#and that their relationship is all sunshine and funshine
vomitingstars · 7 months
It's a Sleepover Baby! Pt.2
FunShine Jill x Fem!Reader
Contains: cupcakes, guilt, manipulation, bitch you know why you're here, fem reader, sapphic relationship, toxic yuri
Cupcake decoration and gossip time is a blast. Jill crafts her cupcake into a decent Love-A-Lot Bear and with a lot of luck you somehow managed to recreate a Finn cake. Jill coos and awes at your creation despite not knowing what it is. A little too much in fact. You were starting to feel babied or maybe a little patronized in a way. Jill's praises felt excessive sometimes. Like a mom giving an exaggerated "Good Job!"" in exchange for their toddler's unidentifiable scribbles.
Your very tall gal pal breaks you out of the confines of your thoughts and takes a dab of pink icing on her finger then boops you on the nose with it. You cock an eyebrow in her direction, challenging the action with a confused smile and looking for an explanation.
"Gee, sunshine. I didn't realize you were my number one fan~" She jokes with a teasing smirk while looking you up and down with interest. You assume she must be admiring your sleep attire. It's a very nice set. You then realize what she meant as you caught your reflection on the microwave. The pink spot of icing on your nose resembled her face paint.
It was almost as if Jill could read your mind. You looked to see her perk up with an idea. She dipped a yellow glove into more pink icing and continued to paint your face. It was as if she were marking you in a way and you weren't quite sure how to feel about it. Being this close, you felt tempted to stare at her and take in all of her lovely features. Yet, you kept your eyes on everything but your ghostly girlie. She's so pretty it just isn't fair. Everything about her is mesmerizing and it twists your stomach uncomfortably. The sweet scent of icing floods your nostrils as you were hit with inspiration.
Dipping your fingers into a bowl of red icing, you began to write on her face as well. Let's just say your doodles and writings weren't exactly the cutesy doodles Jill had been hoping for. She chuckles lowly.
"You're such a goober. I think it's time we book it to the next activity." Oh no, it feels weird. Has the mood been ruined? She's still smiling but it feels a bit intense. Why did you do that? Why do you feel like this? Jill grabs you by the waist and lifts you up onto the kitchen counter effortlessly. Even with this boost in height, Jill still towers over you. Looking down into your eyes thoughtfully as if calculating her next actions. She's so close. She's always close. Her body was slotted in between your thighs, and they were spread wide to accommodate her. This feels so intimate. So familiar.
"Jill, are you mad at me? I didn't mean to-" Jill leans in close. Your lips almost touching as she interrupts.
"I could never be mad at you. You were just joking around." A flood of relief washes over you. And yet, you found it hard to meet her gaze for a moment.
"Right. I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry." And you meant it too. You don't know what happened. Maybe you wanted to take Jill down a peg. Maybe you were a bit jealous of her confidence, her beauty, strength. Jill pulls you out of your thoughts with a gentle hand lifting your chin upwards to look at her.
"It's okay Sunspot. I know you didn't mean it. I think you just wanted my attention. And you will always have it. All I want is to make you happy. To make you feel good. You want to feel good right? Don't you think you deserve to?" You weren't quite sure how to answer but you nodded yes. Her voice was soft and so comforting. Feeling the sudden urge to lean into her more, you attempted to suppress it. Jill seemed to notice and smiled sweetly as she carried you off to the couch.
"Truth or dare?" She asks calmly. You answered truth and Jill pauses for a moment. Thinking of her question as she crosses her longer legs to make room for yours. You faced each other in the dim room, lit up with color changing fairy lights.
"Who do you love most?" Jill asks casually as if she didn't ask the most invasive question known to man. She flutters her eyelashes at you expectantly.
"Jill, that's so intense! Especially for the first round." You avoided the question hoping she would move on.
"Do you love me?" Jill asks suddenly as if she had been holding onto that question for ages just dying to let it out. She somehow looked eager and smug all at the same time.
"Love is such an intense emotion. I think maybe I need to choose dare." Her smile only seems to falter for half a second until shifting into something a bit mischievous.
"Alright. Then I dare you to clean me up. And you can only use your tongue!" Is she serious? Her face was still covered in icing and maybe this embarrassing task would be easier than admitting how you feel. Or at least how you think you feel.
You leaned forward and stuck out your tongue for an experimental lick. She lets out a shaky exhale. "I didn't think you'd actually do it. Go on. If you're going to do something, you should do it right." Her large hands pulled your body closer and kept you steady as your tongue explored the surface of her face. Sweet icing coats your tongue and you feel extremely silly. You can't help but burst out into a fit of laughter mid lick, and failing to stifle your giggles when you finish.
Jill suddenly grabs your face and pulls you in roughly to connect your lips together. Your brain short circuits from a slurry of intense emotions. Her mouth is warm and wet and sweet. Her lips are impossibly soft and slick with gloss. Her hand cradles your face gently, keeping you close. You couldn't pull away if you wanted to. Jill remembers you need to breathe and pulls back waiting for your reaction. Pleasantly surprised when you lean back in for more.
