ve ever seen
I’m mad at Dean right now. This girl’s choice (though based in patriarchal bull shit from her religion) should be respected and not this soft ridicule. It’s still ridicule from him but he’s not trying to be malicious. So yeah…I’m not…not too happy with him. OMG CAN WE STOP TREATING SEX LIKE IT’S THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE WORLD?? Like, yeah, I don’t want this girl to die either, but the fact that she’s never had sex is not the main reason she shouldn’t die
I will say the battle coming down to a glorified water fight is pretty great. Followed by a mass exorcism
At least they didn’t have….I was just about to say that at least they didn’t have to kill Henriksen to end the animosity between them, but then the show killed him anyway, along with everyone else
“Been On My Mind…”: some hate flirting between Dean and Bela but otherwise no
“The Runaway Bride”
God....I hate her scummy fiance. I'm so glad the TARDIS abducted Donna.
I love how much they antagonize each other. <3<3<3<3<3 They're so perfect "the what." "the TARDIS" "the what." "the TARDIS" "the what." "it's called the TARDIS" "that's not even a proper word!"
She's taking this all very well after all her shouting. Like, she just found out aliens exist and she's standing next to one in his spaceship that kidnapped her and she says "it's freezing in here with these doors open"
Oh...I wanna hug both of them. The Doctor's wounds are so fresh from Rose's departure, and Donna's so scared and covering it up by yelling at him.
There it is...the moment it's too much (for now)
Okay, but I hope Donna's wedding dress after Journey's End had pockets. I wouldn't get married in a dress that didn't have pockets. You should want better for yourself, Donna
I DESPERATELY want to know what she said when she chewed out the taxi driver to end with "and that goes double for your mother!!"
AGAIN with the masked Santas!!
We need longer seasons again, in general. A 6/8/10 episode season of any TV wouldn't have time for the two kids cheering on Donna and the Doctor from the backseat of their parents' car.
Why are you bad at lying about having a time machine? Can't go back on someone's personal time line.......apparently?? My dude...
Oh...no...the reception. And then everyone's yelling at her like she did something wrong. Sure, her crying is not 100% genuine (or even mostly genuine). But they're also not completely disingenuous. She didn't ASK to be abducted. She spent that whole time TRYING to get back so she could get married. My poor Donna.
I always enjoy the way they turn Christmas staples upside down. The Star of Bethlehem now being the ship the spider queen is on...it's brilliant.
The more Torchwood gets involved in things, the less I like them...anyway, I love how Donna's avoided seeing every alien invasion in the past two years/ever
"I'm a pencil inside a mug?" I love her so much...
There's really nothing left to do other than laugh at the absurdity of it all when your wedding gets ruined because you got abducted and now, you, your fiance, and the alien whose space ship abducted you are riding segways in the secret lower basement of your workplace where you met your fiance.
God. He's so used to Rose absolutely LOVING his manic "I just figured out what's going on and I'm going to tell you as quickly and excitedly as I can and you might not understand but I'll slow it down for you eventually" rants, and Donna does NOT have time for those. She's like "you are literally talking about ME, a LIVING HUMAN RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. You better STOP being giddy about this and just tell me WHAT IS GOING ON," but the way she says it is with a literal slap in the face.
Why does the empress of the Racnoss know/care about Christmas? Do the Racnoss have Jesus???
...I hate him. I hate him SO. MUCH.
I just reread the post about Donna not letting Lance and the empress hurt the Doctor. So, I'm crying. She deserves so much better than everyone in her life.
There's something to be said about the Lance/empress vs. Donna/Doctor dynamics. Lance was promised the chance to see what was going on out in the universe if he would work by the empress's side and betray humanity, and in the end she betrays him for her own purposes. Donna and the Doctor were just thrown together, she is promised nothing, and she actually GETS to see the formation of the earth while BARELY getting along, and while they do part ways, they WILL come back to each other, and toward the end of this year, they'll do it again. I'm fine and not crying.
What I'd give to see Jackie Tyler freaking out about this...
Time Lord pockets are bigger on the inside, too?? Unfair
So yeah...again with the Doctor wiping out entire alien races. Gonna be keeping an eye on this. Should it be "Number of Episodes Since the Doctor Potentially Committed Genocide"? Think it might be...
The fact that after ALL THAT Donna still doesn't think Lance deserved to die. Precious. Cinnamon. Roll. Too. Pure. For. This. World.
Number of Episodes Since the Doctor Potentially Committed Genocide: 0
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tarnishedhalo · 2 months
"So.....for your birthday, I got you this silly gift because I adore seeing you smile....
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.....and I'm taking you to The Marshall in Times Square for dinner tonight - my treat, no arguments! Then when we get back, you can have these:
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A great bottle of Chateau Petrus to share, Cuban thingies for you to puff on while I go try on what's in the bag. Happy Birthday Mr Riley!"
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"Yeah, okay, but," there's the quietest rumble of a laugh in his throat as he opens the first gift. "You know that specifically Kilmer's portrayal of Doc is maybe my favourite, and I love that movie. Know it forwards and backwards. True story, Beth and I used to watch it every night before I went on mission."
Riley isn't usually one for Nostalgia-capital-N, but some part of him has always been drawn to the old west in ways he can't ever explain. And Tombstone because he'd been around eight when it had come out, and back then, he thought that Virgil Earp looked just like his dad. He puts the pop down, and raises a brow. He is not the type of man who allows himself to be bossed around by anyone not minted a superior officer, but the tone and the intention that belong to Kit makes him grin and nod. "Yeah, okay but I hope you know Beth is going to be super jealous when she finds the empty bottle on the counter."
He glances at the cigars and something of the devil shades his gaze as it flicks back up to her. "You know, technically I could arrest you and call customs down for those. It's still illegal to bring Cuban cigars into the country, even if they're from a different country ~Argentina, France, et cetera~ but this one time, I think I'll overlook criminal activities. Mostly because I want to know what's in the bag."
