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hempcoolturauk · 2 years
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getbestreviewsnow · 1 year
The 10 Best Foods for Brain Health You Can Buy Online
Taking care of your brain health is just as important as caring for your physical health. The foods you eat can have a major impact on your brain function, mood, memory and even your risk of developing dementia or Alzheimer's disease as you get older. The good news is, there are plenty of delicious, nutrient-packed foods that nourish and protect your brain available right at your fingertips online.
In this article, we’ll count down the top 10 best brain foods to buy online to boost your brain health. Organic hemp hearts made the list due to their impressive nutritional profile!
#1 Wild Alaskan Salmon
Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain health. Omega-3s help build membranes around brain cells and can reduce inflammation. Wild Alaskan salmon contain some of the highest omega-3 levels and are sustainably caught. Canned or vacuum-packed salmon make nutritious additions to salads, pasta dishes and more.
#2 Blueberries These antioxidant-rich berries boost communication between brain cells and improve learning and memory. Blueberries also help reduce inflammation. Stock up on fresh, frozen or dried organic blueberries to sprinkle on yogurt, oatmeal and baked goods.
#3 Broccoli
In addition to vitamin K and folate, broccoli contains a compound called sulforaphane that has neuroprotective benefits. It helps keep brain cells healthy and supports memory, learning and thinking skills. Add fresh or frozen broccoli florets to stir-fries, soups and side dishes.
#4 Walnuts
Walnuts provide vitamin E, folate, omega-3 fats and antioxidants for brain health. They may also help reduce risk of dementia. Grab a bag of raw walnuts to eat by the handful or incorporate chopped walnuts into homemade granola and salads.
#5 Coffee and Green Tea
The caffeine in coffee and antioxidants in green tea boost focus, memory and brain function. Drinking 1-2 cups of green tea or organic fair trade coffee daily can provide brain-boosting benefits. Stock up on organic fair trade coffee beans and green tea bags or bottles of cold brew.
#6 Avocados
The healthy fats in avocados, including omega-3s, support blood flow to the brain. Avocados also provide vitamin K and folate. Use fresh avocados to make guacamole or add slices to sandwiches and salads.
#7 Turmeric
Curcumin, the main compound in turmeric, has anti-inflammatory properties that protect the brain against damage. Turmeric may also boost serotonin and dopamine production. Add turmeric powder or fresh turmeric root to curry dishes, soups and smoothies.
#8 Dark Chocolate
The flavonoids in cacao provide strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits for the brain. Opt for organic dark chocolate with at least 70% cacao. Melt a few squares into smoothies or homemade desserts.
#9 Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes provide vitamin A and anthocyanins that support brain health. Bake and mash sweet potatoes whole or add cooked cubes to stir-fries and soups.
#10 Hemp Hearts
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Hemp hearts offer omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids for enhanced brain cell membrane health and improved signaling between brain cells. Sprinkle hemp hearts onto yogurt, oatmeal and salads.
Supporting your brain health is easy when you stock up on delicious foods like wild salmon, berries, nuts, vegetables, spices, coffee and more. Consider adding a few of these top 10 best brain foods to your regular grocery list to nourish your mind and memory. Your brain will thank you!
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Lucent Valley CBD Gummies is the awesome all-regular thing that has the ability to fix diverse mental issues like mental torture, diligent desolation, stress, depression, apprehension, absence of rest, etc. This thing is attempted and all around examined clinically for all of the fixings used in the entire thing and gives no results to the human body. Besides, the makers and experts acknowledge that the use of Lucent Valley CBD Gummies likewise upholds the fat misfortune measure other than reestablishing mental torments.
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How Does this Powerful CBD Item Works?
 To all the more likely comprehend the science behind how CBD attempts to help your body, you ought to understand that our body has CBD receptors all through. These receptors, all together, are known as the ECS (Endocannabinoid System). The ECS generally assists the body with the guideline of rest, by and large wellbeing, sugar level, torture, memory, appetite, and some more.
 The ECS goes about as the receptor of CBD and this is one of the essential clarifications behind the adequacy of CBD on the body. The ECS assimilate the CBD present in the gummies speedier than some other kind of Cannabidiol item open on the lookout. It similarly contains some enemies of oxidants which fight against various medical issues and furthermore protect your body.
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What are the Various Benefits of utilizing these CBD Gummies?
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What are the Different Ingredients of Lucent Valley CBD Gummies?
 The various fixings utilized in this thing are:
 • Hemp Extract: This concentrate is the fundamental fixing in this thing is of hemp separate that has added genuine worth and furthermore recuperates torment.
• Garcinia Cambogia: It is a unimaginable component for guaranteeing that the metabolic strength of the body is adequate. It helps in losing bounty fat and thusly guarantees better improvement of the body.
• Turmeric: Turmeric will make alright all of such hurting conditions in the body and eliminates joint agony completely.
• Ginger Extract: The issue of recuperating from the wounds is dealt with by ginger as it grows flexibleness also.
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• Green Tea: This fixing is an unfathomable cancer prevention agent for the body and helps with guaranteeing that all of the poisons from the body are flushed out and the assimilation framework stays strong too.
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Where to Buy Lucent Valley CBD Gummies?
 Lucent Valley CBD Gummies can be buy through the official site. The Lucent Valley site may give uncommon limits to the client as well. Should check how can it work, results, benefits, the cost available to be purchased prior to getting it.
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tech-mobilereviews · 3 years
Best Deliciously Easy keto Recipes
The ketogenic diet or as like some people prefer to call it; the Keto diet or low carb diet is about consuming a lot of protein and fats but fewer carbs. This diet makes the body send the fats that we consume to the liver, which the latter transform it into energy to keep the body strong and active for a long time without feeling tired quickly.
The ketogenic diet or as like some people prefer to call it; the Keto diet or low carb diet is about consuming a lot of protein and fats but fewer carbs. This diet makes the body send the fats that we consume to the liver, which the latter transform it into energy to keep the body strong and active for a long time without feeling tired quickly.
The keto diet prevents you from consuming the lot for carbs that are the main reason of gaining weight because the sugar makes you hungry most of the time. When you consume carbs with small portions and focus more on protein and fat; your body doesn’t push you most of the time to eat; instead, it uses those fats to satisfy your hunger and keep you active.
If you are looking for a diet that will help you lose weight in a very short term, the ketogenic diet is the perfect diet for you because it not only helps you achieve great lean body; but also provides immense health benefits.
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Click Here for more Information about Custom Keto Diet: https://bit.ly/3tPtUZE
The Benefits of The Ketogenic Diet
So far, there are a lot of great benefits of the keto diet, but no negative effects have appeared yet at all; which makes it the delicious diet that fits everybody. Here are other health benefits of keto diet:
1. Increases the level of HDL:
One of the best aspects of the ketogenic diet is that it increases the level of HDL in the body, which is the good cholesterol that helps in lowering the risk of heart diseases.
2. Helps in Alleviating Diabetes Type 2: 
By removing carbs from your daily meals, you say goodbye to sugar and insulin because your body already has what it needs, and you won’t have to be worried about what you eat.
3. Lowers Blood Pressure: 
High blood pressure is a catastrophe because it might lead to kidney failure, heart diseases, strokes... 
With this diet, you can say goodbye to all those worries and live a healthy life away from all those malignant diseases that threaten your life.
4. Gum Disease: 
Gum disease is one of the worst and most painful diseases which is commonly caused by the consumption of too much sugar. When you eliminate sugar from your daily meals, you can avoid gum diseases and toothaches. 
While on the keto diet, most of your diet will consist of foods high in fats coupled with a measured intake of proteins and low carbohydrate intake. Some of the food categories allowed in this diet include:
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Click Here for more Information about Custom Keto Diet: https://bit.ly/3tPtUZE
1. Proteins
Poultry: Free-range Cornish hen, quail, goose, pheasant, chicken, duck, and turkey.
Fish and Seafood: Cod, tuna, scrod, anchovies, mackerel, flounder, catfish, trout, mahi-mahi, halibut, sole, sardines, salmon, halibut, snapper, and calamari. Always opt for wild caught fish to avoid toxins present in commercially reared fish.
Grass-fed Meat: These include beef, venison, goat, and lamb. Meat from wild animals are also acceptable; however, avoid sausages and meats that come with sugary sauces and those covered in breadcrumbs. Choose the chunks of meat with more fat since they contain less protein and more fat.
 Pork: Boston butt, pork chops, ham pork, and loin. When choosing ham, be on the lookout for added sugar. 
Bacon and Sausages: Preferably, you should buy these at specialty health food stores. If this is not possible, always read the labels to avoid those which contain fillers such as soy or sugars.
Canned Tuna and Salmon: Canned tuna and salmon are okay to consume while you are on the keto diet. However, avoid seafood rich in fillers, breaded seafood, and fried seafood. 
Vegetable Protein Powders: Protein supplements such as whey protein, hemp protein, pea, and rice are acceptable. 
Whole Eggs: This includes chicken eggs, and quail eggs which you can prepare through any mean desired; fried, soft or hard boiled, deviled, scrambled, or omelet style. 
Shellfish: Oyster, mussels, lobster, shrimp, crab (not imitation crab that contains additives), clams, scallops, and squid.
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Click Here for more Information about Custom Keto Diet: https://bit.ly/3tPtUZE
2. Fats and Oils
Because these are your main sources of energy while you are on this diet, go for the types of fats and oils you enjoy. These may include:
* Omega 3 fatty acids from fish such as tuna, shellfish, and salmon
* Fish supplements or krill
* Monounsaturated fats such as egg yolks, avocado, and butter
* Vegetable oils such as olive oil, coconut oil
* Non-hydrogenated beef tallow, ghee, and lard.
* Duck and chicken fat
In order to make it easier to stick to this diet, be aware of which types of fat your body can tolerate. Many people seem to have zero or very low tolerance of vegetable oils and mayo. This may be a good thing because most of these oils are rich in omega 6 fatty acids - the kind that is bad for your body’s cholesterol levels.
In this case, work with the listed monounsaturated fats to reduce the inflammatory effect brought about by polyunsaturated fats. Nevertheless, work to balance both fats because you cannot survive on monounsaturated fats alone (You need a lot of fats and oils). Even then, avoid hydrogenated fats such as margarine to reduce the amount of trans-fats you eat.
3. Fresh Vegetables
For these foods, opt for organic ones or better yet, grow your own to avoid all pesticide toxins. Avoid starchy vegetables (corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes, peas, and winter squash) that are high in carbs. Instead, opt for moderate intake of sweet vegetables (squashes, peppers, tomatoes, and carrots). Vegetables that make it to the list are:
Collard Greens 
Onions (high in sugar; moderate intake)  
Alfalfa Sprouts  
Beet Greens  
Dandelion Greens 
Bamboo Shoots  
Brussels sprouts  
Bok Choy  
Celery Root  
Swiss chard  
Snow Peas 
Bean Sprouts  
Salad greens and lettuces: Romaine, Arugula, Fennel, Bok Choy, Boston lettuce, Endive, Mache, Escarole, Sorrel, Radicchio, Chicory Water Chestnuts 
Dill Pickles 
4. Dairy Products
Mascarpone cheese 
Unsweetened whole milk yogurt (limit intake of this type of yogurt because it is a little high in carbs) 
All soft and hard cheeses 
Cream cheese 
Full fat sour cream (do not forget to check for additives) 
Full fat cottage cheese 
Heavy whipping cream
In any case, always go for raw milk products and if you do not have easy access to them, go for the organic ones.
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Click Here for more Information about Custom Keto Diet: https://bit.ly/3tPtUZE
5. Beverages
Bulletproof coffee 
Decaf Tea 
Flavored seltzer water 
Decaf coffee 
Herbal tea 
Lemon and lime juice (limit intake) 
Clear broth or bouillon
6. Nuts and Seeds
Nuts: almonds, macadamias, pecans, and walnuts are the nuts with the lowest level of carbs meaning you can consume them in small amounts. Other nuts such as chestnuts, pistachios, and cashews contain a higher amount of carbs; thus, you should carefully monitor their intake. Nuts are best soaked for some time before roasted. 
Nut flours: these are necessary because while you are on this diet, it does not mean baking no longer fits into your life. Nut flours such as almond flour will suffice.
7. Sweeteners
Some options include:
Inulin and Chicory root 
Lo Han Guo 
Liquid Stevia  
8. Spices
Here are spices allowed on the keto diet:
Sea salt 
Chili pepper 
Cilantro or coriander seeds  
Black pepper 
Cumin seeds 
Cayenne pepper 
Mustard seeds 
As you can see from the above very detailed list, keto diet is NOT a highly-restrictive dieting lifestyle, it also offers you a variety of foods to choose from; thus, you should not feel overwhelmed.
However, there are foods you should avoid to achieve optimal ketosis as your body makes the switch from using glucose to synthesizing fats for ketones.
In the next section, we shall outline the foods you should avoid:
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Achieving Optimal Ketosis: Foods to Avoid
If you stick to the food listed in the previous section, you do not have to worry about not achieving optimal ketosis. On the same note, as you increase intake of those foods, you should also be on the lookout for the following foods that may hinder ketosis:
Avoid all grains, whole meal included (rye, wheat, oats, barley, corn, millet, rice sorghum and buckwheat). Also, avoid all products made from grains; these include foods such as crackers, pasta, pizza, and cookies.
Avoid refined fats and oils like sunflower, canola, grape seed, corn oil, soybean, and Trans-fats such as margarine. 
Avoid milk (only full-fat raw milk is acceptable). For coffee, replace milk with reasonable amounts of cream. 
Avoid tropical fruits such as bananas, pineapples, mango papaya, etc., and some high carb fruit.
Avoid fruit juice.
Avoid factory-farmed pork and fish.
Avoid all artificial sweeteners containing Aspartame, Sucralose, Saccharine, etc.
Avoid alcoholic sweet drinks such as beer, and sweet wine
Avoid Soy products
Now that you know what to eat and what to avoid, is there a way to guarantee faster adoption of ketosis? The answer is yes. The following section illuminates such tips:
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Click Here for more Information about Custom Keto Diet: https://bit.ly/3tPtUZE
How to Get Into Ketosis ‘Fast’: Invaluable Tips
It takes 48 hours to get into ketosis. To get there, you must correctly adapt the keto diet. Below are tips that should help you do just that and get your body into ketosis faster:
Tip 1: To get into ketosis faster, eat less than 20g of carbs a day. 
