#& bakugou. who just came to terms with his feelings. is struggling
seeyouafter · 11 months
SYA Extended Notes Ch. 7-8
Excerpt from "See You After" Chapter 7: June 6: Todoroki to Bakugou
Honestly, I don’t know if I’m okay. I guess it’s hard to tell because I’ve never had the option not to be. Even if everything felt impossible I had no choice but to keep going. It’s what we all had to do this past year. Sometimes, I think that was easier.
About Touya/Dabi
Yup, in the universe of this fic, Touya survives. Because the way Ch. 390 ended is not enough for me. There are still arguments to be had and things to say. (I still think he's going to survive in canon too though)
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The aftermath is going to be hard for Shouto. It might even be pure hell.
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But he will make it through. Because he is strong and he has people who are there to support him, even when he struggles to accept it.
It shouldn't be his responsibility to save Touya but he should have the chance to have a real relationship with his family on his own terms.
Excerpt from "See You After" Chapter 8: June 8: Bakugou to Todoroki
Aizawa came by again [...] He told me I’ve already done more than enough and that all I need to do now is rest. I dunno if it made things any easier but in case you need to hear that too, there you go. You’ve done more than enough already so just take your time. 
Honestly, this letter was kind of chaotic but I feel like it's fitting seeing as Katsuki's going a bit stir-crazy being in the hospital for so long. At this point, he probably doesn't realize just how hard the road to recovery is going to be, so Aizawa's words are very much for him, even though he doesn't quite believe them.
Also, as much as he wants to be there for Shouto, I think he's still got a bone to pick with Touya for the things he went through when he was kidnapped.
As for his reaction to the ending of the series Sero lent him... (spoilers for Orange below)
Katsuki's main issue is that the ending wasn't a complete win. They didn't save Kakeru in every universe.
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For the record, I really liked this manga and don't have a huge problem with the ending but I think it oversimplified the issue of Kakeru's depression too much, implying that he would be saved if only his feelings were returned and he found love.
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dynyamight · 3 years
bkdk … 12 ? ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ
12. “I think we need to talk."
The moment Bakugou opened the gym doors, and smelled rain in the air, he knew he had to book it back to the dorms.
Slamming his feet on the pavement floor, he forces himself to run out. His muscles ache all over, and his arms barely want to stay up, pumping at his side. But, he rather try and make his way to his room dry, than have a downpour soak him to his bones.
By the time he reaches to the safe, dry front steps of the dorm building, the rain finally begins. Lightly, the drops splatter slowly to the ground.
Catching his breath, Bakugou stops by the rails, holding onto one side as his muscles cramp. His thighs are burning, and his arms want to fall off entirely. But, he let's his mind focus on the pain.
He's had a rough fucking week, and for once, his mind was elsewhere.
“It’s starting to rain now, isn’t it.”
Bakugou jolts, quickly facing up to that familiar voice. That voice that haunts his dreams, ingrained deep into his mind. That voice that makes his heart race just a little quicker. That voice, from the one and only.
That forgetful nerd.
“Ah, sorry! I didn’t mean to spook you.’ Midoriya says quickly, offering an apologetic smile. He’s sitting on the front porch, holding onto a book close to his chest. “You probably thought you were the only one out here, right?”
“..You don’t have to apologize.” He breathes out. Despite the haywire of his nerves, exploding his insides, the words roll off his tongue easily. It's oddly the same phrase he's used each time they've met. "S'not like you personally screwed me over."
"Ah, my bad—"
"What did I just say."
“I—" Midoriya weakly chuckles, shaking his curls. "I guess I can't help it. I promise I won't forget.”
No matter how many times Bakugou hears that, it always sounds so genuine, so real. Rather than an empty promise. "I'll hold you to it, Deku." He mutters, regardless.
"What does that—" A light shines through Midoriya's gaze, and immediately he smiles. "Wait, you know what. I swear that's not the first time someone has said that to me. Deku."
Chills run down Bakugou’s spine. That's never happened. He's never slipped up. Fuck. “..Really?”
“Yeah, it sounds so familiar. But, I don’t remember exactly where I've heard it before.”
Both disappointment and relief flood his whole entire body. He doesn’t know what he would do if Midoriya would remember all his terrible attempts, though a part of him did yearn for recognition.
However, maybe it was for the best. Give them a fresh start, every time. Fucking hip hip hurray.
Hell, maybe this was the world's way of sending him all the karma that he has built up. It decided to pick the one person he deeply cares about, and make both of them suffer.
Bakugou looks back at the book Midoriya held, something in his mind reminding him about one of the first talks since the incident. “Is that Catch-22?” Bakugou asks, pointing it out.
It takes a moment for the question to visibly register through Midoriya's brain. But, when it does, Bakugou can tell by the way Midoriya’s eyes widen and the wide grin on his face that grows, “You've read it?”
“Nah, just heard about it. A lot.” He doesn’t need to explain himself further.
Leaving his seat off the bench, Midoriya rushes up to Bakugou’s face, eagerly leaning in. “I highly recommend it! It’s a literature masterpiece, the best of its genre!”
For a moment, Midoriya looks up to Bakugou’s gaze, eyes bright in interest. However, the next second, he looks away, with a feeble laugh as he scratches the side of his head nervously. “In my humble, personal opinion, of course..”
“What does it even mean?” Bakugou asks instead, holding tight to their conversation. He refuses to let it go for even a second. “Catch-22.”
“Oh. Uhh, the best way I can describe it,” Midoriya lifts his chin in thought. His gaze drifts up, as if he was wracking through his brain like it were a couple of shelves, “is that it's a dilemma from which someone cannot escape from, because of a set of contradictory rules.”
Bakugou scoffs. “Give an example. I’m too fucking tired to decipher whatever the fuck you just said.”
“Okay, okay!" Midoriya laughs, "It’s like job applications. How can you gain any experience for a job, unless you get a job that gives you experience?”
“Like, how in order to apply for a loan, you have to prove to the bank that you don’t need one?”
“Yes! Exactly that.”
“That shit has a name?”
“They’re hard to find, but even in everyday life, we can find ourselves in our own catch-22’s without realizing it! Isn’t that crazy? For all we know, life itself could be one!” Midoriya rambles, growing louder and louder, to the point Bakugou swears he can hear his voice echo.
Though, Bakugou doesn’t mind. This alone is possibly the most Midoriya has said to him, with all encounters combined.
Surprisingly, a blush forms over Midoriya’s cheeks. “I didn’t mean to babble on like that.”
“How do you get someone to remember you,” Bakugou starts, before he can stop himself from asking, “when they keep forgetting who you are every time?”
Midoriya stares.
Quickly, Bakugou coughs, “Ain't that a catch-22?”
For a small moment, all he can hear is the rain, pattering down the pavement around them. But, then, Midoriya hums, tilting his head, lips pursed. “Yeah, it most definitely is. Though, I've never heard of that one, before.”
"Yeah well," Bakugou shoves his sweating hands into the pockets of his hoodie. “That’s the fucking dumpster fire I’m in.”
“With all respect, does your person have medical reasons why they keep forgetting?” Midoriya asks slowly, immediate concern filling his expression.
“Not that I know of." Bakugou admits, "But, I wouldn’t put it past them. Or, they might be plain stupid.”
“That's rude!" However, the accusation sounds fairly weak, when Midoriya's chuckling.
He feels the corners of his lips upturning. "What's 'rude' is the damn bastard not remembering anything, other than random, trivial shit." Bakugou huffs. "Which changes, daily."
"And, you say nothing works? Not even telling them?"
"Yeah. 'Cause they'll fucking forget the next day."
"Have they ever wrote about you?”
Bakugou does a double take. When did Midoriya ever— “Wrote about me?”
Nodding, Midoriya gestures behind him, to the backpack beside the bench. “Personally, I've been using lots of sticky notes, planners, and journals to jot down things I need to remember.”
“Again, my memory's a bit distorted, so in order to tell my future self what I need to know, I write it out for me to read, the next day. Maybe that’ll work for your person?”
Writing. So that the next Midoriya can read it and remember. “..Would it work, if I wrote it?"
Midoriya furrows his brows. "I think it would be better if the person wrote it out for themselves. You know, so that it helps to jog their memory."
Suppressing the immediate heart drop he feels in the pit of his stomach, Bakugou exhales a big sigh. "There's a lot of shit the fucker needs to remember. His purpose. His quirk. His dream. Lots of important shit."
"Why not start with you?" Midoriya smiles, reassuringly. "They're bound to have a diary entry all about you."
Immediately, Bakugou's irked. "I ain't writing material."
"I think you are. Good writing material." Midoriya confesses, never letting that dopey, wobbly smile drop, "I don't know your name, but everything about you is unforgettable, to say the least. I bet even someone like me will recognize you next time."
But, you don't. Bakugou thinks, feeling the tug at his heart tighten, choking him from the inside. You never do.
From the pocket of his gym shorts, Bakugou starts feeling his phone vibrate, before it rings. Despite that, Midoriya's jump causes him to be just as startled.
Rubbing a hand to his neck, Midoriya weakly chuckles, "Sad. We were just starting to get to know each other."
Bakugou doesn't respond.
'ALL MIGHT.' The caller ID states in bold letters.
"I gotta go." Bakugou states firmly, holding tightly around his phone. "I need to take this call."
Midoriya's smile fades, but quickly it's picked up. "Yeah, no worries. I've probably been keeping you outside for too long."
Bakugou curtly nods, "You have."
And yet, even when the ringing persists, loudly telling him to walk away, leave, he stays. Because, Midoriya just looks like he doesn't want him to go.
He doesn't want to go, either.
"I never got your name." Midoriya mentions quietly.
Why would I give it, if you won't even remember?
Yet, that freckled, doey eyed face Midoriya's got never brings out the rationale, spiteful side of him out. Because, no matter how many times he has to say it, he'll do it again, and again. In a heartbeat.
"Just call me Kacchan."
Visibly, Midoriya's taken aback. Though, with the phone call on its last few rings, he finally steps off to the side, giving Bakugou space to walk.
"I'll see you around then," Midoriya waves off to him, "Kacchan."
A personal hell. Bakugou's living his personal hell.
When he walks inside the dorm building, the emotions suddenly hit him hard. Every day, he has to keep putting up with this crap.
Midoriya greeting him, talking to him, and saying goodbye, like a damn fucking stranger.
It kills him, eating away at his brain, knowing Midoriya's unable to look at him, and see nothing, but a stranger staring back.
When looking at Midoriya meant the world to him.
With a swift thumb swipe, Bakugou slides the phone call open. He clears his throat. "What now old man."
"I think we need to talk." All Might's voice crackles. "Privately. The sooner, the better. It's about the quirk that's been affecting young Midoriya."
His entire body tenses, halting him still. "..What about it.."
All Might sighs, long and tired. "The authorities found some intel about the culprit behind the memory loss. And, well.."
"Well, what?" Bakugou snaps.
"Midoriya's in deeper trouble, than we thought."
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virtual--hug · 3 years
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader - Soft Spot
A/N: I'm not really sure if I like this one or not. It's a lot better than the original (everything I'm posting is a rewrite of an original, older oneshot which is why I can currently post like daily lol), but I don't know if that means I actually like it.
Characters: Katsuki Bakugou x GN Chubby Reader
Genre: Mild Angst to Fluff
Warnings: Body/Weight Insecurities are the main focus. The reader is also described wearing a dress (just a reminder that clothes don't determine gender, but I do understand that people may feel uncomfortable about it!)
Summary: Bakugou finally asks you on a date after a year of growing to like him more and more, but the outift you're wearing slowly becomes an issue for your night.
Word Count: 3k
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You met Bakugou Katsuki in your first year of UA. Well, the entirety of Japan met Bakugou Katsuki, but you just so happened to be on a stage with him. It was the UA Sports Festival; A time for the hero course to show off to the pros while everyone else gets ignored.
You were in one of the many General Studies classes, situated in the far back of the crowd of first year students when you heard the blonde utter the words, "I'm gonna' win" before you soon went on to damn near kick his ass. Honestly, the day felt like a messy blur. You kind of struggled through the initial obstacle course and came in at a place only marginally necessary to meet the goal. Followed by that, you decided to boldly ask to join the group with the boy who had won the obstacle course. By all means, you kind of expected the team to place lower with the large target he had on his back in the number of points. Yet, your group reached the winners, and you found yourself in the final 1v1 battle with only one other General Studies student alongside you.
It was a rather big opportunity for you. Although, your interests weren't necessarily to be a hero or join the hero course; the recognition would be kind of cool. The idea of a trophy glimmered in your head for a moment before the bracket appeared for the whole stadium. And, you found your name in place beside Bakugou Katsuki. You lost that fight to almost no one's surprise. The hero course students had such an unfair advantage in these types of fights with their combat and quirk work. No matter how powerful you attempted to make your quirk, it stood no chance against Bakugou. And, you lost.
For a moment, that was the end of it. You fought Bakugou Katsuki, and you two went on your seperate ways for the day and after the Sports Festival. Until one day at lunch, a tray slammed itself before you. "Sorry about that," a voice soon followed, "I'm Ashido! You were at the Sports Festival, right? The one who went against Blasty? Your quirk was so cool!"
"Um- thanks..." You laughed at her comments awkwardly. You recognized the girl (who wouldn't) from said Sports Festival. But, at the time, you had no clue why she would even talk to you in the first place.
"Do you wanna come have lunch with us!" She then offered and vaguely gestured to a table behind her. It was full of more 1-A kids who were also at the Festival. Actually, all of them were in the battles at the end. Most notably, the explosive blonde was there.
"Are they just doing this to make fun of me? If I say no she'll probably just do it anyways. Maybe be nice for a bit more?" You considered it.
"Uh- yeah. Sure." You agreed, grabbing your own tray and following her over to the table.
In your second year at UA, you had become a long-term official member of the unofficial Bakusquad. Needless to say, that one day at lunch turned into several more, then daily, and then you were spending most of your time outside of class with the group. Oh- and you'd fallen in love with the group's most volatile, title member, Bakugou.
Bakugou, despite all odds, proved to be much nicer than you anticipated. He was still explosive, quick to hurl insults at anyone or anything he didn't like, and a bit stand-offish. But, the time you two spent together proved to change that. He was kind to the others of the group: offering training help and advice, homework assistance, a shoulder to cry on or to rant to, and a particularly fierce protector if anyone decided to talk shit. And, at the end of the day (or rather your first year) you'd fallen in love with him.
It was nearing your summer break after one far too long semester of school. And, you were kindly welcoming the cooled dorms during the hot day. Before you could even enter your room, you'd come face to face with Bakugou. Usually, you meet up with the group on the walk back to the dorms. But, during the warmer days, you decided to make your way to your dorm room first before heading to the 1-A ones. So, it was a shock to find the blonde greeting you in the empty hall as the elevator doors opened to your floor.
"Um- hey." You fiddled with the straps of your school bag as you greeted him.
"Go out with me." He quickly replied.
You should have expected something so quick and blunt from Bakugou. He frequently admonished rambling (and refused to do it himself), and hated when people weren't straight forward with him. Yet, despite all that knowledge, the first words to come out of your mouth were, "Huh?"
He scoffed but his eyes quickly shot to the floor and his attention moved towards digging the toes of his shoes into the carpet, "If you don't want to then just say so."
"That's not what I meant! I'd love to!" You reassured him, "I just didn't expect it, is all."
He rolled his eyes before moving towards you, "Don't think bad about yourself." Bakugou didn't add much more to that before continuing, "I'll meet you at 6 in front of the dorms tomorrow."
"I'll see you there!" You met his eyes one more time before he was off to the elevators. His ears were tinted a shade of pink as he made his retreat.
Once you were sure the elevator had closed and began to move off the floor, you let out a happy, "Yes!"
The next day went by with a mystical film over it. You were physically in class, but your mind was at 6. You wondered what the date would be: some secret garden on campus, a picnic, or something chill in the dorms. Soon, you were past the evening and towards future dates outside of the school, your high school graduation, even to your adult years. Needless to say, the end of the day bell smacked you back to the ground as you exited the building for the day and realized just how close this date was.
"I didn't even think about what I was going to wear? Should I have gotten him something? Should I find something? What do I have that he would like?" You wondered as you made your way back to the dorms.
You barely even noticed when you ran into a person as you walked. It was a bit delayed when you paused and apologized to the person, "Sorry, I wasn't-"
"You're coming with us." They replied quickly.
"Huh?" You took a good look at the person you had bumped into. They had a UA uniform, dark sunglasses, and striking pink hair and skin.
"Mina? Where did you get the sunglasses fro- Ah!" You shrieked as a much taller person behind you picked you up.
"Got 'em, let's go." A voice that was distinctly Sero spoke from behind you.
"Sero, put me down!" Sero basically sprinted with you towards your dorm buildings. You were sure that in the blur of people that passed you one of them was Bakugou.
The journey soon ended with Sero unceremoniously asking for your ID that opened your door. Thankfully, he finally listened to your protests to be put down and allowed you to open up your door on your own.
"You've been ambushed by the Bakusquad!" Mina declared once the door had shut behind the group. Sero, obviously, now stood beside her alongside Kaminari, Jirou, and Kirishima who were probably trailing behind the whole time.
"Why? You could have just- I don't know, knocked," You sent Sero a quick glare, "and doesn't Bakugou usually join on these things?"
"No, this needed to be a surprise!" Mina insisted. "It really didn't." Jirou quietly added in between.
"We need to get you ready for your date with the resident explosion boy!" She concluded while sending a glare of her own towards Jirou.
"You know about that?" You muttered. There was silence for a moment before Mina was shaking you by the shoulders.
"Of course we know about it! You guys are so obvious!" She screeched loudly.
"Bakubro said he was going to, too." Kirishima added. You barely managed to hear it over your brain rattling against your skull.
"So, what exactly is the plan here?" You asked.
"Right! We need to go through your closet." Mina declared before she was head first into your closet alongside some of your other friends.
In the end, after a lot of needless back and forth between the group, you had selected an outfit. It was a dress that you had stored away in the back of your closet. You weren't exactly sure when you packed it, but it probably ended up mixed in with some stuff and found itself back where it would have been at home. It was a floral patterned dress with short ruffled sleeves. As you stared at yourself in the mirror, waiting for 6PM, you realized why you forgot about this dress.