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beommiya · 3 months
The raven haired man watches Kibum as he gets up from the bench and starts walking closer to the rose bushes, making sure to loosen up the chain so that it wouldn't inconvenience the young man too much. Now that he thought about it, maybe now that Kibum knew the truth and once his mind would've cleared enough, they could ditch the collar and leash altogether. Kibum did look rather appealing with it on, a part of Xuan had to admit it, but he knew that if he wanted to form an actual bond and relationship, of any kind, he couldn't just treat the younger like a puppy on a leash.
But those were thoughts to ponder about maybe later, because now all Xuan could think about was how pretty this guy looked in the moonlight, between the may white petals and fairy lights surrounding the area. Maybe it was the fact that Kibum had rather feminine fine features or something else, but the picture before his eyes felt very natural and pure, like it was meant to be for these elements to come together. For a moment, as if time stood still, Xuan could have sworn he saw a glimpse into the past and in that soft smile he found once more the image of a friend long gone. It made him wonder if that's how he would've looked like if he were to reach adulthood. Xuan shakes his head, trying not to get overwhelmed by nostalgia. He simply couldn't allow himself to fall into that rabbit hole.
Luckily Kibum's question broke him out of his little daydream and the Chinese man came to stand next to him. "I thought you would have figured it out by now, given my name." Xuan chuckles and raises an eyebrow. "Yeah, you've kind of guessed it right, I'm not really from around here and my home is far from here. I was born in mainland China, grew up there and spent my formative years there until some unfortunate events forced me to uproot myself and leave my past behind." There was a hint of sadness in the man's voice, but it was somewhat to be expected. "I wouldn't say that I am necessarily homesick anymore. I've left China when I was 20 to go study abroad at Harvard, in the states, and once I was done with my studies I simply decided to make a name to myself and build my own thing here in Korea. So it's pretty much been 6 years since I've left my home. It's to be expected that after such a long time I should be used to living away from my native lands, so I don't get that homesick anymore. My father, who was my only family, is long gone and all that I've got left back in China is an estranged childhood friend, so not really much to make me sad or miss home, I guess." Xuan shrugs his shoulders and bends down to pick up one of the roses, twirling its stem between it's fingers as he looked at it for a moment.
"Well, this is my home now and I am doing really well, if I might say so myself, so there's no reason I should complain about anything." He smiles and tucks the flower behind Kibum's ear. Xuan then admires him for a few moments, thinking to himself that Bum and the roses do suit each other really well, before he notices that the young man is slightly shivering from the chilly night breeze, so he proceeds to take off his own jacket and places it on Kibum's shoulders. "I guess we should really go back now. It's really getting cold." He concludes and offers his hand to Kibum. "Shall we?"
Eventually, some minutes later, once Kibum have decided to follow Xuan back inside the mansion, they find themselves once again inside Xuan's big chambers. The young mob had instructed his maids to get the bath ready. Now Kibum is waiting for his warm bath to be ready, while Xuan is reading a book, sitting on a sofa his men must've brought into the room while they were having dinner, because it wasn't there the first time Xuan had brought Kibum there to treat his wounds. It probably meant that they were going to share the room and one of them was going to sleep on that sofa. There was also a plate with sandwiches resting on the nightstand, next to Kibum, Xuan had brought in for him in case Bum was still hungry, given he hadn't really ate much during dinner and other than that, there was pretty much silence between them as they waited.
Kibum's question about Xuan's roots was not random at all. His favorite game was playing stupid, even though at times he was a bit more naïve for obvious reasons. He could tell the name was not Korean but Chinese, however, asking that question gave him more time to listen to his voice and make him talk. Kibum himself was not much of a talker, he didn't know what exactly to say to sound interesting in the other's eyes. But Xuan seemed to always have a story for anything and everything. "China, US, now Korea, you traveled a lot" he said with a bittersweet tone in his voice. He never left the country, he had no legal documents to his name as if he never existed. He didn't mention it as he was too embarrassed but he hoped that Xuan would talk more about his travels whenever the occasion arises.
His eyes find Xuan's again when he puts the flower behind his ear. The gesture touches him, almost forgetting everything that happened less than 12 hours ago, at least for a bit. The jacket as well as the hand, both surprise him. Such sweet and subtle gestures, all meant to earn his trust in a way. He was a bit suspicious though, not going to lie. Deep down, he couldn't understand why Xuan was so nice and sweet; they only met and not in the best conditions to say the least. Maybe this was Xuan's way of apologizing for treating him so badly in the beginning? It must be that, otherwise, what else could be the reason? But Kibum didn't complain, not at all. In fact, he started to really enjoy it. "Let's go, yeah..." The jacket smelled like Xuan, obviously, the scent that comforted him not long ago when he was crying his hear out, and the hand was making him feel human again, not being dragged by a metal chain any longer. It was still attached to him but it didn't make him feel like a filthy animal anymore.
To his surprise, the silence was neither deafening nor awkward. As Xuan sat on the sofa, Kibum sat on the edged of the bed. He saw the sandwiches but couldn't eat them. The shyness of eating in front of waters overwhelmed him again, he called it shyness, he didn't know it was an actual problem with him. If Xuan had one he was also going to have one, otherwise no. But he couldn't simply ask Xuan to eat so he could also eat, it was just as embarrassing to ask for such thing. Instead, he distracted himself from the food and soon found himself, twirling the stem of the rose between his fingers. Something in him told him to keep it, find a way to press and dry it and just keep it. "Do you ever get sad in the winter when they die? The flowers I mean? Seeing all your work withering away."
