#buy gold in toronto
24goldgrouplimited · 2 years
What You Need to Know About Gold Refining
Gold, the much sought after sparkling yellow metal, is known for its exceptional and appealing appearance and radiance. Albeit,
the gold we normally see, be it the gold decorations or gold bars, isn't the structure where gold is mined out of the Earth. The
gold we see goes through a broad refinement process, and for this, the brokers depend on cutting edge gold refinement
The gold that is mined is typically refined at a gold treatment facility Toronto. This is where the gold is refined after extraction to
create profoundly unadulterated and great gold bars. On the off chance that you are a dealer, you should definitely know that
with regards to getting saleable gold bars, you will require the gold to be refined at a gold processing refinery Canada.
Why Does Gold Need To Be Refined?
No matter what the sort of procurement it is, be it reused gold or bullion, or even piece gold refining in toronto, and the gold should satisfy
global guidelines for which it should be refined suitably according to principles. Actually, it is much easier to sell and get better
returns for the gold that meets the international LBMA refining standards. In basic words, a prevalent gold bar works on the
liquidity of your speculation by and large.
In addition to that, gold is removed from its minerals through mining, and this gold isn't unadulterated. It contains numerous
contaminations that should be eliminated, which is finished through the gold refinement process at a gold refinery Toronto.
How Gold Is Actually Refined: The Step-By-Step Process
Gold refining begins with both of these kinds of gold: a dore bar or scrap. Dore bars are the gold that is separated from the
mines and is roughly 80% unadulterated. At a gold treatment facility Canada, the virtue is additionally expanded by isolating
other valuable metals and less valuable metals that are generally tracked down in a blend with it. Allow us now to investigate the
vital stages of gold refinement:
Stage 1:
Pre-soften The dore bars are liquefied, and their not entirely set in stone.
Stage 2:
Chlorination Chlorine is imbued in with the general mish-mash of liquid metal. Any remaining metals with the exception of gold
ascent to the surface as a slag as a liquid metal chloride. Here you get what is known as 995 fine gold. This gold is then filled an
anode form.
Stage 3:
Degolding Soft drink debris is then added to the liquid chloride slag. This makes the gold particles encourage in the arrangement.
Stage 4:
Electrolysis The gold anode is then placed in a shower that has an answer of gold chloride and hydrochloric corrosive. Electric
flow is gone through the anode to provide you with the gold of 9999 purity.
Stage 5:
Last Pour This unadulterated type of gold is then transformed into granulated gold or cast into bars.
A Glimpse Into Silver Refining
Just like gold, silver refining follows a similar process as well. Mined and extricated as mineral, it is first squashed into pieces.
Then, lime is added to make a basic blend. Then a cyanide arrangement is added, and the blend is restored for a time of 24 to 48
hours. After this, zinc dust is added to encourage the silver from the subsequent arrangement. The silver encourage is then
filtered and melted into bars.
This Blog “What You Need to Know  About Gold Refining” Originally posted  Here
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guildhallwealth · 5 months
Get Services to Buy Gold in Toronto - Guildhall Wealth
Guildhall offers clients the ability to buy gold in Toronto. Guildhall Precious Metals Online is a subsidiary of Guildhall Wealth Management. You can sell and store physical gold, silver and RRSP-eligible precious metals.
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nhlclover · 1 year
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summary: the morning after with your boyfriend
warnings: some semi-nsfw content, sexual themes, mentions of sex
note: this became a lot more sexual than i intended lol but i actually love this one and i love him.
word count: 0.7k
There wasn’t anything much better than waking up in the same bed as my boyfriend. Our work schedules often conflicted, with me working long and odd hours and him being out of town so often, so we jumped at the rare opportunities we could spend with one another. Following the Leafs' win last night, we wasted no time in getting back to Matthew's apartment, our clothing being discarded not long after the front door had shut.
When I awoke in the morning, I was tangled in Matthew’s cotton sheets. I reached around for him, but only felt the mattress. I opened my eyes, finding him on the other side of the bed. Matthew was lying on his stomach, one arm draped over the edge of the bed. The morning sun beamed through the windows in his condo that he refused to buy curtains for because “we’re so high up no one can see us anyways”. The sun hit his unclothed back, making his skin seem a shade of pure gold.
