#looking at you montana and RR
sadbi-hours · 5 years
Well, I watched 9x04 of ahs...and...there just isn't any words to express how I feel.
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Umm, I really dug the Freddy Vs Jason element that they gave RR and Mr. Jingles this episode. That movie is a big guilty pleasure of mine and I would love to see more of it...but with RR being, well, you know, touched by satan--and that's putting it lightly-- and I think Mr. Jingles is going to devote his time to taking Margret down now. I don't see anymore showdowns happening between them, which is a shame too. It'd be hella cool to see them go full 'only one can live!' type of shit!
And speaking of 'only one must live'!, I loved loved the little showdown we got between Donna and Montana! I feel like they are the only two who can match each other in clever and craziness and it was cool to see them throw down while the two main killers were too...and fuck Margret! That bitch is on a whole other level of insane! And yes, I know Montana is too...but despite the fact I call bs on the backstory about why Montana is after Brooke--even though why they hadn't met each other before now makes a little sense since she is the best mans' sister and not the grooms--Billie Lourd pulled off f*cked up beauitfully here! God, I swear her acting is a gift this season!
And I gotta give Lesile Grossman props to. Her acting is so freaking good...i wouldn't want her dead as much as I do, if she wasn't doing her job! So kudos to her...but since her reveal wasn't a shock because I always knew she killed those people all those years go, I'd just rather see more of Donna and Montana. I'm too invested in seeing more of what makes them tick.
And yo, Brooke! I still got my eye on you chica! Your ass was way too calm and resourceful for the timid, sheltered act that you're giving me...i know it could just be the final girl troupe coming out in you, but still, you're on my list!
And poor Trevor! You truly were just an innocent by-stander to all this f*ckshit and I'm sorry to see you go! I was really starting to dig your character. Oh well...and the next time I eat a PB&J sandwich, I'll think of you chef Bertie! Your sacrifice will not be in vain!
And Xavier, well..at least you're alive sweetheart, but I think my sweet protective baby boi is gone...especially after what i saw in next weeks promo! I don't see him coming out of this sane! Well at least Montana might get herself an extra partner if it goes there...
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codyssfern · 5 years
In The Night
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{ gif credit @codyfernsource }
a/n: this is shitty and mediocre writing but writing for xavier is always fun xoxo
warnings: cussing?
requested by anon: 
so i know we don’t know about montana and her true involvement with rr but could you maybe write something where the reader overhears a conversation between rr and montana and she tries to warn/tell xavier about it? thank you xx
montana had been acting so strange since you arrived at camp redwood. well let’s say ever since brooke was attacked by the night stalker the other night in her apartment and told us how said he would not stop until she was dead. you assumed it must be because montana was scared herself, freaked out or maybe was just genuinely worried for brooke but lately you’re suspecting it may go deeper than that.
“i’m telling you she’s hiding something,” you say as you light the cigarette between your lips, “there’s just something weird about the way you were attacked literally hours after you met her, you know?”
brooke couldn’t lie and say she hadn’t been suspicious of montana but she knew everyone had skeletons in their closets so she felt it wasn’t right to draw conclusions on someone she’d barely just met.
“i mean maybe she’s just freaked out? she’s your friend, you must know her well enough to know her true intentions.”
you chuckle, “you’d be surprised. everything with montana is um,” how could you describe montana in just one word? “unpredictable.”
“who’s unpredictable?”
you feel a pair of arms grab onto your shoulders. already knowing who it was because of the overpowering smell of cologne that heightened your sense of smell and almost made you dizzy.
“god,” you get away from him, “do you shower yourself with cologne?”
xavier tilts his head back in laugher, “it attracts the foxy ladies!”
you tap ashes off the end of your cigarette, “clearly not.”
xavier motions to the cigarette between your knuckles, “can i bum one?”
“you guys shouldn’t smoke this much,” brooke says as you pass xavier the wrinkled stick filled with toxins, “causes lung cancer.” she finishes and walks away to her bed.
you chuckle at her innocence. was she really this innocent though? or was she just pretending? you thought to yourself. at this point you felt like there was something in this camp that made you not trust anybody anymore. not even xavier, though that was very hard. he has his way with you and you always end up telling him everything.
“seriously though,” xavier nudges your shoulder, “what were you two talking about?”
and it was as if god had heard him because not even seconds after he spoke, montana came walking in. along with trevor and ray. xavier looked at you as your eyes stayed on montana’s every move.
“i-i i’ll tell you later,” you keep your eyes on him as you stand up from the ground, “promise.”
xavier stands up after you, “where you going?”
“geez obsessed with me much?” you tease him, “i’m going to shower. you wanna join?”
xavier rolls his eyes, “babe, there’s creepy history in this camp. i just wanna make sure you’re safe.”
“and i will be. i carry pepper spray with me all the time!”
you carry on small conversation for a few more minutes before you walk over to your stuff and grab some clean clothes from your bag. you were contemplating on whether to shower or not… xavier was right. there was some creepy history in this camp and thinking about it only gave you the hibbie jibbies.
“you going out to the showers?” montana approaches you.
you nod, “that was my plan anyway,” she raises an eyebrow at you, “xavier mentioned something and now i’m like scared to even go out and shower.”
montana groans as she grabs your clothes from the bed, “c’mon i’ll go with you.” you looked at her waiting to see if she was joking or not, “don’t worry i won’t try anything.”
“that’s the least of my worries.” you smile.
as you showered, admitting that somehow the company of montana was making it a little easier and less scarier, you thought about your conversation with brooke. could you be wrong about montana and just overthinking? or was your gut feeling leading you in the right direction.
“you can’t be here!”
you hear faintly grasping you back to reality. it was montana’s voice.
“you told me to come,” a man’s voice. could it be trevor? “i’m supposed to finish the job tonight!”
job? what job? you immediately wrap a towel around your cold body and walked over to the window from where the voices were coming.
“i-it’s not safe. i think we should just call it off.”
“call it off? that bitch saw my face. she could- i don’t know go to the police or something! and not to mention you hate her.”
that definitely. wasn’t. trevor. you tried to stand on your tiptoes to see who was outside the window. cursing your small ass height for not letting you see.
“i do hate her,” monata speaks, “i want brooke dead but we’ve put the others in unnecessary danger. especially xavier.”
xavier? what does xavier have to do this? you asked yourself. there’s no way he was on this with montana and who you thought was the night stalker.
“i knew your feelings would come in between our plans,” the man says, “you’re weak.”
you hear montana scoff, “listen i just don’t want to be fucking responsible for anyone’s death here. you touch xavier and that will probably fall onto me. the ex girlfriend.”
you tried to slowly back away from the window to get your things but you tripped over shoes knocking something out.
“shit!” you curse.
“y/n? y/n are you done in there!?”
fuck. fuck. FUCK. you say to yourself.
“u-uh yeah! i’m just getting dressed. why don’t you just um,” you couldn’t think straight, “just wait for me back at the cabin. i’ll be fine here!”
thank god it didn’t take more convincing. montana left soon after that and now it was just you and your thoughts. you tried to gather yourself up as fast as possible and head to the cabin so she wouldn’t get suspicious. you were surprised to see that she was nowhere in sight when you got there.
“xavier!” you whisper trying not to grab the others’ attention. “hey!” you pat his shoulder.
he jumps, “geez you scared me!”
that definitely caught everyone’s attention, though they went back to doing their own thing pretty quickly.
“how was the shower? where’s montana?” he looks around, “wait and why are you still wet?”
you shush him as you pull him aside, “listen i overheard a really weird conversation in the showers,” xavier tilts his head, waiting for the whole the story, “i think montana’s working with the night stalker.”
“you think she’s what!?”
could he be any louder?
“please say it louder so the whole fucking camp hears you,” you hit him on the chest, “look i know what i heard. i was showering when i heard montana talking to this dude about wanting brooke dead. brooke knows what the night stalker looks like and i don’t know! he might scared she’ll go to the police BUT also,” you look around one more time making sure no one’s listening, “i think montana and brooke go way back. montana really hates brooke’s guts from what i heard.”
xavier shook his head no, “that can’t be possible. plus she would’ve told us! and i don’t think she’d purposely put us, her friends, in danger.”
you thought about telling him what montana said about him. i mean if there’s anyone here who you’d risk your life for is xavier.
“xavier she mentioned you,” you stare at him, “she basically said that if something went wrong with whatever plan she has with that pyscho, that they’ll pin your death on her a.k.a your ex girlfriend...” you trail off.
it was obvious xavier still had some unresolved feelings for montana so you couldn’t even pretend to understand the confusion he must be feeling right now.
“i shouldn’t have brought her here,” he starts, “i shouldn’t have brought us o-or you here.”
you shake your head no, “hey, no let’s not start with the blame game here,” you grab his hand, “for all we know that guy could be threatening montana to do what he says but right now no one is safe.”
“especially brooke.. apparently.” xavier motions over to where brooke was. she was laying in bed, reading.
you cross your arms, “what do we do?”
what could you do? after all montana was your friend, you could’ve interpreted her conversation wrong but either way, no one in this camp was safe. and you had a feeling it’s been that way since you stepped foot in it.
