#but zuko is a hufflepuff you can argue with a fucking wall
billsbae · 1 month
i love a good hogwarts au in every fandom i'm in, so here's my houses headcanons for atla
katara — gryffindor
sokka — ravenclaw
aang — hufflepuff
toph — slytherin
suki — gryffinor
zuko — hufflepuff
azula — slytherin
mai — slytherin
ty lee — slytherin
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ffxvhoe · 7 years
This is a bit of an oddball and really open but I was curious if you had any general headcannons for the gods? It's so cool that each of them have their own personalities attached (Ifrit's lazy almost cat-like lounging at first, Shiva's gentle wiseness, etc etc) and I'm interested in your take on them
So basically they’re one big dysfunctional family.
Also it seems I’ve fallen in love with each of them and now they’re all my children.
Is so, so gentle like it would melt your heart if you saw him on a typical day in the land of the Astrals
Tends to both a regular garden and a rock garden
His favorite plants are these silver petaled flowers that only grow in the world of the Astrals and hibiscus
Gets along with animals really well??  His particular favorite are cats
Takes pride in the fact that Leviathan actually considers him a friend of hers
He knew that the others were wrong to brand her as such a terrible person; they just needed to put in the effort to get to know her…though he does admit that her attitude could uh….use just a little bit of work
They’ll get there and he’ll help in whatever way he can
Basically just think Hunk from Voltron tbh
Suffers from being labeled as some scary monster by the mortals, and it didn’t help when everything happened at the Disc with Ardyn and Noct and the gang
Has been taken under Bahamut’s wing though Titan doesn’t rely on him as much these days as he had previously
Dislikes the world of the mortals, especially after having been there for so long
He’s particularly sensitive to negativity and there’s a lot of that in the mortal realm
Does enjoy the mortal realm for it’s flora and fauna though
Usually on the quieter side of the scale, but not an introvert
He enjoys going out with the others to go drinking and such
Plus he knows it makes it easier for Leviathan to relax when he’s with her since as she gets along with him the best
True Neutral
He’s something between the wise old man and everyone’s favorite grandpa idk it’s weird
Acted as Shiva’s mentor for a while
Is the oldest among the Astrals
Is actually from an older pantheon of gods (like how the Titans were the pantheon of gods that preceded the Olympians)
There’s a few reasons that he doesn’t act as leader though.  The first is that the idea of being a leader has never quite appealed to him.  He’d much rather be the one to speak words of wisdom and let the other young ones do the fighting and whatnot.  The second is that he has seen the potential Bahamut has and would much rather help the Draconian reach his full potential as leader
The real reason he wears that cape is because he thinks it makes him look cool
Is the only one that Leviathan will respect as being above herself and go to for guidance
Occasionally struck with the desire to no longer be an immortal 
Sometimes, when he’s look down at the mortals below he’s hit with how utterly tired he is of living for eternity
When he gets like this he wants nothing more than to become a spry old man and go backpacking through the lands of Eos
Walks with a limp
Actually, in a way you could almost say that he parallels Regis I think
Pitied Ardyn for what happened/became of him
Relating him to a Greek deity he’d be Ares
Not necessarily a Chad™ but his personality can border on being one of Chad’s friends
Ultimately though has a very strong moral compass, but he doesn’t really go about it in the best way
Honestly though do ya’ll remember Sky High? Because Ifrit is lowkey the guy that could use fire just more of an asshole
Will protect Shiva at all costs
She’s basically his little sister at this point, like he’s taken it upon himself to be something akin to her protector
Not that she needs one though lol
Will go out of his way to do exactly what Bahamut told him not to do
Bahamut: Ifrit no
Ifrit: Ifrit YES
Respects Leviathan immensely 
Enjoys getting pedicures and will legit smite anyone who tries to give him shit for it
Nobody else knows this as he’s very good at keeping his aloof mask on, but he is sometimes hurt by the fact that everyone pegs him as some evil deity just because he happens to have something of a temper and can control fire
Um…kinda think Zuko but then more of an asshole I guess
Doesn’t really like mortals
Relating her to a Greek deity she’d probably be Persephone or Hestia
A gentle sort of quiet surrounds her
Think comfortable silence among friends, the quiet of the dawn when the world is just awaking, and hole-in-the-wall coffee shops that only have a few patrons within
Does not like Leviathan…there’s some bad blood there
Enjoys walking among the mortals on their small world
She thinks mortals are amazing creatures, constantly making new discoveries to curb their ever persistent curiosity
Can be found walking through some of the gardens in that immortal world of the Astrals with Bahamut
She makes him flower crowns
A walking library
She knows and remembers every little thing that has happened both in immortal history and mortal history
She’s one of those people that is super sweet and caring, but if you mess with them they’ll fuck you up
Is the only one that can successfully knock Bahamut on his ass
Everyone is lowkey terrified of her
Ifrit is like her big brother tbh that’s the type of relationship those two have
Enjoys bubble baths
She’s particularly fond of these bath bombs that the mortals have created
Relating her to a Greek deity they’d be Hera
With that being said, Leviathan is kind of a bitch 
I feel bad relating them to Hera bc Hera’s my boo but Hera can also be kind of a bitch so…
If someone is lucky enough to befriend her, however, they have someone who will have their back for the rest of eternity
Think Slytherin 
Leviathan is closest with Titan which most find odd due to the fact Titan is literally just…super sweet
*cough* Slytherpuff friendship *cough*
She appreciated the fact that Titan gave them the benefit of the doubt when the other Astrals told Titan that Leviathin was a terrible person
Doesn’t much care for mortals ((as we’ve all witnessed)) but won’t go out of their way to kill them
Was actually against the whole prophecy thing hence why they made it so difficult to form the covenant 
Argued it would be easier to either get rid of the problem themselves or simply wipe out the entire planet and start again
Also may have grown to have something of a soft spot for Luna and she didn’t want the prophecy to play out bc of the impact it would ultimately have on Luna’s happiness
Only one that can reign in Ifrit
The ever stoic warrior
He’s very quiet, very reserved, very calculating
Is closest to Shiva out of all the other Astrals as he prefers her company since she’s also on the quieter side and thus doesn’t try to force conversation with him 
As he’s the most powerful of the Astrals he pretty much works as their leader
Not really a King like Zeus was of the Pantheon, but more so in the way he keeps them in order and whatnot
Doesn’t get along with Ifrit but they work really well on the battlefield together??? Idk man it’s strange
Have you ever heard of the term introversion?  Because the word was pretty much created for this Astral
Doesn’t like going out to drink with the rest of the Six, much prefers staying in his home and reading or making battle strategies
A decent cook, not that Astrals need to eat or cook in the first place
If you can’t find Bahamut he’s likely flying
It’s a way for him to destress and he also just likes the freedom of it
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