Tip 2: Drink water, about 100 ounces per day. Drink more to lose more. 
Tip 3: Purchase some Ketosis. Getting some validation that the diet is actually working will be a great motivation to keep you on a diet considering the intimidating nature of the first few days of the diet. 
Tip 4: Do not panic. Be aware of the keto flu coming your way. The dizziness, the irritability, and fatigue you will be feeling on the first three days may have you experiencing mood swings; but don’t give in just yet. Reward yourself with bacon and delicious keto friendly foods as you crave for carbs and sugars. The craving will disappear as long as you’re full. 
Tip 5: Consume more salt. This is really important. While on a keto diet, your body does not retain water as it normally would; hence, electrolytes like sodium quickly flush out of your body. Therefore, you need constant replenishing; otherwise, you will feel awful. As indicated earlier, opt for sea salt. 
Tip 6: Never open the door to hunger. When you feel the tiniest bit of a hunger pang, immediately eat high-fat low-carb foods. The moment you get too hungry, it forms the temptation pathway. Remember: go simple. Do not over plan things because when you do, you may end up making everything strict and less fun. The keto diet is fun; keep it so. 
Tip 7: Remember: this is not a high protein diet. The keto diet is high fat, low carb, and moderate protein diet. Moderate is the key word here. 
Tip 8: Embrace the fat. Eat fat to lose fat that is your new motto. Do not shy away from the fat because it is your ticket to a healthier you.
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Common Keto Diet Mistakes You Should Avoid 
Nobody is perfect, and no diet is perfect. As you adopt this diet for good health and weight loss, you are bound to make several mistakes; this is normal. The best way to avoid, or minimize the effects of mistakes is by learning and preparing for common mistakes. Below is a list of common keto diet mistakes dieters make:
Eating Too Many Carbs 
There is no exact definition of what ‘low carb’ means. Some would say it is simply anything under 100 to 150 grams a day simply because they get amazing results with this range. However, this may be excessive if your aim is to have plenty of ketones in your bloodstream. Most keto dieters go for under 50-grams of carbs per day to get into optimal ketosis. Anything beyond that is termed as excessive.
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Eating Too Much Protein 
Remember: the keto diet is all about protein moderation.
As you adopt a keto diet, you need patience: patience to get into ketosis and patience to adapt to ketosis. Understand that previously, your body’s main source of energy was carbs; now, it has to adapt to a new source of energy, fats. The body requires time to do this; therefore, be patient.
Obsessing Over The Scale 
The number on your weigh scale should not determine your keto diet success. Let this be the least of your worries. Just live life and enjoy your diet. Weight loss will happen; do yourself a favor and keep away from that scale.
Not Eating Enough Fats 
The unrestricted consumption of fats may seem excessive. However, the keto diet is a high-fat diet. Just trust keto and enjoy the fat. However, you should eat the right kind of fats, preferably monounsaturated and saturated fats.
Eating Processed Keto’ Foods 
When you are on a keto diet, always think about it this way: the intention is to eat natural ingredients and not foods that come in wrappers such as Atkins bars and Quest bars. Although you can occasionally eat these, the idea is for a large portion of your diet (we are talking about 70-80% of your entire diet) to consist of natural ingredients.
Being After A Quick Fix 
If this is your aim, do not start the diet. The Keto diet is more of a lifestyle change than a short-term diet plan. Dropping a few pounds and then going back to your normal bad eating habits will be a waste of time.
Half-heartedly adopting the keto diet could be the worst thing you could do to yourself because you are just wasting time. If you are not all in, you will not survive through the temporary effects that come with adopting the diet. Decide on what you want and think of everything you will gain by going keto to keep you motivated.
Click Here for more Information about Custom Keto Diet: https://bit.ly/3tPtUZE
Product Information
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Our custom meal plan service was designed to help men and women all over the world turn their lives around and take charge of their health and figure.
The custom keto diet is a brand new product that allows someone to create their very own keto diet plan based on their food preferences, daily activity levels, height, weight and target weight goals.
We use scientific research and proven studies to create personalized ketogenic diet plans that maximize fat burning via the correct calories and macronutrients for each individual.
The customers keto diet plan is available to access immediately after payment.
Here’s what they will get:
An eight-week meal plan created based on the expertise of certified nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs.
Meals that have calorie and macronutrient content tailored to their specific situation and goals.
A nutrition plan with food variety to ensure they will get a wide range of nutrients and boost the likelihood of sticking to their diet.
Meals that are based on personal food preferences to make their diet enjoyable and help them stay on track with their plan.
Detailed recipes with step-by-step instructions to make meal preparation super simple (no prior cooking experience needed).
A downloadable shopping list each week that details every needed ingredient they will need in the upcoming seven days.
Options on how they can customize every meal even more to suit your taste buds.
We’ll show them what to eat every day to reach their goals in the fastest and most enjoyable way.
Click Here for more Information about Custom Keto Diet: https://bit.ly/3tPtUZE
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yourlifefun · 4 years
35 Things to Do Today for a Flat Belly
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There's no shortage of flat belly advice lately, and it is often downright paralyzing. If you manage to motivate yourself to reduce, it's hard to know what to undertake to first to understand your goal—until now. To assist you begin on a path toward flat abs and quick weight loss, our research team tracked down the sole recommendations on the world and prioritized everything into the step-by-step weight loss guide. The primary two steps are to form over your home and kitchen, starting with replacing unhealthy foods with Zero Belly-approved eats. Then, read up the sole fitness hacks for turning your beer belly into a solid six-pack. Follow the decision to avoid feeling overwhelmed and see the sole possible results. And to truly make a change
Make Over Your Home
"Whether you've ten pounds to lose or 100, the primary thing you'd wish to aim to do is to create an environment for the fulfillment," says Chris Powell, Extreme Weight Loss trainer. These are the ten belongings you purchased to undertake to up your odds of weight loss success.
  35 Sleep during a cold Room
Simply blasting the air conditioning or turning down the warmth within the winter may help attack belly fat while we sleep, consistent with a study within the journal Diabetes. Because it seems, colder temps can subtly enhance the effectiveness of your brown fat stores, which keep you warm by helping your burn through belly fat. Participants spent a couple of weeks sleeping in bedrooms with varying temperatures: a neutral 75 degrees, a cool 66 degrees, and a balmy 81 degrees. After four weeks of sleeping at 66 degrees, the participants had almost doubled their volumes of brown fat.
  34 Increase Your Load
If you'll do quite five reps of an exercise, devour a heavier weight. As you build muscles and your body gets stronger, you'll increase your load to challenge your body. It's particularly important to figure larger muscle groups, like your glutes, with a heavier weight. "This will burn fat, within the belly and other areas, quicker than any ab exercise."
33 Ditch Your Night Light
Exposure to Inner Light the dark doesn't just interrupt your chances of a powerful night's sleep, it's going to end in weight gain, consistent with a study within the American Journal of Epidemiology. Study subjects who slept within the darkest rooms were 21 percent less likely to be obese than those sleeping within the lightest rooms.
  32 Stock abreast of Healthy Foods
Brian Wansink, director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab, found that you simply can estimate what proportion someone weighs by taking a photograph of their kitchen counter. After analyzing photos of 200 kitchens, he found that girls who have soda sitting on their countertops weigh a mean 26 pounds more while folks that have cookies weigh about eight pounds more. The foremost important surprise: Keeping cereal on your counter results in an extra 20 pounds of weight. The lesson here is to wash empty calories off your countertops to start out losing weight.
  31 Make Fruits and Veggies Accessible
Replace your candy and cookie jars on the kitchen counter with a bowl of fresh fruits and containers of nuts. Stock your fridge with chopped veggies and hummus for a fast and healthy snack. This manner they're more readily available, and you've got no excuses to grab a bag of chips, right? Katie Cavuto, MS, RD, the dietitian to the Philadelphia Phillies and Flyers, like having washed and ready cucumbers, peppers, sugar snap peas, and carrots within the front of the fridge so as that they're not overlooked. Bananas, apples, pears, and oranges fare well as sweet snacks and will be kept on the counter where you'll see them.
  30 Keep Electronics Out of the Bedroom
Is scrolling through an Instagram region costing you zzz's? It would be the rationale you cannot shake those love handles. During a recent study, researchers analyzed quite 500 participants' weekday sleep diaries and located that losing a mere half-hour of shut-eye increased their risk of obesity by 17 percent!
  29 Read Ingredient Lists
Reading the nutrition label of packaged foods is critical, but you furthermore might want to carefully review the ingredients list. While the nutrition label will tell you ways many calories and grams of fat and sugar are within the food, the ingredients list will tell you what is exactly in it. Ask yourself: Does it have processed oils? What’s the source of the sugar content? Are there food additives?
  28 Throw Out Jelly & Jam
Your breakfast toast won't miss these sugar-laden spreads once you start to shed pounds and see a flatter belly. One tablespoon of jam easily carries slightly below 10 grams of sugar. And let's be honest, who just has one? Top spread sandwiches with fresh pieces of fruit, like banana and strawberry slices to infuse it with some natural sweetness. This tactic will help bar blood-sugar fluctuations which may cause insulin spikes and put hunger into overdrive.
  27 Skip Sugary Cereal
There's no sugar-coating it: Sugar wreaks havoc on the body. Consuming an excessive amount of white stuff can cause obesity, which regularly causes other health problems, like diabetes and heart condition. Many unhealthy breakfast bowls of cereal pack more sugar into one bowl than you will find during a Boston Kreme donut! To form matters worse, many popular varieties like Frosted Flakes and Fruity Pebbles are laced with Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) or BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole). These ingredients are banned within the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and far from Europe because they're thought to be carcinogenic.
  26 Sayonara Soda
"Soda, both diet and regular, have absolutely no nutritional benefits and should even have serious health implications," says Gina Consalvo, MA, RD, LDN, a Pennsylvania-based registered dietitian. "Not only are they loaded with empty calories, harmful preservatives, sugar or artificial sweeteners, they even have dangerous artificial coloring derived from coal sources," explains Consalvo. But that's not even the worst part. "To prevent mold growth within the cans and bottles, makers add the preservative potassium benzoate (a known carcinogen linked to thyroid damage, leukemia, and other cancers) into the cans," Consalvo suggests eliminating soda and beverage, seltzer or detox tea instead.
  25 Forgo White Carbs
Many folks grew up eating light bread and bagels, so we understand why they'll hold a special place in your heart. But these starchy grains (and things like polished rice and pretzels) are anything but healthy. Made with enriched flour rather than healthy whole grains, they're barren of the belly-filling fiber that reinforces satiety and keeps blood glucose stable. What's worse, refined white-flour foods like these are linked to a heart condition and sort 2 diabetes. Plus, they cause weight gain and make it harder to reduce, too.
  24 Kick Processed Snacks to the Curb
Processed snacks full of saturated fats, sugar, refined grains, and harmful chemicals. It's no wonder they appear to be kind of the foremost important weight-loss saboteurs!
  23 Ditch the Margarine
Do you know that light yellow color that creates margarine looks almost indistinguishable from butter when laid side by side? Well, it's from natural. In fact, without all the additives, margarine is an appetite-crushing shade of grey—yuck! As if that weren't bad enough, many brands add propanediol, a man-made compound, to their recipe to feature grease without adding calories. Research has shown that the spread may expand your waistline, increase dangerous cholesterol levels, and up your heart condition risk.
  22 Limit Chewing Gum
Chewing gum when you're hungry fills your tummy with extra air, causing bloat. Many gums also contain sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners, like sorbitol and xylitol, which may cause bloating. Skip the gum altogether or choose an organic variety like Glee gum or just gum instead. They're still low-cal, but they're doing not use sweeteners that'll cause you to brag.
  21 refill Your Kitchen
After you've gotten obviate the load loss saboteurs, it is time to restock your shelves with Zero Belly-approved eats. All of the foods below will reduce bloat, heal your gut, and turbocharge your metabolism. These three mechanisms add tandem to means off your fat genes—resetting your body to "slender."
  20 Stock abreast of Smoothie Ingredients
Zero Belly Smoothies are supercharged with belly-flattening nutrients. The key: Each drink is filled with protein, healthy fats, and fiber. Here's the Mango Muscle-Up: Mix 1 scoop vegetarian protein powder, 2/3 cup frozen mango chunks, 1/2 tablespoon almond butter, and ½ cup unsweetened almond, coconut or hemp milk. You will get 29 grams of protein for just 224 calories!
  19 buy Eggs
Eggs are the quantity one source of choline, a fat-burning nutrient. They stir up your metabolism and help close up the genes for belly fat storage. During a study of 21 men within the journal Nutrition Research, half the lads were fed a breakfast of bagels while the opposite half ate eggs. The egg group had a lower response to ghrelin and were less hungry three hours later.
  18 Favor Red Fruits
More and more research has begun to means some fruits are better at fighting belly fat than others. And thus the upper fruits all have one thing in common: They're red, or a minimum of reddish. Grapefruit, tart cherries, cocktail apples, raspberries, strawberries, watermelon, and peaches all fit the bill and may help flatten your belly.
  17 Pack in Prebiotics
You have 80 trillion microbes in your belly, and most of them are angry. Healthy fiber is what we call "prebiotic," meaning it feeds the healthy bacteria and helps them fight inflammation and fat gain. Fiber-rich sources of carbs are BPA-free canned black and garbanzo beans, peas, peanuts, spread, old-fashioned oats, quinoa, and rice.
  16 choose Plant Protein
Plant-based protein powders are a low-sugar, high-fiber alternative to popular dairy-based supplements, which may cause bloating. Hemp, rice, and pea proteins are all good options; however, you'll be wanting to confirm you're getting complete proteins with a full aminoalkanoic acid profile, so aim to hunt out a protein powder blend that mixes all three. We like Vega One All-in-One Nutritional Shake and Sunwarrior Warrior Blend. Whip up any of those best protein shake recipes to reap the advantages.
  15 choose Lean Meat & Fish
Protein is kryptonite to belly fat. Once you eat protein, your body possesses to expend many calories indigestion—about 25 calories for every 100 calories you eat (compared with only 10 to fifteen calories for fats and carbs). Thereupon said, stock your kitchen with boneless skinless pigeon breast, lean ground turkey, lean beef, lamb, wild salmon, shrimp, scallops, cod, tuna, and halibut.