THIS WAS SHITTY AND I APOLOGIZE ANON but here you go. i hope you enjoyed it. it lowkey made me want to write a part two so i’ll see what i do depending on how it does
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langdvn · 5 years
do you have any theories thus far? 🤔
i do (sort of), i didn’t want to dig into any theories because the show alone is so chaotic and all over the place that i didn’t want to give myself an even more jumbled brain lmao.
but, i rewatched episodes 1-3 the other night and notices a few things/took some things down that may be more important than when i first saw them upon watching.
so spoiler alert if you’re not caught up with the episodes yet! i wouldn’t read further than this!
i’ve seen a lot of people say or theorize that’s montana may be satanic and or into that kind of stuff and in the first episode she calls brooke ‘the last american virgin’ which, if she is satanic could be that she wants to sacrifice her, but for what?? become big in the aerobics community? i could see this, especially since we now know she’s in a relationship with RR, who is all about satan.
also, RR does say after attacking brooke the first time, ‘i will find you, satan will lead the way’ does he mean satan satan or montana????
and as much as i want xavier to be a soft good character, there also shady things that i noticed that could lead him to be in ties with montana and RR (or maybe just coincidences). in the first episode xavier is talking about the cops finding a dead body and the persons throat being cut, then montana comes up behind him and says ‘describing your last date’, now that could be just something funny and cute banter, butttt if they are in on things together it could also mean something super dark.
xavier also says he has a cousin in law enforcement, which knowing his mother is an alcoholic and knowing his past, that maybe that is a lie. to me it doesn’t make sense that he would have this big well off cousin in law enforcement and then have such a bad past? a crap family life? it just doesn’t click with me. (or i’m over thinking it??)
also something to mention: when xavier invites them all the to camp and montana invites brooke, before x leaves he says to brooke ‘it could cost you your life’ if she stays in town, then that same night she’s attacked?? interesting...
i’ve also seen people say that montana may be the sister to brookes ex fiancé, or his booty call, which i could see, but also seems too logical for the world of ahs.
but it’s clear montana has an issue with brooke, with gaslighting her all night and being shady, and what not. but brooke is also very hard to pin down and i feel as if maybe she’s hiding more.
in her wedding scene she says ‘you know how scared i get being alone at night’ which makes you think: why is this??? what happened to her that made her so scared of the night?? but the night when RR attacked her she looked fine, no fear, acting normal, left her window open, to me doesn’t seem like someone who’s afraid to be alone at night, so that makes me feel like the wedding scene was a lie or just missing a few big details.
now back to xavier and montana: since we all know montana brought RR to the camp, i noticed that in the first episode when trevor’s footsteps are approaching outside of the girls cabin and they all freeze and wait in anticipation, everyone looks a little worried BUT montana. she looks as if she’s anticipating something and shoots a look to xavier, that’s very hard to read but doesn’t play off as ‘upset’ or ‘worried’.
and if xavier is in with montana and montana is satanic, he may only be in it for stardom. we know how bad he wants to be an actor, so why not sacrifice someone and make all your dreams come true?? mayhaps??
xavier may not be a part of anything, but i don’t think he’s super innocent either. he has some shade going on to him, the ‘i’ve never been to this camp but here’s a back way that i know will work’ as well as his ‘method’ acting.
onto margaret, who we all know is super fishy.
when jonas was brought to the camp shouldn’t margaret have recognized him then? she would of had to show them where the infirmary was, did she not see his face?? still?? it seems a far stretch that even after she walked into the infirmary after he had been brought there that she didn’t see his face and recognize him until RR told her about him.
also, when jonas was explaining how he died to margaret he said he ran after seeing her and then got hit by a truck, a truck he assumed jingles was driving, though he didn’t actually see his face, the lights were in his eyes and he has his hands up, shying away and trying to cover himself. and then margaret goes on to add ‘so jingles was in the truck? did you see him?’, sort of being pushy about it, digging for more, and almost sounding like jingles wasn’t the one in the truck, maybe she was? maybe someone else that she does know about??
also back to RR and montana: when it comes to margaret and RR (a weird mess), when he was talking to her he said ‘a girl brought me here, but i think i like you better, i know i do, you listen to me’, which shows that montana is in control here and wearing the pants and pulling the strings in their weird relationship. which i pray we don’t get one of those ‘feel bad for the murderer’ plot lines (pls murphy no), but it does show how lethal montana is, i think, and that no one is truly safe around her.
i’ve also seen some people say that maybe it’s a VR experience, (shout out to @avesatanormalpeoplescareme’s theories for leading me down the VR theory hole) like maybe they are doing research on how or if people are put in a certain murderous situation what people survive and who wouldn’t and who would go crazy and turn and who wouldn’t, like a real research on the mind and what people would do in such a chaotic situation like that.
would also explain why ppl with bad pasts were chosen, or ‘randomly all there at the same time’.
but the VR would also make sense due to the camera angles: where ray runs into trevor and montana, also there’s a first person (ish) view when they stop at the gas station and open the door to the van. also when chet approaches brooke in the first episode, as if he were literally talking and looking straight into the camera at you.
and with the rumors going around that sarah paulson will be returning as the ‘lady in white’ or whatever, maybe she’s the ring leader of it all?? putting on the real experiment (if it’s VR or ppl are put to sleep and being tested on).
also, random, but margaret keeps mentioning ‘tomorrow’ or ‘morning’ like more than someone should, like she keeps reminding them about the next day almost so much it’s overdone, like maybe emphasizing that there won’t be a tomorrow or that if they don’t do what she says they won’t live to see a tomorrow.
and rita also leads me to believe that she didn’t think or knows that this experiment is going to last until morning, since she didn’t kill the nurse and left her in the barn, a barn where they would have to go into eventually to get things out for the kids. so why wouldn’t she kill the nurse?? put her somewhere else?? somewhere they wouldn’t go into eventually. she clearly didn’t think this murderous experiment would last until tomorrow/morning.
another few things i noticed:
when jingles kills blake, why didn’t he go and kill the other boys too? they were right there and would of been the perfect easy targets since they didn’t see him coming, at all. so why would he just kill blake and then move on? he’s there to kill everyone isn’t it? why would he just skip killing such easy targets??
i don’t think jingles killed blake. it doesn’t make sense that he wouldn’t go on to kill the others especially when it would of been SOOO easy.
this was just a mess of me rambling ideas and theories and honestly i’m sorry for anyone who read through it all lmaosjdj.
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
... ALSO... DUDE... AND WE THOUGHT THAT XAVIER HAD THE MOST HEARTBREAKING STORY...still Donna... you are a freaking psycho and me and Xav are pissed...
ALSO I DON’T KNOW HOW MUCH THIS WILL LAST BECAUSE PARENTS BUT HEY... I NEED THIS (I literally had the worst day ever... so I need to see Chet’s ass... please not dead... since we lost Trevor’s dick...).
RR “I was reborn”.
Me: “you look like Jesus, actually... also dude SATAN WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT WHO YOU TALK TO...”
Dee Dee do me a favor and knee him in the balls for me...
Latin Nerd: “can we burn Montana’s hair?”
also... latin nerd in me I am sure that Xavier just quoted Catullo... but hey... I am more in love... also dude... DID YOU HAVE TO SAY TO THE MAN WHO WENT THROUGH HELL, LITERALLY, TO “CALM DOWN”?
Even Taylor Swift would have avoided it...
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Dew Point Transmitter
Radiosondes: Getting Data From Upstairs
Dew Point Transmitter Ever since I first learned about radiosondes as a kid, I’ve been fascinated by them. To my young mind, the idea that weather bureaus around the world would routinely loft instrument-laden packages high into the atmosphere to measure temperature, pressure, and winds aloft seemed extravagant. And the idea that this telemetry package, having traveled halfway or more to space, could crash land in a field near my house so that I could recover it and take it apart, was an intoxicating thought.
I’ve spent a lot of time in the woods over the intervening years, but I’ve never seen a radiosonde in the wild. The closest I ever came was finding a balloon with a note saying it had been released by a bunch of schoolkids in Indiana. I was in Connecticut at the time, so that was pretty cool, but those shortsighted kids hadn’t put any electronics on their balloon, and they kind of left me hanging. So here’s a look at what radiosondes are, how they work, and what you can do to increase your chances of finding one.
Meteorologists have long known that getting data about the upper atmosphere is critical to accurate forecasts. As early as the 19th century, kites and tethered balloons were used to put recording thermometers and barometers aloft. Limited by the instrumentation at the time, not to mention the length of the tether used to recover the payload, early sounding data was crude at best, but valuable all the same. Free flying instrument packages were also used, with the instrument package returned gently to the surface by a parachute. Unfortunately, with no way to track the package, meteorologists relied on people returning the package before they could process the data.
For the data to make a difference to forecasters, it had to be available immediately. That would have to wait until the 1920s, when electronics technology had advanced sufficiently to allow true aerial telemetry. With a simple package of weather instruments and a radio transmitter, the radiosonde was born.
In the age of the vacuum tube, radiosondes were obviously somewhat chunky, with sensors being mainly electromechanical. Data encoding was often done by an automatic .Battery life was limited, but still, the data produced by these early radiosondes quickly became vital to forecasters, and several companies began mass producing the devices.
Designs have obviously evolved radically over the last 80 years, but then as today, radiosondes are primarily used to measure three critical parameters: air temperature, dew point, and barometric pressure. In the days before GPS satellites, radiosondes relied either on an altimeter or a paddlewheel a bit like an anemometer mounted on a horizontal axis to detect the altitude of the package, critical to the sounding data. Modern radiosondes incorporate a GPS receiver for both altitude data and latitude and longitude, all of which is transmitted back to the ground station. GPS location data not only provides data from a vertical slice of the atmosphere, but also provides data on wind direction and velocity. A radiosonde that provides this information is technically but that’s such an awkward formulation that the devices are universally referred to as radiosondes no matter what data they return.
Most radiosondes these days are made by one of two companies, a Finnish company whose founder,   pioneered early radiosondes in the 1930s, has a huge share of the international radiosonde market with their RS line. The US National Weather Service had their own, older standard radiosonde that was phased out by 2014 or so by the Radiosonde Replacement System (RRS), and they now favor the Lockheed-Martin Corporation LMS6 for their soundings, although some offices use the Vaisala units.
