#as this is the last drabble!! it shall be the longest!!
lexsssu · 11 months
Bliss (Diluc)
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TAGS: Diluc/Dragoness!reader, smut, pregnancy, parenthood, drabble Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
The world is a dark and tainted place.
Behind its beauty lurked dangers all around, ready to prey upon those who’d lowered their guards enough. Diluc is certainly no stranger to the horrors that hid itself from ordinary eyes, lying in wait for even just a single moment to strike.
He would wake up every single day with trepidation in his chest, constant vigilance being his way of life ever since the day he was awakened to the cruelty of this world. Any day could be his last and any moment could be his final one alive. 
That is the reality he has come to grips with.
And yet, as you walk down the aisle with flowers in your ivory hair, so pure compared to his own flame-colored locks, you are a vision wrapped in lace as you neared him at the makeshift altar (hastily yet carefully prepared by his excited servants), Diluc found himself wondering if he was worthy of this happiness.
The Darknight Hero doesn’t believe in fate. Not when fate showed him exactly what it intended to make of his life, one filled with eternal suffering and a never-ending thirst to rid the world of its evils. 
He doesn’t think much of the disoriented young lady he finds at the outskirts of Dawn Winery, wearing clothes that didn’t seem to hail from any nation in Teyvat. But when he helps her up off the ground, he is met with a pair of innocent golden eyes and he feels something stir within the deepest recesses of his heart. 
Though what it was, he didn’t know at the time.
But now as he kisses you beneath the foot of the statue of Barbatos near Dawn Winery, the scion of the Ragnvindr family knows that despite the darkness and dangers that lurked about, there is still hope. Suffering and sadness existed so that humanity can know what happiness and love are.
And by the archons, he never knew what true happiness was until he’d whisked you off to your new shared chambers within the manor. He knew no other anxiety than that of the uncertainty of tomorrow, but even he couldn’t help but swallow the lump that formed in his throat when you fully bared your body to him for the first time. 
“You’re beautiful,” he murmurs, reverently caressing each dip and curve in your body with soft yet firm hands before latching his mouth on whatever patch of skin caught his eye, nibbling and sucking until it turned a pretty pink color. “So sweet and so soft...I could eat you right up.”
And eat you up he did.
The ginger painted your skin with bruises and lovebites, a canvas for his wandering mouth and hands. He made sure that the ones on his favorite spots would take the longest to fade, unabashedly wanting his claim over you to be obvious that only a blind man can’t see that you were utterly his.
“You’re already this excited from my mouth and hands alone? Forgive me for neglecting your most precious place then, my darling. For my negligence, I will make sure to compensate you handsomely.”
You are practically sobbing when Diluc finally relents in his assault and pulls away from you with a final obscene slurp. You could barely look at him straight as he licks off the clear viscous fluid that stained the corner of his lips all the while staring at you with clear desperation and want.
“You taste exquisite, my love. However, I believe it is about time we begin the main act. Shall we?”
And so, the rest of the night was filled with debauched screams, moans, and whimpers of pleasure as your new husband made love to you until daylight peeked out of the darkness. If you hadn’t been draconic in nature you’d have probably passed out by the 2nd hour, but thanks to your other-wordly stamina the two of you kept each other up without trouble.
Thanks to that, it wasn’t any surprise that 9 months after your wedding night, the residents of Dawn Winery welcomed their newest young master. 
Diluc sat at your bedside after you and your son had been cleaned and wrapped in new clothes. His eyes never leave you both as you fed your son his first ever meal, marvelling at the sight of this little creature that both of you created together out of love.
“What shall we name him, my love?”
“I like the name Aurick...Aurick Daemon Ragnvindr”
“A splendid name it is”
Diluc smiles and repeats the name softly under his breath.
The taste of bliss has never been sweeter than where he is right now.
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fayes-fics · 2 years
Hello, congratulations once again on hitting 1.5K! can I ask for a mini Drabble with…
“You’re a lot more flexible than I thought.”
And for Anthony please 💙
Anthony + You’re a lot more flexible than I thought
March 2023 Mini Drabbles Masterpost
Hi Nonny!
Thank you! Here you go. Bit of modern AU Anthony this time. I hope you enjoy this! 😁🧡🧡
Also my longest yet, I need to rein it in closer to 250 words again lol
Under cut cos filth.
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“You’re a lot more flexible than I thought,” his bemused voice startles you out of your tricky yoga pose. You know he is joking. And you can tell instantly what he is after right now.
“It's rude to interrupt a yoga session,” you shoot back.
“Apologies, I shall go back to silently spectating,” Anthony winks as he leans against the doorframe, gesturing for you to continue.
“It's even ruder to watch. You should participate,” you challenge, turning away but shooting him a loaded look over your shoulder.
You feel his heavy gaze on your bottom in your fitted yoga pants as you intentionally bend over into Downward Facing Dog.
“I can definitely think of better uses of your body in that position,” his tone unmistakable.
“Promises, promises,” you sigh theatrically as you push down onto the mat into Cobra Pose.
He stalks over suddenly, and you squeal as he spanks your left butt cheek hard. Your skin tingles as he straddles you and surges his cock between the cleft of your bottom, the hardness unmistakable even through the expensive jeans he wears.
“I will fuck you right here. I don't care about that damn window,” he warns, his body now covering your back, teeth on the nape of your neck as he references the floor-to-ceiling glass to your left.
“Go ahead, the neighbours are annoying me anyway,” you smirk and giggle triumphantly as he grasps your waistband and yanks your bottoms down to your knees in one impressive move.
“No underwear,” he gusts, impressed.
“I can't run the risk of VPL,” your jest turns into a moan as his fingers quest between your folds from behind.
“Hmmm, now what was that new position you were talking about last night?” he queries as you hear the zip on his jeans.
“Where I put my legs behind my ears?” you pant then moan loudly as he spears deep into your body, trapping your legs closed between his thighs.
“That's the one,” he confirms, “I think we should definitely try that one,” he adds casually.
“I don't do yoga just for new sex positions, you know,” you pout over your shoulder.
“And yet I hear no complaints,” he volleys back with a raised eyebrow, holding still buried inside you.
“Shut up and fuck me,” you groan in defeat.
“Happily,” he chuckles and starts to move in earnest. You are soon screaming into your yoga mat.
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jtl07 · 9 months
jtl07 fics, fall 2023, pt 2
A little late with this one because of some quicksand but taking advantage of this bit of respite. Might do a year roundup, we shall see what I have the space for. But in the meantime, some thoughts on my fics since November. 
General stats
Total on this pseud: 5 
Fics posted (chronological order):
propose (now am found) - or: a different kind of proposal
mama (carry on, carry on) - or: the girls and their mothers
darling, call me yours - or: Five times Beatrice calls Ava 'darling' (and one time Ava says it to Beatrice)
another little peace (restful pieces): laid to rest - or: a drabble of Ava and Christmas, before and after
another little peace (restful pieces): simply look around and view it - or: Beatrice and celebration and Christmas
(Numbers and ramblings under the cut) 
More numbers
Total words: 13294
Shortest fic: 1032 - simply look around and view it 
Longest (one-shot): 4007 - mama (carry on, carry on)
Average/Median word count: 2659 / 3208
Most hits + kudos (of this batch)
darling, call me yours 
propose (now am found)
General thoughts
Surprisingly, clocked almost the same number of words as the last review (“surprisingly” because my memory is shot 🙃). I didn’t expect to write any further when things started to go south what with holidays and personal stuff, but I’ve found that those short pieces have been healing in their own way. 
I’m proud of all the fics I’ve written this year but/and there’s something special about those first three mentioned above (I’m also now realizing that the title structure of those three is very similar lol) - each of them challenged me deeply in different ways and I’ve been equally humbled by the response to each. 
Fic that surprised you: 
All of them, lol - there were multiple times while writing each of the first three where I nearly talked myself out of writing them: didn’t think I was doing the idea justice, that maybe I wasn’t making sense, that I was going too personal, that I wasn’t going personal enough, that none of it would connect, etc. So the surprise came from just finishing, really, and doubly so from folks’ responses. I was especially surprised that darling got such a strong response, actually.
Fic that you’re proud of: 
I mentioned above that I’m especially proud of the first three in this batch - each of them made me dig deep and also had different challenges. 
For propose, it definitely felt like I was driving in the dark with no headlights - and blindfolded lol. I really had to trust that something worthwhile was going to come out of it and just … sat down for a couple minutes each day to see where the words went (fun fact: I actually started this one before home is (where you are; now) - the latter came about because I was like, why’s Ava away? And that thread became its own story lol)  
mama and darling were both personal in different ways, exploring different aspects of familial and romantic relationships, respectively. It’s always a bit dicey to pull from one’s own experiences but idk, I grew up with fanfic and both reading and writing fic continues to be a way to process and hope and believe, yknow? 
Fic that was the hardest to write / fic that you wish got more love:
simply look around and view it was hard to write in that I could (can) still feel the grips of quicksand haunting the edges of my mind in a way. So part of the writing process was deliberately putting up a wall to it and trying to hold on to the awe and joy of experiencing the song that inspired it (now that I think of it, it’s probably why Beatrice has the vibe she does in that fic).
mama is currently the fourth lowest in terms of hits of all my fics which isn’t too surprising to me - fics that don’t feature avatrice at the forefront don’t seem to get as much traction in general. That said, I was quite proud of the different beats of each section and just hope that folks who need it, find it. 
Gonna call it here - if I have the space, I’ll do a retro for the year in the next day or so but if y’all have any thoughts, lmk. In any case, thanks for all the support and hope everyone keeps safe. Thank you for being here <3
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mayhaps-a-blog · 1 year
Hi again
Guess what?
It’s been a whole two years since I published my first fic! That’s a whole two years of creative writing, which is two whole years more than I ever expected. The WIP folder continues to grow alarmingly, but I’m getting used to the ideas breathing down my neck late at night as I try to sleep :)
In this past year, I’ve written another 17 fics for a total of 112,608 words - fewer than last year, although in my defense, I also wrote a dissertation that I will defend... tomorrow (don’t worry, I’m drafting this ahead of time and scheduling it to post), so I’ve been a bit busy! And this doesn’t count my WIPs - there’s a lot of words in those WIPs :)
I’ve branched out a bit: Only 13 Star Wars fics, with 4 Sandman fics and 1 Babylon 5 fic. 6 Star Wars fics involve Thrawn, with the others focused on Andor (2), Original Characters (2), Bo Katan (1), Obi-Wan (1), and the Original Trilogy (1).
In honor of another year of writing, and hopefully having the time for NaNoWriMo this year, here’s a roundup of my fics from this year!
(Last year’s fic roundup can be found here)
Series Additions:
Glimpses of a Better Galaxy gained the promised sequel, And So We Go Marching On, following Bo Katan as she works to rebuild Mandalore following the Clone Wars and the events of Get F***ed, Palps!. Series is up to four parts, with possibly a fifth on the way. Someday.
The Adventures of the Poor Sods Left to Clean Up Rebel!Vader’s Mess is now a two part series, It’s Not Easy Being Evil as the setup for Vader’s defection and the fallout on the Executor and Cool Ranch Vader 2: Electric Boogaloo as the promised continuation! Cool Ranch Vader 2 remains an ongoing collection of one-shots in the universe, although a plot is developing in my outlines...
Samakro’s Bathtub has gained its fourth part, Ar’alani’s Day... Could Have Gone Better, continuing the saga of the captain’s bathtub on the Springhawk (which Samakro continues to insist is his). Gen, all Ace/Aro characters.
Through Darkness now has a third part, which is the longest fic I’ve written yet at 44,586 words! Damned followed my Jedi OC, Kazellis, after Order 66 as she works to pick up the pieces of her life, her Fall, and the Jedi. Follows the events of Darth Vader (2017) Issue #19. A fourth part prequel is in the works.
Thrawn Standalones:
Rebel Tactics: Thrawn and Ezra play chess and talk tactics after the Rebels finale.
An Unfortunate Meeting of Minds: Admiral Thrawn walks into an art gallery run by one Luthen Rael.
A Csannukkah Story: Vurawn and Vurika celebrate the holidays together. A lifetime later, they meet again. 
And This Was the Story He Told: Vurika reads Vurawn a story. Returning to the Ascendancy, together they search for the truth in old legends.
Spoilers, C’baoth Dies: In honor of May the Fourth, a drabble (exactly 100 words) with exactly what it says on the tin.
Other Star Wars Standalones:
The Demon from the Stars: Obi-Wan hears a Tusken story and contemplates the past.
The Ghosts of My Enemies Shall Be Their Undoing: a collab with the wonderful @jedihlaalu, Luthen Rael gives his apprentice a Sith holocron with a particularly ornery ghost (Sith OC).
In Another Life: An AU where Mon Mothma never got married and never wanted to, starring Senator Bel Iblis and Bail Organa.
The Bsivi Family: A recounting of a Chiss folktale from the freezing of Csilla.
Sandman Fics:
A Visit From Death: Death comes for Roderick Burgess, and a conversation between siblings.
Forever Shall We Wait: Lucienne waits for the return of her lord as the Dreaming crumbles.
“You’ll never know how lucky you were.”: An AU where Burgess captures Death, just like he wanted. Be careful what you wish for...
Babylon 5 Fics:
Summers: An AU where Talia Winters may not be entirely erased, and Dr. Franklin has a chat with Control. Sequels are, possibly, in the works when I have time to research DID properly.
New WIPs:
Untitled Secret Empire: Post-Rebels, Thrawn seeks to return to the Empire; but events in the Chaos may demand more of his attention than he expects! Actually an older, thought-to-be-abandoned WIP. I should have known better XD Outlined, attempting to draft by mid Ahsoka season 1, hoped to be finished by the end of Ahsoka season 1. We’ll see how that goes!
Untitled Myrkyr Exploration: Post-Rebels, Thrawn and Ezra visit a most curious planet. Outlined, a few scenes written.
The Edge Between Dream and Nightmare: Post-Ascendancy novels, Che’ri’s powers develop in an unexpected direction, which leads her back to an old friend. Mostly drafted, stuck on the ending.
Have You Tried Flying In Circles: Thrawn searches for the perfect planet for his exile, much to the growing frustration of the crew of the Parala. Outlined, first section drafted.
Untitled Locked Tomb: Fallen Order crossover starring Merrin and Cal exploring the tombs of Dathomir. Outlined, first section drafted.
Somehow, Maul Has Returned: Maul dies... but his apprentice needs him. Premise drafted, but not sure where I’m going with it; might just post for others to play with once it’s edited.
Good Soldiers Follow Orders: The events of Clone Wars: Orders through Fox’s eyes. A darker characterization than fandom’s usual. Drafted, needs editing.
Untitled Chiss OC: Backstory for my original Chiss navigator character, and a look at commoner’s life on Csilla. Part 1 drafted, may expand to part 2.
Catch a Tiger (Sandman fic): Delirium is summoned by a less-than-two-penny magician. It goes poorly. Drafted, needs editing.
Up Greens! (Babylon 5 fic): The Drazi remember a time when things didn’t end in fighting, and when once again it comes times to pick sides, they call in their savior. Ivanova did not sign up for this. Drafted, needs editing.
Untitled Mari’s Story (Original Work): Backstory for a D&D NPC and their adventures in a fantasy version of northern Africa during the Islamic Golden Age. Outlined.
Updates On:
The Gambler (Rebel!Thrawn) Part 4: outlined
This’ll Make a Great Story at our Second Wedding (Thranto Ghost Marriage) Part 2: Outlined, one section written.
Sortie (Rebel!Samakro): living in my head rent-free. Still an outline and prologue.
Crotalus and Viperidae (Sith and Jedi OCs): next up once I finish Secret Empire.
Zero Station (Chiss history): well, we hit that part of the D&D game, so I have to write it eventually :)
Rise, Wrath, Ruin (Boudica original work): expanded character list and a few sections written.
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
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I posted 16,910 times in 2022
That's 1,104 more posts than 2021!
1,847 posts created (11%)
15,063 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,896 of my posts in 2022
#twisted wonderland - 1,764 posts
#twst yuu - 363 posts
#miss yuu - 355 posts
#twst oc - 355 posts
#obey me - 294 posts
#obey me shall we date - 283 posts
#divus crewel - 171 posts
#headmistress rosehearts au - 171 posts
#leona kingscholar - 155 posts
#papa crewel - 129 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#what gets me is that he had to have ordered the syrup and made the recipe at least a day or two ago before even doing this service contest
My Top Posts in 2022:
Au where Mcs phone still gets service down in the Devildom, or maybe the D.D.D can connect to human phones. Either way Mc can still contact people back home. And their mom is just always blowing up the phone. She's so supportive,so loving, so very very nosey.
"Tell me about your roommates, do I know their parents? Yes I know they're demons. But I've played with the Oujia board a couple times in my day, you never know."
She'll be on face time and see someone walking in the background. "Is that Mammon? Hi! Is that the one that likes you? Mammon honey, don't be embarrassed. I can't blame you, after all they do take after me."
"Levi,honey, you're looking a little pale, have you been going outside like I told you to? And Belphie have you lost weight? Mc did you get that recipe I sent you?"
"So you're able to come for dinner? You know I've been meaning to invite the boys, it is the holidays after all... You know what, put Lucifer on the phone. Don't argue with me. Give him. The. Phone."
That's their mom now.
2,796 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
Papa Crewel
a drabble In which Yuu/Mc realizes Crewel has become their father figure.
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Summer vacation is fast approaching and Yuu is...still there. It’s not surprising but also very upsetting. But right now the most pressing issue is how they will spend the summer. Because with the school being closed for the next few months, Yuu is kinda screwed and will likely be stuck as a grounds keeper for Crowley just so they have a place to stay. Luckily for them, the rest of the staff won’t let that happen. They all debate on who should act as Yuus guardian over the summer. Trein initially offers. He’s a father himself and raised two girls, what's one more child for a couple months? Crewel immediately shoots it down, and says he will gladly take Yuu in. He says it would be best for them to go with who they would be most comfortable with, and as their homeroom teacher they know him best. But truthfully Crewel has grown rather fond of Yuu over the school year. To simply pass them off on someone else felt wrong. Besides, a summer with old Trein? His pup would be bored out of their skull and he can’t have that. Other staff members offered up their homes, but Crewel refused to back down on the matter, and it was decided Yuu would be sent to live with him.