  14 Glorify Your Greens
Leafy greens provide you with folate, which blocks the genes that trigger fat-cell formation. Romaine lettuce, spinach, and collards are quite the foremost potent sources of the flat-belly nutrient.
  13 enjoys bittersweet chocolate
It's every chocoholic's dream: Research now shows that eating moderate amounts of bittersweet chocolate can reduce overall body fat and shrink the waist. A study among women with normal weight obesity (skinny fat syndrome) who enjoyed two servings of bittersweet chocolate daily showed a huge reduction in waist size than when on a cocoa-free hotel plan.
  Researchers say it's to undertake to with the flavonoids, the heart-healthy compounds in chocolate, which have important antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Just confirm you're reaching for a bar with a minimum of 70 percent cacao, and stand back from the "alkalized" stuff, which features a significantly reduced flavonoid content. We like Nibmor Extreme bittersweet chocolate with Cacao Nibs.
  12 Sip Some Tea
You know all that soda we told you to throw out? Use all that cash saved to re-stock your kitchen with tea. Tea is that the closest thing we currently need to magic weight-loss elixir. Rich in health-promoting compounds called catechins, tea can help fry stubborn belly fat and even repel disease.
All the healthy food within the planet won't do I any good if your mind isn't within the right place. Once you've got won't to eating the Zero Belly foods, decide to shift your perspective slightly to best align in conjunction alongside your new healthy eating plan. Here are our top suggestions:
  11 Adopt Healthy Eating Rituals
There are not any wrong ways to eat a Reese's. Feasting rituals, research suggests, are a sort of "mindful eating," which has the facility to form food more pleasurable, and should help prevent overeating. Pleasure, consistent with research in Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, catalyzes the relief response, promoting parasympathetic and digestive activities. In other words, you'll metabolize dessert faster if you enjoy eating it. In one study, participants who were assigned to eat chocolate following a specific breaking and unwrapping ritual found the candy far more enjoyable—and even more flavorful—than a gaggle who ate the bar informally.
  10 Change Your Perception Of "Full"
  Hara Hachi bu could even be a Japanese practice to "Eat until 80% full." If you follow Hara Hachi bu, you'll save nearly 300 calories per day. It can take up to a half-hour for the body to register satiety signals, consistent with research, so believe using chopsticks to slow your pace and feel your fullness. Consistent with a study within the American Journal of medicine, healthy-weight customers were nearly 3 times more likely to use chopsticks than obese customers.
  9 jot Your Thoughts
A recent study revealed that when women who were unhappy with their weight completed a one-time, 15-minute writing exercise a couple of crucial personal issues, they went on to lose a minimum of three pounds over three months. On the opposite hand, their counterparts who wrote about an unimportant topic gained three pounds, consistent with Cheryl Forberg, RD, author of a little Guide to Losing.
  "Researchers believe that reflecting on values can function a buffer to the strain and uncertainty that results in emotional eating and help in maintaining self-control in difficult situations," she explains. To reap the advantages reception, Forberg suggests coitus interruptus a journal, setting the timer and free-flowing about what's important to you. "Write as if nobody else will read it. Come clean with what's bugging you. It’s going to surprise and enlighten you," adds Forberg.
  8 Treat Yourself
Beating yourself up over food could even be a knowledge-behavior gap many unsuccessful dieters fall under. Calling yourself "greedy" or a "fat pig" or "weak-willed" only causes you to feel bad about yourself, which regularly results in eating more to provide yourself a lift. it is vital to undertake to prevent the negative self-talk, says Freida B. Herron, M.S.S.W., L.C.S.W. "I often suggest imagining that your desire to overeat could even be a lovable 5-year-old child," she says. "You don't need to berate or shame your appetite—that only results in more dysfunctional eating." Instead, treat yourself with respect, understanding, and affection, as you'd that child.
  And when that seems near impossible to undertake to, try chanting a mantra that features a person going to you, suggests Jen Comas Keck, a private trainer, and owner of Beauty Lies In Strength. If you've got been performing on your fitness, as an example, something like "I feel stronger and healthier each day that passes" could even be effective.
  7 Identify the thought of Your Emotional Eating
If you are the sort of 1 that drowns your sorrows during a pint of dessert, you'd possibly be what experts ask as an "emotional eater"—and it's likely the first reason you've trouble staying trim. To reduce, you'd wish to first learn the difference between emotional hunger, which comes on suddenly, and physical hunger, which comes on gradually and is usually amid physical cues quite growling stomach, explains Forberg. The sole because of overcoming the urge to eat? Realize that although a nasty feeling will eventually escape, the calories you consumed while you were feeling down, won't. And thus the subsequent time you are feeling emotional, don't decide to mask your emotions or distract yourself. Experts say that experiencing your emotions will teach you that it's possible to tolerate them head-on. Once you've done this exercise, it is time to hunt out a replacement, healthy coping strategy. Hitting the gym or calling a lover to vent are both solid options.
  6 Celebrate Your Non-Scale Victories
Losing weight are often whilst hard emotionally and physically. Remembering why you started your weight-loss journey can help lift your spirits once you’re down and motivate you to stay with it once you'd wish to contribute the towel. "Take a flash each morning to recollect what you're working for—whether it's improved energy so you'll play in conjunction along with side your children or extended happier life," says Dyan Tsiumis, who dropped quite 70 pounds before becoming a private trainer. "When you think about all the great which may come from all of your diligence, it's easier to remain on target," she adds.
  Times suggests setting an alarm on your telephone as a "motivation reminder." "I have an alarm that pops 3 times per day to job my memory what I'm working for—and I lost my weight over ten years ago! It keeps my mind focused on being my best," explains Tsiumis.
To chisel your newly trim stomach into the rippled abs you've always wanted, you've to amp up the intensity of your workout. Here are quite our go-to tips:
  5 Lift Before Cardio
By running, biking, or rowing after you've hit the weights, you will have a greater effect on your fat and calorie burn than had you done it beforehand.
  4 Sprint it Out
Sprinting is best for weight loss than running at a light-weight pace, says Dan Roberts, one among the UK's top trainers. "Sprinting builds muscle which helps burn fat quickly. Also, the action of driving the legs initiates the abs and core" explains Roberts. "The faster you go and thus the shorter your recovery, the more your abs will develop." rather than your typical 30-minute trot, do 20 sets of 30-second sprints with a 30-second recovery between each. Here are the thanks to doing it:
  Step 1: Keeping your feet on either side of the belt, set your treadmill to a one-tenth incline. Then, set the machine to a challenging speed. This is often typically a minimum of two miles per hour faster than your distance running speed. So, as an example, if you sometimes jog at 6.5 mph, you're full-on sprint speed is becoming to be a minimum of 8.5 mph.
  Step 2: Hit the lowest running for a solid 30-seconds. Then, slow the belt to a comfortable stroll and step your feet off to either side once you are feeling comfortable. Recover for a whole of 30 seconds before repeating this pattern 19 more times. These circuits should take you exactly 20 minutes to finish.
  3 mount a Rower
Rowing burns many calories and works the foremost muscles, including your back muscles. To bump it up a notch, take your workout outdoors. During a Brazilian study, outdoor rowers burned 26 percent more calories during a race than those on an inside rowing ergometers.
  2 consider Pushups
Although push-ups will emphasize the upper body, including the shoulders and arms, they're full-body exercises. "When done properly, they work your entire body and are one among absolutely the sole ways to consider your external obliques," says Annie Mulgrew, director of programming at City Row.
  1 Sculpt Love Handles with Side Planks
If you'd wish to urge obviate those stubborn love handles, side planks are the right exercise for toning your obliques. By challenging your balance, side planks force you to recruit other muscles to stabilize your body.
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therikehottrend · 3 years
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itsnirmal888 · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://pickstofit.com/spring-salad-with-berries-goat-cheese/
Spring Salad With Berries & Goat Cheese
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I love the time of year when gardens are starting to produce and farmer’s markets have fresh greens for salads. Big salads are my go-to lunch and often my go-to dinner with a glass of kombucha or iced herbal tea on the side.
And guess what… adding berries is a sure way to get my kids excited about salad!
How to Make the Perfect Spring Salad
This salad was inspired by the freshness of the greens and strawberries of spring and early summer. Here’s how we make it:
First: Baby Greens, Strawberries, and Goat Cheese
For the base of this salad I like to use mixed baby greens, but I’ll also use spinach, romaine, or other lettuces if it’s what I have on hand. Then, I toss in some toasted pecans and dried cranberries. Next, I slice some strawberries to put on top and dot the salad with goat cheese. You could also use blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, or a mix of berries that are in season.
Yup, that’s right. Goat cheese. It seems to be a very polarizing cheese. Some love it and others won’t touch it with a ten-foot pole! If you like, omit the cheese or use one that you like in its place. Feta, gorgonzola, and bleu cheese are all great.
Sometimes I make this salad ahead of time (sans dressing) and then stick it in the fridge until dinner.
Second: Honey Mustard Dressing (or Dressing of Choice)
I use a honey mustard dressing for the spring salad. The sweet tanginess goes perfectly with the fruit and creamy goat cheese and the homemade chicken strips that go on top.
I prefer to avoid a lot of the ingredients in store-bought honey mustard dressing, so I just make my own. I use simple identifiable ingredients and use it as a dressing or dipping sauce. It’s my kids’ favorite condiment for dipping.
The dressing can also be made in advance and refrigerated. Usually, I already have some in the fridge that’s leftover from another meal, which makes making this salad even simpler.
Last Step (Optional): Almond Flour Breaded Chicken Strips
If I’m serving this as a meal, the last thing I do is to make my almond flour breaded chicken strips to top the salad. They’re delicious, grain-free, and everyone in the family loves them. I usually pan fry them on the stove, but you can also drizzle them with oil and bake in the oven.
This berry salad also works great as a side salad without chicken.
Mix It Up!
I serve this salad often, so I change up the dressings or ingredients to keep it interesting. Here are some substitutions we love:
Goat cheese is our favorite, but try these variations:
Bleu Cheese
Smoked Gouda
Dairy-free option – sub avocado
Any seasonal berries will work!
Diced apples
Chopped dates or figs
Sliced almonds (drizzle with maple syrup and a pinch of salt before toasting)
Pine nuts
Sunflower seeds
Hemp hearts
All of these dressings are delicious on this salad! When I don’t make them from scratch, I buy them from Primal Kitchen.
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Spring Salad With Berries
A flavorful and fresh salad for spring with fresh strawberries (or berries of choice), creamy goat cheese, crunchy toasted pecans, and dried cranberries on a bed of lettuce.
½ cup  honey mustard dressing (or dressing of choice)
1 cup pecans toasted
12 cups salad greens
4 oz goat cheese crumbled
½ cup dried cranberries (or raisins)
1 cup strawberries (sliced)
1 batch homemade chicken strips (optional)
Cook the chicken strips according to the recipe instructions and set aside.
Prepare the honey mustard dressing according to the recipe instructions and set aside.
Preheat a small skillet over medium heat on the stove.
Add the pecans and toast, tossing occasionally, until they have just started to brown and smell amazing.
Set the pecans aside until cooled. 
Put two big handfuls of lettuce/greens on each plate.
Chop the chicken and top each salad with equal amounts of goat cheese, toasted pecans, cranberries, sliced strawberries, and dressing.
Feel free to use any type of leftover pre-cooked chicken in this recipe. And have fun switching up the types of fruit, cheese, and dressing that you use. 
Serving: 1salad | Calories: 725kcal | Carbohydrates: 29.3g | Protein: 27.7g | Fat: 56.4g | Saturated Fat: 16.5g | Cholesterol: 150mg | Sodium: 820mg | Fiber: 6.4g | Sugar: 18.1g
More Spring Recipes to Try!
What is your favorite salad? Do you have a variation of this one? Let me know below!
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gethealthy18-blog · 4 years
Fresh Spring Salad With Berries
New Post has been published on https://healingawerness.com/news/fresh-spring-salad-with-berries/
Fresh Spring Salad With Berries
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I love the time of year when gardens are starting to produce and farmer’s markets have fresh greens for salads. Big salads are my go-to lunch and often my go-to dinner with a glass of kombucha or iced herbal tea on the side.
And guess what… adding berries is a sure way to get my kids excited about salad!
How to Make the Perfect Spring Salad
This salad was inspired by the freshness of the greens and strawberries of spring and early summer. Here’s how we make it:
First: Baby Greens, Strawberries, and Goat Cheese
For the base of this salad I like to use mixed baby greens, but I’ll also use spinach, romaine, or other lettuces if it’s what I have on hand. Then, I toss in some toasted pecans and dried cranberries. Next, I slice some strawberries to put on top and dot the salad with goat cheese. You could also use blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, or a mix of berries that are in season.
Yup, that’s right. Goat cheese. It seems to be a very polarizing cheese. Some love it and others won’t touch it with a ten-foot pole! If you like, omit the cheese or use one that you like in its place. Feta, gorgonzola, and bleu cheese are all great.
Sometimes I make this salad ahead of time (sans dressing) and then stick it in the fridge until dinner.
Second: Honey Mustard Dressing (or Dressing of Choice)
I use a honey mustard dressing for the spring salad. The sweet tanginess goes perfectly with the fruit and creamy goat cheese and the homemade chicken strips that go on top.
I prefer to avoid a lot of the ingredients in store-bought honey mustard dressing, so I just make my own. I use simple identifiable ingredients and use it as a dressing or dipping sauce. It’s my kids’ favorite condiment for dipping.
The dressing can also be made in advance and refrigerated. Usually, I already have some in the fridge that’s leftover from another meal, which makes making this salad even simpler.
Last Step (Optional): Almond Flour Breaded Chicken Strips
If I’m serving this as a meal, the last thing I do is to make my almond flour breaded chicken strips to top the salad. They’re delicious, grain-free, and everyone in the family loves them. I usually pan fry them on the stove, but you can also drizzle them with oil and bake in the oven.
This berry salad also works great as a side salad without chicken.
Mix It Up!
I serve this salad often, so I change up the dressings or ingredients to keep it interesting. Here are some substitutions we love:
Goat cheese is our favorite, but try these variations:
Bleu Cheese
Smoked Gouda
Dairy-free option – sub avocado
Any seasonal berries will work!