Twice a Day, Every Day
Twice a day, at approximately 00:00 UTC and again at 12:00 UTC, meteorologists around the world prepare a radiosonde mission. The ritual is pretty much the same everywhere, from inflating the balloon with either hydrogen or helium to prepping and attaching the radiosonde. Once released, the balloon quickly carries the radiosonde aloft at 300 m/min on a mission that can last up to two hours and cover hundreds of kilometers. A mission needs to reach an altitude of 7 km to be considered a success, but most missions make it to around 25 km before the balloon expands and eventually bursts as the atmospheric pressure decreases. Altitudes over 35 km are not uncommon, though. The radiosonde continues to transmit data during its parachute descent.
Radiosondes typically transmit either at 403-MHz or 1680-MHz nominal frequencies. Modulation schemes and data rates vary by model, with Gaussian frequency-shift keying  being the mode used for most vasthi instruments device. Transmitter output power is generally pretty low, in the range of 50 to 100 mW, but getting a line-of-sight signal is not generally a problem after the mission gets a few hundred meters off the ground.
Receiving and decoding live radiosonde data is possible with the right gear. First, check to see if you live somewhere near a weather service office that releases radiosondes. Next, know what kind of radiosonde the office deploys. If it’s a Vaisala, you’re in luck — there are tons of programs out there that will let you use an ordinary UHF FM receiver or SDR dongle to receive and decode data. There’s a complete tutorial on getting started with radiosonde monitoring over at RTL-SDR.com that includes everything from antenna designs to plotting the GPS data on a map.
As for recovering a radiosonde in the wild, it’s certainly possible. Google around a bit and you’ll find plenty of social media posts with pictures of used radiosondes recovered from farmer’s fields or dangling from trees in the woods. Personally, I may be out of luck; it’s only about 40 miles away. I suspect that most missions will go right past me and land somewhere in the vast forests stretching from Idaho into Montana. Chances are slim that I’ll be able to recover one, but that won’t stop me from trying to listen in.
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happylyonblog · 3 years
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What is QHHT & Why is it so FLIPPING COOL!
Although hypnosis has been around for many years and has shown positive results in health management1, QHHT is a little different than other...
hypnosis techniques. QHHT stands for Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. This is a method used by QHHT practitioners to help clients find 100% personalized, profound healing and understanding. QHHT allows the client to go deeper into the hypnotic state and access what Dolores Cannon (the creator of QHHT) calls the "SC" or subconscious. Once the SC has been accessed, the practitioner asks the questions you’ve brought to the session to get answers you've been searching to find. The hypnosis portion of your session is recorded, and delivered to you very soon afterwards. Listening to your recorded QHHT session continues to bring healing and understanding to you over time.
How is QHHT different from other healing methods?
QHHT is very unique in its approach and execution, yet it is the most natural experience you can have. QHHT feels very comfortable and easy to do, yet it will get to the root cause of your problems faster than other methods. How? A QHHT session provides a warm and welcoming space and interaction for you to find the healing you need within yourself. We all do our best when we feel safe, loved, heard and are alert and aware. This is the environment of a QHHT session. Your practitioner will give you the space and time you need to really look at the topics, questions and situations that are important and/or creating frustration in your life. Just think of a time when you were happy, in tune with yourself, aware and responsive, that’s how a QHHT session will feel.
Who should I try QHHT?
QHHT can be for anyone who is interested in healing, literally anything. There are records of nearly every kind of dis-ease being healed in QHHT sessions. If you’ve tried traditional, or even alternative medicine, and still had no relief from your symptoms or conditions, give QHHT a try. QHHT is not physically invasive, requires no pill to be taken and is available to any and all people who are genuinely interested in healing. You are in charge of exactly how good of an outcome comes from a QHHT session, so your degree of healing is determined by your personal motivation. If you like the idea of being in total control of your healing, without relying on someone outside of yourself, QHHT is definitely for you.
Healing myself? Yes, you can!
To find healing for yourself is the most satisfying thing in the world!Yet figuring out what it is that will heal you can sometimes be elusive. Your QHHT practitioner has the knowledge and experience to bring you to a state where you can discover what it is that will heal you and create a life with more abundance, health and satisfaction.
Interested in learning more? Contact [email protected] today to inquire about a FREE QHHT session while they last! _______________________________________________________________________
How can this be true?
Your practitioner is not only trained in the effective and practical QHHT method, but they have spent many years on learning what tends to bring healing. QHHT practitioners are NOT doctors. They don't have miracle cures or procedures that will physically change your life. Yet, if you are truly open, interested and willing the information gained in a QHHT session can give you the most effective actions steps to take to ignite change for the betterment of you!
QHHT practitioners have spent considerable energy focusing on healing and guiding others to finding their own version of healing. All QHHT practitioners are people who have been drawn to this type of healing, and it is something they are truly called to do. Additionally, all QHHT practitioners have personally experienced at least one session (often many more). They will share information which will help you to feel comfortable with the experience.
Additionally, many QHHT practitioners combine QHHT methods with other modalities. At The Happy Lyon Center, I combine QHHT with massage therapy, Holy Fire ReikiTM and HeartMathTM training. Other practitioners may combine their services with other modalities like psychotherapy, counseling, energy healing and more. Our one goal as practitioners is to help YOU HEAL! Read the background on your selected practitioner, and if those modalities which can supplement a QHHT session appeal to you, reach out to the practitioner to see if it feels like it's a fit for you.
How can QHHT heal all people, and all ailments?
Your most harmonic state of being is one of homeostasis. Homeostasis is a balanced, steady state of health. Humans continually reach for homeostasis.
"Homeostasis is an internal feedback system that stabilizes and balances our body's chemistry, so that our organs work smoothly and efficiently with each other." The BMJ Awards: celebrating excellence, 2016
We all go out of balance as a result of various experiences in life, yet finding that balance again is the most natural and easy thing you can experience. Yes, I said EASY. Finding your balance is what QHHT is best at doing.
As you learn to listen to your SC and your body, you learn to notice when things feel off kilter. You learn to respond to the feeling of being out of balance and discover ways which help to bring you back to homeostasis. QHHT sessions and practitioners are focused on helping you return to being comfortable in the balanced state which promotes steady health. This is natural for you, the client, and for them, the practitioners.
Interested in learning more? Browse articles here or through your own research. Want to book a session in southwest Montana? Schedule your appointment today at The Happy Lyon Center.
Want to learn more? Sign up for a bi-monthly newsletter which will feature new articles on QHHT and other healing modalities.
A Brief Background on QHHT
This is a technique developed by Dolores Cannon (1931-2014). In the 1960s she and her husband were using hypnosis to help people with quitting smoking and losing weight. Delores devoted most of her life to helping others heal, and eventually spent most of her time in QHHT sessions and teaching new practitioners to continue the healing for generations to come. Learn more and find local practitioners from the official QHHT site.
Harvard Health Gazette. Hypnosis helps healing: Surgical wounds mend faster. May 8, 2003: Cromie, William. https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2003/05/hypnosis-helps-healing-2
Health & Homeostasis. BMJ 2016;355:i5643 https://www.bmj.com/content/355/bmj.i5643/rr
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sadbi-hours · 5 years
So I guess 9x07 of ahs decided to come after my deeply angsty ass tonight...and my god, did it do it beauitfully!
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Oh, god, this episode bruh...where do I begin?!
Well let's start with Benji! Just when I thought I couldn't connect or feel anything new for Benjamin after the 100th episode than I already processed, welp I ended up being 100% completely wrong...so freaking wrong! I felt it all for this man tonight...I felt everything I could possibly feel for him!
I felt that bittersweet happiness that he emoted after he said his final goodbye to his brother...and he did what he believed was the right thing (spoiler and tw ahead) for the first time in his life...by ending it forever!
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That fucking logic hurt me deeply in my soul! I understood it on a gut level. It resonated with me...because for--I am going to get personal, but heck it was a very personal episode tonight--someone who's tried to end their life before, I can empathize with his logic of believing the people you love are better off without the burden of you!
He's thinking of what he believes is best for his son, protecting him the only way he had left and knew how to...he took it as a fool proof plan to defeat RR and end the horrors he started in 1940s by being forced to kill his own mother...who only ever wanted the same before grief and rage twisted her soul and intentions!
I mean that's some deep shit! And Miss Lily Rabe just decided to came for our souls tonight, huh?! Lol! Because how could I condemn her for what she's done! She lost her son in the worst way possible...let it fill her with rightful hate and rage and a call for justice and she unleashed her pent-up emotions in a horrifying way--i am seeing a recurring theme for the ladies of 1984!
And I kind of like how it tied into the blood curse of Camp Redwood! I've been wanting to know more about the camp's logic for keeping everybody who has died stuck there...and we got it and why it may not have been as intricate as some of Ryan's plot twists, I believe it worked beautifully! Sometimes simple is better...and The White Lady's hatred for the camp counselors of any kind is what has keep them there...not a moral thing per say was fucking brillent on his part! Plus Hello our little Friday the 13th easter egg so to speak lol!
And I will just say too that the writing was really on point this episode...for me at least! Ryan wasn't relying solely on soundtrack to get his point across on what we should be feeling...he let the shows composers and Lily and John's amazing acting do it for us and I think that was a wonderful decision!
And speaking of amazing acting, Lily and John both slayed it this episode...I mean their scenes together are what sold me on Ryan's twist! They broke my heart in two...I mean when Benji was giving his speak to the ghosts of Redwood even they were lowkey crying for him, except Montana...she didn't even bother to hide how deeply what he said touched her...and I think that she can relate to him deeply when it comes to losing a sibling that was in some ways your entire reason for existing!
And while we didn't get too much of Benji and Bobby's relationship...I feel like Bobby was probably Benji's only friend...someone despite his jealousy of, understood and listened to him! I see the recurring themes you are sending out there, Ryan Murphy...and tonight, just know that you have my full support of it haha!