On the last day of school, after everyone had gone, Yuu and Grim packed whatever few belonging they had into the back of Crewels car before bidding campus farewell for the time being. The drive isn't very long, and they are soon pulling up to the surprisingly large house. A few excited dogs run up to greet them, and Yuu thinks this may not be so bad. Crewel shows them to their room. Grim makes himself comfortable on the bed as Crewel explains the house rules. Which isn't much, mostly the usual clean up after your self, if you're going out let him know, etc. For such a strict professor, he’s oddly lax as a guardian. As the next couple weeks pass, things are...normal. Yuu sleeps in a bit, plays with the dogs, maybe walk around with Grim to explore the neighborhood, is always back in time to help Crewel make dinner. This is the most stability Yuu has had in almost a year and it feels surreal. They keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it never comes. Instead of Overblots and magical misshaps, they get lake visits and shopping trips. 
Their room is comfortable. The first week there Crewel helped them unpack and even offered to take them to get a few things to make it more to their liking. Like picking out bedsheets, curtains, maybe some posters. Yuu doesn't want to take advantage of their teachers' generosity, but Crewel won’t take no for an answer, and soon the room feels almost like Yuu had lived there the whole time. Even the dogs have taken to napping at the foot of the bed with Grim as if it's always been this way. Among the things Crewel got for Yuu was a new phone. He said the one Crowely gave them was no better than a cheap brick, and that they needed something that wasn’t going to give out on them anytime soon. Especially in an emergency. Yuu realized Crewel was serious when they and Grim got lost on one of their outings. They ventured farther into town and got completely lost. Every Turn seemed to make it worse and the streetlights had already come on. Not knowing what else to do, Yuu called Crewel who picked up after a couple rings.
 “Hello, Pup, having fun out there?”
 “Um…Crewel? I need help.”
His voice got very serious at hearing how worried they sounded. “What’s wrong?”
   “Grim and I got lost in town and I have no clue how to get back to the house.”
   “Do you know the street name you're on?”
   “Um…White Avenue. And there's a cafe nearby called the Red Rose.”
   “Alright, I’ll be there in about ten minutes. Just stay put.”
   And true to his word, Crewel pulls up in his car soon after, asking if they're okay. Yuu felt an overwhelming sense of relief. They had gotten so used to dealing with everything themselves, that something as simple as being picked up when they're lost was refreshing.
As the summer went on Crewel continued to look after Yuu. From getting their back to school supplies. Taking them on day trips to visit friends. Even scolding them to stay in bed and drink their medicine when they got a nasty cold after getting caught in the rain. One night as they were video chatting with Deuce and Ace, Crewel came into the room and reminded them not to be up too late since they had a ton of errands to run tomorrow and said goodnight.
“He sounds like your dad.” Ace joked.
“Papa Crewel!” Grim agreed, knowing better than the boys that that wasn’t much of an exaggeration. 
Yuu only rolled their eyes. “He’s just being responsible and looking after me.”
“Like a parent would.” Deuce said.
“Are you going to change your last name when Crewel adopts you?” Ace continued to tease. Yuu let him have his fun, but the thought of their professor being like their dad stuck in their head long after the call ended.
An old friend of Crewels was having a baby, and Yuu had tagged along with him to the shower. Everyone was nice to them, people were laughing as the new mother opened gifts. Parents were sharing stories and had their children running about. Yet Yuu had never felt so…alone. In school they had their peers and friends, there was hardly a chance to be lonely. But here everyone was so familiar with one another, family and life long friends. Yuu felt that familiar sense of hollowness they felt over winter break. They missed their friends and family back home. They tried not to dwell on the very real possibility they would never see them again. When it was finally time to leave, Crewel noted how silent Yuu was on the drive back.
Yuu can’t sleep that night. Not wanting to disturb Grim or the dogs, they slowly slip out of bed and wander the halls of the large house. Eventually they sat in the dark of the living room. Hugging a furry pillow, Yuu started to cry. All the loneliness and homesickness that had built up finally came bursting out in muffled sobs. They didn’t know how long they sat in the dark until a familiar voice interrupted.
“Pup? What’s wrong?”
Crewel sat next to them wondering if Yuu had hurt themselves or something. Instead they threw their arms around him and kept crying, the sound no longer muffled by the pillow. Through their sniffling, he managed to figure out what was wrong and hugged them back. Telling them that it would be alright. They weren’t alone. They had him, Grim, and all their friends. 
As Crewel continued to comfort them, they realized Ace wasn’t really joking. Crewel had become a father to them in every way that mattered. 
2,923 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
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Leona x Miss Yuu be like. No I will not take criticism.
3,699 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
The usual “Mc gets turned into a small child through some magical mishap.” But instead of jumping into the typical cute tomfoolery, Mc does not remember anything past age five, who these people are, or where they are and why, and they are terrified. Mc is looking around the alchemy classroom, all these strange people are staring down at them, and they start bawling their eyes out. 
Their friends try to comfort them, but nothing works. Floyd gets the bright idea to pick Mc up, because kids love being picked up, right?! “Come on, Shrimpy, no need for that!” But all little Mc sees is this big dude with needle sharp teeth and they start screaming and thrashing in his arms. Crewel has to take little Mc away from Floyd and try's to get them to calm down in vain.
“I WANT MY MOMMY!” They keep sobbing at the top of their lungs. (Or daddy, grandma, brother, whatever best suits your Mc.) It gets to the point where Crewel has to put a calming spell on them and they doze off almost immediately, because absolutely nothing they said or did worked. According to him, the effects of the potions will wear off on their own, but that takes a few days.
As the rest of the week goes on, little Mc is passed around from staff member to staff member so they don't distract, or get scared again, by the students. Usually they will be sitting coloring in Crowleys office, or in the back room of Sams shop playing with some toys he had in stock. But even so, that doesn’t stop any of their friends from trying to see Mc. Grim is the first one to get close again to Mc. Crewel explained very calmy that this...cat was their friend, and it was a magic cat that could talk, so don't freak out. Mc thought it was like in their shows back home. Like Jiji from Kikis Delivery Service. So they were okay with Grim despite the initial surprise. Their more human friends, like the Heartsybul and Scarabia gang were not that hard to get used too. Especially when Trey brought cookies, and Kalim being Kalim. 
The issue arose when the students with not so human features got involved. Mc absolutely refused to go near Floyd, and by extension Jade. The one time Idia left his room, he ran into little Mc who was left to play in the courtyard under Silvers watch. (He had fallen asleep, but his woodland friends had taken over.) Idia, to his credit, had heard how scared little Mc was of everything and tried not to be spotted. But sadly he was. They both stood frozen in wide eyed horror staring at one another. Silver woke up and found the odd sight, it would have almost been funny if both of them didn’t look like they were about to cry. Mc hid behind Silver and Idia bolted. 
Jack wasn’t going to hold it against Mc if they were wary of him, at the moment he was a stranger to them after all. But Ace, Deuce, and Grim made a big show of how Jack was their friend, and look how fluffy his ears and tail are! Mc at this point was more curious then scared, and asked nicely if they could pet his tail. When Jack gave the ok, Mc wasted no time in petting it. Jack tail started to wag, and Mc laughed from his tail floof hitting them in the face. It kinda remined Jack of playing with his little siblings. Leona absolutely avoided Mc, he wanted no part in any of this. So of course, Ruggie told Mc there was a grumpy lion man around here that needed some cheering up. Then set them loose in the dorm. Cheka 2.0.
 Lillia had taken to looking after Mc. This wasn’t his first rodeo. Despite the fact he looks like a vampire, he befriended tiny Mc relatively quickly. He is, after all, a parent himself and knew how to calm down a crying child. Mc picked up his paternal vibes and now they're besties. Lilia loves to coo at the Diasmonia boys, “Oh this takes me back. I remember you all were this small.” They have to hide Mc at snack time though
“Uncle Lilia is going to go make you some mac and cheese!” he exclaimed before leaving.
Silver scooped up Mc and ran for it. 
“But I want Mac and cheese!”
“Trust me, no you don’t.”
Malleus, like Jack, wouldn't hold it against Mc if they were afraid of him. But part of him really didn't want to find out if that was the case. Sure normal Mc wasn't scared of him, but he didn't really want to see five year old them sobbing at his presence like they had with some of the other students. Lilia had prepared for this though. "See that tall horned fellow over there? He really wants to be your friend. He doesn't get invited out to play very often and it make him sad. So I think it would be very nice if you invited him."
Mc wasn't very sure, but if Lilia said it, it had to be the case, right? So Mc took whatever toys they had been playing with and cautiously walked up to him. "Um...excuse Mr. Malleus sir. Um...do you want to play with me?" They held out the toy him and Malleus was surprised, but gladly accepted.
When Mc finally turned back to normal, everyone was so relieved. For one they didn’t have to feel like they were walking on eggshells around them anymore, and they no longer had to babysit. Mcs memories of the past several days were hazy at best. But the sight of Floyd scooping them up and seeing row of sharp teeth was vividly familiar. “Were you bored without me, Floyd?”
“You were no fun small, Shrimpy.”
5,134 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A female Mc making friends with a group of friendly succubi/girl demons, and whenever they come over to hang out or have a sleepover, none of the brothers are allowed anywhere near Mcs room. Of course that's not going to stop any of them. Mammon will try to get in the room, and when that doesn't work they'll resort to trying to listen through the wall to see what Mc has to say about them,to no avail. The only one that successfully infiltrates the sleepover is Beel, who wasn't even trying.And that's because he knocked on the door and went, "Can I have some of the pizza you guys ordered?" 🥺 and then they let him in.
Beel comes out the room hours later with sparkly nails,a bowl of popcorn, and smelling like strawberries. When his brothers bombard him with questions, Beel says he can't tell them anything because the girls swore him to secrecy and that they won't share their snacks with him at the next sleepover if he tells them.
5,776 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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officerjennie · 2 years
AO3 Wrapped - 2022
Tagged by @bi-aragorn - thank you!!
All but one fic the last year was for The Witcher (the one being for Naruto), and I admittedly wrote a Lot more than I posted. Also I have a secondary account that I won't be counting in all of this for simplicity's sake.
...technically I have three, but one has been neglected for a few years now. We won't talk about that.
Works Published: 43, unless I counted wrong
Word Count: 101,754
Hits: 27,901
Bookmarks: 490
Most Popular By Kudos: better than a hot bottle of water - which just recently got a sequel
By Hits: the softest of treasures. I really need to get back to writing this one, I was just about to be (somewhat) nice to Geralt
Longest: also the softest of treasures.
Shortest: Single Child Confusion, which I wrote while in the car with @fontegagrilledcheese for one of her cheesy flash fic challenges
Most Comments: also the softest of treasures xD I really need to get back to that fic, I don't even remember if I started writing the next chapter tho...
Fic that made me cry: Both Stepping Stones and If only I could have, I would have for you - they're very personal to me, and even just thinking about them makes my stomach feel heavy. They were extremely cathartic and were things that I Needed to write, for myself more than anyone else
Fic that made me smile: a good bargain. Occasionally I hear about people stumbling upon the fic, and it makes me happy every time - I'm fond of it :D Geralt needs to fuck more melons
Gift: to someone - I can't remember when, but at one point I was throwing so many fic ideas at @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde and they eventually demanded I start writing them. So, to let the world know who was subjecting them to my ideas, I gifted all of those fics to her. the ruin in me is one of my favorites.
Please ignore the fact that it's not finished
From someone - Orange and Honey by @kueble which I shall be rereading as soon as I post this. Also @jaskierswolf gifted me like 7 fics and I loved each and every one of them.
Events: We held a lot of events in the Passiflora discord, and I believe I participated in most of them! Tho I don't typically bother with series or adding my fics to collections. We had team bingo, trans week, soft tummy week, NaNo, drabble challenges, flash fics, DDmas, WIP week, art train - those are all of the ones I remember participating in, though I believe there were a few others.
All in all, a more productive year than I thought, even if I posted almost half as many words as the year before xD I'm trying to step my game up for this year. Who knows, maybe I'll even finish some WIPs
...I say, procrastinating that damn siren fic
Tagging @comfyswitcherblanketfort @luteandsword and anyone else who hasn't been tagged yet?
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dynyamight · 3 years
bkdk … 12 ? ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ
12. “I think we need to talk."
The moment Bakugou opened the gym doors, and smelled rain in the air, he knew he had to book it back to the dorms.
Slamming his feet on the pavement floor, he forces himself to run out. His muscles ache all over, and his arms barely want to stay up, pumping at his side. But, he rather try and make his way to his room dry, than have a downpour soak him to his bones.
By the time he reaches to the safe, dry front steps of the dorm building, the rain finally begins. Lightly, the drops splatter slowly to the ground.
Catching his breath, Bakugou stops by the rails, holding onto one side as his muscles cramp. His thighs are burning, and his arms want to fall off entirely. But, he let's his mind focus on the pain.
He's had a rough fucking week, and for once, his mind was elsewhere.
“It’s starting to rain now, isn’t it.”
Bakugou jolts, quickly facing up to that familiar voice. That voice that haunts his dreams, ingrained deep into his mind. That voice that makes his heart race just a little quicker. That voice, from the one and only.
That forgetful nerd.
“Ah, sorry! I didn’t mean to spook you.’ Midoriya says quickly, offering an apologetic smile. He’s sitting on the front porch, holding onto a book close to his chest. “You probably thought you were the only one out here, right?”
“..You don’t have to apologize.” He breathes out. Despite the haywire of his nerves, exploding his insides, the words roll off his tongue easily. It's oddly the same phrase he's used each time they've met. "S'not like you personally screwed me over."
"Ah, my bad—"
"What did I just say."
“I—" Midoriya weakly chuckles, shaking his curls. "I guess I can't help it. I promise I won't forget.”
No matter how many times Bakugou hears that, it always sounds so genuine, so real. Rather than an empty promise. "I'll hold you to it, Deku." He mutters, regardless.
"What does that—" A light shines through Midoriya's gaze, and immediately he smiles. "Wait, you know what. I swear that's not the first time someone has said that to me. Deku."
Chills run down Bakugou’s spine. That's never happened. He's never slipped up. Fuck. “..Really?”
“Yeah, it sounds so familiar. But, I don’t remember exactly where I've heard it before.”
Both disappointment and relief flood his whole entire body. He doesn’t know what he would do if Midoriya would remember all his terrible attempts, though a part of him did yearn for recognition.
However, maybe it was for the best. Give them a fresh start, every time. Fucking hip hip hurray.
Hell, maybe this was the world's way of sending him all the karma that he has built up. It decided to pick the one person he deeply cares about, and make both of them suffer.
Bakugou looks back at the book Midoriya held, something in his mind reminding him about one of the first talks since the incident. “Is that Catch-22?” Bakugou asks, pointing it out.
It takes a moment for the question to visibly register through Midoriya's brain. But, when it does, Bakugou can tell by the way Midoriya’s eyes widen and the wide grin on his face that grows, “You've read it?”
“Nah, just heard about it. A lot.” He doesn’t need to explain himself further.
Leaving his seat off the bench, Midoriya rushes up to Bakugou’s face, eagerly leaning in. “I highly recommend it! It’s a literature masterpiece, the best of its genre!”
For a moment, Midoriya looks up to Bakugou’s gaze, eyes bright in interest. However, the next second, he looks away, with a feeble laugh as he scratches the side of his head nervously. “In my humble, personal opinion, of course..”
“What does it even mean?” Bakugou asks instead, holding tight to their conversation. He refuses to let it go for even a second. “Catch-22.”
“Oh. Uhh, the best way I can describe it,” Midoriya lifts his chin in thought. His gaze drifts up, as if he was wracking through his brain like it were a couple of shelves, “is that it's a dilemma from which someone cannot escape from, because of a set of contradictory rules.”
Bakugou scoffs. “Give an example. I’m too fucking tired to decipher whatever the fuck you just said.”
“Okay, okay!" Midoriya laughs, "It’s like job applications. How can you gain any experience for a job, unless you get a job that gives you experience?”
“Like, how in order to apply for a loan, you have to prove to the bank that you don’t need one?”
“Yes! Exactly that.”
“That shit has a name?”
“They’re hard to find, but even in everyday life, we can find ourselves in our own catch-22’s without realizing it! Isn’t that crazy? For all we know, life itself could be one!” Midoriya rambles, growing louder and louder, to the point Bakugou swears he can hear his voice echo.
Though, Bakugou doesn’t mind. This alone is possibly the most Midoriya has said to him, with all encounters combined.
Surprisingly, a blush forms over Midoriya’s cheeks. “I didn’t mean to babble on like that.”
“How do you get someone to remember you,” Bakugou starts, before he can stop himself from asking, “when they keep forgetting who you are every time?”
Midoriya stares.
Quickly, Bakugou coughs, “Ain't that a catch-22?”
For a small moment, all he can hear is the rain, pattering down the pavement around them. But, then, Midoriya hums, tilting his head, lips pursed. “Yeah, it most definitely is. Though, I've never heard of that one, before.”
"Yeah well," Bakugou shoves his sweating hands into the pockets of his hoodie. “That’s the fucking dumpster fire I’m in.”
“With all respect, does your person have medical reasons why they keep forgetting?” Midoriya asks slowly, immediate concern filling his expression.
“Not that I know of." Bakugou admits, "But, I wouldn’t put it past them. Or, they might be plain stupid.”
“That's rude!" However, the accusation sounds fairly weak, when Midoriya's chuckling.
He feels the corners of his lips upturning. "What's 'rude' is the damn bastard not remembering anything, other than random, trivial shit." Bakugou huffs. "Which changes, daily."
"And, you say nothing works? Not even telling them?"
"Yeah. 'Cause they'll fucking forget the next day."
"Have they ever wrote about you?”
Bakugou does a double take. When did Midoriya ever— “Wrote about me?”
Nodding, Midoriya gestures behind him, to the backpack beside the bench. “Personally, I've been using lots of sticky notes, planners, and journals to jot down things I need to remember.”
“Again, my memory's a bit distorted, so in order to tell my future self what I need to know, I write it out for me to read, the next day. Maybe that’ll work for your person?”
Writing. So that the next Midoriya can read it and remember. “..Would it work, if I wrote it?"
Midoriya furrows his brows. "I think it would be better if the person wrote it out for themselves. You know, so that it helps to jog their memory."
Suppressing the immediate heart drop he feels in the pit of his stomach, Bakugou exhales a big sigh. "There's a lot of shit the fucker needs to remember. His purpose. His quirk. His dream. Lots of important shit."
"Why not start with you?" Midoriya smiles, reassuringly. "They're bound to have a diary entry all about you."
Immediately, Bakugou's irked. "I ain't writing material."