I leaned over, tracing his toned back softly with my nails. He didn’t even stir. The idea popped into my head quickly, sliding out from under the sheets, grabbing Matthew’s shirt from atop the dresser that I had removed and flung across the room last night. I slipped out of the room, softly shutting the door behind me.
I went to the kitchen, pulling out the frying pan and pancake mix from the cabinet. I scavenged his pantry and fridge for toppings to add to the pancakes. He had chocolate chips but little fruit so I had to improvise by using frozen fruit typically used for smoothies. I mixed together the batter, decorating each individual pancake with some toppings.
“Is that my shirt?”
I jumped at the sound of Matthew's morning voice coming from behind me. I turned around, seeing him leaning against the counter. He now donned a pair of loose-fitting boxers that hung low on his hips, exposing his v-line and happy trail that I remembered tracing the night before.
“First item of clothing I saw.” I shrugged, turning back around and flipping the pancake in the pan. “Somebody tore my shit off when we were in the living room.”
Matthew looked to the couch where, in fact, my white jeans and the Knies Maple Leafs jersey sat discarded. He chuckles, his laugh coming out gravely. I hear his bare feet padding across the floor, getting closer to me until I feel his arms rope around my waist, pressing soft kisses into my jaw. I tilt my head away, giving him better access. He chuckles again, his laugh vibrating against my skin.
Matthew pulls me away from the stove, turning me in his arms to face him. He leaned down, softly connecting our lips. His lips are just as warm as the morning sun that was beating down on the city of Toronto. He snaked his hands down to my legs, picked me up off the ground and walked me to the island, placing me on it. Matthew's shirt had ridden up on me, coming above my hips so my bare legs were sat against the cool granite countertops.
He looks down, seeing that I had on no pants and instead the same white lace underwear that led to the discarded clothing the night before. He groaned, leaning his head back and smiling. I slowly let my legs spread a little wider, intentionally teasing him.
“Are you trying to turn me on right now? Cause' it's working.” He says, his hands gripping my thighs. I giggle, his thumbs now tracing uneven circles into the inside of my thighs.
“How about round two?” He asks in a low voice.
I lean forward, nearing my lips to his before hopping off the counter and pushing past him to the stove. “After, because you’ve just caused my pancake to burn.” I say, taking the spatula and scraping away at the well-overcooked pancake on the pan.
“You are an incredible tease.” He says.
I snort at him. “You better get to work on frying the bacon or else no second round.” I warn.
He laughs and shakes his head in disbelief, a small smirk toying at his lips. He passes behind me, slapping my ass on the way by.
“Yes ma’am.” He says, getting the bacon from the fridge.
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heartfeltcherie · 3 months
i’m looking for GOLD VIP for dan and phil’s terrible influence tour in VANCOUVER! TORONTO, SEATTLE or ANY OTHER US DATES are fine. i did get silver for vancouver and am willing to trade/buy <3 if you have any or know someone who does please message me!
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kulturegroupie · 1 year
Led Zeppelin attend the Gold & Platinum Record Awards at the Savoy Hotel
December 11, 1969
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“You seem to be gas rockets rather than Led Zeppelins”, said Mrs. Gwyneth Dunwoody, Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade, who presented Led Zeppelin with Gold Record awards for sales of $5 million in the United States. Jimmy Page arrives late for the actual ceremony, due to a car accident on the M4.
John Bonham is interviewed in Melody Maker: “We try to record a lot when we’re not doing gigs so we don't get stale. The awards are really great. Twelve months ago, I didn’t expect we would get one. It’s been complete chaos for us recently as Robert, John and I have all been busy buying houses and getting ready for Christmas. It will be the first Christmas at home for me with my son Jason (age three). Last year I was away and before that he was too young to know. He's music mad and I’ve bought him a great set of miniature drums. It’s an absolutely perfect replica down to the bass drum pedal and hi-hat. Even I can play them. They are Japanese made and I saw them in a shop in Toronto. They weren’t really for sale and were just on display. But I offered them a hundred dollars and bought them.”
