#but yes today's kids who don't read the epics and think it to be boring you all be missing out so many important lessons
ramayantika · 2 years
When you read Valmiki Ramayana and see how the processes and preparation for Ram's coronation you can't help but feel terrible for Ram.
People all excited to welcome Ram. He hears some people talking how Ram on ascending the throne would mean peace and prosperity for many years to come. Dignitaries have come from all over the country, like a full public event. Ram looks so regal only to let go all of it in a few moments unaware of his mother Kaikeyi's intentions
And this man I know why our elders would advise us to look upto Ram. This man after getting a terrible blow and getting an exile akin to a death sentence from his mother who loved him dearly and was even so happy with the news of Ram's coronation. He is then asked to leave the palace immediately for 14 years like never once come back for 14 years.
Keeping myself in Ram's position to not come back home once for so many years would kill me. I don't think I would give any thought about promises dharma or karma then when I would be told to go away.
And do you all realize that he was giving up an empire which was rightfully his? To learn from Ram, I think we must learn to keep ourselves in his position and think what our step would be and see the difference between Ram's behaviour and thoughts and us.
It's like you are told that you will have a promotion at work and get a high position. Everything is set. The people, your new cabin, your new post everything and once you come to office to begin your duties you are told that you won't get promotion without stating what you did wrong or where your efforts lacked.
Tell me how would you feel?
This is similar to Ram's case too. For him promotion would mean to be the king and take control of a grand empire. You must see how Valmiki describes Ayodhya. I would love to live there.
And when he is walking back to his own palace (ram and sita lived in a separate palace away from Dasharath's) he doesn't use the parasol and the chariot.
Today every person whom I talk too regarding Ram, I see everyone getting angry and pointing faults at him.
This is epic Kaikeyi behaviour. Kaikeyi after getting her mind poisoned not once does she think of ram and her relationship with him, his qualities, etc. We too do the same thing. All this while I always said Ram shouldn't have done this should not have done that why should Ram be idealized?
Growing up I realise why dada dadis would tell us to be like Ram. You can be steady and calm in good situations how do you keep your self steady and calm when life is being unfair to you? We all slip into sadness, submit to grief and anger and worse into all sorts of terrible addictions to cope with it.
And what did we do to Ram? Forget learning from him, we politicise him. Ram is a tool for vote bank, Jai Shri Ram is a war cry and shit like that.
Kaikeyi was unfair to Ram and so are we. We are no better.
Just like what my elders did, I am going to tell my children and the upcoming generation about Rama and to be like him.
Jai Shri Ram 🙏
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
pulling out of the angst listening to "A Pirate Today" for the chaggie spear kid and tripping directly into them and vaggie being pirate nerds together while disney princess charlie SUFFERS
Billy: “Mom? How come mom has a super cool epic eyepatch, and no one else at the hotel does?”
Charlie: “Be-caaauuse she’s… missing an eye?”
Billy: “Oh! Why’s it missing?”
Charlie: “Uh.”
Billy: “Did someone TAKE it?”
Charlie: “Well-”
Billy: “Are we gonna get it back for her?”
Charlie: “That's a nice thought but I don’t think-”
Billy: “Was it glass, like a marble? Or was it REAL? Did it bleed?? Did someone cut it out of her head with a knife after she refused their dastardly orders and paid the price in her own flesh!? Is that how she met YOU and lost her heart as well!???”
Charlie: “…..”
Charlie: “You’ve been reading Vaggie’s pirate books again, haven’t you.”
Billy: “She says I’m too young to read ‘em.”
Charlie: “Uh-huh. Which one are you on?”
Billy: “The Curse of the Skeleton Crew and the Bedding of Bonnie Bodyripper’s Beautiful Bounty Huntress.”
Charlie: “And the WHAT OF THE WHAT NOW???”
Billy: “There’s a lot of boring parts I skip past… but the fights are AMAZING!”
Charlie: “…I.. think we should get you some of your own pirate books. CHILD APPROPRIATE pirate books.”
Billy: “’kay. But what about mom’s eye. Can we really not get it back for her?”
Charlie: “You’re really hung up on the eye thing tonight huh.”
Billy: “She bumped into a table again.”
Charlie: “Aww, kiddo- she’s done that so many times, she’ll be okay!”
Billy: “… I was the one who’d moved it. And didn’t put it back.”
Charlie: “That’s okay too. Everyone makes mistakes-”
Billy: “It was a pirate ship and she was picking up the old bottles uncle Husky let me use for secret messages, after aunty Angel Dust almost slipped on one in his heels. Mom dropped some when the table bumped her.”
Charlie: “Well sounds like someone forgot to sing their ‘clean up, clean up’ sea shanty song~” (grins)
Billy: (doesn't grin back)
Charlie: (droops) “Did you help her spiff up the ship?”
Billy: “I was TRYING to! I just wanted to hand her a bottle, only I was on the wrong side and she reached out too far and touched my hand and-”
Billy: “…”
Charlie: “…the flinching again?”
Billy: “The bottle broke when she dopped it, that time.”
Charlie: “It’s okay.” (hugs them) “You know it’s not about you, right?”
Billy: “Someone hurt her didn’t they.”
Charlie: “Mm." (hugs tighter) "Vaggie’s had a pretty, adventurous life, even before I met her and we started the whole hotel thing.”
Billy: “Did the person who hurt her look like me?”
Charlie: “Oh baby that’s not why-”
Billy: “So they did.”
Charlie: “NO. Not at all. They don’t have your big smile or silly laugh like you do.” (hugs them closer) “There’s no one anywhere who’s like you, and Vaggie doesn’t want you to be anyone else ever.”
Billy: "Were they a bad person?"
Charlie: "I don't do the whole bad-person good-person. They were. Not nice."
Billy: "Like a pirate?"
Charlie: "I think calling them that'd be an insult. To the pirates."
Billy: “….was mom a pirate with them?”
Charlie: “She… she’s more of a pirate now, kinda. One of the good ones.”
Billy: “Saying fuck it to dumb rules and laying it all on the line for her new captain and crew?”
Charlie: (wincing) “I need another talk with your ‘uncle Husky’. Also, Vaggie doesn’t have a captain.”
Billy: “But if the hotel’s her ship, and you founded it, then-”
Charlie: “-then we’re co-captains!”
Billy: “Mom. That’s not how ships work.”
Charlie: “It is on THIS one.”
Billy: “Her being your first mate makes more sense though!”