"I think you are. Good writing material." Midoriya confesses, never letting that dopey, wobbly smile drop, "I don't know your name, but everything about you is unforgettable, to say the least. I bet even someone like me will recognize you next time."
But, you don't. Bakugou thinks, feeling the tug at his heart tighten, choking him from the inside. You never do.
From the pocket of his gym shorts, Bakugou starts feeling his phone vibrate, before it rings. Despite that, Midoriya's jump causes him to be just as startled.
Rubbing a hand to his neck, Midoriya weakly chuckles, "Sad. We were just starting to get to know each other."
Bakugou doesn't respond.
'ALL MIGHT.' The caller ID states in bold letters.
"I gotta go." Bakugou states firmly, holding tightly around his phone. "I need to take this call."
Midoriya's smile fades, but quickly it's picked up. "Yeah, no worries. I've probably been keeping you outside for too long."
Bakugou curtly nods, "You have."
And yet, even when the ringing persists, loudly telling him to walk away, leave, he stays. Because, Midoriya just looks like he doesn't want him to go.
He doesn't want to go, either.
"I never got your name." Midoriya mentions quietly.
Why would I give it, if you won't even remember?
Yet, that freckled, doey eyed face Midoriya's got never brings out the rationale, spiteful side of him out. Because, no matter how many times he has to say it, he'll do it again, and again. In a heartbeat.
"Just call me Kacchan."
Visibly, Midoriya's taken aback. Though, with the phone call on its last few rings, he finally steps off to the side, giving Bakugou space to walk.
"I'll see you around then," Midoriya waves off to him, "Kacchan."
A personal hell. Bakugou's living his personal hell.
When he walks inside the dorm building, the emotions suddenly hit him hard. Every day, he has to keep putting up with this crap.
Midoriya greeting him, talking to him, and saying goodbye, like a damn fucking stranger.
It kills him, eating away at his brain, knowing Midoriya's unable to look at him, and see nothing, but a stranger staring back.
When looking at Midoriya meant the world to him.
With a swift thumb swipe, Bakugou slides the phone call open. He clears his throat. "What now old man."
"I think we need to talk." All Might's voice crackles. "Privately. The sooner, the better. It's about the quirk that's been affecting young Midoriya."
His entire body tenses, halting him still. "..What about it.."
All Might sighs, long and tired. "The authorities found some intel about the culprit behind the memory loss. And, well.."
"Well, what?" Bakugou snaps.
"Midoriya's in deeper trouble, than we thought."
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introvert--weeb · 3 years
Hi!! I would like to request something angsty, a headcanon/drabble/fic about Izana and an older sister reader, she taught him (and maybe kakucho too) everything about delinquents alongside Shinichiro. She took all the bullets that was meant for Izana, it's your choice if you want reader to survive or not. Thank you and good luck on your interview!!
Why does everyone want to break my heart with these angst requests? 😭💔 But I do like the idea so it shall be written!
A note about the reader. I am thinking of her as more a fellow orphan who is seen as the older sister figure to the younger orphans, mainly by Izana. After all, the bond between orphans means more than anything and that's the only way I can see Izana reacting but not Mikey. Sorry if that's not what you wanted...
Thank you for requesting and I hope you like it!!
Izana with an older sister!reader who protects them (angst)
TW: mentions of violence, gun shots, blood, mourning, canon divergence, manga spoilers
You had been a constant in Izana's life. When he had first been left at the orphanage, you had taken him under your wing like you had with every other child that turned up. It was mainly because you had been at the orphanage the longest and so knew what it felt like to just suddenly end up there.
Izana was hesitant to get close to you in the beginning, especially since you were a bit intimidating. You were only two years older than the blond boy yet you had probably experienced a lot more than he had.
It was only when he saw you fighting off a gang of middle school boys that were bullying him, did he want to get close to you. He thought you were amazing in that moment. The way you kicked at the boys had him wanting to learn how to fight like that. And so, he would ask you to teach him.
From there, the two of you created a strong bond. And when Kakucho had arrived at the orphanage, Izana had dragged him into the lessons you would give. Through the lessons, you would explain how you had once met an older boy who had told you all about the ways of a delinquent and how that had influenced your decisions.
The boys would follow you around, doing their best to keep you safe. After all, you had quickly become an older sister to them both and they refused to let anything happen to their older sister. They had even showed your their secret plans for the kingdom they were going to make, saying how you would be in charge of keeping it safe. Izana was the king, Kakucho was the servant, and you were the protector.
It was when Shinichiro turned up out of the blue to talk to Izana that had made a slight rift in your relationship with him. He would actively seek out his big brother instead of you, something that both made you happy for him yet broke your heart a little. After all, you had been with him since he was a young child and had taught him what you could.
Shinichiro had expressed his gratitude for you helping raise Izana. You simply explained that's just how it was and that promised the older boy that you would protect his younger brother with your life. Over the months, you had gotten close to Shinichiro and learnt new ways in which to follow the true delinquent path.
Years had passed and a lot of things had changed. Shinichiro had died, Izana and Kakucho had formed their kingdom, and a strange boy of the name Kisaki had entered the lives of your brothers. While you questioned some of their new friend choices, you remained with Izana. After all, an older sister was meant to protect their younger siblings with their life if needs be.
Now you were standing a little behind Izana as you both watched the battle that was happening below. 50 members of Toman were going against the kingdom of Tenjiku, being led by a boy that reminded you so much of Shinichiro it was crazy. Kakucho was currently fighting him but it was proving difficult to knock him down. You really couldn't help but admire the blond for not giving up even when his face was swelling and covered in blood.
Kisaki must have had enough as he had finally gotten down from the platforms. You were uninterested until a gun had been pulled out. Wasn't this a simple brawl? Why the hell would Kisaki bring a gun? After noticing it, you couldn't shake the bad feeling that filled your chest. Something was definitely going to happen with that gun being here.
Kisaki shot the blond boy in the foot, and yet he still didn't give up. That is what piqued your interest even more. It was as if the spirit of Shinichiro Sano was placed into that boy after his untimely death. Tears were threatening to fill your eyes as memories danced throughout your mind. You almost missed Izana standing up from where he sat.
You quickly followed Izana down to the battlefield, remaining just a little way behind him. After all, he was the king and you were simply his protector. It was all going well until another gunshot rang out. You turned your head only to find Kakucho bleeding from his shoulder.
Anger clouded your judgement. How dare that piece of trash shoot at one of your brothers?! However, your mind went blank as you saw Kisaki go to pull the trigger again. Izana had pushed Kakucho out of the way while you covered the younger male with your body. There was no way you were letting harm come to Izana. After all, he was your life.
Three bullets entered your body.
Everything went in slow motion for the three siblings. Kakucho watched in horror as the scene played out. Izana was confused on why he felt no physical pain until he looked up to find you smiling down at him. Blood was trickling down your chin, dripping to the ground below.
"Y-Y/N?" If your mind wasn't screaming at your pain, you would have tried to comfort the poor boy in front of you. Instead, you used your energy to simply keep that smile on your face as you fell forward.
Izana couldn't catch you. His body was frozen and he was panicking. You and Kakucho were his only family and you were both bleeding from gunshot wounds. He didn't know what to do except shout for someone, anyone to call an ambulance. Maybe they could save you!
"Izana..." The boy had to kneel down and lean close just to hear you. "I'm so glad you're safe. I don't know what I would have done if you got hurt." Your words were separated with heavy breathes. If this was anything to go by, you were about to leave this world at any moment.
Kakucho had crawled his way over to where you and Izana was, tears flowing easily down his cheeks. He had to be there for Izana, even if it was too painful seeing you in that state.
"Why did you do that?" The platinum blond croaked out, trying his hardest to push the lump in his throat down. He refused to cry, especially when you were the one in immense pain. Izana had to be strong for you.
"Because I am your older sister. That's what we do." With that, you had gone silent, a smile on your paling face. It was moments after that the paramedics had arrived. Kakucho and you were placed into the back of the ambulance while Izana followed Kakucho. He needed his friend to comfort him.
Hours had passed by since arriving at the hospital. Kakucho was fine, he just needed a few stitches and some IV fluids to rehydrate him. The doctors had delivered some bad news to the boys. You had not made it.
No-one spoke as the news set in. You had died. The protector of the kingdom of Tenjiku. The one who had practically raised them. The girl who welcomed them with open arms when they arrived at the orphanage. You were gone.
Izana didn't know how to handle the news. He felt like his world was crumbling around him. Why had you saved him?! But that's when your last words popped into his head. Why did every older sibling end up leaving him before their time?
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haikyuu-sins · 2 years
Could I request a small Drabble or headcanon or fic if you’re feeling up to it where Yae Miko takes interest in a girl, but when she brings up the possibility to her future s/o, she gets flustered and says something like “girls can’t like girls where I’m from!” But Yae persists and they end up in a happy healthy relationship? Very specific I know I’m sorry.
Specific is perfectly fine don’t worry! Ah I love Yae! I haven’t written for her yet so I hope this is okay! For this, I’m just going to say that the reader is from Snezhnaya , idk man they just seem a little sus so I wouldn't put it past them to not be an lgbtq+ friendly country.
(Also I apologize for the inconsistent layout, something happens when I try and edit things that are in my queue and I can't change the layout back to how I had it before.)
Characters: Yae Miko (Genshin Impact)
Warnings: Mentions of homophobia
Genre: Fluff 
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Yae wondered to herself, what exactly intrigued her so much about you. After all, you were just another one of her little shrine maiden assistants. But somehow, you had caught her attention. She could read you like an open book as she could with just about everyone else. You weren’t the best at concealing the glances that you tried to steal from her, she always caught you, chuckling to herself and giving you a small and mischievous smile before tending to her duties. 
She teased you almost relentlessly with that smug little smile of hers. You could swear if she had a tail then it would be swishing behind her while she giggled at how flustered she knew you were around her. 
“So, when will you be taking me out on a date? Hm?” she inquired. “I haven’t been on one in so long that I’m starting to wonder if I’ve lost my charm~” the kitsune faked a pout, knowing that it would get you flustered. 
“A-a date?” you feel your cheeks burn at her question, not knowing where in the world this came from in the first play. 
“Yes, a date. Shall I tell you what that is? The one where you take me to dinner-with you paying of course.” she said with a cheeky laugh. 
“Lady Guuji, I don’t know what brought this on!” 
“You don’t? Oh, is that the game you're going to play, my little Shrine Maiden? You’re little glances over at me, you begin to stutter, your blush, and anyway, I’ve already given you a reading–multiple times in fact–and it’s telling me that you’ve been meaning to take me on a very special date~” 
“I don’t-ugh!” you knew exactly what she was doing to you. She knew just how to fluster you beyond belief to the point where you couldn’t get the words out to even defend yourself. Though what was there to defend? She wasn’t wrong in any aspect. But the ingrained teachings of your home country, Snezhnaya, were deeply rooted. Gays and lesbians were not looked upon fondly and were often treated very poorly if they were ever out with their partner. 
But you couldn’t hide your feelings for Yae. This was mostly due to the fact that she simply knew everything and there wasn’t anything you could hide from her. She picked up on your crush rather quickly and you would soon realize that the feelings were reciprocated. 
“Where I’m from..girls aren’t allowed to be together…It would be seen as…Unsightly and wrong.”
Miko raised a brow at you before looking at her surroundings. “Hm, where you’re from? I see that we are in Inazuma at the moment, not in Snezhnaya. Or is that what you think as well? That girls are not allowed to be together and it is as “unsightly” as you say?” 
“No! No, of course not!” you try to backtrack on your words, as that was the last thing you meant. “It’s just…I supposed it’s the way I was raised. I was taught women and men shouldn’t be with the same gender and I had to suppress myself for the longest time before I realized I liked women too. Seeing gays and lesbians in other parts of the world made me realize, who am I to tell someone who they can and cannot love and who is someone to tell me who I can and cannot love?” 
Yae gives you a small close eyed smile. “Then there you have it.” She pats your head in a gentle manner.  “So that settles it, right? You’ll be taking me on my long awaited date now, right~?”
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Disconnected (5)
Summary: Faced with a new enemy intent on causing havoc around the world, the Avengers are in need of some help. Tony volunteered a friend he said was perfect with her knowledge of explosives and technology. You were not what they expected.
Fandoms: Avengers, Marvel, MCU
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Mutant!Reader, Avengers x Mutant!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: IMPLIED SMUT. SEXUAL BEHAVIOURS (Do not read if you are under 18), angst (for plot), abandonment issues, heartbreak, mentions of anxiety, insecurities, explosives, canon level self-sacrifice, canon level violence, physical injuries
A/N: LAST CHAPTER! Thanks so much for showing love to my precious weird bean Tether. Thanks for the feedback as always and I am so happy that my first attempt at fluff somehow worked well. I know it was short but we are open for any requests for drabbles/headcanons for this fic or any of my other fics. Just in case you want to extend their stories. Ask and you shall receive!
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5: Signed, Sealed, Delivered
You were sitting on the rooftop of one of the buildings in the Compound, legs dangling over the ledge and arms resting on the metal railing. The sun was starting to set low and the wind was starting to grow cold. There was a very expensive looking garden and sitting area behind you, complete with a bar and lounge chairs. Still you chose to detach the fiber glass from a section of the rooftop railing and slipped your limbs through as you sat. You were more comfortable this way, staring directly ahead with nothing obstructing your view. It had nothing to do with the fact that it overlooked the briefing session for the field agents today facilitated by a certain super soldier.
The same super soldier who had left your workshop with a look of what was unmistakably heartbreak on his face when you couldn’t answer his question.
What do you want from us?
You didn’t know. You honest to god didn’t know and you would give anything to be able to answer him. Good or bad. As long as you had an answer for him. Not this infuriatingly vague guessing game. Steve didn’t deserve this that much you knew. But goddamn it, you didn’t have an answer. Your head felt like it was going to explode trying to figure things out, instead you burst into tears. The tears fell in large drops down your cheeks, blurring the image of Steve giving orders below you. Whether it was because of sadness or frustration, you didn't know.
Why don't you know?
Tony quietly approached you, setting a mug of coffee beside you and leaning back on the barricade. He watched you, heart aching at the sight of your tears but more for the obvious anger you had at yourself. He's known you the longest and the deepest. He knew that at that moment you were struggling to understand, trying to find a logic or a pattern in something that naturally didn't have one. No matter how you tried some things in life couldn't be understood by analysis. It was unfortunate that your stability was hinged on your understanding. You would tear yourself to pieces if he let you go on.
You wiped the tears from your cheeks and Tony wanted to punch Steve in his perfect face by the way you looked at him with glassy eyes, forced a smile on your lips, and took a sip of the coffee. You frowned as the hot liquid wrapped around your tongue.
"You know you used to like my coffee," he grumbled. There was a small relief in him from seeing a slightly more genuine smile on your face at his comment.
"How long have you known?"
"Day 1. I am a genius in case you've forgotten," he scoffed. "Although it was a little worrying that he liked you when bound and gagged was your first impression, but I shouldn't judge."
You chuckled, your fingers tapping continuously on the mug and that buzzing growing in your head. A long moment of silence passed between you, both unsure of how to start the conversation you needed to have. He sighed, knowing you were less likely than he was to breach the subject.
"You really think people will leave you when you outlive your usefulness?"
You looked at him in surprise, not expecting him to use the exact same words you told Steve earlier.
"I overheard what you said," he shrugged. He thumbed the rim of his own coffee mug before asking what he actually wanted to ask. "Do you think the same about me?"
"Tony," you started, shaking your head.
"I wanna know, kid," he said softly, looking at anywhere but at you. "Tell me the truth."
You took a deep breath to steady yourself. You had to answer him. Knowing Tony, he wasn't going to let this go.
"Because I'm too much trouble to keep."
Another long heavy silence passed between you. If you couldn't see him from the corner of your eye, you would think that he had already left. Your shoulders began to droop lower. They felt so heavy today.
"I'm sorry."
Your eyes snapped to him, your face the very picture of confusion. "Why are you apologizing?"
"Because that should have been the first thing I taught you. That should have been the first thing I helped you understand, kid."
"What is?"
"That you're worth the trouble."
The tears suddenly came again, unbidden and further confusing you. The most accurate way to describe you right now was that you were short circuiting. Tony couldn't hold back, crouching beside you and pulling you into his embrace. He kissed the top of your head like he often did and ran a soothing hand up and down your back as your body shook. His attention caught sight of Steve on the grounds looking up at you both looking equally distraught. Tony shook his head, a warning not to interfere yet.
"I don't understand, Tony," you sobbed into his shoulder, your hands clutching tightly on to his arms.
"I know. That's okay. You don't have to," he shushed you, carefully keeping his voice calm for you. "Your parents were assholes. The people at that home they put you in were assholes. The world is full of them."
You cried harder, your tears staining the expensive shirt he wore. He held you tighter still as the pain, ignored and buried for years, crashed into you like a vengeful tidal wave. The abandonment, the emotional and physical abuse, the blatant disregard, the cruelty of apparent disgust at what you were.
"The world is full of assholes," Tony repeated. "But you have to believe that there are good people too. Every single person on this team would protect you in a heartbeat. Peter practically worships you. Pepper and I think of you like you're our own. You're no trouble at all to us and we're not letting you go for shit. We all love you."
"Even Steve?" your voice came small and muffled but he heard it.
"I think the good Captain loves you just a bit more than the rest of us," he chuckled, stroking your hair. He was glad you had calmed down now and when you pulled away, he saw a renewed life in your eyes.
"Do you know why I gave you the alias Tether?" he asked and you shook your head. "Because when we first met you were so disassociated from everything. You were so disconnected."
"You were worried about me."
"No, I immediately cared for you. I called you Tether with the hope that you would reform those connections. That you would someday let yourself be tied closely to other people again."
Your chest felt warm. There was a soft affection in Tony's eyes that put you at ease somehow. You trusted him. You always have. And there was no reason not to trust him now.
"Thank you, Tony," you said as you held his hand tightly in yours.
His free hand went up to ruffle your hair, smiling now too as your face looked brighter. You still didn't understand everything, but you were coming to terms with the fact that you didn't need to. There were some things in life that you just needed to blindly believe; like trust, friendship, faith in the goodness of people.
Like love.
"So you eavesdropped on me and Steve," you started stiffly, taking in more coffee.
"Don't worry. I left before all the grunting."
"Good. Good. That would have been awkward."
"It still is."
