oh-ishouldnt · 6 years
07. you are in love
This is a 1989 series imagine
One look; dark room; meant just for you.
Oli is looking straight to my eyes, I stare his brown eyes. We are both laid down on his bed, he said I could crash his place tonight since it was too late to go back to my hometown after our friend’s birthday celebration in a club. Tomorrow is Saturday so I won’t get in trouble for staying a little longer in London.
“Are you awake?” He asks the obvious.
“No.” I joke and he smiles, making me happy.
“Want to go out?”
“Oli, it is really late.”
“Y/N, we are in London.”
“It is never too late or too soon here.” He reveals.
“What do you have in mind? If you say something crazy, I will close my eyes and pretend you don’t exist until I wake up in the morning.”
“I know you are lying, don’t make treats that you can’t keep.”
“I am pretty sure that the right sentence is ‘don’t make promises you can’t keep’” I argue.
“Well, in my version is treats” he proudly says.
“Just tell me what do you have in mind, Oliver,” I tell.
“I don’t know, I just don’t want to sleep right now and I am bored.”
“We went clubbing the whole night, why don’t you want to get some sleep, boy?” I ask.
“Because I missed you and I don’t want to spend my time with you sleeping.” He responds and I am completely swept away.
“Fine, you won” I agree before getting up. “But let’s get some coffee, otherwise I won’t last more than ten minutes.
I hear Oli’s laugh behind me and I go to the bathroom take the shirt he borrowed me to sleep and put back on my club outfit, that consisted in a white trouser and a pink lace crop top, also featuring some pair of high heels. No one really goes to a club with trousers, however, I did catch a train to come all the way to the big city and I wouldn’t be doing that in a tight dress or a short skirt, it would be uncomfortable. Also, there was only one guy in the entire world I would slightly agree to dress for and he wouldn’t mind the clothes I am in.
I follow Oli to his car that all of our friends call “the blue space dildo” (ok, mostly Joe calls the car like that) and we are off to our little adventure.
Oli is looking straight ahead, driving to the empty London’s streets. At this time, there are not much people outside, almost no one walking in the sideways. Oli seems concentrated on what he is doing, he looks gorgeous.
“What?” He asks, stopping the car because of the red light. He turns his head to face me.
I smile. “Nothing” I am always smiling when I am with Oli.
He gives a little laugh: “You are interesting, Y/N.” He tells, putting his left hand on my leg, I have a shiver from his touch.
“No one ever told me that, but I guess I should say thank you.”
Oli laughs again. “Yes, you should. There is not a lot of interesting people in the world. You know, truly interesting?”
“Well, thank you then, Oli.”
“You are welcome.” He says, then the red light goes green and he needs to put his hands back in the steering wheel.
“I missed you,” I say.
He gives me a side look: “I missed you too, Y/N.”
We continue to drive through the night and something that one of our friends said sooner today gets stuck in my head, I keep playing the sentence over and over again in my mind… Y/F/N said that, when he first met us, he thought me and Oli were together as a couple and still to this day he didn’t exactly understand our relationship because we seemed to care a lot about each other and act like we were boyfriend and girlfriend. I insisted that I and Oli are just best friends, that all our intimacy is just because we’ve met each other since we were kids, even that I know that I have other friends from the same time and I don’t ask with them like I act with Oli.
We get to the coffee shop Oli insisted I would love and we order what we want, once we get our coffees, I tell him that he was right since he really is. We sit next to each other on a bench and talk about a lot of things, all sort of things actually. I can trust him and reveal all my deep secrets as I can only explain why oil doesn’t get mixed with water, I just talk to Oli and I am fine. He feels the same way.
We finish our drinks and we go back to his place. I change once again to his clothes and now I am sure that Oli likes me back, that is not only a thing that my mind made. The way he speaks to me, always calling me beautiful, or the way he casually touches me in between subjects… It must be something, right? Or even the way implies that he is single for some time and now is ready to commit… Am I imagining all of those things? Was it enough or maybe I am just jumping into conclusions? Maybe I am not that sure, so I calm my thoughts and go to bed, to lay down next to the love of my life not sure that he knows the part he has in my story.
I hear Oli’s breath slow down as he sleeps, it is amazing that he can do that so quickly after a lot of coffee. I turned my back to Oli once I covered myself and pretended I was asleep so my feelings wouldn’t burst and come out of my mouth in an inappropriate moment. Misjudging isn’t something that I usually do, but what if this is the case and I risk all our friendship? I wouldn’t bear such a thing.
I hear a sigh and all my body is tense now, Oli isn’t sleeping as I figured, he is awake.
“You are my best friend, Y/N” he whispers and my heart breaks. So, this is it. I was wrong. Friends. Just friends.
I force myself to put a smile on my face and I turn around, ready to say that he is my best friend as well and joke that we shouldn’t have drunk all that coffee. However, when I put my eyes in Oli, I found him with a troubled face: He is in love. And my whole world changes.
“You are my best friend as well, Oliver.” I give him a genuine smile. “That is why I can’t risk it, I can’t let you break my heart and make me lose my best friend on the process.”
“Who said I will break your heart, Y/N?” He asks while touches my cheek with the tip of his fingers “We both know I wouldn’t have the guts, you were always the one with courage.”
“But I was always the one who had heartache” I argue as I close my eyes, feeling his caress.
“Never from me”
I open my eyes, meeting his straight away. “True.” I agree.
