#and I hope they will have fun ! my mom is honestly not that excited cause of the same reason it seemed :’)
yoohyeon · 2 years
You know when you don’t want to go to sleep cause you know tomorrow your day is going to be shit 😭
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pinkyqil · 2 months
Out of control (2)
Alexia x r x child
Notes: a mini fic while we wait for me to drop some other fic for you guys,it's definitely not proofread cause I wrote this at 2 in the morning and need sleep if you have any ideas for this fic that's turned into a mini series let me know.
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Today you get to spend the entire day with your mami. without your mama being in the picture as she was going to be having girls night with a few of her friends.
which meant you were stuck with your mami and get to enjoy the whole day with her that has you very excited for.
For the whole day you had gotten to spend it with your mami and her teammates.
After practice you, your mami and tía Irene decide to tag along to enjoy the rest of the day with tía Irene son mateo at the park. You were having do much fun at the park that you forgot about your mami telling you not to run off so where far away.
It took alexia a few minutes to realize that you had gone missing from her vision. when she couldn't spot you from where you we're earlier. Having been distracted by the conversation she and Irene had.
Both women split up so that they could find you faster. Alexia on the other hand was very worried but she knew that you couldn't have gone to far from the park.
You were starting to get worried as the sun was starting to set and you couldn't find your mami anywhere.
Tears streaming down your face as your cries got louder.but luckily Irene was able to find you just in time before it got really dark outside.
"lele esta bien ya no necesitas llorar". Irene said trying to calm down the little girl before her but all she got was louder sobs and decided to call alexia to let her know she found her daughter.
"no puedo encontrar a mi mami". Was what she could get out from all the crying.
"Está bien y tu mamá viene, así que te trae, así que no llores".Irene said in hopes for lele to calm down. Immediately after she said those words alexia found herself sprinting to we're Irene was, hugging and reassuring her daughter that everything was okay.
"mami lo siento por no escuchar". Was all her little girl could get out of from all her crying.
"Lo sé, Lele, está bien, te tengo". Alexia told her feelings a sigh of relief that her daughter was safe and sound.
"Vamos, volvamos a casa. Se está haciendo tarde y tu mamá probablemente ya esté en casa preocupándose". She said to her daughter before thanking Irene for finding her.
On her way home alexia felt a little guilty about not being able to be there and got you gummies even though you couldn't have sweets before dinner.
Alexia never felt relieved to arrive back home with her child found safely. Dinner time was very calm to your liking but after alexia had explained what happened to you honestly get it your wife wasn't always used to lele's outburst.
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do not come for me if the translation aren't to what it's supposed to be I just translated English to Spanish okay blame google not me ik I should've used the one that had more accuracy but it's lateeee‼️‼️‼️
lele esta bien ya no necesitas llorar - lele it's okay you don't need to cry anymore
no puedo encontrar a mi mami - I can't find my mom
Está bien y tu mamá viene, así que te trae, así que no llores - its okay and you mami is coming to get you so don't cry
mami lo siento por no escuchar - mami I'm sorry for not listening
Lo sé, Lele, está bien, te tengo - I know, lele, it's okay, I got you
Vamos, volvamos a casa. Se está haciendo tarde y tu mamá probablemente ya esté en casa preocupándose - come on let's go home, it's getting late and your mama is probably home worrying
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al-of-the-stars · 4 months
Hii! I came back after some time. I hope you are doing good <3
I've recently had my mind on Stolas and Stolas only soooo I have a request:
Could you maybe do something like the reader is Octavias' new mom? I'd honestly prefer if you put child Via but I'm not picky! :))
Also, relationships (cause I don't wanna sound weird) Octavia+Reader= Platonic 〔〕 Stolas+reader= Romantic
And I am so sorry if I'm working this with your request closed! I first do then think!
A Happy Family
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A/n: AAAA THIS IS SUCH A CUTE IDEA!! This was so fun to write! For plot purposes, in this fic, Stella and Stolas had the divorce already when Via was a kid. Hope you enjoy!! :D
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You were nervous to say the least. You were about to meet Octavia, Stolas’ daughter. You knew a lot about her already from how much Stolas talked about her. She seemed to be really sweet and on one hand, you were excited to finally meet the little owlette. On the other hand, you were afraid that she wouldn't like you. Stolas’ encouragement definitely helped you feel a bit better. As you entered the castle, you had only one goal: make a good first impression. Stolas wrapped his arm around your waist and led you to the living room, where an adorable purple-haired owl demon sat on the couch. Her eyes lit up when she saw you and waved enthusiastically. 
“Octavia, this is Y/n!” Stoals gestured toward you calmly. You smile and wave back at her, trying to hide how much you were internally panicking. 
“Woah! They're pretty!” She said. Your goal had been achieved! Now all that's left to do is go to Looloo Land and just have fun with your fiance and future daughter. Via watched in excitement as Stolas opened a portal right in front of the gate to her favorite theme park. The rest of the day was spent going on rides, playing super rigged carnival games (which frustrated Stolas to the point where he asked you to take Via elsewhere for a few minutes while he threatened the annoying man running the game), and eating a ton of sugar. When you returned to the castle, Via immediately hugged you.
“Y/n, can I call you Mom?” You hugged her back and held back tears of joy 
“Of course!” As the cute moment continued, you suddenly heard a camera click. You both turn your heads to see Stolas teary eyed with a smile on his face and a camera in his hand. This was a new page in the story and the start of a happy family .
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91dawsonmercer · 5 months
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I accepted the job in Newark, and the last week had been spent packing up the apartment with the help from mom and dad. I was worried about how Odessa was going to take the move, but once she heard we would only be a couple minutes from Jack and Luke she was all for it. I had all of the major things shipped to Jack and Luke's apartment in case the moving company took longer than expected, but everything got here on time.
I unlocked the door to the new apartment and Odessa let go of my hand and ran in. I watched as she ran through the small walkway in-between boxes and spun around to face me when she reached the window.
"Do you like it?" I asked and she nodded before running back to me.
"I see my room?"
"There's nothing in there yet, but I'll show you."
I picked her up and carried her back the hallway to her room. I pushed the door open, and she wiggled out of my arms and walked around to get a better look at it.
"When's Rowdy and Lukey coming?"
"After they are done at practice. You're going to go play with Owen while we get everything unpacked."
"Owen!? I haven't seen him in forever, mommy."
"I know. We need to get you out of your pjs so you are ready for when Curtis comes to pick you up. They should be getting out of practice right about now."
"I wear my Rowdy jersey?"
"What about the hoodie? I should know where it is."
"Okay, mommy."
I got Odessa ready and was in the middle of tying her shoes when my phone started ringing.
"Nope, it's Curtis."
I accepted the call and put it on speaker.
"Hey. I'm leaving the rink now. Do I have to buzz in or anything?"
"I can just meet you downstairs to make it easier on you."
"It's up to you. I told Owen before I left this morning and Reanne said he hasn't stopped asking when she's coming."
"Awe, Dess is excited too. Just text or call me when you are here and I'll run her down."
"Sounds good."
Curtis came and got Odessa and I've started unpacking. I opened the one box as the door opened.
"Kind of unsafe to just leave your door unlocked with a toddler running around, you know." Jack says, causing me to look over at him.
"The said toddler isn't here, Curtis already came to get her. Plus I knew you guys were on your way and that's the only reason it's unlocked."
"What he already got her? I didn't even get to see her."
"You'll see her later, Luke. Hi Dawson, Hi Nico."
"Oh yeah, we brought our pest and the stray chihuahua that lives in the building. Hope you don't mind."
"Honestly, I would rather be a pest than get called a chihuahua." Nico says, looking over at Dawson.
"You live in the building, Dawson?"
"Yeah, like two floors up."
"So if you ever need something call him first. He can get here before we can."