More photos: x
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f1rewalk3r · 9 months
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i refuse to let this stay in the comments of my post because it’s gold and also i do want to make a Blake Bike Post
so for the eggheads again: squid is a colloquialism that has no definitive definition but generally refers to a young, cocky rider who overestimates his own skill, usually wearing less gear then necessary, often resulting in horrific injury when the inevitable crash comes. (when, not if.)
(more analysis below)
we know Pre-Meiosis Thorburn has both blake and rose’s traits, so thus we can reconstruct the type of rider they are.
given Blake is propositioned to a threesome with two of the extremely hot girls in his friend group, we know that PMT was embroiled in some serious hardcore dyke shit. (this is assuming PMT is some form of queer, because duh.)
now, ahem, i will draw on /personal anecdote/ to assert that what the queers like about motorcycle dyke is the heavy gear look. sidenote that brian got this right and tayor is insane for never conciously noticing noticing. so i’m definitely assuming PMT is a AGATT (all gear all the time) rider. this also depends in the type of bike PMT/Blake rides- given toronto we could assume sportbike but given PMT queerness and Blake’s general Blakeisms it’s possible that they would ride a cruiser. A Harley-Davidson, even. really reclaim that personal freedom post cult by buying into the HD cult. plus the tattoo style (which i would describe as vaguely neo-american traditional) also gives creedence to the cruiser styling.
Post-Meiosis tho?
Rose got the smarts. Which we can assume is also the part of the PMT that got the “mmm wearing gear is sexy and will prevent me from Dying Horrifically.” (this has many implications for her sex life with whatshisname.
Blake is Textually Suicidally Reckless and thus sees any form of protective equipment as a Barrier between Him and the Freedom that comes from flying down the road. He’s always boasting about his bike (valid) his skills (pop off) and how Amazing it is to ride (king). he also decides to take it out in the battle for toronto. in the snow. this is generally a Bad Fucking Idea. but as this genius comment says- he’s a squid and doesn’t fucking Care.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
The “death map” tells the story of decades of sickness in the small northwest New Mexico communities of Murray Acres and Broadview Acres. Turquoise arrows point to homes where residents had thyroid disease, dark blue arrows mark cases of breast cancer, and yellow arrows mean cancer claimed a life. 
Neighbors built the map a decade ago after watching relatives and friends fall ill and die.
Dominating the top right corner of the map, less than half a mile from the cluster of colorful arrows [...] : 22.2 million tons of uranium waste left over from milling ore to supply power plants and nuclear bombs. “We were sacrificed a long time ago,” said Candace Head-Dylla, who created the death map with her mother after Head-Dylla had her thyroid removed and her mother developed breast cancer. [...]
Beginning in 1958, a uranium mill owned by Homestake Mining Company of California processed and refined ore mined nearby. The waste it left behind leaked uranium and selenium into groundwater and released the cancer-causing gas radon into the air.
State and federal regulators knew the mill was polluting groundwater almost immediately after it started operating, but years passed before they informed residents and demanded fixes. [...]
Uranium mining and milling left a trail of contamination and suffering, from miners who died of lung cancer while the federal government kept the risks secret to the largest radioactive spill in the country’s history. But for four decades, the management of more than 250 million tons of radioactive uranium mill waste has been largely overlooked, continuing to pose a public health threat. [...] At Homestake, which was among the largest mills, the company is bulldozing a community in order to walk away. Interviews with dozens of residents, along with radon testing and thousands of pages of company and government records, reveal a community sacrificed to build the nation's nuclear arsenal and atomic energy industry. [...]
In 2014, an EPA report confirmed the site posed an unacceptable cancer risk and identified radon as the greatest threat to residents’ health. Still, the cleanup target date continued shifting, to 2017, then 2022. Rather than finish the cleanup, Homestake’s current owner, the Toronto-based mining giant Barrick Gold, is now preparing to ask the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the independent federal agency that oversees the cleanup of uranium mills, for permission to demolish its groundwater treatment systems and hand the site and remaining waste over to the U.S. Department of Energy to monitor and maintain forever. Before it can transfer the site to the Department of Energy, Homestake must prove that the contamination, which exceeds federal safety levels, won’t pose a risk to nearby residents [...].
