#this man gave up entire kingdom and riches
ramayantika · 2 years
When you read Valmiki Ramayana and see how the processes and preparation for Ram's coronation you can't help but feel terrible for Ram.
People all excited to welcome Ram. He hears some people talking how Ram on ascending the throne would mean peace and prosperity for many years to come. Dignitaries have come from all over the country, like a full public event. Ram looks so regal only to let go all of it in a few moments unaware of his mother Kaikeyi's intentions
And this man I know why our elders would advise us to look upto Ram. This man after getting a terrible blow and getting an exile akin to a death sentence from his mother who loved him dearly and was even so happy with the news of Ram's coronation. He is then asked to leave the palace immediately for 14 years like never once come back for 14 years.
Keeping myself in Ram's position to not come back home once for so many years would kill me. I don't think I would give any thought about promises dharma or karma then when I would be told to go away.
And do you all realize that he was giving up an empire which was rightfully his? To learn from Ram, I think we must learn to keep ourselves in his position and think what our step would be and see the difference between Ram's behaviour and thoughts and us.
It's like you are told that you will have a promotion at work and get a high position. Everything is set. The people, your new cabin, your new post everything and once you come to office to begin your duties you are told that you won't get promotion without stating what you did wrong or where your efforts lacked.
Tell me how would you feel?
This is similar to Ram's case too. For him promotion would mean to be the king and take control of a grand empire. You must see how Valmiki describes Ayodhya. I would love to live there.
And when he is walking back to his own palace (ram and sita lived in a separate palace away from Dasharath's) he doesn't use the parasol and the chariot.
Today every person whom I talk too regarding Ram, I see everyone getting angry and pointing faults at him.
This is epic Kaikeyi behaviour. Kaikeyi after getting her mind poisoned not once does she think of ram and her relationship with him, his qualities, etc. We too do the same thing. All this while I always said Ram shouldn't have done this should not have done that why should Ram be idealized?
Growing up I realise why dada dadis would tell us to be like Ram. You can be steady and calm in good situations how do you keep your self steady and calm when life is being unfair to you? We all slip into sadness, submit to grief and anger and worse into all sorts of terrible addictions to cope with it.
And what did we do to Ram? Forget learning from him, we politicise him. Ram is a tool for vote bank, Jai Shri Ram is a war cry and shit like that.
Kaikeyi was unfair to Ram and so are we. We are no better.
Just like what my elders did, I am going to tell my children and the upcoming generation about Rama and to be like him.
Jai Shri Ram 🙏
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cordeliawhohung · 11 months
As You Wish
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knight!Price x fem!princess!Reader - part of @glitterypirateduck 's october writing challenge!
In order to save your people from a long lasting and brutal war, you are sent to the neighboring kingdom of Draewen to marry their prince. Sir John Price is tasked with ensuring you get there safely, but the forest of the mountain is wild and unpredictable. In a terrible twist of events, you learn the exact difference between the brutality of nature, and the brutality of men.
challenge story elements: Alternative Universe | forest/wooded area | bodyguard/protector | "Look at me."
warnings: canon typical violence (brief descriptions of violence/blood), Price only calls reader Princess, attempted kidnapping, non-sexual nudity, a little too much world building, a little cuddling, a dash of hurt/comfort, a drizzle of very slight mutual pining
wc: 8.9k (sorry)
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In two months, you would reach the kingdom of Draewen where you would spend the rest of your life as a trophy. It was a land said to be cloaked in vibrant green valleys and rich, winding rivers. When the Draewish messenger arrived in the great kingdom of Venaca to talk with your father, The King, about your marriage to their prince, he had arrived with pressed flowers that grew in the valley that laid right at the mouth of their kingdom. They were beautiful, and perfectly preserved, and it gave you a little hope for the scenery you knew you would be stuck staring at for the rest of your life. 
As the Princess of Venaca, your father bestowed upon you one duty: marry the Draewish Prince so that they would lend their strongest soldiers in the fight against the Neshevian Army. You loved your kingdom. You loved the fresh fruits that grew in the orchards around the basin, and you loved the fresh spring water that ran off from the towering mountains that scared off most intruders. You didn’t want to leave. But if you wanted to save that scenery, save your people, then you would marry that prince. 
You left at the end of spring when the white tips of the mountains that enveloped the basin melted away and the soil was rich with water and greenery. The crisp air of the mountains filled your lungs with a chill, even in the enclosure of your carriage. Golden rays of sun bled through the thick foliage overhead, and you had never heard the birds chirp so loudly in your entire life. 
When night fell, and your caravan would stop to make camp for the night, the height of the mountains brought you so close to the stars you swore you could reach out to kiss them. Your lady-in-waiting, Eilra, would look at the stars with you, and point out vague ideas and shapes of what she could remember of the names of constellations. 
“Zekral,” she said, moving her pointed finger in a circular motion. “God of War. His shield lies here.”
Though she pointed it out so clearly, you could hardly make out the shape, but you nodded anyway. “I wish I could look at the stars all night. I would name every single one of them,” you claimed. 
“You would run out of stars,” Eilra laughed. 
“I would sooner run out of names,” you retorted with a grin. 
“Illasi,” someone interrupted.
Both you and Eilra turned to the new voice that spoke up beside you. The orange blaze of the campfire illuminated the features of a tall man with a sword strapped to his side. His arms were crossed lazily over his broad chest, and his eyes stared up at the sparkling sky just like yours had been. Faint scars littered his arms, but his bearded face remained completely intact despite the ruggedness that was evident throughout his body. 
Sir John Price. He had been The King’s personal guard and military advisor ever since the previous man had been ousted as a traitor five years prior. Your conversations with him back in the kingdom had been short and quick, but you remembered him at the head of the table in the War Room. Stoic, leading, dangerous. Your father trusted him enough to put you in his care as you traveled to Draewen. Every single soldier and servant in the caravan answered to him. 
“Is that a recommendation for a name?” you asked as your eyes carefully studied the man. 
Looking away from the sky, John took a few slow and careful steps towards you. Though his height may have been intimidating to anyone else, you had only ever known the man as an ally. So when he crouched next to you, nearly joining both you and your lady-in-waiting on the log you found yourselves seated on, you weren’t scared. 
“Illasi is the Goddess of Harvest and Blood,” he explained as his eyes looked back up to the stars. After a moment of searching, his hand raised into the air, fingers outstretched towards the vastness that swallowed the sky. “You can see her knife here.” 
You did your best in attempting to follow his guiding hand, but the stars were too thick for you to really make out any solid shape. Really, you weren’t sure how anyone could look up at that void of stars and attempt to wrangle them into silly constellations. John seemed to notice your blank gaze, and he let out something that sounded like a breathy laugh as his hand fell away from the sky. 
“Higher, Princess,” he said. 
His fingers carefully brushed against the underside of your chin as he tilted your head up. Despite the chilly air that swaddled the mountain and her forest, his skin radiated heat. 
“Do you see it? A single sided blade, one used for cutting meat?” he asked.
Suddenly, it all fell into place. You could see the stars lining perfectly to create a knife truly fit for a goddess. A strong point, a deep belly for the blade, and a strong and sturdy handle. This knife was one meant to draw flesh from bone. 
“Looks like a hunting knife,” you noticed while John’s fingers withdrew from your chin. You hummed slightly as you broke your gaze from the sky and turned to him. “I didn’t take you for a stargazer, John.” 
He looked down at you for a split moment before pushing himself back to his feet. For a man who was strong and dangerous enough to protect The King, he had such kind, almost soft, eyes. 
“The earth, seas, and skies are the only thing that unites every human, Your Highness. Their stars included,” he responded simply. He then gave a curt and polite bow of his head while his hand lazily rested on the hilt of his sword. “Goodnight, Princess.” 
You smiled. “Goodnight, John.” 
The crackling of the fire only grew louder as he wandered off into the darkness of the woods, certainly to scout the perimeter or something military-like. You brought your gaze back up to the stars, and you found it odd how your eyes seemed drawn to Illasi’s Knife, like you couldn’t look anywhere else. 
“Princess,” Eilra spoke up. She said the title softly, yet with an odd tone. It was the questioning tone she used with you whenever you confused her. “Why do you call Sir Price by his first name?” 
A grin pulled at the corner of your lips as you looked at your lady. “Because Sir Price sounds a bit too much like surprise. A fitting name for a knight, perhaps, but not for any man. I believe everyone is human first before their title.”
Eilra repeated his name and title slowly as if she was feeling the exact way her tongue moved, and she grinned. “Is it not rude to ignore his title?” 
“Titles mean nothing,” you defended. “And neither do names, really. I would respect him all the same even if he were called by any other name.” 
It was always difficult for Eilra to hide her disapproval of your ideologies. She was a proper lady through and through, bound to the rules of The Royal Family ever since she became your lady-in-waiting. But she also knew better than to speak too far out of turn; not in fear of your non-existent wrath but in fear of not upholding any lady-like values. 
That night, you fell asleep under the stars next to Eilra, and awoke early the next morning to pack up camp and return along your journey. The days were long as you sat inside your carriage, and attempting to rest as you traversed the uneven trail was impossible. Conversation could only cure your boredom for so long, and you had already finished the two books you had allowed yourself to bring. 
But things only got worse as a second winter hit. 
Not even a full two weeks into traveling, a bitter wind tore through the caravan around midday, and snow followed shortly after. The soldiers and servants muttered amongst themselves when the first flakes hit the soil. Some said they ought to turn back for Venaca while they still could. Others claimed the snow would vanish as quickly as it appeared. 
You tried not to concern yourself too much with the new events. Fighting against nature was a futile battle, and you knew that you would just have to take things in stride. But when the caravan stopped, you couldn’t deny that sinking feeling that settled deep within the darkness of your stomach. 
“Perhaps we are making camp,” Eilra rationalized. “It would be unwise to push forward in these conditions. If we wait out the storm, we can continue when better weather comes.” 
You moved the maroon curtains that obscured the small window on the door and peered outside as best as you could. The warmth of your bodies and breath had fogged the window, and you took the sleeve of your dress to wipe the moisture away. Only an expanse of trees was there to meet your vision, their fresh green branches turned pale with powdery snow. 
It came as sudden as the flapping of a bird's wing and as violent and unstoppable as the water of a raging river. First was the sound of a dull thud, and then a shriek from one of the servants. You tried your best to peer out the window, to press your ear firmly against the wood of the door to make sense of the commotion as it grew louder. Metal clanking together, barking shouts and gurgling yelps, a cacophony of pain that you had never been subjected to previously. 
It wasn’t until a streak of red as rich and dark as the very color of your curtains stained the thin window of your carriage that you fully understood the danger of the situation. Nature wasn’t the only threat in the wilds. Man could kill just as quick and as violent as the earth could, and with a hatred that even the God of Death himself would look away from. 
You didn’t even have time to cower away from the gore or scream in fear before the door opened with such force it nearly broke off its hinges. A strange man in leather armor and a dark blue cloak peered into the carriage with wild eyes, glancing back and forth between you and Eilra. The three of you were frozen as if the mountains had sapped you of all your warmth already. This man - this wild animal of a man - was trying to make a decision. 
Cold, gloved fingers wrapped around your wrist with a grip so stern you couldn’t help but cry out as the man yanked you out of the carriage. Your knees hit the frozen ground with a harsh pop, and your shoulder screamed as the man attempted to force you to your feet by pulling on your arm.
Eilra’s voice was raw when she called your name. Your true name, the name your mother or father would mutter to you in private when they held you in their arms. The name they used before sending you to some distant land. She called you by your name and it was the last word that passed her lips before it was cut off with a sickening gurgle. 
Even if you wanted to, you weren’t able to look back at the carriage before another pair of hands grabbed you. Both men worked together in securing you with harsh rope that dug into your skin and a ragged cloth that obscured your eyes. Your knees sunk further into the fresh snow as you struggled pitifully against those barbarians, but your cries and pleas were drowned out by the chaos that raged around you. 
“Are you sure she’s the princess?” one of the men asked. 
“Who cares. She’s a girl, isn’t she?” the other barked. 
They spoke your tongue but their tone was wrong. There was a certain lilt to their speech, and their words sounded too detached from one another. Neshevian you thought. They were from the very kingdom your people had been warring against since before you were brought into that world. The whole reason you were traveling to Draewen was to unite armies to fight against them, and they had come along to slaughter your caravan in retaliation. 
“So was that one!” one barked. “Yet you ran her through like a pig.”
“This one has a nicer dress,” another retorted.
“If she is not the princess, then we lose our advantage over the Venacians you bastard!” 
They continued their bickering while they bound rope around your wrists and ankles. The harsh wind tore at the skirt of your dress, exposing your stockings which did little to ward off the cold. A violent hand shoved you down, and without the proper use of your hands, your shoulder broke the fall. Snow flung into the neck of your blouse, and your skin tensed as it soaked into the fabric of your dress. 
The men had stopped their arguing and instead began to shout at someone. What they were saying was lost on you. Blood gushed through your body and it felt as cold as riverwater, and was just as deafening. You heard what sounded like more shouting, a single roaring yell, and then nothing but nature. The wind whispering in the woods, a bird calling to a lover, the huff of horses. 
Then there was the sound of footsteps. Thick, heavy footsteps that were accompanied by a metallic clink. You willed your heart to still, your breath to slow, because you refused to show fear in the face of the enemy despite the fact that it coursed through your veins with the warmth and raging fire of the sun. 
Large hands held onto your wrists, still bound behind your back, but they were more gentle than before. You felt the cold metal of a sword or knife brush against your skin, and you cursed yourself for the way you jumped. Not a single drop of blood left your skin as the blade sliced through the rope and the rope alone. 
Though you had free use of your hands, you stayed there on the ground, lying on your side as the ropes around your ankles were cut free. The blindfold remained around your eyes for a painfully long time as someone got on their knees in front of you. Gloved hands gripped your shoulders, urging you to sit up, and you obeyed so quickly you felt your own head spinning. 
“Princess?” It was John. His voice was hushed as if he were trying to hide, but you knew from the overwhelming crescendo of nature that there were no men left alive; friend nor foe. 
With a trembling lip you brought your hands up to your face and slipped your thumbs underneath the blindfold. You pried the cloth away from your eyes only to be blinded by the brightness of the dazzling white snow around you. Those hands remained on your shoulders even as you blinked away the light around you. 
“Look at me,” John spoke. 
His face was the very first thing your eyes were able to focus on. With eyes as rich as the deepest waters of the ocean, and as soft as the grass you used to play on as a child, you almost didn’t notice the blood smeared on his cheekbone. You saw the splatter on his skin, and the way it soaked into the cotton of his shirt. In his travels, he hadn’t worn his armor and yet he was still unharmed. But your eyes began to wander further. Away from him and to the gore that laid behind him.
“Look at me,” John said again with a small shake of his head. His hands moved from your shoulders and came to cup your cheeks, forcing you to look at him. It was a gesture you should have reprimanded him for, something a knight should have never done to someone of your status, yet you said nothing. “Look at me, and only me. Don’t look anywhere else.” 
You swallowed hard, and it felt like there were riverstones stuck in your throat. You didn’t want to look anywhere other than him, but you felt that you needed to; you needed to see the violence. How vibrant blood looked upon freshly fallen snow, what eyes looked like when they lost their light, or what a body looked like slumped on the floor of a carriage. Nature demanded that you looked upon the mess that came with the burden of being a princess. 
Instead, you nodded your head as you kept your eyes on John and nowhere else. His hands fell from your face and took your hands instead as he pulled you to your feet. He led you away from the main road and towards the forest. The path he took was odd and not at all straight, and you pushed the idea out of your mind that he walked so strangely to avoid tripping over bodies. 
John brought you to a towering pine tree only a handful of paces from the road where he told you to stay. He left you briefly to scrounge up as much food and clothing as he could before returning back to you with a loaded horse. He swaddled you in a thick fur cloak like a mother would wrap her child in a blanket before aiding you in sitting on the horse. He settled in behind you, pulling your back snug against his chest before taking off deep into the forest. 
You weren’t sure what he had planned, but you were too defeated to even ask. There was no turning back or pushing forward in weather like that. Perhaps he was trying to find a good place to put the two of you to rest. 
While John’s eyes meticulously scanned the forest for any further sign of danger, yours welled with tears. You wanted to go back for them. For every single soldier and servant that laid slaughtered on the road. At least dig them a grave, no matter how shallow. You’d bury them all and then bury yourself with them. 
“Neshevian,” you finally spoke. It felt like you had been traveling for days, though the sun remained as high in the sky as ever, despite how muted it was with the clouds. “Why were they in our lands?” 
“You already know the answer,” John replied. He didn’t say his answer outright, as if he refused to even entertain the thought of your death or capture. But he was right. Those men had made it all too clear why they were there. 
“They killed Eilra,” you said, voice on the verge between whisper and sob. You wanted to cry, or at least, you felt like you should have. It felt wrong to sit on that horse and wander off into the frosty woods while their bodies turned to frozen statues behind you. But you couldn’t. You drew breath, and they couldn’t, and you still couldn’t cry. “Are we really the only two left?” 
For the first time since you had met the man, John hesitated. “I’m sorry, Princess.” 
You didn’t need him to explain any further. 
As night grew closer and the forest became more dense, the wind and snow picked up with a vengeful fury. It howled from between the tree branches above your head as if letting out the anguish your body refused to let you feel. Flakes of snow nipped at the skin of your nose and cheeks, and you pulled the fur lined cloak over your mouth in an attempt to protect yourself. 
If John was cold, he didn’t show it, but the harsh breaths of the horse proved its exhaustion. There was no caravan, no carriage or bonfire to warm up next to. There was only you, John, a horse, and the wild woods of the mountain. 
“Can we make camp?” you asked, unable to hide the slight chattering of your teeth. 
“We’ll die if we rest here,” John retorted. 
“We’ll die if we continue,” you whined. 
He didn’t bother with an answer, and you didn’t bother with another complaint. A thin layer of snow covered the both of you, clinging to clothing and hair alike, and your legs felt frozen in place on either side of the horse. Perhaps you weren’t far off from sharing a grave with Eilra. 
“There,” John suddenly pointed out. 
You squinted in an attempt to peer through the relentless bombardment of snowflakes. Off in the distance not too far away was a small hut or cottage of sorts. It appeared to be built by the very same wood that covered the area and was hardly any larger than your bedroom back in Venaca. Snow sat in heaps on top of the thatched roof, and it nearly blocked the windows in full. 
“We’ll rest there,” John said, kicking the horse into a gallop. 
Dust and dirt settled heavily over every item inside of that cottage; the small, worn table, the mantle on the fireplace, even the blankets that covered the bed. Whoever the home belonged to had long since abandoned the building. It was warmer in there, but perhaps it only felt that way because you were no longer being ravaged by the stabbing wind. There were no rooms, only one large living area, and the only thing that offered even a slight bit of privacy was a large, wooden divider that stood near the foot of the bed. 
Darkness swallowed the room when John shut the door, and you felt around the room blindly until you found the fireplace. You got on your knees and continued feeling around until you found a pile of old, dry wood that laid in a small heap next to the hearth. 
“There’s wood here,” you breathed as you struggled to grab a log. “Perhaps we can start a fire, lest we freeze to death.” 
“No. No fires tonight,” John said as he gently tossed a small pack onto the floor next to you. “The smoke might attract someone.” 
You ceased your attempt at pulling the logs from their stack and slumped forward with a heavy sigh. Every muscle in your body was tense and numb with cold, and he was denying you a fire? 
“Who would travel through a storm like this over a fire?” you asked, a bit more bite to your words than you intended for there to be. 
The shuffling next to you paused, but only for a short moment before John continued with his blind pursuit of whatever items he attempted to retrieve. “Desperate men hunting down a very important woman.” 
Of course. 
John’s hand brushed against your shoulder, and you jumped at the touch. His hand didn’t retract from you, in fact, it began to trail down your arm until it reached your hand. Even in the stark cold that bound itself to your body you could feel your skin heat up. 
“What are you-?” 
Your question was cut off when you felt his other hand push something into your palm. Once he was sure you had a good grasp of the item, he let go of you as if he had never even touched you in the first place. 
“Dinner,” he said simply along with something that sounded like a chuckle gone sour.
Huffing, you brought the item up to your nose to give it a quick sniff. It was rugged, and smelt of pepper and herbs. Jerky; your people had been packed with plenty of it for your journey. Delicious, yet the thought of eating after everything you endured that day made your stomach turn. 
“I’m not hungry,” you said softly as you lowered the dried meat. 
Even through the darkness you could feel John’s searing stare, and you had never felt so ungrateful in your entire life. This man had saved your life and dragged you through half the mountainside just to protect you. He tried to nurture you, and you denied him all because the guilt was eating too heavily at your stomach for you to fill it. 
“I’ll feed you by my own hand, if I must,” he said, and it sounded dangerously close to a promise. 
You didn’t respond, but the sound of your teeth ripping off a chunk of the meat seemed to satisfy him enough. He continued to dig through the pack before pulling out another item. It was a blanket, you found out, as he wrapped it around your shoulders. The fabric was cold, but between the cloak and the blanket, you would be warm enough for the night. 
John rose to his feet and carefully slid along the wall of the cottage where you heard the faint sound of wood scratching on wood. A chair, you realized. He was dragging a chair from that small dining table you had caught a glimpse of earlier. He placed it not too far away from where you sat on the floor, and it slightly creaked underneath his weight as he sat and finally allowed his body to rest. 
“Get some rest, Princess,” he said softly. “It’s been a long day.” 
At that point, you knew better than to tell him that you couldn’t, so instead you pulled the blanket tighter around your body before laying on the stiff wooden floor. That night, there was no laughter beside a hearty campfire, or Eilra’s giggles. There were no stars to blanket you, or a moon to whisper a lullaby. There was just the steady sound of John’s quiet breathing and the whistling howl of the wind. 