Charlie: “Noooope! Our ship, our rules. AND our rules still include bedtime!” (scoops them up)
Billy:  (grumbling) “There’s gonna be mutiny over this someday…”
Vaggie: (slipping out of the shadows) “Aye, but not until you’re old enough to yell about it not being a phase, apparently. Ye scallywag.”
Charlie: “I STILL can’t believe dad told you about that.”   
Billy: “Mom! I-” (shyly) “…sorry about the ship. And the, glass and the stuff.”
Vaggie: “More of a shipwreck, yeah? Don't worry.” (smiles) (holds up note) “The broken bottle had a message in it.”
Billy: “Oh that’s-!”
Vaggie: “It’s got SEKRET written on it, in something that’s probably not blood-”
Billy: “Aunt Niffty helped with that.”
Vaggie: “…written in something that’s probably just rat blood...”
Charlie: (groans) “Great. More ‘child appropriate environment’ talks.”
Billy: “Heheh.”
Vaggie: “Anyway, here.” (hands over note) “Pirates respect each other’s secrets.”
Billy: (gingerly taking it without touching her) “No they don’t? None of the ones in your books do.”
Vaggie: “My books- sweetie, which my books?”
Charlie: “Bonnie Bodyripper.”
Billy: “Curse of the Skeleton Crew!!!”
Vaggie: “Oh thank ff…eather dusters…. Not one of the wild ones then.”
Charlie: “THAT’S not a wild one!?”
Vaggie: (shrug) (at kid) “Did Bonnie Bodyripper read the bounty huntresses letter when she found it lying on the cabin floor while looking for her clothes?”
Billy: “No…”
Billy: “She’d’ve seen the betrayal coming sooner and could’ve stopped it, if she had.”
Vaggie: “But she wanted to trust the huntress. You read the ending?”
Billy: “It’s the best part! The huntress swings in and saves her! They kill SO MANY guards together and blow up a SHIP and and and-”
Vaggie: “Yeah okay right, uhhhhh- the actual ending. On the last page.”
Billy: “Bonnie says she fell in love with a huntress who could hurt her and she was okay with that.”
Charlie: “Ehhh.”
Billy: “It’s like with the sea, mom. There were parts of the huntress maybe Bonnie’d never find out about, and she was okay with that too! Because the parts she did know were something the huntress had shared with her.”
Charlie: “Aww, that’s…”
Billy: “And then they wrestle.”
Charlie: “…still not something you should be reading yet, yep.”
Billy: “What’s boring wrestling have to do with anything?”
Vaggie: “Forget the wrestling. Point is, people hurt each other sometimes, sweetie." (tickles them with a wing) "What matters it what they do after.”
Billy: “Heh!" (wiggles) (grins) "Did the person who took your eye say sorry afterwards?”
Vaggie: “….”
Vaggie: “No.”
Billy: “Okay.” (thinks for a moment) “So I’m not like them.”
Charlie: “MUCH cuter.”
Vaggie: “You… are stalling, you sea rat.”
Billy: “No ‘m not!”
Vaggie: “Bellow decks and into bed with you.”
Billy: “Where’d you get the eyepatch??”
Charlie: “That’s a story for tomorrow, kiddo! Bedtime is crucial to a child’s development!”  
Billy: “I’m enveloped I’m enveloped! Pleeease just five more minutes-!”
Vaggie: “Nuh-uh, you heard your mom. Captain’s orders.”
Charlie: “Don’t you start.”
Vaggie: “Babe, it really doesn’t make sense for there to be two captains at one time.”
Billy: “HA!”
Charlie: “What does it even matter anyway? We’re running a hotel, not an actual ship-”
Vaggie: “And I’m the hotel manager, which makes me your first mate.”
Billy: “See mom? TOLD you!”
Charlie: “But you’d look good in that fancy captain’s outfit!”
Billy: “Oh so that’s why you stare at mom’s book covers before confiscating them..”
Vaggie: “Charlie, it’s not about who looks good in it- It’s about division of duties onboard and proper crew management-”
Billy: “Tell her!”  
Charlie: “This is a hotel!”
Vaggie: “Guest management. Whatever.”
Charlie: “You just like that I’D be the one in the long coat and ruffles!”
Vaggie: “It’s a perk. But that’s not the point.”
Charlie: “This whole thing doesn’t have any point to it and if I’m captain then I can just promote you to captain too so HA!”
Vaggie: “Pirate captains are elected, babe.”
Billy: “They’re elected, mom.”
Vaggie: “It’s a popular vote thing.”
Billy: “I think maybe YOU need to read the books too, instead of just going gooey eyed over the covers.”
Charlie: “I’m starting to think no one in this family should be reading them…”
Vaggie: “Fine. Let’s vote on it.”
Charlie: “Oh come on!”
Billy: “All in favor of being historically accurate hotel pirates say aye!”
Vaggie: “Aye.”
Billy: “Aye!”
Charlie: “ARGH!”
Billy: “Out voted~”
Vaggie: (pats charlie’s shoulder) “Good job getting into the spirit of things though.”
Billy: “Pirates didn’t really go ‘Arrg’ did they?”
Charlie: “Well THIS one sure does.” (leads the way to bedtime) “What’s the point of being captain anyway if you don’t win any arguments?”
Vaggie: “We’ll let you win the next one. Pirate’s oath.”
Charlie: (sighing) “Argh…”
Billy: “You mean. We’ll let her win the next, the-” (giggles) “-the next ARGHument, right?”
Vaggie: (groans)
Charlie: “…okay.” (cracks smile) “THAT'S worth being a pirate for.”
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tunawithsoysauce · 5 months
Day: 3???
Hiya!!!! Sorry i didnt write. Ive decided the most i'll pause the blog is three days. Also, shoutout to my sister that now reads this! Gonna be careful with what I put her now, haha. That's a joke. Er.
So! Hi. Been busy. With tests n stuff. Also kind of relapsed. 17 days and I throw it away. I c-t myself like an hour ago writing this too haha.
Well, I wont be pessimistic. I'll be fine. Its just a blip. I hope so, at least.
Enough about not-today-days. Here's my day today!!!
Woke up at six. Mentally prepared me for in total four hours of english exams. UGH. It sucked, but I did good. Anyways.
C-t myself in the morning. It was to prepare myself. I think. Yeah, it was.
I took the bus. I listened to some Weezer (Pinkerton, blue album, and green album!!!) And met Leija on my way from the bus station. She cheered me up so much. GOD I love her.
We settled in in the testroom thingie, and started. I got done super early (duh) and read Solitare (Alice oseman) for like 50 minutes. ITS SO GOOD. Ive read it at least eight times by now. But still. Epic. Book. (Sprolden AJSKSJDJ)
Me n Leija ate lunch. I actually ate (unlike any other day lmao) and it was fish burgers. Yuck. No im kidding. It actually tasted okay.