Part of Homestake’s strategy: buy out nearby residents and demolish their homes. [...] Property records reveal the company had, by the end of 2021, purchased 574 parcels covering 14,425 acres around the mill site. This April, Homestake staff indicated they had 123 properties left to buy. One resident said the area was quickly becoming a “ghost town.”
Even after the community is gone, more than 15,000 people who live nearby, many of them Indigenous, will continue to rely on water threatened by Homestake’s pollution. [...]
At the state level, New Mexico regulators waited until 2009, 49 years after first finding water pollution, to issue a formal warning that groundwater included substances that cause cancer and birth defects. [...] Other uranium mines and mills polluted the area’s main drinking water aquifer upstream of Homestake. [...]
More than 500 abandoned uranium mines pockmark the Navajo Nation [...].
Leaders of communities downstream from Homestake, including the Pueblo of Acoma, fear that wishful thinking could allow pollution from the waste to taint their water. The Acoma reservation, about 20 miles from Homestake’s tailings, has been continuously inhabited since before 1200. Its residents use groundwater for drinking and surface water for irrigating alfalfa and corn, but Donna Martinez, program coordinator for the pueblo’s Environment Department, said the pueblo government can’t afford to do as much air and water monitoring as staff would like. [...]
Most days, Billiman contemplates this “poison” and whether she and Boomer might move away from it [...]. “Then, we just say ‘hózho náhásdlii, hózho náhásdlii’ four times.” “All will be beautiful again,” Boomer roughly translated. [...] Now, as a registered nurse tending to former uranium miners, Langford knows too much about the dangers. When it’s inhaled, radon breaks down in the lungs, releasing bursts of radiation that can damage tissue and cause cancer. Her patients have respiratory issues as well as lung cancer. They lose their breath simply lifting themselves out of a chair.
Text by Mark Olalde and Maya Miller. “A Uranium Ghost Town in the Making.” ProPublica. 8 August 2022. [Some paragraph breaks and contractions added by me.]
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No 200 Bay St North Tower 2.
The RBP North Tower at No 200 Bay St is in the heart of the Toronto Canada financial district. Built in 1976, the skyscraper has 14000 windows that were manufactured using 2500 ounces of 24 carat gold baked into the glass. The gold helps to insulate the building.
According to police records, no one has ever stolen any of the windows.
Original photography from 2015 using a Canon EOS 60D body with a Sigma 17-70mm f2.8 DC Macro OS lens. Reprocessed using Silver EFEX Pro as a Lightroom plugin for the Black and White conversion.
Brian Carson The Learning Curve Photography Prints on NicheCanvas at: www.nichecanvas.com/collections/brian-carson
Wanna Buy Me A Coffee? www.ko-fi.com/thelearningcurvephotography
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mammameesh · 1 year
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WIP Wednesday. Thanks @jesuisici33 and @jamilas-pen for the tags.
As a bonus, you get to see my progress on my cross-stitch. White is very hard to see.
Patrick makes a list on his way to Toronto: Christmas gifts A bracelet for David that matches the necklace he always wears. Gold rings? A fabric of the month thing for his mom? A deer-proof fence for his dad. What Patrick really wants is for them to be close. It's just a dream, he's aware, but he can dream it, right? There is a leather bag back at RA, Patrick knows Alexis has been eyeing. He'll buy it and fill it with her favorite RA things: lip balm, the rose-scented perfume, and the vanilla candles she swears she'll buy someday. Stevie is trickier: she never wears any jewelry, and she must own a mini winery by now. No, Patrick wants to get her something specifically for her, for her love language…whatever that is.
No pressure tags to @demora00, @ramonaflow, and @a-noble-dragon also @carolrain might like to see my crafty thing?