It was smaller than you wanted it to be. The sleeves made your arms look too big, and they showed too much of your legs as well. And, with each turn to see the side, it felt like your stomach just made more and more of a bump in the fabric.
"Maybe I should change and apologize to Mina for not wearing it." You thought after another turn to the side. Before you could even execute the thought, a loud knock came from your door.
"They better not be trying to give me anymore advice." You thought. Kaminari had come by at least three separate times to inform you of a new idea he had for something "smooth" you could do. You promptly forgot about all his suggestions once he left.
"Kaminari, I don't-" While you were met by the face of a blonde, it was the other blonde of the group: your date.
"Bakugou, hi! Sorry, I thought you were someone else for a second." You quickly corrected yourself. "I thought you wanted to meet outside the dorms?"
"I didn't want to wait anymore. And I knew you were ready with how much those dumbasses were running around." He explained with a scoff.
Bakugou had on jeans, which you were completely unaware of him owning (and a belt), and a shirt that did not have something to do with skulls.
"Well, I guess you aren't wrong." You awkwardly replied. You looked back into your room for a moment. There was probably a better outfit in your closet that you could find rather quickly, but Bakugou had already seen what you were wearing. He was likely to not stay quiet about it if you changed your outfit now.
"You ready to go?" He asked.
"Yup!" The idea was immediately locked behind in your dorm as you exited with Bakugou beside you.
The walk to wherever Bakugou was taking you was quick. It seemed to just be around the back of the dorm buildings. UA itself was on a large hill surrounded by trees. But, Bakugou had managed to find a spot within the trees that left a perfect frame to see the shining stars in the sky. You didn't see Bakugou as a stargazing guy, but, as you stopped by some blankets on the ground, your perception of the blonde only shifted more.
"Do you do this often?" You asked as you took a seat.
"Kinda', it's a nice place to go when everyone's being annoying." Bakugou sat on the blanket before quickly leaning onto his back.
"Hm- it seems like it." You agreed. You were hesitant to lean backwards knowing that your discomfort in the dress would only further.
"Lay down, it's easier to see." Of course, Bakugou was soon to comment on it and gently tugged at you until you were in a laying position.
"So, why was Tapeface carrying you like some fuckin' potatoes earlier." Bakugou began.
"Oh yeah," you laughed, "They wanted to give me a makeover for this date."
He scoffed, "Dumbasses." After a moment of silence he quietly, very quietly, added, "You look good, though."
"Thanks." You happily accepted the compliment. "Oh hey, thats a shooting star!" You pointed at a small flash of light that traveled a bit across the sky before disappearing.
"Huh, haven't seen too many of those." Bakugou replied.
"Guess I'm lucky." You turned to him. A small smile crossed his face as you spoke. It wasn't like his regular evil smirks but a real smile.
"Yeah, you are." Bakugou replied. His hand moved closer to the inbetween space between the two of you. He wanted to hold your hand.
The thought made you happy, and you wanted to shift your own arm so that your hand would join him. But, the action alone sent a shooting pain of fear through you. Your hands were resting over your stomach and successfully hiding how gross you felt your body looked in this dress. So, reluctantly, you left your hand at your stomach and pretended not to notice. After a moment, Bakugou's hand moved close to his body again with a small scoff.
"So, what else did you plan to do?" You tried to brush off the situation.
"Don't know, thought maybe we'd talk a bit." Bakugou replied.
"Hm- so, why'd you ask me out?" You began.
"Because I like you, obviously. That's a stupid fuckin' question." He turned his head away while a clear red blush still illuminated his ears.
"Why wait so long then? Mina seemed to think we were so obvious." You did a poor imitation of the pink girl's voice as you repeated her words from earlier.
"That pink bitch doesn't know shit." he brushed off the comment first.
"I wanted to focus on hero shit. Didn't see the use for any friends or anything like- this if I wanted to be a hero." Bakugou answered honestly. You two had plenty of these conversations before on a similar topic.
"But that changed, obviously." You replied.
"Yeah." He didn't add much more to that before offering his hand out again. He certainly noticed your quick glance back towards him before once again "ignoring" the offer.
He scoffed much louder this time, "I'm not gonna' blow you up, y'know."
"I know that! It's just something else..." You trailed off.
"I'm not fuckin' sweaty or any of that shit." He added.
"No, there's nothing wrong with you! I- I don't like this dress." You responded honestly. Much like the previous topic, the two of you had talked a lot about your insecurities. So, you hoped the somewhat vague description would make sense to him.
It didn't as he responded with, "There's nothing wrong with it. It looks nice on you."
"It's not that it looks bad on me. I'd love to wear it more, but I don't think I have the right body to keep wearing it. It has nothing to do with you, I promise." You explained further.
"The hell does that mean, your body is fine." He continued to deny.
"I'm fat, Bakugou." You interjected while sitting up.
"You aren't, though." Bakugou followed your actions and sat up alongside you.
"Don't lie to me. I'm a lot bigger compared to even the people in my general studies class. You remember those articles from First Year during the Sport's Festival..." You continued.
"I don't care what you call yourself, but you're saying it like it's a bad thing." Bakugou halted your ranting before you could continue. He seemed to struggle to come up with his next words before settling on, "Stand up."
He stood quickly and barely waited for you to fully get to your feet before he picked you up in his arms.
"There's nothing wrong with your weight. I still lo- like you, no matter what you weigh. The other extras are the same. The people who actually care for you don't give a shit what you look like or stupid things like numbers on a scale. Got it? Besides, I can pick you up just fuckin' fine." He emphasized so by lifting you even higher again for a moment.
He was much gentler than Sero was earlier. His hands support your lower back and side while your legs are wrapped around his torso and your arms keep your upper body weight close to him. And, as true as he was, he held you up without struggle.
"Thanks Katsuki." You replied with a small kiss on the cheek.
"Whatever." His ears flushed the same red as he looked away from you.
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unlikelyjedi · 2 years
My Hero Academia Pride Headcanons (Student Edition)
AAAAAHHH I'm so excited to talk about these. My Hero is my favorite anime, so it's only fitting I talk about it first!
I'm going to start with just the 1-A kids, but I also plan to do pro heroes and others like a few from LOV and Class 1-B in later posts!
Disclaimer: These are my own thoughts and opinions (hence the term headcanon). This is how I'm choosing to engage with this media in this post. There are other ways to engage with a chosen media and neither way of engagement invalidates the other. Art is subjective. Fandom is ultimately for fun! Don't take me too seriously!
Without further ado:
Midoriya Izuku (he/him): Bisexual
Honestly, Class 1-A is kind of just his harem. /hj
But really, I'm thinking about how flustered he gets around girls, or how he's got such good chemistry with Todoroki, Shinsou, etc. Or how his friendship with Kacchan can be read as a boy with an unrequited crush. I think he's more attracted to women than men. Like, maybe his initial attraction leans towards women, but he ends up forming much more natural chemistry faster with men. This is a ramble. But I think it's almost fitting I'm rambling on the King of Ramble's section.
Todoroki Shouto (he/him): Gay and Demisexual
Head empty, only pretty boy and parental issues. Todoroki Shouto lit up so fast when Midoriya confronted him and then he just never let him go. It's cute. I don't think he even realized he had a crush until much much much later, and only after his mom pointed it out. Bless his heart.
I also support a bisexual reading of Shouto because it fits the idea of his character. Feeling split in two but realizing he is one whole. Just as bisexuality isn't half gay/half straight, but a whole sexuality.
I also support other pairings like Seroroki, TodoBaku, TodoKiri. TodoIida, etc. I didn't mean to make it all TodoDeku, but ahhh, I've shown my cards. It's my favorite pairing in the show.
Bakugou Katsuki (he/him): Gay
Did Bakugou struggle with his sexuality? Probably not. He obviously wasn't worried about it. What is a relationship compared to being Number 1? He just likes guys. Nothing to get weird about.
Side note: after he becomes more open with people, he probably calls out "that's gay" whenever his classmates do literally anything affectionate with each other and Jirou has to exasperatedly point out "your boyfriend is literally in your lap."
I also support a bi/pan reading of Bakugou because why not? Art is subjective.
Kirishima Eijirou (he/him): Gay and Trans
Kirishima is a manly man. He is the manliest man. He is trans. and still very manly.
I like to headcanon that he has two moms who fully supported him when he told them he was a boy and he started socially transitioning pretty early. Not many people know he's trans, but it's not like he's shy about it.
Side note: Artists that draw Kiri with top scars are doing the mostest. Appreciate y'all.
Oh. and he's gay. Kirishima also wouldn't find that to be a big deal. It's just who he is. He never really came out. Just let people figure it out.
I also support a Pan reading of Kirishima.
Yaoyorozu Momo (she/her): Lesbian
This is supposed to be set in the future, but I do think there's still homophobia in smaller ways and/or in specific circles, like the elite. I feel like Yaomomo would have trouble both realizing she's a lesbian and feeling like she's safe enough to express that to her family. She's got no idea what they actually think about it, because it's so hush-hush and that scares her.
Don't worry though. Her gf helps her out and she's eventually able to tell her parents and they eventually accept her. (Is this me projecting my unfinished Pro Hero!Momo MomoJirou fic onto a headcanon post? Yes, yes it is.)
Jirou Kyouka (she/they): Bisexual
She likes the men. She likes the women. She likes in-between and beyond, and she doesn't care what you think about it. Homophobes can fuck off!
Despite how shy they come off, she's not about to take people's shit about herself and especially not her friends. Mean Bisexual.
Her parents are very supportive and would constantly ask if they've got a partner yet. Their parents have a betting pool on whether she'll get with Kaminari or Momo. Their mom won.
Kaminari Denki (he/they): Bisexual and Non-Binary
It was a little bit of a shock (ha!) when Kaminari realized he wasn't attracted to women. He was attracted to the color purple. The Baku-squad is tired of Kaminari staring at Shinsou's abs.
One day, they realized, rather out of the blue, that they didn't feel exactly like a boy. I mean, he felt more boy than girl, but not boy enough. When they found the non-binary label, it just worked.
Iida Tenya (he/him): Bi-romantic Demisexual
Oh Iida, how I love you and all your eccentricities.
Tenya likes both men and women and while that's not something he's always known, it's something he easily took in stride. Tensei was surprised when Tenya first talked about his crush because Tensei didn't think his little brother would ever like anybody. Tenya just needs to have a friendship connection first before he realizes he likes someone.
Ururaka Ochako (she/her): Bisexual
Oh god, she's a bisexual disaster. I don't know who's worse, her, Deku, or Kaminari. They need to hold a contest.
She flusters so easily. The first time a girl held her hand, she was probably as red as a tomato and couldn't do anything to stop the blushing. She's a mess. Can relate.
Asui Tsuyu (she/her): Lesbian and Asexual
She likes girls. Girls are very pretty and they have pretty hair and cute hands and lovely laughs and blinding smiles.
She just...
But she's also kind of sex-repulsed. She'd be willing to do the thing if her partner wanted it, but only for special occasions. Not very frequently.
Ashido Mina (she/her): Pansexual
Move over, people! It's Alien Queen. She doesn't care about gender. She cares about if you can keep up with her in the game of life!
Life's too short to worry about gender!
Sero Hanta (he/him): Pansexual
Same idea, just toned down a little. It's not about the gender of the person, but the contents of their character. It helps if they're sexy tho, ngl.
Ojiro Mashirao (he/him): Bisexual
Maybe it's because I'm bi, but I think most character's base-line should be bi, hence why many of the characters on here are bi/pan. Same goes for Ojiro who has pretty good chemistry with both Kaminari and Hagakure. Also kinda got an enemies thing with Shinsou, but that's leaning a little into rare-pair territory.
Aoyama Yuuga (he/him): Straight
"But OP," you say, "He's clearly being queer-coded, have you looked at him??" Yes. And that's what makes it funny.
I think it would be funny for the obviously queer-coded person in the class to be the only actual Straight person in Class 1-A. Could you imagine??
"Is he, y'know?" *hand flap thing*
"What, Aoyama? No, no, he's straight. But everyone else here is gay though!"
Tokoyami Fumikage (he/him): Gay and Asexual
He likes guys. Not into sex. It's simple and not very complicated. He just needs a boyfriend to keep all his candles in place for when he does the summoning ritual-
Shouji Mezou (he/him): Gay and Asexual
Same deal. Not very complicated. He's willing to hold all the candles for his boyfriend as he does a summoning ritual-
Sato Rikido (he/him): Aromantic
Frienship is more important than a relationship. Probably has a few queer-platonic relationships.
Koda Koji (he/him): Aro/Ace
When he gets over his shyness, he loves his friends with his whole heart, but that's how it stays. Nothing more than friendships for him!
Hagakure Toru (she/her): Trans
I haven't forgot about youuuuu. Why is she trans? Why not? What are you gonna do about it? Honestly, all these characters could be trans and that would be fine too. Art is subjective. Trans rights! Fuck you!
Min*ta (h*/h*m): homophobic
Cannot stand him. We slander. (He arguably has a crush on Deku, but I'm! Not! Going! There!
Shinsou Hitoshi (he/him): Queer
Am I cheating?? No. I think he deserves to be in 1-A, so he's on the 1-A list.
It's just easier to tell people he's queer when they ask, and it's the best label that suits him. He's not entitled to give them anymore than that.
That's the end of the students from 1-A! This was pretty fun, actually! Hope you enjoyed, whoever's reading this!
Next time, I'm going to tackle Pro Heroes!!!! Because they, too, are gay.
Until Next Time!!!
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denkamis · 4 years
hc’s about falling in love with your childhood best friend.
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warnings: swearing ig?? it’s fluffy, mainly. i tried to make it fairly gender neutral in terms of the reader. 
notes: hi uh these were supposed to be for the dekusquad but they ended up being SO much longer than i originally intended so i cut down on the characters ;-; i struggled with bakugou’s but his ended up being the longest??? idk man, hope you guys like it <3 these are seriously just drabbles in disguise
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izuku midoriya
you met at an author meetup at the local bookstore. the book was a biography about all might, ofc you were bound to meet
you were in front of him in line and he shyly complimented you on the all might t-shirt you had worn
you two basically spent the entire time talking to each other about your favourite pro heroes as you waited in line
by the time you got to the front, you were so engrossed in your own conversations that both inko and your mom figured it would just be better to take you two home for a playdate instead 
since you were friends with midoriya, that meant bakugou was also in your little circle 
you stood up to him a couple times and always checked up on midoriya after kacchan’s tiny tantrums 
midoriya appreciated that, and you two were practically inseparable 
bakugou always accused you two of teaming up against him 
you would simply link arms with midoriya, tilt your chin up high and say that you were a full package deal. two peas in a pod. two halves of a whole, always 
midoriya’s face seemed to be permanently red that entire day 
you two were pretty dedicated in school, with you wanting to persue your top picks for high school. that meant that there were lots of study dates between you two 
during those study dates, midoriya couldn’t help if his gaze lingered on you just a bit more than his notes about quirk laws 
he realized he was in love with you when you had stayed after school to look for the notebook kacchan had burnt 
“you don’t have to do this, y/n. i can find it on my own… i don’t want to make to make you stay any longer.” 
“don’t say that, izuku. i don’t mind. besides, we always stick together and we will even after you get into ua!” 
“a- after i get in?” he spoke in a disbelief. everyone had doubted him, everyone had told him that he needed a quirk in order to get in but not you
you stayed. you supported him. you believed in him. 
he grabbed your hand on instinct, startling you. “i- i-” he began stuttering, eyes darting about as the feelings he hadn’t realized resurfaced
“thank you.” 
you gave him a gentle smile, chest feeling light as your hand encased in midoriya’s squeezed his own comfortingly 
“full package deal, remember?” 
he nodded, his smile jittery and shy. you giggled, blush dancing on your cheeks as you went on your next rant about how kamui woods could totally beat mount lady in a fight 
midoriya gripped the straps of his backpack, chest feeling light and his head feeling dizzy with all the new thoughts of you flooding his mind
oh yeah, he was definitely in love with you
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shouto todoroki
you were his neighbour 
well, more accurately, your grandparents were his neighbours and you visited often 
your grandparents made you get the mail in the mornings and sometimes you would see him outside in the front yard with his mother. you would wave to him, and he would give a timid wave back after some encouragement from his mother 
you would play outside with your grandfather, flying your tiny kite and playing catch with him 
until you noticed there was a boy lingering near the fence separating the both of your houses 
he was watching the relationship you had with your grandfather curiously, almost as if there were a bit of envy in his eyes 
being the kind child that you were, you went over to him and passed the small ball between the rungs of the fence to him 
shouto was hesitant, but eventually took the ball from your inviting grip and tossed it back and forth between his hands testingly
this began a little game between you two 
he would toss the ball over the fence, and you would throw it back over to him
you didn’t quite understand why he couldn’t come on the other side of the fence to visit properly, but that was okay
you two would spend hours by the fence, sitting and talking you would give him tiny daisy chains made from the flowers in your grandma’s garden 
he wouldn’t tell you, but he kept each one you gave him on his windowsill 
he would compliment you a lot, too
not that he knew what that meant, he was simply stating facts to you 
“i like your hair. it’s very pretty.” 
“you’re very strong. you throw over the ball like it’s nothing.” 
“you want to become a hero? i think you would be the best one.” 
“your smile makes me want to smile, too.”
all of his words make your heart do somersaults
sometimes when you’re sitting with your backs to the fence, leaning up against each other, you feel the heat of his left hand ghosting your fingers. you don’t know why that made you feel shy, but it did
one day before you were supposed to go back home to your parents’ house, you went to go say goodbye to shouto 
he was sitting there normally, but his head was hung low so you couldn’t quite see his face 
as you approached him, you noticed that there was a bandage covering his left eye 
he said nothing as you sat down 
“mom says i have to go now,” you tell him. he says nothing, again 
“um… are you okay?” 
an indiscernible noise comes from the small boy. you press your face right up against the one barrier separating you two. he looks up to see you worried. you didn’t like seeing him so upset
then an idea came to you
“before i go.. let me kiss it better.” 
shouto looked at you in bewilderment
“you’re not… afraid?” 