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yukidragon · 2 years
I couldn't help imagining Jack's female genderbend, Funshine Jill. (My bisexual self couldn't help simp for her, ofc I still simping jack, lol) But what if having a poly relationship with Funshine Jill and Sunny Day Jack? are they gonna fighting or having rivals for MC's attention? or They gonna agreed for sharing MC?
Do you have any thoughts? :D
That really depends on if Funshine Jill and Sunny Day Jack are the same person, or two separate entities, I think.
For example - imagine if Jack and Jill were one person, just in two different bodies. He could have a male and female identity at the same time, and make a very spicy sandwich with his sunshine. In this situation, the relationship would be harmonious and would technically be a monogamous one, as there are only two people, just with three bodies involved. There would be a lot of ways to be kinky in this sort of headcanon.
If Jack and Jill were, say, twin siblings, then that might complicate things a bit. It would come down to their relationship and whether they would be open to sharing their sunshine. Though I will say I’m kinda not comfy about siblings being involved in an orgy together, even if they’re both focused on their lover rather than each other.
If they were the same person, just but from different universes, then that might make Jack and Jill see the other as a rival, even as they understand the other. They know about the... issues they have, regardless of gender, so someone who is them, just gender flipped? It might cause some... issues. After all, Jack has some deep rooted trauma related to his past self, so he might see a second person identical to him, even if just altered slightly, as a threat to his happiness on par to his past identity.
In that situation, Jack and Jill would likely only team up if it guaranteed that they would get MC in the end. I don’t think it will necessarily be harmonious, and both might be more demanding of MC’s attention, but as long as they can bask in their warm, happy light, they might be able to compromise.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney
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jacqcrisis · 5 years
I love when certain people are like 'Ben/Kylo ren wasn't abusive or awful to Rey’ like....
Did we not watch the same movies? Did we not all see the holding her hostage, invasion of thoughts, violence, constant gaslighting, hurting her friends, trying to distance her from her friends, murdering people she cared about, emotional manipulation, etc? Did we not have 2 1/2 movies of him being strictly a fucking villain????
Did some people just disassociate during those parts or what? You can ship what you want my dudes, but you cant just stick your fingers in your ears for the bad parts of your ship/fave character and pretend they dont exist in canon. That's not how media consumption works. you can disregard canon in fanon but you can’t disregard it when talking about canon.
'But ben and kylo-' are the same person, dog. One is just the mask he wears and the other is his name. Ben solo made all the bad decisions and did all the horrible things in the movies on his own volition, whether using the Kylo Ren pseudonym or not. Just cause he put on a dumb moniker doesnt make him a new person absolved free of charge for his awful shitty actions. 
I think that's what irritates me about some kylo and reylo stans: they dont own up to the bad parts of their favorites. If your ship or favorite character is a trash fire, then fucking own it. Dont pretend it's some saintly bullshit; Reylo is a house on fire and Kylo Ren is a dumpster mess of a villain.
but fucking take that dumpster and revel in it like the rest of us who stand behind horrible characters and terrible ships instead of pretending like its a ship with zero in-universe baggage to it. 
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undyingsunshine · 4 years
Thanks @cross-d-a and @jockvillagersonly for the tag!!! 💙💙
Name: undyingsunshine
I've been on the internet for a whole 10-12 years, and I've had quite a few name changes xD The most recent change was 2017, and it wasn't until I made this tumblr and my new AO3 a few months ago that I realised how difficult it is to choose a user/name that I connected with. I wanted to keep my DMBJ fandom posting and the rest of my online shenanigans relatively separate, which is why I didn't just use my default name ^^ As for what this username means/comes from... It was actually kind of a reference to the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I was going to go with "EternalSunshine" but I felt like undying sounded better, and also felt more like its own thing. ^^ Undying could also be seen as a reference to ZQL's immortality xD Sunshine is such a lovely word and I most often use it in reference to my two NCT biases, as well as most other things that make me happy. It's so warm and bright and basically everything I wish to be! ((oh and also... may or may not remind me of Funshine Bear from Care Bears))
I've been in too many to count! Right now, we're in DMBJ hell and I'm loving it so far!!! Everyone's just...so sweet? and kind? and funny???? Honestly I was really worried about interacting with people at first, but now I feel a bit more comfortable in doing so!