The guys and I got everything unpacked. We got all of the furniture built except for Odessa's new bed and Nico and Luke insisted on trying to put it together themselves so we all are just sitting in her room watching them try to figure it out.
"Where's this go?" Nico asks, looking over at Luke.
"It's the headboard, idiot." I tell him, causing him to give me a dirty look.
"Rusty, tell your sister to get out."
"Yeah y/n. Get out if you aren't going to help."
"I've tried to help. You guys won't let me."
"Mommy!" Odessa yells as she runs into the room with Curtis following behind her.
"Hi, baby. Did you have fun?"
"Mhm. Owen and I played hockey!"
"Oh, dumb and dumber building a toddler bed? This has got to be interesting."
"They aren't very good at it. Thanks for taking her for a little bit."
"No problem."
"Well, I give up. Gimme my niece." Luke says and goes to reach for Odessa, but she runs to Jack instead.
"Dessa who is your favorite Uncle?" Curtis asks her and she acts like she is thinking about it.
"Hm…. Quinner."
"What?!" Jack moves her away from him and stands up. "I'm hurt, Odessa."
"You get over it."
"The sass she has."
"She got it from Rowdy."
"Nuh uh! I am not sassy."
"Uh huh! Mimi tells me too."
"Yeah, well Mimi lies."
"I tell her you say that. Where's my ipad, mommy?"
Jacks face changes from amusement to panic in a matter of seconds when Odessa brings up calling mom.
"There's no need to call Mimi. I'm sorry."
"Awe, is little Jacky still afraid of his mommy?" Curtis asks as Odessa walks over and sits beside Dawson.
"Have you seen the woman when she is pissed off? It's like y/n but times a million."
"Yeah that does sound terrifying. I need to get going. I told Owen I wasn't staying and that I would be back to read to him before bed."
"Thanks again, Curtis."
"You're welcome."
"What? It's already almost bedtime?" Nico asks, flipping his phone over. "We spent the whole day unpacking?"
"We've been done unpacking for a solid minute. You guys spent like three hours trying to build the bed." Dawson tells him as Curtis walks out.
"Do you need us for anything else?" Jack asks and I shake my head no.
"No, I think that's everything. Thank you and I owe you all-"
"Drinks." Jack interrupts.
"Sure, if that's what you guys want."
"But you have to come out with us. Luke can babysit."
"What? How is that fair to me?"
Jack and Luke go to start arguing but Nico's laughing makes them stop.
"Is she sleeping?"
I look over and Odessa is using Dawson's arm as a pillow and has one hundred percent fallen asleep.
"Yeah, she's out." I got up and picked her up without waking her. I carried her to my room and laid her down, making a little barrier so she wouldn't roll off of the bed.
I walked out of my room and the guys were all putting their shoes on.
"We're gonna head out."
"Okay. Thanks again, I really appreciate all the help."
"You're welcome. Goodnight."
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oldhalloweentape · 4 months
🪨Venture (OW II) x (gn) reader ⛏️
(Two different sides Edition!)
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(Picture’s not mine!)
(Request here! Hey!!! Thanks for waiting guys, I really appreciate you all for all the support— I hope that you have a lovely day!!! :DDD)
- When you guys first met and were still friends, they appreciated the way you kept both them and the group in check. It was the way you cared after all!
- But when you both were a couple and started getting comfortable with each other? And you started acting entirely different— More free and expressive? Oh my god did they love it.
- They definitely return the energy, listening intently then yammering right alongside you.
- Jumping up and down on the bed as you both have a near nonsensical conversation, the poor bed has nearly broken cause of it… And one of y’all jumping too hard leads to the both of you falling off. They nearly chipped another tooth cause of it lol.
- Is honestly amazed by how you can shift from both personalities so easily, and they aren’t believed when they say you have probably tried to chug a whole Coke cola slushie only to get a major brain freeze that had you gripping onto the wall for a solid minute (this is totally not from personal experience).
- Every night is filled with your shared chattering, with your calls to each other lasting for HOURS if given the opportunity.
- There is just so much in history and in the world in general to talk about! And they especially love doing it with you.
- You guys relate on a deep level and it’s obvious as to why.
- In general it’s fun to do things with Venture, y’all feed into each other’s excitement but not to an unhealthy degree, your mom friend side keeps the two of you even keeled for the most part.
- Venture is the kind of person that goes out of their way to make someone close to them comfortable, and they adore the fact that they are able to achieve that with you— Their partner.
- If you are a pothead genuinely, dude keep the edibles hidden. If not they will eat one whole by accident because they think they’re slick with snatching your snacks and suffer the consequences an hour later.
- The ice cream disappears “mysteriously” and just so happens to get smeared all over Sloane’s mouth, their face all doped out.
- Though I do think they have smoked more than once, and can handle a blunt of you offer it to them, sometimes you need a chill pill you know?
- Clingy as all hell when they’re high, but also spaces out just as much.
- The type to basically lay back onto the couch, arms and splayed out, giggling while looking at the TV… Which is usually turned off when they’re like this. Though the second you walk close to you, they’re like a mountain lion going for the kill— Lunging forwards and grabbing you, their grip around your waist as they slump against you before pulling you down with them.
- Snuggling their face into the crook of your neck, one arm lazily wrapped around your waist still while they rub your thigh with their freehand.
- If you try to pull away they immediately start whining, saying things like, “Nooooo five more minutes at least mi corazón, pleaseeee” pouting deeply all the while.
- If you relent and feel particularly chatty, they’ll mumble loving nonsense to you, trying their best to converse but get too preoccupied with kneading the skin of your thigh… Kissing and nuzzling against your neck… You’re just so warm, how can they not?
- You’re not getting out of their arms anytime soon, sorry not sorry.
- Naps with them are heavenly, just saying, just putting that out there.
(There, now back to writing something for Junkrat, my favorite little grease ball)
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nerdazzler · 1 year
Childhood Memories.
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You were just playing outside by yourself in your front yard when you decided to go for a walk through the neighborhood. You were mindlessly walking around until you noticed a little red headed boy in the window of his house, he looks to be about your age.
You had honestly gotten rather bored while walking around and he looked like a good person to play with. So you walked up to him and his window.
“Hello!” You cheerfully greet the boy. The red headed boy looks at you quite confused and startled at your presence, “hello?” He hesitantly responds. “What are you doing?” You ask him, he looks at the book on the desk in front of him before responding to you. “Studying.” 
‘Studying? Well that just sounds boring.’ You think to yourself, pouting at the thought. “Well that’s no fun!” You whine, the boy looks away from you, thinking of a way to respond. As he dose this you notice that there is enough space in his window for you to climb in. 
The boy looks back at the spot you were standing in, only to not find you there. Instead he found you standing right in front of him. It takes him a whole minute to register your presence in his house before going into a full blown panic, saying something about his mother. 
You laugh, “my mom doesn’t know I’m here either, so we might as well just get in trouble together!” He stops talking.
He looks about ready to cry which causes you to stop smiling and start panicking, trying to find something to calm him down with before any tears could be shed. You feel your pockets hoping to find a toy or something to give him, instead you find a cookie in your pocket and shove it in his mouth. 
The boy falls silent. You cheerfully extend out your hand and smile, “Hi! I’m (Y/N), Nice to meet you!” He looks at your hand for a second before hesitantly shaking it and introducing himself “My name is Riddle, Rosehearts. It’s nice to meet you too.” You think you have stars in your eyes “Oooh! You talk all fancy! I like that!” 
Riddle slightly giggles at your response “It’s not being fancy, it’s being polite and proper.” You tilt your head not really understanding what you’ve been told. “Oh! Like whenever my mom makes me dress all nice whenever we have guests or go somewhere fancy?” Riddle nods “Kinda like that.” 
“Ooooh.” It clicks in your head to an extent. “(Y/-!” You look out the window you came in from not sure if you heard something or not. “Did you hear something?” Riddle ask, “(Y/N)!” It’s your mom. You look at riddle and nod “Yea! My mom is calling me, I should probably go.”