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anemia-rp · 6 months
-Xuan listened to Teru talk, taking in the new information the younger shared and once he was done, he nodded. - I don't know, I guess a part of me might've been slightly influenced by the way I was raised in my first few years of life. All I can say is that those few blurry memories from back then made me resent and hate deeply my grandparents and uncles. But hey, their shit way of treating me allowed me to develop my survival skills and abilities from an early age, so that's that. If it weren't for my affinity for petty theft and evading tricky situations, I wouldn't have met my step-dad nor impressed him enough for him to decide to give me a chance and take me under his wing. Long story short, he was impressed by how a 4 year old could outsmart 2 fully grown men trained in martial arts and he decided to recruit me into his organization's youth program. He was also the one who named me after the color of my eyes. - Xuan turns to look at Teru briefly, a smile playing at the corners of his lips and a somewhat warmth in his usually cold green eyes. -
That bootcamp is what helped me develop my skills further and allowed me to get the education I otherwise wouldn't have gotten. And there's also where I met my only ever best friends. - A slight feeling of nostalgia crept into his voice, making it crack a bit. Maybe that subject was a can of worm for another time. -
Anyways, in regards to your family, I can only say to hell with your dad for not acknowledging what a great man you are. Who the fuck cares if you like to fuck men instead of chicks? I am bisexual too and that never stopped me from reaching my full potential. And don't ever call your music trash, okay? You are a talented young man and an amazingly good artist! I'm ready to kill anyone who dares say otherwise, and just so you know, for a fact, I never say things I don't mean. Flattery is something I do extremely rare. - The raven haired then gave him another pat on the head and pulled him closer, so that Teru would lean against his shoulder. - I'm sure your grandpa would be fucking proud of who you are now, Teru! And you should be damn proud of yourself too! - There was no ounce of irony in Xuan's words. The man was as serious as can be. -
Always try to see the positive side of things! Yeah, could be it strenghtened you. If no one's got your back you learn to do things your own way and how to go for what you love even without any support and getting met with resistance. -he could relate quite well to this himself, maybe not in such an extreme way, but he had never buried his dreams despite the words of his parents and teachers- Guess that's been your fate then. The path that was predestined for you! -he smiled back at Xuan and felt a prickling warmth in his stomach, not only because of how beautiful this man was but because of how entrusting he was towards Teru; this wasn't self-evidental at all, he knew this, and he could hear how emotional this all made him so Teru swallowed thickly in compassion, his big eyes glinting as if tears were about to well up for a moment-
My parents are rather on the traditional side, you know? And I became a rebel…but never really in a bad way…if you don't mention booze and cigarettes! -he laughed and sighed then in a touched way, the other's words making him feel even more warm and fuzzy inside- No worries, I truly believe in my music, that's why we came so far and have fans all over the world. -he happily shifted closer and rubbed his cheek against Xuan's shoulder, halfway closing his eyes in bliss because he was treated so well- Thank you, Xuan. Sometimes I falter because I'm absolutely perfectionistic, but I know, I know! I'm some pretty great fucker, huh?
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thecyrulik · 2 years
Third installment in my fanfic to @whumpy-writings's Of Vampires And Men story (Kay, I'm sorry if you see the notif and feel false hope it's something new XD)
Part 1 Part 2
Content warning: institutionalized slavery, some dehumanization, environmental whump, blood drinking, mild risk of fainting
Let me know if I should adjust my tagging and/or warnings
Nicodem woke up with a start. Something was off, he felt it. The sun was still up, although dusk was near. He looked around the tent; everything seemed in order. Briggs was still sleeping soundly, exhausted with last night’s events, and… Fuck, he thought. The human was gone!
Before he allowed panic to get to him, he looked around to find his suncloak so that he could go search for Arek before Fabian woke up. Just a second of calm thinking made him realize he could smell the human just outside the tent. From what he heard and smelt, Arek was okay.
Nico put on his cloak carefully, then got outside. It took him a moment before his eyes adjusted to late afternoon sun, shaded by thick branches, yet still burning just a little. Arek was sitting in the biggest patch of sunlight, his pale-ish bare chest and face covered in light. The blanket he was given the night before was still wrapped around his shoulders and back.
He must have heard Nico coming towards him because he opened his eyes, a little startled. He shifted uneasily, pulling the blanket tighter as if to protect himself. Nicodem sat in front of him, staring, thinking of the right words to say. Arek didn’t look like he was about to bolt, so he supposed he had time.
“I had hoped I’d get back inside before you woke up,” the human whispered, breaking the silence. Nico nodded. That made sense; they were all tired enough not to wake unless danger was coming.
“And you didn’t run away,” he said it like it was just an observation – which it was, actually. The human seemed smart enough.
“Run away to where?” asked Arek quietly, looking around, trying to make a point. Nicodem didn’t bother trying to see it through the branches, but he was sure the sky was covered in smoke from the enemy’s artillery stationed just on the brink of the swamp region. “There’s no human settlements nearby – there might have been, before the armies came, but now they’re all destroyed and the humans all part of the feeding supply. Best I could do is go find the Torins and hope they treat me better than Lucians do.” There was a bit of provocation in Arek’s voice, as if he was asking Nico to start the discussion about his country’s treatment of humans. Nicodem ignored it and asked instead, “And you don’t think they will?”
“In general, they might. But not right now.”
It was painfully obvious that what was an annoying, ungrateful task for Nico, the human considered a nice break from the torment he was subjected to in regular feeding grounds. The captain didn’t feel like taking the blame of the whole army’s fault for that on his shoulders.
“When we reach the 37th, I’ll make sure you’re treated well,“ he offered instead, feeling a little stupid for worrying about a human he’d known for less than 3 nights. Still, it was what it was and he felt the need to help a bit.
Arek raised one corner of his mouth in a half-smile. It was not a happy one.
“I appreciate it. I really do, but you cannot promise anything. They’ll tell you anything you want to hear, then do as they’ve always done.”