(Warning for those who are anti Montana, dark xavier, or xantana...this is their little section but I won't be sticking on them much because there wasn't much of them tonight...which I actually liked but anyways...)
And I guess Montana just runs the ghosts of Camp Redwood now...I mean in her words: Choice! I believe that 100%...and I don't need to explain why lol...but I also like that while they are scared of her and they should be...they also subtly in some ways look to her for or to know how to express compassion! I mean, I love my girl but she is Montana (who hasn't shown much of it besides those two times with brooke in ep 2 and again with xavier in ep 5) and while I know that all of Camp Redwood was crying at Benji's speech, they all tried to hide how much it affected them...all except Montana! She so to speak openly weep for him...and showed him that she understood and felt for him by once again offering up one of her homeboys off as tribute to take him to his mother...
And tbh, I don't know how I feel about that...It could just be Montana always trying to adapt to what people need and crave from others as a way to get what she wants...or she does it because deep down that's who she is: always giving up who she truly is to be what people need her to be!
Richard wanted a ruthless sex kitten...she gave that to him, but that was to get him to do what she wanted...but it still in a way makes my point lol...anynhow, Chet seems to be seeking something of a sister/mother type figure and she's given that to him, by looking out for him and keeping him in check...Xavier wants to have control over his situation, she gave him that (tho my xantana loving ass still thinks there is more to it than that but that's for another day)... Ray wants someone to take his moral conflicts out on, well she lets him bitch her out as he cleans up her kills... and everyone in Redwood wants to leave, she hatches a whole ass plan to maybe help release them from it...and Trevor wants what could have been, so well you know...and I ain't mad because we all know Montana lives for variety and no matter how much she loves someone, she'll never be 100% faithful in a sexual manner, so who knew I'd come to a day i'd be cool with that, but she has never lied about that part of her...and in some ways, she remains me a lot of Brian Kinney from Queer as Folk, who was very similar in that belief...and I swear it's so nice to see a woman in media allowed to be that sexually open and not condemned for it by the people around her who matter...
But we will see, Xavier has been known to be a jealous boy when it comes to Trevor...so who knows how that will turn out?!
And look I know I may be reaching, but that's what I've come away with for her this ep. and I'm just airing it out there haha!
And that leads me to Brooke and her whole debacle this episode:
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Not only do Donna and Brooke need a freaking hug after this episode, but I truly thought I couldn't love Brooke more after last ep...and I was pleasantly wrong on both beliefs lol!
I loved her struggle to trust Donna and her motives for helping her...all understandable! Donna and the entire lot of those she's blindly trusted have fucked her over, but I love that here her trust wasn't misplaced. Donna only ever wanted to fix what she's caused...and she never wanted anything else from her. She gave back to Brooke what Brooke gave to her: trust and understanding.
I mean she was so in sync with what Brooke was trying to do with rushing her with the truck...not for a moment did Donna believe she was trying to kill her and I adore it! I seriously thought for a moment that Brooke was going to let her trauma and need for revenge allow her to become Montana 2.0 but she didn't! Brooke has completely stuck to what she believes is right these last two episodes and I 100% love her for it.
And I also liked that entire roller rink scene...and it's underling purpose! Donna let her experience some of what she missed in 80s while in prison...and thank you Ryan Murphy for having one character in 1984 actually in a way healthily air their traumas in a safe place...with a trustworthy (ish) person...and in return get almost a heathy response on how to cope with it!
I forever will give you kudos for that, but I also understand this is ahs and this is also a homage to 80s slashers and the main final character always returns to their greatest horror...and for Brooke that's Margaret and Camp Redwood, but my girl Donna decided to fuck it all and be a ride or die bff for a bitch...and I stan it so hard!
I love how we are getting ahs' verison of a positive female relationship...i'd never thought I'd see the day haha! Ryan just giving everyone something this season!
And Dylan's character, Bruce (?) is it bad I want to see more of him, even tho he's clearly psychotic and probably be looking to end Brooke's life after what she did...which I cheered her on the whole way as she did it...but yeah, please give me more of Dylan's insane character! Please and thank you...as if we didn't have enough chaos going on with only two episodes left, I also want Dylan's brand to be added to the mix haha!
And to Margaret, I still only have one thing to say...
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I mean Lavinia said (@scienceandmischief for pointing it out her name to me! Thanks so much ❤) that Margret was already unhinged...Lily's character just nudged her in the direction she wanted to go...she still needs to pay for what she's done and hopefully my wifey Brooke will be the one coming to collect...but I am fascinated by a few things. Has Margaret's fanatic religious talk...been her deep down way of trying to atone for what TWL awoken in her and the things she's done?! I mean I don't know if it really matters at this point with her...but it still makes my brain wheels churn.
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codyssfern · 5 years
theories!!! theories!!! THEORIES 👀 or just some revelations you think this episode had
let me tell you something i went to bed with a really bad headache last night. i feel like xavier wasn’t the only thing burning, but my brain as well shjdsk
either way, here’s what i think after 9x04 !!
first and foremost, margaret.
margaret is the true killer of the camp redwood 70s massacre and jingles was framed. i feel like we all suspected this so it wasn’t much of a shock. i felt super bad for benjamin (jingles) and i think it’s clear that he won’t stop until margaret is dead. but is HE dead? we saw margaret straight up shoot him like 3 times but later xavier sees him and we also see him in the trailer for next week’s episode. is he a ghost or did he actually survive? it’s so sad though because my man jingles just wanted a damn peanut butter & jelly sandwhich and margaret just had to come in a fuck it all up.
i think after this episode it was pretty clear that xavier was/is not working with montana and rr. i mean knowing ryan, i don’t want to get my hopes up but there’s a 98% chance he isn’t and if he is it’s definitely not by choice (i talked about this here) first, i think if he had been working with them that montana would’ve mentioned xavier when she was telling rr that once brooke was dead, they would get the hell away from camp redwood. if xavier knew from the beginning what montana and rr had planned for brooke and helped them lure brooke in, wouldn’t montana had mentioned him? (unless she really is that bitch that only cares for herself)
second, i wholeheartedly believe that xavier would have cracked already and told brooke to her face that they were trying to kill her. if last week, the death of blake had him feeling guilty, saying he was the one who brought him there, along with the rest of his friends and that karma was going to get to him, what do y’all think almost getting burned alive and having to kill someone he cared about would do? he’s someone who doesn’t do well under pressure and who, deep down, is actually a good guy.
brooke and montana
i still can’t crack brooke. i am starting to believe she may actually just be the little naive girl who’s gotten herself in a bad situation, i mean after trevor.. i wouldn’t be surprised. but then again there must be a reason why montana blames brooke for her brother’s death. if it was simply a wedding gone wrong and the groom misunderstanding the situation, wouldn’t montana show brooke mercy or try to put herself in her shoes? she is positive brooke slept with her brother so could that actually be true-does montana know more than what brooke is telling us?
camp redwood being a door to hell/vcr game
now listen, they wouldn’t have satan bring his emo follower back to life for no reason. it means something for sure. though the theory of montana and rr using brooke as the human sacrifice in their ritual because she is supposedly a virgin has been debunked, now that montana herself believes brooke isn’t a virgin. the whole thing being a vcr game can also be debunked, i remember seeing people talk about how bad the quality was when rr killed that camp counselor in ep. 1. saying it almost looked glitchy like a video game but on this weeks episode, we saw rr kill one of montana’s students way before camp redwood and the quality was also sort of glitchy. it looked too fake but given the time and place where it was done, i think maybe we can debunk the vcr game theory.
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newsotu · 7 years
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 This week for Photo of the Week, we would like to show to our readers a highly-detailed shot of the Milky Way taken by Mark Payton, a talented portrait, landscape and wedding photographer. Taking a closer look, you might wonder what makes this photo so appealing? Could it be the surreptitious use of colour? Or maybe the uncountable number of stars? Or perhaps the lack of any distortion? To create this image, Payton utilized a 24mm Tilt-Shift lens with an RRS gimbal head to capture the starry night of Missoula, Montana without any wide-angle lens distortion. Afterwards, 4 separate horizontal images were stacked to create this lovely exposure with its vivid pigments and twinkling stars.  For more fantastic photos, be sure to check out Payton's website at http://www.markpaytonphotography.com/ or his Instagram @mark.payton.photography at https://www.instagram.com/mark.payton.photography/
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
*heavy breathing*
Also my roommate is going to be spooken soon, because I am going to be squealing a shit ton...
OMG FINN, MY PRETTY SHINY ANGEL (also... yeah let’s go to a place which is not signed ont he Uber drive map, that is a truly genius idea... like if you are not going to get murdered, you’ll get phantom clamydia).
Hey Billy Idol, where are you?
Ok I need to calm down, before I burst another nail...
(I really should stop talking...).
MONTANA MY BITCH (is she amish? She has fucked half of the men, here... bitch).
“THAT IS RAD” more iconic fase ever.
Also... 2019?! SHIT SHIT SHIT...
Yeah... everyone is ging to try to kill you... reassuring...
MONTANA MOVE AWAY FROM FLINN, YOU ALREADY GOT XAVIER AND TREVOR, STOP BEING GREEDY (leave my dad Trevor alone, and get my other idiot boyfriend Xavier).
Don’t mind me I am just chilling to the music... and OMG YEAH DUDE FOLLOW A CREEPY LADY WHO JUST HUGGED YOU (would have probably done the same if she looked like Billie Lourde, but also I am dumb dumb...).
Yeah... Finn we get it, you are also a groupie...
“MONTANA DUKE DIED” well bitch you gotta a big storm coming...
... ego.. what were you expecting, pervs?
Yeah... bitch your father is definitely dead... sorry for your loss, we actually liked him...
Trevor is so excited to be stabbed, again... what a dork...