Morning dawned before you knew it, and it felt like you hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep. Your body screamed at you as you pushed yourself off the floor, knees and arms still sore from being dragged around. You looked around the cottage. Small streams of cold light cut through the air, giving the dull and dusty room an ethereal glow. 
John still sat in that chair next to you, his eyes lazily focused on you as you stirred awake. He wore his cloak and he had folded a blanket to rest over his lap. Even with the cold his hands rested on top of the blanket for what you assumed was to keep easy access to the sword that rested against his thigh. 
“It’s still early if you’d like to sleep longer,” he said. There was a certain deepness to his voice, one that you remembered feeling in your own throat when you were tired. 
“I’ve slept long enough,” you answered. 
Keeping the blanket wrapped tightly around your shoulders, you stood to your feet before walking to one of the windows. Snow had piled up on the windowsill, but if you stepped on the tips of your toes you could peer out over it. The wind had stopped, and the cottage felt warmer, but flurries of thick snowflakes continued to smother the once green forest around you. 
“Have you slept?” you asked while turning back around to face him. 
John stayed silent for a moment too long before saying; “I’ve gone longer without sleep.” 
“So, no,” you concluded. You took a few steps closer to him before gesturing to the spot on the floor you had spent the night on. “Sleep. You won’t be any good with that sword if you’re hallucinating shadows from exhaustion.” 
Like a curious dog, John tilted his head at you as his hand slowly, almost absentmindedly, reached for the hilt of his sword. Not in a threatening manner, but almost as if it was his only comfort. Out there in the wilderness, with no one but you to watch his back, it probably was his only comfort. 
“I appreciate your concern, Princess, but I’m fine. Truly,” he assured. 
That wasn’t good enough for you, and you knew it was the furthest thing from the truth he had ever told you. Two weeks worth of travel was already bad enough, but fighting off those men, killing them, was no easy feat. Skipping sleep was unacceptable, and it would catch up to him before long. 
So in one last attempt, you pointed towards the ground as you kept your eyes locked onto that stubborn knight. “Sleep. That’s an order.” 
Despite your words, there was a heavy lack of authority in your tone, and it came off as another request rather than a demand. Being embraced by a thick blanket and fluffy cloak didn’t give you the aura of a leader, either. Nothing but Venaca’s darling little princess, too kind and soft-hearted for her own good. 
You didn’t realize how close you stood to John until he rose from his seat. Despite the proximity, you refused to move, even when you swore you could feel his breath fan across your face. With sword in hand, and blanket tucked under his arm, he gave you a slow nod, the dark azure color of his eyes didn’t leave you for a moment. He gave you a small, tired, and perhaps half forced smile. 
“As you wish.” 
The snow didn’t stop falling until it covered your knees. Three days worth of winter left the vast forest feeling small as you and John were mostly confined to the tight space of the cottage. He still refused to make a fire, which meant the two of you spent most of your days sitting on the floor together huddling for warmth as best as you could. 
After a week of being trapped in the cottage, John ventured out to hunt. Apparently he was just as good, if not better, with a bow as he was with a sword, and he returned back with a rabbit and a tail feather from a capercaillie. That was the first time John allowed a fire, but he built it small with nothing but bark shavings. You enjoyed the warmth while it lasted before he snuffed it out once the rabbit cooked, and though it wasn’t seasoned, you were just happy to have something other than chewy dried meat. 
John still refused to sleep at night, and would sit in that old, creaking chair with his sword across his lap, and would sleep for a few hours during the day only after you woke. On the nights that you couldn’t sleep, either from the anxiety or the cold, he would tell you stories. Ones that he would make up, or tales from his childhood. The dark baritone of his voice was comforting, and you found yourself sleeping better on those nights. 
In the daytime, he would take his hunting knife and carve gentle lines in the wood of the floor to mimic constellations he knew. Everything from fruit, to swords, he stuck those crude drawings into the cottage as a permanent reminder that despite Neshevia’s attempts, you were still alive and well. 
“Onme’s Necklace,” he said softly after carving what appeared to be a simple circle with a bump at the bottom. “The Goddess of Love and Fertility.” 
You reached out a hand and used the pads of your fingers to trace along the wood. It felt faint and hardly there, yet it made your heart race all the same. 
“Do you think the Prince of Draewen will gift me a necklace for marriage like our people do?” you asked, eyes still trained on the floor. 
John shuffled as he sheathed his knife and placed it on the floor next to him. Though your eyes were focused elsewhere, his were only on you. 
“Difficult to say. I’m not familiar with Draewish courting customs. But you would deserve nothing less, Princess,” he said, voice still soft and low. 
All you could do was hum as you pulled your knees to your chest. With the wind gone, the cottage grew warmer, though you were still ages away from being able to continue your journey through the mountains with the snow settling so heavily along the lands. Or maybe it felt warmer because John, against his better judgment, allowed himself to be closer to you physically. 
“I hope he is kind,” you said suddenly. 
“And if he’s not?” asked John.
“Then I will marry him anyway. It is what is required of me to join our armies, to end this blasted war,” you answered without much thought. But then, you did. You paused to think, and every single thought spewed from your mouth in an unstoppable wave. “I will marry him, even if he isn’t kind, and I will bear his children, and I will be his queen. I’ll spend my days looking out over the green valleys and rivers they say cover their lands, and I’ll think of the orchards that I used to roam as a child as I do. I think that might be my last thought before I either die an untimely death due to his boredom with me, or of old age after being overshadowed by his mistress for the second half of my life.” 
Not even the gods themselves would have thought about breaking that suffocating silence that followed your words. There was still so much you wanted to say, rotting feelings that infected your chest, but they were ideas that you pushed aside because you could not afford to depress yourself with those thoughts. 
“You are a princess,” John spoke, daring to break that quietness, “you deserve better.” 
“I deserve nothing more than anyone else,” you quickly retorted, your eyes glued to the carving of the necklace on the floor. “Besides, no one gets married because of love. The oath is just to make the necessity seem sweeter, but it’s poison all the same.” 
“Don’t speak of yourself in such a way,” John said. It was the closest thing to an order you had ever heard him speak, and you weren’t sure of what to think about the fluttering in your chest that followed his words. “You hold a power that makes nations tremble; one that has men scrounging the mountainside for you. Thimme would look upon you and weep until the oceans flooded the earth.” 
Thimme. Had he dared to compare you to the Goddess of Beauty Herself? You tore your eyes away from Onme’s Necklace and planted them on John instead. It was then that you realized he himself wore no necklace. You didn’t like the way your heart hummed at that realization. Something started to grow inside of you and you wanted nothing more than to smother it. 
Cabin fever. That’s all it was. 
You should have said something, should have reprimanded him for saying such a thing. Instead, you found your heart reveling in his words as your throat grew tight with the thought of asking him for more. You laughed in disbelief as you looked away from him, unable to say anything that wouldn’t incriminate you. 
Whatever words that were unsaid between the two of you were silenced by the sound of creaking hinges and a blast of cold air. Your eyes were drawn to the door where three shrouded figures slithered inside with snow covered boots and frosted cloaks. John rose to his feet with the quickness of a wolf, his sword already unsheathed and at the ready before you could even comprehend the danger. 
“Our quarrel is not with you,” one of the men barked. His accent was strange. It wasn’t ugly like the Neshevian accent was. It was more flowing, and gentler in a way, but you couldn’t quite place where it was from. But he was a threat all the same. “Hand us the Venacian blight and we’ll be on our way.” 
John strengthened the grip on his sword as he raised it higher. “I’ll have your head for that.” 
The three men seemed more like monsters than human; more akin to bears than any other earthly creature. They had broadswords for claws and thick woolly cloaks for fur. The only thing human about them was the way they looked at you as you huddled on the floor behind John; not with hunger, not with a need to survive, but with a malice only humans could comprehend. 
No other words were wasted from either side before swords started to clash together with sickening screeches. Flashes of silver iron moved in a blur as John kept up with each of the men. In a way, he had the advantage in that small cottage. The intruders couldn’t use their full range of motion without risking injuring their comrades, and John used that to his advantage as he slowly pushed them to the far side of the room. 
You had never seen him in action before, and you had prayed to the gods that you never would have had to. The only thing you could think of was impressive. There was no flourish to his movements, and there was no showing off. Just simple, precise, and deadly strikes and slashes that left superficial cuts along their skin. But no amount of skill could save someone from fighting three monstrous men; even a man as talented as John Price. 
If he wanted to even the playing field, he would have to incapacitate or slay one of the men. In order to do that, he would have to focus his blows on one man, or get lucky and hope one of his defensive moves would knock them away. But if he focused too much on one man, it left him open for the other two to attack. 
You had to draw one of them away. 
You grabbed the knife John had left on the floor and slid it out of its sheath. It was a well kept blade that glinted dangerously in the little light that bled through the cottage windows. With shaking knees, you pushed yourself to your feet and threw the leather sheath at the intruders, which caught one of them off guard, allowing John to land a fair slash against the man's ribs. He howled in pain as he backed up, body hitting the wall behind him. Hiding the knife underneath your cloak, you ensured your feet hit the floor as loudly as you could manage as you dashed out of the cottage. 
John’s horse huffed at you, certainly out of hunger, as you scurried through the snow as fast as your legs could carry you. It neared dinner time, and the sun slowly fell towards the horizon, casting an orange blaze across the sky in its wake. Had you been in Venaca, you would have enjoyed the view. But not then. Not with the frigid air lining your lungs with frost. Not when you ran for your life. 
“Zekral,” you prayed breathlessly. “Zekral, give him strength. Uvral, let him live.” 
Like you had expected, one of the men managed to break away from the fight with John. It was not the man that had been wounded, but you could hear his snarling gasps behind you while you fled. You didn’t dare glance behind you because you knew you would freeze if you caught sight of the monster that chased you. Instead, you kept your eyes straight ahead as you weaved between trees and slick thickets. 
A glittering stream snuck up on you so carefully you nearly tossed yourself into the water before you realized it was there. The orange hue in the sky reflected off of its crystal-like waters, almost making it seem warm and inviting. Despite it’s beauty, you realized it cut off your escape route. 
It forced you to hesitate. 
A hand grasped the hood of your cloak and the clasp caught your throat as you were yanked back into a chest so firm you could have sworn it was stone. Suffocating arms wrapped around your chest, and you found a scream escaping your throat as the air was squeezed from your lungs. 
“Vodrir smiles on me this day!” the man claimed triumphantly over your cries. 
You didn’t know why, but in that moment you thought of home. So far away, and yet you could feel the greenery on your feet, and taste the fresh apples from the orchards. You could smell the breeze as it drifted through your bedroom window, and feel Eilra’s hands as she braided your hair. 
Was this death? Was this Uvral comforting you before silencing you forever? 
With whatever strength you could muster and a shout that only a dying animal could make, you took the knife hidden underneath your cloak and blindly stabbed it over your shoulder. The man howled as the blade sunk into the flesh of his chest, but his arms only tightened around you as his muscles tensed from the pain. 
Just as quickly as the man's arms tensed, you felt a little slack as his arms fell off of you. A gasp filled your chest as you were able to take a proper breath, only for that breath to get pushed out of your lungs as the man shoved you away from him. 
You tried to catch yourself, tried to regain your balance as you stumbled forward, but it was too late. Every single muscle in your body seized as the icy water of the stream enveloped you in a soul snatching embrace. Any thought that had been in your mind before was erased as your body laid in the bed of the stream as if you were resting. It didn’t even feel cold anymore, it just hurt. Like every soldier in Neshevia had run their blade through you at once.
Maybe that was what you deserved. But you refused that fate. 
Thrashing in the water, you came to your senses and pushed yourself to your knees as your head broke the surface of the stream. Your gasp for air rang throughout the forest like a lone bell in an abandoned city. Sharp rocks dug into the flesh of your palms as you coughed and sputtered while you dragged yourself to the bank of the stream. 
A pair of hands landed on your shoulders, and it was like you had fallen into that stream all over again. You let out a pathetic excuse for a war cry as you attempted to push the man off of you. You would not be the enemy’s pawn. You refused to be the blood that fed and enriched the soil beneath your feet. 
“Princess, look at me,” a desperate voice pleaded. 
It was a voice you knew well. One that had comforted you with strange stories as you slept. One that taught you the constellations. It was a voice you wanted to drown yourself in. 
“It’s me, Princess. I’ve got you,” he said softly.
John held your face in his hands, forcing you to look at him. Fear flooded his eyes as he took in the sight of your chattering teeth and trembling body. Water soaked straight through your clothes and clung to your body with no intention of letting go. You tried to speak, tried to do anything, but your muscles shook and convulsed with such strength your body was rendered nearly useless. 
He wasted no time in relieving you of your cloak, which had grown heavy as it was weighed down from the water. Not even grunting with effort, John lifted you into his arms, holding you close to his chest as he marched back towards the cottage as fast as his feet would carry him. You closed your eyes when you caught sight of the man that had caught you, who now laid in the snow with a piercing wound through his stomach. Your arms curled in towards your chest, and it was then that you realized your hands and feet felt too light. As if they had floated away from your body long ago. 
In order to reach the entrance of the cottage, John had to step over two bodies. Their blood tainted the snow in a similar fashion to a child who had spilled paint over their bedroom floor. But even with the mess, it was like nothing was there, no gore or death or bodies, it was just you and him. 
John shoved the door open where the splashing of water falling from your clothes became obvious on the wooden floor. Inside didn’t feel any warmer than outside, but at that point you couldn’t even register temperature. All there was, was pain. Nothing but a numbness of pins and needles skewering your skin. 
He attempted to set you on your feet, but they felt so detached from your body you stumbled onto the floor instead. His hands caught your waist, preventing too much damage being done to your knees, but then you felt him roam. Your corset loosened, and you felt his fingers dip underneath your dress as he yanked the soggy fabric off your body. He didn’t stop there, either. Your slip, your stockings and undergarments, if there was a piece of fabric on you that was wet, he tore them off until you were completely exposed on the floor underneath him. 
You didn’t even have the energy to ask him what he was doing or to protest. The only thought that consumed your mind was to live as you drew breath after shuddering breath. It almost sounded like you were crying, and maybe you were.
John left your side for only a moment before he returned with the blanket the two of you had huddled under before those men had attacked. He wrapped it around your body before lifting you once again in order to set you closer to the hearth. You laid on your side and watched him with stinging eyes as he piled logs into the mouth of the fireplace along with kindling and other scraps. It was only then that you noticed his shirt had gotten wet too, most likely from carrying your soaking body back to safety. 
In minutes, John had built the largest fire you had seen since the night before the caravan had been slaughtered. Its flames reflected off of the stones of the hearth, slowly filling the cottage with a heat your body was almost too numb to feel. As you laid on your side, you watched as he slipped his own shirt off over his head, tossing that damp garment in the same heap your own clothes sat in. If you weren’t struggling with each breath you took, you might have gawked at the hair on his chest or the faint battle scars that decorated his skin. Instead, you stayed silent as he vanished somewhere behind you. 
Moments later, he returned with another blanket in hand. He settled on the floor behind you as he threw the blanket over both your bodies. The warmth of him soaked into your back as he pressed himself against you, trapping in any heat that attempted to escape. His hand settled on your arm as he quickly rubbed up and down, attempting to create any friction on your skin that he could. It sent a painful sensation ripping through your skin as your body finally started to regain feeling again. 
“Talk to me, Princess,” he spoke, his breath hot on your neck. 
You attempted to speak, but it came out as nothing but a whimper. Every muscle in your body twitched painfully, and it only got worse when you tried to stop shivering. 
“Fi-re,” you were eventually able to choke out. “Sm-o-ke…” 
John continued to rub his hands along your body as he did everything within his power to warm you. No one had ever touched you in such a way, and no man had ever gazed upon your bare body before. But in that moment, you didn’t care. 
“If it draws anyone in, they’ll fall before they lay another hand on you,” he swore. 
It was stupid, and you would have told him as much if you could have gotten your teeth to stop chattering. He had said it himself that smoke would attract those with ill intent towards you, which is why you had spent countless nights huddled alone on an unforgiving floor. But he risked it to save you. John was a strong fighter, that much you knew, but he couldn’t hold off an entire army. 
After a while, John’s hand stopped rubbing against your arm and instead settled around your stomach as he held you tightly against him. Despite his height and broad shoulders, he fit against you so perfectly. His knees settled against the back of yours, his chin rested softly on top of your head, and gods he was warm. The feeling in your body returned, and you felt your skin defrost as the fire melted the ice from your veins. It was like you were back in the basin, sitting on the soft grass and clovers as the spring sun warmed your skin. 
It was like you were back home, and not nearly dead in a cottage in the wild forest of the mountains. 
“John?” you spoke up. Your voice was more fluid, and less tense as the spamming of your muscles stopped. 
“Yes, Princess?” he responded. 
“Those men… they were not Neshevian,” you said, and though you hadn’t framed it in such a manner, it was certainly an unspoken question. 
“They were not,” he confirmed. 
You sniffed some as you felt the snot in your nose start to run. It felt like you had a head cold, and you wouldn’t be surprised if you had gotten sick after your quick dip in the wintery stream. 
“Where were they from?” you asked. 
John’s arm tightened around your center as if he was afraid you’d slip out of his grasp. “They were Draewish.” 
You swallowed the sinking feeling in your stomach. “Then they have betrayed us.” 
For the first time since the night before you left for Draewen, you wept. Your tears soaked the carved up wood of the floor, and your shoulders shook not with cold, but with sorrow. You cried for the loss of your people, for the death of Eilra, for the war you weren’t any closer to winning. And most of all, you cried for yourself. You cried for the stupidly optimistic Venacian Princess. 
Your tears ceased once the flames of the fire diminished to embers, and it was the first time John made even the slightest movement to leave you. He left his blanket covering your body as he knelt next to the fire, his bare back exposed to you. Two more logs were added to the fire, and he sat back on his haunches as he watched the flames devour the wood. 
“When the snow melts, we’ll set off for Venaca,” he said, voice tired. 
Nodding your head, you pulled your blanket tight under your chin as you curled forward. Night had fallen by that point, and you hadn’t even realized it since the fire had provided an unfamiliar light. It was the first night you had seen in weeks where you weren’t miserable. 
“The city will fall within months without Draewen’s help,” you said. “Sooner if they choose to aid Neshevia.” 
“Then let it fall,” John said gruffly. “They can burn it to the ground, but no one will lay a hand on you again, Honrul strike me.” 
The determination in his voice almost made you believe him. You shifted slightly, your bones crying out from the harsh floor that offered no padding for your body. 
“John?” you asked again. 
At the sound of your voice, he turned so that he no longer faced the fire, but instead looked to you. Even in the dark shadows that casted on his face you could still make out the softness in his eyes. 
You wondered if that softness was only there when his eyes were on you. 
“Yes, Princess?” he answered. 
“Lay with me.”
His eyes didn’t leave you for a moment, but you could feel the hesitation roll off his body. Maybe there was something unseemly about your request. Underneath your blanket, you were utterly naked and completely exposed. John had only laid with you before to warm you, and you were no longer in danger of freezing to death. It was improper, something both of you should have been reprimanded for. 
“Is that an order?” he asked, shifting slightly. 
“It’s a request.” 
He froze for a moment, and you thought he was going to deny your request. You wouldn’t have blamed him if he did. Maybe he should have. Instead, he crawled on his hands and knees along the floor as he shuffled behind you once more. With careful hands, he moved his blanket off of you, still letting yours stay wrapped securely around your naked body to keep your modesty. 
His chest pressed against your back and his legs bent with the curve of yours while he laid the blanket over both of you. A different and new bloom of warmth blossomed in your chest as his arm settled around your center again, holding you close. Never before had someone held you like that. Never before did you feel wanted for anything other than your status. 
“Thank you,” you managed to choke out. “Don’t… don’t go.”
At your words, he buried his face into the back of your neck. You could feel the slight tickle of his facial hair, and how cold the tip of his nose was. When he spoke, you swore you could feel his lips ghosting against your skin. 
“As you wish, Princess.”
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ah!!! i was so excited to write this once i got the idea i finished it in three days (cringe) but i'm so happy to finally share it with you all! price is unfamiliar territory for me, but i tried to get the vibes of a tired dad down lmao knight!price is going to be rotting my brain for awhile, though.
thanks again gpd for doing this challenge! and everyone, make sure to check out the other entries!
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heevanly · 4 months
.ᐟ TEASER: Run The Night : ENHYPEN (엔하이픈)
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𝐬yn. : when y/n agreed to take on a mysterious job that no one else in her team wanted, she expected some hardships, but nothing like she’s experiencing thus far. meeting up with a completely different group of young detectives makes life a bit easier though, especially when there’s seven of them. she just never could’ve fathomed the horrific scenes that would unfurl in front of all of their eyes and with no way to contact her original team, all she can do is move forward.
𝐰arnings. / 𝐭ags. : (18+)! series. investigator au. virus / zombie au. late 1990s era but it's not really talked about. horror. body horror. gore. enha members as main characters. ej from &team mentioned. no smut. swearing. humor. not really romantical but there’s flirting and tension sooooo who knows in the end. no character death but a lot of character harm. fem reader. ocs used for plot convenience.
𝐧ote. : new series!! i’ve been playing crow country and it’s kinda based off this (at least w/ some loose plot points and location wise, with it taking place in a theme park). i’m still debating whether or not to make an endgame relationship or keeping it ambiguous. i was supposed to upload this teaser days ago but things unfortunately did NOT go as planned. lmk if you’d like to get tagged! ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )
𝐭aglist. : @graythecoffeebean @livsateez @velvethana
© @heevanly 2024 | do NOT copy, plagiarize, reupload, or steal my works.