The gala at the Tower was now in full swing, everyone applauding as Tony finished his usual welcome speech. Every Avenger was here amidst the lucky people who had scored an invite. The event itself wasn't cancelled, it would risk the bombers hitting somewhere else. It was better to put an end to everything here now and your intel was proven right when the two leaders walked into the soiree. Natasha winked at you from across the room, a silent kudos for a job well done.
The rest of the civilians were kept blissfully unaware to prevent any panic, while your team had comms pieces in your ears and protective gear underneath your expensive suits and gowns.
It was almost like a choreographed dance and you were amazed at seeing the actual Avengers at work for the first time. They would mingle and laugh with the guests, a drink in their hands that was more for show, as they moved to other guests you noticed how they were meticulously sweeping the floor and providing updates to each other. Some of them slipped in and out of the room with the excuse of going to the restroom, getting another drink, or answering a phone call.
"You'll both be okay," Wanda said from beside you, noticing that your eyes were following Steve weave through the room. "What you both have is much stronger than either of you realize."
She shared an affectionate look with Vision who was standing beside her with his hand on her lower back. You haven't been with the team for long, but you realize now that you haven't really spent much time with the android. It was strange to you because of the similarities in your natures and powers. One would think that you would be quick friends.
"Vision, can I ask you a question?" you asked hesitantly. "Do you dislike me?"
Wanda looked absolutely shocked. She had grown close to you and her love for Vision was absolute. Conflict between the two of you was unacceptable for her. Vision was quick to reassure her though, his hand on her back moving in soothing circles.
"I suppose I haven't been the most welcoming to you, but rest assured it is not of dislike," he said calmly. "It's more because you make me nervous."
"Because of your powers. Sergeant Barnes may welcome your tinkering of his metal arm, but I am uncomfortable with the thought that you can easily dismantle and analyze me."
You smiled softly at him. You had never known someone to fear what you can do. Hate and disgust you were familiar with, but not fear.
"I wouldn't be so worried about that. I can analyze and dismantle you as much as I can Wanda which is barely to not at all," you laughed lightheartedly. Wanda was smiling now too, but Vision was looking puzzled.
"How so? I am an android."
"Because despite what you may think, you're more human than machine."
Wanda's heart warmed at the sentiment and she leaned in closer to her partner. She has always thought of the same and although it was a common discussion between them, it was different hearing it from someone else. Her eyes swelled with gratitude toward you. Perhaps now Vision would believe her a little more when she said it to him.
Clint's voice through the comms interrupted the moment. "Four bombs found and areas secured."
"Act normal until they're all disabled. We don't want them to get suspicious and trigger them early," Steve said. You didn't realize it until then that you missed hearing his voice. You missed how he always seemed to be around you.
"It's your show now, Tether," Tony prompted.
As casually as you could, you slipped out of the party with Wanda and Vision soon following behind. You followed the directions in your ear to get to each bomb. You had to work quick.
The first bomb was in the kitchen, only a few doors down from the party, fastened securely under one of the prep tables. The kitchen staff had been fed some excuse to get them out of the way for the brief moment you needed to work. You ducked under the table and let your hands loose, quickly picking through the components until they lay in harmless pieces on the floor beside you.
By the time you got to the fourth bomb, your heart was hammering in your chest and a thin sheen of sweat was on your face from the effort. All the bombs were similar to the ones you've analyzed and all with alien tech core. They were much bigger and with the intent for even more destruction, but they were structured the same. This helped you to disable them easier.
But something felt off.
This was their big finale. This seemed far too tame for the last chapter of their twisted story. It was too easy. You suppose you should be grateful if this were the case, but the nagging feeling that there was something else grated at you.
"Fourth bomb disabled," Wanda sighed in relief.
Tony and Steve would apprehend the leaders now, quietly to not rouse suspicion with the other guests. You were walking back to the party, Wanda fixing your slightly disheveled dress and hair,  when Sam's voice urgently rang through the comms.
"Party floor conference room. Get here now! We have a problem."
You shared a panicked look with Wanda before you broke into a sprint. The three of you burst through the door and saw the two culprits tied to chairs, unexpectedly looking smug for someone whose plans have been spoiled. Steve and Tony were in the room all looking equally grim. The rest remained at the party to keep up pretenses and as a layer of protection for the guests.
"What's going on?" you asked urgently.
"They're saying there's another bomb," Steve answered, running a hand through his hair.
"And you're not gonna be able to stop it," one of the targets snickered then turned to sneer at you. "We know about you, Tether."
Your eyes grew wide. The noise in your brain rising to a high pitched wailing. The venom in his words unnerved you and made your blood grow cold.
"We counted on you keeping busy disabling the bombs in the Tower," he smiled maliciously at you. "But the real bomb was made especially for you. There's no way in hell you can disable it if you can even find it."
Your vision was spinning. The breath caught in your chest. Your hands shook in fear. You felt like vomiting. You barely heard Steve's angry demands.
"Tell us where the bomb is!"
The prisoners chuckled darkly, purposely not answering him. Your mind was racing, trying to grasp at any clue. You needed to find that bomb, but there was too much going on in your mind that you couldn't focus on any of it. You couldn't filter through the mess.
Strong hands on your face caused you to take a sudden breath. You didn't even realize that you weren't breathing. Worried crystal blue eyes met your frantic ones and you felt your world struggle to right itself.
"Look at me, sweetheart. Focus only on me," he said pressing his forehead to yours.
You forced yourself to do as he said. The calluses on his hands on your cheeks. The faint smell of scotch on his warm breath. The hint of green in his blue eyes. The sound of his thudding heartbeat. Finally, the soft press of his lips on yours.
When he pulled away, the wretched noise in your head was gone giving way to the clarity you needed to possibly save you all. You stepped away from him suddenly and pressed urgently on your smart watch.
"He said he counted on me disabling those in the Tower," you started, walking across to the room to the large windows and wrenching open the doors leading to the balcony. "But they're here so that means it's at least close by. I shouldn't be able to disable it which can only mean one thing."
"What?" Wanda asked, fully terrified now.
"It's a toxic gas bomb. Big enough to blow the whole building and the immediate area. Maybe even further," you swallowed, your feet tapping in impatience. "Picking it apart will most likely only release the gas and trigger the explosion earlier."
"If it's not in the building then where is it?" Tony was pacing now.
A glance at the two captives confirmed your theory. They looked enraged at you figuring it out. Your body almost collapsed in relief when the sound of shifting heavy metal caught your ears. On the balcony, a large armored battle mech spray painted in a crazy variety of colors landed with a loud clang. In what would be called its hands, was the bomb.
That was a really big bomb.
"What? How could you have possibly found it?" one of the captives screeched.
You looked at them unflinching, a small smirk at the corner of your lips and that signature glint of mischief in your eyes. You didn't fail to notice that they were struggling to escape now at the sight of the bomb so near to them. Clearly they were expecting to survive the devastation of the bombing while still having a front row seat to it.
"I'm kind of a genius."
"Did you build yourself an Iron Man suit?" Tony asked chasing after you onto the balcony.
"It's more of a pilotable Transformer. It's a prototype."
"I'm impressed. Deeply scared, but impressed."
You smiled as you rushed over to the bomb and carefully assessed the parts without touching it. You circled it, went under, ordered your mech to tilt it gently here and there. Your eyes were flittering in their sockets trying to gather as much information as fast as possible. You found the timer.
2 minutes.
"What do you have, kid?" Tony said coming up behind you.
With delicate hands you picked at either side of the device and handed them to Tony who was very apprehensive about taking it. The air was tense, ripe with the danger presented by the explosive. You took a few more components out until the large transparent cylinder remained. Unfortunately, it was connected to the detonator and there was no way of disabling it killing all of you right here and now.
The clock continued to count down.
"I've removed everything I can to reduce the damage from the blast. We have less than 2 minutes before this blows."
"How do we stop it?" Steve asked urgently.
"We can't. It has to be detonated."
"We can take it to open water. Have it explode far away from people," Tony suggested.
"There's no time," you argued.
You slipped under to press your palm right on the front of the mech. A latch opened revealing a small pilot seat and two joysticks snapped into place on either side. You jumped in and fastened the seatbelts tightly around your frame. Your heart was hammering again but you knew this was the only way.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Steve fumed.
"I'm taking the bomb as far up as I can," you explained, your fingers flying over the controls.
"Like hell you are!"
"We don't have time for this, Steve! Secure the captives, make sure the people in the building and the area are safe. Wanda will need to create a big enough protective barrier in case this doesn't hold," you argued, deploying one of your nano tech force fields to wrap around the bomb. "That should hold in some of the impact, but it won't be enough."
"What do you mean?" Tony interrupted. Steve was too wrapped up in his worry for you to think straight.
"This mech can transform to wrap around the bomb. That and the force field should be enough to contain it, but it has to be manually triggered."
40 seconds.
There was no more time. You closed the latch, gripped the joysticks, and blasted yourself straight into the air. Steve and Tony's loud yelling of your name and a string of curses quickly faded away. Higher and higher you went while keeping an eye on the counter.
20 seconds.
The city below was growing smaller and smaller until even Stark Tower could barely be seen. You spared a thought for the rest of the team. Tony had given you something far more precious than just your life back. He had given you a family, a real one that loved and accepted you for everything you were. Quirks and all. A shimmer of red covering the area below relieved some of the tension in your shoulders. Wanda was working hard.
Your turn now.
You didn't have enough time to tell them one flaw in your spontaneous brilliant plan though. It was a one way trip.
Far below, Steve watched from the balcony as your figure became so small he could barely make you out. He was terrified. He had never felt this terrified in his long existence. He had barked the orders into the comms after you blasted off but remained where he was to keep you in his sights.
He felt helpless. For all the enhancements the serum granted, he couldn't keep you out of danger. You had taken it upon yourself to resolve a problem that in essence shouldn't even be yours. To be honest you had almost single handedly closed out this mission. He was ashamed. Worse yet was that there were things left unsaid between you. Words he had been dying to tell you. The fear that he might never get the chance almost floored him.
Fear couldn't even begin to describe when he felt the telltale shockwaves of the explosion from above. The air rippled violently around them, causing the building to jolt. The sound of screaming, sirens, and blaring alarms sounded off in the area. Steve gripped the railing to steady himself. Looking up there was no smoke or fire. Your plan had worked to contain the actual blast. The brief moment of pride for your genius was overwhelmed with cold dread. If they felt the shock that violently on the ground even under Wanda's barriers, then he didn't even want to think about how you fared.
He pleaded up at the sky as his heart alternated between painful clenching and frantic thumping. Angry tears streaked down his cheeks when the heavens still held no sign of you, his hold on the railing denting the metal. Just when all hope was lost, a small dot caught his attention. A rapidly falling speck, like a comet.
"Tony!" Steve yelled desperately.
Please be okay, sweetheart.
Tony was already jumping off the balcony in his full suit. He had seen you too and was transferring every resource in his suit onto his thrusters to get to you faster. As he grew nearer he saw your bloodied limp figure covered by your shields plummeting to certain death. He went faster until he had caught you in his arms, immediately tightening his hold around you and checking your vitals as he made his way back to the Tower. The relief he felt was unmeasurable when he detected your pulse and you groaned faintly in pain.
You were alive.
"Remind me to add a parachute."
The pull of unconsciousness was too strong to resist and you willingly surrendered yourself to the darkness.
Waking up to harsh hospital lights and the high pitched intermittent beeping of the monitors almost made you beg to be unconscious again. The pain radiating throughout your body and most of all in your head made you certain you just wanted to slip back under. Everything was coming at you at once and your heart rate began to pick up to an alarming beat.
You could make out a voice but the ringing in your ears was drowning it out. You whimpered helplessly, cried at feeling so out of control in your own body. You were so far gone in your distress that you didn't realize that a large body was coming to lay beside you on your cot until you were turned to your side and your face was pressed into a hard chest.
"Just focus on me, sweetheart."
The voice was clearer now, gentle and imploring. The familiar smell of his cologne wrapped around you, crisp and clean. The feel of the soft material of his shirt tickled your cheek. The taste of blood in your mouth from your split lip. You craned your neck up and willed your tired eyes to open, the sight of his face etched deeply with worry. The world calmed down again.
"What the hell were you thinking?"
His sudden outburst caught you off-guard, the rage burning in his eyes boring holes into you. You buried your face back into his chest on instinct, but he forced your chin up to pin your gaze in place.
"What if Tony hadn't caught you? What if the blast couldn't be contained? You could have died!"
He was shaking you now, the anger and desperation of the fear he felt swallowing the entire room. His breathing was heavy and your own heart was thudding hard again. Your own anger sparked.
"Well I'm not dead. I saved all of your asses and half of New York!"
"Couldn't you save yourself too if you're such a genius? You were freefalling to your death!"
"Well I didn't have a parachute built in yet!" you tried to explain, your arms waving angrily.
"Why the hell wasn't that the first thing you put in?"
"It was a prototype!"
"And that somehow makes it okay?" he scoffed, his hands on you tightening and pulling you closer.
"Why are we yelling?"
"Because I love you, you reckless idiot!" he huffed. "And I almost lost the chance to tell you."
"Well I love you too and I'm alive! So what the hell is the problem?"
He blinked, shocked at what you both just spilled in the heat of your emotions. It wasn't how he planned to profess his love for you and it certainly wasn't how he expected you to answer.
But still.
"You love me?" he asked, his voice much softer and tinged with worry that he might have heard wrong. His eyes were gentle now, the flames of anger extinguished and his thumb stroked your cheek slowly.
"Yes," you whispered, planting a featherlight kiss on his lips. "I love you, Steve. I'm sorry it took me a while to understand."
The smile on his face was a mixture of deep affection and relief. You were alive and you felt the same for him. Right now at that moment, he felt like the luckiest bastard alive and he couldn't be more grateful. He leaned his head closer to yours and your lips tingled in anticipation, but then he suddenly drew back.
"You're sure, right? No take backs?"
"Yes! I love you, Steve," you chuckled and waited as he leaned close again only to draw back one more time. You groaned.
"You understand that we're in a relationship now, right? Monogamous."
"I swear to god, Steve. If you don't kiss me properly right now I am going to have my mech tie a ribbon around you and deliver you right to Sharon!"
The cocky smirk on his face and the raised eyebrow was both arousing and infuriating. "So you were jealous about Sharon."
"Steven Grant Rogers, I will murder you!"
The rest of your threats were muffled when he finally crashed his lips against yours, his chuckles rumbling in his chest. Your heart actually fluttered and melted at the pure emotion in that kiss. So filled with adoration and lightheartedness was that kiss, a promise of a connection that would never break.
A playful bite to his lower lip made him hiss and tighten his hold on you. He groaned as you slipped you tongue to twine with his, your hips angling to slot better with his quickly hardening member.
"Honey, you're still injured," he said between gasping kisses.
"Injured not dead. Now take your pants off, Captain."
Steve knew right then that you would be the death of him and he was 100% okay with that.
The rest of the Avengers were coming down the hallway as they chatted, each bringing a gift of some sort for you. Vision was floating ahead of them carrying a brand new jigsaw puzzle for you, he regretted that he hadn't formed a friendship with you yet out of fear but he was planning to change that. He phased through the wall of your medical ward but almost immediately came back out and held a hand out to stop the rest from going further.
"What's wrong, Vis?" Wanda asked, worried now and thinking you had taken a turn for the worse.
"Wanda, I now understand the importance of walls," he declared.
Wanda blinked.
"And doors."
The rest of the Avengers began to understand.
"And knocking."
"Nope," Tony sharply turned back around to march away from your room. "Been there, heard that. Don't need a repeat!"
A/N: There you have it, loves! We move to a new fic series soon which I have been plotting and I fear has taken a life of it’s own. Thanks again for the love and I live for the interactions. You’re all just too sweet. Send in headcanons/drabble requests if you want to see more of this pairing.
Series Tag List (can’t tag crossed out):
@coffeeandcrimeshows @kamalymaly @justab-eautifulmess @buckysleftarm420 @lokiandbuckylove @spiderwave7117 @the-soot-sprite @paryl @arctic-ash @gucci-hazza @averagefangirl21 @dumb-ass-writer @hopefuloperaangelnerd @none-of-ur-frackin-business @milkyway-writes @lola-weasley
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devildomwriter · 3 years
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I posted 168 times in 2021
167 posts created (99%)
1 posts reblogged (1%)
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I added 474 tags in 2021
#obey me shall we date - 138 posts
#funny obey me - 51 posts
#obey me drabble - 49 posts
#obey me lucifer - 48 posts
#obey me scenarios - 38 posts
#obey me mammon - 36 posts
#obey me diavolo - 31 posts
#obey me satan - 29 posts
#obey me asmodeus - 28 posts
#obey me leviathan - 26 posts
Longest Tag: 44 characters
#poor baby doesn’t like his brothers to fight
My Top Posts in 2021
The Seraphs Have a Drinking Problem
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388 notes • Posted 2021-12-17 13:03:39 GMT
New Memory SSRs
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510 notes • Posted 2021-12-03 01:13:50 GMT
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Why the heck does this man want to tour a factory so badly???
542 notes • Posted 2021-12-18 13:27:11 GMT
Obey Me As Tumblr #1
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Satan: I couldn’t find my headphones and it’s late at night
Solution: get a stethoscope and put it up to the speaker with the computer on low volume
Mammon: If I can’t find my headphones what makes you think I’m going to find a stethoscope just lying around?
Diavolo: I hate making tea cuz I feel bad for throwing out the teabag. I’m always like I should eat this
Asmodeus: I’m home alone with the tv repair man
I’m no fool, there is only two possible outcomes of this scenario
Porn or murder
Asmodeus: Apparently there was an unforeseen third outcome where he fixes the tv and then leaves
MC: The breakfast club isn’t even about breakfast
Beelzebub: You could have at least said spoiler alert
MC: What mouse walks on two legs
Lucifer: Mickey
MC: Okay, what duck walks on two legs
Lucifer: Donald
MC: No, all of them
Lucifer: This is the last time you make a fool of me in my own house god dammit
Satan: My plan
Step 1. Buy 15 identical cats
Step 2. Invite someone over
Step 3. When they ask how many cats you have say “Just one but he’s really fast!”
MC: I prefer guys who make small dick jokes about themselves over guys who make big dick jokes about themselves
Solomon: I’ve got a medium dick. It can talk to ghosts
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546 notes • Posted 2021-12-17 04:32:31 GMT
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721 notes • Posted 2021-12-18 13:33:16 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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latenightdecaf · 3 years
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moodboard sr: x x x
Entry 4 – Alcohol Buzz and Good Company
part of let the pile of good things grow series - series masterlist
previous entry here
Yoongi x reader Ft. nonidol!bts Producer!yoongi, roommate!yoongi, soft!yoongi slow burn romance, slice of life series of drabbles/one shots warning: alcohol consumptions. please kids, don’t drink and drive.
a/n: I got a little carried away on this cause I miss my friends and some good company. probably the longest one so far. I hope you all like it.
