#but you cant just act like kylo is a pure angel to rey
jacqcrisis · 5 years
I love when certain people are like 'Ben/Kylo ren wasn't abusive or awful to Rey’ like....
Did we not watch the same movies? Did we not all see the holding her hostage, invasion of thoughts, violence, constant gaslighting, hurting her friends, trying to distance her from her friends, murdering people she cared about, emotional manipulation, etc? Did we not have 2 1/2 movies of him being strictly a fucking villain????
Did some people just disassociate during those parts or what? You can ship what you want my dudes, but you cant just stick your fingers in your ears for the bad parts of your ship/fave character and pretend they dont exist in canon. That's not how media consumption works. you can disregard canon in fanon but you can’t disregard it when talking about canon.
'But ben and kylo-' are the same person, dog. One is just the mask he wears and the other is his name. Ben solo made all the bad decisions and did all the horrible things in the movies on his own volition, whether using the Kylo Ren pseudonym or not. Just cause he put on a dumb moniker doesnt make him a new person absolved free of charge for his awful shitty actions. 
I think that's what irritates me about some kylo and reylo stans: they dont own up to the bad parts of their favorites. If your ship or favorite character is a trash fire, then fucking own it. Dont pretend it's some saintly bullshit; Reylo is a house on fire and Kylo Ren is a dumpster mess of a villain.
but fucking take that dumpster and revel in it like the rest of us who stand behind horrible characters and terrible ships instead of pretending like its a ship with zero in-universe baggage to it. 
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