TEASER WC : little less than 2.6k
the drive was boring, the dull gray road and the blend of the dark branches blurring together and you have to blink a few times to clear your eyes and refocus. the pale yellow road dividers were faded, chipped, and cracked, allowing weeds to pop up every so often.
sighing you turn the radio on but nothing but static reaches your ears, you suspected as much as you’re pretty sure you passed into nothing world little less than an hour ago, the curse of this damn theme park being so far out.
elsher’s kingdom wasn’t a place you often thought about visiting but considering you were above the theme park’s age demographic that made sense, admittingly the place had gathered your attention when it had opened but for a different reason. it was constructed pretty much out of nowhere, the man who owned it was a mystery, he was rich, had a family he kept out of the public eye, and barely made any public outings unless it was for business purposes. 
the theme park was big, eight different exploratory areas all with its own individual “theme”. it wasn’t incredibly massive, like some of the other theme parks within the country, but it was local and it was fun.
you weren’t coming here for fun though. the mission you were given flashes across your mind. no one knows who made the request for someone (solo, they had specified), to investigate a missing person and discover the reason for the park’s shut down, but they anonymously gave a large sum of money that would really help fund the office and with a promise to give more both for the one to investigate and the entire office upon completion of the job.
no one really wanted it, suspicion was heavily written all over the request especially with the lack of clarity in it, but the money was something of interest for everyone. you took up on the offer quickly, your natural curiosity about the place being a part of the reason and well… money was certainly a good thing to have as it was a bit tight for you at the moment.
so here you were, driving down a dusty, somewhat abandoned road, to try and find a missing person who was last seen at the park and and find out why it was shut down in the first place. all for some money that wasn’t even specified in the letter. you hope the money was good and that the job was easy, even though there was an inkling in the back of your mind that that wouldn’t be the case.
the theme park comes into view and you pull off to enter the parking lot, scanning the area as you park you notice there was a few cars scattered around. none of them seemed dusty, in fact they all seemed like brand new cars or at least parked there recently, save for one bright lime green older looking mustang fastback. odd but you don’t think much of it since this place is abandoned after all, teenagers looking for a thrill were bound to be roaming around and you’re sure there’d be a security guard or two as well.
hopping out the car you take a mental note of everything on yourself, flashlight, a fully charged camera, a phone, notepad, pencils, your id and other credentials, and the file.
pulling out the file to read it gives some information on the person you’d be trying to find as well as some other information; “jihoon elsher-yoon, 52 year old male. theme park owner and landowner of elsher’s kingdom. last known location elsher’s kingdom estate, first reported missing to police by daughter, hana, however it is noted that the last person known to see him is business partner, moon youngho. reported missing to head detective lee heeseung.” you hadn’t been able to read this back at the office as it was shoved into your hands by your boss as you were about to leave. you close the file, and ponder about it some, sounds like hana was the one who submitted the request too then.
“i wonder if one of these cars is this detective’s then..” you think aloud, looking back at the cars. there were a few too many so either he brought backup or you’re gonna have a fun discussion about breaking and entering with a few kids.
you walk towards the closest cars to at least gather some intel about what to possibly expect inside, all the cars were empty of people, trash in some and papers scattered in another. you walk towards the mustang and slow down upon noticing a pool of dried blood on the ground near the driver's door.
frowning, you crouch down to get closer to it. it was fully dried, but it wasn’t discolored so it happened recently enough which didn’t appease your mind in any way. you take a note on it in your notepad and stand back up, the driver's seat has some papers and you try and read what you can. the papers seem to be business in nature, addressed to a “mr. elsher-yoon”, this must be his car then, you snap a quick picture. at least this proves he’s here.. potentially, you doubt he’d leave his car behind.
the gate to enter the park is unlocked and you head on in.
your footsteps echo along the tiled flooring, the theme park is empty, old bits of uneaten but ant infested bits of food scattered, multiple cardboard containers that must’ve held popcorn thrown about, napkins, popsicle sticks, wristbands, and whatever else are littered around too. trash cans are here and there, but you don’t think you can stomach the idea of rummaging through them.
there's a ticket booth to your left and you take a peek within the open counter window, an antiseptic sits on behind the counter and you grab it, “who knows.. i may need it.” you think to yourself as you stuff it into your bag.
you continue walking down, the faded and ripped posters on the wall tug at your heart a little, people were really here one day and then never again the next. it just makes you all a bit more determined to find mr. elsher-yoon and why the park even closed down.
there's a bathroom coming up and you shrug before entering in, doesn’t hurt to make sure everything is clear.
the bathroom is musty, the air stale as if the door was finally opened for the first time in months, which.. if you think about it, you opening it probably was the first time it had been opened in months. the floor is dirty, dust and dirt staining the once white pristine tiles. a noise of rushing water is heard and you turn your head to look in the other corner where theres a small puddle of water coming from a broken toilet, the drain in the center of the room allowing the room to at least not flood.
deciding to not step in that direction, you shine your light at the other corner, in the midst of all the grime, blood splatters are everywhere and you frown.
“where the hell could that have come from..?” you mutter to yourself, just when you were about to check it out, you hear talking from behind you and you quickly rush behind the bathroom door.
faded voices are heard just outside the door, “i’m telling you jay, something entered the bathroom.” a voice filters through, muffled by the door but still loud enough to be heard.
the other one, jay you assume, sighs, “jungwon, if you dragged me away from the group and turns out nothing is in there, i’m serious about you having to go back.”
jungwon, you now know who the owner of the first voice is, scoffs, “we just shot at a bunch of.. things.. and you’re telling me i have to go back because i'm nervous about what’s hiding around in this park? seriously?”
the door is slightly pushed open and you smush yourself as best as you can against the wall as it opens up further, “i’m just saying.. you being skittish isn’t helping us move about any easier.”
the two then enter the bathroom and you get a good look at their backs, both men, but you had deduced that by their voices, they're both of similar height, one is a bit taller than the other. the taller one, having entered first you assume is jay and the other, jungwon. their outfits are similar to detective get-ups but they’ve definitely been modified, probably in a way to help them in their line of work.
“nothing in here dude.” jay turns his head to look at jungwon and you think quickly about your options here.
you could slip away, but that leaves you out in the open and when they come back out, if you can’t find somewhere else to hide and wait for them to leave you’d be caught. you could continue to wait in here, but the door is closing and if it closes fully before they turn around you’d be caught. you could.. draw out your gun and ask about them, but they also mentioned shooting at something so you guess they both have guns on them.
you’re also unaware of what their intentions are, but you hope that it’s at least positive.
“i’m going back to heeseung now, you can stay and look around here if that’ll help ease your mind some.” the taller one mutters out, the door thankfully still open enough to cover your body so he leaves without noticing you, however he shuts the door on his way out and you’re alone with the other one.
heeseung… that’s the same name as the head detective on the file you have, so maybe their intentions are good. you rest your hand on your holster in case, since in your line of work, you really can never be too cautious when running into other people.
you creep quietly to cover the door, your best bet was to at least block the door, so the other one can’t hear you in any way and to prevent the one in front of you from running out and getting the attention of who left.
“what’s your name.” you speak up, voice low and the man in front of you jumps up, spinning around quickly and braces himself as he looks up at you, you see his eyes scan your body and you feel them land on the hand that's on your holster and you see him start to reach for his own, you had been right about that, he did have a gun on him.
your eyes narrow and you bring your gun out quicker, aiming it at the ground. “i wouldn’t reach for that, i’ll have shot you before you even get that out.” 
the man stops and swallows, “jungwon.”
you huff some air out of your nose, he’s too good for his own good, he was honest about his name but at least you know that he’s not a bad person, as far as you can tell at least.
“y/n.” you offer your own and you see him relax if only a little bit, “what’re you doing here?”
he frowns, “i’m not at liberty to tell you that, but i can ask you the same thing.”
you smirk and offer his answer right back at him, “i’m also not at liberty to tell you that. but considering what you got on i can imagine you’ve been sent to investigate this place, am i wrong?”
jungwon falters at your words and that tells you all you have to know that you hit the mark on that, “i am too.”
“too what?”
“sent to investigate this place," with your free hand you grab your id and flash it in his direction, “y/n l/n. special agent l/n, but just keep it to y/n please. i’ve been sent to investigate a missing person.”
“fbi? you’re fbi?” jungwon asks, eyes scanning up and down at you, suspicion in his tone.
you shake your head, “no, i’m just a part of an investigation team operation that specializes in matters like these, hence my title.”
jungwon lets out a noise of understanding and you now realize how awkward this sort’ve is and holster your gun once more, “uh, i apologize for that earlier, i hadn’t expected to hear other people so soon.”
jungwon waves his hand around, “it’s fine, i’d have done the same thing. if it helps you out some, i’m also here to find a missing person.”
“i figured out as much.”
he tilts his head and you couldn’t help but find it cute, “how so?”
“the other one said the name heeseung, my file also mentions a heeseung.”
“ah.. if it’s about a lee heeseung then you’d be correct in it being the same person.”
“sounds like i’m correct then.”
jungwon stands straighter, visibly more relaxed now, “you don’t mind if i bring you to my group then right? if we’re doing the same thing, it might be easier for us all, an even team is better anyways, there’s seven of us and..”
you cut him off, “that’s fine, i’m here solo too and it’d be nice to have some help, this park is massive after all.”
jungwon nods, “then let’s see if we can catch up to jay, uh.. he’s the one that was with me by the way.”
you nod and he leaves the bathroom, you’re about to head out after him before you spot a magazine laying on the ground, you pick it up and a polaroid is on the front cover, the title of the magazine reads, “PARANORMAL HAPPENING AT ABANDONED THEME PARK. FACT OR FICTION?”
you flip the page and read what’s written, “self proclaimed paranormal investigator and photographer byun eunjoo, known mainly as ej sends a polaroid he took of a supposed paranormal being at elsher’s kingdom. he proclaims it was the first of many he spotted. however us here at GS magazine are not entirely convinced, what do you think about it readers. we believe ej here may need some more photos before he convinces us of anything!”
the polaroid looks as if a humanoid figure is walking around, but the image is grainy and you can’t make out much else other than the figure and a few weird large pustules on its body, they seem to be embedded into the skin and are green in color. you shudder at the sight before ripping the polaroid out and placing it in your bag. talk about odd, but anything that can give you at least something about this park is better than nothing, after all you still have that part of the job to complete.
jungwon peeks his head back into the bathroom you must’ve been taking a bit longer than you thought, “y/n? you coming? what’re you doing just standing there?”
you snap out of your gaze and drop the magazine back onto the ground, “ah sorry, this magazine had something that caught my attention, s’all.”
“right well hurry it up, we gotta catch up to jay.”
you nod and take one last peek at the magazine before walking out the door and meeting outside with jungwon.
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luvrsux · 1 year
“Roll the Dice”
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word count: 3.8k
summary: you’re gifted with pure luck and decide to test it on the most infamous casino in the world. you aren’t there for the riches or pride, you’re there for the owner himself
cw: NSFW, mentions of alcohol & smoking, riding, creampie
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The music was blaring down the glistening roads it led to. There was nothing but blinding lights of all colors imaginable and spewing riches. Only the best of the best ever dared to stroll down these streets. Far along the sparkling roads was none other than the famous grand casino; The Grand Oni. The establishment has been lingering in this down for as long as anyone can remember, ruling over it like a proud king to its kingdom. The casino was owned by the infamous Hunter King Roronoa Zoro.
No one ever dared to gamble or play against him. Previously, the hunter didn’t own the establishment. With his proud gambling skills, Zoro climbed the ranks until there was no point in playing anymore. It gave everyone whiplash with how fast he bought ownership of the casino as a whole, rebranding the golden building to his own liking.
Up top was Zoro’s personal office. There, he could get a perfect view of the entire landscape he so proudly ruled over with ease. Just with his intimidating past and nature made people tremble before him. There he held an elegant glass cup of fine sake, the ice cubes clinking on each other when he swirled his cup around. One thing Zoro longed for was something, someone, to keep him entertained. The sadistic pleasure of people falling into the trenches of debts by their own gambling habits only fueled Zoro for so long. The tears and suffering screams soon became a bore to the man himself. With an alcoholic, bored sigh, Zoro heard a knock on his office door.
“Come in,” He said lowly, not stripping his eyes from the enchanting lights of the city below. He heard the shaken breaths of the person behind burst through his door with utter fear.
“M-Mr. Roronoa. There’s something out here you have to see…” They stammered. Zoro let out yet another exhale and clinked his beverage on his sleek, dark desk. He buried his previously occupied hand into the pockets of his slacks and turned his body.
“You better not be wasting my time” Is all the man said before strutting outside of his dark office to a more brightly lit hallway.
Zoro didn’t expect anything grand or jaw-dropping. He expected yet another distressed guest going out of the rails from the debts they’d fallen into and decided to make it everyone’s problem. Surely, he thought the security would throw him out so Zoro grew slightly puzzled. There was no way there was someone strong enough for Zoro himself to take out, he thought.
But he was wrong. Zoro stood tall on the balcony before the casino room itself. The room was ginormous, big enough for miles to go on. Zoro raised an eyebrow when he laid his eye upon the crowd of people circulating one individual. Due to the yard length of his height above, he couldn’t quite make out who it was. He furrowed his eyebrows.
“What’s going on?” He grumbled. Zoro felt a presence, as well as smoke, creep from behind. The intoxicating aroma of tobacco made his mood plummet, but not from the drug. From the person, so to speak.
“Apparently a lovely lady is making history repeat itself” The blonde spoke. He rested his arms on the railing of the balcony.
“What do you mean, swirly brows?” Zoro gave him a menacing glare, only to carve a smile from Vinsmoke. He pulled out his cigarette to huff a cloud of smoke.
“Take a look for yourself, moss head”
“Another win~” You cooed.
There you sat on a velvet, expensive couch in the middle of the casino you now charmed. You had a glass of champagne in hand, as well as elegant attire. Before you were towers among towers of gambling chips, as well as a distressed man ripping his hair out from his sudden loss in his win streak of this lively night. You let out a menacing giggle as you placed your glossed lips on the rim of your glass to sip your sparkling champagne.
“Tonight’s top winner is (F/N) (L/N)!” The girl hosting your current gamble cheered. The crowd roared in cheers to your now sudden fame.
You walked into this casino not even an hour ago and everyone praised you like a goddess for your impressive gambling skills. You stomped more people you can count into the dark downward spiral called debt. At this rate, no one could beat you. And no one did.
You didn’t come here for fun, though. You came here for someone. Someone specific. You knew your skills would catch his eye if you were quick enough. As soon as you felt a firm hand grab your shoulder, you knew your plan worked out beautifully.
“Ma’am, the boss would like to see you personally”
Those words filled your beating heart to the fullest, knowing all your hard work paid off. You formed a devilish smile on your face and pushed your sunglasses to your head.
“It’s been fun, my loves. Now I get to really have fun” You said sweetly, rising from your once comfortable seating. The person who informed you was escorted to the tall staircase in front.
“Thank you for the warm-up ~” You blew the crowd a loving kiss. You could hear men upon men gawk at your sudden charm, not to mention your body the way it was accentuated in your slim dress.
You were escorted to a secluded, dimly lit room. The gold plate above upon entering read ‘Private Games - VIP’, so you knew you were in for a ride.
The man escorting you left you lingering in the room on your own. Your excitement for what’s to come soon slowly fizzles away once you realize you were locked in an empty, quiet room alone, beside the game holder standing by a nearby wall. There laid a gambling table and two seats sitting across one another. Nothing stopped you from adjusting to the rather comfortable seat in front.
“A drink, ma’am?” They said, pulling out a slim glass similar to your previous one before. You nod your head slowly and gaze at a transparent glass fill up with a sparkling beverage.
You heard the door fumble open behind you as well as hard footsteps. You didn’t turn your head the slightest. You were too busy sitting pretty and drinking your freshly poured beverage.
“Zoro” You smiled as soon as you swallowed your swig. You weren’t met with a voice, but a hand that pulled away the chair in front of you to let the man you called out to sit down.
“(F/N)” He said lowly. The way he spoke your name made your insides tingle. You couldn’t remember how long you wished for this moment to occur. Your brain panned back to the day it all started.
“We have a new owner!” You heard. Your hands clenched the gambling table you were dealing with and stopped in your tracks by the sudden words.
The entire day, everyone murmured the name of a man who kept eating his way up in victories. Your heart began to shake when you pieced it together.
Your body pulled away from the gambling guests before you to yank the arm of your coworker.
“Who is it?”
“His name is Roronoa Zoro! The guy's a demon!”
Those words shocked your core. You’ve been working at this very casino for years before Zoro’s sudden appearance. You’ve analyzed gambles and cheats left and right to the point where it was now a fluent language to you. You knew all the nooks and crannies of each game tactic to the point where being a dealer was the only thing suited for you.
You caught a glimpse of the man himself stepping up to the top of the staircase. This figure and body made your heart flutter. For years, you’ve never seen such a bizarre thing happen but here you were, seeing it with your own two eyes. The fame he accumulated in mere minutes baffled you to your very core. The only thing repeating in your head was one quote; “I need him”
His talents were vastly different from the brainless, drunken people gambling their hearts away and hoping for the best they’re lucky enough to make money you were oh so used to. His impressive talents made you infatuated with him to where you put your two weeks to come back at a later date to be in Roronoa’s shoes.
And it worked. You were now gambling with the man you once admired years ago. He had a devilish grin on his face from the sight of you. The only thing he was drawn to, besides your roaring gambling skills, was your body. He itched for something to please him.
“You’re quite the piece of work” He chuckled, leaning into his chair. His ringed fingers signaled the person who poured your drink in hand to fixate himself on one. Everyone knew his drink of choice. It’d be a crime if you didn’t.
“Don’t make me blush, Roronoa” You smiled, eyes ready to devour him and his pride.
“You’ve gotten quite the fame tonight. What made you take it away from me?” He asked, swirling his cup of sake before taking a swig.
“I wanted to see you, of course” Your reply caused a pause from Zoro. He tilted his head ever so slightly with that same, devilish grin that fueled you.
“See, I’ve been admiring your skill since the day you overruled this casino a few years ago. I just needed to see it for myself…” You explained.
Your explanation made Zoro snap his fingers. His snap was complete control over the person on standby like he was hypnotized. Suddenly, your table was displayed with chips and cards for the current gamble at hand.
“This gamble is ‘Indian Poker’” The dealer cooed and they shuffled the cards with their hands fluently. You grew a smile, knowing the end outcome before the game even started.
“A classic? I expected more from you, hunter” Your grin made Zoro’s body temperature rise. The sudden clank of his glass meeting the table made the room echo.
“I don’t like anything crazy”
“This game is quite simple. Considering you two are quite the experts, I’ll save the details and get to the rules”
“Each person is given a card, one of which you can look at. The second card will be placed your your forehead for everyone’s view. You may call or fold to your heart's content in each round”
After the description was given, two stacks of gambling chips were presented beside each of you. These weren’t ordinary chips, though. These chips were a shade of green with gold accents. Chips that never existed while you were previously working there and while you were cleaning the stakes downstairs. These were special.
“This is a five-round game. The person with the most amount of chips is granted the winner. You may now discuss betting stakes”
You turned from the speaking dealer to the green-haired man who sat nonchalantly like this was a walk in the summer park. He took a sip from his cup and peered his devilish eyes straight at you.
“I’ve already thought of a deal, so listen up” He spoke lowly. You couldn’t object, considering there wasn’t a deal in your fuzzy mind anywhere.
“I have no use of the money. I have everything I want at my fingertips, so winning money means nothing. But you, that’s something I can’t buy, now can I?” He reached over the table to have a finger lift your chin. Your heart was about to tear out of your own chest.
“So if I win, you’ll be under my wing as debt” He grinned. Those words are exactly what you needed to hear, but the deal was far from over.
“And if I win?”
“The casino belongs to you, princess”
The gamble was obscure but fair. Two major things were at stake from a measly simple game of Indian Poker, which you guaranteed that people downstairs were playing as well. But this is what this very room was made for. Powerful stakes for powerful gamblers.
Your tone made Zoro smile in a way he hasn’t since the day he claimed this very building and all it’s worth. He collapsed in his seat and exhaled with pure delight.
“Now that the agreement is settled, the gamble will now begin”
A black card slid to your hands swiftly, as well as Zoro’s. You peeked at the value of your card; A 9 of clubs. Your body swarmed with sensation at the sight of the card. The amount of one card sealed your fate for just round one.
The next card, which was assigned to be displayed without knowing what was on the card, slid in front. You shared eye contact with the owner in front when you both analyzed the exposed cards.
“(F/N) has the bet”
“One chip”
You snap one chip in the middle of the board with one finger. You trailed your eyes up to the green-haired man who was beginning to reach for his tower of chips.
The very word to end this current round. You giggle menacingly at his words and separate each card to divide them in both hands.
“You may show your cards”
Your hands revealed a 9-suit pair, while Zoro’s hand only revealed a lower pair, thus making you round one’s winner. The dealer choked on his words by the sudden reveal. His casual demeanor when explaining the game and setting it up seemed like he had his doubts about you, considering Zoro proclaimed himself as ‘king’. Your sudden showdown nearly made his heart stop.
“It ain’t over till’ it’s over” Zoro pulled a hand up over the dealer's face. Pleased, you dropped your victory cards on the table and giggled.
“What a great start”
With that, each round went smoothly, discarding the fact you two were at neck and neck with each round. The last remaining round hovered over the two of you before you knew it. Everything began to fall to your liking. The 2-2 tallying revealed that this last win would change history; you’d be under Zoro as his personal partner or you’d be the new Queen. The dealer began to break a sweat. You took a look at your last card. Lady luck couldn’t have crept behind you at a better time.