Oli gets closer and I go towards him too, we meet in the middle of his bed and share a calm kiss, full of love and caring for each other, just as real love should feel. We roll through the bed and become one in the silent night. When I wake up in the morning, I am presented with a breakfast with burned toasts, but I don’t care, I know that we are in love, true love.
So it goes: you two are dancing in a snow globe round and round, he keeps a picture of you in his office downtown and you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars, and why I spent my whole life trying to put it into words.
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Sharing the Loneliness || All
all masterposts found here
pairing - buttercreams x reader word count - 1,037 warnings - none A/N -
summary - The one where the buttercreams help you through
All through your life, you questioned why you learned certain things in school. Why was math important? Or geography? Or any of the other classes you took in high school? Sure, you could quote the pythagorean theorem and you could name most countries and their capitals, but you never learned the important things. You never learned how to talk a friend out of a panic attack or how to do your taxes, and you certainly never learned how to cope after losing your mom.
You felt so empty all the time. How were you expected to go on after one of the most important people in your life left you and would never come back? You never wanted to leave your bed. You were so tired and so lonely. Your mom was one of your best friends, and now she was just gone.
Your friends texted you everyday to check on you. You texted them back short responses, just to let them know you were alive. They wanted to help you, but they didn’t know how. You wouldn’t answer the phone calls they sent you, you never went out when they invited you, and you were having a hard time opening up to any of them.
Finally, a few weeks had passed and you heard a knock at your door. You paused the movie you were watching on Netflix and got up from the couch to answer it. On the other side of the door were the buttercreams. Joe was holding a few pizzas, Jack some bottles of beer, Byron a bag full of ice cream, and Caspar a stack of movies. “What are you doing here?” you asked, standing aside to let them in.
“You’ve been alone for so long,” Oli said gently, giving you a small hug, “we thought you could use some friends.”
You smiled softly and whispered your thanks to him and the others. You all gathered by your couch and stuffed your faces with pizza. You didn’t put on a movie at first. You just wanted to talk to them and let them make you laugh. It had been so long since you laughed. After a lull in the conversation, Caspar spoke. “How are you doing?” he asked gently. The smile that was on your face fell a bit and you shrugged.
“All things considered, I guess I’m doing okay,” you said. “It’s hard. It’s hard because when I’m going through the mourning process I keep wanting to talk to someone, but the person I would talk to is the person I lost. I miss her so much. Everyday I wake up and I reach for the phone to see if she texted me and obviously there’s never anything there. It feels like it happened so fast, like one day she was here and now she’s not.”
“I’m sorry, (Y/N),” Conor said gently, giving your arm a squeeze.
“It’s shitty because bad things are always going to happen,” Mikey said. “There’s no other way to spin it. The only thing that you can control is how you handle it. And that’s what we’re here for. We’re here to help you handle it, whatever that means.”
“I’ve been secluding myself,” you said quietly. “I’ve been pulling back and distancing myself from everyone, and then I complain that I’m lonely. I guess it’s because when I say I’m lonely, I’m thinking of her.”
“You know,” Byron said, “loneliness is a good thing to share with somebody.”
You couldn’t help but smile softly at him. He was the one sitting beside you so you laid your head on his shoulder just as you felt a tear roll down your cheek. “You know, when King Lear dies at the end of act five, do you know what Shakespeare writes?” None of the boys said anything. “He writes he dies. That’s it. He doesn’t write some big metaphor or some grand final words. He just writes he dies. And every time I read it, I know it’s only natural for me to feel this way. And it’s not because the words are so beautiful and profound, but it’s because of the life I read about prior to the words. And that’s what I keep thinking about. She died. She’s gone. And yeah, that makes me sad, but what’s really making me feel this way is remembering the life I saw before that.”
You hadn’t even realized you were crying until Jack handed you a box of tissues. You took it with a quiet thank you and blew your nose a bit. “I know what she would want me to do,” you continued, clearing your throat a bit. “She wouldn’t want me to sit around like this. It’s not like she would want me to be happy that she was gone, but she would want me to turn the page, you know? When Shakespeare wrote the death of King Lear, he didn’t expect everyone to stop reading. He expected us to turn the page and continue on. I guess that’s what she would want me to do too.”
“I’m sure she’s so proud of you right now,” Joe said gently. “And we are too. With all this shit you’re going through, you’re still so strong.”
“I sure don’t feel strong,” you mumbled honestly, running your fingers through your hair.
“And that’s okay,” Josh said. “No one expects you to feel strong and perfect right now. But just the fact that you’re still going proves to the rest of us that you’ve got the strength to keep going. And we’ll be here beside you through it all.”
“Thanks guys,” you whispered, wiping your nose with the back of your sleeve.
With a stronger beat in your heart, you cracked open a pint of ice cream and urged the boys to pick a movie to watch. As they argued over what to put on, you couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of peace surround you. You knew your mom was somewhere watching you, and she always did love your friends. If you closed your eyes, you could see her smile and hear her voice whisper, I love you.
And so, you turned the page and penned a new chapter.
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buttercreamlove · 7 years
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bertiegilberts · 7 years
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Not today, Satan!
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buttercream-me-up · 7 years
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Conor's comment lmfao
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suggysuggsugg · 7 years
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thatchedsugg · 7 years
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The best way to travel and explore the world is with your best friends 👊🏻 - Oli White on twitter
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Collabs and Secrets
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Summary: You decide to film a video with the whole buttercream gang, your best friends, but find it’s much harder to collab with them, especially when you are keeping it a secret that you’re dating one of them. 