Nico had no idea how to counter that, so he asked instead, “You belonged to the Torins once, right?”
Arek scowled at that, and the vampire wasn’t sure if it was at the bad memories, his nosiness or maybe some sort of nostalgia, if that was even possible.
“Yeah. Once. Not anymore though,” he answered and absentmindedly touched the inside of his left arm, where the Torin brand marked him as their property. Nicodem’s nation used a different method – they tagged their humans’ ears. Arek was also sporting a flat metal rectangle with the number 218 stamped on it, just like every other Lucian human that managed to survive their first couple of weeks in the vampires’ captivity.
Arek caught himself rubbing the brand and stopped. He readjusted the blanket, a little more relaxed now that he knew he didn’t get in trouble for leaving the tent.
“You should go back to sleep,” he said eventually. “I’m not sure I can, and I’d rather catch some more sunlight instead. I won’t run, I swear. Actually, I don’t even have the strength to do that.” Arek shrugged, baring his throat just a little, showing the faint bite marks from last night. Right, Nico should have remembered that tiny detail.
The vampire stared at the human for another moment before speaking again.
“Shouldn’t you at least put your shirt on? You guys get cold at the faintest breeze, it would seem, and I told Fabian to finish cleaning it and hang on a branch. It ought to have dried thorought the day.” He pointed to Arek’s bare chest, covered in pale bite scars near his collarbones. The human actually smiled at him, a little devilishly, like a promise of future trouble.
“I’ll do that when the sun goes down. Sunlight actually makes us less likely to get sick, you know. I’d rather get as much of it as possible,” explained Arek. “If you allow it,” he added, as if he had just remembered he was supposed to act like a meek blood slave.
Nicodem sighed, thinking about the best way to reply that wouldn’t encourage the man to be insolent, then just smiled, his eyes half-closed.
“I’ll allow it. Catch your sunlight, Arek.” He stood up and walked towards the tent. Just before getting inside, he turned back to the human and said, “Actually, do you know how to start a fire?”
“Yeah. I do,” answered Arek simply.
“Can you start a tiny one, hopefully smokeless, just around sunset? It’ll help us get moving faster, and it’s safer to have a fire when it’s not fully dark out.”
“Got it. Tiny fire, around sunset. No smoke. Put on my shirt. Don’t run. Any other orders?” Arek was making fun of him, now Nico was sure of that. It didn’t feel like mean-spirited fun though, and he was too tired and sleepy from sunlight to force himself to discipline a human he already liked a lot.
“No. Just don’t go anywhere, and try not to die, or we’ll starve in this swamp.”
Arek nodded solemnly, the smile gone from his mouth but still visible in his eyes.
“Oh, I wouldn’t let you starve for sure.”
Nico got inside the tent and found Fabian sprawled over his spot. Without saying a word, he pushed the kid away so that he had enough space to lie down. He managed to get himself comfortable before the corporal scooted close to him again. Nico had no desire to fight the young vampire about it, so he just relaxed and let Briggs push his head somewhere between his arm and side.
A full day’s sleep did wonders to all four members of their little expedition. The human made fire as ordered, tidied up the camp, collecting all the dried up clothes from before, he also claimed to have had eaten before either of the vampires woke up for good. Nico didn’t want to admit it, but the smell of human food made him just a little nauseous, so he was glad about this turn of events.
As the captain started studying the map again, trying to find the best way to catch up on their schedule without getting themselves into even worse mud or Torin hands, Arek started taking down the tent, unprompted. His movements were slow, deliberate, and Nico was reminded that they took quite a lot of blood from him last night. He summoned Briggs, ordering him to help the human while he finished setting their route. It pleased him to see the young vampire do that without complaint, especially since he had to work side by side with a human.
Soon enough, they were on the road again. Nicodem decided against leaving the two of them alone like last time – the terrain was getting more solid and dry, though still scattered with dozens of narrow creeks and ponds behind every other alder tree. The march wasn’t pleasant, but they weren’t as miserable, except for Arek, who lost his strength quickly. He didn’t say a word of complaint, holding the mule– Betsy, Nico recalled, Arek had named it Betsy– holding Betsy’s bridle to help him keep up. It worked for a little while and Nico was glad the human was this determined to walk on his own, but after another stumble, they just had to change something.
“Let’s take a short break,” he said and walked towards the mule and the man. Arek watched him with careful eyes, surely wondering if he got in trouble for slowing down the group, so the captain decided to ease his worry.
“Go sit down. Rest, maybe eat something.”
Arek nodded, then wordlessly pulled out a small bundle of food from the sack, then sat down under the nearest tree. The contrast between his relative chattiness in the early evening and now was unpleasantly obvious. Kern took one of the mule’s bags off and gave it to the surprised corporal.
“We’re going back to my original plan. The human can’t walk much longer, not before he rests some more,” he explained quietly. “So we’re gonna carry our baggage and he’ll ride the mule.”
Briggs seemed unhappy, a tiny scowl that disappeared after half a second, but he didn’t say a word, putting the sack down and unstrapping the other one.
“Stay here and keep an eye on him and your surroundings. I’ll go look around to make sure it’s safe to stop here,” Nicodem said, then, not waiting for an answer, he disappeared between the trees. A quick look around told him there were marks of a small group of people passing through recently. It’s been a couple of days at least, though, and from the marks he found, he guessed they came and went without stopping or returning, so as long as they don’t decide to go back, Nico and his tiny team should be okay for a little while. He made a mental note to stay away from that trail if he could help it, though.
He returned to Fabian and Arek to find them sitting opposite to each other in silent companionship. He didn’t want to pry, but he was wondering if they used that time to discuss the last night’s events. Surely Briggs didn’t enjoy holding a debt to a human, even if technically he didn’t owe him shit, considering how Arek was just army property, human no. 218. Lucians didn’t exactly believe in any duties or responsibilities towards their cattle, no matter their designation.