“(F/N) has the bet”
Those words triggered your arm to move every last chip in front of Zoro. He flinched, not expecting such a high bet. Each round before this, you’ve only ever folded or placed one chip. Now, Zoro was met with money that could trip you down to the Earth's core if you lost.
“You can’t be serious” Zoro chuckled, admiring your bold assumption. The sudden ego pouring out of you fueled his passion for this gamble.
“I call”
Zoro pushed all his accumulated chips in front as well. Now, both of you were betting everything you had in the blink of an eye. His call made your thighs spasm in excitement.
“You may now reveal your cards...”
You proudly dropped both of your cards in from of Zoro’s powerfully stronger hand. His eyes admired the value, and your rather ironic expression. The dealer gasped at the sudden reveal.
“Oh, what a shame”
You leaned back in your chair and sighed.
“It’s a pig”
Your words made the dealer stumble on his own words while he took in the rather bizarre scenery. Zoro, on the other hand, wasn’t phased.
“Oh, I see…”
He chuckled and rose from his seat. Your body tensed when you watched him stroll over to you. With a hand, he pulled your face close to his.
“You lost on purpose, didn’t you?” He whispered in your ear. Your teeth bit your lower lip upon feeling his hazy breath against your neck seductively.
“You bet everything you had on a measly pig of a hand just to reach your benefit. You knew where this was going from the start, no?” Zoro trailed his body behind your chair and grazed a toned finger along the tower of priced chips.
“You wanted me to own you”
Those words made a giggle come out of your lips as he finally caught on. Although, you didn’t care if he did or not, what mattered was that your plan for years played out beautifully to your liking and it didn’t seem like Zoro objected. That same devilish grin plastered on the boss’ face lingered, quite pleased by your sudden stunt.
“You and I both know I could’ve beaten you across the board, right?” You placed a hand on the side of his face from where you sat.
“I will admit it”
The dealer felt like he saw a ghost from the interaction. There wasn’t a single tear, sweat, or shout coming from you. Pure pleasure and satisfaction despite your loss. No one in their right mind would gamble their life away to someone else’s palms, but then you walked in.
“I’m going to love every bit of you, (F/N)” Zoro said hungrily. His arms pulled you off your seat and into his arms. You sprouted in giggled and gave him a lustful kiss on his lips.
In the blink of an eye, you straddled Zoro’s body in his own office chair. Your glossed lips were smudged against his face and his bruised neck. Not even a day into your newfound position and you already marked your territory. His button-up was now wrapped around him rather sloppily by your thirsty hands. Zoro bit and pulled your bottom lip while looking up at you with passionate eyes. You let out a soft mewl and run your fingers through his short hair.
Your lower sex, now hot and riled up, grazed against the hardened log in Zoro’s pants. The more you winded your hips against it, the more you felt like it was ready to burst through the cloth concealing it. You heard an impatient groan spew from Zoro from your rocking hips.
“Excited now, are we?” You whispered in his ear. You heard Zoro hiss. Despite you being under his control, your demeanor completely had him in a trance he’d never been in before.
“Quit teasing and get to work, princess” He smiled. You peeled off your lace and scrunched your dress upward. Zoro’s hungry hands clamped on your exposed thighs and gave them a tender squeeze.
Zoro unbuckled his pants to coil his member outside of where it was secluded. The sight nearly squeezed the air out of your lungs. You pondered if it’d even fit inside of you. You’ve never seen a member quite this thick and this big.
“Don’t be shy, doll” He cooed. You let out a rather nervous giggle and positioned your body to have the rose tip poke at your soaked entrance.
The tip sunk into your hole and the tip was enough to slightly expand your walls. You let out a small whimper, completely intimidated by what else is bound to occur if you sunk him whole. Zoro let out a grunt.
The tender grip on your thighs is connected to your hips. Before you could get ahold of your own thoughts, Zoro slammed your hips to swallow him whole. You yelped at the sudden surge of pleasure by his monstrous girth and length. He chuckled, feeling your velvet walls wrap around his member and how much it satisfied him beyond belief.
“You feel a lot better than I imagined…” He breathed. Your brain was on the brink of going blank by one thrust. He kept his grip to suddenly begin moving at a decent pace. Each time he kissed your cervix was a submissive moan birthing out of your lips. Each sound coming out of you, including the sounds coming from your cunt making contact with Zoro, made the man grow more and more eager for your climax. He didn’t hesitate to quicken his speed.
“Fuuuuuuck~” Zoro groaned longingly. You had your hands sluggishly placed on his shoulders while he ballistically hammered your cunt with zero remorse. Your messy moans were nothing but music to Zoro’s ears.
“O-Oh~ Zoro… Mmmph~!”
Your legs began to spasm, signaling you were about to reach your climax. Zoro caught on immediately and he let out, yet again, another thirsty chuckle.
“Cum f’me, princess… C’mon~ augh~” He said right by your ear. Those words only made the rush of your climax speed up faster. Your moans, as well as your breathing, quickened.
“I’m gonna-! I’m gonna~!” You shrieked and spurted your juices all over Zoro’s lap. His slacks were now drenched completely by your own secretions. Despite the obvious fact they cost a pretty penny, Zoro didn’t care. You did someone to him and he loved every bit of it.
He recklessly pounded into you, letting you ride your own high and begin to reach his own. The constant thrusts began to overstimulate your body as well as your vision grew fuzzy and incomprehensible. Your moans got sluggish and even messier than you’d thought they be. Zoro began to sweat from his own “workout”.
“I’m gonna cum soon, baby” He groaned. You moaned, feeling relief that he’d finally begin to stop pounding your cunt with no pity whatsoever, and the warm feeling of his seed spilling out of you.
“Cum inside of me~” You slurred. Your mouth spilled with drool.
“Only- mmmph~ for you... Princess~” He groaned. His breathing became more shaky than before. His thighs twitched. You knew you’d be feeling his warm liquid any moment.
“F-Fuck~! Oh, fuck~!” He threw his head back with one final thrust and poured every last drop of his seed inside of you. You released one last scream of pleasure at the sensitive feeling of it.
Zoro’s inhuman speed began to simmer down. You felt the warmth swirl inside of you and it brought you nothing but bliss. You felt a hand pull your tired face away from the crook of his neck to face you. He held your sloppy cheeks with his thumb and index.
“We’re gonna have so much fun, princess…~ I already love everything about you” He smiled. You were able to form a smile through your euphoric high.
“Me too, Zoro~”
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all licensing and ownership belong to Eiichiro Oda
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dreamfyre03 · 7 months
A Dragon's Love
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Trigger Warnings: Kissing, swearing
Chapter 6: Feasts and Unfamiliar feelings
Dividers by: @zaldritzosrose
Header by: @zaldritzosrose
The day of the ball to kick of the week of celebrations for Aemond’s name day had come, and Aemond grimaced as he took in the Keep filled with lords and ladies that travelled from all corners of the Kingdom to be here. He knew these celebrations were less about him, more about it being used as an occasion for political scheming and machinations to be done behind the scenes.
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He sat at his seat atop the dias, between Daenys and Aegon, his father already retired back to his rooms after his brief appearance, his health restricting him from staying long. Daenys looked a vision in a stunningly rich red and black gown, her hair flowing down her back with small braids, and small rubies set in the braids. When she laughed again at something Aegon said, she threw her head back, revealing the smooth column of her neck, that prompted unsolicited thoughts of his mouth on that neck, and tore his gaze away. Helaena was listening on from next to Aegon, occasionally chiming in on their conversation. On the other end of the table, sat Rhaenyra and Daemon, with their children. His mother sat in the middle of the table, next to the King’s empty chair. He noted how Jace’s gaze lingered on Daenys longer than was proper, and how Rhaenyra gave her an icy greeting that caused a look of rejection to linger on her face. The room was decorated exquisitely in deep red and black, with the tables piled with meats and rich foods, and the glasses overflowing with rich Dornish wine. Aemond sipped his own wine, watching as Jace got up and walked over to their end of the table, stopping in front of Daenys.
“Princess Daenys, would you honour me with a dance?” He asked charmingly.
Daenys smiled kindly, and accepted, placing her hand in his, and they both joined the many nobles dancing to the music. Aemond gripped his glass tighter as he never let his eye leave her moving figure, intent on watching in case Jace let his hand wander too low, or pulled her in too close. He wouldn’t allow that Strong bastard to attempt to seduce her and lead her to ruin, or worse, steal her away from him entirely. He knew Daenys may never feel for him the depth of which he felt for her, but he also knew he wasn’t a good man, and he didn’t care, he would do whatever to ensure no other man would have her.
“It seems our nephew has taken a liking to our dear sister.” Aegon whispered, downing what undoubtably another of many glasses of wine.
Aemond ignored him, keeping his gaze fixed on her.
“Imagine Rhaenyra’s reaction when she realises her beloved bastard had a budding affection for the sister she inexplicably despises?” He continued, clearly intent on provoking his brother.
“Perhaps she reciprocates his sentiments?” He pushed, and Aemond slammed the glass down, nearly breaking it and replied, “She does not. You and I both know he isn’t good enough for our sister.”
“That, we can agree on. I’d rather never touch a drop of wine again that see her marry that fucking bastard. Or any of those gods awful Strong boys.”
“Well finally, something we both agree on.” Aemond said.
“As much as you believe me to be a useless fool, brother, I won’t jest when it comes to our sister.” Aegon told him.
Helaena sighed dreamily from next to Aegon, and said, “You underestimate Daenys. She can handle herself, and would it truly be so terrible if they took a liking to each other? Mayhaps it might be the first step to ending all this awful infighting.”
Aegon sighed and replied to her, “We know what our sister is capable of, it is our nephew we do not trust. This is the brother of the man who took our brother’s eye, his mother has a strange bitterness against her. He is a bastard, and Daenys deserves better.” Helaena nodded, understanding him but still no doubt wishing for there to be no more conflict.
They watched as Daenys laughed at something Jace said, as he spun her around gracefully.
“Alright, that’s enough of that.” Aegon said, getting up and going down to them, and Aemond and Helaena watched as Aegon cut in the dance, and Jace let Aegon take her hand instead.
“She is the thing that binds us four together,” Helaena said to him.
Aemond nodded, knowing she was right.
“But I know your love for her runs deeper than I can fathom,” she finished softly.
Aemond turned to look at her, but before he could deny it, Helaena laughed faintly and whispered, “You are my brother, and she is my sister. I’ve always known, brother. I notice more than you think. Don’t worry. Your secrets are always safe with me.”
Aemond just nodded, trying to hide his shock at the way he felt as the words were spoken openly for the first time.
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After dancing with Jace, then Aegon, Daenys was tired out, and walked off the dance floor and took a glass of wine from a servant passing by.
“You’re quite the dancer, Daenys.” Jace said as he walked up to her.
She chuckled, “Yes well, when it’s one of the few things princesses are taught to excel in, you find yourself to be rather skilled at it.”
“I’m sorry my brother cut off our dance so abruptly. Aegon is a good brother, regardless of what might be said of him.”
“Well, there is much that is said of him.” Jace replied, shifting so he stood closer to her.
“He has his faults, as do we all. But he is my brother, and I love him dearly.” She said.
“I understand. I love my family, but they are not without their own faults.” He responded.
Daenys eyes flickered over to the table, where Helaena was speaking to Aegon, and Aemond eyed Jace harshly before abruptly getting up from the table and storming quietly out of the great hall. She quickly excused herself to follow him, but was detained multiple times by lords or ladies to greeted her and pulled her into unwanted conversation.
Finally, she escaped the room and traversed the halls to the library, where they always found each other. Ever since they were children, they found solace in books, both loving the histories, and Aemond philosophy and Daenys any work of fiction where the dashing knight fell in love with the princess.
He sat in their corner, on the settee, his face fuming.
“Brother?” She called him softly, drawing him out of his thoughts.
His expression softened slightly when he saw her, and she came and sat next to him. “What’s troubling you?” She asked quietly, reaching out to run her fingers through his hair, an act she knew always calmed him since they were children.
He shook his head, closing his eye, relishing in her gentle touch.
“Tell me, brother, I saw you at the feast. You looked terribly angry. You still are. Have I upset you?” She asked.
“That stupid Strong boy,” he murmured under his breath. “Jace?”
He grumbled something indecipherable.
“Aemond, it was just a dance.” She reassured him.
“Aegon didn’t like it either,” he said suddenly, causing her to laugh.
“I know. But he didn’t look at him as though he wanted to skin him like a deer, did he?”
Aemond sulked and tried to turn away. She didn’t know why his reaction that could be mistaken for jealousy made her feel so satisfied.
She turned his head back to her, and as his hand touched the one that was in his hair, she felt herself growing warmer in her dress.
“I’m sorry I upset you so.” She said.
“I’m not upset with you. I could never be upset with you.” He replied lowly.
They kept their eyes locked on each other, and Daenys felt the tone of the room shift into something she had never felt before. Something so strong, so intense, it felt as though she were being pulled towards him. His hand that was over hers burned to the touch, and she didn’t even realise that their faces had gotten closer.
“You are so beautiful,” He whispered, his breaths becoming ragged.
“Aemond…” she was speechless, he had never spoken to her like that before, never looked at her like that before, like if she was all he could see, yet she found that in that moment, she never wanted him to stop.
His hand free hand came and gently held her in place by the chin, his thumb running over her bottom lip. The touch was so minimal, it was not the most extreme, vulgar thing that could be done, and yet…
Yet it made her ache for more.
But before anything could happen, a familiar voice called their names, and they pulled away instantly, and Aegon entered to room, eyeing them suspiciously. “Brother, mother’s looking for you. She says you can’t leave in the middle of a feast thrown in your honour.” He said.
Aemond just nodded, sparing her a glance before leaving.
Daenys remained planted on the settee, her mind still spinning at this newest interaction with her brother.
“Are you coming?” He asked.
She shook her head, “I’m quite lightheaded, actually. I think I should retire to my rooms, to lie down. Would you let your mother know for me?”
He shrugged, “Very well. I’ll not be here for much longer, I’m going into the city soon.” Daenys nodded as she got up and they began to walk.
“You seem a bit disoriented. Did you and Aemond have an argument?” He asked as they walked to her rooms.
“No, no. Can you just- please look out for him while you’re still at the feast. Ensure he doesn’t let his anger lead him to do anything he might regret.”
Aegon smirked, turning to face her as they reached her rooms. “His anger towards a certain bastard nephew of ours? Trying to protect him from our brother’s mighty wrath?”
“Hardly, I’m trying to protect Aemond from himself.” She replied.
“Very well. I suppose the fun would end too early if Aemond killed the fool before the night is over.” He said.
She rolled her eyes, before biding him goodnight and going into her rooms, undressing and slipping into bed, trying to read a book to distract herself, but she couldn’t focus on the words on the pages.
All she could think about was what would have happened if they weren’t interrupted, how his lips might have felt on hers.
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The next morning, as she took her breakfast in Helaena’s rooms, thinking about the night before, a servant came and sent a message for Daenys. Rhaenyra wished to speak with her, in her chambers.
Daenys dismissed the messenger and continued eating, and Helaena whispered, “The blood of the dragon will run true, when it is bonded by shades of blue.” Daenys was used to her sisters ramblings by now, even if she didn’t understand them, and simply nodded, wondering instead what her sister could want.
After finishing breakfast with Helaena, and returning to her chambers to reply to a letter from her brother Daeron in Oldtown, she made her way to her sister’s rooms, nervously knocking the door. Rhaenyra’s voice called out for her to enter, and she pushed the door open, to see her sister and their uncle Daemon sitting at the table in their rooms, while little Aegon and Viserys played on the floor.
“Sister, Uncle.” She greeted them.
“Sister, it is good to see you. Please sit.” Rhaenyra greeted in a surprisedly not cold manner, and Daenys sat with them at the table.
“Congratulations, on your pregnancy, sister.” Daenys broke the silence by saying.
For the first time, Rhaenyra’s expression softened as she touched her belly affectionately. “Thank you. How have you been?” She asked.
“Well.” She replied, trying to ignore her uncle looking at her intently.
“It’s a relief to see you in red and black, niece. I should hate to have seen you in green, of all colours.” Daemon finally said.
Daenys wasn’t surprised by his boldness, she knew of her uncle’s reputation, and of his brass and abrasive manner, even if she hadn’t spent much time around him.
“Yes, well it seems wearing green apparently gives people the assumption that they might presume one’s political alliances, within the clear divide in our family.” She responded. Daemon surprisingly grinned at her answer.
“Where do your loyalties lie then, sister?” Rhaenyra asked.
“My loyalties lie with what is right. I’ve no wish to play this game of politics.” She said.
“Then your loyalties would lie with me, as the true heir?” Rhaenyra pressed.
Daenys nodded unsurely, wondering where her sister was going with this.
“That is good to hear. I’m sure you are aware, sister, that the minute our beloved father passes, the Queen and the Hand will undoubtably seek to crown Aegon. In such a scenario, anything could happen, and we must be prepared for when the time comes.” Daenys nodded, unsure of what to say.
“And so, Daemon and I have spoken and we believe you must marry to secure allies for the cause. We will need men, resources, anything to ensure we are prepared for whatever Otto Hightower and the Queen have planned.” Daenys was shocked at her sister’s boldness.
“Aegon has no wish to be king.” Was all she could muster.
Daemon laughed. “You think it matters? That cunt Hightower will drag him up to be crowned against his will if that is what it takes.” He said.
Daenys felt herself become overwhelmed with anger. Her sister never cared for her, never treated her with love or kindness, and now she wanted her to marry, to decide the course of her life solely for the benefit of her cause? She never wanted to make amends.
“You’ve some nerve, Rhaenyra.” She said her name as though it were venom in her tongue. “You despise me the moment I was born, blame me for our mother’s death, mistreat me, and show nothing but callous cruelty, yet here you stand, entitled enough to ask me to chose how the rest of my life will be, all in service to you?” She asked incredulously.
Rhaenyra sat there, stunned. “If your loyalties lie where you say they do, you will do this.” Was all she finally said.
Daenys got up and felt the fiery anger coursing through her veins, “How can you call me sister, when you only seek to trade me like a piece on a board for your benefit? You truly are entitled, Rhaenyra. How sad it’s taken me this long to see it.” She said, before slamming the door shut behind her as she left.
Her anger turned to tears of hurt, and rejection once again, and she quickly made her way to the hidden room, sighing in relief when she found it empty.
She sat on the settee, crying, feeling like a fool for trying with her sister all these years. She never wanted to make amends, for Rhaenyra didn’t think there were amends to be made.
She cried for what felt like hours, and barely heard the door slide open, until she heard Aegon’s voice. “Sister? What’s happened?” He quickly came to her, placing the jug of wine he brought with him on the floor and sitting next to her, helping her sit up.
She shook her heard, sniffling as she wiped her tears. “Did someone try to hurt you? Did they touch you?” He asked worriedly, and she kept shaking her head.
He pulled her in until her face was buried in his chest; he smelled like wine and dragon. She felt him stroke her hair as she cried, a reverse of the position they often found themselves in. She kept crying, years of pain from her sister’s treatment of her coming out, until the wall opened once again, this time Aemond entering, being greeted with the sight of the pair.
“What’s wrong?” He quickly rushed over to them, sitting on the other side of Daenys.
“She hasn’t said.” She heard Aegon say.
She raised her head up and hiccuped through her cries, trying to steady her breathing. She saw the distraught look on Aemond’s face, and the concerned look on Aegon’s.
Aemond took her face in his hands, and forcing her to look at him. “What happened? Did someone hurt you?” He asked, eye roaming her body in search of blood or wounds.
She shook her head. “Rhaenyra,” was all she managed to get out, her voice hoarse from crying.
The brothers exchanged a look. “What did she do?” Aegon asked.
So she told them, how she met their sister at her request, thinking she wished to move forward, only to be met with talk of where her political loyalties must lie, what will happen when their father dies, and Rhaenyra wishing to marry her off for her cause.
Aemond’s face turned to one of stone cold fury, while Aegon shook his head and said, “I’ve no wish to be king. That is grandfather’s dream, not mine.”
“I told her that. Daemon said it didn’t matter.” She told them.
Aegon scoffed, “I shan’t be king. I’d soon put my head to the sword.”
Daenys looked over and Aemond, who hadn’t spoken. “Brother?” She rested her hand over his.
He turned to look at them both, and said, “I’d sooner put King’s Landing to Vhagar’s mercy than let our sister trade you for an army.”
She smiled through her sadness. “I know I must marry soon, but for Rhaenyra to come and wish to determine the course of my life when she’s never cared for me, it feels incredibly cruel.”
“Rhaenyra won’t care if she marries you off to a fat drunkard, or a fucking rapist. She won’t look out for you, not like we will.” Aegon said.
“You are the blood of the dragon, sister. We won’t let her try to ship you off to any old lord for her benefit.” Aemond said quietly.
She nodded and said, “I won’t marry for her own cause. I will marry and perform my duty, which is the marry for the good of the realm, not Rhaenyra’s benefit. She is not entitled to use me for her own.”
Her brothers nodded, saying nothing, but she noticed Aegon and Aemond exchange a quick look, before she yawned, the events of the morning tiring her out. Instinctively, she laid her head on Aemond’s shoulder, and Aegon gently let her legs lie on his lap. Her eyes grew heavy, soon closed, falling into sleep to the sound of her brothers quietly conversing with each other.
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“Our sister has some nerve, you must admit.” Aegon told him quietly, as Daenys slept below them.