I'm not actually sure what tropes I like xD I mostly just read something if I like the premise or if it's from a writer I like! That being said, I tend to be drawn to (soft) whump/hurt/comfort or sickfics cause they're just too cute ;^; And they can really bring out a lot of character moments, or demonstrate good relationships between characters. If your story has whump/hurt/comfort and a fandom I like, chances are that I'll try it out! This is also the kind of fic that I write the most. If you want 10 relatively similar sickfics written, I'm the girl to ask XD
Fic I spent most time on
Technically I have a fic for another fandom that I worked on for around two years that I never actually finished ^^;  I dropped it in the middle of a total rewrite, and I hope some day I can go back to it and finish it for the sake of the readers xD
For DMBJ, the fic I've spent most time on is probably 'I'm Here' since I've been working on it for... months xD I am an extremely slow writer and I'm trying not to be sorry about it bcs everyone had their own pace, and it just so happens that mine is equivalent to a sloth xD
Favourite fic(s) you've written
Probably the same fic I talked about in the previous answer! It has a special place in my heart. I also don't mind I'm Here too much! There some personal wips that I quite like too, but I'm not sure if I'm up for sharing them yet xD
Fic I spent least time on
Probably the "Li Cu fucking Dies" fic, otherwise titled "Come with me, I promise the water is fine."  It's pretty much just a slight rehash of a post I made that I then turned into a fic. There wasn't a whole lot of time spent on it, mostly for the sake of my own poor heart xD
Longest fic
Definitely the fic I spent most time on. It was around 39K words, which isn't a lot but, again, I am a slow writer xD
Shortest fic
Definitely "Come with me..." which is around 370 words! Unless I was to dredge up a REALLY REALLY REALLY OLD pokemon fanfic I wrote when I was 11. I doubt that any of the chapters got past the 100 word mark xD
Most hits/kudos/comments/bookmarks: 
The unnamed long fic returns! Definitely my most popular fic by far.
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: 
Definitely would rewrite the unnamed fic and I think I might add onto I'm Here's universe? Or maybe the AU where Li Cu is dead.
Share a bit of a WIP:
Ok this comes from a dumb fic idea that I had where Li Cu and his snake spirit argue constantly, but Li Cu often argues his points out loud, and people catch him talking to himself too many times xD Of course, after this snippet it turns a little angsty (because Wu Xie and Li Cu's angst towards each other is Eternal around here) but I cut it out since I don't post enough fluffy-ish content xD
You need sleep.
"Not at 7 in the evening!" Li Cu protested in frustration. "I have work to do-"
"Are you arguing with yourself?"
Uh oh.
Li Cu is frozen on the spot for a moment, blinking stupefied at the wall. A new wave of emotions eclipses his anger, and instead he's drowned out with embarrassment, anxiety and slight panic.
He turns around slowly to see Wu Xie standing behind the couch, watching him with undisguised amusement, those clever eyes already beginning to deconstruct Li Cu in the same way Li Cu used to deconstruct pens as a kid.
Or. Maybe not as clumsily. Wu Xie's innate ability to read others was more like how a clocksmith seamlessly pieces together all the intricacies of, well.... a clock...
Where the fuck was he even taking this?
The point is, Wu Xie is a crafty bastard who knows his way around people - especially ones like Li Cu who basically wear their heart on their sleeve. Or if you want to be more accurate, right on his fucking forehead like that weird headband game.
Li Cu swallows his panic with the intensity of a man starved.
"Uh... I uh... No...?" Smooth. "Not... Not really...?"
Wu Xie raises an eyebrow and levels Li Cu with a disbelieving grin.
"Oh really? Who are you talking to, then?"
"I mean... You right now, if we're being--"
"Alright smartass, who were you talking to before I came in? The wall? A ghost?"
Well, he's technically not wrong there...
"I... Ah...."
You are quite inept at this.
"Shut it!"
And there we go!!! Sorry if this ate up ppl's dashes ;;; I'm tagging @tbx12 @traineecryptid and @strandedchesspiece ((don't feel pressured to do it!! ♡♡ It's fine if you can't/don't want to ^^)) and anyone else who sees this and wants to give it a go!!
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magniloquent-raven · 4 years
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finished your buckleway prompt!! hope u like it 💕💕
modern AU + werewolf AU, enjoy
posted on ao3
Heather’s been dancing around asking Robin out for the past three weeks. Billy has probably had enough of her flip-flopping between waxing poetic and bemoaning how complicated dating humans gets.
Especially since he had ended up in a storage closet with Steve on his knees a whole thirty minutes after they met, and they’d been fucking anywhere and everywhere ever since. She’s getting sick of smelling salt and sex and Steve all over their apartment, but they’ve showed no signs of slowing down. Billy’s smug as hell about it too. He loves having Steve’s scent all over their living space, the disgusting sap.
Of course, he’s still being Billy about the situation, but at least he was getting some action in between bouts of what if he leaves me when he finds out angst.
Whereas Heather is burning through more AAA batteries than she can afford to. Constantly plagued with thoughts of leaving lipstick mark up Robin’s neck, teeth on her collarbone, what that husky voice would sound like wrecked and breathy in her ear.
It’s becoming a problem.
And the closer they get to the full moon the harder it is to be around Robin. The more she wants to just throw caution to the wind, bury her face in Robin’s cleavage and ride her thigh into oblivion.