A/n: So this idea came to me a few days ago and I just wanted to keep it simple but I sort of melded a few ideas and this is the result lol. Forgive any grammar mistakes and spelling errors, also if you notice any inconsistencies just hmu, hope you enjoy! 
Pairing: Joe Sugg x reader
Words: 4.7K 
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You fixed your hair and stuck a tongue out at the camera before centering yourself on the huge, empty, sofa then began your intro. 
“Hey, guys! It’s me, (y/n), again! And today...” You paused for suspense, “I have the whole Buttercream gang with me!” And on cue, Josh, Jack, Joe, Oli, Conor, and Caspar jumped out from behind the sofa. 
“Yay!” Caspar yelled excitedly as he fell face-first on the sofa and slid down the front. Jack began stroking your face while making creepy eye contact with the camera and Joe jumped forward and took a seat on the sofa, almost kicking you in the face while doing so. 
You jumped back before facing the camera, “I swear one day, these boys will do something and I’m gonna get seriously injured,” you joked to the camera. 
“Aweh (y/n)...” Conor took a seat next to you before sharply turning to face the camera, “You’reprobablyright, I’msorryinadvance!” He spoke really fast which broke all of you into laughter. 
After all of the guys settled into the sofa or tried to, but Jack and Conor ended up having to sit on the ground, on each side of your legs. Joe and Caspar were seated on each of your sides. Oli on Joe’s other side, and Josh on Caspar’s side. “Everyone seated? Can we properly start now?-” 
“Where’s Mikey?” Caspar interrupted which is when you guys started noticing he wasn’t to be seen. 
“Probably taking a shit,” Josh joked which made you chuckle. 
Joe said gesturing at you, “It’s alright, (Y/n) can take his spot in the ‘Buttercream gang’.” 
“Cor, Mikey’s gotten hotter!” Oli flirted but was interrupted by an appalled Jack. 
“That implies that Mikey was hot, to begin with,” he said with while side eyeing the camera. 
“You are right,” Oli mumbled making everyone laugh more but you turned your attention back to the camera. 
“Anyway!-” You blanked on what you were gonna say next and Josh caught you. 
“Did you forget?!” He nudged you with his hand, which was placed over Caspar’s shoulder
Joe peered over to Josh while snickering, “She did!” 
“She was so busy getting all of us for one video, she actually forgot to plan the video!” Caspar stated before you slightly shoved him, but he was being over dramatic and fell on Josh then rolled onto the ground. 
Everyone laughed again but before Caspar could get up and take his spot again. Josh and Jack lunged for his spot. You scooted closer to Joe and watched them both try to fit on the sofa as Caspar also began fighting for his spot back. 
Oli looked at the camera and said with a deadpan expression, “She’s our only female friend if you haven’t noticed.” 
Conor chuckled then went cross eyed. “A FUH-MALE?!” which no one must’ve heard over the sound of Caspar, Josh, and Jack arguing. 
“Guys! Guys! Guys! The Video!” You tried but they would not bother until they each had the seat next to you. As they continued fighting, you just stared into the camera with a blank expression, Joe noticed and began doing the same. Then Conor noticed, then Oli, and they too stared at the camera as the three men acted childishly. 
Finally, Josh won and got the spot next to you, with Jack stuck beside him and Caspar forced to sit on the ground, near your leg, next to Conor. After they settled down and became jovial again Caspar noticed you and the other boys,“Wha- huh?” Caspar asked as he looked back and forth between you four and the camera. 
“Oh, nothing,” Joe said as you all cut the act and laughed at how in sync you four were. 
Jack pretendingly grumbled in the corner about how unfair it was that Josh got the spot next to you when Oli peered over, “Buddy, we can all hear you-” 
“I don’t think he cares, he just loves (y/n) too much!” Joe kidded to which you made this face at the camera. 
Jack and Conor, who were on opposite ends of the frame began joking around loudly while Joe, Caspar, and Oli also began cracking their own inside jokes, forgetting that they were there to film for your video. 
You tried to grab their attention and focus it back to the video but your voice drowned out, Josh noticed and thankfully helped you out, “Are- Are you guys done?” Josh asked with a slightly annoyed tone while glancing back and forth between each of the boys and the camera until each of the boys had quieted down.  
You looked up at Josh and smiled, opening your mouth to say something when Mikey walked out of the bathroom and stood in front of the camera, blocking it. “You guys started filming without me?!” he questioned with his back to the camera. “Why- Can’t you wait-” He took a step back as he questioned you seven. 
“Mikey!” all of you shouted in unison. 
“The camera, mate!” Joe shouted as Mikey almost knocked over your set up, but he whipped around in time and didn’t.
“Can you just sit down, LP?!” Josh yelled, starting a tsunami of people yelling at Mikey too. So Mikey just mumbled nervously and walked up to the sofa. 
“Mate, whatcha looking for? There’s no space on the sofa?” Joe pointed out as he gestured at how cramped everyone was on the sofa.  
You nodded your head at Joe’s comment and pointed to the ground but Mikey just gestured at the sofa, “I dunno- Couldn’t you make some more space? Just- like- scoot around-?” he shrugged.
“If there was more space on the sofa, why would we be sittin’ on the ground, Mikey?” Caspar questioned. 
After moments of banter, Mikey also resigned to sitting on the ground, near Jack’s feet, even though he was occasionally met with tickles and tasers from him, which distracted everyone but you could finally get back to the video. 
“Ok! So as you’ve read the title, this is a new type of game, basically, a ‘who knows me better’ and a ‘hypothetical scenarios’ game put together-.” 
