#but you do not need to be bringing it into my inbox bc idgaf
alaynestcnes · 1 month
Jon and Dany are clearly the song of ice and fire and George's intended endgame - he's even said the books are about them meeting. You must be dumb and blind to ignore what the author has LITERALLY SAID!
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wqnwoos · 9 months
im not the same anon as earlier but help ur grades are amazing 😭😭 im sitting psych and english in october and can i ask what ur study schedule or method is like? how early did u start studying + what did you do?
HII thank you soo much!! i worked my arse off for those stupid grades 😭 i’ll put the tips under a cut, i really hope they help, and good luck for october!! u got this <3
find out what time u study best at!! i somehow trained myself to become a morning person (naturally i am nocturnal LMFAO) but during study season i usually wake up 4-5:30 or something. it feels so much better getting to 10am and u have the whole day in front of u and you’ve done most of the things u need to do, but that’s just me!! i have friends who worked best from like 11pm - 4 am
pomodoro technique — excellent for my adhd ass brain. i genuinely thought this technique would never work for me, avoided it like the plague, and then used it during a study group session w friends and Love it. (i use the flora app btw!! i feel too bad to kill the little plant so i always study to the end 😭) i recommend the usual 25 mins, 5 min break but it’s up to u <3
FLASHCARDS!!!!! i cannot stress this enough flashcards genuinely saved my ARSEEE especially for psychology!! i always phrase mine like a question, so that if you get something similar in the exam it kind of jogs your memory? anyway. for psych i do not recommend remaking notes, i went straight from class notes and the textbook to flashcards, and repeated them All The Time
past paper questions!!!!! unfortunately the education system is fucked and doesn’t want us to learn for the sake of learning, they want us to be parrots so!!! really recommend past paper questions.
for english literature (i’m assuming you’re taking literature and not language?? idk anything about language past gcse level i’m sorry 😭), i wouldn’t recommend writing out essay after essay; plan a bunch of past papers, write maybe one paragraph per past paper question. ummm idk if u guys have to include context and critical interpretations because i believe that differs with exam board, but we did, and i used flashcards for those too!! (also. please make sure u know the text 😭 even vaguely knowing quotes helps so much bc searching for them in the exam takes so much time)
for english my friends and i also used to time ourselves — fifteen minutes per paragraph so that you weren’t going on too long about one point, and you weren’t wasting all your time on one question.
study groups!! this is ONLY if u work well with other people if u know ur gonna get distracted then please don’t do all the time 😭 also for things like english study groups r sooo helpful because a lot of the time, other people will bring points to the table that u have never thought of (and u can do the same for them!!)
EAT WELL!!!! SLEEP WELL!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m so serious . if u don’t do this then nothing will go well. idgaf what time u sleep because maybe you’re more productive at 1am - 4am, but make sure ur getting ENOUGH sleep. and don’t skip meals. pleaaaaseee don’t skip meals.
i also used to use a lot of mindmaps for english, for themes / characters / context!!
for psych i also used to do blurting — writing as much as i know about one topic, going back and adding everything j missed in a different colour <3
OKAY that is allllll i can think of right now!! if u need anything else pls slide into my dms or jump back into my inbox i am happy to help !!! good luck with exams bb i know ur gonna crush them 💗💗💗
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Sooooo...... when are we actually going to hear your thoughts on the song?
Is there a reason why you don’t share your opinion of the new song? Do you not like it?
Do you don’t want to comment on the song until you let your thoughts fully form? Or do you just hate the song and don’t want to start any drama? :D I imagine your inbox has to be full of people wondering what you think ;))
Please, tell us what do you think of the new single.
Do you like lwymmd? What are your thoughts :)
Sarah what were your initial thoughts on LWYMMD? And what are you thinking about it now that you’ve probably heard it multiple times?
I can’t believe no one’s asked you what you thought of the single! To be honest, I was a little bit let down upon first hearing it but after a few listens it grew on me! So what did you think?!
So… very different! I like the song, but the reason I love Taylor’s music is how personal and beautiful the lyrics are. What’s your take on this new direction musically?
I keep refreshing bc I’m dying to know what you think about this new single!
You’ve probably been asked 100 times already, but what are your thoughts on the song? I’m so curious. Are you staying silent because you don’t particularly like it (and you’re so sweet, you try to never speak a bad word about Taylor), or are you still trying to vibe with it? xx
Come one Sarah, you know we’re all dying to know what you think about the song! :P
Sarah! I need to know what you think about the song!!! Don’t keep us in the dark, haha. I’m kind of torn myself, I LOVE the whole chill idgaf vibe and the dismissive, bitchy, almost bored way the delivers lines. Like she’s so over it she’s not even going to raise her voice or cater to anyone. But at the same time lyrics are so unoriginal and seems a bit try hard? And the song sounds so generic. And the whole ‘old Taylor is dead’ :/ Sad.
Hi Sarah, I’m so excited about the new song and the upcoming music video. What are your thoughts about the new single so far?
Well?? Initial thoughts? I kind of like this darker vibe but I don’t like the song, chorus is horrible :( I disliked first singles from the last two albums too so there is hope, but this is not for me at all.
OK SARAH. We need your thoughts on the song!!
Lol. Really gotta hear how you feel about this song.
Well hello all you beautiful lovely people! For those wondering why I haven’t shared my thoughts — it’s not because I don’t want to. I’ve just been a liiiittle bit preoccupied with all the fashion that’s been going on. ;) 
It’s funny and hard to describe but whenever people ask me for my thoughts in the immediate aftermath of pretty much anything Taylor-related, I honestly haven’t had time to process any of it. Because my brain doesn’t go into, “Let’s take a long hard look at this outfit and work up an opinion” my brain goes into, “Those look like zippers on the back of those pockets. How many buttons are on that shirt? It looks like there’s three shoelace holes on those heels. Is that ribbing on the cuffs of that dress? It can’t be that top because the stitching around the neckline is wrong.” And the actual identification process takes the front seat and I get lost in details and trying to provide you guys with the speedy coverage you deserve the overall picture and opportunity to actually sit down with my thoughts is not first priority. 
If I could jot down some super quick bulletpoints (which is impossible because there are so many layers to this song and what it means for Taylor right now and Taylor for the next two years, but I can try): 
Immediate parallels to the creepy sound of Lady Gaga’s “Bloody Mary”
I knew it would be pop, just didn’t expect creepy pop like this
I still have faith and think this is going to be a super raw, emotionally turbulent, and controversial album that I’m very much looking forward to
… I still hope that an acoustic album is in our futures
Not a fan typically of repetitive choruses like this but I would be lying if I said I haven’t already twerked super hard to it. Like. Hard. 
The “dead” line. There are so many things to interpret here. That bring up so many emotions. 
e.g. #TaylorSwiftIsOverParty, Taylor shutting herself off and closing herself up more in the face of intense and punishing media scrutiny that will never end
I feel sad, frustrated on her behalf, and exhilarated by her stance
It’s catchy, but not what I would have picked for this era. But realistically I expected this vibe. Recall this post
I’m excited and extremely intrigued as to where this era will lead us promotion and sound wise
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