The rest of the break i just ran around with Leija. And Deim. I think I yelled so much my lungs would collapse. (Outside ofc)
And then the next test. It was super slow since we had to listen to some guy talking. BORING ASF. Anyways I fell asleep afterwards while the writing time was still going and Elsa woke me up.
I jumped around agressively and climbed a tree out of exitement. I scraped my knee falling from it :[
Anyways. We had homeroom (YUCK) and I was kind of riled up. Anxious. Whatever. My teacher looked at me and used his serious voice telling me to breathe. I rolled my eyes at him. But I was thankful.
Me and Leija just goofed off that lesson, lol. Not being annoying to anyone else ofc, just yk.
Then we had P.E. or well, I didn't. My wounds where fucking BOLTING and it hurt like HELL. I told my teacher. She looked at my wrist, looked at me, took me to another room and asked the standard stuff.
I answer truthfully.
(I downplayed it)
Anyways. She said a bunch of sentimental pitying stuff but then said:
"Nobody wants you to be gone."
And I resisted crying at that.
I spent the rest of the lesson watching Doctor who. Specifically any episode with Amy and River.
It was fun.
When It was over Leija asked if I wanted to walk around in the mall for a bit. Of course i said yes.
Deim came too.
Before we left i gave Sofia a hug.
She's practically my mum at this point.
Anyways. We sat in the mall for a while. We talked about pointless stuff. Leija gave me a cookie. I said I loved her. It was supposed to be a sort of joke.
She said it back.
Deim said they loved me too.
I hugged them and said it back.
Anyways. I went home. Bus. I took the pencil sharpener I stole from school and..
..figure out the rest.
Yep. I called my sister. I freaked out because I made it too deep. I got it to stop bleeding.
I don't have anymore urges right now, so ill be fine tonight.
Anyways. Orchestra tonight. Fun.
It'll be fun.
0 notes
breaditto · 3 years
What would it be like to have Arataki Itto as an s/o? Part 1?
Hey! Welcome to my first post ! I have no clue what I'm doing but we're here to have fun!
Summary: how would you and itto get together; a little snippet into the beginning of your relationship together
The usual: nonbinary reader; bullet points headcanon format; a few lines of dialog; probably ooc but what else is new; not proofread; edited once but take it as you will
I strongly believe in himbo Arataki Itto supremacy so I will write him this way, you have been warned.
The second he puts his eyes on you he is intrigued. He can't tell what it is about you that makes him fascinated but he just can't keep away. He will find any excuse to be near you. And he will deny and deflect at first if you call him out.
You guys would spend most of your free time together, challenging each other, playing with the kids, sparring, laughing and having a good time. I don't think you can get bored around this man, you blink and he is off to get in trouble again and you might have to get him out of it- or even get him into even more trouble! He loves it either way. That is as long as neither of you don't get hurt.
The line between seriousness and joking is very thin with this man istg. You never know when he is joking or not but that's part of the appeal.
No matter what, you always have fun together, never getting bored. You can be yourself around him, without feeling judged, and he opens up to you as well, dropping the façade of the strong unbreakable leader he always displays in front of his gang.
I don't think he would figure out the nature of his feelings by himself. He will see your relationship as some sort of healthy rivalry between two friends where one tries to impress the other really hard and wants to know everything about the other and gets a bit sad when they aren't around. It's obvious to everyone and their grandmother that this man is head over heels in love with you.
Yoimiya calls him out. It would happen during one of their friendly competitions where she would just sprinkle in the idea of you as his romantic partner, nothing major really, but it will be enough to get Itto thinking.
Ensue a small internal crisis where he will start to wonder what it is that he feels for you exactly. I do imagine him looking onto the sea dramatically thinking of you, much like Batman looks onto Gotham perched high on a building. And then he would think about your smile and he would just blush and start laughing and that image of the brooding epic hero would crumble instantly.
Yes, this man adores you and now that he understands his feelings, he will act on them.
His flirting is very straight forward, He will just state how he feels in that moment without any filter.
"Y/N! I'm so happy to see you today! It makes me feel warm and fuzzy and I don't think it's because of this heat!"
"You look magnificent today! We look amazing together, me splendid and grandiose as ever, and you! Looking like a work of art! What a good pair we make, don't you think?"
He would also fumble around if you press him too much. This man is made of confidence but if you question him too hard he won't know what to say and it can make for some very funny scenarios.
"Why do I want us to arm wrestle? Well, well, it's very simple! It's so that... We get to hold hands and see who's strongest! Of course! I will win but fear not! For you have already won my heart!"
Despite being an idiot most of the time, he is a surprisingly good at reading people. The second he sees you are uncomfortable he will stop his flirting and start acting as if you are nothing more than a friend to him. It will hurt his ego at first but he understands how much more important your comfort is compared to his hurt pride.
But oh boy, if you reciprocate his flirting? If you encourage him? It's like adding fuel to a burning fire! He will double his efforts and be even more open and loud about his feelings.
I do see him bragging about you to people. Naturally he tends to over-exaggerate himself in his speeches but when it comes to you? Oh boy, he straight up paints you like some sort of deity who has graced him with your presence. He wants everyone to know how amazing you are.
Don't worry, the second you ask him to tone it down he will. But not in private, I think there are few things that can stop him from praising his partner when it's just the two of you. He is just so in love with you and he will let you know... a few times every 5 minutes...
The way you would get together will be very natural. There won't be any grand confession or any huge reveals. It would just happen. Slowly, you will start acting like a couple more and more: it would start with him praising you nonstop; then you'll have nicknames for one another; then there would be the touches, first just a small rub of the shoulders or grazing your arm "accidentally", but as soon as you get more comfortable, he will constantly hold you or touch you in some way (I imagine he loves to carry you the most and will find any excuse to do so). And then one day, you'll just start holding hands and cuddling like it's the most natural thing, like you were always meant to do that.
Whenever asked, as soon as he had realized he was in love with you, he would say that he is taken even if you aren't official. He feels like he can't love another when you're in his life. There's no place for anyone else in his heart and he'll make sure people know this. But that doesn't mean you are taken as well and even if you do end up acting like a couple, he won't push for it until you bring up the subject.
It's not that he likes this weird situation-ship you have found yourselves into -aka acting like a couple despite not being one. It's just that being with you is more important than having his closure or having you as his partner and if it means he'll never know how you feel or who you are to each other, so be it.
If you do bring it up though, he will be upfront about what he wants. All you have to do is ask and he will bring the world to its knees for you.
