#buttercreeam boy
oh-ishouldnt · 6 years
So... My dad canceled our wi-fi... And I was planning to post two imagines this weekend... That is not going to happen I guess... BUT YOU CAN READ MY LAST IMAGINE WITH JOE THAT I POSTED LAST SUNDAY! Be my guest here
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
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When I took the screenshot, I was just like “OMG ZALFIE IS IN THE LIVESTREAM”, but who cares about Zalfie in this pic? Let’s focus on Mr Oli White over there, please
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
A little wrong
A little wrong | Joe Sugg | imagine Word count: 1115 Request: Y/N helps Joe and instantly goes over to him and help him when he injured himself with the slip n slide at Caspar’s flat. Mainly have it fluff thanks :)) A/N: Thank you to the anon who requested it! I think I messed up the part of Y/N helping Joe (I didn’t think it was helping him on the prank until I was in the middle of the imagine, sorry). Actually, today is Tuesday, but I programmed the imagine to be posted Friday because I don’t know if I’m going to be able to actually write something this weekend. Who knows you, guys, want some imagines to read as you watch Joe huge live stream? Hope you like it! Love you! You can find more Buttercream Squad stuff in here | Requests are open
“So, yeah, guys, I think that if you’re on a job that you only do for pay rent at the end of the month, paying rent isn’t a real goal then.” You told the camera as you shrugged your shoulders, sat on your bed. “Next question now…” You took your cellphone to look at your notes and it started ringing: JOSH P. “C’mon, Josh! I’m trying to film in here, baby!” You complained to your viewers. “Hello?” You finally answered the call.
“Yeah… Is everything alright?” You asked once Josh’s voice didn’t sound chilled like it used to be.
“Hum…” You could picture Josh rubbing his head trying to put the situation into words.
You sighed. When the boys behaved like this, you knew the did some funny thing that went wrong. “Josh…”
“You know Joe is at Caspar’s right?”
“Yes.” You blinked twice, confused. “He would come back here once he finished in there. What did he done?” You asked, starting to get angry already.
You and Caspar were neighbours. You two met on a convention and became friends, so when you decided to move to London, you asked Caspar’s help. He commented that a flat on his building was empty, so you decided to give it a go and it actually worked out.
“You know he was going a prank, right?” Josh confirmed.
“Yes.” You took a deep breath.
“Did he tell you what the prank is?”
“Don’t tell her!” You could hear Joe’s voice on the background.
“Joe, we need ice.” Josh argued.
“Josh, please, just tell me what is going on.”
“She will be mad at me.” Joe complained.
Joe’s words only made you be exactly what he didn’t want you to be: “Josh, please inform Mr. Sugg that I’m mad already, so it’s better you two start talking and explain what the hell is going on.” You got up from your bed and turned the camera down. You wouldn’t film for the next hour being in that mood.
“Sorry, bro.” Josh apologized. “Basically, your boyfriend thought it was a good idea transform Caspar’s flat into a huge slip ‘n’ slide, but now he injured himself and we need ice because Caspar is a failure and don’t have ice on his fridge.”
You rolled your eyes. Boys… “I’m going.” You sighed and went help them.
You met Joe once before moving to London. You thought he was exactly your type of boy, however never in your wildest dreams, you imagine you were his type of girl.
Once you got in town and occasionally hung out with Caspar, you and Joe started knowing more about each other. When he headed to a nightclub with you for the first time, he discovered what your friends (including Caspar) already knew: You weren’t as shy or as sweet as you seemed to be. It was a surprise for Jow, but it was exactly what he needed to start seeing you differently than “that Caspar’s friend”.
You knocked with your right hand on Caspar’s front door, the left hand holding a bag with some ice cubes. “Guys! I’m here.”
You heard Josh turn the key and unlock the door. He seemed worried, so you started to worry. Joe only fell on the floor, what was the big deal?
“Hi.” He said and you entered in the apartment.
“Where is he?” You asked, not bothering if you didn’t take your shoes off.
You spotted Joe sat on a bench on what once was a living room. He was holding his head and had an expression that was divided in “grumpy” and “in pain”.
“Oh my God, you hurt your head?” You exclaimed, rushing into your boyfriend.
“Be careful, Y/N, or you might…” Josh started warning you, but it was too late. You fell on the floor.
Joe went help you. “Oh, calm down, love.”
“No!” You took his hands off you. “You need to be quiet in there.” You pointed to where he was sat before. “I’m not important. You, on the other hand, need help.”
He rolled his eyes and went to where he was, he knew that it had no point trying to argue with you when you talked like that.
“I’m fine…” He argued. “I told Josh to not call you. It just a prank that went a little wrong…”
You took your shoes off and slowly walked towards Joe.
“The first thing he asked was if his fall was on camera.” Josh revealed.
“You are such a workaholic, Joe.” You told, putting some ice in the region that was red. “Honestly, you can’t be like this, honey.”
He gave a little smile to you. “Sorry, I guess.”
“How do you feel? Is it aching still?”
“No.” He hugged your waist, you still pressing the ice on his head.
“I was so worried in that moment.” You confessed.
“I’m sorry.” He said again.
“I thought it was nothing.” You sighed. “How did it happen?” You asked Josh.
“Well, turns out that the camera filmed it. You want to see it?” The ginger said to you.
You bit your lip. “I don’t know if I should…”
“It’s nothing, Y/N.” Joe told you. “Relax, I’m fine.”
You sighed. “You can’t crack your head, sweetie. You can be without any part of your body, but your head is really important to me. I can’t marry a man without his head.” You joked as you gave him a peck on the lips.
“Even if it he lose his…” Josh suggested.
You forgot he was even there. “Yes, Josh.” You rolled your eyes again and then smiled. “Joe doesn’t need his penis to give me pleasure, you know. He is really creative.”
Joe laughed. “Ho-ho! Right back to you, mate.” He teased, still hugging you.
“By the way, now we are talking about your creativity, what the hell you were thinking when you said ‘I know what I’m going to do for the next week’s video! I will turn Caspar’s flat on a slip ‘n slide!’?”
The boys laughed.
“This is actually a good question.” Josh agreed.
“I don’t know.” Joe said. “I always wanted to do it.”
“Oh my God, you don’t have concert, do you?” You asked, laughing softly.
“Nop. Sorry, love.”
“Yeah, fine. I think I will have to deal with you being a weirdo forever then.”
“Forever?” He asked, raising an eyebrow and opening a real smile for the first time.
“Forever, honey.” You kissed him. “Unless you decide to crack your head.”
“I can’t promise you that.” He mocked.
“Oh, you guys are so cringy!” Josh complained.
“Shut up! We are in love!” Joe argued and you laughed.
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
Fixed - final part
Fixed - part 2/2 | Jack Maynard | Imagine Word count: 2986 Request: Can you write an imagine where you and Jack have a tickle fight? | Can you do a jack one? A/N: This imagine is inspired by Fixed by New Hope Club! Thank you for those whom asked me this! I loved write this one, so if you have something in mind about Jack, be my guest: requests are open! If you don’t remember the first part, let me refresh your memory in here! Bye bye sweeties! See you soon! You can find my other Buttercream Squad stuff in here | Requests are open
        “Conor…” You started speaking to the phone.
        “Hi, Y/N!” He picked up. “How are you?”
        “Fine. You?”
        You bit your lip, hesitating. “Ok, so, please, don’t freak out, but I…”
        “Kissed my brother?”
        “Hum… Yes?”
        “Yeah, Jack told me.”
        “Oh, the bastard! I wanted to tell you myself.”
        “So… Are you ok?”
        “Yes.” You knew Conor were only asking because the last thing he wanted was stay between you and Jack or, worst, have to choose one of you. “We are not serious or anything. I mean, fine, we spent the night together and, oh boy, he doesn’t have the reputation he has out of nothing, you know…”
        “Y/N, you’re still talking about my brother, please, stop.”
        You laughed. “We are fine, Con.”
        “Great then. I’m really happy for both of you. I mean, Jack is a player and you are one too. I don’t want anyone getting hurt.”
        “We won’t.” You assured.
        “So…” Jack started saying, sat on the sofa by your side.
        It was Saturday. Jack arrived at your place by morning and you decided to watch a film after lunch.
        “So…?” You encouraged him to continue, not really paying attention in what he was about to say because you were watching the movie.
        “You met Andrew yesterday.” He pointed out.
        “Yes.” You smiled, seeing where the conversation was going.
        “And how it went?”
        “Since when are you interested on my love life?”
        “Since you decided to kiss dickheads.”
        “I don’t kiss dickheads, moron.” You pushed him softly. “I mean, I kissed you, didn’t I?”
        “Yeah.” Jack gave a smirk. “But, first: I don’t throw up if I’m insecure; Second: I’m a great kisser.”
        You laughed. “I don’t know… Andrew is a pretty good kisser too…” You teased.
        Jack looked at you astonished. “What?” He turned his body to you, not starring the TV anymore. “Are you saying I am not the best kiss you had on your entire life?”
      “You are so convinced of yourself.” You rolled your eyes, knowing he was only kidding.
      “Oh, am I?” Jack asked, approaching you.
      You started giggling. “Yes…”
      “You just love to play with fire, don’t you, Y/N?” He asked, his hands getting closer to your body.
      You were laughing as if Jack were already tickling you. “Jack…”
      He started tickling you for real, you couldn’t breathe.
      “Say who was your best kiss, Y/N.” He ordered.
      “No!” You exclaimed, laying down on the sofa with Jack on top of you.
      “You don’t want to admit it to me? Fine. I will just continue to tickle you then.”
      “Jack!” You whined.
      “Say, Y/N.”
      “Ok, ok! I’ll say it, I’ll say it.”
      He stopped and you smirked.
      “Say…” He suggested.
      “I will! But…”
      “I will start tickling you again, Y/N.” He threatened.
      “No!” You protested laughing. “I will say you are the best at kissing, however I’m not sure of it.” You smiled your flirty smile. “I think I need a test proof.” You argued and Jack responded to your actions by bending down.
      “You think so?” He teased when his lips were almost touching yours.
      “Yes.” You told.
      Without a shadow of a doubt Jack was the best kisser ever. The way he moved had the right precision and the right speed and, when he bit your lips, he almost drove you insane. This kiss thought wasn’t for real. It took all your strength to concentrate and move your hands to fit your original purpose: In the middle of the kiss, you started tickling Jack.
      “Y/N!” He complained while laughing and getting out of the sofa. “You play dirty!”
      You couldn’t stop laughing. “You should know that by now.” You teased with a wink.
      “We need to have a little chat, young lady.” Jack declared, turning the TV off.
      “We need?”
      “Yes, we do.” He affirmed. “A little chat on your bedroom.”
      You gasped. “Jack!”
      “Come on, on your way.” He started lift you up. “We have some business to solve.” He told and started tickling you again while carried you through the apartment.
      Jack was kissing a random girl on one corner of the club. The music was loud and there was one of the only places that were empty enough to fit both of them.
      “Yeah, not quite like that, love.” He said, pushing the girl away. “You need to…” Grab my hair, scratch my back, move your hips. That was how Jack would be addicted to a kiss, that was how he would be crawling for more, that was how… His eyes glimpsed you on the dance floor. That was how you kissed him. And drove him crazy. “Excuse me.” He asked before walking away and letting the girl alone.
      Your hair flew everywhere and you had a wide smile on your face, after all it was your favorite song playing at the club. You always loved when the right music came out, it gave you confidence and you would be even more excited than you normally was. When it was your music through the speakers, you could have the whole crowd staring at you that you wouldn’t even care.
      Jack went to you, interrupting your dance moves. Without saying a single word, he pulled you to him and gave you a kiss, a profound one, not only catching you by surprise because of the moment but also because of the intensity. He proved that sweet naughty kiss only you could give, the one he missed if he didn’t taste it every day.
      “What was that for?” You asked laughing when you finished kissing.
      He was looking at you, noticing how your eyes shinned. “I don’t know.”
      “When will you give up in going out with him?” Jack asked you with an arm around your shoulder.
      You were at the supermarket doing your food shopping for the week. Jack was at your place and agreed to go with you.
      “Stop being against Andrew.” You asked while you were choosing what type of bread you wanted. “He is a really nice guy, you know.”
      “What I know is that he throws up more than the average people.” Jack teased.
      “Oh my God, when you will give up remembering this?” You complained, putting the package on your basket and walking through the shop.
      “Maybe when you admit to yourself he is just a route mistake you made.”
      “What if he is the one for me?” You asked going to pay your stuff.
      “He isn’t.” Jack said.
      “How can you be so sure of that?” You raised an eyebrow and putted your shops on the bags, Jack helped you carry those.
      “Well, if he is the one for you, why you keep liking going to clubs and being with other people?”
      “We agreed we would take things easy, Jack.” You told going out of the supermarket and walking through the street. “I am fine with the things now and he is too. We don’t need to rush.”
      “That’s what I’m saying, Y/N.” He pointed out. “If he is the one, you shouldn’t want to be with anyone else besides him and, let’s face it, you and me make out more than you and him.”
      You laughed. “So what are you suggesting? That you are my true love?”
      “Who knows? Maybe I am”
      You rolled your eyes. “You go out with more girls in one week than I go out with boys in one month, Maynard.”
      “Yeah…” He shrugged his shoulders. “It’s quite boring wait for you to realize I’m the only one, Y/N. You’re quite slow, you know?”
      “Yeah, ok, Jack.”
The fact: Last week
        You were craving for a cupcake after seeing Zoella’s Insta story. She was having a lovely lunch and had a marvelous dessert, so you decided go get one for yourself before losing your mind.
      You and Jack now were boyfriend and girlfriend, though only the close friends knew that. It was a bit hard date a youtuber and with everything going on in your lives, like his channel growing and you having your college stuff, you didn’t want any pressure about having a relationship open to the public eye.
        “Y/N! You heard someone calling you and looked around the shop, trying to discover who the source of it was. “Over here!”
        You were about to pay your order, Brittany, an old friend, was sit on a table on the other side of the place. You waved at her and she went towards you.
        “Hey, Britt.” You smiled to her.
        “Hey girl! How are you?”
        “Fine.” You thanked the employee that was charging your order. “What about you? I saw you went to Spain last week.”
        “Yes, I went!” She smiled. “It was amazing! I’m starting to have a thing for that country. I know it’s my philosophy never go to a place twice until I complete my wish list, but it was so pretty in there!” You laughed at her enthusiasm, was really cute.
        “It seemed really nice. I loved your pictures on Instagram.”
        “But, girl! This is not about me! I mean, yeah, I went traveling and it was amazing, but I heard you are dating Jack Maynard! Is it true?”
        You blushed. “Yeah, we are kind of hanging out together…”
        “Are you crazy or something?” She asked. “You two look adorable, I get it, but you know how that worked out to Shelly.”
        You felt like Britt has just punched you on your stomach. Shelly was Jack’s ex girlfriend. You met Jack when they were broke up already and you never really thought about it.
        “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” Britt apologized. A little late for that now, love. “I really think you two make a beautiful couple, Y/N.” She took your hand into hers. “I’m worried because I think you deserve more than a cheater.”
      You knew Britt considered cheaters the worst specie on the planet, she was cheated once and never wished that for anybody else. You knew that she was only saying that because she was in fact afraid of you getting hurt.
      What Britt didn’t knew though, was that you never thought about Jack being a cheater. You forgot it. You knew he was, but you completely disassociated him from that image. Now, it hit you.
      “That’s fine.” You forced a smile and took the cupcake you ordered. “I gotta go now, but I see you around, right?”
      “Text me if you need anything, Y/N.” She asked, realizing the mess she made. “I’m really sorry.”
      “It was good, Britt.” You shrugged your shoulders. “I just needed a little remind of one of the reasons why I avoid Jack Maynard at the first place.”
        You sighed, finally sitting on your sofa. You were really tired of thinking about that subject by yourself. It was burning your mind, corroding your thoughts, eating you inside out.
      You always knew Jack wasn’t the type of settle down. He went to a club, kissed a few girls on the same night, and then chose one to go home. You were alright with this fact, after all, you hooked up with a considerable amount of people at the same night too… But you never cheated.
      Cheating was something you always felt it would be horrible to do. It was something worst than a heartbreak, it was humiliating. Not only the person who promised to be faithful to you had broken this vow, but he/she chose to kiss another, thinking he/she was better than you.
      You get that the feeling of cheating should be amazing. Being with someone while having another waiting for you? It sounded really powerful and seductive. However, how you could handle the guilt afterwards? How could you look at your boyfriend/girlfriend knowing you did that to him/her?
      And, you couldn’t argue: Everybody knew your boyfriend was a cheater.
      Jack sat next to you.
      “I don’t want to be the insecure girlfriend who doesn’t let her boyfriend have night outs or stuff like that. I’m fine with you going out with the boys and everything, but honestly? I can’t say I’m not worried. I love you, but since last week, I have trouble sleeping.” You admitted.
      “Why since last week? I didn’t even go out last week.”
      You bit your lip. “Okay. I might have met Britt and she remembered me about Shelly.” You confessed.
      It was Jack’s turn to sigh. “I knew it.” He ran his hand through his hair. “I knew something triggered you.”
      “But it doesn’t matter, Jack!” You exclaimed. “You don’t understand? I sincerely don’t know how to deal with it.”
      “What are you trying to say? Do you want to break up?” He asked, looking at you afraid of the answer.
      “The last thing I want to do is break up with you, however it’s not because of it I won’t. I won’t wait for you to get sick of me and throw me away.”
      “Y/N…” He exhaled. “I will never get sick of you.”
      “How can you say that? How can you be sure of it? I doubt you didn’t like Shelly before you went sleep with other.”
      “It wasn’t like this.” He defended himself.
      “But you cheated her anyway, Jack.” You could feel the pain throbbing in your heart. “I love you, but I can’t handle this, babe.”
      He took a deep breath. He needed to say something because he felt you slipping through his fingers and he would never forgive himself if he let you go away just this easy.
      “Y/N, look.” He said, taking your hands into his and looking into your eyes. You were almost crying when saw that beautiful pair of jewels staring at you. “I won’t lie to you, ok?” Your heart started racing. “I am not good at relationships. I probably will forget our date anniversary and eventually gonna say something I won’t think about and hurt you and be stupid and stuff like that. But honestly? I won’t cheat at you.”
      “I know you and me seems something that came out of nothing for you, that we were really casual and, suddenly, we weren’t. But for me, it wasn’t like this that things happened.” He told you. “It started really calm, really quiet. I flirted with you for the first time and you blushed, something that I found really cute. Then I was noticing how beautiful you are every time you would hang with Conor and we started talking about the most silly things like ‘I hope the club won’t be crowded’ and shit like that when we met because we didn’t know each other.” He gave a soft smile when the memories invaded his mind and then again he was serious as you two were on the edge.