But she can’t just do that, because they like the same shitty indie bands, and Robin’s rants about the film industry are the highlight of her day, and her laugh makes Heather’s heart do backflips, and…
She’s human.
Heather can’t just jump her and run, because she’s head over fucking heels for this girl, but she has no idea how Robin would react to the werewolf revelation, so… She’s stuck.
As much as Billy pokes fun at her, and lords his relationship with Steve over her, they both know he’s being just as much of an idiot as she is. The wolf isn’t something you can hide from a partner, not for long. Billy’s playing a dangerous game.
Then again, that’s kind of his thing.
Point is, by the time the full moon comes around they’re both miserable. Billy’s been moping around their apartment all day because he had to make a lame-ass excuse to Steve about why they couldn't see each other today. He’s been looking like a lost pup for hours because Steve pouted a little over Facetime.
Meanwhile Heather’s been binging shitty rom-coms on Netflix all day, wrapped around a sweater she stole from Robin last week. It barely smells like her anymore, but it’s all she’s got.
They’re not at their best.
The itch that comes in late afternoon, when the sun starts to make its way down the horizon, is almost a relief. It might not be pleasant but at least it’s a respite from being bored and lonely.
Around dusk they head out.
Putting on a pair of running shoes and shorts pretty much covers for the fact that two grown adults sprinting into the woods at night is suspicious as hell. Hopefully. No one’s questioned them yet, anyways.
Probably helps that they run on regular days too.
Heather stops at the tree-line and sniffs the air. Everything’s sharper than it usually would be. The earth, the clean, dewy scent of wet leaves, Billy next to her, a solid, warm presence, smelling like home, pack, friend, musky and comforting under the chemical scent of all the products he slathers on.
The wind picks up.
She sniffs again.
Kali and her pack are already here. Figures. They’re always eager to let loose, full moon or not. They get especially rowdy this time of the month.
Billy whoops, taking off into the woods with a grin. He must smell them too.
She runs after him, the wind in her hair, cool air needling some colour into her cheeks. It’s exactly what she needed after the day she had. Hell, the week she’s had.
Robin is, for the first time in weeks, not at the forefront of her mind. There’s nothing but the pull of the moon, the rush of adrenaline that comes with it. The thrill of the hunt-to-be.
She won’t be chasing anything but rabbits and her friends, but the buzz is the same. Without the crushing guilt afterwards.
“Always late to the party,” Kali chides when Heather and Billy crash through the underbrush into view. She’s standing in the middle of a clearing, hands on her hips and chin tilted like she owns the place. But her smile is warm, tone teasing.
Her pack surrounds her, grinning, as always, toeing the line between feral and friendly. If Billy wasn’t so relaxed around them Heather would be on edge. They’ve always made her a little uncomfortable.
Billy blames her upper-middle-class suburban upbringing, and...well, he’s not wrong.
They embrace their wolves a little too fully, every day of the year, always just a little lupine. All of them except Kali, who stays too human, even when shifted.
Dottie breaks from the group first, leaping forward and crashing into Billy. She’s tiny, werewolf strength be damned, and he barely moves when she hits, just wraps his arms around her to swing her around while she giggles.
“You stink, Spots,” Billy says when he puts her down. “When’re you gonna stop puttin’ that shit in your hair?”
“When it stops bugging you,” she snickers.
Funshine is next, slower about moving forward, more deliberate about his hug. Dottie re-attaches herself to Billy, trying to wrap her arms around both of them. It devolves into a cluster of the six of them, all scenting each other, hands in each other's hair, arms wrapped around waists, contentment rolling off them in waves.
Heather basks in it for a second, the feeling of pack. It’s soothing, like sunshine warming her face, like a tight hug from someone you love.
It makes the change easier when it hits, moments later. It’s not the agony it was when she was alone.
It still hurts. When there’s hair sprouting like needles pushing through her skin, gums bruising as her canines turn to fangs, of course there’s pain, but the ache is dulled.
She used to hate this part. The slipping away. Changing places with the wolf inside her and feeling it happen. It felt like being torn away and locked up in her own head. She fought against it every time.
It wasn’t until she met Kali that she realized— was taught— that fighting her wolf only makes it worse. She learned to relinquish control instead of having it taken from her. To sink into her own subconscious like a warm bath, relax into it and float away. Become the wolf.
She hits the ground panting.
Claws dig into the dirt. Running shoes get kicked off. They land somewhere in the underbrush. She can sniff them out later, they aren’t a priority right now.
A whine escapes her, pressure building at the base of her skull as the moon rises.
And then it bursts. Relief in technicolour.
She’s free.
Billy is beside her, breathing hard, a guttural growl ripping from his throat. Pungent, sour distress rolls off him in waves, hits Heather’s nose like a physical blow.
He’s always had trouble relinquishing control.
She nudges his arm. Rubs their shoulders together. Kali joins them, lays a hand on his back.