“no, why?” you asked in a confused manner, yet shouto remained hesitant 
“come here, please,” you asked of him, “before mom catches me kissing a boy.” 
pink dusting over his cheeks, he slowly crawled his way over to where you still kept your face against the fence. your gentle lips met the fabric of his bandage. the scent of something burnt catching in your nose as you did 
“you’ll come back?” shouto asked quietly. you nodded, promising him 
he nodded back in understanding, the tiniest of smiles appearing across his features 
“i’ll be waiting.”
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katsuki bakugou
you had been in the same class since kindergarten, meaning that you knew him before he had his quirk 
even so, you thought he was pretty cool 
the reason for that? well, you weren’t exactly the most well liked kid in school. children were ruthless, and there was always a bottom of every social ladder between preschoolers
you got teased a lot. they pulled your hair, made fun of the way you cried, poked fun at the shoes and shirts you wore despite them being your favourite ones 
you were different. they didn’t like that 
the world seemed completely against you
during a colouring activity, the box of crayons you were holding was smacked out of your hands. your bottom lip quivered as the same boy taunted you to no end about how clumsy you were 
you simply bent over to pick them up before hearing another voice call out 
“oi, picking on small fries like that is lame.” 
looking to your left stood katsuki bakugou, looking bored and disinterested in helping you out. but your bully stopped in his tracks. being called lame?? by the great tiny katsuki bakugou?? 
no one had ever stood up for you like that 
even though he didn’t help you pick up your crayons, it felt like you had some type of ally in this class
slowly, you connected two and two together 
if you stayed around bakugou, no one could pick on you anymore! so you glued yourself to him practically every day 
at first, he found it annoying, but after seeing that you admired him up close, he liked the attention that feuled his ego, so he kept you around 
because you followed him around so much, you picked up a lot of things from him. he taught you how to defend yourself, and you taught him that some extras didn’t deserve as much attention as he was giving him. it was better to walk away sometimes
you ate lunch together, he came over to your house to play heroes and villains, he even showed you his secret all might poster collection. you were his person to talk to
he even had a katsuki bakugou™ nickname for you: small fry 
you two were quite the duo. bakugou went from simply tolerating you, to gradually beginning to care for you being around
and as you grew up with him, he caught himself beginning to admire the strong, gorgeous person you had become all on your own. it seemed he had developed a bit more than just a simple friendship bond with you
did he ever tell you that? fuck no 
you knew bakugou had always been rather… brash 
but you absolutely drew the line in the sand when he wouldn’t stop picking on midoriya for being quirkless. that one day where you walked into that classroom to meet bakugou and his group of friends only to see bakugou telling some green haired kid to jump off the building because he would never make it into ua without a quirk. he was different
bakugou turned to leave and he saw you standing in the doorway with a bit of an angry, hurt expression on his face
“small fry, thought you were never gonna show up.” 
“... lame.”
“hah? what did you say?” 
“i said it’s lame picking on small fries like that just because they’re different,” you spat at him. his eyes stayed fixated on you as you walked past him, helping the smaller boy off the floor and asking if he was okay 
normally, if it were anyone else, bakugou wouldn’t care. at all
but it was you
 you were different 
and all he did was act like he didn’t care. why? he didn’t know. but what he said to you that day came out rash and hurtful. you two had your fights before, but this had struck a chord with you. no one deserved to be treated like how you were back in preschool. that hurt
he didn’t realize how much you meant to him until you stopped inviting him over, you stopped eating lunch with him, you stopped texting and that bothered him 
the one person who he wanted to admire him didn’t anymore 
so it was a surprise to you that he waited for you to be finished your club after school to talk 
“small fry, listen. oi! i said listen up!” you kept walking, but he stopped you by grabbing your wrist 
“what? what is it? what can you possibly say to make things better? how could you treat people like that?” 
“come back.” 
“i said, fuck- come back, y’know, eat lunch with all the extras again.” 
the frustration showed true on bakugou’s features. his cheeks were turning red, you figured from the anger he was feeling towards you yet his voice dropped 
“i didn’t mean that shit back there. i was angry. fuck, i.. you want me to apologize or some shit, right. heard you small fries like that.” he shifted uncomfortably, his clammy hand still holding your wrist in a firm grip, as if you would walk away from him any moment now 
“sorry, or whatever.” he mumbled out in the smallest voice you had ever heard bakugou speak in 
your heart stopped as he looked at you with such sincerity. you held his gaze, eyes locked on his before you shook your head
“i don’t forgive you for saying what you said and doing what you did, but i do trust you. and i know that you’re better than that. you’re not lame. but if you seriously do that again, i’m not giving you any more chances.” 
relief came flooding back to bakugou at your words, but his face fired up almost instantly as you moved your hand so that your fingers intertwined with his 
“now c’mon, the new all might special is airing tonight, if we hurry we can still make it to my house.” 
“don’t speak so fucking loud! ... damn small fry.”
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all works © denkamis 2021.
want to be on the taglist? see this post!
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kiribaku-headcanons · 3 years
kiribaku + angst (tw // homophobia)
there has never been an openly gay pro hero. agencies told queer heroes to stay in the closet and keep it hidden. that their society was not ready for an open and proud queer hero.
kirishima and bakugou were graduating from u.a with their classmates. kirishima was signed on to work as a side kick at fatgum’s agency. bakugou signed on to work with deku and todoroki at endeavors.
they were open about their relationship. they’ve been together since first year. fatgum supported them. he’s been advocating for them and their relationship ship since the beginning alongside tamaki. he always told kirishima he would support him no matter what whether he wanted to publicly come out or not.
bakugou didn’t have that. endeavor knew of his sexual orientation and his relationship. as bakugou signed on with him endeavor told him that it was not wise ‘to continue down this road’
endeavor told bakugou to either end it or have their relationship go into secrecy. bakugou was going to ask kirishima to hide their relationship.
until kirishima came back to the dorms one day after a meeting with fatgum and said that he wanted to publicly come out. that fatgum and tamaki were standing behind him for any fallout it may cause in society.
bakugou saw how happy kirishima was. how proud he was of who he is. and bakugou couldn’t take that away from him. but he took endeavor’s advice to heart.
after graduation bakugou broke up with kirishima. he told kirishima they were heading towards different goals and he needed to focus on himself and his career. he knew he was spewing utter nonsense. he was sobbing around his words. he was always so sure of himself but in this moment his words were all over the place. he was stuttering. he was a mess
but what hurt the most was how understanding kirishima was. bakugou didn’t look at kirishima once while he spoke but after he finished he looked at him. and despite all the tears in his eyes kirishima was smiling. “if that is what you think is the best i won’t fight it. i just want you to be happy katsuki. and if this is what will make you happy then i’m happy for you.”
but bakugou wasn’t happy. he was miserable.
he started working with deku and todoroki. he was quickly rising through the ranks at endeavors agency and making a name for himself. everyone talked about how one day he was going to be the #1 hero. people constantly praised him. heroes wanted to work with him. he had deal after deal signed. but he wasn’t happy. he couldn’t find himself enjoying any of it.
it was affecting his performance and work. he knew despite what everyone believed he wasn’t doing his best. he just felt so drained and tired all the time.
deku and todoroki tried talking to him. sero and kaminari tried talking to him. mina was ignoring him. his classmates randomly checked in on him. they all thought he was so stupid for what he did to kirishima. he couldn’t blame them.
kirishima tried reaching out to him. but bakugou ignored him because it hurt too much.
it hurt seeing kirishima. seeing him on the news or hearing people talk about him. any mention of kirishima hurt so incredibly bad.
and he was ashamed of himself. for kirishima did what he wanted, he came out publicly after graduation and officially starting work as a hero at fatgum’s agency. he received an onslaught of hate. people questioned his ability to be a hero. said he was a bad influence and role model for children. people booed him when they saw him on patrol. people sent hate and death threats. people lost faith in fatgum and tamaki for their constant support for kirishima. their friends received the same when they stood up for him.
at a press conference a journalist asked deku todoroki and him how they felt about a gay pro hero while using demeaning and derogatory speech in terms of kirishima. and bakugou sat there not saying a word while todoroki ripped the journalist in half for speaking about kirishima in such a manner while deku spoke with security to have him removed.
and people saw this has bakugou agreeing with the journalist. rumors began to spread that bakugou did not agree or support kirishima. people collected evidence of how everyone in their class (even mineta at one point) had stood up for kirishima. everyone but bakugou.
but bakugou was afraid if he said anything he would slip up and accidentally reveal who he truly was. not after endeavor has spoken so many times to him about keeping his private life private.
this went on for months. he’s come to stop responding to his classmates because he didn’t want them asking him how he was. he kept contact with deku and todoroki only because of work but even then distanced himself from them. he was going through life feeling completely empty.
and then a villain attack occurred. fatgum’s agency was the closest and they were immediately called in. they were members from the league of villains though none of the main members. but they were still incredibly powerful. their quirks were perfect against kirishima and tamaki’s. they were quickly becoming overpowered.
there were random attacks throughout the city and every other hero was currently dealing with that. kirishima and tamaki were the only ones at the main fight. it was 2 against 7.
it was being televised everywhere. bakugou was at a scene currently finishing up with a few villains. but the screens all around them were playing the main fight. tamaki was injured but continued to fight. he was struggling to see around the blood in his eyes. and kirishima was struggling. he was beginning to get to his breaking point of unbreakable. his skin was cracking and splitting. he was against four of them while trying his best to back tamaki up.
bakugou went on auto pilot. he left deku and todoroki to deal with cleaning up the scene. they had captured all the villains they didn’t need him.
bakugou arrived at the main fight just in time to see kirishima fall. he was down on a knee struggling to get back up. tamaki was still going. they had managed to take two villains down but five still went strong.
a villain went in for the killing blow to kirishima and bakugou lost it. he placed himself in front of kirishima. he went on a rampage. he held nothing back. tamaki saw and pulled back to get kirishima out of range. he pulled him off to the side where they could catch their breath but close enough they could jump back in if needed.
but bakugou did not need help. he was fueled off the memory of kirishima injured and a villain going to kill him. he held them all off. their quirks perfectly fitted to go against tamaki and kirishima’s but they couldn’t hold against bakugou.
just as deku and todoroki showed up on scene bakugou was finished. the villains were unconscious on the ground or gravely injured. he did not stop to round them up and arrest them.
he ran straight to kirishima. he did not care that the whole country was watching. he did not care there were dozens of cameras pointed at them and news anchors documenting their entire moves.
bakugou flung himself at kirishima and kissed him. it was desperate. bakugou kissed him with all the pent of energy for the past half year. he gasped and cried into the kiss. clinging to kirishima with all his life.
kirishima kissed back just as desperate. whispering to bakugou between kisses that everything was alright. that he was fine. that they were okay.
“i love you” bakugou sobbed. his words being recorded for the entire nation. “i love you” and kirishima said it right back. and despite all the blood and grime and all the injuries he sustained kirishima couldn’t stop smiling. he had waited for bakugou to come back. he would have waited an eternity for bakugou.
they could not care about the consequences of what had occurred. they did not care in that moment that their reunion would be more discussed than the villain attack. they did not see todoroki and tamaki blocking baku and kiri from reporters who hounded the scene as soon as the villains were cleared away. they did not see mina and ochako try and distract journalists to get them away from the couple.
all they cared about was they were finally holding one another again.
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stellar-imagines · 3 years
SCENARIO REQUEST: ❝stupid rumour.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Bakugou Katsuki ]
「 Bakugou who has a crush on you ― the transfer student who has trouble speaking and writing Japanese but can understand the language He helps you on your language skills and develops a crush on you. Then you heard rumours of Bakugou liking Uraraka and you started become distant.」
"I thought I told how to do this one so many times and how did you manage to fuck it up?" Bakugou groaned, looking through your midterm paper.
"I'm really trying my best but kanji is just no good for me alright?" you grumbled, snatching the paper from his hands. It was quite embarrassing to be struggling with Japanese literature and other subjects.
Sure you were born and raised in Japan but due to some business issues, your family had to move to [Preferred Country]. And to be honest, you spent most of your life in [Preferred Country] instead of Japan so you weren't really familiar with kanji at all. It wasn't only kanji, its just the Japanese language in general. You didn't have much problems talking but when it comes to reading and writing, it was a problem so when it comes to studying, you were in big trouble. You have been whining about failing your tests and Bakugou — who happened to be your personal tutor. He got tired of your whining and decided to help you in hopes of making you shut up.
You can't really tell why Bakugou decided to help you in the first place. The two of you never got along that well to begin with. The ash blonde was very competitive by nature and when you showed promise during training, he seemed to have made you his target somehow. Bakugou never actually cared about the people in the class but you were different somehow. He was always easy to rile up and you enjoy messing around with him sometimes. It was almost safe to say that you spend most of your time with him. 
Since the day you transferred into UA, you struggled with your studies. Kanji now appeared to be an alien language to you and during tests, you struggled to understand the question. Bakugou picks up the scattered paper on your desk one by one, skimming through your mistakes and assessing your performance. You didn’t do that bad and only failed Japanese History and Literature. Your scores were really low and it barely hit the passing mark. 
Sometimes you like to think that you and Bakugou had something special but you're just a transfer student. Bakugou and Uraraka probably have a relationship that you could never understand. He respects Uraraka's strength after that one incident during the Sports Festival tournament. You stared at the two who happened to be queueing for lunch, having a conversation that you can't hear from where you were sitting. After a while, you took your eyes off them and sipped your drink.
"Do you think he likes her, [First Name]?"
"I'm sorry what?" you blinked, turning your attention towards Hagakure who sat across you.
"I'm talking about Ochaco-chan and Bakugou-kun!" the invisible girl gushed, her sleeves waving about to show her excitement. You blinked a couple of times, unable to process. Judging from her tone, you assumed that she thought you understood what was going on between the two. However, that wasn't the case, you yourself are clueless.
"But [First Name]-chan and Bakugou-kun are close in their own way too! Something going on between the two of you?" Ashido who was sitting next to you decided to direct the topic towards you instead.
"Nothing is going on between us. In fact, I think at some point he's gonna stop teaching me because of how I always disturb him." you muttered with a chuckle.
"Typical Bakugou. You can still join our studying sessions if you want. My offer still stands." Yaoyorozu smiled gently. You shook your head in response and gave the same answer as you did when the black haired girl proposed the idea to you.
Originally, it was Aizawa who forced Bakugou to tutor you in the first place. You had failed your tests miserably at first and your homeroom teacher seemed to notice that you struggled with communication sometimes. And Aizawa had this crazy idea to assign Bakugou to tutor you. He had hoped that the ash blonde will grow to become more social and cooperative. Honestly, you thought that it was such a bad idea at first. Bakugou was very rough with his words, impatient and is short tempered. You've tried to be nice and dismiss his behavior but at some point you just found him very amusing. You weren't sure if the two of you actually got along well or not.
However, you like to think that you both are actually on good terms. Even though he gets frustrated whenever you struggle to solve a question, he would leave you alone and give you pointers. He also likes to reward you with small treats like your favorite snacks and drinks. Bakugou also pays attention to your behavior a lot. Since the two of you are always studying everyday after school, there will be times where you will be so worn out from training. If that's the case, Bakugou will go easier on you.
"I've heard from someone that Bakugou has feelings for her since first year." Hagakure whispered as she saw Uraraka approach the table. The conversation was cut short when your brown haired friend arrived at the table with her pork katsu don. She looked between everyone, wondering why you all grew silent all of a sudden.
"What were you guys talking about?" she asked, taking a seat next to you. Acting completely natural like a smartass you were, you decided to just continue eating your lunch as if you were never a part of the conversation to begin with.
"We were talking about how there's this rumour of Bakugou having a crush on you since first year." Ashido chirped. Uraraka let out a noise akin to surprise before waving her hands defensively.
"Wh-Wha!? That's not possible!" she said quickly before glancing over at the ash blonde and then towards you.
"Why not?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
"W-Well, that's because....." the girl seemed a bit nervous and you see her glancing at Bakugou a couple of times.
You rested your elbow on the table, letting out a knowing hum. It didn't take long for you to get the hint that Uraraka might actually reciprocate his feelings. A small frown was etched on your face as you looked away from the girl seated next to you. Bakugou would never just suddenly stop to stare at someone, especially knowing that he can be caught staring. It was just as you had suspected earlier. 'To think that I thought there's something special between me and Bakugou.' you thought to yourself, keeping yourself out of the conversation while the girls teased Uraraka for getting so defensive.
The next day, Bakugou was packing his things and thinking ahead. He could already hear you grumbling something to yourself as you cleared your own desk, preparing to head back. There was a homework assigned to everyone and you will — for sure — be begging him to help you with it, even though its due in 2 weeks and you have plenty of time. Just as he was about to call out your name, Kaminari and Kirishima approached his desk.
“Hey Bakugou! Some of us are planning to go watch a movie after school, want to join?" Kirishima asked. Bakugou raised an eyebrow at this, looking slightly annoyed.
"Why would I wanna go with you extras?" the ash blonde grumbled.
"Because it will be fun! Everyone is coming right?" Kaminari turned towards the group of girls that has gathered around your desk.
"Yeah, most of us are!" Ashido chirped happily. 
"Come on Bakugou-kun! I think its a great opportunity for you and [First Name]-chan to take a break once in a while. And besides, she's been looking forward to this movie." Uraraka told the ash blonde.
Bakugou glanced over at you, seeing that you were somewhat looking forward to relax today. It was Friday, and probably the best day to take a break from all that studying. The ash blonde had been pushing you a bit too hard and maybe this is his chance. Bakugou reluctantly agreed but not before telling them to not chose some stupid movie. He shook his head, telling himself that he's not doing this just because he thinks that you deserve a break and that he likes you or anything. Just as he finished packing, he looked over towards you, seeing Hagakure approach your table with a skip.
"[First Name], let's go watch a movie! Even Bakugou is joining! Ochaco-chan just invited him." she exclaimed, motioning to the ash blonde who glared back at her. Your excitement died down a bit, glancing between your invisible friend and Bakugou.