You hurry towards the window and climb out of it with riddle not to far behind watching you, you look back at him from the outside of his house “I”lol be back as soon as I can!” You wave goodbye as you run in the direction of your mom’s voice. “Bye Bye Riddle! It was nice meeting you!”
The boy only watches you leave, weakly waving as you move farther out of his view. “Goodbye…”
A few days have passed since you met the red headed boy. Your mother scolded you for leaving without saying anything and you were forced to stay inside all day, not that you minded it all that much, but the thought of meeting Riddle again excited you.
After you were allowed to play outside again you immediately left, but made sure to say something to your mom before leaving. You ran through the neighborhood trying to find the house you stumbled upon last time, it took you a while since you didn’t remember how you originally got there but you made it. 
You almost yell riddle’s name if not for the fact you saw him talking to two other kids. They also looked about your age, maybe a year or two older? You’re disappointed but didn’t want to interrupt whatever they were doing, so you left to go to a nearby playground.
It was early in the evening so a lot of people happened to be in the park. You looked around for anyone to play with and saw a ginger haired boy with messy hair playing in the sandbox, he looked like he was having fun so why not join him? You walk up to the ginger haired boy “Hello!” He looks up at you, “Hi!” He’s playing with dinosaur toys.
You bend down to get in the sandbox with him “What are you playing?” You ask him and he proudly shows you the toys in his hands “Dinos!” He says enthusiastically.
You giggle “Can I play?” He hands you a pterodactyl toy and starts to make a mess in the sand as you laugh and copy him.
While you didn’t get to play with riddle like you wanted, you did have fun with a new friend today. 
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Memory fragment 1/???
⋙ Memory fragment 2/???
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gyuzpurizzn · 10 months
spelling ate queen pur! 💅
warnings: the L word, beomgyu jealous ??, cringy LOL, taehyun being a little baddie purr
wc: 815
*author’s note under*
ignore timestamp.
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after texting beomgyu, you got ready.
putting on a simple outfit.
you then went to your brother’s room letting him know that you are going out somewhere.
“taehyun, im going out somewhere with my friends, please let mom know.” you said.
“oh, right i forgot to tell you. mom said we going to the choi beach house on saturday for the summer. she said that you can bring your friends.”
“how come she told you? not me.”
“maybe because im the favorite haha.”
“you’re not.”
“i am.”
“ok bye, i hate you.”
“yeah sure you do, i love you too, lil sis.”
“im older!”
“you don’t act like the older one.” taehyun said with a giggle.
“im going to drop kick you right now, kang taehyun.” you said in a serious tone.
“i’m also going out, have fun yn!”
“you too!”
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beomgyu had texted you, notifying you that he’s outside of your house.
you soon got up from your bed and got you stuff.
“bye taehyun, love you!” you shouted hoping that he heard you.
“bye yn, love you too!” he shouted back.
as soon as you stepped inside of beomgyu’s car, he ruffled your hair.
“hi yn!”
“beomgyu stop. i just did my hair.” as you said trying to sound angry as possible, but the smile in your face gave it away.
beomgyu lets out a laugh and went over to fix your hair.
“there. there. i fixed it. are you happy now?” beomgyu rolled his eyes accompanied by a giggle.
you guys arrived. finally.
you then texted the groupchat, to see if anyone has arrived.
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“kai and chaewon are there already, and yunjin is on the way! let’s go beomgyu, hurry up!” you said with excitement and then pulling his hand to go inside the coffee shop.
litlle did you know, beomgyu was blushing when you held his hand.
you guys then found hueningkai and chaewon all the way at the back of the shop, it was a cute place and quite simple which you loved.
“kai! chaewon!” you said as you hugged them.
“hi yn and beomgyu!” chaewon said.
kai and beomgyu did their little handshake and bro hugged, while beomgyu hugged chaewon.
minutes after, settling down.
hueningkai then saw yunjin coming in.
“yunjin, right here!” hueningkai shouted to get yunjin’s attention.
yunjin then goes up to them.
“hi guys, i’m so sorry im late!” hugging you guys.
“honestly, im not suprised.” beomgyu said.
“oh shut up.”
“anyways, do you guys wanna order now?” chaewon asked.
“sure! i’m so excited to try out their coffee.” you responded.
“what yn said.” huening kai said.
after ordering, you got a iced mocha macchiato.
you guys then sat down in the same seat you guys sat before.
you guys were just talking about anything, honestly.
“yn, can i try your drink?” beomgyu said with a pout.
“why..? you have your own.”
“please!” dragging out the word
“ugh, youre so annoying. fine” you said jokingly while rolling your eyes.
“dude yn. no way.” yunjin said.
“do not turn around.”
you then turned around.
“dude, i just said don’t turned around.”
“what’s he doing here?!?”
“i don’t know.”
you heard the bell ring.
“oh my god. oh my god. i hope he doesn’t see me.”
you looked at them, they were at the counter ordering their drinks.
you then made eye contact with taehyun.
“what are you doing here?” you mouthed.
taehyun shrugs.
taehyun had a light bulb moment.
“yn, is that you?”
which caused soobin and his friends to look at you guys.
soobin and taehyun went up to you guys’ table, after telling the guys to order for them.
(yeonjun is not there, he modeling guys duhhhh. sunghoon is also not there, due to ice skating practice.)
“hi yn and beomgyu! and friends!” soobin said with a smile.
“hi soobin!” you said with a blush.
“yeah hi to you too, yn.” taehyun said unamused.
everyone greeted taehyun and soobin.
“what are you guys doing here?”
god why would you say that.
“ah, you know, to check this place out! fancy seeing you here!” soobin said
“yeah haha.”
“we should probably get going, soob. you know don’t wanna disturb them.” taehyun said.
“yeah, we should. anyways it was nice seeing you guys. also, beomgyu, mom said to be back before dinner. bye guys!”
“okay, see you later.” beomgyu said.
“bye yn and friends and beomgyu!” taehyun said.
everyone said their goodbyes to soobin and taehyun.
then after that, you guys went back to talking.
you may not have noticed it, but beomgyu’s mood turned a little sour after they left.
hueningkai definitely noticed beomgyu’s mood change.
“bye beomgyu! thanks for the ride. drive home safe, i love you!” hugging him as you guys got to your doorstep.
“bye yn. i had a lot of fun! i love you too, take care!” beomgyu said.
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SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO DO. i had to do some school work but yeah, im back :33 i am also thinking of like double posting today but i don’t know. im trying to get like 4-5 chapters posted before this week ends so yapppp! ALSOOO three day weekend! woooo! do you guys have any plans? let me know !!!!!
©️ gyuzpurizzn. all right reserved 2023. please do not copy, translate, nor repost my post unless asked and have given perms.
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enchantinglyjade · 2 years
✩ I Can Dream About You ✩ Part 1
Sebastian Kydd x OC
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Warning: Swearing Note: Y'all I'm so excited to start working on new stories(I will not be abandoning Milk & Honey BTW). But I have so many new ideas I'm excited to share. Hope you enjoy!
Castlebury High School.
I hate it here.
Honestly, I wish I would have just gotten bullied, at least that way I'd have proof someone actually saw me, but instead, I was invisible.
I was a nobody.
When people passed me in the halls, it's like they'd just look right through me.
I was a ghost, haunting the halls in my first year of high school.
But then, Donna saw me.
She saw me sitting at the lunch tables eating alone like I had always done. She felt bad for me, invited me to her table, offered me a spot in her circle, promised me the world. She trained me, taught me how to do makeup, dress nice, sneak out of class without my parents ever finding out. I felt confident and beautiful. People finally started looking in my direction.
But not at me, at her.
Not that I would have known the difference most of the time anyway.
Now, I'm invisible with a leader.