Also don’t traumatize the child...
Also... I love the shorts on Trevor, but also dad please stop wanting to look cute...
RR’s Billy Idol’s biggest fan.
Also... RR from serial killer to cleaning lady... cool downgrade.
I am still loving the entire “kajagogoo” name.
OMG BELINDA CARLISLE... OHHHHH HEAVEEENNN IS AAAAA PLAAACE OOON EARTH (if you don’t think that I would sing that to Michael Langdon... you are wrong... like I woul die, but I would die happily)
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outhereontheprairie · 7 years
Grand Front Doors, Old Brick School, Glentana Montana
Grand Front Doors, Old Brick School, Glentana Montana by Arielle Seibold-Galston Via Flickr: The most striking feature about the tiny near-ghost town of Glentana is it's beautiful two story brick school. It sits on the very western edge of town, set apart from everything else. The giant sky and land around it don't diminish it's striking presence. Even in decay it's one of the most beautiful old school buildings I have ever seen. Can you imagine sitting in class, looking out those big windows onto the prairie? I hate to see this building fall apart. It's in the most beautiful location and so beautifully designed. If anyone has any history or stories about this place please share! Remote doesn't even begin to describe the area where the tiny dying town of Glentana is. Up here the sky to ground ratio is unbelievable. Even I, a self professed prairie loving person (who was raised on the prairie since I was one) like myself was almost uncomfortable--there was so much sky, and so little earth. Robert and I agreed that it's an "exposed" feeling that makes a person nervous, and like I said we both are usually quite comfortable on the prairie. But the farther north you get the more you feel like you're standing in the sky with the ground far below you. Honestly, once you get used to the feeling you like it (at least I did). But as you can see there are pretty much no trees--not even in the draws--and if anything just a few scrub bushes to contrast the prairie grass. Glentana it's self has a handful of old buildings and homes and even a church. It's very quiet there. Only 9 people lived there at the 2000 census. "Glentana is ten miles from the Saskatchewan border. Homesteaders began locating around Scobey and nearby Glentana by the hundreds in the early 1900s, even before the government survey. Grassland was turned into fields, some with single-bottom plows pulled by horses and some with hired "gang plows" pulled by big steam engines. Glentana was a station near the end of the branch line of the Great Northern that went up to Opheim.(from Cheney's Names on the Face of Montana, Mountain Press Publishing Company) Before the Great Northern and Soo Line RR branch lines were built into the county area in 1913, supplies were freighted in from the "main line", usually up from Poplar. Grain also had to be hauled there, all by team and wagon. A stage, following about the same route of the ancient Wood Mountain Trail, ran for some years, carrying mail and passengers to the area. At one time, most of the homes in Daniels County were heated by lignite coal, which could be found in most areas of the county. Many rural residents just went out and trip mined their own coal where they found it, perhaps working with a neighbor or two. It was poor quality coal, but the settlers became quite adept at getting maximum heat from it. Without this abundant local fuel source, settling of the area may have had to wait until the rails came. There were a number of commercial mines in the county, some quite extensive. In addition, Glentana used to have a smelter that burned Montana coke, produced by placing coal in coke ovens that burned off the gases and impurities at high temperatures leaving a high-grade fuel called "coke." This activity gradually died out, however. To the south of Glentana is the Fort Peck Indian Reservation. Sioux and Assinniboine live on the reservation, encompassing more than 2 million acres of land just east of Fort Peck Lake, almost to North Dakota, and from 50 miles south of Canada to the Missouri River in the south." -visitmt.com
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smoria · 5 years
ahs: 1984 [09.05]
aka the opening that gave me cancer
aka how did a ghost get a hard on? does the sperm still work? is she gonna get pregnant?
aka that ghost popped a cherry. brooke can mark one off her bucket list.. my first time was with a ghost.
for a second there, i thought she found that other woman’s panties and picked them up. not a wine glass.
how the hell is she gonna stop the bleeding? her guts are out. the fuck?
the fact that dede thinks her dad loves her means he doesn’t hide the darkest parts of himself from his family. like what? it happens all the time. they leave no signs.
that’s the kind of shit that fucks you up for the rest of your life.
i’m still peeved that satan resurrected rr, but not his own son. worst dad ever.
excuse me bitch? you think you have no darkness? you do and you indulged in it... more than once.
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it’s fucking wild when you and a serial killer actually agree and say bullshit at the same time about someone swimming in their own delusion.
her murderous papa is being projected from hell.
i tried to protect trevor by killing him because i’m actually the psychotic bitch you should protect yourselves from. oh right.. she didn’t say that.
montana just wants to take brooke out. that’s why no one else can go.
i love talking to spirits. it’s so much fun until you find out their actually dead.
brooke: did you hit your head or something
ray: ....
me: nope, but he definitely lost it.
margaret probably confessed her sins more than once and she seems like she’s going to hell... i mean heaven.
margaret: preaches about jesus
also margaret: kills everyone around her
me: praise jesus.
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i’m surprised margaret didn’t lick that ear. looks like she wanted to. that or eat it.
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no way she killed him. i mean she still looks pretty put together. stop lying.
he’s definitely scared.... scared to death.
so.... isn’t this the plot to ghost? their whole kiss and shit?
she gonna fuck a ghost.  do ghost need to use protection? asking for a friend.
her first time.... was with a ghost. I’M SCREAMING
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fucking montana. i love a bitchin’ villain, but the fact she keeps blaming brooke for something her fiance did is asinine. however, not a surprise because well... she’s crazy.
xavier lost his shit and it’s absolutely amazing.
mr. jingles coming through with that information... the exposition
mr. jingles is a fucking savage coming at dede like that. 
margaret and xavier are both still missing the real action.
too bad xavier is a pretty moron and doesn’t know the truth. oh well.
all of those kids are gonna need therapy now.
even in death, montana still wild as fuck.
rr and mr jingles road trip when?
0 notes
anthonyekoehler · 5 years
Rapid Recovery Solution
Debt collectors like Rapid Recovery Solution cannot harass you over a debt. You have rights under the law, and we will stop the harassment once and for all.
If Rapid Recovery Solution violated the law, you will get money damages and they will pay your attorney’s fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. Plus, some of our clients also receive debt relief and cleaned-up credit reports. You have nothing to lose! Call us today at 888-572-0176 for a free consultation.
Who is Rapid Recovery Solution?
Rapid Recovery Solution is a third-party debt collection agency based in Bohemia, New York, with additional offices throughout the United States. Founded in 1999, RRS is not accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and the BBB has received numerous reports of consumers’ communication problems with the company, including being unable to reach representatives and not receiving regular statements or account-reports.
Rapid Recovery Solution’s Address, Phone Number, and Contact Information
Rapid Recovery Solution is located at 25 Orville Drive Suite 101A, Bohemia, NY 11716-2510. The main telephone number is 866-944-8610 and the main website is http://rapidrecoverysolutions.com/. RRS’s additional locations can be found at the “Contact Us” page.
Phone Numbers Used by Rapid Recovery Solution
Like many debt collection agencies, Rapid Recovery Solution may use many different phone numbers to contact debtors. For an advanced search, visit www.agrussconsumerlaw.com/ and click “Number Search” in the “Lookup” dropdown menu. Here is one phone number Rapid Recovery Solution may be calling you from:
Rapid Recovery Solution Lawsuits
If you want to know just how unhappy consumers are with Rapid Recovery Solution, take a look at the lawsuits filed against the agency on the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (“PACER”). PACER is the U.S.’s federal docket which lists federal complaints filed against a wide range of companies. A search for the agency will display 6 lawsuits filed in the U.S., and these typically involve violations of consumer rights and/or the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).
Rapid Recovery Solution Complaints
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal law which applies to everyone in the United States. In other words, everyone is protected under the FDCPA, and this Act is a laundry list of what debt collectors can and cannot do while collecting a debt, as well as things they must do while collecting debt. If Rapid Recovery Solution is harassing you over a debt, you have rights under the FDCPA.
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) protects you from robocalls, which are those annoying, automated, recorded calls that computers make all day long. You can tell it’s a robocall because either no one responds on the other end of the line, or there is a delay when you pick up the phone before a live person responds. You can receive $500 per call if Rapid Recovery Solution violates the TCPA. Have you received a message from this agency that sounds pre-recorded or cut-off at the beginning or end? These are tell-tale signs that the message is pre-recorded, and if you have these messages on your cell phone, you may have a TCPA case against the agency.
The Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA) protects electronic payments that are deducted from bank accounts. If Rapid Recovery Solution took unauthorized deductions from your bank account, you may have an EFTA claim against the agency. Rapid Recovery Solution, like most collection agencies, wants to set up recurring payments from consumers; imagine how much money it can earn if hundreds, even thousands, of consumers electronically pay them $50 – $100 or more per month. If you agreed to this type of reoccurring payment, the agency must follow certain steps to comply with the EFTA. Did Rapid Recovery Solution continue to take electronic payments after you told them to stop? Did they take more money from your checking account than you agreed to?  If so, we can discuss your rights and potential case under the EFTA.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) works to ensure that no information reported to your credit report is false. In essence, it gives you the right to dispute those inaccuracies that you find on your credit report. We’ve handled many cases in which a debt collection agency reported debt on a consumer’s credit report to obtain leverage over the consumer. If Rapid Recovery Solution is on your credit report, they may tell you that they’ll remove the debt from your credit report if you pay it; this is commonly known as “pay for delete.” If the original creditor is on your report rather than the debt collector, and you pay off the debt, both entities should accurately report this on your credit report.