He relaxes eventually, agonizing minutes later, his scent softening back to friend. Pack. Good.
Around them Kali’s pack howls, pleased. Two of them take off, chasing each other through the trees, another follows, Heather listens to their footsteps grow fainter.
Then the wind shifts and brings with it a new scent.
Familiar. Sweet, smoky. Hints of spice. Unmistakably human.
It’s faint. Far enough away that she can’t hear the heartbeat that should accompany it.
But she’d recognize that scent anywhere.
Her wolf howls, louder than it's ever been, drowning out what’s left of Heather and her awareness slips away.
The sun wakes her.
She blinks, eyes gummy, vision blurry from sleep, spotty as she adjusts to the light.
Something beneath her shifts.
Heather stiffens.
The sound of the woods around her she expected, the scent of dried sweat on her skin, dirt under her nails. But she also expected to hear her pack’s heartbeats, smell Billy nearby, the pack blending into an overwhelming but comforting blanket of warmth around her.
There’s only one heartbeat, pounding loud and fast against her ear. One scent. Earthy. Spiced.
And afraid.
Heather pushes back, scrambling away from the warm body under her, anxiety tying her stomach in knots.
“Robin!?” she squeaks, croaky from sleep, from the change.
“What the fuck,” is all Robin manages to say. She’s shaking, wide-eyed. “Heather, what— what the fuck!”
This is...bad. Very bad.
Heather can’t do much more than gape at Robin, her brain still trying to catch up to what she’s seeing.
She tries to remember what even happened last night but all she gets are flashes. The turn. Kali’s pack howling around her. The scent of smoke and spice on the wind, of—
Oh. Oh.
She’s always been a little overwhelmed by how Robin makes her feel. Felt it immediately. That connection. A desire to know her, get close to her, keep her.
It terrified her. That Robin is human, that she felt so strongly about someone she barely knew.
That she didn’t quite know why.
Well, she knows now. And somehow the truth is more intimidating.
Of course, her wolf doesn’t care about the risks. Didn’t care, when she sprinted through the woods to find Robin. To be near her.
She remembers bits and pieces. Robin’s quiet gasp when Heather leapt into view. The fierce protectiveness she felt when she smelled Robin’s fear.
Of course, Robin was afraid of her, so getting up close and personal trying to comfort her really didn’t help. Not that she realized that at the time.
She really should be worried about bigger things right now, but embarrassment colours her cheeks anyways.
Dumbass wolf.
Robin’s breathing is starting to sound labored, panic gripping her tighter the longer Heather is silent.
“Heather?” Robin says quietly, tentatively, eyeing her cautiously.
“Um…good morning?” she responds, grimacing as she does. It’s getting hard to look Robin in the eye.
“Really?” Robin laughs, breathlessly and without humor. “Really? Because I was supposed to be waking up in my bed right about now, and instead I spent the night here, not sleeping because I blind fucking terror isn’t a great sedative.”
“Robin, I—” Heather opens and closes her mouth a few times, still at a loss for words. “I’m—I’m sorry. Just— what were you even doing out here?” she groans, burying her face in her hands.
“Full moon ritual,” Robin snaps, “You know, meditating on— no, you know what,” she shakes her head vigorously, bringing up a hand to gesture at Heather, “I’m not the one who has some fucking explaining to do. What the hell, Heather?”
“I thought the whole,” Heather waves a hand, “Hairy and growling on a full moon...thing, was pretty self-explanatory,” she says sheepishly.
“You know what I’m talking about. Don’t play dumb, you’re no good at it.”
Heather blinks. Looks up at Robin, her flushed cheeks and the indignant downturn of her mouth. Despite the circumstances, Heather’s heart flutters.
She sighs. “Alright.” Robin raises an expectant eyebrow when Heather pauses to collect her thoughts. “We spend full moons out here to be away from people. Running on basic instinct around humans generally doesn’t end well.”
“Yeah, no shit. So why am I still alive?”
There’s no way of explaining this and keeping her and Robin’s friendship intact. Even if the werewolf thing doesn’t put her off, you never drop the mate revelation on someone you’re not even dating.
Hell, Heather’s still trying to wrap her head around it. She can only imagine how it would sound to Robin.
“Just tell me,” Robin’s pulse is skyrocketing again, and she’s worrying her shirt sleeve between her fingers. The impassive look on her face is obviously fake, she can’t quite keep herself from chewing the inside of her cheek.
Heather watches Robin’s jaw work until she smells blood. “Stop that.” She lifts a finger to poke the side of Robin’s face, but Robin tenses. Minutely. Only for a second.
But long enough.
Heather drops her hand.
“I would never hurt you,” she says softly. “I couldn’t.” Robin blinks at her, and opens her mouth like she’s going to speak but no words come out, so Heather continues.