      “When I started flirting for real, you showed me that you weren’t an only-blush girl: You shutted me down every single time because you thought it was nothing, that I was doing that just because I wanted to bang you. And let me be honest with you now: I only wanted to bang you really.” You let a little laugh escape and he smile from seeing you better, a little relief coming to his heart. “But you didn’t let me, because you were worried about how it would affect you friendship with my brother and, in the extent to which our conversations evolved, my heart would race a little more when you showed up.” You felt your feelings squash inside you. “Since our first kiss I knew something would be different. I didn’t know what exactly, but it would. It felt so… Real.”
      “I was chilled about how things were, even with the Andrew guy around.” You rolled your eyes, Jack couldn’t let Andrew go. “Don’t roll your eyes to me, okay? It’s real. You never saw me in that state. Honestly, I don’t want to go back for that either. Not because I would get more drunk than ever or because I would be with any girl that showed up, but because it would mean we would break up and it is something I never, never, want to do, Y/N.” Your heart broke seeing him say that in that way, it was something that you never knew Jack felt and never knew he was able to feel.
      “You have your doubts, I get it. You can call me a dick if you want to, Y/N,  but I didn’t even care about Shelly. I thought I liked her, but now I know I didn’t and I’m fucking in love with you, Y/N.” You felt your breath escape through your lips. “It isn’t something I was looking for, I admit it too, but it happened and now I don’t know how I would work things out in my life without you. You put everything in balance.” He caressed your cheek. “I know words are only words and it is not much however I need you to trust me when I say that I won’t cheat on you.”
      His blue eyes were staring at you with such intensity, as if his whole soul was depending of your answer. He looked anxious and scared, but also relieved. You didn’t have doubts at all in that moment.
      “Why you didn’t tell me this before?”
      “I thought it was quite obvious.” Jack said, turning shy.
      “Silly.” You hugged him, finally crying. “I’m sorry, I was such an ass in the past week. I didn’t want to though.”
      “That’s alright, babe.”
      “I love you. I’m so afraid of you breaking me. I’m not sure I will be able to recover if you break me.” You confessed.
      “You won’t need to.” He promised, holding you tight.
      “Thank you.” You said breaking the hug.
      Jack smirked exactly how he did before kissing you for the first time: “You’re welcome.”
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
Testing limits
Testing limits | Joe Sugg | Smut Word count: 6715 Request: Hello! I just had an idea popping into my head for an imagine! Y/N is Joe's girlfriend and the whole buttercream gang loves her. Joe introduces her to KSI and he gets a little inappropriate about her during a QNA and joe turns into a really protective boyfriend. A/N: Thank you to the lovely anon who sent me this! I spiced things a little bit (sorry). I had a hard time making this (and that’s why it took me so long) because I hate how JJ talks about Zoe (and Theodora in Caspar’s deleted video), although I really think he isn’t usually like that. Anyway, hope you guys like it! If you want more Buttercream Squad imagines/smuts, click here | Requests are open!
“Hello everyone!” Joe greeted. “So today I’m joined by Y/N.”
“Hello!” You waved to the camera.
Joe made fun of you: “You all know her, whatever.”
“Joe!” You protested laughing.
“Sorry, love, but that’s true.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, fine.”
“The star of today’s video isn’t her. It isn’t even me, actually... Oh, that’s sad, isn’t it? This is my bloody channel and I’m not the main character on my own video...”
“It never was, Joe.” you teased. “All your subscribers are here for the videos your sister are featured.”
“Shut up.” He told and you laughed hard.
“You are going to zoom in your face and cut the shot now, aren’t you?” you provoqued again.
“We have a fan over here, guys!” Joe joked with the viewers.
“Shut up.” Apparently, you and him said that a lot to each other, because you two were always trying to be the most annoying as you could.
“C’mon, guys!” Caspar shouted. “Finish this soon, we are hungry!”
You were all in Joe’s flat. JJ was in town and the Buttercream Squad were in your boyfriend’s living room waiting to go out and enjoy the sweet night London could give. You decided to film before leaving because of course no one would be capable to say one word right by the time you got back and Joe needed it ready to edit in the next day. It should be really quick because Q&As usually didn’t take long to film.
“Let’s go with this video.” He asked. “Anyway, guys! We are here with… KSI!”
The tall man came running and jumped in Joe.
“Hey motherfuckers!” He exclaimed as got up and sat down like a normal person.
“Yeah, here he is!” Joe cheered.
“Oh, that’s a nice bed, isn’t it?” JJ commented, going up and down, making the bed tremble.
You gave a smirk. “Me and Joe have a lot of fun on it.”
“Y/N!” Joe complained and you laughed.
“I thought you guys didn’t told your viewers you were together.” JJ mentioned.
“We didn’t.” Joe grumbled.
“That’s why I love say stuff about us in his videos,” You gasped seeing your boyfriend pissed of. “Joe needs to cut out afterwards.”
You made JJ laugh. “Well, in this case…” He smiled.
“Oh, no.” Joe mumbled.
“Okay, let’s finish this.” You told them.
“Thank you.” Joe said to you and JJ calmed down. “So what are we going to do today is a very original thing of mine called… Q&A!”
“You called me all the way to here to do a Q&A? Are you fucking kidding with me?” JJ asked.
Joe laughed, not believing in what a poker face his friend was. “You literally done this to me once in your channel.”
“We were in LA already! It doesn’t count.”
“You didn’t come to London just to film with me, JJ.” Joe argued.
JJ looked at him, without words. “Hum…”
“Oh, he got you in there!” You exclaimed.
“Damn it!” JJ said and you all laughed.
“Let’s go to the questions then.” Joe said.
What is your favorite color?
“So, I will start with the easy ones, because we have a lady in here today, so KSI won’t say a lot of… Inappropriate things.” Joe explained and your smile grew bigger.
“Oh, thanks, Joe. That’s really sweet of you.” You said.
JJ laughed. “You wish I would say less of that. Sugg, you know nothing.”
You and Joe were together in a few months now, but you already expected to him not wanting anyone to know about you two. He was right, privacy was subestimated, however you wanted to go out with him holding your hand even it was on some youtube event.
KSI arrived in town the day before Joe decided filming with both of you. You thought it was a good idea, after all you got along very well with all of Joe’s friends, including the Buttercream. Actually, especially with the Buttercream.
“Just answer the question, please.” Joe asked already regretting the video.
“I like blue.” You told. “But, like, it depends. Sometimes I like pastel blue, or turquoise or midnight blue… It’s always blue but in different shades of it.”
“You just don’t have the ability of responding ‘blue’, do you? You need to make things more sophisticated than they are.” you rolled your eyes to Joe’s speech.
“Well, my favorite color is grey.” the special guest said before smirking. “And, as Y/N, I like different shades of it… Fifty, to be more exact.” You laughed and so did Joe, but them JJ turned to you. “I could show you the specific ones I like, Y/N.”
You blushed. You usually would turn JJ down with some sassy answer, but you just met him and now you were on camera in your boyfriend’s channel, so you giggled and just said: “Hum… And what’s your favorite color, Joe?”
“Red.” Joe answered. “As JJ’s blood.”
You laughed and so did JJ.
“Next question, please.” You said.
What is your favorite type of chocolate?
Your face lit up, you loved chocolate. “Okay, but, like, just chocolate, right?” Joe looked at you, you could see him holding back some kind of joke. “Because I usually like all types of chocolate, but I love melted chocolate with strawberries.” You gave a smirk to the camera. “Joe likes melted chocolate with strawberries too... Although he prefers it when it’s on me.”
Your boyfriend grumbled. “Y/N!”
You laughed, JJ gave you a high five. “Nice.”
“That’s how you drive Joe insane.” You told. “That and black lingerie.” You winked, making JJ (and yourself) burst into laughs again.
“Guys!” Joe protested.
“Sorry, babe.” You said, kissing him on the cheek. “I’ll behave now…”
“Thank you. Let’s finish this.” He said, but then you completed your sentence:
“Not something I usually do on bed.” Joe was pissed, but gave a smirk anyway. He knew you were right.
“She’s savage, bro.” JJ commented while laughing.
“You should see me working hard, JJ.” You teased again, feeling more comfortable with JJ now.
When silence (finally) fell and you three were calm, JJ decided it was his turn to answer the question (and piss Joe a little more).
“I like all types of chocolate too, but I think Y/N should try more of the dark ones. They taste more… rough.”
You chuckled. “Oh my word, JJ.”
“Fuck off, JJ.” Joe complained, he was laughing but passed an arm around you. “Let’s go with this.” He asked again to the video to continue.
What is the last song you listened on Spotify?
“I actually know this without even looking at my phone.” You giggled. “It’s ‘Are You Sure?’ by Conor Maynard, Kris Kross Amsterdam and Ty Dollar Sign.”
“Conor!” Joe called loud.
“Yeah?” the singer responded from the living room.
“How much are you paying Y/N to say she likes your music?” he joked.
“In your video?” Conor asked.
“Yeah!” Joe told.
“I guess not much! It’s my newest hit, mate, I don’t need the marketing, it will be better than Ed Sheeran’s on charts!” you could hear Conor’s laugh, listening to the rest of the butter boys as well.
“That is not true, is it?” Joe asked you and you laughed, picking your phone and showing it was.
“I’m not a liar, Joseph.” you stated. “Now tell me your song.”
“You see, I actually was telling the other day on my vlogging channel that I hate when people ask me about music, because I listen to a lot of things, so…”
“Ok, whatever.” You interrupted him. “Say yours then, JJ.”
“Y/N! This is my channel, excuse me.” Joe said ironically.
“You will take ages to answer it, I’m taking your channel for a moment.” you explained, ignoring his turn still.
JJ got his phone in his hand, looking at it and screwing things. “Well… Actually…”
“JJ is cheating!” Joe accused. “He’s just looking through all his Spotify to find something.”
“Oh my God, is a dirty song you don’t want the viewers to know, right?” You teased.
“Y/N, you know that, if it was a dirty song, I would be the first to reveal it.” JJ told.
You shrugged. “True.”
“It’s a love song, isn’t it?” Joe asked, his face lighting with joy for getting JJ.
“It’s a country song.” JJ revealed.
You and your boyfriend bursted into laughs.
“Let me explain it, though.” JJ begged.
“No.” Joe didn’t let him.
“It was to...”
“No, you can’t explain.” Joe interrupted the guest. “You were listening to a country song. The subscribers to your channel are dropping right now after you said that.” he didn’t let JJ be heard. The friend was trying so hard be listened, you were laughing hard. “Next!’ Joe exclaimed.
Do a rematch of the race you had last time.
“So, for this, Y/N’s participation will be momentarily suspended.” Joe informed the viewers.
You three got down to the flat’s parking lot, as Joe and KSI did for the first one. Josh was holding the camera to film all of you.
“I’ll be the hot chick that waves the flag.” You joked, showing a piece of fabric to the camera.
“And what a hot chick, huh?” JJ commented and you rolled your eyes.
“Keep the small talk, JJ.” Your boyfriend said. “I’ll be winning if you keep going like this.” You knew Joe was just trying to get his friend to stop talking dirty with you.
“JJ won’t even realise the race started.” Josh complemented, laughing without knowing Joe’s true reasons. “He will be ‘Oh, is it on?’”
You helped Joe with his situation. “You can try as much as you want, JJ, I won’t be going home with you.” Then you winked. “But you can keep the compliments, I not only like them, but Joe will be more than glad when you lose the race.”
“Oh, that’s the only way Joe can win from me, Y/N.” JJ told you, getting ready.
“I heard he won the first round of the last time.” you teased, walking away from them so you could wave to the competition start.
In the first round, KSI won; In the second, it was Joe’s time to taste victory; In the last one, you couldn’t help: JJ won again.
“I told you, Y/N.” He smiled. “I’m faster, I’m better.”
The four of you were heading back to the elevator now and you could see Joe was a little upset when the camera wasn’t on him. He held your hand discreetly so it wouldn’t be on the takes. Josh was laughing from the provocations that Joe and JJ had while filming.
“You know, JJ… “ You gave a wily smile. “Being fast is not really an advantage in my world.” You shrugged again.
“Woah.” Joe chuckled, surprised by your answer, Josh laughed.
“That one was harsh, Y/N.” JJ complained.
“You’re attacking my man, JJ.” you smiled, showing you were kidding.
“So she protects what is hers, huh?” he teased. “Like a lion mama? What about letting me hear you roar, Y/N?” You rolled your eyes again and the elevator’s doors opened. You walked straight to your boyfriend’s apartment.
Do a dance off.
“Ok, since we are on the living room already, how everyone feels about dancing a little bit?” Joe asked when he was inside his own house, facing all his friends sat down on his sofa.
“Yeah!” They exclaimed.
You went upstairs to pick your phone. “What song you guys want to dance?”
“Y/N, please.” Conor said with that strange accent he used to joke. “Of course we are listening to my music.”
You laughed. “So Conor Maynard it is.” You announced and “Animal” was listened through the speakers. “A little trip down the memory lane.”
“Oh no.” Jack complained but he got up to dance anyway.
You and all those enormous guys (and, of course, Conor, Jack and Joe) formed a semicircle to do the dance off. Everybody was doing silly moves, each of them worst than the last one, it was really funny.
“Thanks guys.” Joe said after a couple of songs.
You were all sweaty and had trouble for breathing.
“I’m too old for this, babe.” You told while laid on the floor.
“You did well, Y/N. I’m proud of you.” Oli said, laying next to you.
“Thanks, Oli.”
“This is my exercise for the whole week.” He declared.
“Mine too.” You agreed.
“Can I join you?” Asked Josh.
“Be my guest, Josh.” You smiled and now you were surrounded by one side by Oli and by the other with your ginger friend.
“C’mon, love, we have a video to end.” Joe said, offering you his hand so you could get up easier.
“Babe…” You complained.
“C’mon, Y/N.” He smiled at you.
“I don’t want to…” You ignores his hand.
“You want me to carry you?”
“Yes.” You said, doubting he could do that.
“Fine.” He dragged you by your ankles so you weren’t besides Oli and Josh anymore, you shrieked.
“Joe!” You complained.
He laughed. “You asked for this, love.” He told you as lowering to pick you. His hands started to hold you and you gave up.
“Fine, fine! I’m going, I’m going!” You announced, not giving Joe the opportunity to lift you up. All his friends were there, you weren’t making a scene. “We will be back soon, guys. I promise.”
“Please!” Jack exclaimed. “We are hungry.”
“Oh my God, you talk like there’s nothing on fridge.” You rolled your eyes. “C’mon, JJ.” You called the guy who was laid on the sofa. “We gotta go.”
Best book ever?
“I don’t think you guys read. Do you?” You asked them.
“I do!” Joe exclaimed.
“Oh, yes, you really do.” You pretended to remember, you always saw him reading now and then, not as much as you, of course, but sometimes… “You really do read.” You nodded and then turned to the camera. “But Joe only reads boring books.”
“No, I don’t” He countered and you rolled your eyes (it was one of yours bad habits)..
“What about you, JJ?”
“No, books aren’t for me.”
Favorite character of all times?
“Whatever movie Y/N be on.” JJ said instantly.
“I am not an actress.” You argued, frowning.
“I can think some films you can act with me. In my bedroom.”
Joe rolled his eyes, getting closer to you in bed. “Next!”
Can you lick a lemon?
“Bring it to me, baby!” Joe exclaimed and he picked a lemon you didn’t notice it was in the table behind the camera. He probably should got this before filming. He cut it in 4.
“It’s just a lick, bro!” JJ complained about the size.
“Just suck it.” Joe frowned as looking to his part. “On three, ok?” You and JJ nodded. “1… 2… 3!”
The taste was horrible. Maybe not the worst thing on Earth, but still...
“It would be so much better with a pinch of salt and a shot of tequila after.” You commented.
JJ was laughing really hard, so you looked at him, he was holding an entire piece of lemon, he didn’t lick his.
“Fuck you, JJ!” Joe told.
“Sorry, I couldn’t do it after you said suck it.”
“Well, now you will see what I will make you suck.” You said to him, angry. It wasn’t your best choice of words.
“It can be you, Y/N.”
“Alright.” Joe said, looking directly to JJ. “That’s enough, JJ. Really. Stop it. I know you’re only joking, but please, I don’t like to hear your flirting to my girlfriend.”
JJ smiled. “I am just testing your limits, Joe.” Then he turned to you. “I’m kidding. I’m sorry if I offended you, Y/N. I just want to see how much Joe can take without freaking out. He’s one of the most chilled guys I know, he was laughing while I was saying bad things about his own sister.”
You sighed, you were getting annoyed now with him. After he apologizing, you were relaxed again. Actually, the way Joe started being protective with you was kind of amusement, so you gave a smirk.
“Yeah, that’s fine… I know how nice can be test Joe’s limits.” You winked. “By the way… How much you want to see Joe getting mad?”
JJ laughed. “A lot.”
“A lot is enough to you agree shot a video with me?” You asked, the idea popping in your head.
“I would film with you even if I didn’t wanted freak Joe out that much.” JJ said, being gentle.
“Oh, thanks!” You smiled. “Fine, I will join you on the dark side, JJ.”
“Y/N!” Joe complained.
“Sorry, honey.” You gave him a little kiss on the cheek and turned to camera. “Let’s continue this.”
What is your favorite fruit?
“Oh, what the hell I was thinking when I picked those questions?” Joe moaned, upset. “I can answer you I wasn’t thinking straight.” He took a deep breath and faced the camera. “Well, after that, it isn’t lemon, for sure.”
“My favorite fruit is…”
Joe interrupted JJ. “I swear that if you say your favorite fruit is Y/N or tell her she should like some African type of banana…”
“Some African type of banana?” JJ laughed.
“I don’t know!” Joe exclaimed. “I’ve never been to Africa, I don’t know you have some kind of strange fruit in shapes of pennies.”
“Joe, you go to South Africa every year now.” You told your boyfriend, holding his hand.
“Oh, you understood me.”
“In my defense,” JJ started. “I wasn’t going to say my favorite fruit is Y/N… It’s strawberry.” He smiled. “With chocolate. Especially dark chocolate. It will make you stop liking any other chocolate, Y/N. I swear. Normal chocolate is too sweet, you need some roughness on your life to make you scream.”
“It takes a lot to make me scream, JJ.” You shrugged your shoulders and turned to the camera. “Well, JJ has a point. I just said I really enjoy strawberries with chocolate, but actually I love a lot of different fruits. However, I’m such in a watermelon vibe.”
“No, you’re not!” Joe exclaimed, you ignored him.
“I heard it’s from Africa… Is it, JJ?” You asked, pouting.
“Oh, I see what are you doing, Y/N.” Joe commented, JJ laughed.
“Yeah, it is, Y/N.” JJ said. “And by the way, I will do that. Make you scream. Day and night. You know that Ariana Grande’s song? That one she says she can’t even walk? That will be you when I smash you. I could bang you in so many ways, you will be crawling for more. You will scream my name so loud when you think of me that I will be able to hear when I’m home.”
You laughed, oh my word, JJ was playing hard to get.
“Shut up, JJ.” Joe said. “Let’s do the final question of this.”
Who’s most likely to run down the street naked?
