coinatory · 4 months
Vitalik Buterin Donates 30 ETH to Support Tornado Cash Developers' Legal Defense
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Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, has reiterated his support for Tornado Cash developers Alexey Pertsev and Roman Storm amid their legal battles. On May 8, Buterin donated 30 ETH, valued at approximately $113,000, to the Juicebox campaign ‘Free Alexey & Roman,’ underscoring his commitment to their cause. Pertsev and Storm face accusations of money laundering through their work on Tornado Cash, a cryptocurrency mixer designed to enhance transaction privacy. Buterin has been a vocal advocate for the developers, expressing his disappointment over Pertsev’s 64-month prison sentence. At DappCon in Berlin, Buterin described the sentence as "really unfortunate" and emphasized that developing privacy-focused software should be "a totally legal and legit way to fight for privacy." Despite the Dutch court ruling against Pertsev,
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spamreports · 1 year
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Vitalik Buterin's Twitter account was hacked. It contained a link to a phishing site. The hacker was able to steal $691K of assets, including 2 cryptopunks that were sold for 155 and 47.5 ETH.
Apparently people who hold crypto punks are not the brightest.
🐦 Do not click any links on twitter (X), even from "verified" accounts, if Vitalik can get hacked, anyone can.
🛑 Anyone can buy a "verified" account and post scams with it including GOLDEN handles - read here for more proof https://twitter.com/zachxbt/status/1695929732158636422
💵 There is no "Proto-Danksharding" token distribution and any website or user promising otherwise is trying to scam you!
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nftkolik · 2 years
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bitcofun · 2 years
Vitalik Buterin Will Help Binance Prove Its Reserves, CZ Says
Vitalik Buterin Will Help Binance Prove Its Reserves, CZ Says
Key Takeaways Binance CEO Changpeng “CZ” Zhao has actually restated the significance of openness in the cryptocurrency market following FTX’s collapse. He has actually verified that Vitalik Buterin will develop a “proof-of-reserves” procedure that will at first be checked by Binance. Zhao discussed that Binance runs in a various method to FTX however confessed that crypto exchanges are…
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fintechmirror · 2 years
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scripturekiddie · 8 months
World of Nerds, WinkleVi, & the Reality Challenged
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By ScriptureKiddie
Disclaimer: If you offend easily (stop being a pu**y) TURN BACK
Do you ever wonder why you feel so disconnected and lonely while living in a world with eight billion plus “intelligent” beings? The fact that most humans buy into intellectual superiority over any other of God’s creations may succinctly recapitulate the sum of glaring historical failures in every facet of our existence on this planet. Humans decadently guzzle their homemade, flavorless Kool-Aid until they convince themselves it is top shelf quality hydration. If you are offended by that truth, then stop reading now because this pill is jagged as fuck.
The world is loud, unnecessarily busy, riddled with red tape, wrapped in policy, with a policy to that policy on top of its policy, smothered in misinterpretation of misrepresentation and outright lies. Any of the few who fluently speak and comprehend reality (truth) feel the disconnect, the rest revel in the bro-ness of connectivity. The geeks and weirdos behind the wondrous blockchain and the idiocy that has ensued take this shit to a whole other level of fuckery, though. This is not a history paper so I will not delve into the faceless moron who started all this stupidity (I wouldn’t want anyone to know how big a failure I was either with this garbage). Well intended or not, the proof is in the Fonzarelli of Ponzi schemes known as crypto and Web 3.0 that click baiters from all walks of the lower rung of media can’t help but splatter all over the land of fake believe.
Meet The Fockers
I will not go deep, because TLDR is a waste of (y)our more precious than thou time, but let’s have a high-level gander at the cast of characters. It is pretty telling that some of the biggest names in nerdom have been handed or are awaiting lengthy (you think your juice box got jacked in high school) prison sentences. Names that I do not care enough about to research for recognition because who really cares? While they focus on the art of steady and firm grips on soap bars, we will cover the ones who will most likely practice the butthole pucker at a later date.