"Rule by my side. You shall be revered by my gang! Seen as royalty! No no! A deity!! I'll make you a deity! Better than the shogun herself! My deity! Would you like that, my beloved?"
He can be a bit grandiose at times but his eyes will be so full of sincerity and adoration you will know he somehow means these words and that if he could, he would make you a deity in an instant.
If you agree to a relationship, not much would actually change. Instead he will start introducing you as his partner and the gang will respect you more. You'd be accepted into it instantly, no questions asked.
Despite that, Itto will get a bit restless. See, poor little thing now has you as their dearly beloved significant other, you being the thing he wants to cherish and protect most, and he starts choking up a bit. What if he ends up scaring you since he is an Oni? What if his reputation follows you? What if he can't make you happy?
Not to mention, he is terrified he would hurt you. He is a big boy, bigger than average, it's easy for him to lose control over his strength, and now you want him to hold you and kiss you! He is so nervous about your first kiss it's unreal. He is very self-conscious about his fangs and he is terrified he'd bite you by accident because he got too excited.
Around you, he just can't focus properly anymore -in a good way- and he just loses control sometimes and can be a bit rough in his touches. All you have to do is reassure him and he will relax instantly.
Your first kiss will be very shy and depending on your reaction he will adapt. He will wait for you to get more confident and comfortable and if you're already reciprocating with enthusiasm, he will match your energy ten fold!
After that, he will kiss you at every opportunity. Small pecks on your neck and cheeks, passionate kisses when no one is watching, grabbing your chin to have a tender long kiss when he can't help but overflow with love for you.
Sometimes he just watches you, a big stupid grin on his face, getting lost in the details of your features, and he gets that look in his eyes like he is looking at his dream come true. And you would just be living your life, doing something completely mundane, when he would cup your cheek and turn your attention to him.
"You are the best thing that has every happened to me, Y/N. They should call me Arataki "The Luckiest Oni Alive" Itto just for having you in my life."
Alright folks! That's all i have for today! Gosh i love this man sm ;; I hope you enjoyed, feel free to drop your thoughts somewhere where i can see them and i hope to see you in the next one!
Edit: i didn't even tag this thing and you vultures (affectionate) found it either way???? hdjgfhkdljfsd thank you so much for the support you have shown me so far!
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the fact is • jeon jeongguk
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plot – you're a waitress that gets stuck serving jeon jeongguk, who can't make his mind up on what to eat.
words – 6.4K
"Indecisive snot, aren't you?"
The words are out before you could stop them. Your natural instinct is to take it back and apologize, but this idiot has pushed you over the edge. He has changed his order six times and that was after adding sides and removing this or that. The customer - the arrogant brat of a chaebol, you thought to yourself - looking at his menu snapped his gaze to you, eyes widening in surprise, disbelief and was that intrigue? Nope. Probably just a trick of the light.
"Excuse me?" He says, eyebrows still raised to high heaven.
You weigh your options silently for a few moments. You could try and kiss his ass and loose your job. Or you could finish what you started and loose your job. Because there was no question, you were loosing your job. Speaking to a customer like that, in a restaurant as high end as this? The ultimate no-no.
The choice was a no brainer.
You give him a flat look, "Are you deaf?"
A surprised scoff leaves him and for a moment he stares at you, and then a smirk pulls at the corners of his mouth. "Do you not know who I am?"
"Of course I know who you are, Jeon Jeongguk, I don't live under a rock." You roll your eyes at him.
"Huh." He frowns at you.
You frown back, "What?"
"I've never met someone so . . . outspoken before. Normally people are all compliments and well wishes." Jeongguk doesn't say how delightfully refreshing it is. Like a spring breeze, spreading through his veins and breathing colour into his monotonous life. This is the most excitement he's had since he went parachuting eight months ago. That is a sad thought, but unfortunately a true one.
"Yeah, well," You shrug, tapping your pen against your notebook. "Kissing ass and lying are two things that didn't make it onto my list of qualities."
"Speaking your mind, obviously did." He notes, still smirking.
"Excellent observational skills there, Sherlock." You deadpan.
Jeongguk laughs and you don't like the way it makes warmth simmer in your belly. He looks up at you with dark eyes and you privately think for all that the media gets wrong, they have one thing right. Jeon Jeongguk is ridiculously attractive. "What's your name?"
"Are you blind or illiterate?" You raise a brow down at him. He looks caught off guard for a moment.
"Um...neither?" It comes out unsure, hesitant.
"Then what exactly is stopping you from reading my name badge?" You ask, tapping the badge on your chest with your pen. You were already losing your job, so you might as well make the best of it.
He looks embarrassed for a second, eyes dropping to the table, cheeks dusting the faintest shade of pink.
You raise a brow, "So, are you going to order or are you going to complain to my manager and get me fired?"
"Fired for what?" He asks.
You want to snap at him, but the genuine confusion in his eyes made you hold your tongue. For once. In a 'duh' tone, you tell him. "Speaking my mind."
"Ah. Right." Realisation lights up in his eyes. "I could have you fired for speaking to me like that." He says, like the thought never occurred to him.
"I'll go get my manager then." You say and turn on your heel, not at all surprised.
Jeongguk's mind goes into an epic panic as you turn your back on him and he blurts a quick, "Wait."
"What?" You ask, turning back to him with an uninterested look.
"I said that I could. Not that I would." He tells you and it makes your speechless for about five seconds.
Then you squint at him with a slight glare, "What do you want?"
"Excuse me?"
"You obviously want something in exchange for keeping quiet. What is it?" You speak matter-of-factly. After a moment you add, "Just know, if it's something sexual or in that direction, I'd rather loose my job."
Jeongguk gapes at you, looking stunned. "I don't know whether to be insulted by the insinuation that I need to blackmail someone into sleeping with me or that you'd rather loose your job than sleeping with me."
"So sorry for offending your delicate sensibilities." You drawled sarcastically. "You still haven't told me what you want."
"Well, I like coming here often and when I do and you're my server, I'd like you to always speak your mind around me." He said, with the smallest of shrugs, looking down at the silverware on the table instead of at you.
Confusion sweeps through you, his request catching you off guard. "Really? That's it?"
"Yes." He nods stiffly.
"I don't understand." You admit.
"You don't have to. You asked me what I want, this is it." He looks at you again, eyes still dark and piercing and you can't understand what he's thinking.
"Fine, okay, yeah, I can do that." You nods eventually, noticing how his shoulders untense just a bit. You look at him, curious and full of questions, but cautious enough to not actually ask. "Are you gonna order now?"