“What the hell?!” You chuckled. “Joe, what this stands for?” You asked. “Well, I have to say that KSI is the one who’s running around naked.” You told.
“Yeah, I agree with Y/N.” your boyfriend said.
“I have to say that Joe is the who’s running around naked.” JJ answered. “Although I really think that Y/N is the one who should do that… Especially if it is for going to my house. I am ok to do a threesome anytime, Y/N.”
“Yeah?” You asked, Joe held your hand once again. “I might bring my boyfriend then. We can have a little fun, although you said you’re against normal chocolate… He’s quite the white chocolate type.”
“You like white chocolate? You shouldn’t. It’s too sweet, white chocolate can’t do what dark chocolate can… That’s why you think it’s hard to make you scream, white chocolate can’t do that. He’s lucky, still. Bang you anytime he wants? Man, I wish that. I would fuck you everyday if I could.” Joe squeezed your hand hard and you could tell he was about to explode. “I would fuck you right now, actually. In this bed, I don’t even care if the camera is still on.”
“Fuck off, JJ.” Joe said, getting really mad. “You lost in there, mate. Are you fucking insane?” He asked, getting up from the bed and you did it too, holding his hand so he wouldn’t lost his mind completely. “This is my girlfriend you’re talking about. I don’t care if you’re only joking, but you are crossing borders in here. Stop it, right now. Stop. I’m serious. I asked you to stop and you continue to do that. What the fuck are you thinking? It’s not fun anymore. She is mine. Don’t say that about her. Never.”
JJ started laughing. “Oh, man! You are so tough to crack!” He got out of the bed too, standing up (and now Joe was really glad he didn’t beat KSI because he forgot how big his friend was). “I’m sorry, Joe. You know I would never be with Y/N. I respect you and, besides the bullshit I just said, I respect her too. Sorry again, Y/N, if I took it too far.”
“Yeah, it was a little across the borders, but that’s fine.” You gave JJ a smile and kissed Joe in the cheek. “Relax, baby. You know that I’m all yours. I would never be with JJ and JJ would never be with me.”
Joe took a deep breath and KSI completed: “She’s not even my type, bro.”
You rolled your eyes but then smirked. “And I really like more a white chocolate, sweetie.” You caressed his right arm. “C’mon now, let’s finish your video.”
Joe needed to take another deep breath as he sat down. “You are so annoying sometimes, JJ.” Joe told, a little more relaxed.
You rewinded the whole thing in your head and then you started laughing.
“Some day, one of  these jokes will get you killed, JJ.” You told him.
“I’m really sorry, Y/N.”
“It’s ok.” You knew he said ugly things, but you teamed up with him so whatever. He would be a dick if he really thought those things and you knew he didn’t. You had a plan anyway... “Go and do your job, babe.” You told Joe.
He sighed and smiled to the camera. “So, I hope you guys liked this video, I certainly didn’t. Stand this two… Urgh, I only do that because KSI is a thing on Youtube and her…” He pointed to you. “I don’t know.”
You laughed. “Shut up!” You gave him a soft slap.
“If you did enjoy, please, give a thumbs up. Also, subscribe to me. Y/N’s and KSI’s links will be on description, so subscribe to them too, although I really doubt you didn’t already... So thank you, both of you, to make this with me.”
“Oh, it was nothing.” JJ said, smiling.
“Nah, I’m here to get more subscribers, you don’t need to thank me.” You joked.
“This is it for this week, guys.” Joe concluded. “I’ll see you next week with another Sugg Sunday. Cheers, goodbye!”
“Finally!” You exclaimed, laying down on bed.
“Yeah, but we have the video on your channel to film now.” JJ remembered.
“You know what? We can go out now.” You said.
“It isn’t because of me, is it? I’m sorry and I mean when I say it.”
You smiled. “No, it isn’t because of you, JJ.” You didn’t want to speak your idea out loud right now, you would wait for it.. “I actually think that is better if we film it latter. Maybe tomorrow?”
“Perfect.” he agreed.
“Now, let’s get some food!” You said. “I’m craving for some strawberries with chocolate.”
“Maybe I can help you with that.” JJ said.
“Yes, maybe you can.” You said, just to tease Joe, he was annoyed still.
Joe got up to turn the camera off, quite silent. Maybe he was really upset. The guilty started consume you.
“JJ?” You called, the guest was checking his phone.
“Yes, Y/N?”
“Could you, please, tell the rest of the boys we finished recording?”
“Of course.” He said and then left the room.
You went help Joe with the equipment.
“On a scale from 0 to 10, how angry are you with me in this moment?” You asked while turning the lights off.
“7.” He told you, grumpy, as he checked the footage on his camera.
“7, huh? 7 is a high number.”
“Yes, it is.”
“I’m sorry, honey.” You said and went to him. “But you will like a lot what I’m thinking to tomorrow.”
“What are you thinking to film?” He questioned, not really interested in what you had to say.
You hugged him. “I can’t tell, but I will make JJ struggle a little, yes.”
Joe didn’t want to, but he couldn’t avoid, he opened a little smile. “Some intelligent way to make him surfer?”
“Yes, baby.”
He finally hugged you back. “Never let a guy flirt with you like that again. I know you wanted to piss me and that’s why you didn’t stood up to yourself, but, please, Y/N, JJ said a lot of horrible things.”
You raised an eyebrow. “He said worst things of your sister, you know?”
“Yes…” He sighed. “I’m thinking of deleting this video like Caspar did.”
You nodded your head, no. “It won’t make difference, Joe. I guess that what you could do is stop liking this kind of stuff.” You smiled again. “But you know what?”
“I really enjoyed you being all protective over me… And when you stood up to stop JJ… Well, I’m kinda hot right now.” You admitted.
“Y/N!” He exclaimed, laughing. “I can’t believe it.” He rolled his eyes. “C’mon, we gotta go. The boys are waiting us downstairs.” he argued, breaking the hug.
You gave a ladino smile, holding Joe’s shoulders and giving a kiss on the bottom of his neck. “I mean…” You started whispering, no way you were going to let you boyfriend slip through your fingers in this moment. “JJ’s thoughts about dark chocolate were kind of interesting too.”
Joe’s face turned serious and he looked at you, angry.
“Y/N…” His voice was lower than before.
You continued to give him kisses on the neck. “Babe…”
“I’m not feeling really well.” You told, scratching his back a little. “Could you, please, say to the rest of the boys I won’t be able to join you today?”
You opened that smile, the smile that you used to get away with things even if you were wrong, the smile that seemed so innocent but was filled with dirty ideas and wrong conceptions. It was your straight flush.
You started to walk away from Joe, making the bed because it was destroyed after the video. You moved your hips so it would swing provocatively, putting your ass in evidence. Your boyfriend sighed, passing his hand through his hair, and got out of the bedroom.
You heard with a little smile on your face Joe tell the boys you weren’t well, maybe because of something you had for lunch and he, as an amazing boyfriend, needed to be with you. It boosted your confidence, you knew how to push the buttons of Joseph Sugg.
While Joe waited to the boys gather together and leave his house, being with them because of the good manners, you took all the film equipment down. You noted Joe saying goodbye to his friends and you decided to make things faster, so you took of your shirt and your jeans. It wasn’t for nothing you said Joe liked black lingerie, it was what you were wearing that day.
Now you were almost naked, the room felt cold, making you shiver, something that turned you on even more. Why were you so horny, dammit? You listened the front door close and you laid on bed and bit your lip, you could hear Joe’s footsteps through the house.
When he appeared on the bedroom’s door, you smiled.
“I see you put the camera and the lighting away.” He said, admiring you.
You got up, barely able to walk because the minimum amount of friction drove you crazy. You went towards Joe and enlace your arms in his neck, his hand held your waist automatically. “You liked JJ’s idea of filming a sex tape?” You pouted once again, now with a look that dripped lust. “Maybe you enjoy the idea of a threesome. I bet the boys aren’t far away, I can call JJ and ask him to join us.”
Joe squeezed your skin in his hands, almost carrying you away from the floor. “No.” He said. “Not JJ, just you and me. Don’t make me jealous, Y/N. You don’t like the idea of another one with me either.”
You felt the heat of your body concentrating where Joe’s hands were. His grin was deliciously tight. “It’s a threesome, babe, JJ would be with both of us. I don’t care with that.” You continue to tease. “He promised make me scream.”
Joe kissed you hard. Scream was the key word to drive him mad. He sucked your lip with so much strength that it started to tingle, you two moved around the room and soon your back was pressed against the wall.
“So you like this thing of test my limits, huh Y/N?” He asked while giving you neck kisses. “What about I test yours?”
You smiled and raised an eyebrow. “Game on, Sugg.”
His hands were pressing your waist still, but then he slid them and grabbed your bum. You knew what it meant. You jumped and he caught you, the aggressive kiss was back and you almost couldn’t breath.
You felt your hair flutter, Joe was spinning you through the bedroom. He broke the kiss and threw you in bed.
“Time to get rid of these clothes, baby.” You told.
“I enjoy see you only with lingerie while I’m full dress, dear.” He responded.
You accepted the challenge, biting your lip with a smirk. “That’s a shame, babe.” You shrugged your shoulders and moved in the bed, leaning on the headboard. “You know that, if you are dressed, you can’t have all this.”
Joe got in the bed and crawled to you, whispering in your ear. “I guess it is already mine.” He told, passing his right hand through your hips and then in your clit, the panties only make the movement worse.
You let a moan slip and it’s not fair. You were a competitor, you were playing to win. You turned around, putting your body against Joe’s, his hand wasn’t teasing you anymore now that you moved. You start to shake your hips against his jeans and, for his surprise, you take his teasing hand and put his middle finger into your core, making it go in and out with your help, you and him stimulating your hit.
“Where’s the fun in only taste a little, Sugg?” You ask with a hoarse voice, it Joe’s turn to let a moan slip. You took his finger out and sucked it, making your boyfriend shiver. You went to the other side of the bed. “You don’t wanna help, babe? Fine, let’s test your limits first then.” You smiled and got out of the bed, getting up.
Joe looked at you curious, you took off your panties and putted a leg over the bed, so now all your vagina were exposed. Joe could see it shining because of the wet. You pass the finger you were putting inside it with Joe through your core and your head hang back, you let a loud moan make it’s way out as closing your eyes.
The worst thing you knew you could do with Joe was showing him you getting an orgasm. You passed your hand in your neck, slipping it until grab one of your boobs and then you started to stimulate it. It was getting harder to breath.
You opened your eyes to find Joe was having a hard time. You stopped your movements and gave your ladino smile again. “Don’t you wanna taste it all?” You asked and the sucked your own middle finger.
Joe lost his mind with the view. He started to make his way up to you and you could see his pants tight, making harder for him to move. He grabbed your hips and pushed you to the bed again, making your back hit the mattress hard.
He started to kiss your body and you nodded with your head. “Oh, no, Sugg. What did I just said?” You ask, holding his hair and pushing him up to look you in the eyes. “Clothes off if you want to taste it.”
As response, he grunted. “You’re not getting away with this. Y/N.” You kissed him and took off his shirt, after, you took his pants and his boxers. It’s inevitable, you smiled by seeing him so excited to you.
“I guess I’m already, babe.” You said, switching positions and making him be under now. You sit in his hips, close to his penis, but not on it. You bended, feeling his member touch your chest as you gave little kisses in his abdomen. You licked it and started to give kisses closer and closer to Joe’s groin.
You got up again, the grip of Joe’s hands in your hips was only getting tighter. He had his eyes closed and almost couldn’t hold back his moans. “Let me test your limits for real now.” You said, ready to put Joe on you.
Suddenly, your boyfriend opened his eyes. The light blue was almost gark grey now. “No.” He said before pull you to bed.
You let a scream scape. “Joe!” You complained.
“You said you wanted to scream, Y/N.” He explained. “Shall we discover how loud you can get?”
You bit your lip, what you had done? The excitement in your belly made you tremble.
His legs were holding your hips, he kissed your neck and sucked it, you were sure it would leave marks all over it. His hands were on your boobs, rubbing and squeezing it.
“Not so sweet now, don’t you think?” He asked before licking your right boob, you shivered. “You still want dark chocolate, love?”
“N-no.” You answered. “Suck Joe, I’m ready, just…”
“I said to you we will be testing your limits now, Y/N.”
“Joe…” You whined.
“Let me show him how you won’t be able to walk after I’m done, after we fuck so hard that he can’t even imagine it is possible.”
Joe was playing with tits while saying that and it almost drove you insane. The grip, the dirty words, the hit.
His hands slipped through your body, pressing you hard, you could feel the possessiveness in every touch of Joe. The way he did that made you think that you were all his, not because he wanted you to, but because no one could ever be as good as him.
He started kissing your abdomen, then your groin and he licked your clit, making you moan louder than you already were. He putted his forefinger and the middle one into you, you screeched.
“We know you can get louder than that, Y/N.”
“Joe, please.” You asked, holding his hair and moving his hips to cause more friction.
“You know how I was suffering while you were touching yourself? How I wanted to be me instead?” He teased, his movements still slow, growing the anxiety in you. “Now it is me, Y/N. How you feel about that?”
You couldn’t answer him, you couldn’t think straight, you couldn’t do nothing. You were gasping, you weren’t able to do nothing more than be a victim in Joe’s actions. Your vagina were throbbing in a way it never did, you couldn’t handle Joe teasing you anymore.
“Joe, I give up.” You admitted. “I’m all yours, you know that I am. Now, please, fuck me.”
Joe laughed, you felt his tongue move away and you looked at him. He smiled. “I’m glad you said that, Y/N.” He took his finger off of you and you whined.
“Ask again.”
“Ask what?”
“Ask me to fuck you once more.”
“Fuck me, Joseph. Fuck me hard, fuck me until I forget my own name.” You said, your voice barely being heard because you were so hot.
“Suck it” he said, giving his hand to you. You did. You looked at him straight in his eyes and you suck it, feeling your own taste. He pressed his penis with his hands and all you wanted to do was grab his dick yourself, make him feel all the pleasure you were feeling. “That’s my girl.” He said, pulling his fingers out of your mouth.
You saw Joe open your legs and position himself in your enter, the expectation almost killing you. He grabbed your hips once again and pushed him until he wasn’t able to go further anymore. That’s when you screamed.
Your back arched, your mind exploded. You couldn’t think in nothing else other than Joe being in and out of you.
And now you two weren’t teasing each other anymore, there wasn’t time enough. You needed to be him and he needed to be yours, you two needed to have an orgasm or you might burst into flames. It hadn’t a way back anymore, it was in full speed, full strength, nothing to stop you to scream, nothing to stop you feel the pleasure. And now you weren’t screaming anymore, you were roaring.
Joe were growling like a wild animal, later you wondered how no one knocked on the flat’s door asking if you two were okay. Not only the noises you were making, but the bed was trembling so hard it could be heard over the whole apartment and the apartments around, you were sure of it.
With one final scream, one final roar, you felt the orgams hitting you. Joe came with after, holding himself on your shoulders, pressing it hard.
He laid next to you, none being able to speak because were out of breath.
“Never try to test my limits again.” Joe said.
“I don’t know…” You giggled. “I enjoyed this little thing that happened now.”
“Well, I can make you scream anytime you want, Y/N.” He turned to you, looking in your eyes. “Just stop trying to tease me. It will drive me mad.” You could see in his eyes he was asking this seriously.
You smiled. “There’s no need to be mad, babe. I won’t test your limits anymore…” He sighed. “Well, not anymore, but I would say I won’t be doing that every time.”
“Y/N!” He complained.
“It’s just to make things fun, honey.”
He smirked, hugging you. “Being fun is my job, love. You should got this by now.”
“It’s my job too.”
Joe leaned his head on your neck and you caressed his hair.
“What are you thinking to do with JJ tomorrow?” He asked.
“Well, about that…”
“Hey there, people! How are you today?” You said to the camera in front of you, excited. “Today I’m joined by a very special guest… It’s KSI!”
The man entered in the scene. “Hello!”
“He has no idea of what is going to happen in this video…”
“I haven’t, really.”
“Well, I saw this idea on Saffron’s channel and I thought it would be nice to do because JJ is being a naughty boy lately….
“I can continue to be naughty to you if you want, Y/N.”
You raised an eyebrow to the camera. “You see, this is what I am talking about.” You rolled your eyes. “Today we will be doing the… Guessing the price of girly stuff!”
“Oh, no!” JJ complained.
“Don’t complain yet, JJ. It gets worse because we have a little forfeit! Not only you should get the price right, but if you don’t, you will be using the object you are guessing about.”
“Oh, fuck.”
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
Fixed - first part
Fixed - part 1/2 | Jack Maynard | Imagine Word count: 2246 Request: Can you write an imagine where you and Jack have a tickle fight? | Can you do a jack one? A/N: Actually, this one was my first request, sorry for taking so long to do it! I wasn’t inspired to do an imagine with Jack, but when I heard Fixed by New Hope Club all I could think about was: “omg Jack Jack Jack” lol Hope you all gonna like it! See you! (Also, the second part is already finished but I didn’t want to post it all at once because I thought it would be an imagine too long) You can find my other Buttercream Squad stuff in here | Requests are open
      “Y/N, please, Just tell what the problem is. “Jack asked you frustrated.
        He was at your house, in your living room, and you didn’t know anymore why you started arguing with each other. The fight was about a lot of things and, at the same time, about nothing.
        “It’s nothing, Jack.”
        “Of course it’s something, Y/N.” He argued.
      You had this fight wish inside you since last week and it was driving you crazy. You knew exactly why you were acting like that, however, you were trying to avoid the huge discussion it would cause.
‘”You don’t wanna know, ok?” You declared. “Just leave it.” You were tired of fighting.
        “I do wanna know. For fuck’s sake, you are my girlfriend, Y/N. You are pissed and I’m guessing it’s only with me.”
        You were friends with Conor before even met Jack. You went out with the Maynard brothers quite often and on an Uber or another, you got to talk to youngest one and it just happened: before you could react, you were kissing Jack Maynard and spending more time with him than without.
        “Jack, stop.” You said. You knew you would only be even angrier on that moment if you told him what was going on. “Let’s sleep.”
        You two went have dinner with his brother, Josh, Caspar and Maddie. You couldn’t stare Jack, being rude to him without noticing or avoiding getting involved on the same topic conversations than him. You left Jack without a single clue about why you were acting like that (even when you couldn’t avoid being such an ass) and you hated yourself for that. You were a coward, a bloody coward.
        “No, we are not going to sleep without you telling me what the fuck is happening to you. I have the right to know why my girlfriend is mad at me.”
        “Alright then, Jack. Let’s talk.” You gave up, losing your patience. “Youwant it so much, so let’s talk, right?”
        “Thank you.” He said ironically.
        “Is it what I am to you? Am I your girlfriend?”
        “Oh, for fuck’s sake, Y/N.” He groaned. “We are over this conversation already. Yes, you’re my girlfriend; Yes, we are dating. Breaking news everyone! I can’t believe you’re pissed because of this. It’s ridiculous. Y/N, the only reason I don’t tell my viewers we’re dating is because I want to protect you. You know this, damn.