Word count: 2,156
After staring at the ceiling for hours cause of work, you got a call from your best friend asking you to hurriedly come into her apartment. And as much as you hate going out, you were ready within ten minutes, all bundled up with huge scarf and leather jacket and less than thirty minutes later, you pulled over Haneul’s apartment.
“Hey! You’re here! Just leave your jacket by my room. People are coming in soon.” Standing by her front door, “People? Like more than 3?” She knows you; you never would’ve come if she said it’ll be a party. She walked with you towards the kitchen, hands on your waist and your arms over by her shoulder. “Yeah, it’s just Taehyung and couple more people. It won’t be big I promise.” Assuring you but you turned to her with a sour look on your face. “You called me up for this?” You pulled the stool by her kitchen counter, tiptoeing and stretching your arms to reach for the tequila bottle. Shot glass ready, you poured yourself one to start with. “Oh shoot I forgot the lemon and salt.” You talked to yourself as your best friend disappeared into her bedroom. You roamed around the kitchen prepared all the lemon and salt you’ll ever need for the night. When Taehyung and a bunch of other people just casually came in.
* People are starting to come but to your surprise it still wasn’t as too much as you expected, which is good. Couple of acquaintances have come and said hi and small talks over their beer and you still sticking with your tequila. After a while, exhausted over a bunch of small talks and feeling that alcohol buzz. You huffed yourself up and sat at the kitchen counter dangling your feet and just staring at it. When a boy came to you with sleeve tattoo in his arms, beer on hand and called you, “Noona.”
You looked at him intently not sure who he is and with a blank expression on your face. You replied, “Noona who?” Still dangling your legs playfully. “You.” “Me?” Still confused, wondering who in the world is this boy. You asked, “I’m sorry you are..?” He came in closer with a hurt expression on his face leaning on the kitchen counter a few inches away from you. “Jk, we met earlier. I’m Taehyung hyung’s…” Cutting him off as you vaguely remembered, “Ah yeah, the singer! Sorry.” You smiled apologetically. “Why are you here alone, Noona?” You laughed as you heard the word ‘Noona’ again. “Dude come on, i’m just at least a year or two older than you… probably. You’re can’t be that young, so we’re basically friends. No need for that, you can just call me by my name. If you don’t remember, you can just call me “hey” that’ll do either.” He laughed softly at your remarks and drank his beer.
You hopped off the kitchen counter, poured you and Jk a shot if tequila. Clinking your glass together, making sour faces after licking off some salt on top of your hand and Jk choosing lemon this time. When Haneul walked in the kitchen, looking for you.
“Hey, I knew you’d be here. Hi, Jk!” As she leaned by the counter top beside you two. You looked at your best friend, eye squinting from all the booze consumed and asked, “You know that I’m drunk and all, so you’ll probably forgive me for this question. But what in the world is the deal with you and Taehyung?!” Raising your voice towards the end for emphasis. She laughed. “What do you mean what is the deal with us? Nothing.” You gave her a shot of tequila to drink. “So its purely sexual then?” She barfed, spilling over the tequila you just offered. Jk finding himself getting caught in the middle of all this, just grabbed a tissue and helped her clean. “Yes and no.” Haneul finally answered. You raised an eyebrow but no longer wanting to pry. “I just don’t want you kids regretting these decisions, okay? I don’t want to be caught up in the middle of all these. I tell you now. I love you both, so it’s either you stop your shenanigans and just stay friends or you declare love and the shenanigans shall continue.” They both laughed at your comment. Jk who is now somehow involved in this conversation asked, “But do you like him? Like you feel butterflies when you see him?” You smiled and drank another shot of tequila at such innocent notion. “Aigoo, young one. You really think it’s all butterflies and unicorns huh.” You said to Jk while mockingly tapping on his shoulder. To your surprise, Haneul answered. “I do like him.” With all seriousness in her tone while holding her empty shot glass in hand. Shocked and probably really drunk, you immediately hugged your best friend. “I am so sorry, Haneul. Taehyung is just the worst guy to fall into.” You said while still hugging her, laughing and crying at your statement. You pulled away to reach for your almost empty bottle of tequila and Haneul playing along and fake crying. “Come on, love. Let’s just drink your feelings away. I’ve been friends with the guy for a long time, the man doesn’t know what love is.” Haneul took another shot of tequila from you and said “I know.” Jungkook drinking his bottle of beer empty asked, “And do you?” Looking at this guy in disbelief, blinking several times you asked, “And do I what? Know what love is?” You raised your eyebrow at the end. He nodded innocently. You paused before you answered. “No I don’t either. I need some air.” You declared and grab both of them by their arms, Jungkook hopping off the kitchen counter. Taking both of them with you outside and when you three did, it was raining. Both arms intertwined in each of your friend’s, as you three looked all peacefully at the rain. “Make the rain stop, young one!” Tugging over Jungkook’s tattooed arm. He laughed. “I can’t do that, Noona.” “What?! But I heard you can do anything…” Looking at him curiously. “That I can’t do. You want me to sing instead?” Jungkook jokingly offered. “Don’t, you’re going to make her cry.” Pertaining to Haneul who now looks so solemn while looking at the rain with your right arm around her shoulder and her head resting on yours.
Muffled house music in the background along with the sound of the rain. “I’m afraid you’re one of us now, Young one.” You said to Jungkook. And he looked over to the both of you and smiled. “I don’t mind. I like you two.” “Thanks. Okay you may now sing.” You jokingly said and Haneul elbow jabbed you by your rib. “I’m just kidding!!” You took it back immediately. And you three laughed. You’re glad you went to this party despite the exhausting small talks. You’re glad it distracted you from work. You’re glad, you have good people in your life.
“Love, I’m sorry—but real talk, you gotta sort things out with Taehyung. I love the man, but you know he doesn’t do relationship or any form of commitment. You’re just setting yourself up for heartache.” You said as you comfort your best friend. “I know, I’ll sort it out I promise.” Wiping her tears and looking up to you. “Good girl.” You pat her head lightly. “Brave girl.” Jungkook said and extended his arms to wrap you both in a group hug.
After a while you all went inside and rest Haneul into her bed.
On your way out of her bedroom you casually bumped into her door frame, holding on to your shoulder and punching lightly that door frame for bumping into you. Jk who is right behind you said laughing, “Noona you’re drunk.” Still holding onto your shoulder, pouting and with furrowed eyebrows you replied “No I’m not, also I’m not Noona.”
Putting your jacket on and looking for your keys by the pockets. Jk said, “Why don’t I drive you home?” not looking up and still looking for your keys you answered, “Why don’t you go ahead, young one.” “Noona, your keys.” He lift your left hand up with keys and and your phone together. You grinned. “Well there it is!” Jungkook just scratched his head.
You looked at your new found friend to gently assure him, hand on his shoulder and said, “Young one, I live exactly 8 stop lights away from here. All I have to do is go straight, and on the 8th stop light, turn left right into my building. Now, I promise—I promise, I promise not to doze off in the between those stoplights. Not that I haven’t tired but the sound of those honking cars literally woke up.” Your last sentence, made his eye grew. But you continued, “Now don’t you worry okay? Take care of Haneul and Taehyung for me cos I gots to go.” And you turned your back and heard him say, “But noona…” You waved him good bye.
* It’s not the safest and you know that, Joon always hates it when you still insist on driving even after having a drink. But you love driving, once you’re in your car—holding the steering wheel it sobers you up but you know it’s still not an excuse. You try not to do it anymore but tonight is just one of those nights you said to yourself. Minutes later you were already parking your car carefully, not to hit your roommate’s and after a long while as you keep feeling dizzier, you were able to park. Maybe Yoongi will just have a hard time getting in his car but you’ll just say sorry in the morning.
You can already feel your headache coming in as soon as you stepped out of the car. Walking towards the stairs, without noticing that the steel staircase is wet due to the rain you continued climbing up and eventually slipping forward. Your right knee landed in first and your forehead second. You eventually caught yourself up to sit and cry in pain. Rubbing your knees and your forehead and removing your shoes to continue climbing up the stairs. And tightly holding onto the railings and into your apartment. You continue crying in pain as your fall made your head ache even more. You walked inside your pitched dark apartment, waving over the ceiling light and your motion sensor light up front doesn’t seem to be working. So, you put down your shoes, went inside and tripped over to what apparently is Yoongi’s shoes. And you landed on your knees again that caused a loud thud and made you yell in pain. Holding on to your knees again, lying on the floor by the door as you cry silently in pain.
You sigh in your misery. Yoongi who also just got home 20 mins before you, got out of the bathroom in his pajamas and saw you lying in the hallway while you hug your knees. He opened the lights by the hallway, drying his hair with a towel and he looked at you all puzzled.
“Hey, are you drunk?” You didn’t even looked up, you just kept hugging your knees and said, “Yoongi-ah, the front door light isn’t working.” “I’ll fix it in the morning.” Closing the bathroom door, he’s still looking at you by the hallway. “Are you planning on sleeping there?” You let out a loud sigh and gathered all the will to get up. Feeling a thousand times dizzier, you are literally seeing 5 of Yoongi. Together with the pain in your knees. You hold on by the wall and ever so slowly walked towards your room. “What happened to your forehead?” Yoongi asked as you walked past by him, still holding onto the walls. You didn’t even stop in his comment. You just continued walking slowly because if you did, you might cry—and you don’t want to cry in front of him. He caught up with you and said, “Are you okay?” Your eyes are already red, you just nodded and said, “Yeah I’m fine.” Entering your bedroom and closing the door.
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shatterthefragments · 3 years
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I posted 1,516 times in 2021
360 posts created (24%)
1156 posts reblogged (76%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.2 posts.
I added 1,225 tags in 2021
#i shatter queue - 713 posts
#art - 77 posts
#vent - 66 posts
#saved - 64 posts
#video - 57 posts
#quizzes - 56 posts
#uquiz - 55 posts
#yes - 48 posts
#and bc i love your tags: - 46 posts
#things that make me happy - 43 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#on a more serious note i still don’t really think anybody would ever want to date me and that’s probably a sign i’m not ready but alsolonely
My Top Posts in 2021
The Joy In Our Embrace
For @unaestheticbiostudent​ - Happy new year! Hope you like the art and drabble! :D
Created for @bentomodachi​‘s New Year Gift Exchange
Kouhei and Taichi walked to the park, and were the only ones there, despite it being a lovely day. There was a bench over by some trees, and they sat down side by side, curling into each other.
It wasn't long before they were fully snuggled up together. Taichi brought his legs up and draped them over one of Kouhei's. They leaned in to each other. Kouhei's hands rested on top of Taichi's knee as Taichi hugged him from the side. Their heads leaned in towards each other and touched in a lovely head bonk of love. It was perfect. 
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Find The Joy In Our Embrace on AO3 here!
progress pics under the cut!
Progress pics!
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Thank you to Senshistock on deviantart who had the pose reference that I based this off of!
There was an inked photo, but I didn’t like it, so I didn’t put it here. Pencil -> ink -> watercolour pencil crayons -> water -> watercolour paints for the background
Painting is hard, but I am still having so much fun with it, so I hope you like the end result too!
6 notes • Posted 2021-01-06 01:39:06 GMT
tag people you want to get to know better/catch up with!
tagged by @rhubarbdreams and @boutiquetraveltravelboutique
Thank you both! For the doubled questions - doubled answers muahahaha
I got a bit wordy so under the cut it shall go!
Favourite colour: blue? Currently reading: ...like physically or digitally? Physically: Romeo and/or Juliet, but slowly. Digitally: trying to catch up on All The Things (like. I have. Over 600 email subscriptions to TOG alone...)
Last song: Holy by King Princess (as that was my sleep song last night) and before that it's hard to tell because I was queueing to see what I felt like sleeping to that night (I just repeat the song for an hour on the sleep timer) so probably either The Worst [Polyphia] or Soda [Nothing But Thieves] or Sleeping In Waking [Rina Sawayama]
Last Movie/Film: ok ok so. I thought it was Waves. But it might have actually been Wolf. Time is hard. Both of these were Quite Some Time ago now.... but since this is a doubled question: Waves and Wolf! Last Series: Leverage! (I haven't seen Redemption yet though) Sweet/Savoury/Spicy: oooh all of them <3
Tea or coffee: Ahhhh both? I'm currently not having coffee, nor do I go out of my way to make my own tea right now (but I will grab a mug when dad makes it). But during the school semester I'll usually have coffee in the morning (and maybe in the afternoon too if I'm tired) and keep adding hot water to my travel tea mug throughout the day, too!
Currently Working On: cleaning my desk so I can maybe start the art/pictures for the bottom Joe week belated thing haha oops... but who knows maybe I'll be in too much pain idk. Moving upper arm is not fun rn. But also sort of started the writing part of it~ Might make it sexy despite originally wanting to do it non-explicit! (I'm not sure if I'm good per se, but I'm less hung up over doing more explicit stuff after doing the top Joe pornathon) Then once I finish that I'm hoping to seriously rework my Etsy Chronicles (working title) and for that one maybe I'll even try to find a beta? idk. I am so excited for it though!!!!
Currently watching: ummmm nothing? Sometimes maybe youtube a bit? I'll loop a video of music (rn usually Ichika Nito or Tim Henson) for the background... intending to watch Hartenstraat <3
Craving: food: maybe chocolate mousse because I said I would make it as long as mum helped (limited use of the arm I got jabbed in rn wo pain so I just avoid moving it in ways it'll hurt). drink: we were going to get bubble tea after our second dose appts, but bc of the timing, they were closed. So maybe one of the fruity bubble teas!
I forgot to tag initially, but if you have time and want to!:
@alkaysani @caffeinatedbraincell @kiaya @nickydestati @posingasme @randofando-spoonie <3
6 notes • Posted 2021-07-28 06:57:10 GMT
*screams “FUCK” like Roy but like. My voice isn’t anywhere near as fuzzygravelly as his*
Ted Lasso y’all are just fucking me UP I love it and I’m here for it but also it would be nicer if I had access to a counsellor or something right now bc FEELINGS.
8 notes • Posted 2021-11-27 07:00:20 GMT
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snapshots // my beloved // my heart
Filled my bingo card (at the last moment of course) for @yusufalkaysanibingo !
A collection of many things - art, drabbles, little ficlets, a poem, and photographic collages! (Little teaser shown above!)
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12 notes • Posted 2021-11-01 02:09:14 GMT
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13 notes • Posted 2021-05-17 20:04:55 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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meltwonu · 4 years
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s n a k e     |     e y e s     [chapter 5]
pairing; snakehybrid!woozi x female!reader
this chapter’s notes; possessive!jihoon, dom!jihoon, marking, choking, restraints, dirty talk, impregnation kink, cream pie w/ minor cumplay ! whew! 🤪🥴🤤 also this snake-hybrid au isn’t following any of the blurbs/drabble game posts that precede it!! I know I did some drabble posts with snake hoonie but this doesn’t follow the same timeline as those otherwise it wouldnt make sense 🤣 kfhkdh also i do be laughin that this gets posted after the svt anniversary video and gose where jihoon was chan and teasing him bc 🥴 anyway! this is a long ass chapter and almost 6k words so strap in for the ride yall! 💕💕💕💕 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - x - x - x - x - x
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“Are you mad?”
“What? No, just… I mean, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”
You watch Jihoon from across the table at brunch as he picks at his food quietly. Minghao had texted again asking if lunch was still on for next week and you had asked Jihoon as soon as the two of you sat down to eat.
“If you’re uncomfortable with Minghao and Chan coming, it’s okay. You can tell me, Jihoon.” He sits across from you with a pout on his lips. 
“It’s not that I’m uncomfortable I’m just… shy. But it’s okay. Because I… If they’re your friends then they must be nice, right? I’m just shy around new people.”
“Okay, but like, if things feel off… Just let me know?” Jihoon nods, taking a bite of his food. It falls into a comfortable silence while the two of you eat; enjoying each other’s company after last night. The memories flood your headspace in an instant. Right, you needed to talk to Jihoon about that.
“Hey, Jihoon?”
“About last night…”
“Oh. Right. Did you hate it? I can stop if you don’t like it. It doesn’t make sense if we don’t benefit from it.” A flush covers your skin almost immediately as you place your fork down on your plate.
“I didn’t hate it… But I’m just curious… If--I mean, I don’t want you to think this is just a physical thing, I guess?” This time it’s Jihoon’s turn to blush as he meets your shy stare.
“I… I mean we’re still getting to know each other, right? And I like you. You’re nice and you care about me. We can just… think of it as the physical part of getting to know each other.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, thinking about his words. You clearly like liked Jihoon too and you didn’t want to take things too far too fast. But you also knew that he was aware of the sexual tension floating around the air now and the two of you couldn’t really go back to ‘normal’ after last night.
“Okay, yeah, that makes sense. I just don’t want to… go too fast, y’know? You’ve only been here a few weeks...”
“That’s true. But also in fairness, this is the longest I’ve been away from the adoption center so it seems to be going well if you ask me.”
Damn. He was right and you hadn’t even realized it. Jihoon had already been with you for over a month and you hadn’t even noticed the time passing. You feel your heart swelling at the thought.
“Huh. You’re right. I guess we really do work well together, huh?”
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“Ah, ngh, Ji--Jihoon w--wait, my phone’s ringing!” 
Jihoon’s grip on your thighs tighten, his blonde hair peeking from between your legs. Your hands brace yourself on the table where you calmly had brunch just 3 hours ago. Jihoon had clearly still been hungry.
“You can answer it?” He immediately laps at your clit after his comment, fingertips curling inside your pussy as your eyes roll to the back of your head. “I--I ca--can’t!” He smiles against you before applying pressure to the nub with his tongue. “Uh-kay them, dom’t?” Jihoon’s voice is muffled against your skin, a whimper escaping your lips at Jihoon’s unhelpfulness.
“Ji--Jihoon you’re so m-mean!” You whine.
You watch Minghao’s name disappear from your phone screen next to you on the table, a moan on your lips when Jihoon’s fingers curve up into your g-spot. “Oh, f-fuck, right t-there!” You tangle one of your hands in his hair, tugging him closer as you grind yourself against his tongue and fingers.
Minghao [3:14PM]: I tried calling but you’re probably busy?