"Why don't you surprise me? I can't decide what I want to eat." He says, handing you the menu.
"I'm shocked." You deadpan with a faux smile, before looking at him seriously. "Are you allergic to anything?"
"No." He shakes his head, lacing his fingers together and resting his hands on the table.
Your mind races for a few moments before settling on a dish. You nod at Jeongguk. "Okay, I'll be back with your food in a while then."
Three weeks later, you haven't served Jeongguk again. It's not that he hasn't been in, oh no, he has. You've seen him, caught him staring and then looking away quickly. He just hasn't sat at one of your tables again. Each week, the tables get rotated and there is four rotations, so you'll only be on Jeongguk's usual table next week.
You walked into the kitchen, just coming off your lunch break when Lee stops you and says, "Table 12 for you."
You look at Jae, who was on table 12 this week and got a hostile glare. You ignore her and look at Lee with confusion, "But I'm not on table 12 today."
"You were requested and customers here get what they want." Lee shrugs, giving you a 'it is what it is' look.
"By who?" You ask, having some idea of the answer. There is only one customer you know that would request you. You are always polite to the other customers but with an air of detachment, that keeps them from prying and you from getting into trouble. Until three weeks ago, that is.
"Jeon Jeongguk." Lee says, confirming your suspicions.
"Motherfucker." You swear.
Jae looks down her nose from you, "Don't he used to it. It won't last. He'll get bored of you soon enough."
"I hope so." You huff, as Jae walks away with a less than pleased expression.
"What?" Lee asks, her shock obvious.
"You heard me."
Lee tilts her head at you in disbelief and curiousity, "So, you're not trying to get into his pants?"
"Uh, no." You frown at her. Sure, he's hot but you know your place. You also need money than you need to get laid. "Why?"
"Most girls try when they work here, but everytime they try something, Mr. Jeon complains and they get fired." Lee explains.
Something suddenly made sense to you, "Is that what Jae's trying to do?"
"No one will say it to her face, but yeah, it is." Lee nods, shrugging a little. "She's jealous that he requested you, when you've worked here just over a month, served him once, and she's worked here for almost two years and he hasn't blinked in her direction."
"Huh," You frown, lost in your thoughts. "I wonder why he didn't get me fired then."
"Why? What did you say to him?" Lee eyes you curiously.
"Called him an indecisive snot." You smirk gleefully, happy that you got away with talking to him like you want and not getting fired because of it.
"Right." Lee says in a tone that made it clear she doesn't believe you.
"I did." You insist.
Lee waves you off, and you exit the kitchen, walking into the dining room, heading over to Jeongguk's regular table.
You look at him as he comes into your line of direct sight. His one leg was shaking, eyes shifting around the room, fingers tapping the table restlessly. When he spots you walking over to him, he stills completely. A smile - a cute one, you admit to yourself and no one else - spreads on his lips as he breathes your name, "Y/N."
You give him a look, "Did you miss me or something?"
"What? No." Jeongguk scoffs quickly. "I was bored. And you cure my boredom."
You raise your eyebrows at him, head going forward a little, "I cure your boredom?" You repeat, slowly. Maybe he's kidding.
But Jeongguk just nods at you as if it makes all the sense in the world, "Yeah. It's like live entertainment while I eat."
You scowl at him, "I'm not a circus clown."
"That's not what I meant!" He exclaims, voice a little too loud, causing heads to swivel in your direction. He takes a breath and speaks again, softer this time. "I just meant that it's nice. Or it was nice, the one time I actually got to talk to you."
"So, you did miss me." You tease good naturedly. Jeongguk doesn't answer, just stares resolutely down at the table. You sigh, feeling fond instead of annoyed. You hide a smile as you ask, "What will it be today?"
Jeongguk looks at you again, hesitantly at first, then fully when he sees your expectant gaze, "Surprise me."
Now you were surprised, "Again?"
"I liked what you ordered last time." He does that small shrug again. Actually, it's less of a shrug, and more a slight lift of the shoulders. You notice that he has broad shoulders, and the suit he's wearing only makes them look better. You push those thoughts away, focusing on the conversation.
"And if you don't like it this time?" You challenge.
"I did say surprise me, and surprises can be positive or negative." Jeongguk decides not to tell her that this is his favorite restaurant and he knows the menu by heart. He knows and likes every dish, so there was no way he wouldn't like something she serves him. And he's curious as to what she'll decide this time.
You snort, laughing lightly, "You know, you're not as bad as I thought you were."
Jeongguk looks mildly offended, "I'll have you know, I'm a catch."
"I'm sure." You nod, hiding a grin.
"I am." He insists and you had to admit, he is attractive.
"Yes, right up until the moment you open your mouth." You say honestly, writing down one of the dishes on the menu.
"Rude." He pouts a little and you suppress the urge to giggle, of all things.
"Maybe," You concede. "But it's the truth." You picked up his menu, turning on your heel to go to the kitchen.
"So, how do I . . . improve?" Jeongguk asks when you come back with his food, continuing with the conversation where you left off.
"Do I look like a life coach to you?" You set down the food. "Enjoy."
"Thanks." Jeongguk grins at her. "And, no, but if I went to one they'd tell me what they think I want to hear, not what I need to hear."
You stare at him for a few seconds and he looks back unflinchingly. "Well," You press your lips together. "I guess you should start with why you want to change."
That makes Jeongguk falter. He can't very well say, 'so I can impress you, since my money doesn't seem too' and he thinks for a bit. "I have come to realise that maybe I treat people unfairly based on how much money they have. I would like to change that."
Your eyebrows goes up, "That's surprisingly deep, coming from you."
"I'm not swallow." He defends himself.
You nod complacently, "Right, well, the answer is easy but actually doing it, will all depend on you."
"What do I do?"
"Just, think before you say something. Ask yourself, can my words hurt this person?"
"And if they deserve it?" Jeongguk wonders.
"The right answer would be to still be considerate, because two wrongs don't make a right, but I hate being a hypocrite, so go for it, if they deserve it. I mean, it's not like I held back when you annoyed me." You gave a shrug. "I should go. We're not allowed to loiter at the tables."
Jeongguk wants to ask her to sit with him and keep him company some more, but he knows he would be setting himself up for rejection. Instead, he just looks at her with a half smile. "Just when I think I have you all figured out, you do or say something that proves me wrong."
"My mom always used to say, you can spend a lifetime with someone and still learn something new about them every day. People evolve everyday and you'll never be who you are right now, tomorrow again."
"She sounds like a wise woman." Jeongguk remarks.
You smile, nostalgia making your heart warm, "Yeah, she was."
