#like i hate reylo and kyle ron with a passion
jacqcrisis · 5 years
I love when certain people are like 'Ben/Kylo ren wasn't abusive or awful to Rey’ like....
Did we not watch the same movies? Did we not all see the holding her hostage, invasion of thoughts, violence, constant gaslighting, hurting her friends, trying to distance her from her friends, murdering people she cared about, emotional manipulation, etc? Did we not have 2 1/2 movies of him being strictly a fucking villain????
Did some people just disassociate during those parts or what? You can ship what you want my dudes, but you cant just stick your fingers in your ears for the bad parts of your ship/fave character and pretend they dont exist in canon. That's not how media consumption works. you can disregard canon in fanon but you can’t disregard it when talking about canon.
'But ben and kylo-' are the same person, dog. One is just the mask he wears and the other is his name. Ben solo made all the bad decisions and did all the horrible things in the movies on his own volition, whether using the Kylo Ren pseudonym or not. Just cause he put on a dumb moniker doesnt make him a new person absolved free of charge for his awful shitty actions. 
I think that's what irritates me about some kylo and reylo stans: they dont own up to the bad parts of their favorites. If your ship or favorite character is a trash fire, then fucking own it. Dont pretend it's some saintly bullshit; Reylo is a house on fire and Kylo Ren is a dumpster mess of a villain.
but fucking take that dumpster and revel in it like the rest of us who stand behind horrible characters and terrible ships instead of pretending like its a ship with zero in-universe baggage to it. 
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him-e · 6 years
1/ I think I'm just going to leave the SW fandom until 2030 where Kylo Ren joins the "Villains We're Cool With" group like Zuko and Loki. I am tired of being insulted by other fans for the cardinal sin of liking a character. I am mentally-ill, a WOC, a lesbian, yet so many SW fans who share my identity are antis. I love Kylo /and/ Finn, and yet the Finn fandom seems despise me. Is there a blog with a Skywalker URL I want to follow? Probably an anti too.
2/ Do I have lesbian Ahsoka headcanons I want to share? Tough luck, I’ve reblogged Reylo GIFs, I’m not welcome in those spaces. I feel like I have to either ignore my identity or my interests in order to exist: I have to either not engage with queer and WOC communities because they will hate me for what I like, or agree with ~Kyle Ron posts and pretend I don’t relate to him as a survivor and mentally-ill woman. I feel like I’m wrong or misshapen, and I’m going to leave before it gets worse.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to wait until 2030 for things to get better. I remember when I was in the True Blood fandom, the vitriol, the accusations of abuse apologism, the wank were possibly even worse than this, albeit on a smaller scale, and what’s left of it now? Nobody remembers it. People move on to newer and hotter issues, they’ll find new things to complain—and once Kylo’s story is completed the enthusiasts will outnumber the naysayers, even on this hellhole of a site. But I know what you mean. The worst thing about anti culture is that it creates subfactions among people who should support each other, and it makes it difficult to interact with your peers in a fandom context. We reylos don’t exist in a void, we’re people with a variety of interests and passions and stories to tell, but for antis the fact that we love reylo is the only thing that matters about us.
Instead of leaving though, try to curate your fandom experience better. Block liberally, use blacklists, select the people you’re following—you’ll be surprised to know how many of us are mentally ill, poc, survivors, lgbqt, and how many are fans of Finn, fans of Ahsoka, fans of the Clone Wars, fans of the original trio. You can share your passions with us. The online fandom is overwhelming if you don’t filter it, but remember that this isn’t the real world, and it’s easy to keep the garbage out.
You’re not wrong or misshapen, and you don’t have to silence yourself or deny your identity to enjoy the things you like. Those who make you feel like you do don’t deserve your time, and they’ll learn their lesson once they fall in love with something /problematic/—and believe me, everyone does at some point.
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