I fell for it. Fell for her dirty tricks and lies. I was vulnerable and she played me like a stack of cards. She thought my ghostliness would be useful to her. She had me doing all of her dirty work that the Jens were too sloppy to accomplish. She'd make me fake her mom's voice to call her in and out of school, steal blush and lipstick for her at our local beauty store, and sit on lookout while she and her newest boy toy did unspeakable things in the locker rooms.
All in exchange for what? A chance to stand within a 4 foot distance from the princess?
Donna is the most popular, prettiest girl in school, and I let her manipulate me into her perfect little minion.
I tell myself at least I'm not a band geek, but every day that passes, I can only envy them. I bet they have so much more fun than me. I can't imagine being allowed to be openly smart and talented under Donna's shadow. Damn, I wish I was a band geek.
After 3 long years of pink lipstick, hair ratting, and wearing the most horrendous of neon colors, senior year became upon us.
I'm 18 now. Graduation is so close I can practically taste freedom. 9 more months and I'll finally be able to kiss this school goodbye for good and never think about anyone here ever again.
But then he showed up.
Sebastian, the bad boy, transfer student. He practically drips with charisma and experience, and quickly became the knew 'it' guy of the school that everyone drools over. Donna, of course, had to have him.
"Ooo, check out the new hottie." Donna blurts out, twirling her hair and smacking her gum, watching as a few boys from the football team talk to him. "He's perfect. You guys are gonna help me get him."
I admit, he is gorgeous, but he isn't anyone special either, just another asshole trying to be the next cool, popular kid.
Guess I can't say much, that's basically what reeled me in, but at least I'm aware of my own shallowness.
"How are we gonna do that?" Jen 1 asks.
"I'll think of something, don't worry." She says scheming in that evil head of hers. "Come." She waves for us to follow in her direction and the 3 of us do so like the good little pets we are. She struts over, purposely putting an extra sway in her hips as she passes Sebastian, earning her a glance from him and the entire student body present in that area. She smiles, wiggling her perfectly pink polished fingers at him, before continuing forward without a second care in the world.
I follow only a few feet behind her and the Jens. For a moment, I peek up to see if this Sebastian guy really fell for such an old trick in the book, to see if he really is the chump Donna thinks he is.
When my head rises, I accidentally make direct eye contact with him. He nods as a greeting to me, causing my lids to widen. I've never had anyone look at me before, I'm almost shocked that he can even see me.
Self conscious, I turn away, awkwardly pacing back over to my designated clique.
I can't believe he looked at me. For that long too. And after Donna!
I shake my thoughts away, following Donna into our next period. Maybe he's just desperate, looking for anything with legs. If he's looking in my direction he must be EXTREMELY desperate. What a pig!
Lucky for me, I soon find out I have the privilege of sharing American History with the new king and queen of the school.
Donna, of course, snatches the seat right next to Sebastian. I settle for 2 rows behind her, close enough that she can call if she needs an extra swipe of lipstick, but far away enough that I won't be in direct line of her bullshit or flirting.
The teacher goes on and on about boring nonsense while the class quickly wallows into sleep.
Donna taps her pencil on her desk with boredom, eyeing the man candy next to her with a gleaming smirk. When the teacher turns his back, she leans over towards Sebastian's desk. "Love the jacket. It's so vintage!" She whispers, gracefully gliding her hand up the sleeve of his jacket.
He turns his head in surprise, but chuckles at her actions. "Thanks. My dad's."
A week goes by of shadowing Donna as she works her magic and yet he still hasn't taken a hint. Her frustration only built up everyday that he denied her advances, which only meant it's been a week of hell for The Jens and I.
For a moment, I'm impressed. I had hope. Maybe he wasn't a pig after all. I mean, it didn't take most guys a week to catch on to Donna's clues and definitely didn't take them that long to ask on their own, unless they were insanely out of her league and intimidated, which he is clearly not. I thought, maybe he's a guy that respects himself and has actual standards. Or better yet, maybe he wants something stable and long term.
But eventually, my hopes were diminished.
On my way to third period, I walk straight into them talking in the dark art hallway in the basement. It doesn't take a genius to see how private this area would be to 'talk'.
Guess he doesn't wait long to start getting busy.
I mutter an apology to them, and while avoiding Donna's glare for my interruption, I quickly scurry away.
"I'll catch up with you later, Donna."
"Alright, 'Bastian. Don't miss me too much."
'Bastian'. Please, I'm gonna be sick. They already have nicknames for each other? They've only known each other for a week! What kind of weird, phony, bullsh-
My soul nearly jumps out of my body. I twist my neck to see Sebastian jogging in my direction, before stopping in front of me. "You dropped this."
Is he... talking to me?
I stay frozen, hoping to stay out of the way of whoever he is talking to. However, when I notice he doesn't move, I glance over my shoulders, desperately trying to find the person that should be answering to him.
"I'm talking to you." He chuckles.
When I turn back towards him, I find out he is in fact talking to me. He holds his arm out, an English notebook in hand with my doodles plastered all over the cover. I shyly take it from him, stuffing it in my arms with the rest of my books, and when I thank him our eyes lock for only a second time since I've known him.
His stare puts shivers straight down my spine. He really does have some beautiful, blue eyes. But before I allow myself to see anymore of him, I spin on my toes speeding towards my class.
"Hey, wait up! Where ya headed?" He says, jogging back over to my side.
I swallow, voice dry and groggy from being inactive most hours of the day. "Art."
Unfortunately, he continues to walk the same direction as me. "I have art too. Funny. Never noticed you in there."
I sigh. Just another confirmation about how much of a ghost I am. "Most don't." I mutter under my breath, pushing open the art room door and sitting at my seat near the back of the class.
Much to my dismay, Sebastian takes the seat next to me, slamming down his bag next to my leg. I take in a deep breath, ignoring the fact that I can practically feel him looking at me, before reaching over to dig through my backpack for my sketchbook.
When I place it down on the table in front of me, he speaks. "So...You a Jen? I've noticed you follow Donna around most everywhere."
Why is he talking to me? None of Donna's exes ever bothered to get to know the Jens, let alone me, so what does he want? Is he some sort of psychopath? Maybe he's gonna try and manipulate everyone into thinking he's some great guy so we won't think he's a suspect when Donna's body gets discovered on the news or something...
I adjust myself in my seat, scooching over an inch away from him. "No, I'm an Alex."
"Alex." He repeats slowly in a way that makes heat rise to my cheeks. I guess I never really heard anyone but teachers say it. Damn, I really am a loser, aren't I? "I could tell you were different, you seem like you have an actual personality... and awareness."
A small grin appears on my face from his comment, but I quickly force my cheeks back down. He's a psychopath, remember!
Just when I think he's finally leaving me alone, he leans over the table in an attempt to peek at my face beneath my hair, but I snap my head away and hide myself behind my hand. What is he doing? Why is he so weird!? Stop perceiving me!
"Aw come on, don't be like that. I saw that smile. No need to be so serious and guarded." My smile can't help but creep back just a little bit. I lower my hand peering curiously, but suspiciously at him over my fingertips. He leans back in his chair, lip curling when he meets my gaze for a third time. "You know, Alex, you don't seem too bad."
I drop my hand now, nervously fumbling with the rings in my sketchbook while my stomach flutters with butterflies. Donna really bagged a weirdo this time, and why is it affecting me? "Thanks...?"
With that, the bell rings and the teacher begins giving out instructions. While she speaks, I flip open my sketchbook and make a few last scribbles and smudges on my last drawing before we move on to a new exercise.
Sebastian slaps his forearms down obnoxiously loud and forcefully against the table, causing the whole thing to shake as he does so. I pull my pencil away just in time before it smears down a dark and unerasable line on the page from his movement, then clench my teeth as I watch him inch closer to me and my paper. "So, why aren't you taking a class with Donna? Aren't you supposed to be bodyguarding her every move."