"Um, I think I will pass! I think I'm gonna start with that homework we're given, it's gonna take me a while to finish that after all." you said, quickly gathering your items.
Seeing you leave the class quickly made him confused. Uraraka muttered about how weird it was for you to skip out on going out, especially knowing that you were all going to go watch a movie that you have been looking forward to for so long. Bakugou decided that it was not worth his time to think too much into it and leave you be. He's not your babysitter and it doesn't matter to him what you do anyways. All while he was watching movie, he was thinking about how you should've been here watching the movie.
Just when he thought your behavior on that day was only you not being your normal self ― you did something that he had never expected before. It happened on the day after the movies. He had already expected you to be knocking onto his door and begging him to explain to you about all the homeworks that were given and about that Science quiz on Monday. Sure you came to his room with a handful of your notes and textbooks ― like usual. Your hair was slightly messy from hurrying to meet up with him at the same time ― like usual. It was nothing out of the ordinary, something you both were accustomed to. You always came late, looking like you just rolled off the bed and went straight here.
It was the same old routine until he heard those words.
"Sorry Bakugou! I'm going to be studying with Momo-chan today, she's offered to partner up for the Japanese History project." you announced.
"Hah?" was all Bakugou could only respond with. He was confused. Normally, you would be begging him to become your partner because you're so used to him. What has changed in you?
"Also.....she offered to help me with my studies so you don't have to waste your time on me anymore. Thanks, Bakugou. I won't be bothering you starting from today onwards." you bowed and quickly left him behind.
'Whatever, I don't care.' was what Bakugou said to himself.
There was so much that he wanted to tell you. But he made no effort to call out to you as you hurriedly made a run for it to the elevator. He shouldn't be bothered by this so much. After all, he was only teaching you because Aizawa told him to. The ash blonde told himself that over and over but he couldn't help but longingly stare at your back as you ran away from him as if he was the plague. 'There's no turning back on this. I made up my mind to not be a burden anymore!’ you told yourself. From that point on, you made it a goal to not interact with Bakugou at all.
He was already confused to why you decided to have him to stop tutoring you in the first place. Bakugou didn't seem to bothered by it that much but it did make a lot of people ask him about what happened between the two of you. The two of you were normally seen together most of time and to see you both on your own is just weird. You were now spending time with the girls most of the time and instead of Bakugou, you had moved on to asking other people to assist you with homework.
He wasn't going to lie but the thought of you running to others and asking for help didn't sit well with him.
Today after school, you were seen in the common area doing your homework together with Yaoyorozu. Bakugou had went down from his room to get himself a drink. Now that he doesn't have to teach you anymore, he was much more free. He could finish his homework much faster than usual. Bakugou watched as you grinned happily after being praised for getting some work done. On his way to the kitchen, he passed by Kirishima who looked like he was taking a break from his own studying. 
"Hey, did you two have an argument or something?" Kirishima asked Bakugou who had opened the fridge to get his drink.
"Hah? What you on about?"
"I'm talking about [First Name]. All of a sudden you stopped partnering with her and tutoring her." the red haired mentioned as he looked over at you.
"Why should I care what she does anyway? She's not my girlfriend!" he said, glancing at you in hopes that you did not hear him at all. Lucky for him, you were too immersed in the conversation that you were having with your partner to even care about what was going on in the kitchen.
"But don't you both like each other or something?"
"Who said that!?"
"It's pretty obvious, bro."
Bakugou really doesn't want to admit it but he really likes you ― a bit too much that its starting to get obvious. He was now starting to get worried that you might catch on to his feelings. He looked at you for a moment, watching as you worked on a few tough questions, eyes narrowed at the book in front of you. It was a habit that he learned after being with you for so long and he never said it out loud but you look very cute like that. After a while, Midoriya and Uraraka joined you and Yaoyorozu. Bakugou's eyes narrowed at Midoriya who was helping you with some of the questions.
That should've been him! ― was what he told himself. 
Little did he know, you heard the commotion in the kitchen. Though whatever Kirishima and Bakugou was talking about was unknown to you, you could feel them looking at you. Shaking your head in response, you reminded yourself that you vowed to not get in Bakugou's way anymore. When Midoriya and Uraraka joined your study session, you decided to just focus on your homework now. You can’t lie about the fact that you missed Bakugou’s company. Even though he was always impatient and complaining about how slow you are, he never once left you on your own. Not to mention, he was surprisingly a great teacher.
The Bakusquad ― Bakugou never really liked and approval of that name ― were hanging out in the common area. Bakugou was here against his will, dragged by Kirishima and Kaminari who wanted to play some games together. At the dining table, a few students from Class 1-A were gathered around sharing some treats while the Bakusquad played some games by the couch. Bakugou was seated on one end of the two seater sofa, mindlessly scrolling through his phone and rethinking his life choices.
"There was this rumour that you like Uraraka or something." Kirishima mused while he looked through his phone.
"What?" Kaminari suddenly perked up, drawing his attention away from the video game.
"Hah?" Bakugou raised an eyebrow.
”I’m talking about Bakubro here!” the red head male spoke a bit louder to gain the other boys’ attention.
”Oh now that you mention it, I remember! There was this rumour going on about Bakugou liking Uraraka or something.” Sero piped up, not drawing his eyes away from the game he was playing against Kaminari.
“I thought Bakugou was dating [Last Name] already.” Kaminari pointed out.
”I know right?! I know they both like each other but are afraid to admit it.” Kirishima added in with a triumphant smile.
“No one fucking said that.” Bakugou glared at the boys who began to give him the looks.
”Come on, you were so overprotective of her at that one time when we studied in the library together!” Kirishima started, now his posture upright and eyes filled with determination.
”Oh right! When there were these random people hitting on her, you sure told them off!” Kaminari added to Kirishima’s anecdote.
”But there seems to be some tension between the two of you right now.” the blonde hummed, pausing the game to turn his attention to the conversation.
It took him that conversation to actually realize how much your ignorance has affected him. Not only did you decide not to ask for his help anymore, but you made it your mission to avoid him at all costs. You avoided sitting with him during lunch, not partnering up with him during hero training and clearly turning down invites from your friends whenever you hear that Bakugou will be joining as well. He had confronted you in front of everyone, demanding you to meet up with him. 
And of course, it was hard to run away when he asked you right in front of everyone. The only solution Bakugou came up to get you back and clear this up was to confess his undying love to you. 
You were really nervous to talk to him and for some reason, you had a feeling that you were going to have your heart broken. Bakugou, by all means, isn't oblivious and notices a lot of things around you. So it was no surprise that he realized that something is up with you and that you are ignoring him. He probably has figured out the reason behind you avoiding him already. And you couldn't help but think your reason was really dumb.
“Look, I have no idea what you’re telling but let me just say this.” you started it first, as you don’t wanna regret not saying anything any sooner.
”But I want to tell you that I don’t want to get in your way anymore. And I approve if you want to date Ochaco-chan." you were fiddling with your fingers. So you were aware of this rumour but never made the move to ask Bakugou himself if this was true and decided to just blindly believe in some stupid rumour that some random extra had spread. Bakugou almost wanted to strangle whoever did this because it gave you stupid ideas.
"You are a fucking idiot for believing in some extra's words instead of asking me. Why the hell did you avoid me instead of confront me about the rumours, hah?" the ash blonde was trying his best to remain calm and patient.
"Because.....I was afraid that those rumours are true." you admitted.
"And I'm here to tell you that its not fucking true. Round Face is madly in love with fucking Deku and she's not even trying to hide it. Everyone fucking knows that." he told you.
"So you don't like her?" you asked.
"Stop doubting my words." he flicked your forehead. You shut your eyes and rubbed at the sore spot, muttering a few words about how unnecessary that forehead flick was. Seeing how you looked very unconvinced with his words, his hands squeezed your cheeks together and forced you to make eye contact with him.
"Listen to me, you little shit. I am going to say this once and I am not going to repeat this. Because I have no fucking idea why you are so blind to all of this. You can be dumb at lot of things and frankly, I'm glad that you are." he sighed and you let out a gasp, offended by his words.
"Hey, I'm not dumb―" he cuts you off by squeezing your cheeks to the point where your words were all muffled.
"You're so helpless in your studies without me, its like you can't live without me. But it makes me feel special because you never ask someone else for help and always look for me. Even though you're shit at your studies, you have a really freaking strong quirk. You can be so fucking annoying and drive me insane sometimes but goddamn, how can you be so fucking adorable at the same time?" Bakugou started to get a bit frustrated now and he almost couldn't believe the words he was saying right now. 
You reached to grab his hands and pried them off your face to allow yourself to speak.
"I am not going to listen to you do this any further―"
Once again, Bakugou cuts you off by leaning down and pressing a kiss to your lips. You were startled but after a brief seconds, you started to kiss him back. It's what you imagined it to be like, sweet yet fiery at the same time. You melt into the kiss, lifting a hand to cup his cheek while he cards his hand through your hair. You were the one to pull away first, taking a deep breath and you held your gaze. Bakugou looks oddly calm but you could see the red tint on your cheeks that was starting to reach the tips of his ears.
"You're red."
"Oh shut up, you're ruining the fucking mood."
Total: 3593 words Published: 07.06.2021
Thank you for requesting! 。٩(ˊᗜˋ)و*。 Not angsty at all actually. At least in my opinion. We hope you liked it! ― author Lou
Thank you for requesting it! We decided to let you readers decide where you're from  Hope you enjoyed this! ― author Natsuki
Requests are closed! Matchups are closed!
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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Deku vs Kacchan 2
So a new friend of mine I made on tiktok wanted a meta on Deku v Kacchan 2, and of course I obliged because I never get tired of analyzing their relationship. 
Deku v Kacchan 2 was the starting point to a shift in their relationship, because this was when Bakugou came face to face with his inferiority complex, and all of the emotions he had been holding on to came bubbling to the surface, and I would like to preface by saying Deku is the ONLY PERSON Bakugou has EVER shown his weaknesses to without question. 
We don’t ever see him cry or vent to anyone else. Not a single person. He is completely open only in front of Deku.
The first example of this is actually in the start of the manga, when Deku means to tell him about One for All out of fear Bakugou would misunderstand him, and Bakugou makes his first step in becoming better by admitting he recognizes he isn’t as strong as he always thought and that Deku beat him. This is also the first time we see Bakugou cry out of frustration, which is a side of him he only ever shows to Deku.
For reference, this is Chapter 11. 
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My boy is just wanting to be the best, ya know? All his life he’s been boosted up for having such a strong quirk, and for always being the best at stuff, and now suddenly he just...isn’t. That would mess with anyone’s head, honestly.  But the one he spills those feelings to, it’s Deku. Not any other person, just Deku. You think if he hated Deku at this point, he would open up about such vulnerable feelings to him? 
I don’t think so.
Then we have the second time he’s vulnerable and recognizing different things about himself and Deku during their fight with All Might, and it is another instance we see him crying. Yes, All Might was there, but those emotions were a direct result of Deku’s words to him about not giving up. 
For reference, these are chapters 62 & 63.
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Look at the raw emotion Deku is able to draw out of this kid. You will never be able to convince me he EVER hated Deku. Yes, even when he bullied him in middle school and told him to kill himself, I don’t believe Bakugou hated him. I believe that he misunderstood him and it scared him, and so he lashed out in anger since that was the only real form of emotion he knew how to properly convey. Was it right? Obviously not, but at least we are able to understand more of his thought process at that time. 
So from here, we get into the end of All Might and Deku vs. Kacchan 2. 
From the very start of everything, once Deku was given One for All, Bakugou has been spiraling. He had been struggling and fighting with himself, trying to come to terms with the fact that reality proves he isn’t the strongest or greatest and there is actually a shit ton he’s lacking, so he needs to change to be better. That’s a little difficult though when the person who is a constant reminder of your weaknesses is always around you. 
Then he comes to the conclusion that Deku was given All Might’s power, and that is kind of like an epiphany to him. I think, when Bakugou realized All Might gave Deku OfA, he really came to understand the parts of Deku he hadn’t before. The parts that made him the perfect individual for that power, even if he acted like he didn’t know and said some shit like “I’m weak, too!” when All Might broke up their fight, he doesn’t want OfA. He wants acknowledgment. Because to him, All Might giving OfA to Deku was like saying that he is the strongest, and he deserves that power.
When in reality it’s the opposite. Deku had nothing, he was weak and powerless, and yet immediately willing to protect those around him even if it meant losing his own life, and that’s the true make of a hero. Bakugou recognized that, I believe at least, during Deku vs Kacchan 2. 
For reference, these are from chapters 117 & 118
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So he’s venting, obviously. This is his opening to the big bit that we’ll be getting to shortly, but this is important but he’s opening himself up to Deku. I’ll say it again,
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This always gets me because Bakugou knows. I made a whole separate meta about him recognizing those attributes of Deku’s and recognizing that’s what makes him so powerful in his own right. 
Bakugou completely understands by this point what it is that made All Might choose Deku. He witnessed time and time again how willing Deku was to throw everything away for other people, how his desire to save came before absolutely anything else. He understands that. This is just his denial, and his pride wanting proof. 
Now we’re coming to the big bits, the meat of this entire fight. 
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I wanted to talk in between them but honestly, they should speak for themselves. 
“This battle might have been pointless. Win or lose..maybe it didn’t really matter. But at that moment, I knew I had to fight. Because the only person who understood what Kacchan was feeling, was me.” 
Now we have Deku recognizing what this is all about, that Bakugou is opening himself up to him and exposing those weaknesses he’s been struggling with for so long. Guilt, fear, anger, sadness. Bakugou has been holding onto so many things and had nowhere for it to come out until this fight. Remember, right after Kamino and All Might’s end, they went straight back to every day life. Bakugou was forced to train as normal and even take the provisional licensing exam before he was able to get a moment to process everything. 
Now that he had time for it, he decided to come out with his feelings, and obviously they needed to be expressed to Deku. He does this because he knows Deku is going to accept them. If he’s learned anything from his time being a little shit, it was that Deku wasn’t going anywhere, and he would listen to him whether he was screaming in anger or crying in pain. Because Deku was raised to show emotion, he cried and it was okay and he wasn’t shamed or told he was weak. He wasn’t held to some imaginary scale of strength because he...never really had any, not the way strength is perceived in this universe, at least.
But Bakugou did have strength, and so it was pushed onto him since his quirk developed, which led to his horrible combination of an inferiority complex and a superiority complex. It skewed the way he saw the people around him, and he couldn’t understand that someone could have strength even if they lacked a quirk or a way to fight. Deku had strength Bakugou didn’t, the strength to protect and care and love without restraint. It terrified Bakugou, and so he tried to push Deku away because of it. 
But Deku vs. Kacchan 2 put a ton of stuff in perspective for Bakugou. 
For reference this is from chapter 120.
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This scene is so beautiful to me. The way it’s implied they make eye contact. The emotion in this scene alone is so powerful, and should immediately tell you their relationship will never be the same; and it wasn’t. 
I feel like a lot of people don’t see a difference because Bakugou is still hot-headed and foul-mouthed, but he is in no way the same kid from before this chapter. Not to Deku, and not to anyone else. Being able to express himself and get all of that frustration out from what built up over almost a years time, it allowed him to begin truly changing himself into a better person. This was his starting point to recognizing that he can’t continue just fighting on his own, and he would eventually have to depend on other’s if he wants to be the best. He would have to open himself up. 
It’s gradual, and subtle, but it’s there. There are instances of it everywhere. From him joining in on OfA’s meetings, to the ways he encourages Deku to keep getting stronger by pushing him, to the JT when he acts with his team to win, all the way to the current chapters. 
Don’t get it twisted though, Bakugou’s development for himself started way before DvK2, but DvK2 is when the real development between Bakugou and Deku started, and these beautiful chapters led us all the way to 284 and 285, which was the most definitive show of development and growth I have ever seen a character make. 
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Heeey there~! 🥺👉🏾👈🏾 I think the world could use a cute bunny!Izuku tddk fic and you’re the perfect person to write one into existence! 😭 Thank you in advance!
Anything for you, friendo!!! <333
Ao3 Link
Word count: 5125
Well…  Shoto thought to himself, looking down at the pile of clothes on the pavement. This is a surprise.
 He honestly had no idea what had happened. One minute, him and Midoriya were walking down the street towards Yuuei with their groceries, the next, a small child had barrelled past them, knocking Midoriya's arm as she went. Initially, his friend had insisted that he was fine, but the moment the culprit had turned down the next street, he had vanished, his clothes and bag unceremoniously clattering to the floor.
 Shoto had been - understandably, he thought - alarmed by the development. After all, it wasn't every day one's best friend and crush disappeared, leaving nothing but a pile of clothes behind. Shoto was entirely ready to sprint after the children and shake them for information, when suddenly something moved under the pile, informing him that his friend was indeed still alive, just struggling to get free.
 Shoto knelt down and tried to untangle the clothes so whatever was underneath could escape. What he wasn't expecting was to come face to face with a fluffy Havana rabbit in place of his friend. 
 Wide, verdant eyes with dilated pupils stared up at him questioningly and Shoto felt himself blush at the sight. He knew those eyes better than his own.
  Yes… Definitely Midoriya. 
 Just when he thought his best friend couldn't get any cuter, he had to go and turn into the most adorable rabbit in the world.
 His ears were upright, albeit a tiny bit shorter than average, his nose was pink as it moved around, sniffing the air, and his coat was ebony with an emerald shine, except for his paws, which were white and messy.
  It's like he's wearing socks...
 Shoto shook himself. 
  Fawn over your best friend later, fool. You've got a job to do.
'Midoriya, blink twice if you can understand me?'
 Those big eyes continued to watch him intently, before blinking twice in confirmation.
 'Good.' That made things a lot easier. 'Now, are you hurt? Blink once for no, twice for yes.'
 Midoriya blinked once, much to his relief. Then, he let out an adorable sneeze that went straight to Shoto's heart.
  So cute.
 'Okay, I'm going to pick up your clothes and bags so I can take us back to the dorms. Am I okay to carry you?'
 Midoriya nodded and Shoto could've sworn his friend was smiling. He tried not to dwell on it though and got to work. He shoved Midoriya's clothes into one of the fallen carrier bags, before picking them up and transferring them to one hand. The weight was fine, but the straps bit into his fingers harshly - it was going to be a painful walk back.