But it looked like they just sat there, the vampire wary and the human simply tired, eyes half-shut. He finished eating already and now shivered slightly in his thin jacket, though he clearly wanted to hide it – every now and then his shaking almost stopped and a determined expression showed up on his face.
“We’ll have to change our route again. This one isn’t safe. It’s good that we’ve stopped, I wouldn’t have looked around this closely otherwise,” he lied. “You know how to ride?” he asked Arek, who opened his eyes wide with an effort.
“A mule can’t be much different than a horse, right?” The human stood up slowly and leaned on the tree trunk. “Gimme a sec so I don’t get dizzy,” he asked quietly, looking between Briggs and Kern. The corporal sighed as if wanting to say something, then decided against it and just got to the mule. Nico had just remembered he had asked Jonas for a bareback pad but never checked if it was packed. It seemed that Fabian did though – he pulled it out of the sack that was supposed to be his for the next couple of hours and put it on the animal. Betsy showed indifference as he did so, grazing on some feeble plant instead.
Without Nico needing to ask for that, Fabian lead the mule next to the human. Arek smiled faintly, then stopped himself.
“I’m just tired, not crippled. Not my best physical form, you know,” he explained as he got onto the mule. Betsy shook her head, displeased, but he pet her on the neck and she calmed down easily.
And with one vampire in front of the mule, one behind it and one human riding it bareback, their merry little company resumed the mission none of them particularly cared about.
taglist: @that-sapphic-whumper @whump-cravings @thegreatwhodini @ceph-the-writing-spook
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civilianplus · 2 years
I can't believe this circus has gotten to the point that I feel the need to say something, but I'm gonna say it: I believe Amber Heard.
I believe the case that proved 12 out of 14 cases of Johnny's abuse of Amber to the civil standard. I believe the ex-girlfriend who has adamantly denied accusations of Amber abusing her. I believe the makeup artist who covered her bruises. I believe the hotel staff that had to clean up the messes of his violent rampages. I believe Ellen Barkin, a former partner of Johnny, who has also testified about his volatility. I believe Amber's sister, who witnessed some of the violence. I believe her good friend, who was brought to tears while describing the fear she had for Amber's wellbeing. And I believe Amber herself, when she says she feared for her life at times in their relationship.
I so wanted to dismiss this case as celebrity drama and move on, but the cesspit of social media has not allowed me to do so. Everywhere I go, I see reaction videos and memes. It's being consumed like a fandom war—to the point that people genuinely thought it was acceptable to use a description of sexual assault as a tiktok sound. I don't care if they thought it was a lie; the content was horrifying and triggering and not amusing at all. And it was rape culture at its finest ("Amber honey, that sounds like fun. Why are you complaining?").
YouTube recommends videos of this case like it's the next influencer cancel-war, and the comments are full of the most vile, misogynistic sentiments I've ever seen. "Hystrionic Personality Disorder" is being treated like a legitimate diagnosis (but only for women, of course), rather than the 21st century version of hysteria—aka a diagnosis specifically designed to discount the authentic distress of women. (Ever read Yellow Wallpaper?)
I do believe that men can be, and are, victims of domestic abuse. They deserve unequivocal support. But beyond the ravings of fangirls, the proof is simply not on Johnny's side. To be fair, I actually believe Johnny about many things—I believe the multiple times he told witnesses (and was recorded admitting) that he cut his own finger. I believe his texts admitting that he wanted to drown then burn Amber and then rape her corpse. I believe that Amber hurled horrible insults at him and struck him, as abuse victims often do when provoked by their abusers. I believe the many, many vile things he's said about/called women.
And yeah, it's a real disappointment. I understand the nostalgia surrounding Johnny Depp. In many ways, he defined the media of my generation. But when I say I don't give a shit, I really mean it. I believe he abused his wife. And I stand with Amber.
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bas-writes · 4 years
Hiya Bas! Tumblr gave me an error so I hope this one comes through TwT. I'm gonna contribute to the pile of Wano-inspired asks if thats okay! Izo with 6, 97, 44, him using the prompt, reader can be GN for everyone to enjoy!! These prompts were amazingly cute and I hope you have the mst fun writing them, I know you're gonna produce some awesome magic you fanfic queen!!! Much much loveeeee
Hazeeeeel, I’m truly honored to write for one of your boys  (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ The previous Izo request was really warm welcomed, so I hope this one will be good too  (*ノ∀`*)
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Character: Izo Reader: gender neutral Word count: ~850 CW: consumption of alcohol, non-sexual nudity
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Even if you were submerged to your shoulders, you still felt like a fish out of…well, water. You weren’t used to be naked in a public bath, even if you had the whole pool booked for you two, the place itself not especially crowded in the first place. You were under the impression anyone could walk on you any moment and the fact Izo wasn’t with you wasn’t helping at all. You crossed legs tighter to hide the crucial area and pushed yourself deeper into a corner you chose as your hideaway, your eyes almost plastered to the door separating the water from showers and changing room. Just in case.
It had been a while since you two could relax like that. After that horrible war—you shivered at the mere memory of it—you had been spending your time either running away or hiding, barely the last few months finally calmer to more or less settle down. You had been sure Izo had—at least temporarily—enough of a pirate life. Well, he had never been very trigger-happy in the first place, preferring peace and balance over adventures and spontaneity. You had expected holing up together in that unoccupied house you had claimed yours, not escapades to Wano-style hot springs on the neighboring island, much bigger and more dangerous than the one you had chosen for your shelter.
“It looks like at home,” he had said when the advertising booklet had found itself in his hand. You hadn’t seen his face beaming with such light in a while. How could you say no?
