#buuut then i remembered an au i had in mind ! & decided to revisit it for this prompt
dynyamight · 3 years
bkdk … 12 ? ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ
12. “I think we need to talk."
The moment Bakugou opened the gym doors, and smelled rain in the air, he knew he had to book it back to the dorms.
Slamming his feet on the pavement floor, he forces himself to run out. His muscles ache all over, and his arms barely want to stay up, pumping at his side. But, he rather try and make his way to his room dry, than have a downpour soak him to his bones.
By the time he reaches to the safe, dry front steps of the dorm building, the rain finally begins. Lightly, the drops splatter slowly to the ground.
Catching his breath, Bakugou stops by the rails, holding onto one side as his muscles cramp. His thighs are burning, and his arms want to fall off entirely. But, he let's his mind focus on the pain.
He's had a rough fucking week, and for once, his mind was elsewhere.
“It’s starting to rain now, isn’t it.”
Bakugou jolts, quickly facing up to that familiar voice. That voice that haunts his dreams, ingrained deep into his mind. That voice that makes his heart race just a little quicker. That voice, from the one and only.
That forgetful nerd.
“Ah, sorry! I didn’t mean to spook you.’ Midoriya says quickly, offering an apologetic smile. He’s sitting on the front porch, holding onto a book close to his chest. “You probably thought you were the only one out here, right?”
“..You don’t have to apologize.” He breathes out. Despite the haywire of his nerves, exploding his insides, the words roll off his tongue easily. It's oddly the same phrase he's used each time they've met. "S'not like you personally screwed me over."
"Ah, my bad—"
"What did I just say."
“I—" Midoriya weakly chuckles, shaking his curls. "I guess I can't help it. I promise I won't forget.”
No matter how many times Bakugou hears that, it always sounds so genuine, so real. Rather than an empty promise. "I'll hold you to it, Deku." He mutters, regardless.
"What does that—" A light shines through Midoriya's gaze, and immediately he smiles. "Wait, you know what. I swear that's not the first time someone has said that to me. Deku."
Chills run down Bakugou’s spine. That's never happened. He's never slipped up. Fuck. “..Really?”
“Yeah, it sounds so familiar. But, I don’t remember exactly where I've heard it before.”
Both disappointment and relief flood his whole entire body. He doesn’t know what he would do if Midoriya would remember all his terrible attempts, though a part of him did yearn for recognition.
However, maybe it was for the best. Give them a fresh start, every time. Fucking hip hip hurray.
Hell, maybe this was the world's way of sending him all the karma that he has built up. It decided to pick the one person he deeply cares about, and make both of them suffer.
Bakugou looks back at the book Midoriya held, something in his mind reminding him about one of the first talks since the incident. “Is that Catch-22?” Bakugou asks, pointing it out.
It takes a moment for the question to visibly register through Midoriya's brain. But, when it does, Bakugou can tell by the way Midoriya’s eyes widen and the wide grin on his face that grows, “You've read it?”
“Nah, just heard about it. A lot.” He doesn’t need to explain himself further.
Leaving his seat off the bench, Midoriya rushes up to Bakugou’s face, eagerly leaning in. “I highly recommend it! It’s a literature masterpiece, the best of its genre!”
For a moment, Midoriya looks up to Bakugou’s gaze, eyes bright in interest. However, the next second, he looks away, with a feeble laugh as he scratches the side of his head nervously. “In my humble, personal opinion, of course..”
“What does it even mean?” Bakugou asks instead, holding tight to their conversation. He refuses to let it go for even a second. “Catch-22.”
“Oh. Uhh, the best way I can describe it,” Midoriya lifts his chin in thought. His gaze drifts up, as if he was wracking through his brain like it were a couple of shelves, “is that it's a dilemma from which someone cannot escape from, because of a set of contradictory rules.”
Bakugou scoffs. “Give an example. I’m too fucking tired to decipher whatever the fuck you just said.”
“Okay, okay!" Midoriya laughs, "It’s like job applications. How can you gain any experience for a job, unless you get a job that gives you experience?”
“Like, how in order to apply for a loan, you have to prove to the bank that you don’t need one?”
“Yes! Exactly that.”
“That shit has a name?”
“They’re hard to find, but even in everyday life, we can find ourselves in our own catch-22’s without realizing it! Isn’t that crazy? For all we know, life itself could be one!” Midoriya rambles, growing louder and louder, to the point Bakugou swears he can hear his voice echo.
Though, Bakugou doesn’t mind. This alone is possibly the most Midoriya has said to him, with all encounters combined.
Surprisingly, a blush forms over Midoriya’s cheeks. “I didn’t mean to babble on like that.”