“Oh boy!” Joe exclaimed before you could finish your sentence. 
“Is there a prize or anything?” Oli questioned as he peered over to you. 
You nodded, “There is actually!” You turned back to the camera, “Whoever wins gets a kiss from me!” In the corner of your eyes, you noticed Joe’s eyes widen then his expression change to pretend like he wasn’t shocked. 
“Really?!” one of the boys questioned, with hints of surprise and disbelief, while looking at you but you broke out laughing. 
“No,” you replied while laughing at their reactions, “The prize is actually winner’s choice,” you explained when you finally caught your breath.  
“That’s even better!” Conor said as he slowly faced the camera and creepily smirked. 
“Oi! To a limit! I’m not gonna murder anyone or like that cause you won-” 
“Wait, I can still ask for a kiss if I win?” Jake flirted in front of the boys but before Joe chimed in. 
“IF you win.” 
“Oohhh!” Josh went glancing between him and Joe, who then began pretending to get angry and put their fists up, implying that they were gonna fight for you. 
You chuckled before going deadpan and screaming, “The video!” They laughed it off then went back to normal so that you could finish the instructions. “There are some rules for the ‘winners choice’ but I’ll get to that after the game instructions-” 
Conor mumbled something to Jack, causing him to giggle, and you made a mental note to edit that out before going back to the game. “So I asked you guys, my followers, to send in questions and scenarios, some which would include these guys and some which wouldn’t. Then each of you,” you gestured at the boys, “-would get a chance to answer. Whoever answers closest to what I would do or have done in that scenario, gets a point!” 
Oli chimed in, “So we could literally have any answer and if we convinced you enough it would be right?-”
“You couldn’t have done a simple ‘best friend vs. boy friend?” Jack questioned jokingly. 
“She just needed an excuse to get all seven of us on the same screen,” Conor stated while laughing. 
“Yeah plus she doesn't have a boyfriend,” Caspar responded to Jack.
“...Or best friends,” Joe mumbled before giggling. You caught his eyes and gave a glare before jabbing his side with your finger, making him jump back. He pushed you away and you two had a minor poking fight but your attention was caught by Mikey.
“OK, (y/n), but I am obviously at such a disadvantage,” Mikey pointed out, “I’ve known you the least amount of time out of all these boys- I don’t even know your favorite color-” 
“Mikey, we’ve known each for over two years, I reckon that’s a good amount of time to get to know someone,” You told while Conor explained to Mikey that it wasn’t a fact-based question-answer game but rather a set of hypothetical scenarios where they would have to predict how you would act. 
You got back to your sentence, “Whoever has the most points at the end of the game is the winner and can use me however they want-” when the last sentence came out of your mouth you knew it was wrong. And broke out laughing. 
“Whaddya mean ‘use you’ (y/n)?!” Joe questioned while everyone laughed their ass off. 
“What I mean is, the winner can make me do something and I won’t be able to refuse, but... but... nothing inappropriate and nothing which could hurt others. Those are my rules, other than that I’m good with whatever the winner makes me do, cause I trust you all equally.” 
Conor looked up at you with a weird smile and you giggled, “Not you though, I don’t trust you.” 
You picked up your phone and informed the camera, “I have my questions and my score board here,” you showed the boys your notes on your phone without giving away too much. “Shall we get started? Question number one,” 
In an instant, all of the boys dropped their side conversations and diverted their full attention to you. Your mouth opened to read a question but you glanced up and snickered, “Why’d all of you just get so serious so fast?” 
They looked around at each other and also laughed at their behavior when Oli answered, “It’s cause we really wanna win that prize.” 
Your eyes widened and you spoke to the camera, “Am I gonna regret ‘winners choice’?” the guys started talking again but you interrupted, “ANYWAY! Scenario #1: If I was a time traveler, where would I go: the future or the past? And what would I do there? I’m open to your explanations,” you finished but then a detail came to you, “Remember: more than one of you can get points for each question so you guys can team up and discuss, but there can only be one winner, in the end.” You looked around to find them still watching you, “Go on!” you had to say before they began talking amongst themselves.
Jack, Mikey, and Josh discussed on your left but you heard that they disagreed with each other so Josh quit sharing with them. 
Conor and Caspar whispered near your legs, but you didn’t think it was an answer being talked about because they were giggling and rambling on. 
On your right, Joe had turned to face Oli and they seemed like they were actually being serious about the answer so you leaned in closer when Joe turned around and smiled, surprised that you were so close to his face. 
You were tempted to kiss him, and you knew he was too, but the boys were watching so he just began talking with a silly accent, “Excuse you, ma’am, how may we help you?” He asked while extended his neck out to you, making you move back into your original sitting position. 
You chuckled before to trying to eavesdrop on the others again until everyone was ready with their answers. 
“Ok let’s go in a circle, starting with Josh, ending with Joe.” You said as you clapped their shoulders at their names. 
“I think you would travel to the past, before WW2 and try to stop Hitler.” He said so with a serious face.  
You nodded, “Alright, next: Jack,” You peered over Josh and met Jacks eyes who was just finished giggling at something he and Mikey chatted about. 
“Ummm... I think you would travel to the future and visit a personal milestone in your life,” he glanced at the camera before mumbling, “Like our marriage.” 
Which made the guys chuckle but you just rolled your eyes at him and moved on to watch Mikey answer. “I- uh-” he chuckled nervously, “I think you would travel to the past and meet your mother?” He sounded like he was guessing which cracked you up. 