I take a pause, ensuring he isn't going to move again, before gently touching the pencil back down on the paper. One of the Jens is in Math with her right now, assuming she's not skipping. Donna wouldn't get caught dead on this side of the school, art is my time. "Only moment of peace I get."
He bites his lips together in thought before he smacks his hands down onto the table, pounding out some sort of rhythm, and once again making me pause my drawing due to the shaking.
With a deep and annoyed grumble, I place my pencil down entirely. I'm going to get nowhere with him near, I might as well just succumb to a conversation with him. "Didn't peg you as the art type." I say, dryly.
His head snaps back quick in my direction, surprised that I spoke up. "Oh, I'm not. Required. Didn't know you could draw." He says leaning over onto my side of the table once again, eyes glossing over my still unfinished sketch. "Wow. That's amazing." He says in awe.
Let me guess, he's so bad at drawing that he can't even draw a circle or a stick figure?
"I can't even draw a stick figure." He exclaims on cue.
Typical. I never get spoken to much, but one thing I can always count on people to talk about is my artwork. But every time it's always the same line.
I roll my eyes, placing my head in my hand and mindlessly scratch at the wood chipping on the edge of the table. "I'm sure you can't."
He scoffs out a laugh, simultaneously furrowing his brows. "What? You think I'm some jock or something?"
Not what I was going for but, "Might as well be."
He nods slowly, humming to himself while he sits back in his chair.
He doesn't say another word to me until the bell's ringing to dismiss us. "It was nice talking to you," as he walks out of the classroom.
6 words. 6 simple words that leave my mind jumbled all night on their meaning. Was he being genuine or sarcastic? Had I said something wrong? Made a bad first impression? I knew I shouldn't have said that last thing. I'm such an idiot. But most importantly, why do I can so much? It's not like he's ever going to talk to me again regardless.
Though, even that would be proven wrong. 
The next day at school, I see him again. It's one of those glorious times Donna decides to be too cool for school.
He's at one end of the hallway, I at the other. He strides down the hall like it's a runway, looking to charm anyone that dares to glance his way. He could mesmerize anyone he wants with that charisma of his and it nearly gets me every time, to the point that I've grown concerned over my sanity.
I grip the backpack straps on my shoulder as he comes closer and closer, unsure if I should bother looking to greet him. He probably forgot who I am already. It'd be embarrassing if I waved at him.
To my surprise, he waves first. "Hey, Alex." He enunciates, making sure I know he's talking to me.
I'm taken aback at first, but I wave back, barely having enough time to smile before he's already passed me by.
That one interaction was enough to leave my stomach swarming with light and bubbly feelings. My heart pounded loudly for him from that day forward and I just knew I was destined for trouble and disappointment.
He's Donna's, she made that very clear from day one, and she always gets what she wants.
I need to get rid of these feelings as quickly as I can, but life is never that easy, is it?
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dorkydiaz · 3 months
I know it probably sounds like annoying advice right now but the best thing I learned about job searching is that rejection is never a direct reflection of who you are as a person and your abilities. Which honestly sounds so dumb because that’s exactly what it feels like. But I swear someone could be so qualified and have a wonderful personality but still not get the position for SOOO many different reasons.
I’ve been on the hiring side and it’s such a stupid process. Sometimes people look like they’re overqualified and you don’t hire them because you think they might get bored and leave. Sometimes you have multiple great applicants but only one position and the reason for choosing one over the other is like the smallest most ridiculous thing.
I know interviewing and applying for jobs sucks so bad, it’s never a fun experience but more interviews will help you in the long run. Not getting a job right away helped me learn what to expect from interviews, gave me more confidence as I did it more and gave me more time to reflect on what I was actually looking for. Believe me i still hated it the entire time but i am able to look back now and see that my rejections didn’t mean I wasn’t smart and personable, and I ended up getting a job I was more suited for rather than just the first few I could find postings for.
you’re absolutely allowed to feel upset, I hope this doesn’t sound like I’m trying to invalidate your feelings, those feelings are so very real and valid but I just hope that you’re able to see that you’re still incredible and capable.
I’m truly sorry it didn’t work out but I believe in you so hard and hope you know that you are so deserving of all the good things ❤️
i know all of those things and have ahd several convos with my mom and my therapist about it. its been 10 months of this on and off. this time feels especially bad cause i felt uniquely qualified, and 110% confident in my ability to do it (and i still am), because i have done it before and i got my app in within 24 hours of them posting the job, in addition to being excited and passionate about the job. so theres an extra level of disappointment on this one. and basically i vent the lowest lows and highest highs here cause it feels good to get them out somewhere.
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pbandjesse · 4 months
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Oh man I am not feeling very well right now. I have been deteriorating throughout the day. I really really hope I can just sleep this off. I don't have time to be sick. I literally don't think I could call off on Monday. So I have to be better. Fingers crossed.
Today was very very busy. Mostly in a good way. I slept okay but I woke up with a horrible sore throat. Like my throat has started hurting last night but I thought I had just swollen weird. Nope. Woke up this morning and it was like swallowing glass. It would improve throughout the day but my sinuses would get worse. So you know. Six of one, half dozen of the other. They both suck.
I wouldn't have much time to dwell on it. I got up and made the bed and washed my face. My hair looked crazy because I went to bed with it wet. But it calmed down and would just be frizzy from the humidity. I took some DayQuil. I poured a soda and grabbed a snack and was very quickly on the road to the highland games.
I had an hour drive. And it wasn't terrible but it was a struggle to keep my eyes open. Mostly because the rain was very heavy and it was causing basically white out conditions. It was not a super fun or safe feeling drive.
But I was super excited to see my mom. I would arrive right before 10. Was directed to park. And let my mom know I was there. She would arrive only a few minutes later and I would meet her at the bottom of the hill where she was parked.
It was raining and muddy but I was ready. When I got to her I ran over and was just super happy to be with her. I convinced her to change out of her sneakers into boots. I honestly should have changed from my bluestones to my rain boots but it was fine. I can wash them.
We would go to will call to get our wristbands. And then headed in to find Dave and Nadine.
They were at the bleachers watching stone throwing. It was so nice to see them too. We would spend some of the next few hours with them but we would also break off from them to explore. It was a good day.
We would explore the vendors. Mom would get a sash in the Stewart tartan. I would get a very soft brown poncho. It was fun. We probably would have found more things to buy but it was raining really hard and a lot of vendors covered things in plastic so it was slightly hard to browse. But I was still having a lot of fun just looking at round and being with my mom.
We would go get food. The traditional stuff has lines to long so instead we went to the chicken place and got Mac and cheese and fries ans mom got the chicken. We would walk with purpose to go back to the bleachers where we could eat out of the rain.
This whole time I had been texting Laura from Ireland and telling her about the stuff we had and she was telling me stuff that was familiar. We also talked about family crests when I would make it over to the family clan tents later on. It was a fun and silly addition to my day.
Me and mom ate and talked. I told her more details about what I was upset about with work. About how I was on the verge of quitting but I was calming down emotionally. But I still feel like my underlying complaints are still valid and I still want to talk to Alexi about it. And I want to set some more solid boundaries going forward now that I'm going to be booked and busy again. I don't want to completely burn out. I don't want to feel miserable. I want work life balance. But I also want to do so many things. The duality.
We would go watch a very cute girl play bagpipes. She was giving away sheet music and I took a piece for James. Nadine and Dave were there and we sat and talked for a bit. Enjoyed the music. Soon we would go back to the main field to watch some of the opening ceremonies but because it was raining so hard they would have an abridged version. Understandable.
After some speeches and music we would continue our exploring. We met a black man wearing a kilt that was made of kente cloth that was just so cool. He was also just lovely to talk to. We talked about education and sharing culture and being true to your heart. It was a wildly uplifting conversation.