“When I turned last night, I— I know how this sounds but— I could smell you. You smelled like home. Like… well, the point is, I just… had to find you. The details are a little sketchy, I don’t remember much besides needing to be near you. But that was all it was, Robin. Even shifted I knew you. Knew not to hurt you.”
Robin’s heartbeat hasn’t slowed. Her expression is still shell-shocked, almost more than before. Heather’s heart sinks.
Her eyes fall, unbidden, to Robin’s chest. The visible pulse under her skin. “You’re still afraid.”
“I—” Robin clutches the front of her shirt reflexively, hand over her pounding heart, and then frowns. “You can hear it,” she says, accusing, and Heather recoils.
“I’m sorry! I can’t help it.”
“Heather….” Robin groans “This whole time you could hear my heartbeat?! And smell my— my pheromones, or whatever?” She buries her face in her hands. The tips of her ears are pink.
“It’s a werewolf thing! I—” Heather stops, face burning. There’s nothing she can say to make it better. No one likes knowing that someone can smell how long it’s been since you washed your hair, or how well you washed your hands, or exactly what you’ve been binge eating at 3am. It’s invasive. Took Heather ages to get used to it after she was bitten.
In fact, it still makes her uncomfortable. Enough that she tries to ignore what she’s smelling and hearing as much as possible, for the sake of people’s privacy. And her sanity. The walls of her and Billy’s apartment are very thin.
“I’m sorry, I know it’s weird,” Heather says quietly.
“Yeah. It is,” Robin mutters, muffled by her palms. She peeks through her fingers before dropping her hands into her lap. “Look, just… give me some time, okay? I need a nap. And a shower. And…” She sighs. Tugs on a lock of her hair. “Just give me a couple days. Please.”
Heather blinks back tears. She knows what Robin is asking for is reasonable. It’s better than how she could have reacted. But it still hurts, and a part of her that wonders if a couple days are going to turn into weeks. Months. If she’s just being polite and, in fact, plans on ghosting Heather the second she’s out of sight.
Robin opens the door to her apartment with shaking fingers. There’s so much on her mind, though her thoughts are muddled by sleep-deprivation, foggy and unfocused.
Heather, hair loose and wild, eyes shining in the moonlight and fixed on Robin. She stopped Robin’s heart even before the revelation that there was something different about her. In the gloom it was hard to tell at first, but details started to stick out. Her eyes were glassy. Fingernails too sharp, jagged and curled into claws. She was barefoot, her posture was all wrong. Her hair brushed aside as she moved and revealed pointed ears, covered in thick fur.
And once Robin started to panic…
Heather’s reaction made no sense.
She has a lot to think about.
Like how devastated Heather looked when Robin told her she needed some space.
“Fuck,” Robin mutters, shutting the door behind her. Maybe a little too forcefully.
“Robin?!” Steve shouts from the next room. Before she can respond he comes skidding down the hallway and barrels into her. “Where have you been?” he demands, too loud and right in her ear.
He pulls back, hands on her shoulders and gives her an appraising look.
“And why are there leaves in your hair?” He pauses, and his eyes widen, full of concern. “Robin, are you alright?”
She struggles to come up with an answer that won’t sound like a blatant lie. And besides the fact that he probably wouldn’t believe her anyways, the whole werewolf thing isn’t her secret to tell.
“I. Um. I’m fine. Ran into Heather.”
You’d think growing up queer in a small town would’ve made her a better liar.
Steve raises his eyebrows. “Then why do you look miserable.”
“It’s…” she sighs, “Ask me tomorrow. Right now I need sleep.”
He frowns. Hard. Frowns with his whole body. But he nods anyway, albeit reluctantly. “I’m late for work,” he says, glancing at the clock on the wall like it’s personally responsible for his constant tardiness. “But I’ll call in sick if you want me to stay. No questions asked.”
That coaxes a smile out of her. His kindness still catches her off guard sometimes. Even after he moved to California with her when she got into uni out here. After she came out to him and he made her laugh, despite how terrified she was. After he got her through the horror of working at Scoops Ahoy.
She steps away from the door, clearing the way for him. “You don’t have any sick days left, dingus. I’ll be okay. Pretty sure I know how to take a nap without supervision.”
“Alright.” he eyes her carefully, “But text me if you need anything. I mean it.”
She nods, and tries to school her expression into something encouraging. He’s going to worry no matter what she does but she can at least try.
It doesn’t work, predictably. He leaves their apartment with a crease between his eyebrows and a lingering look at Robin before he closes the door.
“Fuck,” she mutters again.
Getting herself showered and into PJs takes longer than she’d like. There are so many leaves tangled in her hair she considers just shaving her head so she can go to sleep, and she keeps drifting off, lulled into a stupor by the hot water.
But once she’s comfortably buried under a mound of blankets, clean, warm, and so, so tired, she just lays there, awake.
She keeps replaying her and Heather’s conversation in her head, telling herself she should have reacted better, been better, not run off because...