“She doesn’t need to time travel for that, she could just hop on a plane,” Conor joked. 
“Oi, you know what I meant!” Mikey argued as he pointed at Conor. You just laughed it off and looked down at Caspar for his answer. He said past too, and something about bananas. 
Then Conor went, giving the funniest and most unbelievable answer ever, following him it was Oli who was actually the closest to something you would do then finally Joe went. 
“I think you would travel to the future and maybe meet your future self -not a milestone or anything- but ask a couple of questions- maybe try to pinpoint any mistake you made so you could avoid them after you return to present time?” He seemed really into his answer and the more he explained it you could imagine yourself doing that too. 
“Alright good answers, boys, out of the seven of you, I only found three to be something I would do.” The boys leaned in closer to hear who got points, “ the first point goes to Oli-” he pumped the air and smiled as you continued on, “ the second point goes to Jack! I would totally visit a future milestone in my life- just not our marriage- cause that won’t ever happen-” you said with slight disgust as you faced the camera before breaking character, “And the last point goes to...” you waited for effect before swiftly turning the other way and meeting Joe’s eyes, “Mr.Joe Sugg!” He cheered and shouted in victory but you looked down to see the opposite in Caspar and Conor. 
Caspar began- pretend- crying. 
Conor stood up and began swearing profusely which made all you of a laugh, “This game sucks!-” he acted, “You’re a liar, (y/n)- a liar, I say!” He stormed off the frame before entering back with a large grin on his face. He ran a hand through his hair and sat back down for the next question. 
You cleared your throat and waited until everyone was done chatting to carry on to the second question, hoping it wouldn’t take as long as the first question/answer because, after every answer, the boys got too distracted & started having side conversations and wrangling their attentions back for the video took all the energy out of you. “Guys, question #2:” they quieted down and listened, “If I had no obligations for 24 hours, and had the ability to do whatever I wanted, what would I do?” You decided to let the boys answer in whatever order they felt in and reached the end of that answer session. 
Caspar, Joe, and Jack got points at the end of the round since they all predicted that you would either just sit in your room watching tv/youtube or try to meet your idol. 
After a few questions, you decided you needed a break so you called a time out and checked the clock. 8:38. 
“You boys wanna order pizza?” You asked as you held up a pizza place pamphlet. 
“Sure.” Caspar voiced before he went back to chatting and joking around with the others. You tried calling from the living room but the boys were so loud that you had no choice other than going into your bedroom. 
You pulled out your phone and began dialing the pizza place when the door closed and two arms wrapped around your waist. You turned around to find your boyfriend, Joe, with a smile on his lips. 
“I didn’t get to tell you how gorgeous you look,” he leaned into to give a soft kiss. 
When you pulled away you looked up to meet his eyes, “How’re the boys? Do they suspect anything?” 
Joe chuckled to himself then answered, “I don’t think so, me and you’ve been best friends for so long, they’re just used to seeing you and me so close, I mean- Jack can’t stop flirting so-” 
You chuckled, feeling bad for Jack but also delighted that you were so good at keeping everything under wraps. “I know, I know, but something tells me that he’s just doing it all for this video, something’s changed & I just think he’s pretending.” 
Joe nodded and took a step forward, making you take a step back, towards your bed. “Hey,” you whispered, “Not right now,” you warned trying not to smile as he continued walking you towards the bed. His hand rubbing circles on your hip, underneath your shirt. Your legs hit the edge of the bed and you two fell onto the bed. 
“The door-?” You pointed. 
“Locked,” Joe smirked as he laid on top of you. 
“Joe,” You met his eyes, “we can’t, not now, but later tonight maybe...” your hands wandered from his chest to his stomach, before beginning to tickle him. 
He rolled off of you and squirmed as you tickled him even more. Wrinkles around his eyes and laugh lines around his mouth gasped for air in between the laughs. He was about to laugh a little bit too loud so you quickly covered his mouth and ‘shhh’ed. 
The two of you froze but you shouldn’t have put your guard down because, in a swift motion, Joe was on top of you, his hands pinning your wrists down. You gasped but kept the volume down, “Joeseph Graham Sugg, let me go or else someone won’t get to sneak into my house at night,” you warned and gave him a smirk, you could even see the gears in his mind turning. 
He quickly rolled off you and you two just laid there on the bed, side by side. He interlaced his fingers into yours and you turned to face him, “I don’t wanna keep this a secret anymore. I don’t want to keep us a secret anymore.” Your eyes grazed over his lips and went to his sapphire eyes.  
“I know, (y/n), but I don’t know if the fandom will be open for us yet.” He also turned on his side and placed his other hand on your waist. 
“Yeah, I don’t know if the fans should know just yet but the boys deserve to know, I mean they knew that we had crushes on each other, and I think they deserve to know that we’ve been dating for a month now.” 
Joe smiled at the thought of not having to hide this relationship in front of them then nodded, “Yeah, let’s tell them tonight itself.” 
“Yeah, the whole gangs here, let's.” 
You smiled and bit your lip before nodding, “I’m ok with that.” 
Everyone had pizza in their hands and stared at the camera with a deadpan expression, just so you could put in a clip of the break in the video, “That’s good!” You yelled and everyone became normal again. Pizzas were laid out in the center of the coffee table. 
Conor, Jack, Mikey, and Josh were sat in a circle around it. Joe, Caspar, You and Oli were sat on the sofa. 