Let’s begin with the oddball, malnourished, (I am on the spectrum, so I get to dismantle others on it) Russian sheet stain, the godfather of gouging, ahem, gas fees, Vitamin Butterfinger. The aforementioned, faceless, Satoshi (I am probably not Asian but want a name that makes me appear wiser in the ways of merging tech and finance) Shamalamadingdong, who was gone like a fart in the wind upon learning what scalability meant. The familiar faces from the boomer gen of geriatrics that refuse to retire, gam gam and gampy who publicly criticize technology while privately having their grandchildren lace em up with streams of income directly from such, leveraging assets acquired by not having to pay 15 dollars a grocery item. And last but not least, Gen(der) Z, the 9th place ribbon wielding, everyone a winner, 10 billion gender bending, soft and oft offended by: lifting fingers, shit that’s none ya business, work, and business in general, plus anything that begins with re and ends with sponsibility. Honorable mention goes to the WinkleVi brethren simply because it is almost as humorous as it is sad to watch these lovable losers scratch and claw for relevancy in a world that wants nothing to do with them. Just because Hollywood portrayed you as such, you aren’t Armie Hammer, Bruhs. Not even if there was a special ed version. Not even if there was a fire. (Random but necessary Step Brothers)
Harsh assessments, maybe, but do your homework on any of them and you will understand that equalizers exist in this world to remind the wicked of who they truly are. Though I am not proclaiming I was sent, I will absolutely be dealt with by The Creator for the judgment of others, I am necessary. My sins versus any other person, are equal in weight to God but since humans have a different measurement system, at least I am not stealing from people by way of lies and manipulation. The sheer volume of Russian players and investors should be all the warning needed to steer clear of this insanity. That Russian in the shadows of the underbelly sure looks like a square businessman to me said no one ever.
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By ScriptureKiddie
The Labyrinth
Smoke and mirrors, a boomer simplicity passed on as genius to a generation of identifiers of magical meows, void of gold royalty, and entrepreneurial owners of nothing. A “decentralized” web of dubiety, dumb contracts, and tens of thousands of fly by night, backed by jack “currencies” that have zero value to anyone trading tangible items. The exception being drugs, which, hey, you had something. Untraceable currency, until it was traceable. Hence, fail, fail, fail, and N FAIL T. Since we are now obligated to not hurt the feelings of those who fail, you get a pink ribbon of FAIL. Oh, but you are all wealthy, self-made (that word alone will spark my next blog as I school you on why you own nothing, have no talent, nor control a thing aside from the grace given of Whom you probably deny), and probably even conned some real humans into giving you nice things based on the ledger of lies you call a “Blockchain” huh? See how bought in they are when your system implodes, and they come looking for real things to collect to cover the debt for your Maybach bro. The point is, no matter how much complexity you wrap bullshit in, it is still bullshit. Nothing more, nothing less. The value of which is equivalent to the depths of your morals and ethics.
Why It Isn’t Expanding
So, you have this exciting new galaxy of anonymity and opportunity. Fundamentally based on a “level” playing field free from the oppression of Illuminatic (I identify that as a word now before you open your mouth Sir Poops with Kitty Kitties) dark forces and oversight by the blind, yet you are not growing at a pace commensurate with the lies of allure you are pumping into the ether. You woke though bro, so how is it not knocking you upside your mis-shaped/guided noggin?? Perhaps you had a realistic shot if you hadn’t outsmarted your own stupidity by creating a matrix of protocols too intricate for you to even explain in layman’s about how to send your “currency” from one shady entity to the next. This custodial wallet does this and supports this network of noncustodial sham dams which can bridge to that flatulent DEX to the one you can’t use in America but is being heavily promoted to Americans, so yea we are working on that, but you need to call Biden. Advise the poster child of confusion to fix it so we can share digital nothingness across invisible international lines of ignorance? You have the face and brain capacity only a mother could love. I won’t even mention, except I will, that Vitamin McForehead’s gas fees more oft than not exceed the transactional value being placed. Brilliance on levels of epic never before seen in the history of mental you know the R word. *** So as not to be canceled by the generation that ignores the fact that God is THE ONLY ONE who can cancel anything ***
Allow me a moment to google how to speak in idiot so I can break it down for all the “illuminated” minds who will more than likely be stuck at the first analogy wrapped fuck you I have placed throughout this un and necessarily pointed reality check. Suzie homemaker and simplistic business Bob aren’t down with it bruh. The seniority of Millennials are getting older and beginning to realize the massive mistakes made coddling you into the problem you have become. They do not have 35 hours a day to learn how to buy the drugs needed to cope with you on the dark web with the latest meme scam coin. Drug dealers do and will continue to exist in the flesh. Younger Millennials still buying in will begin having children that require resources bought in places that do not support Shima Uba Fluffy tokens. Biden gets confused tying his shoe and the boomers ultimately will fade into the afterlife for which they have prepared by faith and works (or lack thereof) during their lives (Trump is stuck on 2nd grade arithmetic so I wouldn’t get my hopes up). Gen X would rather send you to oblivion by way of banishing you to a nature preserve and placing bets on how many days (hours) will pass before corpses start surfacing. Do I need to elaborate any further?