Several states also have laws to provide its citizens an additional layer of protection. For example, if you live in California, Florida, Michigan, Montana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, or Wisconsin, you may be able to add a state-law claim to your federal law claim above. North Carolina, for example, has one of the most consumer-friendly statutes in the country: if you live in NC and are harassed over a debt, you may receive $500 – $4,000 in damages per violation. We work with a local counsel in NC and our NC clients have received some great results in debt collection harassment cases. If you live in North Carolina and are being harassed by a debt collector, you have leverage to obtain a great settlement.
How do we Use the Law to Help You?
We will use state and federal laws to immediately stop Rapid Recovery Solution’s debt collection. We will send a cease-and-desist letter to stop the harassment today, and if Rapid Recovery Solution violates the FDCPA, EFTA, FCRA, or any state law, you may be entitled to money damages. For example, under the FDCPA, you may receive up to $1,000 in damages plus actual damages. The FDCPA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the debt collector will pay your attorney’s fees and costs. If you have a TCPA case against the agency, we will handle it based on a contingency fee and you won’t pay us a dime unless you win.
We have helped thousands of consumers stop phone calls. We know how to stop the harassment and get you money damages. Once again: you will not pay us a dime for our services. We will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, and the debt collector will pay your attorney’s fees and costs.
What if Rapid Recovery Solution is on my Credit Report?
Based on our experience, some debt collectors may credit-report, which means one may mark your credit report with the debt they are trying to collect. In addition to or instead of the debt collector, the original creditor may also be on your credit report in a separate entry, and it’s important to properly identify these entities because you will want both to update your credit report if or when you pay off the debt.
If Rapid Recovery Solution is on your credit report, we can help you dispute it. Mistakes on your credit report can be very costly: along with causing you to pay higher interest rates, you may be denied credit, insurance, a rental home, a loan, or even a job because of these mistakes. Some mistakes may include someone else’s information on your credit report, inaccurate public records, stale collection accounts, or even being a victim of identity theft. If you have a mistake on your credit report, there is a process to dispute it, and my office will help you obtain your credit report and dispute any inaccurate information.
If a credit reporting agency violates its obligations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you may be entitled to statutory damages up to $1,000, and the credit reporting agency will be required to fix the error. The FCRA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the credit reporting agency will pay your attorney’s fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have helped hundreds of consumers fix inaccurate information on their credit reports, and we’re ready to help you, too.
Complaints against Rapid Recovery Solution
Here are some of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) Rapid Recovery Solution:
“I received an email stating that I owe money and that I’ve never paid it, despite repeated requests. They don’t state the company that I supposedly owe money to. I’ve never heard of this company before. They don’t even state my name and threatening me with legal action if I don’t give them the full amount with all interest and penalties included.”
“I am constantly harassed by this company. They have contacted my employer and told co-workers I was going to be arrested. I have asked them to stop contacting me at work but they call me back everyday. I have explained to them I am not the person responsible for the account and they continue to harass me.”
“We hired them to collect on our behalf. They have never provided a statement of account on request (repeatedly over the past few months) and now it seems their phone line is down and all emails are bouncing. I have a hunch I’ll never see that money nor know where our accounts are at which is just brutal.”
What Our Clients Say about Us
Agruss Law Firm has over 825 outstanding client reviews through Yotpo, an A+ BBB rating, and over 110 five-star reviews on Google. Here’s what some of our clients have to say about us:
“Michael Agruss handled two settlements for me with great results and he handled them quickly. He also settled my sister’s case quickly and now her debt is clear. I highly recommend Michael.”
“Agruss Law Firm was very helpful, they helped me solve my case regarding the unwanted calls. I would highly recommend them. Thank you very much Mike Agruss!”
“Agruss Law Firm was very helpful to me and my veteran father! We were harassed daily and even called names for a loan that was worthless! Agruss stepped in and not only did they stop harassing, they stopped calling all together!! Even settled it so I was paid back for the problems they caused!”
Can Rapid Recovery Solution Sue Me?
Although anyone can sue anyone for any reason, we have not seen Rapid Recovery Solution sue consumers, and it’s likely that the agency does not sue because they don’t always own the debt they are attempting to collect, and would also need to hire a lawyer, or use in-house counsel, to file a lawsuit. It’s also likely that the agency collects debt throughout the country, and it would be quite difficult to have lawyers, or a law firm, licensed in every state. However, there are collection agencies that do sue consumers; for example, Midland Credit Management is one of the largest junk-debt buyers, and it also collects and sues on debt. Still, it is less likely for a debt collector to sue you than for an original creditor to hire a lawyer or collection firm to sue you. If Rapid Recovery Solution has threatened to sue you, contact Agruss Law Firm, LLC as soon as possible.
Can Rapid Recovery Solution Garnish my Wages?
No, unless they have a judgment. If Rapid Recovery Solution has not sued you, then the agency cannot get a judgment. Barring limited situations (usually involving debts owed to the government for student loans, taxes, etc.), a company must have a judgment in order to garnish someone’s wages. In short, we have not seen this agency file a lawsuit against a consumer, so the agency cannot garnish your wages, minus the exceptions listed above. If Rapid Recovery Solution has threatened to garnish your wages, contact our office right away.
Rapid Recovery Solution Settlement
If you want to settle a debt with Rapid Recovery Solution, ask yourself these questions first:
Do I really owe this debt?
Is this debt within the statute of limitations?
Is this debt on my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will Rapid Recovery Solution remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will the original creditor remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will I receive confirmation in writing from Rapid Recovery Solution for the payment and settlement terms?
These are not the only things to consider when dealing with debt collectors. We are here to help you answer the questions above, and much more. Whether it’s harassment, settlement, pay-for-delete, or any other legal issue with Rapid Recovery Solution, we at Agruss Law Firm are here to help you.
Top Debt Collection Violations
Debt collection laws provide a laundry list of what collectors can and cannot do while collecting a debt. Based on our years of experience handling thousands of debt collection harassment cases, here’s what collection agencies most often do to violate the law:
Called you about a debt you do not owe.
Called you at work after you told them you cannot receive calls at work.
Left you a message without identifying the company’s name.
Left you a message without disclosing that the call is from a debt collector.
Called third-parties (family, friends, coworkers, or neighbors) even though the collection agency knows your contact information.
Disclosed to a third-party (family, friends, coworkers, or neighbors) that you owe a debt.
Contacted you after you said to stop calling.
Threatened you with legal action (such as a lawsuit or wage garnishment).
Called you before 8:00 AM or after 9:00 PM.
Continued to call you after you have told the collector you cannot pay the debt.
Communicated (phone or letter) with you after you filed for bankruptcy.
Failed to mark the debt on your credit report as disputed after you disputed the debt.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to pay your fees and costs for helping me with my consumer rights case? No. We handle consumer rights cases based on a fee-shift provision and/or a contingency fee. That means either the other side pays your fees and costs, or we take a percentage of your recovery. Whether it’s a fee-shift case or a contingency-fee case, we don’t get paid unless you get paid, and you’ll never owe us a penny for our time.
What are the damages I can get under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act? If a collection agency violates any section of the FDCPA, you are entitled to damages up to $1,000.00. You may also be entitled to actual damages if the violation caused you out-of-pocket expenses. For example, if a collection agency threatens you with legal action to induce you to pay the debt, you may be able to get your payment back as actual damages.
What are the damages under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act? You can get $500 per robocall, or $1,500 per robocall if the robocalls were willful. In any type of settlement, Defendants often pay much less than $500 per call. However, if there are 50 calls at issue, even at $250 per call, your case could settle for $12,500.00.
What type of debt is covered under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act? Only consumer debt, such as personal, family, and household debts. For example, money you owe on a personal credit card, an auto loan, a medical bill, or a utility bill. The FDCPA does not cover debts you incurred to run a business, or debts regarding unpaid taxes, or traffic tickets.
Does the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act apply to banks or credit card companies? No.  Only third-party debt collectors are bound by the FDCPA. Original creditors, such as banks and credit card companies, are not bound by the FDCPA.
Are there state laws that protect me from original creditors? Yes! Several states also have laws that provide its citizens an additional layer of protection. If you live in California, Connecticut, Florida, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, Nevada, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, or Wisconsin, you have additional state-law rights.
Are mistakes on credit reports common? Yes! Are you one of the 40 million Americans who have a mistake on their credit report? Mistakes on your credit report can be very costly.  Along with causing you to pay higher interest rates, you may be denied credit, insurance, a rental home, a loan, or even a job because of these mistakes. Some mistakes may include someone else’s information on your credit report, inaccurate public records, stale collection accounts, or maybe you were a victim of identity theft.
What do I do if I have a mistake on my credit report? If you have a mistake on your credit report, there is a process to dispute them. My office will help you pull your credit report and dispute any inaccurate information. If a credit reporting agency violates its obligations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you may be entitled to statutory damages up to $1,000.00, plus the credit reporting agency will be required to fix the error.  The FCRA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the credit reporting agency pays your attorney’s fees and costs. Therefore, you will not pay me a penny for my time. To speed up the process, please get a free copy of your credit report at www.annualcreditreport.com. You can also learn more about the FCRA and your rights at http://www.agrussconsumerlaw.com/practices/common-credit-report-errors/.
Share your Complaints against Rapid Recovery Solution Below
We encourage you to post your complaints about Rapid Recovery Solution. Sharing your complaints against this agency can help other consumers understand what to do when this company starts calling. Sharing your experience may help someone else!
If you are being harassed by Rapid Recovery Solution over a debt, you may be entitled to money damages – up to $1,000 for harassment, and $500 – $1,500 for illegal robocalls. Under state and federal laws, we will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, which means the debt-collector pays your attorney’s fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have settled thousands of debt collection harassment cases, and we’re prepared to help you, too. Contact Agruss Law Firm at 888-572-0176 to stop the harassment once and for all.
The post Rapid Recovery Solution appeared first on Agruss Law Firm, LLC.