Aemond was furious upon hearing Rhaenyra’s intentions. He spent the rest of the night before thinking of the moment in the library, over and over, taking himself in his hand and bringing himself to release just thinking about how her eyes grew dark, how her lips felt so soft and delectable under his finger. He intended to speak to her the next morning, even though he didn’t know what to say, but there were more pressing matters now.
“Our mother was trying to match her with Linus Tyrell.” Aemond told him.
“What? When?” Aegon asked.
“Months ago.” Aemond replied.
Aegon looked at him expectantly, and he said, “Before their courtship could begin, I simply let him know that our sister deserves much better than frivolous gardens in the Reach to be satisfied, and let him know that his attentions weren’t welcome.”
Aegon snickered, “I never much cared for him.”
Aemond stroked her hair as she slept, and Aegon said, “You should marry her. It would keep her safe, and we would all be together. If she got sent away, Helaena would be heartbroken.”Aegon’s words were true, Aemond knew that Helaena and Daenys had a sisterly bond that took them both through difficult times, including her marriage to Aegon.
“Who’s to say she would want to? I won’t force her into anything.” Aemond replied.
“I know you’ve always wanted her, brother. It’s why when I took you to that brothel on the Street of Silk, you didn’t do anything, because it was our sister you wanted.” Aegon said.
Aemond didn’t wish to remember the awful night Aegon took him with on his nightly excursions, and said quietly, “She deserves better than I.”
“Yet you won’t let another have her.” Aegon finished his thought aloud.
Aemond knew his feelings were selfish and complicated, but he chose to deal with them another time. Right now, he had to make sure Rhaenyra couldn’t use their sister for her political machinations. Aegon took a swig of wine and passed him the bottle, to which Aemond drank. He wasn’t a drinker like his brother, but on occasion he gave in and drank with him, as did Daenys.
She looked so beautiful while she slept, almost angelic, the way her lips formed into a small pout, her small breaths making her move slightly, her hair splayed out around her. He reached down and wiped the remaining tears staining her face, drinking in the sight of her beauty as they sat in silence together.
That evening, he went to his mother’s chambers, intent on speaking with her about Daenys. He passed through the doors as Ser Criston held them open for him, and his mother greeted him, her face tired from the activities of the day. “My son, what troubles you?” She asked as they sat down, noting his grim expression.
“Mother, we must speak about Daenys.” He said. Her eyes furrowed in concern. “Why? Has something happened to her?’
“She was summoned by Rhaenyra this morning. Apparently she and Daemon wish to marry Daenys off to gain more allies for Rhaenyra. Daenys was distraught, she assumed Rhaenyra wished to make amends.” Alicent’s face grew serious.
“Rhaenyra may be the heir, but she has no authority to dictate who your sister might wed. It is high time she was, but I’m afraid in the midst of all that his happening, the matter of her marriage has taken lesser priority.” He nodded, as she continued.
“I’ve broached the subject with your father in the past. She’s received offers for her hand, but he’s rejected them all, his reasoning is entirely lost on me.”
“She’s a good girl, Daenys. Sometimes I wonder what our family would be were she not here.” His mother said wistfully.
Aemond nodded, knowing she was right. His sister held them together, they were by no means a happy, functional family, but she made things better simply by being her. She was important to them all, but she was priceless to Aemond.
“In any case, you were right to let me know. Now I know Rhaenyra is here with more intentions that to simply see her father, or partake in festivities. You are a good son, Aemond.” His mother said.
He bid his mother goodnight and left, walking to his own chambers at last. He knew his mother relied on him, especially since Aegon almost never performed his duties as expected of him as the eldest son. He always stepped up, always did more than was required of him.
He shut the doors to his rooms, and nearly jumped when he heard a voice call out him name quietly. Daenys sat on the settee in his rooms, her hair loose running down her back, yet faming her face giving her a soft, delicate beauty. She was in her blue nightgown, with her robe hanging loosely off her frame. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” She said.
“You didn’t scare me.” He grumbled, causing her to chuckle.
“Whatever you say, brother.” She grinned.
“To what do I owe the honour of you visiting my chambers?” He asked, taking off his belt that held his sword and dagger.
“Well, in the midst of all the celebrations for your name day, I almost forgot to give you your gift.” She told him. She held out a package wrapped in parchment, tied with string and a little flower tucked under.
He sat next to her and opened it, truly surprised at the sight. It was a rare, uncensored copy of the Mythology of Old Valyria. He’d reached out to countless scholars, to no avail. Yet she got it. For him.
He was dumbfounded, and looked up and her smiling face. “Well? Do you like it?” She asked shyly.
“I love it. Thank you, Daenys.” He said. He truly believed in that moment, no one would ever know him like she did.
“How- how did you manage this? I have been trying for months,” He passed his hand over the old, worn leather cover.
“I have my ways, dear brother.”
Their eyes locked again, and her breath hitched as he leaned in closer to her, setting the book aside. The air in the room immediately shifted, his breaths grew heavy as he brushed a strand of her hair that fell into her face.
Her scent consumed him, the scent of jasmine and lilies, and when her hand reached out to touch his face, he felt every inkling of self control beginning to dissipate within him.
“Aemond,” she whispered his name, almost luring him with her voice. She would be the death of him.
He brushed his fingers over her lips again, and she closed her eyes, her breaths becoming shaky under his touch. Her skin was burning, and the room felt engulfed with a heat that he knew was not as a result of the fire burning in the fireplace.
He leaned in, his lips brushing over hers, and it was utterly euphoric. He didn’t ever kiss her yet, and he was addicted to the feeling.
“Kiss me, Aemond.” She said lowly.
With that clear indication of willingness from her, he crushed his lips to hers, tasting her lips for the first time. When he nipped his bottom lip with his teeth, she gasped, and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue in her mouth, fulling tasting her.
She was addictive.
He was drowning in her, her hands taking initiative and going to the back of his head, pressing him deeper into the kiss, if that were possible. Her fingers laced through his hair, and his hand slid up her neck, lightly wrapping his fingers around it.
She was so innocent, yet so sinful. She was temptation, and he was ready to be led into sin.
She softly moaned into his mouth, and the sound was glorious, and he wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of his life eliciting it from her lips.
They finally pulled apart for air, and Aemond felt himself burning through his thick leather clothes, sweat forming on his brow. He had never been so utterly taken apart by a single kiss.
Her face was flushed red, her hair messy, and her lips wet with his saliva. He knew if they were alone for a moment longer, he would lose himself in her, claim her maidenhead, then claim her as his.
She clearly sensed this too, and said, “I ought to get back.
”He nodded, and got up to walk her to the other end of the room, where his secret entrance to the tunnels was.
He turned her to look at him once again, and she smiled nervously at him.
“Ñuhon” (mine) he whispered to her.
“Aōhon” (yours) she replied in a shaky whisper.
He leaned over her and pressed on the panel in the wall to let it slide open, and then took her hand, and gave it a chaste kiss, utterly contrasting the kiss they shared seconds ago.
And with that, she walked through the secret entrance, and the panel shut close, leaving him with the tingling sensation of their kiss on his lips, and the smell of jasmine and lilies in the air.
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baby-dragons-art · 5 months
Strangers become shadows part one
Short story/ imagine
Sauron X OC
Cute, yandere, stalker, no mercy, short story (loosely based on the fall of Numenor)
{When a stranger, she met as a child, became an unwanted, dangerous advisor to your king.} Part one.
Read more below
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Looking back, the signs were obvious. Being so young, how was she to realize the difference between good and evil, friend and enemy?
It was autumn. The arbor gardens of Numenor had taken on their rich colors, welcoming cooler winds from the north.
Her mother was tending laundry in the palace under wings, a task that was exceedingly boring to the child, and that drove her to wander, often into trouble. She couldn't help it. Living in the common burrows of the city made working in the palace something of a fantasy. She was surrounded by beauty, wealth, and majesty of the numenorian kingdom when coming to work with her mother. It was nearly impossible not to go and explore.
Her favorite game was to lose herself in the palace gardens and pretend she was someone of importance. A princess, a lady of wealth... the queen. On one of her many wanderings, Nena was holding a humble banquet to a loyal host of twigs, acorns, and picked flowers as she gave a long speech of how happy she was to be queen. She promised her subjects that the next banquet would be far grander and everyone in attendance should expect to gift her with various pets upon entry. Her heart felt speech was interrupted when in the gardens she heard a bell chime six times. Sunset.
She must have been in the garden far longer than she thought. The last call for her mother's duties concluded at five bells. They were often home when the palace bells rang 6. How long had she been away?
Immediately, Nena rose to her feet and tettered away from her subjects as fast as she could. She could only imagine how furious her mother would be when she found her. A swift pop on the head would be the least of Nena's worries when she got home. The girl fretted about what punishment she would receive as she ran, not seeing that the path before her was blocked entirely.
In an instant, she ran into a firm obstacle that sent her back into the dirt with a thud.
"Oof!" Was her only exclamation. When she opened her eyes and looked up, she saw a person. A very tall, darkly dressed person. At first, Nena did not move, a swift unease washed over her, like a wave of cold water. She could not understand why but the sight of this person made her feel small and alone.
This individual stood over as though he were a tree. Black, rather tattered robes pooled on the ground around him like tar. That did not give her pause to be uncomfortable as much as his eyes did. They were glowing.
The expression on his face was one she had seen before. Disgust.
Nena swallowed hard. "S-sorry...." she muttered and recalled what her mother had taught her when interacting with anyone from the palace. She got to her feet, picked up her skirts, and did a clumsy bow. "It was an accident...".
The man did not reply. He instead took a step back and looked down at her from the bridge of his nose. Nena stared. She knew it was rude to stare, but.... she had never seen anyone with eyes like his before.
Curious, she spoke.
"Are candles stuck in your head?" She asked as she dropped her bow and pointed to his face. The man blinked harshly. Certainly, this had been the most bizarre question anyone had asked him. From Valinor to Angband to now, no one had ever uttered such words to him, especially not child. The man leaned back further, grimacing as he replied.
Nena leaned forward, on her tip toes, pointing at his face again. "Do you have candles in your head? Your eyes are bright. Does it hurt?"
He paused at the question. Breifly, he looked about them and endeavored to see where this child had come from, why she was wandering about. There was no one else. The gardens were quiet, and there was no indication of who she belonged to.
The man readjusted, stood straight, and now looked down at her directly with a critical but eased expression.
"There are no candles in my head." He said flatly.
This seemed to confuse the child as she scrunched her nose and narrowed her gaze.
"You ate fireflies?"
His brows shot up.
"I don't eat them." She said as a matter of fact, now suspicious of this man who she knew must have eaten many fireflies to get his eyes to glow.
"You shouldn't eat bugs. Mother says it will make you sick. How many are in there?"
He was silent, watching as this child tilted her head at him to see him better. Never had anyone posed such foolish questions to him. Why would they? The fact that this human child persisted in her questions and not run from him in terror was irritating but also slightly curious.
"Let me see!" She insisted, now grabbing hold of his cloak, pulling on it. Her other hand reached upward expecatly, as though he were to give her the fireflies at once.
He hesitated, staring down at the child, raising his hand, fingers curled. Despite his intention to be in those gardens alone, he now had this small human child grabbing onto him, talking to him. If he had wanted conversation, he would have sought out his captor and endured the gloating of a pompus king. However, this was new.
Despite her dank smell, dirty hands, and face, the man knelt down and was level with her. The folds of his cloak engulfed them both and made for what certainly was a horrific sight should any behold it. A small human child, face to face with the horror of Arda. If only she had known.
At last, Nena could see his eyes fully. They were like looking into a blacksmiths forge. Two black slits surrounded by molten rock, churning and swirling with in hues of amber that glowed warmly. Nena huffed in confused.
She reached with her tiny, round hands and held his face at the cheeks. The man grunted at the sudden contact but did not move. He was stunned. She must be dull whitted.... what human would ever touch him so?
Squishing his cheeks slightly, Nena looked intently into his eyes, trying to see any of the fireflies he had eaten. But none could be found.
"Where are they?" She frowned, tilting his head side to side. The man took her little arms and pulled her hands away carefully. It was amusing how intent the child was in believing he had consumed vast amounts of inscects to have his eyes glow. A small smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth as he humed an answer.
"I don't eat fireflies." He said simply, his tone softer than it had been. "But I do eat children." His tone became smug, squeezing her arms slightly as though to test how plump she was.
Nena blinked at him, her mouth agape slightly, his answer catching her by supprise. "My favorite children to eat are the ones that ask too many questions." He smiled, now showing a set of white teeth and two sharp fangs for canines. "The more questions, the better. It helps me decide which child is the better to cook."
Nena stared at him a moment more. You could almost see her brain trying to figure out how he could possibly eat children who asked too many questions. With the silence growing, he was sure she would have turned her skirts and ran, screaming in fear. Instead, she cracked a smile, and his smile dropped.
"No, you dont." She chuckled. "Only ogres eat babies, you're a person." She stated firmly. "A person who eats fireflies."
She was wholly amused by this, laughing at him as though he were the most absurd thing she had ever seen. The man grimaced at her laughter.
".... Not very bright, are you?" He asked, poking a finger on her head, frowning. Though his attempt to scare the child had failed, he was not angered or insulted. The smalles huff of his own amusment puffed from his mouth. What a strange child...
It was in this moment that hurried footsteps stomped toward them. A shrill cry split Nena's ears before she felt two arms rip her away from the man. It was her mother. The poor woman's face was red, her eyes wide with terror as tears filled them. She held onto Nena as though death itself had come for her daughter.
"Valar protect us. /STAY AWAY/ from my daughter!!" She screamed at him as sweat glistened on her face. Nena began to whimper slightly, frightened by her mother's scream and by how roughly she had been picked up. Certainly, she was in trouble for wandering off, but her mother was not mad. No, she was terrified.
The man rose to his feet slowly, his expression darkly blank as he glared at the woman. He said nothing.
"Mother..." Nena tried to speak, but a hand was covered over her mouth, and immediately, the woman ran with her daughter.
"Did he hurt you?!" She gasped. Nena shook her head no, not understanding why her mother was so upset. The man did nothing wrong.
He could hear the woman fret and coddle over her daughter as she ran hysterically through the gardens. He stood listening until he heard no more of them, and all became silent once more. He stared down at the spot the child had been, then used his hands to brush his face clean of dirt.
"Nena." He quietly remarked to himself, then turned and continued his walk through the gardens.
"A strange child."
It would be 15 years before Nena would ever think of that man in the gardens again. She grew and forgot about childish games, imaginary friends, or men who ate fierflies. Fantasies were left behind in the shadows of childhood.
As she grew, Nena would soon take her mother's place as a maiden of service in the palace and partake in her most favorite pastime. Laundry.... it was not the life of wealth and leisure she had hoped for. But it kept food on the table and a roof over her mother's head.
Nena had chosen to take on her role full time, living in the servants wing of the palace and sending what coin she could to her aging mother. It was Nena's duty and pride to watch over her mother in this way, a repayment for all the years of labor and love shown to her. Now, secured in her place, a reliable, steadfast maiden, she prided herself in hard work and the satisfaction of her lords and ladies. She was unremarkable to her superiors, loyal to her friends.
Her labor had doubled in recent days as more and more laundry was sent to the under wings in preparation for a rather festive occasion in Numenor. The king, Ar-Pharazon was going to announce his next advisor.
Though it was a simple announcement, the whole kingdom would see fit to celebrate the news and make merry. Such events were taken seriously, and with such grandure, that the Valar themselves would be envious. The name of the kings advisor to be was kept secret. No one, not even palace gossip, could determine who the king had chosen.
Nena, arms deep in a bath of suds, listened as her fellow maidens discussed the whole affair.
"Not even the queen knows." One said with bewilderment. This caused some uproar with the other women as they gasped in unison. "How can she not know? Does his majesty intend to leave the kingdom in doubt?"
"What if the chosen is unfit to advise?"
"I hardly see a reason why it is kept secret. It's not like anyone would disapprove of his magesties' decisions."
Nena pulled wads of washed, soapy linen from the tub and pulled them onto a table to be scubbed.
"I think we should attend the announcement and see for ourselves." One spoke up. "What do you think, Nena?"
She looked up from her brush and rolled her eyes dismissively, a smile on her lips.
"I don't mind a good celebration. So long as I can get to my bed by the end of the night, I don't see why I can't attend. Besides, the kingdom could use a good cheering up."
Stick around for part 2!
(If you like the story and want to see more, leave a comment! Criticism is welcome!)
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katakosmos · 2 months
mhmm arthurian cycle mhmmm irene mhmmm tell me more. tell me much much more. specifically on lancelot!!!! how do you see him??? is he a remus variant, is he a barty variant…i’ve seen loads of options thrown around, but i love decided to consult the oracle.
after 5 attempts, i've decided this will be a why-lancelot-is-a-sirius-AND-a-barty-variant essay (in a world where arthur is james and guinevere is lily).
lancelot lost his father when he was still an infant, in a war that destroyed his kingdom. his mother, elaine, was desperate, and the two were forced to flee. but, in the general confusion, lancelot was kidnapped by a powerful sorceress: the lady of the lake. she raised him for 15 years on her lush island of eternal spring, avalon, the land of magic. lancelot lived for many years in an idyllic world, growing up with powerful and ancient sorcerers, such as merlin.
yet, when it was time to reclaim his name and origins, he became a knight of the round table. he didn't regain his kingdom, he didn't even marry to live the life of a king. no, he gave up everything to follow a handsome man on his extraordinary adventures. in a world he had never seen and that he didn't know. this sounds like a sirius black behavior to me.
lancelot was arthur's biggest fangirl, he adored him in every way, he was the closest knight to the king. and arthur trusted him completely, with his life and also with his wife's (because lancelot was guinevere's champion). and here we could make another parallel between lancelot, charged with protecting the king and his family, who actually becomes the main cause of arthur's death, in the war caused by his and guinevere's betrayal; and then sirius, who was supposed to protect the life of james and his entire family, but who then backs out, indirectly causing the death of his best friend.
also, lancelot is described as the most handsome man in britain, because he has both feminine and masculine traits. men went crazy for him, and women too (guinevere was obsessed with him; morgana loved him as much as she hated him, and she kidnapped him a couple of times; and elaine, his wife, tricked him just to get pregnant with his son).
speaking of his relationship with women, i would like to introduce the barty variant 😈 because women made lancelot's life pure hell. especially guinevere, lily in an ideal universe, who was married to a rich and powerful man, but still decided to obsess over the strange gay boy with signs of mental instability. and also, i like to think that at first he was forced by guinevere to appear romantically involved with her, because she was the queen and he couldn't say no (like: "i order you to flirt with me", which is totally unrealistic since guinevere and lancelot are both extremely religious — in fact, as soon as they escape from camelot they both retire to a convent — , but let me enjoy a bratty guinevere).
it is true however that guinevere was extremely touchy and jealous towards him, to the point that when she found out about what happened between lancelot and elaine (which was not consensual btw since elaine pretended to be guinevere), she banished him from the kingdom for like 2 to 5 years, and he went crazy in the woods.
in conclusion, i have to admit that for me lancelot is not perfectly represented by any marauders era character (even if i really like him as a sirius variant). so for me he is: tall, with shoulder length black hair and surprisingly gay, not bisexual (because his love for guinevere is nothing but the reflection of his love for arthur. in fact, adding something to the story of the convent, lancelot and guinevere destroy a kingdom with their desire, but when they run away to live together, they look each other in the eyes and decide to become a nun and a monk. this means two things: what guinevere felt for lancelot was only a silly teenager crush, cause when she got married she must have been 13 years old; and lancelot's love for guinevere was closely linked to arthur: when he lost arthur, he also lost his love for guinevere).
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laughingsour · 1 year
Wind’s father figures.
Okay, this is definitely one fic I gotta write when I finish my current one for One Piece:
Before meeting the Chain, Wind has had a total of three people he's considered his dad.
Everyone talks about Linebeck and how he's Wind dad even if he won't admit it, so for now I'll leave him be and focus on the other two.
-First it was his birth father that tragically died when he was 5. He was a famous cartographer from whom Wind inherited his love for the sea and navigation skills.
-Wind's father would tell him the legend of the Hero of Time himself and other stories about his journeys across the Great Sea while they would both stare longingly at the waves.
-When Wind was born, he stopped sailing for some time because he was afriad of leaving his family alone if something happened to him. But when Wind's mother got pregnant with Aryll, the family was suddenly in need of more money.
-It was then that someone offered Wind's father a huge sum for drawing a map to locate the infamous ghost ship of the Great Sea. He took the job because the money would be enough for the family, but he'd have to lie to say he wasn't happy to get back on the waves one more time.
-Wind's father was able to complete the map and even discovered what was the supposed treasure in it's cargo. But before he could tell anyone, he mysteriously died and his map dissappeared.
-Since the map was nowhere to be found, the rich man who commissioned him refused to pay his familiy. This is one of the reasons Wind started to embrace the pirate's life while sailing the Great Sea.
-Wind's mom died when she gave birth to Aryll and so her two children were left to be raised by their grandma.
-During Wind Waker, Wind bonds with the King of Red Lions/King Daphnes
-I imagine King Daphnes as an opposite to King Roahm, but just as tragic and unintentionally harmfull. While Roahm didn't make sure to let Zelda know that he was in her corner, Daphnes innocently put too much pressure in Wind by remaining supportive, but still placing all his hopes in him.
-Think of Shifu's line to Tai Lung in Kung Fu Panda, "I loved you too much to realize what I was turning you into. I'm sorry."
-King Daphnes is not only is the first to believe that Wind has the makings of a Hero, he remains his biggest supporter through their journey.
-King Daphnes is the one who teaches Wind how to navigate and sail and Wind is ecstatic to find out he inherited his father's skills as a natural navigator and cartographer.