Diced apples
Chopped dates or figs
Sliced almonds (drizzle with maple syrup and a pinch of salt before toasting)
Pine nuts
Sunflower seeds
Hemp hearts
All of these dressings are delicious on this salad! When I don’t make them from scratch, I buy them from Primal Kitchen.
Spring Salad With Berries
A flavorful and fresh salad for spring with fresh strawberries (or berries of choice), creamy goat cheese, crunchy toasted pecans, and dried cranberries on a bed of lettuce.
Course Salad
Cuisine American
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Servings 4
Calories 725kcal
Author Katie Wells
½ cup  honey mustard dressing (or dressing of choice)
1 cup pecans toasted
12 cups salad greens
4 oz goat cheese crumbled
½ cup dried cranberries (or raisins)
1 cup strawberries (sliced)
1 batch homemade chicken strips (optional)
Cook the chicken strips according to the recipe instructions and set aside.
Prepare the honey mustard dressing according to the recipe instructions and set aside.
Preheat a small skillet over medium heat on the stove.
Add the pecans and toast, tossing occasionally, until they have just started to brown and smell amazing.
Set the pecans aside until cooled. 
Put two big handfuls of lettuce/greens on each plate.
Chop the chicken and top each salad with equal amounts of goat cheese, toasted pecans, cranberries, sliced strawberries, and dressing.
Feel free to use any type of leftover pre-cooked chicken in this recipe. And have fun switching up the types of fruit, cheese, and dressing that you use. 
Serving: 1salad | Calories: 725kcal | Carbohydrates: 29.3g | Protein: 27.7g | Fat: 56.4g | Saturated Fat: 16.5g | Cholesterol: 150mg | Sodium: 820mg | Fiber: 6.4g | Sugar: 18.1g
More Spring Recipes to Try!
What is your favorite salad? Do you have a variation of this one? Let me know below!
Source: https://wellnessmama.com/8577/spring-salad-berries/
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lauramalchowblog · 5 years
Primal Provisioning For Staying Home
How’s everyone doing out there? I hope you are all doing your best to protect your health, including your mental health. These are wild times to say the least.
I don’t know what it is like in your neck of the woods. Where I live, a lot of people saw the writing on the wall at the end of last week and prepared to self-quarantine. Stores were suddenly packed as people stocked up with the necessary supplies to stay home for several weeks. (Yes, and dozens of rolls of paper towels and toilet paper, too.)
I’m sure many of you have already put recommended social distancing policies into place. If you haven’t stocked your homes with supplies that will allow you to avoid going out as much as possible, now’s the time. I’m going to focus on prepping your kitchen today. Don’t forget the other parts, though: prescription and over-the-counter medicines, basic hygiene (soap, laundry detergent), pet food.
How Much Do I Really Need?
That’s hard to say. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recommends having a two-week supply of food. On the other hand, it’s clear from some of the hardest-hit areas around the world that we all face the possibility of staying in for longer than that. A lot of people are stocking up for longer, but please remember that everyone needs to shop now. Prepare for a few weeks, yes. Hoard for months, no.
I’m sensitive to the fact that not everybody has the resources to buy two or three weeks of food at one time. Even in countries that have implemented strict closures, grocery stores have remained open. That means we can hope and expect that we’ll be able to shop for more food as we need it even if stricter quarantines go into effect. Of course, do what you can to be safe—avoid crowds, keep your distance from other shoppers, don’t go out if you’re feeling sick, wash your hands after leaving the store.
What Should I Get?
You’ll want to pick up extra frozen and shelf-stable food. Also get your usual groceries—meat, eggs, produce, and so on—to last through the first week.
In my opinion, this isn’t the time to split hairs between “Primal” and “not Primal.” Yes, it’s great to stick to your normal nutrient-dense foods to support overall wellness right now. At the same time, if you’d feel more comfortable having a pound of dried beans in your cupboard just in case, go for it.
Obviously don’t buy food that makes you sick. Beans work for me; they might not work for you. I’m also not advocating you dive face-first into sheet cake. Just don’t let perfect be the enemy of good, especially if your stores have limited supplies right now. Make the best decisions you can, but the last thing any of us needs is unnecessary added stress right now.
Provisions List
The list below is to give you ideas. You obviously don’t need everything here.
Check your spice cabinet. I’m not putting any herbs and spices on the list, so add any you want to restock.
Check your salt. Cooking without salt is a major bummer, plus you want to keep your electrolytes up.
Take stock of what you already have in your fridge and pantry. Don’t bother to buy more tuna if you already have a whole case. Leave some for the next shopper.
Fresh meat/poultry/seafood to cook the first week
Fresh produce to cook the first week*
Condiments (salad dressings, mayo, ketchup & mustard)
Fermented foods*: sauerkraut, pickles, kimchi (gut health is always important!)
Dairy products: Greek yogurt, cheese, cream for your coffee
Don’t forget that a lot of produce actually doesn’t require refrigeration, such as:
Avocados (keep them in the fridge to delay ripening, though)
Potatoes, sweet potatoes
Winter squashes: acorn, spaghetti, kabocha, delicata, pumpkins
Stone fruits: peaches, plums, nectarines
Apples, pears
Citrus fruits (just watch for rotten ones—they’ll spoil everything)
Whole melons
Peppers (store in a paper bag)
Frozen meat/poultry
Frozen fish
Frozen vegetables (for smoothies, don’t forget frozen greens and even avocados if you can find them)
Frozen berries
Canned/tinned fish
Cooking oils (olive, coconut, avocado, etc.), ghee
Coconut milk
Nuts & nut butter
Bone broth
Pasta sauce
Grain-free pasta (e.g., Banza)
Jerky, beef sticks, biltong, hard salami
Grain-free crackers
Grain-free granola
Whey protein powder
Protein bars
Dark chocolate
Non-dairy milk in Tetra Paks
Creamer like Better Half and Nutpods (shelf stable until opened)
*Note that fermented foods that are shelf stable, like sauerkraut and pickles, have been heat-treated. That kills the living organisms that make fermented foods so beneficial for health. That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy shelf-stable pickles or sauerkraut, of course, but don’t eat them for their probiotics.
**The items in italics are ones that I would consider “borderline” foods in terms of Primal sensibilities.
Chia seeds
Hemp seeds
Flax seeds
Coconut flakes
Coconut flour
Almond flour
Paleo pancake mix (e.g., Birch Benders)
Parchment paper
Food storage containers and bags
If you’re feeling anxious about leaving the house or, for example, you’re immunocompromised and need to take extra precautions, consider grocery delivery services like Instacart and Amazon Prime Whole Foods delivery. Last time I looked, they were predictably running much slower than usual, but they were still operating. Some grocery stores do curbside pick-up so you don’t have to get out of your car. Order meat and seafood online if you have freezer space. If you have a favorite brand of protein bar or gluten-free bread or whatever, look to see if you can order directly from the company.
Expect that everything might be slower than normal and supplies might be limited. Plan ahead if you can, but also don’t hoard food. And yes, I know that’s vague. We’re all figuring this out as we go along.
If you have kids at home, this is a great time to get them involved with cooking. Little ones can help you wash produce, stir ingredients, brush oil, tear lettuce, and break apart broccoli and cauliflower. Older kids can progress to using different kitchen appliances with supervision, cutting herbs with scissors, chopping ingredients once they can handle a knife, and helping read recipes to you while you cook.
Minimize Waste
One way to avoid having to shop more often is to make the most of what you have. Here are my three favorite ways to avoid waste:
Make bone broth with all your vegetable and meat scraps and bones. I use my slow cooker because I can add scraps to it over a day as I cook, but the stovetop or a pressure cooker also works great. You can also freeze scraps to use later.
If you have a stockpile of nuts, you can make your own nut milk for coffee or chia pudding. Then use the pulp in recipes, such as these from Elana Amsterdam of Elana’s Pantry.
If your freezer isn’t full, freeze leftovers before they go bad so you can thaw and reheat them later.
Like I said, we’re all figuring this out as we go along. I know a lot of people are dealing with financial and food insecurity right now. If you need support or ideas for how to make it through, please reach out in the comments.
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The post Primal Provisioning For Staying Home appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Primal Provisioning For Staying Home published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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jesseneufeld · 5 years
Primal Provisioning For Staying Home
How’s everyone doing out there? I hope you are all doing your best to protect your health, including your mental health. These are wild times to say the least.
I don’t know what it is like in your neck of the woods. Where I live, a lot of people saw the writing on the wall at the end of last week and prepared to self-quarantine. Stores were suddenly packed as people stocked up with the necessary supplies to stay home for several weeks. (Yes, and dozens of rolls of paper towels and toilet paper, too.)
I’m sure many of you have already put recommended social distancing policies into place. If you haven’t stocked your homes with supplies that will allow you to avoid going out as much as possible, now’s the time. I’m going to focus on prepping your kitchen today. Don’t forget the other parts, though: prescription and over-the-counter medicines, basic hygiene (soap, laundry detergent), pet food.
How Much Do I Really Need?
That’s hard to say. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recommends having a two-week supply of food. On the other hand, it’s clear from some of the hardest-hit areas around the world that we all face the possibility of staying in for longer than that. A lot of people are stocking up for longer, but please remember that everyone needs to shop now. Prepare for a few weeks, yes. Hoard for months, no.
I’m sensitive to the fact that not everybody has the resources to buy two or three weeks of food at one time. Even in countries that have implemented strict closures, grocery stores have remained open. That means we can hope and expect that we’ll be able to shop for more food as we need it even if stricter quarantines go into effect. Of course, do what you can to be safe—avoid crowds, keep your distance from other shoppers, don’t go out if you’re feeling sick, wash your hands after leaving the store.
What Should I Get?
You’ll want to pick up extra frozen and shelf-stable food. Also get your usual groceries—meat, eggs, produce, and so on—to last through the first week.
In my opinion, this isn’t the time to split hairs between “Primal” and “not Primal.” Yes, it’s great to stick to your normal nutrient-dense foods to support overall wellness right now. At the same time, if you’d feel more comfortable having a pound of dried beans in your cupboard just in case, go for it.
Obviously don’t buy food that makes you sick. Beans work for me; they might not work for you. I’m also not advocating you dive face-first into sheet cake. Just don’t let perfect be the enemy of good, especially if your stores have limited supplies right now. Make the best decisions you can, but the last thing any of us needs is unnecessary added stress right now.
Provisions List
The list below is to give you ideas. You obviously don’t need everything here.
Check your spice cabinet. I’m not putting any herbs and spices on the list, so add any you want to restock.
Check your salt. Cooking without salt is a major bummer, plus you want to keep your electrolytes up.
Take stock of what you already have in your fridge and pantry. Don’t bother to buy more tuna if you already have a whole case. Leave some for the next shopper.
Fresh meat/poultry/seafood to cook the first week
Fresh produce to cook the first week*
Condiments (salad dressings, mayo, ketchup & mustard)
Fermented foods*: sauerkraut, pickles, kimchi (gut health is always important!)
Dairy products: Greek yogurt, cheese, cream for your coffee
Don’t forget that a lot of produce actually doesn’t require refrigeration, such as:
Avocados (keep them in the fridge to delay ripening, though)
Potatoes, sweet potatoes
Winter squashes: acorn, spaghetti, kabocha, delicata, pumpkins
Stone fruits: peaches, plums, nectarines
Apples, pears
Citrus fruits (just watch for rotten ones—they’ll spoil everything)
Whole melons
Peppers (store in a paper bag)
Frozen meat/poultry
Frozen fish
Frozen vegetables (for smoothies, don’t forget frozen greens and even avocados if you can find them)
Frozen berries
Canned/tinned fish
Cooking oils (olive, coconut, avocado, etc.), ghee
Coconut milk
Nuts & nut butter
Bone broth
Pasta sauce
Grain-free pasta (e.g., Banza)
Jerky, beef sticks, biltong, hard salami
Grain-free crackers
Grain-free granola
Whey protein powder
Protein bars
Dark chocolate
Non-dairy milk in Tetra Paks
Creamer like Better Half and Nutpods (shelf stable until opened)
*Note that fermented foods that are shelf stable, like sauerkraut and pickles, have been heat-treated. That kills the living organisms that make fermented foods so beneficial for health. That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy shelf-stable pickles or sauerkraut, of course, but don’t eat them for their probiotics.
**The items in italics are ones that I would consider “borderline” foods in terms of Primal sensibilities.
Chia seeds
Hemp seeds
Flax seeds
Coconut flakes
Coconut flour
Almond flour
Paleo pancake mix (e.g., Birch Benders)
Parchment paper
Food storage containers and bags
If you’re feeling anxious about leaving the house or, for example, you’re immunocompromised and need to take extra precautions, consider grocery delivery services like Instacart and Amazon Prime Whole Foods delivery. Last time I looked, they were predictably running much slower than usual, but they were still operating. Some grocery stores do curbside pick-up so you don’t have to get out of your car. Order meat and seafood online if you have freezer space. If you have a favorite brand of protein bar or gluten-free bread or whatever, look to see if you can order directly from the company.
Expect that everything might be slower than normal and supplies might be limited. Plan ahead if you can, but also don’t hoard food. And yes, I know that’s vague. We’re all figuring this out as we go along.
If you have kids at home, this is a great time to get them involved with cooking. Little ones can help you wash produce, stir ingredients, brush oil, tear lettuce, and break apart broccoli and cauliflower. Older kids can progress to using different kitchen appliances with supervision, cutting herbs with scissors, chopping ingredients once they can handle a knife, and helping read recipes to you while you cook.
Minimize Waste
One way to avoid having to shop more often is to make the most of what you have. Here are my three favorite ways to avoid waste:
Make bone broth with all your vegetable and meat scraps and bones. I use my slow cooker because I can add scraps to it over a day as I cook, but the stovetop or a pressure cooker also works great. You can also freeze scraps to use later.
If you have a stockpile of nuts, you can make your own nut milk for coffee or chia pudding. Then use the pulp in recipes, such as these from Elana Amsterdam of Elana’s Pantry.
If your freezer isn’t full, freeze leftovers before they go bad so you can thaw and reheat them later.
Like I said, we’re all figuring this out as we go along. I know a lot of people are dealing with financial and food insecurity right now. If you need support or ideas for how to make it through, please reach out in the comments.