Minghao [3:14PM]: Chan and I are free on Wednesday, lmk if it works for you.
You can barely catch the words on your phone screen before Jihoon sucks your clit into his mouth.
“Ugh, fuck, Jihoon I’m--” Your eyes snap shut almost immediately; thighs clamping shut around Jihoon’s head as you cum hard. He scissors his fingers inside of you, tongue still lapping at your clit until you start to come down from your high.
Your limbs feel boneless once your orgasm fades off, shaky legs unclamping as Jihoon slides his fingers from your pussy straight to his mouth. Letting your legs down as you sit up to catch your breath, you watch him still on his knees in front of you as he cleans your wetness from his fingertips.
“God, Ji. That was Minghao!” Jihoon pops his fingers from his mouth, getting up from his kneeling position.
“What did he want?”
“They’ll be over Wednesday so we have some work to do!”
“Okay but can we cuddle first? We can figure out the rest later.”
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Over the next couple of days leading up, you and Jihoon take the time to clean up the apartment and buy some ingredients for lunch. And since Chan was a bunny hybrid, he was strictly vegetarian which meant you and Jihoon had tried to cook a few recipes to decide what was best.
“Are they gonna come soon?” Jihoon munches on a stray piece of carrot, watching as you finish up in the kitchen. “Mmhmm, but knowing Minghao they might be a little late.”
You and Minghao had agreed on 12:00PM and it was currently 12:04PM; If you were lucky he’d be here by 12:45PM at the earliest. Jihoon helps you tidy up the kitchen once you’re finished, flopping onto the sofa once he’s done. And he won’t admit it but he’s nervous; eyes fixated on the ceiling as he twiddles his thumbs and sighs.
“You okay, Ji?”
“Mm? Yeah… Haven’t really met another hybrid since Mingyu and Seokmin so s’kinda weird. I’m okay though.” You start to make your way to the sofa but the doorbell rings just as you reach Jihoon. You shoot him an encouraging smile, running your fingers through his hair really quick before turning and making your way to the door.
When you swing it open, you're met with Minghao’s cheery face and Chan inquisitive one. In actuality, you’d only ever seen Chan in photos and you can’t help but immediately gush at how cute he is; completely ignoring Minghao’s presence once you take note of Chan’s cute bunny ears atop his head.
“Oh my god, you are just… So cute!”
You refrain from touching the cute caramel coloured bunny ears, noticing they match the colour of his hair.
“Come in! Jihoon’s in the living room!” Chan flashes you a sweet smile as Minghao raises an eyebrow at you. “You didn’t even say ‘hi’ to me. Rude!” You laugh at Minghao’s comment, giving them enough space to enter your apartment.
“Sorry, I’ve just never met Chan before. He’s cuter in person so I was distracted!”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, just tell me you’re tired of me, you don’t have to lie!”
“‘Hao! You know you’re my best friend but Chan’s… cuter. I’m sorry.” Minghao feigns hurt, wiping invisible tears as they stand in your hallway.
Now that you think of it, you weren’t sure how Chan and Jihoon were going to get along, if at all. It’d slipped your mind but technically Jihoon was a predator animal hybrid and Chan was a prey animal hybrid. Your mind blanks at the sudden epiphany as you gulp.
“Um, shall we move to the living room?” The two nod, waiting for you to lead the way. Taking a deep breath, you lead them to the living room; eyes meeting Jihoon’s as he sits up on the sofa.
“Jihoon, I want you to meet my friend Minghao and his hybrid, Chan!” You try to put on a cheery smile but you can already sense that Jihoon’s kind of on edge.
When you’d spoken to Seungcheol about him back at the adoption home, he had said that Jihoon typically got along well with every hybrid at the home so far and that the snake hybrid hadn’t gotten into any fights or threatened any of the other hybrids there. You really had no reason to be that concerned, and plus, Jihoon had already told you he was just shy more often than not.
“Hi, I’m Jihoon. Um… I’m a snake hybrid.” You can see the flush on his face, watching as he licks his lips. It was a nervous habit that you noticed he had. And for a second you worry about if Chan’s also going to be nervous about the snake hybrid but he shoots the shorter male a beaming smile.
“Hi! I’m Chan! I’m a bunny hybrid and I like to sing! And I like to dance, too!” Chan moves forward to shake Jihoon’s hand, backing off slightly when he sees the snake hybrid flinch. “Oh, sorry. Do you not like handshakes?”
“Huh? Oh, no I--I was just surprised that’s all.” Jihoon reaches a hand out instead, a tiny smile on his lips when Chan shakes it. “Oh, whoa, your hands are cold!” Minghao scolds him slightly, giving him a warning look as Chan sheepishly scratches his head. “Sorry, hyung always gets mad at me because sometimes I talk first and don’t think.” Jihoon laughs at this and you feel your heart soaring out of your chest. Thank god!
“It’s okay, I know someone else who’s just like that and he’s a big puppy hybrid named Mingyu.”
You and Minghao fondly watch the two interact, glad that they’d gotten along well despite their differences.
“Okay guys, shall we have lunch?”
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Over the course of lunch, Jihoon and Chan talk animatedly about music as you and Minghao delve into your own conversations about work, letting the two hybrids bond. Jihoon calls your name after a while, grabbing your attention.
“Chan and I are done with lunch and I was wondering if it was okay to bring my keyboard out? We were gonna do some music stuff.” Chan looks at you with pleading eyes, lips jutting out in hopes of swaying you.
“Yeah, of course! You didn’t need to ask permission for that.” They smile at you in return, Jihoon getting up to retrieve his keyboard from his work room. “I’ll be right back.”
The three of you watch Jihoon leave the dining area, watching as he disappears into the hallway.
“Jihoon is really nice, Minghao-hyung!” The smile on Chan’s face is sincere, eyes curving into crescents.
“You’re more than welcome to come over anytime you want, Chan! Ji could use the company other than myself sometimes, I think.” You laugh at your own comment, leaning over to pat his head. He leans into your touch, sighing dreamily when you start to itch behind his ears.
“That feels really nice…” You internally scream, face red as a tomato when Chan starts scenting your hand. He rubs his face against your palm, resting his cheek against it. Uh oh, Jihoon’s not gonna like that.
Sure enough, Jihoon round the corner, eyes fixated on the way Chan’s head is on your palm.
“Um…” Minghao’s eyes travel from Chan to Jihoon as he bites his nail; knowing exactly what the snake hybrid is thinking without even saying anything. “Hey, Chan?”
“Mmh?” Minghao clears his voice in a warning manner, Chan’s eyes fluttering open.
“I think Jihoon would like to go do music stuff in the living room now.”
“Oh… okay!”
In an instant, Chan gets up like nothing happened and walks up to Jihoon. “Okay! Let’s get it!” Jihoon on the other hand quietly nods, gesturing to the bunny hybrid to follow him to where he likes to set up by the window. You shoot Minghao a look as you share a sigh. “Shall we clean up?” He nods at you, getting up from his seat as he starts to collect the utensils. And once the two are properly distracted, the two of you move into the kitchen where you start on the dishes.
“I’m really sorry about Chan. He’s normally really up on skinship, I just, I didn’t think--”
“Shh, it’s okay! I don’t think… Jihoon’s mad. Just might be weird to see me around other hybrids since he’s used to it just being me and him.”
The two of you talk in whispers, not wanting the two to hear your conversation about them.
“Trust me, Jihoon is really about skinship too. I know he doesn’t seem like it, but he’s just as bad. Don’t be sorry about Chan.”
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Once the two of you finish up cleaning, you make your way to the living room as well. The two hybrids sit in the sun by the window; Jihoon’s music notes out while Chan tries to sing along to one of his melodies.
You decide to sit closer, wanting to be a part of their music session as Minghao grabs a film camera from his bag. “Might as well, Chan likes keeping the photos in his scrapbook.”
“Oh yeah! I put pictures of me and all my friends in it. All the pictures are from hyung, obviously. Now I can add you and Jihoon-hyung to it!”
The four of you sit on the floor in somewhat of a circle, Minghao and Chan next to you as Jihoon sits in front of you. Chan glances at you once before he shifts closer to you.
“Can you pet me again?”
You blush for a moment, but he inches closer again and you feel sort of bad. “He never pets me when he’s “working”...” Chan draws air quotes around the word, a pout on his lips as he looks at Minghao.
“How can I pet you if I’m taking photos? Do I look like I have more than two hands?”
Sighing, you raise your palm, placing it on one of Chan’s fluffy ears as he leans into your touch. You’d have to deal with the repercussions with Jihoon later; you’d just hope he understood.
Chan decides to lay down on the floor, using your thigh as a pillow as he listens to Jihoon play the piano. The snake hybrid plays a familiar song as Chan sings along, voice stable even when he’s laying down. You check Jihoon’s face for any signs he’s mad but he seems to be okay for the most part, albeit a little quieter than usual. He still makes an effort to speak to Chan and engage in conversation, praising his singing voice as Chan blushes.
You play with the soft fur of Chan’s bunny ears, admiring them as you coo.
“Your ears are just so soft! And so cute!” He nuzzles into your leg, scenting you again as Jihoon seems to flinch. “Thanks~ It feels nice when people pet them!”
He stays like that for a while longer, only getting up when he starts to feel sleepy. “Hyung, m’sleepy now…” Minghao sets his camera down, running a hand through his own hair. “Did you want to head back then? We can just come over another day.” Chan nods, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. “I’d like that. Jihoon-hyung is cool and I wanna come see him again!”
Jihoon blushes at the comment, accidentally pressing down the wrong key as he sputters. “Y-yeah, I had f-fun too…”
The four of you get up from the floor, stretching and gathering your belongings. “I’ll show you guys to the door?” Minghao and Chan nod, and to your surprise, Jihoon follows behind as you begin to walk to the doorway. “It was really nice having you guys over! And Chan, you’re always welcome here too. Maybe we can call up ‘Cheol and have him bring Mingyu along as well!” Chan talks animatedly about how much he’d like that, already asking when they could set up a date.
“Alright, slow down, bud. We gotta figure out when ‘Cheol’s got time and we still got work, y’know?”
“Yes, hyung…”
You side hug Minghao, only for Chan to launch himself at you right after. He nuzzles into your neck as he squeezes you tight. “Thank you for having us over today!”
When he lets go of you, he immediately looks to Jihoon, shooting him a smile and waving before running out the door.
“I’m really really sorry about him.”
“It’s okay, get going before he bounces off somewhere. I’ll talk to you later, ‘Hao.”
You shut the door once they leave, breathing a sigh of relief when you turn around.
Jihoon doesn’t visibly look upset, but you can see a glint in his eyes that tells you he’s thinking about it.
“Hey, Ji--”
“Mm, I’m gonna work on some music back in my work room. I got some ideas and I wanna hash them out before I lose the inspiration.” You nod, watching him as he grabs his keyboard from the living room and starts down the hallway.
“I dunno when I’ll be done but if you start on dinner, just call me.”
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You leave Jihoon to his work, tidying up around the house before you plop down onto the sofa to watch some TV. You’d figured that Jihoon probably just needed some time to himself to cool off, just in case he really was mad. But at the same time, you were really proud of the snake hybrid for being so civil and kind to Chan despite Chan’s need for skinship.
Not even realizing you fell asleep at some point, you sit up on the sofa groggily. The sky is already dark outside of the windows so you’d fallen asleep for quite a white, shutting off the TV as you stretch. Turning towards the hallway, you wonder what Jihoon is even up to; if he’s even still working on his music.
Getting up from the sofa, you stretch, already walking down the hallway to Jihoon’s workroom. You don’t hear any music and you don’t hear his voice at all but you knock, calling Jihoon’s name softly.
He opens the door gently after a minute or so, sleepy eyes meeting yours. “Oh, did you end up taking a nap too?” You can hear the sleep laced in his voice, reaching up to thread your hand into his blonde locks.
“Yeah, I fell asleep on the sofa. Guess we were more tired than expected, huh? I’m gonna start on dinner, if you wanna come keep me company or something.” He nods, letting you know he’ll be out in a few minutes.
You walk to the kitchen, already grabbing the necessary items to start on dinner. Jihoon joins you a few minutes later, walking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist as he rests his chin on your shoulder.
“You smell like him, y’kno?” Jihoon’s voice is soft but gravelly next to your ear. There’s a certain edge to his voice that has you shuddering against his form. “Do you want to know something?”
“They say that some snakes can smell the fear in their prey. Do you believe it?”
“I--I don’t know?” There’s a soft but warning chuckle by your ear, Jihoon’s arms tightening around your body as he presses harder into you. “I don’t know if I believe it either. But wouldn’t it be an advantage? To know your prey is… submissive.” You can’t even tell what your hands are doing anymore when Jihoon takes the moment to lick the shell of your ear. His lips travel down, nipping the skin of your neck as you let out a shaky breath. You can feel the wetness pooling between your thighs as he continues his path, digging his teeth into the junction of your neck before he sucks the skin into his mouth to soothe it. His hands begin traveling up your torso, cupping your breasts in his palms before harshly squeezing.
“Ji--Jihoon the--the dinner…”
“I think I want to eat something else right now. What do you say?”
You moan in response, grinding back against his hardening cock. “O--okay…”
“Meet me in the bedroom in 5 minutes.”
You release the breath you didn’t realize you were holding when Jihoon steps back and starts walking towards the bedroom. Okay, maybe he was a tiny bit mad, if not territorial. You wash your hands, forgetting about dinner as you stand in the kitchen thinking about how potentially dominating Jihoon could be. The thoughts alone are enough to have you moaning out loud as you rub your thighs together. You don’t really know why Jihoon has you waiting but you obey his word, giving him a few minutes before heading down the hallway to your bedroom.
Not really knowing what to expect, you open the door to find Jihoon by the foot of the bed, 3 of your panties already torn and on top of the bedsheets. “Sorry, I didn’t really know what to use for restraints so I had to make some. Hope you don’t mind.” You feel a tingly sensation running all over your body; all the way down to the tips of your fingers.
“Um--Uh, no..”
“Good. I figured we could do a little learning exercise. What do you think?”
“I--Sure?” There’s no denying how wet you are just from the energy Jihoon was exuding. “I--I don’t know what to do…”
“I want you to strip and get on the bed for me. And lay back against the pillows.”
You nod, stripping your clothes off slow and quietly before getting on the bed. Jihoon follows suit, stripping himself bare before he joins you, spreading your legs and slotting himself in between. He scoffs slightly when he notices your wet folds. “You know, snakes aren’t typically known for being territorial. But when they feel threatened, they’re more likely to attack.”
Jihoon leans in, his chest meeting yours as he ghosts his lips above your own. “Chan’s a sweet kid. Such a shame he’s so blind with his actions.” You can’t help but gulp and hold your breath, shaky eyes watching Jihoon as he leans towards your neck instead. “Just to make sure we’re on the same page as he is, I guess I should let him know who really belongs to who, hmm?” He chuckles against your skin, leaving love bites blooming in his path. “Ngh, Jihoon…”
Placing your hands on his forearms, he stops and pulls away. “Oh, right. Let’s try these.” He pulls away to grab the torn material on the bed next to you. “I’m sure Seungcheol-hyung’s already told you specifically I’m a ball python hybrid right? And you must know that constrictor types like to, well, constrict their prey.” There’s a glint in his eye and a smirk on his lips when he drags the torn fabric up your naked torso. It tickles your skin, a whimper escaping your lips when the soft material ghosts across your nipples.
“But before we get started, I need to know a safe word from you.”
“Um, uh… l--lightning?”
“Interesting choice, but okay. Arms up and towards the headboard.”
He takes his time tying your wrists above you, admiring his work once he deems it’s tight enough and you’re comfortable. “In theory, I’d love for you to touch me but this is a learning experience on predators and prey. You understand, don’t you?”
Jihoon smiles at you, hands gripping your thighs hard. “You smell so good. You’re so fuckin’ wet I can smell just how bad you want me to slide my cock right into that pussy. But you know what else? I can still smell that bunny hybrid on your skin.” You moan at his rough touch, squirming when he presses the shaft of his cock against your wet folds. “I can stand it when you come home smelling like other people because of work, but not this.”
He leans into you again, lips ghosting against your sternum. “I’m just gonna have to get rid of it myself then, huh?” Licking his lips, his tongue peeks from between them, already lapping at your skin. His tongue drags across your torso, flicking at a nipple before he wraps his mouth around it. You arch your back, leaning into his touch. He repeats this on the other side, laughing softly against your skin when he feels you rolling your hips against his. “Already so desperate for my cock? C’mon now, baby.”
The way Jihoon calls you ‘baby’ has your entire body flaring up, the breath getting knocked out of you almost immediately. “I have to mark you up all nice and pretty for your friends to see.”
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What you learn in the next 15 minutes is that Jihoon can be mean.
He takes the time to nip at your skin, biting and sucking at it to leave blooming red marks all over your torso and neck. Jihoon takes it even further by skimming across your lower abdomen, sucking love bites onto your hips and even on your thighs. You sob, tugging at the restraints above you as you beg him to do something more.
“I am doing something. I’m marking you.”
“B--But I want… mo--more…”
“Oh? Do predators usually pamper their prey before consuming or attacking them?”
The goosebumps rise on your skin at his comment as you quickly shut your mouth. “That’s what I thought.”
He slots himself back between your legs, wrapping them around his waist.
Jihoon runs his fingers through your folds, watching you squirm as he collects the wetness on his fingertips before inserting two fingers into your pussy. “Fuck, you’re so wet, my fingers slid right in.” You sob, eyes wet with unshed tears. The urge to cum is already so strong and Jihoon had barely started. He thrusts his fingers hard and fast, curving them inside of you to hit your g-spot. You can’t help but tighten around his digits, crying out when he adds a third.
You feel impossibly full when he fingers you and you can barely wait until it’s his cock instead. He was definitely much bigger than his fingers and you were slightly worried he was almost too big for you to handle. But he works you open, thumb on your clit while he thrusts his fingers in knuckle deep.
There’s no word of warning before you’re cumming all over his fingers, wrecked sobs the only thing you can manage while he continues to rub at your clit.
“Ji--Jihoon, fuck, I--”
“Mmh, your body is so fucking warm. Your pussy is so wet and hot around my fingers. I need to fuck you now.”
Whimpering, you watch through teary eyes as he brings his fingers to his cock, spreading the precum and your wetness all over the head and shaft of it before positioning himself at your entrance. Your body is still sensitive and your orgasm is still ebbing away when Jihoon starts to push in. 