-He also encourages Wind to explore the Great Sea as he's wanted to his entire life, on the basis that it'll help him become strong enough to face Ganondorf. More importantly though, Daphnes just wants Wind to be as much of a kid as he can be in their situation.
-It's not long before they start to see each other as father and son. Daphnes tells him that, even if the gods thought otherwise, to him he would always be as brave and heroic as any old legend and that he's proud no matter what happens.
-This does become a problem because Daphnes has such belief and pride in Wind that he fails to realize in how much danger he's dragging his boy into. A brave boy, yes. But still a boy who shouldn't have to fight a man's battle.
-Because of that, he never stops to think about persuading Wind to stop and let an adult handle it. Wind would've refused of course, but that conversation between them never happens.
-It's not until Wind's friends start to be chosen one by one to fullfill their duties as Princess and Sages that Wind starts to question Daphnes and the kingdom's importance.
-Makar becoming a Sage is the last straw for Wind and he and Daphnes have a terrible disagreement. In the end, Wind tells Daphnes that he'll keep fighting to save his friends but that he was a fool for getting attached to someone who's just using him.
-That serves as a wake-up call to Daphnes to what he's doing and he starts to wonder if this world would be better off without Hyrule.
-Wind not only discovers his father's ghost ship map but also manages to hunt the ship down and recover the treasure aboard: A piece of the Triforce. He still doesn't find out what truly happened to his father but he's glad that his final work wasn't for nothing in the end.
-His expirience aboard the ship leaves him very shaken, but he still refuses to speak or listen to Daphnes unless necessary.
-When Wind gets appointed as the new Hero Spirit before descending to Hyrule again, Wind no longer feels as excited as he thought he would be in that moment.
-When Daphnes wishes for Hyrule to be drowned, part of him wants to come with Wind to keep raising his boy, if he'll have him. But the other is too weighted down by regret over failing his kingdom before and his son in the present.
-To this day, Wind is still guilt-ridden over saying Daphnes never cared for him. He'd give anything to be able to take it back.
-Wind is very much aware that Daphnes put him and his loved ones in danger and he's conflicted on why he chose to stay to drown. But he can't find it in him to stop missing the King or loving him.
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justm3di0cr3 · 11 months
Alrighty then ignoring that first accidental post @midnightmah07
Happy Accidents
"And you're absolutely certain you want to stay?"
"Mhm. I'll be fine,I promise. Don't worry about me so much."
Trein sighed, eying Daisy one last time before walking off, muterring goodbye along with a 'Take care and call me if you need anything'. Daisy waved to him and shut the door once he was out of her sight.
As it so happened was that Daisy's step sisters had a event coming up that required parent or Guardian's attendance. Trein offered to take Daisy along but she had denied it as to not bother him.
She was to only stay alone for a day and a half anyway and would maintain the house while her stepfather was away.
Another bonus was that there was a ball being held in the Kingdom and she wanted to attend it. Not for any man, heavens no!Not that her stepfather would approve of any guy anyway. It was just an excuse to spend some time with her friends.
The day sped along rather quickly and before she knew it, she was all dolled up, wearing a soft blue dress. After some hassle,she made it to the castle, and my was the place gorgeous. Glass Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, light reflecting off then with golden hues. The place glimmered and would leave any normal person awestruck at its sight. It was a bit overwhelming frankly as she tried to locate her friends in the massive crowd of people,as they chatted along with one another, indulging themselves in what the ball room had to offer. Atlast she spotted familiar figures and moved to join her little friend group.
The hours ticked by as they entertained eachother with their own humors. that was until.....until a certain realization hit.
"I forgot to lock the back door..."
Daisy's face morphed into panic and she quickly said goodbye and parted ways, rushing along to make her way home. Her mind clouded with panic, she didn't hear the someone call her.
As the sound finally reached her ears, she turned around to see a guy around her age holding something...wait...WAS THAT HER NECKLACE?!
"I've been running after you for a good minute y'know. You dropped this. Better be careful, guys around here aren't as nice as me to return something this expensive looking shishishi"
"Oh- thank you."
Daisy extended her arm to grab her necklace back looking up at the stranger. He had dirty blonde hair with grey eyes and was fairly tall and clearly a beastmen.
"What are you doing this part of town anyway? By the way your dressed, your clearly not from here."
Daisy gave a puzzled look and looked around and oh my god...when did she become this careless?! Had she taken a wrong turn?!
"Woah Woah!! Geez, you looked so worked up. Let me guess, your lost and have no clue how to get back, right?"
"Unfortunately yes. I was in a bit of a hurry that I must've switched to a different route unintentionally."
"Well lucky for you,I know this entire town like the back of my hand and will help you out for a small payment."
Daisy sighed. Of course this was expected. She contemplated her options and agreed. Anything was better than stumbling around like a headless chicken.
So the two ventured, chatting along the way. The guy was surprisingly nice. Eventually after their stroll, they arrived to Daisy's house. The guy let out a whistle.
"You looked rich but damn this is a nice place you got."
"Thanks. But now back to the agreement, you want something in return right?"
Daisy's eyes widened and she parted her lips to question on the change of mind.
"Your house wasn't that far and I needed to get something from this side of the town anyway. So I'll overlook this favour."
Daisy gave a small smile as the guy walked off before calling out to him.
"Hey wait! I never got your name."
"Hmm? Oh. It's Ruggie. Yours?"
Ruggie blinked a couple of time while Daisy just chuckled.
"Just call me Daisy."
"Alright well it was nice meeting ya I guess."
And with that he walked off, his figure fading in a distance and daisy went to check the house for anything array.
Finding nothing,she retired for the night, lying in bed and just before she lost her consciousness to the land of dreams, a soft smile graced her face. Maybe if Fate allowed it, She'd meet Ruggie again.
And then her eyes widened. She hadn't seen her necklace once after the encounter....
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I drove 30 minutes each way today to go and see Ponniyin Selvan 2 at the theater closest to me that was still showing it. So this is the sequel to a movie that I didn’t even know about until last Saturday but I’m now OBSESSED (so if you’re a fan and I just friended you that’s why!)
The long drive was soooo worth it though I’m a little ticked off that the manager of the theater was so late to open things up that we missed the first ten minutes of the film (but I know I’ll watch both films again when Amazon gets PS2 in late June so no violence was done ;))
Short version: well worth seeing in the theater and I’m really glad I got the chance. I loved the movie, and couldn’t believe how fast it moved for an-almost 3 hour film. The characters and plot were as engrossing as in the first film and I’m glad I was mostly unspoiled except by history (spoilers below) because there were moments of intense suspense. I’m sad that it’s not a trilogy because I really wanted to spend even MORE TIME in this world with these people.
Longer version (with SPOILERS):
1. I knew Aditha Karikalan would die at some point because he never became a Chola king. And it was probably for the best that he didn’t rule the Cholas lands because I think he would not have made a good king, being so ruled by his passions. At least a few courses in anger management would have helped probably. But … Vikram was really stunning in the role of a man who loathes himself for what he’s become and is dying of guilt and shame long before he actually dies. Just ... I need to watch both movies again and see how his character develops from the flashbacks to the bitter husk of a man he is.
I still can’t figure out one thing, which is why he agreed to basically give up the kingdom for Madhurantakan without taking account the interests of his brother Arunmozhi Varman, whom he very demonstrably cared for deeply. (He was destroyed by the thought that his younger brother had drowned, and the only time we've seen present Aditya happy what when Nambi told him that Arunmozhi was alive.) Was it just because he already knew he was either going to convince Nandini to run away with him or more likely let her kill him and other people would be sorting out that mess anyway? Another reason that he wouldn’t have made a good king - running off with another dude's wife - but which made him such a fascinating and complex character and I keep thinking about how both Nandini and Aditha were destroyed by his family's actions. *sob* (Although, Arunmozhi also gave up a crown twice - the one the monks offered him in Sri Lanka and the one his father gave him at the end - so maybe giving up kingdoms just runs in the family. I'm #TeamQueenKundavai TBQH :P)
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2. That brings me to Nandini. I felt like she really did love Aditha Karikalan but she also did love power and being a Queen (because of the theater malfunction I only got to see the very end of the flashbacks of young Aditha and young Nandini at the beginning of the movie so I may have a clearer understanding that this is not what she's about once I see that.) Aditha says "lies!" when she says she wants power, and riches, and a throne, but I think it's not *entirely* lies? She was powerless when the Cholas deported her, and powerless to stop Aditha from killing the man she thought of as a father (who actually WAS her father), so I can certainly understand why part of her longed for the power to protect herself from heartbreak and destitution and why that part of her was willing to use her beauty to manipulate men (like Parthibendran, more on him later.) Her vengeance and hatred hollowed out her character just as much as guilt and anger did to Aditha, but she doesn't murder Vanthiyadevan (OMG HOW DO YOU SPELL THAT?) when she has the chance even though she knows he's going to do everything to spoil her plans. So there's still something in her that isn't completely spoiled, and I ended up just feeling incredibly awful for her (and even more awful for her mother!)
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She is so damn beautiful! (One slight thing that I WISH they had done was give the young woman who played young Nandini (wonderfully) some hazel contact lenses so I'd wouldn't mentally have to color her eyes :P)
3. Next we come to Vandiyadevan, who was just ... perfect? I loved him. He was like an ancient Tamil D'Artagnan (and that would make Aditha Karikalan Athos and Nandini Milady, I guess? And Nambi is Porthos and Kundavai is Aramis, the clever one.) Anyway, he was great, smart, quick-thinking, a great warrior, but also not at all dumb. I really liked him and enjoyed all of his scenes. And I found out from history that the historical character did get to marry Kundavai so YAY! He was just a nice bright spirit without a ton of angst.
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4. And now we come to the titular character, Ponniyin Selvan (Ponni's son) himself, Arunmozhi Varman, who eventually becomes Rajaraja Chola. I had never even heard of Jayam Ravi (sorry, this is I think the first Tamil movie I've watched since I was a kid) but he was ABSOLUTELY PERFECT as the young "King of Kings." I think this might have been the most difficult role in the film to pull off, simply because Rajaraja Cholas is so famous and so beloved STILL, a thousand years after his death. It's very rare that I would love the unequivocally good guys in a historical epic or fantasy movie/series but there is something about this character played by this actor that is just extremely charismatic. To start with, he's tall and handsome so that helps. But there's another quality that no one else in this film has, which that he radiates inner calm.
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It's not that he doesn't have strong emotions that he shows on his face, because yes absolutely he does, and it's not that he doesn't have much do action-wise because he does, especially in P-S2.
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But in the midst of this frenetic action and these tortured characters, Arulmozhi Varman has this quality of stillness at his core. No wonder the Buddhist monks like him so much that that they will put themselves between him and assassins' daggers. (Also did I mention the tall and handsome part?)
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Plus, he has that classic "worthy to be a king" thing going because he does not want the throne and that's what makes him worthy. First of all, he refuses the throne of Lanka when he's offered it by the Buddhist monks there, and then, after he's won the battle and broken the rebellion and secured the safety of his family's kingdom, he gives up THAT crown too. WE - the audience - know that Uttama Chola will ultimately die (I think peacefully?) and Arulmozhi will become Rajaraja Chola but HE doesn't know that, and none of the other people, his friends and family, know that either. Like, I'm kind of in awe of the actual historical figure too. The character could have died so many times in these two films, and the historical person, who was a warrior king, could also have died long before he took the throne, so he was FOR REAL making a huge sacrifice. And I think he did it so there would be no divisions that the Cholas' enemies could take advantage of, as there had been for Nandini and the Pandyas to exploit when Maduranthakan decided that yes, he did want to be king and that it wasn’t fair that his brother’s oldest son would be king instead of him. No one living at the end of the film knows that Aditha essentially killed himself, but everyone knows that the plotters were using Maduranthakan as a puppet. (The crown was kind of funny looking so I'm actually glad my boo didn't put it on at the end :P) (Also more on Maduranthakan later.)
Also, how cool is it that in the battle at the end, Arunmozhi comes riding out of the smoke while the Chola anthem plays, just as his brother did in the first scene of the first movie. I love that parallel (and the differences are important too, because Aditha was engaging in a conquest of a neighboring kingdom and Arunmozhi is defending the Chola kingdom.)
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Anyway, Ponniyan Selvan lived to become the great Rajaraja Chola, whose reign saw one of the highest points of Indian art (the extraordinary Chola bronzes) and the construction of the great South Indian temple of Brihadeswara in Thanjavur.
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The carvings are amazing (look closely at this elephant which is doing something that happens in PS2 :D)
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OK, moving on ... though I don't want to ...
5. Kundavai, the third royal sibling, who I also love to BITS. She didn't have as much to do in this film, I thought, and maybe it's because there was more focus on Nandini in this one, but she remained smart and sensible and I love the face-off with her uncle when he brings the Shiva-yogis to make his mother (Kundavai's grandmother) apologize for not putting him on the throne. Kundavai forces him and his rather intimidating crowd of followers to back off with a lot of hard stares (Paddington would be so proud.) And then she has the lovely little scene with Vandiyadevan (I'm still so sorry I don't know how to make this work) and and another gorgeous scene with her brothers at the Buddhist monastery (which, I love the scene but I hate that it’s the ONLY one). I love her, and I think she should have become the queen and my only consolation is that IRL she got to basically shape two great kings of the Chola dynasty, Rajaraja AND his son Rajendra. (And Rajaraja named his daughter after her so he obviously appreciated her a LOT.) Anyway, I love her and would love a series about her (IF ANYONE IS LISTENING.)
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Awww! I just want to draw little hearts and flowers around this GIF. I wish we got more of them being adorable and hot together.
6. Everyone else (sorry this is getting super long), including some questions I have.
a. Vanathi: I know I saw some scenes of her and Arulmozhi in one of the song videos hat got cut in the actual film and I just would have liked to know more of her relationship with Kundavai and with Kundavai's brother. They were lovely together, but it just felt like there was a lot of missing stuff. I liked what I saw of her especially the adorable dance in PS1. And she was also related to ... someone? Because she called him "mama" (uncle?) and he seemed to be the commander of Aditha's forces, but then there was another dude at Kadambur who was a relative of the Cholas and the treasurer guy who was married to Nandini but they were not the same person and I thought one of them was Vanathi's uncle. NEEDS MORE BACKSTORY.
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b. Poonguzhali (AGAIN I AM SURE I SPELLED THIS WRONG): I REALLY need more backstory on this. When did she meet Ponniyan Selvan? Why did he call her Samudra Kumari? Why did she risk her life for him (I mean, besides being in love with him which checks out because everyone else is :P) and what was the deal with her and the flower man at the temple? I just feel like a lot of stuff was missing that would have helped me understand better what was happening. (Also she was an amazing sailor to have gotten through that storm.)
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c. Parthibendran Pallava and his lightning-fast enmity to Vandiyadevan and then his baseless accusation that Arunmozhi Varman had sent Vandiyadevan to murder Aditha Karikalan. I mean, did he even meet either of them? Why did he think Arunmozhi wanted his brother dead? Was it all just from meeting Nandini THAT ONE TIME because bro, you need a slap if that's the case?
d. Madhurantakan - I was screaming at him (in my head) to realize that there would be no coup without bloodshed, GOD OF COURSE SOME OR ALL OF HIS BROTHER'S KIDS AND HIS BROTHER WOULD DIE. And the other kings wanted a puppet on the throne, not a warrior like Aditha or someone as popular as Arunmozhi (also a brave warrior). But finally Madhurantakan learned his lesson before he fully betrayed his kingdom and family and people. However, the bit about how he was administrating the kingdom for 25 years dropped in at the end was a bit sudden and I would have liked to know Arunmozhi’s thought process, even if it was just “hey I just want to go have adventures with Vandiyadevan because it’s super fun.” I would have also liked some evidence of said administration because they kept playing up his devotion to Shiva and not much else (though he clearly had the Shaivite warrior-mendicant vote SOWN UP! But I'm also confused because some - but not all - of those dudes appeared to be Secret Pandya Assassins, like the lady who attacked the Buddhist monastery and forced Arunmozhi to come out and show himself to the people and by people I mean assassins.) So I don't know ... Anyway, glad Madhurantakan came to his senses and did not side with the other kings against his family. While his reward for only being partially a traitor seemed disproportionate, on the other hand, I thought Arulmozhi was also smart to say that his sword and Vandiyadevan's would be backing up Uncle M so no one got any ideas and probably Kundavai would also be advising Uncle M about good administration. :D (It was kind of funny that Arulmozhi had to get the crowd to cheer for his uncle because they were all like *do not want**we want YOU, young victorious prince* but it’s a sign of his charisma that he got them to accept his uncle as king.)
e. The Pandya assassins were a bit reminiscent of Wile E. Coyote tbqh. All their plans kept not working out in spectacular ways. Is there some reason why no one tipped an arrow with poison or put poison in a cup of wine for Aditha who liked his wine or put poison on their swords so even if they nicked Arunmozhi they'd end up killing them? Do you sense a theme here? Was there some reason why the revenge had to involve actual beheading or it didn't count? Honestly, without Nandini they would have failed even more spectacularly. Also, after Nandini killed herself, what happened to the little Pandya boy king - Nandini's half-brother who swore vengeance? (FYI, I read somewhere - wish I could remember where - that Rajaraja Chola hunted down the assassins of his brother even as far as Indonesia.)
f. I was a little confused by all the uncles and grandparents and so on, like the white-haired general was the grandfather of the three Chola siblings, I assume their mother's father?
g. I would have liked some of the storylines more fleshed out (especially Mandakini's because that was very sudden and if she came and gave birth to Nandini in the Chola lands, how did Sundara Chola not know about this and I guess she spent time hanging out so she could save Arunmozhi when he fell in the water at home and abroad? Why did she care for him so much? Because he was like his father? That seems pretty generous. Anyway ...) If there is a director's cut that is five hours long for each film, PLEASE BRING IT ON. I would love to see it.
In conclusion - I LOVED both movies. This feels like a very special and great achievement, and I hope its success leads to more really good directors delving into South Indian history, like that of the Vijaynagara Empire (which is the subject of Salman Rushdie's latest novel which I haven't read yet.)
ETA: THE MUSIC. I loved it. I've been listening to some of it on a constant loop.
I'm now off to read the books and explore the filmography of Vikram, Trisha, Karthi and Jayam Ravi (if there are any films that are really awesome or really awful please let me know in the comments.) I have been meaning to get into South Indian cinema more and this was a great starting point.
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ronqueesha · 3 months
3. How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know?
Thank you!
Ask me some pride themed OC asks!
I'll answer for some OCs I feel like have interesting answers.
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Not long ago, Blizzard made the official statement that Azeroth does not have any institutional bigotry against people for their identity/label/orientation. Maybe some individuals are bigots, but not entire kingdoms or political entities.
Dairon Garrick grew up without ever having to question or second-guess her equal preferences for any gender. While her first romance was in her teenage years with a boy her age, it was not forced on her, nor did she feel strange when that relationship ended and she found companionship with a woman shortly after.
In fact, it was probably a boon in her short time in the Stormwind military. Her first assignment was guarding the food storage in Valiance Keep in Northrend, shortly after the heroes of the Horde and Alliance stopped the Lich King. It was an intensely boring assignment, broken up by rowdy times in the barracks during off hours. Free spirits like Dairon were free to pick whoever she wanted to bed, and she became very well loved by her peers.
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Sarit Ramesh grew up very sickly, her lungs permanently scarred by the toxic industrial air that filled the underground environment her impoverished family lived in. Because of that, she spent most of her youth bedridden, with an old second-hand 'Net terminal as her only window to the outside world.
All those years spent browsing the 'net gave Sarit unprecedented access to information she might otherwise never have had. As she got older, a lot of confusing questions and strange feelings became crystal clear. Soon, the sick young boy sitting in a dirty bed realized that there were things he could change about himself. To be the person she always knew she really was.
It took time, and her parents could only support Sarit's transition so much because of their immense poverty. But as she grew older and established herself, Sarit was able to use the early lessons she discovered while stuck coughing up blood in bed, and become the woman she always was.
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Iona's story of discovering herself is a bit sad.
She grew up in an orphanage, having been literally dumped on the doorstep in her infancy. Her youth was spent being mocked and ostracized by her fellow orphans and even some of the orphanage caretakers. Her deathly pale skin, her fangs, and especially her lisp because of those fangs were things she was constantly harassed and bullied over.
She was 13 when she first ran away from the orphanage, and quickly realized she needed to make money if she was to survive. And at that decidedly uncomfortable young age, she took an older man into an alley and earned her first ever coin. Iona did not feel disgusted or exploited, instead she felt rich and powerful. And she quickly realized she was fine with anyone, regardless of their identity, age, or preference, so long as they paid her.
When she got older, Iona learned her unusually vampiric features were the result of being a dhampir. And that because of that, she could expect to live for 1000 years or more. This caused an icy pit of dread to drill itself deep into her heart, and Iona has been running from this eternal burden ever since. She threw herself even harder into sex work, drugs and multiple vices just to ease the pain of an unnatural half-dead lifespan. It helps that she has very few limits or preferences, which means she can constantly dull the pain through endless new experiences.
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
Defending RWBY’s Writing: Why Ironwood was never a victim of Character Assassination, he was meant to become the antagonist from the beginning.
We’ve covered Emerald Sustrai’s writing. We’ve covered parts of Yang Xiao Long’s writing. Today we cover Ironwood and how he was always going to be an antagonist.
First? Important to note: Ironwood doesn’t need to be rotten to the core to have been a villain and antagonist, bad people can do nice things and good people can do bad things.
Second:  People woobify villains all the time, FNDM loves to woobify "Robodaddy" because they either think he's handsome or anything a man does wrong is justified compared to a woman.