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saintmeghanmarkle · 7 months
No designer labels for the mountains? by u/Mickleborough
No designer labels for the mountains? An extract from a recent post, describing Meghan’s 50 shades of white outfit* at her first appearance in Whistler, made me wonder:What not to wear.Has the money run out?The above footnote states ’all items have been previously worn’.The Calvin Klein jacket’s priced at $295. Am guessing that the sweater and jeans are mid-priced, around the $200 mark. Ditto the boots - which apparently date from her Suits days. That implies that she dug out her Toronto winter gear for this jaunt, rather than drop money for a new wardrobe.Why is this?- Is she trying to be relatable? She looks so boring. Some princesses (cough Kate%) recycle as well as wear High Street, but there’s always a style twist.- Does she not know about designer winter gear? It’s not as if she could go to Carolina Herrera. There’s a certain brand of high-end puffer jackets that’s ubiquitous amongst the well-off - it shows you can afford to spend 4 figures on a coat. She can’t do even that?One of the leading names in winter wear is Loro Piana, whose cashmere suit Meghan wore in warm weather in a poor part of New York. She could’ve kitted herself in their range (they do make cashmere puffer jackets). But no.And the boots - the brand a normal person would buy. But Meghan’s not normal - she wears gold £150,000 / $189,000 worth of gold jewellery to go hiking. (Mirror archived / unarchived).Bet she’s sorry she threw her Sayonara Zara party (Daily Mail archived / unarchived​* ‘But then you should also never be wearing the same colour as one of the more senior members of the family. So I was like, “Well, what’s a colour they’ll probably never wear?” Camel? Beige? White?’ post link: https://ift.tt/OmdxYoD author: Mickleborough submitted: February 15, 2024 at 09:56PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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24goldgrouplimited · 21 days
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Make The Best Investment Choice | Learn From 24 Gold Group Ltd.
Discover expert insights with 24 Gold Group Ltd. and make informed investment choices. Explore their blog to learn essential bullion terminology before you buy gold or silver bullion. Equip yourself with knowledge to maximize your investments and navigate the market confidently. Visit their blog for a comprehensive guide on making the best investment decisions.
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austronauts · 2 years
1634 and 1691 can try but they will NEVER have what matt martin and Mitch had like they were truly insane- why was he wearing Mitch's number on a gold chain ON HIS WEDDING DAY?? Martin really just joined the leafs, took one look at Mitch and was like oh yeah. I want this twink in my custody.
Like I'm pretty sure Freddie and Auston had a similar age gap and were also really close but in a bro way while Marty and Mitch had like five different levels of feral protectiveness and daddy issues and god knows what else going on there
GOD I - *gently grabs your hands in distress*
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there...are simply SO many details of the mitch/matt lore that................are just so...................insane.....that if you told me these things.....i would simply assume you were talking about fic????? but no....they all happened....in real life...unfolded before us in agonizingly real ways and i ....we just have to live...with the knowledge that it...happened??? LIKE THAT?????
UGH matt wearing MITCH'S #16 CHAIN on his WEDDING DAY is absolutely BONKERS but just to recite off the top of my head the details that made me go "wat in the world GOES ON OVER THERE IN TORONTO"
Matt watching some sports game (i think it was football?) in Mitch's #93 London Knights jersey? like MARTY be fr
Matt saying "noone touches my mitchy"
Matt wearing a toronto maple leafs #16 hat and telling the media ppl that it's his hat not Mitch's while flushing all the way to his ears?
Matt defending Mitch to Babcock after the "rank your teammates by work ethic" debacle happened
Matt checking in on Mitch when he was alone in his condo to make sure he didn't feel lonely or isolated
all their little repeated instagram chirps and calling each other "SNACKS"
them napping together with mitch as the big spoon???
Mitch earnestly sharing that his time with Matt genuinely inspired him to be more proactively caring and kind with his teammates and others (which i feel like mitch has very much lived up to!) what sweethearts, the both of them.
To your point - the fact that matt was brought into protect all the rookies but then saw little mitch and said "oop this one needs me a little more than the others" (even though, if you think about it, mitch was the only "local boy" who had his entire family aka "support system" nearby) and just lived up to that promise everyday
the genuine emotional bond between those two and how much rookie mitch seemed to depend on matt, trust in matt, thrive under matt's care?? it makes me want to legally change my name to fuckin icarus and buy some party city wings and fly into the sun! TBH!
and to your point about freddie and auston - yes! freddie and auston make me laugh bc they're clearly VERY close but seem like friends who see each other as peers. whereas freddie i think also babied mitch a little (freddie-mitch moments kill me bc freddie seems utterly baFFLED by everything mitch chooses to be), and well. matt and mitch were in their own little world, deeply mired in the most intense and undefinable codependent relationship.
anyway, tl;dr i truly hope they still stay in touch and are close because it would make me a bit sad if they lost each other entirely.