After dinner, You and the boys got back into position and decided to start filming again. You & Joe glanced at each other, trying to contain smiles and went back to playing the game. Around the sixth question, you looked down to see Caspar stroking your leg which made everyone crack up but after that, the game continued well, even though there were about ten thousand tangent conversations and inside jokes during the whole filming. 
“Who’s winning, (y/n)?” Oli asked as he peered around Joe. 
You checked your count on the phone and looked up with a mix of surprise and shock, “It’s me, isn’t it?” Conor said while grinning at the camera even though he only got two points so far.  
“Ummm actually it’s tied between Caspar, Jack, and Joe.” 
“What?!” Conor yelled pretending to through a fit, “Lemmeseethat!” He rambled as he lunged for your phone but then pulled back, making everyone laugh, “No but seriously,” he went deadpan, “How is Jack up there?” 
“Yeah, how is he up there?” Josh asked in disbelief. 
“What does that mean, mate?” Jack asked with hints of annoyance.
“Alright, Alright, I just called it like it is, you guys still have four more questions to redeem yourselves-” 
“Mikey has a negative point?!” Joe interrupted as he gazed at your phone.  
“What?!” Mikey questioned as he stood up and took your phone to find that Joe was only messing. 
“Mikey, sit down, he was only joking,” you told as he nervously chuckled along with Joe before taking his place again. 
The next three questions flew by and Joe & Jack were still tied but Oli took Caspar’s place in the tie. 
Getting the group of boys to focus again after the previous round took a few moments but you were now ready for the last question. “Ok boys, this is the last one. It’s fairly easy too. Ready?” you asked as you looked around, “If I had a superpower, what would it be and why?” 
The boys took a few moments to discuss amongst themselves. Josh had just given up or he must’ve made up his answer already because he just sat there in silence. Joe was the next one to finish, so he picked up his phone and began scrolling through Insta. Soon all of the boys were ready for the answers so you pointed at Caspar to start them off. 
“I think you would have X-ray vision because you love being nosy.” 
You cracked a smile and glanced at the camera with a puzzling look. 
Following Caspar went Conor, then Joe, then Josh, and so on until everyone had given their answer, you awarded points to Oli and Jack, which meant they were tied. You didn’t know what to do, you wondered if they could ‘rock, paper, Scissors's it but your discussion with Joe came back to your mind and you decided to add a secret question which would be edited out of the video. 
“So do we both win, (Y/n)?” Oli asks with a toothy grin, glad that he won. 
“Actually, I’ve decided to add an extra question worth two points,” you bit your lip, glancing at Joe from the corner of your eyes, “It’s not gonna be in the video though, so umm... yeah lets get to it.” They were a bit confused but they complied when you told all of them to pull their phones out and have the notes app on so that they could show you the answer without any others hearing and agreeing. 
“Ok.. ready? Phones out?” The boys nodded and watched you, your heart beating faster than ever as you opened your mouth, “I’ve been keeping a secret for the past month, what is it?” 
The boys began typing quickly and finished in an instant. “Conor first.” He handed you the phone and mumbled something to Jack before erupting into laughter. You read his answer and closed your eyes before cracking a smile, “No, I am not ‘pregnent with an alien baby’, Conor.” 
The boys broke out in laughter as you shook your head and grabbed Josh’s phone. His answer wasn’t correct either, so you just moved onto Joe’s phone. He obviously knew the answer but he just wrote: ‘You’re cute AF and IDK how lucky I am to have such an amazing woman as my GF and best friend.’ You blushed like a strawberry but got him out of your thoughts and moved on while avoiding eye contact. Following him was Oli, then Caspar, so far none of them had guessed your relationship secret yet but you also knew the chances of guessing that was slim.
Next went Mikey followed lastly by Jack’s phone. He had a smirk on his face as he handed it to you. Mikey tried peering onto his screen but you grabbed it fast like a child. You looked down and read his answer and your eyes went wide, “Oh my god!” Joe glanced and gasped too, “How, Jack?!” you yelled out, he took that as a win and cheered. 
“I knew it!” 
“Wait, what?” Caspar asked as Jack continued cheering. 
Joe decided to tell the others, “(Y/n) and I-”
But Jack yelled out, “JOE AND (Y/N) ARE DATING!” 
What followed after that was just a blur for you. They were all happy for you two obviously but it was overwhelming answering so many questions, at least the guilt weighing you down was gone and you felt open to being yourself around the boys again. 
After lots of explaining and well-wishing, everyone had settled down to film the outro. “So who won the game, (Y/n)?” Conor asked as you all acted normal for the camera. 
“Well... after a very intense round of ‘rock, paper, scissor’s,” you lied, “...Jack Maynard is the winner!” You hung your head in fake sadness as he stood up and cheered. Later, after he settled down, you finished the outro and the boys began filtering out of your home. 
Caspar and Josh left first, they had a meeting the next day and it was pretty late. Next was Mikey, then Oli. 
You were laying on the sofa with your head on Joe’s lap as you two chatted with Conor and Jack. “Ugh go back to being a secret if you’re gonna be so cute,” Conor said with fake disgust written across his face 
“Hey, what’s done is done, mate.” Joe leaned down and kissed you before tickling your side a little. 
You were gonna respond to Conor but a thought came back to you. “Wait, Jack, how’d you know me and Joe are dating?” You sat up and snuggled into Joe’s side. 
“Oh,” he chuckled, “I was editing Sunday’s vlog when I noticed Joe give you a cheeky kiss on the lips, in the background of one of the clips.” 