With that being said, let’s begin.
If critics get to list good things Ironwood has done to try and argue he's not a villain, let us list every illegal and immoral thing James Ironwood has ever done:
Neglected over half the population of his kingdom, including neglecting their defenses, when defense is his literal job. Dereliction of Duty.
Went behind Ozpin’s back to get the council to sack Ozpin from his job
Went behind everyone’s back to have the Vytal Festival be a weapons testing project for Penny
Speaking of Penny? Repeatedly gate-kept her from having friends
Regularly abused his two council seats while refusing to respect any and all checks and balances
Treated the people of mantle who he abandoned to grimm with barely any support as “a few city blocks” while bleeding them dry of any resources that he could have used his own military or the SDC to provide.
Had Penny protect the entire population of Mantle by herself while using Atlesian drones to enforce fear upon the civilians
Refused to take any criticism when bringing an army to Vale less than 80 years after Atlas tried to conquer the world
Pressuring young adults to sign up for the military.
Bringing an army inside another Kingdom, which would legally qualify as an occupation if the Council hadn't given him permission a week later.
Pulling Atlesian forces out of allied nations and isolating themselves from the rest of the world right at the beginning of the war against Salem, when Atlas would be needed most.
Cutting off Dust supplies to other nations at a time of worldwide insecurity.
Appointing Caroline Cordovin to any position of authority.
Illegally arresting Qrow for "posession of weapon without a license" despite Qrow having a fucking license and saying so.
Actually, that bullshit law in it's entirety, given that they're worse than useless at stopping Grimm breaches in Mantle
Having camera drones wander the streets, jesus fuck
Diverting supplies from Mantle's already neglected defenses for the Amity Project. Illegally, I may add. That's embezzlement.
Unlawful detention of Fria.
Abandoning an entire city to die to Grimm. A city he's in charge of. Dereliction of Duty.
Putting out an arrest warrant for JNR, Oscar, and Qrow, who hadn't even done anything at that moment.
Attempted murder of a fucking teenager.
Assassination of Councilman Sleet.
Pretty sure what he did to Penny qualifies as a form of torture and coercion.
Actively tortured Watts.
Attacked civilian rescue ships in order to prevent them from evacuating civilians from a battlefield. That one's literally a War Crime.
Attempted Genocide.
Attempted Use of a Weapon of Mass Destruction. On Civilians. His own citizens.
Murder of Jacques Schnee. No matter how much of an awful man he was, that was murder.
Attempted murder of Winter Schnee.
And in the end, he didn't even try to attack Salem or Cinder. Fucking hell, Lionheart at least tried in the end. But Leo was about self-preservation, Ironwood was a hero complex...he realized he failed...so he gave up.
It's repeatedly said that Atlas heavily encourages it's Huntsmen and Huntresses to join the Atlesian Military upon graduation. Ironwood, being head of both the Academy and the Military, obviously plays a role in that.
James would have known for years about Jacques' abuse of his family...yet he did NOTHING. Neurotic rich kids raised to be perfectionists and live in fear of authority? Star pupils in the making! And plus Jacques was the business partner who, with no morals/ethics, provided the Atlesian Military with all the dust and tech they needed. “For the greater good” an apologist might say.
Lionheart at least tried (and one could argue succeeded) to  minimize damage (intentionally or not) to the Civilian population and the academy staff and the students.  Leo also admitted he was wrong and was at least honest to himself...unlike Raven.
...so are we done here? Yes, he was a decent person once, corrupted by arrogance and exceptionalism and paranoia and his dismissal of those beneath him. His turn to villainy was a tragedy years in the making, but it was a tragedy and it did happen.
If you can't see that, you need to take a long hard look at yourself and your own beliefs.
Credit goes to
In short, bad people are not sinkholes of evil, they’re people; and they’re capable of doing terrible things and very kind things at the same time...  Many RWBY fans don't know how to process villains who aren't mustache twirling monsters.
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the-chubby-berry · 4 months
(Got started writing this forever ago featuring one of @encouraging-growth's characters again along with a small little mention of @theplumpprincedamien at the beginning. Also Happy Birthday EG ya lovely bastard of a human being)
Missy Berry worked around her cafe kitchen early in the morning, impish thoughts swirling in her mind as she started to gather and prepare ingredients for a special treat. Citrus fruits zested, butter folded, mixed with flour, and some of the zest together into a delicate pie crust. Rich chocolate melted and mixed with sweet cherry juice and whipped cream to make a decadent filling for the pie. As it comes together, she ready the berry bean to open and her cats start to come out to greet and rub up against the guests that were soon to file in and gorge themselves on the witch’s treats. She hid the pie she made that morn as it was for someone special. She worked and worked throughout the day. After a bit, the filling of the pie she had made had set and she started to make a fluffy whipped topping, mixed with more of the tart juice and the zest. While making the final touches on the irresistible treat, its intended receiver had arrived to the cafe. She recognized the suited man anywhere, his sapphire eyes always seeming to have a spark of passion, gleaming with a hint of lust and flamboyance. “Sir Adam Pose! Nice to see you again!” She got out from behind the counter and gave him a big hug. “How long has it been, hmm? I know I have an appointment with you tomorrow but still quite pleasant to see the tailor of Supple Row in my cafe.” Adam chuckled “Just wanted to come by and see how the business was going. You're looking quite a bit bigger than the last time I saw you, Missy. Taste testing your own confections and treats on the job again? Naughty girl, i will have to pull out one of my larger measuring tapes tomorrow~” The witchy barista laughed “You're looking a bit more rotund yourself. How many of Master Growth’s feasts have you been going to? Don't think I didn't notice your vest buttons struggling to hold that plush gut of yours. I know certainly it wasn't from dear Prince Damien, I have to close the cafe to the public every time he comes. Cleans out my entire bakery and my supplies. Ah, but he pays well.” “That he does.”
Missy chatted with the dear tailor as she put the final touches on the pie, the whipped topping looking like cherries on top of a chocolate pond. She sprinkled some special luster dust to add a little magic. Adam's curiosity peaked as she did this. “What delectable treat are you making there Missy? Up to your old tricks again? Don't you think I haven't heard about the spike of blueberries around. I heard there was a royally plump one recently. You wouldn't have anything to do with that, would you?~” He inquired, that mischievous glint in his eyes showing, knowing well that it was her. Giggling, she confirmed “Yes that was me, but to be fair it was an accident. He looked quite adorable as a blueberry though. If only I could keep him as one. Alas, he has a kingdom to attempt to rule over. As for this pie, this is for you dear compadre, it is a cherry chocolate mousse pie, completely made from scratch. The topping is cherry too with a hint of lime” She places the pie in a box for Adam to take home. “Ooo sounds quite indulgent. I'll have to make sure I savor it. That is, if I can control myself, which we both know is very troublesome nowadays” he snickered. 
Waving goodbye, he headed back to his shop to finish off his day. After closing he let out a big sigh and sat down, his legs tired from squatting and getting up all day to take measurements and sew. He decided that now would be the time to try that delectable pie that Missy made for him. He grabbed a slice of the pie and took a bite from the pie. As soon as the piece landed on his tongue, he was overwhelmed by the burst of flavors. Everything seemed to work together so well, the chocolate cherry filling so rich and practically melting in his mouth. The flaky crust and fluffy whipped topping perfectly complement the filling. Adam practically melted upon tasting the treat made for him. He continued to eat the pie but when he finished the piece he had cut out for himself, he had found the flavor too addicting not to eat the rest. 
As the last few decadent morsels slid down his gullet, he leaned back in the chair he sat in. But as he did so, the buttons on his vest popped off. “Great. This was one of my favorite vests too. Guess I'll have to work on either making a new one or sewing the buttons back on.” As he got himself ready to sleep, he found it difficult to fit into his bedtime garments. Moving around, he noticed that a burbling came from his seemingly larger belly. Though he thought nothing of it. After all he did eat quite a bit today. Just means that he will have to wear his emergency clothing til then.
Waking up in the morning, he found it hard to get out of bed. It felt as if a giant water balloon was strapped to his gut. It sloshed and gurgled as he shuffled around.He attempted to put on his ‘fat clothes’. “Odd these were loose just the other day. I feel bloated and full too. But that shant hold me back from doing my job. Missy should be here in a few minutes.” He slowly maneuvers around avoiding what could now be considered narrow spaces for him. He heard the bell for his door, signaling that someone has arrived. “Hello? Adam its Missy.” “Coming right over” 
As Missy saw Adam, she seemed to be holding back a smile, as if to attempt to keep some sort of secret. As the appointment went on, Adam struggled to even the most basic of functions as it seem that each time his stomach churned and gurgled, it seemed to get a bit… Bigger. Missy pretended to be unaware of the situation. “You seem to be really be blushing dear. You’re face is as red as a cherry~” Adam stumbled upon his words, attempting to stay focused at the task at hand but his increase in size has made even taking simple measurements impossible. His clothes started to tear and rip at the seams, leaving him mostly exposed as his limbs started to slowly sink into his body.
Missy chuckled, “Oh look at you dear. You seem to be having a swell time. I’ve had my eye on turning you into a fruit for a while. Temporarily of course as many still need you. But my, oh my look how juicy you are Sir Pose~” She dug her hands into his swollen belly. “Mmm you still have some… growing to do before you're ready for juicing but I shall take you back to Ambrosia none the less” 
She started to roll him back to what seemed the cat cafe, making sure to grab his tattered clothes.  After saying a unintelligible words, the building transformed. She started to transform as well. Her fair olive skin turned into a deep indigo. “Welcome to the Ambrosia Harem, Sir Adam Pose. I would take you around the place but…” She pushes her hand into him again. It barely goes in. “It would seem that you are nearly ripe for juicing~” She rolls him through the place of lust. Sloshing and gurgling echo throughout the halls mixed with moans as various “fruits” were getting special attention. Soon they entered a massive room, a weird sort of machine in the middle. “Ah here we are. The juicer, guys be careful with this one… he’s special. If i find out that something happened to him. Ill do something to you that would make a demon prince fucking blush.” Had Adam not already been so red, he wouldve been blushing. Instead he opted to hide his face as the workers rolled him gently over to the juicer to get him hooked up.
 While he was getting juiced, he couldnt help but moan in pleasure feeling the juice exit him through any orifice it could escape from due to the increased sensitivity in erogenous zones. Missy or who the workers were calling Momma Berry, murmured praises in his ear, telling him how good he was doing and how well he handled the transformation. They took small breaks evry once and a while so he could catch his breath before starting back up again.
By the end he had passed out from the long process and was taken to a more private room. When he woke up he found himself in Momma’s arms, cuddling him. “Shhhh, relax. You still have a little bit of juice in you but that will come out in time. Just sit back, and relax.”  She rubbed his belly in slow, big circles, coaxing some small burps from him. “I think its time you took a bath. Besides, you deserve it. Working so hard to keep us bigger folk clothed. I hope you liked the transformation.” Adam was still in a sort of dazed bliss. “Ill take that as a yes. Ill make sure my workers get you a nice, big, warm meal too. You are my guest here and ill make sure you are safe and sound. I made sure that some of our staff mended your clothing as well. Not to your quality but it's pretty dang close.” All that Adam could muster was a few soft moans and nods. Momma chuckled, continuing to care for him, having now applied lotion to his engorged gut. “Such a good boy. You were such a good juicy cherry too. Sad I can’t keep you here. You would certainly be a fan favorite. Then again I don't think I would want to share~”
After a bit, Missy sent Adam back on his way to his shop so he could go back to work, but the experience was certainly a fruitful one.
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luvrsux · 1 year
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word count: 5.7k
summary: you’ve been stealing gold, treasure, and food for as long as you can remember until a certain kingdom is opening doors to even more riches to steal from. you bump into one of the son princes and it changes your life forever
contents: fluff, mentions of poverty
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“The Vinsmokes are having a ball tomorrow night, can you believe it?”
“Who cares. It’s only for the elites and the filthy rich. They couldn’t care less about us peasants”
There you were, eavesdropping in a back alley gnawing at baked bread you certainly didn’t pay for. The two conversing were of the same quality as you; rugged, poor, and wishing you could be drowning in riches. There they stood washing their clothes that were covered in filth. You grinned.
“Still, I’d love to be in that ballroom in a dress, dancing with one of the Vinsmoke princes” The ditsy one swooned. The more realistic one, who was giving their body a workout by washing the clothes, just rolled their eyes.
“Keep dreaming, sister. With the way our wealth is looking, that’s nothing but a fantasy” She hissed. The delusional girl just replied with a pout.
Hearing the conversation already had your adrenaline flowing. You were the thief of the town. Who cares if you didn’t have money, you had swift hands and brains to make up for it. If you liked it, you got it.
The royal Vinsmoke Family having a ball party was rare. The royals never so much batted an eye at your hometown, which was poor and pathetic compared to the luxury they slept in. Hearing an open opportunity to sneak your way into the party, which was a one-way ticket to finding riches of all kinds, made your lips carve into a smile. Oh, imagine all the jewels you’ll snatch.
One major setback was the attire. You thought of ways to get your sneaky hands on a ball gown that fit the dress code of the party. You could steal one, you thought, but it’d be hard to steal an entire gown without anyone noticing. Even then, not a single tailor shop sold such glorious dresses.
“I actually have a dress of my own! If only I could get that invite so I could dance the night away with Prince Ichiji!”
The words of the dreaming girl you were eavesdropping made your head perk up. It was like a god heard your worries and gave you an open opportunity. It didn’t matter that the dress would’ve looked significantly dull compared to the guests, as long as it was a dress.
You threw the last bit of baked bread into your mouth with a smile. You gathered enough information for your brain to gather before you trotted away to steal more food.
“Hey, get back here you witch!”
It was a very rare occurrence that you’d get caught, but thanks to some snitch who managed to catch you in the act, you were now running on your feet to escape the angry salesman. You had an adrenaline-filled grin on your face when you sped your fast legs through the crowd of people, who all looked dumbfounded and lost at your scene.
Once you made it back to your small home, you realized you lost the angry man who was ready to apprehend you. You couldn’t grab much, just some fruits and more bread. Typical peasant food.
You swung open the wooden door to see your sister preparing lunch, which was just cabbage soup. You smiled upon seeing her, knowing that you brought a little something more to the table for lunch. You exhaled.
You sang. Your sister wiped her hands on a cloth before smiling at you at the door. She saw the bag in hand that contained foods your swift hands snatched. Her once happy, delighted smile shifted to a frown.
“I’m guessing you didn’t pay a single berry for that” She placed her hands on her hips. All you could do was smile sheepishly and shrug.
“I guess I charmed them with my… Looks?” You tried making an excuse but to no avail. Your sibling snatched the bag out of your hands and peered into it.
“C’mon, you know it’s what I have to do in order to put food on the table. All we do is sell crops and that’s not doing justice” You rebutted but you heard your sister just sigh in annoyance. Although you loved the rush of stealing, your sister hated it. More than anything.
“No, you don’t. We do just enough to at least have a meal or two a day. I’ve said this a million times, (F/N)!” Said your sister with a lecturing finger in your face. You rolled your eyes.
“What would Mom think if she was here seeing you do this?” You’ve heard your sister say that countless times and each time it circled through your brain, it became less and less heart-wrenching.
Years ago, when you and your sister were just teens, your mother passed away from an illness that was too expensive to cure. Then, you started your thieving career by stealing medicines and herbs for your sickly mother. You tried everything you could but it wasn’t enough. Your mother passed in her bed a few months after she was diagnosed. Since then, you haven’t stopped stealing food and jewels from other towns and villages. Your sister hated it, afraid that you’d be locked up away for good if you got caught in the wrong situation.
“Well, mom isn’t here, okay? Look, I promise, soon we’ll have enough money to leave this shit hole and have huge meals every day. You just have to trust me” You lean on the wooden table. You carve a smile on your lips to reassure her skyrocketing nerves.
“I have a shaking feeling that you have something terrible planned, (F/N)…”
“I absolutely do”
She stared at you with worrisome eyes and just sighed in defeat. You had a proud smile plastered on your face as you watched her silently get back to fixing up lunch.
“Check on the crops for me, please?” Is all your sibling could say. You nodded and happily obeyed. At least she wasn’t giving you the silent treatment.
The crops that grew outdoors were mainly corn, potatoes, and carrots. Before your mother passed, everyone loved your vegetation and you’d make a sustainable amount of money off of them. Unfortunately, though, it seemed like her magic vanished once she passed. Now, you barely make enough to make ends meet. You couldn’t quit, though. Besides stealing, it was your only source of income that wasn’t illegal.
You grabbed a woven straw basket to pluck out the readied vegetables. You first checked on the carrots, only picking a few since the rest weren’t ripe yet. You made sure the vines and stems were healthy and not withering away from the blazing sun. While walking to the small cornfield area, you caught a glimpse of that same girl who was delusional about attending the royal ball tomorrow night. You called her over with a wave.
“(F/N)? What do you need?” She innocently tilted her head. You held the basket in between your arm and hip, dirt covering your hands and shorts.
“Y’know, all this work in here sure made me thirsty. Whaddya say and let me share a glass of tea at yours?” You smiled, not really intending to have tea with the oblivious girl. She hummed.
“I’d love to but… You have quite the reputation here, (F/N)”
‘Damnit’ You internally shouted. It was a small town, of course people knew you for your slick acts. You tried to hold your award-winning act.
“I know, I know, but c’mon! Here, I’ll give you these carrots for free as a thank you!” You gestured the basket toward her, knowing good and well that if your sister saw you give your mother's crops to someone for free she’d go on a rampage. The ditsy girl stared at the carrots for a moment.
“Carrot soup does sound nice…” She smiled. She grabbed her hands around the basket as a way of accepting.
“Sure, why not!”
Upon arriving at her small cottage, you realize that it was more cozy than you imagined. She had a flower garden in the front of her house and you began to slowly regret stealing from her. She seemed to be a sweet girl with no ill intentions. You hated that you were beginning to feel bad.
The main room had a window peek through the stove area, where she prepared a warm glass of tea for you two to share. You made yourself welcome by sitting on a wooden chair alone, fiddling with your fingers as the nerves began to creep.
“Which tea would you like?” She asked with a soft smile. You snapped at your sudden waves of regret to look at her sweet eyes, not a single negative thought behind them.
“Um… Any, I’m not picky” You folded your lips at her. As dry as it was, she happily nodded and began assembling a tray of herb tea.
“I heard that… You wanted to go the ball?” Your voice grew nervous. You really didn’t want to shatter this sweet angel's heart by stealing a dress.
“Oh, of course!” She sang, walking her way next to you on the table. She placed her cheek into her palm to daydream her little fantasy.
“I’d be the happiest girl ever to live if I ever got the chance to go!”
You watched with a happy smile. She was so kind and oblivious to the fact you weren’t here to have a nice moment. You were here to raid her closet.
“I have the perfect dress that would look great. Would you like to see it?” She beamed, it’s like she hasn’t had the chance to talk about her fantasy without someone ridiculing her. It’s painful for you to say no but then again, it’d also ruin your entire plan anyway.
“Sure, knock yourself out” You giggle. She practically sprung out of her seat to fly her way to her room where the infamous dress confided. You couldn’t help but giggle.
There you were left in your state of regret. You had this itching feeling that she reminded you of your mother, which seemed to be the main reason why you felt horrible about what you planned on doing. Before you could retreat, she came running in with the dress in hand.
She presented it and you gazed in awe. It was a white basic dress, far from a puffy ball gown, but it was still beautiful. The sleeves hung below the shoulders and they were sheer. The dress would end at your ankles, just barely grazing the floor. You smiled.
“It’s gorgeous, you have amazing taste” You gleam. She seemed delighted in your answer and began to fold it gently in her arms.
“Right? While I visited my brothers far from here, a tailor was selling it for sale!” She explained. Her eyes trailed along the dress.
“I never wore it to go out, though. It’s been collecting dust in my closet” She said in a lower tone, as if she was saddened she couldn’t use the attire to its fullest potential.
“I see…” Is all you could muster up.
She made eye contact with you and folded her lips to form a half smile. Her legs began to walk toward you and your eyes expanded once she began to jerk the dress toward you.
“Take it,” She said, which made you speechless. You just stared at the dress with dumbfounded eyes before you could finally take it off her hands.
“Why?” That’s all you could say.
“Because I know you were going to take something here. Everyone knows you’re a thief” She giggled. Your cheeks flared out of sheer embarrassment.
“I don’t need it. Besides, when was the last time some gifted you something?” Her words shot through your core. The last gift you remember receiving was something your mom gave you when she was still breathing.
“Are you pitying me?” You abruptly ask. Her expression dropped and she flailed her hands apologetically.
“No, no! I just think you deserve it more than I do” She began. Her smile which she effortlessly made with sweetness behind it made her words genuine. “Plus, you’d look beautiful in it, I say”
You couldn’t help but smile at her contagious one. She gave you a rub on your shoulder before the whistling sound of the kettle echoed throughout the house. The tea, which you didn’t even care for, was ready.
“Still want that tea?”
You tugged the dress onto your figure which seemed to fit rather perfectly. You internally thanked the sweet girl, now named Marie after a share of tea, for the pearly white dress. You stared at your reflection in the mirror and were caught in awe, never remembering the last time you wore such an elegant piece of work over your body. Not sure what to do with your hair, you left it hanging loose after combing it.
The anticipated night finally crept and the village began to see several carriages and rides zip through the roads upward to the grand castle. It was about time you made your entrance. Before then, you heard footsteps enter your room and stop at your doorway. Knowing who it was, you didn’t part your eyes away from the mirror.
“So you’re sneaking into that party, hm?” You heard your sibling say from behind. You gulp. You swiftly turn your head toward her with a careless smile.