Rapid Recovery Solution published first on https://agrusslawfirmllc.tumblr.com
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agrusslawfirmllc · 5 years
Rapid Recovery Solution
Debt collectors like Rapid Recovery Solution cannot harass you over a debt. You have rights under the law, and we will stop the harassment once and for all.
If Rapid Recovery Solution violated the law, you will get money damages and they will pay your attorney’s fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. Plus, some of our clients also receive debt relief and cleaned-up credit reports. You have nothing to lose! Call us today at 888-572-0176 for a free consultation.
Who is Rapid Recovery Solution?
Rapid Recovery Solution is a third-party debt collection agency based in Bohemia, New York, with additional offices throughout the United States. Founded in 1999, RRS is not accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and the BBB has received numerous reports of consumers’ communication problems with the company, including being unable to reach representatives and not receiving regular statements or account-reports.
Rapid Recovery Solution’s Address, Phone Number, and Contact Information
Rapid Recovery Solution is located at 25 Orville Drive Suite 101A, Bohemia, NY 11716-2510. The main telephone number is 866-944-8610 and the main website is http://rapidrecoverysolutions.com/. RRS’s additional locations can be found at the “Contact Us” page.
Phone Numbers Used by Rapid Recovery Solution
Like many debt collection agencies, Rapid Recovery Solution may use many different phone numbers to contact debtors. For an advanced search, visit www.agrussconsumerlaw.com/ and click “Number Search” in the “Lookup” dropdown menu. Here is one phone number Rapid Recovery Solution may be calling you from:
Rapid Recovery Solution Lawsuits
If you want to know just how unhappy consumers are with Rapid Recovery Solution, take a look at the lawsuits filed against the agency on the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (“PACER”). PACER is the U.S.’s federal docket which lists federal complaints filed against a wide range of companies. A search for the agency will display 6 lawsuits filed in the U.S., and these typically involve violations of consumer rights and/or the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).
Rapid Recovery Solution Complaints
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal law which applies to everyone in the United States. In other words, everyone is protected under the FDCPA, and this Act is a laundry list of what debt collectors can and cannot do while collecting a debt, as well as things they must do while collecting debt. If Rapid Recovery Solution is harassing you over a debt, you have rights under the FDCPA.
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) protects you from robocalls, which are those annoying, automated, recorded calls that computers make all day long. You can tell it’s a robocall because either no one responds on the other end of the line, or there is a delay when you pick up the phone before a live person responds. You can receive $500 per call if Rapid Recovery Solution violates the TCPA. Have you received a message from this agency that sounds pre-recorded or cut-off at the beginning or end? These are tell-tale signs that the message is pre-recorded, and if you have these messages on your cell phone, you may have a TCPA case against the agency.
The Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA) protects electronic payments that are deducted from bank accounts. If Rapid Recovery Solution took unauthorized deductions from your bank account, you may have an EFTA claim against the agency. Rapid Recovery Solution, like most collection agencies, wants to set up recurring payments from consumers; imagine how much money it can earn if hundreds, even thousands, of consumers electronically pay them $50 – $100 or more per month. If you agreed to this type of reoccurring payment, the agency must follow certain steps to comply with the EFTA. Did Rapid Recovery Solution continue to take electronic payments after you told them to stop? Did they take more money from your checking account than you agreed to?  If so, we can discuss your rights and potential case under the EFTA.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) works to ensure that no information reported to your credit report is false. In essence, it gives you the right to dispute those inaccuracies that you find on your credit report. We’ve handled many cases in which a debt collection agency reported debt on a consumer’s credit report to obtain leverage over the consumer. If Rapid Recovery Solution is on your credit report, they may tell you that they’ll remove the debt from your credit report if you pay it; this is commonly known as “pay for delete.” If the original creditor is on your report rather than the debt collector, and you pay off the debt, both entities should accurately report this on your credit report.
Several states also have laws to provide its citizens an additional layer of protection. For example, if you live in California, Florida, Michigan, Montana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, or Wisconsin, you may be able to add a state-law claim to your federal law claim above. North Carolina, for example, has one of the most consumer-friendly statutes in the country: if you live in NC and are harassed over a debt, you may receive $500 – $4,000 in damages per violation. We work with a local counsel in NC and our NC clients have received some great results in debt collection harassment cases. If you live in North Carolina and are being harassed by a debt collector, you have leverage to obtain a great settlement.
How do we Use the Law to Help You?
We will use state and federal laws to immediately stop Rapid Recovery Solution’s debt collection. We will send a cease-and-desist letter to stop the harassment today, and if Rapid Recovery Solution violates the FDCPA, EFTA, FCRA, or any state law, you may be entitled to money damages. For example, under the FDCPA, you may receive up to $1,000 in damages plus actual damages. The FDCPA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the debt collector will pay your attorney’s fees and costs. If you have a TCPA case against the agency, we will handle it based on a contingency fee and you won’t pay us a dime unless you win.
We have helped thousands of consumers stop phone calls. We know how to stop the harassment and get you money damages. Once again: you will not pay us a dime for our services. We will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, and the debt collector will pay your attorney’s fees and costs.
What if Rapid Recovery Solution is on my Credit Report?
Based on our experience, some debt collectors may credit-report, which means one may mark your credit report with the debt they are trying to collect. In addition to or instead of the debt collector, the original creditor may also be on your credit report in a separate entry, and it’s important to properly identify these entities because you will want both to update your credit report if or when you pay off the debt.
If Rapid Recovery Solution is on your credit report, we can help you dispute it. Mistakes on your credit report can be very costly: along with causing you to pay higher interest rates, you may be denied credit, insurance, a rental home, a loan, or even a job because of these mistakes. Some mistakes may include someone else’s information on your credit report, inaccurate public records, stale collection accounts, or even being a victim of identity theft. If you have a mistake on your credit report, there is a process to dispute it, and my office will help you obtain your credit report and dispute any inaccurate information.
If a credit reporting agency violates its obligations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you may be entitled to statutory damages up to $1,000, and the credit reporting agency will be required to fix the error. The FCRA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the credit reporting agency will pay your attorney’s fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have helped hundreds of consumers fix inaccurate information on their credit reports, and we’re ready to help you, too.
Complaints against Rapid Recovery Solution
Here are some of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) Rapid Recovery Solution:
“I received an email stating that I owe money and that I’ve never paid it, despite repeated requests. They don’t state the company that I supposedly owe money to. I’ve never heard of this company before. They don’t even state my name and threatening me with legal action if I don’t give them the full amount with all interest and penalties included.”
“I am constantly harassed by this company. They have contacted my employer and told co-workers I was going to be arrested. I have asked them to stop contacting me at work but they call me back everyday. I have explained to them I am not the person responsible for the account and they continue to harass me.”
“We hired them to collect on our behalf. They have never provided a statement of account on request (repeatedly over the past few months) and now it seems their phone line is down and all emails are bouncing. I have a hunch I’ll never see that money nor know where our accounts are at which is just brutal.”
What Our Clients Say about Us
Agruss Law Firm has over 825 outstanding client reviews through Yotpo, an A+ BBB rating, and over 110 five-star reviews on Google. Here’s what some of our clients have to say about us:
“Michael Agruss handled two settlements for me with great results and he handled them quickly. He also settled my sister’s case quickly and now her debt is clear. I highly recommend Michael.”
“Agruss Law Firm was very helpful, they helped me solve my case regarding the unwanted calls. I would highly recommend them. Thank you very much Mike Agruss!”
“Agruss Law Firm was very helpful to me and my veteran father! We were harassed daily and even called names for a loan that was worthless! Agruss stepped in and not only did they stop harassing, they stopped calling all together!! Even settled it so I was paid back for the problems they caused!”
Can Rapid Recovery Solution Sue Me?
Although anyone can sue anyone for any reason, we have not seen Rapid Recovery Solution sue consumers, and it’s likely that the agency does not sue because they don’t always own the debt they are attempting to collect, and would also need to hire a lawyer, or use in-house counsel, to file a lawsuit. It’s also likely that the agency collects debt throughout the country, and it would be quite difficult to have lawyers, or a law firm, licensed in every state. However, there are collection agencies that do sue consumers; for example, Midland Credit Management is one of the largest junk-debt buyers, and it also collects and sues on debt. Still, it is less likely for a debt collector to sue you than for an original creditor to hire a lawyer or collection firm to sue you. If Rapid Recovery Solution has threatened to sue you, contact Agruss Law Firm, LLC as soon as possible.
Can Rapid Recovery Solution Garnish my Wages?
No, unless they have a judgment. If Rapid Recovery Solution has not sued you, then the agency cannot get a judgment. Barring limited situations (usually involving debts owed to the government for student loans, taxes, etc.), a company must have a judgment in order to garnish someone’s wages. In short, we have not seen this agency file a lawsuit against a consumer, so the agency cannot garnish your wages, minus the exceptions listed above. If Rapid Recovery Solution has threatened to garnish your wages, contact our office right away.
Rapid Recovery Solution Settlement
If you want to settle a debt with Rapid Recovery Solution, ask yourself these questions first:
Do I really owe this debt?
Is this debt within the statute of limitations?
Is this debt on my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will Rapid Recovery Solution remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will the original creditor remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will I receive confirmation in writing from Rapid Recovery Solution for the payment and settlement terms?
These are not the only things to consider when dealing with debt collectors. We are here to help you answer the questions above, and much more. Whether it’s harassment, settlement, pay-for-delete, or any other legal issue with Rapid Recovery Solution, we at Agruss Law Firm are here to help you.
Top Debt Collection Violations
Debt collection laws provide a laundry list of what collectors can and cannot do while collecting a debt. Based on our years of experience handling thousands of debt collection harassment cases, here’s what collection agencies most often do to violate the law:
Called you about a debt you do not owe.
Called you at work after you told them you cannot receive calls at work.