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leafs-lover · 9 months
Which of the OCs are fake/real tree girls? What are their Christmas aesthetics?
Tia could never have a real tree. The thought of needles everywhere makes her skin itch.
She definitely goes all out for Christmas, every holiday/ season really. Auston tells her she should launch home decor line because she has “such strong opinions” about it, but she is too busy.
For Christmas they hire someone to do the exterior, hanging lights it’s not something Auston wants to do. Inside, Tia has decorations for every room. Pictures that go up for the season, specific blankets, pillows, pyjamas. Normal decor items get packed up to make room for the Christmas decorations.
Every December 4, Tia has Auston driving to their storage locker (because they couldn’t fit it all at the house) to get tote after tote. She does prefer a clean look, white, greys with red and gold mixed in. She isn’t a fan of too much sparkle, and even though she buys stuff every year she stays away from trends so it can be used year after year.
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Auston hates the decor in the bedroom (to be fair he hates the 700 pillows and throw blankets she has on year round). The entire house looks like it’s from a magazine, special towels in the bathroom he can’t use etc. The only thing that is not “clean” is the tree. It is littered with homemade decorations, crafts from the kids. She buys tinsel and lets them toss it on in clumps and candy canes hang everywhere, instead of plain warm lights there are coloured ones that change patterns and flicker. Every year there are more ornaments on it and she absolutely loves it.
The kids can decorate their own rooms however they want. Quinn always wants to decorate November 1st and to have a tree in her room. While Auston and Tia don’t decorate the rest of the house until after Benjamin and Taylours birthdays, they do let her decorate her room early.
All the kids have trees in their rooms. And this is the general vibe for what Taylours room looked like this year, except he has a giant fluffy tree covered in Toronto maple leaf and SpongeBob ornaments and a giant Santa shaped pillow.
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Hadley has a mixture around the house. She likes to keep it warm, and in the front room that the neighbours can see she has a large fake tree that looks like something out of a magazine. But in the back, off the kitchen is the living room where they spend their time, and that’s where the real tree goes.
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As you move around the house you start to really notice Hadleys taste mixed in. That while the decor appears to be a lot of white and cream, there are pops of black, or items that some people wouldn’t consider to be “festive.” It’s not an overwhelming amount, just a little over subtle, but the perfect blend. These are the types of ornaments on the real tree up in the living room, and an idea of the different kinds of stuff you’ll see on tables, shelves etc
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Nicole has very mixed feelings of the holidays, and it’s not always enjoyable as painful memories come up. She has a few decorations she’s bought over the years, a fake tree, wreath garland and some other bits and pieces, but the decor is isolated to one area. Many parts of the house are not decorated, some years the decorations are up early November other years it’s Dec 20 and they still aren’t up. She tends to be simple and doesn’t have a theme to her items. If she saw it, liked it, and was in a festive mood, she bought it and found a home for it.
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heyharoldsboo · 2 years
What’s your theory / hypothesis on deuxmoi or any other gossip site not creating stories out of Jenna and Percy? Especially before the allegations came out.
I read somewhere that Percy x Jenna were giving early Tomdaya feels. Which if you recall, Tomdaya have even less interaction outside of press junket especially before Spiderman 3, and they were rumored together just as long (I think even when Zendaya was still dating someone else, people didn’t believe it).
Percy and Jenna interacted a lot, like a lot. Just from the IG pictures and stories there like loads. Then combined with the press photoshoot for the new movie, spending a week in Toronto at his house (possibly) during New Year, the airport hug, then press during Golden Globes (the Netflix party the night before, during the Golden Globes itself, after party), then Paris Fashion Week. I am surprised time and time again many gossip sites just mentioned them as friends and cast mates and not spin it around romantically.