See, the werewolf thing she probably could have handled. It’s ridiculous, and so fucking out there, but Heather’s still Heather. When she isn’t all wolfy anyway. And even that was weird but not a dealbreaker. She didn’t hurt Robin, just scared the piss out of her.
All Robin needed was to calm down a little to wrap her brain around it.
What she can’t handle is the fact that Heather, because of her fucking werewolf senses, most definitely knows exactly how attractive Robin finds her. Which is fucking mortifying.
Heather never struck Robin as the type to dance around a mutual attraction, so, clearly, it isn’t mutual, and Robin’s just been drooling over a girl who doesn’t want her. Again.
She needs a few days to lick her wounds.
Preferably starting with a goddamn nap, but sleep still eludes her.
She tosses and turns and tries not to think about sad, dark eyes. About Heather’s reassurances. I would never hurt you and You smelled like home, because what the fuck does that mean.
About Heather’s body curled around hers.
Needless to say, the countless times Robin imagined spending a night under Heather the context was very different, and the aftermath…
Robin groans into her pillow.
It takes her hours to fall asleep.
Two days later Steve has been reassured, Robin has gotten plenty of sleep, and she decides it’s time to stop moping.
Her decision to finally put pants on and leave her apartment is made only partially because she has to go to work. Really, she got to this point mostly on her own, promise.
She even sort of plans to talk to Heather today.
What she didn’t plan on was Billy Hargrove ambushing her before her shift.
She’s just barely tied her apron on when he comes storming in. The cafe isn’t even open yet.
“What. The fuck. Did you do,” he snarls, slamming his hands on the counter when he gets close enough, leaning forward to glare at her.
“Hargrove, it’s too damn early for this, what are you—”
“Heather, dumbass. Tell me what you did to her.” It’s not a question, it’s a demand. There’s a coldness in his expression she’s never seen before.
Granted, she’s only ever hung out with him when Steve is around.
The way his shoulders tense, like he’s ready for a fight, almost scares her, but she’s too busy getting angry at his belligerence.
“Fuck you. I didn’t do anything—”
“Don’t lie to me.”
Something clicks into place.
“Oh,” Robin narrows her eyes, “You’re one too, aren’t you.”
Billy growls, a little more wolf than human. “Yeah, you got a problem with that? That what this is about?”
“No, oh my god.”
“Then tell me why Heather’s been a fucking wreck since the full moon. She said you found out about her, and that’s all I can get out of her.”
“I… don’t know?” Robin’s stomach flips, and clenches painfully. She tugs on a lock of her hair. “I asked her for a bit of space, that’s it. I was going to text her today.”
“You better.”
“Alright, calm down, Mr. Macho,” Robin says flatly. God, he’s just the fucking most. She’d almost be able to appreciate how much he cares about Heather, if his wrath wasn’t currently focused on her.
He glowers a bit longer before retreating. Not even a goodbye, he just storms off.
He’s right though, she needs to text Heather. Who’s been just as miserable as Robin, apparently.
And hasn’t told her best friend why.
That bit of information niggles at her. All through her shift it lingers in the back of her brain, hanging back but always there, like the buzzing of an insect she can’t find.
By lunchtime it’s gotten so distracting that she’s fucked up five orders and dumped two drinks on her coworker.
Thankfully she’s done at noon, and her now very annoyed coworker tells her to piss off the second her shift is over.
She hasn’t texted Heather yet.
Every time she pulls her phone out she draws a blank. Has no idea what to say. “Hey, I’m done moping, sorry I hurt your feelings” doesn't seem to cut it.
She stares at her phone for fifteen minutes, motionless and completely at a loss, then sighs and tosses it on the passenger seat of her car.
Before she has time to question whether it’s a good idea or not, she pulls out of the parking lot and heads to Heather’s apartment.
It’s only a ten minute drive, but it’s plenty of time to second guess herself. And third guess. And fourth.
But she’s here, she’s doing this. She’s sweating bullets, but it’s happening.
Two flights of stairs later she’s staring at Heather’s front door, fist poised to knock, and not moving a muscle.
She takes a step back in surprise when the door swings open suddenly.
Robin blinks.
Heather’s standing in the doorway, hair loose and frizzy, deep purple shadows under her eyes. It looks like she hasn’t slept in days.
Her mouth is hanging open a little, and she’s staring.
“Uh. Hi,” Robin says. “I… can I come in?”
“Yes. Yeah, of course,” Heather fumbles, and runs a hand through her hair as she steps aside to let Robin in.
They stand in the front hall awkwardly after the door shuts behind them, shooting each other nervous glances but unsure what to say.
“I—” Robin pauses. Looks down. “Is that my sweater?”
Heather’s eyes widen, and she grasps the hem of it nervously. “Um. Yeah. Sorry, I can—” She starts to pull it off but Robin reaches out to stop her.
“Don’t.” She wraps her fingers around Heather’s wrist. “It looks good on you.”
“...Oh.” Heather’s lips curl in a pleased smile that sparks something in Robin’s chest.