"I'm sorry." Jeongguk says, catching onto the past tense. A lump forms in your throat out of nowhere.
"Thank you." You swallowed thickly, clearing your throat. You gave him a shaky smile, hoping he wouldn't notice. "See, you're doing better already."
Jeongguk did notice but decided not to call her out on it. He just smiled up at her softly, watching after her figure when she walks away.
"You know, if I didn't know that you come here everyday, I'd say you that you are stalking me." You teased Jeongguk when you go to take his order for the fifth time in a row. You've had a day off, inbetween, but when you showed up for your next shift, Jeongguk was there and everytime he's requested you. By now, whoever was on rotation for his table, just lets you know whenever he shows up.
"And how do you know that?" Jeongguk raises a curious eyebrow at you.
"I complained to Lee about you and she told me." You explain to him, mentally running over the menu in your head. Jeongguk told you on the third day to just order for him everytime. So, when you walk to his table under the guise of taking his order, the two of you just talk.
"Lee?" He inquires.
"She's my friend and another server here."
"Ah." Jeongguk nods in realisation. "Can I ask you a personal question?"
"You can ask, but that doesn't guarantee I'll answer." You say, giving him a cheeky smile.
She has a beautiful smile, Jeongguk thinks to himself. He shakes himself out of his thoughts and looks her in the eyes, "Do you have a boyfriend?"
You frown down at him, finding the question odd. He's never asked anything too personal. Just normal things, what you're studying, what you do when you're not working. Sometimes you'll tell him a story of something dumb you did as a kid, but he'll never outright ask. "No."
A thought suddenly occurs to Jeongguk and he doesn't really want to ask because that'll destroy every hope he has but he needs to know. He quirks a brow at her, "Girlfriend?"
You snort at the question, "No, I'm straight. My cousin swings both ways though. Nearly gave his mom a stroke when he came out at our annual Christmas family dinner two years ago."
"Oh." Jeongguk wants to sag in relief, wants to let out a thankful cheer, but settles for just a small smile and letting out a breath of relief.
"Why are you asking?"
He does that little shrug that isn't really a shrug thing. "I was just wondering. You never really talk about one, or even someone you're interested in."
"Okay, if there was someone, why would I tell you?" You are teasing, but he doesn't know as you look at him blankly.
"I was just curious." Jeongguk huffs defensively.
"Yeah, yeah, settle down." You snicker. After a moment you say, "I guess I don't talk about it because there hasn't been anyone to talk about."
"Really?" Jeongguk beams up at you hopefully, eyes glittering.
"Really." You roll your eyes, but there was a slight warmth in your cheeks that wasn't there before.
Seven months and many short conversations later – in which you learnt many things about Jeongguk and vica versa – you walk up to his table with a smile, genuinely excited to see your sort of friend. The smile fades from your face when you lay eyes on him – his whole body was tense, you could tell even from a distance, he was glaring out the window, clenched fists laying on the table. Something wasn't right. You quicken your pace, concern swirling in your belly. You stop at his table, feeling your heartbeat quicken. "What's wrong?"
"None of your fucking business." He snaps at you, words so venomous it makes you take a step back in shock, but mostly hurt.
Jeongguk regrets the words the moment they're out because he didn't mean them. He doesn't want to fight or argue. He came to see her to feel better. Now he snapped at her. He waits, for whatever tongue lashing she is about to give him. He'd deserve it and he'll take it. But she says nothing. Somehow her silence was much worse than any insult she can hurl at him. Her face closes off, he watches it happen as her fingers tighten around the pen and notepad she uses to take orders, and panic sparks beneath his skin, overriding all the anger he feels.
No. His mind rebels against the thought immediately.
"What can I get for you today, Sir?" Her voice is perfectly polite as she asks the question, like it was the first time he met her. Until he made her snap after changing his order for a sixth time.
No, no, no, no, no! Not this. Anything but this. His heartbeat quickens.
Jeongguk was quickly turning frantic, "Y/N, please, I-"
"We have a lovely special today." She goes on as if he didn't speak, eyes void of the usual fire when she'd argue with him or the gentle warmth when she sometimes smiled at him and called him an idiot. It was the only times he ever liked being called an idiot.
He listens to her droning on about he specials, explaining them. Jeongguk's heart drops all the way down to his feet. It feels like someone pulled a rug from beneath his feet, and he is thrown off balance from the how utterly wrong it feels, how much it bothers him, hurts him, that she is talking to him like he is just another random customer. Like she hasn't told him how she got stuck in a tree, climbing after the neighbors cat. Playing with their cat because her parents never allowed pets.
A cold feeling of dread washes over him because Jeongguk has no idea to fix whatever he just fucked up.
You very almost cry when Jeongguk snaps at you, feeling irrationally hurt by his words. You shove it all down as you pull up your walls and shut him out to protect yourself. You serve him as quickly as possible, walking away without a friendly word.
"Trouble in paradise?" Jae smirks at you when you come back from serving Jeongguk.
You glare at her, not in the mood for dealing with her jealousy today. "No, just looking at your face is enough to put anyone in a bad mood."
Jae's eyes widened, fury spreading on her face. "You bitch!" She yells, raising a hand to slap you.
You smirk, catching her wrist easily. "Careful, just now you break a nail."
You let her go, walking away. You wait until you're in the bathroom, safely away from prying eyes in a locked stall, before letting you face crumple, only letting one tear escape before getting yourself under control.
You finish your shift, completely exhausted by the end of it – emotionally and physically. The last thing you have the energy for, is Jeongguk, so of course he's waiting for you at the personnel entrance and exit when you step outside. Intent on ignoring him, you pretend that you don't see him and you start walking in the direction of the train station.
Jeongguk follows you, apparently not easily deterred. "Will you just talk to me please?"
"What would you like me to say, Sir?" You ask in your most professional voice, looking ahead and not glancing at him.
"I'd like you to talk to me and stop treating me like I'm a customer." He says, sounding frustrated and desperate.
"You are a customer, Sir." You answer, still not looking at him.
"For fuck sakes, will you stop with the 'sir' already and talk to me like you used to?" Jeongguk all but explodes, stepping infront of you, and looking down at you for a change. It's startling, for a moment. You always look down at him when he sits at the table and it never occured to you that he's taller than you. He sets his hands on your shoulders (they're big and warm and you feel surprisingly safe, even when he squeezes slightly), frantic and desperate eyes looking into yours. "You don't even have to talk, you can yell or scream or shout for all I care, just please stop."