The bath indeed felt nice and relaxing, better than any other you had had an opportunity to visit. Warmth soothed a lot of your worries and anxieties, water felt soft and heavy on your limbs as you had quickly dipped to hide your body. You were glad you, in the end, agreed on this tiny frenzy, but at the same time you were still sulking that you hadn’t been allowed to keep a swimsuit.
Luckily, Izo didn’t let you wait long for him. He soon appeared, carrying a wooden tray with sake and snacks, a cloth was wrapped around his hips for modesty. 
“Isn’t it illegal too?” Yeah, you were salty you weren’t allowed to cover, but apparently Izo had found a way to sneak food and drinks.
“Y/N, we are pirates.” As the tray was already floating towards you, Izo smiled at you in that characteristic way, small wrinkles blooming around his eyes and corners of his lips.
“Haven’t we promised we wouldn’t cause problems?”
“Bellies loosen all the rules.”
He encouraged you to leave your shelter and sit by his side, in the best place, close to the little artificial waterfall. As you got up and exposed your torso, you shivered. Submerged in hot water you forgot how cold it was: pains and aches of winter island. You gladly snuggled to your boyfriend’s side, his arm immediately wrapped around you and pulled you closer.
“What is it?” You hungirly glanced at the tray as he was pouring sake into cups.
“Local speciality.” He handed one up to you. “Tofu and vegetables wrapped in rice and algae, with sweet and spicy sauce. Open mouth.”
Izo lifted one piece with chopsticks and gently placed it between your lips. You gladly accepted the treat, delicious food almost melting on your tongue.
“You’re spoiling me,” you purred. “I thought this was supposed to be a short bath only, for the sake of nostalgia?”
A weird shadow crossed Izo’s beautiful face, “There…might be a possibility I will have to leave you for a short while.
“So…it’s a goodbye treat?” You frowned. “Should I why?”
“Nostalgia related…business.”
He was feeding you in silence, nothing but your heartbeats and hum of the waterfall audible. Your bodies and the water were steaming in the cold air. Few stray strands of Izo’s hair were floating on the surface and he was studying your expression with exceptional focus and worry.
“Y/N—” He eventually broke the spell. There was so much pain in his voice you almost shivered. “Look at me.”
“Look at me.” He repeated as you didn’t react. “I love you.”
“Couldn’t you at least wait for this good day to end?” You sighed. “We could enjoy each other without worrying.”
“I’m sorry.”
You leaned for a gentle kiss. His lips were so soft and welcoming, his natural taste a bit dimmed by sake and sauce. Izo ran fingers down your spine while answering your ministrations. A caress of a lover who knew he screwed up and didn’t dare to push things forward, despite yearning and sadness tearing his soul apart.
“What can I say?” You whispered inches away from his face. “I will patiently wait and pray for your success.”
He kissed your forehead and didn’t withdraw for longer, inhaling the scent of your skin and hair.
“But now let’s enjoy the bath. No nostalgia is allowed to interrupt our love.”
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20thcentury-kylo · 3 years
Tides Of Memory Chapter 1.5
hey there.. I'm gonna be honest this probably took more out of me than it should- i got a tad too ambitious and burnt myself out :p and i was so unsatisfied with it that most of the art got scrapped in the process, with that in mind i don't consider this a full chapter, I'm gonna take a step back and try a more manageable approach for the next one- (hopefully that wont take as long heheh)
Anywho i hope you enjoy what i have here even if its not much~
Eyes set adrift a sunlit room that morning. Echos of his dream still rang clearly in his thoughts. Kiome shifts from the dorm’s bed in a slow fluid motion. Standing to stretch, he revels in the subtle pops and cracks that surge through his body. Stray tears are wiped away as the sleep slowly fades from his eyes. He’s standing at the bathroom mirror- trying for once to remember the sights from his last dream, nothing comes to mind except flashes of red and pink hues. However what he remembers more than anything- and what he can't seem to shake from his mind; is the lullaby-like melody and the words playing over and over in soft loops.
“I knocked on your bedroom door~” The lyrics come to him so naturally that Kiome can't help but hum them as he brushes his teeth. Strangely enough it’s accompanied by faint strums of a guitar that isn't really there- all things he chooses to ignore. The poor boy's life is confusing enough already.
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It takes no more than an hour for Kiome to be ready and out of the dorm, checking his phone to ensure he isn't late for homeroom. Summer’s in full swing as the temperatures rise to the mid 80’s and the scent of blooming sunflowers once again grace the air. Kiome’s pace slows as he’s accompanied by Ryota, Kengo, and Shiro, with the latter two engaged in their usual morning banter. The swordsman falls behind a bit- still trapped by thoughts of his dreams. Something about the clouds wispy white puffs is strangely familiar, and he finds himself unable to contain the smile that forms in response. Ryota gives him a questioning look, yet with a smile from Kiome brushes it off as a sign that today would just be a good day.
First period is no slower than usual, Ziz moves her lesson along at a comfortable pace allowing Kiome time to daydream. His mind wanders again to the contents of his recurring dreams, something similar to a sad nostalgia seems to wash over him in the moment. He remembers… losing something- someone, but when he screams the question of who into the void- he gets no response, only the words he can't seem to get out of his head
“Darling, I love you~”
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The school day seems to blur by, a collection of laughs and sighing wistfully at the antics of his classmates. Kiome is packing up from his last class when he hears an intriguing rumor amongst his friends.
“Yeah, something about hearin’ strange music and coming back from hell-'' Kengo mutters in between bites of the treats Ryota had brought for them. His interest piqued- Kiome slid closer to the group, getting a rainbow bun from Ryota in the process. Morikata continues the story- telling them of how a group of transients attempted to salvage some sunken treasure- only to have their ship sunk by some mysterious sound wave. As the information kept coming in by each of his peers, he’d figured he knew where his next adventure was.