 Midoriya must've sensed his distress though, because the moment Shoto scooped him up against his chest, his friend hopped up and took his place on Shoto's shoulder. When he turned to look at him, confused, Midoriya nuzzled his nose against his cheek to assure him that he was fine.
 It took every ounce of self-control for Shoto not to set them both on fire with his quirk.
 'Okay, Midoriya. I'll allow it.' He spoke evenly, despite his friend still rubbing against him. 'But if you fall, I'm going to be very upset. I will cry, don't test me.'
 The rabbit squeaked at that and made sure to shuffle a little closer, until he was nestled near the crook of Shoto’s neck.
 Distributing the carrier bags into both hands to distract him from the proximity, Shoto then set off down the street.
 Somehow, the walk back wasn't as uncomfortable as he thought it would be. Sure, some people sent him confused looks, while others straight up muttered about how he was a careless owner for letting Midoriya perch on his shoulder, but Shoto found that being in Midoriya's presence helped him feel less agitated. After all, Midoriya always had a talent for calming Shoto down when he let his anger get the better of him. 
 Soft fur brushed against his face and Shoto sighed, content, before deciding that he should probably say something.
 'How are you feeling?'
 When Midoriya tilted his head to the side, he realised his mistake. 'Oh yeah. Er, blink once for good, twice for okay, three for sad, four for other.'
 He didn't appreciate how easy it was for Midoriya to look so amused as he blinked twice. Before Shoto could ask though, Midoriya settled back near his neck and purred.
  I didn't know rabbits could purr.
 Shoto exhaled carefully to control himself and quickly decided to continue the rest of their journey in silence, lest he embarrass himself further.
 'Why is it, when something happens, it is always you two.' Aizawa leant against his desk and pinched his brow.
 'For the record, Sensei,' Shoto raised a finger. 'I understood that reference and think that the current circumstances are a lot different.'
 'Answer the question, Todoroki.' Aizawa glared at him. 'Why is Midoriya a rabbit?'
 Shoto sighed heavily and proceeded to explain what had happened. He informed his teacher that there was no foul play - it was merely an accident - and that Midoriya wasn't hurt. Aizawa nodded at set intervals and when Shoto eventually fell silent, he pushed himself away from his desk and looked down at them.
 'It wouldn't be logical to punish you for this.' He began bluntly. 'But in the future, I will be more stringent with your liberties to leave school grounds alone.'
 He then looked down at the small rabbit, sitting by Shoto's leg. 'Midoriya, you have to go see Recovery Girl in case there are any health concerns we need to be aware of. I will take you. Todoroki, go back to the dorms and keep this to yourself for now.'
 'Yes, Sensei.'
 Before he could turn around though, Midoriya suddenly nuzzled against his leg in an effort to make him stay.
 Shoto looked down questioningly to find wide eyes staring up at him, filled with emotion. Unable to simply walk away from such an expression, he crouched down to stroke his chin.
 'It's okay, Midoriya. I won’t be gone for long.'
 As it turned out, it was not okay.
 The moment Aizawa bent down to pick him up, Midoriya went feral. He jumped into the air to escape his teacher's incoming hands and landed a metre to his left.
 'Problem child.' Aizawa warned, before trying again. However, Midoriya repeated the action, then bounced in a zigzag motion to evade capture. When he came to a stop, Shoto noticed the look of defiance on his face - if that were even possible.
 Aizawa grumbled and fingered his capture weapon. 'Don't make me use this.'
 Midoriya frowned before hopping to hide behind the desk. Their teacher followed him, muttering something about how 'you little gremlins never make it easy for me.'
 Shoto stood, gawking as the two circled the desk comically. Eventually, Aizawa reached his breaking point and raised his capture weapon.
 However, Midoriya was ready.
 Shoto watched in awe as emerald and scarlet lightning came to life with the activation of his quirk. Sparks danced around his friend's small form as he leapt into the air to avoid the scarf. With practiced ease, he bounced off the walls around them - his style similar to his human form - before he eventually landed behind him. Shoto looked down to find Midoriya hiding behind his leg and glaring up at their teacher.
 'Midoriya.' Aizawa almost growled, crimson eyes flashing dangerously. The moment his erasure activated, the shining light vanished from around the rabbit. 'Come here, now.'
 Shoto stared, bemused.
 'Are you serious?' Aizawa raised an eyebrow.
 Another thump.
 'Don't you thump your foot at me, kiddo.' Their teacher snapped, albeit Shoto could tell the action had mellowed his anger. In any other situation, he might've smiled at the way pro-hero Eraserhead attempted to lecture a rabbit.
 Now though, he had to play the peacemaker.
 'Midoriya.' Shoto spoke gently. Angry eyes softened when they landed on him. 'If I stay with you, will you go to Recovery Girl? You can ride on my shoulder again?'
 His friend considered this offer, before nodding once.
 'Unbelievable.' Aizawa waved his hand, exasperated. 'You two will be the death of me.'
 Shoto considered his teacher, before bending down to pick Midoriya up with ease. When he got settled on his shoulder, the two followed Aizawa out of the room.
 As they walked down the corridor, he heard his teacher mutter, 'I swear, if you pull this shit again, I'll set Sushi on you.'
 'Who's Sushi?' Shoto asked.
 'None of your business.'
 One thing Shoto quickly came to release, as he dutifully accepted his role as caregiver, was that Midoriya was a lot more clingy than usual.
 He couldn't tell whether it was a side effect of the quirk or whether his friend was simply taking advantage of his adorableness and being affectionate because he knew no one would be able to deny him cuddles. Either way, Shoto didn't mind. He liked hugging Midoriya as much as he enjoyed receiving them.
 He especially didn't mind that Midoriya seemed to be the most affectionate with him, as he watched his peers slowly come to terms with their classmate's temporary form.
 'He's so tiny!' Ashido gushed, as Yaoyorozu stroked Midoriya, who looked rather content in her lap. 'I just wanna squeeze his cheeks and eat him all up!
 Midoriya squeaked at that.
 'Stop scaring him, Ashido-san!' Yaoyorozu gasped, before scratching behind his ears to calm him.
 'He knows I'm only joking.' She waved her off. 'We all know Bakugou's the one who likes rabbit stew anyway-'
 'Ashido.' Shoto warned, as he strode towards where Yaoyorozu was sitting. He noticed how Midoriya trembled at the mention of Bakugou's name and immediately bent down, opening his arms. 'It's okay. He's not gonna hurt you. You want a hug?'
 Nodding quickly, Midoriya jumped out of Yaoyorozu's lap, trusting Shoto to catch him in his arms and bring him close to his chest. Shoto cradled the back of his small head, stroking pointed ears as his other hand supported his fluffy butt. He tried to ignore the fact that he was technically groping his crush, but he couldn't hide his blush, especially when Midoriya reached up to lick his neck.
 'That's so cute!' Hagakure exclaimed, shaking Ashido by the shoulders while the rest of the girls cooed at the display. 'I've never seen Todoroki-kun so affectionate!'
 'Look at Deku-kun's little tongue, I'm dying!' Uraraka squealed with excitement as she bounced on the balls of her feet. 'Catch me, Iida-kun. I might swoon.'
 'Urarak-ah!' The class president yelped as she dramatically fell into his arms. 'I told you to stay hydrated!'
 'I'm just being dramatic, jeez!' Uraraka pouted, flopping against Iida.
 Shoto raised an eyebrow at his friends' antics, before turning his attention back to Midoriya, who was nibbling at his shirt. He smiled softly at the action and stroked one of his ears.
 'You're not allowed to eat my clothes, Midoriya.' He playfully scolded.
 Then a thought occurred to him.
 'Hey, Iida.' He spoke softly, not taking his gaze away from Midoriya, who stared up at him with big eyes. 'I need to fetch some food for Midoriya. He hasn't eaten all day, so could you look after him for me?'
 Uraraka fell to the floor with a shriek and in seconds, Iida was in front of them.
 'It would be my pleasure to look after Midoriya-kun!' He announced, before his voice suddenly dropped and he rubbed the back of his neck. 'In fact, I was actually hoping I would get the chance to hold him, but I did not want to presume that I had that privilege!'
 'What do you think, Midoriya?' Shoto tilted his head to the side. 'Can Iida hold you?'
 His friend nuzzled against him softly, before eventually nodding. He turned to the class president and Shoto lifted him up under the arms to hand to Iida, whose eyes were wide and nervous.
 When Midoriya got settled, Shoto then stepped back, lip twitching slightly. 'What do you want? Rabbits like carrots, right?'
 Midoriya stuck his tongue out and made a gagging noise, which Shoto found oddly amusing.
 'Midoriya-kun!' Iida went to gesticulate, but quickly realised both his hands were occupied. 'It is important to get the right nutrition, especially given the fact that you are under the effect of a quirk!'
 'It's okay, Iida.' Shoto narrowed his eyes at the rabbit. 'I know Midoriya won't say no to spinach.'
 Little ears pointed upwards and his nose twitched with interest. Shoto's heart skipped a beat. 'I'll take that as a yes.'
 In a moment of boldness, he then raised a finger and booped Midoriya's damp nose, before turning and heading to the kitchen.
 When he arrived, he took some spinach from the fridge and rinsed it under the tap, then reached for Midoriya's favourite All Might bowl. Fully armed with his food, Shoto then looked over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow at Iida, who was trying not to hand chop Midoriya as he stroked him. Keeping his face neutral, lest he betray his amusement, he then made his way towards one of the more quiet members of his class, who was mixing some honey into his cup of tea.
 'Koda, can I ask you something?' He mumbled, watching his classmate jump slightly at having been addressed.
 When he realised Shoto was actually talking to him, Koda nodded, tilting his head to the side in question.
 'Can you use your quirk on Midoriya?' Shoto scratched his cheek. 'Earlier, when I asked him if he was okay, he indicated that he was, but I want to be sure. I- I'm worried about him.'
 Koda looked at him, knowingly - Shoto wasn't quite sure how to feel about that - then nodded softly and walked over to Midoriya. His classmate whispered something into a large ear and Shoto waited for the result.
 Midoriya ground his teeth together as he seemed to reply, before his eyes met Shoto's own, a warmth in them that was oddly familiar and relaxing. He was so enraptured by them, he didn't notice that Koda had returned to his side until he flashed a thumbs up.
 'Midoriya-san's okay.' He spoke in a high voice, slightly amused. 'He was slightly overwhelmed at first, because the quirk seems to make him act more on instinct, but now that he’s accepted that, he told me he's liking all the hugs and pets! He feels rather tall on your shoulder too. And er…'
 'Er…' Koda grinned bashfully. 'Midoriya-san also said that "with Todoroki-kun fussing over me, I've never been better, so please tell him he doesn't need to worry about me".'
 Shoto flushed at that, but before he could fruitlessly try to defend himself, the door to the common room slammed open.
 Shoto rolled his eyes and turned to find Bakugou storming into the room, making a beeline for Midoriya, who had frozen in Iida's arms. 'Is it true you're so pathetic you let a kid use their quirk on you?'
 He came to a stop and stared at the rabbit, before he burst out laughing. 'Ha! Look at you! You really are pathetic!'
 'Bakugou-kun!' Iida exclaimed. 'Please refrain from calling Midoriya such names!'
 'Shut up, four eyes!' He growled. 'I'm just speaking the truth!'
 Shoto placed his bowl of spinach on the counter and made his way over. Everyone was used to Bakugou's aggressive nature - whether they liked it or not - but that just fuelled Shoto’s need to protect Midoriya even more, especially in this state.
 'No one wants you here, Bakugou.' He spoke firmly. 'If you're just going to run your mouth, you can do it somewhere else, where you won't use my best friend as your verbal punching bag.'
 'Don't fucking tell me what to do, Half n Half!' He growled, baring his teeth at Shoto. 'Like I give a shit what you extras want!'
 'You're making Midoriya-san uncomfortable.' Yaoyorozu stood up then, fists clenched. 'Bakugou-san I must insist you stop. He's had a rough enough day as it is.'
 'Do I look like I care?'
 'No, but you should.' Shoto crossed his arms over his chest and looked at him, coolly. 'He may look helpless, but that right there is a ruthless killing machine.'
 'Fuck off, Half n Half. Like Deku could do anything to me.' He stuck his finger out to poke Midoriya. 'What are you gonna do? Eat a carro- AGH! YOU BASTARD!'
 Shoto couldn't hide his smile when Midoriya bit Bakugou's finger in retaliation, a look of defiance on his face. His classmate reeled back, clutching his bloody hand, before he lunged for Midoriya. However, the latter was faster and leapt out of Iida's arms just as Bakugou crashed into the class rep and the two clattered to the floor with a shriek.
 Green lightning coursed through Midoriya as he flew through the air towards Shoto, who instinctively opened his arms to catch him.
 The moment he felt soft fur against him, Shoto took action, wrapping his arms around Midoriya and holding him close as his friend scrambled to burrow his head in the crook of Shoto's neck, trusting him to protect him.
 Bakugou snarled as he wrestled himself off Iida and onto his feet. Before he could continue his attack though, Shoto raised his right arm and pointed it at him.
 'You brought that on yourself, Bakugou.' His voice was even. 'Now back off. I'm not letting you anywhere near him.'
 'Ha! Don't make me laugh.' Bakugou spat, tiny explosions popping from his hands.
 Shoto noticed the way Midoriya pressed closer, sensitive to the loud noises as his damp nose wet his neck, and frowned. Lowering his temperature, he prepared to attack, when suddenly the door slammed open. 
 'I AM HERE TO SEE MIDORIYA-SHOUNEN!' All Might burst into the room, his muscled body flexing before he reverted back to his true form with a puff of smoke. Shoto watched, mildly concerned, as his teacher hacked up an inordinate amount of blood into a tissue. 
 When All Might eventually cleared his face and pocketed the tissue, he smiled sheepishly at the class. However, when he noticed Bakugou's fighting stance, Shoto's frost and Iida's mid-air hand chop, he frowned.
 'Am I interrupting something?'
 'It's all under control, Sensei!' Yaoyorozu stepped between Shoto and Bakugou and clasped her hands together. 'Bakugou was just going to see Recovery Girl about his finger.'
 'The fu-'
 'Really?' All Might raised an eyebrow. 'What happened?'
 'That vermin bit me, so I'm gonna make him regret-'
 'You invaded Midoriya-kun's personal space!' Iida frantically shouted. 'The consequences are justified.'
 'Four-eyes, I swear to fuck, I'll end you!'
 'Language, Bakugou-shounen.' All Might raised a finger. 'I'll deal with Midoriya-shounen, but right now, you need to go to the infirmary.'
 Bakugou glared at his teacher and, for a moment, Shoto thought he'd refuse, when finally, the blonde tsked and turned away.
 'Fucking rodent's probably gonna give me rabies.' He muttered as he stalked out of the room. When he was out of earshot, Shoto tilted his head to the side.
 'How would we be able to tell the difference if he did have rabies?'
 It was a genuine question, yet when everyone around him laughed - including a vibrating Midoriya - Shoto allowed himself a small smile.
 Shortly after Bakugou departed, All Might took the opportunity to take Midoriya outside for a quick word. Shoto wasn’t entirely sure how many words were going to be exchanged during their conversation, seen as Midoriya couldn’t exactly talk, but he trusted the former number one hero to figure it out.
 So, while he waited for his friend to return, Shoto wandered back to the kitchen, grabbed his food for Midoriya and took a moment to simply relax. As much as he loved spending time with his friends, all this socialising was starting to become rather overwhelming, so it was nice to finally have a quiet moment to himself, now that his classmates weren’t hounding him for information about Midoriya’s current state.
 He managed ten minutes of pure Shoto-time, before he heard a cackle from the living room and the chaos began once more.
 Preparing himself for worst, Shoto turned around, only to come face to face with verdant eyes, mere inches from his face. Shoto’s own eyes widened and he stepped back in shock, watching as a black and green rabbit floated lazily in the air.
 His friend nodded to him in greeting, indifferent to the way his back legs rose higher as he began to rotate. His ears flopped against gravity as he turned upside down, nose twitching as he eyed the spinach in Shoto's hand.
 Unable to look away, he fumbled to grab a leaf and brought it to Midoriya's mouth. His friend eagerly nibbled at it and in seconds it was gone.
 Shoto watched, blinking dumbly, before he shook his head and finally found his voice.
 'Uraraka, why is Midoriya floating?' He spoke calmly, raising his arm and poking soft fur so that his friend was upright once more. ‘Where’s All Might?’
 ‘He had to leave to make a phone call.’ Uraraka shrugged, then she watched as Midoriya continued floating across the room and grinned. ‘As for Deku-kun, he said he missed being tall, so I said I’d help him out.’
 ‘You speak rabbit now?’ He raised an eyebrow, unimpressed.
 ‘Miruko-san taught me a little, yeah!’ She crossed her arms over her chest and pouted. However, when Shoto shot her a look, she groaned and brought her hands together. 'You're no fun, Todoroki-kun. Release!'
 Midoriya squeaked as the gravity returned to his body and he descended to the ground. Abandoning the bowl, Shoto dove forward to catch him, arms outstretched. He breathed a sigh of relief as a fluffy stomach made contact with his open palms, safe, before he landed on the floor with a thud, chin, elbows and stomach receiving carpet burn as he slid forward slightly.
 'A bit of warning would've been nice.' He grumbled. However, his anger quickly dissipated when Midoriya hopped towards him and licked his nose in thanks.
 'I knew you'd catch him.' Uraraka skipped forward and patted her friend on the head. 'See, Deku-kun. I told you Todoroki-kun would fall for you!'
 Shoto buried his head in the carpet and groaned.
 Shoto wasn't exactly sure how he got into this position. One minute, he was reclined in one of the common room armchairs, reading a manga he had borrowed from Sero, while Midoriya released some pent up energy by zooming around the room. The next moment, he awoke from an unexpected nap to find his friend laid across his chest, twitching as he slept.