There’s a slight sting when he does; he was definitely much bigger and wider than his fingers. And without even saying anything, Jihoon caresses your skin, quietly praising you for being so good for him.
“Jihoon, ngh, fu--fuck, your cock feels so good and so big…”
He smiles at the praise, watching as his cock disappears into your pussy. There’s an incoherent babble on your lips when he finally bottoms out; the head of his cock snug against your cervix. “Fuc--Fuck! Please fuck me, please fuck me, please fuck me!”
Jihoon can also be nice.
He starts a slow pace, letting you get used to his size. “Your pussy is so tight and warm around my cock. Fuck, I could stay here forever.” His grip on your thighs tighten, grinding himself into you between thrusts. You can feel yourself start to drool a little at the feeling. If you felt full with his fingers inside of you, this was a completely different high all together. “Yes, yes, yes, fuck! Your cock is so good, I--I can’t…!”
“Yeah? Gonna let me fuck this pussy whenever I want?”
“Yes, god…!”
The sound of your moans and skin slapping are all that can be heard in the bedroom. Jihoon starts a quicker pace, leaning down until he’s nosing at your neck again. He licks at your skin, sucking on the love bites he’d already left and leaving new ones right next to them. You can feel his nails digging into the skin of your thighs, a shaky moan leaving you when you feel him raking them down your skin.
In all honesty, Jihoon never really struck you as someone that’d be into marking. But by now, you realize that it just takes a certain situation for him to really want to.
“Fuck, baby, I hope you’re c-close. I wanna cum in this tight ‘lil pussy.”
“Ngh, pl--please cum in--inside of me… I want your cum…”
He laughs against your skin, pulling away immediately after. “Oh? You want me to cum in your hot ‘lil cunt? Get you nice and full with it? Fuck… fuck! You want me to breed you, don’t you? I’ll fuck my cum into your hot ‘lil pussy and get you nice and pregnant with my babies. Bet you’d love, wouldn’t you? I’ll fill you up with my cum everytime we fuck. Everyone will know you belong to me when they smell you, when they can smell my cum trickling down your thighs. And then I’ll fuck my cum back into you and keep it inside of you ‘til you can’t take anymore of it.”
You could almost die at Jihoon’s words, clenching around his cock impossibly hard. “Yes, g-god, yes please! I want it! I want y-your cum inside of me, please!” You tug on the restraints again, just wanting to touch Jihoon as well. One of his delicate hands travels up your torso, wrapping itself around the column of your neck before pressing down on the sides slightly.
“You’re so filthy. You want me to breed you so bad, don’t you? I can feel you getting so tight around my cock.”
The lightheadedness makes you feel fuzzy, soft moans spilling from you as your eyes flutter shut.
“I want you to cum on my cock, get it nice and wet for me before I cum inside your pussy, baby.”
Jihoon grinds against you, letting the head of his cock push up against your cervix. The feeling is almost too much combined with his hand around your throat and he can see the look on your face that you’re about to cum, thrusting into you hard and fast as you sob; his hand around your throat loosening when he feels your body go rigid.
Your breath stutters and you momentarily black out when you cum, body seizing up at the intensity of your orgasm. Jihoon thumbs your clit as you cry. He continues to thrust into you, groaning at the feeling of your walls throbbing around his cock. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum!”
He grinds against you, muttering incoherent curses under his breath the entire time.
Your head feels fuzzy but you can feel his warm cum inside of you and you can’t tell if it's a hybrid thing or just a Jihoon thing but there is a lot of it. He stays still while the two of you catch your breaths, his cum already trickling down the slides of his cock that’s still sheathed inside of you.
“J-Jihoon my… my arms p-please…” He nods tiredly after a moment, undoing the restraints and checking your wrists for any marks. The skin is red and irritated where you were tugging against them but you seem fine otherwise.
“The redness should go down in a bit.”
He kisses your wrists gently, massaging your tired arms as he brings them to your sides. And as much as he doesn’t want to, he pulls out, watching as globs of cum pour out of your hole.
“Damn, what a waste.” You tiredly laugh at him, bringing a hand up to wipe at your tear-streaked face. “Push my cum out, baby.” There’s a slight blush on your cheeks at his request, but you oblige, the warm substance dripping down onto the sheets underneath you. Jihoon watches it as it drips down, bringing a hand towards it as he scoops it up on his fingertips and presses it back into your pussy.
“Ugh, Jiho--oon~ I c-can’t anymore…”
“Sorry, must be a… hybrid thing maybe.”
“Is the amount of cum also a hybrid thing or?”
Jihoon laughs, sliding off the bed to get a clean cloth. “Dunno. Think that’s just me. I haven’t… been with anyone for a long time so… I mean, I dunno to be honest.” 
“Yeah, I dunno! Anyway, should we get cleaned up? I think the bedsheets need to… um, go.”
This time you’re so tired you can’t even begin to sit up in bed. “Ji… do you think you can carry me? I don’t think I can feel my legs.” He nods. “Oh, let me run the bath first so it can warm up.” 
You let him, watching as he disappears into the bathroom. To the best of your ability, you sit up, another gush of cum spilling out of you when you do. 
“Ugh, Ji, if you’re gonna cum this much all the time what are we gonna do about the sheets?”
He licks his lips when he walks back into the bed to come get you, scooping you up into his arms as he brings you to the bathroom with a smirk on his face. 
“I mean, we can fuck, get the sheets dirty and then fuck in the laundry room? Or fuck in the bath like I fully intend to do right now.” 
“Oh my god.” 
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whirlybirbs · 5 years
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;   NIGHTFALL & DAYBREAK   —   2 OF 2.
summary: you’re reunited with the jedi knight you’d loved all those years ago.  pairing: handmaiden!reader x padawan!obi-wan, first part here. wordcount: 4.4k warnings: smoochin’ and love. a/n: this is just a set-up for more drabbles in the future, who am i kidding. but, probably the longest chapter of anything i’ve written in a long while. keep your eye out for an extra chapter ft. dinner & dessert. ;)
Much has changed in two years.
Obi-Wan Kenobi is now less of a boy and more of a man -- he’s grown into his kindness and charm, hair having finally settled down after all those years in a wild buzzcut. His padawan braid was forgone years ago, on the eve of him leaving you, and traded in for short, sandy locks that occasionally hung in his face during sparring.
His face is less round -- cheekbones sitting high on his face from the rather strenuous task of keeping a vivacious padawan in check. He has more wrinkles now, no doubt thanks to young Anakin Skywalker who -- as Obi considers how much he’s changed in the mirror of his quarter’s refresher -- is wrestling with his boots atop his Jedi Master’s bed.
Over young Skywalker’s shoulder, the sun has began to set over Coruscant.
“Do you think Padmé will be there?” he babbles on, a bit gap-toothed now that he’s finally lost his last baby tooth at the age of eleven; he’s as wide-eyed as ever, scrutinizing the fact his Master is paying particular attention to his hair right now, “I hope she is -- I haven’t seen her in ages. I miss her.”
Obi-Wan holds his tongue.
If only the young padawan knew his Master was also eager to see a certain member of the royal party -- he’s sure he’d never hear the end of it. Obi-Wan, carding a hand through his hair and rubbing his jaw, ignores the slight shake in his hand. Nerves.
(He hadn’t heard from you in weeks -- though he hadn’t stopped his usual correspondence. There was a frightful part of him heavy with worry that perhaps he’d overstepped. If... If maybe he’d been to eager on keeping up correspondence leading up to your arrive on Coruscant. Not that he knew with complete certainty that’d you’d be within the arriving party...)
Breathe. In, hold. Out.
You will be happy to see him, despite the changes in him.
He knows that.
“Be mindful, young Anakin,” Obi-Wan breathes, leaning on the edge of the sink and smiling whist-fully at his young apprentice, “This visit is a --”
“Diplomatic trial, I know, but --”
“But, we must keep in mind why we’ve been asked to mind the Queen and her royal consorts, Anakin,” he speaks slowly, flicking off the light to the refresher and propping his hands on his hips, “There’s been grave threats made upon the Queen. It is our duty to ensure their safety while they visit the Senate for the trial of these men.”
Anakin exhales slowly, nodding as he does. He gives Obi-Wan one of his understanding, trying-to-be-wise-beyond-his-years smiles and stands in his boots, now zipped up and on.
It brings a dimpled smile to his Master’s face. It always does.
Anakin, though rambunctious and powerful and outgoing and trouble-making, is rather cute.
Obi-Wan kneels, moving to adjust the young padawan’s robes, belted at a bit of an odd-angle, and smooth’s the dark fabric into a neat pleat down the child’s shoulder. Anakin still had much to learn as far as dressing went. He had a bad habit of napping in his robes -- and Obi-Wan had a bad habit of letting him.
“Ready, then?” Obi asks, noting Anakin’s slight sheepishness that he hadn’t fixed the skewed collar himself. Obi-Wan’s face is soft, though, and any worry Anakin had about a scolding melted as his Master stood and patted his shoulder.
“Yep!” Anakin chirps, “Born ready.”
“Then let’s go greet our Royal friends, shall we?”
                                                          ✶   ✶   ✶
Much has changed in two years.
You’ve grown sharper in beauty and wit, becoming one of Padmé’s closest confidants alongside Dormé and Cordé -- and with the geo-political climate becoming more and more heated on Naboo, the number of threats upon the Queen’s life had boomed.
You, in turn, had become better with a blaster and even more dangerous than before.
You needed to be. Just last week, Moteé had been stabbed in an unsuccessful assassination attempt at a state dinner by a would-be reporter. It was Ellé who’d stopped the attack, pinning the Zygerrian to the banquet table with her vibroblade to his throat.
The fringe-political group seemed to blame young Padmé for the loses they faced in the Occupation of Naboo by the Trade Federation. They blamed the young Queen’s actions, condemning them as a part of the greater move towards Galactic War. Seeing the newly re-elected Queen continue to hold her seat upon the throne was the last thing these terrorists wanted.
The Royal Naboo Security Forces were keen on finding out who was responsible. And so was Padmé.
Piles of evidence eventually led Captain Panaka straight to a group of far-right Centrists who were operating out of Naboo’s eastern city, Solleu. With furhter plans to bomb the Royal Palace found in their possession, the group of four had been extradited to the Senate for trial on Coruscant -- and now, here you find yourself, accompanying the Queen alongside Dormé, Cordé, Ellé, and the Royal Guard to said trial.
“You’re fussing.”
It’s Dormé who says it, the decoy’s headdress tinkering as she turns to eye you in the transport. Padmé, beside her, spares you a bright look. She’s out of royal garb -- she plays the part of handmaiden, now, until within the Senate building.
“Are you nervous?”
You balk. You turn your attention back to the cape wrapped around your shoulders -- it’s a deep emerald and velvet, matching that of your fellow handmaiden’s and pinned neatly across your shoulders with a broach bearing the Naboo Royal crest. Beneath your cape lays a belt outfitted with your blaster, vibroblade, and medical kit -- the high collar of your ink-black compression suit peeking above the cape’s neckline. It’s battle dress, though the occasion calls for it. The transition between the landing strip to the Senate will be dangerous.
You fuss with the hem and cross your legs.
“I’m not -- I... Why would I be nervous?”
Padmé serves you a look, the corner of her lips turning upwards. “Lying is unbecoming, you know.”
That stirs a laugh out of Cordé, who has her eyes turned out the transport’s window.
“There’s nothing to be nervous about --” you try to wave their prying words away, swatting at them as if they were flies in the air.
It earns you four rather unimpressed looks.
“Surely if I was seeing the man I’d been pining over for the last two years,” Ellé pipes up from the back corner, attention pulled from sharpening her blade, “I’d be nervous.”
“I --”
Padmé grins. “Has he written you recently?”
(Of course he’d written. He writes nearly twice a week. He’s consistent and frequent and you try to be as good as him about replying, but it’s hard to find the right words to express how much you love someone when it’s been two years since you’ve seen their face and there’s lightyears of distance between you. Because of that, you have a handful of unanswered holo-messages upon your person communicator that, in the last handful of weeks due to some rather pesky security purges done in attempt to secure the Royal communications, you have been unable to reply to.)
You try to hide the way your face splits in two. You try so hard; but it’s not easy, not when the girls light up with excitement -- reading parts of his messages had become a rather guilty pleasure of theirs.
Not that they were to blame.
Obi-Wan Kenobi is a romantic.
Padmé had been the first to find out about your correspondences, the young Queen nosy enough to read over your shoulder one afternoon when she’d caught you seeking peace in the gardens. It had been a tight-lipped secret that the young Queen had sworn to keep, but the others were wickedly smart -- and upon catching you reading a rather lovely poem, penned to you earlier that day, to Padmé one evening in the gardens (your usual rendezvous when sharing such things) Dormé had been the next to become obsessed with the winding love-story of you and young Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Years later, the others within this very small group of women know, too, but no one else. It was a secret kept safe amongst the Queen’s closest friends -- your closest friends. You’d trust these women with your life; and so, your most protected secret.
“... Perhaps.”
A soft gasp. “Does he know you’re coming?”
“All I know,” you explain softly, “is that he’s been asked by the Chancellor to greet the Naboo Royal party upon landing as additional security, and that he’d hoped I’d be amongst the party to accompany you --”
The ship begins to slow its descent.
You visible stiffen. If you hadn’t been nervous before, you’re certainly nervous now.
The others notice -- their faces splitting with eager, bright smiles. You can’t help but match it, fingers wound tightly into your cape as you shift in your seat; Captain Panaka announces they’ll be landing shortly once they get clearance from air-traffic command.
“If we don’t see a kiss, I’ll be rather peeved --”
You shoot Ellé a sharp look, one that spurs her to grin wolfishly -- a sharp contrast to her polished core-world accent.
“It’s against the code --” you begin to explain.
“Well, certainly you’ve kissed before,” Padmé nearly cries, hands braced on either side of the waxy seats as she leans forward in protest, “He’s written about it --”
“Of course we’ve kissed,” you mutter, pinching your brow, “Just not on a tarmac for the entire Senate to see, is all.”
“... Did you two ever --”
“No!” you nearly shriek, waving your hands at a now grinning Dormé, who has to try and keep her face still as to not disrupt the carefully painted makeup on her lips, “I know what you’re about to ask and no, we never --”
The ship rumbles as the landing pad comes into view.
Panaka, over the transport’s loudspeaker, calls out: “Look alive, ladies. Seems we’ve got a greeting party.”
Your eyes connect with all of theirs before you all rush to the windows, keen on catching a glimpse of a certain Jedi Knight --
And that’s when you see Obi-Wan Kenobi for the first time in two years.
                                                         ✶   ✶   ✶
He swears his heart is going to give out.
Even Anakin can sense his Master’s restlessness. It earns Obi-Wan a squint from down below, coming in the form of Anakin’s trademarked curious look. Obi can feel it boring into his skull, but opts to ignore it. Right now, the sandy blonde is busy trying to ground himself as the Naboo Royal Shuttle lands.
It’s gears hiss, weight settling on the Senate’s landing platform 55-B.
When the landing ramp folds out, presenting a set of stairs out the side of the tan transport, him and Anakin move closer -- only for Obi-Wan’s breath to catch in his throat so quick he nearly chokes.
The first time he sees you in two years, he’s robbed of all the air in his lungs.
He’d remembered your beauty -- soft and kind and warm. It was something that he thought of often. Years prior, you’d worn soft shades of rose colored lipstick and ribbons in your hair. This sort of soft, girlish beauty had apparently been ephemeral, over-taken by a daring sense of beauty that held a knife to his throat the moment he laid his eyes upon you.
You step off that transport, swathed in an emerald green cape that kisses the ground as you walk, looking like something out his wildest dreams. The sunset behind you pales in comparison. You haven’t changed... yet, you have -- looking older now, and more capable than ever.
You could say the same about him.
He’s just like you remember, except broader -- he’s filled out, with hair that isn’t so spikey and the ghost of stubble threatening to overtake his jaw completely, reminding you suddenly of the way Qui-Gon had once styled his facial hair. His chin bears it’s same dimple, and his little beauty mark stands out against tanned skin. He’s... a man -- not that he wasn’t all those years ago on Naboo, you remind yourself.
Obi-wan’s eyes, wide and warm, connect with yours and it’s like getting punched square in the chest. You can hardly breathe.
For a moment, and only a moment, the universe slows down. It’s only the two of you on that tarmac, two weary hearts reunited after years of loneliness. It feels good to finally feel whole again, and the both of you thank the stars above in an utterance of prayer. You’re here, and he’s here. You’re together again.
But, there’s a job to be done.
Quickly, you move beside Ellé -- the four handmaidens fall in line around the Queen, a squad of Royal Guard filing out behind her; you tear your eyes from Obi-Wan reluctantly, quickly scanning the rooftop canopy for any threats. Your hand is on the blaster on your hip, battle regalia on display underneath.
Obi-Wan swallows thickly.
He bows. Anakin follows suite.
If he sees Padmé, he doesn’t say a word -- only stares openly as the Royal Party files out onto the tarmac and two men in pilot’s uniforms wrestle with two trunks in the back of the pack.
“It’s with great pleasure that my padawan and I welcome you to the Senate, your highness,” Obi-Wan speaks slowly, eyes shining as he spies Dormé’s face between the crowd; he gives her a familiar smile -- he’d made her acquaintance all those years ago aboard the Nubian. He recognizes Padmé, too, smiling up at him sweetly on the right-flank with her blaster in her hand, “We will be your escorts during this time -- though, it seems Royal Security certainly has a handle on things.”
He winks. Right at you.
He hasn’t changed at all.
You can feel Dormé’s smirk boring an amusement shaped into the back of your head.
Gods, you could kiss him. If he’s not careful, Ellé is going to get that show she mentioned aboard the transport.
“Thank you, Jedi Knight,” you speak curtly, leading the formation with long strides across the tarmac, following his cue off the well-lit platform, “The extra hand is much appreciated.”
Oh, to hear your voice again. He’s sure he’s never been happier.
Anakin is looking back, face suddenly splitting into a smile of recognization. You catch it being sent Padmé’s way as you move to make way for the Queen into the Senate building. Padmé catches the boy’s eye, too, both of them glowing with fondness for each other.
Obi-Wan is quick, head on a swivel as he leads you and the Naboo Royal party into the Senate building’s elevator, pressing the button for the 80th floor. Upon that floor is the Naboo Senatorial Suite, where Padmé and the party of royal staff will be staying during trial’s proceedings set to begin tomorrow at noon.