“Sounds like they got into some serious trouble for it, even if it is true we don't have much to go on '' Shiro's words of warning felt strangely directed at just him, but regardless this wasn't something the swordsman was just gonna let pass by. At another mention of Nakano by the others, the boy's mind shifts to some familiar faces. Knowing it was anything involving ships, Eita and the others especially Benten. Benten would definitely be there- He’d go on and check on them while he was there. The group all decides to hold a study session together for the upcoming exams, and while Kiome wouldn't mind attending- he had other matters to attend to.
“You’re headed for the station~” Toji approached him in the school's main courtyard, speaking it as more of a statement than a question. It didn't take long for him to get the gist of it.. Of why he had to go, what surprised Kiome further is when he offered to cover for him. Looking back on it the swordsman owed him one, big time. There was this strange sense of anticipation as he boarded the train, he felt this trip would be something… important. The train ride to Nakano was quiet enough, and he pretty much spent it lost in his own head, but once he arrived, the hustle and bustle of the ward itself was almost overwhelming, he had a slight idea of what he was looking for, but no clue where to even start. Seemingly lost, Kiome sighed in relief when his phone started to buzz. The familiar Buzz, and jingle that always came when lil Sal appeared.
“Ta-Dah! It’s your trusty Familiar Lil’ Salomon at your service.” The small familiars antics aside, it was good to see him, and give a few belly rubs while he was at it.
“Woah- what are we doing all the way in Nakano Master?” After relaying the information he’d heard from his friends, Lil Sal proceeded to go through the list of apparent hits his search had brung up. They're soon heading to the shopping complex looking for the largest crowd they could find. In the shopping districts center the crowd is overflowing- Kiome can barely weave through the torrent of passing bodies let alone focus enough to find anything. Yet among the clamoring voices of conversation he begins to hear a voice, a boy's voice.
“H-hello, are you interested in embarking on a wondrous adventure!” Kiome follows the sound of it, weeding through the lessening crowd to its source. The more he heard it, the more the swordsman felt he had heard it before.
“A Life changing Journey on the open seas, with undiscovered riches!” After a lot of pushing the crowds dispersed until Kiome found himself in a clearing. The voice was loud and clear yet as he turned about- he couldn’t find a figure to match said voice.
“Here's What I think of your stupid treasure hunt!!” The clear yells of a transient rang out- drawing the boys attention. It was a therian- dressed kind of like a generic video game mob- and in front of him was clearly the person he’d been looking for. He makes a bee line for them but before Kiome can reach the pink haired boy is shoved in his direction. Instinctually he goes to catch the poor victim, falling to the ground with a heavy thud. Flyers have scattered everywhere, and he can hear the snickering of those passing by.
“Oi- hey are you okay..” Kiome looks up as the words leave his mouth, only to meet a pair of silver- pink hued eyes..
And suddenly- his head hurts...
~As always comments and reviews are very appreciated~
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theinnernerd · 4 years
I got a Twitter and kinda ditched tumblr... :( this is my attempt to change that.
This is Altean Lance from a scene in my fic The Shadow of a Prince ✨🤗✨
I’ll post an excerpt below because I CAN!!!! OmG I MISSSD the tumblr platform. I’m so FREE! I can write HOWEVER MUCH I WANT about this post.
Maybe it’s nostalgia but tumblr>>>>>Twitter. And that’s on that.
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It was in the dead of the night when an alarm on Keithek’s suit started beeping.
He had been trying to doze off, not feeling like readying himself for bed, but feeling sleepy enough that if he sat down and rested his eyes for a bit, he could get a decent few minutes of sleep that would sustain him for the day tomorrow. But the beeping pulled him out of the sleepy haze he had managed to sink under in an instant and he was suddenly wide awake again.
Keithek sighed. Lance had left his room.
Standing, he went to go find him. Rounding a few quick corners before he finally got to him, the boy still seeming to glow under the low light of the hall as he walked quietly down the hall.
Keithek sighed again, shaking his head, annoyed. Did the prince really think he was being sly? He knew that this was something his sister had decreed would be strictly forbidden until the threat was neutralized. Clearly, the prince still didn’t care.
He walked up behind him silently and as soon as he was within a foot of him he cleared his throat and tried not to take pleasure in the way the prince squawked with surprise and shot his gaze over to him. As soon as his blue eyes landed on Keithek’s, they instantly narrowed with anger. He let out an annoyed humph and groaned, thrusting his hands into his already tousled hair as he turned back around, clearly annoyed.
He was devoid of any jewelry or other adornments. He wasn't even wearing his crown. Seeing him without his usual get up was... strange. More strange than he thought it would be. The blue marks beneath his eyes were almost more apparent without the usual amount of decoration, and his natural features, in Keithek's opinion, were enhanced.
“I don’t think I need to explain to you that you should be in your room right now your highnesses. You aren’t safe to walk the halls alone at night.”
“How the hell are you even- you’re- it’s literally the ass crack of dawn and you’re in full quiznacking uniform?! Do you sleep? What the hell?”
The questions felt directed more to himself than they were to Keithek or anyone else. He muttered them unhappily, glaring at Keithek with almost as much distaste as the queen herself. Keithek pretended he didn’t notice the similarities in their unhappy facial expressions from the shape of their pointed faces to the curved narrow slits of their eyes. He ignored the feeling of slight discomfort he felt when seeing the queens face resembled so clearly in the princes annoyed and exasperated face.
“I’m alerted whenever you leave your room. It’s my job to be ready to stop you from making stupid decisions.”
It seemed that both the prince and himself were a bit surprised at the forward ness of that comment and the slight lack of professionalism that Keithek had let slip.
The prince brushed it off though and turned around, ignoring him as he pushed forwards where he had been going down the hall. The glare that Keithek received from him when he had stepped in front of him and stopped him from moving forward was vicious.
“Move.” He said shortly. Staring Keithek down, using their slight difference in hight to his advantage.
“You know I can not do that your highness. Keithek replied tiredly.