        “It’s because of your viewers or because you don’t want other girls to know we’re together?”
        “What the hell?” Jack asked, confused and angry. “Where is it all coming from?”
        “Does it matter?”
        “No, it doesn’t.”
        “Something trigged it, I know. You wouldn’t be saying that out of nothing.”
        “Jack, seriously, it doesn’t matter. Can you just simply answer me where we are? Where we are going to?” You questioned, the discussion hit. “What do you want from me?”
        “What do I want from you? Y/N! What do you even mean with that?” He asked, passing his hands through his hair.
        “What I mean? I mean: What do you want from me?”
        “Are you fucking serious right now?”
        “Yes, I am.”
        He exhaled his breath hard. “I don’t want anything from you. Why suddenly you aren’t happy with us?”
        “It’s not what I said.” You argued, in defensive.
        “Yes, it is.”
        “No, it isn’t, Jack!” You exclaimed.
        “Tell me then, exactly, what did you said and what do you want to know from all these stupid questions.”
        “Is it because of other girls you don’t want to say we are together?”
        “Y/N!” He laughed if derision.
        “I’m serious here, Maynard.”
        “You don’t trust me at all, do you?” He asked, not believing your motivations.
        You were so exhausted of holding this back, feeling so insecure, that in that moment, you told Jack your worst thought. Almost screaming, you revealing:
        “No, Jack, I don’t.” You said finally. “It’s not because you are such a player, ok? It’s because you cheated before and I don’t know why this time would be different. You cheated before and I can’t think a single reason why you won’t do this to me.”
      He looked at you. You were so broke, your eyes showed you were cracked and you were almost crying. He could see your pain, the mistrust all over you. And although it was killing him, Jack couldn’t answer you. He didn’t had a single sentence that he could said, because why he wouldn’t do that with you? He didn’t know.
Before:       “And, finally, this is my brother, Jack.” Said Conor, introducing you to his younger brother.       Conor invited you to a party on his new place. You went there already (twice, actually), but it was a celebration to his new achievement.       “Hallelujah I’m meeting you!’ You exclaimed with a smile and shook his hand.       “Well, you must be Y/N,” Jack said smiling too. “the friend of Conor who is too beautiful to be at his company.”       You blushed.       “Oh, such a player, my brother.” Conor laughed. “Relax, Y/N, soon or later you will get used to it. Jack does that with every freaking girl he meets.”       “Not every girl…” Jack rolled his eyes. “Just the gorgeous ones.” He winked.
      “Y/N, Jack is here!” Conor shouted.       You and Con went have dinner and he went to your house before going to the club so you could get changed (you refused to get burgers using a dress). You agreed that Jack could head to your place because it would be easier, as the club was nearby your apartment.       “Fine!” You responded while putting your lipstick on.       “Let’s go, Y/N!” Jack told you just to be annoying.       “I’m going, I’m going.” You said, putting your shoeing your heels.       You took your purse that was on your bed and walked away from the room, meeting the brothers sat on your sofa on the living room with a smile on your face. You were excited to go out that night.       Jack could swear that his heart stopped in that moment. “Wow.” He exclaimed. “You look beautiful, Y/N.”       You rolled your eyes. “Right.” You went towards the door. “C’mon guys.” Conor laughed at his brother, who was still petrified at the sofa. “Close your mouth, Jack. You are flooding the apartment.”       Jack blinked, finally reacting. “Shut up, Conor.”       “I’m leaving you, Maynards, behind!” You announced.       “We waited ages for you to get ready.” Jack pointed out.       “That’s why you should be in here already.” You snapped back.       Conor chuckled at his brother again. Jack sassyness didn’t archieve you and the older one really enjoyed this fact.       “Oh, I’m sorry, Jack.” You said when you saw him pouting and gave him a hug. “I didn’t want to upset you.”       Jack wasn’t upset with you exactly. He was upset because, with only one sentence, you shushed him. The reason why he always needed to have the last word was the fact that he hated feeling taken down. How could you have such an influence in him? It wasn’t even a super smart answer you gave.       “He will never be upset with you, Y/N.” Conor teased.       “Yeah, of course.” You rolled your eyes again. The Maynard brothers were exceptionally silly in that night. As if Jack Maynard would have a crush on you.       “I couldn’t even if I try.” Jack commented, returning to his old self. The elevator’s doors opened.       You laughed. “Let’s go, boys.” You started walking to the building’s front door. “The Uber is already here.”       Jack shrugged his shoulders, giving Conor a side look. This one, for a change, was laughing at the situation of the youngest. “You better work harder at this one.”       “Thanks for the tip, brother.”       “Any time.” Conor winked and followed you, finally leaving the elevator. .       You yawned, supporting your head in Jack’s shoulder. I was another night, another club you went together.       “I’m tired.” You announced, feeling the car’s movements as if you were a baby being put in sleep.       “I can see that.” He giggled and passed an arm around you.       “What time is it?”       “About three.”       You sighed. “Oh, Jack, we are getting old. Before, we wouldn’t come home until the sun is up.”       “I guess.” He caressed your arm.       “The sun is up or go to a stranger’s house.”       Jack gave a little smirk. “Well, I’m not a stranger, but you can crash my house, Y/N.”       You laughed loudly. “Thanks, Jack.”
      Jack was chatting to a random pretty girl when he saw you going to the bar, crossing the dance floor.       “Excuse me for a moment.” Jack asked. “You want something from the bar? I think they gave me the wrong drink.”       The girl was confused, Jack was half way through the glass. “Yeah, of course.”       He smiled and walked away, hoping she would be there still when he returned.       “Hello!” You exclaimed, really happy, when you saw him. “Getting laid tonight, huh Maynard?”       He giggled. “Hey.”       Jack ordered a new drink to him and though it was good order something to the pretty girl he was talking to.       “Y/N.” Jack started talking what he wanted.       “Yes?”       “Come on…”       “What?”       “Andrew? Really?” He commented, referring to the guy you were flirting with. “You can do better than that.”       “Jack!” You exclaimed laughing. “He is cool, he is good looking… Not bad from my point of view.”       Your friend rolled his eyes. “He is here every bloody weekend, Y/N. It means something you know? He can’t even be at somewhere else because it’s not his field. He can’t play if it isn’t here.”       You laughed. “Oh my God, Jack! His field? So now you are making movements in his field? Because you’re definitely going home with that chick over there.” You raised an eyebrow.       “It is not the point, Y/N.”       “And how you know he’s here every weekend?”       “He is here every time we come.”       “So what?” You found everything genuinely funny. “It doesn’t mean a thing.”       “It says he is insecure, Y/N.” You rolled your eyes.       “I’m over you, Maynard. I’m going back to my boy over there. You should stop drinking. You sound just like Cosmopolitan article right now.”       “Is it a good thing?”       You shrugged your shoulders, smiling as you walked away.
      “I said to you.” Jack said on the Uber in the next week.       “Shut up.” You told. “Where is your brother anyway?”       “Getting drunk maybe?”       Maybe Jack was right, maybe the reason why Andrew was throwing outside the club you called him was that he wasn’t comfortable with the local, maybe you could see his insecurities written all over his face, maybe you were the one you told him that he could get a fresh air because he was turning pale… Maybe you were cursing Jack Maynard with all your strength.       Any way, it was really nice of Jack accompany you to Andrew’s house so you would be sure he was alright.       “It’s the next building.” You said to the Uber driver and he stopped the car.       “Come on, Jack.” You called as jumping out of the car.       “What?”       “The least I can do is paying you a meal. I know you didn’t had anything to dinner before the club. Something, I must add, really risky of you.” He smiled and shrugged. “Just living the life on the edge, you know me.” He joked while were slipping through the automobile’s bench.       You giggled. “Come on, just let me put something more comfortable than this tiny dress and we can go out.”       “You seem pretty fine to me wearing this tight thing you have going on.” Jack told you. “I actually enjoy that.”       “Shut up.”
      You were cracking up laughing at something not really that funny Jack said to you. You were so drunk you didn’t care about the sentences you thought were silly.       “Stop it, I need to pee!” You exclaimed.       You both were sitting on your living room’s floor, it was still the Andrew threw up night. You two had a few drinks went to dinner and already felt dizzy and, when you got home, you remembered you had some vodka from the last party you gave.       “You need to pee?” He asked, laughing as much as you.       “Yes, Jack! I have a bladder just as you do.” You informed as got up.       “Can I go with you?” He asked getting up too.       “To pee?” You found that weird.       “That doesn’t make sense, does it?”       “No, it doesn’t.”       “Fine, I will be waiting here.” He told you, nodding his head.       You were a couple steps away when you fell on the floor. Almost fell, actually. Jack caught you on the air.       “Someone is drunk!” You giggled.       “Yes, someone is.” Jack agreed, a little out of breath because your face was really close to his.       Your eyes met his and you lost the track of your thoughts. They were kind of diluted already because of the alcohol, but Jack’s blue eyes just made things even harder than they were.       “Jack…” Your heart was racing.       He swallowed dry. “Yes, Y/N?”       “Could you, please, kiss me?”       “Are you sure?” He confirmed, he wanted to guarantee you wouldn’t regret later. You were friends after all, right?       “Yes, I am.” You smiled. Jack could be really sweet if he wanted to. “Thanks for asking.” You said, drunk.       “You are welcome.” Was Jack’s sentence before kissing you.
→ Part 02
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
Updated masterlist
Have a good reading!
Seasons | imagine
Help pie | imagine
Delight | imagine
Open hearts | imagine
Love | imagine | part 01 | part 02 | part 03 | part 04 | part 05 | part 06-soon
The favorite | imagine | part 01 | part 02
Fixed | imagine | part 01 | part 02
Drunk secrets | imagine
Oh, players! | fanfic
Day off | smut
Warm | imagine | part 01 | part 02 | part 03
Testing limits | smut
A little wrong | imagine
Down your face | imagine
Birthday wish | imagine
Further | imagine
What a view | imagine
New moves | smut
Nice to meet you | imagine
Love me not | imagine
What do you want? | imagine | part 01 | part 02-soon
Although I love Byron as well, I’m waiting for him to do more videos because I feel like the much I know him now isn’t enough to construct a character profile of him, sorry.
→   My ship requests’ answers come with something that I like to call ship-scenes. They’re just like little imagines. You can be my guest and check them here
→ If you want to see my gifs or other stuff like that, you can click here
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
Warm - final part
Warm - part 3/3 | Joe Sugg | imagine Word count: 5229 Request: The reader meet Joe randomly in the street and then they start to date and are really in love but they are both worried about the difference age because Joe is 25 and the reader is 17-18 A/N: In case you forgot what happened, you can check the part 01 in here and part 02 in here! I really enjoyed writing this, I hope you liked reading it! See you all soon! You can find more Buttercream Squad content here | Requests are open 
“You’re dropping it! You’re dropping it!” Joe exclaimed and you couldn’t do anything but laugh at his despair about your ice cream. “I’m serious, Y/N! It will fall!”
You two finished your dinner and he took you for a walk after that. You had an enormous ice cream, with 4 flavors in it just because Joe dared you. He got himself a normal one, which you bought because he already paid dinner and it was probably the only thing you could ever buy to him with your amount of money. He thanked you and you started walking in the sidewalk of the beach, something not appropriate to do with your heels, but you were having such a good time you didn’t care.
“Y/N! It’s going down, it’s goin down!” He shouted and then, as if it was his instinct, he licked your ice cream.
“Joe!” you complained.
“It would fall!” he argued and then gave a big smile. “That taste really good.”
You laughed again of his silliness. “Yeah, I know. It’s the finest flavours together, nothing could get wrong.”
“I wish I got that.”
“You can take as much as you want of mine.” you offered with a sweet smile, you were so happy this was your first date with Joe.
He gave you a cheeky smile. “And what about you?”
You frowned. “I’m still getting my ice cream, I didn’t say you could have all of it!” you joked.
“No,” he stopped walking and turned his body to you. “I meant what about having you?”
You blushed, grateful because it was dark. “Well…” you raised one eyebrow “you can have as much as you want of me too.”
“Yeah?” he smiled and put his hands in your waist.
“As long as you don’t drop me.” you teased.
“That’s your job, dropping things.” he stated, getting closer.
“We’ll be fine then, I don’t intend to let this drop.”
And just like a movie scene, you two kissed. You could feel the ice cream melting and running in your hand, but you moved your arm so it didn’t get in your clothes and you were fine, after all, during that kiss, everything in the world was fine.
“I can’t believe you were on a date with Joe Sugg!”
“Shh, Y/F/N, no one can know.”
“It’s not like people would think it’s real, Y/N.” your friend rolled her eyes.
You giggled, she was right. “You have a point.”
“And how your parents are dealing with it?”
You bit your lip. “Hum…”
“Oh no, Y/N.”
“I actually didn’t tell them yet.” Y/F/N sighed, you were getting in trouble for that. “They know I’m seeing someone, but they think is someone from school.”
“Y/N!” she complained. “I’ll need to deal with your shit afterwards!”
You forced a smiled. “I’m sorry?” she rolled her eyes. “But, for real now, I intend to tell them. I’m just seeing where the things are going to, you know? I mean, he can have any girl in England, I really doubt he’s going to stick to me.” Your phone rang, interrupting you, a new message arrived. It was Joe.
Zoe and Alfie are out today, wanna hang?
You smiled, forgetting Y/F/N was beside you. Okay. I can’t come back late, though. Homework is something you don’t like, but something you gotta do, unfortunately.
“I’m guessing it’s he.” She said.
“Yeah, he’s still in Brighton.” the device rang again. You can come here and bring your study stuff, what about that? “He’s inviting me to Zoe’s house.”
Y/F/N raised an eyebrow. “And you are worried about him not sticking to you.”
“It doesn’t mean a thing, Y/F/N. I like him, apparently he likes me too. I’m happy about this. I can’t risk thinking I’m special or something.”  That sounds great, actually.
Ok! Send me a message when you can come.
You were trying to convince yourself it wasn’t a big deal, however as you jumped out of the car, you couldn’t control your nerves anymore. You were fucking 17, you were in your right to freak out over a boy, but when the boy is 25? Chill, honey.
You heard the doorbell inside the house after you pressed the button and watched Joe come to let you in. He gave you a little smile and you smiled back, the bubble of anxiety popping and letting you breath.
“Are you lost or something? I think your house is not around here, Y/N.” Joe joked.
You rolled your eyes. “Hello to you too, Joseph.”
“I’m kidding, sorry” he said laughing, grabbing your waist and giving you a soft kiss on the lips.
“That’s a better reception.” you approved.
“Yeah, I thought you would like that more.” he took you by the hand and started moving around.
“I do, actually, thanks.” Joe leaned you to the sofa and both of you sat down. “So, what are we going to do?”
“Nothing?” Joe suggested.
“So you usually bring girls to your sister’s empty place without a plan?” you teased and Joe laughed.
“Let’s just say this is not something that usually happens, alright? Especially because my girls don’t usually have school homework to do.”
“I’m one of your girls now, Joseph?” you asked with one eyebrow raised, ignoring the jump of your heart.
“You know what I mean, like, girls that I go out with.”
You nodded, pretending you were okay with him being more casual than you liked him to be. “Yeah.”
“You need to stop being so insecure of yourself, Y/N.” Y/F/N argued, walking side by side on the hall.
“I know.” you grumbled. “I just don’t know how I should react to things. I never had this kind of stuff and suddenly I am dating a 25 year old.” you sighed. “Not any 25 year old, by the way, Joe Sugg. I mean, what the hell? There’s a manual for this thing? It should have.”
“Take it easy.” she recommended.
“Trust me, I’m trying to. It’s so hard!” you complained. “I don’t know how he is used to lead a relationship.”
“You know that he probably is afraid of what you think too, right?”
“Well, I’m hoping so.”
Y/F/N rolled her eyes. “I think he really likes you, I mean, there’s no reason why he would take you on dates or even stay in Brighton if he didn’t.”
You couldn’t help but smiled, you could feel the butterflies on your stomach having a party. “Stop it, Y/F/N. You are raising my expectations by doing this. Let’s stay grounded, he’s going back to London today and you and me need to finish that Chemistry essay.”
“You want to come over my house to do it?” she suggested.
“Fine, let me just check out if my mom lets me.”
You and Joe were walking in a small park near to the centre of Brighton. It was in the middle of the week and Brighton was starting to get really cold, so you guys should be covered.
You talked to each other everyday on Whatsapp, but it wasn’t the same thing. He tried to come and see you at least once in two weeks, something that you found amazing. He would stay at Zalfie’s and you would go out to do something that would be safe to do if you were just friends. The last thing you wanted was midia freaking out because Joe Sugg was dating a girl who still didn’t finish high school yet.
“How clingy it would be if I say that I missed you?” You asked.
Joe stopped walking and held your both hands “Really clingy.” and then he smiled. “But I missed you two.”
You laughed and then kissed. “Are we dating or something? Because we are really cute together.” you joked.
“I don’t know, we are?” he played along.
Your heart sank with his question, even if it was a joke. Although the dating thing went really well and you were together for almost two months now, it was something official for him? You didn’t know. You knew that he would go out and have some drinks and you were totally fine with that, but you still had your insecurities about your status… Did he go out, have some drinks and be with girls too? Because you could date each other and see other people, right? And why on Earth he would be just with you? You two didn’t have anything more than a few kisses… The things hitted sometimes, but he would stop everything before it could lead to something more than just kissing and you just were lost in the tracks.
“What?” Joe asked, concerned about your worried expression. “I said something wrong?”
“No.” you answered, walking again. He didn’t move.
“Y/N.” he called, holding your hand and pulling you back to where you were.
“Yes?” you pretend you were fine.
“Can you please tell me what I did wrong?”
You sighed. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Joe.”
“So why are you like this?”
“Like what?”
“Suddenly, all nervous.”
You bit your lips. “Okay, I will tell you.”
“Thank you!” he said ironically.
“Don’t judge me.” you asked.
“Never.” he promised.
“I know we are dating, but it’s not like I’m your girlfriend or something serious and I’m just wondering…”
“Wait.” he stopped you. “I thought you were my girlfriend.”
Your eyes widened. “Really?”
“Yeah… I mean, it’s not like I’m going out with anyone else and, I totally get it if you want to, but I don’t want to share you…”
You smiled. “It means that if you had to introduce me to someone you randomly met on street you would say ‘Hey, this is Y/N, my girlfriend’?”
Joe smiled too. “Yeah.”
“Good.” you nodded, happy enough to start walking again. “It means that I can introduce you as my boyfriend too.”
“I hope so.” Joe thought the situation was really funny, you were kind of crazy sometimes.
“But Joe…?”
“Yes, Y/N?”
“Why don’t you want us to have sex?” you asked. Now that your biggest fear was clear out, you weren’t afraid to ask anything.
Joe gasped. “For who was thinking if we were girlfriend and boyfriend two minutes ago, you made a huge evolution asking about sex, don’t you think, love?”