The group shuffles into the elevator, crammed a bit, but leaving you to brush shoulders with the very Jedi Knight you’d been so nervous to see. You filed in, once again at the front of the formation around the Queen, before idling shifting in your boots as Obi-Wan crosses his hands in-front of himself and clears his throat.
The elevator begins to move as you catch Obi-Wan barely hiding his affections, face turned to openly admire you.
“I hadn’t thought it possible for you to grow more beautiful,” he says quietly, but loud enough for the entire elevator to eavesdrop, “It is good to see you again, my friend.”
Goodness, if Cordé could swoon she would. Right now, though, she’s jammed between Panaka and the elevator wall. Instead, she shares a knowing, amused look with Ellé across the lift.
“Has anyone ever told you you’re quite the charmer, Obi-Wan Kenobi?” you muster, turning to blink up at him beneath thick lashes; you can take in more of him now -- the slope of his nose, the crinkles in the corners of his eyes, “Seems as though some things never change.”
“Hardly the first,” he smiles, hand moving to hold the doors to the lift open as the chime, signaling their stop, “And I suppose not... You are still short.”
Padmé laughs at that, trying to hide it as a cough.
It doesn’t pass.
Even Panaka is smirking now, especially as you turn and smile up at Obi-Wan with an awed expression. The Jedi Knight is looking particularly smug, hiding his evident amusement in his sleeve as he rubs his jaw. His eyes bounce to you, then the floor number displayed overhead.
His hands are still shaking, only slightly now. You notice.
Anakin is blinking between the two of you in the meanwhile, leaning around Obi-Wan to get a better look at the smile on your face -- that smile is definitely not one of a friend. Anakin’s had plenty of friends before and not one of his friend’s have looked at him like that. And his Master is making the same gross, mushy face.
Anakin blinks back at Padmé, who smiles back.
He serves the same kind of gross, mushy smile his master is, all without even knowing it.
The doors open to the 80th floor, twinkling skyline of the Federal Distract glimmering through the large windows lining the hallway. The sight greets you kindly, a bit of the tension in your shoulders melting, as Obi-Wan chirps a charming:
“Shall we?”
You both lead the group down the carpeted hall, hanging a right out of the elevator. Your cape brushes the ground as you walk -- his robes doing the very same. Dormé can’t help but think of what a smart couple the two of you make, the smile playing upon her neatly painted lips settling as she catches sight of the Senatorial suite.
The guards outside stand at attention as you offer a respectful bow of your head and move to press open the heavy dura-steel doors -- Obi-Wan manages the other, and the party moves into the suite like a flowing river of bodies. Anakin muddles in the fray, watching with bright eyes as the party relaxes visibly and Dormé rolls her neck.
You step into the apartment, closing the doors as the Jedi Knight to your left does the same. His smile is playing loudly upon his lips, eyes roaming happily across you as you button the holster on your hip and begin to undo your cape.
“All things considered,” Ellé says, moving to do the same with her cape, “That went well.”
You’re pulled away from the smile on Obi-Wan’s lips by the task at hand.
Settling in meant sweeping the room, unpacking, and prepping for tomorrow’s hearing. As the Royal Guard leave the rest of the suitcases in the bedroom, the flurry of activity leaves you suddenly a bit panicked -- what now? Will he leave? You have hardly had the time to say hello... and -- you have so much to say. Now, he’s idling by the door beside you, looking as if he’s also wondering the same thing.
“We’ve still got tomorrow to survive,” mutters Dormé, sighing as Cordé pulls her headdress off, letting dark hair spill across her shoulders, “Don’t speak too soon.”
“All due respect,” Obi-Wan pipes up, “But, you need not to worry; Anakin and I will do all we can to ensure these next few weeks go by smoothly.”
Anakin, upon hearing his name, perks up in the corner. “That’s right.”
Padmé has to laugh.
“You two have certainly come far from what I remember,” she says sweetly, smile wide and genuinely, “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
“It certainly has.”
His eyes fall to the carpet, drifting in your direction as if caught in your orbit. His voice is soft; Padmé can see the forlorn look in his eyes from her spot across the room, gathering dresses from her trunks to hang in the closet.
You’ve folded your cape over your arm.
You’re worrying the hem again.
Padmé lingers in the doorway, eyes bounding between the both of you -- it seems Ellé and Cordé are doing the same; suddenly, the young Queen of Naboo lights up, her eyes falling to her Senatorial garbs as she swallows.
“Perhaps... errands would be in order --”
“Your highness,” Panaka states plainly, hands behind his back, “We have no need for --”
“Captain, I believe... Ellé, you had a list, yes?”
Ellé is like a deer in headlights. “Oh! Uh, yes! Of course, it’s... tucked away --”
She’s begun to move towards the bedroom, laughing sheepishly -- lying has never been her gift -- as she moves to hurry past Padmé and find a scrap of paper tucked into the first drawer of the desk there; she’s cursing slightly, fumbling with the drawers as you and Obi-Wan stand there awkwardly, listening to the fray as Cordé and Dormé move to assist the brazen handmaiden in her attempts to doctor up a to-do list. There’s whispers of your friends adding items to the list, and after a moment that seems to pass far too slowly, they emerge from the bedroom brandishing a crinkled, folded up list.
Panaka coughs, hiding an amused smirk.
“Here,” Padmé says, crossing the room and offering the folded list to you, “Perhaps, Jedi Knight, you could accompany her? To ensure the list is gathered safely, of course. And Anakin can keep up company for now, can’t you, Ani?”
A bright chirp. “I will make sure they’re safe, Master!”
Obi-Wan balks, mouth moving but no words coming out.
The gesture is... kind, and suddenly he’s wondering if Padmé and the other girls are in on your little secret... He nods, though, accepting the assignment without a word of protest which causes the youthful Queen to bloom at the sight of you both before her.
“Good. Thank you,” she says, gesturing to the door with her free hand, “And please, no rush.”
You can hardly believe her.
You grip the list tightly, pulling your cape over your shoulders and pinning it once more as you step through the door Obi-Wan has moved to hold open -- his hand ghosts your lower back, prompting you to duck your head sheepishly at the first contact in years.
The door closes behind you heavily and someone locks it from the other side.
Now, alone with Obi-Wan in the hallway, you feel just as you did on the tarmac.
He swallows thickly, Adam’s apple bobbing as he grips the sleeves of his robe tightly. You’ve long forgotten the list, attention turned towards the handsome Jedi Knight before you -- finally, you reach out.
Your hands find his face and he’s pulled in, sweeping your hands into his own as he closes the distance between you both.
As easy as breathing, his mouth finds yours. The kiss is gentle, sweet and slow; you can feel his smile digging in against your lips as he kisses you, hands cradling your jaw as you hold on tightly to his wrists. You feel like your entire heart is on fire as your heartstrings snap happily at the comfort his touch brings.
You’d missed this. You’d missed him.
“I missed you,” he pulls away, his nose brushing yours as he holds you close, “I missed you so much -- I was so nervous --”
“I know,” you whisper, fingers carding through the sandy locks on his temples, “And I missed you.”
You could cry.
You’re so happy -- he sees it on your face and it makes his eyes swim with years worth of adoration. “I meant what I said... You’ve... You’ve gotten even more beautiful. I didn’t think it possible.”
You roll your eyes, lashes blinking quickly to try and hide the misty-eyed reaction that worms out of you. “Stop it.”
“I’m serious --”
“I haven’t been able to write you back, and -- and I feel awful... I... The palace has been purging the servers and tightening security measure, and,” you stammer, pausing to take a breath and swallow down your guilt, “I felt so terrible -- I... You wrote me so often and...”
“And you were busy,” he urges, smile growing on his face as he thumbs your cheek, “I know that.”
You can’t help the happy tear that rolls down your cheek.
“I thought of you -- everyday. From the moment I woke, to the moment I went to bed...”
His heart lurches at your words. Obi-Wan laughs, soft and safe, as he presses a lingering kiss to your forehead.
“I’m here now,” he soothes, minding the delicately wound plaits on wither side of your head, mimicking Padmé’s stapled Senatorial style -- you’re beautiful, truly, and he can’t help but steal another kiss, “I must admit I... I was nervous you wouldn’t come.”
“I had to,” you shake your head, holding his hand tightly as you separate, “To see you again...”
His eyes are soft. “I nearly requested you --”
“Padmé would have obliged if you had,” you drop your gaze, “She... She knows.”
“I figured as much,” Obi-Wan nods, wetting his lips, “And the others?”
“I tried to keep it from them, but --”
“But, it’s no matter,” he reassures, smile melting away any worries you’d had about his reaction, “They’re people that you trust. I trust you judgement above all else.”
Gods, you love him. Truly, you do.
“Come then, let’s get this list out of the way so I can have you all to myself,” he mutters, an arm sneaking around your shoulders as he plants yet another kiss to your temple, “A little shopping can’t hurt. I’ve waited years, anyways.”
Your stomach swims delightfully at the idea.
You brandish the list, beginning to follow him towards the lift as you unfold the paper.
You stop in your tracks and laugh.
Obi-Wan blinks.
“... They... goodness -- read it for yourself.”
You hand it to him, his eyes twinkling with mischief. Obi-Wan takes it in calloused fingers, clearing his throat before eyeing the note.
“Take yourselves to dinner,” he snorts, “And just kiss already.”
You’re shaking your head, laughing quietly, when he looks up. And Obi-Wan figures this is the most wonderful moment he’s had in a long time. He tries to memorize the sight of you before him, then speaks quickly:
“Well, I take that stands as Royal order, doesn’t it?”
You don’t object when he pulls you into the elevator and kisses you dizzy.
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the-blue-fairie · 4 years
My experience as a multishipper in the Frozen fandom
I’m writing this because a post crossed the dash of my other blog insinuating that people are using “multishipping” to “use and manipulate” people to like F2 when they don’t want to and to get people to turn from their preferred ship and create for other ships instead.
If people are trying to force others to like F2 or disregard their preferred ships, that is bad, but what struck me about the post was the way it treated multishipping as an evil that the individual could not abide.
It got me to thinking about my personal experience as a multishipper in the fandom and about how the Frozen fandom is an emotionally exhausting place for a multishipper.
To discuss this, I’m going to have to be open about my other blog and about all my ships. Although I’ve opened up to friends here about my two blogs, and even written another post about my multishipping, it’s not common knowledge that I have another blog - and partly that’s by design. This blog is focused on general Disney things and less controversial ships. I want to be mindful and respectful of my followers and not make them feel uncomfortable. I also am scared of receiving hate if my other blog were common knowledge.
But I cannot be reflective of my time in the fandom without being completely open and honest.
I’ve been an Elsanna shipper since 2014, and I made an Elsanna-centered blog in 2015. Just typing that out on this blog scares me (even though I’ve typed it out before here - as recently as when I was venting the night before last.) I lost a few followers that night. I’m probably going to lose more now. I’m sorry if I’m shattering an image you had of me, but I hope, if you’ve enjoyed my blog and appreciated my presence here, you’ll remember the goodness you saw in me and remember also that I never wanted to hurt or offend you.
Truth be told, Elsanna is still the ship that’s closest to my heart. I love Kristanna, I love Elsamaren, I love Helsa, I love Rydoff - but Elsanna is special to me. Some may find this hard to believe who weren’t there in 2014-15, but Elsanna was kind of like the Elsamaren of its time - a ship populated by scores of energetic young people who deeply connected to the characters and wanted to figure themselves out. It was a breathtaking wellspring of creativity and to this day I love the ship - while at the same time loving Snow Sisters within canon and Frohana.
There were ship wars between EA and HE back then, with one side crying, “At least our ship isn’t rooted in murder and manipulation!” and the other side crying, “At least our ship isn’t incest!” I’ll admit, I was dubious about Helsa when I first came to the Frozen fandom - but by a happy quirk of fate, I managed to reach out to people who shipped Helsa. They became my friends, and I started to realize that, whatever my misgivings about the ship, Helsa shippers were among the nicest people in the fandom. Many of my closest friends in the Frozen fandom now are Helsa shippers. And the more time I spent with them, the more I realized, there is beauty in the ship. I love the beauty of Helsa art, the talent of Helsa artists, and I value the friendships I’ve made.
There were ship wars between EA and KA back then too - and, as an Elsanna shipper, KA shippers back then would block me on sight, even if I never interacted with them. Some have told me since that it was nothing personal; they just didn’t want to be exposed to incest. But, in the moment, it stung - because I’ve always loved Kristanna and I wanted to be a part of the ship, share the oneshots and the drabbles I could write, share any of the beautiful things I could give. 
So I made this blog - so I could share in the joys and the fun of KA without making anyone uncomfortable, and share in the larger Disney fandom (because if I ever dared follow a Disney blog from my main, chances are I’d be blocked on sight because, “Ewwww, that ship is repulsive.”)
I took that to heart a lot. “It’s okay, they’re within their rights to block me, one of my ships is repulsive, I just have to grit my teeth and endure it.” And gradually, my mind went from “one of my ships is repulsive” to “it’s okay, I’m repulsive, I understand that.”
It meant I felt incredibly guilty when I made this blog. I felt like I was being selfish - doing it partly because I wanted it for myself, wanted to be part of a group. But at the same time, having a separate blog meant that I wasn’t imposing my one ship on people who wouldn’t enjoy it. So I was also looking out for the wellbeing of any followers I got here.
It also meant that, for the longest time, I was absolutely terrified of anyone finding out I had my other blog. I told a few close friends and, while my name and bio information on both blogs were the same if anyone looked at both, I discreetly tried to... well, never confirm my identity directly. I didn’t even tell fellow EA shippers, outside of my close friends, because I didn’t want word to spread across a vast group of people and for someone on this blog to realize I shipped EA. 
Looking back, that was an overreaction born of anxiety, but it had unfortunate consequences.
A friend who shipped EA found out I had this blog and felt betrayed about it. When I stood up for KA shippers at certain points, she accused me of “playing both sides.” During that debacle, I was called an “enemy of Elsanna” - which hurt me.
I regret not opening up to that friend about this blog. I didn’t know not doing so would hurt her - but also, being called an “enemy” of a ship that I love stung.
From the Kristanna side, a young gentlemen with a particular hate for EA eventually put two and two together and realized that I had two blogs. He stalked my EA blog. He sent me messages excoriating me and threatening to expose me. Then he sent messages to countless people, including friends of mine on here, “exposing” me as an Elsanna shipper. That was exhausting. My friends, however, were left as exhausted by him as I was and did not heed him.
Other KA shippers were far kinder. Eventually, certain folks in the KA ship told me that they knew who I was for a while now and that it didn’t bother them - as long as I was keeping Elsanna out of their faces. That was a great relief to me and very reassuring. 
Still, certain KA shippers have a particular dislike for Elsa as a character and leap to demonize her, something that makes me uncomfortable. Moreover, a KA shipper I conversed with once made a contemptuously dismissive comment about Snow Sisters fans, saying that they didn’t care for Snow Sisters because “Snow Sisters and Elsanna are the same ship; one just has sex.” Which... um... I dare you to say that to a Snow Sisters fan’s face; I am almost certain they would be angry.
For all my reservations about certain aggressive KA shippers, however, the aggressiveness of certain EA shippers has been... really something else. I have already made a post discussing the belligerence of a particular person (who shall remain nameless here because they scare me and so I don’t want to cross paths with them again.) But this person compared me to fascists... because I was uncomfortable with their intense behavior. Also, when I mentioned how this person drove a dear friend and multishipper away from the Elsanna ship, this person replied, “I didn’t drive her away, her multishipping did.”
As though to say, “If you have multiple ships, you can’t be a part of Elsanna.” Even if my friend was in the ship from the beginning and made beautiful things to celebrate it before feeling like she was no longer wanted. As though to suggest you don’t fit their vision of what a “True” Elsanna shipper is.
Look, being a multishipper doesn’t make you want to part ways with a ship. In fact, being a multishipper means you have an emotional connection to multiple ships that you want to show your love to.
I can’t speak for all multishippers. And again, if there are people trying to insidiously push others to like F2 when they don’t like it or make art for ships they don’t want to, that’s a bad thing. (Always look into the evidence for and examine the source of such accusations, however - any accusations.) But personally, as a multishipper, I don’t want to force my will on anyone. I don’t want to make anyone like F2 if they don’t want to. (For the record, although I personally like F2 overall, there are parts I dislike - and I’ve actually criticized the film several times on this very blog - respectfully, I hope, and with strong supporting evidence for my points, I hope.) And I don’t want to impose my other ships on anyone. That’s even part of the reason I have two blogs.
I’ve been... scared... writing this out. I felt I needed to post it to this blog because I’ve so often... cowered... here. Maybe it wasn’t cowardice, but it was a kind of... uncomfortable learned silence born partly out of respect for others and partly out of fear for myself. I could speak more freely on my other blog, which is why I commented on my perspective on fandom dramas there - even though speaking out on my other blog meant being compared to fascism when I ventured to say that people should be nicer.
I’m being vulnerable here. I know that some will say, “How are you being vulnerable by admitting you ship a problematic ship? Stop trying to play for sympathy because you ship incest!” - just as certain EA shippers will judge me for shipping other ships in the fandom.
Maybe it’s just my nervousness, but sometimes I feel like I’m damned if I do, damned if I don’t. If I stay silent about shipping different things, some will say I’m manipulating people through my silence. If I speak up, people will say I’m obnoxious and never shut up about it and claim that obviously I have some agenda. (That’s what they’ll say about this post, won’t they?)
Maybe it would have been better if I had just kept one blog - but then I’d be blocked on principle by certain KA and EM fans - or asked not to interact, and being respectful, I wouldn’t. (Does that mean I’m disrespectful by having this blog? Oh, I don’t know anymore.) Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
I hope that, when I write further analyses and critiques and make comments on the things I like and dislike about F2 now, people won’t dismiss my commentary by saying, “Oh! Liza has reservations about the film’s ending because she’s an EA shipper, that explains it, I might have known.” My reservations about the film’s ending come more from issues in story structure and my attachment to found family tropes and Frohana - not so much EA. EA might play some part - but judging things based on ships rather than nuance and the complexity of other people’s points is what’s so exhausting about the Frozen fandom. Don’t judge people based on ships; judge them by their actions and the soundness of their arguments. And besides, for all my reservations about the ending, there’s a place in my heart for it. I’m an Elsamaren shipper too after all. :)
This is so very long and deeply personal, but I needed to give it voice. I hope that those who have befriended me on this blog and didn’t know about my other blog will remember that I’ve always done my best to be kind and caring, regardless of my ships. 
Thank you for your friendships. Thank you for your kindness. Thank you.
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