 Shoto looked down at him with a soft expression as he registered the way his hands had wrapped protectively around Midoriya whilst he slept. Not wanting to let go just yet, he absentmindedly stroked soft, dark fur, hugging his friend closer and watching the way Midoriya moved with each rise and fall of Shoto's chest.
 The two stayed that way for a while; Midoriya gently snoozed while Shoto fussed over him, gradually working his hand up to rub his head. He tickled the crease where upright ears met his head, before Shoto reached his friend's whiskers. He noticed how Midoriya leant into the touch and felt himself smile.
 Eventually though, in typical Midoriya fashion, his twitches increased in size and frequency as he dreamt, until the poor boy woke himself up with a full body convulsion. Alarmed, he lifted his head and looked around frantically, nose twitching as he smelt the environment.
 'Hey, bunny.' Shoto soothed, eyes widening when he processed the nickname, but Midoriya didn't seem to mind. In fact, his friend physically relaxed at the sound of his voice, then turned his head to lick Shoto's hand in greeting.
 His heart swelled. 'Must've been quite the dream if it woke you up.'
 Midoriya squeaked, before hiding his face between his paws, embarrassed. His fluffy body shook when Shoto's chest rumbled with amusement.
 'What were you dreaming about? All Might?'
 Midoriya shook his head.
 Shoto shouldn't have felt such satisfaction when his friend growled at the mention of that name, but alas, he was a simple man.
 'Were you dreaming about me?' He tried to sound playful, but couldn't hide the slight blush on his cheeks.
 It didn't help that Midoriya just stared at him with big, round eyes, like he wanted to say something, then Shoto realised.
 'You were chasing a cat, weren't you?' He asked, intelligently.
 He didn't know rabbits could sigh, let alone with that much exasperation.
 'No?' He quirked an eyebrow. 'I'm not sure then, you'll have to tell me about it when you can talk again.'
 Midoriya shook his head, before he let out a big yawn.
 'You still sleepy?' Shoto tilted his head to the side, scratching his friend's chin. 'Maybe we should head to bed then. Blink once for my room, twice for your room.'
 Midoriya stared at him for a moment, as if to say, 'Are you sure?'
 'I'm not leaving you on your own, Midoriya.' Shoto answered, as if it were obvious. 'What if something happened to you? You can’t use your phone, you don’t even have opposable thumbs.’
 His friend scrunched his nose up and frowned, before he relented and blinked once.
 ‘My room it is.’ Shoto reluctantly stopped stroking Midoriya and picked him up. After setting him comfortably on his shoulder, he stood up, grabbed the discarded manga and exited the common room.
 By the time he entered his dorm room and got Midoriya settled on his futon, his friend was already dozing off again, his breathing evening out as his head rested against the pillow. Smiling softly at the sight, Shoto switched into his pyjamas and laid down next to his friend.
 He leant his cheek on his palm and observed his sleeping form, basking in the rare opportunity to shamelessly appreciate Midoriya, one of the most important people in his life, without fear of being discovered. Pointed ears twitched, closed eyes fluttered and his teeth ground together slightly. Shoto watched the small behaviours, heart suddenly feeling too large for his chest as emotion consumed him.
 His mouth moved before he could think.
 'I'd do anything to protect you, you know?' He whispered softly, reaching a hand out before faltering. 'I promise, I'll try my best to always keep you safe.'
 When Midoriya snuggled further into the pillow, Shoto sighed and closed his eyes, sleep slowly returning.
 He missed the way verdant eyes opened to regard him with unbridled emotion, before shuffling closer.
 The first thing Shoto's hazy mind thought when he woke up the next morning was Heavy.
 Groaning, he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, before blinking them open, sleep blurring his vision. When it finally cleared, Shoto noticed that something was laid on top of him…
 Or to be more specific, someone.
 Or to be even more specific, Midoriya?!
 Shoto's eyes widened and his face immediately turned crimson. Midoriya Izuku was in his bed, cuddling Shoto and drooling all over his chest. His fluffy green hair tickled his neck and his large arm was wrapped around his waist protectively.
  How did…?
 It was only when he remembered the events of yesterday that Shoto realised the quirk must have just worn off in his sleep, causing Midoriya to transform back into his usual self.
  Nothing to worry about. Shoto told himself as he tried not to set his blanket on fire. You're glad he's back to normal. No need to feel- Wait…
 Shoto narrowed his eyes with suspicion, before he gingerly raised the blanket covering them, his curiosity getting the better of him. When his eyes landed on way too much freckled skin, he suppressed a yelp and dropped the material.
 His face felt like it was on fire, but before he could calm himself down, Midoriya suddenly roused. He squished his cheek against Shoto's chest, before he groaned and looked up at him, scratching his disheveled hair and smiling.
 'Hey, Todoroki-kun.' He mumbled, before rolling off Shoto and stretching. Luckily, the blanket still covered his lower body, but the frontal view of Midoriya's muscled torso was still too much for Shoto's heart that early in the morning.
 'Morning, Midoriya.' He replied, ignoring the way his voice squeaked slightly. 'How do you feel?'
 ‘I feel great, all thanks to you!’ His friend replied, chirpily. ‘Thank you for looking after me yesterday. I know it was a little difficult at times.’
 ‘I’ll always look after you, Midoriya.’ Shoto shrugged, ignoring the blush on his cheeks.
 ‘Does that mean I can still cuddle you when I want to?’ Midoriya wiggled his eyebrows friskily, albeit he chuckled nervously. However, his playfulness was lost on Shoto.
 ‘Of course, it does.’ He fiddled with his blanket and looked away, realising his bluntness. ‘I like cuddling you and looking after you.’
 Midoriya’s teasing smile faltered and he gazed at Shoto, curiously. Several seconds passed, before his friend nudged closer and reached out a trembling hand.
 ‘What about this?’ He cupped Shoto’s cheek and stroked the area under his scar with a gentleness that juxtaposed the raw strength he knew Midoriya possessed. The touch was so warm, Shoto felt himself nod, eyelids fluttering shut. ‘Good, because yesterday made me realise a lot of things, gave me the opportunity to figure out what I want… What you might want.’
 Shoto exhaled shakily at that, not trusting himself to speak.
 When Midoriya spoke next, he sounded a lot closer and Shoto’s eyes shot open when warm breath fanned his face. ‘I know that I want to be closer to you, if that’s what you want too? I know this isn’t the same as yesterday, but-’
 ‘Am I definitely awake right now?’ Shoto interrupted, swallowing heavily.
 Midoriya smiled at that.
 ‘Good.’ Shoto placed his hand over the top of Midoriya’s own and leant forward to close the gap between them. He rubbed his lips against his friend’s own, before he kissed him softly, admiring the way slightly chapped lips pressed back. When they pulled away, Midoriya rested his forehead against his own and laughed breathlessly.
 ‘I’m glad you waited until I turned back into a human before doing that.’
 Shoto hummed softly and leant in to whisper in his ear.
 ‘Well, it’s not every day you wake up to find your best friend naked in your bed.’ He sat back then and waited as verdant eyes widened with realisation and Midoriya lifted the blanket to find that he was, indeed, not wearing any clothing.
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shoutosteakettle · 4 years
a cry for help • katsuki bakugou
⤷ genre: lil bit of angst & a lil bit of fluff & lil bit of law student katsu!au
⤷ word count: 1213
⤷ a/n: so this fic isn’t perfect and it might be a little messy but i really like this fic and i hope you do too!! thank you @ererokii for proof reading like always (love you aims
“Okay, so if the defendant is under investigation for criminal activity, what rights do they have when referring to their privacy?” you asked Katsuki, reading off the index card you held in your hand. You watch the stressed pre-law student bring his hand up to his temples, rubbing them in hopes of a sense of relief. 
“C’mon Katsu, you got this,” you whisper-cheered to him. When you saw his vermillion eyes set on you, there was a chill that ran down your spine; this was his infamous ‘fuck off’ look. You gave him another thirty seconds to answer the question before setting down the card in the ‘wrong’ pile. The scoff that he sent you in return to your actions made you stop your midway, your fingers pinched at the corner of the next index card, “Do you know the answer?”
“No,” Katsuki scoffed once again, this time accompanying it with an over the top eye roll. You watched as he fiddled with the keys on his laptop before gaining the confidence to look him in the eyes again. The bags underneath them were heavier than yesterday, and his usually perfect skin was breaking out right by the pores of his nose.
“Did you sleep last night,” you asked him, worried that you already knew the answer.
“No,” Katsuki answered. This time, his tone was less harsh. You could sense the tiredness and stress that was laced in his voice. This was so unlike him. Usually, the Katsuki Bakugou was the type of student to pass every test without fail, regardless of studying But ever since the two of you had started college, he had been struggling, hard. Last night he texted you asking if the two of you could meet up at the library; the last thing you expected was for him to ask you to help him study.
“Oi, ask the next shitty question,” Katsuki’s husky voice pulled you from your thoughts. His frustration was obvious and was growing to be a bit contagious, but you were trying your best to keep a cool head for him. You picked up the pile of unanswered index cards, shuffling through them and purposely picking out the easiest question. “What is the fifth amendment of the constitution,” you read, waiting for his answer.
“I don’t know, okay? I don’t fucking know. Is that what you want to hear,” he hissed, his voice raising half a decibel with every word. “Do you think you’re better than me because I can’t answer a few of your dumbass questions?” At this point, he was half yelling. Nowhere near his regular volume but still loud enough to grasp the attention of your peers studying in the library.
“Katsuki Bakugou, you know I don’t think that,” you spat back at him, standing up from your seat with both hands pressed on the desk in front of you. Almost all thoughts of containing your temper having been thrown to the wind... almost. You straightened your back, brushing the wrinkles from your skirt before sitting back in your seat. You tried your best to keep your eyes from the ones watching the broadway worthy performance you and your boyfriend were putting on for them.
“What the hell is going on with you,” you asked, any remnants of your previously attitude laced tone completely gone, instead replaced with something softer, a tone more crossed with love and concern.
“Tch. The fuck are you talking about,” he asked, refusing to meet your gaze, preferring to read and reread the sign that hung above your head pointing to the young adult romance section of the library.
“You know what I’m talking about Katsuki. You’re not sleeping, and I have to call you eight times a day just make sure that you eat. You’ve basically cut all ties with everyone except me and Eijirou, and I don’t know how much longer we can handle Denki on our own. What’s wrong with you?”
“You want to know what’s wrong with me,” Katsuki started, the ice from his voice sending a chill throughout your corner of the room, “It’s you. And my mother. And everyone fucking else. I promised that I would be the best and greatest, but what kind of fucking idiot can’t even pass their mid-term?”
Katsuki was never big on expressing his emotions, so the shock you felt when you saw a single tear fall from his eye and down his cheek before he wiped it away was completely justifiable. Tears aren’t a sign of weakness, they’re a cry for help. And you’re never more strong than when you’re asking for help. Remember that. Those were the words he spoke every time you came running to him for comfort, for shelter, for love. 
“Katsu,” you cooed, taking his cheek in your right palm and steering his attention towards you. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. The last thing I wanted was to pressure you. We can do this together, I can help you.” Your voice, soft and quiet was a good example as to what proper library etiquette was. Opposed to your boyfriend who had been yelling his head off just seconds before. But any and all thoughts of what was right and what was wrong were thrown out the window when you felt Katsuki rest his forehead against yours, letting one last tear fall from his eye. Tears can also be a sign of love. When you’re so overwhelmed with the feeling and just don’t know what to do with it, that’s when tears come in handy.
So caught up in the feeling of love and the aura that had settled around you two, neither of you noticed the library security guard walking your way. It wasn’t until he was close enough for the two of you to smell the coffee he had drunk this morning from his breath that you remembered there were other people on earth. When the guard had asked you and Katsuki to leave due to a noise complaint (well, several noise complaints), you didn’t really put up a fight because you understood completely.
“I’ve never been kicked out of a library before, “ you confessed, drawing small circles on your boyfriend’s chest through the black tee that he dawned, “Do you think we can ever show our faces there again. Wait, what if they have, like, a wall of infamy for people who are no longer welcome and our faces are on there now.”
“Then we’ll find a new library,” Katsuki shrugged, rolling over on the twin-sized mattress to face you in favor of the off white ceiling of your college dorm. You dragged your index finger from the bags underneath his eyes to the cliff of his chin, in the same motion that a tear would fall, before using that same finger to wipe away a tear that had fallen from your eye. “Damn, if it’s that important to you then I guess I could talk to the staff and explain to them that it was my fault.”
“No, no. It’s not that- I just really, really love you,” you gush, hoping that he didn’t hear the awkward snort that followed as you tried to cover up your sudden burst of emotion with laughter.
“I love you too dumbass.”
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likethehorrormovie · 4 years
Another horrible angsty headcanon:
Bakugou refused compete in the dorm competition- not because he was tired. And not because he thought it was dumb, either.
It was because his room was too empty without his All Might collection.
When Pinky had first suggested it- Bakugou should have leapt at the chance. He should have been reeling at the opportunity- he should have been itching for the moment he'd crush the rest of the class into the ground. Because- let's face it- two parents in the fashion industry? He was amazing at this.
When it came to design- Bakugou was as much as a prodigy in that as he was with anything else. Like- when it came to submitting their ideas for hero costumes- Bakugou didn't just send the "designers" a brief. He sent them a pattern he designed himself, the materials required and where to buy them, fabric dye brands and colours, specifications on the stitching size- and measurements right down to the fucking T.
He also included a note reminding them politely not to fuck with the design. Because he was good at this. And it showed pretty damn well- when the other losers showed up in lame ass excuses for costumes they themselves probably had barely even thought through. Even if the fuckass designer had put two dots on his costume against his WILL- Bakugou's outfit was still 10x better and more practical than anyone else who had set foot in UA.
Nah. When it came to design, Bakugou was easily the best. And he would never do something as fucking pathetic as half assing his own goddamn room.
Every item, every bit of furniture, every nicknack he owned fitted together into kickass perfection. Colour theory, placement: it matched- or it complimented- it was practical- it looked fucking awesome. He kept it clean cause he wasn't a fucking heathen, and he refused to buy anything for his room that wouldn't fit in with the rest.
...And no one even fucking knew it.
Not many people saw Bakugou's room, anymore. His middle school friends started fucking smoking when they turned twelve, and llike hell was he letting that stink near his room. And Deku hadn't been in there for... some time now.
So no one knew. No one had even the slightest inkling that Bakugou Katsuki would easily have the best room in the class. It wasn't even a fair fight.
So he should have been jumping at the chance to show them. Like he always did, when challenged. He should have been feeling the thunder of impending victory in his chest, kicking open his own door, and watching as everyone looked at his room in pure awe- and Bakugou was rightfully recognised as the 1A room King.
So he should have been excited. Right?
... Yet here he was. Standing, in the centre of his room- looking at two, cardboard boxes. Still packed. The contents, hidden away inside.
He could hear the muffled sounds of 1A chatter, coming from somewhere below. Gathering before the dorm competition began.
...Bakugou had snapped at Kirishima, when the red head offered to help him unpack these boxes. As if the dumbass hadn't already been helping Bakugou with all the other boxes- without a even a hint of complaint from his explosive friend.
Kirishima had apologized, good naturedly, like he always did. Before leaving the room. (And leaving Bakugou with an unfamiliar feeling curling in his chest.)
Bakugou stared at the boxes. They stared back.
He'd packed these a while ago. A day or so before they were told about the dorm system, actually. It had felt too weird going to sleep with this... stuff in his room. Looking at him.
It's your fault.
So, he'd packed it away. Scooping it all off shelves, and putting it into two cardboard boxes he had lying around. It just about fit.
He hadn't been quite sure what he wanted to do with them. Putting them in the attic was too permanent. And like hell was he throwing this away. Some of it was even limited edition. So- the boxes had stayed, on the floor of his bedroom, for about a week. His bedroom at home.
He hadn't... He hadn't wanted to take them with him. He'd tried to say he wanted to leave them behind- but the hag said they were taking up to much space. That he either took them to the dorms... Or they got thrown away.
So he took them.
... When Kirishima had left the room, ten minutes ago, he'd been wearing that little hopeful expression of his. The one he got sometimes- like the time he asked Bakugou to come swimming. One he struggled to say no to.
This time: the expression had appeared after telling Bakugou about the dorm competition. Asking him if he was up for the "super manly" challenge.
"Fucking maybe. I don't give a shit. Bet your rooms all suck ass, anyway." Bakugou had told him.
...Alone in his room- Bakugou moved forward to the partially opened box. The one Kirishima had gotten part way through ripping into- before Bakugou had realised- and told him to fuck off, Shitty Hair!
With his right hand, he peeled the box open. Peering, as if with fucking apprehension, at the items he knew were inside. As the cardboard moved, his eyes came to land on-
Knock-knock-knock!- "Bakugou!"
Katsuki startled. Whipping around towards the door.
"The fuck do you want- Shitty hair?!" He yelled back. Perhaps pummelling a little more aggression into his tone than he should have. He looked back to the item in the box.
"The competitions starting, bro!" Kirishima laughed back. Not seeming to notice. "Thought you'd wanna come see everyone's rooms before we get to your floor."
Bakugou paused.
"Come on man, you're gonna wanna see these!" The red head continued. Before he paused. In a way that Bakugou knew meant a devious smirk was blooming across the red head's face. "... Hey," he spoke. "...Did you know Midoryia has a crazy All Might collection?"
Bakugou stilled. Still transfixed the object in the box. (It's your turn.)
"No seriously bro, it's like an otakus room!" Kirishima spoke again, when Bakugou didn't answer. "You know... I wonder if anyone can beat him..." Hw trailed off. The challenge in his tone clear, but playful. Joking- if Bakugou was being pragmatic about it.
Bakugou didn't answer. He was still staring at the object. At the others, too. All the ones in the cardboard box. Each one, matching the other. In terms of colour. Size. Each complimenting every single other thing he possessed, in one way or another. He'd never realised how much he-
"Hey Bakubro?" Kirishima's voice interrupted. Bakugou cursed internally, as he recognised the tone of uncertainty in his voice.
"Haah?!" He responded. On instinct.
"...You coming?" Kirishima asked. That hopeful tone- on the frays of his voice, once more. Katsuki paused.