Lance groaned sliding his hands down his face in demonstration of his irritability. “What's your fucking problem, man?! Can't you just let me go for a walk around my castle at night if I want?”
“No.” Keithek said. “It's still dangerous.”
The prince looked visibly exhausted, running his hands through his hair and sighing. “Fine. You know what? Fine! Asshole! God! My life is the most pathetic…” He kept mumbling as he turned on his heel and began walking down the hallway again to go back to his room, getting far enough away after a while that Keithek couldn’t hear what he was saying anymore, and suddenly Keithek felt guilty.
He could sympathize, in some ways, with the prince, even if what he was doing was irresponsible and they both knew it. He wanted to be left to his own devices. He wanted to live his life. Having someone like Keithek on his back had to be frustrating. So for whatever reason, he took pity on him and blurred out something he really hadn’t expected he would actually say.
“I can accompany you however.” Keithek said to Lance’s back quickly. If you would like.
Lance halted in his steps, pausing a bit before turning back, giving him a skeptical look.
“Technically I am instructed to keep you in your room, but…” Keithek hesitated. He wanted to earn Lance’s trust. To show him that he was on his side, and that he trusted him too. He chose then to drop formalities, letting his spine relax a bit, offering Lance a look of solace.
“Look, I get it.” He said. “Sometimes You need a distraction, and trying to sleep just doesn't work. My job is to keep you safe, and I'll do that. But Nobody has to know about my breaking minor rules if it helps you relax…”
Lance just stared at him seeming as though he didn't believe his words. His eyebrows furrowed, but he turned around.
“Ok....” he said, drawing out the word. “Then I'm going to the kitchens.” He began walking forwards again and Keithek quietly trailed behind him.
Lance stretched, rolling his shoulders and yawning as they reached the entrance. He walked languidly to the counter and began collecting an assortment of food on his plate. Keithek stood at attention by the door, watching him. He filled a glass with some liquid Keithek couldn't name, and took a seat at the table, draping himself over the edge, one arm propping him up.
He was about to lift the glass to his lips when he looked up at Keithek, like he was only just realizing that he hadn't sat down with him.
Lance drew his eyebrows together and gave him a slightly irritated look of confusion.
“What, you're not allowed to sit either?” He asked sarcastically, gesturing to the seat across from him like it was ridiculous that he wasn't already there, his face twisted in annoyance.
“No, I'm allowed but for your safe-“ Keithek began but Lance cut him off, rolling his eyes.
“Oh my god, Just fucking sit down.” He said.
Keithek bristled in surprise but obeyed the prince, walking tentatively to the seat across from him, Lance’s eyes following him as he chewed, seeming to inspect him, looking him up and down.
When Keithek sat, Lance looked back at his plate, chewing and looking to be deep in thought. A long quiet ensued as Lance ate before he spoke up.
“How old are you.” Lance asked unprecedentedly, still watching the food he was pushing around.
Keithek was taken back by his question but answered after a moment of hesitation. “Twenty four,” he responded.
The prince quirked an eyebrow. “Geez, your pretty young to have such a giant stick up your ass.”
For perhaps the umpteenth time that night, Keithek didn't know how to respond to one of the princes unexpected comments.
“Do you ever, like, not take things so seriously?” He asked. Meeting his eyes.
Keithek's heart skipped, without permission when their eyes met, shocked at just how strikingly blue they were under the dim glow of the kitchens lights.
The prince was presenting himself to Keithek in ways that he had never seen him. Away from nobles, citizens of Altea, and even his sister, Lance was incredibly more casual. Almost like how he had been with the big Altean with yellow markings. Just less… friendly. He had a snarky sarcastic sense about him that Keithek hadn't assumed of him when they first met. Rather he seemed to be the professional, stubborn, hard ass that he was accusing Keithek of being now. Why he was choosing to show this side of himself to Keithek of all people, he didn't know.
When he didn't respond, Lance continued. Taking another sip from his glass. “Look. He said. I don't like being smothered, and I don't like unnecessary tension. But if my sister is going to sick you on to me for the rest of time I'd rather get over all these stupid formalities, and tell you that you are the last thing I want in my life right now.”
He paused, allowing himself to chew and swallow his food.
“But, he continued,” I'm pretty sure I won't be able to get out of this, so if you start treating me like a person rather than a fragile little flower, and loosen up a bit, we'll get along fine. Let me live my life and if there's ever someone going to stab me in the back, then you can stop them. But I'm not going to tolerate coddling and whatever other shit rules Allura gave you on how to treat me, got that?”
With his words, Keithek finally felt that he was starting to understand the prince. At least in some ways. What he was asking for was respectable, and Keithek was willing to give him that, as long as he knew that he was going to be with him at all times, like Allura had instructed him to be.
The prince was becoming more real with every interaction they had. Here, in this room, watching him slump over the table and eat his food with the most unamused face Keithek thought he had the ability to make, without his royal attire and glittering adornments, he looked normal.
Keithek nodded. “Yeah. He replied. I get it.”
“Great.” The prince said unenthusiastically, before he lifted himself back up, downing the last of his drink and then walked to put away his dishes. Keithek pushed away the mild surprise he felt upon witnessing an Altean royal wash his own dishes, his hands soapy as he scrubbed the surface of the plate before rinsing it off with water.
When the prince grabbed the entire bottle of the drink he had been sipping on earlier, Keithek looked curiously at him and asked, “what is that stuff.”
The prince frowned, looking down at the bottle. “If it’s any good?” He said, “It will help me forget that we ever had this conversation.” And with that, he took a big swig, right from the bottle, meeting Keithek’s eyes in a deadpan stare before he turned and walked out the doors. Keithek followed him silently back to Lance’s room, watching as he wordlessly scanned his hand to open the doors and walk inside, leaving Keithek in the hallway without another word.
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