#but yeah send hc asks hyper specific or not I just am like
dykedvonte · 4 months
More Benny/main three chairmen HCs? 🥺
I like can't remember what I've already said so if some repeat pls don't be mad:
Tommy occasionally thinks of trying to branch out industry wise and maybe do a tour but he's paranoid about leaving Vegas
None of them really picked up chems before the Strip. It's not a taboo but getting body issues or withdrawal while having to wander around the Mojave wastes is not bueno.
Swank is well liked by the other casinos even if he doesn't care for them. He's always cordial mainly cause he's scared of being killed or cooked by the other two
Benny has very nice handwriting. He can mimic script but he can't read it.
Tommy practically lives in the theater due to how busy he always is and it's kinda treated as a separate establishment. House sends messages to him (not Ben or Swank) about its entertainers
Honestly, if Benny had told them sooner they may have helped him but at the same time they would've been pissed he's already back on his bullshit
Swank misses the old days the most and Tommy the least. His only complaint is the songs don't hit the same as they did with outside acoustics.
Swank, Tommy, and Benny have matching tattoos from the Boot Rider days that signified they were like a set scouting team (Pls don't ask of what I am still ironing that out)
Any ending where Benny is killed Swank mourns as I feel they were super close. Tommy isn't indifferent but he always half-joked Benny's ambition would lead him to an early grave.
That table at lunch where you can hear them talking super loud and it's all the juiciest gossip but they don't care cause it's not about them
Tallest is Swank shortest is Benny
They are loyal to the Chairmen and follow House's instructions but if House did catch Benny and want him brought in they would've helped him escape
Tommy lost his eye from a cazadore attack. I do not think I have to explain what happened (also a big reason he is least nostalgic)
Only Tommy is good at gambling, Benny bluffs too much and Swank never trusts his own hands
All their suits are gaudy and they only act like Benny's is the worst cause he has copies. Swank has an atrocious pinstripe suit and Tommy's is like chromatic. Eye sores, all of them
They are wary of House and Benny's relationship cause while Benny doesn't notice House's weird sentiments about him they do. It's little things about how Benny mentions House compares him to a son and successor and how much stress he puts the Tops under. They prefer House's silence to his usual "doting" just cause it's less weird and Benny seems more himself when he's not actively checking in with House
Benny trusts their judgement a lot more than he'd ever let on and a lot of his choices as the Head of the Chairmen come from taking their little comments into consideration
Uhh i hope this is adequate. I had to lock into NV head space sense I'm jumping around the games and franchise lore.
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
facial dysmorphia comfort spot x reader
maybe maybe
Spot w/ an S/O who has facial dysmorphia
Okokokok two things!!
One I am once again so sorry for taking so long for getting to your ask 😭😭 same goes for everyone else who sent in requests <\3 but I got nothing going on tonight so I'll likely be knocking out asks throughout tonight!!
Bit personal but I really didnt know there was dysmorphia that's centered around faces :0 I thought it was just body dysmorphia; and this ask kinda
Made me feel things
Not necessarily bad things but like
"Oh that's a hyper specific version of me" as someone with body dysmorphia that's very. Face centered
Eeerm yeah!!
With all that being said some of this might dip into my personal experience with body dysmorphia <\3
Actually it kinda dips into a lot
It's the self projection for me
Not proofread we die like peter parker
Tumblr media
He gets it
I mean it's not a 1:1 but
Close enough...?
I think he may have also had similar issues precollider tbh, like when he said "oh I used to be handsome by scientist standards" sounded... backhanded..