You laughed. “I’m serious, Joe.”
“Fine…” he agreed and ran his hand through his hair.
“What I’m trying to say is that is not like I’m virgin or something so why you…” you tried to help him.
“Oh, you are not virgin?”
“Hum… no?”
“For real, Y/N.” he asked.
“Yeah, Joe, for real, I had sex, it’s pretty awesome, why don’t you want to have some?”
Joe laughed. “I know is pretty awesome.”
“So why don’t you want to have it?” you asked, getting frustrated.
“I thought you didn’t had sex before.”
You rolled your eyes. “I can’t believe it.”
He hugged you, interrupting your walk. “I’m so happy right now. I wasn’t able to think how to do things in the proper way.”
It was your turn to laugh. “I can’t believe you are this happy about getting laid, for fuck’s sake, Joe.”
“Literally.” he pointed out, making you two laugh. “Also, it’s not only getting laid, but it’s getting laid with the most gorgeous girl around here.”
You rolled your eyes, not believing in his words. “So that means that we can have sex now?”
“Now? In the middle of the park? What kind of perverted are you?” he joked.
“Shut up, you know what I mean.”
“I know.” he smiled “I will see if I can stay until the weekend.”
“Oh, who is the perverted now?”
Joe didn’t want to admit to himself, but dating a 17 year old putted a lot of pressure on him. He was trying to take things slow and you would come and hit him hard like a truck by showing more maturity than he or he thought something was okay and didn’t realise you had insecurities about it. Not only the sex or being his girlfriend, but simple things like flirtatious jokes or what you should wear for this or that. So when he found out you weren’t sure you were his girlfriend, he thought that he should make things official for real (and work out the sex thing too).
When it was friday, you said to your parents you were getting out on a date again, because if you were Joe’s girlfriend for real, your parents probably should know that soon. The safest way for telling was saying you were seeing a boy (as they knew already), then you would tell Y/F/N knew who the guy was, later you would tell that he was kind of famous, next you would spit that he was a youtuber to finally reveal his name was Joe Sugg and he was 8 years older than you. If you and Joe were still together by this time, you would be fine, the relationship was meant to last.
So Joe picked you at your house again. You dressed a little more relaxed than the first time, with a high waisted flared jeans and a white blouse. Now it was winter for real and, as consequence, you needed to add a huge coach over all your clothes.
“Hey, babe.” You said, getting in the car.
“Hello, love.” you smiled. The first time you said to Joe that you like when he called you “love”, he found that odd because he called everyone “love”, however he called you that more often now. “You look lovely.”
“Yeah, you too are not bad, Sugg.” you admitted, giving him a smack.
“I do what I can.” he smiled and started driving.
He was really nervous about what he was going to do, after all, not even when he was 17 he did something like that.
“Are you ok?” You asked, seeing him a little tense by the way he grabbed the steering wheel.
“Fine, yeah.’ he nodded.
“Honey, you don’t seem fine.”
“I am.”
You didn’t say anything anymore, eventually he would tell you what was going on. You weren’t the kind of person who would pressure someone to say something even if you were dying inside to know.
“Can I put some music, then?” You asked, trying to light things a little.
“Of course.”
You turned the radio on and tried to find a music you liked. Joe was refusing to talk and you weren’t sure of what to do, so you sang along to the tune was playing and scrolled through you Instagram’s feed. You were used to just be with Joe, even if there was nothing to say, so you were fine.
The car pulled over and you thought Joe was picking his wallet and stuff, so you still were in your cellphone when you realized he wasn’t moving. You looked at him to find him starring you. You giggled.
“What?” You asked.
“Nothing.” he said with a smile.
“Joe…?” he ignored you and opened his door and got out of the car, he bypassed the automobile so he could open your door for you too. “Joe!” You exclaimed as you took the hand he was offering as help.
“Nothing, love.” he said, conducting you to where you were meant to go. “I was just thinking how beautiful you are.” he admitted and gave you a kiss on the head while entering a hotel.
You smiled, it was really sweet of him. And what he didn’t tell you was that not only he thought you were beautiful, but he was lucky to met you and things just worked out.
You didn’t know why you were having a fancy dinner again, but you thought it was Joe’s way for “doing things in the proper way” as he originally wanted to do.
“So…” He started, looking away from the menu to face you.
“So…?” you encouraged.
“I think the last time I did this I was 16, so please be nice to me? I might mess things up but let’s just play along, I don’t care. Fuck it.”
You laughed. “Joe, is only food.”
He rolled his eyes. “No, not this, Y/N.”
You laughed again, what was going on?
“Okay, so what is it?” You asked, holding his hand in the table.
“You asked another day if I was introducing you as my girlfriend, right?”
“Oh, fuck, you are breaking up with me.”
“No! Y/N, no!” his eyes widened and you sighed. Thanks gods.
“Fine, continue then.”
“I want to make things oficial.”
“What? I thought we were oficial already.”
“Yeah, I know, but I mean, really oficial. Because you thought we weren’t and I don’t want you to feel that way, so I bought this.” he took a small box out of his pocket and placed on the table. You were shocked. “Calm down, it’s not a wedding ring.” you sighed again.
“Joe, you can’t do this kind of thing to me, I can’t handle this stuff.”
He laughed of your reaction. “Relax, Y/N.” you nodded. “Well, you know I can’t use a commitment ring without freaking everyone out, so I thought it was fine if I just give you a bracelet instead.” he took the package and opened it, revealing a delicate silver piece with little sparkling spots in it. “See? I bought one to me too.” he said, showing you a bracelet similar to yours but without the shining bits.
“This is amazing, Joe.” you smiled, holding the little box to see it closer.
“Let me put it on you.” he asked.
“Of course.” you agreed, giving it to him so he could put in your wrist.
“Perfect” he approved, you couldn’t smile bigger than you did.
He seemed a lot more relaxed now.
“So this was the reason you were acting strange before?”
You giggled. “You’re so silly sometimes, Joseph. You thought I would say no?”
“Fucking adorable you are.”
“You’re more than welcome.” you said as you got up to sit on his lap and give him a kiss.
After two weeks Joe gave you the bracelet, you were at Zalfie’s house again. The couple was in the kitchen and you were upstairs with Joe, he was watching TV and you were doing your homework.
“Y/N.” He called.
“Yes, babe.” you said, not really focused in your boyfriend, compenetrate in doing your History task.
“Are you done?”
“No, honey.”
He grunted and then you felt arms wrapping you. “C’mon, you can watch whatever you want.”
“Sounds tempting, babe, but I can’t. I have to finish this first.”
“You don’t need school, Y/N. I didn’t go to college and turn out just fine.”
“Yes, you are a youtuber, Joseph. We, mere mortals, need college to have a future.”
“No, you don’t. I can support both of us.”
You laughed as you finished doing the exercise. “This is the way you are going to make me be dependent of you so you can have me for the rest of our lives?” you asked, finally looking at him.
Joe smirked. “Maybe.”
“I should watch out, shouldn’t I?” you asked, kissing him.
“Yes, as soon as you possibly imagine, I’ll be kidnapping you.” He pulled you to the bed while kissing you.
You giggled. “Your sister is just downstairs ready to hear me scream, Sugg.”
“NO, I’M NOT!” Zoe yelled.
“Please don’t fuck in our bed!” Alfie asked.
You and Joe laughed hard. “It’s not that kind of scream, guys!” You cleared.
Joe whispered in your ear: “Although I can make you scream in this way too”
You blushed. “Fuck off, Joseph.”
“You can’t have this much in one bite! It is not fair!” Joe complained as you took a large spoonful of petit gateau with ice cream from the dessert you two shared.
It’s been a week and a half since the homework afternoon. Things never were better. Now you two were having dinner in a charming little restaurant on a thursday night.
You laughed “It’s not my fault if you are a little slow, Joe! And I’m not saying this only for the sweet issue.” you joked, you always were making fun of Joe being afraid to have sex now that you two were completely established as a couple.
“Wo-ho, someone is playing dirty!” you smirked. “But I’ll take that, because I kinda was.”
“Kinda? C’mon…” you were interrupted by someone coming on your table’s side. Your eyes widened, you cleared your throat by seeing who it was: The man was really tall and just one or two years older than your companion. “Hi mr. Daniells.” You blinked, Joe was confused, and you got up to hug the stranger.
“Hi, Y/N!” the man said.
“This is Joe…” you swallowed hard. “ I mean, Joseph.”
“Hello!” Mr. Deniells said with a big smile in his face. “Nice meeting you.”
Joe continued to be lost, but he stood up too and shook the man’s hand. “Same.”
“Ér… Mr. Deniells is my literature teacher.” Joe got your nervousness.
“Oh.” that was all your date said, a little remind you were 17.
“Sorry, am I interrupting something?”
You forced a smile. “Of course not, Mr. Deniells.”
“We are out of class, Y/N. You can call me Steven.”
I prefer not, Mr. Deniells. “I can’t, it’s inevitable.” you noticed Joe being in completely silence. “And where is your wife? Or you are by yourself tonight?”
“Actually, I was parking my car. She should be in here somewhere, but I guess she’s at toilet… It’s our wedding anniversary.”
“Congratulations!” you said, Joe followed you and cheer up too.
“Thank you.” he said.
“How many years?” you asked.
“Six.” the teacher answered.
“Oh my God, already?” you were surprised. “You’re so young!”
“Well, I’m 27, you’re 17… I’m old.” he joked and you almost cried, for fuck’s sake, he could make things worse?
“Joe is 25 and we get along like we are the same age. I don’t think you’re old, mr. Daniells.” you tried to make things a little sweeter.
“I mean, I’m your teacher.” he laughed, you could see Joe’s thoughts of wanting kill himself in that exact moment.
“You’re just being harsh on yourself” you guaranteed.
“That’s nice of you, thank you, Y/N.”
“Any time, Mr. Daniells.” you smiled for real, thinking he would go away.
“So, this is your cousin that you always are talking about?”
He must be kidding with you. Fuck off, Mr. Daniells!
“No, actually…”
“I’m her boyfriend.” Joe answered, grumpy.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” your teacher said.
“It’s fine.” you smiled as gentle as you could.
“So I was interrupting something…”
“It was nothing, professor, for real.”
“My wife is here. I will leave you two alone, sorry.”
“See you soon.” you said and sat down as he was leaving, Joe made the same. The silence fell. “Well, that was something…”
“All your teachers are dicks like that?” Joe asked.
“Joe!” you complained. “Don’t say this.”
“I’m trying to have a date with my bloody girlfriend!”
You rolled your eyes and opened a smile, you knew he was pissed for the right reasons and not because of Mr. Deniells.
“Fine, this outbreak is giving me the right of having the last bite of dessert.” You said, raising your shoulders to make fun out of the situation and distract Joe of all the wild things he must be thinking of.
“You wish, love.” Joe said, he didn’t want to spoil the dinner. “And who is this cousin your teacher was talking about?”
“You should see him, he is amazing. He is in college now and…”
And your dinner continued to be totally fine as it should be the entire time, however, you both knew it was a sign that things were about to break down.
Joe took a deep breath, he was sweating and he just couldn’t stand still. You began being anxious because of him.
“Oh my God, Joe. Please, relax.” You asked.
You were hanging at the cafe you met each other after your class. It was Friday and it was time to Joe to meet your parents.
“I can’t!” he seemed scared. “I just can’t okay? I ain’t doing it.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Stop overreacting, babe.” You hugged him, passing your arms across his body. “Everything will be fine.”
Joe held you by your shoulders, cracking your hug.
“You don’t understand how bad it is, do you?” He looked in your eyes, his shades of blue changing. “Y/N, your father is going to kill me. I’m 100% serious about this. I’m not even joking.
You laughed, what would you were going to do with your boyfriend in panic Joe was clearly making noise about nothing.
“Okay, I’ll be crying over your dead body in half an hour then.” You said, taking his hand and opening the cafe door. “We need to go, Joe.” You pulled him to his car and tried to help him. “I really doubt this would happen, people say my dad is overprotective, but I don’t think so.
Joe took a deep breath again. He was moving, but everyone could see he didn’t want to.
“How things went when you introduced your first boyfriend?” He asked, trying to be reasonable for the first time.
You bit your lip, giving him a nervous laugh instead of a fun one. Well, about that…
“I had never introduced a boyfriend to my father before.”
Joe stopped again.
“Oh, fuck.”
He closed his eyes hard. Where the hell he was running to? He would need a lot more deep breaths than the couple ones he took already. He lost your hand, running his through his hair. For the love of God, what he was thinking of?
You were in such pain for seeing him struggle like that. You knew he was rewinding all your relationship in his head, afraid. He was anxious for meeting your parents, however you knew that now he was anxious about the age gap.
“Joe…” You started, being careful. “Please, be calm. It’s nothing, really.”
“Y/N” he sighed “, for real now, you understand us, right? You know how bad the situation is? I mean, it isn’t only the years of difference. You are in school yet, I should finished college by this time if I were in it.” Joe passed his hand through his hair again, don’t knowing what to do. “And now… I’m the first bloody boyfriend your father will meet?” His voice squealed at the end, your worries went away. He was back at the point of being more afraid of your father than the age gap.
“Joe, honey, I know.” You said, taking his hand again. “I swear I do. Right now though, we’re in the middle of the street and I’m freezing. Can we go please and discuss it later?” you asked.
Joe blinked, realizing you were right. He nodded.
At the end, meeting your parents wasn’t a big deal. Of course none of them were happy with the situation, but they expected to Joe be really immature for dating a girl who was 8 years younger than him and a completely empty head because of his youtube career. It was really a delight to find out that Joe Sugg was smart, conducting his professional life with mastery (you didn’t mention that a part of his job included being slapped with a fish, of course) and helped your mom with the dinner, which leaded to a long conversation about how he lived alone in London and had to cook dinner for himself every day, something that he enjoyed. Your parents loved cooking and food in general, so the dinner was spent in talking about this and all the places Joe met before.
Nevertheless, you weren’t naive, you knew the end was near.
“Joe, honestly, stop acting like you are the adult and I am the kid.”
“But you are, Y/N!”
You two were in his car after a movie in Zoe’s house. Things were fine and you were talking with Zoe where you were thinking to be at next fall. It was a few months away yet, it was the beginning of spring after all, but ending high school was a dream to come true. Everything was alright in your point of view, but talking about this meant that Joe was reminded during almost two hours about you being so young, and you two always started fighting for everything when the age gap thing was remembered.
“No, I’m not.” You argued. “You wouldn’t be with me at first place if you thought that.”
“I’m not the smartest kid around, you know.”
“Oh, because this is a mature sentence, right?”
“You know I don’t meant to say that.” he took a deep breath.
“I’m tired about this, Joe!” you said, your voice was starting to get higher. “For fuck’s sake, you know that I’m graduating and you trying to avoid this school topic isn’t fair you know. You start to be pissed off when something like this comes around but guess what? Dating you is not that easy too.” you complained.
“I’m sorry if I am older and have grown ups’ problems, Y/N.” he said ironically. “What should I do then? Because I already spent hours and hours driving to your place so we can be together.”
“I know that! And it kills me that we don’t live in the same city!”
“So tell me, what should I do with this long distance/age gap thing?” he asked as he parked his car in front of your house.
Your air was gone because you not only knew the answer but you didn’t like it at all.
“That’s the problem, isn’t it?” you whispered and Joe looked at you. “We can’t do nothing about this.”
“Y/N…” Joe lowered his voice too, getting where you were going.
You started crying and looked at him, seeing his blue eyes turn as sad as you. You were right, you both knew it.
You sighed. London could get really hot if the city wanted to.
After you finished your high school, you moved to one of the biggest cities in the world and adapting to it was as easy as falling asleep after a long day. You were really excited about it and your classes in university were really good, like you thought it would be.
It was the end of the afternoon and you were carrying your groceries back home when you heard him.
“Y/N!” He called.
You started searching the street after the voice and smiled when saw Joseph Sugg waving at you from the other side of the avenue.
He ran towards you with a big smile in his face. The same smile you missed through months and months, the same smile that he gave that time at the cafe when you switched with him drinks unintentionally.
“Hey, Joe.” You said. “Good to see you.”
And you meant it, because you could feel the same way as you did when you drank that cappuccino in the first time you two met, in that rainy day ages ago; You could feel your chest getting warm.
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
FINALLY WE HAVE AN EXPLANATION ABOUT WHY IS THE BUTTERCREAM SQUAD! Also, well, HOW THE HECK WE SHOULD CALL YOU GUYS? This livestream made me fangirl so much, I think I should go see a doctor or something
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
Open hearts
Open hearts | Conor Maynard | Imagine Word count: 5297 Request: Can I have a Conor imagine where the reader has been good friends with Conor since 2013 and they become friends with benefits after two years old friendship. Conor later realizes that he’s in love with the reader once he finds her kissing a stranger at a party. He later confesses his feelings which the reader returns affectionately. Lots of angst and fluff pls! A/N: Thank you so much for the request! I was working on an idea that I had based on “Trust Issues” by Kiki Rowe (Young Bombs’ remix) and this request completed it perfectly, so I twisted things a little and combined the two things. Hope you gonna like it! If you want more Buttercream Squad imagines, click here | Requests are open!
“Can I turn the radio on?” you asked Conor, who was driving.
You two knew each other since you were kids. He was a couple years older and you were a little annoying, but as you grew up, you and your neighbor started getting closer, especially after a party of a classmate that both of you were way too drunk.
When Conor graduated and pursued his dream of being a singer, you were busy trying to survive high school, so you went in separate ways. Then success hit Conor and you moved to London to try to do something with your life. Things were moving fast, however, you randomly bumped into him at a friend’s party.
After the years you didn’t speak to him, it was expected that things would be a little awkward or the conversation would be kind of lame with the old “How are you? Any news?” “I’m fine. No, nothing has happened” conversation, but you started talking just like the old days: anything was ten times funnier than it should be just because you two got along so well.
This time that both of you could drink without having to keep a secret from your parents, you were the life of the party and, because of Conor’s fame, you were pretty damn down to the finest parties in the country. It was insane. And when Conor’s career slowed down, you two continued to spoke to each other.
When you met him for the second time, he was in a relationship. You two never talked about it, it was something almost forbidden. By the time he and Victoria broke up, it was almost inevitable. He would invite you to go out even when he was dating, when he wasn’t anymore, you and Conor were at the same parties and clubs every weekend, so eventually, you got together.
You two kissed once, then twice and then again. And again. And again. Now you didn’t know anymore how many times you kissed Conor or spent the night with him. Despite this, you and he weren’t nothing but friends.
“Are you asking a singer if you can turn the radio on? Are you fucking insane? Of course not, it’s my work and today is my day off. Also, I can’t handle that Styles guy singing, he’s on the radio every time I turn it on and he’s shit, I’m so much better than him.” Conor joked and you rolled your eyes.
“Is it a yes, then?”
“Yes.” He said. “But only if you play my music.”
“Shut up, Conor.” you told as you turned the radio on.