You scoffed, “Joe!” You playfully slapped his arm, “I told you not to be so obvious-” 
“Sorry, sorry-” 
“Now that Jack’s won, who knows what he’s gonna make me do-” 
“You got yourself into that, (Y/n)” Conor told making you chuckle. 
“Even though I did know you two were dating, I made it till the end of the game without that affecting my points, I still would’ve won cause I know you the best.” Jack shrugged, “I was just trying to get Joe jealous and admit your relationship himself but that never happened.” 
The realization dawned on you, “Ohhh, that’s why you were flirting so much with me-” 
“Yeah who in the right mind would flirt with you, (Y/n),” Jack joked while gagging. You turned to Joe with a sad puppy face but ended up laughing. 
“Jack, you’re true gentlemen,” Conor said sarcastically as he stood up to leave too. 
“You betcha,” Jack said with a cheesy American accent as he stood up too.  
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kunspired · 7 years
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
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The boys in congratulating Joe on his 8 milli
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12 Days of Imagines || Oli
all masterposts found here
pairing - Oli x reader word count - 1,251 warnings - none A/N -
summary -  The one based off of Tinsel and Lights
It was Christmas time in New York. Any rookie to the city would get trampled by the masses, but you were an NYC native. You knew the city like the back of your hand. You knew how to get from Washington Square Garden to Times Square in record time without taking the subway and you considered yourself an expert at hailing a taxi.
Expert or not, you were struggling to any cab’s attention. It was cold, the snow was flying around you, and you were stomping your feet in an attempt to keep them from going numb. Your mom always did tell you that you never dressed warmly enough. Finally, after what felt like hours of waving your hand in the air and blowing out whistles to the yellow cars passing by, someone stopped right by the curb in front of you. “Finally,” you mumbled. Just as you reached for the handle, a stranger’s hand reached it first. “No!” you shouted, looking at the guy in frustration. “This is my cab!”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” the guy said quickly, dropping his hand from the handle. “I guess I thought he stopped for me. I, to be honest I’m still a little clueless as to how this works.”
You sighed, feeling a bit guilty for snapping at the guy so quickly. It was the holiday season and it was clear this guy was a tourist. He had a British accent and was far too kind to have been in the city for long. “Do you want to share?” you asked, surprising yourself a bit with your proposal. The guy’s eyes lit up.
“That would be amazing,” he said. “Thank you.”
The two of you slid into the cab and the guy quickly rattled off his destination. “Oh, that’s the hotel right across the street from my flat,” you said with a smile.
“Oh really?” he said back. You nodded and he gave you a smile. The two of you were quiet for a moment.
“I’m (Y/N),” you said suddenly, reaching out your hand to shake his.
“That’s right,” he said with a laugh, “I’m so cold it’s like I can’t remember my own name. I’m Oli.”
That was the beginning of your relationship with Oli. He was in New York for two weeks and he spent most of the time with you. You clicked instantly and exchanged numbers and an extremely long goodbye kiss. It was a beautiful New York Christmas.
The long distance was hard for a while, but you made it work. You had a good job so you could afford trips out to London, and he came to New York whenever he could. After a year of you being together, he decided Christmas would be best spent where you first met. So he hopped on a plane and came to New York City once again.
As soon as you met him at the airport, you jumped in his arms. “Merry Christmas, baby,” he said, kissing you on the cheek.
“Merry Christmas,” you said with a smile. “Come on.” You grabbed his arm and dragged him out to where you had parked your car. “I’ve got so much I want to do.”
The first thing you did was bring Oli to your flat so he could drop off his things. While he was unpacking a bit, you picked up your phone and saw that Oli tagged you in a photo on Instagram. You smiled and clicked it, seeing that he had taken one of those classic photos of your outstretched hand holding his as you dragged him onward. The caption read I adore her
“You alright love?” Oli asked, making you jump as he walked out of your room. You hadn’t even realized you had just been staring at the picture on your phone.
“Yeah,” you said quickly, liking the picture and locking your phone. “You ready? Let’s go. It’s time to get floored by some New York martinis.”
Years had gone by and you were both a bit older. You and Oli were walking around New York City, just as you had every year before then. His hand grasped yours tightly, his thumb brushing along the backside of your hand. “Taxi!” you heard someone shout from the curb. Just as it pulled up, two hands reached for the handle. “This is mine!” a girl shouted.
“Sorry,” the guy replied. “It’s a bit nuts here this time of year. I always get a bit confused.”
The girl sighed, “Do you want to share?”
You couldn’t fight a smile on your face as Oli squeezed your hand. “That was all too familiar, wasn’t it?” he said to you gently.
“That feels like so long ago,” you said to him, resting your head on his shoulder as you walked together.
“Well it was almost five years ago now, love,” he said, placing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Five years,” you said, blowing air out of your nose. “How does time go so fast?”
“We’ve been having so much fun,” Oli said. “That’s the saying, isn’t it? Time flies when you’re having fun.”
“I guess you’re right,” you sighed.
“Why do you sound so sad about it?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “It feels like all the exciting things have happened. Now we’re just- oh never mind.”
“No, what is it?” Oli pressed. You both stopped walking. You had made your way to Central Park and stopped along the path. It was a beautiful scene with the snowflakes fluttering around you both.
“I love you, so much,” you said, squeezing both of his hands tightly. “It’s just, we’ve been doing this for five years now. Five years of you flying here and me flying there and going without each other for months at a time. All the exciting things, like first times and first kisses and first meeting, it’s all happened. Now we’re just in this routine. Like I said, I love you and-“
Oli let go of your hands and took a step back from you. “Don’t be mad,” you said, feeling your lower lip quiver. “I don’t want to break up or anything. I-“
“Good,” Oli said, a small smile growing on his face. “Breaking up was the last thing on my mind.”