“I was being an idiot,” Robin says quickly. Her heart is starting to pound, and she catches Heather glancing down curiously. “I—I just assumed that—” She closes her eyes briefly, frustrated. It’s no less difficult to put into words in person. “Look, you know I’m into you, right?”
Heather startles, eyes going wide. “What?!”
“You…” Robin gapes at her, “You didn’t know? I thought— I mean, all those things you said about… needing to find me. During the full moon. I— you got my hopes up but then…Look, you can hear heartbeats and shit! How did you not know?!”
“I...” Heather grimaces briefly, “It’s not an exact science, okay? I mean, I hoped you were, but you’re human, Robin,” she folds her arms across her chest, hugging herself, “I was more focused on that.”
Robin furrows her brow. “What? Why?”
“Seriously? Because all I did was cuddle a little too aggressively and I scared the shit out of you,” her voice cracks and her eyes start to look watery, “You’re my mate, Robin, I’m bound to you for life! And I had no idea if you’d ever want to see me again!” She stops suddenly, bites her lip as tears slip down her cheeks.
Robin’s feeling a little like she’s been conked on the head. Dazed. Her brain trying to catch up with what’s going on.
She’s known Heather less than a month and apparently they’re already werewolf married, or whatever the hell mate means.
It’s slightly terrifying, but…
“Heather, look at me.”
She does. Looks up at Robin with red-rimmed eyes, and Robin’s whole chest contracts.
Without really thinking she leans down, and presses her mouth to Heather’s. It’s brief, chaste, but still makes her stomach flip and warms her from head to toe.
When she pulls back Heather sways forward, unbalanced for a moment, her eyelashes fluttering.
“I want to give this a shot, Heather. I… I’m sorry I freaked out, but I swear, I want this. You. All of you.”
Heather grins in response, bright and dazzling. It lights up her whole face, and her eyes start to well up again. Seemingly at a loss for words she instead chooses to launch herself forward, colliding with Robin as she wraps her arms around her and crashes their lips together again.
Robin staggers back a few paces but regains her balance enough to respond in kind, smiling against Heather’s mouth.
She feels right, wrapped around Robin, feels safe. Like home.
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please ramble about ur LGBT characters i love hearing people ramble about their characters
I think I’ll couple this question with this one from another anon: 
Could u reveal more about a few other characters??? Also, I have a crush on Sinead and can’t get over it and it’s all your fault
I’ll reply to both here because my answer is basically the same either way?
(Sinéad crush anon: You’re valid and also I’m sorry.)
I’ve rambled about Val enough I think :’)
Sinéad has also gotten her (un)fair share of rambling. We’ve got Pan (who contrary to his name, is demi-sexual) and Ortagon (who’s a trans man and also gay).
Pan has gotten some rambles here, but I will also add that he’s the only one in the main cast who has done the dirty with humans.
Ortagon thinks everybody is unworthy of his dingdang time so I’m honestly surprised he’s ever gotten laid. He’s the closest to a “crusty old man complaining about kids on his damn lawn” you can get among the fae. He’s just so tired and annoyed all the time. For ~~ mysterious reasons ~~ that are totally not related to the plot hahahaha what are you talking about no not at all. 
He also makes plants grow. Which is good because Pan loves flowers. So we have Mr. Sunshine and Funshine living in a big ol flower mansion with a nasty old ginger.
(I was gonna talk more about Lin here, who’s agender and asexual, but I got an ask just now about them so I might as well continue that there.)
Then there’s Briar and Veerie. A gnome and a goblin, respectively, who are ace lesbians, and live together with Val as his … caretakers? Mother figures? Older sisters? Nannies? Servants? Nobody fucking knows, their relationship is very weird and complicated. Briar views him more as an annoying younger brother, while Veerie sees him more as a dumbass son. Val considers both to be his bother figures. 
Briar is no-nonsense and very deadpan, with a dry sense of humor and no time for any bullshit. Veerie is super sarcastic and nasty and really loves insulting Sidra and a Goth Queen but secretly loves Val and Briar very much and would kill a man for them.
I think … that about covers all the most important characters? The cast in the first book is pretty small, so there’s more that I can’t mention yet. 
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tulowhiskey · 7 years
tinderbox and treasure
Tinderbox - What do you cherish most? probably my relationship with my sister, especially now that she’s not a bratty teenager anymore and appreciates things, lol. but most of our family is fucking nuts, so we just kinda look at each other and back away slowly. 

Treasure - What is your brightest characteristic? i grew up on care bears and rainbow brite, and i’m basically still funshine bear tossing rainbow crystals at all the gloom and doom i run into. like, stuff sucks a lot sometimes and i have been in really bad places and actively dealing with mental illness for… more that 20 years (w t f ) but i can still always find the sunshine in things. or after things. it annoys people but i’d rather be happy and annoying than constantly miserable. so that probably.
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