You and your best friend were driving to Brighton to his mom’s birthday party. You usually didn’t enjoy going to family parties. Seeing boring aunts and talking to selfish cousins weren’t what you would describe as fun activities, however, although the Maynards were your second family as growing up, you haven’t seen them in ages. Also, you didn’t know why, but they were blessed and were a really nice family, even the most boring conversations they could turn into a joke. You loved the Maynards and were more than glad to join Conor at Helen’s party.
Your parents moved away from your old street to another part of the town, besides that, they were traveling to Italy (after your mom talk about it with your dad for 3 years), so Conor offered you the option of you staying at his family house. You were worried, but you said yes anyway.
Worried? Yes, worried. Because here’s a thing about Connor: when he likes a girl, he doesn’t keep quiet about it and you knew Conor long enough to say he fancied you. Sometimes you weren’t sure about it and others you would be 100% convinced of the idea. Maybe he didn’t realize that yet or maybe he was waiting to tell you or maybe it was only your desire of having him to like you again more than what Conor really felt, you couldn’t tell.
When you two were at school yet, you knew Conor liked you. You didn’t correspond him and it was by a short amount of time, soon he was off school and distance got in between. One of your greatest mistakes was letting him go. You knew you tried to correspond it and couldn’t, however, in your head, everything would be okay if you did. Now that you thought that he might like you again, you were half freaking out and half wanting it to be a truth.
You found love only once in your life. He was in the same class as you and had the same tastes to everything, so you couldn’t help yourself. When he didn’t correspond you, you broke down. You were afraid to risk your heart, not wanting the same “I need to recover” time you had to pass when you fell in love for the first time. All you could think was that maybe Conor would lead you to this path, however, maybe Conor would be the only one you were more than happy to be hurt by, because he was pretty awesome.
You were singing along to the tune that came out of the speakers when Conor laughed.
“What?” You asked.
“You just sing as you are the singer and not me, it’s funny.”
“For God’s sake, Con.” you rolled your eyes again. “You know me for a crazy amount of time, you always see me singing, get over it.”
You were right, by the way. Conor did like you. He didn’t figure it out so far, but it wasn’t an issue. The only thing he knew was that seeing you on that passenger side, while the sun shined through the window, singing like no one was watching, gave him a warm feeling. He knew that as long his had his best friend, he would be fine.
It wasn’t always like this, of course. Conor and his depression was another topic that you two never discussed. Not for the same reason as the other refused subject, this one was because you couldn’t handle thinking that sometimes Conor started feeling that alone and you couldn’t help. He said that it was something only he could deal with, but it hurt you seeing your best friend in such position.
“I was kidding, Y/N,” Conor said when you were getting close to Brighton. “you don’t need to hear my own music.” You laughed and continued to sing “Are You Sure?” like nothing happened. “For the love of God then, don’t ruin my gorgeous tune with your horrible voice. You know, it was hard archiving this level of perfection.” he joked. “Actually, no. My voice is like this even if I’m ill and dying.”
“I won’t say nothing because this is actually accurate.” you told. “But fuck off, Maynard.” he laughed.
“Well, thank you then.” He recognized your compliment despite his self-centered joke.
“Any time, Con.” you winked. You weren’t kidding, this song was one of your favorites.
“My mom will freak out when she finds out I brought you with me.” he commented.
“Oh my God, Conor, didn’t you tell her?”
“Hum… no?”
“So I will just show up saying I’m staying at your parents’ house? Oh no. You know, I brought the keys of my parents’ house, I can stay in there. Wait… Helen don’t know I’m going to be at her party? What if she didn’t want it to be more than a family thing?”
“Y/N, relax.” Conor looked at you quickly before turning back to the road. “My mom loves you, she won’t say a thing. I was saying she will freak out of joy.” You took a deep breath, why Conor just couldn’t make things easier? “Actually, thanks God there’s Anna, because my parents could easily adopt you as their little girl. It would be awful.”
You blushed. “Con, you know it’s not like that.”
“Yes, it is. I don’t know how they can possible like you so much, but they just do. Even if was an event closed to family only, what are you? Part of the family.” He shrugged. “Also, Jack probably told them already you would come.” Jack got in Brighton the day before you two.
You smiled. “Thank you.”
“Any time, Y/N/N.” he said, imitating your act.
The last 30 minutes of the path to the Maynard’s house were filled with nothing but the music you played. You were lost in your thoughts and, apparently, so was Conor.
When he parked in front of the residence, you smiled right away. You got out of the car and took the stuff that was in the rear seat, Conor took your baggage out of the trunk. He rang the front door’s bell and you chose to stay behind him.
“Conor!” Helen said excited, giving her son a hug.
“Your favorite son has arrived, mother.” he joked.
“Shut up, I am the favorite.” Anna told, coming to see her brother.
“You wish, little girl.” Con teased. “Happy birthday, mom.”
“Thank you, honey.” The woman smiled. “Oh, Y/N!” Helen exclaimed when she saw you, giving you a hug too. “I missed you, dear! Conor explained that you are busy with your work stuff, but it’s a long time since you last came to see us.”
“Yes, I missed you guys so much.” You agreed. “Happy birthday, Helen.” you said, giving her her present.
“Oh, that’s so sweet of you. Thank you, Y/N.”
Conor teased again: “And I declared that you have your own family too besides your work, Y/N, but mother doesn’t understand you aren’t a Maynard.” yet. You completed in your head as you smiled at the lady.
“For now.” Anna said as she hugged you and you gave her a sweet smile. She was your favorite Maynard, without any doubt. “I mean, you clearly are going to marry my brother.” she winked and then confessed: “I missed you too.”
“I missed my girl as well.” you told her.
“Anna, please, don’t tell Y/N my plans for our future, you’re going to ruin it.” Conor joked. “How the hell am I going to propose and get the Insta shots of her horrendous shock face? I need to boost my Insta account, you know.”
“It’s not a secret you’re deeply in love with me, Con.” you said back while giving Anna a kiss on the head. “It’s only a matter of time.” Anna giggled and her older brother rolled his eyes.
“Where is father?” Conor asked, entering the house. You followed him.
“On the market, we forgot some things to the party.”
“As usual.” Anna completed.
“Hey Y/N.” Jack greeted, sat on the sofa.
“Hi Jack, how are you?”
“Fine.” he shrugged.
“You don’t want to tell Y/N how you missed her too? How she’s the lost Maynard?” Conor asked.
“I don’t need to miss her.” Jack told, standing up to give you a hug. “We have a kick-ass relationship that works through telepathy.” he mocked. “I bet you don’t have this kind of connection with her.”
You and Jack saw each other almost every day, because this was the amount of times you saw Conor, so of course he wouldn’t miss you.
“Yeah, we have this and, also, we have Whatsapp.” You said, winking at Jack and making him laugh.
“Is this the voice of a certain young beautiful lady?” you heard a man ask.
You turned around and saw Gary entering the living room. You smiled.
“Hey, kid. How are you?” He asked, going to you and giving you a hug.
“Fine. You?”
Conor snorted. “Why you guys don’t switch me for her? I’m the son, dad!” You all laughed.
“Conor, there’s a gorgeous girl in the room and then there’s you. Who you recommend me to great first?” He asked, giving Con a hug too, but he didn’t hug back.
“Don’t touch me.” Con joked, laughing afterward and corresponding the hug. “Yeah, you’re right.”
“I’m the wisdom, kid.” Gary winked.
The party went really well. As usual, the Maynards were amazing. You laughed the hell out of you with Conor and Jack teasing Anna and she being even sassier than her older brothers. The other guests were pretty fine too, you knew almost everybody already and those who were introduced for the first time asked if you were Conor’s girlfriend or Jack’s. You weren’t none.
“Hey,” Conor called you, you were talking to Anna.
“I was just settling with Jack about going out tonight.”
You looked at the youngest sibling, thorned. Going out the three of you and leaving her behind didn’t feel right.
“I have homework, Y/N.” She told.
“Okay then.” you smiled to Conor and he returned it.
Usually, the Maynards’ parties ended not so early. It wasn’t out of nothing that Con and Jack were used to hang out late at night, their family was always excited about reunions. So no one cared when you and the brothers wanted to go out and leave the party. Helen was pretty fine with that too, knowing that all her children would be home the next day.
You knew Jack and you knew Con, of course you brought a club outfit with you on the trip. Therefore you hit upstairs to get change. Anna followed you.
“So…” She started.
“What?” You asked, putting mascara.
“When you and my brother are going to admit to us that you two are dating?”
You looked at her sitting on the bed through the mirror. “You know we are not, Anna.”
“C’mon, Y/N! You like him, he likes you. What are you waiting for?”
You gave a smile and continued to put your makeup. “I am not that sure that your brother feels this way about me.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can sweet talk Jack with that, but not me, Y/N. I’m the brain of this family. Just admit that you fancy him so Conor can realize you’re the love of his life.”
You laughed. “Anna!”
“I mean, for a singer/songwriter he’s kinda slow for not comprehending this about you two.”
You rolled your eyes and starred at your own eyes through the mirror before admitted: “I don’t know if I want him to do that.”
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
“Shut up.”
“No! Y/N!” She exclaimed, anguished. “You always were his person and he always was yours! You two pretend you have a friendship, well, you don’t.”
“Since when you are an expert in relationships, little Maynard?” You asked and snorted, giving up to finish your makeup and going to join Anna on the bed. “Fuck off. You are a little baby still.”
She rolled her eyes. “Y/N, I’m a few years younger than you, I’m not a baby.” And you already knew that because you would never have this conversation if you didn’t trust her and knew she wasn’t crazy to say some kind of bullshit about you and Conor just because it would be what you wanted to hear. “Why everyone keeps saying that I’m so young? Fuck off, people.”
You smiled at her and gave a hug. “It is because none of us wanted to grow up, you shouldn’t too.”
“Well, guys, you are already late.”
“I know.”
Anna moved away from you, breaking the hug. “So, let’s talk for real now. Stop playing me, I know you’re trying to avoid the Conor topic.”
“You really are the brain of the Maynards, aren’t you?” You asked, impressed.
Anna smiled. “Yeah, I’m fucking amazing. But again: what the hell is wrong with you? Why you don’t want to be with my brother?”
“It is not that I don’t want to be with your brother, it’s only that I want to be with him later, you know? You think that I didn’t realize that he’s the one, well, I did. I always knew that, if we liked each other, we would be pretty awesome. But right now? I’m so young, we have all our lives in front of us. Why now? I don’t even want a boyfriend. I don’t need to fall now.” you sighed. “And I don’t want to admit to myself that I’m in love with him. I can hold it back, I know I can. Just for a short time. One year, two… Well, I really don’t want to fall in love for real until I am 25. And I don’t know if I can take another heartbreak.” You were out of breath, you didn’t know that you had all of this inside of you.
“But it won’t be a heartbreak, Y/N, he loves you too,” Anna said. “He just needs to realize that.”
“For fuck’s sake, Anna. Are you hearing what I say?” You laid on bed and took a deep breath, she laid by your side. “I don’t want Conor to correspond me. I want us to be together, but I want us to be together later. When both of us will be ready to commit to it, to find out if we can handle being in a relationship that we don’t have how to avoid talking about our problems. We are just friends, this is all we know. What if I’m wrong? What if he isn’t the one?”
Anna laughed. “You are a freaking mess! You’re being the least logical as possible, Y/N.”
You sighed. “I know.”
“So why can’t you be illogical for real and tell Conor how you feel?”
You stared Anna, seeing her eyes that were in the same color of Conor’s.
“I just can’t.”
Conor didn’t know what happened to you, but since you went upstairs in his parents’ house and spoke to Anna, you were acting all strange. He would kill his sister for messing up with you. She was just a kid and had fucked you still. She isn’t a kid, Conor. That’s what you would tell him. Well, what could he say? Yes, she was.
“Let’s go, Jack!” You called, taking Con’s brother by the hand and pulling him to the club without a single eye contact with the older one.
“Fuck Y/N. You are going to be a crazy garl today, huh?” he joked.
“Maybe,” you smirked and Conor frowned. What the hell?
As soon as you all entered the club, you were nowhere to be seen, something that made Conor sighed in every corner of the place. He thought you two would be together for the whole night, just talking and drinking together. Maybe dancing too, if you were into it.
“Conor!” You exclaimed, finally finding your best friend in the club.
Conor was sitting on a sofa, looking around. “Y/N?” he saw you were holding hands with a stranger and, for being so excited, you definitely had some drinks.
“Look who I found!” You pointed to the guy and then laughed. “I mean, you don’t know him. Actually, neither did I before tonight. I actually found that guy from our school, you know? Sage? Everybody knows Sage. He was amazing on the football team.”
“I don’t have a clue who Sage is,” Conor said, already losing his mind.
“Oh, maybe you weren’t in school anymore by that time.” You giggled. “You know, Adam, Conor is a few years older than us, so he was so much better than us, juniors.”
“I never said that.” Conor was confused. “Actually, we were best friends, even if I was older.”
“Yeah, I know… Friends. Best mates, me and you!” You said, so drunk that you just couldn’t shut the fuck up. “Anyway, Conor, I met Sage and this is his friend. Conor, meet Adam. Adam, this is Conor.” you introduced them and they nodded to each other, not excited as you for the meeting. “Alright, now that everyone knows everyone… Con, I’m heading to Adam’s place.” You informed and Conor lose his breath.
“No, you are not.” He said. “You are staying at my house, Y/N.”
“Oh…” Adam said. “I didn’t realize that you two were boyfriend and girlfriend having a fight.”
You laughed, you wished that! Unfortunately, you weren’t Conor’s girlfriend. “Because we are not, Adam.” You smiled at him, putting your both hands on his pectoral. “And actually, I was crashing his parents’ house, because, you know, Conor is a big boy and he moved out from Brighton before anyone could think in getting away from here. It was nice at the time…” you giggled “You see, he fancied me and I didn’t correspond it, so things were a little awkward. But now we are over it, right Con? He got over me, then he had a girlfriend and they broke up, he was torn apart, but he’s back at the game for years now, so it’s all good.”
“Okay…” Adam said, not being sure about what he should do. “I will get my coat and we can go, what do you think about that?”
“Perfect!” you agreed. “I will be right here with my best friend, Conor Maynard.”
Immediately after Adam get out of sight, Conor took your hand and sat you down. “What the fuck is going on, Y/N?”
“Nothing, Con!” You assured. “Something should have happened?” you asked.
“You’re acting weird.”
“Well, I am a weirdo.”
“No, Y/N…”
“But why are you saying that? I know that you know that I’m a weirdo by now.”
“Con? Spit it out.”
He rolled his eyes. “At first, you were quiet all the way here, then you disappeared and the next thing I know is you with this guy that came out of nowhere.”
“Adam didn’t come out of nowhere, he is Sage’s friend!” you exclaimed, happier than you should be about the situation.
“And who the hell is Sage?”
“Urgh, I told you already, Con. He was the football player in…”
“I know that, Y/N.”
“So why you keep asking me about him?”
“I didn’t ask about him!”
“Well… Someone is losing his mind.” You said ironically.
Conor sighed. “Y/N…”
“What, Con?” you asked. “What now?”
“I just thought you were staying with me tonight, that’s all.”
“Tell your mom I’m sorry, but I won’t going back to your parents’ house.” You told, suddenly acting sober.
“Ready to go, Y/N?” Adam asked, appeared.
“Yeah.” You smiled and got up. “Let’s go.”
Adam put his hand on your back, pulling you to a kiss before going. It pissed Conor for real. Conor knew the only reason Adam was doing that in front of him was that you snapped out, so he was trying to show that it was him who was taking you home and not Conor. Well, thank you very much, Adam, I know this already.
And although you and Conor weren’t dating, he didn’t know when was the last time he watched you leave the club with another man. You two got so used to hang out together that neither he spent the night with another one besides you for a long time.
“Oh, that was something to look up to.” You said when you and Adam stopped kissing.
He smiled and took you out. Conor watched, feeling shitty.
“Are you back already, son?” Helen asked, seeing Conor enter their house.
“What about Jack and Y/N?” she was in the kitchen, so Conor went there to give her a kiss before heading upstairs. “I left some cake for all of you because I thought that you would come home wasted.” she said.
“Jack will take an Uber back home and Y/N isn’t coming.” He gave a weak smile, pretending everything was fine. “How was your party?”
“It was great, it just finished.”
“Nice.” he nodded. “I’m going to sleep.”
As Conor was leaving the room, his mom called him.
“Don’t let her slip again” the lady advised.
“We’ve been there, mother. She wasn’t into me. Now, we are just friends.”
Helen smiled softly: “Are you?”
Conor stopped breathing as he turned around and his eyes met his mom’s. Were you?
Your phone rang and you looked around Adam’s living room, finding the electronic device among your clothes on the floor. It was a message from Con:
Call me when you done. I’m picking you.
You took a deep breath before answering him: Thanks Con, but there’s no need.
For fuck’s sake, Y/N, please. I don’t trust this guy.
I’ll go by morning. You told. I’m heading straight up to London, I will take the train.
Why? What about your stuff?
I can pick that with you later this week.
Ok, but why? You didn’t respond instantly. Y/N, why?
I just can handle this right now.
This what? Are you okay?
No, you weren’t. You were falling apart alone in that place. Adam was taking a shower in the suite, you didn’t even want to go to the bed when you and he got to his loft. You felt your stomach contracting just for thinking about that night being sweeter than rough sex on the living room’s carpet.
Your phone started ringing. You didn’t need to see the name on the screen to know who it was.
“Y/N.” Conor sighed. “I’m worried. How are you?”
“I am fine, Con. Relax.”
“Con, honestly, I’m fine.” You told, but tears started falling from your eyes and Conor could hear you. Even if you weren’t crying, he never heard you sound as sad as you did at that moment.
“That’s it. Tell me where you are, I’m picking you up right now. I don’t care what this dick has done to you.”
“He did nothing but what he should have done.”
“Y/N, the address. Now.”
You are the dick, Conor. You are the reason why I’m crying. You sighed.
“I’m sending my location through Whatsapp.” You finally gave up.
You didn’t wait for Adam to finish his shower. You put your clothes back on and left the apartment without thinking twice.
You hated how you got after drinking too much. Following the alcohol’s euphoria, you always got sad and needy. Why you were crying? You would hold back your feelings for Conor, what you were crying about? Which reasons you had to tear apart like that?
It was cold outside and you started to tremble as you waited to Conor to arrive, being out of the building and feeling the wind in your arms.
“Y/N!” You heard him call you, spotting him a few cars away.
You walk there and entered his car. “Hey, Con.”
He hugged you. “What happened? Why are you crying? What the dickhead has done to you?”
“It wasn’t him, Conor. I swear to you, it wasn’t him.” Conor held you and believed in you. Your voice was so fragile that he wouldn’t dare not to. “Drive us home, Con.”
“I will sleep on the couch.” Conor said after laying you down on his bed. “You can call me anytime, for anything.”
You nodded and heard his steps leaving the room. “Con?” You called before he was too far away.
He almost ran to you. “What?”