“How do you get someone to remember you,” Bakugou starts, before he can stop himself from asking, “when they keep forgetting who you are every time?”
Midoriya stares.
Quickly, Bakugou coughs, “Ain't that a catch-22?”
For a small moment, all he can hear is the rain, pattering down the pavement around them. But, then, Midoriya hums, tilting his head, lips pursed. “Yeah, it most definitely is. Though, I've never heard of that one, before.”
"Yeah well," Bakugou shoves his sweating hands into the pockets of his hoodie. “That’s the fucking dumpster fire I’m in.”
“With all respect, does your person have medical reasons why they keep forgetting?” Midoriya asks slowly, immediate concern filling his expression.
“Not that I know of." Bakugou admits, "But, I wouldn’t put it past them. Or, they might be plain stupid.”
“That's rude!" However, the accusation sounds fairly weak, when Midoriya's chuckling.
He feels the corners of his lips upturning. "What's 'rude' is the damn bastard not remembering anything, other than random, trivial shit." Bakugou huffs. "Which changes, daily."
"And, you say nothing works? Not even telling them?"
"Yeah. 'Cause they'll fucking forget the next day."
"Have they ever wrote about you?”
Bakugou does a double take. When did Midoriya ever— “Wrote about me?”
Nodding, Midoriya gestures behind him, to the backpack beside the bench. “Personally, I've been using lots of sticky notes, planners, and journals to jot down things I need to remember.”
“Again, my memory's a bit distorted, so in order to tell my future self what I need to know, I write it out for me to read, the next day. Maybe that’ll work for your person?”
Writing. So that the next Midoriya can read it and remember. “..Would it work, if I wrote it?"
Midoriya furrows his brows. "I think it would be better if the person wrote it out for themselves. You know, so that it helps to jog their memory."
Suppressing the immediate heart drop he feels in the pit of his stomach, Bakugou exhales a big sigh. "There's a lot of shit the fucker needs to remember. His purpose. His quirk. His dream. Lots of important shit."
"Why not start with you?" Midoriya smiles, reassuringly. "They're bound to have a diary entry all about you."
Immediately, Bakugou's irked. "I ain't writing material."
"I think you are. Good writing material." Midoriya confesses, never letting that dopey, wobbly smile drop, "I don't know your name, but everything about you is unforgettable, to say the least. I bet even someone like me will recognize you next time."
But, you don't. Bakugou thinks, feeling the tug at his heart tighten, choking him from the inside. You never do.
From the pocket of his gym shorts, Bakugou starts feeling his phone vibrate, before it rings. Despite that, Midoriya's jump causes him to be just as startled.
Rubbing a hand to his neck, Midoriya weakly chuckles, "Sad. We were just starting to get to know each other."
Bakugou doesn't respond.
'ALL MIGHT.' The caller ID states in bold letters.
"I gotta go." Bakugou states firmly, holding tightly around his phone. "I need to take this call."
Midoriya's smile fades, but quickly it's picked up. "Yeah, no worries. I've probably been keeping you outside for too long."
Bakugou curtly nods, "You have."
And yet, even when the ringing persists, loudly telling him to walk away, leave, he stays. Because, Midoriya just looks like he doesn't want him to go.
He doesn't want to go, either.
"I never got your name." Midoriya mentions quietly.
Why would I give it, if you won't even remember?
Yet, that freckled, doey eyed face Midoriya's got never brings out the rationale, spiteful side of him out. Because, no matter how many times he has to say it, he'll do it again, and again. In a heartbeat.
"Just call me Kacchan."
Visibly, Midoriya's taken aback. Though, with the phone call on its last few rings, he finally steps off to the side, giving Bakugou space to walk.
"I'll see you around then," Midoriya waves off to him, "Kacchan."
A personal hell. Bakugou's living his personal hell.
When he walks inside the dorm building, the emotions suddenly hit him hard. Every day, he has to keep putting up with this crap.
Midoriya greeting him, talking to him, and saying goodbye, like a damn fucking stranger.
It kills him, eating away at his brain, knowing Midoriya's unable to look at him, and see nothing, but a stranger staring back.
When looking at Midoriya meant the world to him.
With a swift thumb swipe, Bakugou slides the phone call open. He clears his throat. "What now old man."
"I think we need to talk." All Might's voice crackles. "Privately. The sooner, the better. It's about the quirk that's been affecting young Midoriya."
His entire body tenses, halting him still. "..What about it.."
All Might sighs, long and tired. "The authorities found some intel about the culprit behind the memory loss. And, well.."
"Well, what?" Bakugou snaps.
"Midoriya's in deeper trouble, than we thought."
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