nicsplace · 3 years
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Being whole means accepting that I am enough, in this moment, just as I am, work-in-progress and all. If we wait till everything is perfect and we are ready, we will NEVER be ready because life isn't meant to be perfect. It's messy, and it's complicated, and it's sometimes very hard. And that's okay! You will always be wonderfully, beautifully unfinished. And you know what? That's called GROWING. Certainly, never, ever stop reaching for more, but realize that you are enough, EXACTLY AS YOU ARE... This is hard for many people to understand. So many think that they need to improve or be better or be different in order to be ready for whatever God is putting into their life. "When I'm ready...then..." "When the time is right...then..." "When I have it all together...then..." Can I be honest? We will never be perfect. We will never be completely ready. The timing will never be exactly right. I certainly do NOT have it all together but I'm still moving forward and stepping out in faith. It's about giving it ALL over to God and letting HIM work on us and trusting Him instead of trying to do it all on our own, in "our" timing. We will ALWAYS be works in progress who are growing and changing and becoming more and better, IF we make the decision to work on ourselves. God has already given you everything you need, you just have to figure out how you are going to learn from it, use it and move forward in your own growth without missing out on what life and He is offering. Stop making excuses for why you can't do something or for why the timing isn't right. After all life isn't on our time frame, it's all according to God's timing, and His timing is always "on time". To think otherwise is to doubt that God knows what he's doing. Don't do that. So, even though [I/you/we] am/are complete, please be patient because God isn't finished with us yet. But also don't make excuses for standing still and not moving forward. #BeWhole #IAmComplete #ButImNotFinished #IAmEnough #SoAreYou #WorkInProgress #Growth #StopMakingExcuses #PleaseBePatientGodIsntFinishedWithMeYet #StrongerThings #BetterEveryDay #MomTalk #SingleMom #SingleMomLife https://www.instagram.com/p/COC5Ry1lnfr/?igshid=ebqfxup30vgf
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nicsplace · 4 years
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Being whole means accepting that I am enough, in this moment, just as I am, work-in-progress and all. If we wait till everything is perfect and we are ready, we will NEVER be ready because life isn't meant to be perfect. It's messy, and it's complicated, and it's sometimes very hard. And that's okay! You will always be wonderfully, beautifully unfinished. And you know what? That's called GROWING. Certainly, never, ever stop reaching for more, but realize that you are enough, EXACTLY AS YOU ARE... This is hard for many people to understand. So many think that they need to improve or be better or be different in order to be ready for whatever God is putting into their life. "When I'm ready...then..." "When the time is right...then..." "When I have it all together...then..." Can I be honest? We will never be perfect. We will never be completely ready. The timing will never be exactly right. I certainly do NOT have it all together but I'm still moving forward and stepping out in faith. It's about giving it ALL over to God and letting HIM work on us and trusting Him instead of trying to do it all on our own, in "our" timing. We will ALWAYS be works in progress who are growing and changing and becoming more and better, IF we make the decision to work on ourselves. God has already given you everything you need, you just have to figure out how you are going to learn from it, use it and move forward in your own growth without missing out on what life and He is offering. Stop making excuses for why you can't do something or for why the timing isn't right. After all life isn't on our time frame, it's all according to God's timing, and His timing is always "on time". To think otherwise is to doubt that God knows what he's doing. Don't do that. So, even though [I/you/we] am/are complete, please be patient because God isn't finished with us yet. But also don't make excuses for standing still and not moving forward. #TruthfulTuesday #BeWhole #IAmComplete #ButImNotFinished #IAmEnough #SoAreYou #WorkInProgress #Growth #StopMakingExcuses #RGPTribe #PleaseBePatientGodIsntFinishedWithMeYet #LiveALifeYouWontRegret #EverythingYouDoMatters #StrongerThings #BetterEveryDay https://www.instagram.com/p/B_YM3TSAefD/?igshid=qudlybjfjwtu
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nicsplace · 6 years
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Being whole means accepting that I am enough, in this moment, just as I am, work-in-progress and all. If we wait till everything is perfect and we are ready, we will NEVER be ready because life isn't meant to be perfect. It's messy, and it's complicated, and it's sometimes very hard. And that's okay! You will always be wonderfully, beautifully unfinished. And you know what? That's called GROWING. Certainly, never, ever stop reaching for more, but realize that you are enough, EXACTLY AS YOU ARE... This is hard for many people to understand. So many think that they need to improve or be better or be different in order to be ready for whatever God is putting into their life. "When I'm ready...then..." "When the time is right...then..." "When I have it all together...then..." Can I be honest? We will never be perfect. We will never be completely ready. The timing will never be exactly right. I certainly do NOT have it all together but I'm still moving forward and stepping out in faith. It's about giving it ALL over to God and letting HIM work on us and trusting Him instead of trying to do it all on our own, in "our" timing. We will ALWAYS be works in progress who are growing and changing and becoming more and better, IF we make the decision to work on ourselves. God has already given you everything you need, you just have to figure out how you are going to learn from it, use it and move forward in your own growth without missing out on what life and He is offering. Stop making excuses for why you can't do something or for why the timing isn't right. After all life isn't on our time frame, it's all according to God's timing, and His timing is always "on time". To think otherwise is to doubt that God knows what he's doing. Don't do that. #TruthfulTuesday #BeWhole #IAmComplete #ButImNotFinished #IAmEnough #SoAreYou #WorkInProgress #Growth #StopMakingExcuses #TheMeMovement #RGPTribe #PleaseBePatientGodIsntFinishedWithMeYet #LiveALifeYouWontRegret #EverythingYouDoMatters #StrongerThings #BetterEveryDay #SingleMom #SingleMomLife
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