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By ScriptureKiddie
Novel Idea with Shady Intentions
The idea behind blockchain technology is sufficiently relevant and necessary. The problem is, you aren’t operating any differently than the evil scum that you claim to be building impenetrable walls against. The transparency is of paramount importance, that of which is the only protocol decently in place. Anyone with basic reading and comprehension skills can ascertain that financial, corporate, and government entities are nothing more than transparently in bed swapping syphilis, gonorrhea, and herpes amongst one another. Inserting complexity into elementary processes in an effort to line beneficiary pockets has been employed by bureaucrats since humans magically morphed into intelligent beings from tsetse fly excrement 200 billion trillion fillion years ago per the rocks and shit. Right after the bang that came from absolutely nothing. You are doing the same thing.
The cryptocurrency infrastructure is no different and it is a system destined for inevitable failure as referenced by every other innovation bred by human greed. You aren’t going mainstream with the status quo. Granted there are ways to profit with Bitcoin (at this point you need some money to play with), the Ether business model is a not so cleverly concocted Ponzi scheme staying glued together by a generation of creatively challenged copy/paste bloggers and untalented bags of douche known as influencers. It is not set up for the average Joe to do anything other than dump real money in and “HODL”, stake (scam), and mint (scam) NFT’s so the whales can gobble up the proceeds.
I intentionally did not dive into Web 3.0 because every other point renders it useless as is constructed. A collection of Atari inspired landing pages offering more confusion into the madness will last as long as the blockchain it is built on. The concept has merit, but you mofo’s are way off right now. If you would just surrender your life to God, you wouldn’t have to trick people into thinking you are relevant and swindle them for money they actually earn, remove all value from it, then turn into a bag of magic beans. You have only managed to take something worthless and make it worth less. I will give you a first-place ribbon for that shit.v
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cryptoshake · 2 years
Vitalik Buterin Net Worth 2023, Age, Height, Story, House, Earnings, And Investments
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Vitalik Buterin is a Russian-Canadian computer programmer and founder of Ethereum. Buterin became involved with cryptocurrency early in its inception, co-founding Bitcoin Magazine in 2011.
Vitalik Buterin is the co-creator of Ethereum, a blockchain platform for decentralized financial applications. He became the world’s youngest crypto billionaire at age 27 when Ether, Ethereum’s native cryptocurrency, first crossed $3,000 per coin in May 2021.
Where is Vitalik Buterin living Now?
While Buterin spent much of the pandemic living in Singapore, he increasingly lives as a digital nomad, writing dispatches from the road.
Vitalik Buterin Biography
Real Name Vitaly Dmitriyevich Buterin
Nick Name Vitalik Buterin
Age 28 years
Birthday January 31, 1994
Birthplace Kolomna, Russia
HomeTown Kolomna, Russia
Nationality Russian, Canadian, Montenegrin
Gender Male
Religion Russian-Canadian 
Profession Software Developer, Computer Scientist, Author, Businessperson, Philanthropist
Famous For co-creator of Ethereum
Politics status N/A
Phone Number Not known
Zodiac Sign Aquarius
Height 1.86 m
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coinatory · 6 months
Vitalik Buterin Proposes Equitable Crypto Economy Model
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In a recent proposition aimed at enhancing the fairness and communal welfare within the volatile cryptocurrency market, Vitalik Buterin, the esteemed co-founder of Ethereum, has introduced a novel concept dubbed 'degen communism.' This innovative idea seeks to marry the daring ethos of 'degen' culture, characterized by its pursuit of high-stakes, lucrative investment ventures, with a systematic framework designed to safeguard all participants from the adverse effects of market fluctuations. At the heart of Buterin's proposition is a mechanism devised to ensure that, in the event of a hack or the failure of a project, smaller participants receive restitution prior to any consideration of larger stakeholders. Buterin envisions this approach as a step towards a more just and balanced ecosystem, a stance he publicly endorsed in the
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Those who think that $CAW are #memecoins, didn't get anything.
We are into another level.
@RyoshiResearch begun as a meme emperor, he now started the mutation to be like a god, beside #satoshinakamoto, together they watch on us by giving us the tools for freedom.
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thesecrettimes · 2 years
Vitalik Buterin Says Crypto Is a ‘Better Bet’ Than ‘Incredibly Inconvenient’ Gold
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 While Buterin asserts that such characteristics make gold less appealing, some crypto opponents argued that gold is better, because unlike the Ethereum blockchain, it is not controlled by only a few entities.