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The post Primal Provisioning For Staying Home appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Primal Provisioning For Staying Home published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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lenakrruger · 6 years
Recipes for Realtors: Stewed prunes, oxtails and oranges
I was rearranging my pantry shelf, and it’s a rare thing to find things in tins, but I came across a large container of preserved prunes. And I decided it was time to use them again. This is a quick and easy sauce to make and it keeps well in a glass-covered container in the fridge for several days.
Remove the prunes using a strainer or a slotted spoon and put the liquid into a saucepan. Measure the liquid and add half as much granulated sugar and a cup of Offley Ruby Port.
Bring it to a gentle simmer and reduce by a third. Stir well with a wooden spoon to incorporate the sugar. Mash the moisture-filled prunes or pulse coarsely. Add a pinch of salt.
Stir the mashed prunes into the reduced sauce pot, on simmer. Squeeze the juice of a fresh sweet orange into the pot and add orange segments from another whole orange, cut from between the membranes.
You could add the zest of a fresh orange or mince a few rinds from your candied citrus sugar jar to finish the sauce, just when ready to serve.
Alternate: You might consider adding a large dollop of sour cream to the port sauce; if you do, do not reheat. The sauce will separate. Just gently fold in the sour cream at the last minute and serve.
Remove the cooked oxtails from their cooking pot (see below), using a spider spoon, and cover with the port prune sauce on a serving platter. Gourmet at its best.
This sauce can also be used over top of pan-fried pork loin medallions (you can substitute veal medallions) or over centre-cut grilled thick pork chops. It’s a wonderful accompaniment to roasted whole unstuffed rock Cornish hens that have been roasted with my kumquat marmalade spread over the birds in the last few minutes of roasting. Or, use this prune port sauce with pan-fried duck breast, served medium rare, or over my turkey roll recipe at this link.
Paired with a citrus panna cotta or citrus zabaglione, made with minced rind from your pantry citrus sugar jar, you could even serve dessert in a matching puddle of your main course port prune sauce (save a bit before you add the oxtails). You might top a martini glass of the pudding with a dollop of Port Chantilly Crème (the kind used as filling for my Bird’s Nest Pavlova recipe). Or, top an espresso with a tiny spoon of the ruby port cream.
Suggested pairing: Offley Ruby Port. Let it breathe. Serve at a cool room temperature from a narrow neck decanter or directly from its bottle, chilled just a bit.
Another idea: Drizzle the prune port sauce on my grilled goat cheese spinach sandwich recipe you can find here. Scroll down to comments for Grilled Goat Cheese Spinach Sandwich Special (and so much more …)
Or, enjoy the sauce on an open face grilled brown bread slice, topped with thinly sliced roasted turkey and crispy bacon. Very yummy, either way. Note: if you have found a place to buy English bloomer bread that is very popular in U.K., it grills wonderfully. It’s also perfect to serve with scrambled eggs and smoked salmon at breakfast.
Asbach oxtails
In a heavy, coated, cast-iron pot, sauté oxtails in hot butter until brown. Add salt, pepper, Italian seasoning and a sprig of dry, fresh thyme. When cooked, add a little chopped parsley.
Add the following to the pot, then cover: Sweat a large Spanish onion, chopped medium fine; three celery sticks, chopped small but coarse; three carrots, large, cut in pennies on the diagonal.
Add one quart (four cups) of homemade chicken stock and bring to a boil. Turn the heat down. Simmer two hours. During the last half hour of cooking, add a quarter cup of Asbach brandy. Reduce. Sauce will thicken slightly.
You can serve the oxtails dish at this stage. Or, you can remove the oxtails so they don’t continue cooking (don’t overcook the meat) and add half and half cream. Bring to a boil, turn down the heat (don’t cover the pot) and reduce just slightly.
Serve over whipped, mashed potatoes, wide egg noodles or Basmati rice. Also good with crepes. Fill the crepes with the oxtails and serve the crepes in a reduced puddle of the natural sauce or the cream sauce, with the veggies on the plate pushed to the side.
If you have never eaten oxtails, you are missing out on a wonderful dish; but bear in mind, this is exceptionally rich and will be a great surprise for guests, too.
A different approach: Using either method, right at the end, add a tin of whole tomatoes and liquid; break up the tomatoes just a little.
Then, if you would rather have oxtail tomato soup, add another quart of homemade chicken stock. Bring to a boil, turn down heat and serve. When ready to serve, top each individual serving with a few shavings of frozen Asbach butter from your always at-the-ready freezer supply. Do not stir. Just let the compound butter melt.
More amazing oxtails: Hungarian oxtail goulash
Prepare as above: Let the meat fall off the bones; pull apart the meat using two forks. Reduce the sauce a little on low heat.
Check seasoning. Adjust salt, pepper and add a heaping tablespoon of Hungarian sweet paprika (not the smoky version, unless that is your personal preference). Gently fold in, just before serving, a large scoop of firm full fat sour cream. Do not reheat after adding the sour cream. Keep the cooking pan hot, covered until serving.
Serve the Hungarian oxtail goulash in a large family-style presentation in a large deep platter, along with a bed of my homemade sauerkraut. This works well as a side dish with plain breaded Wiener schnitzel or breaded chicken cutlets or pork cutlets and a generous serving of homemade egg noodles or spaetzle.
A word about food storage spaces
If you live near a grocery store or market, go in off-hours when checkout lines are less likely to be busy. And go more often. Most people never have enough refrigerator space no matter how big the fridge is, and kitchen cabinet space is often at a premium.
The luxury of having a separate pantry is just that. Unless you have one set, dedicated cabinet for food storage items, it’s better to shop frequently. It’s never a long walk to the basement and a worthwhile investment to put dedicated shelving in place for things best kept in a cool dark place.
Many Italian-built homes have a cantina. It’s not a real cantina unless it has an open air-exchange hole (as a listing rep be careful how you identify that space; you could find yourself paying to modify it). But nonetheless it is a cold room. But be careful about condensation accumulating. Keep an eye open for mould. That is never acceptable.
Back in the pre-war days, and even sometimes after, one could find dedicated giant storage bins in house basements, under a removable basement window, allowing those who grew their own potatoes and root vegetables a means of putting a slide in place and loading wagon-loads of veggies onto slides that delivered the homegrown wonders right to the storage bins, where they provided family food all through the off-seasons. Bins were made from bug-free woods, never from shipping skids that might carry uninvited guests in transit.
Some people who didn’t have open-slat wooden basement bins used open hemp sacks for storage. The coal or wood-fired furnace was often in the basement, so that kept any dampness at bay. In Canada, many basement areas had earthen floors.
Although the European immigrants brought their wonderful recipes from overseas with them, some foodstuffs really are international. Made with a local twist. Here is a good example.
Stale bread Austrian-style dumplings 
This is another wartime and post-wartime dish. Today we are still in a war – against food pricing and waste.
Bread is bread wherever you go or wherever you live. For these wonderful bread dumplings, you can use almost any bread. It just so happens the dumplings are still a staple in Northern Italy and Austria. And a particular favourite, too, among travellers to the region.
Don’t waste those easily dried out baguettes or rolls that become rock hard, almost impossible to bring back to life: French, Italian or Portuguese. Put the dried-out bread in a large plastic bag, lay a clean lightweight tea towel over it, and using your meat pounder hammer, smash the dried bread into large pieces.
Place the bread chunks into a large glass bowl. Just barely cover with half and half cream. The bread will expand as it absorbs the liquid. Let the bread sit for a few hours. You don’t want the bread soggy. Just moist.
Regular readers might notice I rarely use milk in my recipes. I don’t drink milk and haven’t since I was preschool when I was forced to drink milk that was “off”. I could never bring myself to drink it again, although very occasionally I would succumb to a hot chocolate or a milkshake. To me, ever after, milk tastes like whatever the cow had eaten, so I simply avoided it completely. Milk is full of natural sugars. Cream is not. Fat, yes. Sugar, no.
Now for these dumplings some people use flour as a binder. For an exception, perhaps use almonds or hazelnuts that have been ground to a powder flour-like texture. For six cups of soaked moistened bread, use about three-quarters cup of ground nuts (or flour). Whisk a large fresh egg and mix into the moistened bread. Sprinkle with minced fresh parsley and fresh lemon thyme. Grate a little fresh nutmeg into the mix and a little salt and pepper.
Now for the special touch: add a half cup of my special minced spinach mix from your fridge or thawed overnight freezer storage. But use spinach to which you have added chopped crispy bacon (not store-bought bacon bits).
To see my spinach special recipe scroll down to the sandwich comments here.
The dumplings need to be a generous size, about the size of a cup. Roll scoops of the bread mixture in your dry floured hands to form a ball shape. Dredge in seasoned flour. Cover on a tray with a clean tea towel.
Gently poach the bread dumplings in a large uncovered pot of simmering homemade chicken broth, perhaps for six minutes. Using a spider spoon, gently move the dumplings around in the broth. Do not overcook them.
Pull the dumplings apart into two pieces using two forks and sprinkle with Parmesan and serve alongside my Tiroler mushroom and cheese-filled Wiener schnitzel and spaetzle with a side of my special red cabbage or homemade sauerkraut. The dumplings are also a wonderful side with my sacrilegious Shiraz veal or with my delicious oxtail goulash.
This is a hungry-man meal for sure.
Any leftover dumplings can be sliced about a half-inch thick the next day and reheated quickly in sizzling butter and served with sugared carrots and blanched sweet peas or minty mushy peas.
Alternate: Mince white button mushrooms and minced onion, equal parts. Just sauté once over lightly in sizzling butter, cool slightly and add a little to the moist bread mix. With or without the spinach mix.
Another alternate: Coarsely chop cooked lobster claw meat and mix into the bread dumpling mix. You can keep on hand a flash frozen tin of lobster for this purpose (thaw and squeeze out the liquid; freeze the liquid and save for another recipe) or buy ready-cooked lobster claw packages. Add a little minced fresh tarragon. Poach the dumplings in chicken stock or homemade fish stock.
When ready to serve, spritz with homemade lobster oil or melt a lobster compound butter puck from your stored log and pour over each melt-in-your-mouth seafood dumpling.
Serve the large dumplings as a side, with a tiny drizzle of Petite Maison white truffle Dijon, with a generous bowl of thick Canadian seafood chowder or lobster bisque.
Plums up! Or figgy dumplings. 
Prepare the bread dumplings using cognac marinated plums or black mission figs, finely chopped (squeeze out excess liquid) and drizzle each dumpling with a little Chantilly Cream and offer a starter as a unique large amuse bouche.
There’s nothing difficult about preparing your meals in a gourmet fashion as a home cook. As my readers know, nothing goes to waste in my kitchen. And busy Realtors have to eat, so cooking at home actually saves time because you have an opportunity to multi-task. It’s simply a matter of being organized – mis en place. Just like at the office.
© “From Lady Ralston’s Kitchen: A Canadian Contessa Cooks” Turning everyday meal making into a Gourmet Experience
The post Recipes for Realtors: Stewed prunes, oxtails and oranges appeared first on REM | Real Estate Magazine.
Recipes for Realtors: Stewed prunes, oxtails and oranges published first on https://grandeurparkcondo.tumblr.com/
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felishasheats · 6 years
Recipes for Realtors: Stewed prunes, oxtails and oranges
I was rearranging my pantry shelf, and it’s a rare thing to find things in tins, but I came across a large container of preserved prunes. And I decided it was time to use them again. This is a quick and easy sauce to make and it keeps well in a glass-covered container in the fridge for several days.
Remove the prunes using a strainer or a slotted spoon and put the liquid into a saucepan. Measure the liquid and add half as much granulated sugar and a cup of Offley Ruby Port.
Bring it to a gentle simmer and reduce by a third. Stir well with a wooden spoon to incorporate the sugar. Mash the moisture-filled prunes or pulse coarsely. Add a pinch of salt.
Stir the mashed prunes into the reduced sauce pot, on simmer. Squeeze the juice of a fresh sweet orange into the pot and add orange segments from another whole orange, cut from between the membranes.
You could add the zest of a fresh orange or mince a few rinds from your candied citrus sugar jar to finish the sauce, just when ready to serve.
Alternate: You might consider adding a large dollop of sour cream to the port sauce; if you do, do not reheat. The sauce will separate. Just gently fold in the sour cream at the last minute and serve.
Remove the cooked oxtails from their cooking pot (see below), using a spider spoon, and cover with the port prune sauce on a serving platter. Gourmet at its best.
This sauce can also be used over top of pan-fried pork loin medallions (you can substitute veal medallions) or over centre-cut grilled thick pork chops. It’s a wonderful accompaniment to roasted whole unstuffed rock Cornish hens that have been roasted with my kumquat marmalade spread over the birds in the last few minutes of roasting. Or, use this prune port sauce with pan-fried duck breast, served medium rare, or over my turkey roll recipe at this link.
Paired with a citrus panna cotta or citrus zabaglione, made with minced rind from your pantry citrus sugar jar, you could even serve dessert in a matching puddle of your main course port prune sauce (save a bit before you add the oxtails). You might top a martini glass of the pudding with a dollop of Port Chantilly Crème (the kind used as filling for my Bird’s Nest Pavlova recipe). Or, top an espresso with a tiny spoon of the ruby port cream.
Suggested pairing: Offley Ruby Port. Let it breathe. Serve at a cool room temperature from a narrow neck decanter or directly from its bottle, chilled just a bit.
Another idea: Drizzle the prune port sauce on my grilled goat cheese spinach sandwich recipe you can find here. Scroll down to comments for Grilled Goat Cheese Spinach Sandwich Special (and so much more …)
Or, enjoy the sauce on an open face grilled brown bread slice, topped with thinly sliced roasted turkey and crispy bacon. Very yummy, either way. Note: if you have found a place to buy English bloomer bread that is very popular in U.K., it grills wonderfully. It’s also perfect to serve with scrambled eggs and smoked salmon at breakfast.
Asbach oxtails
In a heavy, coated, cast-iron pot, sauté oxtails in hot butter until brown. Add salt, pepper, Italian seasoning and a sprig of dry, fresh thyme. When cooked, add a little chopped parsley.
Add the following to the pot, then cover: Sweat a large Spanish onion, chopped medium fine; three celery sticks, chopped small but coarse; three carrots, large, cut in pennies on the diagonal.