We would walk to the clan tents next. And I insisted on asking every tent I went into what their favorite fun fact or historical fact they had for their clan. And overall they seemed confused by my energy but they all would tell me something. I wish I could remember what the names were but the first clan told me about the yoke in their crest that was used as a weapon against the English. Another told me about their tartan being used by the military because of the first Scotsman in the revolutionary war. Another told me how their people were essentially cattle rustlers and would wear a flippable flag so if the Scots were winning they would wear the blue, and if the English was winning in battle they would flip it over to the red. Which I thought was hilarious. Also thought the jacket/armor was very fashionable.
The next couple were more about crests. One clan has a purple tartan. The only family that has that backing color. I can also become a member for $25. Pretty sweet and their crest is a woman holding the head of a man she just beheaded. Badass.
The other clan had a mermaid as their old creat but now have a wild man because the new leader changed it. But when I say new I mean the family from I think 100+ years ago. Unclear. Still neat.
The last people I talked to told me all about the castles. I was just having so much fun collecting facts and chatting. It was really nice. But mom wanted to go listen to a specific band so we went to do that next.
This band was bagpipes, drums, and a didgeridoo. Wild. It was fun to listen to but I was not feeling great so my energy level was not ideal so I mostly just rested my head on mom and enjoyed people watching.
We would go look at the table about trips to Scotland. I really hope we can go. Maybe next year? At the tables I got to meet a few of Mom's friends and it was nice talking to them. Mom made a comment about me growing up and coming into myself and being much more social and talkative and she's right. It felt nice to be seen. Because it was not an accident, I worked really hard to be more comfortable talking to people. It did not come easy.
The last thing I would stay for was the caber toss. Which was fun and exciting even if I never saw the log get fully turned over. It was still fun to watch. They did try cutting off some of the end to make it work but still no luck. I think the muddy ground wasn't helping.
But then it was 2:00 and I had to go. I gave hugs all around and headed out.
This was a very tight turn around. I needed to get home. Get changed. And go pick up James. So we could make it to Mike's wedding.
It took until almost 215 for me to get out of the fair grounds. And I did not feel good. I thought I should stop at Wawa and get a smoothie and a sandwich and that would help. And I was correct. But man was it hard to get to the Wawa. Just winding roads and people driving crazy and not well labeled turns. But I got my food (even after my card declined?? It was very upsetting but it was their machine and they fixed it) and the food did help and I felt a little more normal.
The drive back was fine. I was still really tired but the rain wasn't as bad. Still raining but I was fine. I would get home at 330. And was changed and out the door by 345. I was really excited about this blue dress that I got from a box that Rosia from the museum has brought in. This turned out to be her daughters beauty pageant casual event dress. Amazing. I felt very pretty. I even wore heels.
I went and met James and got to see Meril for a moment. She made a fuss about how good I looked. And that made me feel really nice. After saying goodbye to Stanley and his wife, me and James were off.
This went. Not ideal. We ended up with two wrong addresses and missed the ceremony. Bummer. When we ran into the museum staff (Auni, Jessica, Jack, Beth, and partners) and they let us know that the ceremony was super short. About 15 minutes maybe. But I was glad we were at least there for the reception.
Mike and Morgan looked so nice. She was beautiful. They would show us their rings. Very pretty.
The reception was nice. The food was good though the dinner was weak on the vegetarian side. Ah well. Me and Jack also found that there was something wrong with the diet coke and it just tasted like seltzer. Gross. But I enjoyed the company and it was a good evening even though I was not feeling good.
I was leaning on James a lot during the speeches. But I was trying my best to hold it together. We would take a little photo as a group. Got to write messages on Jenga blocks. Just had a nice evening.
After dinner Jack and Cindy left. And I decided I wanted to go home too. This was a very good call.
We got home around 830. James would run back out to the museum because they forgot something. We did notice that all three frogs were out and that was so exciting. They were all eating and it made me so happy.
I would go and feed Sweetp. And then I would take a shower. And I am sitting on the floor now. James is going to bring me a brownie and some NyQuil. They are the best.
I am going to try and sleep ASAP. Tomorrow I do have a private lesson with Kim and Naomi. But that is the only thing. I have to be better. I have to much to do this week.
So I am hoping to take tomorrow slowly. And rest. And make art. It will be a good day. Even if I don't feel amazing.
I hope you all sleep well. And dont feel sick. Goodnight my friends.
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yoohyeon · 2 years
At first I didn’t really realize it, but my dad is saying at least 5 times a day how much days is left before him and my mom leave on vacation of 2 weeks so that mean I’m gonna be alone with Puppy for 2 weeks…I’m gonna d*e of stress 😭
#i never been alone more than 3 days straight 😰#except when I went to Italy but I was with 20 other people form my school and had no worries#Puppy is gonna be so sad he’s so depressed when they leave for a weekend and it’s gonna be 14 days 😭#i just hope he’s gonna be fine too 😰#at least my uncle live close and has retire if I have to go to the vet he’s here or my friend is here if she’s not busy#i shouldn’t think of it but like I hate being alone 😭#before either a friend or my cousin would come live with me while they are gone#but now I’m gonna be alone :’)#my cousin will come when she her daughter is with her dad and I’ll go to my aunt or my cousin some days#but overall I’m gonna be alone I hope it will go fine 😭#7 years ago the same day my parent had come back from their vacation my cat sadly pass away so I’m kinda traumatized by this :/#but Puppy is doing well I need to think positively but I’m still terrified 😭#not only I would be destroy if something happen while I’m alone but my mom would never forgive herself 😭#i have to stop thinking about this I’m about to cry fksbdjsbjs#but yeah now everytime my dad excitedly say he cannot wait I wanna cry so bad 😭#and I hope they will have fun ! my mom is honestly not that excited cause of the same reason it seemed :’)#she dosen’t seem that excited when they talk about it :/#alex.txt#tw negativity#tw death mention#tw sick pet#tw sick animal#tw animal death mention#for the tags :‘)
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pinkyqil · 5 months
Would you ever write for Irene Paredes? I feel like a fluffy mom fix with her would be so cute.
Butterfly // Irene paredes kid fic
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Summary: Irene and her kid spend the day at barca training grounds and she's just wilding
A/n: I honestly enjoyed writing this send in some Ileana request, might be one of my favorite kid fic that I wrote so send in more requests you want of her and Irene, too the anon who sent this request I hope i got it right cause it was between Irene x r with a child or Irene + child, and I went with Irene + child r if this isn't what you wanted you can always send it in again and I'll do it properly hope y'all are enjoying my writing we'll be ignoring any mistakes has there yet to be finally edited.
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You've been good all day for mami meaning you get to go too tomorrow's partice getting to see your favorites people's and run around a ball the whole day.
Mami had promised to take you with her if you showed that you could be on your best behavior which you did and tomorrow you get the vist the barça girles.
You we're so excited that you went to bed early praying that tomorrow would come really quick.
Mami had gotten you this all black training kit that was just for you which the girls fanned over cause of how adorable they found you in it.
Irene woke you up a little earlier than the usual time she gets you up. after getting you and her dressed it was time for breakfast she gave you some waffles and sausage and grape juice one of your favorites.
You thought to yourself that today must be really special since mami gave you a special breakfast something different from what you usually have.
"Mami up up car now finish eating can we go to prawctice now". You asked basically rushing her, for a soon to be five fingers old you speak very well.
"un momento baby let mami finish cleaning up before we go okay why don't you go make sure we got everything packed in your training bag okay".she told
"Okay". you told her before running of to make sure you had everything.
"Aye cariño, no corras". she told you
"Si mami". You replied but just walking a little faster instead of running.
Finally arriving at practice with what felt like eternity you had gotten excited the moment mamì pulled up at the parking lot. With that you'd Immediately taken off your sit belt from your big girl car sit and opening the car door to run off.
Irene who quickly parked properly before scolding you. to make sure no one got hurt along with you.
"Oh dios mio Ileana we don't do that". she told you with the scary voice.
