#but yeah now everytime my dad excitedly say he cannot wait I wanna cry so bad 😭
yoohyeon · 1 year
At first I didn’t really realize it, but my dad is saying at least 5 times a day how much days is left before him and my mom leave on vacation of 2 weeks so that mean I’m gonna be alone with Puppy for 2 weeks…I’m gonna d*e of stress 😭
#i never been alone more than 3 days straight 😰#except when I went to Italy but I was with 20 other people form my school and had no worries#Puppy is gonna be so sad he’s so depressed when they leave for a weekend and it’s gonna be 14 days 😭#i just hope he’s gonna be fine too 😰#at least my uncle live close and has retire if I have to go to the vet he’s here or my friend is here if she’s not busy#i shouldn’t think of it but like I hate being alone 😭#before either a friend or my cousin would come live with me while they are gone#but now I’m gonna be alone :’)#my cousin will come when she her daughter is with her dad and I’ll go to my aunt or my cousin some days#but overall I’m gonna be alone I hope it will go fine 😭#7 years ago the same day my parent had come back from their vacation my cat sadly pass away so I’m kinda traumatized by this :/#but Puppy is doing well I need to think positively but I’m still terrified 😭#not only I would be destroy if something happen while I’m alone but my mom would never forgive herself 😭#i have to stop thinking about this I’m about to cry fksbdjsbjs#but yeah now everytime my dad excitedly say he cannot wait I wanna cry so bad 😭#and I hope they will have fun ! my mom is honestly not that excited cause of the same reason it seemed :’)#she dosen’t seem that excited when they talk about it :/#alex.txt#tw negativity#tw death mention#tw sick pet#tw sick animal#tw animal death mention#for the tags :‘)
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four-rabbit · 3 years
A perfect birthday
This is for the day 4 of the @dukexietyweek: Parents.
Hope you enjoy it!
Summary: This is the first one of Janus' birthday that they are celebrating together since Virgil and Remus adopted her and Virgil wants it to be perfect.
Characters: Remus sanders, Virgil sanders, Logan Sanders, Janus sanders, mentions to Patton Sanders
Warnings: swearing (some of it in front of middle schoolers), something that is not exactly a panic attack but could have evolved into one.
Obs: Janus is a trans girl here and uses exclusively she/her pronouns.
"Who do you want us to invite?" Besides Logan, I mean" Virgil asked as the family finished lunch, looking down at Janus, who shrugged.
Obs: Janus is a trans girl here and uses exclusively she/her pron
"Dunno. I'm not really friends with anyone besides him" 
"Oh, you could invite Patton! You like him, don't you?" Remus suggested excitedly, looking between his husband and their daughter, waiting for approval. Janus fixed her gaze on her food, embarrassed.
"I mean, whatever, he's just nice to me, but he's nice to everyone. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even like me" 
"Well, then it's a great opportunity for him to get to know how cool you're!" 
"It's supposed to be my birthday, dad, I'm supposed to have fun, not be trying to impress some boy" she replied sharply. The kitchen stayed in a heavy silence for some seconds before Virgil said, softly.
"We just want you to make friends." she sighed.
"I know. But people already don't really like me. I'm new, I'm weird, I'm trans-" Virgil and Remus exchanged a worried look as Janus looked down sadly. 
"Hey" Remus started, putting a hand on her shoulder "Being weird and trans fucking rules, remember that, but we get it, school can be scary and making friends can be even scarier" 
"Especially if you're trying to be friends with middle schoolers. They are the devil" Virgil agreed and Janus chuckled. 
"Maybe we can keep the long list of guests for my next birthday, how about that? Then I won't be giving you guys too much work" she suggested.
"Oh, don't worry about that, we got everything under control, Remus, did you order the cake?"
"Was I supposed to?"
"... We got most things under control" she rolled her eyes playfully.
"Hm. How about that: I'll call Logan and order a pizza, you guys find me a gift. Suggestion: money" Janus quickly decided, putting her plate on the sink and going to her room, already picking her phone to call Logan. Virgil immediately turned to Remus as she entered her room. 
"I can't believe you forgot the cake. This needs to be perfect! We can't ruin her first birthday with us!" 
"Hey, emo, don't worry, it will be fine! We don't need to be perfect, man, as long as she has fun"
"I know, I know, I just- being a dad is hard and I can't stop worried that we'll do the wrong thing it's already hard because she is older and we need her to adapt and we know she had a tough life before the adoption and I just want to be there for her and-"
"Virgil, breathe with me" Remus said calmly, putting a hand on his husband's shoulder and guiding him through a resting exercise for some minutes until Virgil got better.
"Thanks" he whispered. Remus held his hands, looking his partner in the eyes.