Add one quart (four cups) of homemade chicken stock and bring to a boil. Turn the heat down. Simmer two hours. During the last half hour of cooking, add a quarter cup of Asbach brandy. Reduce. Sauce will thicken slightly.
You can serve the oxtails dish at this stage. Or, you can remove the oxtails so they don’t continue cooking (don’t overcook the meat) and add half and half cream. Bring to a boil, turn down the heat (don’t cover the pot) and reduce just slightly.
Serve over whipped, mashed potatoes, wide egg noodles or Basmati rice. Also good with crepes. Fill the crepes with the oxtails and serve the crepes in a reduced puddle of the natural sauce or the cream sauce, with the veggies on the plate pushed to the side.
If you have never eaten oxtails, you are missing out on a wonderful dish; but bear in mind, this is exceptionally rich and will be a great surprise for guests, too.
A different approach: Using either method, right at the end, add a tin of whole tomatoes and liquid; break up the tomatoes just a little.
Then, if you would rather have oxtail tomato soup, add another quart of homemade chicken stock. Bring to a boil, turn down heat and serve. When ready to serve, top each individual serving with a few shavings of frozen Asbach butter from your always at-the-ready freezer supply. Do not stir. Just let the compound butter melt.
More amazing oxtails: Hungarian oxtail goulash
Prepare as above: Let the meat fall off the bones; pull apart the meat using two forks. Reduce the sauce a little on low heat.
Check seasoning. Adjust salt, pepper and add a heaping tablespoon of Hungarian sweet paprika (not the smoky version, unless that is your personal preference). Gently fold in, just before serving, a large scoop of firm full fat sour cream. Do not reheat after adding the sour cream. Keep the cooking pan hot, covered until serving.
Serve the Hungarian oxtail goulash in a large family-style presentation in a large deep platter, along with a bed of my homemade sauerkraut. This works well as a side dish with plain breaded Wiener schnitzel or breaded chicken cutlets or pork cutlets and a generous serving of homemade egg noodles or spaetzle.
A word about food storage spaces
If you live near a grocery store or market, go in off-hours when checkout lines are less likely to be busy. And go more often. Most people never have enough refrigerator space no matter how big the fridge is, and kitchen cabinet space is often at a premium.
The luxury of having a separate pantry is just that. Unless you have one set, dedicated cabinet for food storage items, it’s better to shop frequently. It’s never a long walk to the basement and a worthwhile investment to put dedicated shelving in place for things best kept in a cool dark place.
Many Italian-built homes have a cantina. It’s not a real cantina unless it has an open air-exchange hole (as a listing rep be careful how you identify that space; you could find yourself paying to modify it). But nonetheless it is a cold room. But be careful about condensation accumulating. Keep an eye open for mould. That is never acceptable.
Back in the pre-war days, and even sometimes after, one could find dedicated giant storage bins in house basements, under a removable basement window, allowing those who grew their own potatoes and root vegetables a means of putting a slide in place and loading wagon-loads of veggies onto slides that delivered the homegrown wonders right to the storage bins, where they provided family food all through the off-seasons. Bins were made from bug-free woods, never from shipping skids that might carry uninvited guests in transit.
Some people who didn’t have open-slat wooden basement bins used open hemp sacks for storage. The coal or wood-fired furnace was often in the basement, so that kept any dampness at bay. In Canada, many basement areas had earthen floors.
Although the European immigrants brought their wonderful recipes from overseas with them, some foodstuffs really are international. Made with a local twist. Here is a good example.
Stale bread Austrian-style dumplings 
This is another wartime and post-wartime dish. Today we are still in a war – against food pricing and waste.
Bread is bread wherever you go or wherever you live. For these wonderful bread dumplings, you can use almost any bread. It just so happens the dumplings are still a staple in Northern Italy and Austria. And a particular favourite, too, among travellers to the region.
Don’t waste those easily dried out baguettes or rolls that become rock hard, almost impossible to bring back to life: French, Italian or Portuguese. Put the dried-out bread in a large plastic bag, lay a clean lightweight tea towel over it, and using your meat pounder hammer, smash the dried bread into large pieces.
Place the bread chunks into a large glass bowl. Just barely cover with half and half cream. The bread will expand as it absorbs the liquid. Let the bread sit for a few hours. You don’t want the bread soggy. Just moist.
Regular readers might notice I rarely use milk in my recipes. I don’t drink milk and haven’t since I was preschool when I was forced to drink milk that was “off”. I could never bring myself to drink it again, although very occasionally I would succumb to a hot chocolate or a milkshake. To me, ever after, milk tastes like whatever the cow had eaten, so I simply avoided it completely. Milk is full of natural sugars. Cream is not. Fat, yes. Sugar, no.
Now for these dumplings some people use flour as a binder. For an exception, perhaps use almonds or hazelnuts that have been ground to a powder flour-like texture. For six cups of soaked moistened bread, use about three-quarters cup of ground nuts (or flour). Whisk a large fresh egg and mix into the moistened bread. Sprinkle with minced fresh parsley and fresh lemon thyme. Grate a little fresh nutmeg into the mix and a little salt and pepper.
Now for the special touch: add a half cup of my special minced spinach mix from your fridge or thawed overnight freezer storage. But use spinach to which you have added chopped crispy bacon (not store-bought bacon bits).
To see my spinach special recipe scroll down to the sandwich comments here.
The dumplings need to be a generous size, about the size of a cup. Roll scoops of the bread mixture in your dry floured hands to form a ball shape. Dredge in seasoned flour. Cover on a tray with a clean tea towel.
Gently poach the bread dumplings in a large uncovered pot of simmering homemade chicken broth, perhaps for six minutes. Using a spider spoon, gently move the dumplings around in the broth. Do not overcook them.
Pull the dumplings apart into two pieces using two forks and sprinkle with Parmesan and serve alongside my Tiroler mushroom and cheese-filled Wiener schnitzel and spaetzle with a side of my special red cabbage or homemade sauerkraut. The dumplings are also a wonderful side with my sacrilegious Shiraz veal or with my delicious oxtail goulash.
This is a hungry-man meal for sure.
Any leftover dumplings can be sliced about a half-inch thick the next day and reheated quickly in sizzling butter and served with sugared carrots and blanched sweet peas or minty mushy peas.
Alternate: Mince white button mushrooms and minced onion, equal parts. Just sauté once over lightly in sizzling butter, cool slightly and add a little to the moist bread mix. With or without the spinach mix.
Another alternate: Coarsely chop cooked lobster claw meat and mix into the bread dumpling mix. You can keep on hand a flash frozen tin of lobster for this purpose (thaw and squeeze out the liquid; freeze the liquid and save for another recipe) or buy ready-cooked lobster claw packages. Add a little minced fresh tarragon. Poach the dumplings in chicken stock or homemade fish stock.
When ready to serve, spritz with homemade lobster oil or melt a lobster compound butter puck from your stored log and pour over each melt-in-your-mouth seafood dumpling.
Serve the large dumplings as a side, with a tiny drizzle of Petite Maison white truffle Dijon, with a generous bowl of thick Canadian seafood chowder or lobster bisque.
Plums up! Or figgy dumplings. 
Prepare the bread dumplings using cognac marinated plums or black mission figs, finely chopped (squeeze out excess liquid) and drizzle each dumpling with a little Chantilly Cream and offer a starter as a unique large amuse bouche.
There’s nothing difficult about preparing your meals in a gourmet fashion as a home cook. As my readers know, nothing goes to waste in my kitchen. And busy Realtors have to eat, so cooking at home actually saves time because you have an opportunity to multi-task. It’s simply a matter of being organized – mis en place. Just like at the office.
© “From Lady Ralston’s Kitchen: A Canadian Contessa Cooks” Turning everyday meal making into a Gourmet Experience
The post Recipes for Realtors: Stewed prunes, oxtails and oranges appeared first on REM | Real Estate Magazine.
Recipes for Realtors: Stewed prunes, oxtails and oranges published first on https://oicrealestate.tumblr.com/
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queenfreakblog-blog · 7 years
What Everybody Else Does When It Comes To Boccioli Di Canapa For Sale And What You Should Do Different
What Everybody Else Does When It Comes To Boccioli Di Canapa For Sale And What You Should Do Different
Hemp is one of the oldest markets on earth, going back much more than 10000 years to the starting points from pottery. Hemp is marijuana developed specifically for industrial use and hence has really reduced degrees from cannabinoids (THC). Utilized worldwide in clothes and also considerably in cosmetics this is also used to earn paper, textiles, constructing materials, food, medicine, paint, soap, varnish, oil, ink, as well as fuel.
 Hemp Oil is actually abundant in Omega 3 and 6, and also is actually taken in directly right into the skin, offering all kind of perks. Study has actually presented that Hemp Oil, rich in crucial fats and nutrients, supports the body's all-natural ability to heal. As a result of its capability to repair and also moisturize the skin, the oil has actually ended up being progressively preferred for cosmetics and physical body treatment items.
 More and more Hemp is actually creating its own method right into the most effective selling all-natural cosmetic items in the UK. Below is actually an evaluation from the UK's best marketing Hemp items:
 Hemp Hand Protector - This item is non-intoxicating and also secure to use and also is available in a ultra elegant tube. This item sinks into the skin just about immediately and also makes up a barricade to defend your palms as well. Utilized on even the best dry palm(mine!), the favorable results are visible within hrs. I have actually had crystal clear palms due to the end from the day after utilizing this cream. Extreme therapy for moisture-starved skin, pass on. With hemp seed oil and also glycerin to soften as well as turn around dryness, plus lanolin in order to help secure everything in.
 Hemp Body Butter - Hemp has the needed fatty acids that give dampness, with this in the physical body butter, this aids to get eliminate lifeless skin tissues and also substitute it with good cells that will certainly assist nail down the moisture.It likewise has shea butter as well as chocolate butter which are excellent for smoothing skin layer and assisting any kind of marks or extent spots that you could must discolor quicker.
 Hemp Lip Conditioner - Hemp Lip Hair conditioner a quite helpful as well as calming product for dry out lips in any sort of period. Including beeswax and developed along with hemp seed oil this balm claims to calm and also moisturize quite dry skin. An added perk is you may use this item, drink a mug of coffee, and also still experience the preventive movie on your lips, unlike other lip balms which end up on the edge of the mug this one keeps firmly in position. The item will certainly last a long period of time, even when applied two times daily.
 Back in 1998, the launch of Hemp products at The Physical body Store triggered Office official Ann Widdecombe to mention that was "creating a prank of drug-taking" as Anita Roddick gave out Hemp seeds throughout the launch. They reacted back through mentioning Hemp is the "misunderstood cousin of weed" and also you will should smoke a joint the dimension from a telegraph pole to get high!
 Since then Hemp cosmetics have actually been utilized even more as well as the advantages in skin layer care have actually seen these products grow in the UK as well as Wordwide to front runner items for The Body Outlet. These items will constantly hold a little bit of joke when pointed out to pals due to the cannabis hookup however the laughs are actually usually stopped when consumers find the real benefits.
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daveypng-blog · 7 years
How to Produce Alternative Herbal Medicine from Plants
by Christie Davey Anne S. Lambot
Part of the art of herbal medicine is knowing how to best prepare a herb in order for the medicinal properties of that plant to be best released.
Herbs can be used both internally and externally, although usually they are more effective healing agents used internally. Infusions, decoctions, tinctures and dry preparations are the four main internal preparations, while washes, compresses, poultices and salves are the four main external preparations that would be used by the amateur.
So what are "internal preparations"?
Infusions and decoctions are the most common preparations, as they are both waterbased.
A general rule of thumb is that infusions are made with leaves and flowers, while decoctions are made with roots, bark, seeds and berries.
An infusion is the simplest form of herbal preparation: one we all know well. If you know how to make a cup of tea, you know how to make an infusion!
Take a teapot (or any kind of glass, ceramic or stainless steel vessel) and put, on average, 1 teaspoon of dried herb per cup inside.
Pour 1 cup of boiling water per person into the teapot.
Let this sit, covered, for around 10 minutes.
It is best to drink medicinal infusions as hot as possible.
A decoction uses more heat to extract the active constituents from harder plant matter.
Most roots, bark, seeds, and woody parts need simmering to be effective medicines.
Put 1 teaspoon of plant matter per cup into a saucepan (ceramic, enamel or stainless steel - never aluminium!). The plant matter should be powdered, crushed or broken into small pieces.
Add 1 cup of water per teaspoon of herb to the saucepan, and bring to the boil.
Once you reach boiling point, cover the pot, turn the heat down and simmer for 15 minutes.
Strain and drink whilst still hot.
Tinctures are concentrated forms of medicinal herbs, made by extracting the active constituents with a mixture of water and alcohol. This is the most common form of herbal medicine dispensed by herbalists and naturopaths, and although quite easy to make at home, people rarely do this.
It isn't usually appropriate to recommend to people that they make their own tinctures (it is hard to get wrong, but more complicated than most people wish to get!), so this information is largely included for your interest. Another thing to keep in mind is that it is easy to take too much of a medicinal plant when it is in a tincture form.
To make a tincture:
Put about 120g of finely-chopped, dried plant matter into a large glass jar.
Pour half a litre of 50% alcohol (some brands of triple-distilled vodka are this strong, otherwise get the strongest clear alcohol you can find) over the plant matter, close lid tightly and shake well.
Keep the container in a dark place for 2-6 weeks (6 is best, but 2 is ok if needed), and shake periodically.
After the allocated time, strain the tincture through a muslin cloth or fine mesh strainer. Squeeze out the excess liquid from the herb matter. Discard the plant matter and bottle the tincture in a dark glass bottle.
As tinctures are much stronger than infusions or decoctions, much smaller doses are required, often only 15 drops or 1-2 mls twice a day. A good way to take tinctures is to put the dose into a cup of boiling water, as much of the alcohol is evaporated in this way.
Interestingly, research has often shown that tinctures are most effective when started on a new moon and strained/finished on a full moon!
After that, next is what are "dry preparations"?
A lot of the herbs that we sell in our shops are sold in a dried and powdered form. There are 2 main ways to take powdered herbs: capsules and teas.
To make a tea with powdered herbs, mix a teaspoon of the herb in the bottom of a cup to a paste with a bit of honey or hot water. When you achieve a smooth paste consistency, add boiling water to fill the cup and stir thoroughly.