"Nah." He replied. Voice even, as he looked back at an All Might figurine. Sitting, in a box, with countless other nicknacks like him.
"Nah" He repeated. Sitting in a nearly barren dorm room. With two cardboard boxes, unpacked. "It sounds fucking dumb." He said, loudly. As All Might stared back at him.
"You sure?"
A figurine of the hero in his prime. Of the man, long before he'd met Katsuki. Before he'd even been born, probably.
Your fault.
"Yeah." Bakugou swallowed. "Don't give a shit, and I'm fucking tired. I'm going to bed."
"Oh!" Kirishima made a sound of suprise. "Oh- well... Okay man! hahaa," he laughed nervously through the door. Bakugou felt the curling feeling in his chest again. "Well, I'll uh, catch you later man. Sleep well!" The red head called through the door. Overly cheerfully.
"Fucking obviously. I do everything well, moron." Bakugou retorted. Keeping his voice gruff. Looking at the All Might trinkets in the box. How messily he'd packed them.
"haha, I know man," Kirishima's voice responded warmly. Through a door with no posters on it. Because those were all in the other box. "I'll see you tomorrow. Gnight!" He called. Voice becoming fainter- as footsteps began to walk away, down the corridor.
"...Night." Bakugou said back. Not loud enough to be heard, from where Kirishima had gotten to. His voice still seeming to bounce off the bare walls of the dorm room. A room that was startlingly empty, when it wasn't filled to brim with all things All Might.
Your fault.
...And soon enough, the footsteps were gone. To late on, be replaced with chatter, of 1A. Oggling at each and ever room, with gasps and whoops- and snarky comments. Each reaction more excited than the last. Hours later, the particularly indignant sounds coming from what sounded like the common room, indicated that the winner must have been announced. The 1A Room King.
...Bakugou didn't find out who it was. He didn't find out what the different rooms even looked like. He could only hear. As he hid the cardboard boxes under his bed. And didn't go to sleep.
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scftizuku · 4 years
Big 3 vs Wonder Duo (Which one will end happening in My Hero Academia)
Okay this topic has been on my mind for awhile now i mean their is evidence for both the wonder duo and the big 3 (especially from the vibe that I’ve been getting from the war arc) So i’ll try to break down evidence for both sides and come to my final conclusion on what might actually happen at the end of the meta analysis
Big 3:
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Alright lets start with the Origin trio. This trio first became a official hero combination from the Endeavor Agency arc. Within that arc we as readers were able to learn more about Shouto as a person and his family dynamic. Now you could say that Deku and Bakugou being their was due to the fact that they are the protagonist and deurotagonist (which are valid points since it would make sense for them to be present in the Todoroki family conflict since one Izuku has helped Shouto a lot since the Sports Festival and on Bakugou’s end he got to bond with him during their remedial license exams)
The Endeavor Agency arc is the first time that we got a hint towards a possible three way combination in terms of skills. Izuku and Katsuki learned more about Shouto’s home life and we even got Fuyumi thanking Izuku for being his friend (which was important in terms of a successful hero trio working in the near future) having all of the members in it have something that binds them emotionally will ensure the strength in their bonds.
Let me break down 2 dynamics within the Origin trio (Im saving Bakugou and Midoriya’s part of it for the Wonder Duo section):
Todoroki Shouto and Midoriya Izuku:
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Izuku telling Shouto that his power isn’t his fathers but his own helped Shouto embrace himself. This big moment helped fans understand Izuku as a character and that he didn’t care about winning but being able to help Shouto accept himself for who he is.
When Todoroki and Bakugou fought at the Sports Festival Izuku was showcased to be cheering Shouto (who at that moment was hesitant to use his full power) this ignited his flames to come full force which was big for Shouto’s character
During the Stain arc Izuku sent out a signal to his location (which Shouto saw) and we see him worried for his friend and he makes his way to Iida and Izuku
During the aftermath of the stain arc Shouto showcases his worries and protectiveness of Izuku and Iida.
In the Forest Training arc Izuku was having trouble connecting with Kota and Shouto was able to give him advice by stating “ "Even he's told all the right things, if you don't know his background then you'll only succeed in annoying him" and continues with  "The important thing is, what the person who's saying it has done...and what they're doing now. I think that words are always accompanied with deeds.",
Shouto’s advice to Izuku showcases how much Izuku trust his advice and judgement (again a big change from where they were from the Sports festival)
When Izuku fought Muscular Shouto’s words came back as a form of encouragement which helped him defeat the villian and become close with Kota.
"Even heroes cry sometimes." which was a quote Shouto said as a mean to help comfort Izuku who struggled when learning about all the horrible things that have happened to Eri. That scene showed how perceptive Shouto was in the feelings of others and also showed his method of trying to help someone.
When Shouto fought against Tetsutestsu in the Joint Training arc the symbolic moment that started the beginning of their bond which was the reminder of Shouto’s quirk being his own helped him with his fight
We also have their friendship being stronger when Izuku talks to Shouto about his path to forgiving his father and saying that he is kind (Endeavor Agency arc)
Izuku saves Shouto from Dabi by using black whip and states that Shouto is his “precious friend.” which that signified how powerful their bond is
I wont mention all the moments that they share as I am saving more on the shipping aspect for another blog post but my point on these two supporting each other endlessly still stands. Izuku has helped encourage Shouto when using his quirk and in return Shouto has given Izuku such helpful advice when stuck between a crossroad. From canon alone Horikoshi showcases their unconditional support for each other.
Todoroki Shouto and Bakugou Katsuki:
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From what canon has given us in terms of the introduction of their bond Katsuki has viewed Shouto as another rival of his while Shouto isn’t scared of Katsuki and his temperament at all.
Shouto and Katsuki are usually shown to bicker and banter with each other which is usually fun to see when observing their dynamic
Katsuki overheard Shouto and Izuku’s conversation after the calvary battle (which in a way foreshadowed his bond with Shouto getting stronger since it was able to connect him to the other two)
The Forest of training arc was the first arc that showed how natural Katsuki and Shouto were with one another (as compared to the Sports Festival)
Their friendly bantering continues when they both have to retake the license exam again. The running joke of Todoroki insisting that they are friends and Bakugou denying this is always a joy to see.
Bakugou was one of the first people (alongside Deku) to understand Shouto as a person when they were interning with Endeavor
Bakugou and Todoroki in canon both notice each others strengthens and made multiple comments on this. One example of this is when Todoroki used one of his well known attacks from the Sports Festival against his fight with Deku and Bakugou states this while bantering with Todoroki which he quickly responds with “I weakened the blow by a bit. Are you hurt?”
During their retake to get their hero license Bakugou opens up to Todoroki about how he was raised and that violence is needed against their challenge with the children which Todoroki comments that there is a better way that they can get through to the children.
Just from canon context alone these two have such a playful yet rival like bond and even to the current point of the manga we never really see these two break out of their usual bickering and bantering. I wont elaborate much on this since I plan to do a post more in depth about all the personal relationships. In canon we don’t really see a lot for them being explored but the potential for them to bond more is their and I have no doubts that Horikoshi will do this justice (especially if the big 3 route is endgame)
The timeline of where the third MHA movie will take place can play a factor to this as well. If the movie takes place during the Endeavor Agency arc then it wouldn’t really leave much room for fans to interpret Shouto’s role after he finds out about OFA. However, if the movie takes place post war arc “All for One and One for All.” which was the movie teaser’s highlight it could solidify the importance that Shouto will have once he finds out what Katsuki already knew about Deku.
Big 3 Evidence:
Deku, Katsuki, and Shouto were all shown to admire All Might when they were younger. 
Ever since the concept of the big 3 was introduced (Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire’s debut) it gave fans the idea that a future big 3 will come into play. It was just a matter of who would be apart of it
War arc hints that Shouto will be let in on the OFA secret (which was something that binded just Deku and Katsuki before) with this knowledge it will connect the three of them 
With quirks alone all 3 of them are compatible and would be an ultimate tag team
Endeavor Agency arc once more hints of the potential trio with Katsuki and Izuku fighting alongside Shouto in order to save Natsuo from Ending. The first time we got to see these three join forces and showcase everything that they’ve got
Small parallels between them and the current big 3 (Mirio and Bakugou) (Deku and Amajiki) and (Shouto and Nejire) I might make a post on the comparisons soon if you guys are interested.
Trios have been shown in the My Hero Academia universe (examples: rooftop trio which consist of Aizawa, Shirakumo, and Present Mic) which considering that the three of them wanted to open up their own agency as pros but sadly could not it wouldn’t be surprising that the Origin trio ends up doing so instead.
Endeavor hints on this possible trio by saying that the three of them need to have the three fundamentals which are rescue, evacuation, and battle. Izuku (Rescue), Shouto (evacuation), and Katsuki (battle),
Wonder Duo:
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Shifting perspectives let’s discuss some evidence of Horikoshi ending the series with the Wonder Duo. Now with this hero combination it was stated at face value during Deku vs Kacchan 2 ( chapter 120) by All Might who says “If the two of you can recognize each other and honestly raise each other up, you can become the best heroes who both win and rescue.”  This was the first indication that not only could they become a hero duo but also that these two would rekindle their broken bond by the conclusion of the series.
Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku:
From what we know prior to the beginning of the series Izuku and Katsuki knew each other since childhood and that their relationship started off rocky (since they were set up to become rivals) 
To show the closeness of Izuku’s connection to Katsuki he calls him “Kacchan” while even tho Katsuki’s originally meaning of the word “Deku” meant worthless Izuku took that name and made it his hero name.
For seasons 1-3 (before Deku vs Kacchan 2) Katsuki believed that Izuku had always looked down on him hence him pushing him away which he yet again confirms in the war arc that because of his weakness he ended up bullying Deku because of it
When Bakugou got kidnapped from the villains he states “stay back Deku.” and as a result we have Deku screaming out in agony when the villains took Bakugou away during the training camp arc
Following his kidnapping scene Deku cries at the hospital about not being able to save Katsuki (despite during that time of their development Katsuki wanted to push Izuku away)
When Deku vs Kacchan 2 occurred fans got to see Katsuki become vulnerable for the first time talking about why had it been him that ended All Might’s career. This following with Deku stating that he is “the only one who can accept Kacchan’s feelings.”
"to the same extent of all your unpleasant traits, your sheer amazingness at everything you do was so brilliant to me, it was blinding!" (quote from Izuku during the fight) followed by "You, who had so many things that I never had... to me, you were an amazing, inspiring person, who was even closer to me than All Might!"
Deku vs Kacchan 2 was the pivotal fight that changed the entire course of their dynamic since it was the first time that fans got to see the two of them unleash all their emotions that they had been keeping in for years
In Heroes Rising Deku shares OFA with Bakugou and commenting that "It's okay if it's you," when talking about having his childhood friend hold that power and also showcases Izuku’s trust in him.
During the Meta Liberation War arc when Izuku tries to find Shigaraki and try putting a end to all of this Katsuki notices this and follows him commenting “because being a hero means protecting everyone." foreshadowing the save mentality that Katsuki has when he put his life on the line to protect Deku from Shigaraki’s attack 
Link to a perspective that tackles the possibility of Bakugou and Midoriya being a hero duo in the future.
Wonder Duo Evidence:
During the provisional license arc Aizawa talks to Mrs. Joke about how Bakugou and Midoriya encourage and inspire the rest of the class (with a screenshot of the two of them while he says this)
During the Final Exams arc Midoriya and Bakugou were partnered together to take down All Might and that fight showcased the miscommunication the two of them had (despite them winning against him in the end) the fore shadowing of these two working together could be hinted as far back as the final exams arc if thinking about how shounen writing sets up rivals.
All Might’s quote about the two of them being the types of heroes to “win and save” made a return as we are shown during the war arc of Deku trying to achieve victory while Bakugou gained a quirk awakening because of his desire to save Deku. In other words having them switch perspectives in the current point of the story really does come a long way
Horikoshi mentions that Heroes Rising was meant to be the original ending for the series which could mean that a) the scenario of Bakugou and Midoriya working together in the series finale would stay and that the main difference is that they would be pros or B) the duo would be changed to a trio and that Shouto’s involvement might be intertwined with Izuku and Katsuki... still unsure on which route)
When All Might vs All for One happened we had a screenshot of the two of them calling out for All Might to win. Showing not only their significance to All Might but also foreshadowing them working together in the future
Throughout the series Horikoshi highlights their bond as one of the focal points in the series by not only setting them up as proper rivals but also being able to repair their broken bond (which in turn all goes back to All Might hinting at them becoming a hero duo)
We’ve seen some duo combinations as well as trio ones in the series example being Hawks and Endeavor during the pro hero arc (it was temporarily but the point still stands that as fans we were able to see how successful a duo could be in the series)
Foreshadowing can come a long way since the series has started with Midoriya and Bakguou through middle school it very well could end with them finally fixing their broken bond and become the heroes that will win and rescue.
Sorry this took so long everyone I was just gathering my thoughts on this interesting discussion. I can see Horikoshi going with either route but as of right now its possible that we could get the big 3 while Deku and co are still teenagers and then have the wonder duo happen when they become pros (which if this were to happen then there would need to be some explanation on what happened to Shouto during all this)
Im unsure of whether the big 3 would happen when they are pros or only for the time that they are still teenagers.
I could also see Shouto being in charge of his father’s agency and allowing people with all types of quirks to intern there (especially if Endeavor ends up passing away before the conclusion of the series) which might be the likely explanation we will get if the wonder duo route is still something Horikoshi stands by.
Final thoughts: As of everything we have so far I will go ahead and say that we will actually have both with the big 3 being officially confirmed as the Origin trio while they are still teenagers but the wonder duo happens when they become pros. This topic was such a fun and interesting one to dive into so regarding personal bonds i’ll do another post.
This post is meant to view them as hero combination not shipping wise so with that said I hope this post was worth the wait.
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dreamywriting · 4 years
Set up - Bakugou Katsuki
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Bakusquad gets tired of seeing you and Bakugou pine for each other without acting on it, so they do something about it.
pairing: bakugou x reader
genre: romance
warnings: none
Math was absolutely killing you, but what else was new? You had been stuck at the same problem for almost half an hour before you finally sent a text to the group chat, asking if anyone was up for a quick tutor session. The responses dropped in quickly as you weren’t the only one struggling with this assignment. You decided to meet in the common room in ten minutes, but you took your stuff with you deciding to go down right away.
The numbers were jumbling together in your head making it impossible for you to keep track of where you were. It was then Bakugou finally sauntered down the stairs with his own books under his arm. Without a greeting he took a seat beside you and got to work right away. You couldn’t help but peek at his strong arms, inwardly thanking him for choosing his black tank top today.
Bakugou noticed your lingering stares. He just pretended not to, because he actually really liked the fact that you were checking him out. It made his confidence swell, as well as his heart. But your pining was interrupted when both of your phones went off. It had now gone 20 minutes and the messages started pouring in; I got a sudden stomach ache, sorry, said Kirishima. I’m not feeling too good either, added Sero. Yeah, something must’ve spread because I think I’m coming down with a fever, Kaminari explained. This new episode just came out, I’ll meet you guys later ‘kay? ended Mina, probably the only one telling the truth.
They had tried to set you guys up before. Many times. But this time it was almost embarrassingly obvious. Couldn’t they’ve at least agreed on different excuses? You pretended you were still reading their messages, weary of Bakugou's reaction.
“Alright,” he said gruffly, making you tense in your seat. “Which one of us should do it?”
“Do what?” Kill them? You should probably text the group a heads up, just incase-
“Confess, obviously.”
Bakugou was fed up with their plotting and scheming. Their intentions were good, but their relentless efforts in trying to get you two together just made it harder for him to confess. He wanted it to happen naturally, on his own terms, but realising his friends were too impatient for that he decided to rip off the bandaid right now.
And you were stunned.
All you wanted was some help with math problems, but you got your crush and his halfass confession instead. You’d take the latter and run with it any day of the week, but right now you couldn't move anything. He had said it so casually, like talking about who was going to go buy eggs or something.
Even though you had a hopeful crush on him, you couldn’t have imagined he’d ever actually reciprocate your feelings. Having it happen so suddenly like this, so nonchalantly, it just really took you off guard.
“Well?” he barked impatiently, fighting the small blush threatening to grace his cheeks.
“Well,” you started, regaining your composure, “Technically, you’ve already done it.”
And with that, it went into full bloom. He turned away harshly at your statement, but you could see the tips of his ears burning red. It was the first time you had seen that shade on him and he was doing his best to hide it from you. You however, were in ecstasy over the new discovery. It felt surreal knowing that he harboured feelings for you too. Your whole body was tingling with happiness and your cheeks were starting to ache from your huge grin.
Softly placing a hand on his shoulder, you told him I’m glad you did, though, which made him slightly perk up. But he still didn’t dare face you yet. Bakugou’s heart was beating hard in his chest and he didn’t want to lose his composure even more. Turn around for me please, you asked him and he actually complied, after a little squeeze from your hand.
Your eyes scanned his face as he turned around. At first glance it could’ve passed as stoic, but looking closer one would see his eyes betraying him, holding everything from agitation to excitement. For once Bakugou didn’t have the upper hand and it made him uncomfortable. You sensed it as well, so in an attempt to level with him again, your lips connected with his in a tentative kiss. He met you halfway and deepened the kiss, making the hand on your shoulder mindlessly snake into his hair, softly running your nails against his scalp.
Bakugou marveled at the sensation of your lips against his. He never imagined them to feel so soft, your scent to be so intoxicating up close. But before he could lose himself in the sensation of you, you broke the kiss and retracted your hand. He found himself thinking he would do just about anything to have you against him like that again.
It was with the signature iPhone camera sound that the spell was broken. Simultaneously whipping your heads toward the source of the sound, you were met with the rest of the Bakusquad tumbling over each other trying to get a glimpse of you two from around the corner.
“Which one of us should do it?” Bakugou growled from beside you, crimson eyes narrowing at your friends. Oh, they were in for it now.
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liliesoftherain · 4 years
Still Remember
Pairing: Tenya Iida x Reader, Hinted Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Genre: Angst, Angst to Fluff?, Healing
Summary: You still remember how it all happened.