What are your thoughts on this? Why there hasn’t been romantic gossip swirling around?
Okay, so this is my personal opinion on this and in no way should be taken as the truth or insider knowledge or any of this stuff, okay? I should probably put this disclaim on the blog?
But in my opinion, when something looks too clean, it's usually becaus it was scrubbed.
Do you know in the Star Wars prequel movies, when Obi-wan is searching for a planet that just isn't on the archives? But then he goes to take counsel with Master Yoda, and Master Yoda tells him that even if you can't see the planet, you can see what it affects? So you can see the affect the gravitational pull of this planet has on the stars around it and trace its location.
It's what I see when I look at the utter lack of gossip news about Jenna and Percy that don't originate in fandom spaces. There are a ton of photos, photoshoots, interactions, "my my my good friend Percy" stutter in the Golden Globes interviews, travelings and being in the same hotel that would make a gossip website's day.
Only that no one is picking up on this story. After the whole my my my good friend Percy stutter in the Golden Globes, there was news of Jenna leaving with another actor. Later we saw they were with Percy and other friends/colleagues in a hotel room.
No news on her and Percy.
There have been celebrities that interacted for less than 10 minutes in front of the press, and had more gossip. Hell, there was more gossip about Taylor and Harry at the Grammy's (and Taylor has been in a serious relationship for ages) than it has been on Percy and Jenna.
So for me, it's too clean. For some reason, there must be a ban on stories about either her personal life, or on stories about the two of them together. It wouldn't be the first time a celebrity used a gag order like this, to limit exposure. Because even while taking Percy out of the equation, there are no news on Jenna at all. No paps, no sightings, no celebrity gossip fodder. And she's the internet and Hollywood's sweetheart nowadays. Content on her mus be a gold mine. But no one is buying/selling photos of her or speaking about it. Only at official events, always being very very subtle on the coments.
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on the BEASTIE BOYS during their "Licensed to Ill" era, on tour, shot just before they went onstage at their first ever Toronto gig, c. 1986. 📸: Rick McGinnis. Also included are portraits of the B. Boys 20 years later, c. 2006, in Toronto, by Rick McGinnis.
OVERVIEW: "HERE’S ANOTHER BUNCH OF NEGATIVES I NEVER THOUGHT I’D SEE AGAIN. These old pics of the Beastie Boys were in the same old file folder, buried behind old receipts and tax stuff, as the photos of THE MINUTEMEN I featured here a few weeks ago. More juvenilia, back from when I was still learning how to use a camera.
These are not great portraits. They’re not even particularly good snapshots. But thanks to my new Vivitar 285 flash, bought at B&H in New York City the previous fall, they were at least properly exposed – if you like the look of direct flash, which I don’t, and didn’t, even then.
So why even bother posting them? Well, they might not be great shots, but if I’ve learned anything from putting old photos online, almost any picture becomes history when even a minority of the audience for it wasn’t born when it was taken. Especially so, I suppose, when someone in the photo is no longer alive.
I shot them just before they went onstage at their first ever Toronto gig, at a tacky new wave disco in Yorkville called the Copa. I was double-dipping – these shots would end up being used by both "Graffiti" magazine and "Nerve." According to the recollections of Perry Stern, who was writing the "Graffiti" piece, he’d spent much of the day before the show with them, walking up and down Yonge Street trying to buy amyl nitrate poppers, which they’d heard were legal in Toronto. (Apparently not, as far as Perry could tell.)
They were boisterous but likeable goofs, according to Perry, more than living up to their budding public image, which would become gold-plated with the release of "Licensed to Ill" a few months later. Their madcap antics would deflate a bit a few minutes after I took these photos, when they went onstage and threw around some beers that broke one of the neon “sculptures” hanging over the dance floor at the Copa. (An incident I’d completely forgotten about until Perry reminded me the other day.)."
-- RICK MCGINNIS (Toronto-based photographer)
Resolution from largest to smallest: 1500x1500, 1500x1007, 1500x1006, 1500x999, & 1024x624.
Source: https://rickmcginnisphotographs.wordpress.com/tag/beastie-boys.
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