To take herbs as capsules, you must first buy empty vege-caps, and fill them with the herb. To do this, cover a plate with the powdered herb and take the halves of the capsule apart. Move the halves of the capsule towards each other through the herb powder, filling them in the process. Push the halves of the capsules together to close.
Generally speaking, 4 caps need to be taken together to equal 1 teaspoon of herb matter.
Capsules have the advantage of being easy and convenient, especially for bitter-tasting herbs (although this may miss out on some of the benefits of bitter herbs which start in the mouth!). The disadvantage of capsules is that the herbs inside them are much harder to assimilate into the body than preparations made with hot water or alcohol.
Two down, last one to go, then what are the so-called "external preparations"?
External or topical remedies are best used for localized skin or muscle complaints, although as the skin is capable of absorbing medicinal constituents, they can be useful for more general complaints as well.
The simplest way to use herbs externally for the skin is to prepare an infusion or decoction (depending on the herb) as per the instructions above, and wash the affected area three times a day for 3-7 days. You can also pour a litre of infusion/decoction into a bath full of hot water and soak in the mixture for a full-body effect.
A compress is a more concentrated application than a wash, but also very useful to accelerate healing of the skin. Compresses are commonly used for wounds, eczema, rashes, muscle aches and fungal skin infections.
Make a litre of infusion or decoction, depending on the herbs to be used.
Use a clean cloth made of natural fibre such as cotton, linen or hemp.
Soak a wad of the cloth in the hot infusion/decoction and place on the affected area.
The heat is an important part of this remedy, so either change the compress as it cools, or place a hot water bottle on top of the cloth to keep it warm.
A poultice is similar to a compress, except that it uses the whole plant matter and not just the liquid extract. Poultices are commonly used for bruises, sprains, inflamed organs, skin complaints and for drawing pus out of infected wounds.
Use the bruised fresh herbs or powdered dried herbs, which have been mixed to a mush with hot water.
It is useful to mix the herb matter with fresh aloe vera gel or castor oil, as this draws the active parts of the plants deep into the skin and underlying tissues.
Apply the mix to the affected area and cover with an oiled cloth or plastic wrap to keep the moisture in. Keep it warm with a hot water bottle.
Salves are useful preparations for regular application, as they are in the form of a cream. These are more complicated to make, and are best bought. Common herbs that are prepared as salves are camphor and peppermint for aching muscles, calendula for wound healing and fungal infections, and comfrey or arnica for bruises and broken bones.
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overhaulbids · 7 years
houston landscaping ideas
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How Do I Keep The Brush From Returning To My Backyard? Every Summer We Have A Shaded Area Behind Our House That Gets Completely Overgrown With High Brush. There Are Trees All Around And It'S A Fertile Area For Birds To Plant Things. I'M New To Backyard Maintenance; After I Pull Everything Up, How Do I Keep It All From Coming Back Every Year? It'S A Shady Area So I'M Not Sure Sod Would Work. Do I Plant Dense Trees Back There Or Do I Have To Mulch For A Few Years? Any Suggestions Welcome!
Many gardens were once overgrown with brush & weeds. Till it up & if necessary this year, spray with Round up Brush Killer. Add all of your grass clippings & leaves. Cover with a thick layer of mulch, pine straw, bark. This should be enough to get rid of them. If there is no light/sun, there are no weeds or brush. There's always next year & if you need to till, turn the soil or pull weeds, it will be looser & easier from what you've done this year.the mulch, etc. You can also use a shovel to dig up the roots when it's looser. That way you get the brush up once & for all. And, yes, you can definitely plant sod there after you've prepared the area (St. Augustine or other grass made for shade only) You can also plant lots of shade loving plants & flowers in raised beds around the trees. No worries!
How Is Paper Made? Not The Recycled Stuff. ? How Does The Wood Get To Be Paper?
Papermaking typically does begin with trees as the raw material, although many non-woody plants can be used. Plants used for papermaking include cotton, wheat straw, sugar cane waste, flax, bamboo, linen rags, and hemp (no, really, dude! You can also make clothes out of it, and hammocks, and, um, flags and stuff). Cotton is often used in high-quality papers, such as for professional printing and resume applications; in addition it can be blended with wood to make mid-range paper products. Cotton is used to make United States currency, which is 75% cotton and 25% linen, according to the Treasury Department. However suitable these other sources may be, nearly 95% of the raw material for papermaking comes from trees. Softwood trees most used for papermaking include spruce, pine, and fir; common hardwood trees used include oak, maple, and birch. What makes a tree or plant suitable for paper is cellulose fiber. Trees are generally a composite of cellulose fibers bonded together with lignin, plus sugars and other organic compounds. Depending on species, about 40-50% of the tree consists of cellulose suitable for papermaking (efforts are underway to create transgenic trees with as much as 55-60% cellulose, but I digress). Since only the cellulose is needed, the first step in papermaking is to separate the lignin and other materials from the cellulose, a process called pulping, which produces, as one might surmise, a substance called wood pulp. There are two primary methods of making this pulp, each with advantages and disadvantages--mechanical and chemical. There are other pulping processes, such as semi-mechanical and so forth, but we'll focus on the primary two. Mechanical pulping can be done in several ways, but all are based on the same principle--finely grinding or chopping the wood to separate the cellulose fibers from everything else. Sometimes this is done by grinding alone; other times steam and chemicals aid in the process. Mechanical pulping is very efficient, and can convert 90% or more of the wood into pulp. However, the resulting pulp contains most of the lignin it started with, causing the resultant paper to turn yellow or brown when exposed to the sun. The process also tends to produce fibers that are short and stiff, and which yield paper that isn't very strong. For that reason, mechanical pulps are mainly used for packaging, newsprint, and other low-strength applications. Mechanical pulp is sometimes blended with chemical pulp to produce a middle-level product with low cost and reasonable strength and color properties. Chemical pulping uses chemicals, heat, and pressure to dissolve the lignin in the wood, freeing the cellulose fibers. In the "kraft" process, the wood and chemicals are cooked in a digester to remove the sugars, about 90-95% of the lignin, and anything else you don't want in the final product. The waste from the digester is known as "black liquor," and it's often burned at the paper mill as an energy source. Kraft mills account for about 75-80% of all pulp production in the U.S. An older sulfite process is used in a handful of mills (fewer than 2%), where acid is used to modify the chemical structure of the lignin, which is then washed out of the cellulose. The pulp is highly diluted with water (sometimes 99%-plus), and the mixture is sprayed onto a moving mesh screen in layers to make a mat. It's like spraying multiple layers of paint to produce a thicker coat. The mat then goes through several mechanical and vacuum processes to dewater, compact, and dry it, and then is sent through heated rollers to squeeze out any remaining moisture and compress the mat into paper. Infrared dryers may be used to speed up the process or achieve a more consistent product. The mat can be quite large, as wide as 10 yards, and is generally laid out as a long, continuous roll--according to the German Pulp and Paper Association, the sheets can end up in a continuous roll 60 kilometers in length! After the paper has the proper thickness and moisture content (but typically before it's rolled), it may be coated with synthetic binders to increase its strength and water resistance. It may also be colored at this point or given a light plastic coating to give it a glossy texture and remove any paper odor. The paper rolls are then cut to size and packaged for shipping to another facility for secondary processing.
Where Can I Get Lavender Essential Oil For Scrub Recipe? My Mom Is Going To Target Tomorrow But I'M Not Sure If They Have It. Do You Know Where They Have Lavender Essential Oil?
You can consider French Lavender 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil- 30 ml French Lavender is a popular choice for its combination of therapeutic quality and pleasant floral aroma. Grown in Provence France, it has a sweet floral note preferred by many. Herbalist regards Lavender as the most useful and versatile essential oil for therapeutic purposes. The aroma is said to have a calming effect on the body and it can be used to reduce anxiety, stress and promote sleep. Edens Garden collection includes the following 78 oils- Anise Star, Aphrodisiac blend, Basil, Bay, Bergamot, Birch, Black Pepper, Blood Orange, Breathe Easy blend, Camphor, Cardamom, Carrot, Cassia, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Cinnamon Leaf, Citronella, Clary Sage, Cleaning blend, Clementine, Clove, Coriander, Cypress, Elemi, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Fir Needle, Frankincense, French Lavender, Geranium, Ginger, Grapefruit, Helichrysum, Ho Wood, Hyssop, Invigorate blend, Juniper Berry, Key Lime, Lavender, Lemon Eucalyptus, Lemon, Lemongrass, Lime, Litsea, Mandarin, Meditation blend, Myrrh, Myrtle, Neroli, Nutmeg, Palmarosa, Patchouli, Peppermint, Peru Balsam, Petitgrain, Pine, Relaxation blend, Renew blend, Rose Geranium, Rosemary, Rosewood, Sage, Sandalwood, Sensation blend, Spearmint, Spikenard, Spruce, Stress Relief blend, Sweet Marjoram, Sweet Orange, Tangerine, Tea Tree, Thyme, Vanilla, Verbena, Vetiver, Wintergreen and Ylang Ylang
Bunny Cage Questions Please? So I Want A Bunny And I Have Some Questions, For The Cage If I Litter Train The Bunny Dose He Need Bedding Every Where In His Cage Or Can He Have Towels And Blankets And A Bed. What Do I Need In His Cage
Where's the only place for your rabbit's cage? Indoors! Although an outdoor hutch has been the traditional housing for a rabbit, today we know better. A backyard hutch forces these social critters to live in unnatural isolation. Furthermore, rabbits can die of heart attacks from the very approach of a predator or vandal. Keep your bunny safe indoors, where he can have plenty of interaction with family members. They may be small, but rabbits require a lot of room for housing and exercise. They have powerful hind legs designed for running and jumping. Get your pet a cage that allows him to move freely. The minimum recommended cage space for a single rabbit of a small- to medium-sized breed is four feet wide, two feet deep and two feet tall. Although wire-bottom cages are common, they can ulcerate a rabbit's feet. If you have a wire cage, cover the bottom with a piece of wood or corrugated cardboard. Better yet, buy a cage with a solid bottom. Please put down plenty of straw, hay or aspen shavings so your pet can make a cozy nest. Please note, rabbits should not be housed with other rabbits unless all are spayed and neutered. Introductions are often difficult and injuries can result, so please introduce them in neutral territory, under careful supervision. Did you know that many rabbits have been surrendered to shelters because of destructive behavior? In most cases, their owners failed to provide them with appropriate toys to fulfill their natural urges to dig and chew. Safe chew toys include cardboard boxes, an old telephone directory (that's no joke!) and commercially made chew sticks. You bun will greatly appreciate his own digging box, such as a cardboard box filled halfway with soil or shredded paper. Your rabbit needs a safe exercise area with ample room to run and jump, either indoors or out. Any outdoor area should be fully enclosed by a fence. Never leave a rabbit unsupervised outdoors-even for a few minutes! Cats, dogs and even predatory birds can easily get around fencing material. Also, rabbits can dig under fences and get lost. You can rabbit-proof an indoor area by covering all electrical wires and anything else your pet is likely to chew. Recommended exercise time for pet rabbits is several hours per day. Rabbits are very clean by nature, and will do their best to keep their living quarters clean. Most rabbits will choose one corner of the cage as a bathroom. As soon as your rabbit's choice is clear, put a newspaper-lined litter box in that corner. Fill it with timothy hay (or any other grass hay except alfalfa) or pelleted-newspaper litter. If the litter box is changed daily, your rabbit's home will stay fresh and odor-free. Don't use pine or cedar shavings! The fumes may affect your rabbit's liver enzymes, which can cause problems if the animal needs anesthesia for surgery. Avoid using clay cat litters (both clumping and non-clumping), as these may result in respiratory or gastrointestinal problems. - Cage, solid-bottom (rabbits feet get caught in the wire, and it can hurt them, a LOT!) - Carrier - Good-quality rabbit pellets - Litter box with hay or pelleted bedding - Grass hay and hay rack - Sturdy ceramic or metal food bowl - Ceramic water bowl or water bottle that attaches to cage - Grooming brush - Digging box and safe chew toys Rabbits can be messy, so you'll need to clean your pet's cage once or twice weekly. Put your rabbit in a safe room or alternate cage as you sweep out the cage and scrub the floor with warm, soapy water. Good luck, and don't forget rabbits should be spayed or neutered by a veterinarian experienced with rabbit surgeries. Spaying or neutering prevents unwanted litters, spraying in males and uterine cancer in females. To find a qualified rabbit veterinarian, please visit the House Rabbit Society (also you can adopt here http://www.rabbit.org/) KiKi PS: here is some more info! When you first get your rabbit, you'll need to spend about $90 for a cage, $30 for a carrier and $25 for a litter box. Food runs about $125 a year, plus $25 annually for toys and treats, $125 for veterinary care and $400 annually for litter and bedding material. Adoption is your first, and best, option! There are many homeless companion rabbits at shelters and rescue groups all across the country. The most important component of your rabbit's diet is grass hay, such as timothy or brome. This is crucial for keeping his intestinal tract healthy. Unlimited hay should be available at all times. Always have this available. You'll also need to feed your bunny good-quality rabbit pellets. Opt for a formula with at least 15 to 19 percent protein and 18 percent fiber. Until your pet is fully grown (around six months), he can have all the pellets he wants. After that, pellets should be limited to 1/8 to 1/4 cup per day per five pounds of bunny body weight. Pellets should be fresh and plain, without seeds, nuts or colored tidbits. Fresh leafy greens make up a third component of your pet's diet. He'll enjoy dark leaf lettuces, collard greens, turnip greens and carrot tops. We recommend a minimum of two cups per six pounds of rabbit. Clean, fresh water, dispensed in a bottle or sturdy bowl, should be available at all times. - He's doing what?! Do not be alarmed if you see your rabbit eating his feces. This may seem strange, but it is perfectly normal and perfectly healthy. The small, soft pellets are an extra source of nutrients and aid in digestion. - When they sense danger or don't feel secure, rabbits thump their back legs on the ground. So that's how Thumper got his name?