Not the most attentive, he wont immediately catch your mood souring if you two are out and about; but he does eventually catch on if you're quiet or fidgeting
Offers you things you can fidget with to keep your hands busy; from small stress toys to rubber bands, to keep your hands busy
I know everyones different but again, self projection here
Helps especially if you mess with/tug your hair into place or pick your face at any perceived flaws
"Look at me dont look at them," when he notices you start comparing yourself to others when you're both out
Probably steps in front of you, if you're walking hes walking backwards to keep him in your view
He falls over/hj
Ah yes the mirror
Another thing that spot would personally relate too; I believe I've mentioned somewhere in a different hc post that he tends to just
Stare and talk down to his reflection, post collider
It's a habit he probably had precollider too, but instead of his lack of face he's scrutinizing the moles and beauty marks
He never really liked his spots
But aside from sympathy when he sees you do the same he also feels
Is this how he makes you feel when he does the same thing?
It's weird for him to be on the other end; watching you pick at your skin or teeth, sizing up every curve and crevice
He doesnt want to just go up to you and pull you away from the mirror or upright tell you to stop; nono that doesnt feel right.. it feels too.. forceful, accusatory... he doesn't want to make things worse
He'll probably try to subtly bring your attention in another direction; be it asking you what the plans for that night are, or asking for some affection
The most bold he'll get is walking up to you and gently bopping his face against you
He does his research, hes a scientist afterall
He makes sure that your shared home is a safe place to retreat to at the end of the day; his protective side outright banning anything that could potentially trigger your dysmorphia, doesn't matter what it is he's just not going to let it through the door
He never ever wants you to feel like your experiences are less than; whenever he notices a day is particularly hard hes immediately dropping everything to help and/or distract and/or comfort you
Listens diligently to what you need
He probably keeps a little notebook somewhere with notes scribbled down, along with things he knows you like and bring security
You both have feeling sessions; you both just sit down and talk, about anything really
Not necessarily vents but also not necessarily not vent but
You know
God forbid anyone ever makes you feel bad about himself
He would never... kill anyone (attempting to off miles dad aside!! I write these like. Imagining it's the time between the movies :0) but boy does he get thoughts
Literally just
Spawns a hole under them and sends them to god knows where
If you've got anything to help it, like say therapy or medications he'll make sure you keep a consistent and steady schedule with it
Insists on taking you to therapy himself
Via holes, of course
"Wait wait wait I think... I got it this time-!"
Proceeds to accidentally send yall to the top of some random building somewhere
VERY persistent about any meds, almost gets naggy with it
This is the same with any other stuff you may or may not take; other meds, vitamins, antibiotics, ect ect ect
Spot is more or less kind of. ..
I dont wanna say hes a mother hen, but asides from revenge, the thing he wants most is for you to be happy and healthy
It also kinda offers himself some reflection, because again he carries/used to carry similar behaviors; whether he had dysmorphia or not, he can see himself in you and it
As a side note you notice his frequency in the bad self talk lowers
Gives off that "do it for her" simpsons meme, but its spot having a board of you
Figurative board of course
I can kinda see him having some version of it actually
He just wants you to know that he loves you so so so much. He thinks himself to be the luckiest man in the world; hell in the entire multiverse, as cheesy as it sounds. Despite everything hes been through and going through, he still managed to get someone like you by his side. You give him clarity in his whirlwind of a life and he wants to let you know how grateful he is for your existence
Yeah I dont know where I was going with this post and hcs I kinda just let my feelings and experiences talk here so <\3 normally I like to keep things like this vague so others can hopefully relate easier but
Man this topic got me
I hope this is alright !! It's not often I write stuff with this sort of topic matter so I'm a lil rusty <\3
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amorremanet · 7 years
For the autistic hcs, could you do 2, 5, and 11 for Pidge?
omg thank you, nonny, now i feel so much better about how i also thought that the meme involved asking about specific characters when, upon a reread, it just says, “send a fandom” ♡
2. Stimming headcanons?
“Pidge, stop bouncing your leg during a simulator!” / “I’m not bouncing my leg, Lance, wth???”
Katie Holt, before she cut her hair and started calling herself Pidge, used to stim a lot by playing with her hair. She’d have to tie it back while trying to do most things that required close attention, because it was easy for her to get distracted from them by playing with her hair
(or alternately, it was easy to get frustrated, need to stim, and get her hair covered in coolant or something, and then feel disgusting and unable to stim, but oh god, she can’t go take a shower until she’s done doing the thing, that’s not how this is supposed to work, but she can’t focus on doing the thing because stimming isn’t even an option, and oh god, what do????)