“Duh! Imagine the treasure and jewels I can get my hands on!” You say excitedly, oblivious to the dangers of your bold act.
“Be careful, (F/N)…” Your sister sighed in defeat, not wanting to try to budge your stubbornness. You gave her a tender hug before your departure.
“I promise I’ll bring so much that we’ll have meals for months!” You cheered. You managed to carve a smile on her lips before you could make your way outdoors.
Your plan was to arrive at the party after everyone else did so fewer people would pay attention to the opened doors. Since they thought everyone invited had already come in, they wouldn’t bat an eye to stragglers, so sneaking in was a piece of cake.
The entrance of the castle was so big you thought it was acres long. The room was glistening with huge chandeliers that reflected the pearled floor. All you could hear was the elegant music of the miniature orchestra and chatter. You gulped, feeling completely overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people. You didn’t even know how to act elegant or fancy. Your eyes scanned the entire room and already found jewels that your hands ached to snatch.
You tried to fit in and pace your body around the rich bodies of the guests and already had your hands on several golden necklaces and watches in the span of an hour. You tucked them in a purse, which was also stolen, and so far no one caught onto you. You sat at a white clothes table sipping pure white wine happily, taking a break from your thieving.
Suddenly, you heard whispers, and the causal chatter began to die down. You thought that something happened and everyone equally began staring in the same direction. It made your back turn behind you to eye the balcony that displayed the five royal kins; Reiju, Ichiji, Niji, Yonji, and Sanji. The infamous Vinsmokes.
Four had prideful smiles plastered on their faces while the blonde had an expression that was quite the opposite. It immediately caught you by surprise. By the looks of everyone’s reactions, this was the first time the Vinsmokes made their appearance for the ball.
Each brightly-haired royals made their way to a shared table at the front of the room; a table to which they had the luxury of being on. You thought each of them was increasingly intimidating and made your spine shiver. Each one besides the timid blonde, that seemingly didn’t want to be there in the first place. You let it be for now…
Ever since the five royals made their way to their personal table, you itched to grab their top-of-the-list jewels for hefty cash. Occasionally, they’d get up to use the restroom or feast on the rather delicious food that was catered to them. Sanji, though, frequently left the table. He seemed to not want to be there with his siblings which caused him trouble.
He’d spit flirtatious remarks at the female guests every now and then but mainly kept his distance so he could get a breather. You didn’t care for any of that, though. You wanted that gold bracelet hugging his wrist.
“Oof-! Pardon me!” You giggle after “accidentally” bumping into the blonde. You took a quick chance to try to slip the bracelet off his wrist but he quickly grabbed it.
“I knew you were different” He cooed. You inhaled, feeling your heart drop now that someone finally caught onto you—and it just had to be a Vinsmoke.
His expression didn’t seem menacing or devilish, though. He seemed to be amused more than anything by your attempts. You should’ve known better than to steal from a prince.
In actuality, Sanji had been eyeing you all night. He noticed your rather outcasted attire and caught a glimpse of your thief acts. He admired how bold you were and you clearly weren’t a stuck-up, filthy rich citizen. He was pleased to know that someone with slight moralities stepped foot into his castle.
“What do you mean?” You giggle nervously, trying not to expose yourself just yet but those deep eyes staring into your soul made it increasingly hard. Suddenly, without a word, Sanji pulled you by your waist to his chest and interlocked his hand into yours. He was slow dancing with you.
You flickered your eyes around the newfound positioning, never slow dancing with someone ever in your years of living, and realized Sanji needed to fit into the mass group of waltzing couples to avoid suspicion. You struggled to keep up with Sanji’s pace.
“Your dress is beautiful, mon cheri, but it’s certainly not a ball gown” He chuckled down at you. Blood rushed to your ears out of embarrassment and the flirtatious nickname.
“I-… I decided to stay simple. I had a ball gown-“
“No need to lie”
Sanji seemed to see right through you. He continued to dance with you on the pearled floor and spun you in a circle before pulling you back into the same position.
“Who are you really. Why are you here?” He asked with a smile. There was no point in hiding it now. He had already exposed you bare.
“I just snuck in here” Is all you could say. You heard the blonde chuckle. You peeked at him shifting his head left and right to see if anyone heard.
“To rob this place dry?” He asked. Although, he wasn’t entirely off the mark putting it that way made her cringe.
“I guess you can say that” You gushed.
You realized you were rather close to a guy who was entirely foreign to you, let alone one of the Vinsmoke Princes. You traced your eyes on his pearly white button-up that was draped with a red cape. The cold chain connecting the cloth blinded you and your hands wanted to snatch it.
“Do you trust me?” He bluntly asked. Sanji spun you around once more before holding you tightly into his chest. You could feel the throbbing of his chest.
“I… guess?” Your answer sufficed and before you knew it, the Prince was dragging you away from the populated party.
His golden locks danced in the wind when he paced his footsteps towards an unknown door that looked to be locked and concealed. You struggled to keep your pace to match his own. He sure was eager.
His hands pushed the doors open with slight force and it revealed a dimly lit stairwell. The only thing illuminating the room was a cream, crescent moon that slightly peeked through the glass window. Your brain was entirely confused as to why a prince was escorting you further into the castle instead of booting you straight out.
He temporarily let go of your palm to trot up the cobbled stairs. You watched him walk up, his haste legs skipping through some of the stairs. When the blonde didn’t hear your footsteps follow behind, he halted. You made eye contact with his eyes.
“You coming, mademoiselle?” He asked with a small smile. Thankfully, he couldn’t see the blood rushing to your cheeks because of the darkness of the room.
“Where are you taking me?” You ask timidly, slowly placing your basic, cheap, heels on the stairs. Sanji watched with an admirable smile.
“Somewhere away from here” As soon as you made a sustainable distance between you and him, he grabbed your hand gently to escort you further. Right then and there you got a glimpse of his genuine eyes.
“I promise I won’t hurt you,” He said lowly, that same smile never vanishing from his face. You stared for what seemed like an eternity before he pulled you to finish walking on the steps.
You stayed quiet throughout the entire journey. The inside of the castle was more beautiful than you imagined, but it was absolutely ginormous. The ceiling was meters above your head and the hallways were wide enough to hold a crowd of people. Your eyes were greedy, wanting to grab the expensive decor and paintings off the walls.
Sanji led you to a room. The doors were towering before you. Much like the rest of the castle, it was dark. You heard Sanji jiggle the gold handle before opening the grand doors. He presented a room that was empty if we’re excluding the grand piano and a few chairs.
The floor was pearled and marbled much like the grand foyer where the riches danced the night away. The way the moon reflected onto the floor from the two glass doors in front that led to a huge balcony. The room was beautiful despite it being so empty.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Sanji had his hands tucked into his slacks while he watched you pace around the room you were fawning over. Your head whipped toward him with a smile.
“They don’t have rooms like this back at the village” You realized you finally revealed you were just a regular townsfolk, a poor one at that. Your smile dropped, already thinking of an excuse before Sanji could speak.
“So you’ve never been in a castle” Sanji didn’t seem to mind that you were a mere peasant. If anything, he seemed pleased to know that you were.
“Honestly, I wish I had it differently” Sanji sighed, standing in front of the crescent moon that shined on this fateful night through the glass doors. You made yourself welcome to stand beside him.
“How come? You’re a prince, you have it all. I wish I was in your shoes” You had a tad of animosity on your tongue, completely taking Sanji’s words the wrong way.
“Trust me, I know” He chuckled. “But my siblings are so stuck up and my father isn’t much of a pleasure either. Not to mention they treat townsfolk and food terribly….” Sanji explained. Your guard began to settle down once you heard that the Prince had baggage. You were always under the assumption that rich people don’t need to be upset because of the wealth that wedded them.
“All I hear is marrying a princess or other royal duties. But in reality…” Sanji formed a smile. His eyes began to shine in the light when he thought of his life king dream. “I want to be a cook. I want to own a restaurant to feed anyone who’s hungry” He beamed. You watched with awe, completely taken back that a prince had a heart.
“I never expected you to be so kind,” You say, peering your head to admire the moon similarly to him. “Being a peasant is the worst, though”
You cupped your hands and gripped them tightly when you traced back on your past. How the struggle of simply having a meal carried a burden on your shoulders and of course your angel of a mother parting with you at a young age.
“I barely have a meal a day and my poor sister works hard selling crops every day. Doesn’t help that we don’t have a mother either…” You say as if it was nothing. You had already come to terms with your baggage but Sanji's sympathetic eyes, considering he carried the same burden, would be the reason you could prick a few tears. He grabbed your hand.
“Mon cheri,” He begins. The pet name made your legs jelly. He tucks a hair behind your ear and stares into your eyes with empathy.
“I’m so sorry,” He says. You’ve heard those words so many times when you mentioned you were motherless, but they all seemed to be empty and hollow. This time, though, those saddened eyes and his voice made it seem like it was genuine. Why did he care?
“I brought you up here because I knew you were different, you had a heart” Sanji answered the major question that circulated your head ever since he grabbed your hand. “I knew you were stealing for a good reason, I don’t blame you…” There was a shared moment of silence while you collected your thoughts.
“Look, let me show you something even more beautiful” He smiled, trying to lighten the grim mood. With a hand once again connecting yours, Sanji pushed open the glass doors.
You felt a gust of crisp wind hit your face making your locks swarm in the breeze behind you. Sanji led you forward to the balcony which was even more beautiful than the previous room. The balcony towered over a garden the Vinsmokes owned. You’ve never seen so many flowers and decorative ponds in one place. You were completely taken by surprise.
“How could you possibly not enjoy this? It’s beautiful!” You gleam, leaning over the railing. You might as well have tumbled down if it weren’t for a hand to grab your waist as support.
“Careful, love” He chuckled at your amusement. You quickly retracted your position and dusted your dress off. You gushed in embarrassment.
“I haven’t gotten your name yet, Mr. Prince,” You say, standing next to the stone railing. Sanji perked his head up, realizing you spoke about your baggage before even saying your name.
“Sanji. Just Sanji” He greets with a charming smile. He might as well be named Prince Charming instead.
“Princess (F/N)” You did a courtesy playfully to mock his family's formalities. You birthed a blossom of laughter from the prince before you.
“Well, Princess (F/N), care to have this dance?” Sanji played along with your antics and bowed with a hand extending to welcome your hand.
You fanned your face and exhaled dramatically. Your other hand landed gently on Sanji’s open one with a smile. You batted your eyes.
“Oh, It’d be a pleasure to dance with you, Prince Sanji” You spoke in a high-pitched tone before being swept into the same position you two shared previously at the actual party.
There was no music. The music from the ball was muffled out entirely so to fulfill your playful acts, you two hummed a song to fill in the absent music completely out of sync. Besides the artificial music, you two danced together on the balcony happily. Sanji would twirl you which made you giggle. You don’t know what made this dance different than the previous, but you loved it.
Sanji picked you up by your waist to spin you in a circle a few times. You didn’t remember the last time you giggled so much before when your palms rested on his shoulders, staring down at him while he orbited. He had a euphoric smile plastered on his face for every second that passed while holding you.
Sanji placed you on your two feet while you both shared a fit of giggles like two gushing teenagers. As soon as you two collected your composure, you let out a pleased exhale.
“You dance amazingly, Prince Sanji” You acted once more. Sanji chuckled and sashayed his bangs dramatically.
“Well, I am a prince after all” He played along. He bowed down to you which caused you to snicker.
“Well, a prince deserves a stunning princess” You smiled dramatically. You then made eye contact with Sanji’s eyes below you before he toward upward to approach you further. Your faux smile dropped when he inched close to your face.
“This prince certainly deserves someone as stunning as you, mon cherie” Sanji’s words made it hard to believe if he was still playing along or genuinely swooning you over. Either way, you were blushing like crazy.
“I-.. Oh, please” You say, turning your head away from Sanji out of embarrassment once more. You then felt a hand pull your gaze from the floor beside you to the man himself. There laid that infamous, genuine smile once again.
“You are, (F/N). Honestly, I never had this much fun with someone before” Sanji left you entirely speechless, never expecting a royal prince wanting to swoop you off your feet when you weren’t remotely connected to royalty.
“Oh my, I’m sorry” Sanji’s cheeks grew pink and he stepped away from the close contact he held between you. “I shouldn’t have been so straightforward to a lady, pardon me-“
Sanji’s voice was cut off by your chaste kiss planted on the side of his cheek. You, being entirely flustered, looked away while your cheeks grew more and more pigmented by the second. Sanji had a hand on the area where your lips landed and couldn’t help but form a dope smile.
You let Sanji cup your face and pull you forward, into a romantic kiss underneath the moonlight right on your lips. You fluttered your eyes shut to accept the tender, passionate kiss that was shared between you and the blonde. It felt like eons before Sanji finally pulled away.
“From thief to my own princess” He smiles, holding your face in his own tender hands.
You beam, vowing to remember those words until you drop dead. Right then and there, you happily predicted further down the line of your future with the Vinsmoke before you. You felt happy and at ease, the magic the prince dwelled upon you was absolutely miraculous.
And now there you were, sitting at a clothed table that was illuminated by a waxed candle that was accompanied by floral decor. You had a tall glass of ice, which previously had water in it before you chugged it down. You sat comfortably at ease while you were surrounded by music and utensils making contact with the dishes of the restaurant.
“My love,” You heard a voice say behind you. You perk your head up to see the head chef of the restaurant you resided in, Baratie, smile down at you as if he fell in love all over again. He filled your empty cup with water once again by a pitcher.
“How are you feeling?” Sanji has asked the same question over the course of the night numerous times for one sole reason. You giggled.
“I’m feeling fine, amour,” You say with a smile. Ever since Sanji placed his lips on yours for the first time, you’ve picked up on his French dialect. Sanji placed a kiss on your cheek.
“Good, just making sure” He cooed, rubbing your stomach tenderly to give the bundle of love you two created some comfort.
“You’re too good for me”
“As always”
Sanji lingered at your table as his own little break time before he had to use his magnificent talents back in the kitchen. It’s been years since you’ve sealed the deal with the Prince, and he revoked his identity as a Vinsmoke. You two cast away from your village to open a restaurant that’d soon be booming in business because of Sanji’s enchanting cooking. Your sister wasn’t left out, though. Sanji took her under his own wing and she became the sous chef of the establishment. You never knew that infiltrating a castle would completely turn your life around for the better. You gave your sister just what you promised; a better life.
“Your sister is making your meal tonight” Sanji explained, beginning to light a cigarette at his lips. He made sure to keep a safe distance from your nose so the toxic fumes don’t contaminate your growth.
“Just like old times” You giggle, referring to the times your sister would cook poor meals for you in place of your mother.
“She said she’d love to feed you and her nephew” Sanji chuckled, glancing at your bump. You couldn’t help but giggle.
“Of course, she’s always had a soft spot for children,” You say. Sanji planted a kiss on your cheek once more before he heard his call back in the kitchen.
“Your food will be out in a moment, ma douce. Babys’ not gonna feed itself” He winked. “I love you, (F/N)” He says with delight.
“I love you more, Sanji”
You hoped to give your kin that was in your pregnant womb a better life than your own and your husbands. You were determined to lead him to a life that would make him, and only him, the happiest child ever. Truly a happily ever after.
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All licensing and ownership belong to Eiichiro Oda
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hiswordsarekisses · 4 months
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“Today, we observe Memorial Day, in which we are called actively to commend to God the souls of all who gave their lives for His people. As many will kick back and enjoy the holiday, some will applaud the speeches of our elitist handlers, thinking perhaps how fortunate they were to have avoided service, or, having served, not to have been killed in action on behalf of our Nation. Even as a vicious proxy war rages unchallenged by most Americans, there will be those who resent the intrusion of what they consider outdated patriotism in memorializing the Americans who were killed in wars that raged since before we found the cunning to outsource them.
If that seems harsh, like Jesus’ calling not only to obey God’s commandments, but actively to renounce our entire selves in His Love, remember that as we complain of inconveniences we encounter in our lives, these brave men and women’s lives were cut short that something greater than all of us might grow and prosper. That is why we praise each selfless act committed by our heroes and to thank God. As General George S. Patton, Jr. once opined, “It is foolish . . . to mourn the men [and women] who died. Rather, we should thank God that such [stalwarts] lived.” Let us never forget or dismiss the sacrifice of those who gave their lives that we may live in freedom.” ~ Rich Hill
“No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” -- John 15:13.
“As Jesus was setting out on a journey, a man ran up, knelt down before Him, and asked Him, ‘Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ Jesus answered him, ‘Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone. You know the commandments, ‘You shall not kill; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not steal; you shall not bear false witness; you shall not defraud; honor your father and your mother.’ He replied and said to Him, ‘Teacher, all of these I have observed from my youth.’ Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said to him, ‘You are lacking in one thing. Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.’
At that statement, his face fell, and he went away sad, for he had many possessions.”
“Jesus looked around and said to His disciples, ‘How hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the Kingdom of God!’ The disciples were amazed at His words so Jesus again said to them in reply, ‘Children, how hard it is to enter the Kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the Kingdom of God.’ They were exceedingly astonished and said among themselves, ‘Then who can be saved?’ Jesus looked at them and said,
‘For men it is impossible, but not for God. All things are possible for God.’" ~ Mark 10:17-26
“Jesus never ceases to astonish His disciples with His teaching. We recognize their puzzlement in His encounter with an observant Jew who wishes Jesus to bless his efforts to deserve holiness through the mere practice of the commandments. We are told that Jesus “loved him,” and truly He did Love the man because he committed his life to obeying God’s Law. But, we also know that, to those who have much – in this case, faith – more will be required.
We are not told whether he decided, after leaving the Lord’s presence, to renounce his possessions but we may find hope that, with Jesus’ gracious love, he was able to become one in the Lord by converting his impressive beliefs into active faith. Prayer is the conduit to active faith and obedience to God’s Law the instrument to attain it. Faith, we are told by Saint Paul, is useless without works.” ~ Rich Hill
(This was all originally posted by Rich Hill, I just rearranged it.)
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mica949 · 1 year
(These headcanons are mostly the idea of @howlerlight, please show them some love!)
I’m in the process of making an avatar the last airbender AU. This is what I have so far.
Henry Stickmin
He lived a relatively basic life in a children’s home until the avatar’s identity was revealed. Due to an unfortunate spelling mistake, very quickly the fire nation (and a considerable amount of earth kingdom generals) began causing problems for him and everyone around him. He left the children’s home at age 16 and began a life of petty crime—intimidating others with his “avatar powers” to get what he wanted. In reality he can’t bend at all, but he’s invented a few tricks that make it kind of look like he can bend.
Ellie Rose
Born and raised in the fire nation. She realized the wrongs of her people pretty young, and swore to do something about it. As an adult she got involved with a group of revolutionaries in Caldera City, stealing from the rich and making plots to take down important generals. A conspiracy to overthrow the firelord left her in the boiling rock. She’s a firebender, and a pretty solid one, though her skill is mainly in weapons. She is remarkable with a sword. If she teams up with Henry, she becomes a reliable asset that either enables him to commit heists or go on chaotic adventures with Charles.
Charles Calvin
He was born in the Earth Kingdom, but is an airbender from a rare combination of genes from the now gone air nomads. At age 5 he was sent away from home to Omashu, where he and others who airbend were taught of their lost culture and encouraged to hone their skills. He was one of the youngest to master airbending at only 14, with the tattoos to show it. The Earth Kingdom, not knowing the fire nation’s technology for hot air balloons, has him and the few other fully trained airbenders using their air to steer a new kind of flying machine. Despite officially working with the Earth Kingdom, he is still more loyal to fellow airbenders than them.
Rupert Price
An officer working in a small Earth Kingdom town. He is an earthbender, but doesn’t do much with it due to not much crime happening. After taking a minor criminal for prisoner (and proving that, no, he’s not the avatar, he just has a similar name), his life changes for the worse. He gets attacked, gets transferred, and then his close friend (?) gets kidnapped a week later. Rupert figures Dave was captured by the fire nation and joins the military. Instead of fighting the fire nation like he wanted he gets assigned to fight a crime organization due to a particularly revenge-driven captain. He’s in no position to complain, though.
Dave Panpa
A nonbender, but his childhood friend Rupert Price got him a job as an officer for their little town due to skill with a spear. Due to allowing a package to go to a criminal without properly checking it, he was fired. He managed to get another job as a guard for the mayor— but he couldn’t do anything before that same criminal had stolen the mayor’s jewels. Somehow or another, around this time, he was captured by the Toppat Clan. He now is a prisoner on part of the air fleet.
Reginald Copperbottom
Though he was born in the fire nation, an unfortunate ancestry that skipped a few generations gave him airbending. His parents did their best to keep this secret, but just as he gained control over his bending, they were killed by bandits. He was then sent to a children’s home, where he spent the rest of his childhood under harsh eyes before growing up and beginning a life of minor crime. Terrence from the Toppat Clan took him in and got him involved with the clan. A long series of events led to him becoming leader and getting a right hand man. His bending is entirely self taught, and he only knows a couple moves. It’s enough to save him from most life threatening situations. He established the clan’s air fleet from captured fire nation airships, and nearly caused them to stop making them entirely to prevent capture.
Right Hand Man
Born and raised in the Earth Kingdom, he’s a prodigy in earthbending. He was involved in fighting rings for a long time before the then chief Sir Wilford took interest in him and offered him a place in the Toppat Clan. Once while captured he invented metalbending, and immediately started work to become proficient in that. He can bust out of almost any prison, now. He’s the right hand man of the chief Reginald Copperbottom, and fiercely loyal. After being defeated by Henry, he gets metal prosthetics that he can bend in order to move them.
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