"You want me to talk? Fine." You glare up at him, shrugging out of his hold and taking a step back. He's way to close for comfort. "Look, I get I'm not exactly from the same side of town as you are, but that doesn't mean I'm incapable of empathy. I'd bet that I have more empathy than most people you know. So, when someone I see as a kind of friend, snaps at me when I ask them what's wrong out of concern, when they could have said they don't want to talk about it, it hurts." You rant, a little out of breath. "Do you understand that? You hurt me."
"I'm sorry. Fuck, I am so sorry, you have no idea. I shouldn't have snapped at you and I regretted it the moment I did it. I was angry, and I know it isn't an excuse but it's the truth."
"Sorry isn't going to fix it," You say, voice edging on being too sharp. Your heart twists when his face falls. You soften a bit. "But it is a step in the right direction."
Jeongguk perks up, "What's another?"
"For starters, next time you don't want to talk about me, tell me instead of snapping at me." You give him a pointed glare, crossing your arms over your chest.
Jeongguk gives you an apologetic look, "Again, I'm sorry. I honestly didn't mean to snap at you. I came to talk to you, hoping I'd calm down a bit. I had an ugly fight some dumbass that tried to sell low quality material to us and I took it out of you."
You are reminded of the fact that he is the heir to his father's multi-billion won international conglomerate and for some reason, it makes you sad. You smile at him, ignoring the sadness. "Well, you're forgiven but I'm not forgotting."
"I wouldn't dream of it." He grins cheekily. He paused for a moment, then smirks at you. "So, we're friends now?"
You groan, "I should have known that would come back to bit me I'm the ass."
A large bouquet of pink tulips is delivered to you the next morning. Inside is a card that reads:
Thank you for never giving up on me. -JJK
Lee whistles loudly when she sees them and your cheek burn. "Someone must really like you."
"It's from a friend." You say, ignoring the fluttering in your belly.
"My point still stands. Those are out of season, you know." She remarks.
You nod, "I know. They're my favourite."
You finish your shift with a smile on your face. Until your boss calls you into his office.
"Yes, Sir?" You ask, still smiling and the bouquet of flowers in your one hand, backpack up on your shoulders and ready to go home.
"Y/N. I'll get right to the point. There's been a complaint that you've been too friendly with one of our customers." He says bluntly.
You almost drop your flowers in shock, "What?"
"I'm sorry to do this, Y/N, but it is a direct violation of the contract you signed when you started here. Professionalism is our top priority. I have no choice but to fire you." He says, and he does look sorry as he holds out an envelope to you. "This is the week's wages. Again, I'm sorry. You are a good worker."
"You're firing me because of something someone accused me off?" You ask, indignant and a little angry. "You're not even going to ask me if I did it? And if I did it, why I didn't stop?"
"The accusation came from a very trustworthy customer that was concerned that our reputation might be damaged." Your manager says. "If it gets to the owner and he finds out I did nothing, I could loose my job."
You scoff, taking the envelope. If you didn't need the money, you'd have thrown it back in his face. "So, it's okay for me to loose mine?"
"I'm sorry."
"So am I." You say before turning around and leaving.
The first day she's not there, Jeongguk brushes it off, thinking she has the day off and forgot to tell him. The second day, he starts to worry, just a little. The third day, he almost thinks himself into a mental breakdown. The fourth day, he demands to see the manager.
"Mr. Jeon." The manager greets with a smile that was clearly fake. Jeongguk thought back to Y/N, who never smiled much but when she did, it was honest and pure and breathtaking. He misses it and would do whatever it takes to get it back.
"Where is Y/N?" He demands, voice and gaze equally cold and intimidating. It's a side of him that she broke through within minutes, digging up the real Jeongguk and pulling him to the surface. The past months, he's been able to breathe again, live instead of just existing, waiting for the next person that wants his money. But that cold and calculating side of him is still there.
The manager pales and Jeongguk's worry increases. Did something happen to her? The manager shifts on his feet but still doesn't answer. "If you don't answer me within the next five seconds, I will call the owner and ask him to answer me."
"S-she was fired." The man stutters out.
Jeongguk feels his stomach drop. She never outright said it but he knows she depends heavily on the income from this job. It worries him, because he has this urge to take care of her. He wants to give her as much money as she needs, for her to live comfortably, but he knows she wouldn't take it. He glares at the manager, "Why?"
"Someone filed a complaint against her. She was getting to friendly with y-you." The manager says, looking a little terrified.
Jeongguk clenches his jaw, "And instead of asking me if I have a problem with it, you fired her?"
"Her contract says-"
Jeongguk stands up, towering over the man in height and size. "I don't give a shit what her contract says. How many times have I filed a complaint when the servers made me inappropriate offers and crude suggestions? I never once complained about her."
Jeongguk doesn't give the manager anymore time to do anything other than letting out a squeak before turning around and leaving the restaurant.
Five days after you were fired, you started too feel it. The absence of Jeongguk's presence. At first, you didn't notice it. To wrapped up in finding another job, worried about money and going to classes to think about it. But today is Sunday and the diner you found a temporary job at two days ago, is closed on Sundays. It's crappy pay and not alot of hours either but it was something and it'll help until you could get something else.
You lay on your bed, listening to your mom vacuuming the living room. University housing was expensive and you'd rather live at home and save the money than having even more debt. You laze the day away, knowing that none of the projects you have, is due that Monday. Your thoughts drift back to Jeongguk, like it always does. You honestly didn't think you'd end up missing him this much.
You like him, so fucking much. You figured it out a long time ago. You also know that you come from two different worlds. You are fine with that, you accepted it and you were content to be his friend.
Now he's completely gone from your life. Ripped out of it without warning.
You go to your classes the next day. In your last one, you doodle absentmindedly on the corner of your notebook, only half listening to the Professor. When the class is over, you look at what you drew and then groan out loud. Jeongguk's initials. Of fucking course. You scoff to yourself, leaving the class and then the building. You want to go home and sulk in privacy.
Outside, the sun was shining and you stood still for a moment, soaking in the warmth.
"Y/N!" A voice yelled your name and your head whips in the direction because you know that voice. You look, eyes searching desperately because you are so sure it was his voice. You're not hallucinating and- and there he is, running over to you.
"Jeongguk? What are you doing here?" You ask when he stops infront of you, completely bewildered.
He looks panicked and frantic. Like that day he snapped at you. He grips your shoulders, the hold almost painful. "You weren't there. I went to the restaurant and you weren't there and the manager told me you were fired and-"
"Jeongguk, stop. Breathe." You say, reaching up to hold onto his wrists, lightly rubbing your thumbs over the inside of his wrists. You wait until his grip loosens, until he was holding instead of gripping. "How did you find me?"