She thought cutting her hair was going to kill her a little bit inside, but now she has a new hair stim that actually works a lot better. Namely: flipping it.
“Pidge, come on! You’re bouncing your leg during the simulator again! It’s making me nervous!!” / “??? Lance, what the heck is Hunk talking about” / “He’s talking about stop bouncing your stupid leg, Pidge!” / “I am NOT bouncing my leg!!!”
Pidge doesn’t want you touching her, but also she wants a lot of physical affection and to be compressed in a hug??? About the only people currently allowed to hug her are Shiro and Hunk (and Matt would be on the list if he were actually around to hug her, but since he isn’t?)
Most of the time, when Pidge wants a hug, she goes and chills with Green instead, because: 1. it’s often hard for her to ask other people for a hug, and 2. maybe lying on top of your Lion’s head and awkwardly trying to embrace her is not quite what she’s after, but it’s better than being hugged by people who don’t know how to do it right. Also, Green just gets her.
“oh my god — Pidge! Again with the leg!!” / “I don’t know what you guys are talking about!!? I do NOT bounce my leg!”
“Lance has a point okay, you’re like really bouncing your leg today, is everything okay, man”
“WELL MAYBE I COULD FLY IT IF YOU WOULD STOP [string of aggravated noises because Lance can’t focus and is kind of forgetting how to make words do the thing] BOUNCING YOUR [string of half-uttered Spanish curses, and more aggravated noises, because Lance really wants to cuss right now (and knows that he can get away with it because Iverson doesn’t know a lick of Spanish), but at the moment, Lance can’t focus enough to get any of the words out of his mouth] FREAKING LEG!!”
“guys can we stop yelling please i’m really anxious now and lance is flying really bad today oh my god i’m gonna throw up D:”
One stim thing that Pidge legitimately doesn’t understand at all is fidget spinners. She’s taken several of them apart to try and figure out what it is that makes them so appealing to other people, and she still has no idea.
“Pidge, uh? You okay?” / “Of course I’m okay, Hunk. Why wouldn’t I be.”
“Okay, uh. I was just asking because you haven’t been bouncing your leg in the simulator for a couple weeks? Or in class? Or at lunch, when you like actually show up to lunch?”
“…So? Doesn’t that make it better for you and Lance? And get me out of being yelled at for it?”
“Well, yeah, kinda? But it’s also making you kinda look like you always want to puke, and I would know?? And I mean, Lance is a bit much sometimes, but he only wants us to do well—”
“He only wants himself to do well.”
“I mean, he wants that too, but… He really doesn’t mean to be quite as much of a jerk about things? He just…… doesn’t? Really?? Think about stuff? Before he says it? Or does it? Like, ever??? But it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about the team doing well, or about you???”
“……Look, I really didn’t notice that I was bouncing my leg, okay. But since I apparently am, and since apparently, it’s tanking our performance almost as much as Lance’s creative approach to flying, it’s just — whatever. I’m trying to make it stop. For everybody. Right?”
“But it might not actually be as helpful as you and Lance think? Like, if it puts you on edge to not be doing it? That can throw you off your game too, right? And I just feel like there could maybe be a better compromise here for all of us if we work together on it, maybe??”
“……*sighs* I have work to do, Hunk. Just…… Tell Lance he doesn’t have to worry about my stupid leg, okay. *exits to go sit on the roof with her equipment where she can just not be bothered or forced to talk about things, with people*”
“Some advanced alien civilization this turned out to be, these people don’t even have clicky pens” — Pidge, about most of the aliens she meets, at one point or another.
But the Olkari have clicky pens made out of tree parts and magitek, which is endlessly fascinating to Pidge because???? How do you make them work and make them so satisfying to click without plastic, omg??