“You can sleep in here, you know. I wouldn’t be the first time we share a bed.”
“I’m fine, Y/N.”
“No, Con. I mean I want you to sleep with me tonight. Please.”
He sighed and laid on the bed. You turned your back to him and he understood the sign to hold you close.
“I hated seeing you leave with that guy.”
“He didn’t do anything, Conor.” You guaranteed.
“I don’t care, Y/N. I hated it.”
“You were just jealous.” you teased, giggling a little, tired.
“Yes, I was,” he admitted, making you lose your breath and stop laughing.
“Even my mom knew it before me, Y/N. I just looked at her and it was all written on my face. She knows, everybody knows.”
“What, Conor?” you asked again cautiously.
“That I love you. I always did, I always will.”
You gasped, trying to be reasonable. “It wasn’t always like this, you know. You had Victoria.”
“Yes.” He agreed. “I loved her, but I didn’t give a fuck about her when you spoke about her today. All I could think was that I didn’t want you to go home with that guy.”
Your heart was racing, you didn’t want to turn and look into his eyes because you knew that if you stared Conor, you would lose your mind.
“Conor, I guess you had too much to drink today.”
“Fuck off, Y/N, you know I’m sober and I know you love me too.”
Your eyes widened and you were glad he couldn’t see your face. “Wh-what?”
“This was the motive you went crazy tonight, right?”
“Conor…” you sighed. “You can’t do this to me.”
“Why? Why not?”
“Because you brought me to tears just for being sweet and bringing me home,” you confessed.
“So that’s why you were crying?” he stopped hugging you.
You nodded. “I love you so much, Con.”
“Look at me,” he asked.
“I’m not looking at you, Conor.”
“Y/N, please.”
“Why are you so difficult?”
You snapped. “Damn, Conor!” You screamed, realizing afterward you could have wakened up the rest of the Maynards. “Sorry.” you took a deep breath, facing the empty wall of his room. “Look, everything that’s passing through your mind already passed in mine.” You sighed. “I can’t handle seeing you right now because I know if I see you, I’ll be a few inches from your lips and I will kiss you. I know you, you want to kiss me too.”
“So let’s make out.”
“No, Con.” You told convicted. “Because if we kiss knowing our feelings for each other, there’s no turning back, it will be different than the other times.”
Conor realized you wouldn’t give up so he gave up and got closer again, holding you another time.
“Why are you avoiding us getting together? You don’t make any sense.”
“Because I thought in everything, Conor, and I can’t handle getting hurt again. If I was that hurt before, I can’t even think about how much I’ll be hurt by you.”
“But you won’t. I love you, I won’t hurt you.”
“We will hurt each other, Conor.” You said. “We aren’t ready, we are too young.”
“Don’t say that, Y/N.”
“I’m just finishing college, Con. I just began my first real job. We are so young, we have so many mistakes to make.”
“So let’s make them together.”
He interrupted you. “Look at me, Y/N. Please. I’m serious.”
It was your turn to give up and you turned to him. You lost your breath, you forgot how beautiful were his eyes. “Here I am.”
“You broke my heart once. Victoria broke my heart. I know you’re fucked up and afraid, but so am I.” He held your head in between his hands. “If we don’t work things out now, we will break up and eventually we will get back together and everything will be fine. I know we will always bump into each other just like we did years ago, because someday we will meet and we will be exactly where we were meant to be. You know why? Because I know I love you and I know I love you even when I’m not loving you…” He gave a side look, thinking it through. “If that makes sense.”
“It doesn't.” you giggled.
“I know it doesn’t,” he admitted, taking a deep breath. “I know I loved you even when I was with someone else. That was what I meant.” He got closer as you opened a smile. “All I know is loving you and loving you is all I will ever know, so, please Y/N, just let me in.”
“Con…” your lips brushed his. “I’m scared,” you admitted whispering.
“I know,” he whispered back.
“Please, don’t break me,” you asked.
“I won’t.”
And finally, you kissed him.
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
Tumblr media
“Honey, go there so mamma can take a picture of you in the racing car” “It’s a Formula One car, mom, it isn’t any racing car” “Ok, baby, but go now and smile!” And then Joe took this photo 😂😂 Sorry, guys, I couldn’t resist it.
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
New moves
New moves | Josh Pieters | smut Word count: 1819 A/N: Based in the song Brand New Moves by Hey Violet. It wasn’t meant to be a smut, but I thought I could take a break from fluffy stuff for a while before heading back to the Joe’s imagine I’m working on. Hope you will enjoy this! You can find more of Buttercream’s content in here | requests are open
Don’t it feel it’s been forever? Don’t it feel it’s been a while?
He saw you from across the room. There were so many people that he couldn’t see you clearly, but he recognized who you were and smiled. Hey! That’s what he meant by raising his glass. You raised yours and gave a little wink, what he understood as a gesture to come at you.
He moved just as he did a couple years ago and smiled that Josh’s smile that you always found way too nice for the rest of the world. Josh was the most friendly guy you ever knew, although your intentions with him never were purely friendly.
As you were getting closer to him and less people were between you two, Josh noticed that you, unlike him, weren’t the same. You always been confident, but now you could be the femme fatale in some action movie and he wouldn’t even doubt it, there was a shine in your eyes that didn’t existed before and he was curious about it.
“Y/N!” He exclaimed.
“Hi Josh!” You two hugged. He still used the same perfume as when you met him. “Are you taller or something?” you joked, both of you laughed.
“How are you?” He asked.
“I’m fine! What about you? You finally got used to the city, huh?”
“Yeah…” he blushed. “I mean, eventually I needed to!”. You two laughed and when it stopped, he gently asked you “Can I buy you a drink?”
Your smile grew bigger. Of course he could. “That would be nice, I guess.”
You two headed to the bar, Josh realized you attracted a lot of looks from everywhere with your attitude, almost like being chilled and beautiful was your job.
When you started talking to Josh, you remembered how you liked of being his friend. I mean, you kissed him and made out with him more than once and the friendship thing didn’t covered these kind of activities. You were just having a really casual conversation, but your mind was running through your old memories.
When your favorite music started, you invited Josh to the dance floor, but he explained that dancing was something he didn’t was used to do still, encouraging you to break the dance floor anyway. You didn’t want to leave him alone, but you were almost dying to go, so you stood up and hit the floor, your hips shaking according to the beat.
As you enjoyed your time, you couldn’t stop thinking about how you missed Josh. You were really close to him a long time ago and that’s when the whole one night stand thing happened, but none of you were into the idea of dating and being on a relationship.
As a consequence of everybody saying to you get together and assume that Josh and Y/N were a couple, you moved away from him and he did the same to you. It wasn’t a fight, you two didn’t had even a conversation, but you knew Josh’s motivations and he knew yours were the same as his, that was how deep you and him connected with each other.
Now, there you were: in the same place as him, in the same night, a few years later. You almost forgot how the feeling of kissing someone just because of his soul and it really pleased you to feel that way again, so when the music changed and you saw Josh still was looking at you, you raised your hand and called him.
You were used by this time to only hook up with strangers. Actually, Josh was the only friend you ever slept with. You always thought that even kissing people you actually knew leaded to trouble, because it would be a comment in here, a whisper in there, so you stayed with the idea of only sleep with those you knew only their names. You weren’t into getting a boyfriend anyway and things were easier if you lead it this way.
He nodded his head, saying no to your proposal without words. You blinked your eyes and joined your eyebrows, making a face of lost dog. Please, Josh! He rolled his eyes and succumbed to your wishes, almost tripping to his own feet as he was trying to get to you, too busy making funny dance movements to pay attention on other things like people getting in between.
You laughed and when he was near enough, you took his arm and pulled him closer. You got so close to each other that, suddenly, he wasn’t in the mood of making jokes anymore and, when the music got into the slow part, his hands was firmly at your waist.
You didn’t disappoint Josh. You rubbed your hips is his body according to the beat and put your right hand in his nape, passing your other hand in your hair. When the music grew louder again, you winked at him again and turned back, getting low. When you stood up again, Josh’s lips pressed your neck.
“What are you trying to do, Y/N?” he asked whispering at the bottom of your ear.
You gave him a smile, your eyes sparkled the lust he was an expert in spot. “Just dancing in the name of the good times.”
His grip became stronger. “There are some things I still know from the good times.”
You stood face to face again to him. “Well, there are some things I learned since the good times.”
And that was it. You liked how Josh was a nice guy, but you loved when he lost his control, all his education and his good boy image, so when he took you by the hand and led you to the VIP area of the nightclub, you couldn’t take the excitement.
You two entered into a private area with a long sofa and a table, behind some curtains. There were a lot of stuff around so you guessed he was with his old friends in there, you knew they like to spend money into this kind of thing.
When Josh smashed your lips, you groaned straight away. He was hungry and when Josh was hungry, he knew exactly what he wanted and how. His hands moved through your body like a master, because he really was an expert when it was about you, he knew where you liked to be touched and knew that it must be hard, because if he was hungry, so was you.
Your legs hit the sofa, your hands took his jacket off, he leaned you in the furniture, you pushed all the wallets and purses that were in there to the ground, no one would need that for the next minutes. Your hands grabbed his hair and Josh hold your waist hard enough to leave a mark, the kiss coming more and more aggressive, with little bites and you started scratch his back. Josh took off your silver dress and you took his shirt, unbuttoning his pants afterwards.
“Fuck, Y/N.” he groaned when you moved your hips as you were doing on the dance floor, but now without his jeans and your dress in between, Josh could feel the warmth and the pressure of your body against his member.
You kissed his chest and Josh felt his arms getting weak, if you continued to do that, he wouldn’t be able to hold his own weight anymore and he would fall on you. Your hands started playing with his boxers’ borders and Josh let a grunt escape his mouth.
You giggled. “I wondered until when you could handle my teasing.”
“Not long” he answered, it was his turn to please you and he kissed your breast.
Your body warmed up as anticipation, you knew Josh’s next move. And as if he knew what you were thinking, he took of your bra and sucked your left nipple while massaging the other one. You sighed, holding his ginger hair.
He switched his mouth of boob and started give smacks in your abdomen, getting lower and lower as continued to massage your boobs. When he was almost getting in your V area, you heard voices outside your area.
You both stopped and looked at each other, holding your breaths. You could hear your heart pumping, your clothes weren’t anywhere to be seen. The voices started go away, you and Josh took a deep breath.
After that, you pulled Josh to a deep kiss, realizing that knowing that could have people outside where you were having sex only turned you more on. “Hurry.” you asked, your hands slipping through Josh’s body and taking his underwear off, he took yours too.
Josh was hard, so he was ready to get inside you, but he kissed you and, without a warning, he pulled his finger into your center, adding another soon after. You groaned loud.
“Shhh, Y/N.” You didn’t answer, only moved your hips to get him further. “You are so prepared, should I go inside you now?” you nodded, not being able to speak or open your eyes, biting your lips so another groan couldn’t slip.
“Come on, Josh” you said. He continued to push and pull  his fingers, so the only thing you could think of was opening your eyes, moving yourself and grabbing his member, feeling it throb in your hand as you went up and down it. Josh’s moan was even louder than yours.
“That’s not fair.” Josh complained as you dictated a rhythm to your moves.
“Josh, you aren’t fair to me.” you pointed out between your own moans.
“Fine then, Y/N.”
Josh positioned his body to penetrates you, finally pushing his fingers of you. He kissed your lips. A deep, long kiss, making you sigh. Then, out of nothing, Josh was inside you.
You wanted to scream, so you kissed him harder.
“So fucking tight.” Josh groaned, stopping kissing you.
You both started losing your breath as you went faster. You couldn’t hear the loud music downstairs anymore and even if hundreds of people showed up in that exact moment, you wouldn’t care. The pleasure was running in your veins. Your mind had only one word, one name on it and nothing more. Josh.
“Come on, Y/N. Pour yourself on me.”
And as he asked, you came, Josh accompanied you. Your orgasm hit you and you needed to bite your lip so hard it started to bleed. Josh, seeing you in that state, kissed you again.
Your legs went weak, Josh stood up so he could sat in the sofa.
“I missed you.” You said to him after calming down and putting your clothes back on, Josh dressed up too.
He laughed. “I bet you did.”
“I mean it, Josh.” you told, rolling your eyes.
He looked at you, that Josh’s smile once more in his face. “I missed you too, Y/N.”
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
Oh, players! | Joe Sugg fanfic | Part 03
Synopsis | Previous part
Part 03.
“I definitely wasn’t that pretty on that occasion.” Y/N said laughing as she finished one of her stories of Sevilla.
Connor hugged her aside. “I’m so happy you didn’t disappointed us and continue to have the best drunk stories…”
The whole group laughed.
“Please, Conor.” Y/N rolled her eyes. “ I guess I was away for so long that you forgot who you are talking about! I’m the best in the business.”
“You and your brother tell crazy things.” Maddie commented. “It’s hard to believe it’s even real.”
“Nah.” Y/N belittled. “Caspar forgets about some important details for the narratives, he doesn’t explore the potentials of them like.” She joked.
“Important details?” Juliet asked with a tone of debauchery. “Like the horse with blue and pink saddle?”
“It was a pink saddle with blue polka dots.” Y/N/N corrected. “And yes, obviously it’s important! It’s the most random thing ever!”
“Alright, Y/N/N’s stories are amazing, but no one can compete with Joe.” Oli pointed out.
Joseph smiled and shrugged his shoulders. “What can I say?” was what his action said. Y/N faced him and raised an eyebrow.
“So it means I have a competitor?”
“You don’t have a competitor, Y/N/N.” Jack said putting an arm around Joe’s shoulders. “Joe is the best there is.”
Everybody exclaimed. “Ooh.”
“So this is it?” Y/N/N complained looking at Joe.
“If that is what my fans are saying…” He had a convinced pose. “Y/N Lee,” he teased, something that only she knew it was a real tease. “There’s nothing I can do.”
“Oh, usurper…” Y/N/N nodded her head, not approving that. “You don’t even know the surnames of those you steal from…” She joked. “But now I’m back and I’m taking my realm back.”
Joe gave a half smile. “We will see about that.”
It was a little after midnight. The majority of the guests was more than drunk, the group of friends however wasn’t more than playful (apart from Caspar, but, for Caspar, the party started earlier). For them, a party like that, in Y/N’s honor, should last at least until the sun would be shining in the sky again and certainly it wouldn’t happen if they got drunk too fast. What fun would be on that?
Y/N/N was returning from the bathroom upstairs when she saw Joseph Sugg going to the guest’s bedroom alone, something rare from what she had saw, Joe was really popular.
“Hello, Joe.” Y/N/N said with a little smirk.
Joe got scared, but he soon turned around to face the girl.
“Y/N/N.” He nodded his head, taking a sip from his beer.
“I’m sorry for not telling I’m Caspar’s sister.” She told, her beautiful eyes showed she wasn’t minimally regretting it. Without a clue it was a detail for everybody, forgetting who is your brother.
“That’s fine.” Joe tried to calm down, her face was enough to drive a saint mad. “I just… I would never know if they didn’t tell me. You two don’t look alike.”
“Well…” Y/N/N gave a little step forward to get closer to Joe. “We can leave my family’s stories for another day.” She suggested, passing her index finger absently on her own clavicle and directing Joe’s look for that area.
Joe cursed his best mate this time not himself. Fuck, why Caspar needed to be her brother? By the way, why she needed to be his sister? He heard the suggestions words of Y/N and he couldn’t stop staring her boobs squeezed on that cropped she was wearing.
Joseph had a sister and never would forgive Caspar if he kissed Zoe. In that moment, however, Joe didn’t care if Caspar did it, this would give him the right to taste that lip Y/N was biting. Zoe, although, had a boyfriend and Caspar had a girl wating for him.
Joe wasn’t the kind of person who hesitates, for God’s sake, he would be able to kiss that girl so long ago if he could… He knew she wanted it too, why couldn’t it all be simple?
Y/N/N almost could see she was losing. She didn’t know since when someone heard the bullshit her (overprotective) brother said, but she never done this to a friend this close to Caspar, so she couldn’t t answer her question. Where the loyalty would end? Until where Y/N/N could press without harming the relationship of them and still get what she wanted?
Of all the guests, Joe was the sober one and therefore the most conscious (for Y/N/N’s bad luck). Gods, Y/N was about to throw herself in him, definitely couldn’t say she wasn’t drunk. Thinking about it, she soon sighed:
“Well, they are waiting for me downstairs.” She said as giving up, turning around and walking away.
Joseph watched Y/N/N get away. She didn’t know, but her hips swing slightly when she moved, something that bewildered him. The effect was in such intensity that when Y/N/N grabbed the stair handrail, she completed her mission and Joe was hurrying towards her so he could hold her back.
In the exact moment he took Y/N/N’s fist and she turned around to see if it was who she thought (and hoped) it was, the last door on the corridor opened and from there came out Caspar and Maddie (with messy hair), leading to Y/N/N and Joe jump away from each other.
“Guys!” Caspar said excited by seeing his best friend and his sister having what looked like a conversation. “Joe, you aren’t trying to win Y/N/N, are you?” He joked, the after-sex good mood affecting him.
Joe smiled, making it look like he was relaxed when actually his hands were sweating and his heart was racing.
“She is making it something really difficult, Caspar.”
Y/N/N almost choked with his answer, widening her eyes imperceptibly. She couldn’t say Joe didn’t know how to play that game, even though it wasn’t by the rules.
“Dick.” Caspar said, punching Joe with one hand and holding Maggie with the other, leading her downstairs. “Stay away from my sister, Lothario!” He warned going to the other floor.
With his grayish blue eyes, staring Y/N/N directly and being so close to her he could feel the heat of her body as she gasped, Joe answered his friend:
“I will.”
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
Nice to meet you
Nice to meet you | Josh Pieters | Imagine Word count: 1275 A/N: Hey guys! So I thought I could work something out really quick before this weekend end for real. I had this idea when on my Baci chocolate I picked the quote you will see ahead and I thought on it through all the last week. Hope you guys like it! See you soon! You can see my other Buttercream Squad stuff here | Requests are open
“Since there do not exist two individuals exactly alike, there must be for each particular man a particular woman [...] who corresponds most perfectly. A really passionate love is as rare as the accident of these two meeting.” Arthur Schopenhauer
Someone should tell London it was almost summer time, because you were freezing as hell (well, if hell is extremely cold… You don’t know that, you’ve never been there). Beloved London, did you know June is the next month? Of course not, that’s why you were heading to buy something to warm you. it didn’t matter if was a hot chocolate, a coffee or a tea, you just wanted to survive until it was really summer.
“Hello, Y/N!” Giuseppe, the nice old man who owned the little cafe palace said to you. The place was really close to your apartment, so you would always go there.
“Hi!” You greeted, nodding to his new employee too (he got the job last week). “How is your granddaughter? Did she turned well on yesterday assignment?” You asked, his grandaughter needed help for the task and you happened to be in the store, so, as her grandpa wasn’t able to support her, you volunteered (thanks God she was little, because it was Math and you weren’t good at all with Math).