"You told me where you go to school one day." He answers off handedly, eyes scanning over your face, almost as if memorising the little details. Guilt flashes on his face, "I'm sorry you were fired."
You laugh at his words, removing his hands from your shoulders because it was getting a little too intimate, your heartbeat speeding up. "You know, half the time I see you, you end up apologizing to me."
"Hey, it's weird for me too." Jeongguk pouts and you have this urge to rise on your tiptoes and kiss it. "I'm not used to apologizing."
"Don't worry about it, I'm not angry." You wave him off.
"Can we talk?" He pleads and you agree immediately because you missed him so much.
"Yeah, there's a park nearby."
"Scared to be seen with me?" He teases with a smirk, and for a moment it's like nothing has changed.
You snort, "Don't you know? The walls has ears and Twitter accounts."
Jeongguk laughs, loud and unrestrained, throwing his head back. You couldn't help but smile. "This way."
You guide him to the park. It wasn't very big, and not a lot of people came here either, so it was perfect to talk. You each sit down on a swing.
"What are you gonna do now?" Jeongguk asks.
You shrug, "No clue, but I'll figure something out."
A guilty look spreads on his face again, "I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have-"
You cut him off, "Shouldn't have what? Let a server talk back to you? Yeah, probably not but we both enjoyed it, so it's on you as much it is on you. More on me though, because it was my responsibility as an employee to treat you with respect."
"You did," Jeongguk says immediately, sincerely. "Even when you were at your most brutally honest moments."
You give him a slight smile. "Well, fun as it was, it seems our path has come to an end."
"Why?" Jeongguk frowns heavily at you.
Jeongguk looks you in the eye, gaze piercing. "Why does it have to end?"
You snorted, thinking he was messing with you but his eyes were completely serious. You answer in a matter-of-fact tone, "Because you're you and I'm me. Besides, most of the time we argued."
"Y/N." He says your name like it is his greatest wish. He stands up from his swing, making his way infront of you and pulled you to your feet. He looks at you, eyes impossibly fond, "That wasn't arguing. It was banter. If you think that's arguing, you probably think my parents goes to war every now and again." He smiles, a little nervous. "And foe the record, I would rather argue with you for the rest of my life than ever kiss another girl again."
Your mouth drops open in shock, and you really don't know what the fuck to make of that. "I-"
He cuts you off, "And I don't want this to be over."
Silence falls between you two. You stare at him, he stares back. Until, finally, you blurt, "I don't know what to say."
Jeongguk is a little bit disappointed, but not surprised in the slightest. At least it isn't an outright rejection. "You don't have to say anything. Just answer one question."
"Would you want to date me?" You choke on thin air from shock. That means that he feels the same way as you do, right? Happiness makes your blood sing. Then it sinks in and reality comes back to you. Your happiness evaporates and you swallow thickly. You open your mouth to tell him 'no', but once again Jeongguk cuts you off before you could say something. "Forget about our social status, forget about what people would say and think about me and you. Together. Really think about it. I have, and I think we could work, if you gave it a chance."
"And if it doesn't work?" You ask softly, vulnerable in a way you've never been before. Distantly you wonder how he knew what you were thinking.
"Then at least we can say we tried." He shrugs.
You look down at the ground, wanting to think without looking at him, into those mesmerizing eyes of his. He could ask you to commit murder, and chances are that you'll do it if he looks at you long enough. When did you become so completely gone for him? You think about it, but there was never a moment where you realised, this is the person I like. Maybe . . . maybe it's because you've always liked him. Right from the start, even when he was infuriating. The thought is startling, but you aren't scared by it. It's more like another piece of the puzzle between you and Jeongguk has fallen into place. But there is the problem of your different social statuses. Yeah, Jeongguk said forget about it, but for how long? If you try and this does work out, then eventually you'll have to face the reality of everything that comes with being together. Somehow that scares you more than if it doesn't work.
You look back up at him, and you know – despite all your worries and doubts – it was never really a choice because you choose Jeongguk the moment you chose to accept his offer of being honest all those months ago. "Okay."
Jeongguk looks like he's ready to argue, "I-" You watch as your answer sinks in. The stunned expression almost makes you laugh, "What?"
"Did you want me to say no?" You give him an amused look, smile curling the corners of your lips upwards.
His eyes widens and he shakes his head frantically, "No, no, no, I just wasn't expecting you to say yes to quickly."
"That makes two of us." You admit. Jeongguk is right though, better to try and either fail or succeed, or never try and forever wonder what if. You smile up at him, heart soaring happily. "You make a good case. You should have become a lawyer."
Jeongguk's eyes light up, "Just wait until you hear the case I have to make on why we should kiss."
"Tell you what, if you kiss me within the next three seconds, you don't have to make a case at all." You bargained with a grin.
Jeongguk didn't need to be told twice. He leaned close and kissed you, slow and deep, one hand slipping into your hair and the other curling around your waist, pulling you close to him. He breaks the kiss, licking his lips and your eyes are drawn to the action. You lick your own lips, liking the taste of him. His voice is deep and rough, his cheeks flushed, when he asks, "Want to go get something to drink?"
"Yeah," You nod with a goofy smile, your own cheeks also flushed, feeling like you might float away at any second. "I could go for a smoothie."
"I love smoothies." Jeongguk grins back at you, taking your hand, lacing your fingers. His other hand was still wrapped around your waist and hold you close.
An old question flashes across your mind as you run your hands up his chest, liking the strong, study feel of it, until you can lock your arms around his neck. "You know, I've been meaning to ask."
"Mmm?" Jeongguk hummed in acknowledgement, showing that he was listening.
"Why didn't you get me fired that first day?" You ask, aware that you are suppose to be getting smoothies but it could wait for a bit.
Jeongguk had been expecting this question for a while, and had come up with an answer a long time ago. He looks down at her with all he feels for her, a content smile on his lips.
"Because you were the first honest person I have met in years. Because you put me in my place without thinking twice. Because when you glared down at me after I changed my order for the sixth time, there was a fire in your eyes that woke something inside of me that I couldn't control. Not then and not now." He leaned down, rubbing his nose against hers, the gesture shy and intimate. "Because the fact is, you had me at 'indecisive snot'."
the end.
A/N: Tumblr and it's 250 box limit will be the death of me, I swear. I get it, I do. But come on! This very almost didn't fit, I had to edit and mush several chapters into one. Eventually it fit, but NEVER AGAIN! It was exhausting and time consuming. I'll rather split it again, like I did with two of my other fics. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. This took me a while with all the editing. Purple hearts for all of you!! -Kayla.
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