A/N: Hey guys! This is for my MHA & Readers discord server collab! Hope you enjoy, the prompt was rejection;-;
Masterlist for the works coming out tomorrow!
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You still remember how cold it was that evening.
The way your breath made visible as little white puffs, or how the frost clung to the sides of the dorm building. You weren’t wearing the proper jacket to be out in this kind of cold, yet here you were, facing harsh winds instead of being snuggled into your cotton sheets. 
You still remember the scolding he gave you.
The way he pursed his lips at the poor excuses that flew from your mouth, how he scolded you for not taking better care of yourself. He brought his hand up, palm open as he lightly tapped your head, faking a chop with a chuckle leaving his lips at your embarrassed expression. He shrugged his sweater off, and you did all you could to fight him on it, but the words failed you as soon as you saw his smile.
You still remember how the polyester felt upon your skin.
The way it engulfed your frame was comforting, the warmth instantly thawing your frozen features. His smell lingered on the fabric, filling your senses, and instantly soothing all of your worries. Iida had grabbed your wrist gently, rolling up the pooling sleeves so they rested above your hands. You blamed the cold for the roses that bloomed along your face.
You still remember how that was the past and how the past meant nothing. 
That one moment had taken over your mind, thoughts on a constant loop as you laid awake. Even when asleep, your dreams were taken over by soft smiles and warm zip-up sweaters. However, no matter how much it had meant to you, you were sure it was nothing more than a kind gesture to him. 
You still remember every day after.
Iida wasn’t a touchy person, so the little things he did made an impact on you. The way opened your doors, the way he spoke to you with a smile, the way he took it upon himself to make sure you were taken care of, the lingering touches and caring stares had to have meant something to him. It couldn’t have just been a kind gesture, there had to have more meaning behind it.  Right?
You still remember the day you confided to someone about your feelings.
Bringing your crush up to Mina was probably not the best idea, not with the way she schemed. Yet you had to get it off your chest, the dam was threatening to burst at any moment you feared, and you’d rather spill the news on your terms rather than through word vomit. She helped you through it all, pushing you in the right direction to get it off your chest and out into the open. Which was what planned to do, the longing glances and minimal conversations weren’t cutting it anymore. You wanted the late-night talks about everything and anything, the company you could provide each other, the warmth of his sweater again.
You still remember the day you decided to risk it all.
You told Mina it was the day, that enough was enough and you had to let him know no matter the outcome. She was ecstatic of course, wishing you all the luck before practically shoving you off to track him down. You wanted until later that day, when most of your classmates were training or in their rooms before the last meal of the day. Iida was on dinner duty, currently alone in the kitchen as he prepared food. Midoriya, who was supposed to be his partner for the night, nowhere in sight. You greeted him casually, heart fluttering at the sight of his smile. A million thoughts passed through your mind, all regarding the brilliant boy in front of you. 
You still remember the hurt of his rejection. 
As soon as the words slipped from your mouth, the smile you grew to love was instantly gone. As soon as the silence stretched you knew it was all over, and you desperately tried to take back the words you said. 
The way he said your name broke your heart, just that one word and that was it. Any hopes of you together were shattered, all you could do was bow your head and mutter a small apology. His hand came out to you, yet he instinctively took it back, only whispering an apology of his own. You step back, unable to look him in the eyes, before turning around. Stepping out of the kitchen was no better, running straight into a chest. You look up to see emeralds full of pity, belonging to none other than Midoriya himself. You bite your lip harshly at the stare, shoving past him as he makes no effort to stop you. 
You still remember the tears.
Rushing to Mina’s room that night was the only conclusion you came to, not wanting to be alone. You didn’t bother knocking, and slammed the door open, having startled the occupants inside. Your attention locked on the person you needed most, and you ignored the others who watched as you rushed into her arms. Your cries were soft-- no ugly sobs, no breathless hiccups, just burning tears trailing down your cheeks one by one. Her arms surrounded you, rubbing your back in hopes to soothe you. The tension in the room only grew thicker as a gruff voice spoke out;
“Who the fuck made you cry.” 
You still remember her in his sweater.
A week after the incident, you stepped out of the dorms to run. To run from your pain, your feelings, to run from it all. It wasn’t fair he got to walk around as if nothing happened, you were determined to get there too. Just as you finished stretching, you look up and felt yourself freeze. It was spring now, the chilly nights turning more and more comfortable as time went on. A light throw-over was all that was needed, so why was she wearing his sweater now?
The sleeves were rolled up past her hands, just like they were for you. The fabric practically swallowed her frame, just as it did to you. The rubies on her cheeks shone brightly, the pearls of her teeth sparkling just as much. She looked happy.
It hurt, the way the weight on your chest doubled, and you felt the air escape your lungs. She saw you and waved, stopping in front of you to talk. You couldn’t hear the words she spoke, too focused on the way her light brown locks rested along his collar perfectly. Or how the color complimented her large, round eyes. She looked good, in his clothes, and yet all you wanted was to be the one in his sweater. 
You excused yourself, leaving with a light jog before sprinting away, running away from the image of her bringing a crisp sleeve up to her dainty mouth--
A mouth you’re sure he’s explored. 
Finally, for the first time since it happened, loud and painful sobs escaped your lips. 
You still remembered watching them together till the end.
You had finally graduated U.A., going off to an agency had been easy enough. The days were long and challenging, but you lived for the distraction. It was getting better, the pain in your chest growing smaller each day you spent apart from the couple you used to live with. The awkward air between both of you never fully went away, and you lost a once close friend. 
Even so, you were learning how to be happy with yourself.. Feeling proud when you have to work alongside one of them, and the squeeze of your heart dulls with each visit. 
You still remember waking up and he wasn’t the first thing on your mind.
The day had started like any other, and you almost didn’t notice how your thoughts hadn’t drifted towards the hero. A tear of happiness fell from your eye as you realize, and at that moment you knew it was possible. That it was possible to forget, it was possible to move on, it was possible to love someone other than him.
You still remember loving another.
Finally, your thoughts lingered on the man who only thought of you. Your arms wrapped around a man whose embrace was meant for you. Your eyes trained on the man whose fiery red gaze only sought to find your frame. You felt peace, and you were glad it was him who was there with you every step of the way. 
You still remember a lot of things,
and you wish to never forget them. They have made you into who you are today, and without them, you wouldn’t have been able to find the brilliant sun behind the clouds. As you lay in your lover’s warm embrace, you know you would go through the heartbreak all over again just to find him. 
In a way, you suppose you were thankfully for Iida’s rejection. Without that, none of this would have happened. He wouldn’t have been with the love of his life, and you wouldn’t have been able to marry yours. 
Sometimes fate has a funny way of working; a seemingly never-ending current dragging you to the bottom, trying to drown you in its lies and pain. Only to have you stop struggling and raise you back to the surface, right into the shores of warm beaches and breathtaking sunsets. 
You will live to see another beautiful day, as long as you remind yourself the murky waters won’t last forever.
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Ok ok but what if inko and almighty started dating and almight literally took deku in as his own son and ended up being a family together 🥺
Bruh i- I love you. straight up, writing this gave me the uwus. Hope you like it too :3
"Izuku, honey, please calm down-"
"How can I calm down?! You're fucking my idol!"
"It's not that big of a deal-"
"What if you two get married?"
"Then you'll have a stable father figure?"
"Where will he sleep? Your bed is so small and our couch isn't comfortable enough for sleeping on long term."
"He fits just fine in this one- Izuku why are you freaking out over where he'll sleep?"
"What if you get pregnant?! Imagine a toddler running around with All Might's quirk- oh my goodness I'd have a little sibling."
"Izuku I can't have any more children, I'm past that age."
"Well that's sad."
"I wouldn't want any more children, you already came out so perfect."
"But what if I wanted a little sibling?"
"Well you have to remember you were also a huge baby and I have always been a small woman-"
"Mom I swear if you tell me one more time that you needed 5 stitches because I tore you when I was born-"
"I wasn't going to, but now I am-!"
Yagi Toshinori felt like now was a bad time to try and butt in, but it was kind of hard to not speak up when you're sitting naked in the bed of the mother of the kid who you've been training for the last couple years.
"Young Midoriya, I'm sorry if i upset you-"
"Fuck off All- upset me?"
"Have I read the room wrong?"
"A little, yeah."
"Toshi, sweetheart,-" Inko tried, only for Izuku to freak again.
"You're calling him sweetheart?!" Izuku's eyes were practically bigger than his head. "That's it! I'm texting Kacchan!" And he was out of the room.
Yagi sighed. What had just happened?
The next few months were a little rocky. Izuku struggled greatly with what to call Toshinori, ("dad"? Maybe "Toshinori"? Or just keep calling him "All Might"?), and Toshinori struggled with being a good father figure to a kid who grew up without one.
Toshi wanted to be the best father to Izuku that he could without playing favorites with the other students in his class.
Izuku, Bakugou, and Toshi had all kept the "new" development secrete from the rest of the class.
Izuku and Bakugou- who Toshi had started calling "Kacchan", simply because Izuku only referred to him as such- had started growing closer again, Bakugou starting to get invited over for more dinners and weekend sleepovers, and Izuku getting invited to Bakugou's place more.
Christmas was right around the corner, and Izuku was absolutely buzzing with anxiety.
Toshi had tried talking to him about it a few times, trying to get him to open up, but each time he tried, Izuku would break down and sob too hard to make comprehensive words, or would just explode at him in anger. Either way, he wasn't getting any closer in finding out how to help his son.
Christmas day happened sooner than Toshi even realized with how he was so worked up about Izuku's obvious anxiety, so when Inko shook him awake with a cup of coffee in her hand at 6am whispering, "it's time for presents," well, Toshi was a little more than confused.
"It's Monday?" Christmas couldn't happen on a Monday, right?
"It's December 25th."
"...holy shit."
He was brought into the living room, where the tree was set up, and Izuku was sitting under the kotatsu, his ugliest Christmas sweater on, taking his "streaks selfie" to send to his friends on snapchat.
"Merry Christmas, Izuku." Toshi smiled, ruffling his hair.
"Merry Christmas, To-d-da- uh...T-Toshi."
Toshi sat next to Izuku, slipping his legs under the heated table. He was always so cold in his Small Might form, and kotatsus were always a god send.
Inko brought the three of them presents from under the tree, one at a time.
Toshi had splurged on his new family.
Izuku had gotten signed merch from each of his favorite heros, and dvds of every interview All Might had done with the press, with Toshi's commentary specifically for Izuku's quirk notes edited over it by Present Mic. Hizashi had specifically asked for that present to be from him too.
Inko had received so many stress relieving bath salts and cast iron kitchen appliances she had tried to tell Toshi to bring it all back, but he had refused, saying she deserved it.
Toshi had also received presents from Inko and Izuku.
Inko had gotten him some sexy lingerie, which he had immediately ruined by spitting up blood all over them in surprise.
Izuku had demanded Toshi open the one he got him last.
So now, Toshi was finally allowed to open the small box Izuku had gotten him.
"I know it's not as expensive as everything you got me, but I hope you still like it..." Izuku scratched the back of his head, his anxiety clearly eating at him harder now than it had been all month.
Tears rushed out of Toshi's eyes as he tore the wrapping paper off, revealing the "family portrait" of him, Izuku, and Inko. The two adults had their hands on Izuku's shoulders, it was clear Izuku was supposed to be looking at the camera man, but he was smiling so wide up at Toshi his eyes crinkled.
They hadn't taken a picture like this yet.
It was all photoshopped, but it was done so well Toshi momentarily wondered if he had forgotten taking it.
"Th-there's more..." Izuku's voice wavered, though his smile never did as he picked up the sealed envelope that had fallen off the framed picture.
Toshi carefully put the picture down, opening the envelope and reading it aloud.
"Dear Toshinori Yagi,
"Mom probably thinks I don't remember my biological father because I never talk about him, but I do. And I sometimes still have nightmares about when he lived with us.
"I was so apprehensive about you joining our family and trying to be my new father because I couldn't shake the feeling that you wouldn't be any different than him.
"I'm so glad I was wrong.
"Welcome to the family, dad, I love you.
"Your son,
"Izuku Midoriya."
Toshi broke down sobbing once he was finished reading.
He brought Izuku and Inko into a tight hug, sobbing that he loved them both, and now the three of them was just a sobbing family pile on the floor under the kotatsu, the TV playing old Christmas classics in the background.
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incorrect-mha-bnha · 5 years
Trans Bakugou HC????
His first genuine smile happened after waking up from top surgery to see himself finally weightless after years of drowning. No one would ever forget how bright and alive he seemed as tears fell down his face in the hospital. Kirishima could have sworn to hearing a laugh slip through at one point, but of course that was denied.
Bakugou designed his hero suit to be a cross tank because he assumed his top surgery would have been done by then but sadly, kidnapping and hero bs got in the way. Now he has to wear sports bras under it until the appointment can be booked. Leaving him pissed and just slightly dysphoric out and about which helps aid his sour mood while training.
My poor boy Bakugou has D cups. Pray for him😔...No, but for real. The size of his unfortunate lumps caused a lot of dysphoria while wearing his hero suit. (Going back to the previous bullet) Because of their size, it was a lot harder to bind to satisfactory which led to a lot of methods being used until he just said fuck it and started weight lifting. (For those who don’t know, weight lifting turns breast tissue into muscle and some other cool pectoral shit. I know this because my Ma is a personal trainer.) It shrunk him down a few sizes while building muscle, giving the illusion of pecs so wearing a sports bra was bearable.
Bakugou went through many phases of figuring out who he wanted to be (that’s obvious but I’m not talking about gender wise) in terms of style and personality. He tried different types of styles until one stuck, now he looks like a gremlin in baggy clothes (on occasions). He also went through a makeup phase to try and darken his features.
When Bakugou is really dysphoric, he hunches over and grumbles a lot. Everyone usually stays away, discounting Midoriya and Kirishima. Them being the bravest and brightest always gang up on Bakugou to help bring his spirits and confidence up. Even let him get the anger out with a rough spar.
Bakugou changes in the bathroom of the locker room to avoid invasive eyes (Mineta) or is released 5 minutes early by his teachers to get a head start.
During his pre-top surgery days, Bakugou would wear a baggy shirt into the pool But practically avoided it altogether. The first person to really get him comfortable enough to uncross his arms in the pool, given that they somehow coaxed him in, was Kirishima.
Bakugou was never self conscious about his height, being visited by the height fairy during puberty but his hips and chest? Count them as life ruiners. Baby had so many dysphoria episodes in front of the mirror that he turned into an angry introvert.
T does a lot of shit to your body, one of those being heightening your aggression levels. If Bakugou was already slightly aggressive to begin with, his pleasancey took a nose dive after starting T.
Uhmmm pro hero Bakuhou starting a fundraiser for trans kids and adults who are homeless, jobless (Aka struggling), in need of support or looking for others like them, searching for clarity, even protection. Bakugou is like the trans Jesus, that is all.
He literally hates what he feels like when someone points out that his mother and him look alike. Yeah, he fucking gets it but is there a need to point it out? Damn.
COMMITS himself to doing regular vocal excersises to lower his voice, even with T. His usual gruff tone is to mask the voice cracks he gets on the hormones, because that would be embarrassing.
When Bakugou got the call that he was going to get top surgery, he literally blew his phone up with so much excitment then burst into tears.
Showers suck- nuff said.
Midoriya was the first person to ever know about Bakugou being trans. So, he started bullying Midoriya into silence but soon realized the boy wouldn’t have uttered a word anyway and simply wanted to help and be there for him. Of course, Bakugou, being young and new to the life change, wanted everyone who had once known him as a girl to be gone. That meant he would try and remove Midoriya from his life for good but the green boy just kept on bouncing back. Imagine his surprise to know the one person with his secret would be attending high school with him. Shit got flipped.
All of the girls carry extra supplies for emergencies. Bakugou does too but sometimes a p*riod (I bleep because it can be a sensitive topic) just pops out of nowhere. It gets him frustrated and embarrassed whenever he isn’t prepared but the girls somehow always know the right timing to whisk him off to help or stealthily stuff some things into his pocket as they cross paths. It’s like a cartel of drugs but the girls are being true friends with pads in the end. Kirishima even got on the bandwagon and started carrying supplies for whoever may need it.
Bakugou refused to wear tampons, shit was a no go.
In the beginning, Bakugou would frequently steal one of the girl’s heating pads whenever the pain got unbearable. They hardly minded but Momo gifted him one as a present. He uses it all the time.
After he came out and became comfortable, Bakugou would joke about donating his lumps to the girls that bitched about being small chested. (We are looking at you Jirou). “Free unfortunate lumps for sale! I don’t want them, take the damn things!”, “Hey! Give me your chest, switch with me!”
Bakugou is a night dweller for many reasons. 1.) Time to not bind and give himself a break while doing stretches. 2.) snacks are Free real estate 3.) It’s easier to not bind while everyone isn’t there to witness him walking to relieve tension.
Bakugou once heard that frequent conception of coffee leads to a decrease in breast size by 0.3 cups. Bakugou ended up consuming so much that he stayed up for a total of 72 hours, almost overdosed, couldn’t sit still, finished everyone’s homework plus his own, deep cleaned the entire dorm and trained until he crashed. Now, he hates the taste of it but swears that his little shits shrunk a whole cup.
His waist in snatched thanks to those bitch ass hips.
His first post surgery outfit was a very thin material white shirt because fuck yeah, get a view of his binder less chest under there!
Bakugou wears headphones while going about in public for a few reasons. 1.) He doesn’t like interacting with people and the headphones usually wards them off from bothering him. 2.) Loud music in his ears tends to tune out people misgendering him and transphobes being chucklefucks.
Bakugou got his respect to be called a guy from his family by blatantly ignoring anyone who called him by his deadman and/or used the wrong pronouns. “Bitch, suddenly I can’t hear. I don’t know who you think you are calling.”
Bakugou is very proud of any hair that grows on his body. (Sigh, take that how you wish). Literally prances around the UA grounds showing off even the tineiest hint of a beard, and raves over his growing leg hair.
Bakugou’s favorite movie is Mulan, fight me on that.
Bakugou’s life zeal is Be Trans Throw Hands
More to be added
Part 2
Part 3
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