“Great! Thanks for helping, by the way.” He said. “What are you going to order today, missy?”
“I don’t know… What do you recommend? I’m really cold, I need something to help me with that.”
“What about some irish coffee?”
You frowned. “I thought you were from Italy.”
He laughed. “I am, however I’m british now and I learned how to warm up.”
“I never had one of those.” You commented. “I didn’t know you guys do this in here.”
Giuseppe winked. “We don’t.”
You giggled and accepted the drink.
“So, you know what’s happening down the street?” You asked as he started making you your drink.
You saw large vehicles closing the street with some big lights and stuff like that, it seemed a production.
“Yeah, they’re filming a video. I don’t know if it’s for TV or not, though.”
“It’s for Youtube, grandpa.” A little blonde girl said, getting out from the door across the bar. On the other side of it was the stairs that headed to Giuseppe's house.
“Hey, girl.” You greeted and she opened a smile.
“Y/N!” she exclaimed.
“How was school today?”
“Great! Thanks for helping me.”
“You’re more than welcome, dear.”
Giuseppe had a small bell on the front door, so when a customer entered, he could realize. That was the sound you heard that afternoon, the sound that would change your whole life.
“Hello! How can I help you?” The employee asked, being the cashier as the owner finished preparing your drink.
“Hi. I just want a coffee and a macchiato, please.” the stranger told. He was about to open his wallet to pay when he noticed the open bottle on the bar that Giuseppe just had putted down. “Actually, do you make irish coffee? I want one of these instead of the macchiato.”
“Actually we don’t do that.” The employee informed.
You were smiling still. Giuseppe's granddaughter was talking about her day as you waited, then he interrupted her.
“Here it is, Y/N.” Giuseppe said, handing to you your cup.
“Thank you.” You smiled, taking a sip of it. “Oh, that’s delicious.”
“Alright, she is too pretty, I wouldn’t deny her anything too.” The stranger said, smiling and standing his credit car. “You can leave the original order then.”
You heard his comment and looked at him, paying attention on the customer for the first time. He was a tall ginger guy with a gentle smile, using what seemed to be a lot of coats.
“What happened?” Giuseppe asked to his employee and the younger told him the story. “Oh, that’s ok! I can do another, everything is already out.” He said. “It’s on the house.”
“There’s no need, thank you.” the ginger answered.
“I insist, new customers don’t become old customers unless we put effort on it.” Giuseppe declared.
“Well, in this case, thank you so much.” The client nodded his head in appreciation and paid his order. He walked and stood by your side, waiting to his drinks.
“Thank you for the compliment back there.” You said with a little smile.
“I meant it.” He said. You blushed, not knowing what to do. “I’ll take that silence as the confirmation that it wasn’t my best pick up line.” He joked.
“Oh my God, no.” You giggled. “That wasn’t it. I just don’t know how to react when people compliment me.”
“This should be a serious problem then, because I bet people are always complimenting you.”
“Yeah, that’s an improvement of pick up line.” You made fun, still not knowing how to behave. “I’m Y/N, by the way.” You extended your hand.
“Josh!’ You heard a sharp void exclaim. “You’re Josh Pieters! I knew it was something about Youtube!” Giuseppe's granddaughter was almost jumping from emotion, you forgot she was there. “I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!”
Josh laughed. “Hey, young lady, you shouldn’t know who I am, I do many inappropriate things for your age.”
She giggled. “I don’t watch you!”
“Ouch.” he said, putting his hand in his chest. “You don’t need to be mean.”
The little girl giggled again. “I watch Joe! because Joe is Zoella’s brother. You are always on his channel!”
“Well, Joe isn’t good for kids children either, but I guess it’s ok if you are just a huge Zoella fan.” Josh shrugged and you noticed he had the brightest smile you had ever seen.
“Have you met her? Is she nice? Can you tell her I love her? She must be beautiful!”
You laughed, definitely the girl wasn’t that excited to you helping her with the Math’s task.
“Don’t annoy the customer, dear.” Giuseppe said, heading Josh his order on a paper support. “Here it is.”
“It’s nothing, really.” Josh told, picking the cups. “Thank you.” He turned to the grandaughter again. “Yes, I know Zoe, she’s really nice and of course I’m telling her I met her biggest fan.”
You smiled at him. “That’s really nice of you.” You commented.
“Thank you.” He nodded his head, extending his hand. “As I was saying, I’m Josh.”
You shook his hand, ignoring the shiver you had. “Nice to meet you, Josh.”
“This is your code to ‘you can have my number’?” Josh asked.
“The pick up lines’ game are only going up, huh?” You joked. “Yes, it is.”
“Nice.” he smiled.
You two exchanged numbers and he went away after saying bye to all of you. You couldn’t stop smile because you just met the nicest guy ever. He was really sweet and seemed to be someone who was easy to make smile, you loved people like that.
And the craziest thing of that day wasn’t meeting the love of your life in that place you would return many times after (alone at first, but then you would be always with Josh, even if it was far away from the house you would move in together). The craziest thing was that Josh would tell his kids that their mom was drinking coffee with Irish whiskey in the first time you met each other, after all, you never liked drinking. Of course, they wouldn’t know that the only reason you didn’t drink anymore was that day when you and their dad got so drunk that you… Well, this is a story for another time, isn’t it?
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
Delight | Conor Maynard | imagine Word count: 924 A/N: It’s so short that I’m thinking to maybe try to post something more today, but I won’t guarantee it. Hope you’ll like this one, I thought it’s really sweet. Enjoy! You can find more Buttercream Squad content here | Requests are open
In Greek mythology Euterpe was one of the Muses, the daughters of Mnemosyne, fathered by Zeus. Called the “Giver of delight”, when later poets assigned roles to each of the Muses, she was the muse of music. [-]
Conor was sit in front of the piano, his hands dancing on the keys. You smiled with the view, leaned in the door frame and watching your boyfriend.
It was Monday morning and although it was spring already, the sky was grey, the perfect lazy day. You got up, Conor wasn’t in bed anymore. You listened to the melody and knew he was playing piano downstairs, so you decided to go and make some tea before meet him.
“Good morning.” You said, sitting next to Conor.
“Hey babe.” he smiled to you, passing an arm around your waist and leaning his head in the curve of your neck.
Your hands touched the keys, you started playing.
“Four in the morning, staring at the ceiling, on my own like I was last weekend, you left and I guess you had your reasons, guess you had your reasons. yeah.”
Conor was going to leave again to Los Angeles the next day, he was staying there for a few months and, even if he would constantly visit you and his family, you two missed each other so much.
“I said things and I didn't really mean them, kept going till I saw your heart bleeding, ruining the only thing I ever believed in, ever believed in, yeah”
Conor decided to join you and sang the next part. “And even though you're gone, I'm gonna pretend there's nothing wrong, I'm fucking every girl that comes along, anything is better than to face up to reality, oh”
You smiled to him and sang the chorus together “This is my version of heartbreak, this is how I get over you. I don't wanna feel, I don't wanna feel.” you never sang the “feel” part because you would ruin the song and Conor giggled a little when you didn’t say anything in this bit. You two continued.  “This is my version of heartbreak and it's all I know how to do, I don't wanna feel like there's anymore. This is my version of a heartbreak.”
And you waited in silence to the next verse, but it never came because Conor decided he couldn’t wait to the song to end, starting a conversation as you had both of your hands playing his song.
“I don’t get it.” Conor said while he stopped playing.
“What, honey?” you asked, still pressing the keys, not giving up of finishing the music.
“Why you like this song so much.”
You gave him a sweet smile. “It’s a good song.”
“I know it is, I wrote it. You know, I only write smashing songs.” He joked and you laughed. “But seriously, it’s about my ex and it’s your favorite song from my stuff.”
You looked the emptiness in front of you, thinking in his question, “There’s a sadness in it I can relate to. You aren’t only singing, you’re putting your feels out there.” your hands were playing still, but it was in the automatic mode. “It’s so… pure. You don’t need a bursting beat or more than two instruments, it’s all about your voice, it’s all about the lyrics.” You sighed. “You don’t seem to give a fuck if you aren’t saying the right things, you’re just… feeling.” You looked at Conor again with a playful smile and winked at him. “Also, it’s one of the easiest songs to play and I don’t feel a complete failure when I try to play it.”
Conor was completely lost in what you were saying. Your E/C eyes staring nothing in particular, but still so bright; your messy hair falling over your shoulders and being a natural curtain; your skin looking so soft in the pale light of the day; your voice being so deep as if it was connected to your heart and not to your lungs; and your sweet smile, the soft sweet smile, that didn’t need any effort to show up and make his day better. And when you looked at him and winked, he thought you were the most charming person he would ever met.
“You’re bloody gorgeous, you know?” He asked.
You giggled. “Only because I am talking about your song, huh? That’s a way of getting things from you, Maynard.”
“I’m serious, Y/N.” he hugged you and you decided to give up, you weren’t finishing to sing the stupid music.
“I know you’re, honey.” You hugged him back. “Thank you.” You told before giving him a smack. “Also, sorry to wreck your beautiful song with my horrible voice.”
Conor loved you, but it was inevitable to say you weren’t meant to be a singer. “Any time, babe.” You smiled and he kissed your head.
He let you go and started playing the piano.
“What is it? I never heard this melody before.” You asked, you loved when he was working in knew stuff. “Is it a spoiler to the next album? Is it what you were working on in Los Angeles before come home? Oh my God, can I record it and sell to whom pays better in media?”
Conor laughed with your last question and then smiled, looking to you. “I don’t know if it’s going to be in my next album, I wasn’t working on it until now.” He told, his look turned to the piano. “And you can record it and sell it, if you want to,” He stared you again “but it would be a waist. Don’t you want to keep a secret and enjoy the moment a little before getting everyone to know this is your song?”
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
Day off
Day off | Joe Sugg | smut
Word count: 2053
A/N: First smut in English, please take it easy on me!
You can find more Buttercream Squad texts on here | Requests are open!
You started moving in the bed before open your eyes when you woke up, trying to find Joe in there so you could start heating your morning. After feeling only the sheets, you saw the bed was empty. You groaned and heard the shower in the bathroom aside your room, Joe was awake already.
You got up, wondering if you could join Joe in his shower, feeling more horny than you probably should this early in the morning, however this wasn’t a problem, was it? Who cared about that kind of issue? This was something that could easily be sorted out.
“Good morning.” Joe said when you entered the bathroom.
You gave a little ladino smile: “Good morning.”
Y/N in a good mood before eating breakfast and having her shit done? No, that wasn’t her.
“What?” Joe asked cautiously.
“Nothing.” you answered brushing your teeth and, after throwing the toothpaste on the sink, you revealed: “Maybe I could get in there with you.”
Joe looked a little anxious. Not the good anxious, the oh-no anxious.
“Y/N, no.” he determined and you faced him through the mirror.
“Why not?” you inquired while crossing your arms and turning to Joe, seeing his naked body through the box steam.
“I have a meeting.” he said and his voice cracked.
“It’s Saturday, Joe.” you refuted, walking to the shower and opening the box even if you had your clothes on.
“Y/N.” he warned, seeing your movements and not knowing if he could be able to escape them. “It’s an important meeting.”
“Oh, what a shame, isn’t it?” you commented, getting closer to Joe.
He took a step back and his back was against the wall, you took a step further and the warm water falling from the shower wet you, making the white t-shirt of Joe that you used as pajamas every time you were at his place turn transparent, so he could see that you weren’t wearing a bra that morning.
“Oh, for God’s sake, Y/N.” he sighed and held your shoulders tightly, making your smile grow. “I can’t, babe. I swear.” You got confuse and he laid you aside, so he could pass and get off the box.
“Fuck you, Joe!” you exclaimed, alone in the shower.
“We can continue it tonight!” he promised, walking to the other bathroom so he could finish his shower in peace. Now, thanks to you, it would be a cold one.
You were laying in the bed and watching Joe searching the closet for his accessories. You chose to put only a black lingerie and got in every room Joe went, still this wasn’t making any difference in your boyfriend’s life.
You rolled your eyes after listening Joe tell you for the fifth time the fact he couldn’t reschedule this meeting. You didn’t care about the damn meeting! You just wanted your boyfriend! You grumbled to yourself and then had an idea. Joe wasn’t helping you with your little situation? Fine, but you wouldn’t help him at all with his too.
“Joe?” you called, interrupting him.
“We have Oli’s party tonight, you remember it?” you asked, biting your lip.
“Yeah, I told him we will be there at 9.”
“What you think I should wear?”
Joe immediately looked at you. You never asked his opinion about your clothes. Never. You always liked to choose what would you wear in a point that even if you resolved to put an outfit days before the event and didn’t like the set the day of the happening, you would change it to something completely different. Also, he got a bit jealous of you being all over The Weeknd once, after you went to his concert and bought a t-shirt of it. Joe told you he didn’t like the t-shirt and you knew it was about him getting jealous, but not liking something you were wearing? Uh-oh, no! You used that t-shirt 5 days in a roll, making an extra effort to wash it and wear it every day.
“Why…?” he already distrusted you. Well, he should.
You ran your right hand through your hair.
“I don’t know…” you slid your hand to your bra strap, twisting it in your fingers. “I’m feeling a little bit bold today…” you sighed as you placed your left forefinger in your mouth. “Don’t you think that my boobs look nice today?” your both hands went towards your breasts and hold them. “I don’t know, they seem bigger.” you commented and pressed them.
You could hear Joe’s breath despite of him being far from you and, when you blinked, making your “innocent” face to him, he couldn’t breathe at all. You laughed and raised an eyebrow, pressing your breasts in a particular way now, setting a rhythm for it that soon would make you moan.
“Y/N…” Joe whispered, not being able to raise his voice more than that.
Seeing him so close to the edge of losing his self control made you get even hotter, therefore you slipped your right hand through your abs, marking the Paradise’s way with the tips of your fingers, and Joe saw when the fingers disappeared in your black panty.
Joe was struggling already after your little scene in the bathroom and seeing you being so damn sexy was too much to him. He could feel his pants getting tighter and his body heating. Unintentionally, his eyes met yours and you could saw the light blue turn into a dark one, the lust color. Fuck it. Joe slowly walked until the end of the bed.
“You just like to make my life harder, don’t you?” he asked and you looked at him, turning your body.
“Oh, no, Joseph Sugg.” you said with only what was left of your voice, your body tingling for Joe’s touch. “I just want your life to be better.”
And your eyes closed as they were at the beginning of that morning, but now you weren’t sleepy, you were fully awake and, in your mind, all you could see was the scene of Joe touching you the way you wanted him to and you could almost feel it as you pressed your core.
“Y/N.” he called and you opened your eyes. “Leave me a little.”
You smiled and took your hand off your thong, Joe bowed and hold the piece of lace, taking it off. He stood up and looked at you, being sure your eyes were on his before taking his t-shirt off too, so he bowed again and hold your feet, slipping them through the white sheets and making your legs flex together. Then he separated them, opening your legs and bending to give a kiss in between them, your body twisted of excitement.
In the moment Joe’s tongue licked all your core, you pressed your boobs so hard you were sure this would leave a mark after, but you didn’t care. You let a loud moan slip through your lips and started moving your hips, so Joe’s tongue could be more inside you.
“Hold up, dear.” he said, raising his arms and, instead holding your legs, he was holding your hips now. “Are you trying to rush the things?”
And there he was again, with his tongue making you see nothing that made sense, there were only color blurs all over your mind. You couldn’t handle it anymore, so you hold his hair with your left hand to guide him.
“Joe.” you whined.
He raised his head, despite the fact you didn’t want him to, and gave you a smile. He started crawl to the bed until being in the same height as you.
“Don’t like teasing now, huh Y/N?” You nodded your head, no! Teasing was the worst thing ever. “I do like teasing now, though.”
“Joe.” you whined again, his body was all over you. His jeans were rough against your skin and didn’t help you with your situation, making you want to rub yourself in those. You couldn’t move, Joe was holding his weight just enough to not suffocate you.
He laughed. Son of a bitch! You were just being a good girlfriend! You were almost about to tell him what he was when his lips pressed yours and you could feel your own taste on the tip of his tongue, vanishing all your thoughts with heat.
His kiss went down, exploring your neck before Joe took your bra off (finally!). He sucked your nipple while playing the other and you weren’t able to think in one full sentence. You intertwined your legs with his body and when he was near to your belly button, you decided you had enough. Holding his hair tight, you made Joe come up again to kiss him, so you twisted your bodies and now you were on the top.
With a little smile that said “my turn, sweetie”, you got up, hurrying up to take his pants off. How these were there for so long? Gods!
“That feels better, don’t you think?” you asked and Joe nodded his head, yes! Well, it wouldn’t be like this forever.
You decided to leave his boxers there for a little longer, so you could sit in his member and be a little naughty. You started riding and saw Joe let the head hang, without strength to keep going. How nice was the feel of making someone feel that way? Your hips acquire rhythm by themselves and the friction between your clitoris and the soft fabric of his underwear was welcome. Joe hold your waist as his moans grew louder. You were biting your lips and Joe Sugg could swear his life that this was the hottest scene he ever watched.
You gave him a nice smile and started playing with elastic of his boxers, your nail wandering his V area just to give him goosebumps.
“Y/N.” he warned in a long moan.
You laid down and gave Joe a kiss before getting up again and starting to took off his boxers. You put your right hand in his length and started making your way up and down slowly, feeling it pulsate according to what you wanted.
You heard Joe moan loudly, the same kind of moan you knew it was time to stop the little games, he soon would lose his patience, so you started being faster on your movements.
“Oh, fuck it.” Joe complained, sitting so he could hold your shoulders and throw you in bed.
A laugh escaped through your lips, you loved when you teased him so much he started getting pissed off. That day in particular, you were kind of inspired to do that.
“You think is funny, babe?” he asked, holding your hips so he could prepare himself. Your large smile answered his question. “Fine.”
And Joe didn’t want to play anymore, therefore he pushed himself into you without any delicacy and you grunted. This was what you were looking for.
So it was just like that Ed Sheeran’s song, you two pushed and pulled just like magnets do, although magnets couldn’t be as loud as you and Joe. You also couldn’t breath straight, not either Joe, as you got faster and stronger. Your bodies were sweating and the shiver announced the end was near.
Without failing, you felt your orgasm making it’s way to you. As soon as you got there, Joe did too, you both pressing your bodies more and more against each other, holding tighter until it ends.
Joe let a last breath escaped, then he got out of you and fell down in the bed. As you were catching your breath again, you couldn’t avoid to tease him.
“I guess we will need another shower after this.”
“Yes, I guess we will.” he answered.
You looked at him and gave a “I won” smile, just for fun.
“Fuck off, Y/N.” he complained.
You laughed and gave him a hug.
“Now you are already late, can you just miss your meeting so we can cuddle this whole weekend?”
Joe looked at you and then sighed, he gave up and placed his arms around you.
“You always get what you want, don’t you?”
“That is the plan, sweetie.”
He rolled his eyes.
“I will just call my agent and say I’m sick.”
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