"Being a parent is hard, dude, it's on the job description, but we'll get there. Together, the three of us. Also, if it serves as any consolation, we literally cannot fuck up as much as yours parents" Virgil chucked.
"Or yours"
"Oh yeah, talk about shitty people"
"I'm glad we don't have to deal with them anymore"
"So am I. Hey, about that cake, we won't be having a personalized one, sorry for that, but how about I pick one up at the supermarket? It's better than nothing" 
"Oh so you're not totally useless after all" Virgil provoked, with a grin "Yeah, bring some snacks too, I'll try to clean the house a little bit while you're gone" 
"Cool. Let me just wash the dishes-"
"Look at him, offering himself to do chores" Virgil commented sarcastically. 
"Oh shut up, I'll just do it and then I'll go" 
"'Kay" he smiled, messing Remus' hair fondly and giving him the plates.
When Remus got back the house was already cleaner and Janus' weird nerd friend was already there.
"Oh finally! Your dad is home, he brought food!" Virgil announced, relieved to be able to back away from the videogame where the kids were destroying him. Middle schoolers really are the devil, even the nice ones. 
"Yeah, I sure hope he did" Janus replied, not even looking away from the screen. Her dad rolled his eyes, going to open the door and let his husband in, who carried three plastic bags and a chocolate cake.
"I'm here guys, you can start the party now!"
"Of course. We were playing some video games while we waited for you"
"Yeah, wanna play with us? I didn't want to say anything, but" Janus put her hand in front of her mouth as if she was going to tell a secret, but said as loudly as always: "because dad Virgil sucks at this" 
"Hey! Show some respect! I haven't played in a long time"
"Fuck yeah girl, but don't you cry about it when I beat you, oh hey Logan, sup!" 
"Good afternoon, Mr. Storm."
"Oh, I bought you something!" He grabbed one of the bags as Virgil organized everything at the table, coming back with a jar full of jam. "I knew you liked it so I bought" Logan's eyes were almost shining.
"Thank you so much, Mr. Storm!"
"He got something but I don't? It's like you don't even care about me!" Janus said dramatically. 
"I did buy you something, I- you know what" he grabbed his wallet, picking a one hundred dollars bill from there and handling it to Janus, who accepted the gift with a wide smile "Use it wisely"
"Thanks, dad!" 
"Hey, I bought you something too, an actual gift, by the way" Remus subtly showed his middle finger to his husband, who smiled and grabbed a small box, wrapped in gift paper, handing it to Janus, who immediately opened it, only to find an eyeshadow palette. She didn't answer immediately, slowly getting to her feet and hugging Virgil, whispering:
"Thanks" said genuinely.
"I can teach you how to do makeup! I was really good at each when I was trying to be a cis girl!" Remus suggested right after. She rolled her eyes, but didn't stop smiling.
"It's not a competition, you dumb old man. But thanks anyway. You guys are cool" 
"Oh, I see that it's time for the gifts, in this case, here is mine, Janus, I hope you appreciate it," Logan added, grabbing a heavy book from his backpack and giving it to his best friend. It was called 'Philosophy through History'. "We can talk about it at school" 
"I'm waiting for it, you big nerd" Logan opened one of his rare smiles. 
"Nice" Remus grabbed a bowl filled with Doritos, starting to eat it "What do you guys wanna do? How about a game?" 
"Oh, we could play chess!" Logan suggested.
"Chess? How the fuck do you even know how to play chess? Oh, shit, don't tell your mom I said that. I mean, the "fuck" part, you can tell that I asked how you know how to play chess, she probably already thinks I'm dumb so whatever"
"Mr. Storm, if I was to tell my mom everytime that you swore in front of me, she probably wouldn't allow me to come here anymore" 
"Yeah, right. How about we play poker? Everyone knows how to play poker, right?" Logan looked at him dead in the eye.
"Mr. Storm, I'm ten. However, I'm friends with Janus, so yes, of course I know how to play poker" 
"Yes! What are we going to bet?!" Janus exclaimed, smiling devilishly. 
"Cake slices" Virgil was the one to answer. She seemed disappointed, but quickly accepted it.
"Yeah, ok, I'll grab the cards, oh Logan, come with me, I totally forgot to show you a book I just bought, you'll love it, I can lend it to you if you want to"
"Alright" as the kids went to their room, Remus turned to his husband.
"The makeup was a great idea, you know?"
"Yeah. I would have liked for my parents to support me when I was her age. Would have made it easier to come to terms with my gender" 
"I feel you, man. See, we can do it" Remus said, holding his husband's hand. 
"I guess we aren't that bad" 
"Yeah" Remus smiled, planting a soft kiss on Virgil's lips, who smiled too. 
"I'm going to destroy you at poker"
"I would love to see you try" 
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