Decentralized Issuer of Money
The Ethereum blockchain co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, waded into the crypto-versus-gold debate after he posted a tweet suggesting that the former is a better bet than the precious metal. In his Oct. 26, 2022 tweet, Buterin slates author Zach Weinersmith’s assertion which implies that gold fits well with what crypto enthusiasts are advocating for. As suggested by Weinersmith in his tweet posted on the same day, the only meaningful argument put forward by crypto advocates is their call for a decentralized money-issuing authority. Still, the author wondered why gold, given its qualities and characteristics, is not being touted as a solution. So, the only argument I've heard about crypto that makes sense within the believer's own framework is that they don't want a centralized authority for money. In that framework though, why not just go with gold? — Zach Weinersmith (@ZachWeiner) October 26, 2022 However, in pushing back against Weinersmith’s suggestion, the Ethereum blockchain co-founder reminded the author of the key areas where the precious metal seemingly comes up short. He said: Gold is incredibly inconvenient. It’s difficult to use, particularly when transacting with untrusted parties. It doesn’t support safe storage options like multi-sig. At this point, gold has less adoption than crypto, so crypto is the better bet. Meanwhile, Buterin’s terse response to Wienersmith’s initial tweet drew an immediate reaction from both crypto opponents and advocates on Twitter. One user named Hayden.eth argued that “gold also has the risk of huge centrally controlled inflation due to asteroid mining.”
Crypto Not Tangible Like Gold
However, Twitter user Golden Knight appeared to question the Ethereum blockchain’s decentralization credentials, given the ongoing reports which suggest that only a few parties are controlling the chain. According to the user, having few parties controlling a blockchain potentially means they “could get control over the transactions worldwide.” One supporter of gold appeared to question the wisdom of using digital currencies in an era characterized by power outages. According to the user, gold is a better alternative because unlike crypto, it is tangible. Twitter user Levraham Spreadsmith, a self-proclaimed “optionality maxi,” appeared to use a reworked version of Buterin’s tweet to attack the Ethereum blockchain. “Ethereum is incredibly inconvenient. It’s difficult to use, particularly when transacting. It can’t be made into a water bottle like stainless steel. At this point, Ethereum has less adoption and a lower market cap than stainless steel, so stainless steel is the better bet,” Spreadsmith argued. The user also went on to list industries where the ethereum blockchain is not needed but where stainless steel is widely used. What are your thoughts on this story? Let us know what you think in the comments section below. Read the full article
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36crypto · 12 days
Vitalik Buterin Completes Final ETH Sale and Pushes for Enhanced Project Standards
Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, recently revealed details about a significant Ethereum sale involving 190 ETH, executed for 441,971 USDC. According to Buterin, this transaction was initiated by an automatic cowswap TWAP (time-weighted average price) order set up on August 29. The sale is reported to be his last, marking the end of his recent ETH liquidation activities. In a related…
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sudungmaytinh · 2 years
Vitalik Buterin "short" thành công stablecoin RAI
Nhà sáng lập Ethereum Vitalik Buterin vừa đóng vị thế short stablecoin RAI sau 7 tháng với mức lợi nhuận thu về là 92.000 USD. Vitalik Buterin short thành công stablecoin RAI Theo dữ liệu on-chain, Vitalik Buterin đã mở vị thế vào tháng 05-06/2022 bằng việc vay 400.000 RAI và bán đổi lấy 1,2 triệu DAI – một đồng stablecoin khác. Nhà sáng lập Ethereum đã đóng vị thế của mình vào ngày 22/01, bằng…
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coinxpense · 23 days
Vitalik Buterin Sends 200 ETH to ethOS
ethOS, the first mobile operating system on the Ethereum blockchain, received 200 ETH from Vitalik Buterin, signaling support for integrating decentralized technology into mobile computing. EthOS asserts that it is the first mobile operating system to be constructed on the Ethereum blockchain. Vitalik Buterin’s 200 ETH transfer to support ethOS The timing and specifics of the transaction…
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cpoetter · 25 days
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more than a week too late, though, you gotta love Vitalik
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fintechmirror · 2 years
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kripto-parahaber · 26 days
Ethereum fiyat tahmini: Katman-2 çözümleri Ethereum'u nasıl etkileyecek?
Altcoin haberleri: İkinci büyük kripto para olan Ethereum; fiyat düşüşü, Katman-2 gelişmeleri ve ETF çıkışları ile yoğun bir gündem geçiriyor. Erken işlem saatlerinde kripto piyasasındaki genel düşüşle direnç noktası 2,500 dolarlık desteğin altına düşerek endişe yaratan Ethereum, orta vadeli bir geri çekilme sinyalleri veriyor. Düşüşün ardından bir miktar toparlanan altcoine dair analistlerin…
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