"lo siento mami". you told her before taking her hand after worrying her with the stunt you had pulled just now.
"Ai Irene don't be harsh on the little one she's just having a little fun".
mapi came into the conversation after spotting you both getting out and your crazy little stunt.
"Maria your child might be allowed to do crazy stuff but that doesn't mean my should". Irene told her injured teammate.
Before both adults could say any more you had spotted Caro and Marta coming out of their car.
which you sprinted your little legs over to them.
"Ro Ro Ta Ta". You said greeting the couple as they picked you up.
"nena how are you". Marta said while holding your hands so you wouldn't run away from irene again.
"Good me go training today". you told her
" We can see darling how about we walk in together while your mama gets your stuff". she said
"Irene wil take her inside with us". caro told her.
"Thank you guys don't run around while I'm not there Peque stay with you aunties and wait for me bébé . She told you.
The whole day training was fun you got to spend the whole day with your favorite aunties and wacht the youngsters pull one of the funniest pranks on the older girls you'd laugh even though mamí told you not too.
You'd got passed around training to see what different excerise the girls were doing. You had play time with vicky esme and jana who had fun playing dolly with you.
After a while Irene finally let you go more further into the pitch with your ball but you had to stay closer.
You tried getting way more distant than you should cause you saw a group of butterfly and seek them out.
Until you got pulled back by lucy who saw you trying to escape your original spot.
"Where are going Peque". She questioned you
"Butterfly". you pointed for her to see before running around trying to catch them.
"Ileana what did we say about running around like this in practice". Mami scolded you
"Irene let her have a little fun she's been very good the whole day let her chase". Alexia butted in especially after seeing how happy you look.
"Fine don't run that much bèbè". she yelled so you could hear.
"gracias mami". You told her before chasing after the butterfly with mapi who honestly couldn't keep up with a four year old
"Ai marià you can't keep up with four year old or what".alexia told her with a teasing tone making the whole group laugh.
"She's very fast even you yourself wouldn't be able to keep up". mapi said trying to catch her breath she was definitely done chasing a four year old and butterflies.
Irene came swooping you up and carrying you so you could get a better view of the lovely butterfly and how pretty they're. you tried catching them now that you were closer but
"No we don't hurt them". Mami told you with her stern voice.
"but I want. You tried telling her
"No Peque you can't have them okay".
"Fine". you said grumpy but to tired too do anything.
The ended with you falling asleep on the drive back home mama had gotten you a new toy butterfly. and made you your special spaghetti that you got all over yourself thinking you could feed yourself.
You went to bed early so you could grown bed and strong like your mama to play football like her one day.
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los-ninos-tortugas · 7 months
Hey! Hi! OMG!! I CANNOT BELIEVE I STUMBLED UPON YOU!! I have to tell you how much I LOVE Set a Course for Home!! When I first saw it on ao3 I about went insane!! Star Trek and rottmnt are two of my favorite things and I- AHHHHH!!! YDOYSUFFUSUSKDJFTZJC I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!! Voyager is special to me because it’s my mom’s favorite and genuinely so good and throwing Donnie into the mix is so interesting!! The way you wrote he and Janeway in the first couple chapters was so cute and I can see them just having the cutest mentor mentee relationship (cause let’s be real, Janeway has a habit of picking up strays and Donnie is a particularally cute one). Having Samatha be his “official” guardian was such an interesting and great choice as well and Donnie and Naomi having a sibling relationship is so adorable. Donnie is the best big brother! One relationship I think would be interesting would be Tuvok and Donnie. Something about “Mr Vulcan” and “unemotional bad boy” hanging out and having long interesting conversations is so captivating to me. Plus I can just see Donnie learning how to play kal-toh and loving it. He can respect a fellow lover of logic. Honestly just all around love the concept and cannot wait for a fic update!
Good luck in the niche au comp! I hope to see you there and maybe compete against you! 💜🖖
I also got introduced to Voyager through my mom! (Honestly if it weren’t for her showing me Voyager I might have abandoned Star Trek altogether, but that’s a story for another time) after getting into rise I was just like, “YES PUT THEM TOGETHER”
The character dynamics are so fun to play around with!!!
Good luck to you too!! I’m really excited it looks like it’s gonna be a lot of fun!! 🤩 🖖
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ariel-simslover · 10 months
Get to Know Me: Sims Style
So I saw @moyokeansimblr do this tag and it made me really want to do it so here I am lol!! Anyway, let's get started!!
What's your Favorite Sims death?
Probably Starvation...I have many memories of locking sims in rooms...umm WE ALL KILLED SIMS OK!
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
I'm a bit of a mix, It used to depend on the game but now I'm just a Mix of Alpha Cc and Maxis Match. For hair, I'm Alpha ish, and for clothes, I'm 4t2 and alpha.
Do You Cheat Your Sims Weight?
Nope! I really don't care honestly, as long as my Sims are living their best lives lol.
Do You Move Objects?
Yes, I do! Can't live without Moving Objects at least once a play sesh! I also move Sims too...
Favorite Mod?
Ugh, I can't just pick one I have several. The ones I can't live without Are ACR, Monique's hacked computer, Honey Honey Skin defaults, the new 3D lashes mod lol, and Reshade. I'm a modding addict so... I can't pick just one I could go on forever lol.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
I started playing the Sims 2 when I was 6, so I honestly can't remember what my first pack was. I just remember being excited about a lamp, my love of decorating started that day lol. My first memory of getting a pack that I can recall was Sims 3 Supernatural.
Do Pronounce Live Mode like aLIVE or LIVing mode?
I say LIV mode always have and always will! I always forget there's other ways to even say it.
Whos Your Favorite Sim that you've Made?
I love this one sim I made in the Sim4 I think she's so cute imma try to remake her in the Sims 2 one of these days. (Posing with a Permmade in this photo)
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Have You Made a Simself?
I have in the Sims 4 but not since I switched back to Sims 2.
Which is Your Favorite Ea Hair Color?
Red! I always loved the red hair it's so cute! (Only pick I could find)
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Favorite Ea Hair?
Always loved this one!
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Are You a Builder or Are You in it for the Gamplay?
I do both actually! Depends on what I'm in the mood for. Lately, it's been mostly gameplay.
Are You a CC Creator?
Unforentaly no. I don't even have the skills to recolor things lol.
Do You Have Any Simbler Freinds or a Sim Squad?
Nope, I am relatively new to the SImbler world but I have interacted with a few members.
Do You Have any Sims Merch?
Sadly no unless the Sims 3 disc counts lol, I used to have Sims 2 discs..but an indent happened that I won't let my mom live down lol (Nothing bad lol)
How Has Your "Sims Style" Changed Through the Years?
It has changed a lot. I like many would roughly play one family causing as much drama and chaos as possible, ruining their lives and any passing townie....Just me? Now I play very wants-based and let the game guide me on what to do next. I find it fun when my sims pick what path they go down, I've gotten so many fun storylines like this.. I also play rotationally so I always have several families I play.
Who's Your Favorite CC Creator?
Ooo this is hard! Hmm if I had to pick one probably be @lilith-sims I love everything I have from them!
What Expansion/Game Pack is Your Favorite?
University is my favorite in every Sims game. But I also love Sims3 Generations!
Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this post because I had so much fun making it! I have no one to tag so if you'd like to do this tag as well let me know I'd love to see it! With that said have a wonderful week and I'll see you all soon!!
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mckiwi · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 Day 17: Reluctant Caretaker
Characters: Stephen Strange, America Chavez
Summary: He'd grown to like having America around
America Strange was eighteen now, hardly the girl Stephen had saved from an interdimensional octopus. For one, she had more confidence in her abilities, regarding both her star portals and Eldrich magic. She had made friends with fellow teens and young adults living at Kamar-Taj. It wasn't uncommon for America to ask, "Stephen, can insert name spend the night?" "Hey, so and so and I are gonna go shopping. Do you need anything?" He cherished the fact America was getting to be a normal teen despite her… rough childhood, but he would admit to no one that he found himself lonely without her by his side.
