#but you also had me wanting to throw up buz that locker room scene...i have no words...
sadbi-hours · 5 years
Well, I watched 9x04 of ahs...and...there just isn't any words to express how I feel.
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Umm, I really dug the Freddy Vs Jason element that they gave RR and Mr. Jingles this episode. That movie is a big guilty pleasure of mine and I would love to see more of it...but with RR being, well, you know, touched by satan--and that's putting it lightly-- and I think Mr. Jingles is going to devote his time to taking Margret down now. I don't see anymore showdowns happening between them, which is a shame too. It'd be hella cool to see them go full 'only one can live!' type of shit!
And speaking of 'only one must live'!, I loved loved the little showdown we got between Donna and Montana! I feel like they are the only two who can match each other in clever and craziness and it was cool to see them throw down while the two main killers were too...and fuck Margret! That bitch is on a whole other level of insane! And yes, I know Montana is too...but despite the fact I call bs on the backstory about why Montana is after Brooke--even though why they hadn't met each other before now makes a little sense since she is the best mans' sister and not the grooms--Billie Lourd pulled off f*cked up beauitfully here! God, I swear her acting is a gift this season!
And I gotta give Lesile Grossman props to. Her acting is so freaking good...i wouldn't want her dead as much as I do, if she wasn't doing her job! So kudos to her...but since her reveal wasn't a shock because I always knew she killed those people all those years go, I'd just rather see more of Donna and Montana. I'm too invested in seeing more of what makes them tick.
And yo, Brooke! I still got my eye on you chica! Your ass was way too calm and resourceful for the timid, sheltered act that you're giving me...i know it could just be the final girl troupe coming out in you, but still, you're on my list!
And poor Trevor! You truly were just an innocent by-stander to all this f*ckshit and I'm sorry to see you go! I was really starting to dig your character. Oh well...and the next time I eat a PB&J sandwich, I'll think of you chef Bertie! Your sacrifice will not be in vain!
And Xavier, well..at least you're alive sweetheart, but I think my sweet protective baby boi is gone...especially after what i saw in next weeks promo! I don't see him coming out of this sane! Well at least Montana might get herself an extra partner if it goes there...
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