#but yeah it'll always be better to reblog from the original artist imo
miyakuli · 6 months
hello, do you know if the blog animepopheart is a reposter? i used to trust them before, but i found it odd that they reposted this piece by artist wacca005 (https://www.tumblr.com/animepopheart/746667102981734400) when the artist and even this exact art is already posted on tumblr, and sadly the reposted version has, at the time of writing this, 5x more notes than the original post by the artist (https://www.tumblr.com/wacca005/746700085159706624). sorry to ask this out of the blue but unfortunately the animepopheart blog has both asks and replies disabled, but i thought you might know better than me. thanks in advance!
Hello anon! you're not the first one to ask me about this blog. I'm gonna be honest, I think they do have artists consent, I saw enough proofs about it in the past so I have no reason to doubt that.
It's true that it's a shame that they repost (even with permission) from an artist who already has their own blog. Actually, they talked about it in their permission detail here (read "Why don’t you reblog from artists’ Tumblr accounts?") and well, personally I don't agree with their way of doing things at all concerning this topic.... But in the end, it's the artist decision, if they were ok with that even though they had a blog, well, there's nothing wrong. But I can understand it can bother you.
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