A lot of this leg-bouncing thing would probably have been a bit ameliorated if Lance and Pidge actually knew that they are autistic (Pidge) and have ADHD (both of them), and could have a slightly easier time of putting words on their specific needs with each other…… but sadly, neither of them did. But they’re working on it.
Granted, they are working on it very slowly because both of them are stubborn as shit, and even now that they like each other, they end up needing a lot of space from each other sometimes for a lot of reasons (many of which somehow involve the theme of, “Dealing with each other can easily get very overwhelming for them”).
But…… still. They’re working on it. Just…… give them time.
And maybe help them hook up their Mercury Gameflux already because no seriously, that would do wonders for both of them, and for their relationship (*gestures at how they worked really, really well together on collaborating to fish up enough money to buy the thing*)
otoh, you would probably also need to pull both of them out of hyperfocusing as Hell on their game, and that could get Messy very quickly, so maybe they should try to find a different way to connect with each other better and get on each other’s level better, outside of video games and Voltron
5. hated foods & textures?
(or at least we speak of it as little as possible, because Pidge does realize that it’s something of an Altean delicacy and that Hunk is fond of it, at least, so it’s not like she can completely avoid any and all discussion of food goo for the rest of her time with Team Voltron or her time in space, but she would personally just prefer it if she didn’t have to talk about food goo because no seriously it is sensory Hell, you have no idea, or maybe you do, Pidge wouldn’t want to speak over you if you do, but also on the other hand……… etc.)
Why does Pidge hate peanuts so much? because the texture is so terrible, oh god why, they feel so slimy, this is disgusting
Pidge doesn’t know how she feels about the fact that Alteans apparently don’t have flour, but she kind of appreciates the fact that the lack of it means she can be in the kitchen without the constant temptation to just put her hand in the flour
11. how do they prefer to communicate? are they non verbal/have periods of being non verbal? do they use sign language? do they talk? do they prefer text, etc?
If you ask Pidge, the biggest communication issue she has is that sometimes, she loses all sense of how loud or soft her voice is. If you ask most people, that’s probably accurate.
It is not, however, the full truth, because oh man, Pidge has trouble with staying verbal. Sure, sometimes she is hyper-verbal, but…… other times, she really isn’t.
She, however, would not describe this as, “being non-verbal.”
She would call it, “Sometimes, I just forget how to make words do the thing. Y’know? The thing where they come out in sentences and make sense and, like? Connect to concepts and images so people know what I am saying?”
“……That’s called, ‘being non-verbal,’ Pidge.”
“No, it’s not, Keith.”
“Uh, YEAH, it is.”
“Well, obviously, it isn’t, because I can still use words, just not exactly well or entirely correctly!”
“[aggravated noises because Pidge having trouble with accepting that sometimes, she is non-verbal? makes it harder for Keith to stay verbal] Shiro! Tell Pidge that it’s okay to be non-verbal sometimes and she doesn’t have to pretend like she isn’t!!”
“………[well, okay, Keith, strictly speaking? putting your big brother on the spot like this makes it harder for him to be verbal, so this conversation is going to get nowhere slowly and??? Shiro wants to have a motivational speech here for you and Pidge?? Or something? But you put him on the spot and he’s having trouble pulling up the social scripts he needs right now, so you might have to wait a while???]”
“……There, see, Pidge: Shiro agrees with me.”
“……………????!!???!!?!???!??!?!?! *will admit that this reaction is a non-verbal one… maybe eventually someday possibly. but definitely not right now. right now, she’s going to just go hang with Green and probably grumble at Green a lot about how Keith is being stupid and frustrating.*”
On another note entirely: who learned how to be sarcastic as a defense mechanism because she got tired of people making fun of her for being so earnest about things and using it against her when she missed their sarcasm or couldn’t tell when they were lying to her, and now has times when she can’t tell if she’s being sarcastic or not because she may or may not have used this defense mechanism so much that she skewed her own internal gauge of her own feelings (which was already kind of off-kilter to begin with)?
……yeah, that person would be Pidge.
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