Left you a message without identifying the company’s name.
Left you a message without disclosing that the call is from a debt collector.
Called third-parties (family, friends, coworkers, or neighbors) even though the collection agency knows your contact information.
Disclosed to a third-party (family, friends, coworkers, or neighbors) that you owe a debt.
Contacted you after you said to stop calling.
Threatened you with legal action (such as a lawsuit or wage garnishment).
Called you before 8:00 AM or after 9:00 PM.
Continued to call you after you have told the collector you cannot pay the debt.
Communicated (phone or letter) with you after you filed for bankruptcy.
Failed to mark the debt on your credit report as disputed after you disputed the debt.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to pay your fees and costs for helping me with my consumer rights case? No. We handle consumer rights cases based on a fee-shift provision and/or a contingency fee. That means either the other side pays your fees and costs, or we take a percentage of your recovery. Whether it’s a fee-shift case or a contingency-fee case, we don’t get paid unless you get paid, and you’ll never owe us a penny for our time.
What are the damages I can get under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act? If a collection agency violates any section of the FDCPA, you are entitled to damages up to $1,000.00. You may also be entitled to actual damages if the violation caused you out-of-pocket expenses. For example, if a collection agency threatens you with legal action to induce you to pay the debt, you may be able to get your payment back as actual damages.
What are the damages under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act? You can get $500 per robocall, or $1,500 per robocall if the robocalls were willful. In any type of settlement, Defendants often pay much less than $500 per call. However, if there are 50 calls at issue, even at $250 per call, your case could settle for $12,500.00.
What type of debt is covered under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act? Only consumer debt, such as personal, family, and household debts. For example, money you owe on a personal credit card, an auto loan, a medical bill, or a utility bill. The FDCPA does not cover debts you incurred to run a business, or debts regarding unpaid taxes, or traffic tickets.
Does the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act apply to banks or credit card companies? No.  Only third-party debt collectors are bound by the FDCPA. Original creditors, such as banks and credit card companies, are not bound by the FDCPA.
Are there state laws that protect me from original creditors? Yes! Several states also have laws that provide its citizens an additional layer of protection. If you live in California, Connecticut, Florida, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, Nevada, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, or Wisconsin, you have additional state-law rights.
Are mistakes on credit reports common? Yes! Are you one of the 40 million Americans who have a mistake on their credit report? Mistakes on your credit report can be very costly.  Along with causing you to pay higher interest rates, you may be denied credit, insurance, a rental home, a loan, or even a job because of these mistakes. Some mistakes may include someone else’s information on your credit report, inaccurate public records, stale collection accounts, or maybe you were a victim of identity theft.
What do I do if I have a mistake on my credit report? If you have a mistake on your credit report, there is a process to dispute them. My office will help you pull your credit report and dispute any inaccurate information. If a credit reporting agency violates its obligations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you may be entitled to statutory damages up to $1,000.00, plus the credit reporting agency will be required to fix the error.  The FCRA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the credit reporting agency pays your attorney’s fees and costs. Therefore, you will not pay me a penny for my time. To speed up the process, please get a free copy of your credit report at www.annualcreditreport.com. You can also learn more about the FCRA and your rights at http://www.agrussconsumerlaw.com/practices/common-credit-report-errors/.
Share your Complaints against Rapid Recovery Solution Below
We encourage you to post your complaints about Rapid Recovery Solution. Sharing your complaints against this agency can help other consumers understand what to do when this company starts calling. Sharing your experience may help someone else!
If you are being harassed by Rapid Recovery Solution over a debt, you may be entitled to money damages – up to $1,000 for harassment, and $500 – $1,500 for illegal robocalls. Under state and federal laws, we will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, which means the debt-collector pays your attorney’s fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have settled thousands of debt collection harassment cases, and we’re prepared to help you, too. Contact Agruss Law Firm at 888-572-0176 to stop the harassment once and for all.
The post Rapid Recovery Solution appeared first on Agruss Law Firm, LLC.
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sadbi-hours · 5 years
Oh the 100th episode of ahs!I.Fucking.Loved.Every.Damn.Second.Of.It!
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Okay, sorry...y'all can sue me but I gotta give it to Ryan Murphy a bit here! He delivered...that fucking shit was everything I'd been waiting it to be! It was entertaining as all get out to me...it was wild. The music was magnificent, especially the wonderful atmospheric use of the Smiths 'How Soon Is Now' at the end! The acting was even more on point then ever before...and you know what, it was just good ole' fashion 80s slasher fun and craziness!
Episode 6 did not take itself too fucking seriously like some of the others eps have and, don't get me wrong, I'd have been okay with that...if it hadn't been poorly excuted in some areas...but anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I didn't for one moment take this episode seriously and I loved it dearly for that!
I didn't get pestered with deep ass questions that I knew I was probably will never get any answers to--though there is still a bit of time and would like a answer to a few of them--nor did the ep or writing try to get me figuring out what the overall storyline was...and the greatest miracle of all, there was no insanely unexpected plot twist waiting in the wings for me to flip my lid over!
Oh I bet you could imagine the immense sigh of relief that I took when this episode was over...and I wasn't having some form of a mental breakdown...my god, it could be heard in every room of my house!
This episode for what it was was fantastic! I love it...I adore it...and I have very few gripes with it--or at least for now knowing my overanalyzing ass!
But anyway, Brooke, I just have one thing to say...WILL YOU MARRY ME? She's become my ride or die...my main chick! I freaking loved her this episode, especially in that (spolier) during her execution speech to Margret! Oh man, I was just...
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So fucking proud. My bby...my light...fire of my loins, I adore you with every fiber of my being...and I'll never doubt you again! You have my forever love 💘
And I loved how she told RR and Satan where to shove it! Iconic!
And poor Mr.Jingles' being a whole ass fucking mood during the beginning of this episode...all fed up with RR's shit and just like...
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That freaking look on his bloody face as RR murdered all those people was priceless...and so me haha! I just know that he was lowkey wishing that he had just fucking let himself die up at Camp Redwood in 1984! He was tried of the same old shit and I don't blame him, Benji has never been about that life...and also that scene with him sipping on his Tab all slow and delicious like as RR gets his ass beat was hilarious!
But yo seriously, why you gotta do my man like that Ryan! He just chilling with his wife and baby...working a peaceful job rewinding and renting out videotapes..and I'm not gonna lie, I was mad jealous! It's like lowkey my dream of mine to work at Family Video for a living...and get to interact with like minded staff and video renters who love movies as much as I do...and recommended good ass movies to people all day long who are less of a movie geek as me. Yes it is a life's dream...i'm not much of an overachiever! I'm easy to plese lol...and mad props to Benji's movie choices. I most certainly approve...who needs that horror shit, huh? Haha!
But anywho, I felt a mad sense of connection to Benji this episode. He just wanted to live peacefully with his wife and son! He didn't give a single fuck for Camp Redwood...and he shouldn't. He got the happy ending he deserved...and RR's ass had to fuck it up for him! But I'm living for how Brooke, Benji, and Donna are probably going to be TG i guess! I didn't expect it...especially after all the fuck shit they had been through, even though I still kinda care less about Donna!
But I will give her this...she made a fucking entrance at the end of this episode! I never felt so happy to see someone I lowkey want to taste the blade! Angelica Ross was working it at the end there.
So I totally...at least for now, agree with how's one TG per say! My vengeful angels came to collect names...and fuck Margret's shit all the way up!
And to Margret...and now by extention, BD Trevor:
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IT'S ON SIGHT!!! I just felt y'all should know that! If not from me...than trust Brooke or Chet gonna make you taste that steel blade.
And you know what, Chet's call for blood...ain't even mad at it! It's what she deserves...he got her slippin' and she needs to pay. And bruh, Trevor man...���� watching you my man! I'm hoping you'll turn it around...but I doubt it! You got that Xavier and Chet logic going on...they did the soft good boi bby route and look what it got them so...
And speaking of Xavier...and Montana...
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(not mine! credit goes to the owner!)
Need I say more?! I can die happy now...my only gripe is that I want fucking more of it! Give me more more more! Please and thank you 😏
And yes for right now, I am discounting that it's OOC for the Xavier's character arc..but you what, fuck it, I enjoyed it the living hell out of it!
Plus, most of episode 6 is set in 1989...so he's been stuck up at CR for nearly 5 yrs....and nothing good or bad he's done has gotten him out of there. So I don't mind encouraging a little bit of mischief...especially when it invloves Billie and Cody making out. I'm sorry...but yes, I'm that bitch tonight! Ryan Murphy's telling us to fuck the character arcs he's built...so I am too...for now.
And Ray, bro...
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I mean yo, you ain't wrong...we really shouldn't just be k wording people left and right for no reason...but he's just such a whiny bitch about it! And where do you get off being high and mighty moral king, when you've been cleaning up their messes...I mean RIP Ray I hardly know ya...but I'm sorry I'm different, I'd be telling them to clean up their own pile of dead bodies! I got better things to do...so sorrynotsorry! Maybe if you had been written better I would care...
And I loved Montana's 'What about my murder...don't I count?' and even with my forever love for her, I was lowkey like No Montana...you hella deserved that shit! Plus, you doing you...living that extra dead afterlife with your man's! So Stay in your lane...count those blessing!
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codyssfern · 5 years
what are you most excited for tonight’s episode
i am definitely looking foward to learning more about how montana and rr first met and later on got together. i think that’s what i’m lost looking foward to as well as learning more about the characters’ dark pasts- especially trevor’s cause right now he just seems like a super sweet guy who’s at the wrong place at the wrong time but i just knoe with ryan there is always something dark lurking around the corner 👀
also i wanna see my man xavier saving his girl bertie?? i’m excited for that scene. i know is gonna be as iconic as the “his knife versus my guns!” scene
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