Training A Stray Cat... Advice? For Over A Year, This Adult Male Cat Used To Tear Into Our Trash Bags And Get Trash All Over The Sidewalk And Street. We Thought It Was The Neighbor'S Cat, So We'D Shoo It Away, And Then Finally Bought Plastic Trashcans To Secure The Trashbags. Last Winter, We Noticed This Same Cat Would Stand On Top Of The Plastic Trashcans And Sniff Around Them. Then We Realized It Wasn'T The Neighbor'S Cat At All But A Poor Stray Looking For Scraps Of Food In So Much Ice And Snow! (Dumb On Us Humans... It'S Amazing This Cat Is Still Around!) So We Spent The Summer Trying To Feed The Cat And Get It Comfortable With Us. He'S Easily Frightened And Thankfully Avoids The Street (It'S Not A Busy Street) And Confrontation With Humans And The Other Neighbor'S Cat, An Outdoor Cat. Finally Our Stray Is In A Routine Where He Comes Over From The Neighbor'S Yards Regularly For Food--Not Catfood, He Only Eats Tuna And Turkey Breast Lol. He'S Putting On Weight And Seems To Be Healthy, All Things Considered, But He'S Still Not Comfortable Being Picked Up Or Petted For Too Long. Very Nervous Guy--But I'D Be Too If I Were Homeless All My Life. The Winter Is Coming On Again, And Now That We Know He Doesnt Belong To Anyone And Is A Stray, We'Re Worried. Recently, We Bought Him An Outdoor Cat House (Shaped Like An Igloo) And Filled It With Bedding That He'S Used To, Straw And Pine Needles. We Leave Food Near It And Get Him To Eat Food Beside It So That Hopefully He Associates The Two. Sometimes, He Does Go Inside To Get The Food, But Most Times He Insists On Going Back To The Sideyard And Sleeping In The Bushes Or Just Out In The Open On Pine Needles. It'S Only Been A Week Where He'S Had The Cat House For Possible Use. So My Question Is: How Do We Train The Cat To Understand That He Can, If He'S Too Cold, Sleep In The Cat House? He'S Probably Three Of Four Years Old, So His Routines Have Been Set. And This Is Not Like Litter Training Where I Can Put His Waste In The Litter Box To Associate The Two. So Any Advice Would Be Great. Someday, We'D Like To Adopt, But His Temperament Right Now Leaves Him Unready For Such A Step. We'D Like To See Him Using The Shelter Within A Month, Before It Gets Really Cold. These Northern Winter Are Just Brutal. Thoughts? Thanks!
Just went through something similar. I am now the proud owner of a great indoor and outdoor cat. He loves coming and going! I did what you did too but I spent ALOT of time sitting there by the food bowl. I talked, soothed and pet a little more, then a scritch or scratch there of the ear and before I knew it...he trusted me enough to pick him up. I also used to put his fave treats in my hand and coaxed him to eat out of my hand. It works, it builds a bond. If you can get a cat to eat out of your hand, its yours. He has since gone to the vet and got his shots. Now he goes meowing at the door to go out every morning after he eats, gallavants in the gardens and yard and bird feeders all day, then comes home and inside for the evening. He is a wonderful cat and he knows that I saved him and repays me with so much affection now! Patience and more patience. Easy does it and you can always put an electric blanket in the igloo and run an extension cord. Make sure its in a dry spot and not facing the wind. Or, put a rag flap on the door of it. Put the food INSIDE it...Trust me, if it gets freezing cold, and he feels the warmth of that blanket...he WILL use it. Cats are not dumb at all on that one. They know who feeds them and loves them. Good luck and I hope you win him over. I am sure you can.
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lenakrruger · 6 years
Recipes for Realtors: Stewed prunes, oxtails and oranges
I was rearranging my pantry shelf, and it’s a rare thing to find things in tins, but I came across a large container of preserved prunes. And I decided it was time to use them again. This is a quick and easy sauce to make and it keeps well in a glass-covered container in the fridge for several days.
Remove the prunes using a strainer or a slotted spoon and put the liquid into a saucepan. Measure the liquid and add half as much granulated sugar and a cup of Offley Ruby Port.
Bring it to a gentle simmer and reduce by a third. Stir well with a wooden spoon to incorporate the sugar. Mash the moisture-filled prunes or pulse coarsely. Add a pinch of salt.
Stir the mashed prunes into the reduced sauce pot, on simmer. Squeeze the juice of a fresh sweet orange into the pot and add orange segments from another whole orange, cut from between the membranes.
You could add the zest of a fresh orange or mince a few rinds from your candied citrus sugar jar to finish the sauce, just when ready to serve.
Alternate: You might consider adding a large dollop of sour cream to the port sauce; if you do, do not reheat. The sauce will separate. Just gently fold in the sour cream at the last minute and serve.
Remove the cooked oxtails from their cooking pot (see below), using a spider spoon, and cover with the port prune sauce on a serving platter. Gourmet at its best.
This sauce can also be used over top of pan-fried pork loin medallions (you can substitute veal medallions) or over centre-cut grilled thick pork chops. It’s a wonderful accompaniment to roasted whole unstuffed rock Cornish hens that have been roasted with my kumquat marmalade spread over the birds in the last few minutes of roasting. Or, use this prune port sauce with pan-fried duck breast, served medium rare, or over my turkey roll recipe at this link.
Paired with a citrus panna cotta or citrus zabaglione, made with minced rind from your pantry citrus sugar jar, you could even serve dessert in a matching puddle of your main course port prune sauce (save a bit before you add the oxtails). You might top a martini glass of the pudding with a dollop of Port Chantilly Crème (the kind used as filling for my Bird’s Nest Pavlova recipe). Or, top an espresso with a tiny spoon of the ruby port cream.
Suggested pairing: Offley Ruby Port. Let it breathe. Serve at a cool room temperature from a narrow neck decanter or directly from its bottle, chilled just a bit.
Another idea: Drizzle the prune port sauce on my grilled goat cheese spinach sandwich recipe you can find here. Scroll down to comments for Grilled Goat Cheese Spinach Sandwich Special (and so much more …)
Or, enjoy the sauce on an open face grilled brown bread slice, topped with thinly sliced roasted turkey and crispy bacon. Very yummy, either way. Note: if you have found a place to buy English bloomer bread that is very popular in U.K., it grills wonderfully. It’s also perfect to serve with scrambled eggs and smoked salmon at breakfast.
Asbach oxtails
In a heavy, coated, cast-iron pot, sauté oxtails in hot butter until brown. Add salt, pepper, Italian seasoning and a sprig of dry, fresh thyme. When cooked, add a little chopped parsley.
Add the following to the pot, then cover: Sweat a large Spanish onion, chopped medium fine; three celery sticks, chopped small but coarse; three carrots, large, cut in pennies on the diagonal.
Add one quart (four cups) of homemade chicken stock and bring to a boil. Turn the heat down. Simmer two hours. During the last half hour of cooking, add a quarter cup of Asbach brandy. Reduce. Sauce will thicken slightly.
You can serve the oxtails dish at this stage. Or, you can remove the oxtails so they don’t continue cooking (don’t overcook the meat) and add half and half cream. Bring to a boil, turn down the heat (don’t cover the pot) and reduce just slightly.
Serve over whipped, mashed potatoes, wide egg noodles or Basmati rice. Also good with crepes. Fill the crepes with the oxtails and serve the crepes in a reduced puddle of the natural sauce or the cream sauce, with the veggies on the plate pushed to the side.
If you have never eaten oxtails, you are missing out on a wonderful dish; but bear in mind, this is exceptionally rich and will be a great surprise for guests, too.
A different approach: Using either method, right at the end, add a tin of whole tomatoes and liquid; break up the tomatoes just a little.
Then, if you would rather have oxtail tomato soup, add another quart of homemade chicken stock. Bring to a boil, turn down heat and serve. When ready to serve, top each individual serving with a few shavings of frozen Asbach butter from your always at-the-ready freezer supply. Do not stir. Just let the compound butter melt.
More amazing oxtails: Hungarian oxtail goulash
Prepare as above: Let the meat fall off the bones; pull apart the meat using two forks. Reduce the sauce a little on low heat.
Check seasoning. Adjust salt, pepper and add a heaping tablespoon of Hungarian sweet paprika (not the smoky version, unless that is your personal preference). Gently fold in, just before serving, a large scoop of firm full fat sour cream. Do not reheat after adding the sour cream. Keep the cooking pan hot, covered until serving.
Serve the Hungarian oxtail goulash in a large family-style presentation in a large deep platter, along with a bed of my homemade sauerkraut. This works well as a side dish with plain breaded Wiener schnitzel or breaded chicken cutlets or pork cutlets and a generous serving of homemade egg noodles or spaetzle.
A word about food storage spaces
If you live near a grocery store or market, go in off-hours when checkout lines are less likely to be busy. And go more often. Most people never have enough refrigerator space no matter how big the fridge is, and kitchen cabinet space is often at a premium.
The luxury of having a separate pantry is just that. Unless you have one set, dedicated cabinet for food storage items, it’s better to shop frequently. It’s never a long walk to the basement and a worthwhile investment to put dedicated shelving in place for things best kept in a cool dark place.
Many Italian-built homes have a cantina. It’s not a real cantina unless it has an open air-exchange hole (as a listing rep be careful how you identify that space; you could find yourself paying to modify it). But nonetheless it is a cold room. But be careful about condensation accumulating. Keep an eye open for mould. That is never acceptable.
Back in the pre-war days, and even sometimes after, one could find dedicated giant storage bins in house basements, under a removable basement window, allowing those who grew their own potatoes and root vegetables a means of putting a slide in place and loading wagon-loads of veggies onto slides that delivered the homegrown wonders right to the storage bins, where they provided family food all through the off-seasons. Bins were made from bug-free woods, never from shipping skids that might carry uninvited guests in transit.
Some people who didn’t have open-slat wooden basement bins used open hemp sacks for storage. The coal or wood-fired furnace was often in the basement, so that kept any dampness at bay. In Canada, many basement areas had earthen floors.
Although the European immigrants brought their wonderful recipes from overseas with them, some foodstuffs really are international. Made with a local twist. Here is a good example.
Stale bread Austrian-style dumplings 
This is another wartime and post-wartime dish. Today we are still in a war – against food pricing and waste.
Bread is bread wherever you go or wherever you live. For these wonderful bread dumplings, you can use almost any bread. It just so happens the dumplings are still a staple in Northern Italy and Austria. And a particular favourite, too, among travellers to the region.
Don’t waste those easily dried out baguettes or rolls that become rock hard, almost impossible to bring back to life: French, Italian or Portuguese. Put the dried-out bread in a large plastic bag, lay a clean lightweight tea towel over it, and using your meat pounder hammer, smash the dried bread into large pieces.
Place the bread chunks into a large glass bowl. Just barely cover with half and half cream. The bread will expand as it absorbs the liquid. Let the bread sit for a few hours. You don’t want the bread soggy. Just moist.
Regular readers might notice I rarely use milk in my recipes. I don’t drink milk and haven’t since I was preschool when I was forced to drink milk that was “off”. I could never bring myself to drink it again, although very occasionally I would succumb to a hot chocolate or a milkshake. To me, ever after, milk tastes like whatever the cow had eaten, so I simply avoided it completely. Milk is full of natural sugars. Cream is not. Fat, yes. Sugar, no.
Now for these dumplings some people use flour as a binder. For an exception, perhaps use almonds or hazelnuts that have been ground to a powder flour-like texture. For six cups of soaked moistened bread, use about three-quarters cup of ground nuts (or flour). Whisk a large fresh egg and mix into the moistened bread. Sprinkle with minced fresh parsley and fresh lemon thyme. Grate a little fresh nutmeg into the mix and a little salt and pepper.
Now for the special touch: add a half cup of my special minced spinach mix from your fridge or thawed overnight freezer storage. But use spinach to which you have added chopped crispy bacon (not store-bought bacon bits).
To see my spinach special recipe scroll down to the sandwich comments here.
The dumplings need to be a generous size, about the size of a cup. Roll scoops of the bread mixture in your dry floured hands to form a ball shape. Dredge in seasoned flour. Cover on a tray with a clean tea towel.
Gently poach the bread dumplings in a large uncovered pot of simmering homemade chicken broth, perhaps for six minutes. Using a spider spoon, gently move the dumplings around in the broth. Do not overcook them.
Pull the dumplings apart into two pieces using two forks and sprinkle with Parmesan and serve alongside my Tiroler mushroom and cheese-filled Wiener schnitzel and spaetzle with a side of my special red cabbage or homemade sauerkraut. The dumplings are also a wonderful side with my sacrilegious Shiraz veal or with my delicious oxtail goulash.
This is a hungry-man meal for sure.
Any leftover dumplings can be sliced about a half-inch thick the next day and reheated quickly in sizzling butter and served with sugared carrots and blanched sweet peas or minty mushy peas.
Alternate: Mince white button mushrooms and minced onion, equal parts. Just sauté once over lightly in sizzling butter, cool slightly and add a little to the moist bread mix. With or without the spinach mix.
Another alternate: Coarsely chop cooked lobster claw meat and mix into the bread dumpling mix. You can keep on hand a flash frozen tin of lobster for this purpose (thaw and squeeze out the liquid; freeze the liquid and save for another recipe) or buy ready-cooked lobster claw packages. Add a little minced fresh tarragon. Poach the dumplings in chicken stock or homemade fish stock.
When ready to serve, spritz with homemade lobster oil or melt a lobster compound butter puck from your stored log and pour over each melt-in-your-mouth seafood dumpling.
Serve the large dumplings as a side, with a tiny drizzle of Petite Maison white truffle Dijon, with a generous bowl of thick Canadian seafood chowder or lobster bisque.
Plums up! Or figgy dumplings. 
Prepare the bread dumplings using cognac marinated plums or black mission figs, finely chopped (squeeze out excess liquid) and drizzle each dumpling with a little Chantilly Cream and offer a starter as a unique large amuse bouche.
There’s nothing difficult about preparing your meals in a gourmet fashion as a home cook. As my readers know, nothing goes to waste in my kitchen. And busy Realtors have to eat, so cooking at home actually saves time because you have an opportunity to multi-task. It’s simply a matter of being organized – mis en place. Just like at the office.
© “From Lady Ralston’s Kitchen: A Canadian Contessa Cooks” Turning everyday meal making into a Gourmet Experience
The post Recipes for Realtors: Stewed prunes, oxtails and oranges appeared first on REM | Real Estate Magazine.
Recipes for Realtors: Stewed prunes, oxtails and oranges published first on https://grandeurparkcondo.tumblr.com/
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