Just like that, Oli dropped to one knee and pulled a small velvet box out of his pocket. You smiled and covered your mouth with your hand. Oli held your free hand in his. “You’re right,” he said gently. “Five years of flying back and forth has gotten old. I’m ready for a new step, the biggest step. I’m ready to take this step with you. Marry me (Y/N). Marry me and you can come to London or I can come here, I don’t care where we are as long as we’re together. I want to be together with you for the rest of my life. Do you want that?”
“Yes,” you said, nodding your head quickly. “Yes. Of course. Yes. Yes I’ll marry you.”
Oli slipped the ring on your finger and stood up straight before pulling you in for a firm kiss. The snow continued to fall round you, sticking to your hair and sneaking onto your eyelashes. You pulled away from Oli but kept your forehead pressed to his. “I’m so in love with you,” you whispered to him.
“I’m in love with you too,” he said with a smile.
“This might be the greatest New York Christmas ever.” 
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buttercreamlove · 7 years
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Grant knows what we want
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idontknowapil · 7 years
Buttercream gang
The buttercream gang needs more preferences and heacanons tbh
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buttercream-maynard · 7 years
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Josh Pieters keeping the love alive ❣️
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The rest of my life || An Oli White Imagine
Word count: 800+
Request: Can you write an imagine where the reader has been with Oli for a while and the rest of the squad keeps nagging him to put a ring on it? But the reader tries to be modest even though that’s all she really want?
A/N: This is my first Imagine ever!!! please be kind! Also there will be a part 2!
“I’m hungry” Conor said with his hands on his stomach and a sad pout on his face.
“Conor we just ate two hours ago.” You say with your hands on your hips.
“Yeah, I’m kind of hungry too (Y/N)”  Joe said hesitantly.
“Are you kidding me, Joe?  OK who else is hungry?”
All of the boys raise their hand. You look around the room and sigh.
“Fine. I lose this one” you say as you get up and go to the kitchen to start dinner, or at least try as there isn’t much in you and Oli’s flat to choose from because you haven’t been to the store in ages. You find some chicken in the freezer and decide that it’s probably going to be your only option.  You start to prepare it as you hear the boys giggling and messing around. You put your head phones on and smile to yourself knowing those boys are your best friends; and one of them is your boyfriend and hopefully fiancé soon. You and Oli have been dating for about a year and a half and you guys have talked about marriage before and you both absolutely love the idea of marrying each other and starting a life together. You are just waiting for a ring.
You knew Oli wanted the moment to be perfect, he is a perfectionist, and probably has a whole big day planned. You didn’t care if he asked you in a parking lot or in line at McDonalds. You loved this man and didn’t care how he asked you. But you weren’t going to pressure him. The subject made him nervous especially around other people.
In the living room the boys are laughing and joking like they always do but after a few minutes the conversation turned to (Y/N)
 “Mate, she’s perfect for you and you know that.” Joe says glancing up from his phone to look at Oli who is playing FIFA with Jack.
“Joe, you don’t think I know that. For gods sakes she’s in the kitchen making all of us dinner and no one even asked her too. She just went in and started it. Right before that she beat Josh in FIFA!”
“I let her win!!!” Josh protested.
Everyone laughed at how upset Josh was getting. Then Joe said “Then when are you going to ask her to marry you. I can’t hold that beautiful ring forever!”
All the boys turned to look at Oli dumbfounded. Finally Conor speaks up
“You have the ring and you haven’t asked her yet. How long have you had it?”
Oli was scared to tell the boys but after a while he finally spoke “About 7 months…”
“7 MONTHS?!?! OLIVER WHITE!” Conor said with his eyes about the size of golf balls.
“Listen, I’m trying to plan the perfect day out. But nothing seems right. She deserves better than a fancy dinner or some silly amusement ride.” Oli said starting to get clearly frustrated because he has been thinking about how to ask for months he just couldn’t think of a way to ask.
“Mate we can help you!!! We all love (Y/N)! She knows you better that you know yourself.” Jack said with the biggest grin on his face.
All of the other boys seem to perk up at the idea.
“Yeah!!” Caspar said opening his computer to look for ideas.
All the boys sat quite a few on their phones some on their computers for about ten minutes. Finally Joe speaks up and says “Why don’t you take (Y/N) on a holiday!!”
Oli sat up in his seat looked around the room at the boys, his best friends, the boys who have been there for him through thick in thin; these six boys are the boys that got him through everything. They have been with him through thick and thin, the ups and downs.  He never really sat back to think how much he really appreciates his friend and what they do for him. He stared to tear up thinking about it and after a few seconds he wiped his eyes and finally spoke. “I think that’s a wonderful idea but by the smell of the room I would say dinner is about done so we should probably wait until a later date to discuss this.” All of the boys seemed to agree and decided that they would meet for lunch tomorrow while (Y/N) was at work.
“Boys! Dinner is finished come make your plates!”
The boys walk in the kitchen and the smell hit them.
“(Y/N) what did you make? It smells wonderful!” Josh said with his nose in the air.
“Chicken Parmesan with garlic bread!” You say with the biggest grin on your face.  
“Thank you, we really appreciate it.” Oli says kissing your head. You smile up at him and lift up onto your tip toes and peck his lips.
“Come on boys let’s eat!”
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