It wasn't long before America managed to convince Stephen to adopt a puppy she'd found discarded along some old Halloween decorations. "We should call him Bats!" She suggested, gesturing to the bat decorations he was found in. The two were practically inseparable, much like Stephen and the Cloak.
It's funny. Stephen had told Christine years ago that he didn't want kids. He told her that he didn't like them, and yet they all seemed to love him. He quickly found himself as the 'Community Dad,' according to America's friends and Wong. He once heard one of the kids say, "Mer, your dad is here," and his stomach did a weird flip. Though, he found he didn't mind.
Sure, they've had their arguments just like any other, dare he say, parent and child. When her sixteenth birthday rolled around, she saw her other friends getting their driver's licenses and wanted in on the fun. It wasn't a surprise to anyone that knew him when Stephen reacted quite extremely, expressing his opinion on cars readily and fiercely.
"You can teleport halfway across the planet! What use would a car be!"
"Yea, but they have convertibles!"
"The answer is still no, America. End of discussion."
"Why can't you be excited and happy for me like all the other dads? Oh wait, that's cause you're not my dad!"
The two definitely didn't have a normal father-daughter relationship, but then again, how could you when you had math homework in New York at six and then were facing a demon in Japan at seven? Alongside their normal day-to-day routine, the search for America's mothers continued. Honestly, Stephen had given up hope of finding her parents, not that he'd ever tell her that. They continued their search, with Stephen only giving a half-heart effort. It'd been fourteen-something years! What were the odds of finding them?
Stephen 'one in fourteen million' Strange should've known better than to doubt the odds.
America grabbed Stephen's arm in a tight grip as the portal formed. The other side was packed with people, seemingly a marketplace of some sort. "Do you think they're here?" America asked hopefully.
"I don't know, kid," Stephen replied. The people on the other side started staring at the portal in shock. Most ran away, yet two women rushed to investigate.
"Mis madres!" America exclaimed tearfully and released Stephen's arm to sprint toward the portal. The two women, America's mothers, took his girl into their arms happily, placing kisses on her forehead and speaking fondly in words he couldn't understand. They cried together and hugged each other for what felt like hours. Stephen stood outside the portal patiently, not wanting to intrude but also growing suspiciously jealous. One of her mothers pointed somewhere in the distance, and America nodded gleefully.
Stephen felt his heart drop and shatter when the portal began to close. "Ameri-" he began, practically pouncing at the portal, but he was too late. The portal snapped shut with a sense of finality. He stared dumbfounded at the place his girl had once stood. Surely she would be back, right? Introduce him to her moms. She wouldn't be gone long, though he didn't like having her out of his sight.
A few hours turned into a full day. "Time," Stephen muttered to himself, "she just needs time."
One day turned into three. America's friends were asking him where she went.
Three turned into four. Wong commented on his lack of sleep. How could he, though? He was worried about her! That's what dads did, right? Worry for their daughters.
Four days turned into eight. Stephen began to wonder if she was ever coming back.
Eight turned into fourteen. Two weeks… she'd been gone two weeks. Bats started to whine at him, obviously missing her as much as he did. "She's gone!" He shouted at the dog. "And she's not coming back!" The dog wound around his legs and jumped into his lap as Stephen began to sob.
Two weeks soon saw three. Stephen hated himself for ever agreeing to help her. She was his kid, now. Who taught her how to ride a bike? Who showed her the best way to make pancakes? Who did she go to when she needed a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on? Her moms? No. It was him! For Vishanti's sake, even his Defender variant had been the one to teach her how to shave and deal with period cramps! Didn't he have a right to know how she was doing? Not stuck on the other side of the multiverse with no way to see her?
On month three, he realized he could see her. Even if Wanda had destroyed the Darkhold, he could still visualize it perfectly thanks to his photographic memory. He knew he would corrupt himself further by dream walking yet again, but for his girl… worth it.
He didn't know which was worse. The assumption that something terrible had happened, hence why she hadn't come back to him, or the fact she was perfectly content. He saw her working on anatomy homework, something he'd always helped her with, while her moms made dinner. She was safe, far safer than battling demons every other day. She had car keys in her jacket pocket. Overall, she looked happy.
Overcome with heartache and betrayal, his connection broke and he woke up in his own body. His fingertips were now lightly tinted black at the tips.
Suddenly, he understood precisely why Wanda was so insistent. He was America's father, and it took everything in him not to remind her of that.
He now wore gloves to cover his hands. Wong accused him of obsession. Stephen thought of it as protection. He was her Guardian Angel, so to speak.
Her fallen angel watched from across the multiverse as America Chavez celebrated her twenty-first birthday.
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hopeurokays · 11 months
so my movie theater didn't have popcorn buckets bc their shipment is currently lost
but i got a cup and a poster
i planned on making like 50 bracelets but ended up only making like 20
which is good though cause pretty much nobody had bracelets to trade
i traded 1 and gave out all but 2
i don't know how people don't cry the entire concert
bc i almost cried several times during the movie so the actual concert i think would have me dead
so now im gonna go by era and discuss it
the opening made me cry
i whisper sung the beginning bc it was still kinda awkward and nobody else was singing loud
until the cruel summer bridge
then we all sung it loud
i LOVE the man and loved getting to see the things i hadn't noticed from tiktok (like the specific dance moves, etc)
the man and lover also made me cry a bit
im so upset she cut the archer
its not even my favorite song or anything but still
iconic guitar spins 🫶🏻
everyone did the heart hands, it was so sweet
it was so cute seeing her band sing with her, they're adorable
fearless spins made me cry
love story almost made me bawl, but i held it together
i can remember being in kindergarten and saying my favorite song was love story so thinking about that made me want to sob
i was so excited when i realized it was filmed
and then SHE CUT IT
marjorie made me cry
tolerate it was a materpiece (as expected)
so was champagne problems
honestly no words
look what you made me do honestly almost made me cry
when all the other taylors were in the boxes
but still it was all soooooo good
speak now:
enchanted made me tear up
im so glad she wore the purple dress for filming
ik it's the perfect end credit song but still
we wouldn't mind to hear it again
will forever be upset
ngl 22 got me
it was the only one that made me cry
and like i cried like a baby when she gave the 22 hat
i expected it to be kobe bryant's daughter, but it still got it
i was bawling in my seat
but then the rest was really nice
i loved screaming atw
ive never seen video of her performing the 1 all the way through and loved it
also betty made me cry
but betty was the first song off folklore id ever heard and was made me listen to her new music so it holds a special place in my heart
also there was a little girl who got up during betty and started dancing, like throwing arms above her head and everything
and she did that for most of folklore
she was a mood tbh
none of these made me cry, i was too busy dancing lol
they were all really fun
i loved the clubs smashing the car
also i love that she wore the pink one
i just like that outfit best
surprise songs:
i can't say im surprised it was our song and yoyok
and i absolutely loved them
but i was really hoping she would find a way to put all of the songs she sung in la on there
especially you are in love
i wouldve cried and died and just stayed there forever
but yoyok made me cry during the bridge
i LOVE the purple jacket/dress combo
kinda freaked out when i realized id have to sit beside my mom during vigilante shit...
but she didn't say anything
i loved the vibes of this era too
other/end credits:
the bracelet part was so cute and clever
and i love the fan moments/bloopers
i do kinda wish the credits would've been styled more like rep tour's was
i also loved the transitions to each era and the text for the album name
it was all really cute
and i loved how taylor was still being goofy
i was worried it wouldn't be as silly as the shows usually are
but im glad it was, it made it feel more authentic
also the quality of everything was SO good
overall i loved it and if you're debating on going just do it (im thinking about going with my friends to watch it a 2nd time...). I'd give it like 1000/10 tbh
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